#southside serpent jughead
yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog pt 5
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Warnings: Fluff and smut
A/N: Final part.
3rd person
“So YN, tell us who did that to you already!”
“Not a chance Kevin” you laughed, pulling your jumper closer into your neck, trying to cover what Sweet Pea left you with three nights earlier. Archie wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he pulled you through the corridor Monday morning.
“Kiss and tell YN, we'll keep your secret safe” you could only roll your eyes at him, knowing that would never happen. You didn't want to tell them what happened between Sweet Pea and you, you didn't really even understand it enough to explain. The only thing you understood was it made Jughead insanely uncomfortable and that alone made you insanely happy.
Sweet Pea POV
Jones and I didn't really speak after he stormed out of my trailer on Saturday morning. Man I wish I got a picture of his face at the sight of YN. Priceless.
We all sauntered up the school hallway, Jughead keeping his distance from me. I met her eyes midway through laughing at whatever her friends said as I passed. I didn't look for long, afraid if I did I'd have no choice but to pin her to the locker and finish what we started. I don't like seeing Archie hang off her, that should be my arm. I shook my head. I'm being crazy, it was a moment, these things happen. Won't happen again.
I swear it was like she was avoiding me after that. I didn't see her in the halls, I didn't see her class or after school for the rest of the week. I sat on my sofa thinking about what happened in this trailer a week earlier. What gives? A knock to the trailer door snapped me out of it.
“Are you alone?”
“Yeah wh-” she then pressed her hands into my chest, pushing me deeper into the trailer, catching and closing the front door with her foot. She pulled her shirt from over her head and stood in front of me in her bra and jeans. What is happening? What is happening?
“What is happening?”
“Fancy some stress relief Sweet Pea?” Oh hell yeah.
3rd person
Sweet Peas hands went straight to your hips, the feeling of small calluses meeting your soft sides sent pulses down you both. He met your neck, the same place he had a week ago as his hands moved to cup your backside, lifting you from the floor to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Why can't I keep away from you?” You breathed, the hairs on Sweet Peas neck standing on their end.
“Why does that make me so happy?” Was all he could manage before reconnecting to your neck.
Sweet Pea carried you into his room before throwing you onto the bed. You knotted your fingers through his hair and forced down the moan trying to escape at the pleasure of having him nip you. You tugged his hair until he pulled from you to face you.
“Sweet Pea if we kiss…this might become more than what either of us want”
“I want all of you”
Sweet Pea almost cautiously lowered his mouth to yours until they met again. Much like the first time electricity coursed through both of you but unlike the last time, neither pulled away, only growing hungrier.
You could feel him hardening against your thigh, no longer able to fight the little victory you were going to give him, you moaned gently. He smirked hard into the kiss before it became more feverish. Your hand ran across him beneath the fabric of his jeans, his turn to groan.
You both began to rip the clothes from one another until you wrapped your legs around him to pulling him in closer. You both wanted every inch of skin to touch. His hand went from your chest, slowly sliding down to your inner thigh, teasingly.
Your fingers began dragging up and down his bare back before digging into his shoulders at the feeling of him entering you. You both let out a breathless moan at the sensation. You wrapped your legs around his torso at this while he placed his hands on your hips to steady himself. He slowly began dragging in and out before the sensation was too much and he increased his speed, spurred on by your hitching breath. The sensations growing and growing and growing until the band snapped sending you into overdrive as every nerve in your body stood to attention and then exploded. You practically screamed his name making him go over the edge, returning the sentiment by moaning your name. Sweet Pea collapsed on top of you before rolling over and hauling your shaking body to his.
“I had no idea how much I needed to hear you say my name like that YN” Sweet Pea finally found some composure to rasp out. You tried not to cringe in embarrassment as you buried a laugh into his chest.
“Don't get shy on me now YN” he returned the laugh and you smiled, pulling the covers up around the both of you, tangling in your legs.
“YN…I'm never gonna not be in the Serpents”
“I know”
“But I also really like kissing you”
“I know”
“Can both be true at the same time?” You reached up towards him to meet his lips again.
“Are you still a Serpent now Snake brain?”
“Well I guess both can be true at the same time”
Sweet Pea POV
I loved being with her, even if we were keeping it on the quiet side. I felt like she was starting to understand the Serpents and maybe even appreciate them, even if it was still from afar. She would come and go from my home without notice and I loved every moment she was with me. The only thing I found hard was not screaming to the world she was mine and I was hers even though we decided to just be casual. If spending every moment we could together be called casual that is. Continuing on like we still hated each other in public became a bit of a game and a bit of a turn on. Watching other guys fawn over her though was definitely not.
I filled my locker with books I pretended to read as Jones stood next to me watching the world go by. We had kind of decided silently to forget what he thinks he saw between me and YN three months ago. If only he knew what happened that night had far and beyond escalated passed that.
“Fuck it” was all I heard from Jones before he sprung off the locker and towards YN. In one smooth moment he caught her by the arms as she walked past with Archie and pulled her into kiss him. Kiss him. YN is kissing him. Kissing him. It really felt like every single emotion possible coursed through me. I had no idea what my body was going to do. Was I going to vomit? Was I going to faint? No. I was having an out of body experience as I stood, walked over, caught Jones by the shoulders and flung him backwards with what strength my shocked state had and flew him into the locker I had just left. It felt like slow motion and then, it felt like motion sickness.
“Sweet Pea!” Was she shouting at me? I really felt like the earth wasn't under me and then it wasn't. Jones jumped from the ground and straight into me. If I wasn't in a daze he wouldn't have taken me off the ground but it felt like I was out at sea. We rolled around the floor, I dodge his hands and tried to push him off me. I didn't fight back, not even when he clipped my jaw, I probably deserve what's happening. YN was shouting at the two of us until Archie and Fangs hauled Jones from me, cursing out loud. Fangs might kill him for me. I sat up from the ground, the whole hallway's eyes on me and my bleeding lip. I found my sea legs take me running from the scene and out into the car park, YN hot on my heels.
“What the hell Sweet Pea?! That wasn't very casual!” I heard her shout from behind me, her voice echoing off the empty car park.
“What if I don't want to be casual anymore YN?! What if I never wanted to be?!” I could see this caught her off guard. I was finally thinking out loud.
“Finally, you were getting hard to read” was all she said with laugh before rushing to me, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me. Electricity returned. The ground beneath my feet returned to a solid state. We parted smiling, over her shoulder I saw our friends at the school entrance. Not a single face without shock or surprise. I couldn't care less.
“I guess I'm not the only attack dog in the relationship” she smiled, wiping the blood from my lip. Relationship, this was a relationship
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atrxides · 6 months
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random falice gifset 1/? I just miss my snakeparents Riverdale (2017-2023)
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roadkillremi · 10 months
DuckTape 1
FP Jones X F!Reader
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A/N : This was slightly rushed sorry.. but there's more to come!
Summary: After 5 or so years of dating FP you left due to his downfall. You told Jughead to call if he needed anything. And he called asking for your help with FP... (Reader is the age 25+) ((I might have messed with the plot line, I don't regret it))
Warnings : Mentions drinking, Mentions FPs "side hustles", Language, Angst.
One might had called it a cliche love story. FP fell in love with his neighbor at the trailer park. He'd watch her hang dry her clothes on Sunday mornings. He'd tell Jellybean to go over to get her attention. 5 year old Jellybean walked over pulling on your shirt going.
"My daddy thinks you're pretty.."
You'd blush and look down at the girl. You held her hand walking back to the trailer. FP answered the door with a smile.
"Sorry! Her mom lets her roam around the front yard at her house. And uh I guess she got out...".
"You sent me out here-" Jellybean whispered. FP just looked down and then back at you.
That was the beginning of the tragic love story of you and FP. He didn't make enough money to help out with jughead. You tried to help and eventually just moved in. Jughead became fond of your company. He liked your view on things and your stories. For once it seemed like the Jones had a legit family. But FP started having drinking problems and got in and out of jail. You told him you couldn't stay until he cleaned up his act. That was 8 months ago..
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"My dad said he'll give your dad a second chance. But only if FP wants it." Archie looked at Jughead intensely. Jughead shook his head, "he won't listen to me...".
"What about Y/N?" Archie asked softly. Jughead stopped in his tracks and looked at Archie.
"Maybe.". Jughead moved to the side of the hallway. He dialed your number and tapped his foot waiting. Archie watched over his shoulder. Jughead brought the phone to his ear, "Y/N?".
"Hey, Jughead! What's up?". Jughead took a deep breath, "I need your help talking to dad.". It went silent, "About what?".
"Getting a job... Getting his life together. He's been a mess..since you left.". Jughead glanced up at Archie.
"Don't pull a god damn parent trap on me, Jughead." You softly warned. There was a soft laugh, "No. But I know he'll listen to you..".
"Okay. Only this time.".
"thank you..".
Which leads you here, waiting in your parked car in front of FPs trailer. Jughead went in to talk to him, he told you to give him five minutes. You sighed getting out of the car and walking to the door.
"Why not?! Maybe Y/N will come back.. and mom will let jellybean visit.."
It went silent. You knocked on the door putting your hands into your pockets. There was scrambling before FP opened and Jughead watched from the side.
"Y/N..." FP looked at you intensely. He studied you up and down, he moved to the side to let you in.
"Jughead you can go..." You say softly. Jughead nods and leaves slamming the door behind him.
"FP... This place is.. a wreck.." you looked around the living room. The trash and beer bottles flooded the ground. Dishes piled up on the counter, FP looked at you.
"Nice to see you too." He muttered. You sighed, "Jughead sent me. He uh.. wants me to convince you to get the job with Fred.".
"No." FP stared into your eyes and then went to get beer.
"FP. This isn't negotiable. Your son needs you! He can't couch surf!"
FP laughed taking a sip of his beer, "why do you care? You left.". You put your hand on your hip, "Because before... Before that night of fighting... I loved you. And we were happy."
"And broke-" FP fussed.
"All you care about is money!" You argued. You shook your head, "Just get the job. And sober up and.. we can talk about.. us." You stormed out the trailer towards your car. Jughead leaned against your car, "Did it work?".
"Give it an hour." You tried to smile.
You drove back to your apartment which was still south of Riverdale. You sighed as you entered the bare apartment. You dragged yourself to the shower hoping it would clear your mind. The hot water rolled down your body. You wanted to give him another chance. You sighed, grabbing your towel to dry yourself off. You walked into your bedroom and checked your phone. You received a message from Jughead. 'Hey. Dad got the job and we're going out to Pops. You're invited.'
You sighed contemplating your choices, you really did miss FP. You missed the two of you cuddled up on the couch. He'd stroke your hair gently and laugh loudly at the jokes in the movie.
'I'll see you there.'
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You sat in the parking lot of Pops. Your heartbeat intensed as you looked at the Diner. You found the courage to go inside and look to find the Andrews and Jones. Jughead waved you over, you smiled waking over.
"Hey. I hope I'm not intruding.." you smile glancing at them.
"Of course not, Y/N!" Fred smiled. Jughead scooted over for you giving you a seat. You sat down in front of FP you looked at him before looking over.
"Wow Archie! You look so grown.. I haven't seen you since you were 13.. 14?". Archie smiled, "Thanks.".
"You're embarrassing him." Jughead joked. Fred cleared his throat, "how have you been, Y/N?".
"Uh.. good. I got an apartment. South of Riverdale..." You nodded, "I got a job at a mechanic shop.".
"wow that's great!" Fred smiled.
"Yeah. Real great" FP said looking at you. You glanced at him, "Well you already knew that.. didn't you, FP.". The two of you stared at each other for a moment.
"But jughead called me. He said he wanted me to give FP a talking to. Since he's stubborn as a bull." You smiled. Fred laughed, "You're telling me!".
"so uh, Jugs? Do you still write?" You looked over at him. FP leaned forward, "Yeah! You always were reading a book or typing away!".
"Like that time he took my laptop! He wrote tons of stories on it. And he felt so bad when I found out.".
"Yeah I remember that...". FP studies you.
"He writes for the school paper with Betty." Archie smiled slightly. FP leaned forward, "Betty?" he started tapping on the table.
"Whose Betty?" He asked, "your girlfriend?". Jughead went silent, you gently rubbed his back.
"Don't pry, FP.". Jughead cleared his throat, "Y/N do you still play the drums?". You looked down, "It's been a good while but yeah.".
"You know we have a drum set at our house.. why don't you guys come over for a jam session?" Archie asked. You looked up at FP, "Sure.. why not?". FP grinned, you looked down at the table.
"Y/N do you want anything?" Fred offered. You shook your head, "Oh, No.. I shouldn't-".
"Get her a banana milkshake and she'll be your best friend." FP teased.
"Banana milkshake?" Jughead asked looking at you. You sighed, "It's my favorite milkshake. When I was little on Fridays my mom would let me get a milkshake. But only if I got a decent grade in my test. And so banana is my favorite and i never tried any other flavor.".
"what a touching... Odd story" Jughead grinned.
"Hey, uh Pops?!" FP called. Pops looked up from the counter, "Can you get us a banana milkshake?". Pops nodded, you glared at FP.
"What was that?!" You fussed as you walked towards your car. FP followed you, "A peace offering.". You turned around, "A milkshake is a peace offering for putting a snake in my apartment?!". FP sighed, "I was drunk...".
"As always.." you muttered. He sighed, "I.. I'm driving to Archie's for that jam session. Do you need a ride?". You shook your head, "No.. I can drive myself..".
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You all jammed out in Archie's garage. After FP put the guitar down, "You're way better than your dad, Archie.". FP then looked at you, "You were great as always, Y/N."
"Very sweet of you." You say looking at the drum sticks. Archie stood up, "No, you're really good! Do you think I can record you uh playing for some of my songs?". You shrugged, "Sure!". FP walked over to the cooler, "Does your dad keep beer in here?". You tensed up and looked up at Jughead.
"Uh, it's getting late dad.. don't you think?"
FP glanced at you, "Yeah probably.". You started to relax again, "Mr.Jones? What happened between you and my dad?". You glanced over at FP, Jughead whispered to Archie. You closed your eyes bracing yourself.
"Uh.. Me and your dad started Andrews construction. But he wouldn't say we were partners."
"here we go." You mumbled. FP glared at you, "We were broke and i needed some jobs. And those jobs got me in hot water.".
"FP." You warned. He kept complaining about his past, you put your face in your hands. You tried to tune him out but failed.
"FP! Stop!" You yelled. He looked over at you, "You have no one to blame but yourself.". FP took a sip of his flask as a response. You stood up, "Archie it's been great but I think we over stayed our welcome.". FP nods, "Agreed.".
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You and Jughead carried him into the trailer. You both laid him down on the couch.
"I got it from here, Jugs." You smile. He nods before leaving, FP sat up lazily.
"Y/N..." You sat down on the edge of the couch. He drank himself to waste in the drive back to his trailer. You sighed and started to help him take off his shoes.
"I'm gonna fix it.... Us.. me.." he mumbled. You glanced at him, "Are you staying?... Please stay.". You sigh, "I don't know.".
"I'll sleep on the couch..". You looked at him, "Jellybean called me the other day..". He looked up at you, "what'd she say?".
"She uh... She misses our game nights.." you softly said. Tears built up in your eyes, "She.. said she wants us to get back together. So her mom will let her spend the night.". FP sat up a bit, "She says she misses our playlists in the car. And she still listens to Pink Floyd." You wiped your tears away. FP just stared at you, you sniffled softly.
"Remember how... You'd cheat in Monopoly?" You smiled. FP nodded, "Yeah..".
"It made Jughead so mad..." You laughed softly. FP smiled, "I.. I miss you..". You looked at him, "You're drunk.".
"I.." he sighed and leaned to the side on the couch.
"I really miss you... You made our family complete.." he dozed off. You stiffened, "our family.". You stood up, "Night FP.".
You left the trailer, Jughead stood by the trailer waiting. You glanced at him, "Good try. Not happening.". You walked towards your car, "Y/N.. I'm not saying what he did was right. But.. he said he's gonna try.".
"I told you no parent trap shit, Jughead.". You said unlocking your car door. Jughead stood there, "So you're leaving?! What about me?".
"Jughead.. I'm not your mom..." You softly say. He tensed up, "But you're the closest thing to a mom I have!". You glanced over, "Jughead.. FP.. he's a mess.".
"You think I don't know that!"
"I'll talk to him tomorrow when he's somehow sober." You sighed.
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mattey-stu · 11 months
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FP Jones
none yet
Jughead Jones
None yet
Archie Andrews
None yet
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Stu Macher:
Stu Macher x Billy Loomis x Male!reader headcanons Poly!Ghostface
Billy Loomis:
The confession
Stu Macher x Billy Loomis x Male!reader headcanons Poly!Ghostface
Mickey Altieri:
None yet
Randy Meeks:
None yet
Charlie Walker:
None yet
Ethan fucking Laundry Basket (Ethan Landry):
None yet
Roman Bridger:
The Soundtrack: Roman Bridger x male!reader
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Steve 'Stevo' Levy:
The party
Her0in Bob:
None yet
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Tim Laflour:
None yet
Five Nights At Freddys:
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Michael Afton/Schmidt:
None yet
Steve Raglan/William Afton:
None yet
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Doug Van Housen:
None yet
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Rodrick Heffley:
None yet
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Adam Stanheight:
None yet
Daniel Matthews:
None yet
Mark Hoffman:
None yet
Lawrence Gordon
None yet
Peter Strahm:
None yet
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Steven 'Specs' Fisher:
None yet
-I cant put any more gifs in here so uh *insert gif* -
Tyler Durden:
None yet
The 'Jack' Narrator:
None yet
Thank you for reading!
Ill age up all the characters when im writing smut.
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Bros got that ass fr
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alyssaswrld999 · 5 months
A Long Lost Friend/ Jughead Jones x Reader:
Y/n has been friends with Jughead since she was five years old. When Y/n ran away from home at seven years old she hasn't been back in Riverdale for nine years. Finally Y/n comes home and Jughead finds out.
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The reason why I ran away at seven years old was because I needed to get out. My parents were abusing me and they almost killed me some nights. My mom and dad were Southside serpents but they were pieces of shits. I just couldn't so I ran to Greendale for nine years.
I then finally decided to come back because I missed Riverdale. Riverdale was my home even if my shitty parents were around. I don't have to live with them anymore so I can just rent a trailer and get a job. After driving awhile finally making it to Riverdale I decided to stop by Pops Chocolate Shop.
I find a parking space and I park my motorcycle. I walk in and then Pop sees me. "Y/n is that you" Pop Tate asked. I nodded my head and started smiling. "Hey Pop" I said. He came over and gave me a big hug. "I've missed you kiddo" Pop said. I hugged him back until he let me go.
"Here go sit down and I'll get you something to eat" Pop added. "Alrighty" I said grabbing a menu. I then went to sit somewhere and I decided to go and sit at a booth in the far back corner.
I finally decided to order my old special order. "Do you want your usual Y/n" Pop asked me as he walked up to me. "Uh yes please" I said. "Alright so the chicken tender basket with a side of fries and a chocolate shake coming right up" Pop said walking away with my menu. I laughed as he got it right.
It doesn't even feel like I left Riverdale at all. I really missed this town. Suddenly I seen a person walk in that looked familiar. It was Sweetpea. He didn't see me but I was observing him. He has grown up a lot like he is more badass.
"Sweetpea" I hollered. He looked over and. seen me. "Y/n" Sweetpea said. I got up and smiled at him. "In the flesh" I said. He ran up to me and hugged me. "Missed you big trouble maker" I said. He pulled back and laughed. "We need you to be a serpent truly girl" Sweetpea said. "Yeah that would be nice" I said. Sweetpea nodded his head and smiled.
"If you want I was on my way to the White Wyrm right now if you wanna come with me" Sweetpea said. I smiled and nodded my head at him. "Well can we let me eat first and we can catch up then go?" I ask. Sweetpea nodded his head yes and we sat down. Pop then finally brought my food out and I ate my food while me and sweetpea caught up on everything that's happend since I've been gone.
Me and Sweetpea walk into the White Wyrm and it still looked the same when I left. They still had the pool table, bar, and dance area. It all was coming back to me and it made me smile.
"Wow it looks amazing" I said.
I turn to the right and I seen a familiar face I haven't seen in a long time. It was my old long lost friend Jughead Jones.
"Jughead!" I said.
Jughead turned around and seen me he looked at me as if I seen a ghost. "Y/n" Jughead said excited. I ran to him and gave him a big old bear hug. "I missed you" I said crying. Jughead rubbed my head softly and pulled away.
"I missed you too you got no idea" Jughead whispered. "It's good to have my long lost friend back" I said.
Jughead wiped my tears away and smiled at me. "I'm glad to have you hear again Y/n" Jughead said hugging me again.
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saintlopezlov3r · 1 year
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Jughead Jones🍔
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edsheeranong · 9 days
Sweet Pea x Fem OC
Pt. 2
archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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Delilah hung onto him for dear life, terrified as they raced through the streets of riverdale. when they finally arrived at pops, delilah didn't think she had it in her to step off the bike. he pried her hands off him and helped her off. with her whole body trembling in fear she couldn't get the helmet strap undone. he once again helped her and took it off her head.
"i'm never doing that again," she said, flattening out her hair. he fixed a piece of her hair and gestured for her to follow him.
they walked through the doors and delilah surveyed the room for archie. he wasn't there.
"i'm gonna go wash my hands," she said excused herself. when she came back out, she came face to face with archie, veronica, jughead, and betty.
"hey girl," veronica said. "we were just about to sit down, do you wanna join us?"
"oh, no thanks V. i'm here with someone," delilah explained. "thank you for the offer though."
"o la la, does delilah andrews finally have a boy?" veronica asked.
"no," archie shot in. "no she does not."
"just between us girls," she whispered to veronica and betty. "kinda."
the girls all squealed at her admission.
"i don't wanna move to fast, and put labels on it, but i really like him," she lied through her teeth.
"well we won't keep you any longer," betty winked at her and started walking toward a booth.
"who?" archie demanded.
"none of your business," she walked away from him and towards sweet pea who was seated at the counter. when she took the seat next to him, archie sprinted across the room to them.
he ripped sweet pea out of his seat and they started yelling.
"what the fuck are you doing?" archie said.
"i'm here on a date," sweet pea responded.
"get away from my sister," archie shoved him and sweet pea shoved him back.
"you're being ridiculous," delilah said, stepping in front of sweet pea right as archie tried to push him again. she lost her balance and fell back into sweet pea hard. he caught her and rested his hand on her hip.
"don't touch her," archie said.
"i think i'll do what i want."
archie lunged at sweet pea but jughead held him back.
"sit down," veronica demanded. "leave her alone, archie."
"this isn't over," archie threatened before walking back to a booth.
sweet pea turned her around and leaned her back against the counter.
"not so bad, right?" he whispered. she shrugged lightly and he pulled her in for a hug. "is he watching?"
"mhm," delilah hummed into his chest. after a few seconds he pulled away slightly, their hips still pressed together. he looked at her carefully before raising his hand to her chin and gently kissing her.
"why him?" archie sat at his booth, fuming as he watched his sister.
"he's not without charm, archiekins," veronica said. "why are you so opposed to her dating anyway?"
"every boy in this town is an asshole," archie said.
"you live in this town," betty pointed out.
"i know."
"you're mainly upset because he's a serpent," jughead scoffed.
"yeah, jug. and he tried to hurt me. he showed up at my house and tried to fight me," archie complained. "why does he like her anyway? he hates northsiders."
"well, for starters, delilah is drop dead gorgeous. like even i've had thoughts about her," veronica admitted, resulting in a disgusted look from archie. "but, also, she's kind. she doesn't judge the southsiders, at least not outwardly."
"i think it's sweet," betty said.
"how? how is that sweet?" archie asked, slamming his fork down.
"he's willing to fight for her. he must know she doesn't date because you don't let her. just be happy for her, arch," betty explained.
"it just doesn't feel right," archie shook his head. "i can't shake the feeling he's using her to get back at me."
"not all serpents are the horrible people you make them out to be," jughead chimed in.
"can you blame me for thinking that?" archie practically yelled.
"i guess not. i'll talk to him," jughead told him.
"thanks jug."
archie watched as they left the diner and the only thing stopping him from following them was veronica sitting on the outside. but when he saw sweet pea hand the helmet to her he practically shoved her out and raced outside, his friends not far behind.
"absolutely not," he yelled. "she is not getting on that."
"calm down," veronica said.
"no, ronnie. a date is one thing but she can't get on that. she'll get hurt," he said. "i bet that's what you want though."
"excuse me," sweet pea stepped close to him.
"you heard me. i bet you're just itching to hurt her to get back at me."
"there's something wrong with you," sweet pea bit back.
"come on," she pulled sweet pea back. "he's not worth it."
"let's go," he mounted his bike and delilah followed him.
archie watched in anger as they rode away. he stormed back into pops, slammed money down on the table, and started running back home. when he got home, he went straight to delilah's room, but she wasn't there. he ran back down the stairs and found his dad in the kitchen.
"has 'lilah come back home?"
"no, i don't remember seeing her come in," fred responded. archie went back upstairs and called delilah. she didn't respond.
"god, he's annoying," delilah whined, putting her phone back in her pocket.
"i know," sweet pea said. they were sat on the edge of sweet water river, completely alone. "why doesn't he let you date?"
"i'm not really sure," delilah admitted. "something about all the boys being awful, i think. but i don't believe that."
"that's weird."
"i think he's trying to protect me, i mean he wouldn't ever leave my side growing up. but ever since he started dating veronica, he's been leaving me alone more, thank god."
"it still doesn't make sense though. you'd think he'd want you to have a boyfriend so he could protect you," sweet pea pointed out.
"i gave up on trying to understand my brothers mind a long time ago," she put a hand on his shoulder and sighed.
they sat there in silence, watching the river flow, for what felt like eternity before delilah spoke.
"it's getting late," she whispered. "it's dark and i'm cold."
"take my jacket," he took off his serpent jacket and handed it to her. "i'm sure your brother would love that."
"take me home," she said, snatching the jacket from him and pulling it over herself. she was practically drowning in it.
hé drove her back home and walked her up to her door. it wasn't that late but delilah didn't want to risk waking anyone up. she slowly crept up the stairs and entered her room. she found archie sitting on her bed.
"why him?"
"he asked me out," delilah said, crossing her arms.
"and you thought i would be okay with this?"
"archie, i have had enough with you thinking you can control my life. he likes me, and i like him. i'm not gonna let you ruin yet another relationship for me, i just won't," she was trying to be stern with him, but not be too loud. "now get out of my room," she pointed to the door.
"im not done with this," he said, heading for the door.
"yes, you are, archie. seriously leave me alone, you've done enough to hurt this family, dont add this to the list of things you'll be apologizing for for the rest of your life."
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Betty the Final Girl and Jughead the Southside Serpent ♥
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nathaniels-diary · 1 year
Why is there no school for the southside kids in the 50s? Why are the two sides so heavily split in seasons 1 and 2 but now in the 50s is suddenly no big deal at all
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rythmicjea · 3 months
So I started a new story about a month ago that is an easy teenage romcom. It's a slow burn. I think it's funny. It's definitely lighthearted! And it's based on the amazing fanvid by Aeris. This is chapter 4 and things start to get MESSY. :D
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yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog pt.2
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Hey wait up Brass Knuckles” Sweet Pea easily reached you in a light jog. You gritted your teeth to push down the pain of the spasm in your leg at the end of its contractions. You pulled your hood up before returning an arm to your thigh. 
“So I'm not even gonna get a thank you Princess?” You stopped dead, if even to just give your leg a break from your weight. 
“What do you want a fucking medal?” you shot. 
“Listen, from where I'm stood, you need me a lot than I need you right now, so you wanna maybe try another tone? Let me help you home” You just rolled your eyes at him and began to limp along again. Sweet Pea went to put an arm around you to support your weight only to be met with the palms of your hands into his chest pushing him away. 
“Do. Not. Touch. Me.” You snapped. 
“Okay fine, hobble along, maybe I should go back and tell them where you've gone to or who you are?” You stopped again, your leg sending a shot of warning pain down to your toes. You exhaled loudly before stretching out an arm allowing Sweet Pea to pass beneath it and support your weight with his shoulders. 
“What are you even doing out this far this late?” He didn't leave the silence between you stay that long. 
“Trying to sort through my thoughts”
“Yes I hear punching the leaders of gangs is very good for that” you glanced worriedly at him. 
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean what I said, or is that rain jacket cutting the blood flow to your ears” he threw your early words back at you. 
“I didn't know that's who he was, a weird man grabbed me, it was instinct”
“It's a real shame you hate Serpents so much, that was a very Serpent thing to do” you scoffed at him. 
“Why'd you even help me anyways?” 
“I was in between shifts selling drugs to children” he gave a small laugh and you fought away a smile. You both carried on along the road for awhile without speaking.
“This changes nothing”
“Whatever you say Princess”
“Stop calling me that” 
“Fine, I'll go back to attack dog, seems more fitting now anyways” you didn't care about the pain in your leg, you snatched your arm back from over him and tucked it into your side. Your surroundings started to become more familiar to you as you got closer to the Northside once again. Sweet Pea slowed behind you and you turned, surprised he didn't badger you about not letting him help.
“Nothing I just… I just don't like being over there without my friends” Sweet Pea nodded in the direction of where you grew up and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Afraid of the little Northsiders? Very surprising” you teased but he didn't quip back. 
“If anyone asks, you weren't on the Southside alone, I wasn't on the Northside alone, everyone stayed where they're supposed to” you nodded in agreement, happy to forget this night. Your cadence evened as your leg finally relaxed after being electrified. 
“Well….I got it from here, thanks I guess”
“Wow who knew Northsiders had manners?”
“Who knew Serpents even knew the word manners?” He scoffed at you before gesturing for you to keep walking without him.
Sweet Pea POV 
Monday morning came around, the junior Serpents were alive with discussions of last Friday night.
“I heard a Ghoulie girl came up and clocked him”
“I heard it was a girl from New York”
“I heard it was his long lost daughter” I buried a smile at my friends and their theories. Thank god no one got a good look at her. Why do I even care? She's so nasty to us. It kept me awake all night. Why did I help her? Why am I still thinking about it? I looked out from my locker to ask Jughead a question to find him staring longingly at YN. I tried not to roll my eyes. Our friends lost in their theories.
“What's up Jones?” 
“Nah, you're looking at your attack dog more like she's a cuddly Pomeranian” I closed the locker and leaned on it alongside him. 
“She's not like that normally, she just has a lot on her plate” 
“And do you also wanna be on that plate?” Couldn't help myself, he pushed me sideways along the locker smiling.
“Maybe I did once but the way she looks at me now….she hates me”
“No no, she looks at me like she hates me, she looks at you like she's trying to figure out her next move with you. Just give her the time and space to figure it out” his head shot in my direction.
“And you know this because why? You look at her a lot?” If I was being honest I did find my eyes on YN a lot, every class we shared, she was more interesting that whatever the teachers were droning on about. 
“No no, just an observation I made, part of my job to be….. observant” he looked at me like he didn't believe me. I didn't believe me. Lucky for me he didn't speak whatever he was thinking. I took a stolen glance at YN laughing down the hall with her friends. I wish I could make her laugh like that. 
“Right I've had enough, I'm gonna talk to her today, I can't keep going on pretending I don't miss her” 
“Careful Jones, that's not very Serpent of you”
“Yeah…but maybe I don't want to be a Ser-” I cut him off, my temper taking me as I caught his shirt.
“Don't finish that sentence unless you mean it. You're either with us or against us” our friends stopped gossiping and stared at us. I released my grip before pushing off the locker and heading down the hall. I don't like when people use me and my friends. Was he just using us until he got back to here? I met YNs eyes, she saw everything. Good job Sweet Pea I'm sure that'll help the situation. 
I sat on the end of bleachers of the football pitch during lunch, the only place I could have a cigarette without a teacher freaking out at me. 
“Yanno that'll kill you?” I turned to find YN sat a little distance from me. 
“Funny, Jones said the same thing about you to me” I hear her give a half-suppressed laugh at me. Not quite the hearty laugh I heard from her this morning but I'll take what I can get.
“What was that with Jughead this morning? Tell him what happened with us on Friday?” 
“Us? Oh no no Princess, you get all the credit for your right hook, all the blame too” I crushed the cigarette into the bleacher before chewing on some gum. 
“You know what I meant” she kept her gaze on the field of football players doing their lunch time training as she spoke. 
“Don't worry I didn't say anything. I was just giving him advice on what you need-”
“-And how the hell would you know what I need!”
“Well I think you need a good fuck cause that's the only thing I think that'll get you to stop being so up tight-” her head shot to me, no longer concerned with who saw us talking.
“-but I settled for the old reliable give her time and space” I watched her chest release the full capacity of air from her lungs before taking another deep breath. She shuffled slightly before zipping up her sweatshirt. Oh shit I was just staring at her chest.
“I didn't…I didn't mean that I want to be the one to….fuck you…I meant …” I didn't know what I meant so I shut myself up and waited for the bleachers to swallow me whole. She scoffed before returning her eyes to the field, watching Archie passing the ball around. 
“I'm not normally like this, I'm just finding it hard to find my feet back here again. So much change here and when I was out moving house every few months the only thing that kept me sane was knowing this place would stay my constant. Now that's changed too” her head dropped down slightly with her lowered tone. 
“I umm I don't know why I just told you that”
“The Serpents are my constant, I know you don't like us but they were the only ones to care about me growing up. I don't like when that's disrespected, that's what the thing with Jughead and I was about this morning” 
“Careful there snake brain, your human side is showing” I grinned at her comment. The lunch bell rang out across the school, sending YN and me our separate ways for the day, the whole interaction not leaving my thoughts for the rest of the week
Part 3
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aroacejuggiejones · 1 year
Jughead: Woah dude, premarital handholding? That’s just not cool or groovy.
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ghxst-heart · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜɪꜰᴛ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ─ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴘᴇᴀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Teenaged pregnancy was never easy, but when (Y/N) and Sweet Pea are members of Riverdale’s most infamous gang, the stress increases tenfold.  When a member of the Serpents is wrongfully accused of murdering a Northsider, chaos ensues, and Fangs isn’t the only one clinging for life after he’s released.
ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Angst, light fluff, teenage pregnancy, miscarriage (no discription of event), descriptions of depression and depressive topics (miscarriage and the mother’s feelings about it)
ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪɴғᴏ: Pronouns used are She/Her/Hers, AFAB!Reader, SouthsideSerpent!Reader, Established Relationship with Sweet Pea
ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs: Fem!Reader, Romantic!Sweet Pea X Reader
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ─ ꜰᴏᴏʟ'ꜱ ᴇʀʀᴀɴᴅ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ─ ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪʀᴇ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ─ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴏꜰ ʀᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ғᴏᴜʀ ─ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪꜱ
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scorpionwins · 2 years
Sweet Pea, being a nagging but concerned boyfriend: You could've died!
Jughead after getting jumped by the Ghoulies and beaten within an inch of his life: I wasn't hurt that badly! The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where blood's supposed to be!
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cc-tinslebee · 2 years
so what I’m hearing is Joaquín’s alive
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