#nothing more fun than character dev and relationship dev running hand in hand i say
dangaer · 1 year
rivals / enemies to lovers but like, slowburn.
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I have been thinking about this a lot these past days and honestly this really stings to write.
I have come to the conclusion that once the 6 month subscription *trap* ends I am going to unsubscribe from World of Warcraft. This is particularly huge because I have not been unsubbed from WoW since I started playing in WoTLK. I have always had an active subscription because i loved the world of Azeroth. I loved the lore. I loved the races and their backstories. I loved the Arthas storyline. I loved Teldrassil where I started my journey into this world as a curious night elf.
I put so much money into this game because I believed in it. I wanted it to do good and flourish and be here for more people to enjoy in the future. I got the Chronicle book series, the WoTLK art book, strategy guides, magazines... I even got a figureprint of my first ever main character. I wore Horde logo tees and hoodies to proudly represent my faction. During Blizzcons I cheered for the Horde.
And what was all that for?
To watch Blizzard run the game to the ground. Our accomplishments become null and void the moment we reach them. We grind and grind only to find out in the end it was for nothing and now that shiny new thing is not worth it anymore. Patch after patch we start the game over and throw the old content in the trash. How are we supposed to feel good about any of this? Why do we bother? What’s the point? You said Shadowlands was going to be different. And then it was just a bunch of lies. You say one thing and do the other. You learn the wrong lessons of past content.
You think of us as nothing more than numbers on a spreadsheet.
You give us mandatory content grind that is mindless and boring and then look at the numbers and go “everyone is doing this = fun”. No. We’re doing it because we have to in order to play the game at full capacity. Those metrics mean nothing, throw them in the trash. Look at magetower. The only reward was a cool looking weapon appearance, no player power. And it was a hit. Why didn’t you put cosmetics into Torghast? Why DID you drop cosmetics and customisations like a hot potato when the community responded to them so WELL? Why are you so focused on solving problems only you can see instead of listening to us for a change? There’s a huge disconnect between the player and the devs. There hasn’t been anything fun in the game for a long time. Just boring grinds with no end in sight. Is that the only way you can keep players logging in? Grind 1000 anima per week (because if I had to do any more than that I’d die) and then maybe in a month you can buy a belt appearance OR upgrade one sanctum feature. Why are these two on par in the first place?? Why are the cosmetics so expensive! Scratch that! If grinding anima wasn’t so soul crushing then maybe it wouldn’t be a problem!
And you know what, I feel bad. I recruited a friend of mine to the game only to have them watch the entire thing burn to the ground and waste their money. I feel so utterly horrible because when I invited them, I still had hope left. I wanted to show them Azeroth. I wanted to show them why I loved this game. But it just.. all went horribly wrong. This expansion was supposed to be better. And it wasn’t. You lied to us. You delivered a dud. A beautiful looking dud but still a dud. (the art team has always been the mvp).
I stuck by WoD when all my friend went to FF14. I stuck by BFA when all my friends were playing FF14 and different games. I stuck by the beginning of Shadowlands because I was hoping for better. And then I went to FF14 myself.
I finally cracked. After logging in to grind my 1000 anima and then logging off I had enough of it. I had already completed all past content, got my reps, got most of the mounts.. there as nothing to fall back on for the first time ever. I didn’t see a point. So I joined my friends in a game that opened my eyes on the rest of WoW’s flaws.
I’m tired of the constant grinds. When the gameplay is a freaking grind from day one... that’s not fun. You’ve burnt us out on that. Are you afraid to not have a grind anymore? Are you afraid if there is no sunk cost fallacy to keep us logging in every day we’re not gonna play? Here’s how you can make sure that doesn’t happen:
The brain drain at Blizzard is real. The last few expansions (except for Legion) have shown a total lack of innovation. And honestly downright incompetence.
And then when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, the company turns out to be sick from the inside. Sick with perverted men who cannot keep their hands to themselves, staff who are mistreated and higherups who don’t give a shit about what’s going on inside the company, HR that doesn’t care! And once your workforce walks out and talks about union are brought in, you hire a firm to keep them from unionizing! You don’t give a shit about your workers! You don’t give a shit about your customers! You don’t give a shit about the players!
That was the last straw.
It’s really painful... to be the player and having it come to this. It feels like those 11-12 years I poured into this game are now tainted. What started out like a blossoming romance is now an abusive relationship where we are being gaslit and neglected.
I didn’t want it to end like this.
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reachfolk · 3 years
1-5 for the character development questions for Alexandria!
💛 from @korvanjund
this took forever to write cause of course i had waY too much to say omfl, but it was super fun!! tysm for the ask darlin <3
what (or who) would your character die for? live for?
family, family, family!! literally everything for alexi goes back to family. she may be on bad terms with her father's side (understatement of the century, but that's for question 3 lmao), but she would do literally anything for her siblings. protecting them is the main reason she's willing to overcome every fear in her fight against alduin. of course, she's also just as close with her aunt ursula. and she may have... a complicated relationship with her mother and father, she loves them and would do anything to keep them safe.
as for what she'd die for, she's just as dedicated to the cause of freeing the reach from nord control as most reachfolk. it's largely because she sees the reachfolk as an extension of her family. the reach is her home and she's so unabashedly proud of that. granted, she isn't as extreme in her views as the forsworn, but we're not gonna get into the highkey racism in the way bethesda wrote that whole faction lmao.
who (or what) does your character love most in the world? why?
this is such a hard question to answer cause like *slaps roof of alexi* this sweet girl can fit so much love in her. if she like, absolutely HAD to pick a handful of people, it would be her siblings (no, she couldn't pick between them even with a gun to her head, and tbh neither could they). i could literally go on for HOURS about her siblings and why they're all so close, but the tldr is that they're really the only people in the world that Get her. their social standing has always been in a really precarious place given how drastically different their mother and father's backgrounds are, and so they never particularly fit in with most kids from their social class. but they also didn't get very much of a chance to connect with their reachfolk heritage. i won't go so far as to call them outcasts, but they were definitely seen as... different, and there weren't many opportunities for them to feel like normal kids except for when they were with each other. but the other people alexandria is closest to are her aunt ursula, bothela (vanilla npc, the lady who runs the hag's cure), and ophelia from her coven.
that covers it for people, but the thing she loves most in the world is easily alchemy! it literally shows in every part of her mannerisms and shapes the whole way she looks at the world. a huge part of why she's so connected to namira is because she's so drawn to even the most grotesque things in the world, because there's opportunity in all of them to create something new and helpful. it's why she got so close to bothela, bc she's the one that trained alexi in alchemy since she was a kid.
who (or what) does your character hate most in the world? why?
this is ironic considering the first question but literally it's her uncles, thonar and thongvor silver-blood lol. i'm sure anyone who's been in markarth knows that they aren't exactly stand up dudes, but after the whole issue with the forsworn conspiracy came out, she probably had to be physically restrained by her companions to keep her from killing them then and there. she spent a huge part of her childhood knowing there was a target on her back and the backs of her parents and siblings, because there's nothing thonar and thongvor want more than to get rid of them entirely. despite the fact that she had such a fancy upbringing, her uncles were the reason none of them were ever given a real chance to rest. and then there's sooo much to say about how that exacerbated isobel's anxiety issues, which all of her kids including alexi later inherited. alexi literally carries that pain in her genes and she's never been able to get away from it no matter how hard she's tried.
again, this is one of those things i could talk about for ages, so if u wanna hear about one of the many times her uncles actively made an attempt on the lives of her parents and siblings, feel free to send me an ask abt it i'll happily tell u everything. there's like a 30k fic idea there but i have the gist of it all written in my drafts lol.
on top of all of that, she definitely has a LOT of issues with everything they do in the reach. like, ulfric stormcloak gets an honorary mention for this question, and the fact that they support him sure as fuck doesn't help. and considering the fact that she's been sent to cidhna mine and often helped out in the warrens, she's seen the worst of what the silver-bloods did to her people.
what is your character's main goal? does this goal change, or does it remain consistent throughout the story?
tbh this one is also hard to answer bc the game devs of bethesda are COWARDS and they didn't give us this option in the game even though all the pieces were there, but i feel like alexi would almost inevitably join the rebellion to liberate the reach. when she left home, she was still trying to make sense of things, and she just needed to put some distance between herself and all the things tearing her in different directions. she'd spent so much of her life trying to placate everyone that she couldn't figure out what her goal is until she was in a place where she didn't have to think about everyone else.
but no matter what, i think all roads lead to home for her. she may have had a strained relationship with the forsworn (esp when madanach was in prison and working for her uncles in secret), but she'd join when madanach is given free reign to control the rebellion as he sees fit rather than have to bend backwards to satisfy thonar. i personally hc that after that, the forsworn's actions are more controlled and they start to operate less like a disjointed faction of bandits and more like, yknow, people fighting for an actual cause. once she rebuilds her faith in the rebellion, she'd definitely join up.
does your character achieve their main goal? if so, does achieving this goal satisfy them?
again, hard to say since there's no in-game way for this to happen bc the devs were weak, BUT in my heart of hearts i like to pretend that there was a proper questline where u join up with madanach and retake the reach. after everything they've been through, i really hope it'll be canon that they finally are able to liberate themselves. i do think alexandria and her siblings would all do their part to help the rebellion, and their auntie was probably a proponent of the forsworn's rule during the great war, so they're in the clear. i'd imagine the situation is more complicated with their parents.
regardless of whether or not the forsworn are ever able to retake the reach, alexi definitely spends most of her life running around skyrim with the hope of fighting against people's prejudices against the reachfolk. (in the verse where she's the ldb) she kind of understands her role as an essential figurehead to the movement and how she's key to earning the nord's respect. i mean, it'd be hard to argue that they're evil savages when one of their own literally saved every single mortal soul on nirn. so, yeah, i think she feels pretty satisfied with that lol
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
I really don’t understand Aer/ith character in the OG we she fell for Cloud but my question is how she fell for him if she didn’t know the real him ❓ i mean for 4 years she didn’t move one from Zack but then came a guy who she knew nothing about esp the real him she was interested in him because he reminded her of Zack but she came to love when she barely knew him and didn’t know the real him not to mention that crappy fanfiction Maiden novel stating she loves Cloud more than Zack wtaf⁉️❗️1/2
I mean seeing how things changed in the remake i wonder if the devs are going down that road again with Aer/th falling for the not real Cloud again esp after all that Aerti friendship build up like i know Cloud is the protagonist but they don’t have to make every girl in the game fall for him ,opposite sex can have beautiful friendship without forcing romance into it,even if it fan service do they know it this fan service that many people got their story wrong and twisted it 23 years ago 2/2
Hey there! Thanks for the ask. 
So everything I’m going to write is my opinion on the matter and how I perceived the game (OG and Remake, mainly). Many moons ago when all this LTD stuff started, there were comments made by the devs about there being a love triangle. This was meant to enforce the illusion of Cloud’s persona. So, it did exist in OG. It wasn’t the main point of the story, and it was very subtle, especially to western audiences. I’d say OG’s makeup was maybe 5% romance, 95% other crazy shit. 
The problem is, people took it to be the ENTIRE game. So here we are, 23 years later... 
First, OG Talk
In any case, my view on Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa... I think when people say that Cloud was in love with Aerith or Aerith was in love with Cloud, they’re using too strong of a word. Love is a really strong word for what they may have had. I’d say it was infatuation at best.
Cloud wasn’t even aware that Aerith was interested. This is canon that he was oblivious to both Aerith and Tifa’s feelings.
I do not think that Aerith was “in love” with Cloud at any point. I do think she was very interested in him at first because she saw Zack in him - he had the same sword, wore the same clothes, and in OG, he had some of his mannerisms, like the squatting. 
In Remake, Aerith is more interested in finding out about Zack. She even tells Cloud UP FRONT once they sit down to talk about this, that Zack was her first love. In the OG, she says it wasn’t serious (then later admits she loved him). Zack and Aerith were together for quite a while prior to his departure for Nibelheim, she then wrote 89 letters to him. 
To say Aerith didn’t care about Zack like MWTtP does always blows my mind and makes me a bit angry. For one, it makes Aerith look like a total asshole towards Zack. This guy could have run out of Nibelheim undetected and left Cloud there to rot, but he made sure to get him out and then made his way back to Midgar. Of course Cloud was slowing him down. He could barely walk, couldn’t talk, couldn’t feed himself, and this guy TOOK CARE OF HIM.
And the whole point was to go back to Aerith. That’s the reason he was going to Midgar. They could have stopped in Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, take your pick of town, but it was right to Midgar. 
Problem is, most of the stuff I just wrote wasn’t known until Crisis Core came out, almost 10 years after OG. So people assumed that Zack was a ladies man, since that was said in the OG, and that he didn’t care about Aerith. MWTtP was written before Crisis Core. MWTtP also is NOT canon. 
In the OG, Aerith’s date is more to give the player the foreshadowing that Cloud isn’t who he says he is. Now, most of us that played this game back in the day were kids or teens. A lot of these things went over our heads.
This is long as hell, so here’s a Keep Reading
In my opinion of OG Romance Piece: Cloud was a bit infatuated with Aerith, but didn’t forget about Tifa, they’re just terrible at showing it. We remembered the game WRONG in many cases (that’s a whole other post). It’s important to note, you CAN be flat out mean to Aerith based on player choice in OG, but CANNOT be MEAN to Tifa. You can be neutral with her, but not flat out mean. 
I mean, let’s look at the GS dates. Aerith’s date ends and she asks you if you don’t like spending time with her. You can tell her you don’t or you can tell her you do, but Cloud follows up with “It’s not that..” 
Tifa’s date ends and Cloud wants to know what she was trying to say, but she clams up and can’t. You do not get a choice on whether Cloud had fun with Tifa or not - he apparently had fun.
I did NOT see anything honestly in OG early on. The romance for me wasn’t there until way later, when it’s slammed in your face in Mideel when Tifa is like “I’m gonna stay by his side.” I remember being like “ohhhhhhhhh....” (Still did not really ship or see much romance in FF7 OG, though, as a kid).
As an adult, it’s easier for me to see it and pick up on things, but I still actively looked for CA stuff and it’s really not as extreme as it’s made out to be.
For me, the Love Triangle died when Aerith died. In the OG, after Aerith dies, she’s not mentioned again for a lonnggg time. It had forgotten about it by time they mention her again. Some people were very attached to her and had a hard time playing past this point, it seems...
My Thoughts on Remake and the Future Parts
Okay, so Remake blew me away. As somebody who came in to it with no shipping preference, I was like “okay I don’t remember this stuff...” 
Remake is definitely HEAVY HANDED with sexual tension and romance... but only really with Tifa and Cloud.
Aerith HERSELF ended the LTD. Her resolution, her side comments, how she completely stops flirting with Cloud, SHE ended it. However, I don’t think she would have had to. Cloud didn’t seem to really enjoy Sector 5 all that much. I was pretty surprised when I played it and Elmyra said “Don’t talk to Aerith again.” and he’s like “No problem, see ya.” I was like oh okay.... so... what is going on with this? (I also did ALL of Aerith’s quests including Language of Flowers, so it’s not that I didn’t see all of it.)
Aerith also immediately starts to attach to Tifa, and as time goes on, moves to trusting Tifa more (so it seems). And I’m really happy about that.
I do not think Aerith will even try to pursue anything with Cloud, nor will Cloud try to do anything with Aerith. 
The line was drawn in Part 1. Cloud is almost borderline obsessed with Tifa - when Tifa is sad he says her name, when Tifa isn’t in his view, he’s looking for her, he touches her constantly. 
If Aerith suddenly was like “fuck Tifa, I’m going to try to get with Cloud” it would really just... screw up all that buildup in Part 1. I think that Zack was shown as well to really just keep adding nails in the coffin for this. It also would be BOTH Cloud and Aerith completely pulling 180s on how they’ve been acting. 
I’d be absolutely shocked if they do that. If anything, I think you’ll see Tifa and Aerith’s relationship get a lot stronger. 
I would say that they showed great improvement with his relationships with Barret, Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. They showed him getting more comfortable with Tifa (even though that went quick compared to the others). The one relationship I didn’t see much focus on improvement or him being more open with long term was Aerith. 
We rescue Aerith in Chapter 16 and he’s like “cool, let’s go.” He barely says anything to her. It’s the one person that is just “around”. Their interactions past Chapter 12 are almost just a way to drive the plot. The exception is her resolution if you get it, but her resolution also is packed full of OG references and foreshadowing. Everything Aerith says and does is important for the overall plot. 
In Chapter 17 and 18 he only talks to Aerith directly regarding what’s next and what’s going on. 
Hopefully that answered your question. I like talking about this stuff!
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It’s a Fallout76/Bethesda rant
Bethesda just released Fallout 1st, a horseshit pay-to-win subscription system for their absolute cum-bubble of a game, and while it’s getting the flack it deserves there are people already putting on their kneepads so they can gobble down Todd Howards entire turgid cock, and as someone who likes rpg’s way too much this irked me, so have a massive and barely coherent rant i took off the discord because why not.
I want to start off with this:  Every good thing about current fallout comes from the fanbase. The stories people tell, the headcanons, the fanfics, the art, everything fans do for it is made with more love, and more thought, than anything Bethesda’s writing and games design team has done in the last 10 years
Now first of all, I haven’t bought or played 76. People are gonna stop me right there and go ”well you haven’t bought it how would you know its bad!!” yeah, I’ve never eaten dog shit either but I can pretty well guess that I ain’t gonna fucking like it.
I knew the second he said "there are no npcs" with actual enthusiasm that this game was gonna be shit. And if you give me 2 seconds to gloat, I never bought the game and I knew this was gonna happen and I was RIGHT so suck my fat hairy nuts all those fanboys who pre-order things mindlessly just because there's a brand name attached to it. If there is anything you take from this its DO NOT PREORDER. BRAND LOYALTY IS FOR BOOMERS AND BOOTLICKERS. FOR FUCKS SAKE BE SMART WITH YOUR MONEY.
Games like this are fucking 80-90 dollars or more in Australia so I actually have to think about whether this momentary distraction is worth almost an entire days paycheck, and I’m still looking for employment which means I actually haven’t bought shit in a while (side note, anyone wants to commission me for 10 dollars I’ll draw damn near anything. God I need to make rent)
Every executive at Bethesda seems to be playing catch-up to EA's monetisation scheme. Beth has abandoned their model of single-player rpg's in favour of a "games as a service" model. Fallout 76 seems to me like its a weird experiment for just how far they can stretch this and still make money. It actually makes me wonder if they are 
 a) just completely unaware of fanbase response [no idea HOW]
b) are running into financial problems and are doing this out of desperation
 c) todd howard is still mad that obsidian made a better fallout than he ever could and he's doing this out of spite 
  Games as a whole has become much like the movie industry where publishers will throw big buckets of cash around to development teams, and those teams have CEO's and higher ups that throw lavish meet n greets and have nice fancy suits and cars and then treat their development teams like shit, overworking them to the point of exhaustion, because the product has to be on time for release dates that are scheduled to be the most profitable (christmas is a notable one). 
And those products are consistently bland, shitty, shallow experiences. Narrative cum-dumpsters that are purposefully made to toe the line as safely as possible, to be open to as wide as an audience as possible so they can make the most money, and Bethesda is a huge offender. Skyrim was fun, sure, but it was watered down to fuck, it had shitty dialogue, it had bland one-note characters, it had a simplified skill system. It was impossible to lose. Seriously, try and fail a fucking quest in skyrim, other than one or two, it's a hand-holder of an rpg, but it has a huge community of fans that put in monumental effort, for free, because they like the Elder Scrolls, and they like the world bethesda made. 
  Then Bethesda goes "hey, that watered down thing we made got huge! lets release it about 12 more fucking times, with some of the SAME bugs, with the SAME content, with the SAME limitations and Yes, we absolutely expect you to pay for it, again. Then they release the remastered edition which, to their credit, is free to anyone who already bought the legendary edition (on PC), and does actually have updated 64bit capability and some graphical enhancements (that aren't anywhere near what some goober in his basement cooked up in his spare time, but whatever). Then, seeing that Skyrim was so popular, with kids especially, and made money, they turn their sights to fallout 4, a game that was so anticipated that someone made a fake countdown and caused a small meltdown on tumblr/social media when it was revealed to be fake (i was part of that fiasco, i remember the hype, i was there goddamnit)
So Fallout, a franchise that literally has its theme as its FUCKING TAGLINE, an ADULT game that is equal parts crude, gory and humorous. A game that satirises the cold war era of american my-country-tis-of-thee blind loyalty and openly mocks the way war was idealised, and shows that not even the literal end of the world could either stop humanity's lust for blood or its desire for conquest. Games that showed you the growth of the world - from shady sands to the NCR, from the vault dweller to arroyo, shit actually happened in the games, the world didn't just stop turning when the bombs dropped. A game where you you become a porn star for fucks sake, and it's funny. 
So Bethesda sees that, makes something like it (fallout 3) which is good, but a little rough around the edges when you look at it too hard. But the way they suck you into the vault, the way they build a relationship with your dad and your way of life is immersive as fuck, so when you leave the place you actually feel like you're leaving something important, not just finishing the tutorial
then they outsource a Fallout game to obsidian, because hey, we saved your franchise by buying it off you, but if you can make an entire game in one year and get a metacritic score of 85 we'll even throw in a bonus. And fuck me sideways and in the ear, if the obsidian devs didn't work themselves harder than a 4-armed hooker. And they made a game that on release was a clusterfuck of bugs, because they were given an unrealistic time limit and missed the metacritic score by ONE POINT so bethesda goes "nhey heh sucks to suck" and fucks them off the franchise forever. EXCEPT (and I admit I'm biased here) the game is good. The game is actually really good when you remove those bugs, and people start forming attachments to it, and mentioning how bad fallout 3's writing is by extension. 
  So Todd and Co. in his infinite wisdom, decide that the only thing a fallout rpg needs is 50s aesthetic and fuck all else, and he releases a game so watered down it can't even be called an rpg. And its not. There are no skills. There are barely any dialogue checks. Instead of dialogue, Nate/Nora is a flat, samrish individual that is either "yes sir right away sir may i have another", "yes but i'm gonna make an unfunny quip about it" "this option pretends to say no but its gonna give you the quest marker anyway". 
The game drops any pretence of difficulty by giving you a deathclaw, a minigun and some power armour in the first 10 minutes, allowing you to effectively reach late-game power levels with some minor scavenging for ammo or cores. Then the game ropes you into some inter-faction war that realistically you wouldn't give a shit about, because some spud in a cowboy hat fucking deputizes you into a military general because you shot like 4 raiders from a rooftop (with a minigun. in power armour. making you nigh-invulnerable to bullets). You're sad about your son about 3 times the whole game and then you're on your merry way to mowing down humans left right and center without a care in the world. God fallout 4's writing is so stupid it gives me an aneurysm.
 Remember the part about resources wars and america only having the veneer of a strong country while riots, inflation, and resource shortages tore it apart from within? Bethesda doesn't, have an eerily stepford pastel coloured glimpse at a world that was totally fine, nothing wrong here, shame it got nuked oh well moving on
Your spouse? yeah you love them, they're said 2 whole sentences to you then they died, be sad because you totally loved them and it is totally sad that they are dead. Your weird play-dough son shaun, you love him so much, you even tickled him on the chin once, okay he's gone off you go to chase him - woah now, don't chase him too hard we have all these side quests for you to do! What would be the narrative reasoning for a supposedly distraught parent to fuck around boston instead of finding their goddamn child? fuck knows! just go pick up some goddamn wood and get to base building sonny-jim! 
Companions? yeah, they're fun, we gave them a romance questline and it's thus: if you pick enough locks and pass a minor charisma check maccready will be ready and willing to tell you about his sick child, and then he'll ride you like a stallion. Talk to him like, 4 times, and he will be your bosom buddy for life in about 3-5 days if you just pick locks like a fucking madman, because character growth is hard and counting beans is easy.
 Also your son is a part of the faction we were talking about! something about synths, remember that one questline from rivet city that barely anyone actually remembers and was an interesting time waster at best? Well get ready to do that same quest but about! 15! more! times! because we could not think of anything else to write about synthetically produced humans that assume peoples identities other than having them as a hamfisted metaphor for slavery. Why do they take over people's identies? Well because the institute needs them to aasdkfjdh kshshshsh t9oe of course. 
Speaking of hamfisted metaphors, here's the underground railroad, named after the underground railroad that actually mattered, except this time its the same thing but synths. They are so top secret that the only way to find them is to follow the only bright red line in a street that is exclusively green-brown otherwise, and then enter their super secret password, which is "password"
They are then, like every other faction, absolutely willing to trust you, at face value, no questions asked, because have to actually do something or require a skill check might make this hard for people under the age of 12 to play. Then you go do whatever fuckin shit you do, I stopped playing at this point, and then you find out your son is actually 60, you guys have a tearful, 10 sentence reunion, then he diesthe whole reason you were out here in the first place dies, and you react appropriately, which is to say you say his name really sadly, and then go back to mowing down raiders with reckless abandon
And then 76 gets released, bethesda drops all pretense of fallout still being an rpg. You want a story? Fuck you, pay up. Its retro future and thats all that makes falloutSatirizing war mongering? You can nuke things in this game and its totally fine, its actually the goal, because fallout has nukes in it right? Pay us 10 dollars and you get army olive drab spraypaint because hurrgh war is fun and great, wasnt that the tagline from the first game?The more i rant the more angry i am because people put their heart and soul into writing this. The lore and dialogue is actual work that someone researched and loved and felt proud of and now  it's becoming a hilariously meta parody of itself. 
Honestly FUCK bethesda and and fuck todd howard for his pisspoor cash grab. Not even worth calling it a video game anymore
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nbapprentice · 6 years
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there’s so, so, SO much nonsense surrounding this game that i’m gonna do my best to separate it into digestible bits, with its own categories. even then this is... wow. it’s big.
Warning tags will be added at the start of every section, but the general gist is: incest, pedophilia mentions, fetishization of rape and abuse, fetishization of mlm, fetishization of people of color, racism, ableism, nb erasure and transphobia. aside of the warnings, this post will also touch upon Scummy Business Practices
let’s get going
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber: #incest #pedophilia#rape and abuse fetishization #homophobia
tl;dr: dana loves incest porn, elle loves guy on guy rape, and the both of them are friends with at least one pedophile
dana rune has run, is still running an incest zine (please visit my faq on what i think about “thats not really incest” and “it’s just fictional!”). The Arcana, as a dev team, clearly does not care, as shown in their e-mail responses.
dana also very much doesn’t care and has reacted to any criticism on this by dismissing people and blocking actual incest victims who tried to contact her about it claiming it was for her “mental health”
in some tweets she claims she “interprets” the characters as not siblings, but she never really cared enough to cover her ass when it all began (she happily admits she’d “cross the incest line”)
dana has commissioned artists who also ship incest, draw near-pedophilic art that’s supposed to pass as acceptable because the character involved is supposedly not a minor despite looking like a child down to wearing pigtails (the character is also wearing a racist-ass belly dancer outfit), AND even made white-washed fanart of The Arcana.
dana follows twitter user kapymui who also produces incestuous Fire Emblem art
dana has retweeted omocat long after it came out that omocat is, at the very least, consuming pedophilic content (on “omocat didn’t know what shota meant!”: yes they did)
moving on, elle has a long, long, LONG history of fetishizing mlm and the rape and abuse that comes with yaoi and had a rich, RICH “yaoi” tag before they deleted their tumblr
they curiously deleted their tumblr right after i made this reblog
shortly after that, tumblr user thalassiq remade and started attacking and insulting any blogs criticizing them - even people providing support in IMs. Since this doesn’t match Dana and Elle’s normal pity parties I’m personally willing to believe they were just a person wanting to start shit - but it’s so telling how Elle used this chance to dismiss everyone who disagrees with them by calling them “children” and did not even bother to offer a kind word to people who were harassed and even had their trauma mocked by this person. It costs 0 dollars to say “that was not me but I’m sorry about people who were hurt.”
Dana and Elle are close with Ava’s Demon creator Michelle Czajkowski aka that one person who endorses child porn of her characters, and even had her draw a promo image for the game. Michelle has been creating highly sexualized content of her minor characters for a while now.
ok so elle and dana are gross freaks, how is that related to the game?
oh it’s very very related
Dana Rune’s and Elle’s lack of moral fiber that’s Actually Inside The Game or The Game’s Blog: now with more #racism #fetishization of poc and mlm #whitewashing #fat hate #pedophilia #nb erasure #transphobia
tl;dr: the arcana is filled to the brim with racism! so much of it! haha holy shit! and that’s not even where it ends!!!
their game is rated PG-13 but includes incredibly sexual situations such as Julian making this fucking face while getting off on pain. This isn’t the only time Dana and Elle use their videogame aimed at young teens to showcase their kinks and fetishes. I have no issue with NSFW or titillating content, as long as it’s rated accordingly. This content is NOT and it’s a blatant disregard for their audience just to have a larger, more pliable demographic and have more money sent their way.
if you start your argument with “well, teenagers look at porn” 1. shut up 2. theres a HUGE difference between teenagers going after adult content aimed at adults, and adults creating content they know will be seen by kids barely starting puberty
as pointed above, dana has 0 qualms literally commissioning people who make whitewashed fanart of her own fucking game that’s supposed to be all about the inclusivity and safe spaces
thearcanagame blog has a pattern of reblogging whitewashed fanart (before you come in swinging with the good ole “ITS THE LIGHTING”: 1. no it isnt 2. the artist should’ve picked better lightning then 3. i draw and post shit online too so dont come telling me i just dont understaaaand),
fanart of their fat characters showed skinnier than they are in their sprites (although to be real for a moment - Portia is curvy at most and them behaving she’s fat rep is HILARIOUS).
going back to NSFW content: nadia and asra are overwhemlingly sexualized in the game, and were the first to have sexualized CGs and sprites introduced.
CGs: Asra’s here, here aND HERE, Nadia’s here with a NSFW warning because she’s just got her whole fucking ass out. Sprites: Asra’s thank god for whoever compiled it all in one image, Nadia’s and once again, NSFW warning lmfao!
Julian’s sprites on the other hand are noticeably tamer, including the one where he’s fucking strapped in leather. His only sexual (NSFW warning because its literally softcore tentacle porn WHICH, ONCE AGAIN, SHOULDN’T BE PUT IN A GAME AIMED AT 13YOS) CGs were also included months after Nadia and Asra received any of theirs.
Through all of the updates, people have constantly requested that Asra and Nadia’s sexualization be toned down, and time after time The Arcana just churned out fetishistic, hypersexualized content at an absurd rate, especially when compared to the one white love interest.
Oh, speaking of the one white love interest: Julian is based off of Jeff Goldblum (this is not spectulation - they p much bring it up at any given time) but like. If Jeff Goldblum was white. They base their favorite love interest off their supposed favorite man in the world but casually leave his skin tone behind. Lmao.
they also play favorites very obviously - in the prologue, Nadia and Asra have a romance paid scene each. Julian has a scene... that requires no coins. Julian was also the first LI to receive three CGs, two of them requiring no coins, while both Asra’s and Nadia’s first CGs were behind a paywall
Dana and Elle have been notoriously skittish about confirming or denying their characters’ ethnicities. After hyping for weeks on thearcanagame that they would confirm the character’s races they basically made a post that amounted to “well they’re not white lol!”
they only relented after the perfectly understandable outrage... and posted a thread about it on Elle’s twitter. Nothing on the actual thearcanagame blog. Anyway, here’s the thread. Note how there’s mention of Julian being Jeff Goldblum... but nothing about him and Portia being Jewish (or “fantasy Jewish” as it were).
The one time they did confirm their jewishness dana then backpedaled and said she shouldn’t have done that lol.
another fun tidbit of how well The Arcana handles race and how much it cares about feedback from fans: an ask was sent about an anon begging for Nadia to step on them. The blog, with the finesse of a bunch of horny dumbasses, didn’t just publish the ask, but approved of it (even though the fans of color had long, long, LONG been telling everyone not to fetishize Nadia into a “step on me kween” wet dream). People were outraged, of course, and the blog ~apologized~ and said they were still learning.... then a new chapter included a scene of Nadia stepping on the Apprentice. 🙃
not to mention elle, on their twitter, made a passive aggressive “women can be doms?” tweet, trying to twist it into a “yr oppressing women” angle (when the issue is that women of color are always constantly portrayed as aggressive and domineering)
Now for a wombo combo of racism and Elle’s fetishization of mlm:
the devs have spoken at length of how Julian’s and Asra’s relationship was quite unhealthy. In a paid scene in Asra’s route, they’re depicted as Asra being disgusted w Julian touching him+Julian following Asra to his shop when Asra refused his offer to go with him (aka julian... stalked him lmfao).
.......... this scene is promptly followed by a highly sexual scenario where Julian’s pain fetish is played up. Remember how this game is rated PG-13? Me neither. Asra’s previous disgust with Julian is also forgotten, for some reason (and by some reason i mean Elle wants to make them fuck w/o buildup or logic).
Then Asra’s route has yet another paid scene dedicated to Asrian, even though he’s supposed to not even like Julian! And be head over heels with the Apprentice! But Elle just has to make these two be entangled despite insisting their relationship was not good for either of them!
Now here’s the kicker: Julian doesn’t have any paid scenes related to his romance with Asra. Note how it’s one of the brown LIs whose route is highjacked by the white LI, but not vice versa. Hmmmmm.
Now, on the topic of Asra: thearcanagame has said repeatedly that he’s nb and uses he/him pronouns, and promised (since last year) that there would be dialogue where he speaks about his gender
as of the making of this post such dialogue still does not exist
so basically asra is the nb to dumbledore’s gay: anyone who just plays the game w/o keeping up with the official blog has no idea of what asra’s gender is supposed to be.
aka he’s not nb. he’s just a cis guy. the arcana just doesn’t want to put its money where its mouth is, i dont care if elle is nb themself. the team made a promise which has not been fulfilled yet and i suspect will not be.
instead, our introduction to canon nb characters is... these two.
By “these two” i mean neither vulgora nor valdemar are even fucking human, and stick out like sore thumbs with their monstruousness.
so our nb rep is... non-human villains. a few books later one of Nadia’s sisters with they/them pronouns shows up, but that’s too little too late on top of the fact that we should’ve known Asra was nb from the first to begin with. It’s a fucking embarrassment and an insult.
at least two villains are visibly disabled (Lucio’s missing arm and Volta’s blind eye+intentionally asymmetrical face). Julian’s eye doesn’t count because, spoilers, he’s not lacking an eye and even if he was it’d still be hidden behind a dashing eyepatch instead of grotesquely displayed as a sign of his lacking morality.
The Arcana Exploits The App Business Model To Price Their Full Game at $500, $1000 if the three extra routes make it out, and they never delivered their Kickstarter rewards:
tl;dr: you heard me
the original price per route was planned on being $1.99
they took that “subject to change” really seriously, it seems, because now each route, once the game is fully out, is estimated to cost around $170 each.
both those screenshots are taken from this post which explains in detail just how truly scummy all of The Arcana’s business model and decisions are: https://mysticmicrotransactions.tumblr.com/post/174308723344/dishonesty-from-the-arcana
the tl;dr is basically what’s listed in the beginning of this section, but other highlights from that post are: the use of addictive gambling mechanics such the Wheel of Fortune, and the dazzling calls to action in the new mini-game.
something that The Arcana supporters forget (or choose to ignore) is the fact that for a long, long time the game did not have the mini-game or the log-in rewards for coins. Players depended only on the gambling of the WoF or paying absurd amounts of money for the new chapters.
the devs went from playing the victims who were unable of controlling prices to (as spoken of in the link from mysticmicrotransactions) saying the making of the game (a pathetic little app game backed by a studio and a kickstarter) justifies the prices
they also gave people false hope about maybe changing the prices in the future, all while bleeding money from loyal players in “micro” transactions
the arcana literally added a $99.99 coins option on their latest update
in case it hasn’t sunk in yet: you can pay a hundred dollars upfront to the arcana, and you still will not have access to the whole game
there is no defense to this
“it’s free stop whining” let me explain:
“spend months on end accumulating fake currency or pay hundreds of dollars up-front to be able to play” is a scummy business model no matter how you look at it
if i can spend $60 upfront to play an AAA game there’s no excuse to demand more than that for a game with much smaller and, honestly, inferior content
the combination of there being already far and few games featuring lgbt characters and characters of color AND the little cult of personality set up by Dana and Elle makes people feel that spending money to support them is an acceptable expense.
it’s not
manipulating people into spending ridiculous amounts of money and then claiming “it’s their choice” is just scummy business, baby, and thats all the arcana does
the devs are brats who instead of admitting $500 is absurd for a game instead write petty little caricatures into their game - like, lbr: dana, elle, if i could afford diamonds in my hair i wouldn’t have even bothered with your shitstain of a game
despite bragging that ppl would get the full story w/o needing to pay, the paid scenes are pretty much required - the first few books of julian’s route have no romance without accessing any of the paid options. you dont even get so much as a kiss in without handing coins over. many, many people were baffled when julian had a teary break-up scene when from their perspective they hadn’t even started building a relationship.
wow that’s more than i ever thought it’d be
and i’ve been aware of their bullshit for near a whole year now!
i don’t have much of a note to end this on, other than: the arcana just isn’t even that good. it suffers from weak writing, pathetic character development and above all actually harmful content. do not try to argue with me on any of these points unless you’ve read all of that, because whatever you have to say i’ve likely mentioned before. if you still are that determined to yell at a me on the internet, please preface your argument with the phrase “I’m a pee pee poo poo man” so I know you’ve read everything in here. thank you!
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KH3 is like half a game, it feels incomplete and clunky. It sets up events that never happen and tries to force moments without having the build up to support them. The game does some things really well and reaches some truly heartfelt emotional beats and solid character moments.
3:48 PM - 31 Jan 20191 reply0 retweets1 likeReply 1 Retweet  Like 1 View Tweet activity
The Disney (and Pixar) worlds were pretty well incorporated and mostly able to contribute thematically to the game unlike sometimes in past games were the worlds were kind of just dropped into the game.
The Toy Box much like Halloween Town brings up how dolls/toys/those who begin as inanimate objects can gain hearts. Monstropolis allows a plausible  entry point for Vanitas with the connection between fear induced scream  energy and the negative emotions of the unversed.
Of all the worlds, I enjoyed Sora's time with the Big Hero 6 gang the most. Their interactions felt genuine and I had a lot of fun watching them. It also had the most complete arc of the worlds with the continuation of the movie's theme of living after loss.
Most of the worlds' story arcs felt incomplete. Starting in Olympus we are left hanging with Pete finding Pandora's box and the city in ruins. The story just kind of ends. There also was not enough time and build up to give significance to Hercules' choice to rejoin the mortals.
In Twilight Town, with all the discussion surrounding hearts and data from Coded to KH2 to KH3, that a whole other Twilight Town exists was completely dropped. It felt like the game was leading the audience somewhere and then never followed through.
With the Toy Box, the Sora, Goofy, and Donald leave and don't come back with Woody, Buzz, and the others still stranded in another world just hoping to one day meet Andy again. The search for Andy and the other toys is the main arc for this world and its never resolved.
While some worlds aren't quite as obviously half a story arc, all of them could have used more time. Many of them assume you have already seen the source material. In Frozen, Hans being the villian is the big twist but with the first half of the movie cut, there's no impact.
Pirates of the Caribbean makes no sense to anyone who hasn't seen the movies. I wish there was a scene of Sora unlocking Tia Dalma given how it was setup to happen. There was good characterization for Sora here though on how both he and Jack are free spirits.
The Winnie the Poo part while sweet (because I love Winnie the Poo sections) doesn't go anywhere. Sora just loses his connection with Poo and disappears from the cover, and then a few mini games later he's back. Sora's comment on how their bond has weakened never goes anywhere.
In the other games you search for lost pages or help Poo regain his memories, here there is no story. It's a lost opportunity to do, well something,  but that can be said of much of the game. They could have used this part to talk about how relationships must be nurtured.
The ending also fell a bit flat because of the buildup-payoff problem. The game tries to show the characters despairing only for someone to swoop in and give them hope. The problem is that in the Keyblade Graveyard they do this so many times it loses its impact.
Given the amount of stuff this game should have resolved, not enough time was spent on that. Instead precious time was spent trying to create sequel hooks. In doing so, the cohesiveness of the game as a unit was compromised. The game was too short for all they tried to achieve.
At times the narrative would point "Look! its a  happy/sad/intense/etc. scene", but without a proper build up, these  scenes lacked emotional weight.
I'm conflicted on KHUX in KH3.  I liked Chirithy reuniting with Ven, Laurium possibly remembering, and Strelitzia's maybe cameo. The black box stuff could have been cut. Its to connect  KHUX with future games, but it does nothing for the Xehanort saga and bogs KH3 down.
Then there is the mysterious girl with connections to Lea, Isa, and Ansem that we are only hearing of now. Who is she? Is she Ava? I don't know but they should have saved it for another game.
I thought all the keyblades of the Union members coming to help was a nice touch, but why did Ephemer of all people show up? He was a Dandelion; the player was the one who chose to stay (except the player has no canon appearance in khux which makes them hard to depict).
On one hand I got really excited looking for my KHUX username but on the other hand it was a little too 4th wall breaking and took me out of the game. The other 4th wall leaning scenes with Axel didn't do it for me either.
I did like the definitely-not-instagram loading screens. They were just this side of absurd to be amusing. It was cute. Humor is a subjective thing but I didn't like the increase in jokes in this game. It broke immersion for me.
Some were funny like Verum Rex. Others though felt forced. KH3 had more Donald, Sora, and Goofy poking fun at each other. At first it was fun, but then they kept doing it and it got old.
Maybe its because of all the jokes and narrative problems broke my immersion in the game or maybe its because I'm older now, but KH3 wasn't as magical an experience for me as the other games.
I don't mean magic in how many spells Donald can cast but in that sense wonder, that the extraordinary is possible. That sense of magic is why the Roxas prologue of KH2 is one of my favorite parts of the franchise.
Part of it also is that the section where Sora goes saving everyone's hearts from the Lich after they "died" didn't reach me emotionally. Which is a shame since the part right before where Sora runs around in the Final World and talks with the stars is one of my favorite parts.
I was surprised we didn't see more Dives to the Heart and battles at the center of the heart given the Terranort, Ventus-Vanitas, Xion, etc. After Sora got the power of awakening I was expecting him and Riku to use that to free Xion and Terra.
And then we would get an epic battle where Terra finally kicks Xehanort out of his own body. I also wanted to see Aqua beat up Xehanort. Aqua's suppose to be super strong from spending 10 years in the Realm of Darkness.
Kairi deserved better. Kairi deserved more. 3 games (II, 3D, III) on how Kairi trains to become a keyblade wielder and she doesn't get to do anything. Why was she kidnapped anyways? The answer is to give an excuse for Sora at the end to have a "I must do this alone" moment.
Kairi was kidnapped just so Sora could angst over her and so he could go save her. She deserved better.
The developers really pushed the Sora-Kairi romance this game. I was disoriented since we since the last game we saw a lot of romantic indications was 17 years ago in KH1. Riku got third-wheeled this game.
Enough complaining, parts that worked pretty well/were well executed: Big Hero 6, Monsters Inc, Sora finding the Door to Darkness in Destiny Islands and Aqua returning to the Realm of Light, Sora's interaction with other characters(Rapunzel, BH6, Jack, etc), the Final World.
Visually the environments are amazing! I was so happy running around everywhere. Its pretty. (and the heartless are cute)
KH3 was on the low side for number of worlds visited. Again, I'm surprised how (comparatively) short the game is. There was a lack on Final Fantasy characters as well (or well videogame characters given how TWEWY was in 3D).
I would have loved to see a Moana world. Moana, Maui, and Sora interactions would have been great. Thematically it would have worked too since Moana's plot centers on how Te Fiti losing her heart changed her.
In every KH there's always been some wham moments and that didn't happen to me at all in KH3... until the every end with Luxu. Many of us have been suspicious of Xigbar for a very long time. His organization chair height is too high. He seems to know more than he should...
As much as I am complaining, I do like the Kingdom Hearts III. Its a good game.
I've said it before, but KH:coded is a thematic summary of the entire series and one of the important points in that game is how Data Sora understands hurt. Data Sora understood how to live through hurt and this is something we see Sora learn as well through the games.
In CoM Sora did not understand this. All the way to 3D he did not know how to deal with hurt so when Roxas shared all his pain, that contributed to Sora sinking into darkness. In KH3 though Sora has grown and can accept hurt.
I would have though liked to have seen a more overt conclusion to Sora's relationship to darkness. Sora has always had darkness in him, he's not a princess of heart (or Ven) and there were hints before KH3 that he was falling to darkness.
Anti/Rage form are a manifestations of that darkness. Maybe this was just sloppy character writing, but Sora is noticeably meaner during KH2 and at the end he says "maybe the darkness has gotten to me, too". In KH3, besides rage form Sora's darkness isn't directly addressed.
Back to UX. The devs connected the epilogue, the secret reports, and UX well. That's all that was needed really. From Backcover we already know the black box is important. KH3 shouldn't have wasted time focusing on it.
And about X girl )Shuld?? idk). It really is awkward how they bring her into KH3. If she's the reason Lea and Isa got into this mess they should have dropped a line in 358/2 or one of the other games something like "Don't forget we're doing this for her"
Another good scene was Aqua giving Ven head pats. This gave me life.
Scala ad Caelum was built inverse on top of Daybreak Town. I didn't notice! Never mind what I said earlier, there's the "oh shit... what" moment. I'm just going to sit here mind blown thinking of all the implications...
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pumpkinofthedale · 7 years
themxerte replied to your post “With the introduction of Moira, and the discussions and scandal a lot...”
Universes. And yeah those are maybe weak spots but I simply don't believe that a company that has the whole game dedicated to the grey moralities of how you see good and evil differently from a different point of view (World of Warcraft) would make such a damn boring, not complexed evil character.
Heya friend, I was wondering if you had actually taken the time to read my entire 1.5k word post detailing how I think Moira fits into the reaper story line.
However if you have read it and still feel that I feel that way about his characterization, allow me to elaborate and include and cite actual evidence. I love Gabriel Reyes and I firmly believe that he will be the epitome of grey morality within the story.
That being said there is nothing, nothing within the story saying that Reyes didnt get some of his powers before the fall of overwatch. In fact given the track it seemed the devs would go down earlier, I’d argue it was canon that he had at least some of them since SEP at the very least. I still think it’s canon that he had some of them before the explosion.
I also never said that he got his smokey wraith powers before the introduction of Moira. I said that I believe something was wrong DNA wise because he was an earlier test subject within the SEP program than Jack, and that his DNA, the fabric of his existence, was deteriorating causing a boatload of problems that no one was willing to risk getting caught up in major legal trouble to fix. I believe his body smoking is part of that. It’s probably something completely out of his control until Moira enters the picture.
 The way the devs worded their unveiling of Moira at blizzcon and her relationship to Gabriel Reyes, they implied that it’s plausible that Reyes didn’t necessarily get his powers from Moira, but instead Moira got her powers from studying Reyes’ DNA and it’s degeneration. A theory heavily backed up by in-game lore:
Tumblr media
“Repairing Degenerative Genetic Structures” with a large post-it note that says “Draft”
Not to mention the blizzcon panel
Geoff Goodman: “It [Her Fade ability] has some similarities to Reaper’s wraith form…uh which is…it’s funny how that works out.” Michael Chu: “You know, we obviously - there’s a…there’s a close relationship between Moira and Reyes-slash-Reaper, and I think one of the fun things we were able to do is to sort of hint at some of those things in her, uh, abilities.” Geoff Goodman: “She’s helping Reaper out and is like, ‘You know, I think I could make this better, I have an idea.’”
Blizzcon 2017
On to my other points:
“We sort of saw Overwatch really open up to the world, and listening to players and the stories they were telling and what they imagined the Omnic crisis to be really made us second guess what we were doing in First Strike,” said Kaplan. “We thought, ‘Hey, if we go down this path, it really closes all these doors.’”
Fan theories about the Overwatch cast’s pasts abound, and players produce fiction, art and other original content in droves. Although animated shorts and digital comics have had success in filling out the game’s universe — particularly the most recent comics, “Uprising” and “Reflections” — the Overwatch team found that a 100-page graphic novel no longer made sense as supplemental reading material, six months into the game’s life.
“Part of the magic is that everything is not tied off and explained to players,” Kaplan said of keeping Overwatch’s canon less defined. “There’s a lot going on in Overwatch right now where I think that the story in players’ heads is often even cooler than what we can deliver to them.”
Jeff Kaplan May 2017 during a polygon interview
One very important thing to remember is that early previews of that 100 page graphic novel showed Gabriel Reyes as an ominous figure with heavily shadowed lighting. I believe that fan input especially on how Reyes is characterized, and the theories involving him had a lot to do with the cancellation.
 Yes, Gabriel Reyes manipulated Overwatch into helping innocent lives in Kings Row during the uprising comic. Even as Reaper he’s shown to kill very very few people. Like 2 people on screen max, and neither of those people were innocent. They worked for Vialli one of the top talon “bosses”. 
I’m not saying that Reyes is going to just let innocent people get caught in the crossfires of his plans. Kings Row can’t boil over into a full out omnic uprising because that will absolutely be a catastrophe that could trigger another full-out omnic crisis. He’s shown to be more pro-active in making sure people are safe than Jack is.
And Talon doesnt know about his involvement with the capture of doomfist or Overwatch’s intervention. This is extremely important information to remember. Gabriel Reyes is a man who works in the shadows, and I firmly believe that he has no firm allegiance to anyone, but rather to the ideal of making sure that nothing like the Omnic crisis ever happens again while he still lives/functions.
Every single one of his talon missions that would have brought the world closer to an omnic crisis (Katya’s assassination, retrieving information about the whereabouts of former overwatch agents, stealing doomfist’s gauntlet, killing Jack or Ana) has completely and utterly failed. The man is a tactical genius and so far every mission save picking up doomfist and infiltrating talon and killing vialli’s men, has failed. Against people he’s worked along side before. 
There is absolutely no way he doesn’t know what they’re capable of. The dude outsmarted god ai programs, you really think he wouldn’t have been able to calculate his former friends’ actions and adjust his missions accordingly? Hell, he even knows it was sombra that fucked up the assassination, and he did nothing about it.
Gabriel Reyes is an incredibly intelligent and calculating man. He was probably the president of the chess club in high school, and as every chess player knows, you have to be at least 2-3 steps ahead of your opponent. On any normal type higher level you should know the next ten moves and each possible outcome. Someone on Reyes’ level has hundreds of different moves calculated at any given time.
So now imagine for a moment, that Gabriel Reyes is not some soft goober of a man some people make him but instead a calculating morally grey person who understands exactly what is at stake if talon wins. He’s lived through one crisis, but the world is only just beginning to truly bounce back. It was essentially Armageddon. It cannot happen again.
Talon has infiltrated overwatch.
Talon has infiltrated blackwatch.
Talon has has most likely infiltrated the UN.
Conventional methods of tracking and dealing with spies hasn’t been working. The head of the Overwatch anti-talon task force is dead and his wife is missing. He is doing what he can to help, ie sending mccree to kings row to deal with the uprising situation as well as manipulating overwatch to help. Sending Genji to help apprehend doomfist. Things that talon doesn’t know about because it isn’t strictly blackwatch shit going on. It’s a man on vacation, a commander checking in with his friends and updating them on a situation. It isn’t direct involvement at kings row. It’s manipulation.
But overwatch is strangled in even more red tape and controversies and it’s failing. It cannot properly do its job anymore and Gabriel Reyes is running out of options. Mccree and genji have left; who can he trust but himself.
I believe he did plant the bomb to blow up the zurich base. But I also happened to notice that only Jack was caught in the blast besides him. None of the main overwatch agents were caught in the explosion. He has cool smokey wraith form so he can probably survive, that’s probably one of the ways he was able to survive, though there were obviously some serious complications. I’m sure other overwatch members died in the blast, but he seems to have waited until the base was relatively empty. 
Talon can trust him now. Something went wrong of course he has a vendetta. 
Except, he is ineffectual. His direct actions with winston to secure the names and locations of former overwatch agents in order to fulfill that vendetta prompts winston to recall the old agents. His actions with Hakim and talon reunite Jack and Ana when he has a chance to kill both of them. Overwatch is being reformed except this time, it’s not under the UN’s control. 
Meanwhile reaper, seeming terrorist with a vendetta against overwatch who “inadvertently” cause overwatch to reform a few years after the fall as an independent organization away from the control of the UN and likely away from the clutches of talon’s shadow puppets there.
But he also has their trust which means that innocent people have also likely died by his hand in his quest to infiltrate and take out talon. I also have no doubt in my mind that he probably would kill Jack or Ana or any of his friends if they do actually interfere with his plans just as i do believe that if he felt that it was necessary, he would let innocents die.
“What’s important to us is that their motivations are not purely rooted in being evil, despite how they might seem on the surface.  As we reveal more about these characters, we want people to be able to empathize and understand their beliefs.  Because sometimes what makes a villain a villain is the extent to which they’re willing to go to reach their goals.  And one thing that we find most important when we’re talking about our villain characters is that there is nothing to say that a villain cannot be as charismatic or more charismatic or as likeable as a hero character - because, like the old saying goes, ‘every villain is the hero of their own story.’”
Michael Chu early March 2017
Reyes has a lot of potential to be an almost antihero. Someone who does some shady under the table shit, but only because he thinks it will help the world. I think Blizzard has realized this and why it hasn’t cemented a lot of things in canon. They want to wait and see what it is that fans could seriously enjoy. They love fan feedback. That’s why they created Moira! That’s why they cancelled the 100 page graphic novel about the omnic crisis! Because they want to be able to see their story evolve just as much as the fans do.
anyways. I’m not putting this one under a cut so people don’t have to take the time to click the button to see ALL of what i have to say about the subject (even though I have tons more to say, but I’ve spent so much time on this that I kind of want to be done rn)
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greybat · 7 years
MBTI Exploration
I was working on another piece of writing and decided to look up the MBTI personalities that the devs posted about. I figured it’d help me with writing characters’ personalities.
I went to this site (which has cute pictures and a test!) so this is loooonnnnggg.
Julian is ESFJ: 
FFFFFFFT... lol well, they both like to drink and they look kind of similar?
In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame.
Well... that’s interesting to know.
ESFJs love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. 
Oh, yes, he loves to be of service... /wiggly eyebrows 
I’m sorry. Not really. But this does bring up a point of friction between Julian and Asra. The magician, obviously, didn’t vocalize appreciation.
Coming to terms with their sensitivity is ESFJs’ biggest challenge – people are going to disagree and they’re going to criticize, and while it hurts, it’s just a part of life. 
Oh god, leave the man alone! I agree, though.
ESFJ personalities have a strong need to "belong", and have no problem with small talk or following social cues in order to help them take an active role in their communities.
This explains how he easily melted back into the community in Vesuvia, but how painful it must be to not really belong.
Reluctant to Innovate or Improvise – Just as they can be critical of others’ "unusual" behavior, ESFJs may also be unwilling to step out of their own comfort zones, usually for fear of being (or just appearing) different.
YOU ARE AN ON-THE-RUN ALLEGED MURDERER, JULIAN. Is that not unusual in Vesuvia? (I mean, there’s also the whole masochism thing, but Vesuvia seems like a chill town and I’m not going to sex shame him.)
Often Too Needy – ESFJs need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, people with the ESFJ personality type may start fishing for compliments, in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued.
...I want to see more of Julian fishing for compliments, now. Like, blatantly, because he’s a big dork.
Too Selfless – The other side of this is that ESFJs sometimes try to establish their value with doting attention, something that can quickly overwhelm those who don’t need it, making it ultimately unwelcome. Furthermore, ESFJs often neglect their own needs in the process.
Unfortunately, less mature ESFJs may lack the inner strength and wisdom to attract [a partner who is 100% behind them] in healthy ways. They can be very needy, compromising their own principles and values in exchange for their partners’ approval. 
Oh, Julian...*sigh*
ESFJs are often open to experimenting and trying new things, so long as their partners are willing to reciprocate.
...you don’t say.
With so much zest for life and company, dull moments are sure to be few and far between.
Like constantly running from the palace guard and being wanted for murder. Yep.
Quotes from here.
Asra is ISTP: 
People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go. Often mechanics and engineers, ISTPs find no greater joy than in getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, just a little bit better than they were before.
That last sentence is a little disconcerting... thinking about the fact Asra was involved in plague research. And that he ‘got his hands dirty’ so to speak, with the MC’s memories.
ISTPs’ decisions stem from a sense of practical realism, and at their heart is a strong sense of direct fairness, a "do unto others" attitude, which really helps to explain many of ISTPs’ puzzling traits. 
Nothing Is as Boring as Everyone Agreeing With You
Which is pretty much Julian’s motivation... ouch. So, again, no wonder it didn’t work out.
However, [an ISTP’s] tendency to explore their relationships through their actions rather than through empathy can lead to some very frustrating situations.
I can totally see this.
Relaxed – Through all this, ISTPs are able to stay quite relaxed. They live in the moment and go with the flow, refusing to worry too much about the future.
No shit.
Dislike Commitment – Long-term commitments are particularly onerous for ISTPs. They prefer to take things day-by-day, and the feeling of being locked into something for a long time is downright oppressive. This can be a particular challenge in ISTPs’ romantic relationships.
When it comes to romantic relationships with ISTPs, it’s a bit like nailing Jell-O to a tree. 
I love that comparison.
Got the quotes from here.
Nadia is INFJ:
INFJs find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extraverted types, but they would all do well to remember that INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw. 
I totally thought she was on the quieter end of extrovert. oops.
The passion of their convictions is perfectly capable of carrying them past their breaking point and if their zeal gets out of hand, they can find themselves exhausted, unhealthy and stressed. This becomes especially apparent when INFJs find themselves up against conflict and criticism – their sensitivity forces them to do everything they can to evade these seemingly personal attacks, but when the circumstances are unavoidable, they can fight back in highly irrational, unhelpful ways.
Like dressing up guards as woodland creatures and forcing them to play a weird game of hide-and-seek, as punishment, while also testing an apprentice magician? lol
Determined and Passionate – When INFJs come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. 
Especially about hanging doctors convicted of murdering their diva of a spouse.
Not ones for casual encounters, people with the INFJ personality type instead look for depth and meaning in their relationships. INFJs will take the time necessary to find someone they truly connect with – once they’ve found that someone, their relationships will reach a level of depth and sincerity that most people can only dream of.
I am so curious how this plays into her relationship with Lucio...
Relationships with INFJs are not for the uncommitted or the shallow.
How did Lucio get in???
INFJs cherish not just the act of being in a relationship, but what it means to become one with another person, in mind, body and soul.
I think this describes her route in the game, pretty well. At least, this is the vibe I got from where we’re heading.
(It’s easier to pick on Asra and Julian, for me. I’m a INFJ/INFP depending on the test, so I relate so much to Nadia.)
Quotes from here.
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team-adults-blog · 7 years
4.05 Tinder Box
In which I make 6 references- 5 numbered and then Wizards of Waverly Place- a few jokes, and a prediction that I think is SPOT ON. Join me on this reactionary journey (in chronological order). 
Abby, Jackson is relaying the science info for the audience, not you. I know that you know, but we, the audience, do not. give him a break.
Oh, the Mt. Weather parallels. BUT Abby checks herself. To all the haters: this means Abby is good. She’s NOT doing what was done in Mt. Weather. Dr. Tsing is a foil; they are fundamentally different.
I too hate molecular biology
At least Helios is a good horse and stays with Octavia when she falls. Unlike that dog vid. (reference 1 here if you don’t immediately get this)
Hey it’s Niylah! Not on the show in the way I predicted (Octavia going to her) but she’s still playing the healing role so I’m proud I pulled that out of thin air.
Oh no Ilian I don’t trust you yet because you hate tech but thanks for saving O.
Miller’s dad is ranking officer. Yeahhhh boyyyy. So many speaking lines, such as: “the radiation’s our enemy, not the ice nation” awwwww so proud of you.
Clarke’s poker face about all things Bellamy needs some work.
Her come the prisoners. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. its Kane and Bellamy. THE MOMENT CLARKE’S BEEN WAITING FOR. (reference 2, keep playing!)
[I had to watch commercials on this rewatch and why are there commercials for books? You don’t want to cast your character so it’s just a bunch of moving dark figures over an abstract background. Pointless. Plus this Riverdale show looks unrealistic.] I learned how to use line breaks and they please me.
Riley stop it. Only like 4 more episodes until your likely death.
“They knew you were coming”- Bell so hopeful. This is lovely. But I would have preferred a little more anguish and suspense before he and Kane know she’s alive. Some good acting and character development could have come from that instead of them finding out the next day.
Octavia knows she’s not lucky Ilian brought her in. Who didn’t question his taking all these explosives? Where is everyone?
Raven and Abby love and concern <3 they are the best. Hand holding throughout their scenes this week. I dig it. 
I thought we all knew Raven had the upgrade and thus still has ALIE in her head? Jackson and Abby are just figuring this out, fine, but I knew. The people I watched with did not? They just thought Raven was really smart? When did I learn this lil’ bit of information?
Abs we gotta go back to space! Raven’s looking at the gas lines and floor map to figure out there’s a rocket ship! She didn’t know where it was, but she knew what to tell the computer to do. PURE JOY! I AM SO HAPPY RAVEN FOUND A SHIP. This seem dangerous too though…
[Commercials are only acceptable in the actual air time. OMG THERE WAS A REALLY CUTE SHELTER DOG COMMERCIAL I TAKE IT ALL BACK cwgood.com if you want to see it. Omg no I had to watch 6 commercials wtf]
Riley you suck. I want to feel nothing at your death in 4-5 episodes.
P sure Costa was just on the island with doctor tech squad? They have to be more careful about where their quaternary-and-beyond(!) characters are.
Clarke is the only one who Roan listens to. Their cave scene was v good. Don’t brag about your lack of heart about your mom to someone who literally had the worst mom. Clarke, your mother cares about you. Roan’s mom used him as a tool in her ploy for power. Telling him that you care about your people more than your mom brings up some ethical values questions. Sacrificing one to save the many seems like a fine moral argument. But when you put faces onto those people things change: A ton of strangers vs your mom? That makes the decision harder. One stranger vs your fam and closest friends? That seems like an easy decision. I don’t know if it makes you a better or worse person for being willing to sacrifice your mother, but it’s definitely not an argument I would want to make. Especially with Roan. He let Lexa spear his mom. I cheered at that scene- it was badass. It was also clear she was a villain. And a completely different relationship dynamic. Clarke could use some advice from Selena Gomez and the Wizards of Waverly Place Theme, “you might run into trouble if you go to extremes because everything is not what it seems.”  You know, with the whole list thing and promising Roan safety in the Ark and taking Jaha’s advice. S3 Clarke could have used the line “be careful not to mess with the balance of things” when she was trying to change grounder culture. Season 4: “The end will no doubt justify the means” or, alternatively, “That’s what I said” in which Jasper goes around making that’s what she said jokes but about himself.  This didn’t directly relate to what I was talking about. My head just went there.
“Riley shouldn’t be here” Good Bell! AH-chers (Kane).I don’t understand why they all have to have American accents? Like let Ian’s lovely accent out. Let Bob’s vocal cords rest. A bunch of accents would have been initially present on the Ark because it was an international force. If English became the dominant language, fine. It’s an American show I don’t care enough to argue that point. One language across the stations is understandably necessary. BUT. Accents don’t disappear. I grew up with this guy whose parents are both English- a lawyer (now head judge, whaddup) and a professor. They’re all super cool. His sister taught me how to pop-lock-and DROP it on a mission trip and went to Oxford. Anyways, both kids have accents because their English parents taught them how to speak. I don’t know for sure if by high school this guy could turn his accent on and off, depending on the social setting, but he may have left it on for maaayyyybbeeeee pretentious reasons. He’s not pretentious, but he’s charming af and flatters my grandma at the Christmas Eve service and like. He’s a little posh. A kind, good person, and probs not posh in England, but he’s posh here. The point is I’m not an expert and don’t know. HOWEVER. It is possible that he can’t turn his accent off and I’m being a dick because I’m relating his ability of turning on/off his accent to my ability to turn on/off a southern accent. The difference is that I was not raised by parents who have the southern accent- I just took one on because I rode a redneck bus and was trying to assimilate. The moral of the story is this: accents, even over 100 years, would not have homogenized to the point that Ian and Bob and Eliza and Ricky and Alycia and everyone else have to lose their accents. It’s a skill but if we follow the English guy I grew up with not losing his accent despite being around other people (and not me singing ZBB’s Chicken Fried with my friends) logic, the different accents should still be there. But then that creates issues for the show runners of having to determine which countries has people in space. There were flags at the Unity Day ceremony, and I’m pretty sure I remember there being an Indian flag, so where are they? Put Dev Patel on the show. Jk he’s too good they could never get him. How did they even get Ian? I’m happy he’s here though. Isaiah can’t get larger roles because no one likes him. I may be projecting, but I also feel like Shonda Rhimes burned that boy.
Bellamy (and a reluctant Echo) to save the day. I hope by the end of the season 1) Echo is still alive, and 2) they’ve forged some sort of trust. They’ve had a cool bond since Bellamy saves Echo from the cages™ in Mt. Weather. Then Echo “saves” Bellamy from the Azgeda assassin who blows up Mt. Weather by tricking him into going to polis. She’s like I saved you, dude. And he’s like no, you lied to me and made it possible for a bunch of my friends to die. Then she’s like hey, be my friend, I’ve had sooo many chances to kill you and still haven’t, that’s friendship right? Bellamy’s like. No. I don’t trust you. Boom. Echo captures (? She brings them into the throne room, idk if she captures them herself) Bell and Stevens (rip, tattletale) and could have killed them both. She doesn’t kill Bellamyyyyyyy… Then this scene with Riley. There’s obviously trust issues on both sides- She doesn’t remove Bell’s chains. “so much for building trust” Bell. She’s worried her king is going to be shot. This is not the moment to scold her But I think she still wants to be friends. It must be rough to be such a badass spy and not to have just one friend. Bell seems to be the Chosen One™ and I hope they can work out their differences. Post Riley they share a secret, so they’re working on itttttttttt.
[I had to reload the page and I’ve now watched 8 commercials. The girl at the booth next to me is talking about her authentic (highly not-authentic) Irish pub experience and all the musicians playing their “banjos and fiddles.” Shut the fuck up. The page timed out again. Enough. I have to watch another 6 commercialssss. I’m tired of this proactive commercial, but at least the CW knows their target audience #annoyed]
SHA-BoO0M GOES THE ARK. Well that bad deal Clarke just made is over. She may have promised Azgeda protection from radiation, but what about Trikru? You’re going to help Roan and not Indra? Not a fan of that deal. Glad it went up in smoke. Da dunn tsssshhhhhh. Puns are fun. (reference 3, same as 2). I now know why the episode is Tinder Box. It all makes sense.
Bellamy and Octavia reunited. Another shot of the shoulder tat. Clarke and the Blakes holding hands (well Bell’s holding O and Clarke’s holding her hand. Poor Kane has no one to hold. Where’s awk bff David Miller? Hold him. The Blakes could at least invite him over.
Back at Doctor Tech Squad- Raven has a stroke! Possibly fatal, who can say? Raven’s just excited to go to space, and I’m happy for her. Abby also at risk, but doesn’t want to be tested until she’s showing more symptoms than those she already has from being sleep deprived. This is pretty normal for people whose parents get diagnosed with genetic diseases. Some people want to know, but not knowing can give you hope for things that can’t be cured. Abby wants to focus on helping adorable Raven save the whole world. But. Hey, how ya doing, well I’m doing just fine, I lied, I’m dying inside my brain and starting to have hallucinations of my daughter dying from radiation. (reference 4. I couldn’t find the one I wanted but imagine a vine of that over this) So now we’re worried about Raven and Abby. Will Abby tell Jackson? My thoughts- No. she’ll try to hide it as long as she can, working on a cure for Raven, then help herself. Yet I don’t see either of them dying? Raven is too important plot-wise and the writers and viewers lovelovelove the character. My argument for Abby living is more of a personal one and then behind the scenes of Paige Turco being a parent who’s very forward with her scheduling (why she doesn’t typically do up fronts etc so she can have separate work and son time) and probs has her contract locked down.
Not my fave episode, lots of callbacks to earlier seasons, but generally not super satisfying plot. Mainly because 4.04 set up these storylines- Octavia on her way back, Doctor Tech Squad reaching the lab, Bellamy and Kane as prisoners. The Polis/ Arkadia plotlines fell short somehow of their build. There were conflicts, but it lacked drama? If that makes sense.. I enjoyed the lab plot because all Raven x Abby interactions have great energy, not to mention they found a rocket. That story still feels like it’s still advancing and keeping the drama up. Props to Miller Sr. for getting more speaking lines in one episode than he did in the entirety of S3.
what if. they send. Thelonious frickin Jaha. into space instead of Raven?
Stay with me here: Raven could have a seizure which is a risk. Jaha was an engineer and is capable- they’ve been slowly using that in the story and I was wondering when it would actually become plot relevant. BTS: Isaiah Washington finished filming his stuff before everyone else. I doubt he’s dead, but if all his stuff is him by himself/ him video chatting in from the ship, this explains how he could have wrapped up so quickly without dying. Additionally, he needs a big redemption for people to like him again after the CoL. Holy cow I think I’m on to something here! He and Kane S1 were rivals both trying to become martyrs/ find salvation. Thelonious wins, Marcus goes to Earth. But then Jaha makes it to Earth too because he knows how to run a pod. I am heartbroken for Raven, it’s really going to suck getting benched if I’m right. More so when I know Abby and Jackson are probably going to be the ones to tell her and they’ll get so much hate. But Raven and Abby can coach Jaha through some of the medical/ technical stuff (a la Apollo 13-reference 5- and Lieutenant Dan. I don’t remember the dude’s name in that movie- the actor is Gary something p. sure, but he’s in Forrest Gump with T.Hanks too so I don’t feel that bad. He also got benched for a medical issue (back to Apollo 13) that he didn’t get so this tangent was not a waste. He was needed to problem solve and figure out how to save the men on Apollo 13. Raven could parallel this.) and still be a team, which I like. I just want Raven to be happy, she deserves that. I don’t want Jaha to have a lot of glory for doing this either. If it was Raven hell yes. But for him it’s the least he can do. That’s wrong of me, but their histories are incredibly different. 
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hakafufe · 7 years
Favorite Games of 2016
My list includes games from previous years. As long as I've never played it and started it for the first time in 2016 then it's fair game.
#10 Rock Band 4
I picked up this game in a bundle with the Rivals expansion pack and this game reinvigorated my love for rhythm games. However, it is noticeable that Harmonix has shifted into “Indie Game Dev” status with the downgraded graphics, animation, and limited DLC songs every. Nevertheless it fills that rhythm game itch phenomenally.
#9 Shadows of Mordor
As if Batman: Arkham City and Assassin’s Creed made sweet love in the plains of Middle-Earth. Changes up gameplay by introducing the nemesis system. Mind-controlling an orc general and watching them move up the ranks made me as happy as a mother on Toddler’s & Tiaras. Other than the Nemesis System, Shadows of Mordor doesn’t do anything else but refines familiar mechanics to a T.
#8 Bravely Second
I love Bravely Default. And the sequel builds up from the foundation established by the first game albeit with a weaker, much stranger story. I don’t want to delve deeper into spoiler territory but the ending gets truly meta and self-aware to a weird degree. But it’s the gameplay that carries the experience. A whole slew of new classes are introduced as well as a number of the classes from the first game. The amount of customization and hypothetical class combos is vast and a hell of a lot of fun to experiment with.
#7 Titanfall 2
Respawn Entertainment found their solid footing after the misfire that was the first Titanfall. Don’t get me wrong, the first game is fun but as deep as a deflated kiddie pool. Titanfall 2 improves on the first Titanfall in spades. More titans, customization, unlockables, maps, and an actual single-player campaign. The real tragedy was the marketing and release date for this game. With a release date sandwhiched between Battlefield 1 and Cod: Infinite Warfare this game was set-up to be overlooked. But that didn’t matter to me, as I still believe Titanfall 2 is better than both those games. 
#6 Overwatch (PC Edition)
Blizzard struck gold, diamond, platinum, oil, and every other valuable resource with Overwatch. I knew after watching the first reveal trailer that this was gonna be a good game, but in my opinion a good game with friends. Playing solo can prove to be a frustrating, anti-fun experience when you’re getting stomped and your team can’t cooperate even if their lives depended on it. But the universe Blizzard created is probably the best part about this game and the selling point in my eyes. The colorful cast of characters, all with their own backstories, unique abilities and great design to top it off. And it’s only $40 bucks in PC, the perfect price for this kind of game (sorry console players D:). 
#5 Monster Hunter Generations
Sneaking it’s way into my #5 spot is Monster Hunter Generations. I say sneaking because I didn’t expect to love this game as much as I do. It may not seem too impressive to MH veterans but after sinking 100 hours into Generations, I can safely say I’m a newfound fan of the series. The game might seem boring to some: a cycle of accepting quests, eating food for buffs, prepping for the quest, finish the quest, rinse and repeat. But the game really starts picking up once you start hunting giant wooly mammoths and dinosaurs ripped straight out of Jurassic World. Then using their carcasses to create new gear and weapons for yourself. The game just keeps on giving and giving to no end. Oh, and there’s online mutiplayer which a blast to play with minimal lag and very few connection issues.
#4 Final Fantasy XV
The last game I beat before the end of 2016, Roadtrip Fantasy XV was a great way to close out the year. Much like previous games in the series, the story is batshit insanity. Square Enix went out of their way to create a small universe for this game, complete with a film and anime series. So without watching the movie specifically, some of the story elements may seem confusing and out of left field. Now the best part about FFXV is hands-down the main cast of characters. The Backstreet Boys (Noctic, Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto) all have a lot of heart and feel like genuine characters. They play off of each other extremely well, have great banter between them, and even have some surprising heart-to-heart moments with each other. Their relationship carries over beautifully into the combat. This FF game plays a lot similar to the likes of Kingdom Hearts. Battling as Noctis and setting up combo moves with your squad is exhilarating and rewarding. I know I gave my 2 cents about the story but it wraps up in what might be my favorite ending to a video game this year. It took Square 10 years to make this game, and it was all worth it. 
#3 Fire Emblem Fates
I’ll say it now, this game doesn’t hold a candle to Awakening. The fact that the full experience is essentially split into 3 games takes a toll on the story. But the gameplay is still the same tried and true Fire Emblem formula.  Managing your units and trying to get them killed is a very strategic and rewarding experience. The marriage/child mechanic makes a return in Fates but from a narrative point of view, the reintroduction of this mechanic doesn’t seem to make as much sense as Awakening. Overall, it’s more Fire Emblem and I can’t really complain too much about that. Also, Felicia/Jakob best partners.  
#2 Pokemon Sun and Moon
Pokemon Sun and Moon is the definitive Pokemon experience. I’ve been a longtime fan of the series so placing the game at #2 may seem biased, but I truly feel like Sun and Moon changed up the traditional Pokemon formula to warrant the #2 spot. While yes, the first few hours is nothing but tutorials and hand holding, I don’t see it as much of a problem since it pretty much makes Sun and Moon the most accessible Pokemon game in the series. And with the spike in popularity because of Pokemon GO I anticipate there may be a whole slew of series newcomers. Out with the old conventional Pokemon gyms and in with island trials, a really good story (in Pokemon standards), beautiful art and graphics, and countless quality-of-life changes that polish the overall game experience. The Pokemon game for everyone, Sun and Moon still proves that Game Freak can still inject some life into this franchise.
#1 Ratchet and Clank
I mentioned earlier about Overwatch’s killer price tag. Now imagine that price on a full, triple A, single player experience and you got yourselves the Ratchet and Clank reboot. This game in amazing in every aspect. It runs and plays beautifully even though it’s set at a sneaky 30 FPS, but it’s almost unnoticeable. Insomniac really surprised me with this game. I knew from the start I was in for a treat but I wasn’t aware how well made this game would actually be. Zany, quirky weapons galore, a reimagining of the plot from the first game, very tight and fluid gameplay, and the introduction of the galaxy’s greatest duo on the Playstation 4. Ratchet and Clank is my #1 favorite game of 2016, and here’s hoping Insomniac will release another one of these masterpieces in the foreseeable future. 
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mega-aggron · 7 years
ask meme 1-150
¯\_(ツ)_/¯gdi winston
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
erica, my friend across the hall
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
super shy ;-;
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
idk! i’ve gotten a surprising amount of diversity in friend and family interactions the last week or so. pretty content right now.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i think so? i hope so.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
i’d hope so?
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
funny people. broad guys. guys with beards.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
lorde lmao
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
not really, i just usually can’t provide much input on the subject
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
uH probably my mom
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Going good, spent the weekend at home for Father’s Day. How’re you doing?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
shit fuck why is this always a question (at least they give me a top five instead of making me choose one :p) more recent faves:
perfect places [lorde]
pool [paramore]
bandages [hey rosetta!]
cut to the feeling [carly rae jepsen]
youth (day) [oohyo]
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
i don’t mind.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
i mean jesus did some cool shit but i don’t really think much about miracles in a modern context
15. What good thing happened this summer?
got a job doing fun web dev work :D
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i can’t remember the last person i kissed
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yeah! probs not our solar system (or even close) but it is likely!!! man read up on the fermi paradox or the drake equation and get back to me, i think this shit is so interesting
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
first “crush” (thought i was straight lol): nofirst real crush: yep! not super frequently but we just got ice cream with some friends recently
19. Do you like bubble baths?
haven’t had one in like 13 years but i don’t see why not
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yes! they’re my closest friends
21. What are you bad habits?
procrastination (but i usually pull through in the end)
22. Where would you like to travel?
so many places my dude. dubai seattle and back to san francisco are probs current top 3
23. Do you have trust issues?
i don’t think so. at the very least, not usually
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
don’t really have one
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my weight :/ i hate looking like a twig but have stayed this weight for like 4 years. also i don’t embody the physical traits i find attractive in other people so i just kinda think of myself as an unattractive person
26. What do you do when you wake up?
wait for my second alarm to go off and roll back under the covers
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i’m pale as fuck and sunburn, i wish i could tan at the very least
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my friends? hashbrowns, friends across the hall, roommates, sleepovers with nitesh, dnd squad, all good options
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nah lol i had a boyfriend for like a month it really wasn’t meant to be
30. Do you ever want to get married?
yeah! someday™
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
no, but the top is getting longer than usual even though i just had a haircut oops
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
yowza hello what
33. Spell your name with your chin.
(well that could have gone better)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
volleyball during the school year. i just got a summer gym membership so who knows maybe i’ll swim or run more
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
tv hands down. i already don’t watch it a whole lot but wowza i love music
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
it sucks
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i don’t really think many silences are awkward? if anything i guess i try to think up a new topic to talk about but most of the time i’m fine staying quiet
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
isn’t this like #6
idk someone who likes laughing and is a nice person. video games, beards, and being bigger than me are also plusses
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
uniqlo is a fun store
40. What do you want to do after high school?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
usually. i mean it depends on context (like, if you cheat on someone, you probably don’t deserve a second shot at that in my book) but most of the time i think forgiveness is on the table for a first offense. but if behaviors repeat for a long time, i’m less inclined to offer it.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m probably thinking about something, zoning out, or disagree with whatever was just said and am not trying to start something
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the fear of disappointing others realizing i’ve spent as much time as possible in bed without making myself late
46. What are you paranoid about?
not much?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i don’t think so?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
i literally wish i was sara bareilles but other than that no
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
just like… my body structure as a wholeor maybe just the ability to grow a better beard, i am not about this 90% neckbeard life
53. Favourite makeup brand?
don’t wear any
54. Favourite store?
nintendo world store
55. Favourite blog?
mine #getrekt
nah idk
56. Favourite colour?
turquoise / teal
57. Favourite food?
hhhhh cheese tortellini w/ pesto
58. Last thing you ate?
orange chicken, sweetfire chicken, and chow mein from panda express
59. First thing you ate this morning?
a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i won a beauty pageant freshman year with my talent being rapping busta rhymes’ verse from look at me now and a choreography to super bass
i won a battle of the bands with the hip hop orchestra to be an opening act for t-pain and lil dicky when they performed here too
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
not in the reciprocated romantic way yet
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
i was lying on his bed watching a movie when he turned over to face me. we looked each other in the eye for a while before closing them and going for it.
65. Are you hungry right now?
li’l bit, but i’m not even halfway through these questions so i’m trying not to think about it
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
it’s a venn diagram, some of my closest irl friends are my tumblr friends and vice versa
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
i mean this list would be like 20 names long because i don’t really use the title “best friend” but nitesh winston jared and siddy are all pretty high up there
71. Craving something? What?
nothing atm
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 to 3. usually have 3 on my bed.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
on campus i have my eeveelution plushies, a totoro plush and a kicks plush. at home i probably still have some webkinz, a build-a-bear dog, a giant togepi, and a treecko.
75. Favourite animal?
oh geez idk i just…. love all of them
i really love australian blue cattle dogs, elephants, parrots, chinchillas, and otters
76. What colour is your underwear?
uh it varies but today they’re white
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
vanilla ice cream, chocolate pretty much everything else
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
vanilla, mint chocolate chip, or cotton candy
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
(i’m in pajamas it’s ok that these colors clash)
81. Favourite tv show?
geez i’m really out of touch with tv
parks and rec was good? fma brotherhood? good
82. Favourite movie?
begin again
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
is this even a question? original
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
only have seen 22 jump street but i think i’d prefer mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
why is this person so obsessed with mean girls
idk i like cady?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dory probably. or squirt
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
orange president
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
see #89
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
2? maybe 3?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
legit could not tell you lol
as a substitute, last musical i watched was sound of music last night at the kennedy center
96. Favourite actress?
…sara bareilles
97. Favourite actor?
mark ruffalo is pretty cool
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
yeah! parents have a dog named zoe and i love her
100. How are you feeling?
pretty ok! fluctuated the past couple days but i’m ok now
101. Do you type fast?
yes (perks of being in cs)
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
not a whole lot tbh. nothing that was so bad i’d want to go back and redo. i think.
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
some high school friends, i guess. but it’s been long enough that i’m kind of over it, the ones that i miss most still make efforts to keep in touch so it’s fine
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
just once, i think
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
not as far as i know
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yep! family friend rides horses and let us on hers over the years.
108. What should you be doing?
nothing! finally. (realistically, getting back into journaling. that fell by the wayside this semester and i’d love to get back into that.)
109. Is something irritating you right now?
not really. since the semester ended things have been pretty calm
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
deja vu
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
i don’t cry in front of others often. not afraid to or anything, just doesn’t happen a lot. possibly satvik back in like september
113. What was your childhood nickname?
got called punkin’ by my mom (short for chunkin’ punkin’ because i was a fat baby) but didn’t really have nicknames from my friends
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yep! fairly regularly
115. Do you play the Wii?
geez when was this survey made
play on my switch now. n64 and wii u occasionally :p
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
it’s ok!
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
the kite runner by khaled hosseini
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
not really, though i still do weird things sometimes because of the dark (double takes, turn lights on/off)
121. Are you mean?
i hope not! i really don’t think so
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
haven’t tried :p don’t get white shoes often
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
sigh i wish but i think it’s more lust than anything most of the time
125. Do you believe in true love?
not like “there is 1 person in this world destined for me” but i like the concept of making one’s relationship as strong as it can be
126. Are you currently bored?
well, i have answered 125 questions so far without looking for something more entertaining to do
127. What makes you happy?
pokemon, music, the mcelboys, humor, overwatch…
128. Would you change your name?
last name for marriage sure why not
first name i’m cool with not changing
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
inform them that i am unfortunately super duper gay
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
again, deja vu
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
hm!!!! geez there are so many good lyrics from after laughter and melodrama
“I’m underwaterWith no air in my lungsMy eyes are openI’m done giving up” - pool, paramore
“All the nights spent off our facesTrying to find these perfect placesWhat the fuck are perfect places anyway?“ - perfect places, lorde
134. Can you count to one million?
i mean, i know the order of the numbers but god forbid i try this anytime soon
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
geez idk once when i was 7 i told my grandma i couldn’t find my watch while i was staring right at it so when i wasn’t looking she took it from me and swatted my hand for fibbing
as far as i know, no lies i’ve told have had big consequences; i don’t lie that often other than what time i’ve gone to bed to my parents back in highschool
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i love wavy hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
geez idk most of them are pretty good. may is nice, august is my birthmonth.
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
dark = milk > white
145. Tea or Coffee?
don’t really drink either, but leaning towards tea (esp. chai)
146. Was today a good day?
yeah it was alright :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
uh never had a mars but i’m not too big a fan of snickers so i’ll risk it
148. What’s your favourite quote?
life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“The Great Tree stands in the center of a vast forest, and a variety of living things come here to ask for its blessing.” (Hyrule Historia)
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