#notice how one of the first phrases you learn in a foreign language is 'do you speak english' even when english isn't your first language
taichissu · 1 year
here's a friendly reminder that if english is your second language it's not "to be expected" or "the bare minimum"; it's actually so impressive and so much work to learn another language, let yourself be proud of it
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hii, I was wondering if you could do a stray kids headcanon with like a foreign s/o. Of course you don't have to do it. Don't feel pressured and please take care of yourself ❤️
stray kids with a foreign s/o
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genre: general, fluff
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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it doesn't make a difference to him tbh
he's just happy with the person you are and doesn't mind where you come from at all
he's technically a foreigner too so you guys relate in that way
just as he talks about his beloved australia with all his heart, he could listen to you go on forever about your home country. he wants to hear everything: what your childhood was like, what traditions you have, etc...
just loves learning about his favourite person sm :(((
lee know
you guys actually bonded over sucking at each other's languages
learning other languages is not a strong point of minho's. and when you can barely speak his language when you first met him, it was like a match made in heaven
you would think this would be an awkward affair. but not at all! you both were laughing over the situation and using the limited vocabulary you both had to joke around with each other
very cute stuff
since then, you both have taken a lot more interest in learning each other's language, and communicate very well together <3
changbin loves variety in his life and you provide that for him
he notices when he is travelling, other than relaxing and taking time to unwind, he enjoys learning about the local customs of the country his visiting
culture is something he recognises as important and will be happy to learn about yours
especially loves it when you cook or teach him how to make a traditional dish from your country!
i mean he doesn't care where you come from
this hopeless romantic? no way is he gonna let anything as trivial as what country you come from come in between you guys
he loves you for you
you can come from a different country. a different continent. hell, you could come from a different planet and hyunjin wouldn't care
he defends you regularly because sometimes the media aren't too keen on him being with a foreign partner. but he doesn't care. why should any of that matter?
he likes how open you are about your culture
wants to hear different stories from your country and learn what life is like over there
is very interested in the type of music your country provides as well as any traditional dances you may have
will beg you to teach the dances to him; he's a quick learner and will master it quite quickly most of the time!
just loves how passionate you get about your country
he views learning about your culture as a very important part of being your boyfriend
he wants you to know that he appreciates your background and he's so enthusiastic about embracing your differences
will buy gifts relating to your culture
also attempts to make different cultural recipes to really get into the spirit of things. even the hard recipes he gives a try, and while he's a little worried he might ruin them, felix, of course, ends up cooking them to perfection!
spends a lot of time trying to learn your language
he's quite studious in nature anyway, so it's not really a chore for him
he wants to learn to communicate with you in a way you're comfortable with
is the type to totally take you off by surprise though. perhaps if you don't know he's been studying hard to learn your language and he just comes out with a couple of phrases he has learnt like it's no big deal and you're just like?? when did you learn this????
you being foreign adds a new vibrance to his life that he didn't know he needed
similar to changbin, jeongin likes variety and he likes new, different things
he feels you can teach him a lot and open his mind to a whole different culture and way of life
you inspire him so much, knowing that the life you have led to get to and settle down in south korea hasn't been an easy one for you
this is why he values you so much as his partner even more!
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Melissa dating a foreigner (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Word count: +1000
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- When she hears your accent for the first time, Melissa is delighted and immediately starts trying to guess where it's from, if she can't figure out the origin on her own she'll ask you personally. You are the new temporary teacher and are at the table talking with Janine when the woman, whom you have never talked to before, sits down next to you, scrapes her throat and with a hoarse voice asks "What's up? What part of the world did this angel fly from?"
- Curious, she will ask everything about your country, from history and culture to your favorite things, this is how you slowly get closer, learning about each other during lunch breaks while enjoying company and food. She is extremely excited to try the cuisine, even more so when you describe it;
- And the food is what brings you even closer together, she rarely invites people from work over to her home, but she has simply become obsessed with a couple of typical dishes you have brought, practically begging you to come over and teach her some. It's a nice evening, drinking wine and sharing recipes;
- It becomes routine to have these evenings, on Fridays you meet in her kitchen, alternating between Schemmenti family recipes, Italian ones and your own. After enjoying the meal you have cooked together there is nothing better than watching romantic comedy movies, playing board games, doing jigsaw puzzles, or simply having a good conversation while finishing a bottle of wine;
- On one of these evenings, while you are showing pictures of your respective families and having a good time telling stories, she leans over to pour you a third wine glass, laughing at a joke with funny words in your language, and loses balance falling on top of you, eye to eye, breathing unevenly, body and breath hot. In a millisecond Melissa's soft lips are on yours, in a gentle and tender kiss that soon becomes passionate, lustful;
- After that, you can be sure, she will officially ask you to date her. Two weeks after the first kiss/night, you are at another Friday dinner, this time is different, there are candles on the table, a rose in the center, Melissa has prepared your favorite dish and is wearing a red dress that highlights each curve of her. With a cheat sheet under the table, she is asking you to date her in your first language, some of the words come out funny but it's very cute and makes your heart melt watching her roll the tongue in pronunciation. Very nervous;
- If you have trouble with english she will make sure to help whatever you need, so dedicated that she spends hours redoing exercises and reading books together, teaching you tips and tricks. She also creates ludic games for practice, personalized cards with words that you have difficulty with or want to learn;
- And she will want to learn your language, it's cute when you find her using an app, repeating the pronunciation and writing down each new thing she learns, the redhead secretly uses a children's activity book to learn the basics, it's simple, didactic and with fun illustrations;
- You will have to learn Italian anyway, at least the basics to be able to communicate with her family. She is going to teach you the essentials, like good morning, greetings, basic questions, and, especially, swearing. All Schemmenti are dirty-mouthed and also like to swear in Italian, knowing how to swear defines survival within the family;
- She loves to find out little things about you and always wonders if some habits are cultural or just something unique to Y/N, curious about every aspect of you. When you speak expressions, in less than a week she starts using them, along with usual phrases and sayings. Melissa loves to learn about your culture's typical dishes, favorite songs, hobbies and dressing customs, and may or may not acquire some of your personality by osmosis without noticing;
- If you travel to your home country she will love to know everything, taking with her travel guides and an, by the way, inseparable dictionary, the teacher refuses to ask for help with the language because she wants to show you how dedicated and good she can be speaking the idiom... but at some point Mel will, after you let her screw around while locals talk fast or expressions she doesn't recognize. It's fun and cute;
- It's a culture shock if there doesn't have a local Football team , she will question ten times if you are sure until she finally accepts. But will support whatever other sports your country has, that's what she does as a big supporter of sports in general;
- She will try everything from tourist attractions to cuisine, you might imagine that restaurants would be her weakness, but no, she will be completely obsessed with little shops and fill a bag with souvenirs for herself, family and friends. Key chains, small decorations, T-shirts, in short, everything that can remind her of your trip will be bought;
- If you bring her to a farm or something similar, well, your girlfriend becomes a total cowgirl, she likes the idea of country life, taking care of animals, enjoying the view, the nature, and, if there are crops, feeling the freshness and the taste of natural food while cooking. Maybe in the future, at some point and with someone who wants the same thing as her, Melissa will consider living somewhere like this or at least having a country house to get a taste of this tranquility;
- Pictures, lots of pictures! She will register every moment and will for sure make a special album when returning to the US, frame some of them to put on the walls, maybe even put one in her wallet along with a copy of the first picture you took together;
- And on this return trip Mel plans to ask her to move in with her, there is a special copy of the key with a keychain placed in a velvet box and when you see it your heart skips a beat imagining being asked to marry her, but you both laugh at the misunderstanding. To be clear, she is probably using a dictionary for this too... and a lot of courage.
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Seven - 17
Monodramon frowned. He felt like he was intruding on a very personal moment for Ryo, but he didn’t want to leave the Chosen of Miracles’ side, even for an instant. If nothing else, he was a non-presence around Ken, given the boy wouldn’t have known him even if in his right mind. It was probably best to keep it that way, if only so that it would be easier for him to watch over Ryo.
After all, it wasn’t as if Ken was the only one who was suffering.
Monodramon might not have known Ryo for long, but he paid rapt attention to the Chosen of Miracles since their first meeting. In all that time, he learned to notice the signs of strain and trauma that Ryo tried hiding behind a brave mask. The Chosen of Miracles was truly an inspiration to manage to keep moving forward in spite of everything, but the strength the boy showed was so fragile, the dragon Digimon feared that sooner or later, Ryo might break down completely.
The worst part of it all was that Monodramon was helpless to stop it - he could only do his best to support Ryo until the end.
“How are you feeling, Ken?” Hikari asked hesitantly even though she already had an idea of what the answer was.
“Fiiiiine,” Ken said, with an absent smile. “Sooooo much better… I’m not throwing up anymore, which is good.”
“That’s… good,” Ryo said with an awkward smile.
“Yep!” Ken chirped in agreement. “Good!”
At that moment, the door nearly burst open as Daisuke burst into the room with Chibimon clinging to his shoulder. Even with the foreign golden color his eyes had taken, they were still filled with concern and panic for the boy who he once called his best friend. “Ken!? Are you okay!?”
“Daaaisuuukeeeee~!” Ken practically sang with a big, goofy smile on his face as he stretched his arms out towards the goggle boy. “Daaaai-suuu-keee, daaaaai-suuu-kiiii,dai-su-ke,dai-su-ki~!”
Daisuke stumbled in his steps when Ken twisted the Japanese language to turn his name into a form of endearment. Hearing the other boy say something so bold as, “I like you,” even just as a play on words turned his face fire engine red, and he froze in place, his glowing golden eyes widening in shock.
 Ken didn’t seem to register Daisuke’s shock, or that of the others as he continued his sweet sounding litany, swapping the final syllable of the Chosen of Tenacity’s name so that it became a very affectionate phrase that none of the assembled Chosen Children were expecting to hear. He giggled and grinned as he repeated the phrase over and over. At times he randomly dragged the syllables out. Other times he babbled quickly, adding an alternating and unpredictable emphasis to each syllable.
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shineyma · 1 year
I think it's just bad imitation Froot Loops. They don't taste like cardboard and I've had them for a few days, opened too. It's just the taste is very very... mild. Indifferent. First thing I noticed when I opened the bag was the smell of crystal sugar. You know the smell of that sugar-covered jelly-like candy? That's it. Anyways. I did find an online store where I live that imports authentic Froot Loops but your regular box costs, like, 12 bucks? It was a while ago to remember precisely but the price was definitely outrageous for a box of cereal.
I do think shipping Ward x Simmons and Buddie is a sign of really good taste. Congratulations to us!
Do not badmouth the soulmate au, Amy! We do not badmouth the soulmate au in this house, no matter how much it may be your right as the author! In all seriousness, the original was really really really good. It was brilliant. I learned English as a foreign language and I've been lucky to have a knack for it. I've read lit, student books, academic essays, your run-of-the-mill current-affairs articles. I've read a lot of fanfiction. And the way I acquired English makes me far more acutely aware of the readability of a text than a native speaker. And I can honestly say to you that reading your writing is an experienceTM. Your works are so easy to read, there is such a nice flow to reading them, yet somehow you sacrifice nothing from the complexity required to make them absolutely great in terms of style and storytelling. You'll write these long sentences or use unusual syntax, sometimes at the same time, to convey a thought, an emotion of the pov character, or highlight something about that particular point in the plot -like 'oh, twist!'- and the level of readability even of that one sentence won't drop a bit. And it drops in most texts I've read, even from best-selling and acclaimed authors. They'll sacrifice the ease of reading their writing to accommodate a phrase that they're really fond or proud of, and I understand that. Even if I have to go slower or read a sentence twice, I too am a sucker for those phrases that make you go 'woah' and you still think about them even after you've finished reading the story, or maybe you've paused reading just to grasp that very phrase. The thing about your writing is that you have that, the phrases that make the text come some sort of alive or that make us go 'woah', and that in the end show just how good you are at the whole writing thing when it comes to manipulating language to get what you mean across, but you never compromise the readability of your work. I mean it: that's not easy. As a foreign reader, I can really appreciate that. And all right, this is way too long so I won't start (extensively) on your storytelling ability, but just know that your body of work on ao3 shows just how wide your creative range is, and to circle back to the soulmate au that it hurts me personally to hear you badmouth it: you added a soulmates-with-timers element to the aos canon, yet you somehow managed to both adhere to most of that canon -especially the overall plot, the events and the timeline- and also fill in its plot holes ingeniously in a way the aos writers themselves couldn't have possibly filled them ever, even though they, you know, wrote both the damned plot and the holes to go along with it. And that's that on that.
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Nonnie, you're so sweet!!!! That's such a kind thing to say, thank you!!! I wish I had a better response but I just keep looking at this and getting emotional...you're very kind <3 <3 <3 <3
(And oof, yeah, 12 bucks is way too much for Froot Loops...I hope you get to experience the real thing someday!)
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pourol-of-givraines · 2 years
Day 2: The Translator
With the huge, empty book before me, the size of my task had become a little daunting. I decided to make some enquiries about who was a fellow scholar I could talk to about the study of Tajlen. Of those currently living on peak Jarhof, a fellow called Kurhef Ihmont had recently set up rooms in a fishing hut outside the walls to translate some sacred Dualist tablets into the contemporary.
The Kurhef (which I learned is a title of respect, roughly meaning 'elder') was to be found in a hut by one of the fishing lakes outside town, amidst workshops full of people either mending their nets or grinding acorns in the morning mist.
I found Ihmont inside the hut, rushing about sorting piles of stone slabs being carried in by some cheerful kids. The heavy, chiseled tablets required four of them to lift one off a horsecart and deposit it atop or beside the others, slowly filling the small space. Looked like they were only just getting moved in.
Ihmont looked instantly fascinated to see me, who was clearly from far away. In really quite good Olvidois, they peppered me with questions and showed the same unfocused enthusiasm about my story as I had seen them apply to the sorting of their tablets before. They were very excited to hear about my lexicon project and said they'd be extremely willing to help, but having only arrived recently with all this precious luggage, it was all still taking a while to set up. Naturally, I asked whether I could be of any assistance.
Dear reader, negotiating the purchase of nails and planks to put up some shelves in a foreign language is more difficult than you might expect. First order of business was noting down aidik 'nail, bolt' and dojfalt 'plank, piece of wood'. Starting to notice ai- popping up a lot in words for little round stuff.
Speaking to the locals in the mix of languages I've come to expect from most of the residents here, I learned that Ihmont hadn't been here for as little time as I had thought. They had left the big capital city on Tajlen-lón a year ago and lived with various fishing families around this area before recently building the hut I had visited in the morning to move permanently. Tired of responsibilities, Ihmont had chosen to live the rest of their life doing just the work they wanted to do and spreading its joy.
What exactly the locals were juding Ihmont by while telling me this story , I couldn't determine. The most basic of cultural principles are usually not really talked about, simply because they seem so basic to their havers that they never really think about them. Listening to them, you'd think the erstwhile genius and top diplomatic official in the capital had been reduced to a pottering nitwit. Let a man retire. A phrase of a level I am now apparently just about able to understand did stay with me, just because the grammar was fascinating. They said, 'I don't know how this great mind can be so fragile.'
– Yli en tasfalt bjot spolbjimara sakon, lö freilanbyren. Took a nap after transcribing that.
Setting up the shelves turned out a lot easier than bartering for them. Working together, Ihmont explained about their project and about their understanding of the development of the Tajlen language and was especially helpful in pointing out some dialect-related details to the local vocabulary. They said they would still be talking a few days to set up properly, but invited me to come by again as soon as they had really got back into work. From what I understood, they especially had a lot of thoughts about cultural terms to talk about with an outsider. Definitely the speaker with the most diverse Tajlen vocabulary I have met so far. Time for a drink.
Day 2 Tajlen lexicon
dojfalt - n.syn. plank, manmade piece of wood.
aidik - n.syn. nail, bolt. ai- + dik
tasfalt - n. mind, imagination, 腦洞.
spolbjimara - adj. breakable, fragile. see spolyra.
Kurhef - n.nat. respectful title for elders or superiors.
soraidu - n.nat. acorn. sór + aidu
orhof - n.syn. fishing net. ori + hóf
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It’s only a beginning (Ardeth Bay x fem!reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Ardeth Bay x fem!O’Connell!reader
Universe: The Mummy (1999) / The Mummy Returns (2001)
Word Count: 1777
Requested: @omgsuperstarg​ mentioned that they would like to read about wedding with Ardeth - so here it is!
Warnings: mention of food, crying. The phrase in italic at the end means that it is said in Arabic. I tried to show wedding traditions in Egypt and it could work out very poorly. I did online research, but there can be mistakes. I didn’t mean to offend anybody, but if it happens, please tell me, and I’ll try to fix this immediately.
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: The one when the day they both wished for finally come.
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Even if she knew traditions came along with weddings, being in the centre of it felt completely different. Since Ardeth decided to unofficially propose, a lot has happened. Every free time she had, she spent it on learning Arabic - it didn't matter that they could speak in English, and she knew that his parents also knew that language. But she's going to live with his people. She would be the wife of their chieftain, so she thought about it as one of her responsibilities. She was a bundle of nerves when she met his parents for the first time. She remembered the kind smile of Ardeth's father, a smile so familiar to her lover’s smile that she had seen so many times. His mother carefully watched her. Miss O'Connell knew she was not fond of the thought that her son wanted to marry a foreign girl. However, she saw how this girl looked at Ardeth - like he hung all the stars in the sky. Taking a deep breath, Miss Connell looked at his parents and smiled shyly.
"May I?" - She knew the position of women in this world, but she saw that they were very welcoming. At his father's nod, she started talking. "I know that I am a stranger. I know... My knowledge about your culture has gaps, but I want to learn. I love Ardeth. I love him more than life itself. And I want to make him happy. I know how important you and your people are to him. And I swear I will do everything in my power to make it work. I'm not saying that I won't make mistakes. But I'll try, and I can only ask for your patience and help." - She felt Ardeth's calloused fingers gently caressing her hand and giving it a smooth squeeze. She watched his parents, who exchanged looks and smiled softly. 
"My dear… It will be hard. The elders are demanding and traditional - they will try to find a mistake in your every move." The O'Connell girl bites her lip, afraid of rejection from the most important people in her lover's life. She squeezed his hand, looking down. - But I see that my son could not find a better woman to be his wife. You already showed that you are a warrior, like us, Medjai. There will be so much responsibility on your shoulders as a wife of a chieftain. You will need to win favour with older women, but you have an ally in us. - she looked at the older man and smiled brightly, not believing completely that they accepted her. 
"You both have our blessing, my children." O'Connell moved her eyes at Mrs Bay, and even if she didn't cry a lot in her life, she couldn't help gathering tears. She looked at Ardeth, who smiled tenderly at her. Miss O'Connell didn't even notice when she stood up and hugged the older woman, who laughed in surprise. She held the young girl close to her, already used to the thought of having one more daughter. 
From this meeting, they started preparing for the engagement and wedding. Men have started talking about mahr and shabka. Even if she wanted to protest, just one look at Ardeth was enough to stop it. She knew that he only wanted to fulfil the traditions of his people, and he just wanted to give her everything the best in this world. Not long after their contract was prepared and signed, preparation for their engagement started. It felt like preparing for two weddings, and even though she was shitless stressed, she couldn't wait to spend her life with Ardeth. Memories of Ardeth presenting her shabka were still alive. She was surprised by how generous he was with his gifts. All of this gold jewellery felt like too much. However, one look into his eyes showed her how important it was to him. And it really was important to him - she soon will be his wife, the wife of a chieftain, and he wanted all the people to know it. She felt the need to hold him close and kiss him senselessly, but it was impossible since they were around so many people. Looking into his dark eyes, she felt her heart beating fast and firmly. She couldn't tear her eyes from him throughout the evening, and when they put rings on the fingers of their right hands, she couldn't stop smiling. And then they sat together, holding each other's hands. Her eyes moved on their rings too much to not be seen by Ardeth. And he only could proudly smile at the sight of his silver ring and her modest gold band. 
Their life didn't slow after this. They found a place to live on their own, and Ardeth took care to prepare it for them. She hated that they couldn't spend any minute alone, but she tried to respect his tradition. Thank goodness she had Rick and Evy, who would cover them up once in a while. These small kisses stolen in hiding taste amazing and only made them both even more impatient. She spent a lot of time with Ardeth's mother and other females in his family - she wanted to learn from them as much as she could to make his people accept her and do everything to make him happy. She wanted to be a good wife and good chieftainess. She spent hours trying to cook or learning a way to heal people. It was a great surprise to her when his mother and cousins prepared laylat al-henna for her, and it was probably one of the most beautiful nights of her life. Astonishing patterns decorated her hands and feet when her future family talked, sang and danced. It was the time when she felt truly accepted by them all, after a rocky start, when they wanted to check if she was fit to be a wife to their chieftain. 
And then the most essential day finally came. Who couldn't believe how colourful and loud this day was, but the only thing she could think of was Ardeth. When she saw him in the crowd in his ceremonial robes her heart stopped for a moment. She found his dark eyes and couldn't help but smile. And his reaction was the same - he could be a chieftain to twelve tribes of Medjai, he could fight the creature twice, but seeing her in traditional robes took his breath away. She couldn't stop smiling and blushing at the same time when they exchanged oaths and signed the marriage contract in front of Maa'zoun and their closest family. After all the formalities were done, a colourful procession started. She could tell that most of the village was celebrating with them. She watched people dancing and singing when Rick led her to her husband. They took off her veil, and she held Ardeth's hand. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, making her close her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them again, he was attentively watching, and she could tell that this was an emotional day, not only for her. She squeezed his hand, smiling with a desire to kiss him, but in her look was the promise of this, when they only will be alone. The procession started again, just as the music led them to the reception. She couldn't count the kinds of food at the tables and guests that came to give them their wishes or pinch her knee, which made her squeal at the beginning, to the happiness of people around. She made Rick, Jonathan and Alex dance with her. She even succeeded in asking to dance for Ardeth's father, and tears gathered in her eyes when he called her daughter. Her favourite ones were dances with Ardeth. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being loved, protected, and beautiful in his arms. This feeling didn't leave her whole day, especially when she caught him looking at her. 
She thought her heart would burst from her chest when they came to the part with switching the rings. She looked straight into Ardeth's eyes when she slowly put off the ring she gave him on their engagement and put it again on his left hand. She watched him doing the same, and then he gently lifted her hand and placed a kiss just upon her wedding ring. His look was so intimidating that she couldn't help but gently touch his cheek, placing a small kiss on the second one and whispering: "I love you". 
They had fun for long hours, spending time with their families and people from the village. And then, when nobody was looking or like the newlyweds thought nobody was looking, they just sneaked out to their new home. Ardeth quickly took her in his arms and carried her over the threshold. She quietly laughed, wrapping her arms around him and her hand unconsciously finding its way into his hair. They didn't need words, just looking into their eyes at each other was enough for them. She leaned down, kissing him softly, and everything came to them completely natural. They found a way to their bedroom, and without a rush, they took off each other's clothes and started exploring their bodies. They worship and praise another person, knowing that now nothing can stop them. And just before the morning, she snuggled into his naked side with a lazy smile on her face. She felt his toned chest under her palm and his calloused fingers slowly caressing her back. Ardeth rested his cheek against the top of her head, smiling. 
"My love?" The silence of the night was broken by his raspy voice, and she hummed softly. "I feel like I waited for you for centuries… and I'm endlessly glad that Allah finally allowed our paths to cross." He moved his head and kissed her forehead softly. 
"Oh, darling…" She rose in her forearm and looked into his eyes. "We waited for each other a long time, but now we have our whole lives. And I have the feeling that this is only a beginning because my love for you won't stop even after death." Ardeth gently pulled away from a lock of hair from her face, smiling lovingly.
"I will love you to the end of time." He gently cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply. 
And their love lasted much longer than their lives - there were soulmates destined to find each other more than once, from ancient times to today. And they always found themselves, no matter what fate threw at them, and every time their love won. 
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Author’s note: Thank you  so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivate me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
Tips for Writing Sentences in a Foreign Language - for Beginners
Having studied 3 foreign languages at varying degrees of intensity and success - Japanese (I flatter myself to be fluent), Spanish (I can ask some simple questions and possibly crudely insult someone), French (I can say a few well-sounding phrases and then smile & nod when you respond). When beginning studies in languages, one of the most challenging things is to jump from the set beginner phrases from the textbook into creating your own sentences (gasp).
From my own language studies, plus experience TA'ing first year Japanese, I have a few tips for beginners on taking that leap into creating your own sentences. These will probably lean heavily on Japanese because that is the language I have the most experience with, but they are applicable to other languages too.
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1. Just start making sentences!
It sounds simple, but it's the best way to start. Writer's block? Write about what you are doing, what you want to do, or write an introduction. Worried about speaking? Talk to yourself about what you are doing, what you want to do, or introduce yourself to yourself. You don't have to write or say anything world-shaking, but getting started is the first step. You can start by modeling sentences you've already seen. If you have an example textbook sentence, try modifying it to make your own similar sentence.
PS. Your sentences don't have to be perfect either. If you notice a mistake later, just go back and correct yourself!
2. Don't try to translate the phrase from your native language EXACTLY into your target language.
Languages don't always translate exactly, but also, sometimes your skill isn't advanced enough to say the same things you can say in your native language. If you don't yet know the appropriate grammar, vocabulary, or syntax of what you want to say, not being able to say exactly what you want can be frustrating and lead you to feel defeated (personal experience here). Instead, think of how to put the idea you have into a sentence using the knowledge you DO have.
If you have just started learning a language, it might be too much to directly translate "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" (thanks, Ockham's Razor). Instead, why not try to translate "Simple is best"?
3. Avoid heading straight for the dictionary if possible when there is a word you don't know in your target language.
If you don't have the vocabulary word you need in a sentence, you might be tempted to go to the dictionary and look it up and throw it into your sentence. Whilst TA'ing first-year Japanese, this led to me puzzling and scratching my head over what the student was trying to say in their homework (hey, it's not my first language either!).
While using the dictionary to learn new vocabulary is obviously a must, when you are just starting out with sentence building it can also be a roadblock. When conjugating verbs is new to you, try using the verbs you do know to explain your idea. If you don't know a vocabulary word, selecting the right one for your context from a list of words with similar definitions can be difficult. If you don't quite know how to explain what you want to say, try rephrasing it until you can compose a less complicated sentence. Or break it into several sentences - you can work on complicated sentences when you're more comfortable with simpler ones!
Another bonus is that learning to explain what you want to say in your target language when you don't know the vocabulary is a helpful lifelong skill (that I still use today in Japanese). It can be frustrating to not be able to say exactly what you want to say in your target language at first, but if you just keep practicing you will get there.
4. Practice making sentences on the fly.
Writing allows you more time to think out the sentence, go back and make changes, and work things out more slowly. Speaking, on the other hand, is more challenging because you have to make your mouth form the words you are thinking, and do your best to make the sentence make sense to your listener. While writing sentences helps me to remember how to write hiragana/katakana/kanji and reinforces grammar (I learn best by writing it out!), speaking out loud helps your brain and your mouth learn to work together in your target language.
Don't have anyone to talk to? That's ok! Talk to yourself. Talk to your imaginary friends. Talk to your pet or your houseplant or your favorite figurine or stuffed animal. Just practice putting sentences together out loud, in real time. I promise you will notice improvement if you practice daily!
5. Don't be afraid of making mistakes!
But even if you do just throw in the dictionary word and your professor/study buddy/language exchange partner has to ask you what you were trying to say, that's ok! Making mistakes is ok! That's how you learn. Don't be afraid to be wrong, to be mocked and ridiculed.. ok, you most likely won't be mocked and ridiculed. (If you are, please find new language friends.)
Language learning is about making mistakes. Even now, after YEARS of studying and speaking and even doing interpretation/translation... I make mistakes (gasp). And it's ok. Ok, sometimes I think about the mistakes I have made in conversation in the middle of the night, but I'm working on that too. One day, you'll look back, and realize that agonizing over particles and which kanji to use and whether or not you would sound dumb when you were speaking to a native speaker is not the part you remember. You will remember when you could barely write your name in katakana, and realize that suddenly you can talk about your favorite hobby in exacting detail.
6. Don't practice in a vacuum.
Practicing sentences, written or spoken, on your own is fine! It's a great way to learn and improve your language skills. But I would recommend not spending all your time studying and practicing in a vacuum. There are lots of online ways to get your writing or speaking corrected (paid or not), and I would recommend taking advantage of them. I have gotten into the habit of using certain words that are too informal or that are not correct in the context I wanted to use them in, and it took a native speaker to point them out since I had become so used to using them (and so sure that I was right). So make sure to practice your language outside of your own head, and you will be able to improve even more.
So, what next?
Get out there and start making sentences! Write them, say them, and just practice. Don't stress about being perfect or making sentences that will change the course of history... instead, just start making sentences!
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randoimago · 2 years
Okay, picture this: Hifumi, Sae, Futaba & Kawakami from Persona 5 with a foreign S/O who, when they first meet, struggles to speak Japanese & hold a conversation (but still manages to do so). The girls decide to befriend them, and as their relationship progresses from friendly to romantic, S/O becomes so good at speaking Japanese that they're practically as fluent as a native speaker.
I'm really curious to see where & how you'd picture these girls meeting their S/O with this kind of scenario, as well as how you'd think the relationship would progress.
Foreign S/O Gradually Getting Better at Speaking Japanese
Fandom: Persona 5
Characters: Futaba Sakura, Hifumi Togo, Sadayo Kawakami, Sae Niijima
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: I kind of just assumed the S/O in this speaks English for these headcanons since it wasn’t specified. Hope that’s okay!!
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Sure she knows some English from online learning and such, but it’s easier for her to read than hear. So expect her to pull her phone out for some translation app or something to help you out.
New people still scare her a little so she’ll help you out then quickly leave. Except you two end up running into each other again and again and she just gives in to her fate.
As your Japanese skills grow, she’s relieved that she can use her app less considering the translations aren’t always the best.
Can’t help but let out exclamations each time she hears you correctly say a new phrase. Even if it’s a simple introduction. Your Japanese has gotten so good!
She does her best to help you with whatever questions you have, but there’s definitely some trouble on both ends since English isn’t one of her best subjects.
Is glad when you both get some kind of translation tools as it helps you both improve with the other language when you two talk and meet up more.
There’s some satisfaction from her when you’re able to speak to her without looking at whatever book or app to help. Just knowing how much you’re improving makes her happy, but also pushes her competitive button because now she has to get better at English too.
It just becomes a thing where you’re both doing your best to be the best at the other language and she’s glad she can speak to you in either one fluently.
Considering all the students she’s tutored on various subjects, she knows a good bit of English to help translate for you when you need it.
It’s definitely a very slow start, but she has a lot of patience with helping you. It helps that you’re cute too.
Is proud when you two are dating and you’re able to order for the two of you at restaurants and such.
Honestly can’t help but be amused by how awful you were at Japanese in the beginning and now you’ve pretty much got it down. Five gold stars from her!
Thankfully she knows a decent bit of English so she can hold a conversation with you at least. Just asking you about yourself and things like that.
It’s honestly a good way to learn new experiences as well as practice up on her own language skills.
Does notice when your skills do start getting better. It makes sense that you’d pick up on things more since you’re living in the country now. She even does her best to correct you at times to hopefully help you more.
Honestly very impressed with how much your Japanese has improved. There’s hardly any mistakes anymore and she’s not pointing out mistakes as often. She’s proud, S/O.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Home (JJK x Reader) 💜🔞
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🌅Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🌅Genre: Fluff(!!!), comfort, vanilla smut, idol!Jungkook, foreign!Reader
🌅Warnings: sweet vanilla sex, fluffy Koo, body worship/body positive Kook because yes, praising, kissing, lots of kissing because Koo be soft like that, slight language issues, mention of past injury, a bit of nibbling here, a bit of marking there, you know me by now, showering together, brief mention of oral (f. Rec), couch sex but its like only a second lol, its just so soft good lord
🌅Summary: Singing about love without having experienced it properly before, Jungkook felt a little foolish- as if he didn't quite have the rights to the words he'd put out there for others to listen to. But Jungkook also loved to learn new things; and loving you was one of them.
NOTE: Languages spoken are shown as the following just for clearance: English | Korean
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In a way, love was a stupid topic for him to sing about.
Sure, as an Idol, love songs sold like crazy; young hearts craving romance like moths yearned for light, but in a way, Jungkook felt foolish to sing about something he'd never truly experienced. He had sung about heartbreak, yet his own had never been so much as scratched a little. He'd sung about the simple sense of euphoria of falling in love, even though his young mind had never been clouded by romantic feelings ever before. And he continuisely sang about craving his partner, as if someone was waiting back home for him.
But every time he would visit his apartment, the one he'd bought for just himself, there was nothing waiting for him but his gaming console and closed curtains.
However, recently, things have changed, little by little. His lyrics became better, more real, more close to home as he felt himself feel all weird inside from the overflowing feelings he felt whenever he came in contact with you- be it through text, phone calls, small videos and pictures you and him would send each other, or via his all time favorite thing ever; visits from you. He knew in a way, he was playing a dangerous game- balancing his work and idol life and his privacy with you (his tiny bubble how he always called it after learning that little phrase from you) all the time. His hyungs had suspicions, sure- but they couldn't get anything out of him. There was nothing he would spill, no moment when he would be careless and let something slip. Namjoon had simply become curious on why the youngest had made such a jump in his english skills- going from a lazy 'I can't speak english' to actual sentences and pronunciation that grew better and better each week. He knew that something was up; after all, Yoongi had noticed the youngest's interest and favoritism of love-centered-lyrics lately. However, every time they would ask, he'd simply grin, telling nothing.
No, you were his little secret to keep for now.
It was just you and him, in his tiny little bubble, safe and sound. A place where he could pretend that no one knew him, no one but you.
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He does a double-take when Jimin waves him goodbye, getting into a different car than himself. It takes his exhausted mind a moment to quite realize that no, he's not gonna return to the dorms. He hasn't been doing that for a few weeks now, but sometimes he still slips into old habits.
No, he's driving home, to you. Waiting in his apartment.
He still can't quite believe that he really did this. He's been so used to living with his hyungs that it took him a few days to overcome his own awkwardness, even around you. He'd reassured you it wasn't because he didn't want you around him, but simply because he had to adjust a bit. And slowly, he did, and oh boy, did it feel great.
He felt accomplished. It's the first time that he's got something solely for himself; he doesn't have to share anything at all about his new life with you. Your kisses, your touch, your smile, your love- that all belonged to him, and him alone. For once, he could let himself be selfish as much as he wanted to be, and it was totally justified. He felt good around you. You gave him a sense of normality, brought him back down to earth after every mind shattering performance high up on the sparkling stage. You made him feel like he's just a young man in his early twenties, living with his girlfriend in a shared apartment in Seoul. He wasn't BTS' Jungkook for you, he was Jeon Jeong-guk, and that was refreshing considering that they dealt daily with so-called 'friends' that just used them for some minutes of fame on social media, milking their fans' trust for what it was worth, until they were done with it, never to return.
It was hard, if not impossible to find a partner in his world, surrounded by false promises and polished masks. Yet somehow, between all those lies, he'd stumbled upon you.
You and your colorfully painted nails, chaotic personality, and gentle soul. You were his, he was sure of it; his soulmate destined, even if it sounded cheesy. You had pulled him into your little bubble, little safe-zone from all the trouble outside. Just like now; putting in the apartment code to hear the now familiar chime- while inside, the light was on, warm glow illuminating the inside of his home. Instantly, he breathed in the smell that always reminded him of this place; his clothes having picked up the signature scent of his beloved fabric softener and the vanilla candles inside. It was weird, how every home seemed to smell differently. He'd always been sensitive to these things, and in a way, it made him smile every time he'd visit the dorms just to notice that difference nowadays.
Walking inside, he was met with your form putting something away into the fridge, dressed in his oversized carhartt-sweatshirt, and some fuzzy socks- mainly because you hated your feet getting cold on the kitchen tiles, and always forgot to turn on the floorboard heating. The shirt was big enough to cover your behind- and he could only guess that you probably skipped shorts alltogether, simply sporting your black panties underneath. He was way past that stage of being flustered by these things. It didn't make him react in a sexual way anymore nescessarily- even though it did turn him on. But, not truly in such a way; more like, it made him happy and proud, in a way, that you felt so comfortable around him. "Oh! Hey Jungkookie- I've made lasagna, do you want some?" You asked, and he nodded, putting away his jacket before properly walking up to you as you pulled the leftover food from the fridge again. "Didn't think you'd be home so early. Everything okay?" You asked, and he nodded, his mind by now able to properly translate whatever you said inside his head. Of course he wasn't fluent by any means- but he was able to figure out what you meant even without knowing every single word you spoke.
"Yeah." He answered. "Namjoon broke uh.. almost broke my hand." He grinned, and you chuckled, placing a plate with food and cutlery in front of him before sitting down at the table, listening. "He held mic, and then-" He imitated the situation, moving his arm down onto his wrist with way less strength than his bandleader had done today. "Hit my hand." He explained, and you laughed. "Is fine though, don't worry. I'm good now." He finished, before he started eating, watching as you pulled up your knees, slipping underneath the way too large fabric of his dark sweater. "You cold? Where' your pants?" he grinned, continuing to eat.
"Ah no I'm good, I was just too lazy to put any on. And it's just you after all, so it's fine." You said, resting your cheek on your knees.
"Hmhm.." He hummed, eagerly shoving the last bite inside his mouth before he leaned back, sighing. "Hm, can be naked too." He cheekily answered, scrunching up his nose in a signature manner as you laughed at that. He could sometimes be like that; blunt and open, uncaring about what you could think of him. It made you happy that he was able to let himself go around you like this, showing his true personality without the fear of saying something that might get him into trouble. And also, he wasn't really able to sugarcoat his words yet- so he simply said things the way he knew you'd understand. "Tired." He groaned after a moment, letting himself relax on the kitchen chair, head falling back and arms loosely hanging down. Your hand reached out, fingers combing through his long hair in a manner you knew he enjoyed- getting instant feedback in the form of an almost purring sound coming from him. "Carry me." He mumbled out, and you scoffed.
"You're practically twice my size- if anyone should be carried its me!" You laughed, and he joined in as well, before he opened an eye. Suddenly he got up, pulling on your arm so you stood up from the chair, before he picked you up bridal style, carrying you into the cold bedroom void of light. You giggled as your body hit the sheets and pillows still cool from the opened windows letting in fresh air throughout the day- and he groaned again, dramatically so, before he pulled you close, kissing your head before he became silent and still. "Jungkook?" You tried, but he didn't answer. "Baby I have to turn off the lights-" You started, but he simply began to pat his jeans for his phone, unlocking it before he opened the smart-home app, turning the lights off. "You got an app for the dishes too?" You laughed, and he chuckled, inked hand hitting your behind playfully.
"Don't be brat." He grumbled out with closed eyes.
"Jungkook you have to at least undress-" You argued again, and Jungkook shook his head.
"Baby." He said, and you made a sound questioning him. "I'm baby, not Jungkook." He said, and you laughed after a moment.
"You are my baby, and my baby needs to wash up and get ready for bed before I'm gonna push him off of this bed." You challenged, and he snorted.
"Try." He countered, and began to laugh open heartidly once you started pushing against his chest with all your strength; which basically did nothing than move him a tiny bit on his side. "Okay, okay, I'm good boy." He laughed, and stood up, turning on the bedroom lights before he walked inside the bathroom with you following. Things like these had recently become so domestic with you around- brushing his teeth, washing his face, or even putting on skincare products became such a healing time with you around, even if you didn't say anything. It was the simple situation that made him realize why people even had relationships in the first place. Just like now; with him in front of the mirror washing his face, and you sitting on the closed toilet brushing your teeth while browsing something with your phone. There were no words spoken, but it still felt so.. intimate to him.
The first nights you'd stayed over, you even locked the door when going to the bathroom. He'd do the same when showering, and would even wait until you were done with your nighttime routine before starting his- yet slowly, it transitioned into leaving the door open, or joining you in brushing teeth every evening and morning. He appreciated the fact that you never complained about him not being there during the day, or being kept from his hyungs- at the same time, he let you have your own freedom as well. He liked whenever you talked about work, or your friends and family; and he truly felt his heart swell whenever you spoke from his parents, and how close you were with them. With your own living far away overseas, he sometimes feared you becoming homesick- but you reassured him all the time that even though sometimes you felt a little lonely, it was worth waiting for him every day.
He swore himself to never take you being next to him for granted.
He'd never take it for granted to hold you in his arms once you two were ready for bed. He'd never take for granted that you were just so utterly perfect in his eyes- letting yourself be held so tightly even though he knew sometimes he could be a bit too rough with you. You never complained- no, just like now, you'd simply wiggle around a little, a silent tell-tale sign that he was overdoing it, before settling down again, holding him as well.
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"Alright, spill." Jimin suddenly said, as he let himself fall onto the couch next to the youngest of the group, who immediately locked his phone as to not show what he had been doing. "Come on, you got a girlfriend or what?!" Jimin laughed, before his eyes widened, jumping up. "Hyung, you were right!" He yelled, making Jungkooks brows furrow.
"As long as he stays under the radar its fine, leave him be." Namjoon scolded, as the rest of the band slowly sat down for a break from shooting. "I think he knows well enough how careful he's gotta have to be." He said, before taking a swig from his water bottle.
"Is she staying over at your apartment sometimes?" Taehyung asked as he took off his jewelry, watching Jungkook as he began to chew on the inside of his lips in nervousness. "Aish come on, you can't expect us to not have questions." Taehyung laughed, before Jin chimed in.
"Yah, leave him be if he doesn't want to talk about it." He scolded just like namjoon, as he got his hair retouched. "Let him have his fun." He said, and even though it wasn't meant to come across the way it did, it somehow made the maknae snap a little.
"It's not just 'fun'." He growled, eyes a little challenging as he tilted his head to let the makeup-noona work a bit easier on him.
"Oh, so you DO have a girlfriend!" Jimin said.
"Doesn't concern you." He mumbled, desperate to finish the topic. Of course, now would be the best moment to get it over and done with, spill the beans in a way, but he wanted to be a little selfish for longer. He didn't want to talk about it, not because it was embarrassing for him, but because this was.. well, his. Even the simple info about it was his to keep.
"Is she pretty?" Jimin continued, before Jungkook playfully hit him, making him stop. "Okay okay I'll stop. Wuah, I can't believe you're getting some- this is so unfair." He whined, walking back on set.
Jungkook was about to follow him, before Yoongi walked past him. "Don't let them bully you. I'm happy if you're happy. Just.. stay safe, yeah?" He asked, and Jungkook nodded. "If you trust her, I'll trust her too." He said, before they both walked back on set to finish up.
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Even though you were both completely comfortable around each other, have shared awkward childhood stories and skincare products, Jungkook had yet to see you naked.
He'd gotten glimpses of your body here and there; your thighs and faint stretch marks on them, your little tummy whenever you'd reach up for something thats a little too high to reach and your clothes would rise up. Your collarbones, so delicately on display whenever you wore that off-shoulder sweater he liked so much (seriously the fabric was so soft holy crap- he always had to cuddle you whenever you wore it), a little glimpse of your cleavage whenever you wore tank tops, or your cute butt dressed in only your panties whenever you ran around the house in just his oversized tops. But there was still a lot of you he hadn't seen- and even though of course he was curious, he was also a gentleman; waiting until you would eventually show yourself without his urging.
Because at the end of the day, you did the same- even though he knew that his body was no eyesore whatsoever, it was still intimate to show himself like this. He'd shown himself shirtless before, and his legs were nothing you've never seen before either- but showing himself to you without any clothes at all still made him a little nervous to say the least.
But it seemed like all the waiting payed off in the end. Because, randomly, you almost ran into him when he'd just taken off his top, ready to take a shower, as you looked at him for a moment. Maybe it was still the slight adrenaline running through his veins from the online concert he'd pulled off that day, or simply the timing being right, he'd grinned at you, feeling impish. "You gonna join?" He said, and you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders.
"If you want me to." You said, and he swallowed.
Now or never, he thought, and smiled, simply continuing to shed his clothes, forcing himself to never so much as stop for the fraction of a second- because if he did, he knew he'd probably chicken out again, and that would most definitely make it awkward. He simply stepped inside the shower, turning it on, before his eyes strayed a bit, spotting your movements from behind the milked glass- the silhouette giving him a blurred teaser of your body. And after a moment, only lasting some seconds, you had taken off your jewelry, and opened the shower, stepping in as if it was nothing special.
But oh lord was that special.
To anyone else, maybe you weren't something overly special. But Jungkook couldn't help but admire you for a moment; from your tiny and almost doll-like shoulders compared to his own, to your chest looking so soft- down to your little tummy, your hips, and inside of your thighs decorated with the marks of growth. You looked so.. sweet, and cute, and tender, like an angel painted in those old oil-paintings, just way more beautiful. He suddenly felt even more protective of you- his inner urge to simply keep you safe and sound in his arms growing with every second he got to see you. "Can you, uhm.. help me wash my hair?" You asked, looking up at him, and he swore he died and got ressurected all at the same time with the view he had. He nodded, taking the shampoo from you before squirting a little into his hand, lathering your hair as gently as possible. He led you underneath the steady shower of water again after a moment, careful not to get it into your eyes as he washed everything out, before you gave him the conditioner as well.
"This smells nice." He commented, noting the brand of haircare products you used to buy for himself. He'd always liked the scent of whatever you used- he actually had wanted to ask you about it anyways. Now it just made good context for a little chatting. "Good?" He asked, after washing that out too, and you nodded, smiling as he started to actually wash himself- giving you the loofah however after you'd held out your hand for it, thinking that you wanted to use it. He got surprised however when you gently urged him to turn around, running it over his back. In that moment, as weird as it sounded, he suddenly felt so.. taken care of. Like he really had absolutely no responsibilities- that no one expected anything of him, that he really was just a person, just like you were.
And for the first time in a long while, there were no words he could've used to quite describe that properly.
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Jungkook loved kissing.
Ever since your first shared kiss, you'd noticed that kissing was his favorite form of showing affection to you- with carrying you around like a ragdoll coming close second place. Little pecks were placed on your neck and shoulders whenever he walked up behind you, kisses against your head whenever you said goodnight- but the most breathtaking ones were always right onto your lips. Even though he had been a little clumsy and unsure of it the first few times, as time went on, he got more and more confident in his skills, eventually going further and further until he reached the point of where you were now; not quite laying underneath him, but halfway side-by-side, his hand on your hip while the other was holding his body up. His eyes were closed as he moved, the sounds of lips and tongues colliding being joined by breathes that got more and more desperate every second. Neither you nor him were virgins and knew that eventually, this would end up becoming something more- and without words being spoken, somehow, you both knew that the moment was as good as it would get.
He moved, slowly, his body towering over yours as hour hands placed themselves onto his cheeks- fingers tracing his jaw before they simply stretched out, resting on his shoulders close to his neck as he continued to teasingly bite and touch- mouth and body dominating without any over-the-top gestures. He parted only for a second to pull his shirt over his head, his own hands creeping underneath yours to wordlessly ask for you to do the same- something that you gladly complied to. Inked palm immediately moved, target clear as he tapped your ribs, making you arch your back a little so he could reach the clips of your bra- only to actually get surprised once he found nothing. You giggled, pointing to the middle of your front, where he spotted the part that held your underwear together. "Oh?" He let out breathlessly, brows furrowing a bit as he struggled for a second to open it- "Aish.. I-" He started, helping you out of the straps of your bra. "Need practice- so I can do faster next time." He mumbled, and you giggled, making him join in before his palm finally grabbed your mound of flesh- gently squeezing and feeling around as he made you sigh. "Hm.. feel good?" He asked, and you nodded, breath hitching a bit as he moved his thumb over your nipple, sensitivity shooting through you. His lips began to stray at that, mouthing at your collarbones before they traveled lower, running over the soft skin of your breasts, before he moved back, resting his forehead in the crook of your neck while you squirmed around every little brush of your body against his most sensitive part making him groan out needily. He didn't mind his sounds one bit- he simply let himself be, knowing that nothing would ever be used against him when it came to you. No- you were way too sweet to ever really tease him too much; always looking out for him, always waiting up for him even if you had to get up early yourself, always checking up on him and always knowing when he needed to vent. He loved you so much he-
He loved you.
This shouldn't have shocked him as much as it suddenly did, but nevertheless, the sudden realization hit him that yes, this was love, this wasn't just a friendship that went a little further, no, this was what all his past love song covers were all about. Suddenly all those cheesy lines made perfect sense; from the classic line of stars shining in your eyes to the simple declaration of not knowing how to live without that person. It all seemed perfectly logical in his mind, how he could never think the slight squeak in your breath whenever you laughed was unattractive, how his fingers urged to trace those marks on your thighs just to feel them, or how he would never understand how he could ever feel like you were getting onto his nerves. There was nothing you could do that could make him despise you in any way. You had him wrapped around your pretty little fingers, and he was happily playing your puppet. He didn't even care.
He somehow suddenly understood that craving to feel close to someone- the appeal of being intimate in a relationship, because all of a sudden he couldn't even move his limbs fast enough as he opened the bedside drawer, opening the small box of hidden condoms for the first time- fingers so giddy they couldn't seem to cooperate quite as much as he would have liked them to as he struggled for a few seconds to get the foil package open. It was a blur, hazy, a memory he was unable to store quite right. From the moment he shed the last bits of clothing, to the second after he'd rolled the contraceptive onto his length, because the only thing he knew he'd never forget came after that. The second he finally entered you felt magical, as cheesy as it sounded inside his head. He knew he could never enjoy porn after this moment- online erotica forever ruined for him, because nothing could ever compare to the scenes playing right underneath him. Your body squirming, moving, hands reaching for him, desperate to have him as close as possible as he sighed, kissing you silly, sloppily, open mouthed as his own vocal cords couldn't hold back from voicing out his pleasure for you to hear. He was so sweet, so gentle, so absolutely bewitched as he looked at you, eyes glossy as he repeated words underneath his breath- mind empty and full at the same time. "I love you." He mumbled out, voice strained and breathless as you smiled- smile turning into a grin, and grin turning into the most beautiful moment in his life as you pulled him closer by his neck, placing a kiss onto his lips before you said it as well, for the very first time.
"I love you, Jungkook."
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"You really like her, hm?" Jimin said, usual teasing tone missing as he looked at the maknae, standing next to the snacks stacked onto the table in the dressing room, phone in hand. "You girl, I mean." He said, and Jungkook, instead of avoiding it, started to smile, nodding. He licked his lips for a moment, thinking a little, before he opened his phone's gallery, walking over to his bandmate; screen showing a selfie he took a few days ago with you. "Oh, is that her?" Jungkook nodded, confirming. "She's pretty. A foreigner?" Again, Jungkook confirmed, sitting down next to Jimin after a moment. "So that's why you've been learning so much english?"
"Yeah, but she's been learning korean as well- I thought I should put in just as much effort as she does, you know?" Jungkook explained, locking his phone before he sighed. "I.. she's just, perfect, you know? Everything I ever wanted in a girl;" He motioned with his hands. "There. Squeezed into five feet." He said, and Jimin laughed.
"Five feet, really? She's tiny then!" He said, laughing. "Is she a lot younger? She looked really young." He asked, and Jungkook shook his head.
"She's younger, but only by a few months. Also she's a bit taller than just five feet, she'd kill me if she knew I said that." He chuckled, and Jimin smiled. "I mean, you know how the short ones are always the most aggressive. Just look at yourself." He teased, and Jimin playfully hit him, making Jungkook laugh out as Taehyung and Jin walked into the dressing room- the rest of the band following.
"So, have you two had.. you know.." He started, and Jungkook looked confused, so Jimin turned a bit in his seat, well aware that everyone was listening even though they looked like they weren't. "Did you guys do it yet? I mean I don't know how long you'd been together but I mean- OW!" He laughed, as Jungkooks ears turned red, all of his hyungs obviously listening by now. It was a rare moment to hear Jungkook talk about the secret girl he had- they had to take the chance. "So you did! Oh my god you're really being serious!" Jimin said, making Taehyung and Namjoon laugh at the way the youngest groaned.
"Oh- so he's sharing info now?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin smiled.
"I even saw a picture of her, Hah!" He bragged, and Taehyung whined, attempting to speak but getting cut off by Jin; the oldest absolutely offended by that statement.
"Yah, I practically raised you for years and you're showing HIM of all people your girlfriend first? What a betrayal, I can't believe this!" He argued, making Jungkook laugh, as he took out his phone again to tap on the selfie again, showing it around- somehow comfortable now.
"Oh, a foreigner! She's pretty though." Hoseok said, getting a little closer to look at it a bit better. "So that's why you suddenly know so much english." He commented, and Jungkook smiled, nodding.
"Does she know korean?" Namjoon asked, and Jungkook nodded.
"She's learning. She takes lessons from monday to thursday, and I think also uses an app whenever she got time. We sometimes text in korean too; she get's so excited whenever she learns something new, it's cute." He explained, smiling as he looked at the picture on his phone.
"Oh he's so whipped it's actually disgusting." Yoongi commented, making everyone laugh.
His bubble was maybe visible to his family now; but that was okay. Because he knew, that even though he'd have to share you to a certain degree someday, he still held your heart. And only he did. Just like you held yours.
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"You're so.. squishy." He commented, randomly, as you were sitting on his lap while he had been showing you his new cover song.
"Why you-" You started playfully dramatic, and he chuckled, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"No no, I love it." He said, looking at you as his hand moved, tattooed finger moving to the inside of your thigh- finally giving into his curiousness as the tip of his finger traced all the faint marks on your skin from where the skin had been a little torn from growing too fast. You'd told him before how much you'd hated your stretch marks as a young teen, hiding them whenever you could. "So.. soft." He commented, as his palm ran over the skin, a kiss placed against your neck as he moved on to concentrate on his song again.
"Hmhm, that you are." You said, and his eyebrows rose a bit at that.
"Me?" He asked.
"Yeah. You're always being soft with me." You explained, and he tilted his head a little. "Like, you're always so gentle. Sweet. Loving." His eyes widened as he understood, noting inside his mind that soft was another word for those things.
"You also loving, and sweet. And cute." He said, grinning as you smiled.
"Yeah, but only with you." You said, as he clicked a little around to adjust some things while you talked. "Its funny actually how I don't even like people hugging me. But it's fine if you do it."
"Privilege!" He said proudly, and you giggled.
"Yeah, you're pretty privileged to be honest. Spoiled even." You teased, and he smiled.
"I earn." He said, before he thought again. "Earn. Earned. Earned?"
"Earned it." You said, smiling as he repeated it a couple of times as if to memorize it.
It was silent for a few moments, before you decided to speak again, voice a little quieter, a little softer, as his attention was immediately pulled from his song as the first words hit his ear. "Your mother called earlier this day." You said in korean, and he forced himself not to grin too wide- knowing fully well that it was still awkward for you to speak his language around him. "She said that uhm.. we should, like eh-" You stuttered a bit, growing shy as you struggled to find the right word, before you caught it again. "Visit! We should visit, when next time you have free time." You said, and he internally cooed at your cute mistakes. He knew the struggle of learning a new language- and was, if he was being honest, quite impressed how you managed to have such a cute faint accent instead of the usual foreign tune to your korean. It was endearing to him, really, how hard you tried for him.
"I'd love to. Next time she calls you, tell her I'll be happy to visit her together with you. How is Dad?" He asked, careful not to overdo it by speaking too fast or using too complicated words. You seemed to slowly grow more comfortable, and he loved to hear you talk.
"He's well, and told me to uh- to uh, tell you not to overwork yourself." You said, and he smiled.
"He's always worried, isn't he?" He commented, and you nodded. "He asked me to take good care of you recently. Last time we spoke he told me that you helped around the house, and learned some korean recipes from mom. Said You're a keeper- as if I didn't know that already." He scoffed, before he noticed that he may have spoken too fast with how quiet you were suddenly being. Ready to apologize, he was stunned however, when you answered.
"I wrote them down in korean writing. To study. Maybe I'll cook some of it this week." You said, and he somehow couldn't hold it in at that, suddenly squeezing you in his arms as he began to brag.
"Aigo, my baby is so smart, you can talk so well I'm so proud!" He gushed, making you laugh as he held you close.
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"Whoa, this is seriously awesome." Namjoon said, biting into the chicken as the rest nodded. "Where did you get that from?" He called out to staff, who pointed at Jungkook who swallowed his food down in order to be able to talk.
"Y/N made it." He said, and Taehyung looked up.
"Your girlfriend?" He asked, and Hoseok laughed.
"How many girls does he got that it could be anyone else?" He said, laughing. "Look at the heart-eyes he had when saying that. It has to be his girl!" He said, making the rest laugh.
"I uhm.. Actually.." Jungkook started, suddenly growing nervous. "We uh.. wanted to invite you over. For dinner. Like uhm, whenever you'd like." He said, unsure if he should look up- but Jin spoke up before things could get weird.
"We'd love to. Is she okay with it? After all, the only one fluent in english is Namjoon." He said, and Jungkook nodded.
"She actually suggested it- she's been growing comfortable enough to hold a pretty good conversation with my parents these days. As long as you talk a little slower you're good." He said, and Jin nodded.
"Okay, so, friday then? We don't have any schedules on saturday, so we don't have to hurry to catch enough sleep." The rest nodded, making Jungkook smile.
You both had been talking lately, with your now mix between english and korean growing more and more fluent, and your confidence in his native language rising, you felt comfortable enough to meet his brothers and bandmates, and even though he had been a little worried about it at first, he knew that eventually he had to get you involved into his idol life- even if it was only behind the scenes. But this was his life too, and he knew that you were a part of him at this point; so much so, that he couldn't really think about any possibilities of ever breaking up in the future. No, this was forever inside his head, this was something eternal- he'd marry you, have kids, grandkids, and grow old and wrinkly with you.
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"How did you manage to do that?" Jimin said after saying hello to you, making the rest of the boys and you chuckle. "I mean I've seen the picture but you did good!" He said, making you blush- and Jungkook internally started to regret inviting them.
"Yah can you move, you're hogging the entrance!" Jin scolded, making you laugh.
It went on for a while like that, the guys teasingly making compliments towards you just to see the youngest fume internally. It was all in good faith however, never going further than acceptable. This wasn't to bully Jungkook- it was just how brothers showed their love for one another, you figured.
It was more so after they had eventually left, that you felt the effect it had on Jungkook. Build up jealousy and frustration from having to behave around his hyungs eventually led to him taking you on the couch inside the living room, going down on you for the first time as he watched you squirm and moan underneath his hands. "You're mine." He growled out, fingers moving rapidly and without mercy inside you as you mewled, reaching out for him as he leaned over you, lips barely touching yours as if to tease you. "No one can have you but me, right?" He asked, gritting his teeth as he suddenly moved you around pushing you up a bit so you wouldn't just slide down the couch and hurt yourself at the end of it. He maybe was a little emotionally driven in that moment, but he'd always have you inside his mind; always careful enough as to never harm you in any way, shape, or form. Never, not under his watch would you experience any pain- neither physical nor emotional. "Say it." He urged, and you whined.
"I'm yours, everything, I love you!" You whined out, and he sighed, loving it every time you said those three words to him. Even if it was only spoken when he left or when you both went to sleep- it meant the world to him. Because it wasn't just a declaration of endearing towards him, but it was as real as it got. You loved him, adored him just as much as he did you. It was a form of reassurance that no matter how often he'd make you stay up late just to wait for him, or how long he'd go on tour for, you'd always wait for him at the end of those days and weeks and months.
"I love you." Were the words he spoke, on that day, during the next, and every single one that came after. "I love you."
Because for the first time, he actually knew what he was singing about whenever he sang about love.
He sang about you.
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violetnotez · 4 years
Can you please make JJK boys HCs where their s/o is multilingual? Like they speak several languages and sometimes get asked around in Tokyo by foreigners and they get jealous bc they think it's hot but can't understand a single word at the same time. I just think it'll be cute and funny! ( U can ignore if u like) thank you tho ❤️
Music Genre: Rock | JJK
Characters: Gojou, Yuuji, Megumi
Warnings: cursing + slightttt suggestive content (if ya squint)
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests
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Shop Owner’s Note: Omg how could I ignore this! Thank you so much anon for requesting, this ask is just the cutest! It isn’t very long, so I hope that’s okay-I literally wrote this at like 12 in the morning so if it’s a shit show I’m sorry 😂💀
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The first time he hears you talk in another language it’s GAME OVER
He is instantly in love with the way you sound in this other language-whether it be English, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, etc
He just thinks it’s so hot
Keeps asking you to say certain phrases in your language,,,,
It’ll start out simple like “Good morning,” and “How are you?”
But Gojo being Gojo, he’ll progressively make the phrases more intimate and flirtatious, asking you to say his name with your slight accent change from the language, how to say “I love you”,,,,,
The dude Probabaly found a new kink of his tbh 😂💀
Asked you how to say “beautiful” and now that’s your new pet name now
He really loves it when you have any chance to use your language, because you sadly speak in it so rarely even though it sounds so beautiful to him
But what he doesn’t like is when you talk to people for a freaking LONGGGGG time
Gojo is hoenstly really hyper sometimes, so if your helping a tourist in the middle of Tokyo, especially if your on your way to Gojou’s favorite bakery
This dude will do everything in his power to break you away
He tries to be subtle about it at first, like holding your hand and giving it a small squeeze,
But your not even noticing and now your laughing at whatever this random person said and he doesn’t even know what your saying...
it kinda irks him so much of your attention isn’t on him, so his solution to that is wrapping his arms around your waist, encasing you from behind
“Tell then you have to go doll, I’m starving ya know,” he whispered this into you ear, and the way he says it makes you think he’s not starving for food (if ya catch my drift) 👀😳
So with big shocked eyes and teeth biting your lower lip, you quickly bid the stranger farewell and follow Gojo, hands firmly placed in his
Gojo is hoenstly just really good at getting you to do what he wants, it’s kinda scary at this point 💀
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Omg he is just amazeddddddddd
Like whoa he’s s/o is pretty, brave, AND smart?!
Damn he feels so lucky rn 🥺
He’s so excited by this new revelation, with a huge, boyish smile and eyes sparkling
If you ever try to downplay your language speaking skills, like “Oh I’m not very good at it” or “It’s not that big of a deal, a lot of people speak it” he won’t be having any of it!
Yuuji is your biggest hype man, just forcing you to be proud of yourself sometimes
“Cmon y/n you gotta admit it’s pretty cool! Some people can barely speak one language...and you can speak a whole other one!”
Deifnitely begs you to teach him, so whenever you to are out together, you’ll point out objects with your free hand that isn’t holding Yuuji’s, telling him what the objects are called in your language
Yuuji is surprisingly a very quick learner! He has struggles with grammar, but he’s very good at learning the Vocab
Your proudest moment tho was when Yuuji stubbed his toe on his bed and Sukuna must have felt it to,
Cause as Itadori was yelping Sukuna locked through Itadori’s cheek, and cussed in your language 💀
Itadori loves it when you help other people, cause it reminds him of how selfless and kind you are
Yet it just bothers him when other guys talk to you
Especially if they seem to be into you...making you laugh and smile, and they’re giving you that one “look” that kinda hints at their real motives in talking to you
And he’s just like - The hell bro I’m right here.
The worst part is that he really doesn’t know what your saying...sure, he can pick up a few words now but not able to piece the conversation together
Sukuna is calling him a “spineless imbecile” in his head and finding this whole situation hilarious as hell
He doesn’t like looking jealous, but once he knows 100% certain you’re getting hit on he intervenes quick
Usually he knows cause if your body language-you just look less into the cinversation, your body language shrinks in to protect yourself, and you laughs turn to uncomfortable chuckles
He quickly swoops in, loving how relieved you look as he wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling you against you chest
“Thanks for talking to my girlfriend, but we will be going now,” he states plainly, his voice wounding kind yet eyes shooting our venom at the dude
But the amazing thing he said all that in your language
Proud ass moment 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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He’s gonna act so indifferent
Like language skills? Okay cool to know 😐
Literally so bland about it like-
“Youre bilingual? Cool.”
Don’t let that fool you tho, this guy is kinda freaking out inside
Cause why was he so attracted to you speaking another language? Why does he want to learn it now? Maybe he should, right? Would it be wierd if he didn’t-
Hoenstly, he’s overthinking it 💀
His favorite thing is when you cuss in your language, he hoenstly finds it super funny
But jokes on him cause now he’s cursing in your language too 💀
Likes it when he has his head in your lap as you play with his hair, and hear you practice your language
The dude will literally hold up your phone/flashcards so you can play with his hair and study
Soemtiems he gets too comfy tho and falls asleep
Once he dropped your phone on his face and he a huge bruise right on the bridge of his nose 💀
First time he heard you talk in your language was when you were in Tokyo, in a mission together by yourselves
And this tourist came up to you guys who was obviously lost-
And you just whipped out this new language like it was nothing
Megumi has never been more confused-cause you never told him about knowing another language, like the hell did this come from?
Suddenly his cheeks are getting red cause wait why do you sound so hot?
Like all that shit he told Aoi about liking women with an “unshakable character” went out the damn window
He’s type now is being multilingual 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Misunderstanding or wrong language?
(A/N): This fic is based on this late night thought I had. I really had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :) Any necessary translations that aren’t explained over the course of the fic are put down at the end.
Summary: Out of all sudden Spencer’s daughter is able to speak a different language. Where does she know it from?
Wordcount: 1.1k
✨Masterlist✨ ______________________________
Spencer is set on a calm morning with his daughter. He wakes her up and prepares her breakfast, a bowl of cereals, like any other morning he is at home. As the father pours the milk, (Y/N) sits down at the kitchen table.
“Here you go Sweetheart. Bon appetit”, he says in a terrible faked French accent and puts the bowl and a spoon in front of her. “Danke, Daddy.” Without even sparring him a look (Y/N) dugs right into her breakfast.
Spencer freezes for a moment. Did he misheard it or did she mispronounce the word? “What did you say, Sweetie?” He takes a seat next to his daughter and watches her curiously. “I said ‘thanks’”, she answers with her mouth full. “Baby, we don’t talk while we eat. You can after you swallowed, alright?”
The little girl nods and continues to devour her meal.
Later that morning both of them stand in front of the little one’s classroom. Spencer crouches down in front of her. “Ok Sweetheart. Have fun and be nice to your teacher and the other students. I love you.” Then he hugs her. “Have fun at work. Ich habe dich auch lieb”, she whispers into his ear.
Before the father is able to ask her about it, (Y/N) lets go and runs into her classroom. She instantly sits down at the book corner and begins to read. Spencer smiles at that sigh and makes his way out of the building to the metro.
As soon as he gets into the office, he searches for a certain black haired woman. “Emily”, he says breathlessly while entering the kitchen, “How much do you know about European languages?” Confused Prentiss looks up from the coffee machine, at which she stared for several minutes already. Mornings are rough.
“My knowledge is big, but I don’t think it meets yours. Or is the great genius suddenly at a loss?” She teases the young doctor. But this doesn’t bother him. “I have quite an extensive knowledge on that subject, but I can’t speak any except for English. But I know for a fact that you do and I have a suspicion. That’s why I am asking you: When you hear any European language, can you tell which one it is?”
Emily arches an eyebrow. “I guess. I don’t know all languages and I’m not sure if I can point at one, because it’s hard for me to differentiate between the several Scandinavian ones and between the eastern languages. But give me an example and I see what I can do.”
Spencer takes a deep breath and recites what his daughter told him over the course of the morning. “Danke. Ich habe dich lieb.”
The other agent mulls over the words for a few moments before answering: “This is German. It means ‘Thanks. I love you’. Where did you hear that?” “(Y/N) said it to me today. I don’t know where she learned it, but I had to know what it was at first before asking her. Thank you for your help, Emily.”
The rest of his work day consists of filling out one report after another, drinking copious amounts of coffee and wondering about where his daughter learned German phrases. Luckily for him he gets done with today’s workload earlier and Hotch dismisses him sooner than expected. That means he is able to pick (Y/N) up from preschool herself, calling off the babysitter.
“PAPAAAA”, screams his child excitedly as soon as she spots him. Suddenly a small weight collides against his legs. Spencer pets her head, smiling at his daughter.
“Hello Doctor Reid. Are you able to spare a few minutes?” Her teacher asks hesitantly. Confused, he nods and sends (Y/N) off to play for a bit.
“Thank you for your time, I appreciate it. Uhm, I noticed that (Y/N) began speaking in a foreign language, I don’t know which, and I really support you teaching her. But a little heads up would’ve been nice, because I don’t understand what she is saying since she switches between it and English constantly and then (Y/N) gets frustrated by repeating herself to me and the other children. So I advise you to work on the conscious use of one language or another, it’s in your daughter’s and your interest.” Spencer looks dumbfounded at the teacher.
“Uh, I didn’t know (Y/N) is fluent in German since this morning. She suddenly began speaking it and I’m not sure she knows it from. But thank you for pointing the problem out, I’ll take care of it.” After biding their goodbyes, Spencer takes his daughter home.
They play together with legos, then the young doctor reads to her. (Y/N) sits on his lap with her head on his chest. “Ok Sweetie”, Spencer says as he moves her down beside him, ”I’m going to make dinner. Do you want to continue that book on your own or do you want to watch TV for a bit?”
“Can you put on Dora the Explorer? But the one from last night? I really like her new voice”, she asks her father. “Sweetheart what do you mean? Dora doesn’t have a new voice.” Spencer slowly thinks he gets to the reason for her sudden bilinguality.
“Of course she does, Daddy. She sounds like this: ‘Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen’!” All at once he understands it. Spencer accidentally put on Dora with the German dubbing and since there are English elements and it’s a kids show, she was able to understand it. All the things shown there are pretty easy to understand.
“Sweetheart, Daddy did there something yesterday and I need you to listen to me closely. The Dora you watched yesterday was a different one from the one you always watch. She spoke another language, this is what you mean by a new voice.” The rest of the evening Reid tries to explain the concept of different languages to his daughter and its meaning.
“Daddy”, she asks him in the end as he puts her to bed, “Can I still learn German? I really like it.” It makes him happy to see her taking a liking in something, even though it’s different from what he likes. He is ready to support anything (Y/N) does or wants to do.
“Of course, if you want to. I’m gonna get you enrolled in a class tomorrow. But now it’s time to sleep for geniuses. Good night, my little genius. I love you.”
“Gute Nacht, Daddy. Ich habe dich auch lieb.” Even though he really doesn’t have much of a clue what she just said, Spencer loves to hear it.
Translation: Swiper nicht klauen → Swiper, don’t steal Gute Nacht → Good night
All works:
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid:
x child!reader:
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edelegs · 3 years
Reading Way Too Much Into Petra’s Language
So basically I study second language acquisition and I have been meaning to do a deep dive into Petra’s language use from the moment I first read her dialogue. (On a slightly unrelated note, the Black Eagles house really is just targeted content for queer linguistics grad students). I’d intended for this to be some grand project where I take Petra’s speech patterns and classify them according to theories in second language acquisition (SLA) - but that involves explaining too much Fire Emblem lore to Serious Linguists, so instead I’m going to use my class notes to analyze Petra’s speech patterns and explain why I feel she is a good representation of how narratives should treat non-native speakers of the majority language. (sources will be fast and loose, I’m sorry professors) 
I first want to mention the idea of “native speakerism”, particularly the fact that its use as a measure of proficiency and/or an expected standard of language use is flawed. Today, there are more non-native speakers of English than native speakers as a result of globalization, native speakers do not use language perfectly, and not all varieties of English are viewed equally (e.g. “native English speaker” never seems to refer to Indian English or AAVE). Much of today’s literature on SLA advocates for a focus on successful communication rather than native-like competency. From this perspective, Petra has achieved this goal: she seems to have no problem communicating with her peers outside of some trouble with idioms. Her peers always understand what she is saying, regardless of misconjugated verbs or odd phrasing. However, it is clear that Petra holds herself to these native-speaker standards. She is also the only non-native speaker of Fódlandish to be portrayed as a language learner. Despite this, I will try to avoid describing her language according to this standard. 
Of the non-Fódlan nations in the game, only Brigid, Duscur, and Dagda speak a different language than Fòdlanish. (I don’t recall anything about Almyra’s native language, because I’m 99% sure Claude didn’t mention it). Dedue in particular gives the audience a concrete timeline for his language acquisition - in a support with Dimitri, he mentions that he didn’t use honourifics for him in the past because he was still learning Fòdlandish. This puts him in a Fòdlandish-speaking environment from a young age. Shamir references speaking Dadgan in her A support with Byleth, but there’s no mention of how long she had been learning the language. Her background as a mercenary would be a logical justification for her strong proficiency (training one’s accent away is rare and often not feasible, but I sincerely believe the writers did not put this much thought into that). 
This means that language in the game only seems to matter for Petra’s character. Her background as a political pawn serves as her motivation. Petra is sent to the Empire five years before the events of the story as leverage against a Brigidian uprising. In their C-support, Hubert mentions that Petra could barely use the language when they met. This suggests that Petra has interacted with Adrestian nobility prior to attending Garegg Mach. At school, her environment is still largely made up of members of the nobility, especially as a member of the Black Eagles. (Not all noble speech is created equally, however. Put a pin in that). 
There are three notable features of Petra’s English: over-reliance and misuse of verbs “to be” and “to have”, an overgeneralization of the suffix -ness, and contraction avoidance. In general, Petra uses “have” to describe states of being: “I have gratitude”, “I have sorrow”, “he has much concentration”. This pattern reminds me of the French auxiliary verbs “être” and “avoir”, which leads me to believe that Petra is experiencing transfer from her first language. An English learner of French might say “je suis 24 ans” (I am 24 years) instead of the accepted form “j’ai 24 ans” (I have 24 years). Petra is likely making a similar mistake. From this, I suggest that Brigidian might use an equivalent form of “have” for states of being (or uses the same verb for “to be” and “to have”). What is strange is that this pattern does not significantly change in her A-supports with the others. She does make more use of “to be”, though it remains largely unconjugated (e.g. “we will be winning”, “I will be sharing my heart with all of you”, “I want to be smoking the meat, so that we can be preserving it”). 
There is an order for the development of English morpheme accuracy (Pienenmann’s Processability Theory, 1989). -ing is typically acquired first, which is seen in Petra’s language. It is followed by plural -s, then -be, when to use “a” versus “the”, irregular past, regular past -ed, third person -s, and possessive ‘s. Petra does not seem to follow this pattern exactly. She does not typically misuse articles (a/the), but her use of be is still largely unconjugated. She also uses the past perfect form more often than the simple past (from Hubert/Petra C: ”I had more youth then”, “I have learned much . . .” “and meeting you and Lady Edelgard has had great value for me”). There are instances when she does use the simple past (Caspar/Petra: “you are not the one who did the killing”, “our parents had conflict”) but this use is inconsistent. This blatantly contradicts Anderson and Shirai’s (1996) Aspect Hypothesis, which states that simple past is acquired much earlier on than past perfect. Similarly, Petra’s overuse of -ness is likely a similar developmental issue (though I cannot find a developmental hierarchy outlining this). 
One explanation for this (aside from “I am reading way more into this than the writers/translators did”) lies in Petra’s social networks. Since coming to Fòdlan, Petra has largely been surrounded by nobles. The use of past perfect, as well as contraction avoidance, might’ve been influenced by the noble’s speech patterns. A side effect of transcribing literally every line of Petra dialogue for the bigger-scale project I’d initially planned was noticing which Black Eagles use contractions and which don’t. Those who are concerned with maintaining their image - Edelgard, Hubert, and Ferdinand - either do not use contractions or use them much less than the others. Linhardt, Bernadetta, and Caspar all don’t care about how others perceive them, and as a result their speech is much more casual. Petra is a highly conscious learner who likely aspires to achieve the speech of the former group. As the future Queen of Brigid, she aims to be perceived as Edelgard’s equal and bring more respect and dignity for her nation. One way for her to do this is through language. Petra perceives herself as lacking proficiency and is embarrassed by her grasp on the language. She is a perfectionist in everything she does and this extends to language. In her supports with Byleth, she corrects herself often. One of her advice box questions expresses frustration about her lack of progress with speaking. She is proud of herself when she uses an expression correctly (e.g. [smiling] “I have had practicing of that phrase”). The realism of her tense acquisition aside, Petra’s aspirations lead her to model her speech after that of her distinguished peers. 
Should Petra’s language have been written to more closely mirror real-world English acquisition patterns? Considering that I doubt this question has crossed other players’ minds, this is largely unnecessary. What should be asked is this: how is Petra treated by the narrative as a second language speaker? The answer is: surprisingly well! Though there are times when her misunderstanding of common expressions is used for humour, nobody treats Petra as if she’s lesser for being Brigidian or a non-native speaker. In fact, the person who’s hardest on Petra’s language is Petra herself. There are no incidences (at least within the Black Eagles) where others perceive her as less intelligent or less worthy of respect. It could be easy to read her character as “quirky foreigner”, but that dismisses the fact that her peers do not see her this way. This game is far from perfect at portraying differences in race/nationality (looking at you, Dedue), but Petra Macneary--hunter, friend, and badass queen--is a pleasant surprise. 
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meichenxi · 3 years
Hey, could I ask you how you do shadowing? Like the different ways you do it? You mentioned in your tag that shadowing is good and I'd love to hear how you do it! I do not attempt shadowing much so I don't really know what helps, etc. ToT (my studyblr is rigelmejo)
Hellooo! Thank you for the interesting question!
Tbh I think I do it fairly basically - I don’t use any particularly fancy software, but software like Language Learning with Netflix has certainly made it easier. There’s a whole video on how to get the most of it here: [on mobile, link didn't work - How to study Chinese with Netflix! by Chinese Zero To Hero] (I’d recommend checking out all of their videos actually, they’ve done a bunch of livestreams recently and they place a lot of emphasis on shadowing + the course they are trying to sell you is…actually phenomenally good)
(Also, I have to preface this by saying that I have been very lucky in terms of pronunciation: I learnt about 80% of my current vocabulary by ear without characters or pinyin. I have been in China for eight months in total, and while I didn’t speak Chinese for all of that, I was constantly soaking in info on natural sentence intonation. I still often don’t know officially what the tone of a vocabulary item is, especially if it changes tone like 教, 为 or 相, but I don’t get yelled at so I have definitely internalised a lot of those changes. I definitely would have more trouble with this if I hadn’t had that experience - my other areas are waaaay weaker because of this though- my reading SUCKS lmao and I can literally handwrite about ten characters)
Anyway. How I shadow:
1) Quite simply by playing the line, and repeating it with all the emotion it has!! I usually use Netflix or Viki for this. I try to do it as fast as possible, and if I can’t do the whole thing, I ‘chunk’ it: if I were doing the sentence 我们还不知道他会不会来, I would start from the end with 他会不会来, then 不知道他会不会来, and then the whole sentence. Notice that this isn’t breaking it down into words or even grammatical phrases, but intonational phrases: it would be perfectly sensible to just do 会不会来 without the 他 but realistically, since this is a question, it’s likely that a strong stress will be placed on the first 会, and you wouldn’t be able to replicate that without also included the more weakly stressed syllable before.
2) I locate (intentionally or subconsciously) the main locus of stress within the sentence, and I focus on that accordingly. Tones may become less extreme if they are not stressed, and may become more exaggerated if stressed. This is always a good exercise. I accompany this with physical actions - I throw my hands down, I sigh, I groan!
3) I put away the text, and don’t look at the tones or even my computer screen - more on this below.
4) Finally, when I think I’ve got it reasonably accurate, I’ll record them speaking the line into my phone with an appropriate pause for copying and play it back to myself at various points throughout the day.
5) I then go and find other words with the same tone contour to slot in, and copy it again. After that, I find words that are slightly different tonally and pop them in too.
6) I finally do fun things like hold a conversation with myself. This can be really simple phrases imbued with some kind of emotion - 这个女子到底是谁呀?为什么不认识我?应该是新手吧。You can do this either really informally, or very formally, or both - trying to speak in the latter way is very fun! So then it’d be idk something more like: 那位姑娘是何人,来自何处?This is fun because you can really slow down your speech and sound as elegant as you like!! (this will sound stilted if you do it for modern speech, but it’s a very fun exercise)
Choosing your media!!
1) Don’t use donghuas. Seriously. The voice actors usually speak at a ridiculous pace and not with the same range of ‘normal’ intonation
2) Your Chinese is definitely good enough to recognise when anyone is quoting poetry or speaking in a paricularly sexy literary way so, uh…don’t do that. That rules dramas like Nirvana in Fire OUT.
3) Modern dramas and reality TV shows CAN be great, but they can also be quite intimidatingly quick and almost too mushy at times. I’d recommend informal speech in guzhuang dramas more, because they have professional voice actors and extensive sound editing, meaning that although it might be fast and the vocabulary harder, it’s actually much more accessible and easier to copy. You don’t want to be stuck with the awfulness of 50% failed foreigner and 50% 12 year old boy who can’t enunciate properly!!
4) CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON WISELY. I try to find characters that speak in a dramatic, whiny or childish way. This is so important! There’s literally no use copying Lan Wangji unless you want to be able to have that particular cadence and tone of voice you get reciting poetry. Childish/whiny/dramatic characters on the other hand stress some words very strongly, and rush others together - this is great for hearing what actual real speech sounds like. Whininess wins. In The Untamed, characters like Wei Wuxian (not yllz!wwx but just…regular wwx), 一问三不知 Nie Huaisang, Jin Ling, and Jingyi are all great. Also Jiggy, who is just very extra constantly and speaks much slower as well, which really helps. In SHL characters like Gu Xiang are good.
5) CHOOSE YOUR VOICE WISELY! If you are really aiming to copy them 100% (which you should try at least sometimes), you want somebody with your pitch range to sound normal. I have a sort of party trick in Chinese that because I’ve spent so much time listening to women in guzhuang dramas I can change my voice and sound like a) a scheming concubine with honeyed words, or b) the voice of the Beijing metro. My teacher found it hysterically funny. But it’s not my natural voice, and if I speak like that for too long it hurts. The women usually are too high for me, and the big burly manly men too low - so I’d recommend finding a man with a higher voice, or an older woman (like some of the female characters in Nirvana in Fire). Again, sorry that this is mostly the Untamed (I’m just most familiar with it) but the voice actors for Wei Wuxian and some of the juniors (+jiggy) has a higher voice. Likewise Chengling in Word of Honour.
On intonation in general:
- The thing is that whilst shadowing is useful it requires prior ability in a whole bunch of other skills that you can train - it relies on your ability to accurately mimic pitch, emotion and other contrasts. Training this in ANY language, including your native one, will help your ability to do this in Chinese - so I’d recommend spending a fair amount of time practicing shadowing (or speaking just after somebody whilst listening to a string of text, like monolingual simultaneous interpreting) in your native language too. Any training copying accents or mimicking other people is going to similarly help, regardless of the language.
So, with that in mind, further tips:
1) Hum / try to copy the intonation without any words. What this does is force you to pay attention to what the intonation actually is, versus what you may think it should be.
2) Don’t look at the text! Do! Not! Look! At! The! Text! If you look at the characters or pinyin you’re telling yourself ‘ok this is a third tone here’ etc, but you want to override the part of your brain that has gotten into bad habits and is supremely self-confident in how you’re pronouncing the third tone, and actually just go straight back to mimicking.
3) Don’t be afraid to do it with vocabulary that is way beyond your level. Actually, I find this can sometimes be helpful, because you don’t have a prior idea about how a particular tone pair should be useful - and you don’t know which tone you should be producing.
4) Learn vocabulary by ear - listen to a vocab podcast or even make one yourself (I often do this; I record my daily Anki and listen back to it through headphones copying throughout the day - if you’re not confident in your pronunciation you can get Google Translate to do it). Similarly, pick unknown vocabulary out of a longer segment and remember it, trying to internalise the tones instead of figuring out which tone it is.
5) Find emotional sentences, and copy them with emotion. This is SO CRUCIAL!!! We remember things when we relate to them, and when we imbue them with emotion - and it also helps in hearing exactly how an angry second tone sounds, for instance.
6) When you’re copying, look up, and imagine you are having an actual conversation. Carry yourself with conviction and poise!! Really try to whine like wwx or slime like jgy. After a couple of turns copying them, try to turn off the audio and keep delivering it in the same manner.
7) Swap individual words out. Once you have a line properly figured out, swap a word or two that has a different tone pair, and focus on delivering it with the same pattern of stress.
8) Finally, practice doing this in your native language too!! It’s a skill that we don’t use often, and it can be trained. Some people are terrible at it at first go even in their native language, but you can work on it!
About intonation in general:
1) I think a lot of pronunciation problems with people sounding unnatural or stiff ultimately come down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what intonation looks like across different languages. In English we mark it by pitch: and we are so used to the rhetoric that Chinese has ‘tone’ and not ‘intonation’ that we try and focus on blindly copying every single word textbook perfect without listening to how it actually sounds.
2) Chinese does have intonation!!! Except that, unlike English, when you stress a word, the pitch doesn’t change, but the tone contour is exaggerated - basically the only time you will ever hear a full third tone is in isolated or very exaggerated speech. If you have a Chinese friend, get them to record a sentence like the English ‘I didn’t ask her to steal his rucksack’, and put stress on the different elements of it - I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, and so on. Notice and copy how the tones change. When shadowing, you should always be paying attention to where the stress is in the sentence: when you speak by yourself, practicing saying a sentence neutrally, and then with stress on one component, the next, and so on. If it feels unnatural, it’s because you might not have practicised like this before - it’ll get better!
Hope that’s somewhat helpful / interesting!
- 梅晨曦
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hwabang · 4 years
Hi can you do a reaction to Ateez falling in love with a foreigner girl who barely knows Korean :)
ATEEZ Reaction: Dating a foreign female who doesn’t know Korean
A/N: I’m back from my unofficial hiatus! This time with two functioning arms :) I’m so sorry this took me so long; kinda hard to do anything with a broken arm :/ Enjoy!
A/N 2: This is so cute~ I loved writing this one (insert emoji) I didn’t plan for some of them to be longer than the others, it just kinda happened (insert emoji)
Genre: Fluffity fluff
Warnings: Fem! reader, reader is new to Korean (knows a little but enough), take it as the reader lives in Seoul (maybe for work or school)
When Hongjoong first met you he kinda already knew he was gonna fall in love
I mean you’re just that awesome💅
It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with you either
Eden was the one who encouraged Hongjoong to just go for it
He’d be hesitant to ask you out but not because of the language barrier
It’d probably be because he’s so busy he forgets to take care of himself, he doesn’t wanna do that to his s/o
Hongjoong doesn’t care that you’re a foreigner
He loves it a lot actually because it gives him a chance to learn English
He’s very confident in his English skills
Actually, his English is probably better than your Korean (but that’s okay!)
“Y/n, is my pronunciation correct? Ah really? Okay good.”
And he’d love to teach you Korean too
Sometimes he giggles when you get something wrong and softly corrects you
Other times he’s like, “Yah, how can you get this wrong it’s so easy.”
“It’s okay baby, we can try again later let’s take a break.”
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When Seonghwa first met you he was attracted, he admitted that to Hongjoong
But he soon realized that he started actually having a crush on you and he was scared
(I saw a ‘Seonghwa as a BF’ post that said he dates to marry and I kind of agree!)
He was scared because although he wanted to pursue you, he was worried about the language barrier since baby’s English skills are intermediate :(
But Hongjoong told Seonghwa to go for it because he could tell Seonghwa liked you a lot
Practices English so much in his spare time so he can impress you next time you meet
Seonghwa himself said his English is intermediate, and from what I can tell, he understands English pretty well and just has a hard time speaking
So he definitely understands you when you speak in English, but he’ll probably respond in Korean unless he is 100% sure he can convey his message perfectly in English
Cute texts in English
Is also very patient with you learning Korean and ALWAYS offers to help
The type to have cute study dates in cafes with you, where you’re studying Korean and he’s studying English
And you’re just practicing on each other and asking questions
Forever telling atiny“My English got better because of Y/N~”
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Yunho isn’t really good at speaking English either, so he would be a little cautious
But he also doesn’t really care; he likes you for you not for what language you speak
Probably would just learn like two flirty phrases to ask you out asdfghjkl
He really wants to learn English so he’d always pick up on phrases you use, and then use it with atiny to impress them
I honestly feel like Yunho understands English fairly well, so when you talk in English he’s not entirely lost unless you’re using very modern slang or big words
Like for example if you were saying, “Hmm… idk baby that’s kinda sus.” He’d be like, “... sauce…?”
Ahh it’s adorable pls admit that you love it
Also one to boast that he learns English from his girlfriend
LOVES to help you when you’re attempting to learn Korean
Is so so patient with you too, and helps you calm down when you’re frustrated
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Yeah no way he’s approaching you first
I mean ok let’s be honest he didn’t even tell the guys he liked you
Wooyoung noticed and told the whole group
They obv told him to go for it because they could tell Yeosang wanted to be more than just friends with you
Scared that when he uses his limited English skills to say something sweet, he’s gonna say something entirely different
Had to get a LOT of encouragement from 99 line + Jongho (especially Wooyoung)
Final push was Seonghwa and Hongjoong
Forces you to teach him English (not that you mind at all)
Your strictest Korean teacher too
“Nope. Get these questions right and THEN I’ll cuddle you.”
Approximately 10 minutes of his solo vlive is him preaching about how, “When learning a new language, it’s helpful if you’re dating someone who speaks said language because it’s much easier to obtain it than reading off textbooks.”
Tells atiny that’s the only reason he’s dating you Yeosang pls
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Literally does not care at all
I mean at ALL
San is confident enough in his English skills to become friends with people who don’t speak Korean
Same goes for a s/o
He probably talks to you more in English than in Korean tbh
Asks you to teach him modern slang so he can better understand atiny when they post on social media
If someone comments about his English being really good, he responds with something like “Thank you! My girlfriend teaches me!”
Constantly asking you questions
“Baby how do you say ___ in English?”
But he also teaches you too
“You know, in Korean, this is called ___!”
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Oh boy
Mr. “I cannot Englishi” really don’t know what to do
Cuz like… he likes you a LOT
But he knows that it’d be hard for him to communicate with you
Because both his English and your Korean are at very basic levels
Definitely talks to his hyungs about it
Who in turn cheer him on to ask you out, and if you’re willing to try despite the language barrier then you’ll say yes
Spoiler alert you said yes
Asks Hongjoong to help him w his English whenever they’re both free
Watches a lot of YouTube videos to get the pronunciation down
Tries to teach you Korean but honey you’re better off getting a tutor
You think it’s so adorable how he mixes Korean and English when talking to you
Unfortunately, the Korean words he uses are the main words of a sentence (like nouns/adjectives) so you’re still hella confused)
But it’s okay because he’s so cute and you love him
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Another member who has no confidence in his English
In turn, tries to teach you more Korean saying it’s more helpful because you live in Korea
But definitely tries to pick up English for atiny and so one day he can talk to your family
I think all of them would constantly ask you to translate certain words into English
I just think San, Wooyoung Jongho would do it the most
He’s not the best Korean teacher (sorry Woo)
The type to teach you a dirty sentence but tells you it means something cute
But he tries to help (when he doesn’t feel like pissing you off)
Begs you to teach him English because he wants to impress atiny
But complains so so so much
“Y/n~ this is difficult. You’re telling me read and read are spelled the same but pronounced differently, but read and red are spelled differently but pronounced the same?! English is hard!”
(English is hard Woo, it’s okay)
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I’m sorry the first thing I thought of was, “Neck is very long and head is very small!”
I love Jongho. Anyways.
Was slightly worried when he realized he wanted to ask you out because obviously communication is key but that’s hard when you don’t speak the same language
But he gave himself a pep talk; saying how it’ll be okay since you’re trying to learn Korean and he’s trying to learn English
And he was right; you guys are going strong and your Korean + his English has significantly gotten better
To the point where you two can have full conversations in both only English AND only Korean
(I’m proud of you both)
Once your relationship is out he’s constantly bragging
“Yeah~ I learned English because of my girlfriend. I am a professional! And I am such a good teacher because she speaks Korean so well!”
Definitely does a lot more covers of songs in English now
Because he can check his pronunciation with you to make sure he doesn’t mess up
Also makes you help him write messages to atiny in English
Will sit down with you for 2-3 hours just to help you with Korean and he takes it pretty seriously (also brags about it)
“Hyungs! Look what Y/n learned today! I taught her!”
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Semi, Kita, Kuroo, Osamu, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Sugawara with a multilingual S/O
anon asked: Would you please write headcanons of Semi, Kita, Kuroo and Osamu being in a r/s with a foreign s/o who is multilingual - Japanese language included - and all are self taught? Like there are people who excel in STEM, performing arts, sports etc so for s/o, language is s/o's area of expertise. Thanks!
anon asked: Hello can I request some hcs for Tsukki, Asahi and Suga when their sleep in one bed with their gf for a first time and she starts talking in a foreign language while she's sleeping? Like you know she's multilingual and the boys suddenly wakes up and they're like ??? what are u saying ¿¿¿ Thank you so much❤️ Hope it's not too much to ask for 🥺 Have a nice day
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a/n: I combined these two requests because they’re so similar for one SUPER LONG hc post lmao
wc: 2,146
✶   ✶   ✶   ✶   ✶
Semi seems like someone who would probably try and learn English as an additional language
But he was not anticipating you being SO good at so many different languages
When he first saw you, he was immediately drawn to you because of how unique you were compared to everyone else
He definitely finds it very attractive when you talk to him in another language 
Kind of begs you to say something sweet to him in another language because it makes him swoon
Will ask you to teach him how to say certain phrases so he can compliment you in return
Oh but when he found out you were actually self taught? He nearly combusted
Not only were you super cool for knowing so many languages but you’re also super smart and taught them to yourself??
He kind of feels like you’re too good to him so he cherishes you like crazy!
He also finds it very endearing when you slip into another language when you’re not noticing
Sometimes you do it when you get frustrated or upset and he finds it quite cute
And one time he heard you sleep talking in another language and he got so curious about what you were saying he tried to record you so he could go to google translate and figure out what you were saying
But you were mumbling a lot so he never did find out what you said
He shows you off to everyone and is very smug with you on his arm
Will talk you up to anyone who will listen and you guys come off as such a power couple
All in all, he thinks you’re a badass 
Ok so Kita is a hard man to impress
He is an extremely hard worker and believes in putting your all into everything you do, within reason of course
So when he finds out you know another language, he is impressed 
BUT when he finds out you know multiple and that you taught yourself, he is shook to his entire core
It’s been a while since he’s met someone who is so naturally talented like you
This information will definitely get a rare reaction out of him
When he finds out he is so surprised that he just can’t stop staring at you and asking you to tell him how you managed to learn multiple languages
He honestly tries to take notes on your methods but most of it is just natural ability for you so he is shook
Doesn’t push you to speak another language if you’re not comfortable with it
But when you do, he is all ears even if he can’t understand a word you’re saying
Definitely the type of guy to pick up on keywords and phrases you use frequently so he slowly starts to understand what you’re saying
He may even start to incorporate them into his daily vocabulary as well!
He always makes sure that you don’t overwork yourself when you’re studying a new language
But he will gift you with lots of cute notebooks, flashcards and pens to take notes and learn some more!
Will also keep a full stock of your favorite snacks for you to ensure that you take breaks and eat
He’s really proud of you but is mostly concerned with your health and wellbeing first and foremost
But he does feel a little twinge of pride every time he watches your language skills improve
Alrighty so Kuroo is the one who will brag about you the most to anyone who will listen
He just thinks you’re so cool and amazing and wants everyone to know how smart you are
He will be the guy to ask you to speak in another language just to show off
He also thinks it’s really hot when you do that so he can never get enough of it
Will try and learn a bit of another language from you but he just doesn’t have the attention span for it
He’s much too focused on you and how good you sound speaking another language
He will be able to pick up some simple words and phrases though
Absolutely insists on learning how to say ‘I love you’ in every language you know because he’s sappy like that
In exchange he’ll tutor you in the STEM and business fields, which is where his talents lie
Even if you don’t find it very interesting, it’s still sweet how passionate he is about it and how he wants to share that with you
Sometimes when you get frustrated or angry with him you slip into another language to yell at him
He has no clue what you’re saying but he is heart eyes because he just loves it when you do that
Even though he definitely knows you are yelling at him
He may be really annoying and show you off all the time when you’re hanging out with friends but when the two of you are alone he is a huge softie for you
His heart literally swells so much when he hears you mumble something in another language
Or even when you sleep talk
He just can’t get enough of hearing it and it makes him want to kiss you all over
Osamu is very chill when he realizes you speak another language
Even when he notices that you actually know multiple languages, he’s still very calm and doesn’t like to make a big deal about it
He definitely likes to call you his ‘smart baby’ though, but he’s never been one to brag
Except when Atsumu gets on his nerves
Then he uses you as his biggest bragging trick
He will make Atsumu feel so bad by talking about how amazing and smart you are and how he wishes he could be dating someone like you
Yeah Osamu isn’t usually competitive unless it’s Atsumu he’s talking to 
Not the type to outright ask you to teach him some sentences and phrases but he does pick them up from you
But he 100% asks you to teach him how to say different insults and swear words just to use them on Atsumu
Will also ask you to help him rehearse a conversation together in another language so that when you’re hanging out with Atsumu one day you guys can just switch to another language and make him feel left out
It’s actually very entertaining the lengths he will go to just to mess with his brother
He’d be the kind of person to learn to say something really sweet without you finding out and then surprise you with it one day
He knows just how to make your heart melt and is definitely very proud of himself for that
Sometimes he hears you sleep talking in another language and will wake up and just watch and listen to you as you sleep
He strokes your cheek really gently so he doesn’t wake you up and he’s got the softest smile on his face
Other times you forget the right word you’re looking for in one language and end up using another one instead
He always teases you for it but you know it’s all in good fun
He can’t even imagine juggling all those languages in your head
Tsuki is a very studious person so he’s not super surprised to find out you’re multilingual
But he does use it as something to brag about when people get on his nerves
He just really proud of you and can’t help it sometimes
But he’s normally very lowkey about it and doesn’t want to make a big deal about it
But deep down he’s greatly inspired by you and wants to be more like you
You give him the drive to keep pushing himself and study some more
He’ll never be able to admit but he really likes it when you speak another language, there’s something so sensual about it
But he’s way too stubborn and bashful to say it out loud
So when you do slip into a different language, he listens intently and soaks up your every word
The first time you guys spend the night together his heart is racing like crazy 
He has a hard time falling asleep, but you seemed to do it with no problem
So he just watches you sleep for a minute until you open your mouth and start mumbling something
He thinks it’s really cute and then suddenly you’re speaking another language entirely
You’re mumbling a bit but still speaking fairly normally
He thinks it’s really cute and as much as he wants to just enjoy the moment he can’t pass up the chance to tease you
So he takes out his phone and records you sleep talking, not having a single clue what you were saying
He shows it to you the next morning and you’re so embarrassed
He still makes you translate whatever you were talking about so he can tease you some more though
Asahi thought there was no way on earth he could fall more in love with you than he already was
But then he heard you speaking another language and his heart practically burst right on the spot
He’s literally so proud of you and is in constant awe
He definitely thinks you’re too good for him but he still hypes you up every chance he gets
He treats you like royalty and when you speak another language to him he nearly faints
It’s such a sweet treat to him, even if he’s heard you speak another language time and time again, he never gets tired of it
He is so determined to communicate with you that he will work so hard to have you teach him another language
He buys a dictionary, flashcards, notebook, literally everything he can get his hands on
He’s not amazing at it but he’s trying his best and honestly what more could you ask for?
The first time you fall asleep with him, it’s on accident on the couch while watching a movie
You’re resting on his chest and he wakes up because he can hear you saying something really softly 
When he finally comes to and makes out what’s happening, he realizes you’re talking in your sleep and it is in another language
His breath hitches in his throat and he does everything he can to remain calm and not wake you up
But on the inside he is freaking out at how cute you are!!
When you do eventually wake up, he asks you about the dream you just had
He really wants to try and figure out what you were saying in your sleep but he’s a bit too embarrassed to admit that he was listening to you
You unfortunately tell him that you don’t remember much about your dream 
He swears he is going to study so much so he can understand what you were saying next time
Suga is probably one of the ones who is most vocal about how proud he is of you
He is constantly giving you praises and compliments whenever he hears you switch to another language
Sometimes you switch over and you don’t even notice it
You’re so engrossed in whatever it is that you’re saying that he just doesn’t have the heart to tell you he has no idea what you’re talking about
When you do notice, you get very embarrassed but Suga just finds it all very endearing
He is someone that has you teach him simple phrases and words but he also works on his own to figure out simple sentence structures so he can talk with you more
Likes to have little study dates with you so he can improve 
One time during these dates you fell asleep and he just let you rest so he could study some more
You started mumbling something under your breath and that definitely caught his attention
He quietly moved close to where you were resting on the ground and tried to make out what you were saying
He quickly realized that you were speaking another language and grabbed his notebook and dictionary
He started taking notes on every word he could make out and tried looking them up in his dictionary so he could know what you were saying
You woke up to the sound of pages being flipped and you saw Suga sitting right next to you, with his dictionary in hand
You just thought he was studying really hard but when he noticed you had woken up he showed you his notes
He explained how you were talking in your sleep and he was trying to translate it
You immediately started laughing but did your best to translate the misspelled words he had scribble down in a hurry
He uses your sleep talking as a way to study now
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