#notn save me
What if I got a mate for my most specialist nocturne?? The original subspecies owner hasn't breed them again in years. What if I get her a mate cause she's one of my personal all time favorites and I'm sad how few of the subspecies there are. What then huh?
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dadboat-fr · 9 months
my egg luck did not improve, to the point where i've stopped grinding for the last several days almost entirely and i'm just gonna buy gems to buy eggs instead of trying to get chests from coli drops. honestly kind of bummed about it but i did start playing paleo pines so that is softening the blow a bit!
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lynxnothinks2 · 8 months
FR Fanart Stats
Have you ever wondered which FR dragons are the most popular to draw? No? Well clearly you're not a university student with looming deadlines, a severe procrastination problem and unlimited access to research grade statistics software let's dive in
Originally I was doing this to see which dragons I'd drawn the most for commissions over the years, but then I got curious generally about if the popularity of dragon breeds correlated with the amount of fanart produced. We artists are always fighting algorithms and trends, so this info may be useful to those of us looking to utilise them!
A brief intro/some disclaimers to the data:
I've only included modern breeds as they are more numerous than ancients on-site, have been around for less time (excl. Obelisks) and Excel was already protesting with what I had so I saved myself the headache. Look forward to the ancient breed sequel ahahahah :P that's a joke i'm not doing this again
For my 'tumblr popularity' data, I counted the breed of dragon of the first 100 featured in the '#flight rising art' tag. I excluded ancients and any unidentifiable breeds. Each individual dragon was counted in multi-image posts, unless if the dragon(s) in question were in a comic, series etc. in which case each unique dragon was counted once.
Assuming my personal commission stats are the least interesting to most people, but I'll give some background. I started doing comms in mid-2018, producing art at a relatively impressive volume (rip my time and motivation.) I do a lot less FR art now, but if we assume breed popularity has stayed consistent since then the only breed this should really effect are Obelisks as the newbies.
And then finally, on-site breed popularity. I used the dragon search feature on FR to identify the number of named, active dragons for each breed. Total dragons as of 27/01/24, if you were curious: 12,924,070! That's a lot of guys!!
I threw everything into percentages, then made a graph. it's got issues probably but my degree isn't in niche pixel dragon info and i was getting bored at this point
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I ran some stuff through statistical tests but they don't show anything remarkable that you can't see in the graph. Rstudio claimed a few more years from my lifespan for naught
Skydancers and Imperials are crazy popular in all categories, but SDs are Tumblr's favourite
Obelisks and Ridgebacks do disproportionately well on Tumblr compared to their site popularity
Snappers and Bogsneaks are pretty unpopular across the board. I've never drawn either! But at least snaps are getting a bit of love on here
The popularity of Faes and Guardians on-site is not significantly reflected in fanart (excl. Guardian comms for me which is? an odd outlier??)
Mirrors and Nocturnes are not popular on Tumblr - found the latter interesting as I thought there may be lingering bias from NotN, but apparently not
Coatls, Pearlcatchers, Spirals and Tundras are pretty consistent between categories. Nothing really of note for these guys except for less people wanting me to draw spirals (good they're complicated)
I could draw a Wildclaw with my eyes closed and although that will not make me popular, it can make me money
Well that was a good use of 4 hours I'm going to write my essay now
and if you'd like to show your support for this cool art stats guy check out my main @lynxnothinks commissions are open thank you byeee
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also coming out of the woodwork here with the crown thing like. it's being blow out of proportion imo but it has rekindled my fear of getting in trouble because of my brother's old account. he didn't play much, sent me his daily fairgrounds treasure for a month or two when i was saving for a sunchaser, we shared some other fest apparel for a while too, i had his boneyard tatters for a bit. we lived together, obvs, he even convinced someone to send me a boolean for my birthday one year so i could get the achievement (he's a champ you know). but like he hasn't played since he got a light sprite in 2015 (after he showed me the true power of the ah and made like 35kg during the first notn)
like i know we aren't a multi account situation, but the treasure he sent me is a Concern i suppose idk. like. if we were a multi that boneyard tatters would be mine i'd love another one. and i'd have sold his sprite set years ago. but he sent me treasure daily... you feel?
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saltminerising · 9 months
guys guys guys if you have a dragon hoarding problem, especially g1s or fandragons, i have found the solution: g1 fandragons. never purchase another dragon again! found a dragon that's literally almost perfect, every single color miraculously aligned, 1 in however million? well the eyes aren't quite right... like they're green in canon so nature would probably fit more than ice... oops oh no... guess you'll have to save your money and lair space
gaslighting myself like this has saved me this notn
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oopsiespooks · 9 months
had some Thoughts™ about notn
what if i did a baby forum for sharing daily hatches? as i'm trying to get a specific g1 (dragonsona struggles) i want to, yanno, make it go quicker, im impatient, but also wanted to make it an optional "join in if you want!"
maybe even share specific combinations you're looking for in hopes of someone there hatching what you need?
additionally i might do a badge or a few (not sure what for yet, i'll think about it later) and may a raffle. MAYBE. i havent been here for a long time so i dont really have a lot to give, so we'll see.
i also thought about ppl with egg goals, and might have a "catch-up" thing where you can hatch or do something else at the end of notn to claim badges you couldnt get because of saving eggs (or simply not having any room, very valid)
if anyone read through this and has any ideas on how to improve the idea before sorting a forum out for it tomorrow, please let me know !! :D
i'll probably post about it tomorrow when it's up so also lmk if u want a ping for when it's up :3c
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binnieceo · 7 months
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I saved an egg from the past NOTN to hatch today (leap day) and the baby that hatched is MATCHING and A 3 OFF XYX!!! Omg!!!!
Idk what to name him but he is precious and dear to me forever and always
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korppipoika-fr · 9 months
So it's over... 566 chests and 43 eggs. That's not great me thinks, saving last two eggs for later this evening, I'm really hoping something awesome comes out of them..!
But yeahhhh, this year's been throwing so many curveballs at me that this sorta notn feels kinda fitting.
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bawkrya · 9 months
Notn save me.
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mekha-draws · 1 year
Grafia Series
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The queue post I had wasn't actually queued I just saved it on drafts huh
These accents are nearly ready to roll :D, all have been submitted for approval, so in the meantime, pre-orders are open for them!
Runs will go for as long as there's interest so don't worry if you miss out on one right now ^^, as always any spares will eventually be lited on AH and all that~
and some more other info regarding other accents below:
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the Cempoalite series is next on the list! this one was held on pause because a lot of stuff was coming out nearing NOTN last year and also the Aeth accents took a bit of priority from my part orz
By how hings are going, I'll be submitting them around May 3rd. Still, the preorder list is open! and can be found on the link to my spreadsheet <3
Another couple of accents down the line are my rejected Brije accent (Bog M) and the Faith Under Series (Noc M)
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No pre-order pinglists nor printing queue at this moment but please feel free to let me know of any interest to keep track of it once their pinglist is up!
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cutedragonsfr · 9 months
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IM BACK AND HE HAS A FULL OUTFIT !!! I am loving NOTN and how much money it’s giving me from egg sales (I’m tryna save up for the 10milt in the vault achievement, and im doing that by putting 3mil in over time and taking 2mil out to play around and buy shit with one i hit the next 3, cause im impulsive, and it’s working good so far tbh !! do recommend !!) and that means ! I got to finish his outfit and give him a new skin ! Scarlet my boy, you’re so pretty <3
WHAT A GOOD STRATEGY!! SCARLET’S LOOKING GORGEOUS the sheer blues really make the outfit pop with the red contrast!! Congrats to Scarlet for the new threads jeje
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Alright, with the terracotta banes complete, and the pumpkin auraboas ready for a breed change, I think my next major project is gonna be the pharaoh saffron beasts.
I've collected several close colored fodder. The plan is to make several pairs spanning multiple breeds. Which is gonna require alot of copies of pharaoh. Notn save me.
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alexius-fr · 9 months
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Footage of me trying not to open the notn chests because I agreed to save them and do a mass hatch of whatever eggs i get at the end of the event
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vsavi-fr · 10 months
should i be saving fodder for NOTN? I'm not sure what compelled me but I have over 40 fodder dragons sitting in my hibden.
Do i continue saving them or yeet them right now?
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The 3000+ Gem Makeover!
Copied from Hades Bio, which I copied from a post I made about him.
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Here's Hades, a 5 year old child of some permanent residents in my clan. He's been around for good while as a plague rep despite his fire eyes. Unfortunately I didn't save the outfit I gave him at the time but it was neat. Eventually I thought I should replace him with a different rep and give him something else to do in the lair. I tried throwing some apparel at him but nothing really stuck right. He just took up a hibernal den slot at a time I desperately needed space. So I decided I was going to try selling him early last year. People like old dragons right? Of course I'd need to make him more appealing to potential buyers, so I threw some levels and scries at him... I sat playing with the scrying workshop for a while, coming up with a few decent looking scries that I put in his bio at the time, struggling a little bit with his tert... And then I came up with a wallet breaking scry I happened to like too much because of course I did. Didn't think I would get him any time soon because I had no clue when wildclaw scrolls would even be restocked, let alone when I had a good chunk of gems to spare... Even threw together a really neat outfit for him so he wouldn't be naked in his scry. And then December [of 2022] happened, with the first NotN I really had the chance to participate in... And freshly cycled in wildclaw scrolls bringing the prices down a bit... Giving me the opportunity to dump over 3000 gems in his makeover within the span of two days. Luckily for me his apparel was not ridiculously expensive. BC - Tundra to Wildclaw 12/19/2022 PG - Basic to Poison 12/19/202 SG - Basic to Bee 12/19/2022 TG - Smoke to Thylacine 12/19/2022 Regene finished on 12/19/2022 Outfit finished on 12/20/2022
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Meet the new and improved Hades:
A very bug like Wildclaw who has no idea why he's not a Tundra anymore!
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saltminerising · 11 months
Ok the whole "f2p = not rich player" sentiment is very bizarre to me. I've never bought a single gem with real money, but I have a significant amount of gems saved up because of accent sales and some lucky G1 hatches (thanks NotN). That's the exact thing that makes FR special to me, its lively economy which makes it possible to enjoy most aspects of the game (except for maybe KS stuff and such lol), and get "rich" even, without shelling out real money which isn't an option for some people.
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