heartstrawb · 6 years
The mountain is my father
The river is my mother
But the ocean is my first love.
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casualcloudchaos · 3 years
I am NOT lost, I am LOADING
That in-between space
That liminal space
That thing that lots of people call exhilarating, and beautiful, and delicious, but I ask –
what? for who? for whom?(?) what part of not knowing where you are is fun?
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redstressball · 5 years
A little part of me dies every time you do this.
But it's okay because I would die for you 
So keep on killing me
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I don’t dream
I just sleep
Toss and turn
With brief intermittent moments
Where I seem to get enough rest
To get me through the day
My emotions fade from the surface
As I fight becoming a walking zombie
To tired to emote
Am I almost robotic?
#gottogetsomefeelingsout #notquiteapoem #feelingsunsaid #iknowitsnotaletter #iwritethesetoo
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ifweknewlove · 9 years
Look into the mirror The reflection on the lake Listen inside youself This is a message for you to take You are caring You are kind You are intelligent You are beautiful Repeat it until your tongue can not forget Listen with your mind and your heart can follow suit Know that the unbelievable can be truth You are strong You are powerful You are valid You are capable Write it on every wall Shout from every rooftop Whisper in the dark You can love You can be loved You can love yourself You can find good in others Search the world alone Bring others along Find peace within your own melody You are unique You are you You are a work in progress (But that doesn't negate how) You are true Hold on when the going gets rough Inside of you is some pretty great stuff It is okay to feel weak You are complete You are enough You matter You do not have to be perfect Meeting standards means so little You mean so much There is nothing more important than how you treat yourself You may fall down You can get up You can perservere You can write the words that you need to hear You are allowed to be mean You are allowed to be nice You can choose what you feel is right You can let others shape their own lives You are a beautiful you Some day you might find it as true as I do I can say as a fact that no matter what trouble you might make Or even with the biggest mistakes Or how much you change Or the times your heart may break Love every bit of yourself You are pretty damn worth it
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