#now I really want that you would be happy with Eren or Armin after Marcos death T-T
yanderes-galore · 9 days
Hi is it ok to request Jean (AOT) romantic HCs please 💗
Sure! This is a general look on Jean but I just happen to like how S4 Jean looks so-
Yandere! Jean Kirstein Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Blood, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Manipulation, Fear of loss, Social isolation, Death, Forced relationship.
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Your first encounters with Jean were no doubt... unpleasant.
Jean tended to fall in love easily in his youth due to his upbringing, easily swayed by pretty faces.
In your shared youth, he was always blunt and cynical... to the point of antagonizing anyone who felt hopeful in their current situation.
You knew Jean since you were cadets, even during Marley.
Jean is no doubt just as Infatuated with you as when you were young, too.
Your early interactions with Jean are no doubt fights.
Before Trost, Jean was antagonistic and yet also a coward.
You always kept the view of not rolling over to let a Titan kill you.
You would do whatever it took to survive, and hiding away wasn't going to solve anything.
Which is often where Jean fights with you.
Once or twice you two ended up getting physical, usually during training.
You two had to be separated in response.
It's believed you two hate each other by your comrades.
What other option is there when you two are often verbally and physically against one another?
However... The death of Marco and so many other friends changed Jean.
You noticed you two fought less and he didn't try to put down your beliefs as much.
In fact, he even joined the Scouts with you and many others.
It's a relief he stopped... as now you can focus on training without you and Jean fighting.
You probably still have scars from those times....
Jean is still harsh on you at times, but it's for entirely different reasons.
Now it's because he's scared to lose you.
The world is changing and he's getting attached to his new companions.
Plus... He's beginning to realize he hasn't just fallen for your looks.
He's fallen for you.
A big driving factor of Jean as a yandere is his protective instinct.
He's lost many people, like Marco....
He knows you two used to fight in the past.
Yet now he's terrified to lose you too.
To the point he hates even having you go on missions.
Sure, you're capable, but one wrong step?
It makes him shiver... his heart aches...
He really is in love with you.
You may not want his care... yet it doesn't matter to him.
Jean would be anxious and more moody when on missions with you.
There's small hints of his adoration for you.
Blushing, shy behavior, stuttering, he's like a school boy with a crush.
Even when he's an adult he finds himself struggling to speak normally with you over time.
Jean is primarily protective due to what he goes through.
He's seen Titans, he's seen what they and other people can do, he could easily lose you...
If he doesn't step in, that is.
Jealousy and possessive behavior also makes itself known.
When he isn't worrying about your safety, he's worrying about others having a strong connection with you.
All the Scouts are close with one another, yeah...
Yet Jean worries about one of them stealing your heart before he can.
For example, He sees how you interact with Eren or Armin... or anyone else.
You smile at them, looking all happy.
It makes Jean envious.
Why can't you look at him like that?
Even after he changes his behavior, you still look at him with disdain!
Do you hate what he does?
Do you still view him as a coward?
Jean just wants to protect you... but you keep fighting him.
Imagine if Jean felt the only way to keep you safe is to keep you out of missions entirely?
Even more so if he was your squad leader?
When you were younger there was times he'd try to talk you out of missions once his obsession starts.
Yet you'd still find a way on them anyways.
When you're both older and you're used to working together, Jean gets more desperate.
He snaps more, you two fighting more now that the events with Marley started.
Except this time, it's Jean who wants to shield you away rather than shielding himself.
By this point he's infatuated and determined to keep you safe.
Jean wouldn't necessarily kill someone to keep you unless there was a reason.
He hates losing unnecessary lives as a leader.
Although, occasionally he'll break an arm... give a black eye...
He'll have blood on his hands, but the other person will live to learn their lesson.
Yet kidnapping? Isolation? If it meant you were alive, safe...
He'll take anything.
Jean would work as an excellent enemies/lovers character.
He always despises your wish to fight one way or another.
But the reason changes over time.
At first he thinks it's idiotic, later it's because he's scared to lose another person he cares for in this world.
You are the only one he's felt such an exhilarating and burning love for.
He wants to preserve how he feels, preserve you...
No matter what.
Imagine Jean knocking you out, a task that isn't very difficult due to his strength.
By the time you wake up, you're in an isolated cabin or room.
You can try to get answers as to where you are, but Jean is adamant on not saying a thing.
Jean may not always have blood on his hands for you...
Yet he uses those same hands to cover your eyes and shield you from the pain of the world even he had to face.
It's like he's coddling you.
Jean can't take anymore pain.
Losing you may make him snap entirely.
He ignores your questions, merely saying this was for the best.
Who knows? Perhaps in captivity Jean confesses.
He says he's doing this because he's scared to lose you.
He loves you.
He wants to be with you forever.
He's sorry but he promises to make things better.
His confession is clumsy.
He's desperate and you can sense it when he leans in to kiss your lips...
Like he's reassuring himself that this is the right thing to do.
Like he knows it's not... yet refuses to change it.
Jean would feed you rations, show you affection, treat you like there's nothing wrong.
In reality, fear controls Jean.
He's still a coward who yearns for a life of comfort.
He wants that kind of life with you.
He finds comfort in you... You're the only comfort in his life.
He'd be a fool to let you go and lose you to the cruel world out there...
No matter how selfish it may be...
Jean plans to keep you with him forever, safe and sound.
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dayonnight · 10 months
Eremin ♡ Headcanons
Eremin won the poll and that means headcanons of them! This are my own, so like, i hope some of you like them haha
🐚 Canon timeline 🕊
🕊 Eren is used to give Armin his clothes, like, everytime Armin looks slightly cold Eren will take off his jacket, his gloves, anything extra he has and put it on Armin's shoulder.
🐚 While Armin is a more into mechanical stuff, he enjoys writing sometimes, he writes small poems that hides because he is embarrassed of them. Eren discovers them one day when they were playing and loved them, after that, Armin always gives Eren the small poems that he writes. "Is like if i have a part of you with me all the time".
🕊 They were their first kiss, mostly because Armin read about kissing in a fairytale and Eren was curious because he saw his parents kiss, so they tried it themselves.
🐚 For a few months, Armin was taller than Eren and seemed really happy about it, even when Eren didn't because he is supposed to be the tall strong knight of Armin. It didn't last because Eren also got his own growth.
🐚 Eren believes that he is the "boss" in the relationship, but if Armin tells him to stand, shut up, walk or even stop, he will obey instantly.
🕊 Sometimes Eren would be able to see Armin through the window of his home, those times he will run to the door or (If the window was open) directly throw himself out of the window and jump to get near Armin. He stopped only when Armin told him to.
🐚 Armin is the most "rebel" of both, like, he didn't cared about the prohibition of knowledge about the outside world when he found the book, did he?
🕊 Sometimes, Eren will copy some of the drawings in the book with stick versions of Armin and himself in them, as if they were exploring, and gift the drawings to Armin.
🕊 Eren will never let go the key that his father gave him (besides when Erwin took it after his first transformation), mostly because is the only thing left of his home. However, Armin is the only one he will let have it, like, during titan training he lefts it with him just in case.
🐚 Their love language is physical love, words of affirmation and gifts, literally any gift, Eren would give Armin cool rocks that he founds and Armin will give Eren feathers and flowers.
🕊 When they joined the cadets, do you know who was Eren the most jealous of? Marco, because Marco was smart and liked the same things that Armin, so they spent a lot of time talking and bonding over that, and Eren got jealous.
🐚 Eren began to read more just to have an excuse to talk with Armin, sometimes it worked, others at least he got Armin to explain him more of the books so it was still a win.
🕊 Eren loves Armin's eyes so much, anytime they spend a long time separated, he just stares at the sky because Armin's eyes always reminded him of the sky.
🐚 Armin admires Eren a lot, he is brave, strong and always so determined to make what he wants. Is hard for him to understand why someone like Eren would love him the same way he does.
🕊 They like to spend their free time just cuddling and comforting each other with affirmation words.
🐚 Eren will hype Armin for literally anything, and Armin gets flustered over that because now everyone is staring, that's why we didn't saw Armin's first try with the odm equipment, it would only be 10 minutes of Eren yelling and cheering Armin.
🕊 Everyone knows they are dating, they aren't that subtle. They still got shocked when discovered that everyone already knew of them.
🐚 Armin is really lightweight, so everytime Eren can, he will lift up Armin in his arms.
🕊 Armin's puppy-eyes might be the most powerful force in the planet (Everyone will do as he asks), but Eren's puppy-eyes are Armin's only weakness, so sadly, Eren only hears the word "No" whenever Armin isn't around.
🐚 Do not separate for a long time! Eren will get cranky and Armin will doubt himself if you do.
🕊 Armin has dreamed of marrying Eren, Eren has too, but they are too shy to talk about it with each other.
🐚 Eren is a big hypocrite, he complains of others couples having PDA in public, but he will do the same with Armin.
🕊 Titan Eren will mostly listen to Armin, sometimes only to him, which force Hange to bring Armin to the titan training constantly.
🐚 When Eren showed Armin the world in the Paths, it wasn't only something of one moment, they spent literal years talking and exploring an empty world.
🕊 Eren almost cried when he heard Armin's screams to himself, he knows Armin never really loved himself, but hearing how much hate he had for himself made him upset.
🐚 They have all eternity to be together, if not in Hell, then in other lives.
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sonofthesaiyans · 7 months
Another bone to pick with Eremika.....
You know when you really think about it, Eremika fans may be some of the most selfish people in the Attack on Titan fandom.
Oh I still hold Gabi Braun's fans to be the absolute worst, who seem to legitimately think it's wrong to hate on her in any capacity.......But the fans who even now are still so desperately needy for Mikasa and Eren to have their "happy" ending really never stop to understand how much such an ending simply would NOT have been earned.
As I've said in the past, Eremika is unquestionably abusive on Eren's side. Mikasa was nothing but loyal to him, to a very unhealthy degree in fact, and he never treated her with any affection reflective of either the love of a partner or of the adoptive stepbrother he was supposed to have been. Even if Eren was putting on a show with that "I've always hated you" speech, it's baffling why anyone would want them to still be together after such a cruel renouncement of their bond.
But what's REALLY selfish? Think of all the other characters who deserved a happy ending but DIDN'T get theirs:
Sasha Braus, anyone? Marco Bott?
Hange and Levi? Hell, Levi and Petra?
Seriously folks, how can ANYONE think Levi's was a fitting end for someone who had lost everyone he held close, and was left broken and alone with no clear path forward? It's a pitiful sight seeing what humanity's strongest soldier was reduced to.
Jean? What's his story? Connie, what's his story? Armin?
Historia and Ymir? Ymir lost her shot at a new life, and let's be real, Historia didn't marry that farmer asshole out of genuine love, if he is in fact her husband.
Marlowe and Hitch? Miche Zacharius? Hannah and Franz? Nile and his daughters? Keith Shadis? DAMN NEAR EVERYONE?
The list goes ON and ON.
So many characters who deserved a happy ending. And the fandom mourns for the mass murderer who didn't get laid with the girl he continually pushed away and forced into an impossible situation?
Eren died a virgin. You think I'm fucking mourning?
Come to think of it with that in mind, Gabi fans are really selfish since they actively rubbed it in our faces that she lived, having been literally carried through the story by egregious plot armor. But I digress.
Eremika fans got their priorities backwards. Not just for trying to preserve an intensely toxic unbalanced attraction, but because apparently that's a greater loss than all who died unnecessarily because of Eren's vast manipulations.
I know this is not an attitude that applies to all Eremika fans. But to the ones who are still mourning over this......
Eren Yeager can go get fucked right up the ass straight into ETERNAL DAMNATION like the cunt he is. I ain't mourning for that hobo haired bitch, people, why are you?
This story ended with the ocean.
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offbrandhange · 4 years
Wedding Day ! | 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
Fluff & NSFW headcanons on your wedding day/night with some of the AOT boys!
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! Slight NSFW !
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of sex, pregnancy. Fem ! reader.
Majority of this is fluff, but there are mentions of !BEEP! sooo yeah.
Characters: Armin, Eren, Erwin, Jean, Levi
a/n: I have to take my SAT tomorrow, please wish your girl good luck for those sweet, sweet good grades....
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𝕬𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝕬𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖙 ~
Helps you plan the wedding and possibly loves it even more than you do. He���s a sucker for quality time. 
Armin would prefer a small or medium-sized wedding. If you want a large wedding though, there’s no way he’s holding you back from having it. 
100% a beach wedding. No doubt.
The venue is BEAUTIFUL. Spent countless nights researching and visiting places to make sure you got the best.
Eren is chosen as the best man, although Armin feels guilty for having to pick only one out of all his friends.
On the day of the wedding, Armin is a panicking mess. Eren and Jean literally have to give him a pep talk before he goes to stand at the alter.
Practiced deep breathing techniques before the wedding. Unfortunately, they aren’t working.
When you finally walk down the isle, Armin starts crying softly. Eren put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him......which just made him sob harder. He cried multiple times during the wedding.
Your wedding rings are the set his grandfather and grandmother shared :’)
Specifically told the bartender not to serve Connie and Sasha more than 3 drinks. He doesn’t trust them making their own alcohol-related decisions at his wedding.
Armin isn’t a dancer but....he practiced how to slow dance just for you.
Shy at first when it comes to the more fast-paced dancing, but Jean coaxes him into it, and he ends up having a lot of fun.
The speeches are so nice!!! But mostly because Armin asked Mikasa to read them over before hand to make sure they were okay.
After the wedding ends and everyone has left, you and Armin sit and watch the waves at night.
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The beach was reserved...meaning it is now completely deserted. I am now politely reminding you, Armin is not a saint. Honeymoon sex on the beach, anybody?
The sex is slow and sweet; he takes his time with you and kisses you all over. It’s 100% the definition of, “making love.”
If you’re down for a kid right now, Armin’s down for a kid right now. He WILL try for a baby with you if it’s what you want.
After you made a mess of yourselves in the sand...Armin would probably let you sleep for a little bit as he watched the waves. He doesn’t want it to end yet.
When he’s finally content, he would carry you back to the hotel, trying not to wake you.
Super considerate dusting the sand off you, and then tucking you in bed. He’s totally cuddling you to sleep, too.
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𝕰𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
Pretty much gives you full control of the wedding planning; he only has a few requests.
Eren would be the type of dude to invite friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends. Your wedding is gonna be packed.
Has no idea what kind of wedding he prefers.
Please, god, don’t let him pick the venue. He will go to the first one, look around, and go, “Yeah, this is pretty nice.” That’s how you’ll end up getting married at an AirBNB with a nice backyard hidden behind the local Walmart.
Doesn’t know if he should make Armin or Zeke the best man, so he flips a coin to decide. It landed on Armin, and from that day on, Zeke was super salty.
Tries to convince you to try on the wedding dress/suit the day before. He can’t sleep that night because he’s so keyed up thinking about how pretty you’ll look.
On the day of the wedding, he’s super fucking ecstatic and practically bouncing all over the place.
Eren would get kind of impatient when waiting at the isle, to the point it would annoy the groomsmen. Jean came so close to saying something but was thankfully stopped by Armin.
When you finally walk down the isle, he’s BEAMING. He tears up a little bit out of happiness, but nothing too extreme.
Armin had to help him pick out the wedding rings otherwise you would’ve ended up with one of those plastic spider rings you win at Chuck e. Cheese’s.
Eren gets so fucking drunk you’re worried you might have to carry him back to the room by the end of the night.
Jean literally nit-picks everything Eren does the whole night....which almost ends up resulting in a drunken bar fight...at your wedding. It ends up fine, though, because Levi and Mikasa step in as bodyguards.
You SWEAR Mikasa is giving you dirty looks. Likewise, Eren SWEARS he’s getting dirty looks from Levi.
He does alright slow-dancing, but is so tipsy and distracted by how attractive you are to him, he’s kinda just....trying his best.
Absolutely OBLITERATES the dance floor when the fast-paced songs come on...
WILD assortment of speeches. Mikasa is crying, Armin’s reading a poem, Floch’s trying to get you to join his cult, Zeke is crying......and Eren is sitting there like, “Is this almost over.” You’d think it was America’s got talent, or something.
When the wedding ends, he 100% drags you to your favorite fast-food restaurant. Still in your wedding attire. Seriously, this dude is crazy, but he’s fun.
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When you get back to the hotel, he lets you eat your food--and then he fucks the shit out of you.
Way, way, way more rough than usual; super passionate sex. Multiple rounds, too. You don’t even KNOW how he has this much stamina by the end of the night.
Not even TRYING to get you pregnant, but his dumbass probably accidentally would.
Good luck trying to walk tomorrow!!!
When he’s finally tired, he is GONE. Like, you could scream bloody-murder and he still wouldn’t wake up.
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𝕰𝖗𝖜𝖎𝖓 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍 ~
You can TRY and take that wedding planner from Erwin--the only way he’d give it to you is if you pried it from his cold, dead hand(s).
Tells people he’s married MONTHS before the wedding.
Everyone.....and I mean EVERYONE.....knows you’re getting married. he will walk up to strangers and brag about you.
Erwin invites everyone he sees. Elderly woman crossing the street? Invited. Barista at the coffee shop? Invited. Guy on the bus who offered him a seat? Invited.
All those people attend the wedding, too. Why? Everyone knows and loves Erwin. So when your wedding is literally PACKED with people you have never seen before--you’re only slightly surprised.
You know those reality shows where they have HUGE, expensive weddings? Your wedding would put theirs to shame. Erwin goes ALL OUT.
The venue? A literal castle. How did he manage to book and afford a castle? Don’t question it.
Your wedding dress doesn’t have a budget. Seriously, your wedding is crazy expensive--and straight out of a fairy tale.
You’re pretty sure Levi made himself the best man--and Erwin was fine with it.
Is super excited on the day of the wedding. He knows it’s going to be perfect; he got his eyebrows done just for the occasion.
When you walk down that isle his smile is SO BRIGHT. he is SHINING.
Yeah, those wedding rings? Imported from Italy, plastered with giant, real, diamonds. You will never be able to say Erwin doesn’t spoil you.
Pretty chill wedding, nothing’s too rowdy and everyone’s still having a good time.
Whispers sweet nothings and tells you how happy he is the whole night. He can’t go five minutes without saying, “I love you.”
Just TRY to get him to stop holding your hand; he won’t.
Erwin is so good at slow-dancing??? And he’s so careful with you, too. 100% the one in the lead, but he’s spinning and dipping you so sweetly. Not to mention the way he’s looking at you...
He’s a serious guy a lot of the time, but I honest to god believe in the sweetest way possible, you would genuinely have a really fun time fast-pace dancing with him. You would both be laughing at each other’s moves.
Majority of the speeches are super nice. Hange tried to get Levi to say something, brought him up to the stage and....he starred at the crowd for a couple awkward seconds, then walked off. He conveyed his message through his eyes, I guess?
The wedding is so long you weren’t sure it was ever going to end...
Hotel? Nah he booked that castle, that’s where you’re spending the night...
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You’re fucking in the king bed tonight baby, literally.
Pays attention to your needs/wants the WHOLE NIGHT. Seriously, he’s a soft dom, and makes sure you’re more than satisfied.
Tons of body worship?? He’s so sweet and careful with you.
Erwin secretly really, really wants to give you his babies and start a family with you on the honeymoon. If you’re willing, he will make sure he gets you pregnant; you’re getting no sleep.
After you’re done, he will run you two a bath and clean you off. He adds in a little bonus massage, too.
When you get in bed, he pets your head, cuddling you until you fall asleep. You could’ve sworn you saw him smiling before you drifted off to sleep.
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𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 ~
Jean would definitely help you plan the wedding--he values romance a lot, so having the perfect wedding for him and you, is important. He also doesn’t want to put all the weight on you.
Brags to his friends that he’s getting married--they all get tired of hearing about it.
Normal sized wedding--not too many, but not small, either. Lots of family and friends.
The venue is at a barn. Yes, he picked a barn. it’s a nice venue, too; the only problem is that he’s not going to be able to escape those horse jokes.
Marco is chosen as the best man--and when Connie hears about it, he sulks for a few days. He gets over it eventually, though.
He’s kind of nervous the day of--but Marco reassures him and teaches his some deep-breathing techniques.
Keeps his cool until he goes to stand at the alter--and then he’s in full-blown panic mode. “What if I can’t make her happy?” “What if she runs away with Eren?” meanwhile, Eren is standing right there with the other groomsmen, like “wtf?”
When you walk down the isle--he’s super overwhelmed. He feels a huge sense of relief you didn’t ditch him and run away, but also metaphorically hit by a semi-truck of emotions since he realized he’s ACTUALLY getting married. There’s a little bit of happy crying.
His mom picked out your wedding rings; you only find out when she brags about it--and Jean yells at her for telling you.
His wedding gift to you is a giant portrait he drew of you--and on the back, there’s a message in French. He won’t tell you what it says, but you’re pretty sure it’s an oath to love and protect you ‘till the day he dies.
He does pretty well slow-dancing. His mom also mentions he begged her to practice with him so he didn’t mess up.
He’s a little worried about making himself look like a fool dancing in front of you--but for you, he does it anyways; You both laugh your asses off and have a lot of fun.
The speeches make Jean look like he wants to drop dead from embarrassment. He’s not sure what’s worse--Connie and Sasha doing karaoke, Eren making horse jokes, or his mom telling all of his embarrassing baby stories.
After everyone leaves, Jean takes you to look at the animals before you leave, too.
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 As for honeymoon sex; you better not make a horse joke, otherwise you’re getting laid in that fucking barn. Maybe. He threatens that, but you know he wouldn’t want to have sex there on your wedding night. He’s 100% down for another time, though.
A mix of rough and sweet at the same time--he does the right things at the right times.
Is a lot more passionate and soft than usual--very careful with your body, and makes sure to really take everything in; He wants to remember the night for as long as he lives.
Immaculate aftercare; and on top of that, he lets you fall asleep in his arms, occasionally kissing your forehead.
Bonus: he sings you to sleep.
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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 ~
Lets you plan the wedding, but looks it over and makes sure there’s nothing too crazy happening. He, somehow, is worried you’re going to plan a circus or something else ridiculous to show up.
No one knows you’re getting married until the envelopes are mailed to family and friends. In fact, some people didn’t even know you were together.
Pretty small wedding, it’s mostly people who are very close to you two. It has a very homey-feel.
The venue HAS to be indoors. Levi thinks an outdoor wedding is unsanitary--so you end up getting married in a banquet hall.
Erwin is 1000% the best man. You don’t even have to ask, you already know it’s going to be Erwin.
Is literally shaking and sweating his ass off he’s so nervous the day of the wedding--if anyone asks, though, he swears he is fine. Has no idea it’s completely obvious he’s on the verge of absolutely freaking out.
Erwin and Hange try to get him to relax--but he continues to deny that he is in fact, NOT calm.
When you walk down the isle and he makes eye contact with you--his brain short-circuits. His mind literally stops working and is constantly repeating, “p...p...pre....pretty..” the whole damn time.
Mentally saves the image of you in your dress/suit to use as his motivation to always come home to you.
Tries to remain expressionless, but is literally tomato-red and on the verge of crying; he never thought he’d be able to find happiness--it feels like everything is finally going to be okay. Erwin is smiling like a proud dad, and Hange is trying to suppress their amazement that the dude’s showing emotion.
Your wedding rings are fairly plain--but on the inside of the bands, both of your names are etched.
He won’t read the vows out loud, he simply hands you a letter and tells you to read it another time.
When the time comes to kiss--Levi literally hides behind you and shyly pulls you in. The view the audience gets is your back--and they aren’t sure whether to clap or not.
Your wedding gift to him was a giant assortment of different teas--and he genuinely seemed really excited to try them. He didn’t realize it, but when he mentioned tasting them, he said, “with you” at the end.
Has no idea how to slow dance. Erwin tried to help him, but it didn’t do much, so you teach him on the spot. Your first dance, he concentrates really hard on not messing up, eyebrows furrowed and all.
Doesn’t know how to dance fast-pace either, in fact, he’s pretty confused. You have to grab the man and force him out of his comfort zone, spinning him and all. Hange and the Survey Corp members are laughing their ass off at his bewildered face.
The speeches went pretty well--except for when Hange didn’t stop talking; Levi threatened to force them off the stage, and you don’t think he was joking.
The wedding was fairly short--but only because Levi rushed everyone home; he just wanted to drag you off and keep you to himself for the rest of the day.
After the wedding, he takes you to a spot nearby to watch the sunset. He has a soft smile, and you can tell he’s genuinely happy.
You take HIM back to the hotel--he would’ve been fine staying there just a little longer, in the peace of it all.
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You’re literally taking his virginity. He saved himself for marriage; he wanted to make sure he gave himself to the right person.
Very nervous--and kind of insecure, too. He isn’t sure what you’ll think of him, and he’s worried about you seeing his scars. He STILL isn’t completely convinced you really want him.
Lots of body worship and reassuring him; he melts at your touch.
Once he gets comfortable and into it, he repeats “I love you” a lot.
He doesn’t last very long...but keeps going until you get off, too. He’s still a little confused by everything, so you have to teach him.
He’s half asleep after cumming--but still insists the two of you need to get in the shower.
Was too tired to stand, so you took a bath together instead. He falls asleep, leaning on you, when you massage his head.
You end up being unable to wake him up--the man is dead tired from not only sleep deprivation, the long day, but also his first time.
You can’t get him out of the bathtub, either--he’s too bulky to lift. You expected him to be much lighter due to his height, but his muscle makes him a lot more heavy.
Hange and Erwin have to be called to haul his ass--naked--out of the tub and into the bed. Hange is of no help since they’re laughing so hard--and Erwin is helping, but trying so hard not to break face and laugh too.
After they leave, you cover him up and cuddle into his frame; you could swear you heard a quiet, “thank you.”
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shiftingparadise · 2 years
Hi there! If you are still taking request I wanted to request a post war Jean x fem reader. It’s been two years since the war ended and no more titans. Jean and reader got married and even had twins which they named Marco and Sasha. Im going based of the beginning of episode 84 in which it shows jeans dream life after the war. Lots of fluff thanks!
God, I love Jean so much. Thank you for your request, I hope you like it! Enjoy reading 🤍✨
Word Count: 3163
‘Jean, are you already drinking liquor?’, you sighed while holding Marco and Sasha in your arms, ‘It’s not even noon’. ‘Ai, it’s a beautiful day today’, he smiled while taking a small, precious sip from his liquor, as if it were his last. ‘You say that every day’, you replied disapprovingly before sitting down on the couch, ‘Would be nice if you could hand me their bottles’. ‘Oi, don’t worry’, he closed his eyes before standing up, walking towards the kitchen, ‘Here’. 
Jean placed the bottles in front of you on the table. You could see his hand was shaking again, causing you to worry. 
‘Jean? Are you alright?’, you handed Marco to him when you noticed he held out his arms for his son, ‘Ai, of course’. You could see he was lying, leading you to close your eyes while sighing again. ‘Did you have another dream?’, you softly sighed before bending over to pick up the other bottle from the table. ‘I said I’m fine Y/N, don’t worry’, Jean looked at you while sitting on a chair in the kitchen. 
You could see his eyes soften when he looked at his son, carefully stroking his cheek before placing a kiss on his head. The sight of him holding Marco or Sasha like that always made you smile. 
‘What do you say Sasha?’, you smiled at your daughter who was eagerly drinking from the bottle you were holding, ‘Do we believe Papa?’. 
Jean raised an eyebrow in response, wondering what you were up to again. 
‘No, I don’t believe him either’, you smirked at Jean. ‘Oi Y/N, I said I’m fine, what else could you possibly want?’, Jean rolled his eyes. ‘You say you’re fine, but I know you’re not. Your side of the bed was cold again. I could hear you pacing in your study for hours. Why can’t you just talk to me about your nightmares? We’ve gone through the same things, haven’t we? We fought beside each other; we lost the same people; we both saw the same injuries; we both murdered-‘, you clenched your teeth at the memories of all the people you killed to protect the people you loved. ‘Why do you treat me like an outsider?’. 
Jean’s mind was racing. You could see he had a fight going on inside his mind, debating whether he should open up to you or not. Jean wasn’t the same, happy, stubborn kid he used to be. Ever since his friend Marco died, he became more of a leader, but he was still Jean. But after Sasha died, after Eren… He wasn’t the same anymore, but neither were you. 
‘I’m sorry’, he closed his eyes, ‘I don’t want to bother you with my misery’, he chuckled. ‘Misery? Really?’, you placed the now empty bottle back on the table, holding Sasha close to you, ‘I tell you about my nightmares and episodes, don’t I? You comfort me every time, right? Why can’t you let me do the same for you? Are you afraid I won’t love you anymore? Or are you afraid once you talk about them, they might become real?’. 
You could see Jean lowering his eyes when you spoke your last sentence. Hinting that was probably the answer. You knew because you often felt the same. When you had nightmares about losing the twins in war, or seeing Connie or Armin trampled upon by Titans, you didn’t dare to talk about it. It felt like once you did, it would become a self-fulfilling prophecy, even though there weren’t Titans anymore, even though there was peace. 
‘I’m afraid of losing my family’, Jean’s eyes met yours, ‘I’m still so afraid Y/N. I thought once the war was over it would go away, but it feels like I’m going insane’. 
You slowly stood up from the couch, trying to calm down Sasha, who suddenly started crying. 
‘I feel the same, especially when our lovely daughter keeps crying at night’, you closed your eyes when you thought about all the sleepless nights you had because of the twins. ‘Want to visit Levi’s tea shop today?’, you turned around with a smile, ‘It’s been a while since we saw the Capt-‘, you paused before correcting yourself, ‘I mean Levi. It’s still a habit to call that shorty Captain’, you smirked at your husband. ‘Oi, don’t call him shorty when we see him, he would still beat your ass’, Jean replied while getting up too, ‘Let’s get the strollers’. 
You were walking next to Jean, looking at the shops next to you. 
‘Oi Jean, wouldn’t that be nice for the twins?’, you stopped in front of a shop where baby clothing was displayed behind the window.
 ‘Ai, they would look cute in those’, a hand grabbed your shoulders. 
You were startled by the unexpected touch. ‘Connie’, you smiled while turning around. 
Of course, Connie was already standing next to Jean, both laughing at your reaction. 
‘Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want’, you rolled your eyes, ‘Want to join us for tea at the Captain’s-‘, you closed your eyes again at your mistake, ‘At Levi’s tea shop?’. ‘No, I’m going to have a drink with Niccolo’, he waived away your offer, ‘But thanks for inviting me’. ‘Oi Connie, thanks for inviting me to your date with Niccolo’, Jean was obviously annoyed. ‘I didn’t think you would have time… You know with the twins’, Connie smiled while playfully waving at Marco, ‘Maybe I’ll visit this weekend, if that’s alright’, Connie looked at you for approval, which you gladly gave. ‘Wouldn’t want them to forget their coolest uncle’, he nonchalantly placed his hands in his pockets before walking away, ‘Don’t worry Jean, I’ll invite you next time’. 
‘Fool’, Jean gritted through his teeth, ‘He could have at least asked me’. You couldn’t help but giggle at his jealous behavior. ‘Oi, don’t laugh’, he looked at you with his brows frowning, ‘It’s not funny’. ‘Oi, oi, oi, don’t worry honey. I’ll always invite you’, you winked at him. 
‘I’ve never seen Levi so happy’, you smiled while looking at your husband who was again sitting on the balcony. ‘Ai, he seems at peace’, Jean lowered his eyes, ‘It feels like he has finally accepted his injuries’. ‘Hm’, you smiled with sad eyes, ‘I’m putting the twins to bed’. ‘Wait’, Jean quickly stood up from his chair, ‘I’ll put them to bed today’. ‘Huh?’, you tilted your head at his sudden reaction, ‘O-okay, I’ll pour you some scotch’, you said softly before walking towards the kitchen.
‘Jean? Everything alright?’, you whispered while walking through the hallway towards the twins’ room, ‘You’ve been with them an awfully long time’. 
No reaction. Your mind started racing, did something happen? Was one of the twins sick? No, he probably didn’t hear you, after all, you were whispering… but you didn’t want to wake the twins up if Jean was already in his study.
‘I’m sure Sasha would’ve tried to feed you meat already’, Jean’s rough voice echoed through the hallway once you got closer to their room. 
You stopped walking. Your heart was breaking at the thought of Sasha and the last memory of her. 
‘I wish you could see Connie with Sasha, they were quite the duo’, you could hear his voice breaking, ‘And Marco… Marco should’ve been the commanding officer, not me. He would’ve –‘. 
You could hear Jean softly sobbing at the thought of his fallen comrades. You didn’t know what to do. Jean never cried in front of you before. Should you give him his space, or should you hold him? Comfort him? He was your husband, you should be there for him, right? 
‘Jean?’, you softly pushed the door open. 
You could see him quickly turning his head away from you, softly letting go of Marco’s crib before walking past you.
‘They’re sleeping Y/N, I’m going to my study’, he replied softly once he was in the hallway. ‘Jean, stop’, you grabbed his hand, ‘Talk to me, please’. ‘About what?’, he let his hand rest on the door of his study while looking at the ground, ‘I wanted to tell a story about Sasha and Marco to them. I want them to know how they were, about whom they’re named after but-‘, you could see him closing his eyes, clenching his jaw before opening the door, ‘I couldn’t. 
You could see he wanted to enter his study, to walk away from this conversation, but you weren’t going to let him. Not this time. 
‘Jean’, you grabbed his hand, ‘We’ll tell them together. You don’t have to go through this alone. Connie talks about Sasha all the time to-‘, ‘Ai, Connie does’, Jean lowered his eyes, ‘Why does it feel like Connie picked his life back up and I didn’t? Why does it feel like I’m still living in the past Y/N?’. ‘What do you mean? We got married, you have two beautiful children, you’re drinking the finest liquor, like you’ve always wanted-‘, ‘And it still isn’t enough Y/N’, Jean interrupted you. 
You looked confused at your husband, trying to understand what he meant. Were you not good enough? Is the life he’s living right now not good enough for him? 
‘I’m sorry’, he sighed while rubbing through his eyes with his thumb and index finger, ‘That came out wrong’. ‘W-what do you mean? Aren’t you happy with me? With the twins? Isn’t this the life you’ve always dreamt of?’, your voice started to shake. ‘No Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that’, he shook his head while placing his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him, ‘You’re all I’ve ever wanted, you, the twins…’. 
You could feel Jean’s hand moving towards your cheek, his eyes soft again. 
‘I’ve told you so many times how I’ve felt the first time I saw you back at the Training Corps. How I’ve been under your spell ever since; how hurt I was when I thought you had a crush on Connie instead of me’. You chuckled at the memories. You could still see Jean screaming at his best friend, telling him not to flirt with you during training. ‘Poor Connie’, you smiled, ‘He didn’t even know you had a crush on me’. ‘Tch, he should’ve. Everyone else knew… With how much I talked about you’, Jean let his fingers rest on your collarbone before tilting your head so that you were looking up at him. ‘You know how happy I am with you, how lucky I feel for having you and the twins…’. ‘Then why isn’t it enough?’, a sad smile appeared on your face, hands resting against Jean’s chest. 
You could see that Jean was trying to find the right words, that he was trying to figure out what he meant when he spoke those words. 
‘I thought I would’ve felt better after all those years Y/N, but the deaths, the fear… It still haunts me’. ‘It still haunts all of us’, you said softly, ‘Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Levi, … Do you really think they can sleep peacefully at night? Because I know for a fact they don’t’.
Jean didn’t reply. You could feel him putting his walls back up. His eyes, the way he clenched his jaw. He was done with the conversation. 
‘Let’s have a drink’, you smirked while grabbing his wrist, pulling him behind you, ‘But I want to be in my stud-‘, ‘And I want to have a drink with my husband before he locks himself away again’, you intertwined your hand in his. 
It’s not that you minded Jean spending a lot of time in his study, but you worried about him. He would lock himself away for entire nights. It wasn’t healthy anymore. 
‘Y/N?’, Jean’s voice broke through the silence while placing his glass back on the table. ‘Yes?’, you replied before enjoying the burning sensation of the scotch streaming down your throat.  ‘Let’s have dinner tomorrow. Just us two. We’ll let Connie or Mikasa watch the twins. It’s been too long since we went out together, just us two’. ‘I would love to’, you lowered your eyes, a small smile on your face, ‘What about Niccolo’s restaurant? I would love to go there’. Jean’s eyes met yours in response, ‘As long as you’re joining me, I don’t care where we go’.  Jean gently placed his hand on your thigh, softly pinching it, ‘Earlier, when I said that it’s not enough, that I still feel scared … You know I didn’t mean you, right? You’re more than enough, you’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of. To be honest, I feel kind of bad for saying stuff like that’. 
Jean’s free hand started scratching the back of his neck, his eyes looked at the ground in embarrassment. 
‘I know’, you replied, ‘You don’t have to feel bad. I’m relieved you finally talked to me’. 
‘Oi Y/N, if you ever bring that up again-‘, ‘What?’, you smirked at your husband, cheeks red from laughing, ‘You’re not going to do anything’. ‘Don’t push me’, Jean smiled before calling the waiter. 
‘Could we get another bottle of wine please?’, Jean asked the waiter. ‘Ai! Chef Niccolo has a nice bottle ready for you two’, the young boy smiled back at your husband, ‘I’ll be back in a minute’. 
‘Tch’, Jean closed his eyes while smiling, ‘Stop smirking like that’. ‘I just can’t help it’, you burst out in laughter, ‘I’m sorry, but you were so embarrassed when I caught you staring at me’. ‘Anyone would’ve been embarrassed’, Jean replied while rolling his eyes. ‘Maybe you shouldn’t have watched me while I was showering then’. ‘Oi Y/N, stop’, you noticed Jean was blushing at the memory, ‘I was 17’. ‘You’re right, I’m sorry’, you took another sip from your wine, ‘At least now you join me’. ‘I’m your husband, I can join you whenever I want’, ‘Oh?’, you raised an eyebrow, ‘Whenever you want?’. ‘Ai, why are you acting like this’, he said annoyed, ‘You’re mine, right?  I can do whatever I wa-‘, ‘Watch it’, you said with a smug face before taking another bite of your dessert.
‘This one’s on the house’, the young waiter smiled before placing the bottle of red wine on the table, ‘Enjoy!’. ‘Thank you’, Jean smiled back at him before filling up your glass. 
‘J-jean, you’re going to have to carry me’, you hiccuped, desperately clutching onto Jean’s arm, ‘I’m going to have such a bad hangover in the morning’, you giggled. ‘Y/N, are you sure you don’t want to put on your coat? It’s freezing’, ‘Freezing?’, you looked confused at your husband, ‘It’s not cold!’.
You were walking home with Jean, the moonlight greeted your skin. You wondered how Jean could walk straight after having so much wine. 
‘Oi’, you narrowed your eyes, ‘Aren’t you drunk?’. ‘Tch’, Jean smirked, ‘I’m not weak, like you. I can handle my booze’, he proudly spoke to you, his thumb pointing at his chest. ‘Oh fuck you Jean’, you gently pushed him while smiling, ‘Don’t act like you won something’. ‘If it were a competition, I would’ve won’, he looked at you from the corner of his eyes. ‘Yeah, yeah, fine’, you waived his words away, ‘But don’t be so smug about it, or do I need to bring up another embarrassing-‘, ‘No!’, he clenched his jaw, ‘Let’s talk about something else’.  
‘Hm’, you grunted out in pain, covering your eyes with the sheets. ‘What’s wrong princess?’, Jean’s smug voice echoed through the room, ‘You were acting so tough yesterday’. ‘Please’, you pressed your eyelids together, ‘Close the curtains’. ‘Oh, come now princess’, Jean sat down on the covers next to you, ‘It’s such a beautiful day today’. ‘Why are you acting so cocky? What did I do?’, you carefully removed the blanket so that you could look at your husband, one eye still closed. ‘Oh you don’t remember, huh?’, Jean smirked, arms folded, ‘You were so proudly announcing that you wouldn’t need my help today, that you were going to be just fine because you’re ‘way tougher’ than me’. ‘That’s not true!’, you snapped at him, ‘I told you I would feel bad in the morning’. ‘Ai, but that was before you decided to have some more liquor once you got home’. ‘Shit’, you grunted, quickly covering yourself with the sheets. 
You could hear Jean chuckle before he got up again. 
‘You’ve given me quite embarrassing stories to tell’, ‘No, I don’t want to hear them’, you sighed, ‘Please-‘, ‘How the tables have turned, right?’, Jean walked to the window, ‘You were so confident yesterday, laughing at stories of me in the Corps-‘, ‘Jean, close the curtains, please’, you begged him, ‘Begging me for something again?’. You tried to ignore the throbbing sensation in your head, ‘Jean, I really don’t want to hear what happened’. ‘Too bad princess’, you could feel Jean’s hand removing the blankets from your face, forcing you to look at him. 
You hated that look on his face. The smug smirk. The look he had when he knew he had you where he wanted to. 
‘Please Jean’, he imitated your voice with a smile, ‘Please I want you, right here, right now’. ‘Jean I swear to God-‘, you clenched your jaw, trying to cover your blushing cheeks with the blanket, but he wouldn’t let you. ‘Oh princess, no need to be embarrassed’, he shrugged his shoulders, ‘I didn’t mind that you were throwing yourself at me’. ‘Fuck you Jean’, you quickly turned your back to him. ‘Don’t’ worry, I’ll tell you all about it once you’re feeling better princess’, Jean walked over to the table in your room, ‘But for now, enjoy your breakfast’. 
You doubtfully looked over your shoulder, hoping Jean wasn’t joking. 
‘I-is that for me?’, you slowly sat up straight, trying to minimize the pain in your skull. ‘Ai, if you’re not too nauseous’, Jean placed the plate on your lap. 
Jean had prepared a bowl of fruit, a cup of coffee, some fresh orange juice, and some eggs with bacon for you.
‘I’m not feeling sick at all, only my head hurts’, you forced a smile on your face. ‘Good’, he smiled, ‘Then enjoy your breakfast princess’, Jean placed a kiss on your forehead. ‘Thank you’, you looked embarrassed at your husband, ‘I don’t know what I would do without you’. ‘Don’t worry’, Jean smiled before getting up, ‘I’m going to get the twins, I’ll be back soon’. ‘Hm’, you smiled, ‘I hope Connie hasn’t given them too much sugar, I can’t handle 2 hyperactive toddlers today’. ‘Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll take care of everything today’, Jean placed a small peck on your lips, ‘After all, you’ve taken care of me all night’. You widened your eyes, cheeks blushing, ‘Yeah, yeah, just go’, you replied grumpily. ‘As you wish princess’, Jean playfully bowed before you, ‘Your wish is my command’. 
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miekasa · 3 years
mie!! i’m so late to the party but i absolutely loved ‘NICE’, it made me feel so warm and fuzzy <33 it’s so unique to its own and the flow of it is beyond wonderful!
what is married life like for oc and eren in ‘NICE’? is it just like before/do you have any nice!husband!eren headcanons?
AHH I’m so happy you liked it and that you took the time to come and tell me!! Married life for them... doesn’t really differ from what their lives looked like before actually hehe. They were basically married without knowing it 🙄🙄 idiots to lovers or something like that; but here are a few head canons of the months immediately following NICE!
You officially got married in Paris on the fourth, not too long after Carla’s wedding. You guys flew in some officials, checked through all the technicalities, and signed the papers right on top of the Eiffel Tower (access granted by the city of Paris upon request of one Carla Jaeger, of course). 
Aside from having the most picturesque location in the world to sign your marriage certificate, there wasn’t anything lavish in celebration after that. Carla’s wedding was just three days earlier, after all, and was still the talk of the local press. You did have a small party with your friends (Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Marco, Erwin, Levi, Hange came from the Alps for Carla’s wedding) in your overly large hotel room. Just some music, room service, and lots and lots of champagne.
Eren extended your winter break vacation by two weeks for an impromptu honeymoon to the Bahamas before you went home. Let’s just say you did not leave the safe haven of your hotel room very often, except to dip into the ocean a few nights (benefits of a private beach).
After getting married, the rings swapped places; the band with diamonds previously on your pointer finger was put on a chain (a new one since Eren threw the other one on the ground 💀), and you now wear the engagement ring on your ring finger.
Eren doesn’t like it when you take off the ring (the ring being the engagement ring). The first time you were going into the water, you were going to put it on the chain for safekeeping, but he protested very strongly. He would rather it rest safely in your suitcase than go around your neck again.
Your wedding bands are actually very similar to the band you already have: gold and diamond encrusted. Eren’s, however, has an emerald in the center, like the two emeralds that serve as the pistils of the sunflowers in your engagement ring (for reference, that ring looks something like this, but with a gold band). The bands were the first thing Eren bought when you guys got home.
Your friends in Dubai (Ymir, Reiner, Annie, Connie, Sasha) had no idea that you and Eren got married over winter break. Safe to say they were all… very surprised to hear the news. Connie was a little bit bitter because he missed it, and wolf whistles every time he sees your ring (even though he’s seen it before because you wore it on the necklace every day).
You got married in January, but have an official wedding in the process of being planned sometime around late summer/early fall. Carla insisted that you guys have a wedding despite already being married, and Eren agreed whole heartedly. They are both very into planning it, and yes, Eren is somewhat of a bridezilla, and his mom is enabling him 100% please.
The night you signed the wedding papers, Carla lent you an off-white satin couture gown from one of her past collections. She is designing and making your official wedding dress by hand, with the help of Mikasa.
The two of them are also making Eren’s suit, and all the outfits for your wedding party. Carla will murder you if you even so much as hint at just buying other suits/dresses. This is her baby’s wedding, and she runs one of the most renowned fashion houses of the modern century; she’ll be damned if you guys wear something off the rack.
You considered a destination wedding, but settled on having it in New York. You haven’t decided a location yet, and it’s the one thing Eren isn’t actually picky about (because you know he’s gonna go ham on the decor no matter where it is bye).
Jean doesn’t know it yet, but he’s your maid of honor. Good luck and best of wishes to Eren picking between Mikasa and Armin for best man.
Even before confessing and getting married, Eren never slept much in his own bedroom. You both have California king sized beds in your rooms, and more often than not, Eren would sleep with you in your bed. You didn’t always cuddle, but he just liked to be there (for your presence, and because he was grossly in love bye)… you ended up cuddling a lot of the time tho.
He wants to renovate your apartment now that you both “officially” live in the same bedroom, even though it’s not necessary. He just likes renovating things.
You guys go to dinner every weekend, and sometimes you even go dancing. Eren still can’t dance and he doesn’t actually care to learn; it just reminds him of being in Nice with you.
He kisses your ring finger every morning waking up and every night before going to bed; sometimes he even does it subconsciously in his sleep.
He holds your hand way more often. Not just because you guys are together now, but because he likes seeing the ring where it’s meant to be. He also notices that it helps to curb your anxiety, which is a good bonus.
Eren wants kids, but he hasn’t really brought it up yet. He knows you both are fairly young, and that you’re still technically in school, but that’s not really a deterrent for him.
The only reason he’s waiting to say something is because you guys have a lot going on with wedding planning and settling in to “married life”—there’s a lot of tedious paperwork to be done and documents to update. He’ll bring it up next year when all that is settled.
On the subject of school, you are still attending university, but have been eligible for graduation for a year now. You had enough credits to graduate last (the year before NICE) December, but there were a few more classes you wanted to take out of interest that hadn’t been running in past years, so you stayed for all four years. Eren picks you up from your lectures.
Eren graduated in December before you guys went on vacation. By normal standards, that’s a semester early. However, he was supposed to be in this Honors Arts and Sciences program, that should have taken him another two semesters. He decided it wasn’t worth it, and dropped the honors part, and with that, had enough credits to graduate, so he did.
A college degree is really more of an accessory for him anyway, and school was never his thing. He’s decently smart, sure, but he never enjoyed school because of the emphasis on exams; he’s more of a creative person, a dreamer if you will. The only reason he even went to Columbia was because you decided to go there. 
He and you both have enough money to live more than comfortably if neither of you decided to get a job after graduation… way more than enough/ But Eren isn’t doing nothing; he’s actually sorta been working his way into the world of professional interior design, and he really loves it. You’re proud of him, and more than anything, happy that he decided to go for something he loves.
Armin and Jean also graduated a semester early. Armin’s been living with Mikasa since Connie got his own place off-campus in January. Jean is a little upset blondie is living with his girlfriend before he is, but it’s whatever 🙄if it’s gonna be anyone, at least it’s Armin. 
Carla mentioned that Eren got married sometime during a NYFW interview (along with talking about her own recent marriage), and since then you both have interviewed for two magazines, one of which featured pictures from your smaller party in Paris. You’ve gotten requests from Vanity Fair and Vogue about your bigger wedding later in the year, but you guys haven’t invited any media officials as of yet.
You and Eren attend the MET Gala almost every year. You don’t walk the red carpet and nobody is scrambling to take your pictures; but you have passes because of Carla. Also, you could just buy your way in if you wanted you (and your friends have in the past). This year, Eren had to pay two security officers $10k in bribes because you two snuck away to fuck in… a part of the museum not sectioned off for the event. Whoopsies.
Even before Eren got him arrested, going out to brunch was kind of your and Armin’s thing. Eren insists he should be invited now that he’s your husband. He is not. (His bitterness grows when he learns that Jean has secured himself an invite somehow).
Eren sold the car he got arrested for drag racing in. He never told you why—and as far as transportation goes, it wasn’t a big deal because you guys have other cars—but, to him, it was a kind of symbol. He thinks it’s dumb if he thinks too long about it, but he just didn’t wanna have that there are a reminder of how he’d hurt you and his mom.
Jean still drives you to your therapy appointments, but now Eren picks you up. Eren also goes to therapy himself, and has been before you guys got married; his therapist says he’s undoubtedly happier in recent sessions… like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulder.
As far as drugs go, there’s, of course, weed on a happy occasion, or at a party; but he hasn’t touched coke since that one time (which was also the first time he’d ever done it). That’s not even him being a changed man, he just didn’t like it—he only argued with you about it because he was being stubborn. He’s more of a drinker than anything, and absolutely loves to get you drunk on a special occasion, too; he always has. He thinks you look cute, and he likes taking care of you.
You have lived in that apartment with Eren for years before marrying him, yet he insisted you needed to christen the place like it was brand new… at this point, the only places you haven’t fucked in are the elevator itself, the foyer, the storage closet, and the pool. The latter only because it’s been too cold in NYC… trust and believe pool sex is coming lmfao.
Eren bought the apartment and renovated and designed it, but he never did like being in it all alone, and that’s been magnified since you got married. If he’s there by himself, he’s usually in the living area, napping on the daybed. He waits for your faithfully every day, and is hardly in the bedroom if you’re not.
Eren has not stopped introducing you as his wife since January. Even to people in passing like cashiers and bartenders, everyone in the whole damn city probably knows you guys got hitched.
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attack on titan love language headcanons
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what their love languages would be (includes eren, mikasa, armin, jean, marco, sasha, connie, bertholdt, reiner & annie) - mac
eren jaeger: 
physical touch - eren would be pretty needy towards his partner. when training’s been tough or work in a modern au and he’s not got the energy for a conversation, he’d love nothing more than for his partner to hold him, softly running their hands through his hair and kissing his forehead. he’s quite greedy when it comes to physical affection and would often be on the receiving end. just before an expedition he’d find you just to wrap his arms around you and hold you close for a moment. he wouldn’t say anything but the look in his eyes is enough to tell you how much he cares and that this won’t be the last time you see each other.
mikasa ackerman:
receiving gifts - we all know how much she treasures her scarf from eren. she would love to receive gifts from her partner and they don’t have to be anything in particular or expensive. it could literally be a shell from the beach or a cheap bracelet you bought from a market stall and she would treasure it forever. the reason she loves these little trinkets so much is because it gives her something to ground herself when you aren’t around. she would cry if you hand wrote her a love letter and would keep it in her bedside draw to read it when she needs comforting.
armin arlert:
quality time - armin doesn’t mind what you do together but the fact you’re together is important to him. in canon, getting time together alone when fighting for the scouts is pretty hard to come by so he’d treasure it dearly and in a modern au i imagine he’d have a pretty busy schedule so he’s really appreciative if you could accommodate your time to meet his needs and he’d do the same for you. with how you spend your time together, reading together is a pretty obvious one! but armin in a modern au would love to put on an audiobook or podcast that you could listen to whilst cuddling. he also likes just going for a walk and holding hands whilst chatting about everything under the sun as you take in the scenery around you.
jean kirschtein:
physical touch (with a sprinkle of words of affirmation) - jean on the outside would deny it but on the inside he realises how needy and desperate he is to be close with his partner. in private, he’d be all over his partner. constantly pulling you close for a kiss, wrapping an arm around you, sitting on his lap - anything to satiate the need to be physically close to you. around others though jean doesn’t like to show too much pda, which is where words of affirmation comes in. if you’re with friends, he’d love nothing more for you to hype him up and laugh at all his jokes.
marco bodt:
quality time (with a little bit of words of affirmation) - i think marco would be super accommodating to whatever your love language is but his own personal one is quality time. he’s a pretty adaptable person so if your love language was something different he’d incorporate it into his. marco wants nothing more than for you to be happy and he thinks spending dedicated time together a great way of doing that. because of this, marco might come across as a bit clingy but he’ll definitely recognise you need time apart every now and again. i think words of affirmation is also a big thing for marco, not so much for himself but towards others as he’s so enamoured with his lover that he can’t fight the urge to just tell them everything he loves about them.
sasha braus:
receiving gifts - as we know, sasha’s got a pretty big appetite so without a doubt if her partner shared their food it would mean a lot to her. but in general sasha would be grateful for anything her partner shared or gifted to her. growing up in a place where things like food was scarce means she values the act of sharing and giving more than many others would. in a modern au, spoiling sasha with a takeout would make her incredibly happy, as would spoiling her in general. sasha would most definitely return the favour and take you out shopping so she could spoil you back.
connie springer:
acts of service - connie is a very caring person of both his friends and family and the fact he’s always trying to lighten the mood just shows how he always wants to make people happy. therefore i think deep down he’s very domestic and would love a partner who would do the little things to show they care and make his life easier. Helping him put his odm gear and straps, noticing the buttons on his shirt are done up wrong and correcting them, wiping the crumbs off the side of his mouth after dinner - the fact you notice these things makes connie realise how much you care even if you don’t give it a second thought.
bertholdt hoover:
physical touch (and also quality time) - before getting together, bertholdt wouldn’t dare enter your personal space because he wants to respect your boundaries as much as possible, but when he’s allowed to enter that space he’s completely infatuated with being able to touch and hold you. loves to hold your hand in his to the point you’re pretty much attached whenever you’re together - he gets in his own head a lot so your hand grounds him back in to reality whenever you give him a quick squeeze when you notice he’s drifted off. it’s also important to him that you’re both able to dedicate some time alone together without your friends (cough cough reiner) so you can be more physical with each other if you know what i mean.
reiner braun:
words of affirmation - reiner can be very insecure behind the tough exterior and would want to get vocal reassurance from his partner to sooth those insecurities. most of the time he’s worrying that he’s not good enough for you but hold his face in your hands, look into his eyes and tell him ‘you mean everything to me and i wouldn’t change you for the world,’ and just like that he starts to feel better. if you left him little notes telling him you love him or that you believe in him, his heart might just explode.
annie leonhardt:
acts of service - annie isn’t a very physical person nor very talkative, which is why she expresses herself through acts of services and likes for her partner to do the same. if her partner was to help with her chores/in a modern au make her a drink whilst studying or tidy up after she left for work in a rush she would be super appreciative. the fact her partner doesn’t have to do it but does anyway, proves to her that they care about her.
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Bad Timing (Levi x Reader) Part 5
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brother’s best friend? 
Work Count: 6.3K 
You were angry. Of course Levi had to go and stir the pot right before the holiday season. The time of year when he spent the most of his hours at your home. Even though he spent most of his time at your house throughout the whole year, this amount of time typically doubled through the months of October through December. The remaining weeks in October were the worst. You both expertly avoided one another, Petra and Levi continued to see each other exclusively. This turned out to be bittersweet for you, the pros were that Levi was busy trying to please Petra to spend too much time at your house. But also it stung to see him with her, even though you had no right to feel jealous.
The two weeks after your kiss, you spent holed up in your room, your phone set on do not disturb. After binging Gossip Girls and all of the classic Disney movies, you finally decided that instead of focusing on romance, you would devote yourself to school. Thankfully you weren't the only person that favored school over social gatherings, you found yourself spending countless hours in the school's musty library with Armin. He was so easy to get along with, down to earth, kind, and most importantly, he was too shy to ask you about anything too personal. Today was one of those days, it was nearing the end of November, the trees had shed their leaves, bearing the naked bark. And the weather was constantly changing. Some days it would snow, others it would pour rain, but that was just the midwest for you. Glancing up from the textbook that had held your attention for the past two hours, your were pleased to see a flurry of fat snowflakes spiraling downwards. The window had frost creeping up from the corners, thank God, maybe the weather would finally settle and allow the snow to stick for once. You could feel Armin staring at you, his eyes piercing the back of your skull. a feeling you had become familiar with. Turning back to face him, he averted his eyes, a comforting pink creeping onto his cheeks with the embarrassment of being caught.
"It's really coming down huh?" you tried to initiate some light small talk.
"Yeah! Hopefully it will stick." Armin responded, a nervous chuckle slipping past his lips as he returned his attention back to his homework. You hummed, glancing back down at the yellowing pages of the old history textbook, a frown marring your features.
"What's wrong? Need some help?" Armin asked, standing up from his seat and coming to stand behind you.
"Oh, well I guess I'm just confused about this law." you pulled the response from your ass. Of course you understood Roe v. Wade, you just didn't want to tell Armin that you were ready to leave. He always made this face that reminded you of a puppy that just got drop kicked.
"Roe v. Wade huh? I can help you with that no problem!" his baby blue eyes lit up, he pulled the nearest chair up to the table, the legs loudly scratching against the rickety library floors.
"Great, thanks!" you tried to sound excited, and you tried even harder to focus on Armin's summary of Roe v. Wade.
"Easy right?" Armin chirped, his finger hovering over the paragraph that explained the law.
"You're right, I think that I just need a break. My brain feels fried." you moaned, folding your arms across the desk and burying your head in your arms.
"Likewise." Armin agreed, dragging his chair closer to yours not very subtly.
"Want to go grab a coffee?" you asked, barely lifting your head to glance at him.
"Sure." he beamed, his innocent face completely lighting up. Your library had a small coffee shop nestled in the back, the cafe was run by students who had free periods. Granted the coffee wasn't the best, but it still did the job. You thanked the girl behind the counter as she passed you your steaming cup of dark liquid. Armin was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet as he waited for his order, you busied yourself with mixing in sugar and some creamer. Finally the barista gave Armin his latte and the two of you meandered back to your corner. You slowly began packing your things, hoping that Armin would get the hint and you would be able to escape the stuffy library. Armin noticed, you closed the book with a sigh and began stuffing pens and other writing utensils into your small pencil case.
"Ready to call it a day?" Armin asked his lips hovering over the steaming hot coffee.
"Yeah, I told Hange that I would be ready to leave by the time she finished with Science Olympiad." you sighed, gathering the assortment of books that you had pulled from the shelves getting up to return them to their rightful places.
"Oh gotcha, same time Thursday?" He asked hopefully, his light blue eyes meeting yours. You clicked your tongue and grimaced, shooting him an apologetic look.
"Ah I would but my mom has Thursday off so I was going to have dinner with her." you explained, watching Armin get that kicked puppy look, that look always had a way of making your heart hurt.
"Aw well have fun!" he waved you off, the sad look on his face replaced with a small forced smile.
"Thanks Armin, I'll see you in Chem tomorrow." you smiled sweetly at him as you turned to leave.
"Bye!" he waved goodbye to you as you pulled the large door open and slipped out. Sparing a glance at your watch you sighed, Hange should be done in the next 5 minutes. But knowing her she would take another 20 minutes to wrap up her Science Olympiad meeting. So you leisurely strolled down the empty stone corridor, your eyes trained on the large windows that lined the hallway and overlooked the courtyard. The library was on the second floor, which gave you a perfect view of the school grounds. The snow seemed to be falling faster now, the flakes were beginning to stick to the blades of grass, giving the lawn a patchy appearance. Hopefully Hange had remembered her snow scraper, surely the car would have a coating of frost on the windows by now. It would not be the first time that the two of you had to scrape ice from her windows using your credit cards or your school ids.
You turned your attention back to the stony corridor, you had almost reached the stairs. You began your descent, a hand loosely gliding down the cold stone banister. Your mind drifted to thoughts of what Erwin's plans were for this evening, did he plan to eat dinner with you? Or would he run off with Hange as he had been doing for the past week or so? You had noticed that the pair had been spending more time alone as of late, and you couldn't blame them. Erwin was already committed to Notre Dame, a prestigious school known for football and extraordinary academics. Hange had recently been accepted into Princeton, one of the eight ivy league schools, and she was ecstatic. This however means that they will attending schools in different states. You knew that they planned to continue dating despite the distance, personally you were a tad skeptical of long distance relationships, but you knew that they were both mature enough to continue seeing each other.
You paused on the landing between floors, the sound of laughter was echoing off the stoney walls.
"That was a dirty move Kirstein!" you recognized Eren's agitated voice, which was closely followed by the hearty laughter of Conny and Marco.
"Pay closer attention next time Jeager." Jean teased, a smile spread across your lips at the sound of your friends. Their presence motivated you to jog down the remaining stairs and turn the corner. Just at you poked your head around the corner your eyes landed on the group of boys walking towards you.
"Oi (Y/n)! Where's Armin?" Eren called out to you first and you waved.
"Still in the library." you jabbed your thumb back towards the stairs behind you.
"Classic." Conny sniggered as he adjusted his duffle bag on his shoulder. You pursed your lips as you took in their uniforms. They wore soccer jerseys and shorts, a matching set of forest green, the school crest, a pair of wings one blue and one white, rested above their left breast over their hearts.
"Indoor soccer?" you asked, nodding towards the ball tucked under Marco's arm. The boy nodded and tossed you the ball.
"Season just started." he stated proudly, you easily caught the ball and smiled at him. Marco was your age, but you didn't usually spend time with him outside of school. The two of you had grown close the year prior when you had been in the same gym class, but since then you hadn't spoken very much.
"How exciting." you murmured as you gripped the ball in your hands. The boys nodded and you tossed the ball back to Marco.
"What are you doing here so late?" Jean asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Studying for the Government test with Armin." you shrugged, tucking your hands in your pockets. Things had been tense in your friend group since you and Jean had began casually seeing one another. The two of you had gone out on a handful of dates over the past month, all of them enjoyable. But you knew you didn't want a full blown relationship, something you still needed to tell Jean.
"Ah gotcha. So will you be coming to Sasha's friendsgiving party this weekend?" Jean inquired, his eyes shined with a glint of hope.
"Oh, I almost forgot about that! Yeah I'll be there." you smiled, a rush of excitement running through you when you remembered the invitation you had received earlier this week.
"What are you bringing?" Conny butted in, licking his lips. You hummed thoughtfully, what would you bring?
"Maybe macaroni and cheese? Or a pie?" You thought aloud as you lifted a hand to cup your chin. Conny groaned and grabbed your shoulder.
"Pie, please for the love of God bring your pie." he begged, his hand squeezing your shoulder. You giggled at this eagerness, and nodded. Pies were easy enough to bake, and if that's what people wanted then you would be more than happy to deliver.
"Thank you thank you thank you-" Conny shook you as he thanked you profusely, Eren snarled and tugged the two of you apart, while Marco and Jean laughed.
"Knock it off baldy." he hissed as he tossed Conny back. You chuckled and waved your hands dismissively.
"I'd better go, Hange should be done soon." you sighed, your eyes straying to the nearest window, you gasped. The snow was coming down in thick swirls, the sun had dipped below the horizon, making it difficult to see much through the snow.
"Oh wow, that's a lot of snow!" Marco exclaimed as he turned to follow your gaze. Jean let out a low whistle, Conny squealed excitedly.
"Yeah I better get going." you called over your shoulder as you made a break for the west wing, which was where the senior parking lot was located. The halls were dark, you only crossed paths with one janitor who didn't even glance up at you. You paused at the door at the end of the hallway and squinted out into the blizzard. The parking lot was dark, a clear indicator that Hange had not arrived to warm up the car before you.
"Ah there you are, perfect timing!" Hange's booming voice startled you as it echoed through the empty hall.
"Oh Hange, thank God, please tell me you have your scraper." you fretted, Hange grimaced, giving you an apologetic smile.
"Yeah about that..." she muttered, her hand rubbing the back of her neck. You groaned and reached into your backpack for your wallet. You fished out your drivers license and your credit card and turned back to the snowy parking lot.
"Better get started then." you grumbled, Hange laughed anxiously and moved to open the door for the both of you.
You flexed your raw fingers by the vents as they blasted hot air into the cabin of the car. Hange was rubbing her hands together furiously and blowing hot air on her own frigid fingers.
"For the love of God, just keep the scraper in the car year round." you moaned as you slid your id back into your wallet.
"Might be a good idea actually." Hange stuttered between the chattering of her teeth. You huffed, tucking your hands underneath your thighs in an attempt to regain the feeling in your hands. Hange shifted the gear to drive and slowly pulled the car out of the parking lot, the wipers squeaking against the glass as they swiped the relentless snow off of the windshield.
"So, what do you want for dinner kiddo?" she gushed, her coppery eyes glinting mischievously.
"I dunno, something hot." you jabbed back, shifting on your hands.
"Whole gangs going to be there!" Hange prodded, clearly attempting to get a reaction from you.
"Great, who's cooking?" you taunted, shooting her a smile to show that you meant well.
"Oh well I guess Nanaba could." Hange mused, pleased with your good natured jabs.
"Great I'm starving." you leaned back and closed your eyes. Hange chuckled and turned her eyes back to the dark road ahead.
The drive took longer than usual due to the heavy snowfall. The roads were slick with the fresh snow, which stuck stubbornly to the road due to the lack of traffic on the country roads. But you made it to your house without a hitch. Erwin's minivan was already covered in a layer of snow, and Levi's BMW was untouched, Mike and Nanaba had not yet arrived. Hange parked and the two of you quickly gathered your belongings and walked briskly to the front door. You kicked your feet on the mat before entering, the foyer already a bit wet due to snow being tracked in on shoes. You peeled off your shoes with Hange and carried your things upstairs, Hange following close behind. Hange slipped into Erwin's room while you dropped your bag in your own room. You hadn't seen your brother or his short friend yet which was odd, they usually hung out in the kitchen. You met Hange back in the hall, her glasses, which had fogged up when you had entered the house were perched atop of her auburn hair.
"Where are they?" you asked bluntly as you watched her scrub the spectacles with the hem of her sweater.
"Beats me, let's go make some soup or something." Hange shrugged, holding her glasses up to the light to inspect the lenses. So you jogged down the stairs and began pawing through the pantry through the abundance of canned goods. You frowned at the cream of mushroom soup and set it back into the pile before refocusing.
"Heyyy now we're talking!" Hange crooned, you turned to see her pulling out a frozen pizza from the depths of your freezer. You scoffed before turning back to the pantry, a frown settling on your features.
"How about tomato soup and grilled cheese?" you offered as you pulled out two cans of tomato soup and a loaf of bread. Hange shrugged and tossed the pizza back into the freezer, she then opened the fridge and pulled out an assortment of cheese. The two of you fell into your effortless rhythm Hange stirred the soup while you began to cook the sandwiches. Finally the front door banged open, Levi's combat boots squeaking as he walked into the house, he haphazardly kicked off the shoes and stalked into the kitchen and straight into the living room. You raised your eyebrows in surprise as you watched him walk through the house, his arms full with kindling. Erwin followed closely behind, his arms also full of firewood. So that's where the pair had been. Hange fawned over them, greeting Erwin by dusting off bits of bark from his coat before turning to pat Levi's head. Levi swatted her sticky hands off of his head and glared at her menacingly.
"Hands off four eyes." Levi hissed, he ducked expertly underneath her arm and fled to the kitchen where you were flipping a grilled cheese. Erwin and Hange began the chore of lighting the fire while you took on the task of cooking as per usual. Levi frowned at the sight of the damp foyer and turned on his heel to grab the mop. You smiled at the sight of him mopping the floor despite the fact that people were still on their way and it would only end up messy again. Sure enough, just as Levi tossed the dirty water out of the front door and tucked the mop back in the closet, Mike and Nanaba strutted in, arms full of assorted baked goods and board games.
"Hey everybody! Hope we didn't miss anything!" Nanaba trilled as she tracked more snow into the front room. Levi heaved a sigh as he turned to grab the mop, you chuckled and took the container of cookies from her arms so she could take off her jacket. Mike nodded at you as he strolled into the living room where Hange and Erwin were still fumbling to light the fire wood.
"No, we actually only just got home about thirty minutes ago." you assured the blonde as she joined you in the kitchen. She smiled as she watched Mike kneel down to join Erwin and Hange as they blew on the small embers.
"What games did you guys bring?" you attempted to make small talk as you turned back to the task at hand.
"Oh the usuals, Sequence, Candy Land, Clue, etcetera." she waved a hand dismissively as she turned to stir the soup.
"Sounds fun!" you exclaimed as you tossed another sandwich on the plate. Nanaba hummed in response as she smiled stupidly into the soup. You pursed your lips and cocked your head as you studied her.
"Not to be that person but...Have you picked a school yet?" you asked with a small chuckle. She nodded,
"Yeah actually, just picked two days ago!" she beamed, turning to face you once more.
"Wow really?"
"Yeah! I'm going to attend Michigan State University with Mike!" she gushed as she set the spoon off to the side with a clang.
"That's great! Michigan is beautiful, and that's an awesome school." you matched her excitement and dumped the final sandwich on the plate and switched the stove off.
"Thanks! We're super excited." her words were so sweet and filled with love it made you feel sick. You nodded and turned to grab plates and bowls for everyone. Nanaba and Mike had only started dating about a month prior, in fact they had admitted their affections to one another back in October at your house. In a way you envied their effortless relationship, despite only dating for a month they made a great pair.  You served yourself and moved to sit at the island in the kitchen. A cheer from the living room told you that the trio had finally ignited the fire, shortly after they piled into the kitchen and began to dish food onto their plates. Levi once again stuffed the mop and bucket back into the closet and feverishly washed his hands before serving himself. As he reached for a grilled cheese the sleeve of his hoodie scrunched up, revealing a new tattoo on his left wrist. Your jaw dropped momentarily, the sight of the fresh ink shocking you. In fact it was so fresh that the skin around the ink was still red and a bit swollen, glistening with the salve. He rounded the island and dropped into the stool to your left, and your eyes went straight to his wrist.
"Fresh ink?" you asked, propping your chin on the heel of your hand as you watched him bring the spoon to his mouth.  
"Yeah." he replied, not bothering to elaborate.
"Can I see?" you pressed, Levi shot you a glare as he bit into his sandwich but still lifted his hand for you to pull his sleeve up. You gingerly tugged his sleeve up and a tiny 'awe' escaped your lips. The drawing was extremely minimalistic, the delicate black ink contrasting beautifully with his pale skin tone. It was a small tea cup, with a chip in its rim. Levi scoffed and tugged his arm back.
"That's a good one Levi." you gushed as you turned back to your own meal.
"Thanks." he grumbled as he looked everywhere but your face.
"Where do you get them done?" you asked before taking a huge bite of your sandwich.
"WitchHammer." he grunted, his patience growing thin. All of these questions reminded him of a particular brunette. You hummed in response as you entertained the idea of getting a tattoo for your 16th birthday that was coming up in the next couple of months. You already had an appointment at the shop to get your forward helix pierced on your left ear. The others were getting rowdy on the other side of the island, too engrossed in their conversation to notice the side conversation Levi and you were engaging in.
"Did it hurt?" you quizzed feeling a bit playful. You had missed Levi's bluntness and his shitty sense of humor.
"I would be lying if I said no." he retorted, his sharp eyes catching yours for the first time in weeks. You chuckled and nodded as you chewed your food.
"You think that I would look good with a couple tattoos?" you giggled, smiling broadly at the raven haired boy. He clicked his tongue and turned to take you in, his eyes raking over your form. Finally his eyes settled on your hands, his brows pinched together in thought as he stared.
"Personally...I like minimalistic designs, you could probably pull off some finger tats or hand tats." he mused, you glanced at your hands, interesting. You held your hands up to the light to get a better look and began to think of some small designs that you might be interested in.
"Tattoos are a big commitment, don't just get some stupid shit." Levi lectured as he lifted his cup of tea to his lips, you frowned he was one to talk.
"I know." you decided that tonight wasn't the time to argue with him, especially since this was the first time spending time together in weeks. He nodded but kept a skeptical eye on you as you folded your hands onto your lap and turned to listen to the other conversation. You frowned when you realized they were just talking about prom, awkward. So you decided to clean up, the exhaustion of the long day seemed to hit you like a truck and all you could think about was your bed and all of the work that was due on Sunday. You washed up quickly and waved weakly before trudging up the stairs, thankfully the others didn't seem to care that you were calling it a night early. You changed into a pair of flannel pjs and an old ACDC shirt that had seen better days. You sank into your old desk chair and flicked on the small lamp, you rummaged through your back pack and pulled out your laptop and a notebook. Sparing a glance at the small alarm clock you groaned, it was already well past nine o'clock.
You decided to pick up from where you had left off with your Government notes. Your handwriting started off neat, the ink gliding flawlessly across the lined paper. But by the time you had finished the notes and moved on to your chemistry homework, your handwriting had become rocky at best. You frowned at the smudged ink, the green hue bleeding into the once white paper. With a sigh you reached for your white out and continued to write out the reaction. Once you were finished with Chem, you turned your attention to your research paper for English. As you typed you could feel your eyelids drooping, the words seemed to blur and bend across the computer screen. Closing your eyes for a moment wouldn't hurt would it? A defeated sigh breezed past your lips as you folded your arms across the desk and rested your forehead against your arms to block out the blinding light of your lamp. You yawned and rubbed your eyes in an attempt to wake yourself up, though this seemed to be unsuccessful. As you slipped into sleep, you recalled the last time you had fallen asleep at your desk and how fucked up your back felt the following week. But your exhaustion won and your head slumped against your desk, any pain you felt would be a problem for future you.
Meanwhile, downstairs the upperclassman were well into their third bottle of wine and their fifth round of Candy Land. Erwin flicked the spinner and moved his piece accordingly, Levi sat back and sipped the dry red wine, Mike had his hand thrown over Nanaba's shoulders casually. Hange was leaning her head heavily against Erwin's shoulder and Levi swore he had never felt like such a loser in his whole life. If you were down here at least he wouldn't be the only person down here that was single. Hange howled as Erwin pushed his piece past hers, always the sore looser. Nanaba giggled drunkenly as she choked on her glass of wine. Levi rolled his eyes, his friends were past tipsy now, but not quite drunk, and this was usually when Levi would leave. He hated dealing with drunk people, they were messy and loud, the mere thought of any of them vomiting made him cringe. He waited until the spinner came around to him before he excused himself.
"Count me out." he held up his hand to deny the spinner as Mike tried to hand it to him.
"Awe come on Levi! We can't let Erwin win for the fifth time in a row!" Mike begged as Levi stood up and picked up his glass of wine.
"No." Levi denied, his voice growing colder. The group collectively called for him to stay, their voices a bit unsteady due to the alcohol. Levi shrugged them off and carefully stepped over Hange, she snagged his ankle and held him in a vice grip.
"No, don't go Levi! Finish this game please!" she whimpered as she pressed her face into his calf. His nose wrinkled in disgust at the sudden contact, Erwin chuckled and pulled Hange back and pressed a kiss to her temple. Yeah it was definitely time for him to go to bed, besides he needed to put some vaseline on his fresh ink. He slid into the upstairs bathroom, the sound of his friends laughing fading into the background. Tugging up his sleeve his hissed at the feeling of the raw skin coming in contact with the cold air. He pawed through the drawers, pausing at the sight of your feminine hygiene products. He usually used the downstairs restroom since the guest room was in the basement. He slammed the drawer shut and moved onto the next one, a relieved sigh escaping his lips at the sight of the familiar jar of vaseline. He swiped the jelly onto his tiny tea cup tattoo and rolled his sleeve back down, the soothing jelly immediately calming the irritated skin.
On his way out of the bathroom he noticed the small sliver of light that shined through your cracked door. He glanced down at his wrist watch and frowned, it was one thirty in the morning, you had supposedly gone to bed hours ago. He glanced down the stairs, from the bathroom he could see the open floor layout of the living room, where all of his friends were still gathered. He steeled himself and padded up to your door, he lifted his hand and rapped the backs of his knuckles against the surface. He frowned when there was no response, he gently pushed the door open and tentatively stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, the only light emitting from the small lamp on your desk. His eyes softened at the sight of you slumped onto your desk, but quickly hardened at the sight of drool dripping from the corner of your mouth. He sat his wine glass down as quietly as he could on your nightstand and raked his eyes around your cluttered room in search for a blanket. He spotted a quilt neatly folded on your window seat, he unfolded the blanket and draped it over your shoulders. Just as the blanket was settling on your shoulders and he was pulling his hands back, the door flew open. He jumped, spinning around only to be met with the sight of an unsteady Hange. The brunette's eyes widened at the sight of Levi's hand on the back of your seat.
"What..." her eyes narrowed and she pointed between the two of you.
"Is this?" she finished as she stepped into the room, her body swaying unsteadily. Good question, what was he doing in here?
"I came to shut off her light." Levi lied through his teeth, the truth was that he had wanted to spend more time in your presence.
"Lies." Hange hissed as she pointed accusingly at him.
"Tch, believe what you want four eyes." Levi grunted as he stalked across the room, meaning to make a quick get away before she drew too much attention to this fishy situation.
"Hey don't-" she lunged in an attempt to keep Levi from escaping, spilling her glass of wine onto the white carpet and onto Levi's crisp white hoodie. She caught herself on Levi, a drunk giggle bubbling past her lips as she clung to him. Levi staggered under her weight, his back hitting your wall with a dull thud. You grunted, slowly lifting your head from the desk you turned around to see Levi seething under Hange's weight as she pressed against him. Your eyes widened at the sight, Levi was trying to grab the glass from her hand to prevent further spillage, you were so distracted by the rare sight of Levi and Hange in such close proximity that you didn't notice the quilt falling off your shoulders. You blinked dumbly at the two of them as they grappled for the wine glass, Levi ultimately winning due to Hange's drunken state.
"Levi was peeping on you while you slept." Hange blurted, Levi slammed his hand over her mouth and snarled. You weren't surprised when Levis pulled his hand back with a small gasp, you could just make out the sheen of what you assumed was Hange's drool over his palm. The brunette cackled and staggered away from him and out of the room.
"I'm going to tell Erwin." she sang as she stumbled through the hall with her hand on the wall to guide her.
"Hange don't, it's okay really." you called after her, but your words fell on deaf ears as she rounded the stairs and disappeared.
"Damn it." Levi hissed, his eyes trained on the stain on the ground, he pulled the sweat shirt off of his skin, the alcohol sticking to his skin. You cleared your throat awkwardly as Levi pulled the sweatshirt off. You glanced at the stairs, no sign of Hange and Erwin yet, you could hear the sound of the group stumbling around the kitchen. Hopefully Hange had forgotten and favored grabbing another drink over causing trouble, so you stood up and crossed your room to quietly shut the door. Levi had his head against the wall, his eyes closed expecting an onslaught of accusations. Instead he was surprised to see you digging through your closet, pulling out one of your larger sweatshirts you tossed it to him. He caught the garment and eyed is suspiciously before tugging it over his head.
"Thanks." he mumbled, you waved him off and crossed your room to sit down on your bed.
"What's up?" you questioned, it was certainly out of character for him to be in your room. Levi shrugged and slowly crossed the room to drop down onto your bed next to you.
"Your light was on and I came in to shut it off." Levi replied nonchalantly, his eyes dull as he watched you slip under your covers. A chill ran up your spine, your room always got cold in the winter due to the large windows. After a moment of awkward silence you patted the space beside you, Levi quirked a brow at you but when you smiled at him he slid closer to you. He settled against the headboard with a sigh, you looked up at him, taking in the sharp lines of his jaw and the way his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed. He turned and raised a brow skeptically at you, you giggled and turned to slip deeper under your covers. He scoffed but turned to face you, propping himself up on his elbow. From this close proximity you could smell the wine on his breath, you noticed that his  pupils were dilated, and his cheeks flushed.
"Thanks...I guess." you muttered as you watched him reach into his pockets and pull out his juul and take a hit. You frowned as he turned his head away from you to exhale, he sighed contentedly and turned to face you once more.
"You're going to get me in trouble." you scoffed as he attempted to offer you the juul.
"You only live once." he smirked as he dangled the device in your face. You gently pushed his hand away from your face, he shrugged and took another drag.
"Are you sleeping over?" you questioned, he simply nodded and pocketed his juul.
"It's like three in the morning." he scoffed rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Oh, I guess..." you trailed off, the house had grown quiet, hopefully Hange had been dragged to bed by Erwin and had long forgotten about snitching on Levi. You weren't sure what Levi was still doing in your bed, you knew that he wouldn't force himself on you, but still he had never spend this much time alone with you since the time you had kissed. Just as you were about to ask him why he was still in your room, you heard the sound of the front door opening and then quickly closing. Your mother was home, you shoved Levi's shoulder and motioned for him to get out of your bed, a surge of panic rushing through you. Your mom would kill you if she saw Levi in your bed this late. Levi grunted and rolled off the bed, landing heavily on the ground with a thud. You winced and pointed at the door, Levi opened his mouth to say something but ultimately turned and stalked towards the door. When he opened the door, he was met with the tired face of your mother. Her eyes widened at the unexpected sight of Levi.
"Oh, Levi.." she managed to keep her voice even as she took in his appearance, his hair a bit mussed, cheeks pink and wearing your clothes.
"It's not what it looks like mom!" you scrambled out of bed and pushed Levi away from the doorway so that you could address your mother.
"Really..." she narrowed her eyes skeptically as her eyes roamed over your pajamas and messy hair. You grimaced but nodded, she glared at you and heaved a heavy sigh, turning her attention to Levi.
"So your uncle told me that you wouldn't be coming to Christmas this year?" she swiftly changed the subject. Levi blinked, shocked that she had chosen to ignore the suspicious state she had found the two of you in.
"Y-Yeah that's true, I finally saved enough to visit my old friends in France for the holidays." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Is that so?" she hummed, leaning against the door frame and tugging her light jacket closer to her body. Levi nodded and spared you a glance, you looked surprised, but not upset.
"Well that sounds amazing, you'll have to send us a postcard." she mused, Levi nodded and shifted awkwardly.
"Yes ma'm." he responded, your mother nodded pleased with his response.
"How long will you be gone for?" she probed.
"Until January 8th." Levi answered.
"That's a long time." you quipped, Levi glanced at you and nodded.
"How exciting." your mother's response was genuine, she stepped aside allowing him to pass.
"Yeah." he muttered as he slid past and made his way towards the stairs. Once he was out of sight your mother turned to you, her usually soft features pinching into a scowl.
"Explain." she snapped, pointing a finger at the sizable wine stain.
"Hange spilled it, I'll clean it in the morning." you sighed as you eyed the large purple spot.
"Alright, just make sure that it gets cleaned." your mother leaned forward and kissed your forehead. You smiled at her, it was unusual that you got to see her after her shift.
"How was work?" you asked as you eyed her scrubs, noting a mystery stain on her shirt.
"Messy." she sighed as she followed your gaze.
"Did you save lots of lives?" you giggled.
"Of course." your mother jabbed.
"Get some sleep (Y/n)." she hummed, her hand burying into your messy hair to ruffle it affectionately.
"Goodnight mom." you called after her as she descended the staircase, she waved her hand and you slowly shut the door.
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folklorelise · 4 years
Civilian girlfriend
Jean Kirstein – you visit him during his training days and after
You grew up next to Jean’s house in Trost District. Since your mother was a baker, you would always eat leftovers and sometimes, your mother would call Jean’s family to join you for dinner. Jean was a shy and nice kid – you instantly connected with each other.
One stormy night, Jean took his pillow and run to your house. He opened your door and whisper your name multiple times before you woke up.
“What’s wrong?” you asked Jean worried. “What are you doing here so late?”
“I– I thought you would be scared… of the thunder so I came to protect you!”
“Oh.” you paused. “But I’m not.”
“Oh.” Jean trembled.
“Are you scared?” you asked cautiously.
“No! I’ll go, sorry.” Jean turned around but you caught his hand before he could move.
“You can stay with me if you’re scared, it’s ok.” You reassured him with a shy smile.
You both went to bed – it was a small bed, but you were both kids, so it was not a problem. In the morning, Jean’s mother was worried sick, but your mother quickly reassured her that her son was with you, both sleeping. From then on Jean would always come to you during thunderstorm. As he grew older, he stopped being afraid of it, but still came to you. Jean started to like you more than just as a friend very early on, but he was too shy to do anything about it.
When he told you that he was joining the training corps, you were devastated.
“We won’t be able to see other anymore…” you teared up.
“Y/N, of course we will. You’ll see, when I finally become a MP, I’ll bring you with me in Wall Sina and then we could–” Jean stopped abruptly.
“We could what?”
Jean stared at you hesitantly and then gave you a quick kiss on the lips. When he backed up, he looked terrified and he was all red. Your cheeks were hot too – it was your first kiss.
“Then we could get married maybe and live together.” Jean mumbled. “Because I like you… a lot.”
“You do?” you asked happily.
“Yes. What about you?”
“I like you too.”
Jean and you just smiled at each other, holding hands.
“In three years, we’ll be together again and from then on, it will be forever.”
Jean kissed you one last time before leaving. Jean and you sent each other letters from time to time, but he was busy. You were receiving fewer and fewer letters from him but then suddenly, in his letter, he told you about a visiting day and asked you to come. You took a day off – you were working with your mother – and your mother said yes. The morning before leaving, you baked a lot of pastries and breads for Jean. You dressed up nicely and went out. The training corps headquarters had their doors opened and lots of families were already there. You had your basket of food in your hand and walked in. You quickly found Jean at the entrance and walked up to him smiling.
“H-” but before you could greet him and his friends, Jean gave you a tight hug.
“I missed you so much.” Jean whispered.
“Is that food?” a girl asked excited.
“Stop Sasha! You don’t even know her!” Another boy said.
“This is Sasha and Connie.” Jean told you. “And this is Marco.”
“Hello.” you said awkwardly, no knowing what else to say.
“Are you horse face’s girlfriend?” asked a boy with two other people.
“What, you’re jealous?” Jean shouted back.
“No, just wondering who could veer be stupid enough to date you!” Eren, screamed back.
“You take that back you deep sh!t.” Jean shouted at him which surprised you. When Jean saw your expression, he quickly took you to another place, not wanting any other problems with Eren while you were here.
“What are these?” Jean pointed at the basket.
“Food I made for you.”
You ate together in his dorm – no one was there, everyone was with their families and friends anyway. You ate and caught up with what happened the last few months.
“How is it going? The training I mean.”
“It’s good – I’m good. I can definitely get in the top ten.”
“That’s great!” you cheered up.
“Yeah.” Jean said staring at you for a long minute before kissing you.
The kiss was awkward and cute. Neither of you knew where to put your hands but it was still a good kiss.
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A good kiss that was interrupted by Marco entering the room.
“Oh no! I’m sorry!” Marco shouted embarrassed.
Jean and you stoop up quickly and you were both embarrassed too. Your cheeks were hot, and you looked at everywhere except at Marco or Jean.
“I’m so sorry!” Marco apologised again. “I– I didn’t know!”
“It’s fine. We– let’s just join the others!” you said.
You took your basket full of food and ate with Jean, Marco, Connie, and Sasha. You all laughed together, and they told you embarrassing stories about Jean and you told them about baby Jean. A few hours later, Marco wanted to present Jean to his parents – he wanted to reassure them that their boy was not alone. When Jean left, two other boys arrived at your table – Reiner and Bertolt.
“You must be Jean’s girlfriend, right?” Reiner asked you.
“Mh… I guess I am yeah.” you answered joyfully.
“It’s weird.” Reiner continued.
“What is?”
“I always thought he was into Mikasa. Always complimenting her or something.”
“Wha – who?” you asked him confused.
“Reiner!” Bertolt yelled.
“Who’s Mikasa?” you asked but none of them answered. When Jean came back with Marco you asked him who she was.
“Why?” Jean asked.
“Just tell me.”
“It’s her.” Marco said pointing at the girl you saw earlier. “Why?” he asked you when he saw you were clenching your jaw. She is pretty.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jean asked worried, resting his hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah… it’s late, I think it’s time for me to go home.” you stood up.
“Y/N what’s wrong?” Jean hesitated, “You don’t have to go until tonight and it’s not even–”
You were already walking away rapidly. Jean looked at his friends confused, waiting for someone to explain to him what just happened.
“Reiner told him you were into Mikasa.” Sasha explained.
“What!” Jean yelled at Reiner. “What is wrong with you, you sick son of a b–!” he screamed taking Reiner by the collar.
Marco and Bertolt had to restraint Jean – no one ever saw Jean that mad.
“Jean, stop!” Marco tried to calm his friend down. “Go after Y/N instead of wasting your time here.”
Jean run after you as quick as he could, and luckily for him, you were just at the entrance.
“Y/N!” Jean screamed catching up to you. “It’s not what you think! I do not like Mikasa. Plus, why would you believe a stranger?”
“Because it made sense to me.” you stammered. “You stopped writing to me as much as you used to and maybe that was because you didn’t want to talk to me anymore… because there was someone else.”
“Hey don’t cry.” Jean said holding your face in his hands. “There’s only you. You are the only one I want to talk to; you are the only one I want to see, and you are the only want I want to wake up to in the future. I know we’re still young, but I like you a lot.”
“I like you too.” you sobbed. “I’m sorry, I should’ve let you talk first.”
Jean hugged you close for a very long time. Once Jean graduated you were to celebrate with him, unfortunately it was not a happy one – Marco, Jean’s closest friend, died.
“I decided to join the survey corps.” Jean told you that night.
“Oh… okay. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“It is, but that’s what I want.”
“I just… I don’t want to lose you when you’re out there.” you said resting your head on his shoulder.
“You won’t. I promise.”
Once the cadets were settled in the survey corps, the commander organised a visiting day for them and the other members. You and Jean’s mother went together to visit him. Jean was with his group of friends. You went over where they were with Jean’s mother and she greeted them.
“Hey,” Reiner said to you, “I’m sorry about last time we saw each other, I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine, it’s all good now.” you affirmed looking at Jean. “Jeanie and I are good.”
“Jeanie huh.” Connie teased him, “I’m going to call him that from now on.” he laughed.
The whole day was spent talking to each other, getting to know all his friends. You also met Armin, Eren and Mikasa – they were all very nice. At night, Jean excused himself and took you with him.
“Where are we going?” you asked him.
“Trust me.”
Jean brought you outside and met with a Garrison soldier and exchange a few words with him before putting on his gear. He reached out his hand for you to take it, but you waited for an explanation.
“I trust you a lot Jean Kirstein but what did you plan?”
“Just come on, please.”
You took his hand and he just warned you to hold tight. He used his gear to take you on top of the wall. You were holding him so tight you could have strangled him.
“Oh, what are you doing! Don’t you dare drop me!”
“I won’t.” Jean reassured you. “You can let go now; we are here.”
“Oh, this is high. This is really high from the ground.” you rumbled. “Is it even legal to go there?”
“I asked permission, don’t worry. The commander is a nice person.”
“Why are we here?”
“I prepared dinner for us.” Jean showed you a basket full of food with a sheet on the ground. “We never actually had a proper date so I thought this would be the perfect occasion.”
“You did this for me?” you smiled.
“I’d do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours.” Jean said with a smirk that made your cheeks hot.
“You’re the best, have I ever told you that?”
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” Jean whispered.
“No.” you gasped. “I– but I love you too.” you said before he kissed you.
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
In Need of A Stable Relationship (Jean Kirstein x reader)
Description: y/n's having a shitty week- mainly because she's tired of loving Jean because he doesn't feel the same way.
Character(s): y/n, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Eren, Mikasa, Levi
POV: 3rd person
Warning(s): cursing, little bit of angst, fluff
A/n: JEAN IS SO HOT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH he's such an absolute cutie and probably the second most attractive character in the series. I'll let you guess who's number one.
Word Count:
Song: listen to Agni kai- epic version by Samuel Kim. It's just cool.
*none of the gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker.
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Y/n bit into her bread harshly, swallowing the lump thickly. "y/n? Are you okay?" Taking another harsh bite, y/n nodded at Armin. "I don't think I've ever seen you eat like that." Eren laughed, but his eyes remained wearily trained on her. "I'm just hungry." She grumbled, taking a third bite.
"Hey, but not even Sasha eats like that." Connie pointed to the girl who sat next to him, who was stuffing bread into her mouth like it was candy. When she noticed everyone's eyes on her, she looked side to side. Quickly swallowing, she smiled sheepishly.
Y/n rolled her eyes, quickly losing interest in the conversation. "Didn't captain Levi say that if we didn't have this place spotless by the time he got back we'd be eating our own shit?" Y/n got up from the table, and her chair squeaked against the wood floor.
"You're already done, y/n?" Mikasa approached the table, a tray in her hands. Y/n only took the young woman in dejectedly, giving her a small shrug. "Yeah, you can have my seat." Y/n grabbed her empty tray and left the group, leaving them to watch her silhouette retreat out of the lunch room.
A few seconds later Jean arrived, coming in the same way Y/n had exited. He was sweating, obviously having just got done training. He grabbed a tray and made his way to the table, sitting down beside Connie.
"What's up with y/n? She barely spoke to me just now." The table was silent. "I think she ate too much." Sasha said, as she put a hand on her stomach, her own face scrunched up in pain. Jean raised an eyebrow at his friend, his gaze moving away from Sasha to Armin. "She's been off with all of us recently. Maybe the scouts are getting to her." Armin spoke, shaking his head slightly.
Eren folded his arms across his chest, a sign that something was obviously bothering him. Jean watched the action sharply, his eyes narrowing the slightest. "Yeah, maybe." The rest of the time it was mostly quiet, a few different topics arose. Noticibly, Jean remained silent, barely eating.
His mind focused on her, analyzing everything she said, did. He could barely eat he was so engrossed in worry for his friend.
He missed y/n.
Y/n sighed. The stables were always dirty, but when you're in a bad mood- they seem dirtier. She grabbed her broom, fixing to sweep when a door opened. She turned, surprised at first- but then her shoulders relaxed when she saw who entered.
"Did you need something, Jean?" Jean's eyes widened. He had such pretty eyes, a lovely warm brown. In the soft glow of the stable lights they were illuminated and they sparkled. He was beautiful, and even her misplaced anger couldn't diminish that. Y/n felt a sinking feeling as she realized just how captivated she was. This was going to be harder than she thought.
Jean, swallowed and shut the door behind him. "I came to check on you. You seem off." Y/n just shrugged and turned away from him, continuing to sweep. "It doesn't really matter."
In less than four steps, he caught up with her, grabbing onto her arm. "Hey, what's wrong with you? You're obviously mad- instead of just sulking maybe you should-" y/n spun around to face him.
"Shut up Jean! Just shut up!" She stabbed a finger at him. "Maybe I should just blow up like you do, without thinking or caring about the consequences of my actions. I'm sure that would just solve all my problems!" She huffed at him.
Jean straightened. "So this is about me?" Y/n's eyes widened. "No!" His eyes widened. "I never said I was perfect, y/n but..." He closed his eyes. "You...you're acting like a child!" She stared at him.
Before she could even acknowledge what she was doing her arm flew forward and she punched him square in the face. He grabbed his jaw, his doe eyes wide.
Y/n's own eyes widened and she clutched her hand. Pain erupted from her knuckles, but she ignored it, watching in fear as Jean clutched his face, staring at her in shock. "Oh God, Jean I'm so sorry...I- I..." He only winced, removing his hand. "Your right hook has gotten better."
Y/n stared at him. "But it still doesn't compare to mine!" Jean swung barely missing her as she ducked, side stepping him. The two fought, hand to hand combat style. Again Jean tried to swing but y/n was still to fast, ducking and landing a hit to his chest. He grunted but quickly regained his balance.
Jean swung again, but this time y/n caught his first, bring his face inches from her own. Then without warning he sideswiped her feet, bringing them both tumbling down.
Jean landed on his elbows above her, both out of breath. Finally, Jean caught his, looking down at y/n with sincere worry.
"What's wrong, y/n?" He asked again, his gaze gentle. She sniffed and looked away.
"please, tell me. I want to help you." He spoke barely above a whisper, afraid he'd scare her off.
Finally, she spoke. She gave up.
"I-I love you."
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"And you...you don't love me."
She let out a sob then, more tears streaking down her face. Her hand wrapped around her mouth, a feeble attempt to subdue her cries.
She flinched when his hand reached over to her, gently cupping her cheek. He guided her to be directly in front of him.
But his face surprised her, he looked pissed. Jean was gritting his teeth in frustration, "How could you say that? Damnit! You can't just- You could've just asked."
"Of course I love you! You're y/n y/l/n. You make life bearable, you make my day, my night. After Marco died- you were there for me. You've always been. I'd... I'd have to be an idiot to not...to not love you, y/n." Unshed tears shined in his eyes. "Of course, I love you."
Y/n frowned. "But Mikasa, I thought you-" "That was a year ago, y/n." they stared at each other, the truth finally sinking in.
Then, she smiled. Jean arched a brow as y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, a blush erupting on her cheeks.
Then suddenly she spun the two of them around, switching their positions. "Then why the hell didn't you say anything! You could've not wasted my time- the precious time I have." Again, Jean gritted his teeth. "Well, I thought you liked Yaegar! Considering the fact that you follow him around like a lost puppy!"
Y/n stared at Jean, who glared from under her. Then she bursted out laughing, a different type of tear streaming from her eyes. "You thought I liked Eren and I thought you liked Mikasa?" She laughed, slapping her thigh.
"We're both a pair of idiots!" Jean's scrowl slowly dropped, a smile slipping onto his face until he too began laughing hysterically with y/n.
Finally, She wiped her face, about to get up off of Jean but he grabbed her hand. His thumb gently ran through the knuckles, and he smiled.
"What's the rush, y/n? I like this view." Y/n flicked him, and got up, giving him a hand. He hopped up, but kept their hands intertwined.
Jean pulled their connected hands to his heart, and thus pulled her closer. Y/n closed the space between them, and Jean wrapped his free hand around her waist, settling his palm in the small of back.
The kiss was sweet, Jean's lips were soft and he dipped his head in deeper, catching her breathe. She snagged his bottom lip in her teeth, gently tugging. He tasted sweet, and it made her giggle, the thought of her hothead being anything but spicy- it was poetic.
"y/n..." He breathed, removing his lips from hers and peppering her face with sweet kisses, moving down to her neck. Her breathe caught at how soft he was.
"Oi, I didn't realize that the stables were suddenly designated for snogging." Y/n and Jean's eyes shot open, them freezing their minstrations. Captain Levi stood before them, his arms crossed.
In a flash they separated, putting a safe social distance between the two of them. Simultaneously giving him a salute, they spoke "Captain Levi!"
"Tch, save it you shits. You're both on horse shit duty. Separately." His eyes flickered dangerously between the two of them. "For how long?" Jean asked, his face pale. Jean hated getting in trouble, though it often found him because of his hotheaded nature.
"Until you start hating it, horse boy." Levi's eyes dangerously glittered at him. "Now, I expect you two dumbasses to have this place spotless by the morning." He leaned against the wall and Jean and y/n shared a look.
Sighing she picked up her broom and Jean grabbed the mop. Under the watchful eye of their captain they cleaned, but even under the burden of being in trouble the two could barely wipe away their smiles of delight.
"Will you two shitheads stop smiling, it sickens me."
A/n: hey guys this one isn't my favorite prolly because I psyched myself out with doing Jean. Anyways feel free to give critism and feedback. Thanks for reading + happy new year
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kingfritzhater · 3 years
If they lived...
AOT headcanons of how different ships would live if they were still alive.
Manga Spoilers!!!
They move outside of Paradis, Erwin always wanted to know if there were humans outside the walls and now he wants to know how different their lives are from what he knows.
Once they settle down and Levi opens his teashop, Erwin offers to help but Levi won’t allow him as he thinks the tea he makes is horrendous, in the end, Erwin manages the money and Levi takes care of the rest. 
They still spend a lot of time with Gabi and Falco, Gabi always insists in moving Levi’s wheelchair (since Erwin is still missing an arm), and Falco adores listening to Erwin’s stories about the survey corps and life inside the walls.
They live hidden in Paradis, they built a little cottage in one of the giant tree forests outside of where the walls were and are very careful to stay hidden, Eren feels guilty that Mikasa has to live hiding like she was when her family was prosecuted by the government, but she doesn’t care, she still has him and their friends.
The remaining members of the alliance visit them pretty often, bringing them gifts from all around the world, Armin sends them books and pictures of the places they visit by mail every time he can. 
Many years go by, and Eren still can’t believe that this is his life, the day he notices some grey hairs and wrinkles in Mikasa’s face he starts crying from just the realisation of how happy he is to grow old together.
Hange is pretty sad when titans stop existing, so to make them happy Levi helps them get their hands on any scientific information that the outside world has developed, no matter how much it costs.
Hange switched their passion for titans to the works of the human body (and they almost fainted once they found out about germ theory), so Levi became their test subject for any time she wanted to test something that they read in some book.
Hange makes it their life purpose to find a way to make Levi be able to walk again, and after coming up with a pretty good prototipe some previous members of the military come asking for help for their missing limbs, so now they make prosthesis for free to anyone who needs it.
They open a restaurant in the countryside, Sasha plants a garden to get fruits and vegetables and hunts for the meat and Niccolo does the cooking.
When Niccolo decided to propose, he asked her father for his approval, what he did not expect was having to get the approval of Jean, Connie, Mikasa, Historia and Levi, the old captain was just as terrifying in a wheelchair as he was before.
They usually babysit Historia’s child since they live pretty close and they get along pretty well, the first name she learned how to say was hers, though it sounded more like “asha”, Sasha will always brag that she is the best aunt in the world.
The baby still exists, but the farmer is just a way to keep Historia safe, yet Ymir still finds similarities between them and jokes about if Historia isn’t sure that she isn’t hers.
Ymir always remembers how she didn’t even have a name as a child, so now every achievement of their daughter is recorded, in fact, she asked Historia to get her a camera from the outside world to be more efficient in this task.
They both are the kind of parent that likes to show off their child to anyone who will listen, no matter how ashamed she gets.
They never settle down, both travel the world discovering new places and wonders, it started when Onyankopon invited them to his homeland and now they can’t stop, unintentionally they’ve done more for Paradis’s international relationships than anyone else just by making friends wherever they go.
Moblit proposes out of the blue, even taking Hange by surprise, they were visiting some place and Hange looked the happiest they’ve ever been and with the excuse of looking for something he left, Moblit ran to the nearest jewelry store and bought a ring, asking the question that night, Hange said yes in tears.
Their wedding is the biggest event Paradis has seen in recent years, even when the current military does not like them they can’t do anything without risking a major international conflict, specially with so many important figures present.
They move away from Libero, Bertholdt’s father had died, and Reiner’s mother being there hurt him too much, so they go back to Paradis, enjoying their lives away from the city.
As a way to silently pay back to the people of the island, and also due to Reiner’s love for children, they often volunteer in orphanages or help local schools and families, it does not take them long to adopt a boy and a girl.
Gabi and Falco visit them constantly, Gabi is the only way Reiner keeps contact with the rest of his family and she adores their children, Falco almost fainted when one of them called him uncle.
Marco lost an eye in Trost, even then, they both join the survey corps as a way to honor their lost comrades, any time he sees Marco during a mission Jean worries that he won’t be as lucky this time, and that Marco might die that day.
They were horrified when he discovered how deep the corruption in the military police went, more Marco than Jean, so once Historia becomes the queen they offer all the advice they can give about reforms to the military.
Post rumbling, they both settle down in a nice house where once was wall Sina, now tired from the battle, the only missions they do are negotiations between Paradis and the rest of the world, they are the first to retire.
Uri punches Kenny in the face when he discovered that he hid the fact that he had a nephew and abandoned him, it took a week of Kenny begging for Uri to talk to him again, now he adores Levi and finds it amusing how similar he is to Kenny.
They both love Historia and try to help her in any way they can with her labours as queen, Uri gives her advice and helps her to gain the trust of many important figures in Paradis and Kenny takes a more aggressive approach, threatening to kill anyone who questions her authority.
When Historia’s baby is born they go in full grandfather mode, once they met her they could not stop crying and at one point Uri had to try to take her away from Kennys arms, a pretty difficult task due to their height difference
They've been together for years, but only told their families after the female titan arc, Petra’s father felt pretty embarrassed about his earlier conversation with Levi, but didn’t tell their comrades as they felt pretty shy about it.
After the battle of Shiganshina Auruo proposed to her in front of everyone, holding a ring that belonged to his mother and had been holding on to for months now, the only one that wasn’t surprised with this was Levi.
Petra asked Levi to make a small speech at their wedding, which he surprisingly agreed to do, when he did he talked about how he knew Auruo liked Petra from the moment he saw them and how jealous he would get, and would intentionally assign them to the same tasks together by themselves so one of them finally dared to confess, by the time he returned to his table, both of their faces were completely red.
While Mike managed to hide from the best titan and come out unscarred, Nanaba was not so lucky, losing one of her legs at Utgard Castle and having to retire from the military.
During the uprising arc, Mike joined the new Levi squad and went into hiding, Nanaba became essential to collecting information behind the scenes, as she could easily go under the radar, so she stayed with Hange and Moblit.
When Mike returned from the battle of Shiganshina, Nanaba ran to him in her crutches and jumped into his arms as soon as she was close enough, and didn’t let go until she could convince herself that he really survived.
Seeing as her efforts to convince him to not join the survey corps were failing, Hitch just directly confessed her feelings to him as a last effort to save him, Marlowe told her he felt the same way, but he knew his destiny was with the scouts.
Both Marlowe and Floch survived the battle of Shiganshina, when Floch starts talking very sharply to the families of the deceased Marlowe shuts him up, when Hitch asks him why he is so determined to stop him he says “Imagine if I died and he said those things to you”.
Marlowe is captured by the jaegerists and couldn’t join the alliance, once Hitch manages to free him he expresses his frustration with not being able to go to battle, yet he is still happy that he does not have to leave Hitch one more time.
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Since I refuse to accept what's happening in the new chapter, here's scenerios of Levi and all the others being happy:
(1) Jean stays in the military and has a good, decent job. He finds a nice girl and they settle down together and have a son named Marco because JEAN DESERVES THAT HAPPY ENDING HE IMAGINED.
Constantly curses Eren out randomly. Gum got stuck under his shoe? Damn you Eren. His child messed up his paperwork? THIS IS ALL YOU EREN. He forgot his and his wife's anniversary? EREN FUCKING YEAGER STOP HAUNTING ME.
It's comical really, a way of fighting with Eren even though he's gone
(2) Levi gets money from the govt and opens a tea shop. He purposefully hires young teens who have no choice but to steal to survive like he did, so they can have a new start at life. We all know this man is kind af and wants to help others.
'Oi brat you can't pick pocket anymore, you work for me now'
*cue Levi hauling confused teen away from the alley to a better life
(3) Hanji in the after life is probs giving moblit heart problems a dead man should not be able to get. All because she's telling him literally everything she couldn't after his death.
Moblit, I had this tea that was purple and-
Shhh lemme get to the best part, I gave some to Levi-
(4) Connie's mother gets cured. Literally the best part. He comes home, mission accomplished and is stunned by the sight of his mother. Hugs her, cries and vows to never leave her alone. I bet alot of money that he would have a daughter some day and name her after Sasha. Maybe an adopted daughter? A very loved child no matter what
(5) Mikasa and Armin stick together. They keep their jobs. Maybe Mikasa spends her free time in the orphanage, surrounding herself with innocent kids to lighten her own heart? She maybe helps in tracking down orphans and bringing them to safety
One day, she found a little girl, shivering in the cold. Her parents were dead, and the girl had been wandering around for days on her own. Mikasa saves her and the sight of her is so familiar, she gives her scarf to the little girl. Was pretty stunned to learn the girls name was Sasha and thrilled when Connie adopts her.
(6) Annie settles to living away from civilization. Hunts to survive . Armin visits her and they basically just blush around each other. Sometimes Mikasa comes along and pretends to gag at the sight of them even brushing shoulders. Let's just say a very panicked armim almost got a front row seat to annie vs mikasa pt2 lol.
(7) Gabi and Falco live with Annie. They have no home to go. But they grow up together, sort of being raised by Annie. She yells at them most of the time but she's kinda nice too? I mean, she didn't have to save them from that wild bear soo. They live comfortably. Yeah. No need to call child services.
(8) they all have yearly reunions. Levi snarks at them for getting so tall and finds himself lost while holding baby marco. Mikasa smirks when the baby throws up on him. Jean is torn between laughter that his son threw up on captain Levi or horror that his son threw up on captain Levi. Little sasha is shy but shakes hands with everyone. Even Levi pats her on the head affectionately and gives her sweets from his tea shop :)
That's it for now, pls feel happy people. This lightened my own heart a little ⭐⭐
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wakatvshi · 4 years
Helloooo!!!i would to ask if you could write a bertholdt x reader where (please get ready for it it complicated as hell) where reader notices that bert likes annie and decides to help him while the reader like armin but during all this bertholdt and the reader start falling for eachother<3 sorry its so long TwT but if its to much i understand!!
This was so much fun to write! I really hope you like this and that other people like it too! It got kinda long but I couldn’t help myself. Tell me if you like it!
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warnings: literally none.
word count: 2224
“So! Did you decide to go through with my plan?” Bertholdt jumped when you grabbed his arm, stopping him from walking outside the mess hall. “Today is one of the only free days we have and if we don’t do your part today I don’t know when we’ll get another chance.” This whole ‘convince Annie to date Bertholdt’ thing had been your idea originally. You’d seen him staring at her when he thought no one was looking, it was a pathetic look honestly but you recognized it to well. It was the same one you had when you saw Armin. Only where you had the nerve to actually speak to him, Bertholdt clammed up in normal conversations, let alone talking to Annie. 
When he hadn’t replied you looked back at him only to realize he was staring at your hand still holding onto his forearm. You felt your face heat up and quickly let go, what the hell was wrong with you? You had to focus on trying to help him and think less about how surprisingly muscular his forearm was. This was about Bertholdt and Annie. And Armin and yourself eventually. Whenever it felt right to say something you’d do it. Of course you would. 
Behind you Bertholdt cleared his throat and you looked to him, “I just… are we sure it should be today? Maybe she’s busy or… something.” He’d gotten better at not blushing at every mention of her name but you could still see the pink tinge in his cheeks. That and the fact that after all these weeks spent together trying to get him confident enough to talk to Annie, you’d learned to read him pretty decently. “We could just try another time I don’t know about today. I don’t want to bother her.” 
He was sweet. Even if he was just saying it to try to get out of talking to her, he was still sweet. It was almost annoying actually, the amount of things about him you found endearing. The way he sometimes stuttered, the way he played with his hands when he was nervous and oddly enough when he’d break out in nervous sweats. Before you’d never really given him much thought but since helping him you’d almost been able to do nothing but think of him. 
Your agreeing to help him was in part you wanting to help him and the other part wanting to get closer to Armin. You could talk to the blonde just fine but when it came to knowing what he liked, that you had no idea. Bertholdt and Armin were pretty close, when you saw them together usually they were reading or talking about some book they’d read. Armin’s intelligence was really amazing to well… everyone here and his theories and such on the books he read was amazing. Aside from Mikasa and Eren it was Bertholdt who listened to him talk about it. You’d tried but honestly you didn’t really get it but you liked the passion in his voice. 
But that was why you went to Bertholdt. It was supposed to be a mutual help thing with helping you both get the people you liked. You messed up though. Somewhere between asking Bertholdt for help and having him pretend you were Annie to confess to her your interest in Armin started fading. You hadn’t meant for it to happen but before you even knew it Bertholdt was the only one on your mind. 
That was why you needed to get him with Annie. The sooner that actually happened the sooner you could force this crush out of your mind. As soon as you shook this feeling you’d be back to realizing how great Armin was. If Annie rejected him it would be harder to get over it but you’d do it. Not that you wanted to think about Annie rejecting him either, you couldn’t imagine how crushed he’d be. If your plan failed you’d also be partly to blame for convincing him that she would like him. But literally you couldn’t see a single reason why she wouldn’t. 
You gave him a small smile before you shook your head, “Today is a free day. You know Annie. She’s literally going to take the chance to just do nothing and be alone all day. So this is the chance, tell her you just need help trying to out do Reiner in hand-to-hand combat and she’ll help you.” Bertholdt was really a jack of all trades, there wasn’t anything you’d seen him not excel at let alone fail. But if he brought up beating Reiner it would get her. 
“You really think it will work?” He sounded hesitant, but you’d put a lot into figuring out what would get the two of them alone possibly long enough for him to work up the courage to confess. “I really don’t think she’s interested in me like that Y/N. She barely even looks at me.” 
You bit back the jealousy that crept on you again, this was for him. If you liked him you would help him be happy. “She looks at you more than you think Bertholdt. And if she does say no you tried, you were brave! You told me you wanted to be more confident and this is your chance, I believe in you.” Before you could stop yourself you continued, “And anyone who rejects you is an idiot. You’re amazing.” 
His green eyes widened and he opened his mouth only to quickly close it. Did you say too much? Give away your feelings? You couldn’t regret what you said though, it was the truth. “I can do it.” The resolve in his voice made your own eyes widen. “I’ll do it today. I can’t leave it like it is.” 
With that he was gone, walking out of the mess hall muttering to himself and you were left standing there. Watching him walk away so he could get ready to tell Annie that he was practically in love with her. And that was fine. You could do that. You could handle it. The tears pricking the backs of your eyes were trying to tell a different story. 
Deciding to spend the rest of your free day after lunch in your bunk was the best idea. Most of the others were off doing their own thing, you could hear Sasha and Connie outside arguing with Jean about something. Marco was probably watching them and Armin, Mikasa and Eren were undoubtedly together somewhere. You knew you’d be welcome to join one of them but you were sure Sasha would try to cheer you up and seeing Armin right now… you think you could. 
This whole thing was supposed to push Bertholdt to Annie and you to Armin. You hadn’t even noticed until he brought it up that you’d really done nothing to help you get to know Armin better. It was easy then to just shrug it off and tell him you would help him woo Annie before the focus turned to you. You thought that was what it was in the beginning but you knew better now. 
Turning your head at the sound of a knock on the door you were surprised to see Reiner standing in the doorway of the girls barracks. “Bertholdt said he changed his mind.” One of his own rules were to leave Reiner out of it, he didn’t want his best friend getting involved in his love life because he’d never live it down. “He said you’d know what that meant.” 
Letting out a huff you pushed yourself off the bed, “Did he say why? This was the perfect chance!” Reiner to his credit did his best to not look too confused, it was clear he wasn’t used to not knowing what was going on with Bertholdt. “Where is he?”
The blonde male stepped to the side when you pushed past him outside of the barracks. “He’s outside the training grounds.” Reiner jerked his head in the direction, “What’s he supposed to be doing?” 
“Doesn’t matter.”You walked off towards the training grounds leaving the confused man behind. This was supposed to be the day. He’d sounded so sure of himself earlier, you’d never heard him sound so sure of anything as long as you’d known him. Whatever was holding him back you could talk him through, he could do this. You knew he could, he just needed to get that confidence he had before back. 
As much as he needed to do this you needed him to. If he was with Annie you could give yourself a sure reason why he didn’t want you other than the fact that you just weren’t his type. If he was off limits it would be easier to accept. And you wanted him happy or to at least be able to say he’d tried. If he was able to at least try maybe it would help him with the next person he fell for. You’d put weeks into this, sat there and watched him go from a blushing mess to actually being able to say “I like you Annie..” Even if it was so stuttered you hardly understood him.
The first time he’d said that, even if it was to you ‘as Annie’ you knew you’d fallen too deep. But still you pushed on and helped him, he deserved love. Even if it wasn’t with you. You’d help him because he deserved that. Your feelings about him didn’t matter in the end.
Passing Mina, Thomas and a few others trying to work with their ODM gear you headed towards one of the other small clearings near by. You weren’t sure where he was exactly but this was the most common place to find he and Reiner when they decided to do their ‘push up contests’ or whatever it was they did so it was the best place to start.  
Stepping into the clearing you spotted Bertholdt sitting on one of the large rocks not looking your way. He was staring down, probably at his hands where you could practically see him fidgeting even though you couldn’t actually see him. You’d memorized too many things about him by now. 
Letting out a small sigh you walked over towards him, the man in question not realizing you were there until you started crawling up the rock he was sitting on. He glanced back at you over his shoulder, watching you until you sat down next to him. The two of you were quiet for a few minutes, you looking at him and Bertholdt just staring down. “What happened?” You finally asked. 
He looked at you for a second before he shrugged and looked out at the trees. “I don’t know. I just couldn’t tell Annie.” You’d not seen Annie since breakfast that morning but you didn’t know if he actually tried, hopefully he did. “I thought about it, I wanted to. But then I realized it wouldn’t work.” 
“I mean Annie’s a bit hard to get along with but you knew that when you decided this earlier.” You had no idea what made him change his mind but you’d hoped he’d do it. You liked seeing the confidence on his face. 
Bertholdt let out a bit of a laugh before he shook his head, “That’s not actually what I decided.” He bit the inside of his lip and you could see him withdraw in on himself. “I was going to confess but… I can’t confess to Annie.” 
Raising an eyebrow at him you waited for him to continue but he didn’t. You could see his hands shaking a little and you wanted to reach out and grab his hand but you stopped yourself. “Why not?” 
“It’s not her.” His words came out in a rush, “I can’t tell her I like her when I don’t.” If you weren’t used to his stuttering you’d not understand him “It wouldn’t be fair. To her or uh… you.” 
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, he couldn’t be saying that could he? There was no way he was actually saying what you thought he was. “Not fair to me? Because I helped you? It’s… I can help you with another person!” That had to be what he meant. 
Bertholdt looked away from you, “I’m sorry.” He closed his eyes, “I know about Armin and I was supposed to help you but I just… I can’t. I’m sorry I don’t even know when it happened.” He looked ashamed, “But I said I was going to do it. I was going to confess and… I did” 
That was true. He thought you were still in love with Armin and he was sitting here confessing to you. Even though he thought you would reject him he still told you that he liked you. You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up in your chest, “Yeah. You did.” You could feel the tears building up in your eyes. 
You didn’t notice the hurt look on his face when you threw your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder. “It’s not Armin either. It hasn’t been Armin for a long time.” You looked at him again, his entire face was bright red but he was slowly moving his arms around you. “It’s you.”
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mrstaeminlee · 4 years
Mission Complete Ch. 1
You had two goals in life. One: Complete your squad training without dying. Two: Fuck Levi Ackerman
Pairings: Levi/f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, eventual smut, lmk if I need to add anything~
You really had no idea what the fuck prompted you to join the military. Maybe it was to find some redeeming grace in the eyes of your dying mother, maybe it was because you wanted a life with as much stability as one could muster, maybe it was because you just fucking hated farming.
Whatever it was, you wished to any God that would listen that you would have buried it in the ground along with the countless friends and family members you had lost to the Titans.
The first week of the cadet corps was everything you knew you would hate and more. Between the foul smelling breath of the commandant threatening to make you puke up the bread you had managed to steal, to working your body to the point of sneaking away from one on one combat to puke behind the bushes, after seven days you had almost decided that maybe digging in the dirt for the rest of your miserable life wasn't so bad.
There was only one thing stopping you from making your own walk of shame to the wagon of regret.
Levi Ackerman.
AKA the man you fantasized about every night when you managed to find enough strength to finger yourself below the covers.
He was a couple of inches shorter, true, but you were willing to break your rule of not fucking anyone shorter than you for him.
You had only see him twice in your life by complete chance, the first had been when you happened to be by the gates in time to see the Scouts returning from what was undoubtably another failed mission, and you decided that what the hell, might as well have a look at Humanity's Strongest in the flesh. Granted, it hadn't been his best day; his green cloak was splattered with what could only have been the blood of his comrades as it didn't look as if he had a single scratch on him, but he looked like a god, albeit one that had just gotten his ass kicked out of heaven. His eyes seemed to be sunken in, and even from how far away you were you found yourself shivering from the intensity of his dead gaze. You weren't sure what possessed you to lift your hand as he eyes moved through the crowd, looking for whom, you didn't know, or what possessed him to raise those eyes to you, but you found yourself lost in haunted silver as you gave a soft wave. The way he seemed to look straight through you, not even seeing you even as you stared at each other, was enough to convince you that you needed to do whatever it took to see this man again.
You enlisted the start of the next week.
The second time was completely by chance.
Everyone was desperate for military recruits, and desperate times called for desperate calls to important people to make appearances in front of people that were well, not very important.
Erwin Smith, Dot Pixis, Nile Dawk, Levi Ackerman, Hange Zoe, Rico Brzenska, and even Darius Zackly graced the entrance ceremony of the new Cadets, and you thanked whatever bone in your body made you a teacher's pet because you had a front row seat to the man that had plagued your thoughts every single day in the past week. His appearance was brief and he didn't speak, just stared at the fresh faces, some cocky, some blank, but mostly terrified new recruits, and you could have sworn that you saw a tinge of sadness hidden in the silver, as if he could already foresee the deaths of everyone in front of him. He followed after Erwin immediately after the blond gave his speech about thanking you all for making the decision to serve humanity and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. 'I'm not doing this for humanity, I'm doing this for dick,' you thought as you signed your life away to this shit camp for the next two years.
How one man who was fucking shorter than you managed to convince you to trade the next 728 days, 14 hours, 37 minutes, and 15 seconds of your life for physical and emotional hell was beyond you, and yet here you were, standing proud and slightly hungover from the pre-graduation celebrating you did with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin the night before. They hadn't initially been your first choice in friends, but Armin was nice to you from the start and once you very quickly learned that flirting with Eren in front of Mikasa was not in your best interest, you had decided that they were alright; especially when Eren's Titan form had been revealed. If anyone was going to have to get close enough to keep an eye on Eren, it would be Captain Levi.
The very man you were thinking of walked on the stage along with Nile Dawk, Dot Pixis, and Erwin Smith as the three took turns giving their pitch. You hadn't made the top 10 but were happy for your friends that were, you were content with your place as 13th. In a class of over 500, you still considered it a win, and if your parents were still alive you knew they'd be proud. As the remaining members of the top 10 who had opted to join the elitest MP's went off to talk to Nile and the other scared fucks ran off to sign themselves to the Garrison regiment, you and around a hundred other members stayed where you were and you licked your lips, forcing your heart rate to calm itself. 'Calm down, you can't work your way up to fucking the strongest man in the world if you die of heart attack before-'
"Listen up you little shits."
Oh my God he was speaking you've never heard his voice before it's so fucking-
"Most of you are going to die. Are you prepared for that?"
Ah, so Humanity's Strongest was a sweet talker.
"Erwin is making me come up here and talk, so we're all going to pretend that I'm saying some meaningful bullshit. But here's the truth: If you aren't strong, you will die, and it will be painful. Imagine the thought of seeing your childhood friend's entrails being slurped up like spaghetti by a Titan, while the entire time he's conscious enough to reach his hand out for you, and you are able to do nothing for him because you spent exactly one second hesitating, or you were a moment too late to draw your blades, or react to the threat. If that scares you, then do us all a favor and put down that half assed salute and sell your soul to the Garrison where you'll spend your days fucking the best whores for a discount if you're in uniform and getting drunk on the clock."
After his touching speech you and your now dripping panties decided that you had indeed made the right decision in selling yourself to the Scouts.
One month later
It was moments like these, where you weren't quite trashed but definitely more than tipsy, that you had never been happier to be part of the survey corps. I mean, you were in peak physical shape (you still couldn't believe you had abs. Abs!), you were hot, you were fit, and you knew Sasha Braus, who had managed to steal a few bottles of top shelf liquor from the higher ups.
You were also horny as fuck. It had been over a year since you'd gotten laid, and you were using the dildo you'd bought on your first trip back into town as often as you brushed your teeth (twice a day, you didn't fuck with cavities). You briefly thought about enlisting the help of one of your current drinking buddies but after seeing your choices you decided to leave it to old faithful hidden in your pillowcase. There was Jean, who albeit was pretty hot even with the long face but was so in love with Mikasa it made you want to vomit. Marco, who you were almost one hundred percent sure was gay; Connie, who held the sexual appeal of a pile of horse shit, although he was super nice. Reiner almost looked promising but you knew underneath those stocky muscles was a shitload of emotional baggage you didn't want, and Bertholt was head over heels for Annie of all people. That left Armin and Eren. Eren you already knew was out, while your slut senses told you he'd be a great lay, you weren't quite ready for your life to end at the hands of Mikasa. That left Armin. You tilted your head, staring at him as you sipped on your god forsaken concoction and debated fucking him or not. He wasn't outright sexy, but he'd filled in well during the two years of training and you had seen glimpses of his surprisingly impressive muscles under his white shirt. He might actually do. He'd be shy as hell and you would have to lead everything, not to mention he'd probably cum in less than a minute, but it just might-
“Did you guys know that Captain Levi is a virgin?"
You spit the mix of vodka, rum, and whatever mixer Reiner had put in all over the face of the person you had just considered fucking.
"I'm sorry, what?" You turned your attention to Christa, apologetically handing Armin a napkin and patting his cheek.
Christa blushed at the attention and scooted closer to Ymir, who threw an arm around her shoulders and gave Reiner her customary 'If you even look at her weird, I will gut you' look. "W-Well, recently I started helping out in the infirmary because they've been short handed. You all know, it's that time of year where everyone has to get looked at and they give us that sheet of paper to fill out with all of our personal information to keep track of potential diseases. I was in charge of filing the paperwork the day they brought all of the officers in, and on the paper they ask you how many sexual partners you've had and Captain Levi wrote 0. But you guys, you have to promise not to tell anyone! This is private information, if it somehow gets out that I told you this I'll get into a lot of trouble!"
Ymir chuckled, placing a sloppy kiss at the top of the blonde's head. "Don't worry about a thing sweet cheeks, if any of these miscreants here says a word I'll kill them for ya. But we don't have to worry about that at all, now do we?" She glared at each person in the room, who all looked as if Christa were a ghost, and slowly shook their heads.
Your life was changed.
Captain Levi Ackerman.
The strongest man in the world.
Rumored former thug of the Underground.
The person responsible for killing as many Titans as a hundred soldiers.
The person whose squad every scout dreamed of being on, was a virgin.
You screeched out a laugh before you could help it, the alcohol doing nothing to try and make you quiet yourself as you fell onto your back laughing, cup long forgotten as it rolled across the floor. The person who initiated your drive to join the military in the first place, the person you literally dreamed of fucking, had never gotten his dick wet.
Clearly, you had your work cut out for you.
If you managed to live through the sight of Ymir reaching over to punch you in the face to shut you up.
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kai-uh-arcadian · 3 years
hi love!
can u write a hitch imagine where she and f!reader get high and go to a party and the reader and hitch separate, like the reader goes to play beer pong with connie sasha and jean while hitch goes to historia and annie to dance and reader watches her dance and pulls hitch with her to the bathroom and they fuck?
Hi my darling!!! I hope this encapsulated what you’re imagining!!
Full Disclosure: I do not know how to write smut nor have I ever attempted SOOOOO if anyone would like to expand on this with smut PLEASE GO AHEAD!!! The ending is open ended for smut but if you’re not into that it still makes perfect sense as is,
I apologize I couldn’t execute the entire ask but I hope you still enjoy! (:
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Word Count: 1.4k
CW: Mentions of drug use (weed, alcohol), being drunk/high, minor cussing
- “I’m here” you texted Hitch as you pulled into her driveway
- Your phone lit up and read “sorry I CANNOT come anymore, my fish is really sad rn😪😪😪”
- Two things:
- One: Hitch is already outside waiting for you with her backpack (filled with her overnight stuff)
- Two: she doesn’t even fucking have a fish?😾😾😾😾
- She gets into your car to which you greet her with “ah hi Bitch… I mean Hitch! DaMN I thought your fish was in distress?
- “Well be glad “Bitch” is here because she’s the one giving you free weed dumbass” she remarks while (sort of gently) punching your arm
- “Ooo, do I get the hot girl discount?” You smirk at her
- “Shut the fuck up!” She says sarcastically and starts to blush “just drive already” she shifts her knees toward the passenger door
- You got babygirl flustered😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
- You begin your car ride to Sasha’s house
- The Blouse’s were on a 3-day vacation to who-knows-where, all we knew is that Sasha was having a lowkey get together
- The guest list consisted of Eren, Armin, Jean, Marco, Historia, Marlo, Ymir, Annie, Mikasa, Connie, Mina, Reiner, and Bertholt
- You arrived in the Blouse driveway and Hitch begins to pull out grape swisher pack container a blunt
- “Ahhhh~ look at this pearl I rolled!!” She holds it up in awe then shortly begins to light it
- You’re lucky your cars interiors is all leather and you have until tomorrow to air it out
- (You never smoke in your car nor let anyone smoke in your car but Hitch is the only exception cause she’s cute)
- You both share the blunt that is apparently “this amazing strain called Sour Diesel she got from her dealer for free because she made out with him”
- After about what seems like 2 hours (it was actually about 15 minutes) you both are pretty fckn stoned and decide to head in
- You let the group chat know you and trouble arrive and head for the door
- “Mikasa!” You exclaim and hug her as she opens the door
- “What did you say? It’s too loud in here…” she deadpans
- 🦗🦗🦗🦗
- “Huh? There’s no music playing tho…..😅” you reply
- Mikasa sees the gears working in you and Hitch’s head as you’re trying to process the “joke” she just said
- To give you a hint, she sniffs the air
- 👃🏼👃🏼👃🏼
- “OHHHHHHHH!!!!” You and Hitch say in unison after realizing she was insinuating you REEKED of weed
- “Dumb and dumber arrived!!” Mikasa announces to the gang
- You and Hitch head to the guest bedroom upstairs to drop of your overnight bags
- You both return to the basement only for you to be pulled to one half to play pong and Hitch to the other to go take shots with Annie
- Before the game starts Connie tells “YOOO let’s see who can shotgun the fastest!!”
- Why would you ever turn that down????😩 free beer
- You, Jean, Connie, and Sasha all puncture your cans and begin to go
- Ofc you win🥸🥸🥸 You’re a natural
- “That’s not fair!! I started later, I didn’t know we were supposed to go on “1”!!??” Sasha exclaims, declaring a rematch to which you all oblige
- “3, 2, 1” Mikasa counts down for you guys
- One rematch turned into 2 more 😵‍💫😵‍💫
- Now you’re 4 beers in and the night is barely starting
- the night continues on and pong has turned into a game of “Whichever team loses has to shotgun”
- Lemme tell you, Jean is DEAD WEIGHT
- bitch got no aim???👿
- Sasha and Connie are absolutely obliterating You and Jean so at this point it’s safe to say you’re about 9, Natty Ice’s in and about 3 shots that Hitch kept handing you in
- Speaking of Hitch….
- Where the fuck is she??
- Your dizzy eyes begin to scan the basement— she can only be in so many places down here
- as you’re getting distracted, Sasha and Connie decide to leave the pong table to do God knows what and Jean runs after them
- You decide it’s best to ignore whatever the fuck kind of trouble they’re getting themselves into
- That’s when you see it
- Historia, Mikasa (?!?!?!!), Annie (?!?!?!?), and Hitch making a Tik Tok
- For reference it’s this dance
- You can Ymir practically drooling over Historia and then yelling at Reiner for doing the same
- Marlo is drooling at Hitch
- The sight of Marlo alone ignited a fire of pure rage inside of you
- everyone, including Hitch, knows that he blatantly pines over her… some people even think they’d look cute together but who knows what Hitch thinks??? Does she like him back?
- ahhh~ your head is crowded with so many thoughts right now and decide to silence them with a disgusting shot of Pink Whitney left by your side from Hitch
- is this JEALOUSY????
- your throat and the pit of your stomach burns as the shot goes down but not as hot as the left side of your chest at the sight you’re seeing right now
- You find Historia, Mikasa and Annie VERY attractive bUT you cannot take your eyes off of Hitch
- It’s rude to stare but goddamn, she’s in a white tennis skirt that when she moves JUST enough you can see part of her bare ass
- (Go touch grass later)
- 1 of the 4 girls take turns (unintentionally) messing up causing them to retake the Tik Tok
- You are NOT complaining tho👀👀👀
- They FINALLY get the dance down
- Hitch comes over and stands in between your legs that are dangling off the table you’re sitting on and wraps her arms around your waist
- Marlo shoots you a look and you were about to say something to him but Hitch guides your chin back with her finger so you were looking at her again👿👿👿
- “Soooo~ what’d you think?” She slurs getting closer to your face with a mischievous look in her eyes
- If looks could kill, Marlo would have your head right about now
- “Huh? About what” you play dumb hoping she didn’t notice you blatantly staring
- “Sweetie you would’ve caught flies if you kept your mouth open any longer” she says right in your ear causing you to get goosebumps
- So she definitely noticed you staring
- And played into it😐😐😐
- You took the bait and she won this round
- She nuzzles her head into your chest and oh my god her scent intoxicates you
- A mix of vodka, a bit of sweat (naturally,,,, bitch just got done dancing her life away), strawberry herbal essence shampoo, and a shit ton of Victoria’s Secret bombshell perfume(or Tease, I can’t decide)
- “I have to pee~~ can you come with” she says grabbing your hand without waiting for your answer
- What’s up with drunk girls and tag team bathroom breaks
- (On a real note, I’ve been to a handful of parties and my friends always ask me to help them in the bathroom like what am I gonna do? Wipe their ass for them? Cheer them on like YES GIRL GO PISS!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳)
- Anyways
- She pulls you into the bathroom, does her business as you face the wall, washes her hands and youre ABOUT to open the door when pins you against the door slamming it shut
- “You’re an idiot???” she looks up at you with tears brimming at her eyes
- You’re just as drunk/high as she is (if not more??) she CANNOT blame you for not picking up the subtle hints
- You gave her this abhorrently shocked and confused face
- “Hitch wait what why are you crying I’m so sorry what did I do” you begin to ramble in panic
- “What did I do uhh I’m so sorry how can I fix thi—“
- She cuts you off by smashing her lips against yours
- This has to be a dream or just drunk Hitch actions because she is a flirty drunk so you don’t want to get your hopes up
- “That’s how you can fix it~” she hiccups as a tear goes down her face
- “I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t want to ruin anything so I kept it in for so long but I just can’t anymore” now SHES rambling
- “Just *hic* seeing you everyday, being so close to you and not *hic* being able to do anything about it hurts so bad but I just had to get this out so I’ll leave you alone afte—“
- Now you cut off her rambling with a slightly less aggressive and more passionate kiss
- The smile on her face is the cutest mixture of shocked and pure happiness🥺🥺🥺
- “I want the exact opposite of you leaving me alone, I’ve liked you for so long Hitch” you kiss her forehead and she just happily sobs/giggles like a child into your chest
“Don’t tell Hitch this, but she’s everything I wanted and more” you give her a small chuckle, looking away as your cheeks turn pink
“I won’t say a word idiot” she says kissing the top of your nose
Anyone, Feel free to delete any part of the ending if you’d like to add the smut part of this request!! Hope you enjoyed
- K ( :
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Jean and Connie: The Path to Valhalla
Many people are upset at the fate of Jean and Connie, but, while I love these characters just as dearly (see: my username and icon), I really can’t think of a better conclusion to their character arcs than for them both to ‘die as a member of the Survey Corps’.
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Maybe it’s because death is thought of nowadays as the ultimate evil that it cannot be seen as a positive thing. But for the majority of human history, a good death was every inch as important as a good life.
For the Vikings especially - and SNK is filled with Norse references - your entry into Valhalla is wholly dependent on the way you die, not the way you live: whether you die gloriously in battle, or wither away after cowardly retreat. No matter what mistakes you make in your life, all can be redeemed if you sacrifice yourself fighting.
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Hange hates themself for failing to live up to Erwin’s legendary leadership, for killing their old comrades, and for losing control of Eren and allowing the Rumbling to happen. But in sacrificing themself, in dying fighting, Hange is welcomed into the hall of heroes in the afterlife.
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Likewise, no matter how brave you were in a hundred battles prior, if you do not die in the flurry of combat, you cannot enter Valhalla.
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Jean is tempted towards inaction, to allow the Rumbling to continue. His rationale is that by virtue of all his previous battles, he has accumulated enough honour for no-one to judge him in this regard. 
Yet he is judged, and he knows he is judged. He is judged by the Einherjar, the souls of the slain that dwell within Valhalla: his old comrades in the Survey Corps.
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Only by fighting to the very end can one enter Valhalla. There is no room for quitters. Your true worthiness of character is determined in the moment of death, and only in that moment.
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Jean is Attack On Titan’s Everyman: he’s the series’ example of how an average person who would prefer to run away and live a quiet life can nevertheless become a hero. No matter how scared or fragile they might be, they are always capable of doing their damnedest to fight back.
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Jean is continually tempted away from this bloody path of the hero. He is tempted to join the Military Police and live in the Interior, to not kill another human being, to ignore the Rumbling and enjoy peace at last, to not kill Eren and his other former comrades. But every time, he has managed to triumph over those fears. And the greatest of those is the fear of death.
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In his character’s flagship moment, Jean trembles as he declares his decision to join the Survey Corps. He’s terrified, because he knows that decision ultimately means death. But in protecting the lives of others, he has found something worth valuing beyond his own life.
The decision is not just made there, but continuously. The Rumbling was a potential ‘out’ for Jean. Had he stopped there, then, miraculously, his decision of certain death would have not cost him his life. 
But he did not stop, because then he could not enter Valhalla.
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Lightning never strikes twice. Jean had a miracle offered to him on a plate and he turned it down. For his decision to carry any weight, the narrative could not have allowed him to survive this battle as well. It is essential that Jean made the choice not just to fight, but to die for the greater good. 
As Connie reminds him, that was the decision he made at the entrance ceremony, and that is the decision he has continued to uphold.
Yet, in contrast to the trembling Jean from back then, look how at peace he is in his last moments. He’s calm because he’s made this decision twice now. He is dying ‘as a member of the Survey Corps’, the fate he knew was inevitable after signing up for not just one, but two suicide missions. He has not betrayed Marco by backing out halfway through. By fighting to the bitter end like Marco did, he has earned the right to stand alongside him in Valhalla.
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As for Connie, if you look closely you can see tears in his eyes. Part of this is because he has always been prone to tears, but he must also feel the bitter sting of irony in facing the same fate as Ragako village: the tragedy that has haunted him throughout the series.
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Horrifying enough to think of. But despite facing the worst fate he can imagine, somehow, Connie shares in Jean’s sense of peace and playfully berates him for making him care about the world beyond himself. This is because Connie, too, is proud to die as a member of the Survey Corps.
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Connie is another of the series’ ‘normal’ people - he joins the military for the common goal of making his family proud. Like Jean, he must fight his insular inclinations - a happy life with his family - to walk the hero’s path and join the Survey Corps, kill other humans, resist the Rumbling, and kill Eren and his old comrades.
But after the titanisation of his family, the betrayal of countless friends, and the death of the person closest to him, Connie is tempted to abandon this path which has cost him so much. He wants to stop being righteous and just be a normal idiot again - someone who values their own comfort over the lives of strangers.
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So Connie is offered his own ‘out’ through Falco, and almost takes it. By resurrecting his mother, Connie could return to the family life he really wants, even if it would sabotage an alliance with Reiner and doom all life beyond the Walls.
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But thanks to Armin’s intervention, Connie stops himself. He reaffirms his commitment to the righteous path, as Jean does in the very same chapter.
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Both Connie and Jean sacrifice the peaceful lives they’ve always wanted in order to protect people other than themselves and their loved ones. Connie can share in Jean’s sense of peace when the time comes because he has already placed the hero’s path ahead of his personal desires. The moment he condemned his mother to titanisation for the sake of the greater good, he was willing to meet that same fate himself.
In choosing the self-sacrificial path of the Survey Corps over his own desires, Connie makes the decision Erwin made - and the decision Eren could not make.
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Connie turned down his ‘out’. He could have avoided the death sentence of joining the Survey Corps just like Jean, but he decided to uphold his oath instead.
That moment made his death inevitable, as well as his entry into Valhalla. Although he jokingly complains, his pride at having the job of ‘saving humanity’ is clear. He has become a soldier his mother could be proud of.
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They die as members of the Survey Corps, doing what the SC have always done - entrusting their comrades to make their sacrifice mean something.
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The efforts of Jean and Connie may have led to their deaths, but it was only because of their actions that their comrades were able to save the world. By overcoming their individual weaknesses and desires, these two ordinary people now rank among the most special and indispensable people in existence.
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In contrast to Keith’s earlier pessimism, special people aren’t born that way. They become that way through continuous struggle, sacrifice, and force of will. 
That’s why ordinary people like Jean and Connie are now worthy of entry into Valhalla. They stand next to the countless other ordinary people in the Survey Corps whose personal sacrifices led up to the outcome for which they had always fought: the salvation of mankind.
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They dedicated their hearts to humanity.
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