#now I’m back on track yaaay
malbenita · 1 year
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Quick doodle time
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justicerikai · 1 month
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #98 Rikapure
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
(Nakagami talking with Torahime on the phone)
Nakagami: What!? You convinced Kusanagi Rikai to join our side!? Really now!
Torahime: “Yes, it should work out going forward.”
Nakagami: Nicely done, look into where he disappeared to.
Torahime: “I’m doing that right now”
Nakagami: What!?
Torahime: I sneaked into his rooms and am looking for clues at the moment.
Nakagami: “You work fast… I will do as always and get everything ready.”
Torahime: Yessir
Nakagami: “Then I’ll see you later, I’m counting on you, Toraji-...”
Nakagami: “...Torahime-kun”
Torahime: Eh?
(Phone call ending)
(Torahime shaking from joy)
Torahime: …!
Torahime: Finally… Sensei, finally called me by my name…
(Torahime bumps into the desk and a large amount of papers fall)
Torahime: !! Crap….!
Torahime: …? What’s this
(Torahime flipping through the pages)
Torahime: …Eh?
(The five of them lazing around while eating snacks)
The five of them: Right~ Hahaha, crunch crunch… rustle rustle… 
Amahiko: Who’s going to bathe
Iori: Too much of a bother~
Sarukawa: Yawn… ‘m tired
Ohse: Um, where’s Rikai-san
Terra: Not often you don’t see him around at this hour
Sarukawa: Well, we can just kick back thanks to that! Freedom’s nice! Woohoo~!
Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: Hehehe
Amahiko: …? Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: No… nothing. 
Iori: Come to think of it, Fumiya-san’s not here too
Sarukawa: Moped’s gone too
Terra: How suspicious, where did he go
Iori: Who knows~
(Rikai on his own)
Rikai: ….! Guh…!
Rikai: Ah…
Boyfriend: I’ll get it for you
Girlfriend: Really? Thanks!
Rikai: ….
(Rikai looking down)
Fumiya: Rikai?
Rikai: ….! Fumiya-san!
Fumiya: What are you doing here?
Rikai: ….
Rikai: I have to change… 
Rikai: I thought I was doing everything for the sake of others, instead I brought nothing but disorder within the house…
Rikai: The cause is me! Compared to everyone else I’m too much of a magnificent human being! 
Fumiya: Hah?
Rikai: That’s why I’m purposefully getting myself involved with the evils of the world, I must keep balance!
Rikai: That’s right! I’m going in! I’m going into an arcade late at night!
Fumiya: Hmn?
Rikai: Okay, you can do it Rikai, you’re going in, 3…. 2….1….!
(Rikai trying to get in but can’t)
Rikai: Hngh…! ….!
Rikai: Guh, it’s futile…
Rikai: No! I shall not yield! 3…. 2….1….!
Rikai: Gwaaah…! Guhooh…! Hwaah…!
Rikai: Aah damn it all! My body rejects it! Why are you such a good man Kusanagi Rikai!
Rikai: Kusanagi Rikai! KUSANAGI RIKAAAAI~!
Fumiya: What’cha keep trying to do?
Rikai: It’s truly impossible for the likes of me to enter an arcade late at night.
Fumiya: Why, let’s go together if that’s the issue
(Fumiya pulling on Rikai’s arm)
Rikai: AAAAAAH!! Wait! Wait Fumiya-san! I can’t! I can’t!
Fumiya: S’fine, nothing to be ‘fraid of
Rikai: No! I shall not enter!
Fumiya: We’ll just go in, won’t be doing anything
Rikai: Liar! You’ll do something nefarious once I’m in, won’t you!?
Fumiya: I won’t do anything, I promise
Rikai: I don’t believe you!
Fumiya: C’mon, we’re going in
Rikai: I am not one to be easily swayed!
(Fumiya pulling Rikai inside)
Rikai: Ah, wait, stop it, please…!
Rikai: Ah, no, no…! You lecher! Let go! Someone please~~~!!
(Fumiya lets go immediately)
Fumiya: Quit it!
Fumiya: What are you up in arms for, everyone’s staring like crazy right now
Boyfriend: …Is he okay?
Girlfriend: Don’t tell me he’s being forced? 
Boyfriend: Eeeh…
Fumiya: Y-you’re mistaken
Rikai: Ah, right. Fumiya-san, I should've asked you to teach me the ways.
Fumiya: Huh?
Rikai: How can a wonderful human being as I stoop low to the level of a ne’er do well such as yourself!
Fumiya: I’ll punch your lights out?
Rikai: Please teach me, how to become an awful person
Rikai: What should I eat, what dangerous things should I do, how do I become a hopeless man capable of nothing?
Fumiya: Wait, I don’t follow…
Rikai: An absolute good for nothing--
(Fumiya shaking off an annoying Rikai)
Fumiya: Aaah damnit! That’s not how these things go
Fumiya: Why don’t you know that
Rikai: ………….
Rikai: ………I don’t
Fumiya: ….? Rikai?
Rikai: Because I… don’t know….
(Rikai running away)
Rikai: …!
Fumiya: Ah
(Everyone being drunk and smacking each others with pillows)
Everyone: Hahaha, gyahaha…!
Torahime: ….!
Nakagami: (“I’m counting on you, Torahime-kun.)
Torahime: (Forgive me, Sensei…)
Torahime: ….! Um!
The five of them: ?
Torahime: There’s something I’d like to show to everyone!
The five of them: Huh?
(Bustling city at night)
(Rikai painfully walking alone)
Rikai: …! …..!!
Sarukawa: W-what is this…
Amahiko: “Rikai-oniisan’s Perfect Order To Lead Everyone To Happiness Program”
Terra: Wha?
Torahime: In order for everyone to live together peacefully in the sharehouse, he wrote about all the points that can get improved.
Torahime: That person is serious. He’s earnestly thinking about how to make everything better. 
Torahime: It’s not all for show!
Iori: Rikai-kun… 
Sarukawa: Rikai…
Everyone except Ohse: Cringe~
Torahime: EEEH!?
Iori, Amahiko, Sarukawa, Terra: Nah man, it’s just a bit… 
Torahime: No, no no you’re wrong, that answer’s… 
Torahime: Wrong!!!!!
The four of them: Huhn?
Torahime: Well at first I did cringe a little bit.
Terra: You cringed
Torahime: But please do look at it! It’s genuinely amazing! You’ll get sucked in!
Amahiko: Sucked?
Iori: Sucked in how
(Ohse turning the pages and being unable to stop)
Ohse: ….! …..! ….!
Terra: Ah! Ghost-kun got sucked in! He’s completely absorbed!
Torahime: See, I told you’d get sucked in
Iori: Seriously what does that mean
(Amahiko becoming the same as Ohse)
Amahiko: …..! …..! ….!
Iori: Amahiko-san?
Terra & Sarukawa: …! ….! ….!
Iori: Saru-chan!? And Terra-san!? Come on guys, what’s gotten into eve….
Iori: Aaah.. ! AaaAaAaaa….!
Torahime: Don’t say I didn’t warn you’d get sucked in
Torahime: He’s seriously amazing, that guy means all of it.
(Rikai remembering the past)
(At lunch break, a child is getting bullied)
Students: Wheew, lame-ass~ Hahaha
Student D: …..
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: Stop!
Students: ?
3rd yr gradeschooler: You can’t do such things! Let him go!!
Student B: Wha?
Student A: …Oi, let’s go
(All of them leave)
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: Is everything okay?
Student D: Eh? ….Y-yeah…
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: I’m glad… fufu
(When leaving school, Rikai runs up to the child that got bullied)
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: Hey, wanna go home together?
Student D: ….Eh
Student A: C’mon, let’s go
Student D: …Coming!
(Student D running back to his friends)
Student C: Be faster you idiot
Student D: Ow, ehehe sorry~
(The students messing around)
Students: You’re late, what were you doing~
(Rikai going alone at home)
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: …..
(Rikai fighting back his tears)
3rd yr gradeschooler Rikai: ………..!
Rikai: I don’t…. understand….
(Rikai drooping his head)
Rikai: ….
(Rikai being able to hear some kind of noise)
Rikai: ….? …Huh?
(The six of them happily doing Rikai Calisthenics) 
The six of them: First, an exercise to beat that lazy disposition back into shape~♪
The six of them: Start, hup, one! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight!
Rikai: (What’s all this!? What’s happening!? Don’t tell me… I got through…??)
Rikai: (I got through to them!? Did the world change!? T-think such a thing would-!!)
Charisma of Asia: (Do not worry, one day you will be able to break through.)
Rikai: (That’s… That’s the voice of the Charisma of Asia!)
Rikai: (And what was needed last is… sincerity.)
(A radiant light shines brightly)
Fumiya: Charisma charge: Complete.
Sarukawa: Rikai….
Rikai: !? Saru!
Sarukawa: Good morning!
Rikai: HAPPYYYY~~~~!!
Mahou Tsukai Break
(Magical Wizard Break)
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui’s Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 1/4)
(T/N: Big thanks to @candy-crackpot for the raws! This Lounge contains 20 questions in all. I've divided it into 4 parts for ease of reading and translating!)
Featuring: Reever, Lenalee, Allen, Lavi, Kanda
Lenalee: Good afternoon, everyone! As usual, my brother is nowhere to be found. I’m so, so sorry! Anyway, without further ado, we bring you the Komui’s Lounge corner!  
Allen: YES! I finally get to feature alongside Lenalee~!
Lenalee: Teehee. I’m so happy, too~! (Allen and Lenalee joining hands and squealing giddily in unison.)
Lavi: Yaaay! Me too~! (Reaches out)
*Thwack!!* (The SFX of Allen’s smiling smackdown)
Lavi: OW!!! That’s your left hand, Mr. Allen!! He literally just smacked me with Innocence!!
Reever: Oi, Allen. You can’t go slapping people with your left hand, you know?
(T/N: “Hear, hear!” said Mana.)
Allen: My apologies. I sensed ulterior motives from Lavi directed towards Lenalee and I just…
Kanda: All this noise. Would you shut your yammering already, you danged rabbit?
Reever: Aaah, the nostalgia (heartily). How long has it been since you four were last together like this?
Lavi: It seems we’ve received several requests along the lines of, “We want to see the four teens having fun together,” so Hoshino basically bankrupted herself to put this together as a huge fanservice.
Allen: So, it wasn’t because she couldn’t be bothered thinking up new cast combinations every single time…?
Lavi: That’s also highly possible.
Lenalee: Now that you’ve mentioned it, looks like the comic’s supervisor warned her in no uncertain tones to really, really, have the word count in mind when writing this time. One thing led to another and last time was a big no-no, as well…I guess we’ll have to be more mindful as we speak.
Reever: This is especially the case for you, Allen, Lavi. You two have a rich history of fooling about and wasting precious paper. And Kanda, you don’t fight with Allen, too, get it?
Kanda: What the—That’s up to Beansprout, isn’t it?
Allen: HUH!?
Reever: OI! (sweating) Come on! They’re really at our throats with the word count this time, so work with me, for heaven’s sake!
Q1: How popular is Section Chief Reever with the ladies of the Order, romantically?
Reever: Eh?
Lavi: Don’t “eh” us, Section Chief. Come on, man, get a grip!
Reever: Ah, nah. I was thinking it’s a question for Kanda or something…Huh? Me!? You’re talking to me? (sweating)
Kanda: Aren’t you overreacting?
Allen: Please, allow me! I know the answer! Section Chief Reever does have himself a fanclub!
Reever: WHAT!?!?!? (shock)
Lavi: For many a year, Jeryy was club president, and all was peaceful under his management. Then, everything changed when Bonnaire joined the club and began vying for the seat.
Lenalee: I’ve lost track of the number of times people ask me about Section Chief Reever, too. “Wonder if he has a girlfriend,” and all that jazz.
Allen: Well, I guess it’s to be expected. After all, unlike Lavi, Section Chief Reever is handsome and unmatched when it comes to trustworthiness…Wait. Mr. Reever? You’re spacing out.
Lavi: Oi, back the heck up! Didn’t you just diss me in passing?!
Reever: M-my bad…Never thought I’d have anything to do with this topic, after all. Ah, guess I’m hopeless…Also, Allen! Lavi! Haven’t I warned you to watch the idle chitchat?
Allen and Lavi: Ehehe.
Lenalee: So, now that we’ve breached the subject…Do you have a girlfriend, Section Chief? (smiling)
Reever: Whoa, what’s up, Lenalee? You look so happy all of a sudden (sweating).
Lenalee: Well, we’ve never chatted about your love life like this before. I don’t know, it just makes me happy. Soooo, do you have one? Do you? You wanna know, too, right Kanda?
Kanda: Whatever!
Reever: Ah, nah. Well, now I don’t…but I had a girlfriend, once. Right! And that brings us to the end of this discussion!! Moving on!
Allen and Lavi: Aaaaaaaaaawwww! That’s it!?
Reever: Yeah, yeah. Shut up, the lot of you!
Lenalee: ……
Kanda: What’s up, Lena?
Lenalee: Well, just now, he looked kinda sad for a second. So, I just thought, could it be that it ended tragically? Maybe I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.
Kanda: As if them scientists are the oversensitive type who’d be depressed over such things. Don’t you worry.
Q2: Since when did you develop such a huge appetite, Allen-kun? After all, you didn’t seem to eat all that much back in your circus days.
Allen: In my circus days, it’s more like they didn’t let me eat rather than me not eating of my own volition. Then, later, when I was travelling with Mana, we didn’t have much money, so I had no choice but to put up with it. I’ve only been able to eat my fill after Master took me on, and he wasn’t that surprised by my appetite.
Reever: Well, General Cross probably had known Parasitic type exorcists are voracious eaters, after all. And since you were starved like that at such a young age, it took a toll on your growth, didn’t it, Allen?
Allen: Hmm…Yes, I definitely was tiny back then. Although I did hit this growth spurt when I was around thirteen. What a relief it was. And, someday, I would surpass Kanda and Lavi, as well.
Kanda: Wha—Is that so, Beansprout?
Allen: Mwahahaha! How I look forward to the day I would look down upon you, Kanda.
Reever: Cut it out. You cut it out right there (sweating).
Lavi: Could be that Allen’s past trauma is the reason he’s so strongly fixated on food even before he became active as a Parasitic type.
Lenalee: The General made sure to let you eat as much as you needed, didn’t he?
Allen: Well, it wasn’t exactly Master who let me eat, actually…his lovers, more like. The good misses were all extremely wealthy, you see.
Lavi: Man, I’m jealous. The man was living the dream, he was.
Q3: Does Allen like Lenalee romantically? Or is she simply a dear friend?
(T/N—Aight I know I was screaming at Lenalee and Allen featuring together earlier but now I wish one of them wasn’t here because how would we get an honest reaction out of them both now come friggin’ on gaaaaaaaaaargh gurgle gurgle)
Reever: Oh, there’s also the same question for Lavi and Kanda in the pile as well. Alright, lads. Step right up and take turns enlightening us.
Allen: Y-ye-ye-ye-yes??? (Blushing deep red)
Lavi: Oi, Reever! How come you get to dodge this and we don’t, you cheater!!?
Kanda: What a load of bullsh*t……
Lenalee: I love all of you guys (T/N: Agh, f*** me dead, lass!). Aren’t you guys the same…?
Allen: Of course, I love you, Lenalee! You’re my beloved…family, after all. (T/N: After I’m done with this IMMA GO KILL YOU, HOSHINO!)
Lavi: M-m-me too! I love you, too!
Kanda: Ugh. More bullsh*t.
Reever: So, you guys don’t like her as a potential romantic partner?
Allen, Lavi and Kanda: NEXT!! NEXT QUESTION!!! (sweating)
Q4: What is Tyki’s type in women?
Allen and Lavi: THE HELL WE KNOW!!!
Kanda: Reever, choose decent questions, will you?
Reever: Nah. This isn’t me. Hoshino chose all these!
Allen: Whooooo~caaaaaares! Really...
Lavi: Wait, but isn’t he quite obsessed with Allen? Could it be that Allen’s his ty—(and that is when Allen let him have a whack on the dome)
Reever: Oi, oi. Don’t start fighting!
Lenalee: Huh…so, he considers Allen-kun his type?
Allen: No!!! Really! Screw-you-Lavi-you-arse-what-the-hell-did-you-go-blabbering-all-that-crap-for-Oi! (seething)
Lavi: Mr. Allen! Language! Language!
Allen: Lenalee, please! It’s really not like that! That curlyhead’s just your regular old pervert.
Lenalee: But, Allen-kun, you’re…you must know you’re an androgynous, gorgeous young man. That’s why I’m so, so worried right now. Allen-kun…promise me you’ll be careful, okay…?
Allen: Er...Urgh…Alright…(I’m-gunna-freaking-kill-Lavi…)
Lavi: Eep. I sense murderous intent from Alleeeen~
>> Part 2
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dokidoki-muffin · 2 years
Which fandoms are you on? Any game ones?
Puhaaa!!! 😆 That’s a surprisingly difficult one.. The list is waaaay too long and changing constantly 😅 Plus, I’m an old woman so I’ve been watching/reading stuff for a looooooong time already… So I tend to forget and usually draw blanks when I’m asked to write lists.. pls send help ���🙈
Also.. I hope it doesn’t sound weird, but I actually enjoy a lot of media without truly considering myself an active part of “the fandom” 🤔like.. in a sense that I don’t always necessarily feel the urge to interact and/or create fan content, even though I like something a lot. This is even more a thing in particular when it comes to tickle art!! Let’s just say my decision whether I want to create something is very private and individual in a way 🤔 It has to feel right for me if that makes sense. So this list will contain things I might never consider drawing for 😅
Okeeeeee 🙈🙈🙈 Sorry for the ramble on such a “short and simple” ask!!! I have a talent for making things complicated 🤣 Honestly, I suck at this… 😩🙈 But somehow I felt the need to clarify before I get into it 🙃🙃
EDIT!!! I made a tiny update to the list and added a colour code!!
Green: I usually feel comfortable with creating art for these fandoms.
Orange: I might create art for them but it strongly depends on the scenario and/or characters.
Red: Just no ^^ For personal reasons.
NOW! For the actual list! 🤣👇👇👇👇 (Yaaay)
It’s probably not truly a “fandom” list but more an excerpt of old and new personal favourites of mine 💪
19 Days
91 Days  (omg this looks so stupid listed like this, but this is neither a typo nor a joke 🤣🤣🙈)
ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
Akatsuki no Yona
Bananafish (old manga reader here 😭👋)
Black Lagoon
Candidate for Goddess
Cowboy Bebop
Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! 😂
Detective Conan (yes I still read/watch that 😂💪 I’m more or less up to date)
Digimon (childhood memories go brrr)
Ergo Proxy
Given 💖✨🎵
Ghibli movies 💖
Grand Blue (not Fantasy! The other one.. the stupid one 🤣 👌👌👌)
Great Pretender
Gurren Lagann
Hajime no Ippo
Initial D
Kuroko no Basuke
Madoka Magica
Makoto Shinkai Movies ✨🌈
Most manga by Ogeretsu Tanaka (as you might have guessed 😂🙈)
Orange (if you really really wanna cry, watch this 😭😭😭)
Ore Monogatari (So! Adorable! 😤💖 Fight me!)
Pokémon (been there since day 1 you could say 😂😂😂🙈)
Rage of Bahamut
Several manga by Rihito Takarai
Rose of Versailles
Run with the Wind
Rurouni Kenshin (including the live action movies! ✨)
Spy x Family
Sword Art Online
Sword of the Stranger
Tamen De Gushi
Umibe no Etranger
Vampire Hunter D
Vinland Saga
Wotakoi!! (Seriously! I’ve never felt so attacked yet represented by an anime 😤💖)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (At least as long as Atem was still there XD And Jesus…. I still know how to play the game, but at some point I lost track of all the new cards with their crazy effects so I couldn’t build a decent deck to save my life.. so rip 😂🙈)
Yuri on Ice 💖
Yuru Camp (Most wholesome thing ever!!!! Change my mind 😤💖)
Animal Crossing (I play it like a cat lady happily cultivating my island in precious solitude 🤣🤣)
Ace Attorney (various titles)
Final Fantasy (esp. FFXV)
F1 (2021-2022 🤣🤣 Just time trials for fun on the weekends)
Legend of Zelda (various titles)
Mario Kart (lololo is that even a “fandom”? But I’m actually not bad at this game ^^ I even won two tournaments at big LAN parties a few years back 🤣💪)
Pokémon (various titles)
Yakuza (I LOVE this series!!!! 💖💪🔥)
Ok.. this list feels random af 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm certain that I forgot super important stuff, I swear 😩🙈
And I probably even screwed up the alphabet at some point 😆
Ofc I watched the usual popular Shonen stuff as well, but I won't put all of these to the list since I’m not that invested anymore (stuff like One Piece, Naruto, etc. etc.)
Sooo... I have no idea if this is what you hoped for anon 😅
If you still want to specifically know if I like a certain anime, manga, game, movie etc etc, (that might now not be in the list) just ask away!
But anyway! 😆
There you go!!
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angedemystere · 1 year
Reading Thoughts This Year - DNFs
This was my first year in which I had an official reading plan (even a spreadsheet!) to not only get me back on track with reading in general but to think more consciously about my current tastes and habits. Both of them shifted over the course of the year, which resulted in overhauling my TBR after a few months of completely lapsing (yaaay). But knowing that I could go back and rearrange my list and make progress through my TBR was empowering, regardless of how many books I managed to finish.
This post is about my DNF list, which has two categories: books started and dropped, and books not started at all.
For the dropped book list –
Medieval Scandinavia (Brigit & Peter Sawyer): My first foray into historical nonfiction, and boy, not a promising start. Not that I didn’t find the information interesting, but I quickly discovered that pacing was going to be a big problem for me in nonfiction, at least in history texts. I think the key factor was information density: there’s so much to process, and because it’s not presented in a narrative in the way a biography or memoir can be, I had to put more work into reading. It’s definitely a text I want to get back to, but I might let myself take it chapter by chapter instead of setting page-count goals.
The Poetic Edda: The beginning of my reading slump. Now this might be a poetry thing, or it may be weaker interest in the stories – I can’t be sure. I finished The Prose Edda a couple months earlier with little trouble, so maybe it’s a style issue, but the Prose Edda also squarely focuses on the Norse gods, while the Poetic Edda encompasses other culture stories that I’m not as familiar with and that didn’t hold my attention as readily. That said, I will definitely get back to it, maybe in the coming year.
For The Wolf (Hannah White): My dawning realization that I might be reading too many YA fairytale retellings. Not only that, but many of them have the same premise that I’ve seen done in other books that better fit my taste (or were better written). I think I’m also growing weary of the brooding love interest in these stories. I used to enjoy the trope a lot more, so either I’m outgrowing it or I’ve had an overload and need a substantial break. This is one I will likely give another try down the road, but I’m not anticipating this being a favorite.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Jules Verne): I don’t think I was in the right headspace to pick up the book when I originally planned to. Definitely one I want to tackle again soon.
Les Miserables (Victor Hugo): Ah, my white whale. I genuinely want to read this book cover to cover. Every time I pick it up, I get a little further than where I stopped before. Just not that much later. Fortunately I’m solving this problem with Les Mis Letters where I have each chapter emailed to me every day of 2023. This is absolutely not cheating.
The Vikings (Robert Ferguson): The next victim of my nonfiction-novice-reader brain. Again, interesting information and I think written with a bit more narrative flow than Medieval Scandinavia, but I got bogged down trying to keep up with my page-count goals. I might wait for the mood to take me back to this one.
The Keeper of Night (Kylie Lee Baker): I honestly thought I would get sucked into this one, but … maybe it’s the worldbuilding, or the characters, or the stakes that feel too simple, but yeah, this one lost me just a few chapters in. I do struggle with beginnings in general, including for books I end up really liking. But again, it’s a familiar setup that I’m probably oversaturated on: the outsider who has no friends (except maybe one) and must leave a home they don’t really like anyway. Maybe if the main character were more interesting, I would’ve wanted to follow regardless. I might look up some reviews to see other people’s spoiler-free thoughts before deciding to come back to it.
Brothers of the Wild North Sea (Harper Fox): Man, this one has potential. It’s a gay romance, it’s enemies to lovers, and it’s Vikings and monks—there’s so much going for it! But my interest dropped when the love interest got introduced. I just don’t like him. The main character can do better. And yes, that’s the point, they grow to be a good fit for each other. But I found myself more interested in how the monks were going to protect their abbey and deal with overzealous new management than whether the MC and the injured Viking were going to fall in love. The setup for their relationship feels forced in certain ways. Another book where I’ll wait for the mood to take me back to it.
The Gilded Wolves (Roshani Chokshi): Why must you try my patience? Why must you be an interesting premise on paper yet fail to keep me hooked? Is it that worldbuilding feels a bit thin? Is it the attempts to make the characters interesting with their quirks that fall flat? This is my second time picking up this book, and while learning some more character backstory pulled me along for a bit, I’m just failing to vibe with most of the cast, setting, and plot. I want to like this book! Not sure when I’ll come back to it, but it gets one last chance to win me.
I don’t have much to say about the books I ended up skipping because I still want to give them all a try. For the sake of completeness, here are the Untouched DNFs (DNSs?):
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
On Stories by C.S. Lewis
City of Light, City of Poison by Holly Tucker
Legend by Marie Liu
The Werewolf of Bamberg by Oliver Potzsch
A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden (technically a DNF from last year I meant to get back to)
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis
Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammad Cross the Road? by Brian McLaren
Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (reread)
European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman by Theodora Goss
Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wrecker (another DNF from a few years ago I meant to get back to)
Sun Dancing by Geoffrey Moorhouse
0 notes
risukadarlin · 3 years
[dear♥vocalist evolve] vol. 5: momochi - bonus track
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bonus track
And with that, our second song is finished too!
That means Veronica’s new single is completely finished today!
Huh? A closing party?
I’m sorry.
I already made plans for after this.
But don’t worry about me!
You guys go without me.
I see…
Anyway, I’m really in a rush.
Good work everyone.
See you!
Why do they need to involve me in everything?
It’s such a pain.
I know everything they say is a lie.
Ah. What a shame.
I wanted to become even more famous and embarrass him even more.
But, you’re happy, aren’t you?
He’s not around anymore, after all.
I’m never coming back here again.
I don’t have anything left to report.
And this doesn’t change the fact you abandoned me.
Now it’s my turn to abandon you.
Hey hey.
Are you behaving?
I’m on my way home now.
Ah, we just finished the second track too.
You want to hear it?
Hm, what should I make you do for me first?
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Patton's Sugar Addiction
Patton has become way too addicted to sugar, to the point that Thomas is becoming affected mentally. And Logan is not having that. So, he comes to Patton's room to try to talk some sense into him. But...there's only so much sense you can explain to an impulsive little child who becomes childish and teasy when he doesn't get his way.
For Garcello (Hi!), @kanene-yaaay and forgetful-dortio
This was a fun fanfic to make! And...It's based on a personal experience...Without the tickling though, and not nearly as much sugar. But I did pig out on hot and cold creamy chocolate. And I have no regrets. ;)
If there is one thing Logan has always been good at, it’s identifying other people’s quirks and habits. And one quirk Logan knew all too well was Patton’s obsession with sugar.
From the time Patton was little, to when Patton started baking his own goods, Patton had grown increasingly more obsessed with sugar. At first, it start off as a little treat once a week. Then it grew to everyday desserts, to multiple sweet things a day. Soon, Logan had lost track of how much sugar Patton took in on a daily basis.
Logan didn’t fully know how much sugar he took in. But what he did know was that it was most likely too much. Even a tablespoon of sugar was too much for the human body. And Patton had already overtaken that obstacle long ago.
Now, Logan wouldn’t be looking at this issue as a problem if it weren’t for the effect Patton was having on Thomas...
One night, Logan had gotten up to go to the bathroom. As he walked to the bathroom, he noticed that Patton’s light was still on. It was currently 11:25, which wasn’t terrible...It was questionable at best. Logan walked to the door and placed his ear against it. It sounded like mumbled giggling and movie watching. Logan was gonna leave him alone when he realized something:
Mumbled giggling...Mumbled? Is Patton eating something?
Logan decided to do something he rarely does: Barge into his room. Logan walked into his room, took one look at Patton and shrieked!
Patton was eating a FULL TUB of cookies & cream ice cream, covered in caramel and chocolate sauce, mounted with whipped cream! It was a mountain of PURE SUGAR!
Surrounding the moral side was a big mug of hot chocolate, and 3 half-eaten chocolate bars.
“AAAH-” Patton coughed on his ice cream as bits of the liquid cream went down the wrong pipe. “Logan! Oh my goodness you scared me!”
Logan was staring at him, making the sugar calculations in his head. P-Patton-”
“Sorry Kiddo, I don’t think I heard you knock!” Patton put his tub down. “What’s going on? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Logan looked at the sugar pile. “Are...you feeling okay?” Logan asked.
Patton nodded. “Yeah, why?”
Logan pointed to all his chocolate. Patton turned around and looked at the chocolate. “Oh! Right.” Patton pushed all the chocolate bars and the tub into a desk drawer. “That’s nothing. Just felt like pigging out tonight.”
Logan walked into the room more and closed the door. “Your version of pigging out...is much worse than most people’s pigging out.” Logan told him.
Patton looked down guiltily. “I know that Lo…” Patton held his hands. “I’ve been...getting more sad and annoyed when I run out of the food that makes me happy. So I started buying large amounts of it to...help me get satisfied and full.” Patton explained.
“Patton...Do you realize how much sugar you’re taking in?” Logan asked.
Patton looked at the drawer with his half-eaten tub of ice cream and chocolate bars. “I...I lost count.”
Logan shook his head and walked closer. “I’m doing a sugar bust.” Logan declared as he opened the drawer.
“No NONONO WAIT-” Patton yelled, slamming the drawer shut. “No!”
Logan frowned. “Patton...let go of the drawer.” Logan ordered.
“No way!” Patton yelled back.
“Why?” the nerd asked.
“Because you’ll take it away from me!” Patton reacted.
“Yeah, because I’m worried about you.” Logan told him.
Patton sat his chair against the drawer to block it off. “If you love me, you’ll let me have this!” Patton told him.
“If I love you, I’d be doing this for the good of your health.” Logan said back.
“I’m a side! I can eat whatever I want without needing to watch my diet!” Patton argued.
“You are not stable like this!” Logan shot back.
“AND YOU ARE??” Patton yelled. “Mr. I feel no feelings?!”
Logan was taken aback. Did...Did he just insult him? Patton was NOT being himself at all.
“Organization makes you feel happy. And chocolate makes me feel happy! I never went around destroying your binders or paperwork!” Patton continued.
“You’re being ridiculous. I will not tolerate this unacceptable behaviour from you, Patton.” Logan said sternly.
Patton growled and tackled Logan right down to the ground. Logan yelped in fear as his back flopped against the ground. “PATTON LET GO OF ME!”
“You’re doing something that’s uncalled for! So now I’m gonna do something that’s uncalled for.” Patton declared before he started digging into Logan’s ribs.
Logan gasped and clenched his teeth tightly to prevent himself from givng Patton a chance to win. But oh boy...Patton was really going for an instinctive spot he could only control so much! And yes, Patton’s move was quite uncalled for. But it was also quite clever for Patton. Patton (unfortunately) knew exactly how to break any side. Even Logan.
Logan shook his head. “P-PAT THISISRIDICULOUS!” Logan shot at him through his clenched teeth.
“So is apprehending my stash of goodies!” Patton replied. “Now don’t make me go for the spot…”
Logan widened his eyes to the size of donuts. “You-youwouldn’t!” Logan reacted. He really wouldn’t, right?
“Ohohoho, I would. And I just might!” Patton declared.
Logan covered his armpits almost immediately to prevent Patton from getting to them. But Patton knew he would do this, and went for his neck instead.
“eEEEEHEHEK! Pahahat nohohoho!” Logan giggled.
“But Pat YES!” Patton leaned into Logan’s ab muscles, and blew a big raspberry: “PBBBbBbBFFBTBFT”
Logan finally couldn’t take it anymore. That raspberry threw Logan into enough of a frenzy to finally start laughing. “AAAAHAHAHAHAhehehehehe!”
Patton smirked to himself as he listened to the nerd’s laughter. It worked! Now to keep it going! Patton started skittering and scratching on Logan’s upper ribs and lifted up Logan’s arm. “I’m gonna getcha!” Patton teased.
Patton only laughed evilly as he skittered his fingers slowly into Logan’s exposed hollow armpit.
Logan squeaked and fell into a fit of squeaky giggles. “Pahahahahat! Plehehehehehehease! Yohohou’re beheheing meeehehehehean!” Logan told him through the cute giggles he was letting out.
“Me? Mean?! Who was the one trying to steal from my precious stash a few minutes ago? Cause it certainly wasn’t me.” Patton reacted as he sped up the tickling to rapid speed.
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOHOHOUR HEHEHEALTH PAHAHAHAT!” Logan yelled through his newfound laughter.
“Yeah, what about it?” Patton asked.
Patton sighed. “Again...we’re sides. We don’t die.” Patton muttered out loud.
Logan was laughing up a storm with squeaks and giggles mixed in. This was so unfair! Why was Patton tickling him over his own sugar addiction? “BUHUHUHUT THOHOHOMAHAHAHAS!” Logan yelled.
“What about Thomas?” Patton asked, stopping his fingers.
Logan went limp, save for his one index finger that was raising up. “Thom-Thomas…*huff* ihis...behecomihihing...*huff*...un...unhealthy…*huff*...” Logan explained.
“Because of me?!” Patton reacted, placing his hand on his own chest. “How could that be?” Patton asked.
Logan’s hand flopped onto the carpet he was laying on. “Ihit’s...because…” Logan let out a big breath of air. “You’re increasing Thomas’s...craving for sweets.” Logan told him.
Patton tilted his head. “Am I?”
“Yes, a lot.” Logan explained. “Thomas has been ignoring my suggestions of something healthy due to ‘his cravings’. But...I can see why these cravings are coming up so often now.” Logan continued. “It’s you and your sugar addiction.”
“I wouldn’t call it an addiction...It’s more of a...taste preference.” Patton explained.
“A taste preference that you’re choosing so often that Thomas can’t keep himself together without a cookie or 20 to help him along the way.” Logan added.
Patton widened his eyes and covered his mouth. “Oh heavens…” Patton sat himself down and hummed as he looked at his butt. Patton stood back up and grabbed the item from his pocket.
Oh good lord it was another chocolate bar.
Logan noticed the almost cat-like look Patton developed when he saw the chocolate bar in his hand. “Paaaat...Paaat no!” Logan ordered.
Patton took one look at Logan and slowly ripped the top of the wrapper off the bar.
“Patton! I swear! You’ve had enough!” Logan reacted.
Patton slowly split the wrapper in half, and slowly separated the wrapper from the chocolate bar. “No I haven’t.”
Logan finally sprinted up to Patton. “GIVE IT HERE-” Logan skidded to a halt and rubbed his nose. “Did...Did you just shove the whole thing into your mouth?”
Patton stared at him and looked around with his cheeks more puffed out than a chipmunks cheeks of nuts. “Mm mm.” Patton hummed, shaking his head even though it was completely obvious that Patton had shoved the chocolate bar into his mouth.
Logan crossed his arms. “This is getting too far. Even for you.” Logan reacted. “This is more dangerous than Maleficent...Than- freaking SATAN! You’re being more dangerous than the devil right now!” Logan reacted, referring to his ‘and when I feel dangerous...eat a second cookie’ quote.
Patton narrowed his eyes and even hummed an offended sound. “How THARE-” Patton coughed a bit and started chewing. Half the chocolate bar was probably melted in his mouth by now thanks to the natural heat his mouth created.
Logan sighed and just let him chew. “Patton...I’m not gonna take the chocolate. But...I am going to try and help you control your urges to eat so much of it.” Logan told him.
Patton looked at him with a ‘you’d do that for me?’ kinda face and started to swallow.
“Just give me a chance to come up with a couple things. And...I may even start buying you your chocolates. Just...maybe have some variety.” Logan suggested.
Patton nodded as he chewed and swallowed.
“For example: nuts or berries. That way you’re getting some sort of valuable nutrients out of your snacks.” Logan decided.
Patton nodded as he swallowed his last bite with a sigh of content and a lick of the lips. “Mmmmm…”
Logan couldn’t help but snicker at this.
Patton turned to him. “What?” He asked with a smile.
“Nothing.” he put his hands up, with a small smile.
“Nothing? Nothing you say? After all of that?” Patton asked with an evil smirk on his face.
Logan’s small smile dropped into a look of pure nervousness. If he so much as said one thing, he was gonna die.
“Ooooooh...Thought staying silent would help you out huh?” Patton teased, sneaking closer. “I wonder...Which armpit would tickle more?”
Logan squeaked and covered his mouth as Patton moved closer and closer to Logan’s body. But then, things became even more flustering for Logan when Patton lifted up his arm again. “NO! NO NO NO NO PATTON!” Logan yelled. “STAAAAAAAA-”
Patton sighed and covered Logan’s mouth. “Get ahold of yourself.” Patton told him softly.
Logan stared at Patton.
Then Patton smirked and said a word:
Logan growled and covered his face.
Patton giggled and blew a raspberry into Logan’s ribs.
“AAEEHEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” Logan screamed, laughing into the side of his own arm.
Patton tickled up and down the ribs, specifically focusing on the upper ribs and armpits the most because...That was Pat’s favorite spot to tickle on Logan! Logan was a mixture of laughter and giggles with squeaks thrown in as well. “Awwwwww! You’re so cute when you’re being tickled!” Patton reacted. “Wanna know what my favorite raspberry spot is?” Patton asked.
“Well too bad, I’m gonna tell you anyway:” Patton leaned in and blew a raspberry on his belly. “Right on the tum tum!”
Logan wheezed and snorted at least 3 times in a row as his laughter started back up again. His laughter was so solid, strong, and yet quite soft to listen to! It was a beautiful little combination, if Patty did say so himself.
Patton soon gave Logan a break to allow the man to breathe for a while. Logan went limp on the ground for a bit, and lifted his head up. “Hey Pat?”
Patton smiled at him as he ate another spoonful of melting ice cream. “Yes?”
Logan wheezed as he saw Patton eating the ice cream yet again. “If you label the ice cream and put it into the freezer…” Logan looked down in slight embarrassment. “I’ll...let you tickle me more.”
Patton couldn’t refuse such a delicious deal such as this!
Patton was gone and back in 5 minutes or less, and was back and ready to tickle even more of Logan with his slightly cold hands. “I hope you’re ready for the tickling of a lifetime, young man!” Patton teased.
Logan gave him a wobbly smile. He hoped he was ready for it too...
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging HSMTMTS s2x8
Well, well, well, who would’ve thought my streaming site would have the episode up early. I can finally get a Live!Blog done at a decent time for once.
Rip Rini. That’s my only prediction for this ep.
Lesss goooooo
“napoleon over here” jfc haha
“because winners don’t freak out” good mantra miss jenn
Lets take a shot how many times Ricky says “Nini”—I’m at 2 already with one minute in
Awwwwwwww look at gina giving ej pointers for the dancing
“biggie” idk how I feel about that nickname for big red but you do you Ashlyn
Why am I surprised that this rendition is really good
Big red you’re killing it
To any of yall who remember Unus Annus (memento mori ☹ ) plz tell me you remember their “version” of the gaston song???
Cuz that’s all im thinking about
EJ your voice is so good we’ve been robbed this entire show
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, well done well done
Awwww poor seb
Tbf I’d probably try that out too ngl haha
We’re already calling ricky ‘you-know-who’ and this show is well known for it’s harry potter references…..yikes
“No offense Ricky, but it’s not all about you.” Daaaaaaaaamn
What are you doing
Yes asking people to collab is legit
Yes this could also be some creep
But stop being clingy and obsessive ricky good lord
Oh so NOW he regrets one of his bad choices with nini
Hehe portwell smiling at each other all throughout the ep
I stg if my video doesn’t stop glitching imma sue something
Oooooooooo ej’s dad
Oh no
Ej never told his dad about duke
Mr sir
Mr fucking sir
Of course he’s one of those parents
Miss jenn does have a strong soprano range I’ll give her that
Poor seb
He just wanted some rehearsal time
Honestly ricky I think you can still call her nini
Even big red is tired of listening to the same shit with ricky
I do feel for the kid but man
Ooooo kourt’s mom
I like how we’re seeing more of the parents
Her mom is so supportive
That’s so nice to see
Yaaay some of their relationship was real afterall
Even tho Howie scuffed up
Yea kourt you tell him
Yea I have a feeling ricky just kinda froze while taking the career apititude test
“I did not come home for you” hell yea nini you tell him
Everyone in the restaraunt is just staring lmao
Rip Rini?
I will be very very very mad if they make up at the end of the ep and continue on like nothing happened
Awwwwww Ashlyn made a Big Red career collage that’s so cute
Oooooooooh I see the conflict now ok
Big red you should tell her what you really want
There you go
Look at that communication
Rini take notes
Awwwwww mazzarra made her a lil mini snack/coffee table to help her relax
That’s very sweet
And he’s the only one of her love-interests that actually knows how to HELP her
Man he’s smitten with her isn’t he
Gina’s hair is so pretty here I love it
She smiles every time she sees ej ehehe
And he’s helping her crochet <3
Look at portwell’s communication skills here
Even tho they are different
Both of them are listening to each other and are still helping each other
While rina had stuff like that in common
Season 2 scuffed them so bad gina was just unhappy
Aka gina’s list on why she likes ej
This is so cute
“you’d see what I-the rest of us see”
Plz don’t play with my heart yall
I wasn’t sure if Gina liked him back romantically or not
Portwell Nation rise up
Ashlyn I love you but whyyyyy did you ruin the momenttttttt
Oh my god
Why are Rini being happy and cute when they JUST blew up at each other
Im so confused
Is that normal for relationships?
To go from a major fight then being super cute and happy like nothing happened????
Ok now we’re talking about it…..
“At YAC I liked who I was there” uh…Nini weren’t you kinda miserable there?
Here’s the thing
Right now Ricky is clinging onto the safety feeling
And Nini JUST said she didn’t want to be ‘safe’
Im glad he told her about the insta comment
Are they….are they actually breaking up now?
Alright this is probably the best way they both could’ve ended things
A mutual, understanding, emotion filled break up with no hard feelings
That’s gonna help both of them in the future I think
Assuming the writers don’t throw them back together at the end of the episode
My heart does go out to them tho :/
Howie does have a very nice voice
rina could never at least right now
Ok we got all the ships in this song
Except for Rini
If this is foreshadowing im very content
Awwww ricky ☹
Beautiful Howie
I loved that so much
Great voice
Great ending to an episode
Did I actually keep track of how many times Ricky said “Nini” in this episode? Yes, yes I did. It helped me stay more focused ironically enough. Luckily half of those were in conversation with Nini so that wasn’t awful lmao.
So I was right about Rip Rini. Incredible. Hopefully they stay broken up for a while and focus on themselves. RICKERAPY CAN FINALLY SHINE!!!!!
Also, EJ likes Gina confirmed? Portwell nation, how we feelin today?
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heyboke · 4 years
SWIPED RIGHT! | Kageyama Tobio x Reader SMAU
0:10 — Pinky Promise and...
NOTE: I understand if some of my readers only prefer the SMAU part, so I made this update flexible so you can still get what’s happening without reading the writing part! Keep in mind that you still have to click on ‘Keep Reading’ to access the following photos!
But, some of the parts can’t be translated through social media screenshots so reading the writing part will really help you understand the characters and what’s happening to the story on a deeper level! ☻
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Word Count: 3344 words
After concluding Bokuto-senpai's non-stop blabbering about the movie he watched last night to procrastinate from studying, the boys were finally able to go to their locker room to freshen up for their long-awaited BBQ Friday.
I decided to wait for them on the bench just outside the gym. Their four hour training went by so fast that when I looked up at the sky, the stars were already twinkling. The cool breeze I only get to enjoy at night hugged my skin as the winds started to lightly gust against my bare sleeves. Ugh, I forgot to bring a hoodie with me tonight.
My thoughts were interrupted as I received Tobio-kun's very random text. It was a very pleasant surprise that unconsciously plastered a huge smile on my face. I was too busy texting him that I didn't even notice the whole team standing in front of me, all ready to go.
"What's that on your phone that's making you grin like the Grinch?" Akaashi asked, trying to subtly take a peek on my phone screen. I immediately locked the device and put it inside the pocket of my sweatpants.
"No need to peek, Akaashi! Let's not waste anymore time... let's go!" I said, jumping out of the bench as the whole team started to walk, carrying on with their small talks.
The gray haired captain stood out since he was ahead of everyone, hopping like a kangaroo while shrieking about how he's been craving for Barbecue for so long now and that he can't believe he finally got the blue check on Twitter.
I was walking alongside Akaashi at the far end side of the group, watching everyone ahead of us with a comfortable silence lingering between us.
"Do you need help with your bag? I can carry it for you." He asked, breaking the silence.
"It's fine, it's fine! I can carry it on my own. Besides, you've already had such a long training. I don't want to burden you with such a small thing." I said, smiling at him to assure him that it's fine.
"Oh, speaking of my bag... hold up," I muttered, stopping on my tracks as I opened my bag to get something.
"What's up?" Akaashi uttered his third question since I saw him outside of the gym. I shuffled through my things until I finally found what I was looking for.
"Aha! Here. I got it while y’all were doing your spiking drills." I said, handing him a slightly chilled bottle of Vanilla protein shake.
"Oh. Thanks, Y/N. It's been a while since you gave me something as boujee as a protein shake. Hmm, someone's loaded today." Akaashi teased, a small smile smothering his gorgeous face. It is an unsaid arrangement between the both of us that I can only give something a little fancy to him, or to anyone, when I have extra savings with me.
"Shut up! I've been saving up for tomorrow for quite some time now. Just... shut up and be grateful for that, Keiji." I said, chuckling as I playfully hit his arm.
"Why? What's so special about tomorrow?" he asked, eyebrows scrunching up together in curiosity.
"Didn't I tell you? To—"
"WE'RE FINALLY HERE!! YAAAY!!!" Bokuto hollered, cutting me off from telling Akaashi about my plans with Tobio-kun, Hinata-kun and my bestfriends for tomorrow. The familiar aroma of savory and mouthwatering meat being grilled, instantly filled my nostrils. I just realized that I've been distracting myself from how hungry I actually am all this time.
"God, I'm so hungry. Y'all were taking so long. If I wasn't on such a good mood, I would've been so hangry by now!" I said, eyes locked on the grilling area on the side of the restaurant where the Barbecue we've been dying to eat is being prepped.
Good thing, Bokuto-senpai already reserved a table for us ahead of time. The short list of things that the simple-minded captain would not procrastinate on would certainly include Volleyball and his favorite food, Barbecue.
Everyone decided to sit down on their desired seat. I felt comfortable sitting at the very far end of the booth’s couch. Since Akaashi and I were already walking side by side, it made sense that he just sat beside me on the couch too.
The rest of the team, and most likely even me, were practically drooling at the sight of barbecue being served to the tables around us. Yukie-san, one of the current managers of the team, is known for her great love for food. She decided to take matters in to her own hands and stood up for everyone. She simply asked one of the servers to follow up our orders.
Some of the third years, Konoha-san, Komi-san and Sarukui-san, were struggling to deal with an impatient Bokuto that was on the verge of going on emo mode.
“Where’s Akaashi? Didn’t he...“ the captain mumbled, pouting as he searched for the setter that was seated beside me.
“Oh, no. Bokuto-san’s Weakness #42. He becomes impractically impatient when people make him wait for his food, most especially when he’s hungry after training.” I hear Akaashi mutter beside me. I looked at him and he seems like Doctor Strange, looking at and calculating the different possibilities of what can happen if the captain won’t be able to get his food anytime soon.
Thankfully, Yukie-san came back to our table with at least two servers holding stacks of Barbecue on their trays, gently placing them on the table in front of all of us. Bokuto-senpai’s eyes lit up, even his hair seemed to perk up in excitement as he saw the Barbecue he’s been dying to eat being served in front of him.
“ALRIGHT, Let’s dig in!! This is in honor of me getting the blue check and a reward for all of us after such a hard training!! WOOHOOO!! Enjoy, everyone!!” the captain cheered, taking at least five chunks of meat in his chopsticks and munching the all down in one go.
No matter how hungry I am, I took the time to look at the team in front of me. The mere sight of them enjoying their food is endearing me. Am I really going to be a part of this wonderful team by next week? Do I really belong here?
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I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw green vegetables being plopped down on my plate. I looked up and saw Akaashi putting one last piece of greens on my plate.
“Hey, why are you putting all that? I came here for Barbecue and not vegetables, Keiji.” I mocked him, poking the vegetables he just placed on my plate with my own chopsticks.
“Shush, you have to eat those. Even just a couple. They make you healthier. Plus, if you’re going to be our manager, you can’t be getting sick and frail.” he said, not even sparing a glance at me as he started to eat his own food.
Now this... this is one of his gestures that made me grow really fond of him. Some people might think otherwise but for me, Akaashi is not shy at all. Others often mistake his silence as shyness. When in reality, he only speaks up when he thinks it’s necessary — when he thinks it’s worth it. In fact, he is very frank with his words. He’s the type of person that would call you out when you’re doing something wrong, but he’d also compliment you when you’re doing something right. If one tends to focus more on his expressions, they can be convinced that he’s bland because his face really is usually blank. He only ever shows what he feels through his expressions at very rare occasions. Thus, he shows his feelings most of the time through his gestures; be it a small one or a big one.
“Hmph, fine. I’ll just eat more barbecue with it, so I don’t taste it that much.” I said, wrapping the greens with a chunk of meat. Bokuto-senpai, who’s instantly uplifted by now, overheard what I said.
“That’s what I do too when I need to eat vegetables!!! You’re doing the right thing, Y/N!!” he laughed, as he stuffed more barbecue inside of his mouth. The other third years that were worked up on not letting him slip in to his emo mode earlier, were now having the time of their life beside Bokuto-senpai, laughing at each other as they throw jokes at one another from time to time.
“Y/N?” said someone from in front of me. I looked up and saw that the voice belongs to none other than, Kaori-san, the other current manager of the team. She’s so pretty, oh my gosh.
“H-Hello, Kaori-san. Is there anything I could help you with?” I asked, getting a little conscious about the fact that I’m basically eating like a pig in front of someone so gorgeous.
“Oh, nothing! I just wanted to talk to you, even just for a little bit.” She smiled, eating gracefully like a princess. I could never, lol.
“I’m always down for a talk with you, Kaori-san!!” I gushed. Oh my god, do I sound a little too excited? What if she thinks I’m a crazy fangirl? Oh no.
“You’re so cute! Hahaha, anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts right now about the team manager position because I’d be really be at ease knowing that the team is in good hands after Yukie-san and I graduate.” She said, a hint of sadness was evident after she mentioned the fact that they’re graduating this year.
“Oh, of course... Hm, before I even officially become the manager of this team, I can say that I already have a pretty good bond with them... thanks to this one person,” I nudged Akaashi who was peacefully eating beside me and secretly listening to Kaori-san and I’s conversation. Akaashi-kun, you’re not so slick. I might’ve only known you for a little over three months now, but I can feel it when your ears are trying to listen, despite having your eyes focused on something else.
I continued, “I just know that they have something really special about them. At times, I even get intimidated by their bond because not all teams can easily earn it. It takes a lot of time and everyone’s cooperation as well. With that being said, I just want to make sure that I won’t get in their way or anything. I really am taking things seriously and I’ve also been thinking about it a lot lately. I don’t want to make a hasty decision just because I got blinded with such a big opportunity. It’s a commitment that we’re talking about, not just to myself, but to the rest of the team as well.”
I didn’t even realize that I’ve been blabbering like a little kid in front of Kaori-san.
“The fact that you’re thinking about it this much already says a lot, Y/N. Hell, I didn’t even know it’s possible for me to want you to take this position even more!” she chuckled.
“Your words mean a lot to me, Kaori-san! I’ll make sure to keep it in mind once I make my final decision.” I smiled, stuffing my mouth with one of the green vegetables on my plate and Barbecue.
The warmth and liveliness around the table never died down all through out the meal. We even found the gray-haired captain standing up and doing an imitation of this one funny video he watched as a kid. The trays and plates on the table were now empty, while our stomachs were full and satisfied.
“HEY, HEY, HEY!!! Let’s go to arcade now!! Yoohoo!!” Bokuto-senpai started to hop around while flailing his arms in the air, ready to go to this arcade nearby this restaurant. He was so close to leaving the doorway when one of the servers came up to our table.
“Uhm, ma’am and sir, I double checked it on the system but... you haven’t paid for your meals yet,” the server was sheepish on approaching us. She was having a hard time looking at us in the eyes. She’s probably new here.
Everyone stood there in shock and embarrassment, except for Konoha-san and Komi-san who dragged Bokuto-san back inside to pay for our meals.
“OH... I’m so sorry!! I forgot, I didn’t mean to not pay!!” the captain sincerely apologized, quickly paying for everything we ate.
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Upon entering the arcade, I couldn’t help but feel giddy and excited. The air inside the arcade just makes me feel alive and want to play games there all day. People around our age and some kids filled the place. Some of them are on dates, while most of them were just hanging out with each other.
The team scattered into groups as they went to the games that best fit their liking. The captain can be seen inside a Zombie-killing booth. His hands are already holding the fake gun inside, ready to unleash his inner warrior because according to him, he always trained himself for an apocalypse that can happen in the future. Some of the third years, like Yukie-san and Kaori-san along with some of the spikers, can be seen on the bowling area.
I rushed to the counter in the middle to get myself tokens and cards to play the games. The air hockey table caught my attention the moment we stepped in the arcade. I was about to swipe my card to play, when I realized I didn’t have anyone to play it with. How much dumber can I get? I obviously can’t play this by myself.
“Go for it. I’ll play with you,” a voice I know too well spoke behind me. I didn’t realize that I kind of ditched him as soon as I got too caught up in excitement with the arcade.
“Okay. Bring it on, Keiji! Don’t you dare go easy on me!” I exclaimed, swiping the card and grabbing the air hockey paddle on the table. My competitive side was showing as I poured my energy in each stride at the puck and attempts to block it from shooting inside my side of the goal.
After a few rounds of air hockey and a little bit of Basketball, where I took a hard L because I was against a well-trained and balanced athlete that shot the ball like it was nothing, I decided to go for a game where I thought I had a bigger shot at winning. I scanned through the games again and my eyes landed on this one game that I knew I’d win against someone like Akaashi.
“Dance Dance Revolution? I never played this game all my life and now you’re asking me to play it with you right now?” he whined, uneasiness showing as he spoke. I felt a little sad, but I didn’t want him to force him on doing something he doesn’t want to do.
“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t want to do it. I just really thought it’d be nice to play this with somebody.” I looked down, speaking softly. I hear him take a deep breathe.
“Fine... just one round.” he said. I was so thrilled. I bounced around and swiped my card on the machine. We stepped on the dancing area with the arrows under our feet and got ready to play the game. I chose a dance that was moderately difficult, keeping in mind that by doing so, I’ll increase my chances of winning. It was going really well at first. By looking at Keiji on my peripheral vision, he wasn’t even that bad. I guess the footwork training they do on Volleyball also helps him. Ugh, is there something he can actually suck at?
The most complex part of the dance started and I was slowly panicking. My score was higher, but only by a little. I was getting lost in the game that I didn’t even notice that I stepped at a faulty angle and twisted my ankle.
I winced in pain as I lost my balance and held on the metal bar behind me for support. Akaashi was alarmed as soon as he saw my current state.
“Hey, I’m fine, really. What’s that look on your face, Akaashi?” My poor attempt to chuckle was horrible. I tried to stand up, but the pain I felt on my ankles were stronger than my will to prove Akaashi that I was fine. He rapidly moved away from the game and found himself beside me, checking my, most likely, sprained ankle.
“Okay, it doesn’t look that bad but you can’t work yourself up for a while. I’ll take you home. No more ifs and buts. I’ll just text Bokuto-san and the rest of the team about what happened and that we had to leave sooner than expected.” he sternly said.
The next thing I knew, he was walking me to my house. I found myself on his back, arms wrapped around his chest and legs clung on his waist as he held the side of my thighs for extra support.
The same stars that greeted me while I was waiting for them outside the gym earlier were present as I looked up again at the sky. With that, the same cold breeze of the night blew against my skin. I tried not to shiver, but it was useless since Akaashi felt that I was getting chilly because I was shaking a little.
He stopped on his tracks as he gently put me down on the sidewalk. I was feeling confused until I saw him taking his jacket off and offered me to take it.
“I noticed you were starting to get a little chilly, so here. Take it.” he said. I didn’t even hesitate anymore as I wore his jacket. I felt so much better and we started walking again while he gave me a piggyback ride.
I let out a yawn as I started to feel my eyelids getting heavier and my breathing going slower. I didn’t even know when it happened, but I just know that along the way, I fell asleep on his shoulders.
I found myself in front of your house and I knocked on the door. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been here, so your mom let me in as soon as she saw me. I told her about what happened and gave her some tips that will help you recover faster. Given that I was not new to these injuries, I knew exactly what to do.
I opened the door to your room and I softly put you down on your bed. I got some pillows that will help on elevating your sprained ankle and tucked you to bed.
You looked so peaceful. You looked so beautiful.
I’ve always been blunt about what I see and feel about everything. So, why is it that I can’t tell you about these feelings that I feel solely for you?
I wish I can tell you that all your little gifts and efforts for me never go unappreciated.
I know that you’ve recently been growing closer to somebody else. I’m not oblivious about it. I know you, Y/N.
I just hope that it’s not too late by the time I finally build up the courage to tell you about these feelings.
I gave your forehead a soft kiss, before I finally got up and left your room.
I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I was already in the comfort of my own room. I checked my phone and saw that it was 2AM. I looked down on my feet and saw that my ankle was really sprained and that I wasn’t just dreaming about it.
I let out a sigh as I remember that Tobio-kun, Hinata-kun, Best Boy Yams and Saltyshima were coming over here later.
Why the fuck did I have to sprain my ankles on the worst day possible?
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A/N: Here goes my first actual write up in this blog! I would really love to hear your thoughts about it! Stay safe and healthy, lovelies! ♡
taglist: @sugacoatt @kokogxddess @angelynmay @kasandrafaye @exovity @notamazinglizzy @haikyuuopalite @faiima @pyblos @volleybloop @mahalau @applepiekyuu @nvthvlyy @azgucci @tchalameme @mlkytobio @bakibakini @xyelikestobio @beastboypng @nerumiz @unlikelytigerqueen @your-local-lesbo @tycrackculture @almostcrystalized101 @alienvarmint @agneyestra @kthhyj @hakueishirei @sugawsites @wiseeggspickleslime @8zmingi @idiot-juice-enthusiast @lunarknox @wemissyou3000 @90s-belladonna @yeehawnana @mysticlarizza @hyperfixation1 @literaltrash666 @animeboyscangetit @luvelyjjk @cuddlesslut @deathcab4daddy @bloomingforbts @ashleefo @mikantsumiikii @yeehawslap @michelepiekenma @kpopstanh
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fishingforyolos · 4 years
That Awkward Moment When...
What if Dean got Castiel back from the Empty, and DIDN’T confess his love right away? What if instead, Dean and Cas just...didn’t know how to bring it up to one another, and forced Sam to endure the most intense third-wheel moment that he’s ever experienced, while these two emotionally constipated dumbasses sat in awkward silence?
This is here to answer that question.
It was the fourth time within two minutes that Dean had cleared his throat, and pretended to look out the window.
Sam was counting, now, in a desperate bid to distract from the incredible, palpable awkward silence emanating from the front seat of the car.
He had given Cas the front as a KIND gesture. He was being nice! It was only FAIR that the guy who had just escaped from super mega turbohell got to have a free pass at riding shotgun.
Or, so he thought. When he sidled into the backseat an hour ago, he did not anticipate the absolutely lethal levels of weird that Cas and Dean would be radiating—all pretending not to look at each other, conspicuous rubbing of the back of their necks, and god DAMN it Dean was fake-looking out the window AGAIN! There was nothing out there but corn, Dean!! Corn for miles!!!
Sam sat back and groaned. This was one of the most intolerable hours that he had ever witnessed in this godforsaken car, and that was saying something.
He allowed himself to drift off into his thoughts, letting his analytical side take over. Whatever it was, it probably happened in the bunker, right before Cas was taken by the Empty. Dean had been very...vague, about that situation, which only made Sam all the more curious. What could they have SAID to each other? Sam was no stranger to having a tense relationship with Castiel, but...if they were mad at each other, they’d be doing that stupid stony-faced silent treatment. But no, they both seemed too full of nervous energy. Cas was currently rifling through the glovebox, of all goddamn things, and Dean was toggling the blinker back and forth on a two-lane highway.
Click, click. Click, click. Click, click.
“Are these...salted?” asked Castiel, holding up a box of bullets as if they were a sale item at Costco.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” said Dean taking a quick glance, “We bought those for the uh...for the ghosts.”
“I see,” said Castiel, nodding for just a bit too long.
Click, click. Click, click. Click, click.
Sam scrubbed his face with his hands. He had been to hell before, but listening to bad small talk was its own special kind of hell. What happened in that bunker room that would make them behave like-
Sam’s mouth fell open.
Like the awkward morning after.
“Oh, my God,” Sam blurted, before he could stop himself, “Did-did you two have a one-night stand?”
Castiel dropped the box of bullets.
Dean choked on nothing.
“Sam, what the HELL?!” he coughed.
“Well, SORRY,” Sam said, in a way that he hoped conveyed how NOT sorry he was, “But you guys are acting, uhhh, really weird, and I thought maybe, I dunno-”
He shrugged, and held his hands up in defense against Dean’s murderous glare, “I thought maybe you hooked up! Y’know, last night on earth style!”
“Wha-no. No, no, no,” Dean said again, gesturing forcefully with one hand before pointing directly at Sam, “That’s-that’s not what happened in there.”
“Indeed,” Castiel murmured lowly, throwing a glance to the backseat, “I can assure you, it was worse.”
Dean nearly swerved off the road.
Sam’s jaw fell open again, eyes flicking from Dean to Cas. “W-WORSE?!”
“Oh my FUCKING god,” Dean whispered into the steering wheel.
“What I mean is, it was more...personally humiliating. To me,” Castiel clarified.
Sam blinked several times, trying to process this new bit of information. 
“But I thought...you said, that the Empty's deal was about you experiencing happiness,” Sam said, shifting back into analytical mode, “Does it make an...exception, for humiliation?”
He sat back and grimaced, as he weighed the horrible possibility in his mind. “Is it into that??”
“W-well,” stuttered Castiel, his gravelly voice betraying his discomfort, “Regardless of the...preferences, sexual or otherwise, of the Empty-”
Dean suddenly slammed the steering wheel with his palm.
“Can you two PLEASE, shut up?!” he roared, “And let me fucking DRIVE in PEACE?!”
Sam and Cas fell silent, the atmosphere of the Impala even more tense than before.
Sam put his head in his hands. God, he should have just kept his mouth shut. Or maybe, he should have just taken shotgun in the first place, and stuck Cas in the back. Would've saved everyone all this trouble, maybe.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” Castiel said, finally breaking the silence.
Sam pursed his lips in annoyance. He could already tell, simply by the look on Cas’ face, that this was going to be another heart-to-heart where they completely forgot he existed. 
Dean, meanwhile, didn’t react.
“I…” Castiel sighed, “I don’t...mean to make things awkward, it’s just that I didn’t-I never expected to SEE you again.”
“Really, Cas?” Dean exploded, “Really? After all we’ve been through, after all the times we’ve dragged each other out of the clutches of-of Hell, Heaven, you name it, you didn’t-you didn’t even consider the POSSIBILITY that we’d get you out?”
“Of course I considered it,” Castiel said quietly, “It was my most desperate desire."
He sat back, and turned to direct his gaze out the window.
“But there is a sort of...freedom, in confessing directly before death,” Castiel said, speaking a fog onto the window with each word, “All the vulnerability...none of the consequences.”
Sam’s eyes flew wide open as it all finally clicked. 
No way. No way. NO WAY.
He shot up straight, incredulity plastered across his face that the other two were too preoccupied to notice.
DId Castiel...confess his feelings in that bunker? Make a move? Shoot his shot? And then DIE?! 
What the fuck, Cas?
Sam sat back, reeling, running his fingers through his hair as Dean and Cas continued to stare out separate windows. He quite literally didn’t think he would LIVE to see the day that they acknowledged their...thing, and now they were doing it right in front of his eyes.
“I...I meant what I said, Dean,” Castiel said, fixing Dean’s profile with a longing stare, “Every single word. And I still do.”
Sam turned back toward Dean, hunched defensively over the wheel of the Impala. He still wouldn’t look at Cas. 
Please, Sam prayed silently, Don’t fuck this up.
“But, I’m acutely aware that it made things different between us,” Castiel sighed, “And I’m sorry for that. I can’t take it back. However-”
“I love you.”
If he wasn’t literally watching Dean’s mouth move as he said it, Sam wouldn’t have believed his ears. Holy shit.
He whipped his head back to Castiel, who was stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights.
Even the rain, beating against the windshield at 70 miles an hour, didn’t dare interrupt the moment at hand.
Dean was still staring out at the road, hands gripping the wheel like he was clinging to sanity itself.
“You didn’t let me say it back,” Dean said through gritted teeth, “In the bunker, you just-you dropped that on me, and then you were GONE, and you didn’t even let me say it back.”
Sam’s mouth was agape once again, eyes flicking back and forth between his brother and the equally speechless angel. The air between them was charged, and ready for a lightning strike.
“W-when you say that,” Castiel said, after a solid ten seconds of trying to find his voice, “Do you-do you mean it-”
Dean DID swerve off the road this time, sending Sam sprawling across the backseat as he skidded to a stop on the shoulder.
“Ow! Dean, what the-”
“Yeah, Castiel,” Dean said, finally taking his eyes off the road to fix him with a wild look, “I mean it. Same way you did. When you said that-that the one thing you wanted, you couldn’t have, it-it didn’t make any sense, because I always thought that I was the one wanting what I couldn’t-who I couldn't-”
He sniffled.
“Fuck, I didn’t want to do this in the CAR,” Dean said, wiping his eyes, “Not in front of Sammy.”
“Honestly? I prefer this over the past miserable hour,” Sam said, leaning back, “Do what you gotta do, man. Just...pretend I’m not here.”
Dean actually chuckled at that, but turned his attention back to Cas, who was still blinking in shock.
“Cas, you...you gotta understand,” Dean said carefully, reaching across the seat and cupping Cas’ cheek in a hand, “Come hell or high water, you have me.”
He swallowed hard. “You don’t have to...to want, I-I’m yours, a-already in the bag. Got it?”
Tears tracked down Castiel’s face as he nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, trying unsuccessfully to stop a wide, tearful smile from spreading across his face.
Dean visibly softened, and brought Castiel’s face in, kissing him right on the mouth.
Sam hoped he wouldn't come to regret the "do what you gotta do" comment, but they broke apart just a moment later to touch foreheads like a couple of saps.
“...Yaaay, congratulations!” Sam said, waving celebratory arms in the air as widely as he could in the cramped backseat. He searched around him and found some crumpled receipts, which he tossed into the front seat. “Whoo! Confetti!”
“Sam…” Dean said, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
“I appreciate your jubilation, Sam,” Castiel said, dead seriously, looking back at him with just his eyes, “Your approval means a lot to me.”
"Hey,” Sam said, clapping Castiel on the shoulder, “This changes nothing. You're still like a brother to me, man. You’re still family." 
Cas smiled at him. “Thank you, Sam.”
“Aww, look at that smile, Sammy,” Dean said, tapping Cas on the cheek, “Look at it! How could anybody resist that smile?”
“I dunno, Dean, it’s pretty easy when you’re not in love with him,” Sam smiled.
“Welp,” shrugged Dean casually, as he shifted the car back into drive, “Guess I wouldn’t know, then.”
Sam was taken aback by the...ease, with which all that just rolled off of Dean’s tongue. 
“God,” Sam groaned, “You’re going to be an INSUFFERABLE couple.”
Dean just laughed, light and loud, as he merged back onto the highway, offering out his right hand.
"I'm sorry, Sam," Castiel said, taking the offered hand with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, "But as you can see, I cannot resist his charm."
Sam rolled his eyes at that, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face. It was insufferable, yes, and Sam was going to have to have a LONG talk with Dean later, but...for now, he just laughed, as the tension bled out of the car, and Dean FINALLY turned on the stereo, letting the soothing sound of Led Zeppelin carry them into a lighter mood.
Sam took a deep breath, and let it out slow. Maybe sometimes, good things do happen.
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justicerikai · 1 year
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #31 No-win fight
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Iori: What are you doing?
Ohse: !
Iori: Hmm? What’s up with your shirt?
Ohse: I got paint on it. So I’m washing it
Iori: Paint? Oh, you really did. I’ll go ahead and wash it for you. Please give it to me.
Ohse: No, it’s fine
Iori: Hah?
Ohse: I’ll wash it myself
Iori: Please hand it over.
Ohse: It’s fine
Iori: But I’m a slave.
Ohse: But I’m a sore loser.
Iori: I’m a slave.
Ohse: I’m a sore loser.
Iori: I’m a SLAVE.
Ohse: I’m a sore loser.
(Iori and Ohse fighting)
Iori: Gah…Ohse-san…please let go…!
Ohse: Right back at you…!
Iori: I’ll wash it for you…!
Ohse: No thank you…!
Iori: Please leave it to me… Let go– Uwaah!
Iori: Let go…!
Ohse: ….
Iori: Let go…!!!
Ohse: ….
Iori: Ohse-san!
Ohse: ….
Iori: I’ll wash it so-…!!!
Fumiya: What are you doing?
Iori: Fumiya-san!
Fumiya: What is all this? Why are you dragging Ohse like that? And why is Ohse half naked?
Iori: You came at the right moment, just listen to this now~
Ohse: Please listen
Iori: And that’s how things ended up. Fumiya-san, what do you think of this?
Iori: Ohse-san’s being obnoxious isn’t he
Ohse: Sorry, but I absolutely cannot let someone else wash it for me.
Iori: I said I’m a slave.
Ohse: And I’m a sore loser.
Iori: I’m a slave.
Ohse: I’m a sore loser.
Iori: You don’t understand how much of a human scum I am. This is what I need to do or else I’d be completely useless- a husk of a man.
Ohse: It’s enviable that you’re even human. I am just trash.
Iori: Trash can be recycled. I’m nothing. I can’t create anything.
Ohse: A lowly insect.
Iori: Nonexistinant.
Ohse: Rotten piece of flesh.
Iori: Empty like a container- Tupperware.
Ohse: More inferior than a mangy dog.
Iori: If anything I’d love to be a dog
Ohse: Leftovers
Ohse: Impure existence
Ohse: Failure
Ohse: Needs to be erased immediately
Iori: Aaagh, geez! So stubborn!
Iori: Fumiya-san, what should we do about this?
Fumiya: How about bringing it to the cleaners?
Iori & Ohse: …Eh?
Fumiya: Bringing it there means none of you have to wash it, right? And your shirt will be clean. Killing two birds with one stone, no
Iori: Haaaaaah~
Fumiya: Eh?
Iori: Are you even aware that dry cleaning is out of the question, is a slave’s dignity nothing to you?
Fumiya: A slave’s dignity…
Ohse: Paying people to wash my clothes, what a joke from heaven’s above. Don’t underestimate a trash’s pride.
Fumiya: A trash’s pride…
Iori: Do you get it now, Fumiya-san?
Ohse: Do you?
Iori: He doesn’t
Ohse: That’s right.
Iori & Ohse: Then, will you please keep your mouth shut?
Fumiya: …….Yes
Iori: Come on, I’ll wash it-
Ohse: I’ll do it myself-
Iori: You’ll tear it up you know?
Ohse: That’s fine since it belongs to a piece of shit anyway
Iori: Geez~ piss off already!
Rikai: Hmm… So, ultimately they ended up washing it together.
(Iori and Ohse fighting in the kitchen)
Iori: I’m the one that cooks in this house!
Ohse: I’m fine
Rikai: Hmmm….
Iori: Well it’s done, here Ohse-san you go ahead and eat first.
Ohse: No, you can eat first
Iori: No, no-
Ohse: No, no-
Iori: You eat first, come on
(Iori trying to feed Ohse)
Iori: Yes you ate it! It’s in your mouth! Yaaay
Ohse: I haven’t chewed yet. Yaaay
Iori: Chew!
Ohse: Don’t wanna
Iori: Swallow it already!
Ohse: No way. Bweh
(Ohse spat it out)
Iori: What the!? Why did you spit it out!
(Iori rushing to clean it up)
Ohse: I’ll wipe it myself
Iori: I’LL wipe it
Ohse: It’s my own mess
Iori: No it’s MY fault here
Rikai: Hmm… I wonder if this means they’re on bad terms, or perhaps on good terms. Fumiya-san, which one do you think it is?
Fumiya: I don’t care. It’s annoying.
Rikai: Totally~
Iori: I’m a slave!
Ohse: I’m a slab of meat.
Iori: Empty as a container. Tupperware
(Iori and Ohse continue to fight)
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #123: Gawain
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making Buster Gorilla himself, Gawain! Big man, big sword, big fires. Let’s go.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU
Race and Background
Take a wild guess. Go on, I dare you.
Gawain’s a Variant Human, giving him +1 Strength and Charisma as well as proficiency with Investigation. His interlude was entirely about tracking down the people who stole his stuff, he’s got a knack for it. He also gets the Magic Initiate feat, giving you two cantrips and first level spell from the Sorcerer spell list and bumping your Charisma up by one. You get to cast Absorb Elements once per long rest for free, but we’re really here for Green-Flame Blade. Your Galatine is an AoE effect, so we can’t replicate it with normal smites like Lancelot. You also get the Light cantrip. Make your sword shiny, go nuts.
Like every other Knight of the Round you’re a Knight of the Order, giving you Persuasion and Religion proficiency because you have to know what the grail is if you want to hunt for it.
Ability Scores
Your nickname’s “Buster Gorilla”, your Strength is going to be pretty high. Aside from that you’re a pretty easy guy to like, so that’s Charisma covered. After that is Constitution, you’re pretty tough. When the sun’s out, at least. Your Wisdom certainly isn’t bad, it’s good enough to get you a sweet job as a guard in Camelot. Your Dexterity is a bit low, you’re kind of a giant brick that gets thrown around than a dancer. Finally, drop Intelligence. You’re called an airhead in your own biography, which is harsh, but fair.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: Continuing Gawain’s hotstreak of 0 surprises, this class! You get a Divine Sense to detect extraplanar creatures nearby. You can also Lay on Hands for a bit of healing
You get proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saves and two paladin skills. Athletics adds to your meathead aesthetic and Insight makes tracking down those material thieves a bit easier.
2. Paladin 2: You’ve got a great sword, so grab Great Weapon Fighting for a better average of damage by letting you re-roll 1s and 2s on your damage with two-handed weapons. It’s not huge for a regular sword, but you can burn spell slots for Divine Smite, adding a bunch of radiant damage dice to your attack. Speaking of which, you can cast and prepare Spells using your Charisma now.
Normally this is where we’d talk about what spells suit you best, but you’re pretty much the generic holy knight, so there isn’t really a stand out option until level three. Searing Smite‘s good if you want another way to use Galatine though.
3. Paladin 3: Swearing to be by Arthur’s side makes you an Oath of the Crown paladin, granting you immunity to disease thanks to your Divine Health, and two flavors of Channel Divinity, a feature you can use once per short rest. Champion Challenge spends a bonus action to force creatures near you who fail a wisdom save (dc 8 plus your proficiency plus your charisma modifer) to stay within 30′ of you. You could also Turn the Tide as a bonus action, healing bloodied creatures nearby. As a third option, you can Harness Divine Power, turning your channel divinity use into a spell slot.
As a final crown goody, you can keep Command and Compelled Duel on your prepared spell list for free to really swing the power of the law around.
4. Paladin 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up that Strength. Gotta get those buster cards busted.
5. Paladin 5: Fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, and you also get second level spells like your freebies Warding Bond and Zone of Truth. Warding bond will be especially fun in a level or two. Give someone else resistance to damage, give yourself resistance to damage, tank for days, fun for the whole family.
6. Barbarian 1: First level barbarians can Rage, giving you extra attack damage, advantage on strength saves and checks, and physical damage resistance. The downside is you can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging, and more importantly, you can’t wear heavy armor to use this. Also, rages only last for like a minute, not the three hours your Numeral of the Saint normally lasts. If it helps any, you also get Unarmored Defense, giving you a base AC of 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your constitution modifier. It’s not a good AC, but it’s better than being naked normally would be.
7. Barbarian 2: Second level barbarians get a Reckless Attacks, giving you advantage on all your attacks for a turn in exchange for enemies having advantage when they hit you. Ideally you’ll have fried them all to a crisp before they get the chance, but it’s a risk you’ll have to keep in mind. You also get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saves for things you can see coming. That should help make up for the base stats a bit.
8. Barbarian 3: Now that you’re a Storm Herald, you can make a Storm Aura when you rage. Storm heralds get a bunch of options, but we’re here for the Desert aura, dealing a touch of fire damage to everything nearby for an area of effect flame burst. It’s only 2 damage per burst, but it’s a bonus action. Just smite and use this at the same time, it’ll be fine.
9. Barbarian 4: Odd numbers make me cry, so use this ASI to become more Resilient. This bumps your Constitution up by one, and you gain proficiency in constitution saves. This also increases your HP by 9, because constitution modifiers affect health retroactively.
10. Paladin 6: Going back to the paladin side of things for a bit, you get an Aura of Protection that adds your charisma modifier to all saves made by friendly creatures in its range.
11. Paladin 7: Seventh level Crown paladins can use their Divine Allegiance to take the damage any creature within five feet of you would take as a reaction. Just a note, this damage can’t be reduced. I’m not entirely sure how that plays out with rage, but it’s probably not good for you.
12. Paladin 8: To help out with the whole “surviving being the party tank” thing, use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP.
13. Paladin 9: Our final paladin level nets you some third level spells for even bigger smites and fancier spells. You can cast Spirit Guardians for a holy trap, or Aura of Vitality to heal creatures as a bonus action. But of course, that’s not the real reason we went this far. We’re here to grab Daylight, for the flavor. Even better, daylight doesn’t use concentration, so using daylight to help you rage at night is mechanically supported!
14. Barbarian 5: The extra attack you get this level isn’t that useful, but you also get Fast Movement, giving you an extra 10 feet of speed. Yaaay.
Oh wait, your storm aura also gets a bit stronger! Three damage instead of two!
15. Barbarian 6: Sixth level storm heralds awaken their Storm Soul, giving you resistance to fire damage, immunity to extreme heat (very useful in the desert), and you can set items on fire as an action. Technically swords aren’t flammable, but I’d allow it for the intimidation factor.
16. Barbarian 7: Your Feral Instinct gives you advantage on initiative rolls, and you can ignore being surprised by raging. Maybe now you won’t always be going last.
17. Barbarian 8: We’ve held off long enough. Use your last ASI to maximize your Strength for extra swording power.
18. Barbarian 9: Ninth level barbarians get Brutal Criticals, giving you an additional die of damage when you hit with a 20. Every little bit helps!
19. Barbarian 10: Your savage flames mix with your protective nature, making you a Shielding Storm, giving creatures in your storm aura resistance to fire damage, which is nice since they’re going to be taking a lot of it.
20. Barbarian 11: Your capstone level allows you to go into a Relentless Rage. While raging, going to 0 hp won’t knock you out right away. If you make a DC 10 constitution save, you drop to 1 hp instead. Each time you roll that save between short rests, the DC goes up by 5. Looks like that scarf you got from the Green Knight is finally coming in handy!
(I know the green sash doesn’t actually protect you from damage, but I wasn’t going to be able to fit “only gets super powers between 9am and 12pm into the build, and you’re only famous for so many things. At least you’re not as bad off as Artemis.)
Your fiery soul makes you great at taking on flame-based enemies. Most of your damage comes from radiant energy, but you have plenty of defense against fire attacks, making you a good counter for red dragons and elementals.
With almost 200 hp, rage defenses, healing, and the ability to die up to five times and not stay down, you can be pretty tough to keep down for long. That also makes your entire party a little bit tougher, thanks to your ability to eat their damage for them.
You can pump out pretty consistent damage thanks to your great sword, smites, and fighting style. You’re not as flashy as Lancelot, but you have a pretty good shot at outlasting him.
While mixing Barbarian levels in does make you tougher, it also has plenty of drawbacks. Stripping away your heavy armor is a big one, as it makes you dependent on your dexterity for your armor class. There’s also the problem that you’d want to stick close to squishier party members to protect them, at the same time exposing them to you constantly exploding.
Like a lot of the knights of the round, you have issues when it comes to ranged attacks. Anything that wanders too close won’t be an issue, but you might have problems if you end up fighting Tristan. That’s ridiculous though. Knights of the Round? Fighting each other? Never gonna happen.
Compared to other knights, your AC is relatively low. Considering you’re already taking other people’s hits for them, being easy to hit yourself isn’t great. Also, your paladin abilities can probably eat through your rage, which seriously weakens your tanking abilities.
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 4 years
August Walker x reader
A/N: I was up for no reason last night and @bluestarego sent me this gif and I couldn’t resist this little quickie. I’m officially adding Henry & his characters to my masterlist now, yaaay!!
Word Count: 871
You knocked on the door twice before peeking your head inside.
"Agent Walker? Agent Calhoun said that you wanted to see me before leaving for your mission?"
"Yes," he said standing up from his desk and walking towards the door, "come on in."
You closed the door behind you and headed towards him, but paused when he didn't slow down. He kept coming until your back was against the door.
"Sir?" You said confused. Unsure of why he'd boxed you in.
"I've been hearing things about you agent. Things that I do not like." He lifted your chin making you look into his eyes. His glare and his tone were frightening, he was serious yet it didn't stop you from being turned on.
"Don't you think this is a little inappropriate?" You said just above a whisper.
His jaw clenched with annoyance.
"I'm going to ask you one time and one time only. You'd better not lie to me. Are you sleeping with Calhoun?"
"What?" You were shocked by his question, “absolutely not!"
"Don't lie to me, because I hate when people lie to me," he said as he maintained eye contact.
"I'm not lying," you rolled your eyes.
He didn't like that.
His right hand went to your throat. He squeezed lightly as his left hand pushed up your pencil skirt. He moved your panties to the side and ran his finger up and down your slit.
"Already?" He asked referring to how wet you were. He glided two fingers inside of you causing you to gasp. He slowly worked them in and out. Your eyes slid shut as pleasure coursed through your body. "Look at me," he softly demands.
You opened your eyes back up to stare into his. His gaze has slightly softened and he leaned in to kiss you. His tongue intertwined with yours.
You reached down and grabbed his hand, moaning into his mouth as a signal of your building orgasm. You bit his bottom lip when the tide came crashing down. Your legs began to shake and you put your arm around his shoulders to hold yourself up.
He took his fingers out of your pussy and stuck them into your mouth. Watching as you sucked you essence from his fingers. Once he was satisfied, he removed them and then latched his lips back onto yours. Tasting you from your tongue.
He slid his hands under your ass and lifted you up, so you could wrap your legs around his waist.
"August, we don't have time for this. You have to leave in 5 minutes," you tried to get down, but he laid you back on his desk.
"Then I guess you'd better make it quick or I'll be late," he said as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his hard dick.
He thrusted into you so hard the entire desk shifted. He held on to your hips and you held on to the sides of the desk.
He fucked you as if you were his mission.
"You're always so wet for me. So fucking tight," he moaned.
"Only for you. Always for you," you panted.
He used his thumb to circle your clit. You gripped the desk harder as his movements became sloppy. You loved it when you were able to cum together.
"Yes, baby, give it to me. Give me all that cum."
"You want daddy to fill you up?"
You nodded your head at his question unable to speak. Another orgasm ripped through your body just his hips started to stutter and his grip became tighter around you.
He stayed inside of you until a knock sounded at his door signaling that it was time for him to leave. The person on the other side not daring enough to interrupt too much by lingering or speaking.
He pulled out and you quickly dropped to your knees in front of him. Taking his semi erect member into your mouth and sucking it clean. Making sure to be gentle since you knew he was sensitive and then tucking him back into his slacks.
He fixed himself, grabbed his jacket and pulled you in for another kiss. He squeezed your ass one more time before saying goodbye and turning to leave.
He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned back to you.
"You do me a favor and make sure you let Calhoun know that I'll break his fucking neck if he ever starts another rumor about sleeping with you."
"This wouldn't happen if we weren't keeping our relationship a secret, August."
"I can assure you that it is no longer a secret." He said before walking out.
You stayed planted in your spot for a moment. You weren't that loud were you? You looked around the office. Everything that was once on the desk was now on the floor. The desk itself had moved a few feet from how hard he'd been fucking you.
"Shit," you said aloud. You knew that no one would actually say anything to you, but they would definitely be looking.
You shrugged, picked everything up and then smoothed your skirt down before walking out of the office. The dick you'd just received was definitely worth a few whispers.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Two Sides of the Coin (9)
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Chapter 9: A Sense of Familiarity | Jidné Sheedra x Cal Kestis
Summary: Hell-bent on exacting revenge and retrieving the Holocron, the dreaded Darth Vader is now on the hunt for the young Jedi Knight, Cal Kestis. Under the assumption that he still possessed the artifact, while fueled by the intrigue of the boy’s strength and skill with the Force, the dark lord hires the bounty hunter, Jidné Sheedra, to track him down and have him delivered alive. However, the task becomes a trial for young Jidné, as she faces a conflict that tests her beliefs of a scarred past she had hidden for so long.
A/N: I am way overdue, so so so sorry about this!! ;;A;; I had to recover from yesterday’s COVID-19 testing because I have EXTREME needle phobia, I passed out minutes after being needled. On the bright side, I came out negative of the virus, yaaay!! ^^ Hope you all are staying safe and healthy 💞 Friendly reminder to wash your hands ;3
Also tagging @silver-is-in-too-many-fandoms​
Also in AO3
Tags: Fem OC, Jidné Sheedra, Force-Sensitive! Fem OC, Bounty Hunter! Fem OC, Jedi! Fem OC
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 | Previous: Part 8 | Next: Part 10 | Masterlist
9 of ?
Dawn broke and the badlands met the sun’s rays.
The desert animals poke out of their rustic homes to bask in the first few minutes of sunrise—from the tiniest lizard living inside an animal skull to the apex predators emerging out of their dens.
Cal decided to venture out into the badlands as well, it occurred to him that he had only seen the forest and the town—whose name he learned to be Diitana, thanks to BD-1’s diligent scanning from yesterday; he gave the badlands a try.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,”
The Jedi was careful to avoid the eyes of the hulking beast with a pair of great horns on its head and another on the end of its muzzle, a thin mane wrapped around its leather neck, the skin was color ranges from stone gray to a shade of burgundy that matches with the color of the sand or the unique breed of grass in the region.
These giants eagerly protected their turf and grazed at the same time, letting the females and the young play around within their circle. BD-1 leaned forward and forward, until his legs were at the edge of Cal’s armor straps.
“I know you want a scan, BD, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to get close. Those horns look sharp,”
Cal and BD-1 continued their trek, the Jedi had his eyes on the island across the great lake. He squinted his eyes, used his hand as a visor over his brows, and surveyed the distance if it was safe or not. Choosing to walk would take longer as he would go around the road until he reaches the island, swimming wouldn’t be so bad. The water crashed and pulled at his feet, he cautiously dipped his boots into the water to get a feel of the depth; he went further from the shore, then the shallows, and eventually paddled his way through the water.
It wasn’t a long swim, neither was it a short one. He simply kept his eyes on the objective.
The Jedi climbed out of the water and found himself in the island situated in the center of the lake—whose channels branched out and turned into more rivers—the animals that resided there were mere medium-sized vermin, perhaps contesting with the size of the Bog Rats back home in Bogano or the Scazz in Zeffo, but these local animal were completely docile.
“Alright then, I guess you could scan these since it’s safer here… I hope,”
The tiny white droid hopped out of Cal’s shoulders while the boy wrung the water off of his shirt and shook his legs dry. Meanwhile, little BD-1 skittered left and right, ahead and back, flashing his blue scanner lights at anything that won’t jump and attack him for the sake of standing too close. He even managed to scan a skull of the same beast back in the mainland.
“Oh, so that big thing’s called the Uroda,”
“Yeah, I agree. Best we take a look around, you go on ahead and scan around—just be careful,”
With Cal’s permission, BD-1 scanned whatever and wherever he pleases; meanwhile, the boy explored the islet which was significantly big for one, nevertheless it fascinated him. Something lured Cal and so he brushed his way through a patch of tall reeds, leading to the other side; when he pushed down the grass that was blocking his view, it was too little too late for him to realize that it’s become his undoing.
A Haxion Brood hunter was idling on the other side of the island. He heard the rustling of the reeds and anticipated the Jedi—for all that hunter knew, it could have been an animal, yet he was full of conviction that it was Cal. Before the boy brushed away the grass that draped him for protection, the hunter flicked the safety of his rifle and rested it on his shoulder…
Until Cal found him—or the other way around.
“There ye is, Umah!” the hunter snarled and squeezed the trigger, Cal dodged the shot by an eyelash.
The hunter was accompanied by another human with cybernetic limbs, apparently named Umah, only this time the second one donned a jetpack—making him extremely inconvenient for the boy.
“Aww, too easy to kill, innit, Pavo?!” the second bounty hunter, a rough-voiced female, barked.
With the push of a button, Umah went flying off the ground with her jetpack—literally having the high ground and the advantage, her flight lessened Cal’s odds of winning this skirmish, which somewhat boosted her confidence that she and Pavo would get the bounty for the Jedi.
“We’re not done yet!” Pavo snarled and tossed a flashbomb, he cloaked his eyes with his gauntlet while Umah flew a bit farther from the blast radius.
The din of the skirmish didn’t reach far in the expanse of the badlands, but the faintest sound was enough to alert the right person.
“Beee?” ID-3 inquired after noticing that Jidné paused from gathering desert plants.
“Something doesn’t feel right, ID-3,”
Jidné and ID-3 stared at one another, but she was listening carefully for the sound. The distant echoing of a barrage of blasters made her ears prick up. She lousily stuffed the bushel of plants she’s collected so far and, out of instinct—or perhaps, of impulse—she followed the din of the battle. Jidné hurried to the direction of where the sound was coming from, with every step she took, the louder the sound.
I’m close! I’m in the right track! The fleet-footed bounty hunter thought to herself, leaving plumes of dust at her footsteps’ wake.
It got louder, every minute. Battle grunts could be heard, explosions of bombs popped in her ears, and the humming of a lightsaber sung hollowly in the empty trenches. She’s now close by the island, she kept her momentum was perfectly constant—instead of swimming, she made stepping stones out of the logs and the rocks sticking out of the water until she’s set foot on the island. She arrived unnoticed.
As Jidné ran, she spotted Umah floating about in her jetpack. There was an inclining boulder at the edge of the island, she brandished her lightsaber as she ran over the rock to gain height in order to reach Umah. While the enemy was unaware, Jidné severed the wing of the jetpack, causing it to immediately malfunction and plummet Umah hard to the dust.
Cal was too focused on Pavo that he didn’t noticed that Umah had been incapacitated until her face skidded across the shore.
“UMAH!!!” a startled Pavo exclaimed.
“Mind if I even out the odds?” Jidné blurted, landing flat on the balls of her feet after her jump attack succeeded.
“Jidné! Am I glad to see you!” Cal quipped back.
Umah brought herself up to her feet, even underneath the overhanging rim of her helmet and the mask that covered half of her face—it doesn’t need much thinking to figure out that her fury against Jidné is through the roof, along with her fatally wounded pride of having her face shoved into the sand.
This display of assertion didn’t intimidate the younger bounty hunter, frankly, it excited her more. With Umah’s eyes glued to her, Cal could keep himself busy with the Pavo fellow.
“Oooh!” Jidné mockingly shuddered at the threat, and then gripped tight around her lightsaber hilt. “That’s imaginative of you—even for a crook!”
With the bounty hunter seething with blinding, reckless rage, Jidné has the upper hand. Umah ditched the jetpack and produced a vibroblade from the holster clipped to her belt; upon seeing the weapon, the Jedi girl positioned herself into a defensive stance—anticipating for Umah to come charging towards her to avenge her damaged ego.
While Jidné’s engaged in melee with Umah, switching between kicks and slashes of the lightsaber; Cal is attempting to get a jab at Pavo, who kept himself safe behind his compact shield that folds into his gauntlet. It was tricky for Cal, but he managed to make his own luck by using his Force abilities. The redheaded Jedi anticipated the moment Pavo was open and vulnerable without his shield, and then inflicted Force slow on the enemy—when that tactic was successful, he didn’t spare a second in dawdling and dashed towards the hunter with an overhead strike.
“Come here, you little shit! I’ll have that pretty face delivered to Sorc!!”
“You can see me through that damn roof on your head, you wench?!”
The taunt did it. Umah raises her vibroblade, both hands on the hilt, and makes a running attack on Jidné; the young girl managed to evade the incoming attack, Umah quickly recovered and twirled around to afford another hit—but Jidné denied it in the blink of an eye. The vibroblade’s glow flickered out for a second against the blinding purple gleam of Jidné’s saber.
Jidné pulled away and immediately followed through with a diagonal slash to finish off Umah. The crook’s body thudded lifelessly on the sand, Jidné’s head jerked to the sound of Cal’s cry of pain—Pavo had knocked him down hard using the shield. Thinking fast, she lobbed her saber at his foot—the only body part unprotected from the shield—and gashed his shin, then mustering all her Force energy, Jidné sent out a powerful push against Pavo and sent him into the water.
Both Jedi caught their breaths, Jidné walked up to Cal and was the one to offer him a helping hand this time.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” he takes her hand and she pulled him up his feet. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. I owe you one after all, from those Bashiji cats the other day,”
“Right,” he nodded, recalling his rescue for her in the jungle.
He absentmindedly fixated his eyes on the girl’s hand and then to her alternately—he recalls the faint ripple of the Force that he sensed the day he landed into Ombari, and that ripple grew until it became stronger the moment he discovered Jidné. There was something unusually warm about her—aside from the fact that she was also once a Padawan and a survivor—Cal simply found it easy to talk to her and that she was easy to be around, despite being someone who carried a similar burden.
At first he thought it was a fluke or a trick, but today otherwise proved it to him. He and Jidné had an uncanny knack of finding each other in the right time—even if they never expected it.
“Um, Cal…”
“You can let go of my hand now, pretty sure you can stand without a support,” Jidné weakly chuckled, eyeing on their conjoined hands and then shifting her look back to Cal.
Cal slightly tilted his chin up, his fingers slowly unfurled and his palm slipped away from Jidné’s grasp. He looked away to shield his reddening face from Jidné’s eyes. The boy did all sorts of fiddling across his person just to shake off the awkwardness.
“What brings you here in the badlands?” he initiated, trying to divert her attention from his blushing.
“I was collecting some desert plants and herbs. A vendor in Diitana told me she’d give coin to whoever can bring them to her. And you?”
“Just wanted to take a better look at Ombari,”
Cal walked up to the edge of the island, scooped up a handful of water to splash it on his face; he combed his fiery scarlet locks with his damp fingers as he turned to face Jidné—from her view, the sun perfectly tinged its rays on the sheen of the top of his head, it was like watching fire dance softly. Goosebumps pelted her skin, she could feel them underneath the sleeves of her beige jacket, and the hairs at the back of her neck stood up—her hand impulsively reached for her nape and rubbed it to calm her nerves.
Jidné pensively surveyed the island, “Not bad for an itinerary.”
The two Jedi laughed at the lighthearted joke, they were so caught up with their giggling that they didn’t realize Pavo was still alive. The crook swam upwards, as quietly as possible and caught a glimpse of Cal’s leg; as Pavo neared the surface, his right cybernetic arm clawed its way out of the water and hooked around Cal’s ankle—it all happened within a flash that neither Jedi was able to react against it in time.
“CAL!!” Jidné shrieked, she jumped into the water seconds after Cal was pulled in.
Pavo had his arm wrapped around Cal’s neck, the boy kicked wildly as bubbles foamed out of his nose and mouth while trying to loosen the crook’s arm around his neck. In the blur of the lake’s water, Jidné paddled as fast as she can, apparently Pavo was armed with little turbines on the ankles of his boots to speed up his swimming and she only had her breather on her.
She swam as quickly as she could, her shoulder joints were beginning to ache but she didn’t care, her legs were gradually cramping from the forced paddling until she got closer to them; she pulled in Pavo, who still had Cal in a chokehold, and Cal suddenly headbutted Pavo in the middle of the pull—allowing himself to break free at least a few inches away from the bounty hunter—and then Jidné ignited her saber through Pavo’s chest. The hum of the saber was muffled by the bubbling of the water and she gave a slight push of the body away from her and Cal.
The dead bounty hunter’s arms opened and limped in the water, Cal paddled towards Jidné and gawked at the glowing purple beam—his jade eyes were wide in bewilderment, and then air bubbled plumed out of his mouth, forgetting that he needed to breathe. They both swam to the surface, but Pavo had pulled in Cal so deep that he’s lost most of his breath trying to break free—his hands desperately searched for the breather in his pocket until he found it and attached it to his mouth. His lungs were relieved to finally suck in some air and he was able to keep up with Jidné. Both Jedi sprang out of the water and clutched onto the sand, too tired and heaving to pull themselves up, they dragged their bodies to the shore as they greedily panted for air whilst their droids skittered off of their shoulders to shake off the water that seeped into their bodies.
“How…” Cal gasped. “Your lightsaber… How did you…”
“It’s… ahh…” Jidné heaved, her chest rising and falling. “A modification I made… a long time ago. My master had it too.”
A series of breathing was their only exchange after that.
“Can’t yours work underwater?” she added.
“Nah… doesn’t…”
“I can help you with that,”
Cal turned his head to the side, examining Jidné’s face riddled with water droplets trickling and drawing from her cheekbones and forehead. Tiny rainbows reflected on the beads of water on her skin thanks to the sunlight; he had a glimpse of the silhouette of her profile—the slight parting of her lips, the defined bridge of her nose and the curving scar across her cheekbone.
“You will?”
“Yeah, it’ll come in handy the next time something like that happens to you,” and then Jidné chuckled before uttering her follow-up. “And I won’t be around to save your ass if that happens.”
“Well, I’d rather have you around,”
Jidné shifted her head to her left side, she finds Cal facing up in the sky with his eyes closed as he continues to catch his breath—but his breathing has calmed, the slow rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest disturbed the fabric of his drenched jacket—she spots a little smirk curling at the corner of his mouth that faces her.
Her heart pounded wildly again, so much so that she had to clutch her chest to calm it down—she felt like it would rip through her shirt if it beats any faster. Emotions flooded and then conflicted her with the objective in mind. She bit her lip as she zoned out, staring back at the blue sky hoping to find enlightenment to this confusion—to her dismay, there were only white plumes of clouds hanging above their heads, no answers, no clarity to these feelings that have muddled her ever since she found her sweet, redheaded target.
“Think you could help me modify it today?” asked Cal.
“No problem, but you’re gonna need another crystal,”
“You mean, another kyber crystal?”
Jidné looks at the Cal straight in the eye to prove that she’s not joking and then nodded.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to make a cutting trip to Ilum then,”
Cal groaned, Jidné sensed the disdain in his voice. Going there must feel like a chore—a very cold chore.
“Would you like to come with?” he added.
Taken aback by the invitation, her eyes shifted around, quickly thinking of an alternative. She wouldn’t want to leave the Scarab one planet away—she simply couldn’t leave her baby in the middle of nowhere! Even if she activated the cloaking device on the ship, there’s no guarantee that scavengers or animals would bump into it sooner while she’s gone.
“O-Oh, I don’t know, Cal…”
“Oh, I wouldn’t wanna push it on you. We could still meet after I come back from Ilum, then you can help me modify it!”
“Are you always this… optimistic?”
He lightly chuckled, “Well, you’re the second person to say so.”
Eventually, the two arrived at a stalemate whether or not Jidné comes along with him to Ilum. She told him that she couldn’t leave her ship behind—that was hiding amongst the trenches in the badlands—he understood her side, and so there was a compromise.
Jidné ended up being left behind in Ombari.
“Just promise me one thing,”
“What’s that?”
He took both of her hands into his, and gave it a quick shake before speaking.
“Swear you’d wait for me?”
Her heart jumped. She blinked which prompted Cal to reiterate, constantly assuring her that Ombari was close by Ilum’s system.
“I promise it won’t take much time, so long as you promise me you’d wait for me and you’ll help me,”
His eager, emerald eyes shone brightly right in front of Jidné’s dark, earthen eyes. She can feel his fingers caging her knuckles tighter by the second, she never thought she’d find herself lost in his eyes and that kind, innocent smile. She could feel her heart sinking down and joining her butterfly-filled stomach.
She sighed and pursed her lips, “Okay. I’ll see you soon, then.”
His hands gently clutched her arms and exclaimed happily in reaction to her reply. As a matter of fact, it startled her, but she’s still too prideful to admit that it felt nice. Once again, she felt genuinely wanted or needed—not because they want her to get rid of a target, but for honest reasons such as Cal’s. It almost made her tear up, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this way.
Jidné almost didn’t want Cal to let go—he didn’t want to admit it, rather he was too bashful to say so—but he did, she sensed the hesitation in his withdrawal and compensated with an awkward bidding of goodbye.
Cal searched for a way out of the island, and then he turned to Jidné as if asking for a hint. She pointed at the same path she took when she got to the island.
“Just a hop, skip, and a jump there, ginger.”
“Thanks, Jidné.”
“You’re welcome… Cal.”
The young bounty hunter watched the boy cross the logs and stepping stones across the river until he landed on the other side and then disappeared out of the badlands.
Oh… Oh joy… the voice in her head groaned.
“Trill, beee!” ID-3 sang in high-pitched notes.
“Ha-ha, real cute, ID-3,”
ID-3 argued with his owner, further insinuating that Jidné is starting to get “attached” to Cal. The droid went as far as using the “Attachments are forbidden to the Jedi” card.
“Whoa, whoa, since when did you pick that up, lil’ guy!?”
“Beee-beep, chirp!”
“Have you been scanning my journals?”
The guilty droid lowed a soft chirp, Jidné chuckled and patted his head, reassuring him that she’s not angry with him, but could’ve just asked her to lay out all her manifests for him to expand his databank. Meanwhile, the conflict within her continues to swirl like a storm—her feelings battled with her sense of duty. As she watched Cal’s figure shrink the farther he goes, all she could think about is the warmth that she gets from him during their interactions and it always drew a little smile out of her.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Momo White Special Day Rabbit Chat Part 3: Momo, Iori, and Tamaki
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Momo-san, good work!
Tsumugi: Thank you so much for looking after Iori-san and Tamaki-san at today's shoot!
Momo: Good job, Maneko-chan~~~! (人ω・*)+。 It's too bad I had to leave the amusement park early for a different job! (ノω-、)
Momo: We ran a little behind schedule, are you already done with your stuff?
Tsumugi: Yes! I'm done, and safely back at the office!
Momo: Yaaay! My surprise was a roaring success!!! ヾ(´∀`)(´∀`)ノ☆。
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Momo: I was so happy to see their surprised faces~! Thanks for going along with my schemes!
Tsumugi: Don't worry about it! Thanks to you, Iori-san and Tamaki-san got to the scene in high spirits, which helped your job go smoothly!
Momo: It was fun to go back to school after all these years! I used to love going to school~!
Tsumugi: The students were impressed to see you, too! And yet, you managed to keep them from raising a ruckus!
Momo: All I had to do was go "Shh!" and they went quiet~ (人´ω`*) High school girls are all so nice and cute!
Tsumugi: You're always so good at slipping past crowding fans.
Momo: It's not really slipping, they usually get it once I tell them "Sorry, gotta go". They don't wanna cause trouble.
Momo: But I can't talk to every person in a crowd, so using big, exaggerated hand signs helps too.
Momo: Something like "Shh (´・3・)b", or "Stop! ヾ(´口`。)ノ", or "Wait just a sec (*^3^)". Then all I need is giving a little bit of fanservice where I can, and I'm good!
Tsumugi: I see..!
Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7's been having to do more fanservice recently, so that's very helpful!
Momo: I totally get what you mean~ They're getting more bold nowadays! Yuki's still really bad at that stuff, so if he's exposed, he ends up getting swept away in the sea of people, lololol But he's good at pretending he's someone else when he's in disguise!  
Tsumugi: I can imagine..!  
Tsumugi: You also sampled your limited edition menus, how were they?
1. Your peach buns were cute!
Momo: Tamaki and Iori were really enjoying them, and when I talked about how cute they looked with their cheeks all stuffed, the staff said my face looked exactly like theirs and laughed, lol
2. Yuki-san's cream stew was nice and warm!
Momo: It warms your body and soul, just like Yuki! It was yummy~ There was chicken in it~ So good~ lol
3. You got some of Mitsuki-san's candy popcorn to take home!
Momo: I figured I'd eat some with the film crew I'm with now, lol That sweet and crunchy deliciousness! It's been really popular~!
Tsumugi: Also, thank you for your request to change the greeting movies!
Momo: Right back at you! I'm so happy I got to do this with Iori and Tamaki! (*´∀`*)ノ。+゜
Tsumugi: Your theme was losing track of time because you were having so much fun, and the movie felt like you were being included in a group of boys who were just having fun together!
Tsumugi: It was the kind of movie that makes you want to have lots of friends who you can do exciting things with, regardless of your or their ages..!
Momo: I said it would be a group date at first, but maybe it veered a little too close to a boys' hangout in the end, lololol
Tsumugi: I don't think so! The feeling that I was a part of your boy group was exciting in its own way...
Momo: Reeeally? I'm glad to hear that, then! (*´∀`*)ノ。+゜
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san was very excited, and it felt like Iori-san was  a bit more friendly than usual, too!
Momo: Iori knew exactly when to make a quip! It was fun to see all the ways he and Mitsuki are so obviously related, lol Both the Izumi brothers are so good at retorts..!
Tsumugi: It was cute to hear both you and Tamaki-san yelling "Ioriiin!"...
Momo: In all honesty, there was also the fact Iori kinda reminded me of my younger self.
Momo: He chooses his position based on what the people around him are doing, and he's always trying to make IDOLiSH7 look as good as possible.
Momo: He can be pushy when he needs to be, and knows when to take a step back and let you handle things. He's got a really good sense of balance, too.
Momo: And he's got the guts to eat Re:vale and TRIGGER alive if we let our guard down!
Tsumugi: I-I doubt he'd ever do something so rude..!
Momo: It's not rude! That's how I go about my business, too.
Momo: You'll never make it to the top without that  kind of spirit. I just love  that about Iori!
Momo: Not that Re:vale will lose so easily, though~! Feel free to come at us anytime ☆ミ
Tsumugi: Right! We won't hold back!
Momo: lololol You've got plenty of guts yourself, lololol
Tsumugi: I-I'm sorry!
Momo: It's totally fine! It's more fun that we're all in this race together! Let's keep up the friendly rivalry!
Tsumugi: Yes! Of course!
Momo: (*´∀`*)ゞ
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Momo: By the way, for all his excitement at seeing the merry-go- round, Tamaki sure got  his fill of it fast! It'll be Re:vale's very own attraction, so I'd like it if the others really took their time enjoying it~!
Tsumugi: I'm sorry, Tamaki-san does like merry-go-rounds, he was just really looking forward to the rollercoaster...
Momo: No, I'm glad I got his honest response! Now I get to figure out how to make people enjoy our attraction for longer!
Momo: Yuki mentioned making the merry-go-round music into different arrangements of Re:vale songs.
Momo: We figured we'd need something to catch the visitors' interest! If you've got any good ideas, let me know!
Tsumugi: Alright! I'll think of something!
Momo: Thanks! My break's almost over, gotta go~ ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
Tsumugi: Thank you for working so late! And thank you for today!
Momo: I'll do my best for this one last shoot! Later!
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yaotomejr · 4 years
Paris's Valentines Return Gift - Apollo Doll
Next up is Paris, continuing the tradition of gifting Masters everywhere sentient plush toys! As usual, this video has CC subtitle translations and shows every branching dialogue tree (though this scene only has one). Please enjoy!
For those who prefer it, the text & screenshots version is under the readmore.
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Paris: "Good day to you, Master!"
Choice: Heyo, Paris
Paris: "Yes. I'm glad to see you in good spirits today! Ehehe. ...... ...... Uh, ummm. I wonder what day it is today!"
Choice: Errr, what day IS it today...?
Paris: (H, huh? But I definitely heard everyone talk about how we'd get chocolates today...) "Ehhrm... I mean... Ooogh. Sorry, forget I said anything..."
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Choice: Sorry, I'm sorry!
Paris: ".......! This, this is... this is the fabled Valentines Day chocolate, isn't it? Isn't it?! Yaaay! I got some!"
Choice 1: I couldn't help but tease you a little
Paris: "It's alright. I'll overlook your little prank!"
Choice 2: Will you forgive me?
Paris: "Of course! I'll forgive you, I'll forgive you, you are absolutely excused!"
Paris: "Now, it naturally falls on me to give you something in return! Don't worry, I've already prepared a gift. From the bottom of my heart, I just know you'll love what I'm about to give you!
......It's strange, you know, but my brother Hector said this with a very tense expression —— 'Maybe consider giving them something else?' He said that, but, I'm an adult too. As an adult, I can say with certainty that this will make you smile!"
Choice: (I kind of have a bad feeling about this)
Paris: "Well then, this is a present from my humble self. Enjoy!"
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Paris: "Yes, it's Lord Apollo. Lord Apollo is very, very precious, and here I present a head of... Wait, wouldn't it be 'a person of' in this case? 'A god of'?
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I present one to you!"
Choice: Should've seen that one coming...!
Paris: "Unfortunately, once Lord Apollo is separated from me, he turns into a stuffed toy whose only function is being cute... but! Blackbeard once said that being cute is Lawful Good. So, with all that said, please have Lord Apollo, Master!"
Choice: Thanks, I guess!
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[You return to your room, and put Apollo together with Mini Cú and Viy.]
Choice: They're increasing in numbers...
[Later, you tuck in for the night.]
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Choice: Goodnight...
[You close your eyes, and it fades to black. Meanwhile...]
Mini Cú: "...... ......"
Viy: "...... ......"
Apollo: "...... ......"
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[Apollo moves to the right, but is intercepted by Mini Cú. It goes to the left, but Viy stops it in it tracks.
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With nowhere to go, Apollo jumps up, and the other two follow. The three begin to fight very violently.]
Choice: Where is that noise coming from...?
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All Three: "!!"
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[They quickly pile on top of each other.]
Choice: Oh, it's just a totem pole...
[You go back to sleep. The three plush toys climb off each other, and after communicating seem to have come to an agreement. The scene then fades to black.]
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[The next morning, Paris visits you.]
Paris: "Good mooorning! Yet another cheery Valentines today! The chocolate was sooooo amazing... it was super tasty! ......huh? What happened to Lord Apollo?"
Choice: He looks a little dirty...
Paris: "Did you use him to clean the room, or...? Hmmm, well, if he's dirty, we'll have to clean him up. In this case... should we use the washing machine? Let's put the other stuffed toys in the wash while we're at it."
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All Three: "!!"
Choice: I can just wipe them with a towel later
Paris: "Oh, I see. Then I'll help you out with that! Ah, but we should go eat breakfast first. I'll come with yooou!"
[You and Apollo leave.
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Back in your room, the three plush toys heave sighs of relief. (i think)]
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Apollo Doll
The Valentines return gift from Paris.
A doll of Apollo. Following Mini Cú and Viy, yet another Invader has set foot into the room. Mini Cú attacks, Viy protects, and Apollo doles out the buffs.
Whenever they detect signs of trespassing, these three toys intercept any intruders in secret to protect their Master's beauty sleep. Occasionally they fail.
(1) Apollo is the newest member of the "Cute Stuffed Doll Is Actually Alive (And Surprisingly Violent?)" series, following Mini Cu and Viy. The latter two are Valentines gifts from Cu Alter and Anastasia respectively; please look up their scenes for more details!
(2) galaxy brain take: this scene is a 3-in-1 because by having paris in your chaldea you by proxy get two other gifts from two 5☆ servants
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