#now I’m going to bed to dream about Patrick stump and wake up early for toy show tomorrow
cloneboywonder · 1 year
Goodnight we are all in Patrick world together I’m kissing all of you
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watermonkey0 · 7 years
4th Point of Contact *Preview*
Preview of Mission Report #1 of ‘4th Point of Contact’ (Do Kyungsoo x Harper Hasagawa)
Please let me know what you think with notes and comments! @trinitysroses
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“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in
a low. Never make your most important choices when you are in your worst
moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”               
--Robert Schuller
The world was a drenched grey scale, tilted on its axis, hanging skewed on the scale of forever. The balance was off. I felt it, the rocks felt it, the sea felt it. We were lost in the shift, forgotten between the strands of this new fabric of universe we’d found ourselves in. I didn’t fit in here, the island under my boots didn’t piece together here, the ocean roiling before me would never be calm here. It was a tempest, crashing against the cliff, crashing against my heart, the pieces left of it. We competed to see who was loudest in this new truth, and I think I won. The whirlwind ripped out of me with enough force to shatter the canted rocks, to silence the ravaging sea. I was more than them, but I was less than nothing. There was no way to tell if the rain hitting my face was from the sea, from the sky, or from me. But it pounded into my skin, each drop a punch. Let them come! I wanted it, I wanted them to wash off this illusion, strip away this lie, because it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be.
“Hello?” The voice said, and the ocean fractured---
I woke with a jolt.
“Harper? Harper!” My mother was screaming as Fall Out Boy was blaring through the speakers of my phone.
Strange, I thought as I rolled out of bed. It had been at least six weeks since I’d dreamt of that night. Memories were funny things, but dreams were worse. I’d done well for the past few months, avoiding any unnecessary triggers, but who knows? Maybe it was because ‘Thnks fr th Mmrs’ was playing on a loop and I still hadn’t answered the phone.
“Harper! Will you turn that down already!” She yelled again from downstairs.
“Okay okay!” I hollered back, grabbing the iPhone from the dresser and swiping the green button without even looking to see who it was. “Hasagawa.” I answered with a yawn. Enough time had passed that I no longer screened my calls, not that anyone but my mother called my anyway, but my heart always beat a little bit faster in those first few moments. Because, what if…
I pulled the phone away from my face, gaping at the massive mistake I’d just made. The caller ID listed a  +81 country code, prefecture 98--Naha. “Sergeant? Are you there?”
“K-Kojima?” I mouthed. The ghosts seemed to be out in full force today as I dropped to the edge of my bed. I didn’t even have a bra on, I hadn’t even brushed my teeth! It was too early for this!
“Yokatta! You finally answered! I’ve been calling all day.” A morning of muffled Patrick Stump seemed a likely enough explanation for my mother’s mood, but still, it was like two am in Okinawa--I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and sucked in a horrid realization: 13:15 blinked at me in big block numbers, and I practically threw my phone.
“Ohmygod! I’m late for work!” I screamed and flew around the room, grabbing pants, forgoing the bra, screwing the toothbrush.
“What? Sergeant? Hello?” Kojima’s tiny voice squeaked from the speaker in my hand, but I ignored it. One boot after the other, I tumbled down the stairs. I heard mom in the kitchen, and figured I was late enough to yell at her and not cause any more damage than I already had.
“Why didn’t you wake me up!” I howled as I stormed through. She was unphased, chopping vegetables on the kitchen island like I howled all the time. I clocked the knife but assumed she’d let me get fired first before she used it.
“What would I wake you up for?” She asked nonchalantly, decapitating a carrot that I envisioned my face on.
“Uhh, my job?” I hissed as I snatched a smoothie from the fridge and b-lined for the garage door.
“Oh they called this morning.”
My heels clicked together in a halt. My back was turned to her but I could tell she’d been waiting all day to have this conversation, just by the way she was massacring those veggies. Not to mention her answering my phone while I was asleep! Without giving away my temper, I rolled my neck and backtracked to the otherside of the kitchen island. We stood face to face, and I tried my very best not to follow through with my reflex to disarm her first.
“And?” I said through my teeth.
“They said don’t bother.” She wrinkled her nose as she said it, like it was only a matter of time, like it wasn’t my third job this month. I let my head fall at her casualness. “Besides,” she went right on, scooping up her murder victims and throwing them in a stew pot, “you have a job.”  
“Moooooom.” I drowned in the syllable of her. Surely people would understand if I just threw her in the pot, right? She was nosey, and pushy, and constantly--
“Shouldn’t you be taking that call?” She used her butcher knife to point at the still ticking call on the face of my cell phone, ignoring my wail.
“Shit.” I muttered as I brought the phone back to front and center. Kojima wasn’t speaking but the timer was clearly still going, he hadn’t hung up.
“Language.” Mom snipped at me as I backed up from the counter.
“I mean shoot.” I corrected snobbishly, but then stopped. “Wait, how did you know he was…?”
“I'm looking forward to the future, but my eyesight is going bad and this crystal ball, it's always cloudy except for when you look into the past…” She started to sing, and all I could was shake my head.
When I was back in the safety of my room, I took a deep breath and put the phone back to my ear.
“Your mother has a lovely singing voice.” He chimed and I made a face at the wall.
“That is not something I want to hear from you, Private. Now what do you want?” My Sergeant voice came out without my meaning to, and I flinched at the sound of it.
“Well, I have a situation.” He continued easily, because well...he was used to it.
“I’m not in country, haven’t been in--” I quickly started to deny whatever he was about to ask of me, but he cut me off.
“I’m not dumb, Sergeant.” He snorted. “I talked to your mom, I know you’re in California.”
“Then you should already know that I can’t help you.” I fired back, wondering why I bothered to answer this call in the first place.
“My situation is in LA, and I don’t have anyone else to ask. Otherwise I would have called them.” I let that sink in for a moment, the bittersweet taste of clapback.
“Rude.” Was all I could bring myself to murmur, but he heard me.
“No, you just made your stance very clear is all.”
“What situation could you possibly have in LA?” I steered the conversation away from my ‘stance’ and back to whatever it was he wanted. “I thought you didn’t know anyone in the US.”
“It concerns our mutual friend.” The words sounded careful, even over the phone, and they made me frown at myself in the mirror.
“Mutual?” To my knowledge, Kojima and I didn’t have any mutual friends, not in the US anyway.
“If you have the time…” He trailed off, and I figured he wasn’t going to tell me anymore until I made some small amount of commitment. Glancing at the clock with a sigh, I plopped down on the bed and kicked my boots off.
“I guess I do now.”
Two hours later, I found that my 5.11s still fit, which was a relief, and my fingers laced up my combat boots as if it hadn’t been six months since I even looked at them. All in all, I spent most of the time after the call on my hair because, well...that’s a thing. I pulled it up, let it down, pulled it up, and let it down again. No matter what I did with it, it always morphed into a standard issue bun by magic, like the strands knew no other shape. With a frustrated sigh I raked my fingers through it, surrendering to the down do. It would be a matted mess and get constantly stuck to my cap stick, but at least it wouldn’t look uniform.
I proceeded downstairs quietly, hoping she wouldn’t stop me, but knowing that she would. She’d moved on to a different part of the meal she was preparing as I passed by, quiet and small. She saw me meander through though and paused long enough for us to lock eyes. Then I watched as she took in my gear: the boots, the tactix pants, the pack, the rods.
“Off to work then?” She asked, her voice a cheery imitation of what I knew to be true going on under the surface. Her expression was grave, despite her pleasant question. It was the face she used to make before my deployments; the disconnect of what she was feeling and what she knew to be right. She hated when I went to battle, it reminded her too much of my dad, but she still believed, even when I didn’t, that I was a soldier through and through. But this wasn’t exactly a sanctioned mission.
“Will you bail me out?” I asked sarcastically, hoping to lighten the mood, but she responded with,
“Absolutely,” without hesitation. I cleared my throat, not knowing what else to say, but her eyes were insistent.
“Well, I’m grabbing a train.” I pursed my lips and started for the door.
“To where?” She asked and I winced.
“...South.” I hated this part; the part where she wasn’t allowed to know anything; the part where we left her over and over again without telling her where we were going. When I looked back to see how bad it hurt this time, her face was surprisingly resolute. She looked like she always look: proud, strong, destroyer of vegetables, worried... “Don’t wait up.” I nailed in softly before escaping out the door.
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kaylielw · 8 years
Fall Out Boy Creations Challenge | by kaylielw
Theme: Relationships | Prompt: Patrick and Joe
Word Count: 1,592
Warning: Mentions of Suicide
Notes:  Save rock and roll Era 
Patrick’s POV
It was such a nice day until Pete barged in the living room, with a grin on his face and when he has that, it’s bad for the entire band.
“Hey, guess what?”
“What?” Joe had to ask.
“These” Pete practically threw the thing that was in his pocket on the coffee table. What he threw was 4 charms only with two pairs of colors black and white. They were just flat and each had a uniquely carved symbol. Joe took a white one and carefully inspected it.
“You like them? I was casually walking by and saw this newly opened shop about 6 blocks from here. I walked in and some hot chick went to me and sell me these. Apparently, they’re for ‘good luck’ and ‘prosperity’ or something like that. It only costs me like a dollar so I was like ‘Why the hell not?’”
“Dude, you seriously believe in that bull?”
“Yeah so?” Pete pulled off another signature look, it was the puppy eyes face. It has that look that clearly says ‘ do it or I’ll commit suicide like last time’ look it’s very unlikely but he could do it.
“Fine,” I said after having a debate in my head. I took the other white pair from the table while the guys took the pair of black ones.
“So is anyone up for GTA?” Pete asked.
“I’m in”
“No,” Me and Andy said in unison.
“Don’t blame us if you guys missed the fun” Joe threw Pete his PS3 controller and waited for the game to start. I went into my own room tried to read a book from my personal library. I noticed that it's already night so I grabbed the leftover salad from my mini-fridge and a bottle of water. Two bites before I finish it, a wave of drowsiness hit me so I quickly finished up, changed in my sleeping clothes and hit the bed.
Joe’s POV
It was 11:30 p.m. and me and Pete switched to Mariokart. I suddenly got super tired and wanted to crash on my bed. There were a few boxes of leftover pizza lying around but I was feeling too tired to bother. I placed my controller on the table.
“You quitting because you can’t handle it?” Pete asks
“Unlike you I actually need sleep”
“Whiner” He used it as an insult.
“Cheater” I retorted back, went to my room and flopped onto the bed without even bothering to change.
The next day
I woke up super early like 6:00 am early which is very rare. This is the second time I woke up this early usually it’s noon or afternoon. The only thing to do now is to cook and prepare for the day. Wait did I just said ‘prepare’? Something weird is going on, but I can’t put it on my finger on what it is. I just shrugged it off. I saw Andy playing a video game at 6 am instead of Pete.
“Hey.” I slowly approached him. Usually, he’s exercising or jogging around the corner, but video games this early? Something weird is going on, but I have the patience to wait until everyone is awake.
“Oh, hey” He looked at me for a second before turning back to his game. I wanted to ask a question, but I’m afraid what he’ll say.
“Did you feel weird last night?”
“Kinda. I couldn’t sleep so I went here and saw Pete heading off to bed, leaving the place clean. I played COD the entire night”
“Okay” Something needs to be discussed by all of us, but it’s rude to wake up Pete and Patrick, so I’ll wait until noon. Until then, I’ll cook me and Andy some breakfast. In the end, I made fruit salad, some boiled eggs for me and those vegan waffles he likes.
“Andy, breakfast is ready,” I said and he slips through the kitchen. When he saw what I made, he went to the fridge.
“Would it kill you to cook some meat?” and he suddenly stops in his tracks saying “Did I just say ‘meat’?”
“Yeah, I think you did” He’s kinda getting what’s going on.
“What the hell is going on? I couldn’t sleep, I feel like I could bounce around the room and now I’m craving meat of all things. I’m a straightedge vegan and I’m craving meat last time I had that was when I was 19.Did something weird happen to you too?”
“ Yeah, I woke up early and cooked actual simple food”
“What do you think caused this?” I could tell that he’s freaking out; I, for once, was thinking properly and the only ones who can actually think properly in the band are Patrick and Andy. Considering that Andy’s freaking out for craving meat and the fact that he’s energetic...does that mean?
“I need a favor”
“I need some very negative insults”
“Are you sure?”
“I hate you.” Those three words suddenly made me want to cry. and that’s exactly what I need. For some odd reason, I have Patrick’s personality.
Patrick’s POV
I woke up groggily at noon. I was looking at the ceiling, wondering why I woke up so late. I usually wake up either early or late morning, but I just shrugged it off, because I was very tired last night. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen, I went there without even bothering to take a shower and change. I see the other guys waiting for me.
“Patrick, have a seat. We need to...discuss something” Pete said, Joe was quiet and Andy was whimpering. I just sat down without even bothering to ask what the hell the meeting is about.
“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. Anyone who feels weird since last night, stand up” I wanted to stand up but to my surprise, everyone else did. I stood up as well.
“We think that this caused it in the first place” Joe took out the charm Pete bought yesterday.
“You’re blaming me?” Pete looked calm, but I could tell that he was angry
“No, I’m not blaming anyone here. I’m stating the reason of why we’re like this.”
“Okay,” Andy stopped whimpering and had his composure straight “You’re saying that the charms Pete bought are magic? Then what should we do to break the curse? Even it’s actual magic we don’t know how to use witchcraft”
As soon as he said that I could feel something hot, burning almost I see mine, as well as the others, are glowing. I immediately let go of it and let it burn on the table. Something was being newly engraved into the charms.
Well done my frens. You have figured it out but in order for you to return to normal, solve this riddle and all will be solved
All will be done if one can conquer their heart's desire
It’s an easy one boys either solve it or stay like that until the end of time
“It’s kinda easy when you look at it,” I said after rereading it a few times.
“Basically we need to confess what we want to say” I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe.
“That’s it? What we need is just some simple heart-to-heart?” Joe was kinda skeptical
“I don’t think they meant that. I think they meant our darkest secret.” Andy’s voiced was strained when he said that.
“If it’s that hard for you guys I’ll start. Um...” He just kept stammering, refusing to get the words out.
“What is it?” Joe was quite curious.
“It’ll be better if I just showed you.” Andy went to Pete and kissed him, full-on lips.
“Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. I’m madly in love with you”
“I’m in love with you too” And they started kissing again.
I was scared to admit my feelings to Joe because Andy and Pete already admitted love. I’m scared of what he thinks of me.
“Patrick Martin Stump, you really think you can avoid destiny?”
“Well get over here,” Joe said, arms open. I went to crush him in a powerful bear hug. I could feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders. Five years, five years since I had a crush on him.
Joe’s POV
Seven years since I developed a crush on him.
“I used to waste my time of dreaming of being alive, now I only waste it dreaming of you.”
A weight was removed from me. I feel like I can do it after so long.
Everything was back to normal, well almost everything. All of us was happy for once. We went to double dates, people thinking it’s just us guy, but in reality, it’s four guys who love each other very much. I want to say to Patrick “I love you” but I’m scared that’s why I wrote a letter for him. I asked him to go with me for a stroll at the park. I knelt down on one knee and said.
“Patrick Martin Stump, I write this to you as a message and the message is simple. I love you. You gave me reasons to keep on going even when I don’t want to,  you gave the light to all of us especially me. I want to say that I gave you everything and you did the same for me. Thank you.” I kissed his forehead gently. It marks a new adventure filled with problems, hate, and pain, but in the end, we still stand with smiles on our faces.
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