#now all i need is a knight silver card and i can die happy
fruity-arts · 11 months
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i am not immune
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sorio99 · 3 years
Deltarune Chapter 2: Live Thoughts
So, since the new chapter of Deltarune came out, I've played it all the way through, so, here are my thoughts as I had them. Basically a live-blog, but, not live anymore, I wrote these in my notes app before.
NOTE: Obviously there are going to be ALL THE SPOILERS for Deltarune Chapter 2 in this, as well as Chapter 1. Reader discretion is advised.
Wow, okay, so I was wrong about it being immediately explained.
Various descriptions have changed, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the change to a new game, or the one to a new chapter.
I feel like Berdly is definitely a m’lady guy.
Okay, so, we’re not skipping class this time.
I really wish we could call Toriel and tell her we’re gonna be late again, but I couldn’t see an option for that. Maybe Kris told her on the ride to school.
Okay, so, Noelle is definitely adorable, and a huge lesbian.
Susie seems lovestruck too, kinda.
Okay, honestly wasn’t expecting the closet to work again.
Fricking LOVE the new transition.
Okay, so, Ralsei knows about, the real world? How, why, and what?
Oh, that, makes, a little sense? But also, if we hadn’t brought the toys over to the closet then, would they all be, dead?
Okay, but I love the new town.
Holy shit, save points have storage, AND a spare list? Hell yeah.
So, we’re all level 2 now. I guess they moved from EXP based (or, execution point based?) to Milestone.
Love the basement for bad guys, with K. Round standing guard.
Bitch said “Child abusers live in Hamster Cage”.
Wait, he uses the hamster wheel?
I don’t know if I believe the king about his “bluff” or not. I think not, but, I don’t know.
I can see the “Susie moves to Ralsei’s castle to escape her abusive home” fic already.
And of course, the moss call-back.
Oh god, Susie just said “My own room, huh.” and my heart is ready to shatter.
This girl has one actual food item in her fridge, and it’s just salsa
Oh, scratch that, there’s ice, crumbs, and jawbreakers in there too?
Oh, okay, Ralsei did give her actual food.
Entering Lancer’s room gives the cartoon Splat sound effect from Chapter 1, and his bedroom is identical to Chapter 1.
And the sound effect, plays in reverse when leaving? Okay.
So, explore until we’re ready to leave, huh? Seems, suspicious.
Oh my god, I just realized, the LightCandy is literally the chalk Noelle gave Susie. What the fuck.
So, for giving the Top back his cake, we get regenerating SpinCake that heals everyone for 140. Nice.
Battle challenges, huh? This should be interesting.
So, we can get a ClubsSandwich, $100, or…Jigsaw Joe’s entire life savings. Okay.
Aw, Clover has separate heads in their dialogue box!
Just realized this “dojo” also has their bed. Odd.
Alright, let’s take these challenges!
Oh, so if we act with Kris, than spare with Ralsei or Susie…got it!
He has a mercy meter. There’s a mercy meter now. I love this.
Oh, of course his life savings is exactly one dollar.
I can already tell the Graze challenges are gonna be the biggest bitches.
Okay, so, being able to rematch bosses, with different gimmicks and attacks, but based on the same logic? Always amazing.
I love the little cut-ins from the other characters with certain lines, like Susie and Lancer revealing “for a price” means zero dollars.
“Cookie and Wife”?
The Blacksmith runs a bakery where he can fuse items…okay.
Imma get a Silver Card.
What the fuck, Mr. Society?
Okay, so, we’re “leaving” through the way we came in, so “surely” we’re going back “home” to the “real world” and our “family”. Sure.
LANCER was added to your key items.
Oh was he now?
And so was Rouxls, “even though no one wanted that.”
Oh, we, actually went back to the light world. Huh. Actually wasn’t expecting that.
Jack of Spades, and the Rules Card. Makes sense.
Still LV 1 here, thankfully. No murder yet.
Okay, thankfully I can call Toriel now.
…Undyne, what the fuck?
Also? This, car horn music, I guess? Is, um…interesting.
Oh, the, computer lab. Where Toby was in Chapter 1. Okay. Makes sense.
“Guess this means we can’t start our project.” I’d say the biggest obstacle is more that we have no clue what the hell this project is supposed to be.
Hmm, we could use the computer at my house, or we could have a fun Toby Fox adventure…
My house!
I knew Susie wouldn’t allow it, also, you always wanna jump in big pits? That’s, worrying.
Computer lab time!
So, computer themed, maybe?
Rouxls jumped out, apparently. According to Lancer.
Okay, this build up is creepy, where’s the fluffy boy?!
Who is SHE?!
Was that Noelle’s chatter sound?
Asking for help?
And, I suppose, this must be, our queen.
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N. Sure. I’ll stick with Queen, yeah.
Oh, she’s a computer! That…that’s probably not, great?
Oh, those plugs are bad, brainwashers. Okay.
Okay, they’re both tired…but Ralsei isn’t here. Fuck.
Aiming at moving targets is hard.
2 Werewires spared, only 4 to go, I guess!
Fun Gang, back together, working to save Susie’s soon-to-be-girlfriend!
Rhythm game to start a new bumping song. Nice.
Might live blog less from here, since, you know, the game is starting proper.
God, I love Deltarune’s look and sound, it’s so clean? And expressive, and AAAGH, I just love it!
I love angry Ralsei.
First lose control laughing moment: Kris and Susie squishing Ralsei like a toothpaste tube, to play an arcade game.
Did, did I just play Punch-Out inside an Undertale?
Curing computer viruses with Syringes…sure.
Sweet is the rhythm guy! Nice to meet you, Sweet! You and Toby are great at this music thing.
Hey, Susie can act now! Awesome!
Ralsei too, because of bullying! Yay!
Now the whole gang’s dancing!
(This is where I took my first real break, to process stuff and relax, and also to sleep)
In between thought: it’s kinda interesting that, in Chapter 1, Susie basically had to be forced to care about Kris, Ralsei, and Susie, but as soon as Noelle is in the slightest bit of danger, she’s immediately like, “We have to save her or die trying”, huh?
“Reverse diss-tracks, where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises Queen…or noise music.” That’s some, interesting taste in music.
“All our songs are only 4 seconds long!” Damn, so you’re, like, Vine musicians?
So, the Knight is opening alternate fountains, that create dark worlds out of, more mundane places? Interesting…
So, someone new is leading the rebels. This, can’t go well.
Smorgasbord 2.
Oooh, a TP raising Item! Nice!
Oh, the guy who was already working for Queen is a Werewire now. Okay.
66 up arrows. Hmmm, I wonder if I can retry at some point…
Oh boy. Here’s the queens…wait what?
Oh my god.
Go kart time.
Noelle, you traitor! How could you!
Oh, okay. Berdly I believe more.
Also, “beloved”.
I love how Queen apparently didn’t even ask him.
“Light Nerds” Good one, Queen.
That’s one weird Check for Berdly.
Berdly, for God’s sakes, Noelle is a lesbian, you idiot.
You know, given this villain rant, I think I hate Berdly more than I do King. And I’ve dealt with both bullies AND abusive dads.
Oh god, Roller Coaster Tycoon murder (also Berdly is dead)
Garbage! Saved by it again.
Oh, this place looks glitchy.
Also, Susie, you’re not the king of the trash pile. You’re QUEEN of the trash pile.
Oh god, please don’t tell me she’s dying.
Okay, good, she just needed fluffy boy hug.
Fork in the path, advantageous to split up, huh? But there’s three of us, and, two paths probably.
Okay, I can either go with the Fluffy boy who might secretly be evil, or the mean girl who might get lesbian scenes…hmmm…
I’m flipping a coin.
Okay, Ralsei it is!
Oh, Susie is upset at me getting to pick.
Oh, they’re going together.
Oh, this can’t be good.
If I had a nickel for every indie game with a cat themed metropolis on my pc, I’d have two nickels. You can finish the meme.
I swear I just saw Noelle on the right. Something big in the streets, hmmmm…
Okay, definitely saw Noelle that time. Shame the Poppups, popped up.
…I get it, Toby, but I’m still mad.
Blocked 10 ads…okay, I still love this game.
God, I’m already missing my party members.
Okay, so I still have Lancer, but, I’m really hoping Noelle listens to reason, because Lancer is, not.
Oh god no, don’t fight me now Queen. And please don’t join me.
Alright, nobody likes Berdly. Figured.
God they’re so dumb.
“G-got any room for another truce?” Noelle, I would do a No Mercy run for you, of course I’m going to help you.
I can’t believe “No Triple Trucies” is even an option.
Yay! Noelle in party!
“LV1 Snowcaster. Might be able to use some cool moves.” She’s got Heal Prayer, a more powerful (but more expensive) Pacify, and a damaging Ice move for only 16% TP.
I love her.
I don’t know what a sugarplum is myself, actually.
Noelle, you have a one track mind, and I like it.
Lancer, she’s not a cream, and we’re not making her a bad guy.
Oh, and she’s scared of mice, I love it!
Ah, she’s never been in battle before, let’s see how this goes.
See? That wasn’t so bad, Noelle.
Oh, she’s a natural!
“Needles aren’t scary…” Tell that to anyone under 20, Noelle.
Also, “subtle” pro-Vax message?
Oh my god, I just love her animations.
So, the virus and the syringe are fighting…hm…
Okay, so, first, Noelle’s defend animation, also perfect.
Second, so Ambyu-lance’s bullets block and destroy Virovirokun’s…hmm…
Have I mentioned how much I love Noelle? This funky little Christmas Lesbian can do no wrong.
Oh my god, she can’t even confidently say we’re friends, and hearing Kris say it makes her happy, I love her so much.
Okay, so, Queen drinks Battery Acid. Makes sense for a computer.
Kris is so done with this shit, I can tell.
I am both scared of and loving Queen.
Oh Jesus Christ Berdly what the fuck is that.
That is not greatness that is…I don’t know. I’m pretty sure even tumblr isn’t horny for you, Berdly.
Christ, he’s gonna break Queen by being an idiot and then he’ll be the Chapter boss.
Her eyes say lying. Of course.
“I Did Not Know You Had… Nipples” that’s, a good point.
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…Berdly, you disturb me.
Second lost control laughing moment: Noelle’s cardboard robot face, and Queen just saying “Wow Cool Face”
Lancer, what is the “illusory nipple technique”?
Oh, of course the music bots built the statue. Berdly would never do manual labor.
Oh, and, they built the next “big” thing…hmmmm…
Why are we, flavors of tea???
Okay, that should be all the werewires for now.
The, clothing store, sold me, a useless mannequin, for $300. Of course.
I am going to touch the cheese.
Cheese maze, purposely ruined to spare more Mices.
Hmm, Berdly talks about Noelle’s crush. $20 says he actually thinks it’s him, or maybe Kris at a stretch.
Noelle is now immune to mice! Yay!
Oh, CD Bagel, Seedy Bagel, just got that.
Okay, sacrifice pacifist run to kill Berdly…I’m tempted.
Uh, Berdly, Noelle just one shot both your allies. I’m not alone, you are.
Jokes on you, buddy, I’ve been dodging A+ for years!
“(He hit me in the face with a tornado…)” Yes, Noelle, and I have papercuts on my eyelids. He do be an asshole.
Oh good, they both made Battery Acid Pies. Now we’re in a car together. Perfect. This is exactly how I wanted things to go.
Who is this trash man?
Spamton, huh. Oh boy.
Oh god, this song has lyrics.
Oh joy, a mini boss on my own. Just what I wanted.
Oh, new game over screen! Nice.
Anyways, I hate this guy.
Okay, just one more deal, I think. I wonder what’s next.
I’m not giving you my credit card info, dude.
Oh damnit, 1% more.
Okay, I’m very scared now.
Oh, I lost $51. That’s, fair.
Okay, back in the car.
Oh my god, Queen loves Noelle too. Perfect.
Lancer took the mixtape! Nice!
Oh, he ate it…nice!
Oh god she’s a little kid.
I’m so sorry, Noelle. I really hope you’re going to be okay. We’ll figure out what to do.
Queen, why does everything you have explode?
Now the prize is on my head.
Susie and Ralsei! You’re back!
She can slightly heal me now…cool!
And she taught him Sarcasm. I love them all so much.
Uh, Susie! You can have it!
Okay, so, now Susie is both gay for Noelle, and suspicious of her. Amazing.
And Noelle is turned on by the threat of being killed. Have I mentioned I love these dorks?
The gang’s all here!
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Uh, just got past fireworks, and, where’s Noelle?
Oh, okay. She was just watching Fireworks.
Oooo, catching mice minigame!
Oooo, more elaborate but simpler to control mice minigame!
Oooo, bucket hole!
Also, nice gay Noelle moment noted.
Oh no, please don’t take the perfect girl away from us!
Okay, so, I don’t like Berdly, but, Acid river? Bit much…
Oh, okay. He was never in danger. I hate both of you. GIVE US BACK NOELLE
Oh, great, now we’re captured too. Except possibly Ralsei.
She only plays mobile games. Burn her.
For once Berdly is correct.
Queen, you are dumb.
Is that the super Mario world fade?
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I don’t, next question.
No looking at my Search history!
Oh, hey, we can chat in here.
Lancer, never say Pants hole again, and never say you were inside it either.
Lancer, do you still not know our name?!
So this is how they lampshade the tutorial-Toriel thing, huh?
Oh no, Lancer, please don’t die in here.
Um, are there rooms for all the kids at school?
Puzzle time!
Plot twist: Susie is not Susan.
Berdly is dumb.
Admittedly, I did brute force that second one a bit…
Okay, now Susie has outsmarted both me AND Berdly. This is sad.
Oh god, he’s gonna cry now.
Oh, my god, that’s what December meant. That’s why Berdly cares about Noelle. That’s why…oh god.
Oh wow, Susie’s a gamer. This is incredible Lore.
Oh wow, first Lancer’s face returns, now Berdly is Anime. I love this game.
Oh my god, Ralsei in a tux. I love him.
Alright, so, Lancer needs to go back to Castle Town, and we need to get the heck to Noelle. I hope Berdly’s plan actually works…
Aw, I wanted him to stay tuxedo…
Color Cafe, huh?
Oh god, Rouxls came here. I am terrified.
I love this hype manor song!
Toby Fox, why is there so much 3D Shenanigans in this 2D Top Down RPG???
Note: from here, I end up going to the secret of this chapter. Do not read if you don’t want to be spoiled on that plotline. Skip to where I say Pancake Batter.
Okay, I’m going back, and I’m gonna find this third blue check mark.
Okay, found it, now to get back to the guy…
Yay, fireworks, again!
East treasure’s hallway leading to Basement on 1F…
Oh dear.
So there’s a secret here after all…where is…
Found it!
Okay, how to open this lock, now…hm.
Well, one thing was in the field, so, maybe in the city?
Oh Jesus it’s Spamton.
$28, not a penny more.
KeyGen, huh…
If this is as hard as Jevil, I’m gonna be pissed.
Oh, great, just Kris going in. Again. Fantastic.
Oh what the fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ I hate this build up.
Oh, and I died on the elevator. That’s fun.
Okay, so I hate this elevator. A lot.
Okay! Took like six tries, but I made it past the elevator! Now, let’s see what’s waiting for me…
Maybe take that back to Scamton or whoever?
…Ralsei, Susie, what are you two doing?
Okay, trash man, you better like this.
Oh Jesus Christ.
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Okay, this is not what I expected to follow Jevil’s lead. But, let’s see what happens when I turn this disk in.
Oh, nothing happened. Sure it did. Just gonna walk away then…
Oh, wouldn’t you know it, something happened!
Okay, so big puppet robot man. This is terrifying.
Roller coaster boss! Again! Oh good!
Can’t write notes, gotta kill.
Spamton, oh my god. And it’s Neo’s outfit. How the fuck did I not realize before?
Im terrified, let’s GOOOOOO!
Holy shit is that the Undertale Game Over message??????
Many tries later
Okay, I think it’s actually Ralsei and Susie talking…
Quitting the game so they can get their healing items out of storage and buy some good ones extra later
Okay, third turn, and I’ve only been hit once! Granted, it did almost 50 damage to Susie, but, still, doing better this time!
Even more death later
Did he just, attack himself?
Is he surrendering?
I…I did it! I did it in one sitting! Minus quitting so I could grab healing items that did more than 40 HP!
Oh, he killed him by freeing him…….okay.
Dealmaker, huh? Let’s see what this bad boy is…
+4 defense, +5 magic (even on Kris?), and $+30%…”and…?”
Okay, Ralsei, you get that, Susie get’s Jevilstail, and I get many questions.
Alright, now back to the actual plot!
Oh…Kris has goosebumps, and Susie’s asking if they’re okay…no. I’m saying no.
I love these two so much. Now let’s save the adorable lesbian.
Pancake Batter. Alright, we’re good.
Sorry, Noelle, got distracted.
Mouse wheel!
Tasque manager helped!
Man, this room is big and empty, with an odd exit door and screens on the north wall. Hmmmm…
Thank you annoying dog!
Okay, I still love this music. Just wanted to say that. Anyways, PROGRESS!
We’re tea covered now. Except Susie. She’s tea filled.
Oh god, I don’t trust Berdly with Susie.
God, Knight teased.
Duck ride with Fluffy Boy.
Okay, so, puzzle time, methonk.
High Five!
More duck ride!
Ralsei, do you wanna do the kissy?
Oh boy.
Oh jeez.
Oh damn.
Ralsei, you read my mind.
Oh Jesus it’s the tank from the first game.
Okay, so, we, take houses? Okay.
I can’t believe some people thought this dork was Gaster.
Wow, I beat him in like 3 and a half turns because I blocked him in.
Another God Dammit because SOMEONE didn’t pay attention to what happened to Lancer.
His head is still blue…
Hey, Camera! Peace signs and hugs!
Mostly hugs.
Yay, more Susie and Noelle time!
Oh my god, my heart is breaking.
Okay, I love these adorable girls.
Oh boy, this is, weird.
“Point and hearts come out” or “Eat moss”. The choice of a generation.
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Fair point, Susie.
She likes scary things, huh.
Have I mentioned how much I love these two? Because I do.
Susie and Noelle are best girls ever, no objections.
Oh good, Berdly, don’t ruin this completely, okay?
I fucking knew it.
Noelle, you’re going to kill him, and that’s okay with me.
Susie, stop squishing him like toothpaste!
Oh boy, I get big “final boss” energy right now…
Okay, so I just stole from Noelle’s room.
Okay, boss time.
Shit, I should’ve healed up.
Okay, so, I died, but, I can fix that!
So, this boss is calling back to how the town’s internet has gone out, a fact I didn’t even learn until watching other content last night when I should have been sleeping, because I forgot to talk to Alphys during the brief chance I had.
Also, now both she and Ralsei have made reference to the real world outside…hmmmm…
So I guess the plot is about Google search being evil…yeah that checks out.
Bitch, did you just funny runny way?
Hmm, I’d say 50/50 odds of him being a drama Queen vs. him trying to trick Susie into caring about him.
Yep, he’s trying to score a kiss. Berdly…get a job.
Alright, let’s save Noelle, and possibly the whole town.
The “Roaring” Knight?
Oh god, the determination…who is this Knight, what is going on, and how involved are we?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait WAIT
When she described the Knight making more darkness, she said they took their blade, and showed an image of a knife. Was…was this…
Oh. It was a giant robot. Not a statue.
Susie’s dancing!
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Oh yeah, he can fly.
Resistance! Yay!
Okay, so, we sentai up in this bitch.
I wonder how the hell this story would go if we didn’t go pacifist then? Because in Chapter 1, all that really changed was how the boss was defeated in the cutscene, and like a couple details later. This is, a lot more than that.
Okay, so, three rounds of HP, punch out for her turns, just keep attacking. Got it.
Two rounds down, one to go!
Yes, eat your own Baseball, bitch!
Oh, suicide attack. Well it was just a robot.
Oh. She still has us.
Oh fuck the robot is Noelle’s mom. Fuck.
Okay, so, Queen is dead.
Oh fuck, don’t take over the world with darkness all of you, please.
The Roaring?
Oh fuck, new legend lore.
Titans, Fountains, enveloping the land in devastation. Oh jeez.
Lost eternally in an endless night…that’s not paradise. That’s hell.
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Thank you, Susie!
Okay, that’s a good ending for a second chapter, it’s dark fountain time!
Susie, please don’t turn evil.
And, we’re in the computer lab!
Wait, Ms. Boom? Does, does Gerson have a daughter, or wife?
Lost control laughing #3: this
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I love this game so much. Time to explore town again.
Okay, Alphys does crush on Undyne still, at least.
Oops, I just let all the prisoner dogs out.
Awww, Undyne likes Alphys too!
Napstablook, I love you.
Oh shit, Asgore used to be a pig?
Oh god, this Rudy storyline is gonna be depressing all the way through, huh?
Susie, can we steal the tower of the gods?
Hey, we can actually go back to Ralsei’s dark world?!
Okay, this is gonna be interesting.
Oh thank god, we can save in the epilogue now, cool.
Oh cool, King and Queen together.
Oh my god he calls her Queenie Beanie. I love this.
So, a card and a computer fucked to make Lancer, who is a card. Okay.
Okay, so Lancer DOES know Kris’s name! Just not Ralsei’s!
New battle challenges! Yes!
Might save “Ch. 2 All-stars” for another time, though…
Perfection is the mannequin reaction.
Oh my god there’s a dedicated room for listening to music I love this
Alright, time to skedaddle back to the real world.
Okay, so Alvin is Gerson’s son, and he’s depressed. Fun.
Oh, MK and Snowy are by the creepy bunker. That’s…fun.
Okay, so, Susie scared them off after they insulted Kris, because Kris said something about the bunker…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Hey, Nice Cream Guy is one of the Ice-E’s employees! Nice!
Ah, PizzaPants. Never change.
Oh hey, it’s the little guy, who’s clone is a Gaster follower. And the bird guy’s still in the library, and the donut guy is still in his car…
Hey, Catty and Bratty are becoming friends again! Cool!
Omg, Sans’s store is open. Do I…go in?
Hell yes I do!
Okay, so, Grillby’s music still, but, different interior. Interesting…
Sans, a day and 2 years in this game are not equivalent. It’s a day and 3 years.
The trousle grows further away.
Oh jeez Susie’s been drinking the milk. Oh god.
Cool, Susie’s seeing Onion too!
Oh, never mind.
A song is coming from deep under the water…either Shyren is involved, or this is gonna take a turn.
See you, Su-
Oh! Hey mom! Meet Susie!
Pie for all!
Oh my god, Susie, my heart is breaking.
Okay, so Alphys and Toriel know about the chalk. That, kinda makes Susie thinking she’d get expelled for it, really depressing.
Okay, so, Toriel and Susie are gonna make Pie together, that’s cool. Still, pretty worried about, Kris.
Uh, I just ran the sink, and, uh…
…so we get a cute scene with Susie and Toriel, then Susie asks where Kris is and…they do this sometimes?
I’m very concerned.
Okay, Toriel is concerned too, enough to say “hell”. Even Susie is shocked.
Okay, so, they’re coming back, uh, okay, this isn’t good, right?
Stopped the faucet, opened the drawer, and…we’re back?!
Kris what the fuck are you doing
And why couldn’t we find Asgore in the town?
Okay, so, we’re all sleeping in the living room. I, guess tomorrow’s the weekend, probably? I don’t know?
Susie, doesn’t have caring parents, I guess?
Oh god, Susie wants them to come to our world, but, Lancer is a playing card, he can’t…I don’t know. I’ll say it’s “far-fetched”.
There’s a festival, apparently. This seems…suspicious.
I’d take Ralsei, so you could take Noelle.
She’s asleep.
That, might not be good, in this context.
Okay, so, we’re asleep too, I think?
Oh god, Toriel’s tires are slashed, that can not be good, in any way.
Okay, night time, Toriel and Susie are asleep…now what are you doing, Kris?
That, knife…
Okay, so, yep, they’re the Knight, and they just opened Darkness in their living room. This is, not, good. And, the tv’s on, and the door’s unlocked…
What the fuck is happening?
Ending credits song sounds, techno? Is this more of Don’t Forget? Or a remix? I hear the lyrics at least.
“To be continued in Chapter 3” OH IT BETTER BE, TOBY
So, yeah, that's Deltarune Chapter 2. In conclusion: this explains nothing, raises 120% more questions, and overall is still an incredible, wonderful game. I also like how each Chapter so far has been almost as long as a full play through of Undertale, and yet we're still somehow only 2 sevenths of the way through. Oh yeah, did I not mention? After completing it, it brought me to a chapter select with SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAPTERS, only two of which were available. So, you know. THAT'S FUN!
In actual conclusion, please play this game, it's free, it's amazing, and also buy the soundtrack on Bandcamp so Toby can make some kinda living.
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northlandian · 6 years
Deltarune Parallels and Opposites to Undertale
(And other useful information)
This is everything I found in DR that is seen/related to/opposes UT, as well as other general information. List will be updated as more is found.
The creation of the world: 
Naming the save file just like at the start of UT. 
The red soul just like Frisk has. 
A Gaster-esque opening. 
States near the end that “No one can choose who they are in this world”, which is the opposite of UT’s belief of always being able to choose. 
Ends with an awakening sequence similar to Frisk awakening in Waterfall in UT following the memory presented to them of Asriel finding Chara.
Exact same as UT while on the surface world. 
Once in the Kingdom of Darkness, becomes different with new features, but reverts once back on surface.
Narration of Actions: 
Still there, but unclear who.
Green and yellow striped shirt just like Chara. 
Short hair like both Chara, Frisk, and even the humans in both opening stories in UT and DR. 
The name “Kris” is an anagram in “Frisk”. 
Does not have a lot of personal belongings and gets worried when you try to throw away their ball of junk.  
Likes chocolate like Chara did. 
Not usually talkative. 
Has been with the Dreemurr’s at least since they were very little. 
“Does not look himself” at the moment according to Toriel. 
Ex-wife of Asgore. 
Mother of Kris and Asriel. 
Teacher, like she always wanted to be in UT. 
Still loves to bake pie. 
Her theme song plays in her house. 
Still very cautious. 
Does not like Asgore for whatever reason.
Brother of Kris, son of Toriel and Asgore.
Not seen in game - he’s at college
Crayons in the drawer: 
Similar to crayons in drawer in Home in UT, except no colour green.
“It’s only you” compared to “It’s you!” and “Still just you, Frisk”.
Famed historian, just like in UT
Wrote “The History of Humans and Monsters”. 
Died and has a tombstone in the graveyard. 
Used to work at the school. 
Used to know Kris.
Hair stuck in the drain: 
Same as Home in UT.
Toriel’s chair: 
Same as in Home in UT.
Seen on the drive to school.
Police officer, just like she was on the surface in UT, however, she has both eyes. 
Does not know of Alphys, and likely does not know Sans or Papyrus.
Teacher, however, does not know Undyne. 
Prefers “Mew Mew 2” to the first one, opposite of UT. 
Still loves instant noodles.
Pretty sure she lives in an alleyway
Still has hard-boiled egg. 
Still wants to go to college
Same breed of monster as Gryffot, however, embraces festivities. 
Has a father named Rudy Holiday in the hospital. 
Her mother is town mayor.
Sister of Catty. 
Works at QC’s diner.
Either related to or same breed of monster as Snowdrake. 
Still likes to joke.
Has a father who lives in townhouse complex (probably Snowdrake).
Possibly the same Susie that is known as “Suzy” in UT, daughter of Clam Girl’s neighbour. 
Was predicted in UT that fate would have us meet her. 
Almost eats Kris’ face, but decides not to, stating “Kris. You’ve got a good mother… it’d be a shame to make her bury her child.” alluding us to Toriel having her son die in UT. 
Doesn’t let us answer a yes/no prompt, stating “If you haven’t gotten it by now…Your choices don’t matter.” again opposing UT’s beliefs. 
Reminded me of Undyne at first with destructive personality, but turned out not so bad (Undyne’s still nicer).
Found at Alphys’ desk.
Roses are found in UT in Hotland near one of the puzzles, where you can stop to smell them, possibly some relation to Alphys.
Supply Closet: 
Actually trap to get to the Kingdom of Darkness
Reminded me of the trick Sans plays on you to get into his room in UT (and Papyrus also claimed Sans was tricking you through time and space - however still not the same, as this wasn’t a trick).
Sound effect similar to the Barrier in UT
Save Point: 
The light only you can see, claims it’s second nature (meaning save points are already a thing) 
Same mechanism as UT, still restores HP, however, it’s silver instead of gold. 
You also save over Kris’s file to the creator's name (yikes) once in the Kingdom of Darkness, but this reverts once back on the surface. 
Saves are not related to Determination, but more so access to the light (as you are a lightener). 
Usually says “The power of ___ shines within you.
Characters still have it, however more than UT when at LV 1 (90 compared to 20)
Endgame goal: 
Want to go home, same as UT.
At first looked like the Riverman from UT, however, is actually an anagram for Asriel. 
Somehow knows the names of Kris and Susie from the moment he sees them. 
Claims to be the Prince of the Kingdom of Darkness, similar to how Asriel was the Prince of the Kingdom of Monsters. 
Knows the legend of the Deltarune. 
Believes that Kris and Susie are the Heroes of the Legend, the Delta Warriors, and that they have the courage to save the world. 
As a prince, they don’t have any subjects(?) and they have been waiting their whole life for the Heroes to arrive(??). 
They’re a pacifist, just like Asriel. 
Obsessed with baking, just like Toriel. 
Contrary to the beginning and what Susie tells us, they tell us that our choices are important, that we can get by without fighting, and that we are capable of getting a “happy ending”, just like we can in UT. 
When they take off their hood at the end, it’s revealed that they’re a Boss Monster, the same breed as the Dreemurr’s.
The Legend of the Deltarune: 
Same emblem as the Deltarune in Undertale. 
The foretold prophecy prophesied by time and space of two Hero’s of Light that come to the Kingdom of Darkness, similar to how there was a Prophecy in UT symbolized by the Deltarune that a human would arrive to the Underground, and the Underground would go empty. 
Claimed in UT that the legend and true meaning of the Deltarune had been lost with time. 
The legend told was known as a legend of Hopes and Dreams, about light and dark. As told in the story, the light seemed to represent those on the surface, and dark representing those beneath. It is told that the Light and Dark coexisted in peace for millennia. However, the legend states that if this peace were to one day break, catastrophe would occur, with the world cracking beneath, and consequentially ending. It says that once that begins, only then would three heroes emerge; a human, a monster, and a Prince from the Darkness. They would have to seal the fountains and banish the “Angels Heaven”, thus saving the world. The fountain of Darkness that gives the land of Darkness form currently stands in the kingdom, but another fountain has since appeared on the horizon, beginning the shift in tides between light and dark. 
This entire legend is similar to the war between monsters and humans in UT, if we compare the light to humans and the dark to monsters, as the light is above while the dark is below, they begin to clash, and there is a prophecy of a person/people who can end it. 
It’s unknown if the legend has any relation of the legend of Mount Ebott. 
Somewhat similar to Papyrus (not as nice though…claims to be the bad guy at first) where they love puzzles, leave warning signs, don’t have friends at first, trying to please a higher up, (the King/Susie, and Undyne in UT). 
Similar aesthetic in his face. 
Represented by a spade, same as his father. 
Refers to Kris and Susie as clowns. 
According to him, if the fountain is not sealed, the world will be consumed by eternal darkness.
Training Dummy: 
Same idea as UT except looks like Ralsei
Still described as the culmination of your being. 
Holds your will, compassion, and the fate of the world.
Same mechanics, but with a bit more (defend, spells, TP). 
Names still turn yellow when ready to spare.
Claimed to be unnecessary by Ralsei, just like in UT. 
When practising for the first time on the dummy and you get a good hit, you’re asked by Ralsei, “Have you done this before or something…?” alluding us to the fact that we’ve done it before in UT.
Dark Dollars (D$) instead of Gold (G$).
Still exist, same mechanics, but different. 
Unlike in UT, the “sell” mechanic actually does something, as you can actually sell stuff in all shops.
First merchant. 
Claims that Lighteners used to be god-like protectors to Darkener’s, but then one day they locked them away in this “prison”. 
Alludes to this not being the only point in time where the land has fallen into chaos, but that “we don’t need to know about that”. 
Knows that there is only one end outcome. 
Was responsible for locking up the “Strange Prisoner” (Jevil). 
Claimed that Jevil met a strange man and that suddenly his view was “Darker, yet darker” - reference to Gaster and his journal #17.
The King: 
Similar to Asgore, as he wanted revenge on the Lighteners for locking them up. 
Opposite in the sense that he does not believe in pacifism. 
Similar to Flowey in that he deceives you to think that he wants peace in the end, only to hurt you when you’re vulnerable.
Represented by a Spade, same as Lancer
The Kingdom of Darkness: 
Used to be ruled by four kings from card castle (one presumably Ralsei’s father, if he really is a prince? This is unclear) but that recently a “strange knight” appeared, and three of the kings were locked away. The remaining King is now in power with his son, Lancer. 
According to Ralsei, the Darkeners can never truly be fulfilled unless around lighteners.
Monsters are not made of magic, because Lancer refers to them having blood. 
Sans is the only monster in UT who has the possibility of having blood, so he could possibly relate to this.
Teleportation Doors 
The method of transportation in the Kingdom of Darkness. 
Can be found in UT as the door to Sans’s room in Undertale (they literally look the exact same). 
According to the person who fixed it, the door just randomly appeared and they don’t know how.
There are blueprints that Lancer and Susie create in their plan to thrash Kris and Ralsei that could correlate to the ones found in Sans’s workshop.
Corner Kris, Ralsei and Susie in a Flowey-esque style.
Death Screen: 
The death animation of the soul shattering is the same, however, it is the voice from the opening screen that addresses you, not Asgore, claiming the future is in your hands if you continue. 
If you die, and you choose not to persist, the voice treats it as if the world continues on without you, saying “The world was covered in darkness”, leaving you on a black screen, something that could never happen when you die normally in Undertale, because you always continue there.
Same battle background as the background during the opening screen. 
Speaks in repetition similar to Gaster, therefore there is a possible connection (ex. “Chaos, chaos” compared to “Darker, yet darker”). 
Uses an attack that looks like Reaper Bird, one of the amalgamates in UT. 
True Pacifist: 
Gives unique ending where you can say bye to all the characters you met, just like in UT.
Gaster Followers: 
Regular monsters living regular lives.
Not discoloured
Hots Fireguy: 
Guy found in a book in the library that wants you to remember his name. 
Similar to Heats Flamesman found in UT.
Rudy Holiday: 
Father of Noelle. 
Likes the festivities. 
Claims Noelle is scared of Santa, which contradicts UT, because Christmas is supposed to be a time where monsters remember and praise Gryfott, the same breed of monster as Noelle and Rudy, as he was tormented and forced into looking festive by bullies.
Either he or one of his associates is in the hospital. 
Owns a pizza place (Peeza’s). 
Owns a brand (ex. shampoo found in Kris’ house).
In UT works in the MTT Resort, now works in Town Hall.
Politics Bear: 
Still likes politics.
Works in town hall.
The Amalgamates: 
All have died and have tombstones in the graveyard. 
QC’s Diner: 
Looks like a replacement Grillby’s.
Kris used to go there with his family, but after “stuff” happened (presumably the divorce) Kris only went there with Asriel. Once Asriel went off to college, Kris stopped going. 
Green Fire Girl: 
Found in QC’s Diner.
Ice Wolf:
Found in QC’s Diner.
Still talks in 3rd person.
Core Worker: 
Found in QC’s Diner.
Now wears large top hat instead of hard hat (since there’s no Core to work in).
Works at ICE-E’s Peeza, similar to how they worked at a burger place at MTT Resort in UT - both crappy fast food restaurants.
Still calls you “Little Buddy”. 
Still hates work. 
Still wants to be an actor. 
Says, “Enjoy your freedom…while it lasts”, which relates to what he was saying about being trapped in his job, but also hints at the fact that monsters were trying to achieve freedom in UT. 
At first, come off like he knows you, calls you “kid”, but when you say “great to see you again”, he says he’s never met you before as he’s new to town. 
Introduces himself the same as he did in Undertale. 
If you ask to be friends, you get his number while in Undertale you can only get Papyrus’. 
Only knows of Alphys and Toriel so far. 
Still likes to stand around and do nothing. 
Still very observant of your actions (ex. how long you take to answer a yes/no prompt). 
Asks you to hang out with his little brother tomorrow (presumably Papyrus) because he needs friends. 
Owns a grocery store.
Sans’ House: 
Lives in the same house except no Christmas lights. 
When you knock on the door, the text is “No response…but the distant trousle of bones”, presumably because Papyrus is in there and that’s a reference to his theme in Undertale. 
No workshop found at the back of his house.
Lives in a townhouse complex with her mom.
Alleyway With Graffiti: 
Presumably home of Alphys.
Has flowers, which Alphys says are from Asgore, because he gives them away for free to everyone.
Has a spray paint of Reaper Bird, also used in one of Jevil’s attacks and seen as an amalgamate in Undertale. This could relate to Alphys’ relation to the amalgamates in UT.
Has a separate spray paint of ICE-E.
The Knock of a Beginner: 
Opposite of UT, where you are praised for your nice knock.
Lives in a home with a family next to Bratty, compared to living in an alleyway in UT.
Does not like Bratty, her best friend in UT. 
Very similar in personality to UT.
Lives in a home next to Catty, compared to living in an alleyway in UT.
Does not like Catty, her best friend in UT. 
Very similar in personality to UT.
Same house as Nabstablook in UT.
Thinks he’s a nobody, won’t even come out of his house, complete opposite of UT where he thinks he’s born to be a star.
Most likely still in his ghost form, as the only reason he has a body in UT is because he met Alphys at a human fan club (something that likely doesn’t exist in DR because of the normalization of humans) and because he thinks he was born to be a star.
Same personality. 
Divorced from Toriel for unknown reasons. 
Father of Kris and Asriel.
Same opening text when you walk in the room with him as UT, where he’s watering flowers, and then turns around to see you. 
Does not appear to be King of Monsters, but still loves his garden and waters his flowers. 
Owns 7 flowers in glass cases exactly the same as the ones that held the souls in Undertale. Each flower matches each of the soul colours, except for the red soul - a golden flower is there instead. 
Asgore’s very poor unlike in UT. 
Has a sink, and for the first time the text is different, and it says, “There is some dirty fur stuck in the drain”. 
Wears the same shirt as he wore on the surface in Undertale.
RG1 and RG2: 
Still best friends
Still says “y’hear”. 
Lives in the town lake. 
Once you’re friends, you give them their name, as they have forgotten it. 
Claims they want to tell you something tomorrow. 
Don’t Forget: 
The name of the ending song. 
The last lyric goes “Don’t forget - I’m with you in the dark”. This directly relates to Sans’ drawing in his workshop in UT, where he drew a picture of three people with “don’t forget” on it. 
We still don’t know who these three people are, but for all we know it could relate to a future chapter, where the people are Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. 
This drawing event in UT is only triggered by having the FUN value that gives you the ability to talk to Clam Girl after a true pacifist ending - the neighbour of the mother of someone named “Suzy”. 
In Toby Fox’s Q&A about DR, although the entirety of it was all facts and truths about the making of the game, he ended it with “Don’t forget”.
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D. Series: The Pirate
Chapter 24
Step on Glass
The choice is yours to make,
Will you fight for their sake,
Or will you stay alive and keep your head down,
Until you are finally able to wear the crown.
Cronus sat next to his father’s bedside. It made him feel uneasy seeing him in such a state. He does not allow any of the so-called doctors into the room. When he is not around he gives his mother the order to not let anyone in. He grinds up dried up chamomile flowers along with a few other ingredients into a fine powder in a mortar using a pestle. Satisfied with chamomile powder he takes a spoonful into a cup and fills it up with hot water. He adds a spoonful of honey along with a squeeze of lemon juice and hands it to his shivering father to drink.
Godiva switches the cold rag resting on Clement’s forehead with a new one. Each time his body shudders in protest to cold being reintroduced to it. This goes on for a few hours until Clement stops shivering and his breathing has returned to normal. Cronus observes as Clement takes in deep soothing breaths and falls asleep. He glances over at his mother who is holding Clement’s hand as he peacefully sleeps. The way she looked at him was different then the way she would look at her children. There was love in her eyes that felt more raw. Unlike the love she had for her children which was pure.
“Mother, I have to go help Lord Alfric prepare,” stated Cronus spitting out that monster's name. Clement had broken out of his fever meaning that he was out of the woods. Cronus could not help being uneasy, he felt that today was going to be the last day he would ever see them again. He stole a quick glance back at his parents and left the room. He was too valuable for Lord Alfric to lose. Cronus hoped Lord Alfric would let them go. He could not help fearing that his family would soon be joining the rest of the townspeople in the dungeons.
‘Argh! Don’t think like that. Even if you are doomed to remain behind at least they will be freed. They have to be,’ sobbed Cronus as he made his way down the spiral staircase. It felt as if he was walking in a daze as he took down each step. Before his mind could even process it he was standing right in front of the door leading out.
“Does Cronus know about the plan?!” shouted Sir Harold in disbelief.
“Be quiet, do you want him to hear you?” hushed Sir Oswald.
“I don’t think we have to worry about that. He is up in the tower taking care of his old man,” sighed Sir Harold, “I don’t know why he even bothers though. We all know that Lord Alfric has given the orders to have both Godiva and Clement executed.”
Cronus slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from making any noise. He fought back the urge of bursting through the door demanding answers from the two knights. A part of him is frozen in place as both his mind and heart begin to race. Did he still have time to get them to safety?
“If only Cronus had not finished the weapons,” sighed Sir Oswald, “then maybe, they might have had a chance.”
“You are suggesting that they should have fled before they were completed?” asked Sir Harold.
“Well, yes,” responded Sir Oswald.
“You do know that Lord Alfric would have pursued them to the ends of the earth right? It wouldn’t matter how far away they ran. He was bound to have found them and it would have been worse for them,” argued Sir Harold.
“I know but still they could have traveled to other countries where Lord Alfric could not reach them,” reasoned Sir Oswald.
“Like where exactly? Let’s say they do manage to get to Scotland or Wales. People around the Drataines would take notice that Cronus is DIFFERENT. He would have his family killed right in front of him and either sold off to the higher bidder or killed off for witchcraft. Neither scenario sounds good to me,” raged Sir Harold, “Not only that in the boy’s veins runs the blood of dragons. Just like his parents.”
“You care too much about the boy, don’t you Sir Harold?” observed Sir Oswald.
“He is an annoying brat, but I cannot argue that he has grown on me,” agreed Sir Harold, “Cronus, would have made a grand knight considering his father’s blood line. I heard that the Drataines are supposed to be one of the strongest warriors. One man is capable of taking out entire armies by themselves. So the legends say, but I have spared Clement from time to time and doubt that is even true.  Though I guess he might not have been giving it his all, seeing his true nature. With time I am sure that I can take on an army of Drataines with-”
“It’s a good thing that most of the Drataines are going to be killed off today,” remarked Sir Oswald.
“What do you mean?” demanded Sir Harold.
“You won’t get a chance to prove that to be true,” replied Sir Oswald.
“What about Cronus?” asked Sir Harold.
“Real noble of taking down a child,” remarked Sir Oswald sounding rather done with Sir Harold.
“Whoever said I would be fighting him now?!” growled Sir Harold.
“Well, you do enjoy finding the easy way out of most of your situations,” reasoned Sir Oswald the echoing sound of his footsteps as he walked away.
“Damn, it!” barked Sir Harold as he punched the wall in frustration. Cronus jolted at the sudden noise. He refused to step out the door until he could no longer sense Sir Harold’s presence right outside the door. He did not have to wait long. He could hear the echo of Sir Harlod’s footsteps. Cronus felt a drop of water hit the back of his hand.
“A leak?” Cronus questions the roof in the spiral staircase. Seeing that there wasn’t one he accepted his despair. He had worked so hard in completing those guns for Lord Alfric. Hoping beyond hope that if he finished his task on time they would be freed. He had to remind himself that this was Lord Alfric, the man got his own flesh and blood killed. He should have taken his word with a grain of salt. His God’s Armor wasn’t even close to being completed yet, nor would he be able to complete it by tonight. His father was still too weak to make it down those steps without help.
“Today is Friday the 13th ....of course it was going to be an unlucky day,” sighed Cronus, “God, do you hate me? In what way have I insulted you, that you see it just to have me punished in this way. True I have teased my older sister and argued with my parents, but tell me... What child doesn’t?”
Cronus glared at the empty seeking an answer from the darkness. Knowing none would come, though he was positive that someone would have to answer him. He had already watched one of his family members die, he wasn’t ready to lose them all to the Reaper. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes clean of his tears. He did not want the others to know that he knew of Lord Alfric’s plan. He kept his head held high as he made his way to Lord Alfric’s office. He tried his best to act as if nothing was wrong. He bowed his head and faked a smile up at Lord Alfric.
“How did you like your parent’s new accomodations?” questioned Lord Alfric standing right next to a window looking at the view below him.
“You are being more than gracious to us, my Lord,” responded Cronus crossing his arms. His fingernails cutting into the flesh of his forearms. His blood began to stain his shirt.
“I am glad to hear you like it. I need to keep my Weapons Expert happy, do I not?” asked Lord Alfric glancing over at him.
“I was wondering, could it be possible that my family would be released?” questioned Cronus keeping his eyes on Lord Alfric.
“Why would they want to leave? They have everything they could want here,” remarked Lord Alfric, making it clear that he had no intentions of letting them go.
“They are of no use to you,” reasoned Cronus glaring at the man.
“On the contrary, your parents are rather useful to me,” argued Lord Alfric as he continued to look out the window, “your father is Clement Drataine afterall. A crown jewel among the knights. As soon as I laid my eyes on him, I knew that I could not just let him go. How can I allow myself to lose such a prize. Especially when it was presented to me particularly on a silver platter. I have no use for your mother...true. Still she is Clement’s mate and it is best to keep her close to his side. A payment for allowing me to have their pure daughter pass off as my own.”
“Are you worried that the Royal family will find out about what you have done?” asked Cronus feigning to be concerned with Lord Alfric’s well being.
“No, why should I fear the crown? Knowing that will soon be mine,” remarked Lord Alfric, smirking as he glanced at the land beneath him, “it is not like they have a Weapon’s Expert as brilliant as yourself.”
“Isn’t that treason? Won’t you be killed?” asked Cronus, not understanding why he would risk everything he had on a fleeting dream.
“I thank you for worrying about me,” smirked Lord Alfric stretching his arms up, “but I have nothing to be concerned about. That is if I play my cards right. Like I have been doing for the past twenty years.”
“Are you a man of your word?” defied Cronus stepping up closer to the being before him.
“How dare you ask me such a question? Of course, I am,” scoffed Lord Alfric crossing his arms and turning around to face him. Cronus noticed that Lord Alfric’s eyes were devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Did this man even feel remorse for what he had done to his own family? The answer was no, he did not. He must have been the only son of a wealthy merchant, who had bought his way into Lordship. At first he must have been ecstatic with his new position of power, but he knew that without a male heir he could not secure it for much longer. Then his wife died during childbirth, turning him desperate to keep his title. The only way he found was to have her married off to a Knight of a higher status than himself. This way he would be able to not lose that which he fought so hard to attain.
When Lady Rebecca became pregnant with her lover's bastard. She had unknowingly brought her father’s plan down the shithole. He could not present her to Sir Dicun Bannister as his pure and innocent daughter.Considering she had already evidently taken a bite of the forbidden fruit. How did he find out that his daughter was with child? More importantly how did he know who had sired the child? He had Lady Rebecca’s Lover killed right before her eyes by the way she acted when he mentioned him. After that he sent her to a secret compartments within the castle where she was beaten and at times starved. She must have fought at first, with time becoming weak.
“Will you be using the guns on your hunting trip?” wondered Cronus as he tried not to burn a hole in Lord Alfric’s skull with his eyes.
“Now, why would I waste such craftsmanship on such trivial animals?” questioned Lord Alfric rubbing his beard.
“You won’t use it on a boar? Don’t tell me you aren’t tired of feasting on chicken,” disputed Cronus in disbelief.
“Oh, do not fret. I will be killing plenty of long pigs with those weapons before the sun goes down,” smirked Lord Alfric, placing a hand on Cronus’ shoulder, “I am grateful for all that you have done for me. You will soon be rewarded for everything.”
“I appreciate all that you are about to give me, but the only thing I truly want is for you to allow my family to leave,” requested Cronus bearing holes into Lord Alfric’s eyes, “you know like you had promised.”
“I did, didn’t I? Before you go, I have a question for you, Cronus. You and your family could have left at any time you wanted. You are the ones who chose to stay out of your own free will,” taunted Lord Alfric, walking back, “the power I have over your family is the same power they gave me. Why didn’t you flee?”
“If we had made a run for it you would have had your men pursue us,” answered Cronus glaring up at that man, “when they capture us things would have gone so much worse.”
“That is true, I would have ordered for your Father’s head on a silver platter. I would have accused both your Mother and Sister as witches and had their bodies mutilated and hung. As for yourself...” paused Lord Alfric and turned around to look at him, “I would have chained you near the furnace and forced you to create weapons for me every single day without rest.”
“I’ll stay,” mumbled Cronus.
“I am sorry, I did not hear you,” teased Lord Alfric cupping his left ear.
“I said I’ll stay. Just please, let them leave,” begged Cronus collapsing down to his knees.
“I will, your family will be gone before the sun sets,” sighed Lord Alfric “now get up and stop crying.”
“No, I heard that you plan on having my parent’s killed,” wept Cronus as tears leaked out of his eyes and fell onto the wooden floor beneath him.
“Did you really?” questioned Lord Alfric walking over to him. As soon as he was right in front of Cronus he knelt down. He brought Cronus’ face up to look at him.
“I know that... that you never planned on keeping your promise,” sobbed Cronus, his tears wetting Lord Alfric’s hand.
“I am a man of my word,” lied Lord Alfric as he roughly dried Cronus’ tears.
“Prove it, make the order right now. Have your men give my family a horse and carriage to leave this place,” implored Cronus grasping onto Lord Alfric’s forearm.
“Very well, if it will seize your crying,” groaned Lord Alfric getting up, “Brutus! Come here!”
The large wooden door creaked open and Brutus walked in. He seemed to be observing the room as if he was trying to taste the atmosphere. He bowed to Lord Alfric, his eyes appeared to be locked on him. If Cronus did not know any better, he could almost swear that Brutus was looking at Lord Alfric like a wild predator stares at their prey.
“You called, my Lord,” noted Brutus as he got up from his bow.
“Yes, I want you to arrange a horse and carriage for the Drataines to leave,” ordered Lord Alfric.
“Consider it done,” stated Brutus as he stared at Lord Alfric, “would that be all?”
“Yes, thank you, Brutus, you may leave,” dismissed Lord Alfric sitting down on his chair.
“Very well, my Lord,” sighed Brutus leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
“I want to say good-bye,” requested Cronus getting up from the ground and whipping the tears off his face.
“Why? It’s not like you are never going to see them again,” argued Lord Alfric, shrugging his shoulders.
“Who knows I might not,” protested Cronus as he looked at that door with longing.
“Very well, but I want you right back here as soon as they get on that carriage,” ordered Lord Alfric dismissing him with his hand.
“Thank you,” cried Cronus, bowing down and running out.
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