#ooo no don’t kill me haha you’re so sexy
fruity-arts · 11 months
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i am not immune
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woomy-in-pain · 4 years
Hypmic First Impressions
Sorry I'm late to the party, I heard we were talking about rap and Idols so now I'm here to simp. Also, it's my first time about Hypmic so don't take seriously what my dumb ass is writing, I just clearly wrote the first thing which came in my no thoughts-head empty mind www
Ikebukuro Division: Buster Bros
I have no idea who they really are but I stan them cuz HHHH HETEROCHROMIA
Yamada Ichiro
He looooow-key looks like a shonen protagonist
He thinks he's cool and mature while the only things he does is being arrogant
Only has one braincell and everyone has enough of him god SHUT UP
But for some reason I still imagine him being a flirt and a low-key popular one
He reminded me at first of Ace Trappola from Twst and I have no idea why.
A dork. And he has two (2) ahoges so ofc he's twice dumber
I not so low-key wanna sit on his lap and call him sexy o///o
Yamada Jiro
No offense but I kinda want to punch his face-
Pretty popular among both girls and boys, he got a whole fanclub all around
He's the bitchy one that thinks he's better than anyone. Would let you take a selfie with him before telling you he's too good for you haha thank you next
But he still has some braincells so he knows when to stop
He's a jock who plays basketball or something, fight me on this
His hair looks rlly cool tbh
Yamada Saburo
His hair looks all mofu mofu hhhhhhh
This apart, I honestly think he's an actual demon inside
Mock him for his cute baby face and he's already planning 7 different ways to murder you
Knows how to kick your ass and isn't afraid to show you how
Yokohama Division: Mad Trigger Crew
They kinda make me think to TRIGGER from iDOLISH7 and no, it's not because of the name.
Aohitsugi Samatoki
He's hot and I can feel a good part of the Fandom simping for him am I wrong
I understand why ngl
He looks ready to murder you with his dead stare
BUT !! Do not fear my child !!!
He has the .☆.。.:*・°𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣°・*:.。.☆.
Sweet honey, there's even two of them ????
I'm sure he looks all intimadating cuz otherwise nobody would take him seriously
But is he a bigger dork than Ichiro ??? That is the question.
Aruma Juto
Is that Lucifer and Sebastian's child ???
He iridiates mafioso vibes so much, I won't trust him with my life
He almost looks too strict for me to imagine him being in a rap battle
Didn't want to spoil myself but it seems that group has something to do with Yakuzas and shit
So now I'm nothing but w h e e z i n g about imagining Yakuzas settling accounts with rap battles
But it's also kinda hot too aight o///o
I'm sure that guy must secretly have some bdsm kink, idk I just feel it
Busujima Manson Rio
I don't know who you are but I'm already in love with you, just telling
Seriously ur so hot ughhhhh
I *do* get some Kentin vibes from My Candy Love and I'm totally gonna ignore that
He's a sweetheart <3
But he can still kick ur ass and burry you in ur shits.
Even if I ask him to bite me like he does with that medal, he won't do it cuz he's too pure and a good boi
Please protecc him
Shibuya Division: Fling Posse
It looks so colorful and pop, those guy will fight you with the power of moe and cute emojis before crushing you with their bare hands.
Amemura Ramuda
:o !!!
Seriously, I stan his aesthetics and his color scheme
He is Minaduki Rui's long lost twin, except he is the one who has inherited all the cute pop, colorful, cheerful genes
His smile can save the world, trust me on this one
I !!! Want !!! To !!! Caress !!! His !!! Hair !!!
He is a ball of sunshine
Surprisingly v smart ? Don't underestimate him or he'll beat you to death with the most beautiful smile ever <3
Yumeno Gentaro
Ohhhh it's the guy Saito Soma voices
He has a pretty face owo
When I look at his outfit, I absolutely can't imagine him rapping tbh
I'm sure he's actually a huge dramaqueen with an unique sense of beauty coming from the depths of space idk
He's not like the other girls so he chose a v old phone as his mic and he looks RAVISHING with it
Arisugawa Dice
He looks like some sort of gangsta
But like, a STYLISH gangsta
He makes the radio he's holding look so light when I know it would crush my shoulder :')
He's the cool one
He looks like the hot-blooded type who'd start fights as soon as you say he looks like shit
Lemme steal your coat sir-
His hair rlly looks soft… o///o but not as much as Ramuda's gomen
Shinjuku Division: Matenrō
I feel like this is the overly cheated group everyone looks up to and wants to beat up. Maybe some sort of veterans ???
Jinguji Jakurai
Those silky long hair !!!! :ooo
You look v fine sir
He has a mafia boss vibe
The type to always be quiet and deep in his thoughts. He's a mystery for everyone.
Have existential and philosophical questionings
"Why must this world be full of pain and suffuring ?" "I wish a world where everyone could be happy"… or something.
He honestly looks too soft for me to be evil, idk
Izanami Hifumi
He's hot :o
I'm sure he's a womanizer tho
I mean, he's winking and holding a rose, if it isn't the weapons of a womanizer then I'm out
He's sooo flashy, he has fans at every corners
Might be super popular and a womanizer, he doesn't have any intentions of breaking your heart or being a douchebag cuz he's c l e a n
I really like him tbh and I want to burry my face in his hair
Kannonzaka Doppo
Is that Saeran Choi from another dimension ????
Excuse me sir, I think you should go see a therapist
He emanates so much anxiety and self-loath I can't help but feel the need to hug him and protect him
Poor guy must have a rough life, huh
I'm waiting for the day he'll snap and kill everyone
I feel like he would have some sort of sadomasochistic side ???
Nobody wants to be with him but the contrary works too
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malakhai-ozera · 3 years
 Discord Text Thread || Khoman  ♥  
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Roman @romanbeckett
When:  December 24th (day & night)
Mentions: Landon Davies @davieslandon
Description: Roman texts Khai to forgive him after his voicemail. They start texting again later in the day and Khai is beyond fucked up and Roman once again expresses his concerns for him.
Trigger Warnings: HARD drug use, drug mentions, light sexting and dirty talk.(sorry this one is kinda looooong)
Roman. babe. You’re forgiven. Shit happens. I just worry...which is one of my issues. I worry constantly about everything. Always afraid something will happen to you.
Khai. I know, and I’ve been real careless. I didn’t mean to be a shit I was just... being stupid and fucked up I hope you know I really don’t have a problem with you staying with Landon. Idek what my deal was
Roman. are you sure it doesn’t bother you?
Khai. I’m sure baby. I just want you two to have fun
Roman. I’ll still see you there tomorrow right?
Khai. of course you will. Fancy pjs and all lol
Roman. oh my god I can’t wait lol
Khai. me either. It’s gonna be an amazing day for sure
Roman. I’ll be off work soon and I’ll bring us dinner
Khai. I look forward to it! I’m starving plus I really wanna kiss you
Roman. I reallllly wanna kiss you too. Maybe we can sneak in a quickie
Khai. maybe huh?
Roman. okay definitely, because I want lol
hahaha well I’m always down baby. You know I can’t keep my hands off of you.
- Later that same day -
Roman. I miss you already
Khai. Miss you too
Roman. dinner and messing around was fun though. Best Christmas gift ever.
Khai. it was fun indeed! I couldn’t agree more
Roman. are you okay?
Khai. yeah I’m okay why?
Roman. idk just checking. I feel guilty now that I’m not there
Khai. don’t feel guilty. I have my drugs and hot chocolate to keep me warm haha
Roman. ooo what drugs lolll
Khai. Just the usual. I also have my tequila so I’m set lol
Roman. damn. I do wish I was there
Khai. I always wish you were here. But it’s okay. We will make out all day tomorrow
Roman. yesss. Can we cook a late night breakfast for dinner together and watch Christmas movies
Khai. absolutely! We can do whatever you want baby
Roman. I'm having wiiiine
Khai. mmm what kind?
Roman. it's a good ass Pinot
Khai. oooo im jelly I’m half way through my tequila advent calendar haha I got behind
Roman. Lmao omg babe!!! How much have you has?? lol
Khai. like 6 so farv ? Lol
Roman. FARV 😂
Khai. oops haha
Roman. I am laughing. I love you lol if I was there, I’d be in your lap right now.
Khai. I love you mooooore yeah you would
Roman. thighs on either side of you, straddling you with my forehead against yours, running my fingers through your hair...
Khai. damn baby... don’t make me come there and crash your party
Roman. SHSUSJEJEJEJENEJDJJE why is my boyfriend so HOT
Khai. because you were a good boy this year? haha
Roman. well we both know THAT isn’t true lol
Khai. hahahaha well then idk. But my boyfriend is pretty fucking sexy too though and lord knows I’ve been baaaaad
Roman. we got lucky  now if we could just keep our damn apartment
Khai. I know... that would be nice wouldn’t it? can’t have it all though I guess lol
Roman. I still haven’t found a place and I’m stressed
Khai. yeah, idk where I’m going either. Maybe we can go look together after Christmas
Roman. yeah, let’s do that. Bleh. Anyway, don’t wanna bring down the mood!! How ya feelin?
Khai. I’m feeling goodz how you feeling?
Roman. goodz too  I feel all warm and buzzy
Khai. hahaha dammit I’m glad baby. I want you to have fun just not to mush fun haha
Roman. I won’t have too much fun. Not without youuuu
Khai. good. Cause J like the sound o g that
Roman. babe you’re wasted aren’t you
Khai. yes I am ll I misssh you
Roman. omg mish. That’s so cute omg. I wanna hear you say it
Khai. nooo hahaha
Roman. mish mish mishhhh
Khai. you’re so mean lol but I love youuu
Roman. noooo I just think it’s adorable lol I love your typos. They make my life better.
Khai. Mhm you mage my life begetter. I should prolly stip drinking now hahaha
Roman. You probably should babe
Khai. that tot out of hand fasty lol oops
Roman. fasty omg you’re SO cute
Khai. lmao wow I gives up
Roman. I’m just imagining you saying all of this outloud, and it’s like making my night
Khai. hahaha I’m glad. I’m imagning you laughing and it’s making my nifht too
Roman. my squawking laugh  god
Khai. nooooo it’s the bstes laugh wver and beast smile too
Roman. I would argue that YOU have the best smile my love.
Khai. Nope nope
Roman. UM *picture of Khai’s smile*
Khai. I look liek a weirro
Roman. WHAT you’re crazy lol
Khai. I’m crazy anout youuuuuu I wanna snugs you
Roman. me too. I love snuggling with you every night and it’s so weird when we don’t like !!! I’m so used to going to bed with you.
Khai. it is weird. Indint like it but Im gonna sleept in y it bed
Roman. sleep in my bed any time you want love. You’ll like the new book I have
Khai. ooooo I wish you erre here
Roman. I know. I do too. I miss those eyes. I also miss your scruff. That sounds so dumb, but I love the way it feelssss
Khai. I love yyou I’m gonna scrufff you up when I se you
Roman. scruff up the inside of my thighs PLEASE AND THANKS
Khai. you know j will
Roman. god I love when you give me beard burn
Khai. I thinks that the hottest thing yku ever said to me I want you sinebws
Roman. what can I say? I just love your head between my legs
Khai. I love it too baby. I luv makings you deel good
Roman. ugh I’m starting to get buzzed now lol
Khai. hahaha dinally this whol room is so pinky spiking lol yup nvm haha
Roman. it’s so what?? Hahaha spinning? Lol
Khai. yessum Jm good
Roman. bleh I worry about you.
Khai. I’m oka I promisee I hust miss you
Roman. I miss you too. So much baby. Keep talking to me so I don’t have to miss you even more.
Khai. what ya wanna talks about? Tell me ykyr favorite chrismas present
Roman. you won’t believe me if I tell you lol
Khai. yesss I whll
Roman. everything you got me. You know me so well. I’m obsessed with all of it. Ugh. The jacket, the shoes?! The freaking clock. You really did so good.
Khai. really? I’m so hapy you love it. I just wanted you to gave the best. You lok so good in those shows too
Roman. you know exactly what I like and feel good in.
Khai. cause I lover you
Roman. I love you too. How are you feeling?
Khai. sleepyyy but good gaga
Roman. baby I’m worried about you.
Khai. why? I’m fdine im jus laying in bed
Roman. i don’t like that you’re doing heroin
Khai. romsn it’s ojay
Roman. but you’re not even making sense
Khai. I ehould jus got to bed
Roman. maybe but bleh idk I’m worried and I should be there
Khai. no no, eont worry. I wsnt you to have fun.
Roman. I know but ugh. I love you.
Khai. I lowe you too idknt wanna hpset you
Roman. will you promise me you’ll try to stop?
Khai. fan we talked about tbis latr?
Roman. yeah of course
Khai. I jus imn so tucked up byt I wanba talk
Roman. I know
Khai. I love yky so mhch
Roman. I love you too.
Khai. I relly sm sorry. Ilm do better. Pleas have fhn tonight okay
Roman. I’m worried to death about you
Khai. I orimse Jm ok. I just nee to skep it off
Roman. okay
Khai. Smile is chrismaaaas
Roman. lol okay, I smiled
Khai. good boyyy
Roman. lol hate you!!
Khai. I knoooow but you lve me
Roman. I definitely love you
Khai. you’re my everything
Roman. Khaiiiii. You’re making me smile so much it fucking hurts lol
Khai. I mean itttt you’re all I ever need
Roman. god I think my heart is gonna explode lol you constantly wanna kill me
Khai. nooo baby. I just want you tk know how mych I love you and I am feelig better so thahs good well jot better but less high lol
Roman. lol!! Well. Bleh. Scared me there, not gonna lie.
Khai. I’m sorry baby I know I newd to stop it’s jus hard
Roman. i know.
We can talk about this after the holiday tho. I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone
Roman. you’re not ruining anything for me. I promise.
Khai. I hope not cause I’d never forgive myself
Roman. babe. Don’t be silly. Everything’s okay *heart emoji*
Khai. you’re the best do you know that?
Roman. I’m not. But I’m glad you think so
Khai. I know so.
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eorzeasntm · 7 years
ENTM C8: Week 5 - RESULTS!
The end of Week 5 has come, and let’s see a little recap of what we asked.
This week I asked them to cosplay it up! I wanted to see how close they could come to looking like one of their favorite characters, and come one people – they killed it! Even the judges had a hard time with this one! Good, make those judges work! lol
But as in all things, the overall favorite for Week 5 is:
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Samuru Lantis
Congratulations! But this does not give you permission to go draining peoples blood! lol
We only have 3 judges this week – Everyone tell Vaughn to feel better!  :3
Rongi, Katarh and Nadede have critiqued all 8 models this week:
Gangly - We’re almost finished! You’ve been killing it this Cycle and last week’s shot was no different! I loved the tilt, I loved the outfit, I loved the location. I know that most people would use that area at night, and with a dark filter, so it was interesting to see it being used with a lighter filter. Moving on to this week’s shot, the only two things I can say is 1) I wish you had used the Kingdom Hearts reference picture instead, because I see a red jacket in the reference shot, but not one on you. In YouTube Cycle 2, Iris didn’t match her reference picture and it got her eliminated. And 2) her bracelets are gold!!! Haha. But other than that, I love it. Before even seeing the reference shot, I immediately knew it was Aeris. I love the white glow along the outside of the shot, and the flowers are perfect. I’d love to see a wholes series of these shots, with you looking in different directions, different poses, etc. So please post your other shots as well in the discord! Good job this week! I have no advice for you other than to keep it up. You’re doing everything right. See you in the finale!!!
Nicol - You are killing it! Last week you won, congratulations! This week I think you have a high chance at winning again. I immediately knew who you were and I let out an audible OOO when I saw it. Just to make a strong shot even stronger, I wish you had a few people in the back; wearing suits, haha. The shots great. Love the outfit. You look nice blonde as well. Haha. Going into the Finale, I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you can find a background that will work perfectly with whatever pose and glamour you decide to do. Good luck!!
Samuru - Welcome back Samuru! I appreciated the location you chose last week, but unfortunately couldn’t understand the concept you were trying to convey. For the finale, I hope you can match your subtitle with your glamour and background. If you say you are reflecting, choose an ethereal or relaxing place, not somewhere washed out with sunlight, you know? Even the pose, while you are at least off center, is just you standing there looking off screen. This week’s cosplay shot, on the other hand, is PERFECT. I have no idea who that character is, but I LOVE the pose. I love the outfit. I love the long deep hallway and the tilt. I love the shadow at your feet. The candle, the plant. All of it. This is your strongest shot to date and one of the strongest this week. Next week I want you to take all of this, the tilt, the awesome glamour, the powerful pose, the dynamic background, and submit one last grand shot for the finale! Good luck!!!!
Zetsumei - Welcome back Zetsumei! This shot was extremely interesting. I will say that I wish you hadn’t used a cosplay shot for your reference image, but I understand that you did it to show that the cosplayer’s pose was also your inspiration. I love the pose and the glamour. I like the white behind you because it makes us solely focus on you too! I don’t know how much control you have in your face when you lay down like this, but if possible, I think it would have looked even better had you been looking at the camera sexily instead of over my right shoulder. But this is an awesome image. Very strong and unique. You’ve killed it these past couple of weeks and so I have no advice for you before going into the finale accept to continue to ROCK it!!! I have high hopes for you!
Linmei - The makeup is gone this week and has been replaced with your strongest shot to date! Great job. Last week’s shot was great, background and framing wise. The pose is alright, but the glamour is too dark and you blend right in with the amazing background. I wonder if something white or silver would have worked better (to counter balance the white gates in the upper left). This week was also amazing background and framing wise! The glamour was also hilariously perfect and the pose matches what I think that character would do (I don’t know them but just from image alone I love her personality). Your right hand is cut off a little bit though, and that could have been avoided by bringing the camera just a bit more to the left. I wouldn’t have minded this shot being centered because of how spread out the pose is. Your body takes up the entire canvas, and I love that. I think this shot is great. Going in to the finale, I know you want to put that tattoo back on your face, but if you do, I say lose the blue lipstick and give yourself a short or more up-do hairstyle and really show off the tattoo. I want you to look striking! Good luck!!
Destiney - Welcome back!! Last week I loved the simplicity of your shot. Great location, great choice, great glamour and pose. I wish you had tilted it just to add a bit of spice to the image, but other than that it was definitely a Destiney shot. This week you really went for it! I love that you had two friends help out and the outfits all match perfectly. Looking at the reference image, I get that you were lining them up like in the shot, but I think it would have been more interesting to have them standing closer to you, so you look like a team or close allies. Other than that, I love it. I think their poses match the characters, I think your wings look great. The blue on your chest centers my vision on you, and the background is very…angelic-church-medieval to me. Going into the finale I hope you can continue your simplicity is best photoshoot-style, but add just a bit of spice using tilts to score big! Good luck!!!
Leviathan - Hey bud! Welcome back! So, looking at your portfolio (all of your pictures) I can tell that battle shots are your specialty. Your scenic shots are always great, but I think you really enjoy the battle shots more. Last week was beautifully framed, and the background was great. The glamour was good in that it helped you stand out, but I would have removed the necklace. Your subtitle mentions being home, and yet you are looking at me, the viewer, instead of your homeland! This background is beautiful enough that risking a back shot would have been great and really worked at conveying a message! Your cosplay this week is probably your weakest shot of your portfolio. I like the background, the tilting, and the lighting on the tiles in the back, but its SO dark. I can tell your hair matches the reference picture, but everything else is really hard to make out. I also have no idea who the guy behind you is. You mention a butler, but also say that he is supposed to be an old man. I think the shot would have been stronger without him, and with more lighting. I think you have your legs crossed, and your knee pad is coving your face? But when I zoom in on JUST your face, I think you look really sexy and your face is awesome. Haha. Going into the finale I want you to impress me the way you have been before. Don’t let this shot be a dark (lol) spot on your resume! Good luck!!!
M’telihgo - Welcome to another round! Let me commend you on framing this perfect so that you are completely in frame from toe to tip of sword and ability. That, is really good. I think using the Limb Darkening and lighting features would have really brightened (LOL) up this shot. Looking at your reference shot, its full of light. Yours is just dark, especially on the bottom. I love the pose and the use of abilities though, and the background matches the reference shot perfectly. I’m not sure if this is what happened, but I feel like you equipped the Paladin’s AF and then looked for a character that matched that outfit, instead of choosing a character and then making the in-game gear work for you. Looking at Destiney’s, all her characters are also Paladin-type characters, but she dyed gear and really made it her own. Maybe you just like this character and lucked out that that gear matches so perfectly, but if you showed me this pic without the reference picture, I would think you were just a Paladin, and I think that defeats the purpose. I don’t think it’s a weak shot at all, and I know for the finale you will blow me away one last time like last week! I believe in you! Good luck!!!!
Katarh: Wow y'all, holy heck.  Tightest my scores have been yet - and the highest!  Instead of my usual 3Cs (concept, costume, composition) I graded on "mood" costume and composition - and every single one of you NAILED the mood. Here's my feedback.
Gangly:  This immediately brought to mind Aerith's iconic scenes, so perfect location.  Your costume makes you immediately recognizable.  I love the drill curls.  Dead in the center of a field of flowers is risky, but I feel like you pulled it off. Good usage of the vertical shot as well. Very nice!
Nicol:  Great usage of the cinema frame to show off your movie star! The tilt is good since it adds some tension to her action pose.  I love the costume, love the pose, love the mood, but the background is the one place I feel could have use just a tad more tweaking.... I can't unsee that moogle mailbox. That is literally my only nitpick here. Great job!
Samuru:  Great costume and a good selection choice for your character. The tilt adds to the drama of the scene you're building.  I like the background but I am unsure why the light is so bright coming from the window. It does make some cool long shadows at your feet, though!  The one issue I have with this image is that you have distortion on your character due to the perspective shift.  This can be tough to avoid and can be used to good effect in some scenes, but in this image, it is a minor flaw.  
Zetsumei:  Excellent Rydia!  I love the usage of the bright red flower in her hair.  "Wig" choice is perfect, and the costume is pretty much about as close as you can get since SE has not seen fit to give us a Rydia set yet.  I feel that you sacrificed the background in order to get your pose - while your costume is great, and the pose is amazing, the background just isn't there.  That does detract from the overall composition, but you did still nail the Rydia mood 100%.
Linmei:  I never played LoL and didn't recognize your character (I thought you were a JoJo for a second there!), but I still love this image so much.  Not only is the costume a nearly dead on match using otherwise wholly unrelated wardrobe bits, you have managed to create a totally zany mood in this image. This is one case where the deliberate character distortion absolutely works.  I really can't think of anything to improve this image.  I think this is one of your strongest shots yet.
Destiney:  I love the decision to bring in some extras to complete the squad.  You also did an excellent job with all three of the costumes.  The background is appropriate, but feels just a hair too... busy? And too bright.  I thought the Hall of Valhalla scenes were a bit dimmer so I double checked.  I think a less bright filter would have made this shot, something like the Echo or maybe even one of the sepia filters.  (But then we'd lose that lovely color coordination, so maybe not.)  Still, this is dead on for the mood and the costumes are amazing.  
Leviathan:  Another game I never played so I had to go look it up :)  I think you got the mood of this character just right.  I love the usage of your horns and OMG THOSE BOOTS I NEED THEM (j/k.) The scythe is fantastic.  I question the usage of the extra here.... since I never played the game, and he's not in your reference image, I had to ignore him for the purposes of judging the composition, which means he doesn't really add anything to the scene.  The rest of the composition is great, however - a little dark but it has a lovely background, fun camera tilt, and some interesting lighting effects.
M'telhigo:  I had to let out a little bit of a gasp here because your Saber is so lovely.  You've gotten very close to her outfit, considering we're still missing a lot of pieces that would go into the costume, but more importantly you nailed her mood here. Excalibur high in the sky!  The vertical shot gives you a maximum view of the costume, and I love the particle effect mimicking her magic from the reference image.  I think my favorite thing is the little hint of the moon in the very corner.  Great job!
Gangly Zilla: Gangly this is a very lovely shot from you this week. It is so serene. I also promise to try not to fall through the church roof onto your flower garden. As I’m looking at your shot this week, I can’t help but start playing Aerith’s theme in my head (one of my fav’s by Uematsu). I like the fact that you decided to take this week’s shot amongst the flowers, almost reminiscent of the first time one meets Aerith in FFVII, and the pose that you used is one that I almost always see in pictures. Your glamour is for the most part pretty spot-on. I do like the lighting in the picture and the fact that it appears you used a vignette to help draw the audience’s eye to you. I don’t think I can really find anything wrong at all this week. I cannot wait to see what you come up with next week. Keep it up!
Nicol Grunenberg: Nicol I do have to say that you have been improving the last week or so! Keep up the good work. Your glamour is spot-on with the persona you chose to exemplify. I also like how in your pose you can just get a glimpse of your eyes staring at the audience as if telling us “Come get me, if you dare.” It would have been rather interesting if you were able to gather up some friends to replicate the reference image (more the merrier sometimes). The tilt of the screen also helps your shot give a more dynamic feel to it. I would like to encourage you to keep in mind of what is within your surroundings when you take your shots. I say that because the moogle mailbox takes away from the feel of the shot, granted it does have me wondering if Terantino would put something that odd/cutesy in a frame. I do admit I’m not a big Terantino fan (gasp) but I do give him props for how he does his films and I think you did him some justice with your shot. Keep up the good work and can’t wait to see how you fair with next week’s shot!
Samuru Lantis: Samuru, I must say, well done! This is something I’ve been waiting to see from you. It appears you might have been listening to feedback and putting them to good use. Yours is another one that I see and can’t help but start playing certain music in my head, like Symphony Fantastique or Night on Bald Mountain or anything along those lines (what can I say, I like my classical music lol). I love how the light hits you from behind and casts a shadow onto the floor and extends beyond the edge of the shot. You have the right tilt that actually works with your image and helps give your pose some movement and makes it appear as if you just pulled your sword out. Your overall shot also has the feel of artwork that I’ve seen surrounding Castlevania. Your glamour is spot on as well. Keep up the good work, keep taking from the critiques and can’t wait to see what you pull out of your sleeve next week,
Zetsumei Tsunarashi: Zetsumei, for the most part another lovely shot from you this week. Your cosplay is pretty much spot-on, just like a lot of the other models. I like how you are practically the dividing line between the bright sky and the dark ground. It also looks like you might have played around with the limb darkening to help draw the audience in to where you are at. Your eyes are another thing I’m liking as well as you are seducing whoever is off screen and telling them (with your eyes) to go to you. How your eyes are facing and how your body is posed, it works perfectly.  While I do like the shot itself, there are just a few things that do throw it off some. What is throwing me off for this shot is how the skirt is sticking up (I know there is nothing anyone can do there) and biggest thing throwing me off is your back leg appears to be going through the object you’re lying on. I also wished you could have used a reference image of the actual character instead of someone else’s cosplay of the same person. So far you haven’t disappointed me yet and can’t wait to see how you do next week.
Linmei Quan: Remind me not to do anything to tick you off Linmei. I’d hate to see what would become of me if there was a use of force :S . Your glamour is spot-on to a t. I do like the lighting that you have going on in your image. Along with the depth of field gives you almost a soften look. I also like how the blues in your image goes well against the reds/pinks. It helps make things within pop out. What I do find off setting in your image this week is the severe tilt you are using. It just feels very awkward and appears that you chose that angle to get your whole body into the shot. I also wonder what the shot would look like with how you are posed but your eyes were looking towards the audience somehow (if it is possible to do). Don’t get me wrong, the image does show your personality and you seemed to have picked a toon that works well for you. It is just that tilt that I am not caring much for. I encourage you to try to blow me out of the water next week as well as stepping out of your comfort zone. Good luck and can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
Destiney Delvanguard: Ah, Odin’s main girls, the Valkeries. Another image that has me playing Ride of the Valkeries in my head. It is so refreshing to be able to see your face fairly well this week. I do like the statue that you have in the background and feeling like you and your companions have just finished praying before going off to join Odin’s side. You and your companion’s glamour is pretty spot on with your reference. While I do like what is going on with your image, I can’t help but feel that maybe another colored filter would have worked better. The colored marker filter makes you look a little washed out, especially next to the color of the wings. Keep playing around with filters as some will enhance your image while others take away from it. Keep on reading and taking from feedback given. Can’t wait to see how you fare next week.
Leviathan Seagreen: Leviathan, you have been one of my favorites so far in this competition but I feel that you might’ve taken a step back this week. While it appears that your glamour is spot-on with the character that you’ve chosen, your image is a lil bit too dark for me to tell. I do like the lighting you have going on, I just wish that you could have added in just a little more light to your image to help make you pop out some more. It appears that you do like the dark backgrounds so I encourage you to play around with the lighting some more to help make you pop out some more. Would love to see you back towards the top for me this next coming week so good luck and looking forward to what you come up with.
M’telihgo Feilyon: This is a very nice shot that you did this week M’telihgo. Unlike most uses of the colored marker filter I’ve seen, so far it has worked nicely for this shot. I also like how you have a light colored glamour on (which fits your reference image perfectly I might add) against a dark background. It helps make you stand out even more. I do wonder how it would have turned out if you used a light vignette, but then again, you don’t really need it at all. I can’t really find nothing much wrong with your image at all. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next week.
13 notes · View notes
movietweets · 6 years
Captain America
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Film Ho! Away we go, off on another adventure into the world of Marvel madness where anything can happen and there don’t seem to be any rules to govern it. This time I have a bag of M&Ms and a Kitkat gobble down (or up) while Captain American saves the day from probably another baddy or wrongen like in the other films.
I have to say that this isn’t one that I’ve been looking forward to. The idea of a superhero named after their nation of origin seems pretty shameless and I can’t think of any other nations that would allow it. Captain England? Sounds racist. Captain France? They never win anything. Captain China? Communism doesn’t really allow for special treatment of individuals. Captain Germany? I mean... maybe between 1933-1945 but not exactly the most popular character these days. Captain America though works because Americans really do believe that they’re the best; they’re hopelessly patriotic and to the point of international embarrassment, seemingly lacking the self awareness to understand why everyone else doesn’t behave the same way in regards to their own countries as they do about theirs. So when Captain America was released it made perfect sense... of course they have a superhero called Captain America, of course they do. 
Nevertheless. This is the next one in the series so its the next one that I’m watching. I’ll keep as open a mind as I have for the others too, which is to say that I’ll be looking for every excuse to mock and discredit it.
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Holy Mackerel! Is that a UFO? That’s obviously what we’re supposed to think from all that talk about weather balloons (alla Roswell)
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I wonder if those guys volunteered to be the first ones down there, we didn’t see the discussion that went on before they were lowered down but I bet it wasn’t exactly anyone’s idea of a fun day out in the tundra.
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I feel like they’re about to stumble upon a room filled with large slimy eggs and a bunch of corpses with massive holes in their chests.
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Okay, flashback. Now we’re in norway during the second world war and some un-subtitled foreign language bits with Filtch from Harry Potter.
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Oh no, its the Skulltopusses! They’re obviously not goodies are they, not with a logo like that.
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Oh they’re Nazis...definitely baddies!
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The priceless jewel of a norse god? 
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be a shame if something happened to it... whoopsie! 
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What? This kid! Face of a 40 year old, body like he’s 12. This must be CGI right? He’s like a fucking ventriloquist’s puppet!
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There you go! You could be like Little Timmy!
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It’s my fetish!
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Oh shit, it’s the Stark Expo! List like in the Movies!
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Is that Mr.Incredible? Didn’t realize they were Marvel
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You’re going to hate the future of your country, they’re the worlds bullies now.
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Oh yes, the ancients had use of this futuristic techno cube. That’s why they were so advanced! It has just been kept a secret from mainstream historians.
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You mean its a metaphor for the Atom bomb?
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A female drill Sargent in the 40s? Yep, just rewrite the past and pretend than nothing bad aver happened. Women have always been equal. See! She just knocked a man to the ground with her fists! You’ve had your token strong female now shut up and get back in the kitchen.
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Better do some more talking about how great men are now, just in case that lost us any favor with our main demographic.
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Even their female drill Sargent is dishing out sexist insults... I know it’s the 40s but we’ve already established that we’re not holding on to historically accurate social structures.
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Alright then! You won me over. Let’s invest a ton of money and resources on the kid with a death wish.
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Not another Incredible Hulk narrative! Didn’t you learn anything, that mess was a total flop.
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Don’t worry kiddo, I’m an Alcoholic!
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Oh, so that’s why she’s there... Seriously these films are horrendously transparent.
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And nobody questions where all the uniformed military personnel who go into that antique shop every morning disappear to until 5pm?
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He kind of looks like the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand crossed with a character from Golden Eye on N64 with big head mode turned on.
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You’re not a scientist...
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Quiet my dear, the men are working here. (classic Stark)
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Oh! they cured him, now his head fits his body!
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Shifty guy looking around the place, probably nothing to worry about.
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He can run! Faster than a car!
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 He can rump! Over a fence!
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Doesn’t need shoes, the serum was 20% hobbit blood.
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No way, he’s got a freaking thunderbird! Good thing Captain American can swim faster than a thunderbird. 
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This guy has a near perfect Werner Herzog impression.
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Double NAZIS!
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HAHA, I hope that’s his actual outfit for the rest of the film. Propaganda man! They’re not subtle are they.
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Haha, he’s like Link from Ocarina of Time when you only have the kids equipment; that tiny sword and deku shield.
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I love how they’re pretending pageantry this is over the top. America is actually like this.. I’ve been! Also why did they spend all this time, money and science to beef up an amateur actor? There are loads of beefy actors right? Especially in the 40′s when people ate meat for breakfast!
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Yup that’s all you are, a dancing monkey on a unicycle.
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You should have been able to juggle American flags too.
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Literally every film, somebody jumps out of a plane.
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Why did he take that wooden shield with him? Isn’t it a bit of a give away that he’s an enemy? literally sticks out like a sore thumb. 10/10 for balls -1000 for common sense.
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It’s WW2 but there’s laser guns because real war isn’t exciting enough for the kids of today.
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BOOM! Yes, I was starting to get cold turkey since our last explosion.
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Oof! Right in the face. That’s it guys, game over.
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OH SHIT, That German dude, Agent smith with the Herzog impression just pulled of his whole entire face.
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How does he smell?
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All the thunderbirds! German engineering at its finest there.
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Obviously they’re not dead though. Can you imagine if they were just dead. The rest of the film is about Sargent Sex Appeal and Colonel Wrinkles... I mean I’d watch that.
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In a way I’m a bit disappointed.
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Such a fucking do-gooder.
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What? Why are there so many airships over London? Was that ever a thing? I’m pretty sure it was a thing in Germany but in London too?
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Cor blimey Guvnor!
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Knew she was a love interest. You don’t pop up halfway through the film in a red dress like that and not snog the main character.
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Ooo! Look who it is Margery Tyrell! Looking all kinds of 1940s sexy. She’s too sexy though, sexy like a female antagonist! I DON’T TRUST HER! She’ll make a Joffrey of him given half the chance!
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U mad? apparently not worried about recoil at least.
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That uniform is so dumb. It literally defeats the object of a uniform since everyone else is wearing something different. It made sense when he was dancing on stage since he was supposed to stand out and all the dancing girls matched him. There’s a reason why army uniforms are green too. They used to be red and blue and the solders were really easy to see and shoot from a distance. Is Captain American a bullet proof? No he isn’t because he needs his vibranium shield to protect him, that’s why they made him have one of those.
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They had Ironman in the 40s too! Is there literally any time in history where there wasn’t some kind of Ironman. Increasingly Tony Stark is looking like a plagiarist wannabe.
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Old redface looks like he’s made of playdough doesn’t he.
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Kill self. That’s a hard no from me. How is he expected to deal with the inevitable effects of PTSD after this is over?
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Bike race!
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This guy is incredible at frisbee. Where did he go to college? I wonder what their ultimate team is called?
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Fucking hipsters!
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I’m still not sure how they went from the future cube to those blue vaporizing guns... I’m starting to doubt the credibility of the science in this film. Irritating because so far in the MCU its all been pretty reliable fact based drama, 99.9% verifiable peer reviewed science.
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NO! he’s going to blow up the sea!?
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Why would a kamikaze bomb plane bother with an ejection seat though?
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They never do...
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Oooh ‘ek!
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So they’re not even going to have a little PG kiss with Sargent Sex Appeal? He really is the pansiest superhero yet. Even hulk managed to get a kiss.
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Ohhhhh! So that’s what we were looking at in the opening scene!
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Didn’t that cube melt through metal earlier? How is that robot thing able to grab it now? 
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I hope he’s shrunk again...
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Awwh, that would’ve been funny.
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WHAT!? He’s broken out of the matrix!
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 Also she didn’t age a day?
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Nicky the patch! Sort him out will you!
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Well you blew it. You’re going to have to settle for her granddaughter.
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The real agenda here. 
Okay let’s see the after credits thingy...
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Oh its just an advert for the next film is it? That must have been exciting at the time but lets face it, we all knew it was coming.
That’s it for this one guys. I have to say I didn’t hate it. I think they’re getting better as they go but still some hilariously bad moments sprinkled throughout. 
0 notes
{First Post~! Since this is el numero uno, why don’t we start off with some easy bait?}
(y/n)= Your name
(l/n)= Last name (f/c)= Favorite color (h/c)= Hair color (h/l)= Hair length (e/c)= Eye color (h/s)= Hair style
{Remember this key. It’ll help you for whenever you’re too lazy to come up with your own fantasies.}
Thank you, and enjoy
(P.S: I’m not going to put mature content on, but lemme warn you: THINGS COULD GET SEXY
)                                               ~~~~~
{“THINGS COULD GET SEXY”. Obviously a twelve year old. Obviously a twelve year old… or an adult with the immaturity of a twelve year old. It’s the equivalent to saying “he stuck his thingy in my you-know-what, and we did it for the first time”… actually, it’s the same exact thing.}
My breathing fogged the once stainless glass of the window. I watched the snow fall gently to the ground, building up every second. Many people walked by, laughing or conversing.  I sighed again, running my fingers on the glass.
{The way they describe the environment is so… dramatic? I don’t know, perhaps that’s just the way I read…}
Suddenly, I felt a hand curve around my waist. I turned and saw him. Our gazes met, and I was half a world away. Apparently, he had that effect. My breath caught in my throat as he flashed me a smile. I blinked twice so I could focus.
{Ooo, the “I’m a self-conscious, shy girl” approach. ENTICING}
“H-hey,” I murmured, looking down for a second.
“Hey yourself,” he replied.
I grimaced; his voice was music to my ears. His cerulean blue eyes trailed to the spiked choker on my neck. He slightly raised a brow at this new addition to my style, and was probably disappointed that he couldn’t kiss my neck, which was my goal.
{Aw, you sexy beast Len~ You sexual, totally not gay, 14 year old.}
“Are you avoidng my love?” He asked skeptically, tracing a spike on the choker.
{Aha! I knew it!! You can’t go a whole fanfic without an edgy YN. Now to cross off a box on my bingo card~}
I swore silently; he figured it out. “No,” I lied hopelessly. “I just really like this choker.”
“More then you love me?”
{Oh my GOD! Forget about your vampiric fantasies for a second. You know, there’s more places open for kisses. Why not somewhere on the face? Or maybe the collar bone? And if that’s not sexy enough, what about her fucking tit?}
I sighed. There he went, with his word play that never failed to make me guiltly. “I–no, it’s not that…”
“You don’t want my love?”
Wow, how much of a sucker was I for guilt traps.
“You know I do.”
He used his hand to pull me chin up closer to his face.“Then whats the problem?” He asked grinning. His sweet breath fanned across my face, attacking my nostrils. “I..um..err..”
{Haha. Look at those descriptive words. “ATTACKING MY NOSTRILS”. This fanfic is brought to you by someone who only reads drama books or by someone who is trying to get enough words in by being SUPER DESCRIPTIVE.}
My eyes widened and my breath shortened. I guess I still wasnt used to his kissing. It was unique, not like anything I’ve ever done or experienced. Passion took over his lips and he connected them with mine. Of course, I kissed back, curious and confused at the same time.
{How do you kiss someone curiously? Are you curious about the insides of his mouth?}
When he pulled away for the need of air, I was slightly dizzy, my face flushed from his contact. He was breathing heavily, as I was. It was always unexpected when he’d kiss me, so I didn’t have any time to prepare. Or maybe he did give me a warning, and I was just too clueless to figure it out.
I took note of the lust in his eyes. “I’m not ready to lose my virginity yet,” I answered his earlier question, burying my face in his chest.
“So, I’ve noticed,” he said wryly.
“I’m serious. I know you want me,” I said, playing coy.
“Yes, your right, but if your not ready, then I’ll resist for now.”
I scoffed. “For now.”
{Hah? 14? Don’t get me wrong, I know how many 14 year olds are out there watching porn and getting wet but… to actually do it? Not only that, but how out of character this is for Len, a vocaloid that has no assigned personality.}
“I think it’s cute when you play hard to get.”
“I’m not cute or playing hard to get.”
“At least I think you are.”
{Lol? She’s not really playing hard to get. Especially when you’re already dating. If you say this because she doesn’t want sex, that’s still not playing hard to get. You can say no in a relationship?}
He chuckled and buried his face in my hair. I sighed, for the fourth time. “What’s on your mind, (n/n)?” He asked me, sounding concerned.
“Not much, just stressing out on the idea of Miku and Rin literally exploding when they see the house,” I said, resisting another sigh.
{Let me guess… “RIN AND MIKU ARE SUCH BITCHES *pity, pity, pity*”. What a cliché :)}
“Eh, it wont be that bad.” Just then, as if on cue, the doorbell rang.
“Speak of the annoying,” I muttered, “and the annoying shall appear.”
He laughed again then left me to get the door. He let Miku and Rin in. They exploded!… into annoying squeals, that is.
“Ooh! How pretty!” Miku said in amazement.
“It’s perfect!” Rin added, twirling around.
Len shot me a look that said, “I told you so.” I covered my ears in  irritation. It wasn’t like I didn’t like them; they were my best friends. They were just highly annoying. “Hey, (n/n),” they said in unison, coming at me from all sides.
{I was wrong… slightly. They aren’t bitches per se, the “protagonist” is. How ironic is it that she finds Rin and Miku annoying when Rin has the same voice actor as Len and Miku has a much lower (natural) voice than both of them.}
I stiffened. “Hey…”
“So are your pregnant yet?” They said excited.
{Haha teenage pregnancy. Nice to know Len’s sister is excited to be an aunt~ And, for the record, grammar won’t be focused on unless it’s really fucked.}
My face became a cherry. “Wh-whaa? Pregnant?! Yet!?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Rin said, “your relationship has gone too far to not have done it.” “You say that like you’re an expert,” I muttered.
“Of course we are!” Miku argued. “It’s what friends do for their virgin friends!” “Your a virgin too!”
“For as much as you know!”
I face-palmed myself.
{HahahahahHAHAHAHA so funny! I really enjoy hearing that teenage idols aren’t virgins? Really makes me wet.}
“C'mon, (n/n).. You have to give off hints as to want your want.” Rin paused for a second. “Don’t even think about denying me; we all know you want him.”
Now my face was a tomato. “Umm…” I said. “What kind of hints?”
“Firstly, open up to him. Stand close to him at all times,” Miku inserted in a matter of factly tone.
“Next, embrace him passionately. Speak softly and alluring, and get him in the mood,” Rin instructed. “Also, get him to touch your lady parts without being conspicious. You must always strike when the iron is hot.”
I sweatdropped and sighed. “Okay okay I get it, leave me alone.” “Ooh! I’m so excited!” Miku squealed. “I gotta go, but call me when the sauce is spicey!”
{“I sweatdropped”. That alone is part of anime hell. Also, if Rin and Miku were talking to me, like hell I’d tell them to leave me alone. You think you’re better than them? At least they don’t have the name N/N}
Rin walked her to the door. I stood and walked upstairs to our room. He was there, laying on the bed, eyes shut. I could tell he wasn’t sleeping, but deep in thought.
I stood in the  doorway, shyly holding the door halfway open. “Len?” I said quietly. He opened one eye and peered at me before sitting up. He opened his arms wide, a gesture for an embrace.  I grimaced, thinking of what Rin said, and went for it, wrappng my arms around his neck.
“Speak softly and alluring,” were Rin’s exact words. I didn’t actually believe their advice would work, but I guess I could give it a shot. What have I got to lose anyway, nothing but my dignity and my courage of course.
“L-Len?” I whimpered. “I…I need to ask you something..” Wow, you wouldn’t guess how embarressing this was, or how much I was blushing.
{What is she trying to accomplish again? Sex? What made her change her mind so quickly? I don’t remember Rin or Miku saying anything other than “I know you want him”.}
“Oh really?” He said, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”
He looked at me, waiting for an answer.
I nodded timidly as I raised my shirt over my head, revealing my black bra. My face must have been a freaking rose by now.
I grimaced, deciding I’ll kill Rin later, and pulled him even closer to me. He, utterly confused, hugged me back.
“Is there something wrong? Your not acting like you?”
I felt my lip quiver. “I-I.. just feel too.. attracted to you.” I paused, trying to get my wordplay right. “I-I want you.”
{Even though I flat-out told you “no” less than an hour ago. She was too timid to let him kiss her neck. Maybe she’s just very indecisive…}
His eyes widened with shock. Then he let go of me and backed away until he reached the end of the bed. I crawled towards him, highly aware of the budge in his pants.
“Don’t you want me too?” I asked, putting a hand to my lips as my innocence act.
Gently, I pushed him down and laid ontop of him.
“(n/n)–I, uh..”
{Lol, is he gonna be like “no” after saying how “she’s playing hard to get” and how much you wanted her. Don’t get me wrong, sexual acts should always be consensual and never assumed. But in the case of a fanfic written by a 12 year-old… at least try to keep the characters consistent.}
I interuppted him by kissing him. He pressed back for a second, them turned his head to the side, breaking the kiss.
“(n/n)–stop, what are you doing?”
I sat up, feeling defeated. I sighed running a hand through my hair. “I wanna have sex,” I mumbled, almost incoherent.
“I thought you weren’t ready to lose your virginity?”
“Yeah, but Rin and Miku talked me into it,” I muttered.
He sighed too,  and sat up to face me. “Don’t let what they say get to your head, you know better.”
{What did I say? Len’s supposed to be seductive, yes? If you want a ticket out of having to write sexual intercourse at least give it a better reason. Perhaps YN never even wants it? It’s strange for both perspectives to change so quickly.}
“Don’t give me a lecture, alright. I’m desperate.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I said stupidly.
He patted my head as a sign of forgiveness and gave me another beautiful smile. I puffed my cheeks. At least this was over, I guess. I couldn’t believe how stupid I acted, and because I actually believed what Rin said would get me what I wanted. Being OOC is not a very easy thing.
{She wants it, he DID, but not anymore? I’m just confused. Maybe he has a tiny dick and realized he could never live up to it after sexing it up.}
I plopped down on my back, pulling out my iPod. I listened to “World Is Mine- Kagamine Len Cover” humming softy.
{I’m 90% sure the Len cover of World is Mine is him singing about how much he loves his sister. If you’re talking about a different cover, then either it’s gay or he’s talking about a non-specified girl. Or maybe you just want to hear his MOST BEAUTIFUL VOICE~~~~}
He laid next to me and stole an earphone to listen as well. He shot me a look when he realized it was his song.
{Yes. HIS song. Who’s Ryo? Miku? Lol. Len’s the only vocaloid. The. True. Vocaloid.}
Len moved closer to my ear and whispered, “Daisuki dayo” right on cue with the song.  I curled the headphone cord with my finger, staring innocently at him. He stared back, that lust look in his eyes again.
“Strike when the iron’s hot,” Rin’s words echoed in my head again. With a small bit of hope,  I shuffled closer to him, my face in his neck. I pulled off my spiked choker and dropped it to the floor. I pulled the silky red ribbon out of my hair, setting it with the choker. My hands curved around his neck as I pulled him closer. He seemed surprised at my actions, but didn’t protest. He stared down at me, clearly amused, but I refused to meet his eyes.
I pecked at his neck, slowly moving my hands through his hair. He hummed in interest and moved a hand down my side. I flinched at his touch, and lifted my head to kiss him. He responded eagerly, sucking on my bottom lip before going to play with my tongue. I resisted, but he forced my mouth open.
{The “he forced my mouth open” cliché. Another one to cross off on my bingo card. Gee, I sure hope “our tongues fought for dominance” is in this too.}
While he was distracted by that, I removed my hands from his head and moved them to his shirt, carefully unbuttoning it.
His lips froze on mine. He disconnected them to glare at me. I could only stare back feebily. He grabbed both my wrists with one hand and pinned them over my head. With the other he rebuttoned the two I managed to undo.
“(n/n), love,” he said through clenched teeth. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” I looked down, not answering. With his free hand, he forced me to look at him. “Tryna seduce you,” I said, barely audible.
He sighed, and squeezed my wrists tighter. “Not tonight.”
“Len…” I whined.
“(y/n), I’m serious.”
I frowned. “I know you are; you used my full name.”
He gave me a wry look.
“Why isn’t tonight as good as any other night?”
“I know you’re not ready.”
“Oh and you are?” I retorted.
He smiled. “I never said I was; you’re the persistant one.”
I scoffed. “If I wasn’t persistant, then who would be?”
“Exactly. So, I’m saying not tonight.”
“What, you’re afraid of hurting me?”
He nodded.“If you’re gonna be persistent, then I have to be the careful one.” He released my hands.
{This whole conversation doesn’t make sense to me. Before he was talking about how he was going to “take you” without a care. But now he’s trying to avoid it. I get it, you want to be careful at 14, yeah? But what would happen if she kept denying his requests? Would he keep talking about how much he wants her? What if she immediately gave in? Would he have to say “WOAH THERE! We need to be careful!!”?? What changed his mind so fucking quickly?}
“Persistent or not, I wanna have sex,” I growled, yanking open the first button of my blouse.
I crushed my lips onto his before he could protest, kissing him angrily.
“Careful, love,” he said against my lips.
Finally he pulled away and groaned in frustration.
“(n/n),” he said in a stern voice. “Would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?”
“Do you wanna do that part?” I asked, confused.
{Are you fucking stupid? I know I’ve been saying that he changed his mind so quickly without a reason but you should still respect his wishes. He’s being VERY clear that he does not want it. Being stubborn won’t change it. It’ll just force it on him.}
This earned a small chuckle. “Not tonight,” he said, sitting up.
I stayed down.“Why not?”
“(n/n), we are done discussing this.”
“Well, I’m not.”
I grabbed his shirt in an attempt to pull him back down. He sighed and complied, staring straight at me.
I once again buried my face in his chest. “Do you not love me enough?” I asked. “What an idiotic question; you know I do.”
“Then why cant we–”
{FUCK! She just doesn’t learn! Either that or he’s not being specific enough for her tiny brain!}
“Because I know you; you’ll do anything to get what you want, no matter the consequence.” I closed my eyes and frowned. “I can handle it.”
He laughed once. “Okay, fine.”
I perked up. “You promise?”
“Yes but on one condition.”
I groaned; I should have known he’d pull something like this. “What is it?”
“Marry me.”
{Is this going down the “get married before sex” route? While I understand that belief, it still makes him a hypocrite, especially when they’re in their teens.}
“No way,” I declined automatically.
He huffed. “And why not?”
“Dude, I practically just finished high-school,” I nearly yelled, laughing hysterically in between words,“I’m not gonna be that idiot that just graduated and is already married.” I felt his raise a hand to his face. “(n/n), don’t say stuff like that.” “But you know its true,” I retorted. “Who knows what other people will say when they find out?”
{They aren’t 14 anymore? Well shit. Also, does he REALLY want to get married right after high school? What about college? Or do vocaloids not need college…? Either way, marrying at 21 is really young. 18 is even younger. I don’t recommend that.}
“Since when did you care what other people think?” He asked with a slight edge to his voice.“Besides, they wont even find out.”
“But still…”
“(y/n),” he said softly,“This is basically a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Either marry me, or go to collage.”
{Woah. That almost sounds like a threat. Risk your education and getting a really good job just to marry a high school crush you’ll forget in 2 years. Sounds great!}
I tensed. “Don’t you ever say that cursed word in my presence again.”  I shuddered at the thought of going to collage.
“Take it or leave it.” I could hear the grin in his voice.
{Never mind? She doesn’t want to go to college? If not, then what’s the point of even bringing it up? She doesn’t want to go, so where the threat?}
I gave up all together, sighing in defeat. “Please Len,” I begged, voice breaking,“ it’s the only thing I want. I’ll.. go get my driver’s license, and I’ll let you buy me that stupid car.” You wouldn’t guess how much he’s been complaining about getting me a vehicle. “I’ll marry you, and I’ll even go to collage if that makes you happy,” I whined, hopeless,“ just please.”
{Wait, so he wants her to go to college, but he just threatened her that she won’t??? And it sounds like she knew about him wanting her to get an education so, why did she tense up? Either I’m very stupid or this is very inconsistent.}
I held my breath, waiting for the final “no”. When his answer didn’t come immediately, I got suspicious and peeked at his face.
His expression was heart-breaking. It was mixed with confusion and indecision. He stared long and hard at me.
“(n/n)…” he began slowly. “Do you know.. how hard it is.. to refuse, when you’re begging like that?”
“Then don’t refuse?” I suggested breathless.
He shot me a look. “No, I can’t, and I wont. No.”
{But you said you would if she followed through on that one condition. And she did! She followed through on that one, and many more! Yes, sex is consensual. But when you make someone agree on something as important as marriage just to have it… I think it’s important to at least say you’re just uncomfortable with it afterwards, and not because you think the other person is. At this point, you’re just being a dick.}
The word was hard and cold. I grimaced as realization sunk in; I wasn’t wanted and I was unwantable.
I looked down, and planted my face back into his shirt, trying to stop the word from replaying in my head. I shut my eyes and tried to fight the stupid tears from forming. “What now?” he demanded.
I didn’t answer, or look at him. I grind my teeth tightly.
He once again pulled my chin up so that I’d look at him.
A pained look crossed his features. “Did I hurt your feelings?” he asked, horrified.
“No,” I lied, trying to avoid his gaze.
“(n/n), you know why we cant,” he said softly in my ear.“I want you just as much.”
{And she wants you too! You’re both 18 and she agreed to marry you! I don’t understand the problem.}
“Do you really?” I asked, my attempt at being wry failing.
He smiled. “Yes, I do.”
“Don’t seem like it,” I said under my breath.
He sighed. He rolled over, so that I was under him. He grabbed my leg and wrapped it around his waist.
I stopped breathing.
He moved closer, his manhood pressing against my lady part. One hand slid up my shirt to my chest, and the other locked in my hair. His lips reached my neck’s weak spot, and I squeaked in pleasure and shock.
He bit me lightly, but it was enough to make me cry out. I bit my lip tightly.
“Len,” I gasped,“ wh-what are you–”
He cut me off by kissing me fiercely. He slipped his tongue in and widened my mouth. His mouth trailed to my ear piercing. “Satisfyed?” he whispered seductively.
“I- you just..I” I stammered.
He laughed once before sitting up. He pulled me up with him and practically squeezed me to death.
“See, you’re not ready,” he laughed. “If you can’t even handle a sample what makes you think you’re ready for the real thing?”
{I think being like that during such embarrassing moment is normal? And it was really uncalled for after you kept telling her “no” over and over. Either way, if you wanted to prove that to her, why didn’t you do that from the start of the argument instead of wasting 40 minutes getting nothing done? I don’t understand his logic behind any of this.}
He was right; I wasn’t ready. “Hmph.”
I pulled back to look at him. “Very funny, getting my hopes up,” I told him sarcastically.
“Sorry, but it was the only way to convince you,” He grinned.
“Okay fine, I’m not ready,” I admitted.
“That’s what I thought.” Then he sighed, let me go, and went to open the door. Rin and Miku tumbled onto the floor.
My face went neon red.
“Hi there,” Rin said, smiling awkwardly.
“Ehehe..” Miku giggled nervously.
“Evesdropping, huh?” Len asked, raising a brow.
They nodded; Rin was unashamed.
He rubbed his temple. “Don’t implant things in her head, you’ll make her do something she’ll regret,” He told them.
“Hey wasn’t out fault,” Rin argued. “If she didn’t want to make a move, then she wouldn’t have listened!”
{No, I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s more of “if she didn’t want to make a move, then she wouldn’t have made a move!”. They didn’t say ANYTHING convincing other than “I know you want it ;)”.}
“Don’t blame this on me!” I exclaimed, face still flushed.
“Hey, you got what you wanted didn’t you?” Miku said, a creepy expression on her face.
I sweatdropped. “No,” I mumbled, running a hand through my hair, face glowing even more red.
“Alright, get out,” Len said, pointing to the door.
Rin winked at me before leaving and Miku flashed me a grin and two thumbs up before following her.
Len closed the door and turned to me. He smiled sweetly. My blushed lowered to a small red coat around my cheeks as I sheepishly smiled back.
{All in all, this story is inconsistent and fucking stupid. It can’t decide who wants what and when it does, it can’t decide why. Not only that, but it’s conversations linger for forever! It took a good 40 minutes for Len to finally “convince” her.
And that’s it! Wooo! I know, easy bait. But for my first post, might as well.}
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