#now huntik
thatlittledandere · 2 years
At this point you can pretty safely assume that if I suddenly get into a piece of media that isn't like current or relevant to my prior interests it's because Yuri Lowenthal is in it. It's getting embarrassing
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weirdponytail · 18 days
my copy of the italian huntik novel came in and while I'm enjoying the one paragraph I've translated so far, I cannot help but roll my eyes at the fact that Zhalia is described as 'white as milk' when the woman is clearly asian coded in the show.
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zhaliacain · 3 months
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freaquin · 2 years
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bonus unposted dante from march
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sportabrite · 2 years
Sure I have depression, but now I also have this picture with (i think) 32 DeFoe in it so who's the real winner here?
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argentoheart · 11 months
I don't know if any of you remembers the show huntik, I don't know if it was ever aired outside of Italy, but it's from the same animation studio and director of winx and I was obsessed when I was 13 so naturally when I found out it was free to watch on raiplay I decided to rewatch and now I was reminded of how much I ship the main two couples (zhante mostly but lok and sophie too they're cute) and I want to scream because iirc the show only has two seasons with an open ending because the third one was never made and none of the pairing end up together canonically
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victor-veloci-simp-69 · 4 months
Episode 1:
I've always loved the intro song ngl. A good intro song makes me love a cartoon. That's how W.I.T.C.H and Huntik got me
Fiona gets to class. Ms Moynihan says she broke three rules. She says this before Fiona bites her apple. Fiona then says that's only two and then misses her shot, making three. This inplies that Fiona either does this regularly, or that Ms Moynihan has some form of clairvoyance.
(The clairvoyance thing could make some absolutely fantastic fanfiction ngl. *writes that down* oooh, I have IDEAS now) anyway, back to episode
The fact that Fiona only took one bite of that apple bothers me
Oh man, that bio class room looks almost exactly like the one I had in high school.
Oooooh yaayyyy! Mah Boi is here!!! Stripey gay boi
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Okay, first off:
This place looks like a giant OSHA violation.
Regardless of that (Peter, go fix this giant OSHA violation. Hey, maybe that's why we never see him again, he's too busy fixing the questionable workplace) those scientists look properly enriched.
On that note, why do we never see Veloci's creepy test tube creatures??? His scientists worked hard on The Horrors
The one on the pink test tube looks like the rose from beauty and the beast
Is that a fucking rail track. I think I remember that one featuring in an ep, but I could be wrong. If I'm right then why was the continuity placed here and not on anything else???
"I got into business to swim with the sharks, not be eaten by them"
Me: Oh, you're declining it? Unexpected.
Peter: I'm in!
Me: ???
That bit of dialogue has always thrown me off. Its the clunkiness.
Bye Peter. It was nice to meet you.
"Break into your usual groups". The dinosquad comes together but kinda acts like they've never interacted before.
Max and Roger seem like they've teamed up before tho.
Caruso at 4:21 is barefoot. He has shoes on at 4:26. We know he had no time to put shoes on and off and on because he's barefoot when he leans over and drops his jacket. When he picks it up he has shoes on again.
...why did they all (I understand Caruso getting his jacket and Buzz getting thrown in) go into the water????
Roger says "nah, I ain't getting in" and then not only gets in the water but throws buzz in.
(The fact that Roger throws Buzz in the water which later results in him becoming a Dino is a great angst fic waiting to happen. If Roger hadn't thrown him in, he would still have been living a normal life)
Ms Moynihan shows up and goes " I thought I made it clear no one was to go in the water"
First off, that was never shown on screen and I don't like that
With the context of dinosquad as a whole, this kind of implies she knows Veloci is dumping his nuclear jizz in the water
I guess it could also be because she didn't want wet students on the bus, but still.
Wait. If no one was suppose to go in the water, and there doesn't seem to be an area with tide pools, then Caruso's stupid sushi list is even more useless since fish don't count.
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Hnnngg sexy library I wants please I will crawl into my computer just let me at that library I can live with dinosaur shenanigans. (But can I live with redoing high school? No.)
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"Young man, if you don't remember, this is a library 😡 "
My brother in christ, what horrors have you been through that you hear a dinosaur roar and conclude that that is the sound a normal teenager makes naturally.
Caruso's jacket gets shredded. He immidiately blames the dry cleaners. Bro, it was whole when you put it in your locker. What
Fiona gets a tail and it sticks out her truck window. My good bitch, how did you not feel the cold air on your tail???
The fact that Buzz waves his arms while playing video games is kinda adorable
The fact that Ms Moynihan showed them what happened telepathically leaves a lot of possibility for her to leave certain things out and show them only what she wants them to see and think.
And besides that, its also kinda fucked up. There are implications here. My brain is a little fried to parse them all, but there are implications. I know it.
Ohhh!! The cave has a light source! That implies that there are two entrances, which solves my age old question of how tf did they get out of that cave.
Oh holy shit. Young Ms Moynihan is HOT
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...she looks a lot like Caruso. Hmmm. Formulating THOUGHTS tm
You think that (if the story she tells is actually true and not her lying to hide a bigger truth that she doesn't want them to know about) Ms Moynihan and Veloci gained the ability to transform because of. Idk. Space radiation or something?
Cuz your genes don't just. Mutate. For no reason. This backstory feels fake af. I think she just lied bc she knew her students knew fuck all about biology and would believe anything
Why did ms Moynihan change foreheads. Did she want to be inclusive and touch everyone's forehead or is she afraid their brains can only handle so much... or did they refuse to hold hands like she asked and now she has to switch foreheads?
"You're a vicious Carnivore!"
"I've moved past that but there is one who hasn't: Victor Veloci"
Might be because I'm getting back into twilight, but this gives off major Vegetarian Vampires vs Normal Vampires vibes.
In this case, Ms Moynihan is Dr Carlisle Cullen and Victor Veloci is Aro Volturi.
"What do you believe?"
Ms Moynihan: "Humans gained dominance because brute force lost out to reason...and love. That's why I parted ways with Veloci long ago."
I smell a Secret. I smell Tea. Spill. I can practically hear tragic dramatic backstory. Was this a "I fell in love story" or a "Veloci didn't care about me" story. Ms Moynihan sounds bitter.
Also, the sheer contempt in her voice when she talks about Victor Veloci. Say what you will about Dinosquad, but it has some pretty good voice acting sometimes.
Max: "I don't want to be a dinosaur"
Ms Moynihan: this is bigger than you, this is about saving the world.
"Can you cure us?"
Roger: "But I want to stop Victor Veloci :( "
Ms Moynihan mentally: *nevermind, ya'll are too stupid to help me save the world. What was I thinking*
(Genuinely a very confusing arguement. People changed opinions so quickly damn. Not even a line space in between)
"I can't afford all the fancy tech Veloci has" <takes them to her lighthouse filled with huge computers and monitoring equiptment> hmmm. Ms M, I'mma assume you banged some rich bitches in your time and inherited, because no way can you affort a lighthouse on a teacher's salary.
Conclusion: Ms M is loaded.
"The cold forces the Dino DNA to the skin as it seeks warmth" um. That's ominous. It makes the DNA sound like a living parasite. Ugh
Ms Moynihan definitely faked "curing them". She is way too calm about the situation. She was very insistent on them helping her fight Veloci before. And the fact that she could cure literally everything else except for them is sus.
That Megalodon shark was trolling ngl
Veloci sees Fiona as dino: this can only be bc of my experimental dna...or....
That 'or' implies things. Ms Moynihan things.
The fact that Veloci sees the Dinosaurs but not the squad turning into dinosaurs the dinosaurs. Like, by the time Ms Moynihan jammed the feed several transformations have already taken place
Veloci ending with his ominous ass "can't wait to find out more about my new dinosaur friends" is so fun. Love him. Dramatic ass fuck. Ominous. Very sexy.
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huntikfrance · 10 months
[IT] Huntik Magazine 18
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[EN] The scans from the italian magazine Huntik Secrets & Seekers issue #18 are now available on our VK page! (You can also read or download the translation of the comic 18 into English made by Fabry here!)
[FR] Les scans du magazine italien Huntik Secrets & Seekers n°18 sont à présent disponibles sur la page du groupe VK!
[IT] Le scansioni del Huntik Secrets & Seekers Magazine italiano n°18 sono ora disponibili su la nostra pagina VK!
>>> LINK: https://vk.com/album-91031114_297146579
PS: The scans of Huntik italian magazines 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15, 16 & 17 are also availables!
Scans of the Huntik Magazine 18 made by Fabry!
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huntikfans · 11 months
Calling all Seekers! Huntik: Secrets and Seekers now has its own official YouTube channel! Rainbow S.p.A., Huntik's parent company, launched the channel on 27th October 2023 and is now uploading full episodes to watch in HD! Subscribe to the channel above @HuntikOfficial and let the company know how much we all want a Season 3! Happy watching, Seekers! The first episode, A Seeker is Born, has already been uploaded below!
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ropuszysko · 22 days
as an amateur yiddishist who is visiting prague rn
as you may have know already, i am an amateur polish yiddishist with a great interest in judaism in general. i speak some yiddish and have some expertise in ashkenazi culture. i am however not jewish and i dont speak hebrew (besides knowing the alphabeth)
We all know that Rainbow treats history very loosely and unconsistencies aren't a surprise to anyone, really, but I thought this would be fun. I watched the Golem episode in Polish a few years back and in English just yesterday, so this is what I am basing this post on. Enjoy!
1. The Legend Itself
The legend itself is retold pretty accurately, although it is shortened. More details are: the rabbi's full name actually was Yehuda Löw ben Bezalel, which means Yehuda Löw the son of Bezalel. He was a well-known cabbalist, mathematician, rabbi, teacher, etc., also known as Maharal. The Golem was placed in the attic of the Old New Synagogue(Staronová synagoga), after it got out of control of the rabbi and went on a murderous rampage. Now, there are two options of what was written either on his forehead or on a piece of parchment put in his mouth to animate it. It was either indeed truth (emet, אמת) or it could also be Adam (אדמ), "a man" in Hebrew. To deactivate it, the rabbi erased the first letter א (you read Hebrew from right to left) to make it either "met", which means death or "dam", which means blood.
2. The cemetery
There is not a lot I can say about the cemetery. In the show it says is the Prague Central Cemetery, which... doesn't exist xD. For real. There is no such thing, especially in the jewish contexy.  There's one jewish cemetery in the centre of the city and it's the old jewish cemetery (starý židovský hřbitov)(not to be confused with the old jewish in Žižkov district, which is a different thing in a different part of the town). Maharal was buried in the Old Cemetery in the Josefov  district, in the centre of the city. There's not a lot I can say, because creative liberty was clearly taken. Both in the show and the actual one look just like your generic jewish cemetery. All I can say is that the entrance looks very different. There are three gates to the cemetery, which are much narrower and sll of them are attached to synagogues.
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3. The Grave
What can I say about the grave? Just look at it, it's completely different. The only detail, that I can actually point out, that actually annoyed me, is that the matzevah (tombstobe )is usually placed in front of the grave, not in the back of the grave. And this is the detail, that even considering the creative liberty, doesn't make sense. Also not to be that guy, but I think that actual matzevah looks much more interesting and I kind of wish they used the actual one. Also the papers you can see are so-called "kvitelech", piece of paper with prayers or pleas, usually for help written on them to the rabbi, to Maharal.
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4. The word Sophie writes
The word Sophie writes here allegedly is emet, truth. Except it's not xD. Not only she writes it from the wrong side, like you write in latin alphabet, but also some of those symbols don't even exist. I cannot really write them. If I had to guess it would be LLLILONA and a symbol that doesn't exist. Or maybe the are Ks instead of Ls. It resembles katakana more than Hebrew alphabet. There's my handwriting comparison on the left, which my Hebrew handwriting isn't very good, but it's there.
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5. The place they find the Golem
The place they find the Golem is interesting to say the least. In the show it says it's in the alchemist road, which... You guessed it, doesn't exist. There is the Golden Lane (Zlatá ulička), where alchemists were rumored to live, however it ha nothing to do with rabbi Yehuda Löw. Most of the jewish life of Prague was focused in Josefov, which is at the other side of the river. And obviously there is no synagogue in the Golden Lane.
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I've seen most of the synagogues, that are in Prague today. The one shown in a show is pretty destitute and there's no such synagogue in Prague right now. None of those that are, resembles the one shown in a show. Technically it should be the Old News Synagogue, because that's where the legend says  the Golem was locked. However! The Old News Synagogue is much smaller, like much, much smaller. If I had to pick the closest one I'd said is the Maisel Synagogue, just by the sheer size of, it but it looks pretty different. Maybe Klausen Synagogue, also,by the size of it, but again, the architecture's different. I'd say the Pinkas synagogue looks the closest, but it's again waaay smaller and there's a bima in the middle. So I think Iginio Straffi just made up his own synagogue. I will be posting photos in a reblog, because there's a limit per post.
6. The Golem itself
It's the same story as with the tombstone. It's so different, that there is no point in actually comparing them. Just have a look.
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ultimateoptimus · 2 months
I went '90s Cyberspace retro with last year's HallOOOween Frogman Fubblegum Jonny Quest cosplay... now I Fast Forward to 2009 for a more modern Y2Ks Scuba Cosplay based on a certain Late Y2Ks Action Cartoon.
UltimateOptimus Presents: Frogman Fubblegum Huntik Scuba Cosplay!
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Starring Frogboy Finn Mertens as Diver Lok Lambert Froggirl Princess Bubblegum as Diver Sophie Casterwill
Both clad in fully functional and ultra-authentic and hyper-faithful to the last atomic detail UltimateOptimus-Brand Scuba Cosplay replica's of Lok's and Sophie's wetsuits and scuba gear as featured in Huntik: Secrets and Seekers: The Treasure Of The Argonauts!
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Credit Where It's Due:
Adventure Time Finn and Princess Bubblegum Bases by SelenaEde
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ichirothehallow · 3 months
I’m Not As Passionate And Interested In Hazbin Hotel Anymore, So What Should I Devote My Time To Next?
Murder Drones Has Won The Vote! It’ll Now Be The Main Topic/Focus, HUGE Thanks To Everyone That Voted! Have A Good Day/Night! {There’s Something In The Works Right Now!}
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burningexeter · 11 months
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Twas The Nightmare Before Christmas
On the night just before Christmas Eve in the magical and colorful holiday land of Christmas Town, a doorbell ring is heard when Santa Claus is checking his list and checking it twice and when he answers the door, he's greeted by three children in Halloween masks who say "Trick or Treat" much to his confusion.
They abduct him in their giant black candy sack and take him to a mysterious, dark, gothic and macabre world and their twisted treehouse by a spiral hill.
After shoving him down a chute he can barely even fight in, he's this time greeted by a living, breathing, walking burlap sack monster filled with insects — the boogeyman himself, Oogie Boogie.
There, Oogie Boogie explains it all to Mr. Claus....
He's tired of being the boogeyman who goes bump in the night and is the shadow of the moon at night, filling childrens' dreams to the brim with fright. In fact, he thinks it's a crime that Santa gets to be Santa every year and be the only one to bring joy to children. Now the Oogie Boogie man has finally had it and this year he's decided that he will be Santa, delivering all of his horrifying and demented toys to the kids of the world as they sleep, thinking he'll be the one who will bring joy to them ultimately leading to a disaster of epic proportions.
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• Obviously this is a new re-imagining of The Nightmare Before Christmas that is also an expansion of the Oogie Boogie subplot and especially the Oogie Boogie Song but it also offers a new take somewhat on the character of Oogie Boogie. While he's still the same bombastic, sadistic, twisted and demented character at first, he's more of an anti-hero and anti-villain here later on as his true motivations are revealed having grown bored, weary and tired of being the Boogeyman who does nothing but scare kids as they sleep whether it'd be under their bed or in their closets.
• Some new things added in are Oogie's lava pit now being what he has Santa use to watch him deliver presents, Oogie having his own gambling-themed sleigh and robotic reindeers and Santa escaping on his own.
• Another interesting thing are a lot of the kids Oogie Boogie delivers to, they're young child versions of certain animated TV show characters such as Sophie Casterwill from Huntik: Secrets & Seekers and Will Vandom from W.I.T.C.H., shared universe, maybe?
The End.
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zhaliacain · 2 months
Sophie: by definition you are lab grown
Zhalia: I wasn’t created in that lab, I’m not even from that country!
Sophie: you grew up in a laboratory, therefore you are lab grown. What are the features you feel define who you are now?
Zhalia: I’m a seeker? A spy? A bit sarcastic?
Sophie: and where did those start?
Zhalia: when I-
Zhalia: oh no
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marvellousimagines · 11 months
With the Neal Caffrey request posted now, funny enough, my inbox is entirely three Huntik requests.
Never expected to get more than just a couple Huntik requests honestly, and that was during the hight of the blog.
Glad such an obscure show is getting some love, but man is it hard to find clips and info to remind myself of the characters' voices.
(I still have my fingers crossed for some BG3 requests. I've now gotten most of the way through Act 2, including seeing the act 2 romance scenes for both Astarion and Gale.)
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thatlittledandere · 9 months
Tagged by @unfortunatelycake
3 ships: ummm taking something from my active fanfic wips,, souyo, anhane... I'm not doing anything else... ioryuu #neverforget
First ever ship: Oh dear there were probably some couples I was invested in in some children's TV shows but the first one I really remember rooting for was Ichigo and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew
Last song: Paradichlorobenzene lordy I hope I spelled that right
Last movie: Sisko tahtoisin jäädä (transl. Sister I'd like to stay. It's a song lyric.) It's about an unhealthy codependent friendship and living a life of danger B) did a number on me as a teen. and I guess I'm still,, kinda idolizing that teenage fucked-upness now lol...
Currently reading: Homestuck Alienin muistelmat osa 1 (memoirs of an alien part 1) by Harri Veistinen. A teenage half-alien girl comes to Earth to find her human father and discover what being loved is, but most of her knowledge about Earth and Humans comes from Dallas. The TV show.
Currently watching: Huntik: Secrets and Seekers, I'm In Love With The Villainess
Currently consuming: Cup noodles. I was going to make an omelette for dinner but my eggs had gone bad... The one I ate yesterday was fine...
Currently craving: Augh. A creative drive. 'Tis the season
Um how many tags am I supposed to have. @queenofthefaces @lakanakana @soullessserenity @floweryuu @koolkitty9
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