#now if only i knew how to enter a kuji from the us......
flowerakatsuka · 4 months
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Osomatsu-San Web Kuji — Shine in the Distance Web Kuji ( 2024 )
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] 花ざかりのSwallow tail (Swallow Tail in Full Bloom) Event Story: Investigation ③ Translations
*Master-list will be created In the future *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei *Scenerio Writer:  @benihara_k  (紅原香)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Investigation 3: Chapter 1
Narumi: Hi, Izumi-san.
Rei: Hello, Seo-san!
Narumi: It's really a surprise to see that the party's this lively.
Narumi: Seems like Miyase-kun's really loved by everyone here.
Rei: Yes. He’s a brilliant person!
Hosho: ...Ughh...Can someone like me really be in such a lively place like this…?
Kawai: You got an invitation too, Isagi-kun; of course you can be here.
Hosho: B-B-But...I have nothing tasteful to say...
Hosho: I might...um...hurt everyone’s feelings...and the like…
Hinata: Isagi-kun. Here.
Hosho: Mmngh!?
Hinata: This cake’s really delicious so you should eat some too!
Hosho: T-Thawank...yeou…
Hinata: You’re welcome. How is it?
Hosho: ...Gulp. It’s...delicious.
Hinata: That’s great to hear. Let’s eat lots of delicious food here together today!
Kirishima: Oh, is everyone here?
Kirishima: Now then, Kujo-san, if you’d please start off with a greeting!
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 3: Chapter 2
Kujo: I thank everyone for taking the time to join us today for the “Thank you Miyase party”.
Kujo: Just as the name entails, it’s a party to thank Go; a member of our Kujo Family.
Kujo: You can also like to take this opportunity to convey our gratefulness for his everyday efforts.
Kujo: Adding on, I think that this will be a place where we can all say things that we don’t normally do.
Kujo: ...Go, a word from you, if you please.
Miyase: Thank you all for gathering here for me. Or so, it would be pretty arrogant for me to say.
Miyase: I’ll be glad if you all enjoy the party.
Miyase: ...And, Kujo-san.
Kujo: --
Miyase: As someone who serves the Kujo Family, your presence is akin to a pillar.
Miyase: I’m not the only one who thinks as such; everyone who’s part of the Kujo Family does.
Miyase: So please treat yourself better from now on.
Miyase: I’ll do my best as a servant as well from now on; to the best of my abilities.
Kujo: There’s a catch to this party.
Kujo: First, I’d like all of you to take a look at your individual invitations.
Hinata: !
Kyosuke: !
Kujo: We will have those with a Rose Mark on the seals on their envelope put on a certain outfit.
Kujo: We’ve prepared more of the butler-esque swallow-tail coats similar to the ones we’re wearing.
Kirishima: In other words, can all those with a rose wax seal come up to the front?
Rei: (Come to think of it, I didn’t actually look too closely at the wax seals.)
I took out the envelope from my bag and checked the seal’s design.
Rei: !
Rei: (I’ve got a rose mark…!)
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 3: Chapter 3
Sugano: Oh, yay! I’ve got a rose!
Asagiri: Me too.
Aoyama: …...
Asagiri: Heh...Seems like you weren’t chosen for this, Aoyama.
Aoyama: It’s just like a kuji. Don’t get it over your head.
Asagiri: One’s luck when it comes to pulling a lot triumphs during times like this.
Asagiri: In other words-- You and I are fundamentally different.
Aoyama: Urk...
Rei: T-They’re still at each other’s throats…
Imaoji: I’ve got a rose too. How about you, Rei-san?
Rei: Same here.
Imaoji: We’re in the same boat then.
Yui: Rei. You’ve got it hard; dressing in an outfit you’re not used to wearing.
Yui: I’ll definitely love to help. And then, on the off-chance that a hair of yours falls out…
Rei: ...No thank you; I’ll take my chances.
Hinata: I’ve also got a wax seal with a rose design.
Hosho: …! T-That’s amazing! Congratulations!
Kawai: Shion-kun dressed as a butler! I’m totally looking forward to seeing it ♪
Saotome: ...Tch.
Narumi: Ikuto-kun? What’s the matter?
Saotome: No, it’s nothing.
Saotome: (It would have been a great chance to get closer to Kujo Soma if I had hit the jackpot.)
Saotome: (Who knew that Shion would be the one to get it. Don’t be using your luck during such weird times!)
Kaname-kun handed me my outfit when I came up front.
Kaname: Okay, here you go.
Rei: Thanks. Who would’ve thought that there was such a catch to all of this.
Kirishima: I’m really looking forward to seeing you in a butler’s outfit.
Rei: I’ll go change into it; it’ll just be a jiffy!
Kujo: We’ve prepared changing rooms. There’s a guide inside it so you’ll be fine if you follow it.
Kujo: Those who are not required to change, please take this time to chat for a while.
We held onto our outfits and headed into the Kujo Manor at Kirishima-san’s yell to begin.
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 3: Chapter 4
Entering the mansion, I saw a paper being stuck onto one of the doors near to the entrance labelled “Changing room”.
There were names written on the papers on each door as well. Seems like they prepared a room for everyone.
Rei: (Wow, that’s very gracious of him.)
Filled with gratefulness for his graciousness, I headed to the room that had by name written on it.
Rei: ...Pardon the intrusion.
Meanwhile, at the same time, in the next room over--
Hinata: Hm...there we go…?
Kaname: It’s me. Can I come in?
Hinata: Yeah, come on in.
Kaname: I came to check to see if the size fits. I’ll change it out for another size if something doesn’t fit well.
Hinata: It fits perfectly...I think. But, I don’t really know how to do up these cufflinks.
Kaname: Ahh, the cufflinks. I’ll help you with those so stay still.
Hinata: Okay, sure thing.
Kaname: This should do it.
Hinata: ……?
Kaname: ...Who?
Miyase: S-Sorry! It’s me, Miyase! I’m no one suspicious!
Kaname: Go-san? What are you doing here?
Miyase: I just remembered that I hadn’t yet had an opportunity to clean this room today.
Miyase: I didn’t intend to catch you all by surprise, therefore I’m really sorry.
Kaname: (You didn’t even have to clean today...No, that’s not it. Perhaps...)
Kaname: Go-san, could you leave the cleaning to later?
Miyase: Of course. I was just thinking of cleaning, in the case that it was dirty.
Kaname: Could you help me brush Shion’s clothes then?
Kaname: You’re bound to do a better job than me anyway.
Miyase: ……! Yes; I’ll be glad to!
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
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momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Main Story - Episode 2 - 迷子の小犬搜查隊 / The Search Team for the Missing Puppy
Decided to translate my next episode of Viidog Code since it’s nearing the end of May now and I still haven’t translate it yet~ It’s nice as a little break before I start on my next Ensemble Stars’s story translation~ This story was fun because it has two of my favourite class - Class 7 + Class 2 <3
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: 平和と退屈は紙一重 / Peace and Boredom is Just a Difference of a Piece of Paper (meaning just a slight difference)
Early next morning, “I” woke up and went to “Cyan” for some breakfast, and unexpectedly met Kuki there too. He mentioned that Shiro and Tsubasa were still sleeping, and that “I” should also get more sleep too since “I” was still new here, and that being almost late for once or twice won’t be that serious. Shu who was nearby, came forward and mentioned that we should obey the rules even if being late isn’t that serious nor will cause much trouble for others. Kuki tried to change the rule such that if one worked hard for a month, then they are excused from being late for one time. (Haha, that’s a “nice” idea, but somehow I don’t think Shu would allow it ^^;)
They started talking about the other groups and Kuki mentioned that he actually didn’t have much chance to interact with other groups much recently. It’s actually rare for everyone to gather together in the detective agency, since every group has different case that they are working on, and thus such rare times only happen when everyone was called upon to gather to work on a huge case together. (That would sound very serious if such a mode is activated OWO”)
Kuki thought that it’s still best to communicate with other members as much as possible and have a better relationship overall, and thus requested Shu to give some work that requires Class 7 and other class to work together.
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It seems like there’s a new case which came in this morning, as the meeting room was booked by Rui earlier on, and thus he was abit late when joining Shu and Senri later on. Kuki doesn’t like the fact that Class 7 was being looked as though they aren’t the type of people who would start work early in the morning, and claimed that if there’s such a case that requires them to, they too can start their operation in the morning. (That’s not really convincing when you have class members still sleeping now, Kuki... =w=“)
Rui ended up revealing a secret of Kuki, saying that there’s indeed a time where Kuki was still drowsy while sleeping and ended up falling off from his bed ^^; (Why are you revealing Kuki’s secret suddenly ^^;)
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The topic changed towards Class 3 (since I guess they’ve already started working too this early), and Kuki mentioned that from their appearances they do seems like the morning type of person~ XD
Rui was interested on how Kuki could tell if someone’s a morning type of person or a nightife type of person, to which Kuki didn’t really tell him how he could tell but guessed that Rui’s a night type of person. (Which is partly correct I guess, since Rui didn’t really deny it ^^:)
The conversation continues, with Kuki asking Shu once again to let his class be involved in the upcoming case. Shu seems really bothered, and thus Senri wanted to help solve his trouble by… offering to carry Kuki’s seat out of the shop since he was bothering Shu XD (He even started lifting off Kuki’s chair ^^; That made Kuki panicked as he pleaded for Senri to at least let him listen to Shu’s answer XD)
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Obviously Kuki was abit pissed at Senri even after he put him down, and asked Senri had he forgotten that Kuki was actually older than him. (So in terms of seniority, Senri should respect people older than him ^^;)
Senri cheekily answered that he didn’t and won’t forgot, as long as Kuki doesn’t bother Shu. (So obviously Shu’s interest > Respect for Kuki in Senri’s mind ^^:)
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Kuki and “I” were planning on going off to find Leo to get today’s jobs when Rudo appeared in the cafe. He asked to speak with “me” for a moment, and handed “me” a packet of cookies, saying that he had received it from his client and decided to give it to me instead, thinking that “I’ll” be glad to get them actually. Initially “I” felt bad about taking it from Rudo, since it’s something meant to be given to him in the first place, but he claimed that he could make more… nope, he didn’t want it XD (So… I guess the cookies were actually made by Rudo himself and he wanted to give it to me instead? XD)
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In the end, Kuki was still begging Shu to give him work with other classes… ^^;
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Chapter 2: 手のかかる班長 / The Troublesome Class Leader
Class 2 arrived next, and Kuki seems interested to know what case they were working on. Hijiri was still half asleep, with poor Yanagi trying to wake him up. He complained that bringing Hijiri here to the cafe was hard, and asked him to please consider for his sake since Hijiri was quite big-sized ^^; (Well, he’s big and tall so it’s going to be hard for small Yanagi to carry him around while he’s sleeping ^^;)
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He called for Yu to bring some cold water for him to wake Hijiri up with, but Yu was too shy and was hiding instead from Kuki and “me” instead. Seeing that seems shy and afraid of us, Yanagi assured him that they’re not strangers to him and apologised for his behaviour to us.
Hijiri tried to sit on “me” somehow and was quickly prevented by Yanagi/ He apologised once again, explaining that usually he would only bring Hijiri out when he’s slightly more awake, but since they’re being called out to here (probably by Shu) suddenly, thus Yanagi didn’t get much time to prepare for Hijiri to be more awake this time ^^; Passing the glass of cold water to him, Yanagi urged Hijiri to drink it up and wake up.
Hijiri finally woke up, and he wanted Yu to come sit next to him, but Yu was wary as he’s afraid that Hijiri might fall asleep again XD (and ended up crushing him hahaha) Yanagi proposed that he shall sit between Yanagi and Hijiri instead, so that at least Yanagi could help him if anything would to happen to Hijiri ^^;
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Finally they started to talk more about the new case Class 2 was assigned to by Shu, and Kuki quickly jumped at the chance to want Class 7 to work together with them to solve this case.
(Random scene: Seems like Hijiri dirtied his hands and Yanagi was all being like a mum demanding him to stretch out his hands so that he could wipe them properly ^^;)
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Chapter 3: 迷い犬を探せ / Search for the Missing Dog
Class 2′s job of the day was to search for a missing dog, which is a light brown pomeranian. Yanagi called for Yu to take out the photos to show it to Kuki and “me”, but Yu was still shy and he was standing quite far away from Kuki, and that made Kuki had to diss him on the fact that he can’t see the photo if Yu stood so far away from him XDD (In the end, Yanagi helped to save the day by saying he’ll send a copy of the photo to Class 7 later on… ^^;)
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Ryohei arrived next, and Yanagi scolded him for being late, however Ryohei said that he’s not late yet and it’s just them being early. In fact, there’s still one more person from Class 2 that had yet to arrive…
And that’s Chihiro~ (He’s the last to arrive this time again ^^;) He has arrived just “on time” though (just one minute more and he’ll be late ^^; but seems like Yanagi didn’t nag him more on that though XD), and has also brought along the cage that they would use later on to capture the pomeranian.
Yanagi leave the task of setting up the cage with Ryohei and Chihiro, saying that he’ll accompany Class 7 along with Yu and Hijiri to collect the relevant information they needed for this case.
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We headed off to the laboratory which is Class 5′s territory to retrieve the information from them, and met a guy with his fringe down that his eyes won’t be seen. He remarked that there seems to be alot of people entering here, which Kuki explained that’s because Class 2 and Class 7 had come here at the same time which made the lab seems crowded. Kuki also introduced “me” to him, and vice versa. This guy is Hinamori Kiyoto and he asked “me” whether “I”…. like blood? (That’s a weird first question to ask when you met someone new, Hina…)
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Seeing that “I” seems to be quite afraid of him, Ryohei assured “me” that Hina is a good guy, except… that he seems to like blood alot. (And Hina got abit sad since he wondered if he had said something bad… Well, that kind of topic is abit “no-no” ^^;)
Later on, when all of us moved towards the company office to talk more about the case, “I” ended up hurting my finger and blood oozed out. Hina got really excited when he saw “my” blood that Chihiro had to ask him to calm down. Hina wanted to see more of “my” blood and even volunteered to treat my injury. (Why did I feel more unsafe knowing he’ll treat my injury… He’s not going to end up sucking all of “my” blood right? ^^:)
Hina ended up feeling disappointed when he knew he has to stop looking at “my” blood and start treating my injury. He expressed that even though he wanted to see more of it, he shall give up today. (Whew! If he had started getting more agitated, I have no idea how the situation is going to be… ^^;)
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Chapter 4: みんなの住手 / Everyone’s Assistant
Finally we decided to start our operation on finding the missing pomeranian! Initially it was planned that all of us shall split ways so that we could find it sooner, but Kuki said that someone might ended up being lost if they’re alone, and so Yanagi suggested that we split into 4 groups, with two people in each. Since in total there’s 9 people and one person will be left out, Kuki suggested that “I’ll” be that person and took turns in helping each group instead. (And that’s how “I” ended up being everyone’s assistant ^^)
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The arrangement of the group was to be decided via kuji, but Yu felt that this arrangement is being bad to him since he isn’t good at dealing with people he’s not close to, especially Shiro, who looks really scary to Yu ^^; Yanagi sighed and told him that if Yu had really gotten Shiro as his partner, he’ll swap with him so that Yu won’t be paired up with Shiro. (Obviously that didn’t make Shiro very happy, since it sounded totally like he’s someone “not wanted” actually ^^;)
They carried out the kuji, and those with the same number will be paired up together. Yanagi wondered who would be “sacrificed” to be pair up with Hijiri though~ (That totally sounds like Hijiri would be a burden with whoever he’s paired up with =w=“) Hijiri revoked him by saying that nobody will end up being a sacrifice since Hijiri would take good care of his partner definitely. (Really…? o.O)
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Yu was still scared and he asked “me” to actually replace him to go around and let others draw the kuji since “I’m” an assistant. However, “I” assured him that “I’ll” be by his side helping him instead, and that made him want to work abit harder in doing this task himself in the end. Yanagi was impressed that Yu was actually able to talk to others that are not in his class by himself for the first time, and Hijiri actually wanted to record a video of such a moment~ (Hijiri totally sounds a dad on his child’s first day of school XD)
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Yu managed to approach Shiro in the end, and even got him to pull the kuji. Hijiri actually did record it all down in the end, saying that he’s making a record of how the kids grew up XD
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(Yu was so cute that he’s glad he did it in the end, and asked for “my” praise~ *pats his head*)
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Everyone checked on their kuji to see who they’re paired up in the end, Kuki wasn’t happy that he got Shiro, since he wanted to have a new experience by pairing with one of the people in Class 2, but then again, it maybe best this way since he can control Shiro from running rampage XD
Yanagi had never expect that he would pair up with Hijiri again ^^; (Ended up the “sacrifice” he was talking earlier on was actually himself in the end XD)
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Ryohei and Chihiro were in a pair together, and that left with… Yu and Tsubasa in a pair. Yu was standing in a far away distance away from Tsubasa, that Tsubasa had to try to assure him that he’s not going to bite him ^^;
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“I” shall tag along with Kuki’s group at first, and after awhile “I’ll” head off to another group to assist them and so on. Shiro wanted “me” to carry the cage initially, but Kuki insist on Shiro carrying it, explaining that it would be much more efficient this way. (Or maybe he felt bad letting a girl carrying the heavy cage… ^^;) He teased Shiro that maybe Shiro finds the cage heavy and thus too heavy for him to carry, of course that ended up trigger Shiro’s button and he’s going to carry the cage to prove to Kuki that it’s not heavy XD
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Chapter 5: 犬探しも樂じゃない / Isn’t It Happy to Search for a Dog
Kuki and Shiro ended up calling for the pomeranian’s name along the street (Its name is “Mimi”), with Shiro dissing Kuki that the dog won’t be replying to his shouts even if he had hoped for a response. After awhile, Kuki said that it’s best for “me” to go take a look at the other members, especially Tsubasa and Yu who Kuki felt worried about.
And thus, “I” headed off to Tsubasa’s side~ Even though Yu and him were still maintaining a distance away from each other, they’re still searching for the missing puppy together. (I guess…?) Tsubasa said that the distance they have between them is 2M, if Tsubasa ended up going within this limit and Yu realised it, he would quickly run away from him to maintain the same distance away again ^^;
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Tsubasa was sad and wondered if he’s really that scary, but “I” assured him that he’s actually a really good person and it cheered him up ^^ He asked for “my” help to take a look at Yu and see if he’s tired, since he would always replied that he’s okay even when Tsubasa asked him.
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“I” headed off to Yu’s side and asked about him. He was surprised to know that Tsubasa was worried about him, and clarified that he’s indeed alright and not tired right now, and quickly sent “me” away to Tsubasa’s side to help him instead. (Aww, Yu, why are you pushing me away~ TWT)
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The two of them decided to split ways for awhile to search in a circle, with “me” accompanying Tsubasa. But even when we meet up again in the center, there’s still no sign of “Mimi”…
We ended up meeting Chihiro’s and Yanagi’s group too as everyone ended up meeting at the same area from their search. Yanagi proposed that we tried another kind of way to search for Mimi, since even when everyone has split up and searched in a large area for a long time, there’s still no sign of “Mimi”.
Ryohei started to get worried for Mimi, since the longer it gets, the more lonely it’ll feel, and if it started to get panicked and scared by other things outside, it might ended up running even further away and that will make the search harder and harder.
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However… at this time, “Mimi” appeared!
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Chapter 6: 追いかけた先に / What Lies Before the Chase
Everyone began to chase after Mimi, with Ryohei in the lead. Yanagi quickly called for Hijiri to come with them, and stop sitting in front of the cage. (Is Hijiri just sitting there waiting for Mimi to come into the cage…?) Yanagi even realised that Hijiri had put his own snacks into the cage hoping to lure Mimi into it, and told him that this is not something meant for a dog to eat since it’s for human. Hijiri still thought it was a pretty good idea since that was really a very delicious omanjuu XD (He even happily suggested that everyone should eat omanjuu together later on ^^:)
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Tsubasa and Yu was trying to catch up with Ryohei’s speed, but it was hard since he was so fast. Ryohei’s spirit dog / animal was a Dachshund, which was a hunting breed and thus it feels like Ryohei’s on a hunt acually.
Chihiro was running with Ryohei initially, until he got distracted when he saw some robot dogs on display at a toy shop. Ryohei even joined him in looking at the robot dogs and in the end they were too engrossed in it and forgot about their chase ^^; Thankfully, Ryohei snapped back and realised that they were still supposed to chase after Mimi, but at this time Yu and Tsubasa finally caught up with them.
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Yu scolded Ryohei for running off by himself, saying that this would anger Yanagi definitely, but Ryohei felt that it’s better to chase after Mimi rather than losing sight of it again.
Yu was actually worried about “my” legs being tired since “I” had to run along with them too, and Ryohei praised him that he had grown up to take care of others now. (*Pats Yu’s head~*) Yu shyly replied that it’s just because he doesn’t have a good stamina before and thus had such experience before… Chihiro had also thought that Yu had grown up to even think for others, and pat his head since he thought that Yu had wanted one as he was hanging his head down. Yu denied but still ended up complaining that if Chihiro wanted to pat his head, he should do it more gently XD (Aww, these two’s interactions are funny XDD)
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We spotted Mimi once again and chased it down, but Ryohei stopped his steps suddenly when we entered a dark alley…
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Chapter 7: 迷い子ん込だ暗閤 / Lost in the Dark
Ryohei replied that he had saw some weird people gathering at the spot where Mimi had stopped at. Yu started to get really scared when he saw alot of scary people, and Chihiro started to feel that something’s weird with this people, and thus suggested us to hide and see how the situation was like first.
Tsubasa urged for “me” and Yu to hide behind while Chihiro urged for Ryogei not to pop up his head too much in case we get discovered.
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Just then, Yu noticed that Mimi had went near the foot of one the person, but our attention was diverted when we saw a person coming out from one of the building.
On the other hand, Yanagi and Hijiri had also came to this alley and noticed the person walking out from the building. Hijiri guessed that the person seems to be related to the casino, since the building belongs to the casino. Yanagi had noticed that Ryohei and the rest of us hiding at a distance in front of them, and they deduced that we must be there while chasing after Mimi. Thinking that it’s best to let us know that they’re here, Yanagi proposed to call one of them. But then he realised that Ryohei may ended up being loud while he’s surprised by the call, and decided to send a message to Chihiro instead.
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But… turns out that Chihiro’s phone started ringing in a very loud sound, and that alerted the weird group of people instead ! (Ah! Bad choice there, Yanagi! ><”)
Chihiro quickly urged everyone to escape, but Yu was worried, saying that they shouldn’t leave Mimi behind in a situation like this.
Yanagi realised he had made the wrong choice, and might even cause his comrades to be discovered because of him… ><” (Since he didn’t realised that Chihiro’s phone would ring…)
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However at this time, Hijiri seems to have a plan on his own, as he picked up a stick on the ground and then threw it towards us. Mimi noticed it and quickly ran to chase after the stick, and straight towards the cage Ryohei had with him. With Mimi caught safe and sound, we made a dash to run away from the weird people who were chasing after us.
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Chapter 8: それぞれの思い / Thoughts Here and There
The weird people began to chase after us, claiming that they’re going to force us to say which organisation we’re from when they’ve caught us. Tsubasa asked Ryohei to pass the cage over to him since it might be heavy for him to carry it and run at the same time. He was surprised that Yu was running away at a really fast speed, that Ryohei just laughed and replied that it’s a special trait of his, that his speed of escaping from something was always 2 times faster than his usual running speed XD
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Suddenly, “I” stopped and picked up something from the ground. It was a pin badge, but this was a really dangerous time to stay put so Tsubasa quickly asked “me” to hold onto his hand as we escape together. (This may seems like a very shoujo scenario… if only we aren’t running for our lives along with a bunch of people and scary people chasing after us ^^;)
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We’ve finally escaped in the end, and also managed to contact Yanagi and Hijiri, informing them we’re safe. (We also contacted Kuki they all to relay the news that we’ve found Mimi.) Yanagi apologized once they’ve met up with us, saying that due to his negligence, him contacting us ended up causing us almost to be caught. Chihiro said it’s partly due to his fault too, and he shall put his phone on a softer volume next time ^^
Hijiri was worried about Mimi, since it doesn’t look so good. Yanagi realised that it must be really thirsty and thus quickly asked Ryohei to open the cage so he can put some water into. Hijiri praised Yanagi for his quick decisions, but Yanagi still felt sorry for what he did just now and said that his decisions aren’t always correct, and thus he doesn’t felt worthy of the praise. But Hijiri said that he trust Yanagi’s decisions, and if anything crops up, there’s always him to help out. (Wow… Hijiri suddenly sound alot more reliable OWO)
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Chapter 9: 搜索隊,歸還 / Return of the Search Team
We returned to the detective agency, and after checking Mimi to make sure that it’s healthy and unhurt, Chihiro went off to call its owner so that he/she would be able to come and pick it up. Shu came into the office at this time, and realised that there’s only “me” from Class 7 there and asked Chihiro where are the others (Kuki, Shiro and Tsubasa). Kuki and Shiro was on their way back but Tsubasa… was gone…?(Not sure where he went at this point of time ><”)
Yu was tired and didn’t really want to continue writing the report actually, but since Senri said that they are free to rest once they’ve finished the report, Yu felt motivated to work on it a iittle bit longer ^^ Hijiri offered to help Yu, but got scolded by Yanagi saying that he should settle on his own report first ^^;
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Hijiri reported on what had happened just now to Shu, telling them that they had met a group of weird people and that one of them had came out from one of the doors leading to the casino. Even though Shu did cautioned them not to jump into conclusions that the man was related to the casino, he and Senri can’t help but to feel abit suspicious since Class 7 did report that the casino was suspicious on their last visit to it.
Just then, a new guy appeared, saying that this is the time for him to shine. Senri actually opened his eyes and the new guy felt threatened by it (haha, does Senri’s eyes look like they’ll kill people? ^^:), saying that he’s just sleeping here by chance and overheard their conversations. Shu gave him the permisson to dig out information regarding the casino, though he cautioned him not to get too deeply involved as they only wanted to know whether the casino is related to the “missing people case” that they are working on now. (Imagine if he ended up digging all the dark history and secrets of the casino, wouldn’t it be too much? XD)
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The new guy noticed “me”, commenting that “I’m” a sheep among all the wolves, and after knowing “I’m” the newcomer at Class 7, introduced himself as Hodaka Mahiro, the leader of Class 4. He even handed “me” his contact information, saying that “I” could find him if there’s any information that “I” wanted to find out about.
Realising that “I” gave him a confused look, Mahiro laughed and explained that Class 4 is responsible for collecting information and tracking down leads, and requested “me” not to give away his identity as a detective if “I” ever meet him outside. He even welcome “me” to find him even if it’s for private matters. (This guy totally sounds like a flirt straight from the start XD)
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However, Kuki returned and Mashiro quickly backed off, saying that “the father” has returned and thus went off. Kuki complained that he was tired and he finally knew what Shiro had felt last time since the two had worked hard today yet didn’t manage to do anything instead. (They must have felt that what they did today was a waste of effort TWT) He noticed that Tsubasa was missing, but brushed it off in the end, and guessed he had just wandered off by himself and won’t do anything weird anyway.
Seeing that we’re all tired, Leo said that he has a new invention that could be of use and thus ran off to retrieve it. Kuki explained to “me” that Leo actually had a hobby of inventing stuff, and was always showing the stuff that he had invented to them when he has finished them.
Leo soon returned and it was a machine with three buttons to select from. He explained that the buttons are in the order of “tiredness”, and thus asked Kuki to select one that he felt suitable to his tired level right now.
(The buttons were: “Abit Tired”, “Quite Tired” and “Almost Tired to Death”. Can’t say I didn’t smile when I read the last option XD)
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Kuki thought that the last option “Almost Tired to Death” was interesting, and thus picked that one. A cup appeared after he pressed that button, and Shiro could smell a really sour smell when a liquid started pouring into the cup. Handing the cup over to Kuki, Leo smiled and said this is a special lemonade, the machine will adjust the amount of lemon to be added to it based on the tired level. (If you realised what Kuki had pressed just now, you would know how much lemon it was added to it by now… ^^;)
Kuki tried drinking it nevertheless, and it was…
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Very very sour! XD
Shiro tried to make a run for it, but he got caught by Kuki, saying that he won’t let him run away (not without drinking that lemonade too XD). Leo was smiling and requested that Shiro and “me” to pick a button too, claiming that the lemonade was really delicious.
(How can you reject him when he’s all smiling and cute like this >////<)
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Chapter 10: 落とし物にはご注意を / Taking Notice of the Dropped Item
Kuki felt that he seems to feel less tired after drinking the lemonade, though his mouth was still full of sourness ^^; Leo noticed that Shiro still seems tired and was worried for him, and Kuki tried to provoke him by saying that he’s definitely lying when he picked “abit tired” option just now, and wanted him to drink even more. (I don’t think Shiro wanted to drink more sour stuff though ^^:)
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“I” showed them the pin badge which “I’ve” picked up on the ground while escaping from the weird people just now. Kuki took a closer look at it and commented that it had a mark that he has never seen it before, and decided to pass it to Class 5 to let them do an analyse on it, though he understood that “I” wanted to find the owner of the badge actually. Kuki had a feeling that the badge might belong to one of the guys that was chasing after us just now, and think it’s best to check on it first.
Thus, Kuki decided that we shall head off to Class 5′s lab now, and told Shiro to call Tsubasa and get him to return soon.
Heading to the lab, we met Naoto and Suzu-kun, and “I” handed the badge over to them. Even though Naoto grumbled that they’re closed for the day, he still asked to take a look at the badge from Suzu-kun, and remarked that the badge looks pretty normal and seems like it was dropped from one of the workers who worked at an organisation. Kuki guessed that perhaps it might be the casino, which Suzu-kun agreed since there might be related staff who worked at the casino.
Initially Naoto didn’t want to take up this task to further analyse this badge, but since Suzu-kun encouraged him by saying if he helped him, they would be able to eat sooner (since two of them working on it is definitely faster than just Suzu-kun alone), Naoto had to agree in the end, saying that Suzu-kun was always being sneaky like that XD (What can I say? This guy’s weakness is Suzu-kun ><”)
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Kuki felt bad for troubling them as it’s late already, and realised once again that Naoto was actually the class leader. He commented that he would feel that Suzu-kun would seems more suitable, but Class 5′s situation seems similar to Class 2 too, with Yanagi being the more responsible one ^^;
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Hina finally returned to the lab, as Suzu-kun urged him to stop slacking and helped them with the task on hand. Realising “I” was there, Hina asked on “my” injury, even suggesting to open the wound and treat it again if it still hurts. Kuki had to quickly stop him, since even by hearing the suggestion already made him feel how hurt it is to open the wound again ^^; (Yeah… That sounds painful ><”)
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Suzu-kun gave a weak smile and commented that Hina had been claiming that he had wanted to see “my” blood again when he saw “me” hurt “myself” in the morning. But he assured “me” that Hina meant no harm actually, and wondered that “my” blood must be really beautiful to get Hina this excited. (Yep, Kuki’s expression is my expression too when I see how excited Hina is over “my” blood ^^:)
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Naoto couldn’t stand us talking in the lab, and shooed us away, saying that if we don’t go, they won’t be able to continue with their work. Suzu-kun wanted Naoto to stop saying such rude things, since other people won’t really understand Naoto and might ended up disliking him, but Naoto doesn’t care, saying that as long as Suzu-kun understands him, everything’s okay for him. (This guy just really really likes Suzu-kun that much huh…?)
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Naoto even wanted to pass his work over to Hina, saying that analyzing fingerprints could be done by him, but Suzu-kun insist on Naoto to work on it, saying that he could check on the design and many other information regarding the badge and said he’ll make dinner for both of them when they are done. In the end, Naoto still have to go on with his work, but asked Kuki not to anticipate too much on the results since he’s just doing his job because it’s requested by Suzu-kun ^^;
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Chapter 11: 迷子犬,家に歸る / The Lost Puppy Returns Home
Kuki and “I” returned to the office area of the company, and was welcome by Tsubasa who had returned. Kuki dissed him that he should be the one who should be greeted “welcome home” instead, and asked where he had been just now. Tsubasa answered that he just returned to his room after writing his report just now, so Kuki didn’t question him anymore.
Kuki asked all of us to go for dinner together, since if they just left Shiro by himself to settle his meals… most of the time he’s going to just eat instant meals D: (And that’s not good for the body!) He said that “I” could go over and join the rest of Class 2 in writing the report for today’s incident, as he went off to get Shiro instead.
Seems like Hijiri had fallen asleep while writing his report, that Yanagi, while angry about it, said that he would let Hijiri to take a nap for 5 minutes. But it was really only limit to 5 minutes, since he claimed that he would wake him up by force even if he had to get him to wake up ^^:
This was actually a rare sight for Yu, as he commented that this maybe the first time that Yanagi actually let Hijiri be a spoiled child for once…^^; (This sounds like Hijiri is the child and Yanagi is his mum ^^;)
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Tsubasa asked that if we could join them, and Yu said that we could sit next to him, surprising Yanagi since Yu had never sat with any other people before other than those from his own class. He wondered what had happened to Yu to let him have such a major change, and that made Yu flustered as he claimed that it wasn’t that rare since he had worked with “me” and Tsubasa too today.
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“I” wanted Yu to be more natural when interacting with us in the future even though he warned “me” that he’s quite different when he’s not really an obedient child actually. “I” was okay with it thus Yu said he’ll try to be more like his normal self when he’s with us next time ^^
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Tsubasa was curious about Mimi’s whereabouts now, and Yanagi told him that Sosuke was the one taking care of it and playing with it now. Noticing that “I” seems to want to see Mimi too, Yanagi encouraged “me” to go along with Tsubasa to visit it. Yu wanted to tag along too, but got stopped by Yanagi as he told him to continue writing his report.
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Sosuke was glad that we’ve came to play with Mimi, though Tsubasa said we’re just going to stay for awhile since we still have a report to work on. Realising that the owner was going to come soon and pick it up, Sosuke urged for us to quickly hug it while we had the chance to ^^; Tsubasa was glad to have this chance though, since even though we had been protecting it today, we didn’t really have much of a chance to interact with it much.
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The owner came in the end though, and Sosuke was sad to send Mimi off, even though he called it as “Miminosuke” which isn’t the correct name. Mimi seems to even remembered that as its name instead, which Tsubasa said it’s going to give the owner a trouble later on ^^; (Imagine it only responding to the owner if he/she calls it Miminosuke in the future XDD…)
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Chapter 12: 真夜中の報告 / The Report in the Middle of the Night
Senri, Shu, Rui and Mahiro were at the cafe talking about the case. While Senri offered to refill Shu’s green tea, he doesn’t care about Mahiro when he asked for his serving ^^; (Omg, Senri is being mean to Mahiro XD)
The group noticed that Izana was at the cafe too, deeply engrossed in a book that he’s reading, and Shu suggested to Mahiro that they should let Izana assist them in this case too.
Just then, a report from Class 5 has arrived, and it was regarding the pin badge which “I’ve” picked up earlier on at the casino alley. Even though they didn’t manage to pick up on the owner that the badge belongs to, they’ve managed to track down on a sighting that there’s a man who has the same badge entering the casino building.
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Izana finally snapped out of the book he’s reading and approached them, as he seems really interested in finding out more about the casino. It was said that nobody really knew who was the big boss operating the casino actually, and Izana had already knew that the operation’s members had the same badge as the one “I’ve” picked up.
Izana said that he would checked more about the organization members where they have the same badge as the sample, though he remarked that Shu seems to have a good idea what organization it was from… However, that ended up with death glares from Senri, and thus Mahiro asked Izana to keep it down and that they aren’t going to dig too much while researching more about the organization.
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Mahiro noticed that Rui was really quiet today but Rui said that he’s just a newbie and thus felt inappropriate to share his opinions. Mahiro thought that Rui was just being humble since he had managed to be in Class 1 though he was still a rookie.
Talking about “rookie”, Izana said that he had heard about Class 7 having a newcomer and wondered when he would be able to meet him/her (which is the "me”~) Mahiro dissed him that the problem Izana wasn’t able to meet “me” was because he hardly comes to the agency and even if he comes, it’s usually late at night. He asked him to please kindly return either in the morning or during the evening XD (Mahiro sounds like a storekeeper here XD)
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Yeah! Episode 2 is done~! Even though this episode is pretty much a filler episode since it doesn’t really touch much on the main case they’re after (which is the missing people’s case), we still managed to find some clues that hopefully track down who was this organization going around making people disappear? Is it really related to the casino?
Nevertheless, it was fun to go on a case with the Class 2 members, and interacting with Class 5 as well~ (Finally we get to see Hina here ^^) More characters had appeared too, which are the new Class 4 members~ (Weird that we haven’t met anyone from Class 6 though…? OWO)
Class 2 and Class 7 are my favourites (with Class 5 trailing just abit behind), so you could probably tell that I really enjoyed reading this chapter~ Yu is so cute~ Yanagi is so cute~ Ryohei is so cute~ >///< Seriously the whole of Class 2 is a joy to be with too, same with Class 7~! ^^ (In fact I’m just glad to have so many moments with Tsubasa this time~ >///<)
Hopefully I’ll have another episode translated for next month soon~ (Hoping to get it done earlier in the month since this was pretty late ^^;)
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