smilingperformer · 5 years
Couldn’t find HQ ver for now but... gosh.
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Satoshi, you’re... your Suiren-influence is showing!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
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djsockpuppet · 5 years
NS007 Summary and Voice Cast
Translations by Dephender
Satoshi and Go go to the Houen region in order to participate in a Pokémon battle tournament! This is this first time Go tries to battle, will he be able to win his way through the matches...? Meanwhile, Satoshi uses "a certain Pokémon" to battle?!
Satoshi and Go go to the Houen region in order to participate in the Pokémon battle tournament "Battle Frontier Glass Noisemaker Cup"! Satoshi loves to battle, so he's psyched! Go, on the other hand, will be trying Pokémon battling for the first time, having just realized how fun it is to get Pokémon! He goes up against a powerful rival using "Strike", a Bug Pokémon he just got the other day! And believe it or not, Satoshi battles using "a certain Pokémon"?! How will Satoshi and Go's battles go?!
Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Daiki Yamashita: Go
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Megumi Hayashibara: Hibanny
Kana Hanazawa: Koharu
Yuichi Nakamura: Professor Sakuragi
Inuko Inuyama: Wanpachi
Shinichiro Miki: Strike
Yuji Ueda: Barrierd
Kenta Miyake: Chairman
Kei Shindo: Joy
Ryota Iwasaki: Referee
Yuki Shin: Hoji
Marina Aicholtz: Go's Smartphone Rotom
Rika Adachi: Hibana
Kenyu Horiuchi: Narration
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alone-or-not-alone · 3 years
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Velour The Velvet Collection NS007 2010
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pokemonpowergirl · 5 years
After watching today's episode, I really warming up to the new series. Go's way of catching is gonna take some time to get used to, but it's nice to know that Ash's unique battling style will never change. Especially after seeing the same Electroweb-Iron Tail Combo from sm138.
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smilingperformer · 5 years
Was so freakishly tired last night so slept through 13 hours of sleep, and just now watched Pokeani NS007 (for anyone not familiar with my blog, NS stands for the new series) this morning with subs. So they do treat this tournament as a Battle Frontier related, but considering how it’s so darn different to how Pokeani’s done them in the past.... makes me wonder why they’d do such a thing. I guess it’s more akin to how it works in the games but... none of the leaders are here. I mean, it’s possibly due to Hoenn Battle Frontier being located in Kanto in Pokeani but still. Possibly my only complaint on this episode thou, as the rest was just so good. Satoshi signing Gou for the tournament without asking was kinda adorable as he wanted Gou to see how much fun battles are (even states how he feels like he can do anything with Pokémon by his side when asked by Gou about how much he loves battling), and Gou feeling nervous and not really knowing how the battles should be done was actually something I’d hoped to see from him this early on, and am so happy to have witnessed. While Satoshi is shown why he is a Champion tier trainer. Hoji is awesome, and I adore how Satoshi, just like us the audience, thought he was there for an early battle but was actually a nice guy with deliquent-like look.
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When Gou gets offended by Hoji calling him cute, I can’t help but say that Gou was actually in the wrong here. But this also further points to the fact that Gou isn’t used to having friends and kind people around him, and seems to assume such remarks at him being callouts and Hoji making fun of him. Which further makes me want to learn more about his past, and not leave it at episode 1′s content. Also, Gou was the first to call Hoji “omae“, which Hoji then pays back with. One thing I wish would have happened was Gou apologizing, same with Hoji, but that didn’t happen I guess. Could be fun if Hoji ended up returning later on, but I don’t know if I trust this series to have recurring characters just yet.
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Just like the announcer, I’ve gained a whole new level of respect for our Barri-chan. I’m sure he still belongs to Hanako mainly due to there not being any remarks of it actually belonging to Satoshi (and how Hanako DID infact tell Barri-chan to look after Satoshi in NS002), but just like how Hanako battled using Nyabby back in SM024, now Satoshi follows suit by using his mom’s ‘mon here. And beautifully. Awesome faces, great tactics fitting for Barrierd, and great showcase of why Satoshi is just so darn good. This is what I’ve been waiting for for the past 6 episodes. Some sort of GOOD showcase of what kind of character Satoshi is. Still not real focus on him, as he really didn’t gain anything meaningful from this, but still the best episode for Satoshi so far in this series. And my fav so far.
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Satoshi won the tournament against Hoji using the same tactic he did during the Alola League finals, showing how well the tactic works and just how freaking awesome Electroweb is as a move. I never want to see this move replaced guys, it’s the absolute best. The Glass Flutes were the prize for the tournament, and I can already tell they’re meaningless lol. Unless some future episode somehow makes use of them. But, this series has been said to be episodic so, the style of continuous lack of fillers and everything being connected in SM is most likely gone. A small silent moment for that please.
Anywho. I enjoyed this episode a ton and it made me feel a bit more positive about the series after feeling a bit meh and bored after the second episode. Something tells me this series will properly pick up during the second year or so, as the first year is usually build-up season on characters and such, so I’ll just keep going and see what happens.
Anywho. Great finish for this year, and for the decade. Next episode is next year on January 12th, where Sinnoh debuts in this series, and Rocket Gang returns for their second appearance, finally. I’m starting to miss their antics honestly. I hope their appearance in Sinnoh will be miles better than their debut in NS003.
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smilingperformer · 5 years
So, couple new summaries for episodes 6 and 7: Contains spoilers for next week as well, slightly!
NS006: I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!!
Go has got his first Pokémon, a Hibanny. He's now taken an interest in getting Pokémon, so he heads to Kuchiba Forest with Satoshi and the others, aiming to get even more. Despite some initial difficulties, he starts by getting a Caterpie, then continues getting one Bug Pokémon after another. Will he manage to get one of every species of Bug Pokémon from the Kanto region?!
NS007: The Houen Region, Site of Fierce Fights! The Battle Frontier Challenge!!
Satoshi and Go have registered for the "Battle Frontier Glass Cup", a battle tournament held in the Houen region. This is Go's first ever Pokémon battle, and his opponent is Hoji from Fuen Town. Hoji sends out a Graena, so Go challenges him with his Strike, who has a type advantage here. Meanwhile, Satoshi is rapidly advancing through the tournament, winning battle after battle. And believe it or not, when he makes it to the match that truly matters, he sends out...?!
So: the Battle Frontier is a battle tournament held in Hoenn. The Battle Frontier located in Hoenn in the games is located in Kanto in anime instead, so it did seem odd. Also, confirms what Gou’ll end up catching in episode 6 (Strike = Scyther, also Graena = Mightyena). Intriquing, intriquing. Thou most intriquing part is the fact that Satoshi’s Pokémon sends out is kept a secret? Why? Is it some past Pokémon? The summary kinda makes it sound like it’s not the kind of decision you’d expect someone to make, but this is Satoshi! :D Sounds like ep 7 will have focus on both Gou and Satoshi, while ep 6 is Gou’s focus episode. Makes sense, Gou is new, while Satoshi is the same. Would love to see Satoshi catch a Galar Pokémon at some point thou, right now there’s no sign of it happening... hm.
Anywho, wanted to discuss these a bit, put under the cut because I don’t want to accidentally spoil people :)
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smilingperformer · 5 years
I didn’t feel it today.
I don’t know, I got honest fear triggers seeing so many Beedrill on screen so maybe that had something to do with it. And maybe the fact that Gou just captured those Pokémon one by one with mostly just GO mechanics? At least couple needed battling but eh. Also Satoshi did barely anything, it really right now feels like even Pokeani doesn’t know what to do with him. At least he finally told Gou and Koharu today that he aims to become a Pokémon Master. Which, neither of them know what it is. But one thing’s for sure: it’s not about catching all Pokémon, it’s MORE than that! :D Still being vague about it but, was happy to see that acknowledged again.
Anywho. Next week still keeps mystery ‘mon a mystery, only ‘mon Satoshi was shown battling with was Pikachu so like... :----D But Gou’s def losing his match, Satoshi was already shown battling the same guy who’s up against Gou. Way to go preview on spoiling Gou’s outcome, gg lol
Edit: At least I had some laughs and the ep was well animated. Iwane never disappoints.
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smilingperformer · 5 years
Man. That was a GOOD episode!
I remained silent about Barrierd on here because I didn’t want it to affect my overall impression on the episode, and considering how I felt about Kapu-Kokeko being Kukui’s last Pokémon, I decided to go with an open mind. I REALLY hope Satoshi explained why he took Barrierd as his second ‘mon, but either way, he ended up being lots of fun, and the moment he was up against a dark-type he wimped out LOL. I... I think I like our Barri-chan now. And he now has an official ball, is it Hanako’s or did Satoshi freaking steal his mom’s ‘mon wtf am I supposed to think of this implication????
Anywho... the supposed jerk of the ep wasn’t a jerk but actually a nice guy with a jerky look, who somehow ticked Gou by calling him cute. He’s definitely a boy, not a girl in disguise like some weird theory’s been going around LOL. And Satoshi remains undefeated. And Electroweb remains the best Pikachu move ever I SWEAR! But it remained mainly Gou focus, Satoshi’s part of the ep was to show how amazing Barri-chan is and how he is still a champ. Thou not mentioned as one, I need a mention pleaaaaaase D: Also, really annoyed by the Tournament being called Battle Frontier when it indeed had nothing to do with it. Even the prize was just.... stuff. Nothing of interest. A shame.
This was a good ep overall, still annoyed by Gou catching Pokémon left and right without battling or actually being shown to catch them, but I guess he really is a GO player type. Gotta try to adjust to that idea and just accept it.
But in two weeks. In TWO WEEKS. Rocket Gang is FINALLY back and they have their usual fish Pokémon ship. How did they end up in Sinnoh thou, that’s another question lol. Gou seems to catch a random Mantyke next week and the Gureggru and Pochama belong to a COTD girl. And there’s a race. Seems like a filler but we’ll see. I’ll watch it for Rocket Gang!
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