#nsft: light masochism
withsixbread · 6 months
Aftercare is sooo freaking sexy bro
Like ruin me and make me bleed but then whisper me sweet praises while you clean and bandage me up, press gentle kisses to my bruises and coo at me reassuringly when you know they sting..
Cradle my face and tell me how good I did, how handsome and pretty I look, play with my hair and soothe my battered body to sleep 💕
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dropping to my knees before you, looking up at your face and how the shadows twist it into a thing of lust, of power, feeling your hand come to rest on the back my head, right above the base of my neck. barely hiding my excitement as you shove me between your thighs, and i start desperately tonguefucking you. nothing but a needy girl serving her master, and your staccato moans tell me all i need to about how well i'm doing. pushing me deeper into you with the hand entangled in my hair; digging the other's nails into my shoulder to steady yourself. you pull me away for a moment and i see you've drawn blood, and i thoughtlessly open my mouth to receive your fingers. the awareness of my shoulder makes it sting in pleasure, and with your fingers buried deep in my throat pressing down on my tongue with a warm, metallic taste, my entire body shivers
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collarkey · 11 months
really craving someone needing me so bad they hurt me just a little... both of us getting so lost in the throes of lust, all clawing fingers and too tight grips and teeth on skin
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need someone to bite me. bite my neck, lick it clean, and then kiss me so I can taste just a little bit of that bloody remnant on those teeth
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thecouchshifter · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel NSFT HCs
He’s a service top and probably the biggest on checking boundaries and aftercare, like more than Charlie and Vaggie. His biggest priority is making sure whoever he’s with has a good and safe time. He’s got experience and he knows how to make anyone feel good. Also whenever someone calls him a manlet he will remind them that height doesn’t matter when you’ve got them on their knees anyway.
Charlie and Vaggie
Put them as a duo because who else are they boning? As a general note, they’re both switches and Charlie is the more experienced one of the two, though mostly with men. They’re generally pretty vanilla but have some light kinks and sometimes do some roleplay.
Vaggie loves a good strap, pulling Charlie’s hair, and biting when topping/domming and has a fucking insane praise kink when bottoming/subbing. Also likes the fact Charlie is taller than her in both (shadow of the colossus type shit or being absolutely towered over). Uses princess or doll to refer to Charlie while domming and generally uses ma’am or my queen while subbing.
Charlie is super soft and romantic when topping/domming and absolutely has to touch and kiss everywhere. When subbing/bottoming, she likes some soft under the bed restraints, maybe a blindfold every once in a while, and has a bit of a mommy kink. Either way she likes setting the scene with some candles and flower petals because she’s extra like that. Has a big praise kink too that goes both ways. Uses sweetheart and more recently little angel when domming to refer to Vaggie and when subbing pretty much exclusively uses mommy. Has one very pretty old school lingerie set that she will whip out when she really wants to impress Vaggie.
There’s no polite way to say it, she’s a fucking freak. Doesn’t matter how you do it she’s gonna do some crazy shit to you or ask you to do some crazy shit to her. Crazy on masochism and sadism in particular. 90% of the bad boys she plays with get scared after the first time and she quickly loses interest after that. Such is the way of Nifty.
Sir Pentious
He prefers romance to sex but if it helps him bond with a partner he’ll do it. Sadly, nobody has actually stayed with him past the first date before. He’s a hopeless romantic but hopes one day he’ll find someone who loves him for him. If he did bone, he’d be really awkward about it and not really know what he was doing but inconceivably keep falling upward and in the end do a really good job. After the fact he’d need a solid 20 minutes to recover while just laying there in shock before thanking his partner profusely.
Cherri Bomb
She has fucked a lot of ways and is generally open to trying anything. Has a few utterly bizarre kinks and fetishes. Not even particularly disturbing just very oddly specific. Like fleshlight between the legs while a replica dildo of her partner’s dick fucks her and their real dick fucks the fleshlight type strange.
Angel Dust
I mean sure he’s down for pretty much anything but slow, romantic, vanilla sex is his fucking kryptonite. He doesn’t get it in the studio or god forbid with Val, so when he does he’s surprised for a minute before he gets completely lost in his partner’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong he loves kinky shit, especially bondage, but getting back to basics is such a treat for him. Very into body worship for a similar reason. Boy just wants to feel loved. Has a set of lingerie for every occasion
“Ha! No.”
Vox likes to think of him as a massive sub tho.
He’s a switch that will absolutely commit to the bit if he’s doing any kind of roleplay or D/S stuff. This man is a grade A actor to the point where Lilith was worried on several occasions as to if he was possessed. He has had millennia to perfect his technique and you will find no soul in hell bar maybe Asmodeus who knows how to use all the tools at his disposal better than him. Has a bit of a ringmaster/circus fantasy and has referred to Lilith as his little acrobat multiple times. Lilith also gets a bit worried when Lucifer is horny because it usually means he hasn’t taken his depression meds. Calls Lilith goddess a lot too.
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x-alted · 8 months
✧⋆⋄✧⋄⋆✧Busted and Blue✧⋆⋄✧⋄⋆✧
⋄Rating: Mature(+18), MDNI, NSFT
⋄Pairing: Leon Kennedy/GN!Reader
⋄Wordcount: 2.1k
⋄Synopsis: Under the cover of night, Leon's in your bed. He's tied up and a mess, eager for you to make him busted and blue...
⋄Tags: GN! Sex, BDSM, Cock and Ball Torture (cock hitting and btiting), light Praise Kink, Shibari, Gags, Riding Crops, Dominant and Submissive dynamics, light Sadism and Masochism, Unprotected Sex, general fuckery tbh.
⋄A/N: This is my first post, and not beta read lol. I rarely ever post my fanfic, but there might be more in the future occasionally. This wasn't written with any particular Leon in mind, so feel free to fantasize as you please. Also, please make sure to read the tags/read at your own discretion, because if I receive any hate mail, I might evaporate. I hope you all enjoy!
It’s so beautiful, and you’ve always thought that.
The vast expanse of deep blue, littered with the tiniest pockmarks of silver stars. The glittering, heavenly fabric hanging in the sky, beckoning for you to reach out your fingers, learn its deepest secrets. 
And the people. The kinds of people the night attracts. They’re certainly something else.
You would easily consider yourself one of those people. As you gaze out the windows of your luxurious apartment, the floor to ceiling panes of glass reveal every beautiful detail. The winking lights of city skyscrapers, glimmer of people dolled up for a night out, all reminds you of the stars against the night sky. It’s beautiful, and a small part of you longs to abandon your current company, leave your apartment, and join the late night excitement of the city. 
Though, the high rise view and promises of nighttime adventures aren’t nearly as beautiful as him. 
He’s on your bed right now, silky black sheets a stark contrast to his skin, and the deep red restraints he wears. The tantalizing crossing of red rope over every curve and inch of his musculature makes you quickly dismiss any idea of leaving him. Not when he’s like this. 
This certainly isn’t an unusual predicament for you or Leon to find yourselves in, given your proclivity for your specific tastes, as well as Leon’s need for his. Though, you’re no stranger to dishing out this kind of attention, it certainly did surprise you when Leon asked you to do this. In fact, when the words had left his lips, you nearly had to double take, not entirely sure that it was Leon sitting before you. In the majority of the time you two had spent together, he had a habit of being a little shit. An attractive little shit, but a little shit nonetheless. He was always eager to tease you, smug and sultry at the same time, rattling off little quips and taunts, regardless of whether or not he was fucking you or eating you out. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t downright excited for the opportunity to both simultaneously dote on and punish Leon.
Now, here you are, standing stark naked as his eyes trail hotly over your body, the need to reach out and touch you reflected in his gaze.
Soft hums of irritation leave him as your eyes rake over his body slowly, though the ball gag in his mouth muffles them substantially. However, his hard cock twitches and kicks, telling you everything you need to know. As exasperated as he is at your lack of attention to his cock, he likes it as well. You let out a soft, sultry laugh at his reactions to the little waiting game you’ve been playing, earning another little indignant huff from him. 
Maybe you’ll play with your food a little longer.
Slinking, you move closer to the bed, and rummage around in the nightstand. Having held off on giving him attention for a while, you can practically feel the intensity of Leon’s eyes burning into you, anticipations running high as you find what you’re looking for.
Out from the expanse of your nightstand drawer comes a long, thin, black stick. One end has a cushioned handle and wrist strap, while the other has a thick, folded piece of leather sewn to it. Perfect for what you want, given Leon lets out another noise, a grunt of anticipation of what’s to come. Your eyes are on him, gaze all heavy and saccharine as you get onto the bed, crawling languidly up his body to reach behind his head and undo the ball gag in his mouth, a string of spit following along.
“Took you long enough..” Leon grumbles, panting a little and stretching his jaw to soothe the ache from the ball gag, as you scoot back on the bed to get a better view of him.
In a flash, you bring the riding crop down on his balls, causing the skin to tighten. Precum beads at the tip of his cock, which kicks and jerks at the spark of pain. Leon groans, a choked sound that bleeds into a whimper, and he arches off the bed for a moment.
“God, fuck sweetheart. You’re killin’ me here…” He whines softly, hips twitching from the aftershocks.
“Well, you know better than to complain.” You murmur, a smirk settling on your lips, your hands reaching up to smooth some hair out of his eyes.
Leon notices you admiring the pretty shade of blue his eyes are, taking advantage of your distraction to turn his head to the side and playfully nip at your fingers. A soft grunt follows as he pines for your attention, feeling needy beyond all belief-
“Hng! G-God you-!” Leon chokes out, not getting to finish his sentence as another sinful whimper of pain leaves him as you bring the riding crop down yet again on his balls, giving them a couple of hits in quick succession. His head is tossed back, lip worried between his teeth, the flush on his cheeks spreading to the tips of his ears and down his neck. Complaint after complaint can leave his lips, but you know it’s all just an act, that he’s just being bratty for the fun of it.
Deciding to tease him some more, you feather the riding crop all over his cock, finding it hard not to when he reacts so deliciously to it. Leon’s cock twitches and thighs quiver when you tease the crop over his tender balls, tracing veins on the underside of his shaft, and bring it up to just tease the edge of the head. 
Ever the glutton for punishment, he bucks his hips, trying to grind his cock against the riding crop for some relief while he chokes out ‘let me just-’
Once more, you bring the riding crop down - hard - this time on the tip of his cock. Leon moans and grunts, body tensing at the mix of pain and pleasure, especially when you start to grind the riding crop against the head and slit. Precum smears obscenely, and a string forms when you finally pull the riding crop away, making him shudder and whine.
“How cute…” You tease, only a hint of meanness in your words. 
You give him one more hard smack to the tip of his cock, making Leon suck in a sharp breath of air through his clenched teeth, before teasing it up and away from his cock. You drag the leather of the riding crop sensually through the hairs of his happy trail, across his abs as well, taking delight in the way his muscles ripple and skin contracts at the sensation.
Feeling yourself growing more and more aroused, you’ve decided you’ve had enough, ready to satiate the ache between your legs. Tossing the riding crop somewhere to the ground off the side of the bed, you crawl back up his body, far enough that your mouth is close to his cock. He twitches once more, eyes alight with a needy anticipation now. 
Mischief gleaming in your eyes, you lower your mouth, giving his tip small kitten licks. Leon groans softly at your ministrations, especially when you take your time to press the tip of your tongue into his slit. 
“F-Fuck. That’s so–” He murmurs, biting his lip, muscles straining against the rope as he fights off the urge to buck up into your mouth. Leon knows he’s close to getting the touch he so desperately needs, so he’s certainly more eager to play nice now. 
Knowing you have him right where you want him, you scrape your teeth across his tip, biting down softly. You’re exerting enough pressure that Leon makes a funny little noise, bordering on a squeal almost as a mix of light fear and heavy arousal floods through him. 
Growing a little impatient yourself, you give a couple of teasing nips to his shaft and balls, Leon letting out the prettiest little gasps all the wild. He’s always been pretty vocal, but the noises he’s making tonight are downright sinful and have you feeling hot and bothered.
Finally, you move up, settling yourself on top of him. Sat just below his cock, you start eyeing him a little, making him let out a low rumble. 
“Finally ready, now?” Leon teases, the beginning of a smug smile forming on his face. Grabbing the ball gag, you dangle it teasingly above his face.
“Don’t make me put this back on you…” You threaten, not entirely planning on following through, given you love hearing all the little noises Leon makes. He looks a little irritated, but ultimately doesn’t respond.
“Good boy…” You tease, a wicked grin on your face as you rise up, starting to stroke Leon’s cock, slow and teasing like everything else you’ve done this evening.
He’s not quite ready to give in and beg yet, lips clamped shut as he breathes sharply through his nose, brow knitting as you languidly jerk him off. Humming softly as more precum beads from the tip, slicking your hand up as you pump him, you pick up the pace a little and squeeze ever so lightly. A little pant and a low groan leave Leon as you pick up the pace even more, before you slow down again, making him toss his head back in frustration especially when you squeeze his shaft again.
“Please! Fuck I– I’ve been so good, haven’t I-” Leon whimpers, and grits his teeth as you shift to hover right above his cock, cutting him off by teasingly rubbing him against your entrance.
“Oh fuck…guess I kept you and me waiting long enough, hm?” You murmur sultrily, moaning out when you start to sink down on Leon's cock, getting stretched out as you take him, inch by inch. 
“H-Hah! Just like that– shit–” Leon chokes out, already entirely too sensitive from the teasing he’s been through. He’s kicking and twitching inside you, filling you up and just grazing the most sensitive parts as you bottom out. 
You stay seated for a moment, taking a moment to get used to the feel of him inside you. It didn’t register just how needy you had been as well, too swept up in toying with the man beneath you. Silence stretches between you for a beat, as you both pant softly, before it’s broken by the minute sound of skin on skin as you begin to ride him. Setting a tantalizingly slow pace, you raise up, only to drop down, both of you moaning out now in sync as you begin to lose yourself in the pleasure. 
“Mhm, s-so  good for me, taking what I give you…” You rasp out, starting to pick up the pace a little, pleasure coiling low in your gut. Leon’s feeling it as well, telltale in the way he’s trembling slightly, fighting off the urge to fuck up into your wet heat with reckless abandon. 
“Shit, g’nna make me come early if you keep talking like that…” He whines, looking already like a fucked out mess, a flush settled on his cheeks and his pretty blue eyes clouded over with need. 
Unable to muster up a response, you’re too lost in the drag of his cock against your insides, especially when you grind down particularly hard. The tip of his cock hits just right, pressing up against that sensitive spot, where you find yourself rapidly losing restraint.
The clapping of skin fills the room, the smell of sweat as well as you pick up the pace. Leon’s all too happy when you lean down, sloppily kissing him, soft lips messy and needy against your own. His cock throbs when you start to kiss along his jawline, nipping and biting your way to his neck to leave a smattering of love bites.
“God, m’so close, please.” Leon gasps, panting loudly now, strained noises leaving him as his stomach tenses, not far behind you for release. 
“Yes, God, did so well. Go ahead and come in me.” You whine, walls fluttering around him as your own orgasm starts to creep up on you. 
“Please!” Leon grunts, the sound so unabashed and needy, it sends a bolt of arousal down your spine.
With a cry of your own, you clench down hard around Leon, walls fluttering as they practically milk Leon. Leon comes with a rumble, grunting and gasping as he spills inside you, hot and sticky. You bounce a few more times, drawing out both of your orgasms, before you settle on his lap, basking in the afterglow. 
It doesn’t take you long to relax, fully slipping off of Leon with a hiss, undoing the rope tying him up. Once freed, he stretches out on the bed, rolling over to face you. There’s a mixture of mischief and heat in his eyes, a coy smile playing on his lips as he scoots closer to you. His hot breath washes over your face, and a lone hand ghosts up and down your side teasingly, featherlight and sensual.
“So, your turn next?”
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drunk0nheat · 5 months
Horny Blog Info [NSFT]
Hiiiiiii! You can call me Shy [not my real name], or Drunk! I use they/them, it/its, and she/her* pronouns, I'm 21 years old, I'm a switch, and I'm somewhere in the realm of lesbian and demi-bisexual. I generally prefer interaction with other queer folk, but I'm not exclusively t4t.
Featured tags: milky <3, shy-writes
Posts with extreme words or subjects will either have a warning or be hidden in a read more.
Also, I made a BlueSky! Same handle as here: drunk0nheat.bsky.social
{*I only use she/her when I request it specifically, it's not my default.}
I'm in a polyamorous relationship, and I'm not treating this as a dating site. My partner is aware I'm on here and doing this, and they do it too, so don't bother asking about it. Mostly, I'm just here to flirt, share with people who like the same things I do, roleplay a little bit, and make some friends!
Tag for finding writing is #shy-writes, it may not all be kink based, but it probably will be related in some way. DMs and asks are open, just be aware that I reserve the right to block anyone who crosses a line.
Red (Hard Limits)
Unsolicited/personal threats
Ageless Blogs
Cops and Cop RP
Now that we have the important bits out of the way, time for the stuff that won't send me straight for the block button.
For the Yellow List, an item higher up means it's closer to the red, so it's the least likely to come up, or to get a positive or affirmative reaction out of me if brought up.
Yellow (Soft Limits) [can be discussed]
Pushy/Forceful Out of RP (ignoring "no," basically; requires safeword discussion, and safeword must always be respected)
Diaper play
Blood (heavy)
Heavy Contact play (punching, severe injury, etc.)
Heavy Vomit
Blood (light)
If something does not appear on the Red or Yellow lists, but also is not on the Green or Pink lists, feel free to ask! I'm not judgy. In some cases I may have thought it didn't need mentioning out of a lack of specific preference.
Now for the really fun bits! The Green List is for stuff that I enjoy consistently. You can rely on me to be down for this stuff on any given day, and I generally don't prefer any one item over another regularly enough to position them on the list accordingly. If something doesn't specify heavy or light, it's probably both.
Green (Kinks and Preferences)
Vanilla sex (nothing wrong with predictable boring intimacy)
MILF/Age Gap (no minors)
Toxic Power Dynamic (professor/student, boss/employee, etc.)
Knife play
Unrealistic Anatomy
Drug/Alcohol play
Bimboification/IQ Decrease
Orgasm Denial/Edging
Fantasy characters/scenarios
Sci-Fi characters/scenarios
And last but not least, the Pink List. This is relatively exclusive: my all time favorites! Also a little loosey goosey terminology-wise. Some items on the Green List may occasionally surpass items on the Pink List, but the Pink List have a 24/7 100% approval!
Pink (Absolute Favorites!)
Breast play and Lactation
Oral Fixation (!!!!!!!!!!!)
Anal (!!!!!!!!!!)
Excessive Fluids (saliva, semen, discharge, etc.)
Size Difference (realistic + unrealistic)
Multiple Orgasms
Toys (dildos, plugs, pumps, clamps, straps, etc.)
If you made it this far, you've probably picked up by now that I'm a bit of a freak, but far from the craziest. This may not all be relevant, especially if you're not interested in roleplaying, but I'm not ashamed to share these aspects of my sexual interests!
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shibaraki · 2 years
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tags: GN reader, NSFT, pro hero deku, sub leaning izuku (called good boy), implied exhibitionism, light masochism, handjobs, edging, soft humiliation, aftercare
wc: 1k+
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The handle rattles, and the bathroom door opens barely a hair before Izuku’s hand is pushing it closed with an abrupt slam.
“Tell them it’s occupied,” you murmur, an amused smile curling the corner of your lips as you sink back against the wall, unperturbed by the near-intrusion. It’s hard to care with such a gorgeous sight braced over you.
There’s heat crawling up Izuku’s neck. Beneath his collar, top button undone, you can see his chest rising with every breath. Smatterings of red where your teeth sank in, soft skin sucked gently into your mouth, just enough to hurt the way he liked it. His painstakingly styled hair has fallen askew, stray curls hanging over his eyes and the desperate pinch in his brow. You have his suit pants open, dress shirt haphazardly untucked.
“Go on,” you whisper.
“It’s—ah, it's occupied in here,” he chokes out, voice thinning and breaking as you purposefully drag your fist back over his cock. Whoever was there had probably already left, but that wasn’t the point of it.
Keeping his weight on the door, his other arm is leant against the tile above your head. His entire body shakes as he bucks into your fist, every thrust punctuated by the soft slick sound of spit and cum, so much louder in such a small space. Head hung between his shoulders and jaw slacked, Izuku lines the curve of your neck with unfocused, open mouthed kisses to smother his whimper.
Bearing your throat, you exhale through your own arousal, circling the tip of his cock with a quiet, “Good boy”. The reaction is immediate, his abdomen clenching in the effort to stave off his orgasm. You grant him a kindness, readjusting to grip the base until he stops trembling.
A breathless stream of “thank you, thank you, thank you,” pressed to your jugular. Izuku liked to drag it out to the point of overstimulation, to teeter on the precipice for as long as possible. And you liked to be the one keeping him there.
“So loud, baby,” you tuck a smile into his hair, dipping to nuzzle at his temple, “does it feel that good?” Lifting a knee, you push against his balls in tandem with the stroke of his cock, and like thread on a spool a groan unravels from the back of his throat.
“Fuck s’good, feels so—please,” the trembling returns as if it never left, his body instinctively coiling into itself as he abandons the door in favour of clutching at your waist.
“Been gone so long from our table, Izuku,” you tell him, lips grazing the pink tipped shell of his ear. “And you’ve been making so much noise, haven’t you?”
A shudder quakes through him. You keep a slow, unforgiving pace, his cock throbbing against your palm. “Maybe whoever tried to get in heard your sweet little noises,” his grip is bruising, the bathroom tile above you fracturing under the pressure of his fist.
“I wonder if they told the others…” he crowds in closer, fucking frantically into your fist. One more nudge. Lowering your voice into a teasing murmur, you say, “What will everyone think of their precious symbol of peace when they find out he was so desperate to fuck my hand he left his own gala?”
A rush of static floods through you as he moans — so unabashed and helpless in that moment, like all the air had been pushed from his lungs. The hand at your side slides further to grab your ass, reflexively hiking you up towards his hips the way he does when he’s fucking you. Handles you like it’s nothing, tethers to you seeking comfort as he crests.
His mouth gapes open, panting your name in short bursts. Izuku holds you close, thick cum spilling into your fist, wetter with every drag over his tip. “That’s it baby, give it all to me,” you cooed quietly, dipping to kiss the skin you could reach.
You do not stop when he’s finished, instead slowing gently even as he flinches. He enjoys pushing the limit, to still feel your touch long after it’s done. You suspected that tucking himself back into his suit pants would cause some lingering soreness, just the way he wanted. Every feeble hitch of breath pulses through your sex, kindling a muted sense of arousal that didn’t need tending to. Not now. Izuku needed you.
The air is thick, humid. You hum loving praises and reassurances into his ear, cradling him to your front where he has sunken forward like a puppet free of strings. When he finally lifts his head it’s in search of your lips, dazed and lazy as he kisses you, thumb circling apologies into the finger shaped bruises at your waist.
“You back with me, big guy?” you can’t help but smile as the question swallowed by his greed, tenderly sucking at the swell of your bottom lip. He twitches again in your hand, and you squeeze in warning. “I mean it, Izuku. We gotta get you cleaned up before your speech”.
He mumbles something inaudibly, gaze half lidded and dilated. You love him in any state, but this — entirely sated, free of thought and wrapped up in a blanket of contentment — might be your favourite.
“What was that, love?” you blindly search along the bathroom countertop for the tissue box you had seen earlier, yet trying not to jostle him too much while he returns to himself. “I didn’t hear you”.
A drawn out exhale. Sheepishly, he asks, “Do you really think they know?”
The blush staining his cheeks has yet to fade. Now that the pleasure is dissipating, you know he’s genuinely embarrassed; both at the thought of it being true, and at the fact he enjoyed it.
“I don’t think anyone could possibly hear you over all that racket outside,” you tell him honestly. “But we have been gone for a while. I can’t promise they won’t make assumptions”.
Processing your answer, he shifts his weight awkwardly between each foot, clothes a mess and eyes slightly watery. A sudden surge of warmth floods your chest and urges that you kiss him again. On the lips, at the corners of his mouth, his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. You kiss him until the anxious pinch in his expression has smoothened, and he’s grinning under your shower of affection.
“Who cares if they know?” as your fingers finally pinch at a piece of tissue, you take multiple, nudging the tap to start the water running. A final kiss, “You deserve a little TLC, hero”.
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Ashley Graham NSFT alphabet alt
18+ for filth
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A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?) 
Not a lot of porn appeals to her. Bit too unrealistic and violent for her tastes
She has a small collection of vibrators and dildos. Most of them are colorful, she dislikes the overly realistic dildos
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?) 
Both. Definitely both. She has to be in the right headspace to be tied up, if she's not then it can trigger her
She has fuzzy pink cuffs and spreader bars ready to go when she can handle it. Her safeword is teacup
Interested in shibari bondage. She's a quick learner and has a preference for full body harnesses
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?) 
Solid turn off for her either way. If you start crying, then she's ending the session to check on you. Sex is over, aftercare is starting
D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?)
She doesn't care, really. She can work with either role or no roles at all
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
Sensation play is intriguing to her. Using ice or a massage candle sounds like a perfectly fun time
She'll keep a small vibrator or two in her panties, if the two of you are staying home all day. Ask her and she'll pull her panties aside, so you can see how wet she is
F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)
She's not risking an infection. Food stays out of the bedroom
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?) 
If you could somehow wrangle Leon into a threeway, she'd die happy. Unfortunately, he's not interested and she can't think of anyone else she'd be comfortable having as a third
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?) 
No. Humiliating her hurts her feelings, and she just feels bad when she tries to humiliate you. She'll end up relentlessly apologizing for insulting you
Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.) 
Ashley is comfortable being spanked. It doesn't hurt her, it just makes her giggly. Bringing a paddle or cane in the bedroom results in her side eyeing you
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?) 
Typically just water based lube. Silicone would melt through most of her toys. She's interested in trying different lube flavors out of curiosity, even the obviously bad ones. Worst one so far has been bacon flavored
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?) 
Doesn't mind having marks left behind as long as they aren't in really visible areas. If you accidentally mark her, she'll just complain a bit and cover it with makeup
On the flip of that, she'll leave marks everywhere she can on you. If you want she'll cover yours with makeup too
L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?) 
She's rigged her bedroom to have mood lighting with different colored fairy lights. She's very proud of it
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?) 
She's not a masochist, not into pain play at all or degradation. She might accidentally scratch you but it's really not deliberate and she'll apologize for it
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?)
Enjoys being delayed for a little while, but only in the current session. Not interested in being denied for days, it frustrates her and not in a fun way
She's an absolute bastard when it comes to the reverse. You'll have to work for that orgasm
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
The furthest she's willing to go is flashing in a photo booth, having sex while camping or in an abandoned location. Her being caught doing anything would be a scandal and isn't something she wants to deal with
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?) 
She doesn't ask for nudes, but she's happy to receive them. She returns with nudes of her own, heart emoticons or an occasional awooga
You're guaranteed to get at least one picture of her doing a peace sign while fully nude
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
Ashley is a fairly loud moaner, she doesn't scream often. She's more of a quiet eyeroller than a screamer when things are good
She has a tendency of putting a hand over her mouth to stifle the sounds
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?) 
The closest she gets to planning ahead of time is calling you before she gets home to let you know what's up
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?) 
Sucker for lazy morning sex, the added bonus is you both get to stay in bed for a little while longer afterwards
She'll fuck you awake if you're comfortable with it. Not super into being fucked awake herself
T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…)
Typically bottoms, but she will break out the strap on occasionally  
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) 
She owns some lingerie for special nights. She leans towards babydolls, bodysuits and basques in bright colors
Day to day wear is comfortable cotton bikini style panties and t-shirt bras
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?) 
Exhibition and glory hole curious. She can't really act on those kinks, so do her a favor and roleplay all the things she can't do
W - Water (pool sex? bath / shower sex? are they into watersports at all?)
Bath and shower foreplay is okay. Actually having sex in water isn't that fun for her,
X - X-dressing (do they crossdress as a part of teasing / foreplay? does crossdressing turn them on? turn their partner on? do they prefer to do it or watch their partner crossdress instead? do they use other costumes? cat ears, tails, etc?) 
Ashley loves costumes, she has a chest full of them and she goes all out with makeup too. She has a couple different bunny and cat girl costumes
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?) 
She doesn't mind being called mistress, but she doesn't want it to be an everytime thing
Hates being called princess and ma'am. Will not use daddy in a serious way
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?) 
Thighs, breasts, neck and back. Her nipples are incredibly sensitive
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cutestonerboii · 9 months
Hi! This is my second attempt at a blog after my other one got censored explicit!
Read on for my pinned post info! <3
♤I’m Arden, my pronouns are he/they/it. I’m a masc genderqueer bottom leaning switch with AuDHD or something.
◇I have fibromyalgia. I'm disabled, have chronic pain, and use mobility aides, so that might be reflected in my posts.
♤I've been on Testosterone since March 2022, and I'm loving my body so much more now
♧Terms I prefer for my body: cock/dick/tdick, hole/pussy/cunt/etc, chest/tits/breasts/boobs. The only one I'm strict on is my cock, so as long as you remember that you're golden.
♡ Things I’m into: Breeding (but not preg), light piss kink, monsterfucking, exhibitionism/voyeurism, free use, masochism, bondage, praise, humiliation, primal, pet play, cnc, and a LOT more. It's hard to find stuff I'm not really into, I'll try anything once!
Asks/dms are always welcome! Asks are more likely to get answered
Reblogs are sexy and keep the website working
If you want to send a tip, my cashapp is $dwynosb20 and my PayPal Is @/softso I appreciate each and every one
My tags:
#my pics/#nsft pics for all my pics
#woof for my text/other posts
Check back later for updates because there will be some!
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lilacmusee · 2 months
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Call me Romy! I’m 19 and use she/they pronouns
I’m a lesbian and will be posting strictly wlw content, and whatever else catches my attention. this blog is 18+ and nsft. feel free to block if you’re not comfortable with the content.
Feel free to send me asks, and feel free to be an emoji anon if you’d rather remain anonymous, but known. Please let me know your age and pronouns first <3 I will list the taken emojis below.
MEN AND MINORS DNI!!!! Get off my blog if you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. You’re not welcome here, and I am not afraid of the block button 👍🏻
Kinks: edging, overstim, light sadism/masochism, somno, marking, praise, degradation
Turn-offs: vomit, scat, piss, incest, rape. will add more as i think of them
Taken emojis: 🪽, 🍓
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spicywhumper · 4 months
frisky february '24: 06. hidden identity + nsft whump bingo: public sex
series: the midnight takes / rating: explicit
trigger/content warning: explicit sexual content, magical cock, blood, mild-masochism, implied past non-con, consensual but maybe not that safe or sane.
The mask’s uncomfortable on her face, presses against her crooked nose and digs into her scar. Every time she get glimpse of her reflection, it makes her frown, forgetting that it’s her under it for a second or two. But she keeps going, keeps moving between sweaty bodies and lets her head be filled with the scent of arousal.
That’s why Zoe’s here, or Midnight, something in-between and something beyond. 
Tonight, she doesn’t have a name – and it doesn’t feel as bad as it should, she wonders what’s really wrong with her. What’s so utterly broken inside her that all she can do is seek for a way to relieve the urges, as she seeks a way to make herself feel empty of the deviant desires so she can be normal , so she can come back to Sienna.
So a sex party where everyone’s wearing blank, creepy masks is tonight’s adventure, tonight’s .
She’s one of the few wearing more than underwear, at least half of the people are naked. Some already engaging in some form or sex. She gets mildly distracted by a man riding what looks like a male werecat as if his life depended on that. Ok, maybe being the one doing the fucking with a man would be interesting.
She’s not sure what she’s looking for. She looks almost normal here, wearing dark wash jeans that fir comfortably and a black hoodie, like she’s going grocery shopping. Zoe decided, beforehand, to try that spell. Sometimes the ‘alpha’ inside her chest wants out, there’s two way: beating someone into a bloody pulp and filling them up with as much cum as they can handle. You can guess the choice for tonight, uh?
She casted it before entering, so the stupid magical cock’s already begging for attention. She doesn’t know why it tends to last so long, perhaps it’s just her weird biology. It doesn’t matter that much, probably would avoid people asking why said member disappears as soon as she cums. 
Thankfully, doesn’t take long for her to catch sight of a woman. Short, small, the kind she can break if she’s not careful enough, and the alpha on her chest roars . It growls in her head, that one, I want that one . She’ll try then, and won’t let the little monster try to convince to insist until she gets what it wants.
She’s a few steps away from the woman when she turns, seeming to notice her attention. The slits for eyes on the mask reveal dark red – of course the beast inside her wants a goddamned vampire. She doesn’t mind. The vampire’s mask only covers her face from nose up, unlike Zoe’s full-face, she smirks and her fangs glisten in the multicolored light of the club. She’s wearing shorts so short that Zoe has boxers longer than those, black like her high heels, and nothing else. Well, she’s also wearing gloves, simple leather gloves and Zoe remembers that many vampires have venomous nails, and half of the people here would have, at least, a mild allergic reaction to a vampire’s venom.
Zoe’s cock aches to be inside her.
“Hello, tiger,” her voice drips thrill, one that doesn’t work on her. 
“Hello, bloodsucker.”
“Hm,”  her eyes roam up and down, shamelessly fixing itself on the bulge for several seconds. “Ya packing, uh?”
“I’m a lucky woman.”
“I see,” she steps closer, her hand hovers above what she was eying. “You were staring at me.”
“You caught my attention.”
“You definitely also caught my attention.”
“Can we get to it, then?”
“Right here?”
“Everyone seems to want to show off their skills at fucking or being fucked. Are you not here for that?”
She shrugs: “You’re not dressed like the others.”
Zoe steps closer, her nose filled by vampire’s arousal: “I’m here to show my dick game, not my muscles.”
“Oh my, you’re bold.”
“You’re the one a centimeter from groping me,” she hisses when the vampire does grab at her erection, firmly checking the thickness, and she purrs . “Like what you found?”
“Very much, come get me, tiger.”
Zoe nods, her hands grab the vampire’s waist and pushes her to the closest empty table. Judging by the empty glass that smells suspiciously like blood, that must be the vampire’s table. 
They don’t need names, they don’t need anything. If the vampire is here to get fucked, and Zoe’s here to fuck, they already have everything they need: interest and permission, matching goals.
The table groans with how hard Zoe pushes her against it. She resists the urge to push her mask up and kiss down her body. The vampire’s eyes  shine brighter when Zoe’s pushes her thumb into her mouth to coat it with venom-laced saliva, left then right. She cups her boobs and touches the already hard nipples. The vampire is shameless as she tries and humps on Zoe, legs around her hips.
Zoe thinks she can get something slower, calmer with her, or not. It doesn’t matter.
She leaves trails of pink scratches down her sides until she reaches the ridiculous tight, small shorts. A nod is all permission she needs before ear it apart with one pull. She salivates at the sight, and the heavy scent, of the vampire’s pussy.
She knows how it’s taste, that’s the only thing stopping her from eating her out right there.
The vampire purrs again when Zoe pulls out her cock, heavy, hard and needy. She makes sure to rest it against her lower belly for a moment, to show off how deep  she’ll go. And it’s deep, the vampire is probably over a head shorter than her without the heels. And she spreads her legs more, silently begging for the touches Zoe’s withholding.
One sharp, smooth thrust and she’s balls deep into the wet warmth. (Who spread the myth that vampires are cold? They’re almost warmer than half living being she fucked before.) As she gives the vampire time to adjust to the thickness inside her, Zoe reaches towards one of her hands and tugs the glove:
“You don’t need it.”
“I’ve been told my nails are dangerous.”
“I promise I’m pretty much immune to vampire venom,” she tugs again. “Perhaps I like a little pain.”
“I ain’t taking you to healers if you have a reaction.”
“I can handle myself.”
She pulls her sleeves up to her elbows, the vampire eyes her forearms, licks her lips. She knows her whole body is the kind of sculpted muscular shape that some women enjoy a lot, it works with how Zoe is in a mission of finding someone that will make her feel normal, or a little normal (just normal enough to come back to Sienna).
The vampire nods and takes off the gloves, her nails are a beautiful shape of sharp, dangerous claws. 
Zoe leans closer, nodding when the vampire placed her hands close to her elbows, pressing slightly as a promise of hurting her, making her bleed, giving her what she wants. 
She braces herself, the table’s bolted to the floor, she noticed it after throwing the vampire on it. 
She starts slowly, shallow thrusts and making the vampire breath faster. Before the vampire asks her to, Zoe increases the strength and force behind her thrusts. The harder the vampire digs her claws into her skin, the harder she fucks the vampire.
Zoe can feel people watching them, she tries to not be bothers, she did choose to come here.
The vampire cums almost pathetically fast, Zoe can’t judge, nails dug almost into her bones. The blood drips almost dangerously, she won’t complain, not when the pain goes straight to her cock. Not when the pain makes pleasure swelling on her lower belly.
The vampire clutches hard around her, hard like she doesn’t want to let it go, like she’s trying to milk as much cum out of her as she can.
Zoe’s almost surprised when it does work.
The vampire looks pretty good after being filled with Zoe’s cum, she thinks she can do it again at anytime.
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about me :3
My name is Lee, but you can feel free to call me any pet name your heart desires! :D (examples under the cut)
I am 20, bisexual poly transmasc (he/they) (though i dont care that much about labels) and i am autistic. My special interest is BTS (the kpop group) if anyone was curious :3
This is really just a side blog for me to be lonely and horny so im gonna be posting mostly sex and autism lol
I talk about some pretty hard kinks! If thats not your thing, this may not be the blog for you
Please feel free to message me whatever/whenever you want -DM's are open for mutuals, asks open to all!! Just remember that i am not obligated to respond.
I follow from @fi****************ne :3
DNI (I wont hesitate to block):
MINORS, Empty/blank blogs, trans fetishisers, homophobes, transphobes, ableists, de-trans kinks, alt-right, pedo/groomer blogs, others i cant think of rn (i'll update this one day lol)
Please only interact if you are 18-29ish. I'm more leanient about older people, but still not super comfortable talking to people more than a decade older than me in an nsfw context. If you are under 18, you will be blocked no questions. If you are over 30ish, you'll probably be ignored, sorry.
Now onto the nsft stuff >:3
I am a switch, but I often lean towards sub
I am a huge masochist lol (its the sensory seaking autistic in me)
My kinks are:
(all are both giving and receiving)
Choking! (Especially collars)
Pet play!! (I am a puppy :3 ) (call me a good boy. I dare you. I will melt.)
Primal play
Size kink
Pain play
Fear play
Dacryphilia (crying)
Cnc (heavy emphasis on the consent part)
Breeding (no preg)
Voice kink
Olfactophilia (scents)
Restraints/light bondage
Slight exhibitionism/voyeurism
Probably more that I cant think of rn
What i like to be called:
Good boy
Puppy/mutt/dog (+ any other variations I cant think of rn)
Mommy (im still a guy)/daddy
Do NOT call me kitten unless i specifically tell you you can. Other variations of it (kitty, cat, etc) are fine though :)
How i refer to my body:
Chest: tits, chest, pecs, anything other than breasts or boobs
Genitals: cunt, hole, pussy, boycunt, boypussy, dick, anything other than vagina
What i look like:
I will likely not be posting/sending many pictures so; I am white, 5'5, and slightly chubby. I have short brown hair and green eyes.
Kinks I dont like:
(idc if you like this stuff, just keep it away from me)
Medical anything
My bdsm test results :3
Last updated: June 6, 2024
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shyfrog-hblog · 5 months
Horny Sideblog Info [NSFT]
Hiiiiiii! You can call me Shy [not my real name], I use they/them, it/its, and she/her pronouns, I'm 21 years old, I'm a switch, and I'm somewhere in the realm of lesbian and demi-bisexual. I generally prefer interaction with other queer folk, but I'm not exclusively t4t.
I'm not in a relationship, but I'm not treating this as a dating site either. Mostly, I'm just here to flirt, share with people who like the same things I do, roleplay a little bit, and make some friends!
Tag for finding writing is #shy-writes, it may not all be kink based, but it probably will be related in some way. DMs and asks are open, just be aware that I reserve the right to block anyone who crosses a line.
Red (Hard Limits)
Unsolicited/personal threats
Ageless Blogs
Cops and Cop RP
Now that we have the important bits out of the way, time for the stuff that won't send me straight for the block button.
For the Yellow List, an item higher up means it's closer to the red, so it's the least likely to come up, or to get a positive or affirmative reaction out of me if brought up.
Yellow (Soft Limits) [can be discussed]
Selfies/Nudes (requests or offers)
Pushy/Forceful Out of RP (ignoring "no," basically; requires safeword discussion, and safeword must always be respected)
Diaper play
Gun play
Heavy Contact play (punching, severe injury, etc.)
Heavy Vomit
If something does not appear on the Red or Yellow lists, but also is not on the Green or Pink lists, feel free to ask! I'm not judgy. In some cases I may have thought it didn't need mentioning out of a lack of specific preference.
Now for the really fun bits! The Green List is for stuff that I enjoy consistently. You can rely on me to be down for this stuff on any given day, and I generally don't prefer any one item over another regularly enough to position them on the list accordingly. If something doesn't specify heavy or light, it's probably both.
Green (Kinks and Preferences)
Vanilla sex (nothing wrong with predictable boring intimacy)
MILF/Age Gap (no minors)
Toxic Power Dynamic (professor/student, boss/employee, etc.)
Knife play
Oral Fixation
Unrealistic Anatomy
Drug/Alcohol play
Bimboification/IQ Decrease
Orgasm Denial/Edging
Fantasy characters/scenarios
Sci-Fi characters/scenarios
And last but not least, the Pink List. This is relatively exclusive: my all time favorites! Also a little loosey goosey terminology-wise. Some items on the Green List may occasionally surpass items on the Pink List, but the Pink List have a 24/7 100% approval!
Pink (Absolute Favorites!)
Breast play and Lactation
Oral Fixation
Anal (!!!!!!!!!!)
Excessive Fluids (saliva, semen, discharge, etc.)
Size Difference (realistic + unrealistic)
Multiple Orgasms
Toys (dildos, plugs, pumps, clamps, straps, etc.)
If you made it this far, you've probably picked up by now that I'm a bit of a freak, but far from the craziest. This may not all be relevant, especially if you're not interested in roleplaying, but I'm not ashamed to share these aspects of my sexual interests!
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puppyboy-boytoy · 1 year
new intro (wip on making it cute)
hello this is my nsfw 18+ blog, you may have seen other posts of mine because i migrated from a sideblog to a main blog so i can block people directly. the old blog is @catboy-catboy-backup
holy fuck put your age in your bio or ill block you :l
pls read entire thing before referencing my partners!!
they/he + masc terms (puppyboy, boytoy, bf)
dating @cagedcryptid and @princesswisteria, im the polycules designated sub but we're all switchy/flexible in positioning
we're all physically disabled
obnoxious and autistic /pos
demi-sexual gender fucked and queer
im a switch verse who usually tops, only really sub and bottom for my princess + boyfriend
you can call me puppy, pup, or dog
pls i love asks!! and dms!! send me sexual stuff!! we want to build relationships but you CANNOT be weird about it also NO UNSOLICITED PICTURES. PLS ASK FIRST. thanks :3
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monster fucking, edge and denial, oral fixation, teasing, overstimulation, bondage, exhibitionism, begging, praise, embarrassment, biting, scratching, breeding with pregnancy, light somno, impact, spanking, stimmimg, choking, pinning, probably so many more
cnc, anal, piss, scat, ageplay, detrans, misgendering, breath, guns,
i might reblog things w the word c*nt but pls don't directly refer to my body or my partners' bodies w the word thanks!!
blood/knives, hard impact, masochism
this is a queer blog. its not meant for cishets, but as long as yall are Normal you can stay. T4T ALWAYS ‼️ ageless, blank, and minors DNI. you will be blocked. i block liberally.
more info under the cut!
flashing images/blinkies under the cut!
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#boytoy thoughts -> stuff i wrote
#monster nsft -> anything monster fucking related
#this puppy bites -> anything biting or dog related
#both ways -> id like to do it and also have it done to me
#image -> anything with an image or video
#creature -> monster fucker specific art and pictures
everything else should for the most part be tagged accordingly but lmk if i gotta change anything
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i use they/it, and have a clit/tdick/cock, pussy/hole, and tits/chest
princess uses he/him but femme titles, and doesnt want his body referenced
my boyfriend uses they/he and does not want his body referenced at all actually
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my discord server is now up! its for kinky transgender autistic disabled folks! we have about 35 members rn, but only a small handful are active
the bot is coded for 21+ but if youre 18-20 dm me we can try and figure something out 😌
dm / comment / ask for the link! it keeps expiring
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foxgloveboi · 2 years
hi, welcome to my blog :)
my name is [redacted] but u can call me foxglove and I'm 19 and polyamorous
im a trans guy, and im a switch. this will be a nsft blog for when I'm feeling dom! my sub account is @fennelboi
kinks r including but not limited to: masochism, praise, breeding, humiliation, degradation, monster fucking, impact play, dumbification, somnophilia, and light cnc and other stuff I can't think of rn
won't be ranting or venting on this blog.
⚠️DNI: ageplay, scat, a lot of blood, misgendering kinks, s/h, vent, ana account, minor or ageless ⚠️
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