#ntwewy secret reports
time to go beat all the pig noise across the entire game
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eldritch-composer · 1 year
oh my computer is at a shop (technically its at a community college type thing but the prof is the one working on it and hes licensed for repairs so whatever) so i started playing ntwewy again got all the reports all the pigs maxed the social network and got all clothes and cds 👍
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scramble-crossing · 2 years
Like I understand the desire to see Hanekoma as a father figure to Sho (I'm the same way) but it is SO so funny when the canon extent of their dynamic is Hanekoma literally getting Sho killed and then not bothering to revive him when he almost definitely could have, then peacing out for 3+ years with literally no trace of him left behind so that even when Sho gets brought back there's no closure for him. The most positive adult figure in Minamimoto's life is an absent father and I feel like that explains a lot about him
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twewysecretreports · 1 year
Have you ever wanted to play TWEWY, or give others the resources to get into it?
Well, aren’t you lucky for happening across this post, then?
I’m Mod Joshua, and this is the blog for TWEWY Super Secret Reports. It’s a Google Drive to be spread around by word of mouth, and it has everything a new, returning, or longtime TWEWY fan could ever dream of!
Well...it will, at least. We still need a few things, including...
High quality episodes of the anime, subbed and especially dubbed (we currently have some low-ish quality subs of all the episodes)
A crack for the Steam version of NEO: The World Ends With You (The game is there, but if you try to open it, it opens the Steam store page for it instead.)
Solo Remix APK
Final Remix rom
Assets from the games (voice clips, 3D models, backgrounds, everything you have and are willing to share!)
More that I’m forgetting, probably.
Remember: to gain access to the full thing, you’ll need to DM me for the link to the Drive, or get the link from someone else who has access. To submit material for the Reports, upload them to a Drive (that doesn’t contain any of your personal information, preferably a burner), make the link accessible to all, and email it to me at [email protected].
You can send access to others, but not in a post that can be reblogged, on other social media sites outside of direct messaging, or in large Discord servers. (Small Discord servers are fine as long as everyone there is trustworthy.)
But hey, you got through all of this, so you deserve an early treat for all of your troubles: access to the fan kit folders for Final Remix and NEO. They contain all the materials from the official Japanese fan kits on the games’ websites, including icons, banners, and wallpapers of various sizes.
TWEWYFR                                                       NTWEWY
Submissions for other visual media, such as official pin designs and posters, are always welcome.
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rainbow-nijisaki · 10 months
2 and 20 !
2. current favorite character(s)?
...do you really have to ask?
Jokes aside, TWEWY and NTWEWY both have such fun casts, I do genuinely like most of the characters. But the Hachiko Squad (Neku, Shiki, Joshua, Beat, Rhyme) will always far and above be the most special to me, I think. They are some of my favorite characters ever, not just from TWEWY, but from any media. They're an excellent group that for me, is also covered in a heavy coat of nostalgia paint.
If you're asking about my literal fave though, singular?
...really, you need to ask...?
20. favorite quote(s)?
Oh boy, this one's tough because there's far, far too many great quotes. I'm of course a fan of Hanekoma's classic:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."
...as well as most of Hanekoma's life advice quotes honestly, because they truly do capture the message of the game. Even "Enjoy the moment," in all it's simplicity, is a great reminder to myself whenever I start getting lost in the noise. Special shout out to Secret Report 18 (Section: "Why does individuality exist?") and Secret Report 20 ("Accept society as an ever changing thing...")
"Only by allowing strangers in, can we find new ways to be ourselves."
I really could go on and on and end up quoting a good portion of the game because this doesn't even scratch the surface nor cover the breadth of lines that I enjoy simply because they made me laugh out loud. And doesn't even get into NEO (which I need to replay). Iirc, I enjoyed Nagi's little speech on humanity and communication (despite it ringing a bit odd with how dismissive she is of Fret from the outset).
But I'm going to close this with one that's probably a bit more obscure:
"Nothing we do in life is ever truly a waste."
Spoken by none other than Shrimp, our favorite hapless Reaper Creeper guinea pig RG businessman. It's such a simple quote, and optional, too, but it speaks volumes to me. I remind myself of it often.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Welcome back to the TWEWY fandom! Thank you for the kind words!
The #TWEWY and #NTWEWY/'#neo twewy' tags on Tumblr are regularly posted to, with upticks when the Anime and NEO released. I've followed the #twewy tag and get posts popping into my dashboard at a decent frequency for me so I'd recommend trying that. I use Tumblr on mobile so hopefully the experience is similar for other platforms!
For my art, I've fallen into post game/secret report side of TWEWY, AUs/what ifs and most recently TWEWY OCs. Tumblr is my cozy organization art home so I have a TWEWY master post that's...just a liiiiittle bit outdated (April 2021) but between that, the archive (for web users only(?)), and these more recent master posts, this should show what stuff I like making art for:
Producer Mr Mew Master Post (AU, OG Secret Report Spoilers, based on a fanfic AU)
A Post NEO AU Master Post - me making a chaotic team of 4 and having fun with it
TWEWY OCs Master Post: based OG and NEO spoilers but have a non spoiler/general section for them
For current art, I'm drawing art of my TWEWY OCs, Joshua, Hanekoma, Coco and Minamimoto, so please look forward to that!
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goldensunset · 2 years
ok i WAS gonna 100% neo twewy but honestly now that i’ve finally gotten the secret reports and secret ending i feel pretty satisfied with this file. that’s what really matters to me ultimately especially cuz i haven’t gotten any of that stuff before.
the question is what game do i play next? it’s a tradition for me to replay breath of the wild every late spring/early summer and i haven’t done that yet this year bc of twewy and ntwewy, and i don’t want summer to slip away without me having done it. but also i still need to finish my okami file which i got halfway through over christmas break before school got in the way. that probably wouldn’t take too long either so i’d be able to pick something else up afterwards
but also maybe i could find something new to play, except keep in mind that i only have the nintendo switch. i’d love to play kingdom hearts but those overpriced cloud ports are absolutely not happening here nope. i guess does anyone have any switch game recommendations?
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drizzileiscool · 3 months
my experience in neo: the world ends with you
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spoilers for both twewy and ntwewy btw
woo I finally beat this game. The story was.... Eh. I didn't like the story. throughout the game I was wondering when it was gonna get good and then... it never really did. shiba becomes a twist good guy. shoka is a gamer girl for some reason. tsugumi does nothing despite being hyped up 10 years before the game was announced.
I think it's cool that they brought back old characters, but did they really need to bring back the ENTIRE twewy cast?
Beat being a party member was fine. Minamimoto is there but only for the first few days and then he's gone until week 3. Why the hell are joshua and shiki here as well when they contribute nothing to the plot? AND WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO BRING BACK LITTLE MIS MICRO TRANSACTIONS?? You can keep neku in though he reminds me of a friend and I always like when he's on screen.
So about shoka being swallow.. I don't think that was a good plot twist at all. First, they teased swallow was in the game by showing someone in a hoodie that looked nothing like shoka, implying that beat was swallow. Okay, good start, now we know swallow is in the game. Next, swallow reveals that they're in the game, but won't say anything else. Ok cool, now the characters know. Finally, all the other teams die but swallow still reads messages. Now we have reason to believe swallow is a reaper and on the ruinbringers. AND THEN THEY THREW ALL THAT OUT THE WINDOW AND HAD SWALLOW BE SHOKA WHY. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE WASN'T SHE LOCKED OUT OF HER ACCOUNTS AFTER BEING KICKED OUT OF THE REAPERS?? WHY WOULD SHE BE ABLE TO READ MESSAGES?? AND EVEN IF SHE WAS ABLE TO READ THEM WHY DON'T THEY GIVE OFF THE NOTIFICATION SOUNDS?? THEY SHOULD'VE NOTICED BY THEN THAT SHOKA'S PHONE MYSTERIOUSLY VIBRATED WHENEVER RINDO SENT A MESSAGE.
sorry. I think that plot twist sucks.
Kubo being an angel had no fanfare at all and I don't like that. He was literally just like "oh also I'm an angel prepare to die"
Joshua. Bud. Why are you here. Joshua shows up at the end just to ask neku to be composer and then teleports shoka to cat street and never shows up again. Why.
Onto the things about this game that I ACTUALLY like..
The music is phenomenal. They took everything about twewy's aesthetic and modernized it. They even did the same thing with the art style. The character interactions are great and I loved seeing beat and fret's dynamic. I love these dumbasses. I like that nagi finally started opening up to fret near the end. I like neku and rindo's interactions. I like that fret tried out elestra at the end because nagi told him to and thought that was really cute. That's it.
Final verdict: 6/10.
Ntwewy would've worked better as a reboot than a sequel to a 15 year old game.
I haven't unlocked the secret reports because I am burnt out on playing this game. I'm gonna go play a worse game now (bdsp)
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zyzix · 2 years
A Mistranslation in Neo Twewy’s Secret Reports
To preface- This is NOT a post depreciating the localization choices in NTWEWY. I think the localization is basically good and the flaws it does have aren’t what’s being discussed here.
So i had been hearing a lot of slightly conflicting information about the translation of Neo’s very first secret report. It states that Joshua and Kubo played a game that caused Shinjuku’s destruction, which is something that basically everybody raised their eyebrows over? Lot’s of questions about how that would make sense for Joshua’s character or Shinjuku as a plot point- to the point that people assumed it was some sort of error. If or How it’s an error, though, I was not able to find a comprehensive answer to. Seeing different takes from people without much explanation was confusing, so even though I don’t speak japanese, I had to go take a look myself.
(I’m also making this a post so that maybe this could be something people could easily refer to and discuss on, amongst all that. I’m also still somewhat unsure if i’ve got it right so i’d appreciate it if anyone who knows the language better decided to pitch in. In fact, @gramoturtle, i hope you don’t mind me in ur mentions since im pretty sure u can check better than me)
So here’s what is says in English:
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“The Executor first intruded on Shibuya three years ago. Originally from Shinjuku, this Angel started a clandestine Game with Shibuya’s Composer, which ultimately led to Shinjuku’s destruction.” -NTWEWY Secret Report 1, Paragraph 3
And here is what is says originally:
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3年前、渋谷にある人物が侵入した。渋谷エリアのコンポーザーとの間で秘密裏にゲームを開始した、新宿エリアの天使であり崩壊を導いた「執行人」である。-NTWEWY Secret Report 1, Paragraph 3 (in japanese)
When you run the above few sentences through google or deepL, it does NOT result in anything intrinsically saying that a game between the two caused Shinjuku’s destruction:
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Now translators are unavoidably imperfect and these translations seemed like they had their own issues, but I found it telling enough that neither of them talked about a game destroying Shinjuku that I knew it would be worth it to at least try to pick it apart manually.
The result of that attempt is this XD...
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So. I did that. And I stared at it for a long time. And I kept staring because as far as I know, if it were saying Shinjuku’s destruction was connected to a game between Kubo and Joshua there should be a particle relating those ideas. I couldn’t see one there that would serve that. Hell, after looking at it too long i realized that probably if those ideas were related causally they wouldn’t be separated by a comma here?
If my reading is correct then that means it’s not saying “Joshua and Kubo played a game that destroyed Shinjuku” but instead “Kubo started a game with Joshua AND Kubo destroyed Shinjuku.” A more accurate english translation might be:
[Three years ago, a certain person invaded Shibuya. It was the one who secretly started a game with the Composer of Shibuya- an angel of Shinjuku’s who led it’s destruction- the “Executor”.]
I think that might be close enough to the original text while imparting the same information. And thats crazy, if correct. That means that the official english translation accidentally invented a whole impression-changing event in the form of another Random game scenario 3 years ago in this story’s timeline. In the first secret report!!
That creates a pretty severe AND FAR SPREAD misunderstanding about the plot, so reblogs to inform ppl (or find someone to check my work) would be appreciated!
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rivalcobalt · 2 years
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Realized that I also never posted this here for some godforsaken reason
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ladysqueakinpip · 2 years
The idea of the reaper’s game means like the angels have to like make up a game and have them play it, so like do the conductor, producer, and composer have a heavenly goggle doc where all the rules go too, where are my shitty zoom Angel meetings, I wanna see the email threads.
Google sheets for the reapers and players and their strengths and weaknesses.
Joshua, a known asshole: I still think Furry should be added to minamimoto’s portfolio. I think the upstairs needs to know this about him in case (stifles laughter) he ever becomes composer. They must be warned.
as i've been replaying twewy i've been reading each secret report for that day as i finish the day, and i noticed these snippets that suddenly clicked with me:
twewy wk1d4 secret report
"The UG exists as a separate plane where the Composer can judge the worth of men.
Within it are Reapers and human Players. It is infeasible for the Composer to judge all of humanity by himself, so a filtering system utilizing the Reapers was created: the Reapers' Game. Reapers act as a test, weeding out unfit Players....As Reaper and Player alike progress through the Game, engaging in Imagination-driven combat, their Soul is refined....As Reapers execute the Game, they undergo a process of evolution, from grunts to officers to the Composer.
However, Reapers that follow the ideal route are rare, and most are erased by Players."
twewy wk1d5 secret report
"As in the RG and UG, Angels have created a web of social schema to guide their activities. The role of Producer is just one cog in the Angel machine."
neo twewy wk1d4 secret report
"The explicit goal of the Game is to locate exceptional individuals. Players of superior Imagination are elevated to the Higher Plane and made into Reapers or Angels to aid in the oversight of their region."
neo twewy wk1d2 secret report
"Each team’s relative value is measured against the others’ using their scores, and a loss for the team is a loss for each individual within it.
It is unclear when these rules were first implemented in Shinjuku, but what is clear is that they seem specifically designed to eliminate Players, counter to the objective of the Game."
in all these secret reports hanekoma reveals to us that:
the angels have their own social order, and presumably an outline for how the reaper's game should be written and maintained
the game SHOULD judge individuals independently
by judging players as a team instead of individually, the shinjuku game is potentially bypassing outstanding people
shibuya's game is a good example and shinjuku's game is a bad example
this leads me to believe the angels have a set of expectations that composers are supposed to meet while creating their region's game.you best BELIEVE these angels are keeping up with their composers and producers over angel dms.
other things hanekoma says in the secret reports that are also of note:
the souls of both reapers and players are refined during the game
players (humans) that are judged to be worthy are made into reapers who are promoted to officers who are promoted to composer (an office with an angel ranking)
IDEALLY the composer is someone who has had their soul refined over and over again while working as a reaper to the point of being qualified to judge the souls of humanity
taking a pause from your humorous and amazing headcanons - i've seen some speculation in the fandom that joshua has never been human and has always been an angel. we have multiple pieces of evidence against that (which is... a post and conversation for a later time) but. THIS bit sealed my interpretation that joshua was previously a human on the RG who was elevated to the angel status. hanekoma gives us the timeline. right here. reapers are SUPPOSED to evolve into a greater being. and it makes sense, too, to have the angel in charge of a designated region be someone with plenty of experience refining souls (having had their own refined for who knows how long) when the whole point of the game is to find people with potential and make them into something greater.
basically all of this to say i think you’re ABSOLUTELY right!!!!! the angels seem like they treat this a lot like a corporation LOL. i personally like to headcanon that hanekoma, as a producer, is an angel with the knowledge of how a game should be run and part of his job is to work with new composers to write games up to angel standards.
(on a side note, interesting to think of this with respect to vampkomori’s theory that haz is an angel who has been demoted to the office of composer, which you can read here - if this is true, then haz hasn’t been working with a producer to write his game. we don’t know what his “cog in the angel machine” was before he was demoted, but if he didn’t do much with the game it makes SENSE that the shinjuku rulebook would be flawed. he might not have the experience to write a game up to angel standards without a producer. which might also be part of the reason why he looks up to joshua so much. joshua had the privilege of working with a producer and his game is on-point. haz sees josh and his creation as a good example.)
NOW BACK TO FUN HEADCANONS i love to imagine a very young fresh prince of shibuya composer joshua who has JUST ascended to his rank, bright-eyed and excited to be working with hanekoma full time. i LOVE imagining hanekoma sitting down with josh and the two of them creating joshua’s game together, bouncing ideas off each other, maybe getting a little frustrated with each other. josh being a little salty and sassy when mr. h tells him his ideas are contrary to the point of the game. mr. h trying to explain to josh that this is important and he can’t just mess around.
love imagining the two of them eventually having a few draft proposals of game rules that they present to the angels on the higher plane. maybe these were the crappy angel zoom meetings and email threads :’) everyone bickering in the comments of the google docs over what should stay and go. this is the kind of twewy content i am desperate for.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Theory: Joshua asked Neku to take his seat as Composer because he's lonely and wants Neku around!
Reality: Joshua asked Neku to take his seat as Composer because he hates his fucking job and really just doesn't want to do it anymore.
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The thing no one has been willing to humour me on in ntwewy is how funny it'd be if it wasn't the higher plane plonking hanekoma down in angel jail, but Joshua.
Peak divorced energy.
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flyingtsukkis · 3 years
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not 2 b dramatic but i was waiting the whole game for him haha quick small doodle of josh
glad to see his little curl live 3 years later 🥳
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twewysecretreports · 1 year
Anyone got the little Secret Reports book sprite from NTWEWY lying around anywhere? The icon’s looking a bit ridiculous holding the TWEWY sticker for it, huh?
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skullreaped · 3 years
B: So I quit tryin’ altogether. Give up on myself, so my folks would, too. And the funny thing is, they did. Not Rhyme, though. Yo, I could rob a bank and she’d still be there for me. She always had the right words. “I know you have a dream,” she’d say. “You just haven’t dreamed it yet.” ……But it got old--bein’ pitied by my lil’ sister. So I started to push her away--right up to the day we died.
N: …… But you’ve GOT a dream. Rhyme said you wanted to be world’s best skater.
B: That was all jus’ made-up, man.
N: Made-up? Why would you--
B: Rhyme was beatin’ herself up. Said she had no dreams. “Why come back to life if I’ve got nothing to live for?” she said. Damn, yo! Tha’s all backwards…She’s the one who had a million reasons to live!
I think it’s really important to note that Beat didn’t expect to survive the Game. Hell, his entire plan hinged on (technically) staying dead. He was okay with that as long as Rhyme came back, so telling them that his dream was to be the world’s best skater wasn’t really something that he was concerned with outside of trying to console his sister.
B: I realized somethin’ then. Rhyme’s all I got left. So I said to myself, I gotta find the words, like she did for me. Tell her her dreams are coming, just like mine did…even if that’s just a big lie. …But all I did is fool her into thinkin’ I’m worth dyin’ for. I’m an idiot, man. I waited too long to realize what she meant to me. I’m nothin’ but an IDIOT!
While Beat’s dream originally wasn’t to be the world’s best skater, after all, he didn’t have a dream at all, once he told Rhyme that it was, he essentially committed himself to it. He didn’t think it was going to go anywhere, didn’t think he’d actually have to live up to telling them a little white lie. But Rhyme is the one person he doesn’t want to let down, so when they come back to life after the Long Game he’s faced with the reality that he either has to come clean to her or follow through with it.
So he does both. Rhyme has no dreams when they come back and, technically, neither does Beat. So he tells her that it’s okay, that they’ll both find their dreams together. While Rhyme tries to find themselves again, Beat starts actively signing up for skateboarding competitions to see if maybe this is the direction he wants to go. The first time he wins is what solidifies the decision in his mind. He takes a lot of pride in that success and it’s the first step towards what would eventually be a lifetime of accomplishment —— something his parents didn’t think he was capable of.
We Angels do not consider it a loss if a talented Player elects to return to the Realground, as their superior Imagination will inspire other humans.
Upon returning to life, the exceptional Player's creative activities soon make their mark upon society. His art, music, and other output become a part of culture, spreading and persisting through time, refining people's Imagination even without personal contact with the Player.
Players who return to life are implied to be, in a sense, blessed by their win and go on to be very successful, very influential people. Case in point: Shiki and Gatto Nero’s influence literally being the entire reason Shoka had any attachment to Shibuya in the first place.
The sticky part with Beat, however, is that although he does put effort into it, it isn’t his priority. Maybe when they first got out of the game it was, but after the events of A New Day, it takes a back seat. He finishes school, he goes to work, he practices his skateboarding and even takes part in competitions, but his first priority is finding Neku, to the point that it affects his ability to do those other things. He doesn’t put his all into it because he literally can’t.
After the events of NEO, though, that’s when he gets serious.
With the addition of skateboarding at the 2020 Summer Olympics (and Japan taking home 3 out of the 4 gold medals for the sport), its provisional approval for the 2024 Summer Olympics, and nothing holding him back anymore, Beat’s given a long-term goal.
Once school is over for both of them, he moves out with Rhyme. While maintaining his job and helping to support them, he puts a lot more effort into training and competing so that he can, with any hope, participate in the 2024 Olympics.
With Rhyme and Neku’s help, since the technical side of things is far easier for them, he manages to find sponsors and they make sure any contracts he signs aren’t taking advantage of him. When he eventually does compete in the Olympic event —— because he absolutely makes it, he deserves to —— all of his friends, OG and NEO, are there to support him and he goes home with both golds for men while repping the Gatto Nero brand, courtesy of Shiki and Eri designing his competition outfit. His big win opens a lot of other sponsorship offers for him, such as appearing in various advertisements and commercials.
His father attempts to contact him after his medal win. Rhyme is the first in line to tell him he lost his chance. He continues to skateboard competitively until he physically can’t anymore, eventually moving on to teach skateboarding to younger generations.
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