#nu carnival fanfic
phaerlax · 1 month
Here are ten god damn MORVAY fics!
Get in the car, loser, we're going morving
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(This list is incomplete you can help Wikipedia by participating in the GOD DAMN MORVAY FANWEEK scroll to the bottom for it)
Eiden/Morvay, prominently features a cock cage and Morvay's soul-sucking hole (no, the bottom one)
One of the only fics I have without smut, features Morvay fighting some poachers and helping Topper. One day I'll write the Quincy/Morvay throatfucking that ensured:
Here's Eiden actually domming his familiars after they're all guilty post Sunburst Fever:
Two Morvay/Rei stories with the lovely dynamic of "Morvay doesn't believe in Rei's bullshit science sex pretexts"
Morvay/Olivine in which Morvay experiences kindness and Olivine experiences topping:
Eiden/Morvay/Aster with Eiden experiencing their Long Forms:
Morvay/Garu double-ended dildo fic:
Kuya/Morvay with rutting Kuya and service hole Morvay:
My "everyone in the mansion feeds Morvay" fic, in which "everyone" predictably stopped at "Karu and Garu" but I WILL finish it, I will!!!
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idololivine · 2 months
the idololivine fic compendium
this is what the cool fic writers are using as their pinned posts now, right?
Gen or Multi
Product Testing
EiEd, QuinEi, EiOli, KuyaEi | Short, non-explicit vignettes of Eiden testing sex toys with the lads.
if I could begin to be (half of what you think of me)
Eiden/Everyone, background implied polyclan | Fusion AU, light angst with a happy ending, found family.
Character study vignettes within non-traditional omegaverse.
Alphabet Soup
Random Bullshit Go, omegaverse style. Dumping ground for snippets I wanted to write but weren't hefty enough to be a standalone oneshot.
green carnations
Olivine gets sick with hanahaki disease in the lead-up to chapter 4.
Karu & Olivine | Omegaverse sickfic, Olivine takes care of Karu. Written for NU Flash Fic.
weathering the storm
Blade & Garu | Pre-game. It's storming and they're cuddling platonically. Written for NU Flash Fic.
Iterative Design
Eiden tests various sex toys on Olivine, vignette style.
Hands-On Learning
Explicitly consensual and fairly generic omegaverse porn, ft. omega Olivine and none-of-the-above Eiden.
In Love and War
Painplay fic. Olivine gets hurt in a routine fight and Eiden notices that Olivine's horny about it.
Office Hours
Impact play fic. Eiden spanks Olivine with a ruler.
if i've been enveloped in tenderness
Hurt/comfort, Eiden regulates Olivine after chapter 11. No longer canon compliant as of chapter 12.
Much Ado About Knotting
Omegaverse modern AU. Ft beta Eiden, omega Olivine, a prosthetic knot, and omegaverse as a way to discuss gender and predetermined roles. Written for Knot In My Name.
got milk?
The milk fic.
the body keeps the score
Olivine briefly relapses in self-harm, and seeks Eiden out for comfort. No smut.
Studies in Demonology
Olivine questioning the church's stance on demons, reading books about it, and then fucking Morvay, in that order. Olivine's first time topping.
courtship token
Omegaverse fake dating AU. Written for NU Flash Fic.
oh, the weather outside is frightful
Remember when the Festive Glimmer trio had a sleepover? Dante falls asleep and then wakes up to find quinoli going at it. Non-explicit sex, mostly about the humor.
a helping hand
The omegaverse fic where Olivine helps Garu through the beginnings of a heat until Eiden comes home. Written for Two Wolves.
Learning by Doing
Omegaverse porn, and no one's even in heat! More of an excuse for me to make people read my (fairly basic) worldbuilding. Ft. omega Olivine and none-of-the-above Blade.
knife's edge
The knifeplay fic. Hefty dose of polyclan, and apparently it's unexpectedly cute for being, well, a knifeplay fic.
summa cum laude
The Collab Fic Ever! Dante/Eiden by @requiodile and Dante/Quincy by @zerenovation. Dante gets a three part crash course in being a better top.
Tying the Knot
Explicitly consensual omegaverse porn, now with knotting! Ft. omega Olivine, alpha Quincy, and none-of-the-above Eiden.
A Boner to Pick
The t4t fic. More of an extended dick joke than anything, really.
New Bone Plus
t4t fic now with porn. Ft phalloplasty, boner magic, and Eiden topping Quincy.
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nucarnivalmadness · 1 month
Fic time!
Just pimping my fices here for good measure:
Eiden comes home - Eiden/Edmond - 8K After/during Chapter 8 Edmond is back home waiting for Eiden to return from his latest trip. Only to get the news that Eiden is missing and he may not come back at all.
Mentions of side pairing: Aster/Morvay
soft flow of essence - Eiden/Edmond - 7K Eiden leaves for a few days and Edmond has trouble with his essence (and with Eiden's absence too).
Ice in Solaria - Dante/Edmond - 73K Dante, the king of Solaria, needs an heir and plans to use the omegas in his harem to have one. One day, they bring a new omega to his harem: Edmond. However, Edmond doesn't seem to act like a slave and he claims he doesn't remember who he is. Is he telling the truth or is there something else behind this comedy?
Side pairings: Quincy/Olivine and Blade/Rei.
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hiroshyhi-blog · 5 months
Karu Top(fanfic em andamento)
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*Breve introdução* Gostaria de deixar avisado que eu sou uma negação escrevendo e que nunca tinha escrito um hot antes. Então se algo estiver estranho ou escrito errado, é por esse motivo. Meu plano era fazer uma quadrinho, mas por enquanto só o texto está pronto, eu não tô conseguindo desenhar, entre outros problemas. Mas escrevi com muito carinho e dando o meu máximo, então espero que gostem do resultado.❤
Morvay aparece com um objeto em mãos.
— Agora aquele vampiro de merda vai ter que me encher de elogios. Consegui recuperar uma das relíquias do Mestre Huey sozinho sem ter que incomodar o Mestre Eiden para ajudar na busca.
— Essa coisa tem um cheiro doce que dá para sentir de longe. O que é isso? — Pergunta Karu que simplesmente surgiu do lado de Morvay como se tivesse se materializado, atraído pela essência do artefato.
— Ah! Esse é um dos objetos criados pelo mestre Huey.
— Para quê serve?
— Bem, acho que esse tem o poder de fazer um sonho se tornar realidade, ou era de conceder um desejo, não lembro direito. O Vampiro de Merda deve lemb...
— E o que precisa fazer para esse treco funcionar?
— Ah! É muito simples, basta pensar no que você quer e usar um pouco da sua essência para ativar. Bem vou deixar ele aqui e avisar aquele maldito vampiro que já voltei.
Morvay colocou o objeto em uma estante e saiu da sala deixando Karu sozinho.
— Pode realizar qualquer desejo, hum? — Disse Karu com um sorriso malicioso enquanto olhava para o objeto à sua frente.
• • •
Eiden acabou de chegar de uma viagem de negócios programada por Aster, o pequeno vampiro sempre fala que é importante comparecer em algumas reuniões já que agora ele é o sucessor oficial do antigo Grande Feiticeiro. Enquanto andava em direção aos seus aposentos, escuta uma risada maliciosa e familiar, que por mais surpreendente que pudesse ser, não era do Kuya. Quando se vira em direção da onde vem o som, percebe que Karu estava parado atrás dele.
— Olá Karu! Já faz um tempo que não nos vemos. O que foi, estava com saudades? — Diz Eiden com um tom brincalhão esperando uma resposta defensiva da parte de Karu.
— Sim, estava te esperando. — Fala Karu com um sorriso no rosto.
—Oi!? — A resposta surpreende Eiden que repara que o jovem lobo tem um objeto peculiar em mãos e se aproxima como quem planeja aprontar alguma coisa. — Ai meu Deus, o que ele tá planejando dessa vez? — Pensa Eiden enquanto tenta abrir a porta do quarto. — Não sei o que é, mas suspeito que é algo que vai me deixar de cama por uns dias igual a última tentativa de "dominação da humanidade". Preciso fugir rápido.
— Bem, Karu. Ha ha. Eu acabei de chegar e vou tomar um banho, nos vemos mais tarde durante o jantar, tá bom…!
Eiden tenta inutilmente fugir para dentro do seu quarto, mas no momento que abre a porta o jovem lobo entra com toda velocidade e o joga em cima da cama, Eiden mal tem tempo de entender o que aconteceu. Karu começa a andar em direção a cama tentando parecer o mais legal e descolado que consegue.
— Agh! Não precisa ser tão agressivo Karu. — Não sabia que ele estava com tanto desejo assim. — Mas se é assim, pode vim ...
— Dessa vez humano, é a minha vez de ser o Top! — Diz Karu levantando a estátua com formato peculiar.
— Ele ainda está intrigado com isso. —  Pensa Eiden — Tudo bem, você pod...
Antes de conseguir terminar de falar o objeto na mão de Karu brilha e o quarto é coberto com uma nevoa espessa, a vista de Eiden fica embassada e quando volta a enxergar, no lugar onde estava o jovem lobo youkai, tem um homem de quase dois metros de altura, cabelos negros e olhos cor de âmbar.
— Então humano, está na hora de se render a mim. He he.
Eiden sentiu um arrepio passar pelo o seu corpo e ficou sem reação enquanto o homem alto se aproximava dele, até se dar conta que aquele homem era...
— KARU!?
— Sim humano, mas sem papo furado. Chegou a hora de conhecer o poder do Grande Karu.
— Meu Deus! É grande mesmo. Acho que ele está com a mesma altura que o Quincy e também está...— Eiden escaneia cada parte do corpo do homem à sua frente. — ... muito gostoso! Ele sempre foi muito lindo, mas no sentido de ser fofo, apesar de ter alguns músculos, mas agora ele está me deixando ofegante só em olhar para o seu corpo. Será que é por eu ter passado um bom tempo sem ficar com ninguém durante as viagens, que o Aster me fez ir, que está me fazendo ter essa reação, ou é algo mais?
— O que você fez para ficar tão alto, é algo relacionado a sua habilidade de youkai?
— O incubus trouxe um objeto estranho e disse que ele realizaria qualquer desejo e eu quero mostrar que posso ser o melhor Top que já passou por essa Terra.
— Nossa, isso é realmente algo que o incomoda. Então na mente dele, alguém como o Quincy seria o exemplo ideal? Bem, acho que entrar na onda dele. Uma vezinha não tem problema, mas depois vou ter que ajustar esse pensamento sobre ser top ou bottom, ninguém é superior ou inferior, por causa disso. — Pensa Eiden.
— Então essa é a questão? — Diz Eiden — Estou ansioso para descobrir o que o "Grande Karu" é capaz de fazer — e um sorriso safado surge em seus lábios.
— Hu hu hu, finalmente reconheceu o seu lugar, humano!— Falar Karu enquanto tira as roupas de Eiden e avança sobre ele.
Já com o pau duro Karu dá a entender que planeja entrar em Eiden de imediato, sem fazer uma única preliminar, o que deixa Eiden ligeiramente desesperado.
— Ei! Ei Karu! Você não pode ir metendo de uma vez, assim você vai me machucar. Precisa "preparar o terreno" primeiro. — Beijinhos, carícias, uns dedinhos...— Eiden complementa o restante do pensamento.
Karu para um pouco emburrado, seu pau está um pouco maior do que costumava ser, o estrago seria grande caso ele colocasse sem monumento sem nenhuma preparação.
— Ok...— fala em tô emburrado, mas depois de alguns segundos seu tom muda. — Quer dizer, é claro que eu sei que precisa de um aquecimento.
Ainda enquanto falava, Karu avança para cima de Eiden segurando-o pelos cabelos da nuca e dando-lhe um beijo selvagem, fazendo-o estremecer com a surpresa, dor e excitação, todos esses elementos juntos deixam Eiden bastante excitado.
— Ah! Ka...ru... Agh!— entre suspiros e o encontro de línguas Eiden só consegue pensar — Meu Deus! Quando foi que ele ficou tão bom em beijo?! Não chegava a ser ruim, mas isso está em outro nível!
Eiden se perde em pensamentos com a intensidade dos beijos e os puxões de cabelo ocasionais.
— Ha ha! Você parece gostar disso não é humano?
Eiden não tem fôlego para responder de volta. Karu segura pelos ombros de Eiden e o vira de barriga para a cama.
 — Você irá à loucura com as minhas habilidades de Top!
— Hum! — Eiden deixa escapar uma risada nasalada. — Chega a ser fofo ele tentando impressionar ha ha.— Mas seu raciocínio é interrompido quando Karu começa a lamber e morder a sua orelha. —  Ah! — Eiden sente um arrepio pela sua espinha, como se uma carga elétrica percorresse o seu corpo, fazendo-o ficar absurdamente sensível.— Mas o q...!? Ah!!! — Eiden geme alto — Da primeira vez que ele fez isso com as minhas orelhas não aconteceu absolutamente nada, e eu ainda tava como youkai naquele dia, o que deixou meu corpo mais sensível em algumas áreas, mas hoje...— Eiden lembra da estátua esquisita que Karu carregava quando entrou no quarto — Será que isso também é culpa daquela estátua estranha? De qualquer forma, se ele continuar com isso eu não vou conseguir aguentar muito tempo. 
— Karu... Agh! Karu espe...Ah!— Eiden não consegue nem terminar uma frase.
— Então o que você acha da minha técnica? Hu hu!— Fala Karu com satisfação.
Em seguida dá uma mordida na parte de trás do pescoço de Eiden que geme alto e estremece com a mistura de prazer e dor, o pênis dele pulsa, quase o fazendo gozar.
— Ka...ru... — Diz Eiden por entre os dentes, ele já está pronto para receber o seu parceiro apenas com isso, a sua entrada pulsa de antecipação.— Karu você já pode... Agh! Ah!
Eiden é surpreendido por um par de dedos que invadem a sua boca, fazendo movimentos de entrar e sair, tocando sua língua e dentes. Com a outra mão, Karu segura Eiden pelo tórax e o levanta, deixando de joelhos em cima da cama, sua mão desliza do peito até o pescoço de Eiden, puxando-o para perto do seu corpo e fazendo com que a orelha ele fique bem ao lado da sua boca. Então Karu sussurra com uma voz tão sexy, que faz Eiden estremecer.
— Só isso é o suficiente para você humano? — Essas palavras fazem Eiden arrepiar mais uma vez. — Pensei que iria precisar de mais estímulos. Hu hu hu — Karu rir, dessa vez baixinho e em um tom muito sexy.
— Pior que eu estou quase gozando só com isso, eu geralmente duro bem mais, meu orgulho está ligeiramente ferido. — Eiden que está um pouco confuso, por ficar excitado tão rápido com algo que das outras vezes não teve o menor efeito em seu corpo.
— Ha~...! Isso é divertido — Ofegante e com um sorriso de plena satisfação, ao ver o humano que tem o costume de lhe enganar durante o sexo, tendo um excitação extremamente real. Karu coloca o seu pau entre as pernas de Eiden e a mão que estava em sua boca passa a segurar os membros eretos e começa a fazer fricção entre eles, enquanto a outra mão o segura pelo queixo. Então o jovem youkai passa a lamber e morder a orelha Eiden, novamente, que volta a gemer e tem espasmos com o ataque duplo.
O homem que está tendo espasmos e quase perdendo a sanidade de antecipação, junta todas as suas forças para falar.
— Sim....Ah! Por favor, grande Karu! Ah! eu quero você dentro de mim...Ah!
Após ouvir isso, Karu fica ainda mais excitado e esfrega com mais determinação os membros que estão em sua mão e morde a parte de trás do pescoço de Eiden ao mesmo tempo, que geme alto com os estímulos de selvagens e ligeiramente brutos, que curiosamente está deixando Eiden ainda mais excitado. Ambos os homens acabam gozando por conta do estímulo. 
Karu solta Eiden que cai ofegante sobre a cama.
— Meu Deus Karu, isso foi incrível... Ah!— Eiden mal tem tempo de terminar a frase e já sente um pau duro sobre a sua bunda. — Espe... Espera um pouco Karu, eu acabei de gozar, eu preciso de um tempo...— Meu Deus ele já tá duro de novo!— Ah!
Eiden sente Karu lambendo sua orelha novamente, uma mão começa acariciar os seu mamilo, enquanto a outra volta a invadir a sua boca. Com uma voz suave e travessa, Karu sussurra.
— Preciso preparar a entrada aqui de baixo. Não é mesmo, humano? 
Eiden tem um arrepio e só consegue acenar com a cabeça, os dedos que antes estavam em sua boca descem para a entrada do seu ânus, mas ficam parados lá, o que deixa Eiden frustrado.
— Karu? — Questiona o homem que segundos antes estava pedindo trégua e agora só quer se sentir preenchido.
— Mais respeito pelo seu mestre Escravo Número 1. — Diz Karu com um sorriso arrogante .
Eiden entende que ele quer se sentir poderoso.
— Oh Grande Karu, por favor continue Mestre! Eu imploro!
Karu fica tão excitado que até deixa as orelhas e cauda de lobo aparecerem.
— Isso Humano! Suplique! — Karu fala enquanto coloca os dedos com vigor no ânus de Eiden.
— Isso! Mestre! Agh! Ah! 
Karu vira Eiden de barriga para cima sobre a cama e o beija de forma apaixonada, Eiden se agarra em Karu com força e desejo, o que deixa o jovem lobo ainda mais excitado. Ele então levanta as pernas de Eiden e começa a meter com vigor no ânus que pulsava de antecipação, ambos gemem.
— Agh!!! Ka...ru...! Ah!!! Agh!!!
— Ah! Ah! Isso Humano gema! Mais alto!
Karu continuar metendo com força, Eiden tenta se agarrar em qualquer coisa, o prazer o está fazendo perder a lucidez, suas mãos vão até a cabeça de Karu e seu dedos se fecham com força, e puxam não só cabelo como uma das orelhas do youkai que está em pleno êxtase. O puxão na sua orelha de lobo faz com que um choque de prazer atravesse todo o seu corpo e com uma reação selvagem, Karu morde o ombro de Eiden que geme com a mistura de prazer e dor.
— Karu! Karu eu vou... Ah! ah! ah!!!! ~♥!!!
Eiden goza, mas Karu continuar, o que faz Eiden estremecer ainda mais.
— Karu, espera...assim...Ah! Assim você vai...!!!Ah!!!— Me destruir!
Karu está gemendo de prazer, mas não parece que está perto do clímax, então Eiden junta toda a sua força para chegar perto da orelha de lobo do youkai insaciável que estava em plena performance e diz.
— Mestre Karu...Ah! Por favor, Grande Karu, goza dentro de mim! — e dar um mordida em uma orelha e um forte puxão na outra, o que faz o corpo de Karu vibrar de prazer e o faz gozar preenchendo Eiden. Karu tira seu membro de dentro do ânus que pulsava cheio do seus fluídos e deixa seu corpo cair na cama ao lado de Eiden, ambos estão ofegantes tentando recuperar os sentidos. 
— Ainda bem que ele gozou com isso, pensei que iria desmaiar.— Eiden se vira para Karu que está com as orelhas baixas, braços esticados ao lado do corpo e a cara enfiada do colchão, visivelmente tentando recuperar o fôlego
— Você foi incrível Karu! Como imaginava, você é um excelente top! — Eiden fala com um sorriso ofegante.
Ao ouvir essas palavras, as orelhas de Karu que antes estavam abaixadas se levantam novamente, sua calda começa a balançar de forma frenética e os seus olhos que estavam escondidos entre o lençol que cobre a cama e seus cabelos brilham de excitação. 
O lobo se aproxima lentamente para mais um round.
— Pera aí Karu! Eu preciso me recuperar! Pera... ugh!
Sons de beijos começam a ecoar pelo quarto.
• • •
Os familiares do Grande Feiticeiro tem em sua frente a vista de dois homens desacordados, balbuciando palavras aleatórias e com os seus membros inferiores tão eretos que estão fazendo volume sobre suas roupas. 
Ambos avaliam a situação, até que o incubus quebra o silêncio.
— Eles parecem tão deliciosos — Fala Morvay com um dedo perto da boca e salivando.
— É só nisso que consegue pensar Incubus Idiota?! O Mestre poderia estar em perigo, porque você trouxe para a mansão um item de sex shop que cria uma ilusão fazendo você ter um sonho sexual junto com o parceiro, que realiza todas as fantasias daquele que ativou o item. Essa porcaria nem tem uma essência parecida com a do Mestre Huey, como você conseguir cometer um erro tão idiota assim?!
• • •
—  Engraçado, é como se eu estivesse ouvindo a voz do Aster agora a pouco. —  Pensa Eiden que está no braços do insaciável lobo que o penetra e beija ardentemente. — Deve ter sido apenas impressão...
Os dois homens continuam compartilhando o sonho erótico até o efeito da estatua finalmente acabar.
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theinsanefox · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 新世界狂歡|NU: carnival (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aster/Dante (NU: carnival) Characters: Aster (NU: carnival), Dante (NU: carnival), Morvay (NU: carnival), Eiden (NU: carnival) Additional Tags: Business Deal, Anal Sex, Ass to Mouth, inexperienced Dante, Anal Fingering, Biting Summary:
Aster’s newest cafe is a flop.
He’ll never admit it out loud, but he’s looking at the numbers brought to him by his butler and those pesky red marks are enough to make him want to tear his hair out.
How does this happen? He wants to scream. His investments never fail.
Aster sighs and leans back in his chair. It’s okay. He thinks. I can still salvage this.
Only the question is: how?
 In which Aster's newest cafe is failing so he turns to the only other person he can trust with business matters--Dante.
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tellmewhatyouc · 8 months
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Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Quincy, Olivine + others Rating: T Words: 2.5k a "pilot episode" of sorts to my hero/villain AU!
Quincy could count on one hand the number of times he’d been stabbed.
He wasn’t the most agile, compared to his allies, but his strength was more than enough to keep him safe in a fight. And if his opponent got too close, he could knock them out with a simple touch. So he always put up a decent fight, even against those who wielded weapons.
…As long as he didn’t let his guard down.
read on AO3
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dreaminnightdream · 6 months
I wrote a fic about Eiden/Olivine. Please have a look~
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fungifanart · 8 months
Could I request Edmond (nu: carnival) x male reader that acts like Jamil viper (No he's not Eiden, he was not transferred worlds)
Oh and could I be 🤡anon so it'd be easier for me to navigate what I've requested
Characters: Male reader (Although, it's pretty GN due to the use of You/Your pronouns. Oops.), Edmond, Edmond's mother, mentions of Eiden
Cw: Violence
Word count: 966
Notes: I mean, you can call yourself that if you want, but I personally don't really care about that kind of stuff. Anyways, I'm pretty happy with how this came out, so I hope you enjoy!
You are NOT happy with this arrangement. At all.
It's almost insulting, in a way.
Having to serve and safeguard this prissy, hardass noble who would measure sugar in cups rather than teaspoons if left alone in the kitchen? After spending year after year working your way up the ranks with your sights set on becoming Royal Guard Commander?
Great. Thanks. What an honor. (<- Sarcasm)
What makes it worse is that neither of you seemingly have a choice in the matter, seeing as how the decision was made by your new liege's mother, the matriarch of the family.
You can still remember the silent fury you felt when you received the news from the woman herself as your liege argued bitterly with his mother about the necessity of it. Of you.
"Mother, I beg of you to reconsider! I fail to see how I, the Vice Captain of the royal guard, would need a personal guard!" Edmond said, making no attempt to mask his displeasure.
Well, at least you're like-minded in that aspect.
"Save your arguments, my son." Edmond's mother waved dismissively, "Do not forget your status as a noble. You know as well as I do how cutthroat our world has become lately and your status as Vice Captain will only serve to paint a bigger target on your back for those wishing to stab it." She explained.
…OK, you'd be lying if you said she didn't make a convincing argument.
"Mother, surely you trust me enough as your son to–" Edmond's attempt at a counter was shut down immediately by his mother slamming her hand on her desk.
"It is BECAUSE you're my son that I make this decision! The very thought of you being caught unawares for some politically motivated scheme is one that I CANNOT abide!" She slumped back in her chair with a sigh, "Enough. My decision is final and I will hear no more arguments."
And so began what you would so affectionately describe as your own personal hell.
Every day, you wake up before Edmond in order to prepare breakfast, paying special attention that there's no poison and just enough sugar to suit his "tastes" without rotting his and your teeth out of your skulls.
After breakfast, you accompany Edmond on his daily patrol of the castle town, carefully surveying your surroundings for any traps or assassins, while also keeping the peace among the citizens.
Next is dinner, which goes the same way as breakfast, except afterwards you have to stand guard outside Edmond's room until a certain time, at which you'll go back to your own room. The problem with this is that you have to make sure that he's at least preparing for bed before you can leave and yet Edmond seems perfectly content to work at his desk from dusk until dawn, forcing you to physically pull him away from his desk just so the both of you have a chance at getting enough sleep.
Rinse and repeat with only minor variations as the days turn into weeks and then months and you've got a perfect recipe for making you wonder what the sharp end of your spear would taste like.
However, three months after your appointment under Edmond, you find yourself traveling to the Fire Territory with him and the new Grand Sorcerer with the intent of regulating the Fire Altar, but then everything goes wrong.
The troops have been scattered, the Fire Gemstone was on the verge of shattering the last time you saw it and some weird magic separated you from your liege, leaving you stranded in the middle of the desert.
You're having an internal argument with yourself about how you should be better than being caught by some cheap trap despite it being impossible to anticipate something like this when you suddenly hear two familiar voices a ways from you.
As you approach, you recognize the voices as belonging to your liege and the new Grand Sorcerer, but something feels off.
Listening to the new Grand Sorcerer from a safe distance, you hear him speak in a tone you've never heard from him before about things you’ve come to learn that Edmond is insecure about and even having the GALL to imply that he's complicit in the greedy practices of the Light Territory's nobles.
Your blood is boiling before you even realize it. For all of your continued misgivings about your position and all of Edmond's faults, the one thing you can't deny is his devotion to his people. You see it in the way he regards each citizen he sees while on patrol with respect and patience and in the way he toils away at his desk, signing bills that would counter others that would cause them harm or distress.
Your feet instantly carry you out of your hiding spot and into the space between the two men as you hold your spear in front of Edmond defensively, "Who are you?" You ask the 'Grand Sorcerer'.
Despite how few your interactions with him had been up until this point, you know for a fact that the new Grand Sorcerer is absolutely not the type to say such horrible things to Edmond, especially not with the way you've seen him look at him.
The conclusion? The 'person' you see before you is an imposter who needs to be eliminated.
Coming to the same conclusion, you see Edmond readying his weapon as well, allowing both of you to strike through the imposter at the same time and leave whatever's left of him to begin the trek to the Fire Altar.
As you sprint across the sand, your mind fully catches up with what just happened.
Fighting alongside Edmond as equals instead of master and servant? You could get used to this.
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nucanitickles · 6 months
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"What in the hell?" Edmond stared at the absolute chaos in what had once been one of the mansion's most quiet, peaceful living rooms with a shocked expression, Olivine behind him bemused as well.
Eiden's head popped out of the undisturbed sea of plastic balls, a big grin stretching from cheek to cheek. "Edmond, Olivine! Join us!"
Aster and Morvay's heads also popped out of the balls, alongside Garu and Blade.
"Of course it's you five," Edmond pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, while Olivine chuckled fondly behind him. "We have important business-"
"One of us, one of us," Eiden quietly cheered, the others joining in as they managed to move their way towards Edmond and Olivine. They looked for all the world like little sharks.
Morvay and Aster were the first to reach Edmond, and they dragged him kicking and screaming into the ball pit, Morvay at his arms and Aster grabbing his ankles. They worked hard to submerge the fighting knight in the balls, until only his hands and feet could be seen.
Eiden turned to Olivine, who was watching the proceedings with an amused smile. "Will we be forced to drag you in as well, your holiness?"
The priest chuckled, carefully stepping over the little barrier separating balls from the corridor. "I think I would prefer to enter of my own volition." He smiled brightly at Eiden, who couldn't help but laugh as well.
"Yeah, I think Fighty McFightPants figured that out."
"So how did you even-"
"AACK! RELEASE MEHEHE!" Edmond's shrill scream interrupted the two's conversation, and they whirled around to see that the knight had been attempting to leave the pit. Aster, however, had managed to grab him, manicured nails skittering all over a trapped foot that had lost a boot. Morvay, as usual, wasn't far behind the vampire, quickly grabbing Edmond under the arms and going to town. "NOHOHO!"
"Ooh, are we playing?" Blade perked up, pouncing on Garu. "Come on, Garu-Garu!"
As Blade and Garu started a (one-sided) tickle fight, balls flying everywhere from flailing arms and legs, Eiden turned to Olivine with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"O~livine~," he sang quietly, and an involuntary smile tugged at the priests lips.
"I'm~ gonna~ tickle~ you~"
"Is that so?"
Eiden grinned, but then his mouth opened in shock as a green ball hit him gently in the nose. Olivine laughed as he waded carefully away, the noise practically lost in the noise surrounding him.
"You'll have to catch me first!"
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hyuge · 4 months
Oddities and Curiosities
“What, pray tell, do you think you’re doing in here?” Kuya clicked his tongue at the uninvited guest in his home.
Blade spun on his heel with one of Kuya’s knickknacks in hand. A bright smile flashed across his face, exposing his pointed teeth, and he held the palm-sized orb up into the light. “Ku-Ku! This is very pretty. I like how it sparkles in the light.”
Kuya snapped his fingers and the glass ball disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, reappearing in Kuya’s hand. “What are you doing in my home? Touching my things?”
“Ah.” Blade glanced out the window. “I was helping Darling in the forest, and we got separated. I thought maybe he wandered over here since we weren’t too far away.”
Kuya followed his gaze to the window. The flowers were in bloom around his small home and their fragrant aroma wafted in through the opening. “As you can see, he didn’t come here. You should probably go find the young master before he inevitably hurts himself again. He always seems to get into trouble when unsupervised.”
“Ku-Ku cares about Darling~ a lot!” Blade clapped his hands together. “You probably already know where he is too!”
Kuya huffed and folded his arms across his chest. “He’s in the village. No one steps into my territory without my knowledge.”
“I knew it!” Blade’s smile grew impossibly wider, and he crossed the room in two strides. He slipped his arm around Kuya’s, linking them together and gave a gentle tug. “Let’s go find Darlingtogether!”
“Why would I want to do that?” Kuya cocked a brow and moved to pull his arm free, but Blade’s grip was firm.
“Because Ku-Ku always wants to bully Darling, and Darling is cute when he gets embarrassed.”
Kuya tossed the orb onto his bed. The insides shimmered with a glittering cloud of turquoise smoke. Blade eyed it before dragging Kuya out of the cabin.
“Ku-Ku really does have such interesting odds and ends. There was a strange essence coming from that ball.”
“If you care about it that much, maybe I’ll show you what it does next time. Though, you’ll have to earn it.”
“Oh?” Blade’s curiosity was piqued. “Does it hurt?”
“It does indeed.”
Kuya shook his head. The android was an anomaly he would never begin to understand. Blade was always eager to please, just like some of the rest of them, but in a more innocent manner. How Eiden managed to turn a certified killing machine into such a gentle creature was beyond him.
Young Master’s sex skills are average at best. That couldn’t have been what did the trick, Kuya thought to himself as they walked. He could have made it to the village faster on his own with his magic, but Blade insisted on hanging on him.
“Ku-Ku’s thinking dirty thoughts~.”
Blade’s sing-song voice pulled him back and Kuya rolled his eyes. “I want to test something later.”
“Sure thing!”
A gift for Lee and @tellmewhatyouc.
You can also read it on AO3.
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phaerlax · 2 months
NU: Carnival fandom events to check out in 2024!
Mauve Member: a Morvay birthday fanweek 😈
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Kuyaru Week 2024 🐺🦊🐺
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Essence: a Rei birthday zine 🦉
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XXXmas in July gift exchange event 🎁
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Sunkissed: a Dante birthday zine ☀️
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Daster Week 2024 ☀️🦇 coming September
Pretty in Pink: an Aster birthday fanweek 🦇 coming November
WolfWeek 2024: a GaruKaru birthday fanweek 🐺🐺 coming November
NUcarni Advent Calendar 2024 🗓️❄️ coming December
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artificialandroid · 5 months
Eiden is in some serious trouble; frankly, it’s taken him too long to notice. 
It had started with Aster and Morvay, the two familiars not only looking after him in this strange new world but, that he was looking after as well. There had been more than one occasion however where it felt completely one-sided and it more often than not started with an echoing beg for mercy from Morvay. It was at the very least enough warning for Eiden to brace himself, as what quickly followed next was a fluffy ball of fear attempting desperately to stuff itself into his clothes before Aster nearly bashed the door down in pursuit.
What usually followed next was a torrent of chaos that Eiden had no say in, although he could at least count himself lucky if both Aster and Morvay were too tired to keep up their usual forms. It usually ended up with his body covered in more miniature scratch marks than he would have liked yes, but the exhausted effort of chasing one another around his body also usually gave him two small bundles of warmth and fluff to cuddle afterwards.
Next had come Olivine, followed quickly after by Blade.
Behind the priest’s gorgeous chest, thankfully not too far behind, Olivine truly had a heart of gold and it didn’t take much thought to see why everyone in the Water Territory and surrounding villages absolutely adored the man. He was always more than ready to drop anything and everything to help Eiden out with anything he could need, a true blessing especially when Aster or Morvay were a bit tied up to dig him out of a sticky situation.
Olivine was also the reason why Blade had followed quickly after him, as not only was Blade only somewhat more aware of the world around them than Eiden was but his antics also brought out the priest’s smile. One that was bright enough to outshine the sun, an ability that somehow the two of them possessed and nearly blinded him with when combined together.
Yakumo and the wolf twins, however, had done nothing useful but confuse him.
They both started out by bringing out the same feelings that Aster and Morvay had in the beginning, the feeling of watching two of his brothers get along almost too well, it was confusing enough to make Eiden think he had brothers to begin with! Nevertheless, they still made him feel so incredibly at home, especially when Garu and Karu were both relaxed enough to be asleep at the same time, snuggled up close to Yakumo’s body despite his lack of heat. The mansion was at its most peaceful and quiet then.
Bundled up awkwardly in a trio of three had been the most serious of their little group and it was also here that Eiden had finally realized the kind of trouble he was getting himself into.
It had started with Quincy and the large protective hand he had placed on his head as he walked past to deal with a large group of monsters. He, himself, along with Edmond and Dante had made up the quietest group to even make a journey to the Fire Territory, a decision Aster had no doubt made to tease him and perhaps even push him to realize the rest of his feelings.
Along their journey, Eiden had had nothing better to do than to watch his companions as lengthy conversations were incredibly rare to come by. Catching the rare and yet incredibly dazzling smiles that Edmond and Dante had let slip across their faces. He could tease and bother the pair all he wanted about their beauty but it really had no other comparison, especially when so relaxed and carefree as when Quincy was peacefully asleep behind them.
Now for the final two and honestly, the two that had confused him just as much, if not more than Yakumo and the twins had; Kuya and Rei.
By this point, Eiden had thankfully realized that his eyes followed all of his clan members more than they should and that their smiles and mannerisms made him happier than they should have but those two. Clearly, his heart had to be nothing more than confused by his point, he could admit that he was in love with Olivine or even the stick in the mud that was Dante, but Kuya!? The fox that did nothing but tease and threaten him and Rei, who wasn’t any better despite his protests.
Eiden truly was in the most trouble he had ever been in since arriving in the Klein continent and unfortunately for him, his clan members were the ones getting him and keeping him in danger.
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nucarnivalmadness · 4 months
Ice in Solaria update
So ch10 is up on AO3 of my Dante/Edmond fic! :D
Ice in Solaria
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zorritoenllamas · 7 months
Behind the Mask
A Modern!Au I've been writing, for my quinoli heart...
A camboy's AU ;) Explicit, you're warned!
Quincy x Olivine - Nu Carnival
Holy Temptation IS LIVE NOW.
"Good evening my dears... I hope your week has been productive - mine was exhausting! Shall we get started already? I can't wait to play with you guys!"
Randomguy69 has bought 5 coins.
Lover1boy has bought 1 coin.
Selflishbear has bought 3 coins.
SwitchKing says "Finally!"
Lover1boy says " I LOVE YOU HOLY, I LOVE YOU!"
"Oh, I see you are very active tonight," Olivine finished adjusting the white lace mask with matching bunny ears, to finally turn his face towards the camera. Beautiful emerald green eyes stood out behind the mask. "SwitchKing, I'm glad you're here! Randomguy69, Loverboy, Selfishbear thank you so much for the coins, you guys really spoil me too much..."
It's never too much!
You're the best
I'm hard already
Holy I want you to sit on my face
Please answer my private message!
Do you do meetings?
Holy looks beautiful as always!
The messages and coins kept coming into the chat. The live visits soon reached more than a thousand views. It was the usual, but the young man could not get used to it. He could not understand how he had become so famous in this world. Surely Klein's God would know his intentions and good purposes, blessing him in this way. As always, he thanked him inwardly for his infinite help. After all, Olivine was a man of God.
He continued to greet one by one for several minutes. He liked to take the time to get to know everyone who was dedicated to accompanying him on his transmissions, even though most of the time it was virtually impossible to keep track of it. There were too many of them. There were some who were always repeating themselves and it was easier to recognize them....
His heart skipped a beat when he noticed the name of the person who had just entered the chat. He was about to greet him with enthusiasm, when suddenly...
Forest Hermit has bought 150 coins.
Forest Hermit says "Good night, Holy".
150 coins. Each coin was worth about a dollar. 150 dollars, in the blink of an eye. Olivine blushed, though with the led lights setting the room, it was impossible for it to show on the video. "Forest Hermit... As always, I thank you so much, is there anything you want tonight? You can ask for whatever you want," he said into the microphone.
Forest Hermit says "You know what I like."
Olivine laughed. Of course he did. "Okay.... I'd like to dedicate this stream to Forest Hermit, who everyone should know by now..." he smiled tenderly. He began to line up some of his toys on the piece of furniture where he kept his computer. Several vibrators and dildos of different sizes, shapes and materials. Finally, he sat down in front of the camera and unbuttoned the white shirt he was wearing.
Emerald green stone piercings attached by a thin golden chain decorated his bulging pecs, so bulging that several times he had had to clarify that he was a man like any other, only his chest was bigger than average. On his abdomen, another piercing to match those of his nipples decorated his navel. And going down even further, almost reaching his pubis, a delicate tattoo could be appreciated, his trademark. A heart design with decorations on the sides, in a light pink tone.
Once stripped of his shirt, he looked directly into the camera to wink flirtatiously, sticking his tongue out mischievously. 
"Hermit... This is for you."
Forest Hermit IS LIVE NOW.
A soft background beat accompanied the viewers as they began to greet each other in the chat room. In the transmission, a large, rustic room could be seen, with a variety of wood carvings and decorations. In the distance a large unmade bed could be seen, which the regular stream visitors already knew, but in the foreground there was only a fluffy chair, visibly comfortable, covered by some kind of animal fur. There were a few candles burning and the light was very dim, giving the video a more intimate atmosphere. 
Suddenly, the fur covering the chair began to move. The head of a small animal peeked out, staring into the camera with its glowing eyes.
"Topper got there first this time."
"Topper, cover your eyes!"
"It's so cute..."
"I still can't identify which animal it is..."
"Where are you Hermit?!"
"Hermit, would you sell Topper?"
"Go to sleep", a deep, seductive voice chimed in, causing the chat to erupt in increasingly obscene messages. "It's late", a hand followed by an arm appeared on the screen, affectionately patting the animal's head, who made a joyful little noise in response, jumping swiftly out of the chair.
"Hermit, Hermit, you were taking your time!
"Take your clothes off already!"
"Hermit I want to join you today!"
"I thought you would have fallen asleep by now..."
"So annoying...", without warning, Quincy took a seat in front of the camera with his usual stoic expression. The dark circles under his eyes were visible even behind the mask he wore, a plain black leather mask. The sound of notifications of coin donations increased almost comically, drawing a half smile from the young man. "Little devils..." he stretched out his arms, spreading his fingers in front of him. He was wearing a dark brown bathrobe open to his navel, leaving his marked pecs and abs in full view. Judging by his damp hair, he had just gotten out of the shower. He didn't pay much attention to the messages; he didn't usually interact directly with his audience during his broadcasts anyway. He would just go about doing whatever he felt like doing at the time, or fulfill a few requests that caught his attention enough. Occasionally he would invite someone to join him, on particular occasions.... In fact, he had only invited one person, who had come to a couple of sessions, and had been the one who had helped him get started in this world of camboys thanks to his huge following. They had quite a... Particular friendship, but a very solid one.
Holy Temptation entered the chat.
"I was already starting to wonder if you were coming...", Quincy said almost in a whisper, making it clear who he was talking to. In the chat everyone started talking again, now that another of his favorite streamers had arrived. He waited a few seconds...
Holy Temptation says: Good evening Hermit, I hope I'm not too late....
Quincy did not respond. He merely opened his robe even wider, revealing part of his pubic hair.
"Let's get started."
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halfetirosie · 3 months
Writing fanfic is fun because my brain is like:
Oh God is this detail in line with the canon, I think it is but to confirm I'd need to sift through like 3 chapters probably, I ain't got time for that
Oh God is this how this character sounds when they speak
Oh God would they even say that????
Oh God wait this sounds weird, lemme just read this whole fic from the beginning again and change 20 details so it sounds better
Oh God is this suitable internal dialogue
Oh God I already used that word 2 sentences ago, shit
Oh God I think I'mma need to Thesaurus™ this bitch
Oh God why am I so bad at writing sex scenes
Oh God how do I write this scenario in a way that doesn't emotionally scar people
For context, I'm currently working on a Yakuya fanfic. I'm worried that I don't know their characters/lore well enough to make the scenario I'm writing believable, but at the same time, this particular scenario is the strongest inspiration I've had for a Nucani fanfic.
And thus, I'll still do the thing, but the struggle is real <3
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nucarnivalsideblog · 21 days
i feel like i should start this blog off immediately with a specific fanfic rec, i dont usually recommend any fics but good GOD this shit just hit different. i cannot and will not elaborate on that. anyways here it is, i read it last night and *thoughts* plagued me throughout the whole day so enjoy that i guess !
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