#nubian dolls for girls
thenubianprincesses · 11 months
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
Chocolate never was more tasty than this 😈😈
Summary: The 3 times y/n’s badass moments made her husband Roman Reigns feel like the luckiest man on the planet. This fic is a Aew au
Pairing: Roman Reigns x cargil reader
Random pairings: Jon moxley x jade cargil ( her sister), willow nightingale x Ricky starks, ruby soho x Anglo Parker.
Her faction: the vagabonds ( y/n,jade,willow,Brandi, and Keira hogan)
Championship title: current Aew women world champion
Face claim : saweetie
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1. “ Roman!!” Y/n yelled running into his arms hugging him tightly as he caught her , earlier in the night while she was at home making dinner Jey called stating Stephanie got him arrested during the smack down taping under false accusations making her blood boil with anger. Ever since Roman turned heel becoming the tribal chief and creating the bloodline certain people have been trying take him down or destroy his accolades in & out the ring “ hey babygirl I’m okay I’m okay” he said softly soothing her worry’s knowing how worried she’d get about his safety sometimes.
As they get in the car once she got the paperwork as well bail taken care of he filled her in on the situation Stephanie wanted him,the twins and solo to pay for their actions against Sami zayn & Kevin Owens during royal rumble which upon further investigation that the two were forced to by the women or they’d be sent back to nxt. “ I’m fucking done!!!” He said seething with anger as y/n nodded letting him vent all of his anger out knowing he needed it “ okay love then quit always come to Aew with me I mean Jon’s way happier over there” she said looking over at him.
“ I’m with you baby let’s do it” he said interlocking his bigger hand with her smaller one heading home Stephanie say your prayers she thought smirking to herself.
A week later
Walking into the stadium hand & hand the tribal chief was ready to make a statement with his Nubian queen by his side “ go get yourself all dolled up sweetness gonna go over the plan with the boys” he said looking down at y/n squeezing her hip “ mm okay my chief” she purrs kissing Roman deeply before walking away.
“ what the hell !!! It’s the bloodline ohhh and they don’t look happy, well what do you expect Stephanie’s actions towards Roman Reigns * sami & Kevin join them * ohhh looks like they got back up!!!” Michael Cole and pat mcafee said watching them launch a sneak attack on the couple at one point Roman points to the ramp giving y/n the signal. Watching everyone go crazy while walking down the ramp to the ring she only had one goal make this woman pay “ oohhh and her comes the tribal goddess herself” Cole said with a hint of excitement the whole roster was ready to see the couples demise and we’re enjoying every minute.
Standing face to face with the evil woman who hurt her tribal chief y/n waisted no time pouncing on her attacking Stephanie with every thing she had the older woman was no match for her cheetah like moves “ hold them up!!! Both of them!!!” She screamed as the boys got them in position “ no are they?! Double spear !!! double spear !!! My god Hunter and Stephanie just got snapped in half!” Cole said as the crowd chanted you deserve it
“ nobody!!! Can take down the bloodline we run this shit!!! We’re done with this company I’m done with this bullshit everywhere I go or my tribe goes you acknowledge us !!! Cause we the ones!!!” Roman said growling loudly in the mic as everyone held their fingers up. He was done with wwe and to do it with his goddess it felt great standing tall.
2. Roman & y/n where hanging out with his 6yr daughter Joelle at their new home in L.A California located in Beverly Hills. The couple was happy to have some time off after battle of the belts ppv not minding the little girls presence since she’d taken a liking to y/n instantly after Roman divorced his nightmare of a ex fiancé , hearing the door bell Roman got up from the couch smiling softly watching his two favorite girls laughing and smiling “ oh great what are you doing here?” He groaned coming face to face with his ex.
“ you weren’t answering my calls Joelle left her snacks & blanket at my place last week” his ex replied slightly upset he didn’t really talk to her since the divorce only if something involved jojo his ex was a gold digging bitch breaking his trust once to many. “ well jojo has all the snacks and blankets she needs but extra wouldn’t hurt * grabs her blanket & Cheeto puffs* oh while you’re here Joelle will be living with us or parents from now on” he said making the woman gasp in sock
“What?!!! Why Joe I” the woman only could get out as Roman turned around snarling at the woman immediately shutting her up “ you will never get to call me that again got it? Secondly you missed the court date , hearings as well meetings with the lawyers multiple times and your mother vouched for me stating that Joelle deserved to be with me besides y/n has been way more of a mother to her than you” he said smirking as y/n appears next him with jojo in her arms.
“ everything okay here? Oh hi” y/n said smiling as Roman explained the situation she never liked his ex and it was time to put the woman in her place “ jojo bug can you cover your ears for me ? * the little girl nods doing as told* good girl” she smiles at the girls cuteness. “ I’ll only say this once and once only you lost bitch you don’t deserve shit from him or anyone with your leg spreading flat chested twink dollar tree having ass unless you’re making a billion dollars a year,own fifteen businesses, model the hottest brands or look half as good like me” steps a little closer “ then get the fuck away from my family understand? Good” she said smiling at the fear struck woman as Roman watched proudly if you thought Roman’s death glare was scary hers was 10x more terrifying.
Walking back inside the couple shared a sweet kiss “ me too!! I want one!!!” Joelle squeaked making them laugh attack the girl with kisses “ you’re so good to me sweetheart thank you for coming into my life and hers” he said kisses her forehead making the woman melt “ I’d like to say it’s the other way around but you’re welcome cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else” she said touched by his words “ daddy!! Momma!! Can we make noodles and fried dumplings ? Oh please!” Joelle said smiling up at the two shocking them mostly y/n not wanting to push it letting Joelle get comfortable with the idea of being her new mom but the young child always saw y/n as her mother the first time they met .
“ uh - yeah of course darling but we gotta make sure you’re daddy doesn’t eat all the cookies we’re gonna make too” she said smirking at Roman as jojo hugged her tightly while on the inside she was buzzing with happiness as Roman did holding them close.
3. The wrestling it couple were tag teaming with her sister,Jon,Brandi and Cody against daddy magic,Anna,tay conti and Sammy after some off hand comments were made about the couple’s relationship.
“ ohhhh !!! God !!! Tay conti just got rocked!!” Taz comments as y/n super kicked her in the face before yanking into a deadly samoan drop doing a kip up as the crowd cheered “ let’s go!!!!” She screamed firing up the crowd turning around smirking pointing to Sammy mockingly blowing a kiss “ we run this bitch!!! Hoe!!!” She cackled licking her chops setting up for a Superman punch in honor of her husband which she perfectly executed before tagging her sister in.
“Come on baby!!! Roman cmon!!!” She shouted holding her hand out as her tribal chief tagged her in hopping over the ropes knocking down everyone on the opposite team before coming face to face with daddy magic yelling in her smiling like a psychopath slapping him not phased by the threats. She put him her finisher the cradle ( inverted ddt) “ and your winners the vagabonds and Roman Reigns,Jon moxley and Cody Rhodes!!!” They announced the crowd cheering as they all stood tall in victory.
Walking backstage they all were heading back to the locker room they heard Tay screaming about them cheating and so on down the hall “ kiss my ass bitch!!! Oh that’s right you don’t have one!!!” She smirked laughing twerking a little cause Roman to chuckle at her antics.
“ you are bad” he growled playfully against her ear before squeezing her plump bottom “ mmm but you like it though my tribal chief” she said looking up at him before getting brought into a steamy lip lock.
She was the whole package and all his nobody compares to his chocolate dipped goddess.
Her outfits 1,2,3 created by me:
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esilou · 6 years
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locs mami
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silvereddaye · 4 years
A Mrs. Doubtfire AU.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Vader’s heart beat loudly in his chest. The blasted suit displayed a warning on the inside of his helmet about it. He ignored it. The ride on the turbolift was too familiar. Brought back too many memories of another time and another life. Luckily, the lift soon stopped and the doors opened. His heart ached as he saw the painfully familiar apartment. It hadn’t changed much in the years since he had last been here. The Nubian art still hung on the walls. The same vase, but with fresh flowers, still sat in the same spot. The-- 
He noticed the first discrepancy. It caused his breathing to hitch. It was a toy. A spaceship painted in bright red and yellow. It sat discarded in the hall. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was clearly not based on any established ship design. It was too fat and rounded to be a proper flight-worthy vessel. Had it be designed only as a toy? 
His thoughts were soon interrupted as he heard shuffling steps approaching. He looked up to a gold protocol droid walking over. 
“Oh, excuse me,” the droid said. “I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations. Are you . . . the nanny from the services?” 
“Yes,” Vader said. His voice was deep, much deeper than his real voice, thanks to the vocoder in his mask. 
There was a pause. A hesitation. 
“There must have been some kind of mix-up. Mistress Padme requested no droids. I will--”
“I am not a droid,” Vader interrupted. 
“Oh. Do forgive me! You just look . . .”
Vader said nothing. He was tempted to raise his hand and curl his hand into a fist and crush this droid, his own droid, with the Force. 
“You may cross-reference my files with the agency,” Vader said instead. “I am highly qualified,” he lied. He had hacked into the nanny service’s databank and created his own profile. “I realize my appearance is unconventional, but considering the first twelve conventional nannies have not worked out for Senator Amidala, it was time to try something . . . new.” 
If a droid could show relief, Threepio would have shown it. 
“I shall give you files a look, Mr. Vader,” the droid said. “And I suppose we can consider today a trial for any long-term placement. We are in need of a nanny right now. Senator Amidala has already left for the Senate, called away on an emergency meeting.”
The droid turned and started to walk down the hallway. Vader followed behind. He was led into a sitting room he wasn’t too familiar with. It looked to be serving as a playroom now. Toys were scattered everywhere. There was a small low table with two small chairs. Flimsi papers were littered about it with colorful scribbles and drawings on it. And sitting on the floor in the center of the room were two children. 
The little boy had blond hair and played with two spaceships. The little girl with brown hair sat next to him brushing the hair of a toy doll. It was . . . It was the first time seeing his own children in person. He had seen holos. A few paparazzi shots the media, official shots published once a year, and a few he had received from hiring his own spies. But here they were right before him. 
They were beautiful. They looked Padme! They looked like him! They were so small and precious and wonderful. They were perfect. Tears stung at his eyes. He couldn’t believe he was finally meeting his children.
“Who is that?” 
Luke. It had been Luke who had looked up and asked. His little finger pointed at Vader. 
“Master Luke. Master Leia,” Threepio said. “This is your new nanny.” 
Both children had stopped playing. They stood up, walked over to Vader, and looked at him curiously. 
“Are you a droid?” Leia asked. There was a bit of a swagger in her voice. A hint of an attitude. 
“No,” he said. 
“You look like a droid,” she said. 
“You can hear his breathing!” Luke added. “Droids don’t breathe!” 
Leia tilted her head as the two listened to two rounds of his respirator. 
“What’s your name?” Luke asked.
“Vader,” he said.
It was true. It was his name. The name Sidious had granted him when he fell to his knees and pledged himself to the Sith. A name that now only he knew with Sidious’ death. He couldn’t use Anakin. That name no longer had any meaning to him, plus it was now tarnished. No longer was he Anakin Skywalker hailed as the hero of the Republic. He was marked as a traitor, a fugitive, a terrorist. A Sith.
“You sound funny,” Leia said. “You sound like a droid.” 
She walked over and pinched his leg. His lower leg. His lower prosthetic metal leg. She gasped. 
“You are a droid! That breathing is fake!” 
“My leg is fake. I am not, young one.” 
She pursed her lips and glared up at him. 
“Why do you have a metal leg?” Luke asked. 
Anger flared inside of Vader. What was he to say to his own children? That the man he considered his brother, the man who had raised him, who had stolen his wife and children away from him, had sliced them off? 
“It was cut off,” Vader said. 
“Does it hurt?” Luke asked. 
He walked up and hugged his leg, and Vader became completely still. His son . . . His son! Was hugging him! Luke gave his leg a quick kiss before hopping back with a huge smile on his face. 
“All better!” he said. 
“All better!” Leia repeated. 
“Th-- Thank you, little ones.” 
“Is that metal too?” Leia asked pointing to his hand. 
“They are all metal,” he said. 
“They were also cut off,” he growled. 
He clenched his teeth together and his hands curled into fists. He did not wish to discuss this as it only angered him. He was here to enjoy his children. Who knew how long this charade would last. 
“Because . . .” he said. The twins looked at him expectantly. He didn’t move his head, but his eyes looked wildly around. What could he say to appease their curiosity? What would someone use a metal hand for? “It’s so I can crush things.” 
Both of their eyes went wide. 
“Can I see?” Leia asked.
“Show us!” Luke pleaded. “Please!”
“Please! Pretty please!” 
“Show you what?” Vader asked.
“How you crush things!” both twins said together.
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dollsorwhatever · 5 years
Like No Other (literally)
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I can’t tell ya’ll how nervous I was to get this doll lol. The one that Jessy posted on his Instagram was a little wonky and I was scared mine would be the same, but no...she’s PERFECT.  I’ve been waiting a VERY long time for this moment. See, this skintone (now dubbed ‘Nubian’ by IT) hasn’t been used since Quiet Storm Annik in 2011, and Nadja hasn’t had this skintone at all since The Illusionist Nadja in 2008- the very last Nadja to be made with her original head sculpt. Nadja came back in 2015 for the NF reboot, but she was slightly lighter and her original skintone hasn’t been used at all- until this doll was first shown in 2019- and when I saw her, I SCREAMED. I needed her.   It might have taken forever, but they picked the absolute best moment to bring Nadja’s original skintone back. The editorial eyeshadow, the shimmering lips, the faintest hint of Mahogany saran in her long, dark hair, even her name- all of these things call back to the original Hard Act To Follow Nadja, my favorite IT doll that I own (at least until now perhaps), and perfectly epitomize Nadja for me; effortless in a way that even the ‘weirdest’ makeup looks natural on her. She might even be better than HATF.  And now, not only do I finally have her, but she’s even more beautiful in person! Her inner corner highlight is a little larger on the left eye, but otherwise she’s flawless and I couldn’t be happier.  Her hair desperately needs a wash/condition/flat iron and some fixing on her layers (they’re beautiful in the front, but blunt in the back) but it’s long and shiny and gorgeous otherwise. Her outfit isn’t my fave; the top is exceptionally made but I don’t love animal print, so it’s been claimed by a friend of mine. Her pleather pants are also very well made, but I don’t love pleather. I’m keeping them anyway because they’ll be very useful. Her belt is separate too, and works like a real belt!  The rest of her pieces are amazing however, and I knew that I wasn’t going to love her outfit anyway. I just love love love the doll.  Now to wait for Erin and the two other NF girls I have preordered and pray they’re just as pretty as Nadja. 
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily liveblogs: BBC Atlantis 1x03, “A Boy of No Consequence”
Welcome back to the BBC Atlantis liveblog! Previously introduced:
THE HERO: Jason. Originally from Atlantis, raised on Earth and recently returned. Confused as hell about everything. Killed the Minotaur and now on the royal shitlist. Daddy issues and a mysterious macguffin amulet. Shirts optional. 
THE LANCER: Hercules. 'Nuff said.
THE SMART GUY: Pythagoras. The triangle guy. NERD. I love him.
THE BIG BAD: King Minos and Queen Pasiphae, rulers of Atlantis. The Minotaur is supposedly Minos's fault, but so far the show has been mum about bull-fucking, so it's not clear how true the show is going to stay to the myth.
THE LOVE INTEREST: Ariadne, daughter to the above. Smitten with Jason on account of his good looks (because let's face it, they haven't had much time to talk yet). Maybe she and Jason can bond over daddy issues?
SOURCE OF CRYPTIC EXPOSITION: The Oracle. Knows more than she's telling Jason... for his own protection. Prone to cryptic utterances and killing chickens.
ATLANTIS: A city that is NOT under the ocean, despite the fact that Jason traveled there in a sub. (I really hope it was called the Argo, but I forgot to check.) Has no leash-laws for two-headed dragons, an abundance of watermelons in the marketplace, and guards with surprisingly good aim--also, hunting lions, because why not?
I had to skip episode 2, so this is going to be fun. Let's see what I missed!
In the marketplace, Herc is crushing on Medusa [introduced in the last episode] and Pythagoras and Jason are trying to bring him down gently. They stop to help an old man with an overturned cart, and an Asshole Authority Figure I don't recognize shows up and smacks the old man around for blocking his way (just in case we were wondering whether we were supposed to like him). Jason intervenes and they fight, but the other guy has guards, so Jason gets arrested. Just another day in Atlantis!
All of the credits are still backwards and I hate it, but at least there's an actual opening sequence this time!
Cut to Pythagoras and Herc standing in the jail along with Jason. Pythagoras introduces the Asshole Authority as "Heptarion" so I'm forgiven for not knowing who he is. He's Pasiphae's nephew.
Cut to the three of them kneeling in front of the throne in chains, and Ariadne's standing there watching, and I think... she finds this hot. Minos and Pasiphae are all like "You again?" because this probably is going to happen every episode.
Minos threatens Jason with a death curse. Jason yells, and it doesn't go well. Herc tries to explain Jason's a tourist and doesn't know any better, and then calls on the whole Minotaur business as a chance for mercy. So Minos claims he's going to leave it to Poseidon.
Pasiphae asks if Ariadne likes Jason. Ariadne lies, and Pasiphae calls her on it. Ariadne says "You're not my mom," and OH SNAP, this explains A LOT, ACTUALLY. Ariadne's promised to Heptarion, so this is SUPER AWKWARD. Ariadne asks if Pasiphae would intervene with Minos, and Pasiphae punts and says it's up to the gods. Ariadne says she'll pray for Jason, then.
Herc claims that was the last time he'll ever help Jason, but he is a LIAR and also a HUGE SOFTIE, so I call bullshit.
IT'S THE RUNNING OF THE BULLS. Or at least of some sort of matador thing in a ring with a giant bull and people leaping over it with epic leaps. Everybody on a "team" has to survive in order to be free. Pythagoras talks about probability, because he is, as I've mentioned before, a NERD.
Their other team members are an African warrior who gives Pythagoras the side-eye and a girl who doesn't want to eat her food, so Herc steals it. There's also a random dude who picks a fight with the warrior.
Heptarion and Pasiphae meet for plotting and gossip about Ariadne and Jason. The team practices leaping over a practice bull. Herc trips and doesn't make it over, as Heptarion and Pasiphae watch. Pythagoras says that the queen is rumored to be a witch. Jason leaps perfectly, and everyone's amazed, no less Jason. Heptarion realizes his rival is harder to kill than he thought, but Pasiphae plans to help.
The girl cuts Jason's hair while he sleeps, which the random dude on their team sees. VOODOO MAGIC TIME.
The next day, the team watches someone get killed in the practice ring. The random dude baits the warrior, and we learn he's a Nubian prince! Jason tries to play peacemaker and suggests they band together, but nobody's buying it. They go into the ring and Jason tries to strategize but nobody listens.
Jason calls the bull to him and it LISTENS. Jason does his run thing and falls to the ground. The girl yells at the bull  and so do the others to keep him from a fallen Jason. TEAMWORK. Pythagoras and Herc carry Jason off the field and it turns out it was all a ruse to get the team to work together. Jason, you little schemer.
Herc hides under the table rather than let his ex-girlfriend catch sight of him. The Nubian prince says he has 3 wives and 7 kids, and he wishes he could go home. Jason tries to talk to the girl who won't eat and give her food and a pep talk. She starts to spill the hair thing and then runs away. Pasiphae does some VOODOO MAGIC.
The random dude, Cyrus, confronts the girl about the hair thing. The guy in charge interrupts before she can tell him anything. Cyrus tells the guy in charge what he saw, and gets stabbed for his trouble. So I guess there's only gonna be five people on the team?
(Note: all of the other characters have names, I just can't always understand what they are without subtitles.)
The trio know foul play when they see it. Jason goes to comfort the girl, and she confesses what she did in exchange for her freedom. (I assume they're going to double-cross her and kill her, because that's what happened to Cyrus.) Pythagoras has to explain the whole voodoo thing to Jason.
Herc mocks Jason's tase in women, specifically Ariadne. Jason protests they have barely talked, and I agree, but those long soulful gazes SPEAK VOLUMES. Herc calls Pythagoras "a fool with no knowledge of women" and this show is really not helping with the slash shipping here.
Heptarion tries to chat up Ariadne at the dinner table and it fails because Ariadne is such a killjoy and doesn't enjoy watching people die in front of her. You know, she's a weirdo like that.
Pythagoras suggests enlisting Medusa to steal the hair back. Herc objects because Love. Pythagoras has another idea, and it's Herc's ex-girlfriend! Herc chats up his ex, and convinces her to take a note to Medusa. I guess people can read in this show? News to me, but okay.
The next morning, they go out to the ring. Jason's not wearing a shirt, because... reasons?  Medusa sneaks in to the queen's bedroom and there's so much furniture I'm pretty sure that's not period, only to get nearly caught by the queen. But she does spy the secret ritual room, so there's that.
Epic sandal montage/power walk into the bull ring with the Squad. No, Jason is not wearing a shirt, why do you ask? He and Ariadne make eyes at each other, as Minos makes a speech about how this is totally not rigged. They chant the ritual phrases and get to it. PLAY BALL.... or PLAY BULL, rather.
Pasiphae stabs the voodoo doll and Jason crumbles in pain. The Nubian prince does a badass leap! And he's not even the protagonist! Herc yells at the bull to keep it away from Jason and does a less badass leap... but he does make it, and the crowd cheers anyway. The girl distracts the bull and leaps! The crowd cheers. The guy in charge looks pissed.
Just as Pasiphae is about to stab Jason's head, Medusa makes a noise / sets something on fire? Pasiphae runs out, and Medusa grabs the poppet. Now Jason is better! Jason gives Pythagoras a pep talk, since he also has to leap in order for them to win. Pythagoras's leap has no grace whatsoever, but he does it... which is better than I would do under the circumstances, let's be honest. He's so thrilled!!
Of course, Jason goes last because DRAMA. His flip is the best, because he's the LEAD, but I argue that the Nubian prince is more impressive because he's actually, you know, PRACTICED, instead of being just MAGICALLY TALENTED AND ALL.
They win! Ariadne loves Jason even more! Group hug for the five members of the team! Atlantis loves them! Minos tries to put a good face on it. They're free! Medusa yells out to Hercules and waves. She saved them all and didn't get caught! Nice!
Pasiphae tries to be nice to Ariadne, and she's not buying it. Pasiphae's all like, This is why being nice never works.
The Nubian prince is going to return the girl to her village and then go home. He invites the trio to visit, so I guess we'll see him again?? I hope so, I like him. The marketplace is still full of watermelons and Herc is convinced that Medusa returns his affections because she saved their lives and... sigh. Okay, then.
Anyway, all's well that ends well (I guess), but I have so many questions. Do any of these characters actually have jobs? What do they do for money? Are they going to get hauled before Minos and Pasiphae for not paying rent in the next episode? What does the Oracle think about all this? What happened to the two-headed dragons? Where are all the watermelons coming from? Does anybody in Atlantis actually buy them or do they just sit on that one dude’s cart and that’s why it’s always so full? Are the main characters going to go back to square one by the end of every episode or will the plot actually build on something? Will Jason and Ariadne actually talk to each other, or will they continue to gaze soulfully across the throne room while Jason’s a Very Naughty Boy Who Must Be Punished?
Apparently, the preview for the next episode makes it very clear it will be A BABY EPISODE, so we’ll see how many of these questions are answered.
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portbayrp · 4 years
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                                 ABOUT THE CHARACTER.
★ ━  ( amber riley,   cis-female,   she/her )  ━ ★   just to be clear, ya didn’t get this information from me.   The person you’re lookin’ for is   BROOKLYN ARI WILES.  also known as   BROOKE.    Last I heard she was born on   NOVEMBER 19TH, 1990    and grew up right here in the    KING NEIGHBORHOOD OF PORTLAND,   but she’s been livin’ in    ROCK CREEK,    for about    THREE YEARS.    Word around the districts is, this doll,    BROOKE   can be    STUBBORN,   RESTLESS,   &   SARCASTIC,   but i gotta tell, ya, alls I seen is good things, like the fact that she’s   HARDWORKING,  LOYAL,    &    KIND-HEARTED.   I guess that depends on how well ya know ‘em, though.   the last thing ya need to know is that she works as an   R&B ARTIST   &   ACTRESS.   I don’t know much about what that’s all about but I do know that’s all I can tell ya the rest you gotta find out on ya, own.    ━     ( ooc:  stormy,   est,   36,   she/her )
                           BIOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING…
growing up she was exposed to;
Brooke grew up in the King Neighborhood with her grandmother and older brother but always knew that one day she would make it out of there. Her grandmother bought the house in 1965 and that is where she raised Brooke’s mother, and Brooke and her brother when her mother left them for a visit and never returned. If it wasn’t for the community, Brooke might not have ever found her voice or made it down the path she did. Growing up in King made her appreciate herself as a beautiful Nubian Queen, as well as a Woman, which meant no man was going to bring her down and that is why she did her best not to become a statistic.
all about the family & their relationships;
Brooke’s family might have been small but they never lacked love. She has her Grandma Ruby, and her big brother who were more than her cheerleaders, they were her sounding board, her inspiration. They are very close and when Brooke made it big, the first people she took care of was them.
Her high school sweetheart and ex Husband who she never stopped loving, they were just in two different places in their lives with her fame and moving around. But they are forever bonded because of their child.
Brooke’s son Bryant. He is the light of her life and part of the reason she returned to Portland three years ago. When she realized she was pregnant she decided to take a break from her career to spend time with her child and family.
the road to portland starts with;
Brooklyn was born and raised in Portland. Her mother and father met while they were in high school, fell in love and had her older brother. Two years later they had Brooke and while they had planned on getting married, it never came to pass. When Brooklyn turned 5 her father lost his life saving his family from an intruder. They lived in the not so safe Kenton Neighborhood because Bryant wanted to provide for his family. It was a choice Ari, Brooke’s mother would regret, because they could have lived with her mother.  When the police finally arrived to the frantic call it was too late, Bryant and the perp were both gone from this world. Ari tried to recover, and be a mother to Brooke and her brother but she couldn’t, she saw Bryant in them and that caused her to break, so under the guise of needing Ruby to watch the kids for a few hours, Ari dropped them off and never returned.
her occupational perspective;
Brooklyn is an R&B Diva as well as an actress. Everyone who heard her sing knew she had talent and when American Idol came to Portland when Brooke was 16 she begged her grandmother to take her. Brooklyn never made it past the first round, they said she didn’t have what it took but she later found out they rejected her because the competition wouldn’t have been fair had she been picked.
As she left the venue devastated she and her grandmother were approached by a man claiming to be a manager, he wanted Brooke to sing for his label in L.A. and promised she wouldn’t regret it. From the moment she opened her mouth the room was enamored by her. They knew she had the potential to be big, so having her join an all girl’s group called 3 major, Brooke started her Journey to fame. She tried her best not to outshine the other two members but it was hard to bottle her talents.
At 19 after their second world tour, Brooke was encouraged to go solo and she did. And now 11 years later everyone knows her name, knows her songs and her roles in the three movies and TV spots she had. Even though she was at the top of her game, when Brooke became pregnant she decided it was better to be with family then to have a child on tour and living in L.A. So she agreed that she would still work on her music, and do small tours or small projects if she could work from Portland.
where her passions reside;
Brooke is passionate about her family and friends, she holds them dear and close to her, and if anyone hurts those she loves, she shows them her wrath.
additional notes;
grandmother still lives in King even though Brooke lives in Rockcreek, and Brooke visits her everyday if she can. She has a recording studio in her home and values her privacy.  Also should I be lucky enough to be chosen I would like to add her brother and her ex to the connections list.
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thenubianprincesses · 9 months
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amtopmthoughts · 4 years
cruelty free brands
anastasia beverly hills
bare minerals*
beauty blender
charlotte tilbury
jouer (certified by leaping bunny)
kat von d*
kylie cosmetics
marc jacobs beauty
the body shop
too faced*
urban decay*
dr barbara sturm
drunk elephant
kate sommerville*
negrito: certified by PETA
itálico: not certified by PETA but 100% VEGAN
sublinhado: BOTH
*owned by a parent company that tests on animals
other cruelty free brands I don’t know
100% pure
3rd rock essentials
a perfume organic
adorn cosmetics
aether beauty
afterglow cosmetics
ag hair
aila cosmetics
alba botanica
aima pure
andalou naturals
arctic fox
ardency inn
as i am
au naturale
aubrey organics
avalon organics
babo botanicals
barry m
beauty without cruelty
beauty counter
ben nye
bh cosmetics
bite beauty
black radiance
booda organics
bumble and bumble
butter london
bybi beauty
co bigelow
cailyn cosmetics
captain blankenship
carol’s daughter
cate mcnabb
celeb luxury
chi chi cosmetics
china glaze
christophe robin
clove + hollow
coloured raine
concrete minerals
copycat beauty
cover fx
crazy rumours
cyo cosmetics
d s & durga
das boom
de mamei
deborah lippmann
deck of scarlet
deep steep
derma e
desert essence
doll 10
dose of colours
dr alfaieis
dr bronner’s
dr dennis gross
dr hauschka
dr loretta
earth friendly products/ecos
earth tu face
earth’s beauty
ecco bella
edible beauty
edward bess
eleven australia
ella + mia
ellis faas
eo products
epic blend
ere perez
eva nys
everyday minerals
face atelier
fairy girl
faith in nature
farmacy beauty
fiona stiles
fior minerals
first aid beauty
flora + bast
forager botanicals
formulary 55
fortune cookie soap
frank body
french girl
function of beauty
gabriel cosmetics
goo skin beauty
gloss moderne
good dye young
grand cosmetics
h2o plus
hana organic skincare
hard candy
harvey prince organics
hello products
herbivore botanicals
honore des près
house of lashes
hugo naturals
hush + dotti
hint beauty
i am selfcare
iles formula
indie lee
isle of paradise
it cosmetics
its a 10
jr watkins
jack black
jane Airedale
jeffree star
john masters organics
josh rose brook
josie maran
juice beauty
juvia’s place
kahina giving beauty
kaia naturals
kari gran
kester black
kevin murphy
kirkland signature
kiss my face
kjaer weis
koh gen do
kopari beauty
kora organics
la girl
laura geller
lauren b beauty
le couvent des minimes
le labo
le petit olivier
level naturals
lilah b
lily lolo
lina hanson
linda hallberg
lit cosmetics
live clean
living proof
liz earle
lotus wei
lulu organics
lunar beauty
mad hippie
madara cosmetics
madison reed
maelys cosmetics
maison louis marie
makeup geek
manic panic
maria nila
marks and spencer
may lindstrom
melt cosmetics
meow meow tweet
merle norman
milk makeup
mineral fusion
molly’s suds
molto brown
mv organic skincare
my daughter fragrances
my konjac sponge
nabla cosmetics
natasha denona
nature clean
nature’s gate
nest fragrances
nip + fab
no bs
nourish organic
nubian heritage
nude by nature
nude skincare
obsessive compulsive cosmetics
ofra cosmetics
ole henriken
one love organics
osea malibu
out of africa
oz naturals
painted earth
pangea organics
paul mitchell
paula’s choice
peace out
perricone md
physicians formula
pour le monde
primal pit taste
priti nyc
province apothecary
pupa milano
pur cosmetics
pure Canada
queen helene
qv skincare
radical skincare
rare elements
raw sugar
real simple clean
real techniques
red apple lipstick
renee rouleau
rita hazan
rituel de fille
root science
rouge bunny rouge
sw basics
saavy naturals
samantha naturals
sand and sky
schmidt’s naturals
scotch naturals
seventh generation
shea moisture
silk naturals
skin laundry
skinny & co
skin iceland
smith & cult
sol de janeiro
sonia kashuk
stellar beauty
strange invisible
studio makeup
sugar venom
summer fridays
sunday riley
suva beauty
tata harper
terra nova
the 7 virtues
the beauty chef
the gnarly whale
the green beaver company
the ordinary
the seaweed bath co.
the balm
thrive causemetics
tom’s of maine
trader joe’s
tree hut
triz mcevoy
trust fund beauty
tsi la
umberto giannini
ursa major
vapour organic beauty
velvet report
vexed organic botanicals
vernon francois
vintner’s daughter
w3ll people 
wander beauty
wen by chaz dean
whole foods
tes to
youth to the people
yuni beauty
zuii organic
zuzu luxe
better than sex
lights camera lashes, tarte
perversion, urban decay
kush, milk
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slayinmykaj-blog · 6 years
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#Repost with @Repostlyapp @cosmogirl_lm What lipstick color do you wear most??? 💄 💄 💄 💄 -I wear reds & nudes the most. I feel super sexy when I wear reds & elegant when I wear natural lipsticks. 😉 ______________________________________________ #makeupdeets ❤️Eyes: @morphebrushes “35o2” Eyeshadow Pallete, @mykajlipstiks “Dolled Up” Glitter Pallete(save $, use discount code “COSMOGIRL”), @redaspenlove “Rosie” Lashes, @wetnwildbeauty “Ultimate Brow Kit!”. ❤️Lips: @nyxcosmetics “Brown” Lip Pencil, @athenamarie.xoxo “FREYA” Liquid Matte Lipstick(Save $, enter promo code “COSMOGIRL” before you check out). ♥️Face: @tartecosmetics Shape Tape Concealer, @benefitcosmetics HOOLA Bronzer, @juviasplace Nubian 2 Pallete “zuri” Eyeshadow was used as my highlight. ______________________________________________ #redlips #sassygirl #reds #lipstickcollection #favorite #makeuplife #motd #longlashes #contourandhighlight #glowforthegods #sparklegirl #me #girl #makeup #beauty #beautyinfluencers #muaworldwide #underratedmuas @beautyrp @blazin__beauties @underratedbeautygurus @undiscovered_muas @undertheradar_makeup @upandcoming__muas @muafeatures_x @muafeaturepage https://www.instagram.com/p/BnCsGD4hh9S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pmd1pxni8k2t
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Be Prepared… Naloxone Training and Kits, British Columbia.  Free. Free is a very good price. http://www.naloxonetraining.com/
The British Columbia Government ALSO provides FREE ANTI VIRAL HIV drugs to at risk persons.  Ask your doctor.  If you don't have a doctor, ask a pharmacist for assistance.  Flu shots are available for free at pharmacies for many people.
Friday, 5 Jan. 2018.  Grey, chilly and raining in Vancouver.  I got up at 8:30am, had a coffee and a T3 then went back to bed for an hour.  The pain killers make me more drowsy lately... about an hour of low energy and feeling sleepy.  I have little choice... pain or being drowsy.  It sucks being old with Arthritis.  I hate it.  Oh well... life is hell and we are all victims.
It's 11:30am, now.  I'm starting to wake up and the aches are tolerable... they never really go away.  My doctor reminds me it's called 'pain management' not 'pain go away'.  And I'm reminded it will only get WORSE.  Lovely.  The cure is death.
Over the years, I've had many people tell me try this or that... Tumeric, Curcumin, Meditation, Yoga.  I'm WAY, WAY, WAY beyond any of those things being any help OF ANY KIND.  Thanks for the advice but I've checked out everything and none of those things are of any help, of any kind, at all.  Exercise is important... to keep my muscles strong.  If it hurts to exercise, it will hurt more by not exercising.  I have old and badly damaged joints... particularly my lower back and right leg.  Six car accidents, hard living, and injuries over the years... hockey, etc.
Speaking of car accidents... I was the passenger.  I don't like being a passenger in a car and will take the bus or train, thank you.  I don't trust humans to drive.  I don't trust humans to do much of anything right.
I find the biggest issue in my life, aside from my aches and pains, is simple loneliness.  It took me a long, long, long time to accept that I'm not like other people and it's not my issues that are the issue.  I didn't realize most people are so f**king dumb for a long, long, long time.  Now I accept that most humans are ignorant of just about everything and aren't too bright, either.  It makes for a very lonely life... think Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) or Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons).  That's me.
As an atheist, I see no point of any kind in being alive.  As best I can tell we are a simple accident of physics and chemistry... unavoidable over time.  The idea of a 'god' is so ridiculous that only a brain dead moron bonehead idiot would conceive of such a bizarre concept.  It only creates more questions than it answers.
In orthodox Jewish belief, this is the only life you have... ever.  When you are dead it is forever.  When 'god' kicked Adam and Eve out of the Garden is was SPECIFICALLY to keep them from eternal life... read your Bible, it's all in there.  The concept of 'gods' fighting and hurting humans is very old... older than Nubian and Egyptian history (there was a  Nubian kingdom before there was an Egyptian one).  In Jewish belief, one had to appease an angry, and jealous 'god' by being obedient... a PERFECT SLAVE.  Once you died you were over and done with... as in forever.  I despise all religions.  If you tell me you have a religion I know you are a bonehead... yup, you are brain dead dumb.
I spend my time on photography and painting... helps me be a better observer.  I try to spread the concept that the Speed of Light is a product of the physical size of a particle we call the Electron.  No information, of any kind, reaches your brain except by way of the Electron... it is the gatekeeper of time.  http://ElectronSpeed.Tumblr.com
Time is relative to physical size... the smaller you are, time speeds up.  If you are a Galaxy, that takes 100,000 years to make one turn, then 100,000 years is not such a long time.  Time can not speed up or slow down because there is no such thing as time... only change.  Time is a measurement of change, not a place nor thing.  Time travel is, not only impossible but a ludicrous and ridiculous idea... for fools and boneheads with no knowledge nor brains.
"Don't ask me... I'm just a girl"  Malibu Stacy talking doll/The Simpsons
I'm 73 years old... 74 in Oct. 2018.  I don't do social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.  I consider them to be co-dependent traps of idiocy.  I attempt to record ideas, concepts,  places, and events and post them to my personal sites or my YouTube sites.  So long as I'm still alive I keep a home page at...
“My little Eric can be, sometimes, a bit dramatic”  Eric Cartman’s Mother/South Park
“it’s time to go home.  The insurance company said you’re as well as they’re going to pay for” Doctor Hibbert/The Simpsons
“He who controls the stuffing controls the Universe.”  Alien Pilgrim transported through a wormhole to Earth/South Park.
"Take me with you... I hate it here"  Bill Dautry/King of the Hill
“People who have never seen a movie say it’s a great movie”  Apu/The Simpsons
“There is no God, Ned.  It’s just an empty meaningless void”  Maude Flanders’ ghost/The Simpsons
I repeat myself, a lot, because I know humans are really bad at paying attention, and understanding much of anything they read.  Quite, bluntly, I consider most humans to be walking, talking, bonehead idiots.  I’m doing as best I know how to save you from your ignorance and stupidity.
I’m a bit OCD and ADHD and go on, and on, like a dripping tap.  Think Sheldon Cooper, if that rings some kind of bell.  I gather it’s some kind of need I have to be, constantly, in complete control of everything.  I quite simply assume everyone around me is a complete idiot.  The humans aren’t doing a very good job of convincing me otherwise.  You must prove yourself to me.  Seriously, I mean it.  I expect to be disappointed.   Show me what you’ve got and back it up with proof.
http://DavidSilvercloud.com (Blog)    (http://David_Silvercloud.Tumblr.com)
http://ButchNews.com (Video)     (http://YouTube.com/ButchNews)
http://ButchNaked.com (Photo Stream)    (http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud)
http://SeriousThunder.com (Art)
THE MIGHTY ELECTRON.  Electrons are magnets and there are two different kinds... left spin and right spin Electrons. The sum of all Electrons, in the universe, is greater than the sum of ALL other particles.  Might is right.  Force rules.  They are the smallest stable particles in the universe.  You can't do anything without them... your central nervous system runs on Electrons.  Lightspeed is about 1 foot per nanosecond.  If the distance from your finger on the hot stove to your brain is three feet, then it will take six nanoseconds for you to react... how fast the message can get to your bran and back to your finger to get it off the stove.  Electrons react to Dark Energy (Magnetism) and control the Diamagtism/Paramagnetism/Ferromagnetism of all elements.  Not all elements react equally to magnetism.
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thenubianprincesses · 11 months
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thenubianprincesses · 11 months
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thenubianprincesses · 11 months
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