#Nubian doll
thenubianprincesses · 11 months
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kandyshoppe · 1 month
So! I’m going to school to (hopefully) become a farm vet, and I also enjoy those hybrid Aus, SO! Farm Hybrid Au! (Or just farm au!)
Riddle: a rooster, specifically a red cornish. Cornish are known to be a bit aggressive, and finicky. I think he would have been a neglected chick and didn’t get to the full size, instead staying kinda small instead of becoming big like other Cornish.
Trey: Highlander cow, soft, sweet babys! They’re just happy to be here, and are stocky tough cattle. Their coats are double coated, so they can get matted but it’s rare with a proper diet and care.
Cater: a part indoor part outdoor cat, a beautiful orange tabby mix, who goes through moods of cuddle monster and hates everyone. Never a hiss from him, but a grumpy huff and he trots away.
Deuce: mastiff, a guard/live stock guardian dog breed. Big, aggressive to strangers, but love bugs once they get to know you. Specifically a Pyrenean mastiff, they’re polish, and suited for cold weather best.
Ace: definitely a Nubian goat, head strong, rebellious, LOUD, but they’re not aggressive! They’re actually very friendly, to their detriment since they will try to befriend predators!
Leona: farm cat, probably a Maine coon mix, cause he’s so big and fluffy! Maine coons are also very “dog like” and can learn tricks, to play fetch etc. They also tend to have a resting mad face, which Leona seems to have sometimes!
Ruggie: a stray dog that helps hunt vermin on the farm. I feel he wondered up once, and made sure to avoid the live stock (and their guard dogs) and got some rats or something. He doesn’t live on the farm by nearby in the woods with his pack of strays (including granny!)
Jack: another guard dog! Anatolian Shepard, a middle eastern breed suited for colder climates, and lovingly called “nanny dogs” and they will happily let goats jump on them. They’re a bit dominant, preferring to do their own thing vs what others say though.
Azul: cull duck! They’re a bit noisy, enjoying the sound of their own voice. They’re the white ones most people think of for ducks, small and fairly friendly but they do enjoy nibbling to show affection…
Jade: runner duck! They can’t fly, but enjoy scrabbling among rocks to find grubs, or in Jade’s case, mushrooms! They don’t waddle either! They run! They’re not as friendly as other duck breeds, being stand off-ish sometimes.
Floyd: just like his brother, a runner duck. He lives up to the runner in his name! Prances around, and enjoys tormenting the other animals on the farm. Someone stop him! Sneaks up on others and nips their feet. Has been kicked before, it didn’t stop him.
Kalim: brown Swiss, in the top three cattle breeds! They’re known for being fairly docile, calm and friendly. They’re very affectionate, and can get upset when not given affection from their handlers! This boy is BEGGING for ear scritches!
Jamil: Brahman bull, he can get aggressive much easier than Kalim. He’s also a very intelligent boy, as his breed usually is. But they’re also known to be shy, preferring to be alone or with a specific quiet few vs a large herd! Brahmans also are sensitive to the cold, so his hoodie is a need!
Vil: a jersey cow (my favorite!) they’re so pretty, but also the divas of milking cows. But it’s worth it for their thick, buttery and fatty milk! They’re also very curious, choosing to follow new comers vs hiding. They’re very social, but sassy things!
Rook: a trained hawk! (I’ve never seen a trained hawk around chickens but he is!) he was found as a baby and ended up bonding with the farmer I bet, so now he protects the others from birds, and more sneaky attacks! He enjoys sitting with Vil, a strange pair but it works.
Epel: a Southdown sheep, also known as “baby dolls” cause they’re so little and cute! He’s still a ram though, and hates being called cute! Head butts at will! Is mad that Vil has chosen him as their “calf” and follows him around, keeping him out of trouble. Vil’s no fun.
Idia: a British soay sheep, but he’s got a genetic mutation that makes him a deep blue instead of a dark brown. British soay are shy and flighty, they’re timid even among sheep breeds! Idia probably struggles with joining herds because of his color, which makes him more nervous about predators!
Ortho: à shetland sheep, another smaller breed, but quite friendly and inquisitive (which is rare among sheep, I’m sorry they’re dumb) Don’t let his size fool you though! Shetlands are one of the hardiest breeds out there! Small but mighty!
Malleus: a big black shire horse, now I don’t know as much about horses, but shires are docile and friendly draft horses! I bet cause of his size though, many of the other farm animals avoid him cause he’s scary. Shires are sometimes used for riding, and I bet he REALLY enjoys riding!
Lilia: a fell pony! They’re one of the smartest ponies, and while they can be finicky at times because of their intelligence, they are sweet ponies. He’s too intelligent for his own good I bet, enjoying to open the gates and wander out, but doesn’t close it and now EVERYONE is out and about!
Silver: an Icelandic horse (my brother’s favorite), they’re super sweet and hardworking sweethearts, with a beautiful grey coat! One of the friendliest horse breeds in the world, he’s just a big old love bug! Loves rolling around and laying in a nice patch of grass I bet.
Sebek: a shetland pony, but he’s one of the ones who give shetlands a bad rap. He’s nippy, and stubborn, and loves to whiney whenever he can! Likes the sound of his own voice. Is entranced with Malleus, and wants to be a big horse like him one day!
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starrmarr · 8 months
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Nubian Doll morning, Nubian Doll life— off to work! We lift our heads and give Jah praises, we mourn nothing.
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
Chocolate never was more tasty than this 😈😈
Summary: The 3 times y/n’s badass moments made her husband Roman Reigns feel like the luckiest man on the planet. This fic is a Aew au
Pairing: Roman Reigns x cargil reader
Random pairings: Jon moxley x jade cargil ( her sister), willow nightingale x Ricky starks, ruby soho x Anglo Parker.
Her faction: the vagabonds ( y/n,jade,willow,Brandi, and Keira hogan)
Championship title: current Aew women world champion
Face claim : saweetie
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1. “ Roman!!” Y/n yelled running into his arms hugging him tightly as he caught her , earlier in the night while she was at home making dinner Jey called stating Stephanie got him arrested during the smack down taping under false accusations making her blood boil with anger. Ever since Roman turned heel becoming the tribal chief and creating the bloodline certain people have been trying take him down or destroy his accolades in & out the ring “ hey babygirl I’m okay I’m okay” he said softly soothing her worry’s knowing how worried she’d get about his safety sometimes.
As they get in the car once she got the paperwork as well bail taken care of he filled her in on the situation Stephanie wanted him,the twins and solo to pay for their actions against Sami zayn & Kevin Owens during royal rumble which upon further investigation that the two were forced to by the women or they’d be sent back to nxt. “ I’m fucking done!!!” He said seething with anger as y/n nodded letting him vent all of his anger out knowing he needed it “ okay love then quit always come to Aew with me I mean Jon’s way happier over there” she said looking over at him.
“ I’m with you baby let’s do it” he said interlocking his bigger hand with her smaller one heading home Stephanie say your prayers she thought smirking to herself.
A week later
Walking into the stadium hand & hand the tribal chief was ready to make a statement with his Nubian queen by his side “ go get yourself all dolled up sweetness gonna go over the plan with the boys” he said looking down at y/n squeezing her hip “ mm okay my chief” she purrs kissing Roman deeply before walking away.
“ what the hell !!! It’s the bloodline ohhh and they don’t look happy, well what do you expect Stephanie’s actions towards Roman Reigns * sami & Kevin join them * ohhh looks like they got back up!!!” Michael Cole and pat mcafee said watching them launch a sneak attack on the couple at one point Roman points to the ramp giving y/n the signal. Watching everyone go crazy while walking down the ramp to the ring she only had one goal make this woman pay “ oohhh and her comes the tribal goddess herself” Cole said with a hint of excitement the whole roster was ready to see the couples demise and we’re enjoying every minute.
Standing face to face with the evil woman who hurt her tribal chief y/n waisted no time pouncing on her attacking Stephanie with every thing she had the older woman was no match for her cheetah like moves “ hold them up!!! Both of them!!!” She screamed as the boys got them in position “ no are they?! Double spear !!! double spear !!! My god Hunter and Stephanie just got snapped in half!” Cole said as the crowd chanted you deserve it
“ nobody!!! Can take down the bloodline we run this shit!!! We’re done with this company I’m done with this bullshit everywhere I go or my tribe goes you acknowledge us !!! Cause we the ones!!!” Roman said growling loudly in the mic as everyone held their fingers up. He was done with wwe and to do it with his goddess it felt great standing tall.
2. Roman & y/n where hanging out with his 6yr daughter Joelle at their new home in L.A California located in Beverly Hills. The couple was happy to have some time off after battle of the belts ppv not minding the little girls presence since she’d taken a liking to y/n instantly after Roman divorced his nightmare of a ex fiancé , hearing the door bell Roman got up from the couch smiling softly watching his two favorite girls laughing and smiling “ oh great what are you doing here?” He groaned coming face to face with his ex.
“ you weren’t answering my calls Joelle left her snacks & blanket at my place last week” his ex replied slightly upset he didn’t really talk to her since the divorce only if something involved jojo his ex was a gold digging bitch breaking his trust once to many. “ well jojo has all the snacks and blankets she needs but extra wouldn’t hurt * grabs her blanket & Cheeto puffs* oh while you’re here Joelle will be living with us or parents from now on” he said making the woman gasp in sock
“What?!!! Why Joe I” the woman only could get out as Roman turned around snarling at the woman immediately shutting her up “ you will never get to call me that again got it? Secondly you missed the court date , hearings as well meetings with the lawyers multiple times and your mother vouched for me stating that Joelle deserved to be with me besides y/n has been way more of a mother to her than you” he said smirking as y/n appears next him with jojo in her arms.
“ everything okay here? Oh hi” y/n said smiling as Roman explained the situation she never liked his ex and it was time to put the woman in her place “ jojo bug can you cover your ears for me ? * the little girl nods doing as told* good girl” she smiles at the girls cuteness. “ I’ll only say this once and once only you lost bitch you don’t deserve shit from him or anyone with your leg spreading flat chested twink dollar tree having ass unless you’re making a billion dollars a year,own fifteen businesses, model the hottest brands or look half as good like me” steps a little closer “ then get the fuck away from my family understand? Good” she said smiling at the fear struck woman as Roman watched proudly if you thought Roman’s death glare was scary hers was 10x more terrifying.
Walking back inside the couple shared a sweet kiss “ me too!! I want one!!!” Joelle squeaked making them laugh attack the girl with kisses “ you’re so good to me sweetheart thank you for coming into my life and hers” he said kisses her forehead making the woman melt “ I’d like to say it’s the other way around but you’re welcome cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else” she said touched by his words “ daddy!! Momma!! Can we make noodles and fried dumplings ? Oh please!” Joelle said smiling up at the two shocking them mostly y/n not wanting to push it letting Joelle get comfortable with the idea of being her new mom but the young child always saw y/n as her mother the first time they met .
“ uh - yeah of course darling but we gotta make sure you’re daddy doesn’t eat all the cookies we’re gonna make too” she said smirking at Roman as jojo hugged her tightly while on the inside she was buzzing with happiness as Roman did holding them close.
3. The wrestling it couple were tag teaming with her sister,Jon,Brandi and Cody against daddy magic,Anna,tay conti and Sammy after some off hand comments were made about the couple’s relationship.
“ ohhhh !!! God !!! Tay conti just got rocked!!” Taz comments as y/n super kicked her in the face before yanking into a deadly samoan drop doing a kip up as the crowd cheered “ let’s go!!!!” She screamed firing up the crowd turning around smirking pointing to Sammy mockingly blowing a kiss “ we run this bitch!!! Hoe!!!” She cackled licking her chops setting up for a Superman punch in honor of her husband which she perfectly executed before tagging her sister in.
“Come on baby!!! Roman cmon!!!” She shouted holding her hand out as her tribal chief tagged her in hopping over the ropes knocking down everyone on the opposite team before coming face to face with daddy magic yelling in her smiling like a psychopath slapping him not phased by the threats. She put him her finisher the cradle ( inverted ddt) “ and your winners the vagabonds and Roman Reigns,Jon moxley and Cody Rhodes!!!” They announced the crowd cheering as they all stood tall in victory.
Walking backstage they all were heading back to the locker room they heard Tay screaming about them cheating and so on down the hall “ kiss my ass bitch!!! Oh that’s right you don’t have one!!!” She smirked laughing twerking a little cause Roman to chuckle at her antics.
“ you are bad” he growled playfully against her ear before squeezing her plump bottom “ mmm but you like it though my tribal chief” she said looking up at him before getting brought into a steamy lip lock.
She was the whole package and all his nobody compares to his chocolate dipped goddess.
Her outfits 1,2,3 created by me:
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♡✰ the kitty hell system
》 it/xe collectively (ask for alters pronouns) (BLACK EDIT, ART, AND STIMBOARD REQUESTS R OPEN!!) ♫ hii we are the kitty hell system! we are a c-did system. we are intersex and trans/nonbinary, along with being an arospec enbian lesbian we are bodily an adult, 18+, and are indigneous arab-blasian but are an italian immigrant! (on my black side i am nubian egyptian and maasai tribe. on my asian side i am chinese and indian.) we are sensorily, mentally/intelluctually, and physically disabled! please do note : our caregiver helps us type/talk EVERYTHING. we also use our aac device to help. she helps us understand things, if she isnt there for whatever reason, we may talk in ways people may not understand because on our own our communication is EXTREMELY bad due to our intelluctual disability and autism. we use a screenreader so we'd prefer if you put image ids. also PLEASE put a flash warning or bright color warning on shit. we have epilepsy. we r a furry and a lion therian with several fictionkins. ☾ we are a jazz studies major in university! on this blog we talk about yugioh, bendy and the ink machine/dark revival, amanda the adventurer, cookie run, disability, the lgbtq community, psychology, music/bands i like, poc/culture, team fortress 2, the lion king, coco by disney, inu yasha, five nights at freddies, art, undertale, welcome home, sanrio, webkinz, lps, animals, the muppets, sesame street, dolls/dollhouses, toys, puppets, hades, sparklecare hospital, aesthetics, etc. we are critical of our interests as well. we are emo and apart of cripplepunk. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾 dni if... radqueer, radinclus, radexclus, support bi/pan/omni/lesbians/gays (lesbians who say they like men or gays who say they like women), support endogenic systems, pro-contact, support male lesbians or female gays, against nonbinary lesbians, against butch lesbians, against he/him or they/them lesbians, believe able bodied people can be in cripplepunk, believe in narc abuse/cluster b abuse, demonize any conditions, baby any conditions, below 15 years old, fetishize any conditions/races/sexualities/genders, misogynistic, ableist, homophobic, anti-semitic, racist, terfs, proshippers/pro-fic, south park fans, any mihoyo fans, toilet bound hanako kun fans, vivzie pop/helluva boss/hazbin hotel fans, killing stalking fans, idv fans, dsmp fans, ranfren fans, okegom fans, danganronpa fans, harry potter fans, yarichin bitch club fans, homestuck fans, transphobic, shtwt/edtwt, hetalia fans, fakeclaim people, fake disorders in general, transid, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogenders, anti-kin/therian, thinks blackwashing is real/against black edits, whitewasher, uses slurs they cannot reclaim, intersexist, trump supporter, conserative, bigot, anti-furry, anti-educated self diagnosis, basic dni whateva, etc (srry for the long ass dni list, i keep seeing ppl break it despite its basic ass shit) i reclaim slurs, i will not tag the word queer, i also dont want able bodied people calling me a cripple or non-deformed ppl calling me deformed. thankyou. otherkin side blog : @lesbianvampiriclion stimboard side blog @deerstims banner by inky-trash. icon by me header + icon image IDS below!!
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medranochav · 1 year
Alexis Michelle's attempt to absolve herself for shamelessly betraying Lala by lecherously "hitting" on her speaks, not only, to her obvious lack of integrity but the idea of doling out hole/pole as some kind of requisite reparation even remotely worthy of remedying their friendship her reputation perfectly reflects the delusion Alexis is famous for. It's also additional proof of Alexis' rather... flaccid value system.
sure, on its surface, Alexis' conduct doesn't immediately rank among the shows most egregious... afterall she is an icon, a s9 doll, known new Yorker and snatch game winner! she entered AS8 a front runner imo. which begs the question... what about her caliber of drag would ever require the depravity of an India Farrah-like gameplay?
moreover, in the 6 years since her original season, Alexis has emerged and embraced the freak frag she's always been. so as the presently branded lover [and not fighter!] Alexis' position is even less of a threat. like, who wouldn't welcome the flattery of being abruptly and awkwardly flirted AT by Alexis Michelle whilst on a set... far from home... among a gang of peers turned competitors... with giant TV cameras aimed at you... surrounded by a hawkeyed army of producers whom your narrative is completely at the mercy of? a totally genuine experience if you ask me... sike!
Lala was among a cast of competitors whose personas and narrative were at the mercy of a profit minded production company and an audience/fanbase perennially proven to be racist af. It's safe to assume Lala, like many Black and Brown people, felt bound by the respectability politics of it all. I think by playing it graciously, laughing it off, and NOT telling Alexis her real name, Lala was prioritizing herself personally and professionally. Her reputation remains in tact. A sad price to pay, tbh because Alexis needed to be dragged. Except as a society we're so ready to deem a doll the likes of a nubian glamazon like Lala, "angry" and "aggressive" the minute she asserts herself and establishes boundaries; regardless of delivery.
why Alexis chose to go gully with it is beyond me. Her drag race tenure has been nothing short of messy. It's one that would ultimately show her as a queen who truly possessed gowns and garments, a performer full of potential but no promise, a traitor with a real talent for theater, a beautiful liar whose own bitchasaness rendered them the beta to a ninja turtle's alpha (a move that effectively cost heidi, lala and herself the AS crown)... and at long last she left serving loser who stood for nothing so she fell for everything.
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esilou · 6 years
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locs mami
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Shudu Gram inspired doll, Nubian Queen
Made by request, sold. Inspired in the digital model Shudu Gram. Some pieces were modified during the raw stage, as the lower torso part and the lower legs, to make them longer, ergo, this doll is taller than our other Malena dolls. The head is our new mold Nubia, with modifications on face contour , lips, nose and eyes. Includes a sheep wool magnetic wig, an epoxy magnetic wig, permanent metallic rings, golden earrings , stand and Coa.
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#africanqueen #dollsofcolor #bjd #sculpture #arteargentino #dollphotography#blackbeauty #porcelainbjd #custommade #blackpower #artofdoll
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
Can you do something with Cad Bane being jealous? 🥺
One for the bastard man, coming right up. (So sorry this took so freaking long, I fell into a rut and it just wouldn’t go away. But I got this written and I hope you like it!)
“You do know that you don’t have to do that right?” You asked with a wry smile on your face as you glanced out the corner of your eye at the hat-wearing bounty hunter. He huffed in response and tightened his grip on your waist in response, further wringing the fabric of his coat he’d unceremoniously tossed over your senatorial dress. 
“Yes, I do.” He gritted out, voice low and dangerous as he sized up the citizens of Coruscant the two of you passed by. “This place is crawling with scum, doll. And every one of them could be lookin’ for  a way to snatch up a pretty little senator like yourself.” 
You snorted unceremoniously at his statement but pressed closer to him all the same. “Doubtful, Cad. But if it makes you feel better, I won’t complain.” Cad didn’t acknowledge the sentiment out loud but you felt him pull you closer again with a grumpy huff. You giggled at the angry grimace  he wore and reached up to pinch at his chin. “Cheer up, you grump. This is supposed to be a romantic evening.”  
With a growl, he tore his face away and pinched your side in retaliation, eliciting a shriek that you barely managed to stifle. “I’m plenty romantic, izrin. C’mon,” he grunted pulling you in a random direction, “let’s get a drink.”
“Yeah, you’re a real casanova.” You muttered under your breath. Although, in truth, there was little room for disdain - you were just happy to be out with him before your big speech to the galaxy tomorrow. Without comment, Cad maneuvered the two of you through the throng of people to a seedy-looking bar. Upon entering the establishment, your nose was immediately bombarded by the stench of cheap whiskey, sweat, and grime and you had to fight the urge to turn around and head out into the marginally cleaner Coruscant air. But, Bane’s firm grip on your waist reminded you that this was one of the few times you could be with Bane without a real threat of discovery. So, you sucked it up. The bar was filled with people of all species - some clad in armor, others barely clad in anything - and further solidified in your mind that this had to be a hotspot for bounty hunters and criminals. With that realization, you found your own arm winding around Cad’s waist to secure yourself to him. You weren’t scared, per se, just a bit wary of your surroundings suddenly. 
There was a telltale rumble emanating from Cad Bane’s chest and a second later a gentle brush of his hand down the length of your arm. “I got you, izrin, don’ worry.” He mumbled just for you to hear as he continued to quietly chuckle at your discomfort. With all the confidence in the galaxy, Cad led you over to a lonesome booth in the corner of the cantina shrouded in relative darkness. He swept his free hand out to gesture for you to take a seat and you reluctantly let go of him to do so. Cad watched you crowd into the corner of the booth for a moment with crossed arms before humming suddenly, “You want anything?” 
You perked up. “A Nubian Sparkler?” 
“No, doll.” He chuckled at you with a slight tilt of his head causing your face to flush. “They only sell hard stuff here, none of those fruity drinks you senators enjoy so much.” 
“Oh,” you coughed, “nevermind then.” You shifted in the booth and pulled his coat tighter around you. Cad shook his head at you and left without another word, making a beeline for the bar. With your lips pulled into a thin line, you admired the duros leaning on the countertop of the bar from the comfort of the corner of the booth. You were an odd pair, you knew that - a senator and a bounty hunter. Sometimes you wondered how this relationship even came to be and how it continued to work. You knew it had started out as just sex but it had definitely grown into something more. There was this underlying tenderness you couldn’t pinpoint. 
Movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. Reluctantly you dragged your eyes away from Cad and to your right just in time to make eye contact with a man who was hesitantly approaching you. But the second your eyes met his, he suddenly started to swagger over to you. He was conventionally attractive with lightly tanned skin from frequent exposure to sun - Tattooine native, perhaps? - fluffy looking red hair, and high cheekbones to balance out his still baby-round cheeks. He had sparse armor that looked brand new and a pistol strapped to his hip that glinted in the low lighting as if it had been freshly polished. Everything about him - from the brand new armor to the arrogant swagger - screamed young and naive. And not your type. Although you knew he probably wouldn’t pick up on the nonverbal signal, you set your face and looked back to the bar where it appeared as though Cad Bane was getting ready to threaten the trandoshan standing next to him. 
“Hey.” Like you had predicted, the man hadn’t picked up on the hint. Inwardly you groaned, already annoyed, but outwardly you just sighed and turned to the hotshot. He was standing at the end of the table with chest puffed out, one hand on his hip, the other on the table as he leaned forward, and one foot crossed over the other so the toe of his boot balanced his leg. You had to fight the urge to laugh when you saw what you thought was meant to be a smirk on his face. You knew it was supposed to make him look confident - all it did was make him comical. 
Boredly, you raised one eyebrow at him and made a purposeful show of sizing him up. After another quick glance at Cad, (who was indeed pointing his blaster at the Trandoshan hunter next to him) you decided to spare the kid his wrath. “Not interested.” You stated with a click of your tongue. His face fell immediately. 
“You didn’t even hear what I was going to say!” He protested, pose faltering, in a higher voice than he had initially greeted you with. 
“Don’t need to, move along.” You remained firm.
“Can I at least get your name?” The man continued, even going so far as to slide into the opposite booth. You bristled immediately. 
“No. End of story. Now move along.” You repeated, going so far as to make a shooing motion at him. Again, you set your face and returned your focus to Cad while remaining keenly aware of the persistent young man that was still seated in the opposing booth. The situation at the bar was escalating at a steady rate (The Trandoshan had his own blaster out now) and so was your agitation with the man as you could feel his gaze on you. 
“Oh, I see...” he mumbled suddenly, startling you enough for you to look at him. He was leaning on his elbows on the table now with fingers tented beneath his chin and a focused gleam in his eyes as he darted his gaze between Cad and you. “You’re interested in Cad Bane.” 
That did pull a huff of laughter from you and you subconsciously wrapped the coat still concealing your high-ranking status closer. “Yeah, that’s a word for it.” 
“Uh huh...well, what if I told you that I could set you up on a date with him?” You froze, trying to process what he had just said whilst fighting the urge to tell him to take a good long look at what you were wearing and what seemed to be missing from the duros bounty hunter. 
“I’d say you’re a dirty liar.” You settled for instead. 
He shook his head frantically, further ruffling his fluffy hair. “No, I can do it - but it’ll cost you.” His face changed, a scheming grin replacing the uncertain and dejected look he’d previously worn. You raised your eyebrow at him again, mildly curious and gestured for him to say his piece. “I want to know your name.”
“And I want to see you follow through on this,” you kept your voice stern, already imagining how well that would go. Although you’d started this interaction wanting to spare him from Cad, now that he was being stupid enough to try coercing you into accepting his invitation you found you didn’t care. A final glance at the bar showed you Cad Bane standing over the body of the Trandoshan, quickly downing a shot of some bright green alcohol. He’d be coming back in a minute.  “I’m Padme.” And he wouldn’t spare the young upstart. 
“Padme...a gorgeous name.” 
At that you did laugh but quickly covered it up with a faux sheepish thank you. “And you are?” 
“Cristen Tiel.” 
You hummed. “I gave you my name - now you go talk to him.” You nodded your head to the duros that was just turning away from the bar to face your booth. You could see the exact moment he noticed whoever this man was because his hand immediately landed on his blaster, his eyes narrowed, and he began to storm over. You glanced at Cristen just in time to see him blanch. A silky laugh slipped from you at the sight. You straightened up in the booth and obnoxiously adjusted the lapels of Cad Bane’s coat along with your hair, making a great show of preening for the approaching bounty hunter. It caught the attention of Cristen and he wilted. With a small smirk of your own cast in his direction, you left the table and stepped in the way of Cad before he got to Cristen. “Cad, your friend here was just telling me about how he could set me up on a date with you.” You purred, letting one hand fall on his chest in both a romantic gesture and a way of forcing Bane to halt.
Without looking away from Cristen who looked about ready to piss himself, Cad’s hands came up to lock onto your waist. “Did he now? Mighty kind of him.” He lowered his voice, dipping into that low drawl you knew he used to intimidate targets. “’Specially considerin’ he owes me for bailing.” 
“B-Bane! Um, I...S’good to see you made it out! Uh...I-I was ju-just keeping...uh, Padme here company!” Cristen stammered out as he hurriedly got to his feet, a loud thunk following when he smacked his knee against the table. 
Wordlessly, Cad looked down at you and you just shrugged in response. “Yeah...” he began, “my fullua is quite charming.” Cad finished in a low voice, one hand creeping around to encircle your waist completely while the other fell to his blaster again. 
Cristen swallowed nervously, eyes darting down to the blaster and back up to Cad and then to you. Calmly, you looked him dead in the eye and mouthed the word ‘run’ and that was all it took for him to start scampering. He didn’t get far though. Just as Cristen got to the door of the cantina, a single blaster bolt cut through the air and speared him right in the back. The young bounty hunter fell forward and landed flat on his face. A hush fell over the bar as patrons looked to the body with the smoking hole in the back. Then, all of a sudden, everyone sprung back to life - completely ignoring what had just happened. The next moment, Cad was pulling you out of the cantina and back out into the Coruscant night life. 
Angry mutterings slipped from the duros, a mix of basic and durese too condensed to make out any words as he roughy cut his way through startled citizens all milling about. You chose not to fight and just let the man lead you wherever he deemed appropriate with an oddly amused smile on your face despite technically just witnessing a homocide (perhaps, Cad was rubbing off of on you more than you realized). 
Cad took a hard left and eventually came to a stop in an alleyway still fuming and muttering about the cantina. He released you almost violently, as though your skin had suddenly burned him, and began pacing in front of you. You took the opportunity to lean against the only clean spot on the wall and fold your arms across your chest. Cad made two more laps before you decided to call out. “Cad.” Nothing. “Cad.” Still, no response but his angry mutterings transitioned fully into durese. “Cad.” You pitched your voice higher and added a lilt but still nothing. Rolling your eyes, you pushed off of the wall with your foot and stepped in front of him. “Cad!” You yelled at him and grabbed his forearms before he had the chance to reach for his blasters out of habit. 
“What?!” He yelled back.
“You need to calm down.” You lowered your voice back to its normal volume and released his arms to cross your own. “We’re not in the cantina any more, there’s no need for you to be this worked up.” 
“I am not worked up.” He huffed. 
“Right, and I’m not in love with a hard ass.” You fired back with a mocking nod of your head. Cad’s jaw tightened at the sass but he ultimately remained quiet. In the silence that followed, you took the opportunity to examine Cad in an effort to pinpoint what exactly was bothering him. With an idea in mind, you glided forward and reached out to cup his face with both hands. “Thank you.” You quietly murmured, watching his face for any minuscule reaction. 
“For what?” He asked, hands settling on your hips this time in a stronger than normal grip. You took a note of it. 
“For dealing with...that back there. He was starting to get on my nerves.” 
“One of the reasons I keep on tellin’ you to carry a blaster.” 
You rolled your eyes at the mention of the ongoing argument. “I would, Cad, but you have to admit it would look a bit strange for a senator to be lugging around an LL30-blaster pistol.” 
“Be attractive though.” He muttered, bowing his head just slightly to brush his lips against your forehead. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling as your hands fell to rest against his chest, not exactly use to Bane’s softer side peeking out, but he paused suddenly. “On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t.” 
You eyes flew open and you sent the bounty hunter a disbelieving gape as you received the confirmation to your theory that you needed. “Cad, listen to me.” Your voice grew hard as you snapped your head up to meet his eyes. “I want you to take a good long look at where we are.” Cad, albeit reluctantly, did as he was told before returning his attention to you with a questioning squint. “Look at what I’m wearing.” He gave you a quick once over. “Look at where I am.” While Bane seemed to retreat into his head for a moment, you were quick to curl your fingers into the fabric of his shirt and press your face against his chest, just below his clavicle. “We’re in an alley way on Coruscant, alone, while I’m wearing your coat - a coat, might I add, that you never let anyone touch -  while you’re holding me in your arms.” You lifted your head enough to gently press a kiss to his jaw. “What further proof do you need that I’m yours and that I’m not leaving you?” 
Cad took a moment, letting one of his hands previously resting on your waist travel upwards to the back of your head. With the new positioning, he was able to angle your head upwards and to the side. Finally, he dropped his head enough for him to murmer, “The rest of the galaxy to know,” into your ear. Without warning, Cad was walking you backwards and firmly pressing his lips to yours in a fiery kiss that stole the air from you lungs. Your back met the wall of the alley with a harsh thump that pulled a startled yelp from your throat that was swiftly muffled by Cad’s mouth. Still, he persisted, pressing you against the wall and never straying too far when the need for air arose. You separated again, chest heaving in a hurried attempt to gulp down the much needed air before Cad decided to continue. But, it seemed like the bounty hunter had found something else to concern himself with. While you were distracted, Cad moved to your neck and immediately found his mark high - just under the curve of your jaw - where nothing you owned would cover. You couldn’t even find the energy to be annoyed - too consumed by the feeling of Cad sucking a dark mark into the sensitive skin. 
Slowly, he pulled away and brought his hand up to clasp your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “There,” he hummed with a disarming smirk while he angled your head to the side to examine your neck, “I expect to see that during your speech tomorrow, fullua.” 
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thenubianprincesses · 8 months
Unveiling Kiraa: A West African Princess Doll Celebrating Afro-Textured Beauty
Introduction: Embark on a captivating journey with The Nubian Princesses as we introduce you to Kiraa, a model-featured doll whose story unfolds from the vibrant tapestry of West Africa. Kiraa isn’t just a doll; she’s a celebration of cultural richness, diversity, and the inherent beauty of Afro-textured hair. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of Kiraa, an African princess doll who…
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book-of-baba-fett · 2 years
What’s Talia’s favorite food? Drink (alcoholic or not)? Favorite makeup look? Does she wear comfy clothes, her robes or pajamas to bed? Does she have a comfort stuffed animal or any trinkets that have meaning to her?
I neeeed to know more about her 😭🙏🏼 I also need to go back and reread the series, I feel like some of this may have been brought up, I apologize!
tbh I really need to make that creator sheet I've been thinking about for months lol! I'm so bad at creating it though. But these are all such fun questions anon!!!
Favorite food: Talia loves trying new food, her favorite is Alderaanian or Nubian food (since Naboo is based off a lot of the Italian renaissance I headcanon it as being Italian foods like pastas/risotto/maybe some brick oven pizza)
Drink: Alchohlic, she loves a gin & tonic or wine. will drink whiskey with Rex though. for non-alcoholic, since Coca-Cola is canon in star wars, she's a sucker for a Diet Coke. That and her go-to fancy coffee order is a white chocolate mocha from Space Starbucks.
Makeup Look: She's pretty understated in most situations, just having a tinted lip, some light eyeliner and mascara for her day-to-day look. Now when she goes undercover, she can doll up a bit. going out she'll also flare up the makeup a little bit, going for a more dramatic eyeliner wing or maybe a euphoria look. I just saw The Batman and I also now think she would wear wigs going undercover, especially since she was caught the one time and it cause the whole bounty hunter fiasco.
Sleep clothing: She usually wears more of a tank and a pair of shorts or long pants depending on the temp. Has also grown partial to stealing Rex's undershirt and sleeping in it.
She doesn't have a stuffed animal, but her one keepsake from her childhood is the necklace she always wears. It was from her mother and it's really the most personal item she has. She also does collect crystals in her room and uses them in meditation!
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
I always guess cleo denile is black or afro arab and the denile family is also black
The De Niles are from a variety in my personal lore; Kushite/Nubian on mom's side; Arab on father's. Their mom Amani (my stand in for Dedyet) came from a smaller kingdom and was arranged to Ramses as kids; they didn't get along at first but eventually formed a bond which bloomed into a genuine marital bliss.
But also to specifically the racists on dolltwt who rag on every black/nonwhite doll or brazenly deny nonwhite coded charcaters.
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widowsofchaos · 4 years
Pretty please do #51 with Steve Rogers.
Sweet Dreams
summary: the Captain has only eyes for you.
pairing: darkish!Steve Rogers x black!reader
warnings: mention of alcohol, drunk reader, dark yet soft yandere Steve, somnophilia, vaginal intercourse. dub non-con. Requested prompt 51: “Are you trying to seduce me? Depends. Are you seducible?”
a/n: Finally writing for my fav Captain. <3 requested from this prompt list. shoutout to @punani for helping with the “isn’t this your dream, princess” line for the smut. Thanks so much, boo. <3 xoxo T
do not repost my works!
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“You’re doing it again, pal.”
A gruff chuckle could be heard behind Steve - earning a grumble under his breath. The greenery that swirled in his oceanic orbs blackened, and dilated into inky madness; his thick brows peering over his muscular shoulder.
Staring, gawking -- admiring.
“I’m not doing anything, jerk.”
“Punk, please–” an airy snicker, “I know you like the back of my metal hand.” Another snicker, “Even after over seventy years, and you still can’t talk to a dame.” Bucky took a quick gulp of Asgardian ale, his upper lip sneering in satisfaction.
Fueling his mischief.
“Shut it, jerk.” A forced chuckle slipped from Steve’s pink lips, finally facing his long-time companion, grumbling at his best friend’s smug grin. Clicking his jaw tightly, not willing to admit it.
No one can read Steve like an open book like Bucky can.
No one ever.
Brotherly adoration manifested in sibling bickering, always prodding and pushing each other’s buttons.
“Go talk to her.” Bucky’s stormy baby blues searching for a familiar Nubian beauty among the obnoxious faceless crowd that’s festering within the extravagant Stark party.
In his view, he found you sitting on the couch next to Sam, adorable tipsy giggles escaping you. Friendly coziness, you were resting your head on Sam’s shoulder. Now aware why his best friend is fuming at the ears.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” A huff of breath escaped through Steve’s flared nostrils. Denial beating against his fractured mind like a Cherokee drum.
A smirk grew slowly on Bucky’s chiseled bearded jaw, he tsked, his eyes focusing back on Steve’s face, “Alright. Good to know.” Bucky deadpanned — with a touch of a tease, deliberately taking small sips, never wavering his eyes from Steve.
Steve’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, “I’ve been meaning to ask Y/n out anyways...” Steve snarled at Bucky. Bucky leaned over, wagging a finger in Steve’s face.
“I’m gonna dunk my dick in her–”, grinning placidly. “Jerk!” Steve roared in a raspy hush at Bucky, punching his metal arm repeatedly, rearing metal meeting Steve’s swinging knuckles.
Tears were forming in Bucky’s eyes as he belly-laughed, doubling-over in his stool— Bucky’s snorts was gaining other party goers’ attention.
Steve’s entire face was reddened – resembling a cartoonish bull fuming — quickly realizing that confused, and amused eyes were zeroed on the super soldier duo.
Nervously his dilated eyes scan over multiple faces, incoherent apologies slip from his lips, only to stumble upon you chuckling, giggles fumbling over your manicured fingertips muffled your lips.
Steve quickly tore his gaze away, his forearms crossed on the marble counter. Sulking and hiding himself against his arms; like an angry toddler.
Muffled embarrassment could be heard within Steve’s arms, his choppy groans and breaths fogging the transparent counter glass, an amused guffaw hissed through Bucky’s teeth.
Patting Steve’s sculpted shoulder blade, “Twah. Don’t worry about me, Stevie. Because tweety over there would probably beat me to the punch. Have you seen the way he gawks at her?” A sing-song jab.
Push. Shove. Goating Steve to grow a pear, hit a nerve for him to finally snap. Knowing full aware that Steve deserves an ounce of happiness – two men forced out of their time, lost possible futures due to out-of-control occurrences, but now?
Why not try to make a new future finally by their own hands? Take what they want. Bucky and Steve deserve it after everything they knew was ripped from them.
Steve’s blonde-head short up, “Don’t say that!” A raspy bark, but no bite — not for Bucky at least. A wolf ready to chomp a particular bird’s head off.
“Then ask her out!” Bucky jabbed his finger in Steve’s chest. “I’m tired of you moping around, staring at her like a sick puppy.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“All that pining -- just get your dick wet already, Stevie.” A harsh cough caved through Steve’s throat.
“Jesus -- what’s with you tonight?” He grinned at a howling Bucky, a swell of relief but mild humiliation bubbling at the pit of his stomach.
Right before his eyes is a vision from the past, this is the closest Steve has witnessed Bucky to three sheets to the wind in a long time -- a cocky sailor-mouthed Casanova slurring flirty innuendos in a dame’s ear, promising necking behind the church, and a call back that will never occur.
Or the curious sixteen year old, who snuck miniature polaroids of stag porn; claiming it’s from his father’s stash -- gawking chuckles, and bashful gasps stifled in the silent night -- two curious boys beyond their years.
It’s refreshing. Bucky, the one last link to Steve’s past that reminds him of home. Bucky is his home -- but now, there is a beautiful being--not more than five feet away from him--who he yearns to create a garden within her heart and soul; you.
A grin slowly faltering to a genuine solemn smile, “You deserve it, Steve. You deserve her.” There he is. An emotional chameleon, faux cheeky ego veneering battle scars, years thick of abuse, and loneliness -- a molded machine guising a little boy. A flicker of vulnerability sheens in Bucky’s eyes, tittering hope of an old soul.
Steve opened his mouth to succumb to his natural instinct of denial, but Bucky cut him off, “Stop it.” A soft demand, gesturing his hand for Steve to shut it.
“How long are we going to suffer?” a swallow, “Reminiscing on what could’ve been. Imaging years after the war, getting married with kids. The all-American suburban dream.” He was getting misty-eyed.
“A pipe dream -- I’ve finally come to realize that it was never intended for us.” Bucky croaked, laughing it off as he downed more mead.
Steve sniffled, projectile vomit churning -- those aren’t his dreams anymore -- at least, not for a lost era. Those late-night thoughts ending with day-dreams buried in a tear-soaked pillow.
“I used to think if I dated Sharon -- I could regain a piece of Peggy back. Fulfill that hole in my heart.” Remorse, and disgust gurgling inside himself, “But -- I know that wasn’t right -- for either of us.” He stammered, his index finger tracing the rim of his glass.
“Peggy wasn’t the one for me. I just got attached to the first woman who saw me as myself -- she saw beyond the swarny loser.” Steve snorted, his throat constricting.
“You were never a loser.” Bucky spoke tenderly, “A loser wouldn’t have accomplished all that you did.” Bucky gripped Steve’s shoulder, a squeeze of reassurance.
He mumbled a thanks Buck with a curt smile. Steve hung his head a bit, gulping the last drops of his beverage.
Attached. What a silly word to describe the Captain’s past affection for Peggy Carter. He looks back to a time where he would’ve gotten on knee for her, and proposed.
Propose the promise of a better life together, with a bunch of rugrats running around, and saving the world.
Now? It’s a memory. The past. He’s learned to let go, accept his life for what it is -- despite having no choice in the manner. A man out of his time, adapting to the 21st century -- with its entertainments, trends, fashion, and evolved society.
Don’t even get Bucky, and himself started on food. Both men have engorged themselves on cusicines, vowing to never eat plain boiled meals again.
Steve’s genuinely thrilled that times have changed with more liberation for marginalized groups -- people being treated as humans, and exercising their rights.
But if anyone asked Steve Rogers what was the first thing he enjoyed since he got out of the ice? He would say you. Without a doubt, you have brought a light in his life -- a light he has been searching his whole life.
Your strength, poise stature, your sweet voice -- always following his orders on the battlefield, but stood your ground, a perfect dance of partners.
Your beauty is unmatched, classy, but never a prude. Sexy, intelligent -- he can go on, and on.
Steve leered over his shoulder again, his eyes focusing on you. Your head was still perched on Sam’s shoulder, Steve huffed.
How he desperately itches to snatch you off of Sam, and just cradle you all night. He sighed, rubbing his temples, “Hey Buck, I’m gonna take off.” Steve stood up, stretching his muscles, “Awh already, old man?” Bucky teases, snickering. “Goodnight, jerk.” Steve laughed, lightly punching Bucky’s shoulder.
Steve began trekking towards the elevator, passing by buzzed individuals. “Stevie.” A familiar seren voice beckoned him, followed by pitter patter. He turned a little too fast, but he didn’t care. It was you.
“Steve!” a slurred glee shrieked out of you, arms extended out to engulf the sculpted Herculan -- ensnaring him tightly around his neck, curious fingers twirling his combed angel-hair, his ears were forming red. A shiver crawled down his spine -- your touch is intoxicating. Your scent -- mouth-watering.
Quickly stilling your swaying, rubbing your face against his broad chest, “How are you?” your words muffled against the tight fabric, “I missed you.” A surprised huff left Steve, searching for Bucky, only to see his friend wiggle his eyebrows suggestively from the distance.
Ever so the gentleman, he didn’t dare lower his hands to a tantalizing region, locking his grip on your waist, “I’m okay, doll.” He chuckled, “How are you?” Sweetly shifting your body against him by the guide of one forearm on the nape of your back -- petting your curled dome, and swiping wild curls from your doe-eyes.
You hummed, squinty hooded-lids, a blissed placid smile, it's a bit goofy -- adorable nonetheless.
“S’good, Stevie.” Your head bobbled a bit, stifled giggles biting your lip. You lazily titled your head towards the elevator, then sloppily turned back to Steve.
“Where ya’ going, Stevie?” You pouted, and Steve just wanted to trace your bottom lip -- dig his thumb between your lips.
“I’m just gonna head to bed.” Steve’s babifyed his tone, “Sleepy too.” You murmured. Steve internally awed, as your head leaned back on his chest.
“C’mon, doll. Let me help you get to bed.” Steve chuckled. “Oh, how about I put you to bed, Cap--tin?” You slurred, stretching his formal title with a pause -- your eyes fluttered for a second, lazily jabbing his bicep with your finger.
Steve’s ears were dusted pink, shocked at your flirty attitude, catching onto your teasing manner. “Are you trying to seduce me?” Steve’s brazen confidence soared for a momentary lapse. A bit disappointed that most likely, you won’t recall any recollection of tonight’s event.
“Depends. Are you seducible?” You cheekily lightly smacked your lips, with a pout. Steve desperately wants to kiss that pout forever. But he restrained himself.
“Let’s go, Y/n.” He smiled sweetly. Steve lifted you more upward, guiding your feet so you won’t fall on your face.
Walking into the elevator Steve pressed your numbered button, his eyes caught Bucky, who wiggled his eyebrows, mouthing hushed words just for Steve’s advanced hearing, “That’s my boy.” Steve rolled his eyes playfully.
During the journey in the elevator, you fell out like a light. Steve carefully hoisted your limp body in bridal style. Steve gazed at you happily, the slope of your nose, your spidery lashes, ruffled curls -- how your breasts heaved under your purple sun-dress.
The ding of the elevator alerting Steve that you both are on your floor, interrupting Steve’s haze, he grumbled a bit but he began walking out towards your room.
Steve gracefully walked to your room, not even paying attention to his steps, focusing on your peaceful sleepy face. The path to your room is already memorized.
“FRIDAY, open Y/n’s door.” Steve pecked a lingering kiss on your forehead, “Of course, Captain Rogers.” The lock of your bedroom clicked open. Steve made himself home, a natural occurrence of him.
Strides towards your bed, gingerly placing you on the bed. Steve gulped, his fists straining at his side; his eyes stared up at the ceiling, counting to five.
Reprimanding himself; reminding himself that he should leave you be. Just like the times before.
But one look at you, and he’s a goner. He has to just touch you — oh God, please.
Shaky palms reach for the hem of your dress, grazing your skin as he perched the fabric upward. Savoring the smoothness against his fingertips.
Toned curves and planes of soft-scented, smooth sepia flesh; his heartbeat drumming out in a rapid rhythm, serene sleepy smile rests on your face. Pouty heart-shaped lips -- Steve’s cock twitch at the mere idea of slipping his veiny dick in your warm mouth, your slurping tongue gagging on his swollen balls.
But not yet. The scenery isn’t fitting -- next time.
Gingerly kneeling on your carpeted floor, Steve delicately seized one of your ankles, pinched tips toying with the leather straps; leisurely unclipping the sandals, he licked his bottom lip.
A wolf playing with its food, favoring the image of an anxious boy unwrapping his prize.
As his nimble fingers unlatched the straps off, steadily he tugged the sandal off, silently placing the shoe on the floor -- he repeated the exact action with the other foot.
Steve internally awed at your dainty feet, a small whine restrained by a tight-lip smirk. Hiking his clutch on your ankle, peppering modest kisses on the tips of your toes.
He couldn’t help but to worship you.
Hosting himself upward, tenderly repositioning your leg against the mattress.
Limbs spread eagle, your forearms perched above your dome like a mid-froze ballerina, the hem of your dress hiked up -- bundled, and wrinkled -- to your navel, exposing your lace thong.
A shuddering groan crawled up his throat,swallowing thickly, calloused fingers skate past the terrain of ankles to legs -- thumbs rubbing, savoring -- to waist, kneading slightly but only to flinch away.
Scared to break you, as if he’s too broken to handle your beauty properly. Steve grew the confidence within him, and quietly began removing your dress off your body.
His fingers sneak underneath the cotton dress, slipping it up towards your chin; clutching one arm to maneuver the short-end sleeve off.
A small groan vibrated in your throat, but you remained in a drunk slumber. Steve’s breath hitched, fearful for you to awaken with him hovering over you. To scare you off -- he just wants a taste.
To feel what’s his.
Presented before Steve was your bare essence; and he just wants to fall to your feet. All his sketches of your sleeping form doesn’t do justice, being able to view the entire masterpiece beyond hidden sketches.
“You’re so beautiful, doll.” He murmured, his lips foraging your chavlices.
You sleepily mumbled, a lazy smile curling just a bit. A lingering kiss on your hairline, Steve lowly hummed happily. Your bare breasts heave with your calm breathing, Steve littered your sheen skin with small kisses, a few kitten licks on your nipples -- the tip of his tongue swirling on the erected nubs.
Little whimpers, and moans swelled Steve’s cock. “My sweet little doll is so responsive … so sensitive.” Steve cooed. With much silent vigor, Steve unbuckled his pants, fumbling the fabric below his ass; just enough space to release his weeping cock.
His fingers hook your flimsy lace, tugging it by the side -- salivating at the mouth at your glistening mound. His thick fingers wrap around his cock, love taps by his swollen tip against your clit. You softly mewled in your sleep, a cute whine. Involuntarily your hips shifted, your body yearning for contact.
Steve tsked playfully at your impatience, “Even in your sleep, you need me.” Steadily Steve inserted himself inside your soft velvety walls, biting down on his lip to prevent a lew groan. He shivered internally, you feel heavenly.
Steve languidly thrusts, his fists crumpling your sheets underneath you. Slowly leaning half of his weight onto you, his light pants fanning on your face. Steve indents his elbow that was sunk just a bit in the mattress, trapping your head between himself.
“Isn’t this your dream, princess? Isn’t this what you’ve desperately wanted all this time?” Steve whispered in your ears, “Flirting with your Captain, naughty girl.” His fingers caressing your arms, soothing you back to a fluid state of sleep, a small loose smile adorning your face.
Licks his teeth, as he gently pushes his girth inside of you. Mumbled whines alert him, he shushes you, pecking little kisses on your cheeks while maintaining an agile insertion. Trembling slightly at the heavenly touch that is you, Steve hissed under his breath.
He preens as he finally is at a full brim. His pelvis against your vee, fully satiated between your thighs.
His heart pounding, snapping his hips slightly, your body jolts a bit underneath him. Steve’s chest tightens, as he pounds into you, the squelching wetness coating his cock.
His limbs twitches, struggling not to groan, or growl in pleasure. Steve’s head glides down to meet your heaving breasts, suckling onto the nipple.
Blinded by lust, he suckles, imagining it’s full of milk, a muffled grunt leaves him as he pictures you swollen with his child -- another on your hip. He rolls his hips, losing his control as the mellow pacing turns faster, more needy.
One day — one day, there will be a ring on your finger; and a litter of your own together. The Rogers — Mrs. Y/n Rogers; oh this is just beginning.
Eyes screwed shut, he keens to feel your rapid breathing spike, tremors shudder throughout your body. His golden hair is sweat slick against his forehead, a little pop from as he detaches himself.
Flickering the tip of his tongue against the nipple. Steve changes the angle of his cock, you jerk in your stupor, high-arch keen off the bed.
“That’s the sweet spot.” He hummed to himself. His voice scraped in a hush, “I can feel you tightening on me, doll.” It’s like a vice on his cock, blurry visions you dream -- his veiny cock pounding into you with no mercy.
“Steve …” You murmur, Steve leans more into you, a goofy grin of joy stretches on his face. “My sweet doll is dreaming of me. You can feel me.” Steve’s is over-joyed, his heart flutters, butterflies are rapid in his belly. You’re thinking of him. Pressing his chest against your breasts, “I’m going to cum, doll.”
Sneaky fingers snake itself between you both, rubbing your clit in circles, a breathy gasp escapes you.
“I love you.” Steve whimpers, painting your walls white -- not daring to let any ounce of cum escape. Biting his lips till it draws blood, preventing any roar.
His nose scrunches up, his muscles tighten. You exhaled, you slick dripping down Steve’s pants.
He kisses your lips gingerly, “Sweet dreams, doll.”
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silvereddaye · 4 years
A Mrs. Doubtfire AU.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Vader’s heart beat loudly in his chest. The blasted suit displayed a warning on the inside of his helmet about it. He ignored it. The ride on the turbolift was too familiar. Brought back too many memories of another time and another life. Luckily, the lift soon stopped and the doors opened. His heart ached as he saw the painfully familiar apartment. It hadn’t changed much in the years since he had last been here. The Nubian art still hung on the walls. The same vase, but with fresh flowers, still sat in the same spot. The-- 
He noticed the first discrepancy. It caused his breathing to hitch. It was a toy. A spaceship painted in bright red and yellow. It sat discarded in the hall. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was clearly not based on any established ship design. It was too fat and rounded to be a proper flight-worthy vessel. Had it be designed only as a toy? 
His thoughts were soon interrupted as he heard shuffling steps approaching. He looked up to a gold protocol droid walking over. 
“Oh, excuse me,” the droid said. “I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations. Are you . . . the nanny from the services?” 
“Yes,” Vader said. His voice was deep, much deeper than his real voice, thanks to the vocoder in his mask. 
There was a pause. A hesitation. 
“There must have been some kind of mix-up. Mistress Padme requested no droids. I will--”
“I am not a droid,” Vader interrupted. 
“Oh. Do forgive me! You just look . . .”
Vader said nothing. He was tempted to raise his hand and curl his hand into a fist and crush this droid, his own droid, with the Force. 
“You may cross-reference my files with the agency,” Vader said instead. “I am highly qualified,” he lied. He had hacked into the nanny service’s databank and created his own profile. “I realize my appearance is unconventional, but considering the first twelve conventional nannies have not worked out for Senator Amidala, it was time to try something . . . new.” 
If a droid could show relief, Threepio would have shown it. 
“I shall give you files a look, Mr. Vader,” the droid said. “And I suppose we can consider today a trial for any long-term placement. We are in need of a nanny right now. Senator Amidala has already left for the Senate, called away on an emergency meeting.”
The droid turned and started to walk down the hallway. Vader followed behind. He was led into a sitting room he wasn’t too familiar with. It looked to be serving as a playroom now. Toys were scattered everywhere. There was a small low table with two small chairs. Flimsi papers were littered about it with colorful scribbles and drawings on it. And sitting on the floor in the center of the room were two children. 
The little boy had blond hair and played with two spaceships. The little girl with brown hair sat next to him brushing the hair of a toy doll. It was . . . It was the first time seeing his own children in person. He had seen holos. A few paparazzi shots the media, official shots published once a year, and a few he had received from hiring his own spies. But here they were right before him. 
They were beautiful. They looked Padme! They looked like him! They were so small and precious and wonderful. They were perfect. Tears stung at his eyes. He couldn’t believe he was finally meeting his children.
“Who is that?” 
Luke. It had been Luke who had looked up and asked. His little finger pointed at Vader. 
“Master Luke. Master Leia,” Threepio said. “This is your new nanny.” 
Both children had stopped playing. They stood up, walked over to Vader, and looked at him curiously. 
“Are you a droid?” Leia asked. There was a bit of a swagger in her voice. A hint of an attitude. 
“No,” he said. 
“You look like a droid,” she said. 
“You can hear his breathing!” Luke added. “Droids don’t breathe!” 
Leia tilted her head as the two listened to two rounds of his respirator. 
“What’s your name?” Luke asked.
“Vader,” he said.
It was true. It was his name. The name Sidious had granted him when he fell to his knees and pledged himself to the Sith. A name that now only he knew with Sidious’ death. He couldn’t use Anakin. That name no longer had any meaning to him, plus it was now tarnished. No longer was he Anakin Skywalker hailed as the hero of the Republic. He was marked as a traitor, a fugitive, a terrorist. A Sith.
“You sound funny,” Leia said. “You sound like a droid.” 
She walked over and pinched his leg. His lower leg. His lower prosthetic metal leg. She gasped. 
“You are a droid! That breathing is fake!” 
“My leg is fake. I am not, young one.” 
She pursed her lips and glared up at him. 
“Why do you have a metal leg?” Luke asked. 
Anger flared inside of Vader. What was he to say to his own children? That the man he considered his brother, the man who had raised him, who had stolen his wife and children away from him, had sliced them off? 
“It was cut off,” Vader said. 
“Does it hurt?” Luke asked. 
He walked up and hugged his leg, and Vader became completely still. His son . . . His son! Was hugging him! Luke gave his leg a quick kiss before hopping back with a huge smile on his face. 
“All better!” he said. 
“All better!” Leia repeated. 
“Th-- Thank you, little ones.” 
“Is that metal too?” Leia asked pointing to his hand. 
“They are all metal,” he said. 
“They were also cut off,” he growled. 
He clenched his teeth together and his hands curled into fists. He did not wish to discuss this as it only angered him. He was here to enjoy his children. Who knew how long this charade would last. 
“Because . . .” he said. The twins looked at him expectantly. He didn’t move his head, but his eyes looked wildly around. What could he say to appease their curiosity? What would someone use a metal hand for? “It’s so I can crush things.” 
Both of their eyes went wide. 
“Can I see?” Leia asked.
“Show us!” Luke pleaded. “Please!”
“Please! Pretty please!” 
“Show you what?” Vader asked.
“How you crush things!” both twins said together.
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 since I ALREADY Politically + Aristocratically [PA] BEE A SIRIUS Black [B] Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] CHRIST in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]… I’mma Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Occult Religions of Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN II Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] ABUSE [RA] fallen america’s Worthless fbi wit' My Biblically Black [Ancient] African Nkisi Nkondi Voodoo Doll I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] TORTURE on HARRELLTV® 卍
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thenubianprincesses · 10 months
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