#doubtfire au
doueverwonder · 1 year
Mrs Doubtfire au with the FACES family; thank you for your time
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Sebastian gives Mrs Doubtfire vibes
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frankbeetle · 9 months
Modern J + H au where Jekyll is this incredibly wholesome old man on YouTube and he explains science and never swears and is kinda like Mrs Doubtfire and parents + teachers love him and Hyde is this twitch streamer who’s been banned 5 times and swears like a sailor and is incredibly problematic and everyone assumes he’s like 17, plot kicks off when someone finds out both accounts have the same recovery email
((Stolen from a discord message by
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boilsyouroil · 3 months
Is Eclipse Okay Yet!? It’s Been Months!
Chapter 2 - Do Words Bite Back?
[ AO3 LINK ] - [ CH 1 ] - [ CH 3 ]
Word Count ; 1892
Date ; 2024-05-17
AU ; The Oil Au
Notes ; Eclipse might be okay soon. // And as promised, there’s cuddles!
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Eclipse groaned as he walked. Where the hell was the popcorn located in this damn store!?
Moon sat with Sun, wrapped in a blanket and helping him organize their DVDs. "Moon, are you sure Eclipse was the best person to send out to get stuff? He's been away for like three hours."
Moon sighed, "He'll be fine, and if he's not he can call me." Moon pulled his blanket tighter over himself. He always got a bit of anxiety when Sun began to worry. Maybe it was just paranoia, but a part of him worried now that the thought was in his head.
Solar, Earth, and Lunar soon arrived. Earth has brought cupcakes that Lunar decorated, and Solar had blankets, lots of blankets.
The blankets ended up being used in a fort, and the movie picked was Mrs. Doubtfire, as suggested by Solar.
"Don't start the movie without me!" Lunar yelped as he dived into the fort. This earned various sets of laughter from everyone in the room.
Sun groaned, "Where the hell is Eclipse!? We still need our snacks to start!"
"We need Eclipse to start!" Solar choked when Earth said that.
Moon sighed as he pulled up the movie, "We aren't waiting for Eclipse, he'll get here when he can. Besides, he's seen this movie before."
Everyone got into their spots, Earth and Solar next to eachother, Lunar with his recently replaced Spigot, Moon and Sun cuddling up to eachother for warmth.
Eclipse groaned as he carried the bags into the house. He prepared all the snacks and drinks and went up to the movie room. He noticed the fort and frowned.
Of course Eclipse wouldn't get to join them in what looked like the softest thing ever. He knew they'd shoo him off as soon as they got their snacks.
As he shimmied his way into the fort to deliver snacks, Moon spoke up, "I think you forgot something."
Eclipse groaned, "What could I possibly forget?"
"Pajamas and one bowl of popcorn."
Eclipse laughed rolled his eyes, "Very funny, what the actual hell do you mean?"
Earth, who had been paying more attention to the conversation than the movie, immediately tried to explain, "I think he means that you forgot to put on pajamas and get a snack for yourself."
This earned a minor look of surprise from Eclipse, though it was quickly replaced with his nearly permanent cold stare. He let out a sarcastic chuckle and got up. He'd just watch a movie in his head and curl up under... nothing.
Yeah, that sounded like a plan. But about halfway through his own movie, the others had finished watching theirs. While everyone was replenishing their snacks before watching another movie, Moon noticed Eclipse sitting on the couch silently.
He walked over to the taller animatronic and tapped his shoulder. Eclipse flinched and nearly fell off the couch. Moon held back a laugh as he spoke, "Why didn't you come and watch the movie? We invited you to join us."
Eclipse stared at Moon for a solid thirty seconds before coming up with a response, "I'm not gonna just sit around and watch a movie with people I don't even like, that would be dumb!"
Moon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He groaned and hooked an arm under Eclipse, dragging him into what was previously assigned to be Eclipse's bedroom. "Pajamas, now. Don't come out until your ass is all comfy cozy or whatever."
Eclipse snorted at the terminology Moon used. Of course he would say something so childish. "Fine, oh Moon your majesty!"
After having forced Eclipse to pick a snack and the arrivals of Jack and Frank, somehow the entire celestial family had been shoved into the blanket fort. Eclipse tried to escape, but every time he made his way to an opening he was yanked right back in.
He didn't like practically being on top of everyone else. So many different clothing materials, different body temperatures, and different sizes. Earth soon noticed and wiggled over a bit to make room amongst the pillows and blankets, which Eclipse hesitantly but happily took over being sprawled across five people.
About halfway through the movie, specifically a movie about a dog trying to find its way back home, Eclipse snapped back into reality. He was trapped under a heavy blanket with an arm around his body and someone underneath him. He had fallen asleep and been carefully tucked into a blanket and moved.
Sadly his nap was short lived due to Moon having sneezed in his ear. He looked down at two bowls sitting next to whoever he was on. One was empty, and the other had what looked like melted ice cream in it. Of course he forgot he had gotten a snack.
The person under him shifted a bit and tucked the blanket tighter around him. He could tell now who it was based on the size difference, this was Earth.
Eclipse wondered for a moment, what would happen if he alerted her that he was awake. Would he be pushed off? Or would they pull him closer? Would they even notice?
His train of thought was cut short as he felt a hand underneath him and another around him, pulling him from the warmth and safety of Earth's body. He whined, which earned a small chuckle from whoever was yanking him up and away.
Eclipse turned his head a bit to see that Moon was the culprit of his removal. He groaned softly, too tired to fight back.
Hell, Eclipse couldn't move if he wanted to, the weighted blanket was tucked around him so perfectly he was practically swaddled like a baby in it.
Moon's face softened. He whispered when he set Eclipse in his lap, "I'm sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep."
Eclipse let out a long huff and very hesitantly settled against Moon. It wasn't long before he was dead asleep again.
Eclipse woke up again. He whined and squirmed against the blanket. As he finally opened his eyes, something blocked his vision.
He tried to get it away, earning a chuckle from whoever was in front of him. He sat there for a moment before he felt something press against him very suddenly. He flinched and tried to get away from whatever it was.
The sudden sound of a car horn, followed by Monty yelling, was the last thing Eclipse heard before he was right back to sleep again.
Eclipse groaned as he sat up. Where the hell was he? A quick look around the room and he realized he was at Monty's place. Of course! No place better to wake up than the couch on someone you don't even care about.
It was midnight, according to his internal clock, and sadly he couldn't go back to sleep. He got up and began to wander around the house. As he made his way into the kitchen, he was stopped by someone trying to get to the living room.
Puppet smiled at him, "Hey Eclipse, I was just about to come and wake you up. Do you want some ice cream, y'know, 'cause yours melted earlier?"
Eclipse groaned and pushed Puppet aside, heading right towards the fridge. He began to look for literally anything edible.
"Eclipse, I'm serious, I can get you some ice cream or something."
"I don't want ice cream."
"Then what do you want?"
"Actual food, and something to do."
Puppet smiled and closed the fridge.
"We can do that. I was about to take Jack to Popeye's, you wanna come along and then afterwards we'll go to a bookstore or something."
Eclipse sighed, "Do I have a choice?"
"Not really, come on."
He suppressed the urge to groan and followed Puppet out of the house. Not far ahead was Jack, clearly excited to go out and do something.
Eclipse sat stiff, after the recent events, all of that felt like a dream. Now he was sitting next to Moon, waiting for the final touches on his new body so his AI could be transferred. He could finally get the hell out of this damn place.
A hand coming to rest on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He looked up and saw Moon looking back down at him with tears in his eyes.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"I'll be fine, Moon. You'll have Solar back, and I can get the hell out of here."
Moon sighed, then did something he never thought he would do. He crouched to Eclipse's level and hugged him.
"Thank you, Eclipse..."
There was no sarcasm, no anger, no hatred, no hostility. Just a genuine thanks. Eclipse felt his eyes sting with tears, but he quickly shoved that feeling away.
For a moment, he wanted to stay, to not leave. But he knew he had to, so he pushed that feeling down, just like every other feeling he's ever had.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand on the back of his head. He nearly melted at the touch.
"What's this...?"
Eclipse winced and ducked away from Moon's hand. Whatever he had touched sent a small shock through Eclipse.
"Don't touch that!"
"I have to get it out in order to plug you into the computer."
"Are you fucking kidding me...? God fucking damnit!"
Moon sighed, "Just relax and let me pull it out, okay?"
"I just said not to touch it!"
"I have to plug you into my computer to move you to the new body."
"I know!"
"Then let me do my fucking job!"
Eclipse sighed, "You can't take it out without damaging this body."
"Then what am I supposed to do!?"
"I'll handle it later!"
"Fine, but I'm gonna be there the entire time. I don't need you getting yourself killed."
Eclipse stood up and moved to leave the room. He decided he'd go spend some time with Earth. She wasn't too bad, at least she didn't hate him.
It wasn't long at all until he found himself standing on Monty's doorstep, ringing the doorbell. The moment he saw Earth, he forgot about everything else.
"Hello, Earth..."
"Hello, Eclipse. What brings you here?"
"Nothing much. I just wanted some company, is that an issue?"
"No, not at all! Come on in."
He stepped in, following Earth to the living room. Monty looked up at him in a way that made him want to run out of the room and hide.
"What the hell is he doing here!?"
Earth looked mildly offended at that, and stepped in front of Eclipse.
"He wants to obliterate me- No I'm joking he just wanted to hang out!"
"Fine, but one wrong move and he leaves."
Eclipse soon found himself sitting on the couch with a heated blanket and an arm over his shoulder. He didn't remember when it got there, but that was okay.
On the screen was some random show He didn't care to know the name of. On either side of him were the other two people in the house. Eclipse smiled softly, feeling a few fingers gently caress his rays. He let out a relaxed sigh, his tension fading away with each soft pet.
Monty watched the two, only just now beginning to realize that Eclipse wasn't evil, just lonely.
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corndog-patrol · 2 years
I just wanted to say your Erasermic content is giving me the serotonin I need to get through finals. I love your robo au, and I was going to say it reminds me a bit of the movie Bicentennial man with Robin Williams!!
YOOOO thank you so much!!!!!! i remember getting an ask about that movie a long time ago but i still have yet to see it (i love robin williams though- mrs. doubtfire was my comfort movie as a kid LOL)
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please accept this happy robo mic <3
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serious-goose · 1 year
ofmd au where stede tries to 'mrs doubtfire' his family after he comes back... to mixed results.
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goddesspharo · 6 months
au facts ask game: top gun, academia au
[ask me AU fun facts!]
There was a show on Netflix a few years ago called The Chair with Sandra Oh as the new English department chair of a New England university that I really enjoyed (so of course it got cancelled after a season). I imagine it would be the goofier version of that. "I feel like someone handed me a ticking time bomb because they wanted to make a sure a woman was holding it when it explodes" is A Mood -- so basically department chair Natasha Trace who is long suffering despite JUST getting the promotion and now spends her days trying not to stab herself or someone else with a letter opener.
Natasha is in a semi-committed relationship with Bradley Bradshaw, who coaches the D2 basketball team. It's nice and easy. They complement each other because he is never stressed about work whereas she is constantly on the edge about which fire to prioritize putting out. Plus, he makes a fantastic beef bourguignon, keeps the apartment tidy, and takes in her dry cleaning on Saturday mornings when he goes to the farmers market to buy scones. Callie is fond of pointing out that Natasha is describing Mrs. Doubtfire and the fact that Bradley would make a great maid is NOT reason enough to keep dating a dude who doesn't challenge her.
Hot For Professor Jake Seresin. He is GOING THROUGH IT which makes him hotter (tormented by that promotion that should have been his! he's the one with the grants!) and is hitting every rung on the way to rock bottom.
Do Natasha and Jake get super drunk at the annual Christmas party and make out in one of the five libraries in Provost Simpson's mansion? OBVIOUSLY. Fortunately, their animosity was barely veiled before so no one notices when they are even more snippy with each other afterwards.
Bob is very hush-hush about the research he's doing with that NIH grant. "Big things, big things," he tells Natasha during one of the rare times when he leaves the lab to buy Cheetos and Red Bull from the cafeteria. She doesn't press him on it because she knows Bob wouldn't let her down, but then he keeps avoiding ignoring her e-mails a month later for an update until she finally goes down to the lab and realizes that he has gone rogue and is using the R25 money to bring back dinosaurs. Natasha loses her mind because she can't very well tell Dean Mitchell at the quarterly university meeting that life, uh, finds a way.
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hyourinmaruice · 25 days
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Okay. So ... so I am a little obsessed with my own god damn Mrs. DoubtFire Au. I had a TON of fun writing it and then I went and made art for it and it's just... I am having a good time.
Here's me sharing. (click for bigger images)
I'm doing daily posting of the chapters because I need to get this off my desktop. I really do.
Lucifer Morningstar: Hell's Best Nanny Linked here!
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jojotier · 1 year
trying to figure out the trolls' deal in the spy comedy au is Mostly trying to figure out who could possibly figure out each other's secret identities and trying desperately not to let them get in contact
like, could Equius pin Nepeta as Dersite Spy Agent Arsenic? I mean probably not- he was more on the tech side of the Dersite Coup that ousted Condy, so while he's heard of Arsenic, and Nepeta's heard of a petty noble-born who built death machines for Fef, they wouldn't necessarily peg each other's true identities. hilarity ensues as they both try desperately to keep their identities secret to protect each other, thinking that the other is just their childhood friend, a Totally Normal Dersite Civilian
could Terezi peg local librarian ''''Miss Vrissy'''' as Agent Arachnid, the rogue Prospitian agent? Hell yeah she could- she only spent decades training together with her and keeping Arachnid in line in her identity as Agent Gallows- therefore, these assholes can never meet in their civilian identities, lest Terezi immediately clock Vriska and chase her around the city trying to capture her so that Prospit can stop paying Auxiliatrix to attempt assassinating Vriska every night
could Eridan recognize that the Prospitian socialite Lady Fisher is actually runaway new Ruler of Derse Feferi? Well, he's got his suspicions, but also it's a Mrs Doubtfire kinda situation- like, how do you prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that this bubbly well-established socialite from a politically respected Prospitian family is actually your ex the runaway Princess in a wig? That's just not the kinda shot you take unless you are absolutely sure. Meanwhile Feferi has her suspicions that Prospitian arms dealer Mr Angelo might just be Eridan in a terrible looking mustache but again- not the kind of shot you take unless you are CERTAIN.
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grey-sides · 2 years
Mrs. Doubtfire AU except Billy dresses up as a cleaning lady to take care of the Harrington household so he can keep an eye on Steve.
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theshippirate22 · 8 months
y’all do realize Ineffable Husbands is literally the perfect ship for a Mrs. Doubtfire au right
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#and now jughead has hearing loss and that's not really a great time to try and slide your way into a throuple
My Top Posts in 2022:
No but hear me out ...
S6a!Vale!Jughead was able to know about the parallel universes thanks to comics. What if these comics have been (are being) written by S6b!Dale!Jughead?
I’m not saying this is what is going to happen but what a nice little loop would that be! 
Vale!Jughead helps Dale!Jughead & co escape Hiram’s bomb and Dale!Jughead helps Vale!Jughead & co discover the truth and save their world.
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82 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My emotions! My emotions!
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See the full post
82 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
To summarise:
“A new age of wonderment is upon us.”
Cheryl Blossom, 2021(possibly)
6x06 is called Unbelievable. For once, the title is apt.
It’s all about superpowers in the Dale. But don’t be fooled: it’s not an au. Even Jughead couldn’t be bothered to narrate this one.
Other people’s bombs merely explode. Hiram’s also gives you superpowers. A true legend.
All the characters of the show (core and secondary) are informed about the bomb in separate scenes because this episode is 42 min long and has no discernible plot.
Archie’s superpower is becoming dens(er than usual). We’ve been knew.
Betty’s super power is adding visual effects to her already established knack of sensing danger/serial killers.
Jughead’s superpower is suffering. He’s an author after all, and the only artist worth his salt, is the tortured one.
You know you’re down on your luck when your girlfriend didn’t pay her business insurance to take care of her employees but you had already quit working at Pop’s, so now you don’t have health insurance.  
Tabitha’s super power is not being given her own plot line. She was, however, briefly shown without her Pop’s uniform, so points for that at least.
Ironically, Bingo’s superpower is getting a plot line. More trauma for Bingo-of-the-illegal-dog-fighting-ring.
“What is happening to us, Betty?”, asks Archie. “What is happening to me?” he soon after corrects. To the woman with the two cracked ribs spending the night in the hospital for observation. So thoughtful, that Archie lad.
Only Cheryl can string together the phrases “scholarly research” and “for realsies”. And because she can, she does.
She persists that she put Abigail’s curse on her “school chums” *insert eyeroll* although it is clear from the curse’s wording that it pertained to all descendants of Jedediah & co. That is so season 5 though: in season 6 Nana Rose burnt the og curse, so now the wording is open to interpretation.
Kevin takes his remaining kidney to Broadway: part deux. Kevin is flabbergasted by Tangs getting together, probably because this means even less screen time for him.
He later decides to postpone his musical career to play Mrs Doubtfire to baby Anthony. He will guard the baby with his life, says the man who 2 episodes ago was not ready to have a baby at all. Kevin’s superpower is flightiness.
Betty and Veronica talk. It’s not about Archie but it’s about Hiram, so they still don’t pass the Bechdel test.
The FBI is making Hiram’s capture an immediate priority, says Betty i.e. the FBI agent who let Hiram walk away in the previous episode in spite of having condemning evidence of him committing a murder.
Betty acts as if she’s in charge of Riverdale’s F.B.I. office. Having read Glen’s dissertation on the “Varying displays of the serial killer gene in the Cooper family tree”, the rest of the agents decide to play along.
Veronica’s casino must be doing really well in the newly reinstated town of Riverdale. Babylonium opened its doors the previous(?) week and Veronica already has 2 million dollars, that she invests in paying an assassin to off her father. That she let walk away in the previous episode in spite of having condemning evidence of him committing a murder.
Veronica also has a little neon sign spelling “casino” over the wall at her office at the casino. So as not to forget she is at the casino, one presumes?
FP II and FP III might have been Serpent Kings but the real heart of the gangs were the women: Penny, Gladys and, now, Twyla Twist. Did Toni get pregnant solely to join the Milf Club of Southside Gang Wars?
Hospital orderly Trevor Collins, who has been moving around the country, has done time at Shawshank. There IS really only one prison in Riverdale! (well, technically two: there’s Hiram’s prison too – unless they merged behind the scenes?)
Archie takes justice in his own hands, vol. 6.347.289.273. He intervenes at a gang war and makes things worse for the Serpents: A Fresh Story.
When Britta is not playing football, she becomes a whole different person. No, really. She’s now Abigail.
Nana Rose’s superpower is getting up from her wheelchair. You can’t do a banishment sitting down. It lacks gravitas.
Cheryl’s superpower is being possessed.
Percival Pickens, exuding really strong Patrick Bateman vibes and rocking a similar haircut and wardrobe, wants to buy Archie’s blown-up house. He’s offering good money, which is highly suspicious.
See the full post
86 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Things in Yellowjackets that don’t make sense
-Natalie’s roots not showing after all that time in the wilderness
-no wound getting an infection ever (Van, I’m looking especially at you)
-Van miraculously growing facial muscles (the before and after the wolf attack are just ... no)
-everyone’s clothes being absolutely clean (what are they washing them with besides water? ash? that 10lt bottle of hair shampoo they packed for nationals?)
-their clothes being ironed! (where are the wrinkles?! WHERE?!)
-their clothes fitting them perfectly even after what is several months of malnutrition 
-the football team’s notion of having fun in the wilderness never involving a game of football
92 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To summarise:
FBI agent Betty Cooper takes one day off and shit hits the fan.
Jughead publishes an anonymous article that exposes all of Riverdale’s problems. Archie, who, as a teenager, had never bothered to read Jughead’s own articles for the Blue and Gold (likewise exposing all of Riverdale’s problems), is furious.
In fact, the whole town is abuzz because of this article. Published by Jughead. In the school newspaper. Which is now the town’s official source of information.
Never underestimate the power of high school journalism.
Having failed his SAT, Archie does not know what backstabbing means. This doesn’t stop him from trying to use the word in a sentence.
With Archie so engrossed in saving Riverdale, there’s been no time for Bulldogs practice. At least Cheryl let Britta do some workout in the mines. To pass the time, Britta decides to walk the dreamscape to communicate with Cheryl, who is imprisoned there.
Cheryl is trapped in her worst nightmare i.e. with her mother. Jason is also present. Unlike Trevor Stines, Barcley Hope must have been unavailable, so no daddy Clifford in this dreamscape. Hang it!
During the first of many town meetings (#adultstories), Percival Pickens reveals he’s the writer of the article. He’s mostly concerned about the homeless people of Riverdale, whom he proposes to move out of town. Archie disagrees. “Riverdale takes care of their own” says the man who didn’t seem to think the homeless were an actual problem before Pickens pointed that out.
Jughead Jones, who -as a junior- lived most of the year in the cupboard under the stairs in a janitor’s closet, believes an eight-feet-wide one-room wooden cabin with no heating is an acceptable solution to homelessness. Precious blorbo, no.
Archie Andrews, who never had to go without his two-story Northside house, agrees. In order to demonstrate that he now does know the meaning of the word backstabbing, Archie passes his friend’s idea off as his own.
What the “good liberal” people of Riverdale really want, says Pickens, is for the poor, destitute and smelly to go away, without compromising their own comfort. I’m a little bit perplexed, because last time we saw the Dale, it seemed that everyone *cough!Polly!cough!* was a bit poor, destitute and smelly. #GhouliesHeadquartersOnElmStreet
Archie calling the diner owner who couldn’t pay her business insurance (Tabitha) and the gang bar owner (Toni) “two of the most prominent business owners in Riverdale” kind of further proves this point but whatever!
Archie, who hasn’t worked in construction for quite some time, comes up with a design that doesn’t meet half of the Residential Occupancy Basic Standards. The four council members, who also don’t meet half of the requirements for becoming a city council member, naturally approve of his idea.
We should cut him some slack though: Archie has changed so many professions. He can’t be really expected to remember what he did before the time jump. Not even the writers remember what happened before the time jump.
Case in point: Abigail Blossom, resident of Riverdale in the 1890s (s5 canon) retreats to her bedroom to acquaint herself with the role Pickens played in the shaping of Riverdale i.e killing the Uktena on her family’s money and founding the town she had been living in (s2 canon), which was also founded in 1942 (s1 canon). It’s time for a new origin story, I guess.
Veggie, who have assumed that their casino business would be as crooked as the streets of Riverdale, decide to operate legally. This lasts for all of 10 mins before they realise they cannot turn any profit that way. Instead of finding another business venture, Veronica decides to embrace the legacy of daddykins, which (legacy) -by the way- was the reason she ordered his assassination on the previous episode.
A man is found hanged in Babylonium. Reggie still doesn’t know how to dispose of a body, so Veronica calls Heraldo.
Kevin greets Doc and gets bashed in the head, since his quota of lines for the episode has been met.
In spite of having his brains bashed, Kevin is rapidly recovering, which only proves that he had no brains to begin with.
Guest star Bingo makes another appearance.
Outside Pop’s someone has graffitied the new micro-house. Archie is incensed. Instead of repainting the walls, he punches his truck. He leaves his uncle, the friend who came up with the og idea and his two investors to do the rest of the work.
Pickens has the superpower of persuasion or maybe it’s the power of superpersuasion. Instead of making his main adversaries (town council/core four) capitulate to his demands, and be done with it, he prefers to manipulate everybody else. Got to fill those episodes!
He has convinced the homeless of Sketch Alley to move elsewhere. He invites Archie, uncle Frank, Jughead, Tabitha and Toni to go see for themselves. Our heroes do so but only after the sun has set, for aesthetic reasons.
If Pickens had done this from the beginning, we would have been spared this episode. Alas, it was not meant to be …
It’s the third town meeting this week in the town-that-used-to-hold-no-town-meetings and people are probably beginning to lose patience with Archie. Unlike him, they do have real jobs to tend to. They decide to side with Pickens.
The Lodge name is synonymous with crime and corruption says Alice Smith-Cooper, wife of serial killer Hal Cooper, mother of serial killer Charles Smith and mother-in-law of just killer Chick Smith.
Betty gets back from Maine, where she lost TBK. She reveals that she still sees auras but the light gives her severe headaches. Archie reveals that Jughead can read thoughts. I’m still astounded by the fact that Archie had any thoughts to begin with.
Toffee is on a ladder in front of Archie’s house with a can of spray.
Toffee Wuz Here, M***** F***** !!!
92 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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lilynonymous · 1 year
Been working on a new LIS AU/fic that I kinda got inspired to write after reading a few Horizon Forbidden West fics. Most of it's still in my head and not written yet but I do have this and a little more. Can anyone guess what kinda AU this is gonna be based on this letter?
March 29, 2013
Roxanne Gearhardt
231 NE 140th Street
Seattle, WA
Dear Roxanne,
I’m excited to announce that you have been accepted on a full scholarship to the Creative Arts Program here at Blackwell Academy for the Fall 2013 term.  Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. We have a high standard of academic excellence and believe that your test scores and educational background, along with your essay, demonstrate the ability to make impressive contributions to Blackwell.  In addition, due to your perfect scores on the optional entrance exams, you will not be required to take any general education classes. 
To give all admitted students the opportunity to learn more about Blackwell, we're hosting several informational events and campus tours exclusively for accepted applicants beginning on Monday, April 22nd. If you're interested in attending or scheduling a custom visit, respond to the attached invitations or contact me at the below number.
All enrollment forms are attached, which you must return by August 19th at 6PM.   If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at [email protected] or call 503-867-5309.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you on campus!
Jennifer Doubtfire
Director Of Admissions and School Counselor
Blackwell Academy
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doueverwonder · 11 months
hhhhmmmmmm Mrs Doubtfire Faces au,,,,,,,,
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Dernier départ pour mes deux dernières semaines de répétition pour " Un chapeau de paille d'Italie " & " Cyrano de Bergerac " au sud de la France après avoir fait deux tournages de suite dont " 1minute2court " où je joue le nouveau Joker ou la nouvelle Madame Doubtfire à la Française, qui sait ?
Et " Chacun son Noël " pour une longue scène de panique dans un centre commercial...
Et entre ces deux tournages, une belle intervention humaine de ma part pour le SPCH au sujet du " scénario et handicap "...
Rodolphe Harris.
#ScénarioEtHandicap #Masterclass #ÉlodieNamer #Scénariste #LycéeToulouseLautrec #TF1 #JulienRichardThomson #Président #SPCH #RodolpheHarrisComédienPro #RodolpheHarrisComédienActeurProfessionnel #RodolpheBoucherComédienActeurProfessionnel #Acteur #Cinéma #Malentendant #1Minute2Court #CourtMétrage #ChacunSonNoël #LongMétrage #Film #BibliothèqueDuCinémaFrançoisTruffaut #CitéEuropéenneDesScénaristes #ForumDesHalles #10Mai2020
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
requesting guidelines
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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»»----- what I WILL write -----««
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✔︎ readers with any pronouns or gender identity (please specify in your request) *please note that I have no practice using neopronouns. I will accomodate and try to learn if a request involving them comes up, but please be kind and patient with me - I may also have questions!*
✔︎ readers with any sexual identity (please specify in your request)
✔︎ one-shots (1k - 5k) or drabbles (< 1k)
✔︎ AU stories, including magic AU’s
✔︎ line or song prompt requests
*I’m super open to new ideas, please feel free to be as creative as you like with your requests! It does always help to know your user though (either via non-anonymous asks, or by you directly messaging me) so that I can contact you if I need further clarification to make your story as great as it can be for you*
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»»----- what I WILL NOT write -----««
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✘ smut
✘ actors x reader (i’m demi guys, characters only please!)
✘ polyamorous relationships (for now)
✘ canon ships/otp 
✘ headcanons (just not my vibe, sorry!)
✘ harry potter characters that are not in the original books/movies (e.g. cursed child, fanfiction oc’s)
✘ requests that encourage harmful stereotypes
✘ requests that involve sexual assault or violence of any kind
✘ illegal relationships (incest, children etc.)
✘ characters from transphobic media (e.g. mrs doubtfire, jagged little pill)
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