#number 1 Larry defender
much-the-millers-kid · 9 months
Is the WAA broke?
Those who have spent a semi-decent amount of time in the Ace Attorney Fandom knows that it's a common joke that the attorneys of the Wright Anything Agency don't get paid, but how accurate is that?
So, @inbarfink posted this wonderful analysis about how often the WAA gets paid (which I highly recommend you look at).  It is highly focused on the financial stability of the client and willingness to pay. However, I am still curious about some things.
First, inbarfink was not focused on which attorney got paid, and I want to know who is doing the best on average based on what we see in game (assuming they got paid individually and not some sort of collection pooling where the agency WAA gets paid and then Apollo and Athena are given regular salaries).
Also, how do cases where they’re likely to get paid correlate to how lucrative they are? As inbarfink explains, attorneys get paid whether they win or lose. However, I have never heard of attorneys being paid a flat rate for the case. More often, they document hours, and are paid on an hourly basis.
So cue me being a spreadsheet nerd and seeing what I can find out.
First: Who is the most likely to be paid?
As far as who is “Paid,” I’m just counting the “Lead” Attorney, unless it really is a full team effort. As an example, The Cosmic Turnabout has two Trial Days: one with Apollo and one with Phoenix. Given It was Apollo’s case initially and Phoenix was covering for Apollo due to injury, we’re assuming Apollo was the one to get paid; same for Trial of Dhurke Sahdmadi, where yes, Phoenix was behind the bench, but Apollo was the main one making arguments and is the one you play as.
I’m pretty sure the only “full team effort” is just the last case of Dual Destinies, which I’m leaving out for that, and because as Inbarfink explains, it is Phoenix defending one of his own employees due to a hostage situation. No one is getting paid for that.
The only other case not being included is The Trial of Zak Gramaraye, for the simple reason that Phoenix lost money. As Inbarfink points out, Phoenix is given a child and loses a badge, so they rightfully gave a score of -1. As accurate as this is, it kinda messes with the numbers and averages, so as an outlier, it is being left out.
After putting Inbarfink's Probability Ratings in a Google Sheet, I color-coded some things to help me notice some trends, and boy did I notice some things.
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First of all, on the probability ratings, “Wright” fills up the majority of the lower end, and as they get higher, there’s more and more “Justice.” Not surprising, Apollo seems more likely to make sure he’s paid.
But also, Phoenix’s name is throughout the whole list. There’s only three cases that have a probability rating of 0.9 or higher, and Phoenix was lead on two of them. Granted, one of them is Turnabout Goodbyes, where Phoenix would possibly be the most likely to do it for free because it’s Miles, so that could be less Phoenix insisted on getting paid and more Miles refused to let Phoenix NOT be paid, although that’s debatable because while Larry didn’t pay, Phoenix did expect him to.
Still, the point stands that Phoenix isn’t quite the bleeding heart everyone makes him out to be.
Okay, so that’s first glance perceptions: What about what the numbers say? Who is the most consistently likely to be paid of WAA? The answer is…
ATHENA! With an average probability rating of 0.7!
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… Okay, that’s a little unfair to Phoenix and Apollo, given that Athena has only been “lead” on three cases that we’ve seen. She’s the newest; she hasn’t had the challenge of dealing with a Larry that’s going to try to get out of paying or being expected to defend another member of WAA like Phoenix and Apollo have. Although, she also hasn’t had a canon confirmation of payment, and 2 of her 3 cases were childhood best friend Juniper Woods so she may do a friend discount, so those bring her score down a bit anyway. Ah, the importance of sample size and knowing how the statistics come to be.
But yeah, as expected, Apollo is the next to be most consistently paid with an average probability rating of 0.68, and Wright trailing behind him at 0.44.
(Also, likely not super accurate because we only saw two of her cases, but Mia came in last with an average of 0.4).
That brings us to...
Who is making the most Bank? (aka: who is getting paid the most?)
We've seen who was most consistently paid, what about what those paydays were worth? Again, this is based on the time the cases took: Inbarfink covered the financial status of the clients in their likelihood to pay, so we're saying there is no change in rate for if someone has the wealth to pay it or not.
Now, admittedly, a really accurate depiction would look at all the time stamps at the beginning of each scene and count the hours that way. However, I don’t care enough to put that much effort into this (... at least for now; I may revisit this in the future and decide to go into more detail).
So for simplicity sake, I looked up how many “Time Units” a case took, with one unit being an Investigation or a Court Session. (ex. Tutorial Cases skip investigation and usually only have one court session, so they have one time unit, whereas a final case with three days of investigation and three  days in court would have six  time units.)
For the most part, this is relatively simple to figure out. Go through the wiki, count the number of investigation and trial days. Except, while doing this, I had a moment of “What the heck?” Because unless I am reading the Wiki wrong or there’s inaccurate information, there are no three-day trials after the first game.
Sure, the gameplay is longer because the games get more challenging. And yes, sometimes there is a day where something happens, but it is not officially time “On the Clock” as far as the case is concerned ... But I don't think there's and three-day trials after Rise from the Ashes.
For example, in Farewell, My Turnabout, Maya is kidnapped and Juan Corrida is killed on March 20. However, the investigation doesn’t begin until March 21. Also, there’s only two days in the courtroom, March 22 and 23, giving the case 4 Time Units: 2 investigation and 2 court. 
There are similar situations for a lot of cases where there is something going on where it is only 2 days officially, even if it plays like longer, especially for final cases of the game. Phoenix has a whole day at Hazakura Temple investigating Iris before anyone actually dies; the MASON System shows Phoenix’s follow-up investigation after Zak disappeared; Turnabout for Tomorrow shifts from Phoenix and Miles debating Athena’s innocence to all WAA and Blackquill going after the Phantom; Turnabout Revolution has the civil case with Apollo vs. Phoenix AND Apollo going up against both Nahyuta and Ga’ran. Something happens to make gameplay three days or multiple cases in one, but as far as payment goes, it’s one two-day case.
I could have sworn there were more three-day trials after the first game, but I guess maybe I was wrong.
Then, to get the “Pay Rate” I multiplied Inbarfink’s Probability Rating by the number of Time Units.
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So here’s the interesting thing: Phoenix is the only member of WAA to have had 3-day trials. He only had three of them, but he’s the only one to have them. Also, two of those are also two of his three with a Probability of getting paid that’s higher than 0.75. If Phoenix budgets well (which I kinda want to assume he does given that last we saw he still had a Nokia brick), he might have gone at least the rest of the trilogy on Turnabout Samurai and Turnabout Goodbyes. I mean, on a scale of one to six, Phoenix is the only one with cases over four, and he has two of them.
Now, Apollo is still ahead when it comes to “how much do they get paid per case” on average. However, it is a much tighter race. 
Probability is ranked from 0-1, with Apollo at 0.68 and Phoenix at 0.44. Convert to the percent of what is possible (68% and 44%, respectively), and Apollo is in the lead by 24%.
However, the Pay Rate is ranked from 0 (not getting paid) to 6 (a score of 1 for definitely getting paid, times 6 Time Units). Apollo has an average Pay Rate of 2.04 out of 6 (34%) and Phoenix has an average Pay Rate of 1.94 out of 6 (32.3%). So as far as how much they’re getting paid on average, Phoenix is only behind Apollo by 1.7%.
Also, so far, Athena with her three cases, two of which didn’t have an investigation (that we saw at least), is still doing pretty okay with a Pay Rate of 1.73 (28.8%), and as far as Mia with her only two cases also not having investigations has a Pay Rate of 0.4 (6.7%), so… oof.
So there you go: Despite Phoenix's bleeding heart reputation, Mia is actually the broke bitch of the attorneys that have worked in that office. (Joking, obviously we only saw two of her cases so we don't have an accurate measure).
Apollo is the most likely to get consistently paid, and because of that he gets paid the most. However, while Phoenix has the most cases where he has a low expectation of getting paid, whether from someone trying to get out of paying or the goodness of his heart or just having too many other things on his mind, Phoenix also has some high clientele and he is the only one to end up with the on-the-wire three-day trials.
And of course, all this is based only on the cases we see in the games. Maybe if we get AA7, we'll see Athena or Apollo get their first three-day trial, or maybe being the only defense attorney in Kur'ain Apollo will have to do more pro bono work. We shall see.
Oh, and here's the full spreadsheet in game order, if anyone wants to make any other interesting observations.
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Each Game and Lead Attorney was given their own color.
For the number color keys:
Probability Rating: Less than 0.25 is red, 0.25 to 0.5 is orange, 0.51 to 0.74 is yellow, and greater than 0.75 is green.
Investigation and Court Sessions: 0 is red, 1 is yellow, 2 is turquoise, and 3 is green.
Time Units: 1 is red, 2 is orange, 4 is turquoise, and 6 is green.
Pay Rate: Less than 1 is red, 1 to 2 is orange, 2 to 3 is yellow, 3 to 4 is purple, and greater than 4 is green.
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Louis has sold 20k units in the UK. That’s annoying because he has sold more there than other artists who have got that number 1. That’s more than 5s sold to get their number 1 wasn’t it? I think I read somewhere they sold 14k units
And Bruce actually makes me sad. He started out caring about the working class people and he’s got passionate and adoring fans who have been following him for years but his dynamic pricing makes it incredibly difficult for his working-class fans to go see him in concert. He has had a long, successful career, dynamic pricing does nothing for him except show greed
I believe FitF will ultimately surpass Walls very quickly.
Louis already has an almost viral song - WAOYF. It’s organically growing via social media without any industry push.
We will not get Back to You numbers for the singles, but we will slowly build a solid fanbase of people who love the music first, not the fanfiction.
I have to admit that two years ago, it was tough to imagine Louis at this point — indie bands liking his music, the Mainly Oasis account embracing him, people defending him on Twitter, solos fighting and shaming Larries down, and Louis himself taking a stand against HLD. Bands like The Vaccines, Hurts, The Courteeners, and DMAs loving him.
It was tough to imagine that Louies could carry Louis to a global position on our own— with Harries and Larries against him, Sony against him, the BBC and Capital FM against him, and most major media against him. I really can’t believe we’re here, we’re with him, we love him, and we’re resilient.
It has been such a long road. But I’m so happy to be here with him!
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handypolymath · 1 year
In a thread about Ronnie Raygun the other day I referenced this Bloom County strip from 1982:
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I read this strip the week it was published, catching up on Bloom County at my grandpa's. My dad and I were about the same ages as Binkley and his dad above, I was ten, and already reading the newspapers and a couple local libraries and Generating Opinions.
I'm Binkley up there, though it always bummed me I could never get my hair to do that. This thruline in my life is why I have the tag #the worst thing about being genx is that I'm living through the fruition of so much evil.
So today I'm watching a link from the spouse, a legal commentator guy contrasting the speeches from the Minority Leader and the House Speaker:
And 2 things hit me in a "politics is also ritual language and charismatic interplay and aggression channeled into improv theater" way:
1. Jeffries lays out a bold mission statement: these are our shared values as a group, and how you should judge our work here. The content is elegant like a theorem yet chockablock with intersectional antiracist prosocial concepts from the evidence-based reality community. It did not unite -- because it was delivered and received as a quick pep talk to a tightly-knit squad going into action.
2. Is...is McCarthy daring them to murk him? "...here's where I hang out alone at night, in the building we keep bringing our guns into like it earns us CamelCash," and "my door's always open, lemme mention Lincoln yet again in what certainly won't be further darkly comic irony when the kayfabe hits the fan," o_O
This McCarthy clip is fascinating all on its own, and I admit it's all I've seen. I don't even wanna know how or why crossing the Delaware is relevant when your rubes crossed the Rubicon years ago, my guy. Anyway,
Let's set aside his sentimental centering of the locus of power away from not only the room and the body meeting in it, but also away from everyone that body is representing; shifting it to a gallery of statues more representive of the bloodthirsty base, 'where we gathered before, when the cameras didn't see'. We know what that's about agenda-wise, and he knows he doesn't own the room yet. Yet, he thinks. Bluffing like a Ted Knight character. Anyway,
Which Lincoln is he invoking?
"Obscure senator becomes kintsugi of riven nation" Lincoln?
'You don't understand the Aikido of my leadership style" Lincoln?
"Chekhov's Wilkes Santos come at me bro!" Lincoln?
As a notary public sworn to defend the Constitution, and a former Marching Railspiltter, my money is on lucky number three.
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arpov-blog-blog · 1 month
..."2 More Polls Have Biden Up/Other 2024 Election Notes - NPR/Marist, a highly respected poll, has Biden up 50-48 today, and a new Big Village poll came in at 42-40. Both showed Biden gains from their last poll. With these new polls there are now 14 polls taken since late February showing Biden leads (via 538):
50-48 NPR/Marist
42-40 Big Village
44-42 Morning Consult (this week)
48-45 Quinnipiac
44-43 Noble Predictive
44-43 Economist/YouGov (March 19)
47-45 FAU/Mainstreet
44-43 Morning Consult (March 11)
46-45 Public Policy Research
50-48 Ipsos/Reuters
45-44 Civiqs
47-44 Kaiser Family Foundation
51-49 Emerson
43-42 TIPP
The latest Harris X poll, which has consistently had Trump up by 5-6 points, now has the race even at 50-50. As I wrote yesterday, after the GOP’s corruption of polling in 2022, I don’t pay much attention to polls funded by Republican-aligned groups like the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, and neither should you.
In case you need it here are some recent posts, pods and videos of why I am optimistic about winning this November.
In GOP primary voting last night Trump’s opponents once again broke 20% in CT, NY and WI. It’s a continued sign of his struggle to bring his party together, of what I call the splintering of the GOP. The opposition to Trump inside the GOP is unprecedented in the last several generations of American politics - Romney, Cheney, former staff, etc. Haley has still not endorsed, and Trump has said he doesn’t want her. Whereas what I think is happening inside our party is a spirited and important debate over policy. No Dem official is holding back their endorsement of Biden. The party is unified as we head into the general election, with work to do, no doubt, but building and maintaining winning coalitions is always hard and challenging, and will be again this year. To be very clear what is happening inside our parties are not the same, not mirror images of one another, and attempts to paint them as similar are misleading and false. There is no significant and organized opposition to Biden inside the Dem Party as there is inside the GOP.
Polling in the Maryland Senate race has begun coming back to Earth with Former GOP Governor Larry Hogan only up 1 over David Trone (43-42) and 4 over Angela Alsobrooks (44-40) in new local polling. While we have work to do here in Maryland, we should win here, with either candidate.
Ruben Gallego just reported raising $7.5m in the first quarter - a really big number! Thanks to all of you who have helped critical campaign. From the story:
“Thanks to the support of hundreds of thousands of small-dollar donors who have chipped in what they could to help elect Ruben Gallego, we are building the infrastructure to win this November,” Nichole Johnson, Gallego’s campaign manager, said in a press release. “Arizonans are ready to elect a senator who will defend abortion rights, cut costs for families and take care of our veterans — and that’s exactly what Ruben will do.”
Ruben texted me yesterday thanking all of us for the significant support we’ve showed for his campaign so far - great work all."
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wideouts4life · 7 months
NFL Week 2
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I’d have to check this next statement for actually facts. But, I believe Mike Evans either has tied Larry Fitzgerald for 9 consecutive seasons with 1000 yards. Or he set the record for most 1000 yard seasons to open a career. Either way, this is really impressive considering all the variables that go into maintaining such consistency. Staying healthy is the real key and Mike Evans has built a resume that could withstand any argument as a top wideout in his era.
This past Sunday Evans talent was on full display. Mike caught 6 balls for 171 yards and 1 touchdown. Evans most exciting play came on a pass that he out jumped a defender and raced for a 75-yard gain while being pushed out at the 5-yard line. His touchdown came on a simple go route that Evans made look too easy. 
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Mama there goes that man! Damn! Justin Jefferson is really good. Against one of the better cover corner’s in the NFL (Darius Slay), Jefferson had his way all afternoon. Catch after catch Jefferson made Slay earn his paycheck. Jefferson ended the night with 11 catches for 159 yards with zero scores. Jefferson ran the route tree and is only improving. I love how his run after catch has improved and he’s playing with more tenacity. If he continues to play at this pace, I believe he can be the first wideout to eclipse 2000 yards.
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Puka Nacua is making sure the NFL knows his name loud and clear. Setting an NFL rookie record with most catches in the first two games of the season (25). Nacua is picking up what the team is missing from injured All-Pro Cooper Kupp. I won’t rain on Nacua’s parade but what he’s doing is leading me to look at Kupp’s record setting season as a by product of Matthew Stafford. 
Think about it. Stafford was the QB of the Detroit Lions when Calvin Johnson set the record for most yards in a season with 1964.  Stafford won the Super Bowl the year Kupp became the #2 yards leader in NFL history with 1947. I would not be surprised if similar numbers are achieved by Nacua especially if Kupp lingers on IR for about half the season. 
Nacua caught 15 passes for 147 yards with zero scores. His play matched the intensity and toughness of the San Francisco 49ers defense. I love how physical the rookie is playing. Catching slants over the middle is no easy task at any level, especially the hard hitting NFL. I regard the 49ers defense as the best in football and watching the kid carve a hole in the defense lets me know he’s going to have a very productive season. 
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Nico Collins is making his first appearance on this blog with a healthy performance against the Indianapolis Colts. Collins caught 7 balls for 146 yards and 1 touchdown. Nico caught a slant on his first pass and raced 45 yards before eventually being tackled. Collins lone touchdown came on what looked like a busted coverage. I think rookie CJ Stroud has found his go to wideout and I look forward to the kid having more 100 yard games this season. 
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Ceedee Lamb is making his first appearance of the 2023 season. Against one of the better corners (Sauce Gardner) and a pretty good New York Jets defense, Lamb licked his chops all over the field this past Sunday. Ceedee caught 11 passes for 143 yards. I like that he’s playing aggressive and being physical at the point of attack. He’s now in his 3rd season and looking like the #1 wideout team owner Jerry Jones thought he could be. 
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Speed kills! Devonta Smith is a speedster like the road runner. The majority of his yardage came on two deep shots from Jalen Hurts with one being slightly under thrown. That didn’t matter as Smith jumped over the defender, Moss’n him in the process to complete the catch. Devonta’s touchdown came on a go-route that the defender was sitting on. Smith ran right by him on his way to the end zone for a 63-yard touchdown. 
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George Pickens is a name I have never heard of either. But after the game he had against divisional rival Cleveland Browns, I’m sure I won’t forget his name nor his game moving forward. Pickens only caught 4 of the 10 balls targeted in his direction. On a long 3 and forever, Pickens inside released on a speed dig and galloped his way 71-yards for a touchdown. Pickens finished the night with 127 yards to give his team the much needed victory. 
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It’s good to see Keenan Allen back carving up defenses across the NFL. The Allen of old would have a great game to then be sidelined the next week. But the 2023 Allen is a different animal. The thing I pick up in his body language is that’s he’s fully healthy and happy. Against the Tennessee Titans, Allen had 8 catches for 111 yards and 2 touchdowns. His team took home the Loss but personally the day was a win for Allen. 
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Christian Kirk has lived up to the big contract he signed last summer worth $72 million dollars . Against the Kansas City Chiefs, Kirk made his presence felt early and quite often. Christian caught 11 passes for 110 yards. Kirk didn’t score but I look forward to him continuing to dominate from the slot. 
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DJ Moore was traded this off-season to the Carolina Panthers. I feel this was an upgrade for the Panthers but a mistake by the New Orleans Saints. Moore caught 6 passes for 104 yards. He didn’t go deep but ran a couple dig routes that turned defenders around. As he and quarterback Bryce Young chemistry grows I expect Moore to have more than a few 100-yard games this season. 
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This last wideout had his first 100-yard game of the season. I’ll always root for the kid to do good because I coached him in high school. Amon-Ra St. Brown will get paid this off-season especially if he has his 3rd straight 1000 yard season. Against the falcons he was used all over the field. St. Brown caught balls from out wide, in the slot, and from the backfield. Amon-Ra caught 6 passes for 102 yards with zero scores. 
Sorry this blog is a late but as long as it gets done that’s all that matters. After watching the tape I’m going to give Keenan Allen the WOW award (wideoutoftheweek) because he scored twice and at the end of the day the wideouts get paid to score.
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fandom · 3 years
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2020′s Top Ships
Basically, there is only one OTP, and it's whoever you like together best. 
Reylo +6 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Catradora +10 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reddie +1 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Geraskier Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Ineffable Husbands -4 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Zukka Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lumity Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Supercorp +5 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Jikook -4 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Destiel +10 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Kiribaku +3 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
Bumbleby +3 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Wangxian +61 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jonmartin Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Bakudeku +3 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Drarry +6 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Gallavich Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich, Shameless
Stucky -2 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Zutara Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Klance -18 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Preath +6 Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Korrasami +38 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bellarke -14 Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, The 100
ZaDr +23 Zim & Dib, Invader Zim
FinnPoe Finn & Poe Dameron, the Star Wars universe
Buddie Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Tododeku -6 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Entrapdak +60 Entrapta & Hordak, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Sasusaku -1 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Wayhaught +21 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Ballum +50 Ben Mitchell & Callum Highway, EastEnders
Harringrove -1 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kagehina Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou, Haikyuu!!
Joe x Nicky Joe (Yusuf Al-Kaysani) & Nicky (Niccolò di Genova), The Old Guard
Erasermic +4 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Maribat Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Damian Wayne, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir x The DC Universe
Hannigram +31 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Shirbert Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe, Anne with an E
Wolfstar +6 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Harlivy  Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Phan -35 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Merthur +17 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Larry Stylinson +30 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, One Direction
Rayllum +42 Callum & Rayla, The Dragon Prince
Malex -1 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Adrienette -13 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Ladynoir -7 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Connverse Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe, Steven Universe
Sterek -3 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Marichat -14 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Stony -32 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Dabihawks Dabi & Hawks, Boku no Hero Academia
Villaneve Villanelle & Eve Polastri, Killing Eve
Prinxiety +30 Princey & Anxiety, Thomas Sanders
IronStrange -30 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Robbe x Sander Robbe Ijzermans & Sander Driesen, WTFock
Percabeth Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Taekook -23 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Kataang Katara & Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bughead -19 Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Riverdale
Kaylor -23 Karlie Kloss & Taylor Swift, celebrities
Sprousehart -32 Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart, Actors
Narumitsu Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Fair Game Clover Ebi & Qrow Branwen, RWBY
NaLu -12 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Caryl Carol Peletier & Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead
Beaujester Beauregard & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dramione Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Radiodust Alastor & Angel Dust, Hazbin Hotel
Deckerstar Chloe Decker & Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer
Bokuaka Bokuto Kotarou & Akaashi Keiji, Haikyuu!!
Malec -64 Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunters
Spirk +18 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Davekat +24 Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Charlastor Charlie Magne & Hazbin Alastor, Hazbin Hotel
Elsamaren Elsa & Honeymaren, Frozen II
Clexa -1 Clarke Griffin & Commander Lexa, The 100
Cloti Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart, the Final Fantasy franchise
Kylux Kylo Ren & General Hux, the Star Wars universe
Glimbow Glimmer & Bow, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
WhiteRose Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose, RWBY
Juliantina -79 Juliana Valdés & Valentina Carvajal, Amar a muerte
Snowbaz -13 Simon Snow & Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, Carry On
Vmin -19 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Zelink +12 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Elu -60 Eliott Demaury & Lucas Lallemant, SKAM France
Lukanette -32 Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Tarlos TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Peraltiago -4 Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Widojest Caleb Widogast & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Dimileth +9 Dimitri & Byleth, Fire Emblem
Solangelo Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson
Iwaoi Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Haikyuu!!
Johnlock -27 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Pynch Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch, The Raven Cycle
Reed900 Gavin Reed & RK900, Detroit: Become Human
Cazzie Casey Gardner & Izzie, Atypical
Frenrey Gordon Freeman & Benrey, Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Todobaku Todoroki Shouto & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Kristanna Kristoff Bjorgman & Anna, Frozen
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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louisshomesharry · 3 years
hi!! what exactly do you mean by „stan culture“ from the post with new fans?
up until 2017 (beginning of) most fandom were just full of fans who (most of them) would do their research and “know” the person they were stanning.  Then from late 2016 and start of 2017 there was a shift in fandom culture where fans became obsessed with numbers/streams and their fave being the best!!!!! while also denying truth/facts and not using context to create argument. 
I blame: 
- trump’s presidency which led to plenty of people not caring about the truth and stating things as fact just because evidence of it not being fact didn’t exist; ie the same way I could say hogwarts exists bc there’s no evidence it doesn’t exist!!!! - kpop: I believe it’s the first fandoms that were really everywhere and were truly aggressive and screaming about their fave being better than everyone else. This being said the fans aren’t faulty for that. the problem is coming from labels who decided to get into fandom space and manipulate it enough to get as much profit as they could. ie: producing fan wars so fans would stream more to prove their faves are the best thus bringing more revenue to labels/music industry businessmen. I believe Western companies saw the whole thing working well for kpop people so they decided to bring that energy in western fandom spaces. 
Which lead us to now with all these stans running around being toxic, thinking that they are good people bc they send death threats to other fans and defend their fave’s heterosexuality. Just bc they are stans of x celeb so they have the right to act superior bc only x celeb deserves respect bc x celeb has /that/ number of streams.
Stans believe they have to say “yes amen” to everything the person they stan say and do and bully everyone that gives constructive criticism about their fave.
What annoys me the most about stan culture is them bullying people over topics they know nothing about. I don’t know if you went on twitter this past year but people are vile towards larries and they aren’t even fans of louis and/or harry. they know nothing. it’s just trendy to harass us, so they do it.
Stan culture makes “real” fans quit fandom spaces. I believe a reason so many tumbl larries left and why so many of us have a hard time in fandom is bc we’re used to the 1d fandom and how it worked. we liked it, we do not want to change, we do not want to become toxic or mean or make our whole fandom experience about being hateful so it’s getting hard to be surrounded by people who 1) don’t care about facts 2) who’ve bullying us for years without having any real counter argument 3) who we cannot have a conversation with, bc as soon as we start giving our arguments and giving them facts they ignore it and start insulting us 4) who just don’t know how to have fun and be in a fandom.
when I came into this fandom it was a great community to talk about the boys but also so many topics I had never heard about or knew nothing about. I arrived here as a baby gay and had so many people ready to answer my questions and just be welcoming. I think about all these minors who come on here to shit on us and think how much better their experience would be if they had learn to do research, listen to other people and to themselves to. A lot of adults turned really toxic too. I don’t understand why people can’t act decently online? it’s not hard not to be an asshole....
tldr: stan culture is killing fandom spaces and celebrities will only have themselves and their bosses to blame when they’ll have lost all their fans and the hype around them will die down bc stans will have find more interesting people to stan.
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alltheselights · 3 years
Doesn't that mean Larry isn't a thing though?
First, let me note that this is something Harry and everyone around him has been saying in not so many words since November 2019, and if you were in doubt then, the music video could not have been more obvious about the intent of the song, or at least the marketing.
But to answer your question, no, it doesn’t. I feel like one of the main reasons why Harry's comments from last night would make you freak out or question your beliefs about Harry and Louis or double down in your denial about what the song is intended to be is if you've defined your existence as a Larrie around this idea that Harry is 100% a gay man who could never in a million years be attracted to a woman. And unfortunately, I think a lot of people have done that.
I feel like there has always been this very strict belief that 1) Harry hates his womanizer and fantasy boyfriend roles, that 2) he has despised and been unconvincing in every PR relationship and stunt he’s ever had, and that 3) he is not attracted to women and could never be attracted to women. And I used to fully believe all of these things too, but I feel like with time and perspective, I don’t necessarily anymore.
I think that Harry's womanizer image while in One Direction went several steps too far to the point where he and the other boys were uncomfortable with it, but there were moments where Harry had fun with it. One example is when they were doing that interview in Australia with Liam and Louis and Harry went over to snatch the woman's phone number. Eventually, however, I think it reached a level where he was disgusted and frustrated by it because it came to define him and made him seem like a bad person, which is not accurate, and at that point, he was not interested in playing along with the image they assigned him. I also think it was started at such a young age when he had no power to consent to it truly, and that was never going to be acceptable in any way.
Now that Harry has gone solo, I believe that he has significantly more control than he ever did then. He could have gone in many different directions and he has definitely embraced a more open, ambiguous image, but I think it's hard for people to admit that he's also embraced a new role as a fantasy boyfriend. It's not the same as before, as he's able to be more ambiguous about his sexuality and with his clothing, but he markets his music as being about women, he publicly dates only women, and he takes actions to appeal to the female gaze. I often see people talk about how Harry isn't trying to appeal to women because he doesn't fully embrace a stereotypically masculine look, but as I've seen discussed more and more often lately, those stereotypically masculine looks actually appeal more to the male gaze. This article talks about that. Many men think women are attracted to intimidating, uber macho men, but a lot of women are actually often attracted to men like Harry who are in touch with their feminine side. When Harry is shirtless and sweaty in a music video but also not afraid to wear feminine clothing or to talk about his feelings, that DOES appeal to women. They do find that sexy and attractive, and Harry and his team know that and they play to it when they can.
This role isn’t the only one that Harry embraces now that he's solo, but it is something that he and his team have chosen to do. After so many years of us defending Harry against a womanizer image that took things way too far at a young age while Harry was still figuring himself out, that can be a tough pill to swallow. However, we have to realize that both things can exist in the same universe. Harry can have been uncomfortable with where the womanizer image that he was given at age 16 when he had little power to change it and also choose to embrace a kind of fantasy boyfriend role now that he's a solo artist, older, more comfortable with his sexuality, and able to make decisions for himself. He can take control of a narrative that previously harmed him and use it to benefit him and to sell more music, more merch, and more tickets.
When Harry stunts with women, even when he's very convincing (like with Kendall on the yacht when she was laying on top of him and kissing him, or with Olivia on the yacht recently where they were dancing and kissing), you see people claim that it's a "gay yacht" or that he seems miserable even when he doesn't. Do I believe both are absolutely PR relationships and not genuine? Yes. Do I believe that Harry acted convincingly as someone interested in women in both instances? Yes. I think part of the reason why yachtgate with Kendall was so upsetting to me at the time because even though I never believed it was genuine, it LOOKED genuine, and I’d never thought Harry could pull that off. I think part of the reason why the Olivia yacht stuff didn’t bother me at all is because at this point, I do believe Harry can convincingly appear to be interested in women, even if he’s also interested in men, and so when he did, I was fine with it and didn’t feel threatened by it. It’s the same thing with Harry’s acting in DWD where a lot of Larries tried to claim he was unconvincing after seeing a two second clip of him making out with a woman. I thought he looked fine, as did most of the random people who watched that clip, and it did not threaten my beliefs about Harry because I recognize that he can be convincing in heterosexual roles and it doesn’t impact whether he likes men or not or whether he’s in a relationship with Louis or not.
Now don’t get me wrong - I don’t think he’s convincing in every instance, not even in every instance with Olivia or Kendall, but I’m just saying that I think he can play the role with them when he wants to. I don’t think he appeared uncomfortable in either instance. And I think when you admit that and acknowledge it, it’s easier to be a fan because you’re not living in denial and trying to act like Harry is DISGUSTED by these women and could never in a million years convince anyone he’s attracted to them, or attracted to women in general.
I don’t know if Harry is attracted to women, but based on his behavior and the types of things he writes in recent years, I do believe that it’s a possibility. I know I’m in the minority on that, just as I am with most of my beliefs, but even if people don’t agree with me, I feel like it’s really important that people realize that your existence as a Larrie should not be so rooted in Harry only liking men that your theories are all threatened or you’re enraged by a comment about a song being about female orgasms when they’ve been clear about that since day one. Harry can like women and still like men. Harry can like women and still be with Louis. Harry can write a sexual song about women and still like men. Harry can write a sexual song about women with numerous co-writers and still be with Louis. These things are not mutually exclusive, and when you treat them like they are, that’s when the denial starts and that’s when people start getting angry and upset with Harry over something that is not a big deal.
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
Here is another Larry insider that I know you won’t believe me about but I’m here anyway. Larries are livid that locals are defending Harry. They haven’t been this mad about something since the wedding pics. Their plan is to now tweet under locals posts to start arguments with Harries. They couldn’t do it yesterday because it was non stop and they’d look bad. They started doing it today instead. When you argue with them it does give attention to Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis. Twitter recognizes when a celebrity’s name is tweeted and it gets them on those irrelevant Twitter polls and they get recommended to non stans under music or entertainment. A lot of non stans are checking on Harry because of Coachella and Eternals and when they look him up they also get recommendations to check out the rest of them. Don’t believe me? Ask someone who isn’t part of stan Twitter to look up Harry. At least for now alter their full names. Larries are smart about one thing and that they know how to keep Louis’ name attached to Harry’s. Go to Google and look up Harry and Louis is either the first or second picture under “people have also looked for”. They are competing with Olivia there and it pisses them off a lot. Last thing is they plan on trending Happy Anniversary or something related to the number 28 on Harry’s birthday so when everyone gives him shoutouts like last year they take over his topic and they click on their birthday trends instead of any other trends. Alright I’m done. Laugh this off like you always do but Larries are always planning. Harries should keep checking Harry’s Wikipedia page too because they keep changing Harry’s partner to Louis.
Their plan is to now tweet under locals posts to start arguments with Harries.
They already do this. Most Harries block Larries on sight so this 'plan' you're so worried about isn't going to work. Locals are not going to change their minds about Harry because stans are squabbling in their mentions anyway.
They get recommendations to check out the rest of them (zot3)
Who cares? The others are sinking in popularity month by month. The wider public have only ever been interested in Harry and Twitter suggesting zot3 as topics isn't going to alter that, if it is indeed happening. Also, why would Larries be trying to get Zayn, Niall and Liam more attention? They don't care about any of them.
They plan to take over Harry's birthday topic
Again, they've tried embedding Louis in Harry's trends before and it never works. On his birthday Harry gets masses of tweets from verified accounts and from all Harries, who vastly outweigh the other 1d fandoms on Twitter when they do all decide to tweet together. No way will his 1 February topic be about anything but his 28th birthday.
So last time you were here you were crying because Z stans and Larries had 'formed a team' and were intending to get lots of Harries who tweeted negatively about Louis/Larry deleted. That didn't happen, did it?
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
Can't believe y'all r going to make me defend harry.
why did Harry constantly used Louis for promotion? _Do u realise Harry's fanbase is 10 times bigger than Louis? Louis is the least known member of 1d. Harry has huge gp reach rn. Why on earth would he need Louis for anything. He can just say 1d is coming back soon and all directioners will be right up in his ass for the next 10 years. He doesn't even say that.
why does Harry uses the other boys and punch them down through media in order to hype himself up? -harry hasn't mentioned any of the boy's name for the last 6 years. He mentioned Zayn's name once after he left. Again Harry's target audience is not the directioners. The other 1d members r not his competitors. They never were. He was already set for solo since 2013 while the other boys were giving their 100% to the band.
Louis used to win so many fanvoted awards beating Harry in 2017, 2018 but in various ways Harry & Sony tried to hijack Louis fanbaseetc. Niall and Zayn has won many awards in their first era that Harry never won. Zayn & Niall has won AMA for best new artist that Harry never got. Zayn won a VMA and Billboard award years before Harry. - a lot of awards??? That's laughable. Zayn and Niall won 1 Amas each and all Louis won is teen choice awards(if u r a fan u shouldn't brag about it. It's humiliating.)- they were fresh out of 1d. They all had the 1d hype. Fans pity Stan Louis hence the fan voted awards.
Zayn & Liam has bigger worldwide hits than Harry.-what?? That's just straight up lie. Zayn has 3 songs with 1b streams out of 2 is a Collab and another one is 5 years old. Harry already has a 1.5b song, another one will be in few days- both of the songs r just 2 years old. Sott will hit 1b by its 5 year anniversary. That's the same number of hits. Let's not even mention the album songs. And on what planet Liam has more hits than anyone? Take out STD from his discography and see where he stands.
Zayn is far ahead of Harry in YouTube streams- no one compares utube streams now. Literally no one. And if u want to do that- Zayn has 80+ songs while harry has just 22.
Zayn was ahead of Harry in Spotify streams until recently- Zayn has like 80+ songs and harry has 24. It's just common sense. He has more songs in his 1 album than Harry's entire discography. U r dragging Zayn indirectly by saying that 24 songs stream has surpassed 80 song streams.
Niall & Liam had huge radio hits before Harry. -coz they released before Harry and Harry's first album is not radio friendly at all. Even his biggest hit sott is not radio friendly.
Harry can succeed only after sabotaging Louis & Zayn in various ways both of whom are under Sony music- this is where anyone can guess than u r a solo Louie. Coz trust me I've been on Stan twitter. Literally no other fanbase thinks other artists or label r sabotaging another artists. And there r bigger feuds in the music industry. Still no one thinks than. Normal Zayn Stans who hates harry to their core doesn't even think that.
There r 1000 thinks u can criticize harry about. U don't need conspiracy theories for it. Typical Larry/ex larry behaviour.
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collabwithmyself · 4 years
1-2: Turnabout Transaction (1/2)
"Sounds like you had your work cut out for you," Mia laughed later that day. She was perched on the edge of Miles's desk in Edgeworth and Co. Law Offices, playing with the clock Larry had chosen to give him.
"You can have that, you know," Miles said absentmindedly, rereading the paperwork he'd filled out. "It's a little too hands-on to be convenient for me."
"Really? Thanks, Miles." Mia smiled, tilting The Thinker forward and listening to it speak the time - 5:07. "I've been meaning to get a knickknack like this one to spruce up the office a little."
Miles adjusted his glasses and set down his pen. "As much as I appreciate the visit for congratulations..."
"You're too perceptive," Mia sighed, squeezing the statue in her hands. "I... dropped by to let you know I'm almost done."
"Good." Miles nodded firmly. "It's dangerous, what you're doing. I'd hate for anything to happen to you."
"We both need this closure, Miles, and so do so many other people. It's a risk I'm willing to take. We've talked about this."
Miles swallowed heavily. "It's just... don't let your guard down just because you're close, all right? Anything could happen."
Mia gave him a gentle nudge with the head of the statue, which triggered it again.
"I think it's... 5:11!"
"Hey. Miles. Look at me. It's gonna be okay." She gave him a confident smile. "White's not gonna know what hit him."
Her last sentiment rung painfully in his ears as he stared down at the name and number given to him courtesy of one Maya Fey. To his surprise, he felt righteous fury bubbling up in his chest. He was not going to allow one of the men that had ruined Mia and Maya's lives to defend the latter in court. It was bad enough Mia had sought out employment under Grossberg to dig for information once she discovered where the leak had originated from. He wouldn't let Maya owe him anything the way Mia owed him her first steps as an attorney.
"I can't allow this," he said firmly.
Maya's eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. "Wh-- huh?"
"I know Grossberg. He's not trustworthy. Whatever your sister saw in him..." He trailed off and shook his head. "Let me try someone else. A mutual acquaintance of ours. Maybe he--"
"What, so what Sis wanted isn't good enough for you?" Maya petulantly puffed out her cheeks, a gesture befitting of someone far younger than her. "You don't trust her?"
He wanted to trust her. He really did. Perhaps... his own opinion was clouding his mind.
"...I'll speak with him," he finally conceded, even as his heart screamed he was making the wrong choice.
His frustration at his largely unpleasant interaction with that coward must've showed more than he thought it did, because the biggest man on the scene shrunk away from him when he stormed into Fey and Co. and made a beeline for him.
"Are you the one in charge of this investigation?" he snarled, in no mood to check his manners.
"Y-Yes, sir!" the man choked out, cowed. "Detective Dick Gumshoe, sir! But, uh, aren't you--?"
"I'm representing Maya Fey," Miles snapped with more authority than he honestly felt. He hoped the detective wasn't perceptive enough to see through his white lie.
He felt a pang of nervousness as the detective suddenly straightened and laughed. Had he been seen through?
"Hah, sorry, pal, but you've got no hope of winning this one! Prosecutor von Karma's on the case!"
Miles's blood ran cold. "You... you mean to say," he said slowly, "Manfred von Karma is taking this case?"
He remembered the man clearly even after all this time, the way he'd been so smug in court, the way he'd trembled with hatred when his father had--
"Huh? Oh, uh..." The detective shuffled his feet. "No, his... y'know. His... his kid. The older one."
That... wasn't much better news, but it released a little of the anxiety that had collected in his gut. The demon prosecutor was frightening, but not as much as the god of prosecutors. "Ah. You mean Sascha."
Gumshoe flinched, and then puffed his chest out in a sudden fit of anger. "I-- you-- you better call Prosecutor von Karma by the proper title," he asserted, jabbing a finger into Miles hard enough to make him stumble backwards. "Got it, pal?"
Miles adjusted his glasses, bewildered. Where had that come from?
The strange interaction had been all but forgotten by the time he returned to Maya with her cell phone and Grossberg's rejection. The girl looked so forlorn, and it made Miles's heart ache.
"I've heard stories about Miss von Karma from Mia," she mumbled. "She was kind of a brat, but... she was really good. She's probably only gotten better since Mia went up against her. I'm totally doomed, aren't I?"
Miles hesitated. His hand went to his badge, pinned to the lapel of his father's overcoat.
"Not if I have anything to say about it, Miss Fey."
Maya looked at his badge, gleaming in the evening sunlight filtering in from the barred windows, then into his eyes.
"Mia talked about you sometimes, too, Mr. Edgeworth. She said you were really smart... and Mia was really smart, so that means a lot coming from her."
Miles felt his cheeks color a little. "I... she... erm."
"I think... if anyone's gonna stand a chance against Miss von Karma, it's gonna be you, Mr. Edgeworth, even if you're still new." She leaned forward in her chair. "Will... will you defend me?"
Miles was surprised to find himself breaking into a relieved smile. "I'd be honored."
"Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Is the prosecution ready?"
"The prosecution is ready, your honor," von Karma said coldly. Despite the bags under her eyes, and her thin frame only partially disguised by her skirt and ruffly sleeves, she stood tall and imposing, glaring at Miles from across the courtroom with an intensity that threatened to make him tremble.
"And the defense?"
Miles swallowed thickly. He had the oddest sense of deja vu. Perhaps it was the paper he'd first caught sight of her in, four years ago, giving her the title of Demon Prosecutor that she had so far lived up to - Sascha von Karma, like her father before her, had never lost a case.
A vague thought flitted across his mind that she didn't bear much of a resemblance to von Karma himself.
"Mr. Edgeworth?" the judge called, snapping him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat and leaned forward on one hand.
"The defense is ready, your honor."
As the trial dragged on, von Karma's cold and professional exterior began to crack. Miles watched in utter bewilderment as she began to argue with her own witness about acting appropriately in the courtroom. He personally hadn't noticed anything off; was she just that picky?
She didn't hide the way she seethed with fury whenever Miles managed to blow a hole through a testimony or one of her arguments, digging gloved fingers into her side and looking like she wanted to tear her hair out. The dark circles under her eyes and her patchy brows only served to accentuate her paralyzing glare.
When the judge declared the need for a second trial day, Miles was startled to find von Karma's eyes brimming with frustrated tears. She sucked down breaths through clenched teeth, hunching her shoulders, and when she looked up and made eye contact with Miles, her entire face flushed in mortification. She sharply turned away, and rushed out of the courtroom as soon as they were all permitted to leave, her wiry ponytail and long skirt flying along behind her.
Some demon prosecutor this woman was if she couldn't even keep a lid on her own emotions.
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To reply to the anon saying Louis need to be more "careful" and stop acting on a "whim" or he'll lose fan, if you think Louis defending himself and standing up for himself is wrong/clash with the image/expectations you have of him then you're not a fan for the good reasons. They also mentionned the HLD block as one of those example of him playing a dangerous game but he reached his number 1 album after that event. So are larries really that important or just giving themself too much credit ?
I think they were merely saying that HLD gets Louis’ name out there because it’s the biggest active UA.
This is really a sober reflection of the incompetence of Louis’ marketing and PR team. Because of the dominance of HLD and the incompetence of Louis’ team to break him out to the GP, regular industry people — photographers, venues, magazines— continue to tag HLD for Louis, even though it’s the only UA louis has ever blocked.
The anon mentioned Harry still following HLD, but it’s rare to see any real media outlet tagging HLD for Harry Styles: not Vogue, not Gucci, not Rolling Stone or Billboard or Variety etc. Harry and his team will post bluegreen bait all day long, but they know industry takes him seriously and HLD is only one of their many promo tools (besides, HLD treats Harry with reverence). Industry sees “Larries” as batshit insane and really an embarrassment, but hey, money is money no matter where it comes from.
The European tour leg of FITFWT was insanely successful despite everything that happened. My guess is that 1D nostalgia (and Larry nostalgia) is very strong. It’s still hard to search for Louis’ name on any social media platform and not have 1/3 of the results come up Harry Styles, no matter how much you block his name. Most articles about Harry will refer to his One Direction past, and he’s three solo albums in. I don’t think it’s possible to leave 1D behind. However, LTHQ could be less incompetent and the day Simon Jones is gone, I’ll pop a bottle of champagne.
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infinitefinalsweek · 2 years
Okay!!! So. I rigged the narumitsu quiz so that most people get miles. But not on purpose!! The general populace just likes some characters better than others.. Here are some fun facts.
When asked to choose between Sebastian and Kay, most people choose Kay. Which is not surprising but also.... how could you do this to my poor little meow meow
People choose Apollo and trucy over Athena. This also makes sense, because athena I love you but your games were not very good. Also fewer people have played aa5-6
Trucy Maya and Phoenix are all winners for best co-council. Again. Not surprising
It's miles for best prosecutor all the way. Runners-up are Franziska and Klavier
Mia and Phoenix win best defense attorney by a mile, with mia a little bit behind and Apollo a little further behind that.
Best villain is pretty split across the board, unless you're the phantom, then you're losing. An almost suprising number of gants. But Dahlia comes out on top, just slightly above kristoph
Maya wins best fey, no contest, and gunshoe wins best detective by about the same amount
Miles is again best main prosecutor from the trilogy, with franziska in second again and godot in third.
Maya Phoenix and Miles all take best defendant from the trilogy, to what im sure is everyone's surprise. Then are Larry, Iris, and Ron delite for some reason? The statements in his favor most frequently include phrases such as "malewife" "little guy" and "poor little meow meow"
Of the best trilogy cases, 1-4 won, with 3-5 and then 2-4 behind it. No surprise. There was also a weird correlation between people who had not played post-trillogy games and 2-4 likers?? I don't know what that's about
Post-trillogy best case is actually a tie between 1-4 and 4-4. 4-3 got a lot of votes??? 5-5 also was high up there
Phoenix got chosen most often out of main lawyers. I don't know why I didn't anticipate this
Between Wendy and Lotta WENDY wins most annoying and I've gotta say. You're all wrong. About this and not thinking Redd white was scary
Miles got chosen over Phoenix when you put the two of them up against each other. The prosecution wins this case ig
Overall favorite characters were Miles, Maya, Phoenix, Franziska, and Apollo, in that order. I can only assume Apollo's transmasc swag is what got him up there.
Thats all I have for today!! Come back soon for more nonsense :)
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matty9370 · 4 years
Misogyny & 1D Shipping
Misogyny and ziam / larry shipping go hand in hand.
 Misogyny's an 'entrenched prejudice against women' it’s more subtle than systematic sexism. It’s finding fault in what women do all the while excusing men. "Misogyny" is personalised, intrusive and often sexualised. And what makes the misogyny I’m about to talk about more repulsive & potent is that “hatred” and “prejudice” is coming from a group of young women aka“The Shippers”.
One Tumblr/Twitter/YouTube/Instagram post after another the names and places, dates and scenario’s might change but the narrative is identical:
The woman is the attention and/or money whore revelling in playing the beard while the closet man is the vulnerable victim being “forced” into a web of lies by the invisible men in suits!
Even when the "beards” in question have their own fortune and fame they’re STILL relegated to ruthless predatory media whores. Taylor Swift and Gigi, for example, are at the top of their game, yet they were/are using Harry & Zayn.
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Gigi ...
who grew up in an $85 million custom built mansion in the hills of Bel Air to a  billionaire developer father and a supermodel/reality TV star mom
whose personal net worth exceeds $45 million,
who's been modelling designer labels since the age of 2
who's raised with the who's who children of Hollywood A listers
whose stepdad was an Oscar & grammy winning producer
who year in, year out makes Forbes most lucrative models list
is with Zayn for his fame and money? 
Of all the men in Hollywood Gigi would pursue and continue a relationship with for PR she’d select one of the most reclusive, introverted and private men in the music industry for that charade? Really?
And when her dad Mohammed reminded people that his daughter is with Zayn 'cause she loves him and is successful with or without him, Ziams ridiculously twisted his defence of his daughter as an attack on Zayn. How dare a father say his already millionaire daughter isn’t a gold-digger!
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Now let’s go to Taylor Swift, a woman:
With a net worth close to half a BILLION dollars (quadruple that of Harry)
Who had already won multiple grammy’s and every music award there is to win,
Topped almost every chart in the world and whose songs and music video’s crash the internet
Who rose to fame without the aid of global TV show or the backing of a huge producer
Yet not only are Larries arguing she’d resort to being a beard, but ...wait for it... she had more to gain from faking a relationship with Harry Styles than he did from her!!
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Take the Liam and Cheryle scenario, I can count in one hand the number of interviews where Cheryl even talks about her son or Liam. Yet during their relationship and even immediately after it Liam (positively) did countless interviews where he mentions her and their son. 
But if Ziams are right and she pursued the relationship for PR wouldn’t she be the one doing the talking? 
I also lost count of the number times I’ve read a post by a Ziam that “she’s after his money”, again if she’s contractually a beard and the baby is fake who’s she gonna pull that? 
“East, she’ll pimp the baby all over social media and get magazine deals", hands up if you’ve seen Bear’s face, no, anyone?
What’s weird is that Ziams are quick to dismiss Cheryl’s net worth of $40 million when they tell everyone she’s after Liam’s $50 million!!
Their next move is the ageism, “oh her biological clock was ticking so she used Liam to have a baby!” so now we’ve established she didn’t use her relationship for PR and she’s rich on her own right, so we’re gonna switch to her wanting a baby. There’s a thing called surrogacy, IVF and adoption.
If all Cheryl was after was a baby she could have gone for insemination as other celebs do!!
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Spare a thought for poor Briana Jungworth! An ordinary girl who’s been inundated with hate throughout her pregnancy and long after it. And unlike Taylor, Gigi or Cheryl she doesn’t have fame and money to defend her herself or even her child’s paternity!!
Larries dumbfoundedly kept switching the narrative from her being a beard to her being a gold-digging groupie who purposefully got knocked up to milk Louis for everything he’s got. But which is it? If she’s a beard whose pregnancy is fake or whose son isn’t Louis’s how could she possibly milk him? If Freddie isn’t Louis son why would Louis have been splitting his time between LA and the UK as his mother was dying, to do what spend time with his beard and fake baby??
I said it before and I’ll say it again..
If Freddie and Bear aren’t Louis and Liam’s sons then both these grown-ass men in their late 20s are consciously and publicly playing with minors paternity! And come September the same standard will apply to Zayn! PERIOD! As a Larry, Ziam or a Zerrie a simple question why are you stanning men doing a despicable thing like lying about a childs paternity, and you'll get drivel about A. them being forced to do so (misogyny type 1) and/or B. shift the blame on the "beards" (misogyny type 2). I repeat again, if you're a shipper who believes in the fucked up theory that those babies aren't Louis's, Liam's or Zayn's than immediately unstan those men!!! You can't have it both ways, you can't say the babies aren't theirs than in the same breath try to argue that's not immoral and they're not culpable.
And what’s more tragic about this level of misogyny is that the majority of the shippers are women. Women who pounce on everything other women do or say to debunk and ridicule it, just to keep a fictional ship alive!
However subtle or harshly executed, publicly relegating other women as mere beards, diminishing their accomplishments, faking their reliance on the men, attempting to debunk and twist everything they do and say, doesn’t make you an ally to supposedly closet gay men, it makes you a the worst kind of misogynist, a female one!
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4-27-21 The end of a 12 day shift
4:22 a.m. I woke up at 4 a.m. but I stayed laid down thinking about all the things I needed to do. Pack a bag (I’m going to spend the night with Dani...well nights) cut my hair, and, manicure myself. I also have to prepare myself for work. “Shit, what am I packing” I exclaimed to the still air. Sometimes it’s weird when nobody is there ie; my children my mother. Dani sent a text “Good Morning my Love”...Ditto.
5:21 a.m. I leave the house...too late to go to McDonald’s to get 2 round egg and cheese biscuits and a large sweet tea with a little bit of ice. But my addiction to cigarettes does lead me to 7-11 to get a pack, even though I’m running late for work.
Frustration #1 So the cashier that’s normally there, ain’t there, thank goodness, however it’s a new guy...not new but not the normal early shift guy. He’s slow, I’m late, and there are many amigos in line. “Newport 100 box brother”....quick exchange and we are done. So in this instance it’s truly not an outside frustration...it’s me that’s frustrated that I am compelled to go to this job, just to make money, so I can maintain food, shelter and clothing for my loved ones. I’m a slave, all of these things should be free. I’m getting under compensated and overpaying for living....yes...just for living.
5:50 a.m. Work. It’s Tuesday...my Friday. I’m exhausted already, pained to be at this workhouse/plantation, anticipating the days end (I’m going to meet Dani). As I walk up and get settled in my work station, the jones (talking shit) begins..”You on the phone?” says my short bus patron co-worker...I head nod to confirm his thought. He still finds a way to come over to me to draw my energy which sooo many people seem to do as of late. “You be proper as shit when you’re on the phone...then gangsta as shit when you get off”...says the man that just two weeks ago hurled words that would provoke me to smack him with the bricks I call my hands on the street...but we was at work, so it’s a bunch of bullshit he’s spewing. I laughed, “It’s true brother, I am proper on the phone with my lady!” What he doesn’t know is that when I’m relaxed, I’m proper, shit I’ve studied this language so much, I’ve mastered it...so I use it. You can only go as far as your thoughts take you...so if you have a limited vocabulary that’s how far you’re going. I know I know, it’s the white mans language, but I’m from here, and it’s the only language I’m well versed in. Espanol...un pocito!!
7:00 a.m. The arrival of Omar. My friend. We are almost 30 years in as friends. “What’s up big guy” he says...”What’s up O” says me. We are both strong headed men, and about the only two people at this job that are not afraid to lose it. That characteristic trait sets us apart from the sheep at this place that are scared to speak up for themselves, instead for some of them, we will speak up. Do me and O bump heads...hell yeah. But we’ve come to a point where we can gauge each other...and we now know when and how to stay away from each other, with no hard feelings. One time we were arguing at work, a dude came to try to calm us down, we simultaneously shut that nigga down...and retired outside to squash it. Work ensues...
12:00 p.m. After Lunch. I was called in the office. Ok I fudged some numbers on the diesel gas pump for the buses I service...a couple of buses mileage was off. Who cares right? The supervisor does...Dave. He’s an older white guy that is accustomed to talking to black men any way he wants. Not me though...our first run in was our last. “LARRY to the office” on the loud speaker he says. I go... and he starts to raise his voice as if I were a child.
Frustration #2 Although this instance didn’t happen on this day, I’m getting frustrated by merely thinking about it. When Dave gets to yelling (mind you this is the 2nd of two caucasian supervisors I’ve ever had, I’m 45) all I hear is the “Blah Blah Blah...aggression aggression aggression”...I meet aggression with aggression...I don’t fight fire fire with fire...I fight fire with water. “Dave, when you raise your voice at me, I can’t hear you, AND all I get is angry.” He quickly stopped, apologized and let me calmly know what the ailment was. Nonetheless on this day, I got called in the office, informed about the challenge and I said I would fix it. He went on this soliloquy as to how and why it needs to fixed. I’m smarter than him, but I get paid less...I already knew how to solve the problem. It gives me hives, listening to idiots...
2:30 p.m. The Anticipation of Dani. I’m off work...my anxiety is on 100...I’m not having a good day, but I’m going straight to Dani...I miss her, but I’m anxious about sex...we haven’t done that yet. I rush to her, she gets off at 2:45, but she’s 45 mins away in Baltimore, and I don’t want her to be waiting too long. “What’s up babe...how was your day” says she, whilst on the speakerphone in my car. I’m completely honest with her “I’m not having a good day.” Now I don’t want to not have a good day, shit I’m about to see her, my love, my buxom enchantress, but I must be real and honest...it’s the basis of our relationship. I get there.
3:30 p.m. Dani and the food reviewer “Big Schlim.” I arrive, a hug and kiss ensued, we are both exhausted but glad to be in each other’s presence. “How was your day Dani?” “It was ok” she said and then goes in on the length of her time at work and how she was amped to get out of there (anytime you feels this way about employment, it’s definitely slave work). Normally I already have a spot that I want to go review, today I didn’t. Soooo off to MyMammasVegan to get them delicious ass honey ol bay fried cauliflower bites. In the intern I’ll figure out what we will be eating. As we rode, my guard was let down, I don’t have to defend myself with her, she is a part of my solace. We got the bites, we went to the spot, we people watched and joned on folks...laughter and her...got me through. Let’s go home...
I forgot to mention Friends...how many of us have them. Malika...well..here’s the text I sent... Good Day Malika. I truly hope that you are in a harmonious space to receive and wholeheartedly digest this message. I’ll start by saying that I love you, and I am honored to truly call you and think of you as a real friend.
I’m sending this message to set up some boundaries for me, with you. I will no longer accept you yelling at me out of frustration. I will no longer accept you hanging up the phone abruptly out of frustration. As a long time friend I expect support for my endeavors. A like, a share, a comment on the new ventures I have, are simple but effective gestures to show support and cost nothing. I noticed, a while back, that the things I was posting on my IG pages were getting no support from you. That was truly disappointing. Even the IKEA post that you called me about wasn’t liked by you, and if you truly read it, you would’ve known what that “Pink Shit” was. That call you made to me also showed a complete disregard for my schedule. I’ve relayed to you several times that I work the early morning hours...and you seem to “forget” or you just simply don’t care. Also...for the last 4 years I’ve noticed a pattern amongst my “friends”....none of you know my children. Initially I was riddled with guilt behind this, thinking that was on ME to bring them around more often. But wait a minute...you know where I live, I’ve had the same number for years, at ANY time you could’ve called and came by to chill with them...do ANYTHING with them (pre Covid). They’ve received nothing from you...nothing....your occasional presence is free. They are almost 15 and if they see you on the street...they won’t know you...and that’s not on me. I sat back and waited to see what was going to happen...nothing. So Malika, I must set up some healthy boundaries with you, these behaviors for you hurt me, and I will no longer allow that to happen, especially to my children who don’t know you for real. Ian remaining your lifelong friend...period....I ask you to respect me in the aforementioned manner going forward, and this text is not meant for you to rebuttal, it’s for you to know, and for me to release. Thank you for being around for 30.
6:30’ish Home. Dani’s House. We finally arrived. This is where I end. Me and her at home are private...I just know that I’m meant to be with her...my wife.
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fandom · 4 years
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2019's Top 100 Ships
Shipping is Tumblr's favorite sport, and this is the Big Game.
Ineffable Husbands Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Klance −1 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Juliantina Juliana Valdés & Valentina Carvajal, Amar a muerte
Reddie +25 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Jikook −1 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Phan −3 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Reylo −5 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Malec +1 Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunters
Bellarke −2 Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, The 100
Tyrus +34 TJ & Cyrus, Andi Mack
Gendrya Gendry & Arya Stark, Game of Thrones
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Supercorp −1 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Kiribaku −8 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
Bumbleby +52 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Stucky −6 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Jonsa +44 Jon Snow & Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones
Bakudeku −2 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Stony +5 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Destiel −9 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Tododeku −13 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Drarry −1 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Jonerys +43 Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones
Jaime x Brienne Jaime Lannister & Brienne of Tarth, Game of Thrones
IronStrange −7 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Elu Eliott Demaury & Lucas Lallemant, SKAM France
Preath Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Sasusaku +2 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Sheith −24 Keith & Shiro, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Sprousehart −10 Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart, Actors
Harringrove +38 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Symbrock −18 Venom (symbiote) & Eddie Brock, the Marvel universe
Adrienette +14 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Choni −21 Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz, Riverdale
Taekook −16 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Marichat +5 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Robron Robert Sugden & Aaron Dingle, Emmerdale
Kaylor +11 Karlie Kloss & Taylor Swift, celebrities
Erasermic +16 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Ladynoir +10 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Bughead −18 Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Riverdale
Spideypool −14 Spider-Man & Deadpool, the Marvel universe
Spideychelle Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, the Marvel universe
Malex Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Wolfstar +8 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Sterek −10 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
ZaDr Zim & Dib, Invader Zim
Davenzi Matteo Florenzi & David, Druck
Camren −22 Camila Cabello & Lauren Jauregui, Fifth Harmony
Soriku  Sora & Riku, Kingdom Hearts
Wayhaught −36 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Pepperony Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Nalu +19 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Yoonmin −29 Min Yoongi & Park Jimin, BTS
Lukanette Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lapidot −23 Lapis Lazuli & Peridot, Steven Universe
Mileven Mike Wheeler & Eleven, Stranger Things
Thorki −36 Thor & Loki, the Marvel universe
Merthur +28 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Korrasami −22 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Starco +3 Star Butterfly & Marco Diaz, Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Beliza Eliza Taylor & Bob Morley, Actors
McHanzo −46 Jesse McCree & Hanzo Shimada, Overwatch
Schmico Nico Kim & Levi Schmitt, Grey's Anatomy
Vmin −19 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Crisana Cris Soto and Joana Bianchi, SKAM España 
Johnlock −25 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Hannigram −8 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Kacchako −32 Uraraka Ochako & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Snowbaz +29 Simon Snow & Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, Carry On
Kaisoo +8 Kim Jongin & Do Kyungsoo, EXO
Deanoru −4 Karolina Dean & Nico Minoru, Runaways
Larry Stylinson −15 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, One Direction
Wangxian Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Incantava Edoardo Incanti & Eleonora Sava, SKAM Italia
Clexa −28 Clarke Griffin & Commander Lexa, The 100
Nygmobblepot −15 Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham
Snufmin Snufkin & Moomin, Moominvalley
Posie Penelope Park & Josie Saltzman, Legacies
Bubbline −54 Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Ballum Ben Mitchell & Callum Highway, EastEnders
Branjie Brooklyn Lynn Hytes & Vanessa Vanjie Matteo, RuPaul's Drag Race
Hiccstrid Hiccup Haddock & Astrid Hofferson, How to Train Your Dragon
Prinxiety +4 Princey & Anxiety, Thomas Sanders
Peraltiago Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Rayllum Callum & Rayla, The Dragon Prince
Victuuri −56 Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Katsuki, Yuri!!! on Ice
Entrapdak Entrapta & Hordak, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Clintasha Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff, the Marvel universe
Tomdaya −6 Tom Holland & Zendaya, Actors
Spirk +6 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Serirei Serizawa Katsuya & Reigen Arataka, Mob Psycho 100
Todomomo −23 Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo, Boku no Hero Academia
Voxman Lord Boxman & Professor Venomous, OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes
Romanogers Steven Rogers & Natasha Romanoff, the Marvel universe
Bechloe −62 Beca Mitchell & Chloe Beale, Pitch Perfect
Zelink Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Davekat Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Terumob Hanazawa Teruki & Kageyama Shigeo, Mob Psycho 100
Dimileth Dimitri & Byleth, Fire Emblem
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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