#nyactis ffxiv
noct-ffxiv · 1 year
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mathclasswarfare · 2 years
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I don’t think I ever posted this here. (From my Prompto cosplay.) Thanks to @ammyc-art for the screenshot I used to make this stencil.
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lazy-omnom · 4 years
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mabwee · 4 years
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Nyactis meets Noctis
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warpstasis · 6 years
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Nya Nya Nyactis
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kocoscollection · 5 years
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It's done!! I hope you enjoy this little piece of fluff an fun ♡
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soraquaa · 6 years
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Y’jhimei & Nyactis!🐱🐾 I really enjoyed the FFXIV x FFXV collab :3
Happy New Year, hope that 2019 will be a good year ;D
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nyxiiis · 3 years
Finally starting ffxiv
Made a catboy and named him Nyactis Catlum
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bloomandcoffee · 5 years
Me: Oh there's a FFXIV quest! But it seems too cringe gimmicky. Maybe I'll pass until--
Prompto's absolute cleavage uniform: Good evening.
Gladio's corset armor: Would you have a moment,
Nyactis: to listen to the Holy Gospel,
Ignis flamboyant armor with bare forearms: of fanservice?
Me: You're preaching to the choir gentlemen. I'm gonna find the premium chocobo greens.
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noct-ffxiv · 4 years
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No holds barred.
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painedprince · 4 years
((Hypothetically if i made a FFXIV alt as Nyactis what data center should i put him on...))
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dizzymoogle · 6 years
So I'm testing older Iggy and older bearded Noctis in chapters 10-13 and everyone is wearing their FFXIV stuff and I can't take the arguing seriously lol...especially with Nyactis
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mabwee · 5 years
Nyactis is happy to show you around his nautical themed apartment room, if a bit sleepy and distracted in the process. 
Galdin Quay inspired suite The Mist, Ward 17 The Topmast Apt 18 Jenova
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eirenare · 6 years
Afterthoughts of FFXV’s 2nd anniversary stream
Okay, so... it’s taken me a while due to a mix of having blurted out my thoughts of how I lived it all on Twitter not much time after the stream (you can read it here, if you’re interested: https://twitter.com/Eirenare/status/1060552739044950022 ) and how much it stings to still think about it, but...
Welp, it was about time I said something about it here.
I’m going to go first with the cons and then the pros...
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I still can’t believe Square-Enix higher-ups took away from us 3 of the 4 promised DLCs (among who knows what amount of stuff beside FFXV that we’ll probably never know about). I just still can’t believe it. With that, they:
— robbed us of and Lunafreya of the spotlight she finally was going to get (because, as much as I love Kingsglaive and she’s a badass there, Lunafreya certainly needed more fleshing out)
— robbed us of the opportunity of kicking asses with Aranea, a freaking badass dragoon knight
— robbed us of seeing more Niflheim, and maybe of seeing Tenebrae
— maybe even robbed us of having Loqi as partner of Aranea if my theory would have been right, or seeing more Ravus, and overall probably seeing more of the other characters of Niflheim
— robbed us of the opportunity of seeing Noctis challenge a freaking fucking cruel fate he didn’t deserve and the cruel fates of the others, to get them all a deserved happy ending
— robbed us and all the characters of said happy fate they deserved after all the amount of shit they had to put up with... which means we may have also seen Nyx and the others alive and happy too
It just STINGS. SO. MUCH. It makes me feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated.
And it strikes me as just SO dumb to cancell these DLCs. They were in production, there was already money invested in them, AND they were going to sell for sure, given their content (more Ardyn backstory? THAT LITERALLY WON THE SURVEY. Playing as Aranea? HIGHLY requested it. Lunafreya getting more fleshed out? HIGHLY requested and was 2nd on the survey, and it was HIGHLY needed. Noctis fighting to give a happy ending to his people? Don’t know how much it was requested, but it was very interesting AND the characters deserved it)... I mean: of all the things they’ve cancelled, couldn’t Square-Enix’s higher-ups AT LEAST leave FFXV in peace and let it end as intended??
They’ve pissed off SO many people with these cancellations... A TON of us. And with reason. It was just disgusting.
I  H O P E  that, as Tabata’s team mentioned, they can at least tell us the stories of the cancelled DLCs in any other ways (anime, manga, online written chapters, whatever it is), but I still don’t want to get my hopes too high because, you know... Because, well, if the CEO and the rest of the higher-ups decided to cancell DLCs that had been advertised for MORE THAN 1 YEAR, and say it in a 2nd Anniversary stream, anything can happen.
And this may feel like it stings a fuckton for us, but the worse part it was Tabata and his team who took it: imagine working with such excitement to make these DLCs come true, to then, after some time in production, being told “nope”. It must have stung SO MUCH to them. They’ve been working to give all of us fans a ton of content after release, specially content that’s been asked for, and what they get is a kick in the groin.
I really hope Tabata has all the luck in this world with his next projects, free from the shackles of a company that’s beeing doing lame for a long time and it just won’t stop doing lame...
And here I hope the actual CEO is replaced, and that the structure of Square-Enix changes. Because if they don’t, I think they’ll be fucked up sooner than later. Also, the dream: all of the amazing people that’s left Square-Enix, making a good company together.
I’d also would like to say that I’m VERY thankful towards Tabata. He’s done an amazing job, and it stings to think that he’s seeing FFXV ending like this, without him being allowed to finish it as he would have liked it. I mean, you saw his last interview, not much time before the 2nd Anniversary stream (I think it was 1-2 months ago)? He was SO delighted talking about his intentions with the DLCs... Not to mention that, if I remember well, he specially wanted to see Lunafreya’s DLC happen, not just because of giving it to the fans, but because he really wanted that a ton.
If Tabata’s resignment really wasn’t him being pressed to go out, I have to say I’d totally understand that he’d go away from the company on his own, given what I’ve said before...
So, thank you for everything Tabata, and the same goes for your team. I wish you all the best of lucks. FFXV has been absolutely crucial to me these last 2 years and it’s given me SO MUCH and helped me so much... This journey’s forever going to be etched in my heart and soul.
And, well... with this, I’d like to move to the good things of the stream.
Episode Ardyn has me so, SO hyped. Like... Damn, it looks amazing. That trailer alone gave us scenes, gave us a bit of gameplay, and if I was trembling while watching the stream (although I was watching it live in JP so I had to rely on Twitter to know what was going on)? That became SHAKING. I even took my hand to my mouth in a fist and bite a bit on my knuckles.
Just... Poor Ardyn. It was my headcanon that he’d been imprisoned for such an ungodly amount of time at Angelgard, but I couldn’t foresee that they’d show him HANGING FROM CHAINS PIERCING HIS BODY (that was hard, and unexpected in the sense of that scene may be enough to raise the rating even without blood). As in, 2.000 years alone is horrible, 2.000 years alone in a cell is worse, 2.000 years alone in a cell after such traumatic events is even worse, but 2.000 years alone HANGING LIKE THAT?
Oh boy. My poor Ardyn. I wanna hug him even more now...
However, on another tone: now we know how his body really looks like underneath so many layers of clothing, and that HE HAD A PONYTAIL. That ponytail BLESSED ME. I love characters with ponytails SO much.
Also: YOUNG REGIS AND YOUNG VERSTAEL AND OMG  S O M N U S . AND more explorable Insomnia AND during daytime? Sign me up. And the implications of the foreshadowing with Prompto, among other good amount of foreshadowing... A LOT of things make sense now, and I’m sure a lot more about Ardyn’s behavior and words will make sense when the DLC launches. And THE POSSIBILITIES. Imagine if we get to know or, best, see something about Noctis’ mother, Aulea? Or Noctis as a baby? Or, depending on if the DLC features different years, maybe even the Kingsglaive or others? I’m just SO excited.
Maybe they’ll do like they did with Episode Ignis and somehow put multiple endings on Episode Ardyn, too...? Hummm... *thoughtful*
ALSO: anime short movie of Ardyn. ANIME SHORT MOVIE OF ARDYN. I used to say wishfully that what if they were doing an anime of him, AND THEY ARE. Holly. And it’s about the PAST, the way they worded it. Can’t wait for the teasers in December 15th and January!
Imagine just how much hyped I was watching the trailer that it easily overcame my sadness, anger and annoyance of the cancellations for like 2 hours.
Other good things, little but nice, are the FFXIV collab and the clothings for the chocobros (specially Noctis with the cat ears and tail omg, hi at long last Nyactis), and the fact that they haven’t said they’ve cancelled the level editor, which means we could maybe still be getting it... Here’s to hoping.
So, in the end: I’m both in sorrow and excited about FFXV. Sorrow because it’ll end way sooner than expected and not in the expected way, and sorrow because of the cancellations, but excited about Episode Ardyn and its anime prologue.
To finish, I’d like to thank anyone that might have read this post, and wish you a good day (or night)!
*crossing fingers and doing every possible luck ritual in existance so that we may get the cancelled DLCs’ stories at least told in any other media*
Also: I have the feeling I’ve forgotten to say something, but I don’t know abskdng Dx
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shslivalice · 6 years
would u define Nyactis as a Keeper of the Sun or a Seeker of the Moon? idk too much about ffxiv, and while he looks like a Keeper to me, it feels thematically off for a boy named "night" to be one.
First, they're Seekers of the Sun/Keepers of the Moon! And if you've been following me, I call him N'octis - because before this, I saw his Eorzean self as a Seeker of the Sun!
But why, Kururu, when he's a moon boy? Because of the family lines. Nunh, you see, are basically the leaders and breeding stock of Seeker tribes. My backstory for adapting him to Eorzea? He was being raised as a Nunh but really didn't want to be one. So he fucked off.
Also, even if he's a Seeker of the Sun, he spends most of the sun sleeping away - so he's awake at night.
Though, if I'm gonna guess why SQUARE made him a Seeker, and fandom has latched onto it? The more cat-like eyes PLUS they're the default Miqo'te in character creation. Just... make him more cat like.
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starspaceace · 6 years
i played the ffxv x ffxiv thing and just like..... nyactis
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