#nyo ancient rome
pinkflipphonez · 4 months
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roma, roma de mi vida, roma, roma de mi amoooor
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serica-e · 2 years
Cornelia Porsenna, the Roman empire
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(please rb this if you can I really put a lot of effort into it)
(image id: A picture of a female version Rome from Hetalia, she is wearing an ancient Roman dress, with a red tunic draped over the dress, her dress covers up her legs, she is wearing a laurel In her hair, and she is wearing her hair short, her skin is a medium reddish brown and she has quite a dorky smile
She also has a little earring on her right ear. End id)
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hwsevents · 3 months
Mythtalia March
Decided to make another list for inspiration!
Mythological Ships:
-Odysseus & Penelope
-Apollo & Hyacinthus
-Apollo & Daphne
-Pygmalion & Galatea
-Helen & Paris
-Hades & Persephone 
-Achilles & Patroclus
-Aphrodite & Ares
-Aphrodite & Hephaestus
-Dionysus & Ariadne 
-Heracles & Megara
-Odin & Frigg
-Loki & Angrboda
-Frey & Gerd
-Thor & Sif
-Svarog & Lada
Again, none of these are obligations, this is just for the sake of possibly giving people ideas!
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@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia @hetaliacalendar
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rosesandalfazemas · 23 days
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Day 4 (May 11th) ~ Greek mythology / Goddesses (nyo!engport)
Among Creation, there were us
A little explanation about this one! because it took me a lot of research XD.
They are Britannia and Lusitania, goddesses of the land.
I looked for a greek femenine pose which simbolized union above all. For England, I took the real avatar of the country, Britannia, which has a resemblance to Athena. I changed some things and colors, and added celtic simbols and Pict tattoos, to relate her with her ancestors.
For Portugal, I mixed more things: the Seas relationship she has since forever and because her mother, that's why the aquamarine colors. Her crown is made of fish tails and metal anchor; color are silverish related to the moon element. Then, I included my HC that one of her shapes is a marine dragon; that's why she is a mermaid (and we're en May so I've got that prompt too )?. Lavender dress for the national flower, and finally she has grapes as jewelry for her relationship with Dionisus, taken from the myth idea that Lusus, the ancient god - and founder of Portugal's land before Rome, was a son/lover of his (and the sexier part too).
That's all! hope you like it! 8D @engportevents
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michichi69 · 4 months
Gonna be working full-time in Feb so I gotta pick my struggles. I wanna do both of these eventually but i'll only be able to do one fully rendered art thing this coming month if i'm being realistic-- It's probably not that noticeable but my output nowadays is pretty much already once or twice a month anyways lol
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The Pure RNG Hetalia Showdown (FAQ)
Over the next couple weeks, I will run a series of polls where you have to vote for canon Hetalia characters.
Poll Results Summary has now been posted, to summarize the results of the round robin and report on the Congeniality qualifiers.
Also, a new Tumblr sideblog @hetalia-rng-showdown has been created to host future RNG tournaments!
Master List of All Poll Links
Round Robin #1 - Winner: Finland
Round Robin #2 - Winner: England
Round Robin #3 - Winner: Seychelles
Round Robin #4 - Winner: Poland
Round Robin #5 - Winner: Prussia
Round Robin #6 - Winner: Canada
Round Robin #7 - Winner: Germany
Round Robin #8 - Winner: France
Round Robin #9 - Winner: South Italy
Round Robin #10 - Winner: Scotland
Congeniality Showdown Poll - Lithuania has been crowned Mr. Congeniality!
Final Showdown Poll - Tie vote between Canada & England
Final Showdown Tiebreaker - England has been crowned Pure RNG Champion!
Congeniality Contestants
Austria, Lithuania, China, America, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hong Kong, Ancient Rome
What are we voting on?
You can pick your favourite, a contender, a dark horse, an underdog, or go pure chaos and see what happens. This will ultimately end up becoming a popularity contest, since all the Hetalia polls so far have been swamped with people just picking their favourites, but why don't you all try something different for once and see what happens?
How will this work?
The round robin will have 10 different polls, each with 7-8 different characters, lasting a week. After the week, the 10 winners will come together into a final showdown poll.
If there is a tie in any of the round robin polls, there will be a 24-hour tiebreaking poll. See the full description in the section below.
Runners-up in the round robin poll might be selected for the Congeniality Showdown poll. See the full description in the section below.
Who is all in the poll?
If your character has a page on this Hetalia Wiki character article look-up page, they're in one of the polls.
Note that I am not including nyos, 2ps, animals, humans or other entities, just the nations themselves.
How will they be grouped?
I plugged the 78 names into this random number generator website, which split them up into 10 groups of 7-8 characters.
For extra randomness, I clicked the "Rerun" button twenty times. That's why this is the "RNG" poll, it's pure luck who your fave is up against!
Why is my favourite minor character up against so many mains? Can't you fix this?
Read the above again, please.
And funny you should mention skewing the group selections, because my friend was just trying to conduct her own set of polls. The axis/allies would've all knocked each other out in the first round, and some of your favourite minor characters would've actually moved on for once. But some people complained about the choices of minor characters and their groupings, even going so far as to insult her personally...
So guess what, you're getting this poll series instead out of spite! Congratulations, your favourite minor characters are all in the polls, their groupings are purely random, and every character has a 10% chance of being up against Romano in the first round!
But what if I don't want my fave to lose to Romano in the first round?
Finally, a good question. When you find that poll, vote for your favourite and not for Romano, then reblog the post and tell all your friends to vote the same as you! Make sure you're a united force though, Romano only needs the one extra vote if you're all divided.
Don't worry about spamming my notifications with reblogs, I want to see that the polls are being shared, just be respectful in your tags please.
When can I see who's all in the groups?
You'll find out when I post the polls, as this FAQ post is going up before I even run the RNG. EDIT: The RNG has now been run, the polls are all drafted and scheduled, and the first is live! Links to all 10 polls will be added at the top as their posts are posted!
As for timing, I will post the first poll at approximately 6:00pm PDT April 18 2023, with the other polls all scheduled on 12-hour increments after that.
Once the final poll is closed after its week of voting, which will be at 6:00AM PDT on April 30th, I will create the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls.
What is this newly added Congeniality Showdown?
With the variety of options in these polls, there will indeed be a few nations that lose their round robin poll by a small margin of the vote. For these oh-so-close losers, there will be a Congeniality showdown to honour them for giving the victors such a close run for their money.
As the 10 polls each close, I will track the difference in voting percentages by which the losers lost to the victors. The 10 losing nations whose losing percentages are closest to their victors will go in the Congeniality showdown.
For example, Nation A won the poll by 32%, while Nation B finished with 25%. Nation B’s percentage difference of 7% is what determines whether they will appear in the Congeniality showdown. Should the other 9 polls results in 10 other nations getting less than that 7% difference, Nation B will not make the cut.
What are the Tiebreaker Rules?
This section is being added in case one of the round robin polls miraculously ends in a tie. Obviously Tumblr will not allow more than 10 entries into a poll, so a tiebreaker poll is the chosen method of breaking any ties!
I will post a 24-hour poll with the two (or more) nations that tied in the round robin poll, where you all have ONLY the 24 hours to vote. I will announce the tiebreaker poll ahead of time, so that as many of you as possible know during what period of time to search for it and vote.
Whoever wins this vote moves on to the final showdown. For the runner(s)-up, since they managed to tie the winner on the original poll, which makes a voting difference of 0%, they automatically take one of the 10 spots in the Congeniality showdown.
Tiebreaker polls will be scheduled for the period of April 30th to May 3rd if required, so please watch carefully for the posts. I fly to Norway on May 6th, so the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls must get posted before this Canadian goes on vacation.
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faintvibes · 1 year
Historical Hetalia Day Two: 5000 BCE - 0
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Day Two: 5000 BCE - 0 // Celebrations @historical-hetalia-week
My day two piece takes place in the Roman Republic, and this time features nyotalia! This one was a bit more of an experiment than the others, and so undoubtedly features more errors and timeline inconsistencies, but I'm taking those in stride :)
More about the process under the cut!!
So this is the image that's gone through the most revisions from concept to final idea. Originally, I wanted to focus on Prussia's early life, perhaps with Templar &/or Hospitaller (though Templar and nyo!Prussia are my day 7 piece, so if that interests you stay tuned!!), or something to do with the Baltic tribes in BCE, though I could never settle on something that pleased me...
Eventually, my idea drifted from them entirely, and to the Mediterranean. I have a tendency to speedrun writing/worldbuilding concepts (😅), so in the near month I spent considering this, my focus and ideas had shifted more to playing around with the Italy family. Specifically, I was curious about the relationship dynamics between Rome and her (in this instance) granddaughters. To memory, though I'm sure I'm not the most credible source on this, Rome shows a level of favouritism to North Italy- this is particularly interesting to me when tied into South Italy's Himaruya-approved name: Lovino, which could be connected to Rovino, which is from rovinare- which means to collpase/wreck. While we can't know when this name was adopted, the thought that Rome could've chosen it (or something along those lines) sure has some interesting connotations. Of course, the canon status of these names are easy to dispute, so it may not play into their canon relations at all!
(If you can't tell, I'm not here to play things exclusively by canon's playbook- though no hate if we differ on that front.)
Regardless, the idea of showing favouritism and uneven dynamics in the Italy family interested me, and various earlier sketches made this quite explicit. However, again, none of them really satisfied me, and I knew I wouldn't have fun fully drawing them out. So, though I kept this in mind, I started moving farther away from this as the main focus of the piece. Instead, I began leaning more towards family portraits- or something of that style. This brings me to the sketch that would become this illustration.
From here, the details came into play- and thus so does the inevitable inaccuracies. Ancient Rome has never really been my playground, so I'm unfamiliar with the rules. Some of my favourite books on historic fashion pay them some heed, but it is far from the focus. (And, at least in one, pretty much all of the Roman references are Roman recreations of Greek statues, so their credibility in regards to representing Roman fashion is questionable! And that's not mentioning all the French recreations of Roman dress, far after the Roman Empire's fall...) So while these were kept in mind, they weren't my main information sources this time 'round.
From James Laver's 'World of Art: Costume and Fashion', the following were referenced:
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And from Panorama's 'A History of Fashion: Loincloths to Lycra' by Jacqueline Morley, David Salariya, etc:
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(This one is directly where I took Rome's hair, veil and circlet from- though the rest have far less distinct influences on my piece)
Instead, the source I found most useful was 'How They Did it- Growing Up Roman' by Invicta on Youtube, and I will be scattering illustrations featured in the video amidst my explanation. While I'm unable to verify the sources of all these paintings, the video does itself credit a variety of sources:
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Now, it's not specified when in Roman history these paintings are attempting to depict (or even if they are primary sources) nor the class of the people featured (though that, to a degree, can be interpreted) so, while I have used these to create my image, they may not entirely represent my desired vision. To research that to the desired degree would not be possible in such a short span of time (the extensive reworking and re-conceptualising process behind this piece left me with little time to actually complete it), so please bear with me, Roman historians.
The background is interpreted from this painting depicting the inside of a Roman estate:
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The top left of the image is directly what I referenced for the background. As for the clothes of the characters...
Rome's was more of an attempt to mess around with the layering of Roman garments than based off anything in particular. Personally, I think it could be reworked in a future exploration of this period of fashion, but I'm glad to have attempted it- without that, I wouldn't be grated by how much it could be improved, because I wouldn't know!
As for North Italy, my main inspiration was a mix of these these lovely ladies (you may need to click on the images to properly see them):
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I adored the colours on the second image, and took some inspiration from the shape of the other - though that's mainly hidden behind her grandmother! The addition of a flower crown (and the tree next to her where the flowers come from) is more drawn from lingering vestiges of the favouritism theme. Not only is Nth Italy's section in the image bigger than her older sister's, and she is behind Rome on the elder woman's right (emphasis on ROME'S right, NOT the right side of the illustration), implying a quite close connection. My idea behind the tree is that Rome went out of her way to get both girls a tree of their own in the garden. However, she got Nth Italy the tree that grows beautiful flowers in the spring, so that they can make flower crowns together. Sth Italy still got the tree as a gift, but not the extra level of thoughtfulness.
Talking about Sth Italy, let's move onto her clothes! She was mainly drawn from these women:
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Again, adored the colours of the second image and liked the structure of the first outfit.
One other change to Sth Italy I'd like to point out is in regards to complexion. I'm aware he tends to be portrayed in canon as quite light-skinned (though I believe this is less the case in the manga?), however I've always been interested in his speculated Arabic and African roots. This ties into my headcanon about the forming of the two Italian siblings, which is detailed below. If you have no interest in that, here's your conclusion! I hope you found some interest in my ramblings :)
So, we know Nth and Sth Italy came to exist during Rome's rule- why? There are plenty of potential explanations, I'm sure, but I like to imagine it is because they originally represented the Roman territories of North Italy, and the Roman territories of South Italy respectively. Therefore, South Italy came to be either when the Italian peninsula was fully conquered by Rome in 264 BCE, or after they conquered Sicily in the First Punic War (in 212 BCE- though it was considered a province by 241 BCE). I choose the latter, which gives the opportunity for South Italy to be of Carthaginian (and thus Phoenician) heritage, giving a reason for their darker complexion. North Italy, I imagine, was born later on- for while Rome is said to have conquered the Italian peninsula in 264 BCE, this does not actually include the part of Italy where Venice would later be established- and so I don't count it as North Italy's birth year. Instead, I wait until the province of Cisalpine Gaul comes under Roman control by 191 BCE, which does include modern day Venice! This Gallic heritage is also where I get North Italy's fairer skin from- considering I make Rome more in between both of their grandchildren's skin tones.
And there is my explanation! If you made it this far, I greatly appreciate it!! Comment/reblog with an Italian flag if you'd like to show that ;)
Criticism/feedback is greatly welcomed, especially the aspects of Roman fashion I definitely want to learn more about! (Why did no one ever tell me the colours are so pretty?? Ough I want to wear them so bad)
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expressive-bread · 2 years
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legendary version of our dnd characters...
...or dnd-AU for hetalia, as you wish
1. Sigurd (Norway) - wizard-dragon (silver) who destroyed half of the continent; 2. Arthur (England) -  half-elf wizard with great ambitions and an even greater love for fairy tales; 3. Gunther (2p!Prussia) - ancient elven warlock with a thousand secrets; 4. Henrik (Denmark) - human barbarian of dragon totem (you know which dragon); 5. Francesca (nyo!France) -  high priestess of the god of beauty and no one knows what she really looks like under the illusions; 6. Cornelius (2p!Rome) -  high priest of the god of law without empathy and morality
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Two hearts united as one (Last part)
Fandom : Hetalia
Characters/pairings : Aurelian x fem!Probus (HWS Roman Emperors , even though in this story are just named after them). Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, North Italy , South Italy , Seborga, Genoa , nyo!Cyprus and nyo!Greece make guest appearances (Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece aren't married though nor they are related to eachother and the antagonist is actually an unnamed human OC).
Genres : Romance , Emotional, Modern AU
Rating: K+
Warnings : mentions of abuse(even though I won't make it too edgy) , nudity (nothing is explicit and nothing sexual happens between the main couple), parental loss , plus the bathing scene may make some people burst into tears so it will be better to have some tissues with you.
Word count: 6708
(Note : in case you don't like it , don't make any hateful or bashing comments or even message me, expressing hate. Instead feel free to get out).
The wealthy man was still angry with his defeat the previous day and started cursing,  something which horrified even the rest of the stuff that worked on the mansion:
"That's not fair. If that brat didn't intervene , I would have won the duel against that peasant and I would even kill him".
As he was trying to find a way to get his revenge on the couple, two guards invaded the mansion and arrested him. He was so frustrated, but later he thought that his money may helped him to be proved innocent.
The courtroom was full of people and everyone was waiting for the trial to begin. Some of them even whispered:
"What crime did the condemned person commit"?
"I heard that he abused and hurt a woman both physically and mentally".
"If it is true , then I hope that the judge won't make the grave mistake by proving him innocent".
The guards brought the man front of the judge and the trial was about to start.
During the whole process of the trial , Aurelian was holding Probus' hand and stood next to her. Both of them were worried but they tried their best to comfort eachother.
The judge looked at the accused with a strict expression on his face, something that made the rich man scared.
"You are accused for exploiting everyone who worked for you and using all of them as tools. You also abused a woman both physically and mentally. And your worst crime is that you tried to force her to marry you and become pregnant with boys, even if it would cost her health in the end.From all of your victims , this young lady had the worst treatment".
Hearing this , the evil man started yelling and acting like someone whose vocabulary lacked the words ,manners and kindness.
"These are all huge lies. I am completely innocent. That witch over there , made up all these stories about my supposed cruelty and she may have brainwashed other people in order to believe her. I don't want to be punished. Just get my money and prove my innocence, right now".
The young lady stood bravely and started speaking :
"I am not a witch nor I brainwashed other people so they would believe me. This man took me to work in his mansion three years ago , but he always treated me badly and punished me even for the smallest mistakes. I have scars on my back, because of that monster".
For a brief moment, everyone in the court room remained silent. At the same time, they all had shocked expression on their faces.
Very soon , Aurelian defended Probus , not because he wanted to make impressions. He only did it because, he knew that it was his duty instead of running away like a coward.
"Everything she tells is true. She doesn't deserve to be punished for crimes, that she never commited".
Lots of people felt sympathy for the woman and disapproved the man's actions.
"This woman is so strong. I admired the wrong person without knowing how wicked he actually was".
"I only hope that the judge won't mess up and proclaim the man innocent"
Now, the whole audience was waiting for the judge's decision. Would the accused be proclaimed guilty or innocent?
The judge listened both sides and soon proclaimed the man guilty not only for abuse and gaining money illegally , but also for false accusations against someone that was completely innocent.
The fate of the rich man was now sealed and there was nothing that could save him. Not even all of his money. His punishment was already decided. He would spent the rest of his life in a jail and guards would watch all of his moves 24/7, so he wouldn't escape.
He was forced in hard labour, while getting a taste of his own medicine by being treated by the guards the same way he treated the young woman. From now on, the world that he created for himself would only exist in his mind, knowing that he would never have it again in reality.
As for his property, it would be confiscated and they money would be given to those in need.
As soon as the loving couple left the courtroom after their triumph, a suprise would wait for them.
In the entrance of the small house, Romulus and Danae were waiting for them. In fact they weren't alone. Romulus brought his sons Lovino , Feliciano, Pancrazio and Marcello with him , and Danae brought her daughters Antigone and Nausicaä.
The older man and the older woman congratulated the couple for their triumph and were impressed on how they cared about eachother.
Now, it was Probus' turn to introduce Aurelian to her tutor.
"Mrs Danae , I would like to introduce you to Aurelian. We fell in love and he treats me very well".
These words made the older woman happy. She was so proud, that her student found love in the face of a man who was kind with her and most importantly, didn't saw her as a soulless puppet. Her two daughters found the young man very likeable as well.
It started getting dark and two families went to their homes. Although they didn't forget to wish the best for the sweet couple.
The next day , Probus went to look for a job, since she didn't want to just sit all day without doing anything. When she finally it , she went home and told Aurelian the good news. He was so proud that his beloved would now do something that she truly loved and get a good reward.
From that day and on , she worked as a book author and unlike her former boss , her new manager was impressed on her hard and honest work. She was much nicer with her and payed her very well, something that motivated her to work harder.
Her books became so successful , that more people started to read them and appreciate them better.
[One year later]
Probus walked all the way towards the botanic garden. Her boyfriend, Aurelian, told her that it was something very important, and she immediately got there as fast as she could.
She saw him blushing and knew that he had something beautiful for her.
Aurelian got on one knee and pulled out a small box with a ring inside it , while he told her this :
" Probus , my sweetheart! All my life I was looking for my other half and it was  something that almost seemed impossible. Until the day I met you. You are the first woman that cared about me instead of exploiting me. You accepted all the love , I gave you without asking something in return. So, will you marry me"?
This speech filled her eyes with tears of happiness.
" Aurelian, my delight! It is thanks to your support that I could set myself free from an abusive environment and you also encouraged me to be more open and even make more friends. You also gave me the  kindness and respect, I truly wanted and deserved. I want to stay by your side , not as a superior nor as an inferior. But as an equal. So yes , I will marry you".
By the time the lady finished speaking, Aurelian stood up and gave Probus the ring.
"I love you , Probus"
"I love you too, Aurelian"
After all this, the loving couple kissed on the lips while both of them had a feeling so beautiful and unreal that words weren't enough to describe it.
From that day and on, the two hearts were finally united as one. Their relationship was genuinely a healthy one and none of the partners cheated on eachother, not even as a joke. No matter how many struggles they faced, they fought side by side to get over them. They stayed by eachother's side forever , knowing that it wasn't money that brought people happiness. It was pure love itself.
The end.
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puchixtomatoxparade · 8 months
Hetalia RP Server looking for fun and active members!
Hello! I have a server looking for some roleplayers if anybody would be interested. We ask joining members to be at least 16+, please!
We have multiple AUs to choose to RP from, along with canon verse of course, and multiple events planned every month. We allow Canon, Ancients, Nyos, 2Ps, and OCs (As long as they are a nation or a micronation in the micronation wiki list), and a friendly community looking for new people to RP with always! If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can <3
As of time of posting this, canon characters that are open are:
Ancient Rome
Hong Kong
NikoNiko Republic
Northern Ireland
South Korea
...With many more if you're open to Nyos, 2Ps, and OCs!
Thank you for your time and we hope to see you there if you're interested!
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kacakacafall · 3 years
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I haven't drawn nyo Rome for quite a while, so I draw her this time. I don’t regret everything this time, although there are lots of details to draw. I couldn't be bothered to finish all the colouring, it is still a lot of works and skills required for me
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serica-e · 2 years
Thinking about nyos and nyo Rome would have such a way different upbringing than Rome
Thinking about how they intertwine they are both forced by their society to be something they are not and they have this thought that to really represent what they most love, their land is to conform.
But they have that complexity in a way that it's completely different.
Opposite I'd say.
Think about a nyo x heta au in which nyo Roma decided to marry the soldier that she knows will be busy and out of the house so she can stop being in her dad's care (her apa agreed to it obviously he is no one to deny his daughter wishes and fairly he won't.)
Julius says yes, idk why maybe he understands what she is going trough maybe he does not, but they respectively have their own lovers who they keep in secret from the other, when they talk its just a revelation after another on how similiar they are.
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hwsevents · 5 months
Mythtalia March Rules/Guidelines will be out later today!
What is Mythtalia March?
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indus's google searches: "good apology gifts for neighbour" "how to keep your children away from bad influences" "preventing your child from being a delinquent" "how to prevent delinquents from coming into your home"
i think it's probably an accumulation of similar incidents that finally get yao banned from the house lol the third time they end up in trouble yao is kicked out and BANNED from coming back. ever. no matter how mournful aditya looks. no. so he just has to hang out with yao at the park i guess, or at yao's own house. yao's neighbours are greatly saddened by this development but aditya's neighbours heave a sigh of relief
but also imagine indus and nyo china meeting... indus being like "you have done a TERRIBLE job of raising this child he has engaged in so much property destruction!! do you know how much time and resources i need to repair relations with my neighbours now??" and nyo china being like "nah he's a good child look at his acads also ill give you money dw"
also YES she'd bring all sort of cool stuff and stores from around the world for yao and yao probably finds that so much fun... also lmao she probably thinks 1 healthy meal a day is sufficient (no) thank goodness yao is Independent™
parent teacher meetings are going to be so terrifying omg like other parents will try and passive-aggressively talk about the stuff yao has done and she'll be like "eh whatever idc your kid is just not powerful enough" and when the teacher brings up yao's behaviour issues she's just going to be like "he's getting 100s for math even though he hates it i think he's a great child he'll be fine" lmaoooo
ASDLKFDS YEAH poor Indus though.. her searches are such a mood... I feel like she would be pretty successful at getting back in her neighbors’ good books though, especially after booting Yao out lol
That sounds good! (when Aditya tells Yao, he doesn't look at all disappointed and says point blank "just sneak me in, nobody will know". Indus chucks him out by the ear when she finds out and prevents Aditya ever going to visit Yao's house again. Aditya becomes much more studious after this. "I need to go to the library today to do research for history/social studies! I need to stay after school for extra help! I'm going to the string recital today because [insert friend here] is playing!" There is no history project, no extra help session, and no string recital. He is actually just going to Yao's house.) "Yao's neighbors are greatly saddened by this development" THEY SURE WILL BE lmao half the time nyo china is not home and the other half she just gives them free reign to do whatever and just patches their destruction up with money. I think she would like India; he's a little more sunshiney and talkative but just as menacing as Yao sometimes so she can handle it lol.
Also omg the antagonism. At their first meeting Indus goes "oh that's who's been raising Yao this whole time? Imma go chew her out right now brb" also sksksksk THE MONEY... nyo China is truly a pragmatist. Money solves all problems lol
And yeah cool tourist merchandise haha. I think their whole dynamic is just "we kind of got pushed together randomly but it's ok". Yao likes nyo china because she is a moneybag, gives him cool stuff, and lets him do pretty much whatever he wants (fine by him). Nyo China is fine with handling Yao because she doesn't need to do anything for him lol. Mutually beneficial relationship (for those two only. Everyone else suffers.)
Also parent-teacher meetings... the palpable tension in the room lol. I love that everyone is giving the most blatant hints to nyo China that her child is a borderline delinquent and she's like "well if my child is a delinquent your children should get on his level." F in the chat. Nyo China takes one look at Yao's report card, sees the 100s (or A+s) in like every class, and is content. She does not read nor care about the teacher's comments at the bottom that say "mischief child, undisciplined, has been to detention 12 times already, uncooperative and does not like to follow directions. Has few friends or acquaintances, and often gets into disagreements with peers that usually result in physical altercations. Please talk to Wang Yao about his actions at school and discuss how he can improve his behavior." Nyo China just logics it out with "see, these numbers are objective. The teacher's comments are not, and I only deal with facts. Therefore you're totally ok in my book as long as you keep doing well in class." RIP Wang Yao's teacher lol
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kettusoldblog · 4 years
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I stan nyo rome because she's a milf and it's neat
For @hetaliamondaychallenge 's ancients day cause...I care the ancients
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bubblyernie · 5 years
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Someone on @aph-grandpa​ asked me to draw some nyo ancients so here yall go
art tag // commission info
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