j0jorocity · 2 months
Age: 24 Height: 5’6 Weight: 142 lbs Personality/History: Luciano isn’t as crazy as most believe. Sure, he makes fun of people on a daily basis and finds torturing others for his amusement fun, but hey, at least he’s not on the levels of crazy as his father and brother are. He really is just a massive dickhead.
Luciano wasn’t raised by 2P Austria—instead by his father, 2P Rome (Remus). Remus by the time of Luciano’s birth was never fully sane in the head. He started to become angrier at the world, more bitter and cruel, but he hadn’t snapped yet. Yet.
Luciano was always the favourite over his brother 2P Romano (Nero). Luciano was strong. Tough. He wasn’t afraid of getting blood on his hands. Remus wanted to shape both of his sons into his mini me’s, but since with Nero it failed, he grew ever so distant to him and tried to raise his golden child into a fighter. It mostly worked. After a few years and a shit ton of problems, Nero ended up becoming Emperor after Remus had died, surprisingly, and became the exact tyrant he was, only more careless and maybe just a bit more deranged. Luciano ended up staging a coup against him—not for the good of the people, but because Nero’s stupidity inconvenienced his life. He assumed power, but after just a few years and a bit of a shitty reign, he stepped down and Remus’s brother Rome (Romulus) had to take over.. again.
In modern times, Luciano prefers to stick to himself, he doesn’t like talking about his past. Too messy. He keeps quiet unless he’s wreaking havoc on Luther or his brother or something, the latter resenting him while Luciano could really care less about him. He does enjoy spending time with Kuro, though, and will torment others with him.
(Luciano! Tbh I’ve started to think about him more, I don’t have many headcanons for him in the modern day but definitely during ancient times- I’ve been having trouble with when the Italy brothers were born so um yeah, I’ll work that out later.)
(I base him a bit off of Tiberius actually. Not in his actions, but in personality—dark, brooding, sadistic, but Luciano is calmer than Tiberius thank goodness.)
(Also, yes, I do see 2P Rome and Rome as siblings ;3)
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forkbirtuna · 1 month
psst…. May I request my 2p Rome oc :midguhemoji: I think I sent u the refs through discord 🔥🔥
(I forgot to do this sigh)
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Here he is!! Hope you like it :3
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yaqamole · 1 year
What are some of the roles for the other nations in your au?
So (some of these characters come from things my friends came up with) here are some of the other characters. If you want to hear about other characters in the AU, just send an ask
Antonio Fernandez Carriedo - Middle School Science Teacher
100% dabbles with the Devil's Lettuce
Chemistry is his forte
Shares a classroom with the AP Latin teacher, Cristiano D'Angelo (Naples)
Has pissed off the principal, Romulus Mancini, a lot
Nobody is sure why he hasn't been fired yet
Lorenzo Di Salvo - AP European History Teacher
Has little pride pins on his jacket
Is the cool, young, and sarcastic teacher that the teens love
Comforts a lot of kids during his free periods or after school
Unfazed by the crazy things kids do
Looks a little too much like Principal Mancini but with melanin
Kinda has a thing going on with Mr. Fernandez
Shares a classroom with French teacher, Francois Bonnefoy
Feliciano Bernardi - Latin I Teacher
Not a single person thinks he is straight
Very dramatic
Shares a classroom with German teacher, Gilbert Beilschmidt
Has a picture of himself from when he was a teenager on his desk with some blond man he refuses to talk about
Best friends with elementary/middle school counselor, Ludwig Beilschmidt
Rumor that he is related to Mr. Di Salvo and Mr D'Angelo
Cristiano D'Angelo - AP Latin Teacher
Very bubbly and sweet
One kid made him cry once and everyone ended up bullying the fuck out of the kid that made him cry until he apologized
Does NOT get along with Mr. Bernardi
Listens to goth music which surprised everyone given he dresses in pastels and flowy clothes
In charge of Latin Club
His hair is so big and it's full of secrets
Romulus Mancini - Principal (Highschool)
Literally doesn't run this school properly
100% is embezzling money from school fundraisers
Has a "concerns" box but doesn't check that out
Everyone thinks the Italians are his kids
There's a rumor that he's got a thing going on with the admin of the schools and that's why he gets away with so much
His office feels like it belongs in a horror movie
Loves wolves more than air
Matthew Williams - High School Art Teacher
Always has paint in his beard
Very chaotic and charismatic
The teacher everyone thinks is super funny
Great listeneer
The art teacher that loves to see the kids' growth and gives them the best advice to yield the best possible results
Does not get jack shit from the school
Shares classroom with Tolys
Tolys Laurinaitis - History Teacher and Basketball coach
Does not get paid enough for this shit
He humor can be very blunt and unexpected
Cooks for the classes as an incentive
Is mad that they are supposed to have practice as a team with no proper gym yet
Surviving on all the coffee he can get from the teacher's lounge
Rocks the Man-Bun
Arthur Kirkland - AP English Teacher
Has a LOT of beef with Mr. Mikhailov (Ivan)
Big horror movie fan, too
Has a bi flag and nb flag in his pencil cup
Too many mugs
Will throw Shakespearian insults at the other teachers
"Actually, that is incorrect"
Has an "independent" classroom in the gym
Honda Kiku - Vice Principal (Lower Grades)
He’s currently trying to work his way up to principal
He's lowkey kinda awkward but he's hella good at his job, besides, you know- getting children to like him.
He forgets children are part of the job description half the time
Children go to him when bad. This is a threat
Ludwig Beilschmidt - Guidance Counselor (Lower Grades)
Scarier than he looks
Has pictures of his dogs in his wallet
Everyone is very confused as to why he and Mr. Bernardi are so close
Very chill to talk to
Everyone plays a guessing game on his sexuality
Very young for his position
Arlovskaya Nataliia - Gymnastics Coach/Dance Team
Resting bitch face
Short but full of fire
Fairly fluent in English but stumbles from time to time
Cousin to Ivan
Loves what she does and she does it well
Students fear and love her
Franocis Bonnefoy - French Teacher
Flirts with like every teacher
For some reason is best friends with Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Beilschmidt #1
Tries to be cool and fails miserably
The students photoshop him onto a lot of French memes though
#1 Way to piss him off is making Italian jokes at him
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 6 months
Wanna ask bf they close. 2p Rome hc's 👀
You got it!! 
When Ignatius’ beloved wife was on her deathbed, this bloodthirsty Roman refused to leave her for long. His centuries of battles and death prevented him from trusting healers and servants with her fragile life; instead, he tried to do it all. For weeks, he tended to her every need, consulted scrolls of medical information and made elixirs, tried various herbs, and even prayed for her to be healed. But none of it worked and, in her sleep with Ignatius by her side, she passed away. That morning was the only time this man outwardly mourned. Wailing and tears that bled into a blind rage at his failure. An unlucky band of thieves met their God that day, due to his anguished rampage through the nearby woods.  
When Luciano discovered that he was too late to claim the 1p spot from Feliciano, Ignatius didn’t offer much comfort. Instead telling the boy, “You were born of my son, who was of me. It was foolish to think that you could avoid following our steps. You will be a Second Representative, a man made almost immortal with responsibilities that will stain your hands scarlet.” To the young Italy, this offered no comfort. Instead, it cemented his hatred toward 1ps and started him on the path of finding a way to eliminate the need for those soft pencil pushers.
A more lighthearted headcanon that I do have is that despite his grandsons hating him, Ignatius is proud of them as individuals. They have taken his harsh lessons to heart (though the boys deny that) as they have survived and been able to at times beat back or conquer others. Though, in terms of their ‘nation’ accomplishments, the man is not impressed and would have lectured them on it.
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Here's a list :D
Wants to be praised:
1p Lithuania, 2p Ancient Rome, 1p Belgium, 1p Finland, 1p Germany, 1p Canada, 2p England, Zil
Wants to give praise:
2p Ukraine, 1p Norway, 2p Denmark, 1p Prussia, 2p England, (1p Russia if with a serious partner)
Also because of reasons Zil has to write on her phone, so if I'm the formatting sucks I'm terribly sorry, but I'll try to write ^^
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augustus-scaevola · 1 year
"While it may be true this feels sacreligious. Also what does Mars have to do with Saturnalia? What is this talking about?" @grandparomeaskblog "You understand TV more than I do. Wtf is going on"
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nee-nee-bixxhs · 1 year
Hey- did you hear? Custom Comfort character letters are available on Etsy! - I can write for all Hetalia characters, and happily! check the listing for more information, and message me at my shop ComfortSnailMail on Etsy. ✨🌍🍝🌎🏳️🌏✨
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azura-vargas · 2 years
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mustela28nivalis · 3 months
Nyotalia, 2pNyotalia, 2p!Talia, Hetalia headcanon names
Nyo!America - Amelia
Nyo!England - Elizabeth
Nyo!France - Catherine
Nyo!Russia - Anna
Nyo!China - Chun-Yan
Nyo!Canada - Marguerite
Nyo!Italy - Alice
Nyo!Germany - Monika
Nyo!Japan - Ponko
Nyo!Prussia - Julia
Nyo!Romano - Chiara
Nyo!Spain - Carmen
Nyo!Austria - Therese
Nyo!Switzerland - Adelheid
Nyo!Denmark - Hanne
Nyo!Sweden - Astrid
Nyo!Norway - Ingrid
Nyo!Iceland - Guðrún
Nyo!Finland - Aino
2pNyo!America - Caroline
2pNyo!England - Rose
2pNyo!France - Isabelle
2pNyo!Russia - Elena
2pNyo!China - Qiuyan
2pNyo!Canada - Anne
2pNyo!Italy - Bianca
2pNyo!Germany - Luise
2pNyo!Japan - Mameko
2pNyo!Prussia - Hildegard
Seychelles - Véronique
Nyo!Seychelles - Michel
Liechtenstein - Erika
Nyo!Liechtenstein - Klaus
Monaco - Sophie
Nyo!Monaco - Jean
Belgium - Emma
Nyo!Belgium - Anri
Luxembourg - René
Netherlands - Abel
Denmark - Magnus
Norway - Sigurd
Iceland - Egill
Finland - Timo
Sweden - Bernhard
Nyo!Lithuania - Rūta
Nyo!Latvia - Laima
Nyo!Turkey - Hatice
Nyo!Greece - Daphne
Nyo!Egypt - Fatima
Portugal - Afonso
Nyo!Portugal - Maria
Nyo!Hungary - István
Slovakia - Jozef
Czech - Hedvika
Nyo!Poland - Agnieszka
2p!Poland - Jan
Scotland - Callum
Wales - Dylan
Northern Ireland - Conor
Ireland - Ronan
Cuba - Carlos
Ecuador - Jose
Moldova - Vasile
Romania - Alexandru
Bulgaria - Dimitar
Serbia - Vuk
Croatia - Stjepan
2p!Italy - Lorenzo
2p!Romano - Flavio
2p!Germany - Siegfried
2p!Japan - Kiri
Nyo!Belarus - Mikita
Ukraine - Olga
Nyo!Ukraine - Bogdan
Australia - Ralph
New Zealand - George
Nyo!New Zealand - Charlotte
Wy - Olivia
Hutt River - Paul
Molossia - Jacob
Slowjamastan - Liam
Domain - Nicholas
Stomaria - Harry
Aerica - Michael
Ladonia - Oscar
Kugelmugel - Leopold
Seborga - Marcello
2p!America - Thomas
2p!England - Edmund
2p!France - André
2p!Russia - Alexander
2p!China - An
Genoa - Giovanni
HRE - Otto
Bavaria - Karl
Saxony - Heinrich
Hessen - Wilhelm
Picardy - Gabriel
Cyprus - Giorgos
TRNC - Mustafa
Rome - Maximus
Ancient Greece - Athena
Nyo!Korea - Soo-Jin
Taiwan - Xiao-Mei
Nyo!Taiwan - Chih-Ming
Hong Kong - Ka Lung
Nyo!Hong Kong - Lan
Vietnam - Lien
Nyo!Vietnam - Tuấn
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j0jorocity · 2 months
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shini--chan · 4 months
Update Schedule for June 2024
01.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis)
03.06.2024 China, England (Heart Blood) (You discover that they murdered/removed your child)
04.06.2024 England (Touche) (Calling England out on his snobbish behaviour)
05.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p America: Alfred F. Jones)
07.06.2024 Austria, France, Germany, Prussia and Russia (Genophobia) (You have genophobia - how do they deal with it?)
09.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (Levi Ackerman)
11.06.2024 Yandere Axis - National Guilt (You remind the members of the Axis, excluding Prussia, that they are not guilt free.)
12.06.2024 Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold (They mute you)
13.06.2024 Yandere 1p! & 2p! Canada - Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley (After gaining his trust, you decide to poison him)
14.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet II (1p Russia: Ivan Konstantinovich Braginski)
16.06.2024 Yandere Japan - The Dying of the Light (A case study in how Kiku's anger manifests)
20.06.2024 Yandere Rome Oneshot
25.06.2024 Yandere Zeke Oneshot
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ask2pame · 5 months
Any particular characters you wanna see? Cause I too am now thinking about it...
// 2p canada, , canada , 2p italy, 2p russia, america ,italy, romano , england , 2p england, russia , greece, turkey, rome , prussa , 2p prussia, france , any of the nyos , china , 2p china, spain, 2p japan, japan, more 2p americas etc etc etc
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PLEASE GIVE US AN UPDATE ABOUT 2P ROME'S LOVE LIFE OR ANYTHING ABOUT THE FIC IM BEGGING YOU TO BLESS US SOME 2P ROME ROMANCE **kneels to the ground while smacking the head into the cold ground** ouch that hurts but anyways i love your writing style and thank you for being a nice author 💕💕
I'll give you some insider information about the Roman love story since it's one of the longer fics, of my own creation, that I'm bouncing between.
So, I know I've already said that Rome will turn his darling into a nation, but here's kinda what happens after the fic ends.
He does his best to hide her from everyone, but the leaders of the empire ruin that. They bragged about not only Rome having a wife, but once she was pregnant, it was used as a way of telling that they were thriving. Demeaning all the other leaders for their nations being barren.
When the other leaders would tell and demand that their own representatives go out and do the same, they couldn't. But it gave them hope. A belief that there was a way to ease the suffering of a long life.
Which in turn led to skirmishes during deligations, because Ignatius refused to give up the secret. He feared that if he did and they failed, they would destroy his one bit of peace in the tumultuous world.
And the old lion refused to allow that.
In the end, the method died with him. Though Luciano, Fabrizio, and Santino had different versions of the story told to them. If they would actually sit and discuss the story, they may find the clues to free themselves from romantic isolation.
(The other fics are, a rewrite of the Legend of Moutain Matt with a part 2, and continuing the choose your own adventure FNAF, plus working through asks. For those that are curious.)
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The Pure RNG Hetalia Showdown (FAQ)
Over the next couple weeks, I will run a series of polls where you have to vote for canon Hetalia characters.
Poll Results Summary has now been posted, to summarize the results of the round robin and report on the Congeniality qualifiers.
Also, a new Tumblr sideblog @hetalia-rng-showdown has been created to host future RNG tournaments!
Master List of All Poll Links
Round Robin #1 - Winner: Finland
Round Robin #2 - Winner: England
Round Robin #3 - Winner: Seychelles
Round Robin #4 - Winner: Poland
Round Robin #5 - Winner: Prussia
Round Robin #6 - Winner: Canada
Round Robin #7 - Winner: Germany
Round Robin #8 - Winner: France
Round Robin #9 - Winner: South Italy
Round Robin #10 - Winner: Scotland
Congeniality Showdown Poll - Lithuania has been crowned Mr. Congeniality!
Final Showdown Poll - Tie vote between Canada & England
Final Showdown Tiebreaker - England has been crowned Pure RNG Champion!
Congeniality Contestants
Austria, Lithuania, China, America, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hong Kong, Ancient Rome
What are we voting on?
You can pick your favourite, a contender, a dark horse, an underdog, or go pure chaos and see what happens. This will ultimately end up becoming a popularity contest, since all the Hetalia polls so far have been swamped with people just picking their favourites, but why don't you all try something different for once and see what happens?
How will this work?
The round robin will have 10 different polls, each with 7-8 different characters, lasting a week. After the week, the 10 winners will come together into a final showdown poll.
If there is a tie in any of the round robin polls, there will be a 24-hour tiebreaking poll. See the full description in the section below.
Runners-up in the round robin poll might be selected for the Congeniality Showdown poll. See the full description in the section below.
Who is all in the poll?
If your character has a page on this Hetalia Wiki character article look-up page, they're in one of the polls.
Note that I am not including nyos, 2ps, animals, humans or other entities, just the nations themselves.
How will they be grouped?
I plugged the 78 names into this random number generator website, which split them up into 10 groups of 7-8 characters.
For extra randomness, I clicked the "Rerun" button twenty times. That's why this is the "RNG" poll, it's pure luck who your fave is up against!
Why is my favourite minor character up against so many mains? Can't you fix this?
Read the above again, please.
And funny you should mention skewing the group selections, because my friend was just trying to conduct her own set of polls. The axis/allies would've all knocked each other out in the first round, and some of your favourite minor characters would've actually moved on for once. But some people complained about the choices of minor characters and their groupings, even going so far as to insult her personally...
So guess what, you're getting this poll series instead out of spite! Congratulations, your favourite minor characters are all in the polls, their groupings are purely random, and every character has a 10% chance of being up against Romano in the first round!
But what if I don't want my fave to lose to Romano in the first round?
Finally, a good question. When you find that poll, vote for your favourite and not for Romano, then reblog the post and tell all your friends to vote the same as you! Make sure you're a united force though, Romano only needs the one extra vote if you're all divided.
Don't worry about spamming my notifications with reblogs, I want to see that the polls are being shared, just be respectful in your tags please.
When can I see who's all in the groups?
You'll find out when I post the polls, as this FAQ post is going up before I even run the RNG. EDIT: The RNG has now been run, the polls are all drafted and scheduled, and the first is live! Links to all 10 polls will be added at the top as their posts are posted!
As for timing, I will post the first poll at approximately 6:00pm PDT April 18 2023, with the other polls all scheduled on 12-hour increments after that.
Once the final poll is closed after its week of voting, which will be at 6:00AM PDT on April 30th, I will create the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls.
What is this newly added Congeniality Showdown?
With the variety of options in these polls, there will indeed be a few nations that lose their round robin poll by a small margin of the vote. For these oh-so-close losers, there will be a Congeniality showdown to honour them for giving the victors such a close run for their money.
As the 10 polls each close, I will track the difference in voting percentages by which the losers lost to the victors. The 10 losing nations whose losing percentages are closest to their victors will go in the Congeniality showdown.
For example, Nation A won the poll by 32%, while Nation B finished with 25%. Nation B’s percentage difference of 7% is what determines whether they will appear in the Congeniality showdown. Should the other 9 polls results in 10 other nations getting less than that 7% difference, Nation B will not make the cut.
What are the Tiebreaker Rules?
This section is being added in case one of the round robin polls miraculously ends in a tie. Obviously Tumblr will not allow more than 10 entries into a poll, so a tiebreaker poll is the chosen method of breaking any ties!
I will post a 24-hour poll with the two (or more) nations that tied in the round robin poll, where you all have ONLY the 24 hours to vote. I will announce the tiebreaker poll ahead of time, so that as many of you as possible know during what period of time to search for it and vote.
Whoever wins this vote moves on to the final showdown. For the runner(s)-up, since they managed to tie the winner on the original poll, which makes a voting difference of 0%, they automatically take one of the 10 spots in the Congeniality showdown.
Tiebreaker polls will be scheduled for the period of April 30th to May 3rd if required, so please watch carefully for the posts. I fly to Norway on May 6th, so the Congeniality and Final Showdown polls must get posted before this Canadian goes on vacation.
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coralcatsea · 1 year
HetaOni Fanmade Ending Thoughts
I have both compliments and criticisms and just want to give my honest thoughts after playing.
I enjoyed the scenes with the nations themselves, such as Italy being trapped in his mind in a perfect simulation and Holy Rome, Prussia, Romano, and the two ancients working together to get him out. I liked the basic idea that Russia's seemingly disturbing phone calls were actually him trying to help, but not saying anything because he could never find the right time. I think the way England got his sight back made enough sense, although I think it'd be even better if he was shown having to deal with the consequences of the sacrifice a bit more, plus maybe America having more moments to react, get upset, and help him out.
What I didn't get into, however, was the explanation for why the events of the game happened. In short, everything with the 2ps. For me, their existence in the game felt very random and not at all organic. I think the plot with them could work in another game, but not HetaOni, because the original game had no build up that would ever make me expect a universe domination scheme with 2ps, plus the themes and styles don't match. It'd be like if you took Coraline and threw in an evil organisation that employed witches to rid the world of children, haha.
I think a backstory/myth just surrounding the lore of that one cursed house would've worked better, something focused more on Ryuuzu and the creatures as mysterious supernatural entities on their own rather than elements of a super ambitious plot. Maybe they can't even be fully explained. I do have ideas, but I feel it'd be better to make a separate post for that.
Moving on to the ending itself, I have mixed feelings. While the nations worked very hard together, I feel like the 2ps just deciding on their own to hand over an escape portal felt a bit...anticlimactic? It sort of removed their agency. I think it would've been better if they acquired an escape route on their own. Either by finding it, defeating a final boss and taking it, or even having to convince the one keeping them trapped to let them go.
Then, when they do leave the mansion, I'm okay with them expecting to lose their memories since that brought about a very sweet scene I felt fit all their growth so far, but then there should be a scene that triggers the memories to come back. That sort of happened with the candy, but it felt unsatisfying how little they remembered, because then it's hard to tell how much their arcs meant in the end. If their memories have to stay gone then I feel like they should at least have a moment expressing how strangely, they all feel a great deal closer to each other and less alone than ever before, maybe in an epilogue scene at the sleepover thing they decide to have.
These are just my opinions. Maybe they'll be taken into consideration for the remake, maybe they won't, but either way, it was interesting to see a continuation of the game. The art was great and made it a lot easier to take serious moments, well, seriously. Also, I don't know if/how much the original dialogue got tweaked, but it felt better than I remember. I'm sure it took a lot of hard work to recreate the game, so congratulations to Cookie for starting the project and seeing it through.
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augustus-scaevola · 2 years
"When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love" - Marcus Aurelius
Augustus: 😌
Remus: When I wake up in the morning I think of how to crush my enemies!
Augustus: 😐
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