datarep · 21 hours
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Wait times for family-sponsored visas to the U.S.
by nytopinion
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reduxpictures · 7 months
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Redux photographer Mark Peterson was on assignment with The New York Times Opinion section to photograph Donald Trump at CPAC - published March 6, 2024.
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thedirtbagdad · 2 years
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Being alone does not automatically equate to being lonely. Circumstances are that I will be on my own tomorrow (barring a child of mine taking refuge here at the spur of the moment… I had two unexpected midnight visitors on consecutive days this week 😺). Being alone can be a time of deeply profound connection with everything. The great mysteries of myriad mysteries. This can occur in the depths of a book, music, and other art at home. Or it can be found via human-peered moment in the outdoors. I’m looking for to going within and finding, once again, that we are all connected. Link to @nytopinion piece in its bio. #Repost @nytopinion ・・・ From the archives: As we enter into another holiday season colored by the threat of Covid, Stephanie Foo reminds us that a solo Christmas, a challenge encountered by many, can actually be thrilling. “For me, the secret to spending the holidays alone was to recognize that I wasn’t really alone. I had myself,” @foofoofoo writes. “If you invite the bravest, kindest, most fun version of yourself to your party, you might wind up falling in love with your weird and wonderful self.” Stephanie offers some suggestions to make the most of it: Treat yourself to a nice dinner or take a long walk in nature — in your pajamas. Click the link in our bio to read more on how to celebrate Christmas alone. #christmas #covid #nytopinion https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj59w9vM1JmEAZFyr58XcmPnot-YC70Id_iT40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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my-selfish-love · 11 months
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Charles M. Blow for nytopinion
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rafaelrp78 · 2 years
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@NBCNews @cbstv @CBSNews @ABC7NY @FOXTV @BBCLondonNews @exercitooficial @marmilbr
Fox News
Exército_Oficial Ministry of Defence, Singapore (MINDEF) Nytimes FoxNews FOX News Radio Fox News Research FOX 17 BBC News BBC Radio 1
#BrazilianSpring #BrazilWasStolen
#urnaseletronicaséfraude #urnasfraudadas
#urnasforaminvadidas #urnasauditáveisjá
#LulaNãoPodeSerDiplomado #lulanaopodeserdiplomado #lulanaopodetomarposse
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bigbongdongsolong · 1 year
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Όταν το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο στις ΗΠΑ προχώρησε σε ακύρωση του νόμου για το δικαίωμα στην άμβλωση βλ. Roe v. Wade σε μια "πρωτοφανή" (ας πούμε) παρέμβαση στο δικαίωμα αναπαραγωγής δημιουργώντας νέα δεδομένα για την καθημερινότητα των γυναικών και τον έλεγχο του σώματός τους στη χώρα που αν δεν κερδίζεις κάποιες εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες δολάρια απλά πεθαίνεις, η σπουδαία Αμερικανίδα καλλιτέχνιδα, ακτιβίστρια και ενίοτε street artist Βarbara Κruger έκανε τη δική της παρέμβαση στο δημόσιο λόγο με άρθρο γνώμης στην έκδοση της 13ης Μαΐου 2022 των New York Times.
Καθώς το φιλελεύθερο κατεστημένο της Αμερικής -χορηγημένη πάντα από εταιρείες με μία ατζέντα βλ. ΚΑΝΕ ΤΟ ΑΙΜΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΝΑ ΓΙΝΕΙ ΧΡΗΜΑ!- ήταν απασχολημένο με φλυαρίες και κορώνες για να αποσπάσει την προσοχή από το γεγονός ότι στην ουσία του και σε όλα υπήρξε "ενεργά ανενεργό," η Barbara Kruger παρέμεινε επικεντρωμένη στις σταθερές, μελετημένες κινήσεις της δεξιάς.
Πενήντα χρόνια οικοδόμησης ενός νομοθετικού, νομικού και θανατηφόρου πλαισίου τελικά απέδωσαν καρπούς και αν ο κόσμος των ΗΠΑ δήλωνε τότε σοκαρισμένος από την κατάχρηση εξουσίας στο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο, η Kruger δήλωσε ότι ανήκει σε άλλο κόσμο, τον δικό της που όλα είναι ξεκάθαρα και αλλιώς.
Για αυτήν η (όποια) Αριστερά θα έπρεπε να είχε προβλέψει αυτό που ερχόταν εδώ και καιρό, αλλά χάθηκε στα ξερόχορτα, παίζοντας μια βαθιά λανθασμένη στρατηγική, γα την Kruger κάποιος κοιμόταν στο τιμόνι.
Οι NYT δημοσίευσαν την παρέμβαση/έργο τέχνης, μαζί με το συνοδευτικό κείμενο της Kruger στη σελίδα τους στο Instagram @NYTOpinion. Αυτό:
"Το τέλος της Roe είναι το αποτέλεσμα της αδυσώπητης εκστρατείας των Ρεπουμπλικάνων να περιορίσουν τα αναπαραγωγικά δικαιώματα και να ελέγξουν τα σώματα των γυναικών. Πολλοί Δημοκρατικοί ήταν ανίκανοι να αντιδράσουν δυναμικά, και μόλις πρόσφατα η Αριστερά άρχισε να κατανοεί ότι οι αμφισβητήσεις γύρω από το φύλο, τη φυλή και την τάξη πρέπει να διεξάγονται ταυτόχρονα και όχι απομονωμένες σε άκαμπτες ιεραρχίες. Αυτή η έλλειψη πειστικής ρητορικής και η ανικανότητα να σκεφτούν στρατηγικά όπλισε με τραγικό τρόπο το σημερινό Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο".
Αν αλλάξει κάποιος τώρα το Roe σε κάτι άλλο τύπου εκλογές, τις λέξεις Ρεπουμπλικάνοι και Δημοκρατικοί με ένα γενικότερο Συντηρητικές και Προοδευτικές πολιτικές μπράντες ας έρθει να μου πει κάτι για το πώς το νεοφιλελεύθερο αφήγημα καταφέρνει να κρύβει το φρικώδες, απάνθρωπο προσωπείο του με viirality που θυμίζει το Bold Glamour φίλτρο του ΤκΤκ.
Όποιος κοιμάται στο τιμόνι δεν έχει δικαίωμα να σοκάρεται. Έχει όμως δικαίωμα αν όχι υποχρέωση να νιώσει ακριβώς όσο βλάκας ήταν, είναι και θα είναι.
Αυτό το τελευταίο, και βέβαια, ναι, το μπορεί.
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shehasafilmpodcast · 2 years
The NY Times featured an Opinion piece by Frank Pavich called "This Film Does Not Exist", about an AI-driven version of the cult-80s film Tron, based on Alejandro Jodorowsky's unfunded and fantastic rendering of the film Dune by director David Lynch. If you thought David Lynch was a mind f*ck, imagine if Jodorowsky was able to get his hands on it ...along with his partners in crime Alien creator H.R. Giger, special f/x legend Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Dark Star), and others.
AI may have created a pearl clutching distrust as it gets "smarter" and harder to distinguish from human visual creation, but there is also an incredible unknown in how it will play out in movie making. Will we eventually be able to make the films we lost due to a lack of funding, short-sighted vision of movie studios, miscast actors, terrible directors, schlocky screenwriting, etc.?
In my podcast She Has a Film Podcast, I'll occasionally explore the big "what ifs" and how AI can be prompted to reimagine what we thought was lost...
When @frankpavich saw stills from Alejandro Jodorowsky’s 1976 version of “Tron,” he was taken aback by their extravagance and beauty. But the film had never been made. “There was no film. There was no actor. There was no anything. These images were another A.I. creation. And I had known that right from the start,” writes @frankpavich for @nytopinion. “Yet still, I hoped that somehow it was real.” In the mid-1970s, Alejandro had set out to remake Frank Herbert’s “Dune,” but the project never materialized.
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interactiveglobe · 2 years
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in the new issue of harpers magazine: portrait of a Gray Lady @nytopinion
From headlines published in the Opinion section of the New York Times since 2011.
I'm a New York City Liberal I'm a Democrat and a Feminist I Work for Midwestern Democrats I'm One of Biden's Advisers I've Picked My Job Over My Kids I Wanted to Be a Good Mom I'll Never Let Myself Love a Job Again I'd Rather Lose My Job I Need to Get Out I Want to Be Rich and I'm Not Sorry I'm Not Losing Sleep I Am Republican I Am a Conservative I Voted for Trump I Worked for Alex Jones I Can't Be Forgiven for Abu Ghraib I Was Fired I Was Betrayed I'm Furious I Am Burning With Fury I Want a Gun I Got a Gun I Appreciate Assault Weapons I Have No Plan for This I Won't Have the Stomach for This I Am Not a Brave Person I'm Full of Despair I'm Going to Die I've Accepted My Death I Believe in Ghosts
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tennant · 2 years
Please post this video from New York Times. Let’s unity all the world next weekend to save Amazon, to save the Earth!
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chrisabraham · 1 month
The damage inflicted on the nation during Trump’s first term was inflicted by the Never Trumpers in rage against Trump's election; so, the damage inflicted on the nation during Trump’s second term will also be inflicted by Never Trumpers as well. So, Neolibs, Necons, government bureaucrats, leftist extremists, etc. I guess that's like blowing up your entire family because you hate your Stepmom.
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reduxpictures · 7 months
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Mark Peterson was on assignment with The New York Times Opinion section to photograph the 2024 CPAC summit - February 26 & 27, 2024.
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scott-balmer · 1 year
I made this illustration for NYTimes Opinion talking about bank reforms and what mistakes to avoid within these new reforms
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It was great being able to work with the New York Times again since it has been an age since the last time
#illustration #illo #editorial #editorialillustration #graphic #bank #bankreforms #nyt #nytopinion #vector #vectorillustration #money #affinity #affinitydesigner
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blackamite · 2 years
Not sure if you saw it already but it ididnt end with JoA by any means, the most recent case of transing the dead is this one archive (.) ph/1J6SM/ done in this article by ftm/tif author: twitter (.) com/nytopinion/status/1606703478277029891/
oof. I'm suprised that got into the NYT but admittedly their opinion section is pretty wild sometimes.
It's ironic because I feel like any woman from that time period that is well known likely felt a bit like a man. When the standard for a woman is that she "is like a nail driven into the wall. She sits at home." (Martin Luther), how is one supposed to do anything without stepping outside the female role? Especially once they start taking quotes about homosexuality to mean someone is trans, that's really sexist and basically inversion theory all over again.
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anapacquiao · 2 years
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The latest Pacquiao's Daily! https://t.co/3YmMT7eIkA Thanks to @NYMag @nytopinion @Erickisback1 #pronóstico #meteorológico
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vitrinanorte · 2 years
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