antvnger · 2 years
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Oh my gosh, O’Anon, let me see. I’ve got a couple that I really like. I’ll give you more than one! These jokes will sleigh.
What do you call Santa’s helpers? Subordinate Clauses.
What do you call an outlaw who steals Christmas wrapping products from the rich to give to the poor? Ribbon Hood.
What does the Gingerbread Man use to make his bed? Cookie sheets!
What are the best books to read during the holidays? The Lord of the Five Golden Rings, No Country for Old Menorahs, For Whom the Jingle Bells Toll, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret Santas, and Frankincense and Sensibility
And finally…People act like the North Pole and the South Pole are exactly the same, but really, there's a whole world of difference between them.
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ask-mantis · 2 years
Who would you consider to be old?
That’s a very good question, O’Anon! I don’t know anyone that would be considered “old” by other people. What is even the definition of old?
Thanks for the ask, O’Anon!
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Do you like/have a cat?
Oh this is a great question! I have three cats, but one of them I’m just taking care of until his owner is back to health. My oldest is TL (I call her that the most!) and she is a 5 year old tabby cat. She has brown and black fur. My second oldest is Finn, and he is a 5 year old tabby cat as well. He has orange fur. Finally, the one I am taking care of, is Poe. He is 8 months old and is also a tabby cat. He has orange fur as well.
Thank you for the ask, O’Anon!
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Do you sing? You look like you’d have a pretty voice.
Hello O’Anon! Happy new year! Can I still say that?
I do like to sing, but I’m not really good at it, so I don’t do it to others, only to the stars, they really like lullabies.
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Have you ever met Kate Bishop?
Never. Tell me it's not another teenager in trouble that I'll end up adopting.
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mockingbob-19 · 2 years
Do you ever wish you were invisible??
Hey, O'Anon! Good to hear from you!
Hmmm, do I ever wish I was invisible.... it'd certainly be helpful during some missions, that's for sure!
But overall, I think Isabel might miss her mom too much, and @asklancehunter definitely would 🤣
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How long did it take you to construct your Lego Death Star?
Hmmm... now that you mention it, I don't exactly remember how long it took me to build it...
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I know that I built it within, like, a week and it didn't take me that long to get all the pieces together, but I KNOW I didn't build it by myself because that set was 3,803 pieces! No way I would be able to build it by myself in under a week...
Maybe someone helped me build it...? It had to be one of my brothers or sisters, but none of them like building Lego sets as much as I do.
Hm, why can't I remember who helped me build my Lego Death Star?
Anyways, sorry about such a long-winded answer O'Anon, but I'll say that it took me about two weeks to put together!
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Have you ever experienced any casualties?
Yes actually my mother died a few years back due to a warlock attack. (And my actual mother died when i was a little kid). Tough but interesting question O'anon would love to hear more of your questions
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askhawkybarton · 2 years
Do you prefer working solo? Or as a team?
Depends on who's on the team. If I can't trust who I'm working with, I'll go solo every time. No matter how difficult the mission.
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arandomnerdsrp358 · 2 years
Cassie, what is your favorite season?
“Summer and spring and fall!”
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writing-frenzy · 7 years
Here is a shameless SI-OC :D
Hey everyone, meet Anton O’Anons
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I made them basically for shipping and puns, so they are very much indulgent. 
They have all the powers of the feared Magic Anons, as well as those that bring about joy and absolute despair. (... Probably the most powerful OC I have actually... huh. 0x0 )
They are also sarcastic, deadpan, very tired, and just done. (though, they can be so filled with love and affection, if given the chance.)
below is a terrible pun.
(By the way, Anton O’Anons = a ton o anons X3 )
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antvnger · 2 years
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Who, me? Mayor? For real? Huh.
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Honestly, Anon, the thought has never ever crossed my mind. Ever.
Honestly, I hate politics with a passion, and while I’d love to help make San Francisco better, there would be too many hoops to jump through and red tape which gets in the way of everything.
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ask-mantis · 2 years
What is something that you despise?
I don’t really despise anything, although I do find some stuff annoying. Like Drax when he doesn’t do something I ask him to do, or even Rocket when he doesn’t do what he was asked to do. Mostly Drax, but sometimes the whole team.
Thanks for the ask, O’Anon!
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What was the coolest idea you have ever come up with?
O’Anon, I can’t say I have had that many cool ideas. Although, I once tried to create a whole reading list of all of the new age Marvel comics (so Fantastic Four #1 and stuff like that, not the really old stuff) and failed. It was still fun though! I guess I also tried to create a board game, but I was like thirteen, maybe fourteen, and I think the Sims 4 had just come out and I had wanted to make a board game out of it. That also failed.
Thanks for ask, O’Anon!
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Have you ever had to make a deal to save someone else?
Hmm, no, I don’t think so, I have made alliances, but I have made them because I get something out of them.
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mockingbob-19 · 2 years
Would you consider yourself to be hostile?
Hello there, anon!! I'd consider myself more protective than hostile, though it definitely depends on the person. And I'm definitely not hostile to anyone with good intentions!
Thanks for the ask!!
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