#oRaNgE sIdE rEvEAL?
emoprincey · 5 months
"But the orange side being anger would be too obvious !!!" u guys know Sanders Sides isn't exactly know for its groundbreaking plot twists, right?
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Random thought: in Taking On Anxiety, Virgil acts much more like a typical villain or "dark side", he's confident and laid back throughout the episode. In the end card for the video he's like "if I didn't convince Thomas not to go to that party something bad could've happened" and Roman's like, "yeah he could've had fun or smth," Virgil responds to that with a loud and confident "YEAH!" before going "wait what," my new headcanon is that that's how he used to talk and act when he was hanging around Janus, Remus and Orange pre-canon, or that's how they used to talk and he's copying them (or both), he wasn't expecting a contradiction like that because he's lived around people who acted like that his whole life
The whole, "I just wanted to look out for him so I made him do it" makes me think of Janus specifically, which fills my momceit heart, imagine Virgil looking up to and copying him before they fell out
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boomfam · 7 months
(No, Thomas doesn't count)
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Thomas - The food in the cupboard will keep. The food in the fridge will not.
No warnings, just fluff, resolution, and the final act of a long-running play. It's been a long journey, guys - thanks for coming on it with me.
Overtly sentimental and rambling post to follow soon-ish.
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blogging-time · 9 months
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Controversial take, but-
Poor community interaction, a lengthy hiatus, non-existent promotional material, a failure to deliver on past promises, and an overdependence on merchandise ads have seriously impacted "Sanders Sides" public reception.
"Sanders Sides/Sanders Asides" used to be one of the most promising freely available ongoing series on YouTube. However, the team has seemingly failed to keep widespread community interest alive in 2023.
I understand that there are numerous reasons behind the hiatus. I'm not faulting Thomas for needing time. We, as fans, are not entitled to free content. That is not the message I'm trying to convey here. Instead, I am merely venting over the fact that this series may not survive to see its long anticipated conclusion if Thomas and his team don't take further action to keep it at the forefront of peoples' minds.
While active Patreons have allegedly been informed of major upcoming plot points, very little is said about "Sanders Sides" publicly. I'm unsure why decisions such as these were made, or if Thomas even has a dedicated social media manager.
87k views within 48 hours is remarkably low for a series that used to hijack Tumblr's "Trending Now" page within an hour of a new episode releasing.
As someone who really wishes to see this series succeed, I hope things improve in 2024.
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transfemlogan · 11 months
A lot of the songs on my logan & orange playlist (not public) r abt being unhealthily obsessed w/ someone & as much as i think itd b so silly it he was obsessed w/ logan i dont think itll happen.
Also we already have remus who is obsessed w/ logan.
And we also have szn 1 virgil.
And janus.
Adding orange would just be overkill /j /silly
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minalots · 3 months
Did i ever mention how much i love tristamp episode 4 not just because it’s ww first appearance but because the fact that ww’s words resonated with vash so much (even if it was indirectly said) that he started eating again
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halfhissandwich · 7 months
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C!Thomas wanted to play with Janus’ capelet
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popsocket-mouth · 3 months
posting my orange side theories, i think that orange is of a similar vein as Virgil. We've been given various hints that the sides functions can adapt and change as the characters grow and that, when Virgil was a dark side, he may have been referred to as 'Paranoia.'''
i used to think that orange being a separate character would be interesting, but all mentions of orange have related to Logan, as if only he could reach him. Which makes me think Logan is the orange side under layers of repression. Remus does highlight that during his introduction and while, he's obviously alluding to Virgil and Patton in relation to the night of intrusive thoughts, maybe...
i just think it'd be so fascinating for Logan to have hid himself away like that, maybe to be taken more seriously. Him and Patton are the only sides to share a color, and his old character (while based on the vine teacher) was far more passionate when discussing with Thomas and the other sides. Maybe it's a corruption thing. Maybe it could have something to do with Pattons' influence overarching and overriding the other sides because of how highly regarded morality and emotion are to Thomas. Maybe the switch from orange to blue occured to please Patton when the mindscape split.
Idk. Idk if his function would change, or even, what it was before. I was thinking passion or obsession, but I really don't know. I love the idea, though, and I'm so attached to it that I think if orange is a separate character, I'll generally be upset. But if we were working up to a new side, wouldn't there be a higher focus on his function rather than the color. No other side introduction has gotten this kind of treatment before, or at least, this level of hype for their introduction.
maybe he'll finally show his 'true colors.'
these are just my thoughts, though. I really don't know what will happen.
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edupunkn00b · 6 months
Meus ex Machina, Chapter 9: Brothers
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Edited public domain image of two hands reaching for each other, lit in deep blue and neon green.
Prev - Brothers - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Logan makes another discovery, even if he doesn't yet understand all the implications. But first, another peek into the past.
Little arms hooked on the playground swing’s chains, Patton sat crying outside the Humane Touch Foundling Home. It was dinner time and all the other kids were already in the dining hall. The ones allowed out of the med unit, at least. Meals were always… energetic and the caretakers had their hands full with getting everyone fed. He had a little time before he’d be missed.
Hiccupping, he scrubbed away his tears with his sleeves and fought to get himself under control. 
His stomach had twisted into knots when the fifth graders had called him over after school. At first he’d been afraid they’d wanted to fight him, too. The week before, a couple of eighth graders from the middle school had jumped him, only letting up when he’d pulled an air car onto himself and hid under the chassis. He didn’t know where he’d be sent next if he got expelled for fighting again. But if he never hit back, there was nothing for them to tattle on.
So he’d learned not to hit back.
When the fifth graders instead asked him to lift up an electrobike and then a car, his excitement at being included in their games let him ignore the way the twist in his stomach never really went away.
So Patton had laughed along with the older boys. It wasn’t until they’d clambered on top of the principal’s air car and egged him on to lift it with the four of them clinging to the hood that he realized they weren’t laughing with him.
The boys’ taunts rang in his ears.
‘What a show-off!’
‘Aw, what’s the matter, Superbaby? You gonna cry?’
‘Go on, freak, go home and cry to your mommy!’ The boys laughed louder. ‘Oh, that’s right, your parents just dumped you there, didn’t they?’
‘Brad! Peter!’ A sharp adult voice rang out over the teacher’s parking lot. The boys were startled and Patton took advantage of their distraction and ran all the way to his foster home.
“Brubber sad?” 
Sniffling, he looked up, then down into the eyes of his baby brother. Technically he was his foster brother, but Patton didn’t care about the distinction and neither did sweet little Lucas.
He nodded and scootched over on the swing, giving the preschooler a weak smile. “Wanna come up here, Lukie?”
The little boy grinned, scrambling up on the swing and then onto Patton’s lap. “Whoa there!” The seat tilted, swaying side to side as Patton laughed and righted them both. “There, that’s better,” he said when they steadied with Lucas curled against his chest, one hand gripping his big brother’s shirt, the other wrapped around the swing’s crackled safety chain. Pushing gently with the one foot remaining close to the ground, Patton began to swing them.
“Brubber better?” Lucas asked, big eyes looking up at him like he could see right into his head and the thoughts inside.
Still chuckling, Patton nodded. “All better,” he said, sneaker skidding in the dirt. And he was all better. Joyful, with another laugh threatening to bubble up from his lips. He still felt the sting of the older boys’ teasing, still felt the worry that by the time they all got to school the next day, everyone would know he’d cried, but the moment Lucas touched his arm, he… he just didn’t feel bad about any of it anymore. He just felt… happy. “Lukie? Did you…” It couldn’t’ve been him. Could it? “Did you… do that?”
Lucas smiled up at him, nodding. “Brubber sad,” he repeated, this time not a question. He drew close again, rubbing his cheek against Patton’s chest like a cat. “Swing?” he asked, rocking back and forth.
“Yeah,” Patton whispered, holding tight to his baby brother. Carrot orange curls tickled his nose as he nodded. “Yeah, Lukie, I’ll swing us.”
The Prince did not join them for dinner. Instead, he remained on the roof for another hour or so before going straight to the kitchen. Patton excused himself with a small, determined smile but, after a few minutes, returned to the table alone.
Without a word, at least not one Logan could hear, The Prince strode past with a small covered dish and went to his room.
Subdued, the remaining group finished dinner quickly. After doing what he could to help V and Patton tidy up, Logan returned to the printing lab. For all that had happened, it hadn’t been long since the printer had finished, the matter jets still slightly warm from the final batch of exosuit panels.
V had cleaned up from their work and stacked the output in a tote set on a low bench.
Next to it was a ruggedized tablet similar to the one V had used. It activated as Logan picked it up, and a message appeared on the screen.
It’ll save you a step if you sketch in the CAD program. Let me know if you need help setting up. - V
The back of the tablet’s case was… soft. Well, grippy, and Logan experimentally laid it on his lap. The case seemed to meld to his stumps and he tapped at the screen, smiling at the way the tablet stayed flat and steady. He hooked the tote of finished pieces on the back of his chair then returned to his room.
Once inside, he wiggled back onto his window seat, the rapidly setting sun burning orange and red through the haze. He pulled the tablet closer and the screen lit up, revealing a menu of options.
Scanning the list, Logan grinned. Internal and external sensors, security cameras, light and climate controls, elevator tracker… Even the ordering program he glimpsed Silvertongue and V using in the meat.
Logan could access everything in HQ from this device. Well, everything he knew about, at least. He was certain there were additional layers of security only V and Silvertongue—and probably Patton—knew about, but Logan could tap through and view cameras throughout the kitchen and the med bay, the common room…
One of the common room cameras faced the wall above a mock fireplace. Given both the angle and the narrow space between the coffee table and the bumpy stone hearth, Logan had never seen higher than the mantle before. 
The wall was covered in picture frames, many antiques, housing real silicone-based glass covers and faded wooden borders. Some of them looked old enough to have belonged to the museum that had once owned the original structure.
Almost—almost—without meaning to, Logan zoomed in. The pictures were of the team. There were several of Patton lifting up V or The Prince in a big bear hug, grinning as their feet left the ground. Another was of Silvertongue sitting in his usual armchair, a tablet in his lap and a serious expression on his face, The Prince looming over him, tongue sticking out and waggling his fingers.
Was Logan only imagining the quirk in Silvertongue’s lips? The Prince couldn’t have actually caught Silvertongue by surprise, could he? How precisely would one hide a prank from a guilt-seeking mindreader?
Setting aside that thought, he focused on the other frames. More than half were pictures of children. Logan recognized The Prince and The Muse’s younger selves from the visions when the Muse’s EMF dropped. When he’d dropped it. There were other children, too, children he didn’t recognize. One was an older boy with hair just like Patton’s, holding the hand of a much younger child with curls so red they looked almost orange, like an old 2D video his mother had shown him. The same little red haired boy was in another photo, clutching a blanket.
Both photos, along with a third of a boy Logan belated recognized as a very young Patton, were singed, a big black semi-circle cutting all the way to the colored start of the image. Like what one would see if you’d burnt just the edge of a stack of antique flammable paper.
Off to the side of the collection was a small photo Silvertongue lying on a couch much like the one in the common room.
Logan zoomed in further and smiled. He wasn’t alone on the couch. He lay with his head rested on the lap of another young man. And Silvertongue was young. Not a child, but Logan would guess early twenties? Maybe? 
They both were. Silvertongue was dressed impossibly casually, simple slacks and a long-sleeved shirt like the ones Patton seemed to favor. His scars were much darker and, with his open collar, Logan could see they spread down his chest, as well.
The scars on his hands were dark, too, and freshly healed. His bare fingers were intertwined with the other young man’s and Silvertongue lay back, relaxed and smiling up at him as he read aloud from an antique printed book.
The other man’s orangey red curls flopped over his eyes, only a few shades darker than the tiny child in one of the other pictures. Between the hair and the book, most of his face was hidden, but his cheeks were round and tinged pink, just like Patton's.
And the little boy in the other pictures.
The lights dimmed in the common room and Patton’s tall, broad shadow passed over photographs. He and V must be close to finishing up. Logan closed out of the feed, cold prickles crawling up his spine. Surely they could know he'd been watching the common room.
Back in the main video menu, the prickles turned to ice when he found the array of external cameras, as well. Guilt gnawed at his belly. No, this must be a mistake. There’s no way I should have this kind of security access.
He hit the comm button to the kitchen. “Hey, um, V?”
“Yeah, Mac?” V answered, the clink of tools in the background. Almost eerily, Patton’s tread passed the sound pickups, completing his path back to the kitchen. “Need help with the tablet?”
“Ah, no…” Logan rubbed the case, marveling at the texture. “No, it’s—it’s great, thank you. I… I think I might have…”
The clinking stopped. V, too, was quiet, listening. Oh. This was a test. They want to know if they can trust me. 
“I think I have the wrong access,” he said at last, eyes falling shut. “I can see all the security cameras.”
“Oh, good, you got in okay,” V’s voice grew more relaxed and the clack of tools against metal resumed. “The menu’s not super intuitive. But I figured you’d take to it pretty fast.”
“But… Should I…”
Patton’s voice rumbled quietly in the background and V chuckled. “You worried you hacked in? Or that our security’s that flimsy?”
“Well…” Logan’s cheeks warmed. “I thought perhaps… Perhaps it was a test of some sort, actually.”
V laughed out loud this time. “Hey, that’s a good idea, Mac. Nah,” he said, catching his breath. “If you’re on the cameras, you should be able to see them, too, y’know?”
Logan blinked, looking down at the tablet. “Well, yes, I… I see the logic. I suppose I… I’m… I’m just…”
“You’re just used to those bastards at Abracadabra,” V finished.
“Language!” Patton scolded, loud enough to be heard over the comm.
Surprised at himself, Logan laughed with V. “I think perhaps you are correct. Thank you, V.”
“Anytime, Mac.”
Minutes bled into hours as Logan explored HQ through the cameras, first the live feed. And then their recordings.
The cameras skipped large pockets of time, presumably when there was no movement in a given area. The size of their data storage was remarkable, with the feeds on some of the cameras seeming to go back months.
The zoom controls were useful, particularly for the high-definition cameras at the entrances, in the hall. 
And in the basement.
When Logan found the basement camera feed, he quickly scrolled back and watched The Prince emerge from off camera only to stare at the door for a long while before entering the elevator. Logan double-checked the time stamp. It had been while he’d was talking with Patton in the med bay.
Rolling the feed back further, Logan soon found footage of V and Patton leaving The Muse’s room, the tall bear-like Powered crying as he walked with V’s arm wrapped around him. There were no sound controls, at least none that he could find, but as Logan rolled back through the long stored history of footage, he found himself grateful. 
He skipped a little further back and saw himself, small and shaking as he fled to the elevator, slamming the call panel and retreating. Even now, tucked away in the soft window seat in his room, The Muse’s voice echoed through Logan’s mind,through his cells. Those panicked, anguished pleas for Silvertongue to return to him.
The next video timestamp was just over a week ago, shortly before Logan had come to HQ. Silvertongue left The Muse’s room and ripped off his helmet. Tears ran down his face and he crouched on the floor in front of The Muse’s door, shoulders shaking in silent sobs. Both hands pressed against the door, his mouth moved. But even zoomed in as far as it would go, Logan couldn’t make out what he was saying. Just that he was repeating the same words over and over.
After several minutes, Silvertongue pushed up to his feet, composed himself, then swooshed down to the elevator and disappeared. Logan didn’t need to follow Silvertongue’s path through the rest of HQ to know he was on his way to collect him from that abandoned cabin outside the University. 
“I’m so sorry, Muse,” he whispered, hand hovering over the last frame of the recording.
Then he kept going.
Logan reviewed the history of the basement cameras as far back as they would go, noting the timestamps jump with each recording. No more than two weeks passed between visits, but even a few days seemed like a horrifically long time to go without seeing anyone at all. The visits were short, typically a couple of hours at most, and the usual visitors were Patton and V, sometimes only Patton. 
Silvertongue rarely made the trip downstairs and entered even less often. His visits varied in duration, sometimes only a few minutes, once for over four hours. Each time he left, the Powered looked shaken, crying beneath his mask. And each time, after the door closed, he’d kneel just outside, hands pressed against the door.
And the Prince… The Prince visited even more often as Patton, but he never entered. Sometimes he sat outside The Muse’s door, curled against it with his ear pressed to the reinforced durasteel. Sometimes he paced the long hall. Each visit ended the same, with The Prince pressing his palm against the door before retreating to the elevator.
Tears stung Logan’s eyes when he'd reached the final frame of the last saved video, the silhouette of a splayed hand just barely visible through the door window. 
Turning off the tablet, Logan decided that, chair or not, suit or not, he needed to go see The Muse for himself.
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Any Updates On Thomas And Nico?
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Thomas: Yeah, you did say that. Something about a project, right?
Nico: Yup. I don’t know, something just wouldn’t let me sleep until I finished.
Thomas: Remember to take care of yourself, Nico! There are people out there who really care about you. You know that right?
Nico: … Like you?
Thomas: Well, me, but also your family, your friends, your colleagues…
Nico: Right, right, yeah… of course.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Them doing a photo lineup of the mugis for the battle and when it's Robin's turn she just turns and does a blue eyed stare at the camera 😭😭
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Look at her 😭😭
#i have a question about the heart pirates.... they just look like doctor's assistants... they dont even have weapons and for all we've seen#the only one who maybe can fight is the big guy and he's new... and bepo is the navigator and draws shit maps... how does the crew work.....#well all minks can fight but idk if bepo was trained in zou.... so....#why is sanji's little dance now moving his ass side to side akdhaksk#oh finally!!! shachi and penguin are swordmen and bepo kicks!! we really haven't seen much of them... idr if they did much in sabaody#honestly if law just took his friends for the ride and took care of everything else.... respect#the animation..... JESUS CHRIST!!!!!#there really was no need to bound man now but alas it looks cool#denjiro ITS TIME!!! YEAAAAAAHHH#the wig..... dramatic reveal....#kinemons plan being misunderstood and working becausw of it ajdhajshsj#and what boats did they destroy??? lmaoo??#luffys fit kinda falls apart on his orange jorts... purple and orange okay but red too??? mmm.....maybe red and purple dont match either....#kinemom saying he might die bc he has used up all his life's good luck HAJAHAAJAJ#okay lets finish that last boat but can someone get momo.... please.....#LAW!!! SHAMBLES!!!! GET MOMO!! its so funny how they complain about him not drawing like shit anymore ajdhaks#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 980#sanji can fly come on now....#come on now sanji..... dont let a theatre adult win... well nvm what is that... lmao sanji just taking hits instead of taking nami inside#also the fact that tokis fruit is around now.... who has that power.... or did it go.back in time to appear in her original time???#the orchestral strings version of the first opening as momo flies away..... damn#OMG JINBEEEEE!!!! HE DESTROYS THE SHIP! SERVES CUNT! AND ANNOUNCES HE IS JOINING THE CREW!!! FUCK YEAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!#luffy is so happy akdhsksj ME TOO!!!! FINALLY!!!!!#episode 979#<- fucked up.again#luffy loves jinbe so much i really love their relationship!!!!! that's his father now. shanks who
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TSS compilations need to stop popping up in my reccomended I don't want to be back in the fandom 3 years after I left in the year of our lord 2024 I think my brain would explode
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
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i like to hc that they r frien :>
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geekygeckogeeks · 1 year
I woke up at like 4am bored as hell and this thing below is the result.
Please keep in mind that I’m not a professional writer and I failed my recent English test.
Now presenting: Logan turning into orange transformation scene cause I’m too tired to think of an actually good name!
May be a bit spooky and stuff cause I kinda did whatever I wanted.
Shut the F up Roman, not a single word out of you’re delusional self has ever helped anyone!!
Everyone simply stood in shock, they didn’t know what else to do. Sure everyone was aware Logan didn’t have the best temper (despite his insistence on being emotionless) but this was an entirely different form of anger that seemed uncharacteristic when coming out of Logan’s mouth.
Eventually a shaking Roman broke the tense silence through breaking down in tears, snapping Patton back to reality.
“Roman are you okay? Patton asked although it was extremely clear to see that he wasn’t.
“No” Roman said between sobs. “I’m not”
This conflict brought Virgil back to Earth
“Logan what the hell was tha-??”
“Yeah Logan apologise to Ro-??”
Is was then the others began to realise Logan’s state. He was crouched on his hands and knees which forcing himself to stare into the messy carpet, so the others couldn’t see his new eyes. While he began to slightly slump down but no enough for it to be evident
“Hey you alright?” Virgil asked Logan in the softest tone he could muster.
“MeE?” Logan crooned “I assure you I’m no-iM fInE” His position still didn’t change, even as he said it though.
Roman (how had by now stopped crying) quickly responded”See look he’s perfectly fine, now let’s continu-
“NoT oNlY FiNe!” Although the others couldn’t see it, a uncanny smile that was just a bit too wide and just a tiny bit too toothy bled onto his mouth.”SuBliMe, FaNtAsTiC, AmAzInG, GrEaT…etc” as Logan carried on listening positives his voice became harsh and gravely and the once cool atmosphere that once surrounded him was corrupted making everyone feel slightly uncomfortable.
Everyone began to get slightly concerned of the thing in Logan’s spot.
“Ermm you don’t seem so Amazing, It’s always good to share you’re feelings ya know!” Patton said although his voice was now quivering and he didn’t seem so sure of himself.
“Don’t worry about Logan, he’s just trying to steal the sp-
“LoGaN?” The thing repeated the name as if feeling the sound of it roll around his mouth.
“Logan this isn’t funny, stop!” Virgil shouted.
it than got up from his position. Logans head moved around uncontrollably and his movement were unnatural as if he was just a rag doll being piloted by invisible strings.
“Im so sorry… BuT i DoNt KnOw A lOgAn.”
His head had stopped jerking around by now and now lay on a slant revealing a haunting smile and two unnerving orange eyes.
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boygirlctommy · 3 months
sanders sides s2 finale any day now guys….. surely……
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