#obesity and diabetes
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10 Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, caused by the body’s inability to use the insulin produced by its own pancreas or insufficient insulin production. As glucose begins to accumulate in the bloodstream, it begins to damage the blood vessels in organs large and small across the body.
Read more how to Reduce Complication of Diabetes: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/10-complications-of-diabetes-mellitus/2713
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aravind09 · 1 year
symptoms of diabetes type 2 in adults
Diabetes is on the ascent overall and is a serious, deep rooted sickness that can prompt coronary illness, stroke, and enduring nerve, eye, and foot issues. We should examine a couple of kinds of diabetes and their disparities. What is diabetes, and where does it emerge from? Insulin is a chemical that controls how much glucose in your body and is delivered by an organ known as the pancreas. You can foster diabetes, a problem set apart by strangely high blood glucose or sugar levels, when your body produces lacking insulin or when insulin doesn't work as expected in your body.
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growingtransgirl · 1 month
I’ve gained……ONE pound! 406 as of tonight!
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hq-erotic-hypnosis · 2 months
Extreme Feedism Album: 3 Death Feedism Tracks, 60% Discount!
Get this album before Bandcamp kicks me off their platform without warning, like YouTube did. :-(
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breakfast-n-backrolls · 2 months
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I just chugged a whole bottle of coke despite being a few milligrammes of glucose away from diabetes 🐽 I'm speedrunning it at this point, I wonder when I'm going to get it
Also, don't mind those red marks on my belly, I ended up laying on a towel lol
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
A class of diabetes medications, which include the best-selling drug Ozempic, are associated with a reduced risk of certain obesity-related cancers, according to a study released Friday. Published in the journal JAMA, the study compared patients with Type 2 diabetes who were treated with insulin versus patients who were given a class of drug known as GLP-1 agonists, like Ozempic, between 2005 and 2018. The researchers found that the patients who received GLP-1 agonists had a significantly lower risk of developing 10 out of 13 cancers studied, including kidney, pancreatic, esophageal, ovarian, liver and colorectal cancer.
Continue Reading.
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pigfan1 · 2 years
Each year theres more food in the world, it can't be coincidentally, it's just a sign that gluttony it's the future, let your appetite increase.
Obesity increases each year, a hundred years ago obesity was weird, now it's the norm, go outside and show your body, plus size it's a growing trend.
Hedonism it's so easy to follow, no morals or ethics, just be happy, feel pleasure, get entertained all the hours of your day, it's so easy to do it nowdays, theres Amazon, Disney+, Netflix, so much series and movies to see to keep your mind distracted while you mindlessly eat the food that was delivered to you, you didn't even have to go to the store to buy it.
And once you feel horny you can travel trough PornHub, Tumblr, DeviantArt, and so much places full of your fetishes.
So why dont you turn into an hedonist? Just imagine yourself in front of 3 screens, the first showing you a tv show, the second one showing you porn and the third one ordering more food for you as you fap and eat.
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Relation between Obesity and Diabetes
Excess weight and obesity have been linked to many chronic non-communicable diseases, including type-2 diabetes and its many complications. The rise in blood sugar leads to damage of micro and macro blood vessels, thus affecting almost every organ in the body, from nerves and eyes to kidneys and the heart.
Read more to know: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/relation-between-obesity-and-diabetes/1545
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pudgypiggie · 1 year
promoting obesity is so cute and wholesome fr!! imagine encouraging all your friends to just get fat and comfortable! give up on watching their weight and counting calories so that we can all binge together! i personally hope every one of my friends gets really, insanely fat!!! <33
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growingtransgirl · 8 days
My secret admirer should like this.
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butterbelly · 1 year
How goes the death feederism goals?
Any new updates on your health and have you finally given the doctors that heart attack from shock? 🤞
I'm nervous to go get a check-up, but the longer I wait the fatter I'll be for it and the more fun that will be! I have a fantasy of waddling to the doctor's office after a huge mcdonald's stuffing, sweaty, red and out of breath with my fat belly hanging out of my grease stained shirt. 🥵 and maybe walking out with some blood pressure/pre diabetes meds...
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porterdavis · 7 months
"...a national pharmacare program that includes coverage for birth control and diabetes medication."
Let's see if it covers diabetes medication for weight loss. Conservatives will squeal like stuck pigs but preventing/reversing obesity is the single greatest path to reducing overall healthcare costs there is.
As Dr. Peter Attia termed it -- medicine 2.0.
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davidbadaro · 6 months
David Badaro Expose 10 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You
Sugar is good for you in moderation, but too much can lead to weight gain, acne, type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of many serious medical conditions.
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Added sugar can be found in even the most unexpected products, from marinara sauce to peanut butter.
Many people rely on quick, processed foods for meals and snacks. Since these products often contain added sugar, it makes up a large portion of their daily calorie intake. A Fact: Do you know?
In the United States, the average adult consumes an estimated 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day. This is 14% of the total calorie intake in adults following a 2,000-calorie diet. Being a doctor, David Badaro believe that sugar consumption is a major cause of obesity and many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. That’s why dietary guidelines suggest limiting calories from added sugar to less than 10% per day.
Here are 10 reasons why eating too much sugar is bad for your health.
It Can Cause Weight Gain
May Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease
Linked to Acne
Increases Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
May Increase Your Risk of Cancer
May Increase Your Risk of Depression
May Accelerate the Skin Aging Process
Can Increase Cellular Aging
Drains Your Energy
Can Lead to Fatty Liver
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lemuel-apologist · 8 months
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that's fully not true
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growingtransgirl · 1 month
You're playing a risky game.
You know you're already facing serious health issues, yet you keep shoveling food into your greedy mouth; food that isn't the least bit healthy for anyone let alone you.
Do you even notice how heavily you're breathing just sitting down? How your bulging belly sways with the smallest of movements? How your heart pounds, races, and cries out in pain from the sheer stress your obesity puts on it?
You're digging your grave with a spoon, knife, and fork. Every meal full of sugar, carbs, and grease could be the one that pushes your body to the breaking point. It's only a matter of time before you glut yourself into oblivion, dear girl.
But you don't want to stop playing.
Not until your body forces the game to end.
I absolutely do NOT want to stop playing. The risk is worth it to me. I just need to continue getting fatter regardless of what my body tells me.
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hq-erotic-hypnosis · 3 months
New Release, Gut of a Gluttonous God: Hypnosis for a Powerful Stomach
You have the gut of a gluttonous god.
Your hunger knows no bounds, and now your stomach happily accommodates your appetite. Let it become your ever helpful and always expanding assistant.
See how massive and unstoppably ravenous you can become with the latest release from HQEH!
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