#obey me nightbringer chat log
nerdy-talks · 5 months
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Satan and MC are gonna go shopping for matching cat pajamas like any cat-loving couple should 💚
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rohansdisciple · 2 months
i’m like genuinely tweaking out about these cards rn b t w’s…
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nocreativityfornames · 5 months
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"I was planning on having a date with my boyfriend but he's busy and can't make it. Guess I'll just hang out with MC instead... 😔"
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lordiavolo · 1 year
nightbringer notes
- surprise guests presents are far less often, i think only 3 per day
- intimacy seems to give nothing and has been broken constantly resetting. i dont think theyve given us any apology reward for it either despite it being in a bug update. they possibly give phone calls but again. Games broken
- its easier to quickly earn dp through levels
- there are more daily tasks to do which makes it more gridning to earn daily dp
- item unlocks are now labeled in devils tree
- asmoxsatan has become one sided canon... which is. Great. :/
- asmo seems to be pushing in a non li direction, and has been completely turned into creep who wants to fuck satan. i thought this game was about fixing problems with the original story?
- things are getting retconned such as asmo and solomons pact being formed hundreds of years before it happened in the original timeline. yet solomon tells mc not to mention theyre from the past because it could "mess up space time continium" okay.
- luke is somehow alive
- no one seems to be mourning lilith until like chapter 10. despite it being so hard on belphie he kills mc in the original timeline, thousands of years later
- satan hates everyone
- mc basically is the reason for everyones early character development including introducing levi to tsl, which has somehow already been written, giving the brothers their rulers of the underworld status
- the brothers dont seem interested in mc at all, who kisses them which does raise their affection, however outside of mammon its never mentioned again (yet)
- theres more information on diavolos dad the demon king, michael, and lilith
- ruritunes are fun and easy. much easier than other rythm games as even if you get a nice as long as you dont outright miss the note you will maintain your combo
- while it seems easier to get through battles i fear in the long run it will be the same. as cards are harder to level, see below
- instead of being able to level the full card (minus leveling up skills) with just one card, you can now only 3 ☆ a card before you have to use multiple karma (?) to increase your skill level to unlock each ☆ level. i honestly have no clue how this system works nor do i have the patience to learn.
- it seems that the only way to get the cards (called jokers) needed to unlock skill levels is through raven, which is now nearly impossible to earn lots of. so far ive made 100s of dp playing, but only 19 raven. you cannot buy raven, which makes it seem like youll have to play the gatcha multiple times to get good cards.
- because of this although the game is seen as more easy to progress in than the original obey me, i presume as time goes on the battles will only get harder, and the cards are already incredibly difficult to level up. with the original game although you needed to do a lot of grinding, and battles werent as fun as ruritunes, it was easy to get to the end, so long as you were dedicated to logging in and read battle guides. now its up to gatcha luck and if you are skilled at rythm games, which isnt as easily learned as a original game battle strategy.
- all voice clips are redone, i presume with the same vas, however they all sound like youtubers trying to minic the official dialogue especially mammon, who sounds like a 12 year old boy with a chest cold
- the game is incredibly buggy which makes sense given it was pushed up to be released months earlier than intended (sept 2023)
- ur+s are easier to obtain as you can get multiple pieces from early hard lessons. ur+s no longer contain animations
- the ur+s being easy to obtain makes me suspect they will be releasing higher ranked cards as gatcha games typically do after a while to increase difficulty and gambling
- there are seemingly no longer daily chats
- you are not allowed to record fabsnaps (in game tiktoks) as the screen goes black
- the chats, phone calls, and friendship ap swapping is all in the same place, the decomm app
- you have to unlock the hard lessons to get all akuber locations, specifically you have to go to level 10 hard, which in order to get cards high enough you need the items in akuber (you can do it other ways)
- they still havent officially announced that theyre "decontinuing" the original app, leading to players still paying and grinding for the upcoming lessons thinking that theyll be doing that. they wont
- as i was writing this it told me a new nightmare was avalible. i tried to open it, even restarted the game but it doesnt show up for me at all, its 8pm and this is when they normally release them so i doubt it was a misclick, i just... literally cant see the nightmare
- upon release of the game they already had a 3000dp/160$ usd charge card mission, preying on gambling addicts and new players who think its a good deal
- you have to pay dp to unlock more comment options and emojis for fabsnap
- the 3d models are horrifying
- theres a new video call feature, which is also horrifying
- the fact the wanderers whereabouts episodes are called situations is hilarious to be. put that beast in a situation
- overall, the story is heartbreaking and nerve racking for orginal fans but i guess its fun if youre a new player, since theyre marketing this game to you, and not people who have already spent 100s to 1000s or more in this game
- cards are non transferable but apparently there will be co-events on both games. i have no idea how this will make sense plot wise to people in the original app, or vice versa
- the brothers now wear their demon outfits for the main story, with their casual outfits being up for sale for 300 raven in exchange raven mirroring the original game
- items in exchange raven are now limited, where as previously you could buy as many as you want, now you are limited to so many per month
- the ui is much more slick and futuristic
annnddd thats it at least for now. be sure to rb and add anything youve noticed. i kept it story lite cuz the story makes me literally nauesous but im up 2 date as well
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the week will be a long and busy one for me and today may already feel like a challenge but hey. I logged into obey me after a long time and saw I had a missed call for my 3 and a half years anniversary + I unlocked a Mammon picture in a chat (and last time i played nightbringer it left me with sour feelings towards Mammon so seeing him in this game feels like a welcoming hug)
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he's just awesome, I miss my guys and the home I found in them, hopefully the nighbringer lessons i havent played yet are a bit more comforting or just not so disappointing in terms of writing XD
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bbnibini · 1 year
Yo! I found you by the Solomon visual novel you wrote. I'm really interested in reading your series. Is there the best way to start? Really love your writing and how much thought you put in characterizing especially with Solomon.
Hello! 👋 Thank you for playing! 🥰 I hope you enjoyed it! To answer your question... Honestly? Just go for whatever work you like. Each entry in the series can offer you something different. Though if you really want some recommendations on where to start, here are some suggestions you may want to consider! (info under the cut)
If you want to go in totally blind, I would highly suggest starting with P.S. I Still Love You. It connects everything quite well and gives a more "shocking" impression. I think it's also the most accessible despite its length. The common route has a more lighthearted start and would ease you into the narrative until we get to the hard mode routes where it gets darker and more serious.
If you are playing Obey Me Nightbringer and you like lore, try starting with Ode to a Lily. There are some terms and concepts that might not make sense at first (especially the end notes) but I've included helpful links within the fic texts to give more context and insight to some references. It's pretty heavy on Celestial Realm politics and lore if you're into that kind of thing. It's also complete! Though the other side of the story, Lilith's perspective is yet to be explored until I write Lucifer's ending in PSISLY. You'll see why.
You can also start with Just You: Chapter 1 then go straight to P.S. I Still Love You. Ignore chapter 2 for now. It will lead you there at the right time. c: If you read it this way, you can get the same experience as starting out with P.S. I Still Love You. Most of my older readers started like this as well!
The only entries I highly discourage to read blindly are the chat logs and Memoria side stories. They wouldn't make any sense unless you read PSISLY or Ode to a Lily. And at OE B moving forward for Barbatos, it will be really spoiler heavy which may affect your enjoyment/immersion.
Oh! If you want to read PSISLY, I have included the route suggestions in carrd (it's in the fic description)! Generally,
Common Route > Mammon > Satan > Barbatos > Lucifer (this isn't released yet) > Final Route (some portions of it are already released)
In between routes, try exploring the fic in a different way (without using the hyperlinks!) You might have a fateful encounter. ^^
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nerdy-talks · 5 months
Mammon is so cute ( > w < )
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Now imagine if that plushie actually belongs to MC, and they just accidentally dropped it.
Mammon finds it and brings it back to his room for safekeeping.
Later on, Mammon shows off the plushie to MC.
"Oi, MC! Check out this cool lookin' plush!"
Only for MC to respond with "Ah, I've been looking all over for that! Thanks for finding it, Mammon!"
Mammon is both surprised and disappointed that he can't keep it lol
When he awkwardly mentions that it resembles him, MC smiles.
"I know, that's actually why I wanted it. Now I could always have you by my side in some way no matter what."
Mammon's face instantly heats up, his gaze darting to look at anything but MC. After a few seconds, he speaks up.
"I won't let some stupid toy take the Great Mammon's place, ya know. I'm your first man, so just call me when ya need me and I'll be there."
MC gently slips the plushie out of Mammon's hand before leaning up and pressing their soft lips against his own.
"Thank you, Mammon. I'll do that~"
Mammon then keeps bothering MC because he wants them to give the plushie back to him. Mammon claims it's because he doesn't want MC to replace him, but it's actually because Mammon likes the plushie and wants it for himself xD
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plssss, this is so cute 😭
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Satan and Belphie are so funny for that though, poor man has to search the whole house now just to find his damn sockssss
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