#obito infuriates me and minato annoys me
hellcifrogs · 1 year
Honestly I'm of the idea that Minato didn't even really need to seal Kurama into Naruto...
Let's ignore the fact that since he sealed half of it in himself he could have sealed it fully and could have killed Kuram alongside himself, let's ignore that for the whole "Bijuu help with the power balance between villages" thing or whatever bullshit they have going on with the Bijuu, maybe he thought it was better to leave Konoha with that kinda power against possible attacks or whatever
But what about Kushina? We know that Uzumaki have insane endurance and enough stubborness to be super hard to kill, as shown by the fact that Naruto and Kushina are the only Jinchuuriki not immediately dying upon losing the Bijuu (not counting Gaara who died and came back), and that a Bijuu's healing factor is even more insane than that... So why the Hell didn't Minato seal Kurama back into Kushina to have him forcibly heal her lest he'd die with her? I mean, we know Kurama doesn't want to die, especially not at that point in time
Whenever I think about it I'm always like, "What the Hell Minato!!!" and my... Not hatred, hatred is a strong word, but... Maybe distaste is a better word to describe how I feel about Minato. My distaste for him grows just a tiny little bit each time
And we could have still had our Naruto- Minato could have split Kurama between Naruto and Kushina instead of Naruto and himself, so that at least Naruto would have had his mom by his side and not grow up alone
I get it that he was under a lot of pressure because of the situation, but still... A better solution was right in front of him
All of this! Same! Just adding these two points:
1- I don't remember the details anymore, sometime soon I will have to go back and check Minato's reasoning for the sealing again, so for now I can't say I agree with these lovely alternatives or see them working. But I always try to keep in mind that Kishimoto most likely could not predict he would end up with that situation when he made Naruto not have parents. (As you can see I have the habit of seeing all sides of the story even the outside 🫠)
2- I don't hate Minato either, he just annoys me!
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
I missed you
Word Count: 2,793
Pairing: Obito x Reader
Warnings: None
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“Would you mind taking Tobi with you, I think it´s a good time for his first mission” Pain asked you as you received your mission. You bit your lip, you were more effective if you went alone. Standing in front of your leader her highness adored so much, if she was here she would want you to take the guy with you. You frowned and looked down at your feet, you were so conflicted. “May I still go to Konoha? His death day is coming up...” you asked quietly. Pain nodded. “Of course, take as much time as you need to mourn. I told Tobi to be obedient and follow your orders. You´re in charge of him. I have every right to believe that you will make Tobi a good member” he complimented you and you bowed down. “Thank you, leader-sama. This means very much to me. I will not fail” you vowed. Pain chuckled. “I know you won´t” he allowed you to leave. You left his office and strolled down the hallway to find Tobi. You found him tucking at Deidara´s cloak, asking him if he was mad at him. You sighed, hoping he wouldn´t be annoying on your mission. “We´re leaving at once” you announced, getting the attention of them both. “Huh? But I just came back from a mission, un” Deidara made his annoyance clear. “I didn´t talk to you” you sternly reminded him. Tobi stopped tucking at the cloak and now faced you. “Huh? Tobi gets to go on a mission with (Y/N)-chan?” he excitedly exclaimed. You chuckled slightly. He was childish, but it was refreshing. “Indeed. Let´s go” you ordered, touching his shoulder. Deidara sighed. “Good luck, Tobi, don´t annoy her!” he reminded him. “Deidara-senpai is mean to Tobi, (Y/N)-chan!” he whined. You smirked and looked at Deidara with puppy dog eyes. “Are you a meanie, Deidara?” you faked your own childish voice and then laughed at Deidara´s pouting expression. “I´m not, un. Tobi´s just annoying!” he repeated himself. “I know, I know...we´re off!” you said and you two left the hideout.
“Say, (Y/N)-chan, where are we going?” Tobi asked you, slightly tucking at your cloak. This habit again… “Konoha” you answered simply, he still didn´t let go of your cloak and at the name of the village, he held on tighter to your cloak. You frowned. “Why are we going there?” he asked further. “The death day of somebody very dear to me is coming up. We will commence the mission after that day” you told him, leaving all the details out. Tobi was quiet for a while, before he whispered: “I´m sorry, (Y/N)-chan...”. You felt that familiar pang of guilt in your chest, you didn´t deserve the sympathy. You didn´t speak a word until you arrived at Konoha. Surprisingly Tobi also kept quiet. “You can wait here” you told him as you arrived at the familiar glade. “Can Tobi come with (Y/N)-chan?” he asked in his childish, innocent manner. You couldn´t wrap your head around him and it infuriated you. Why was someone with his characteristics in an S-rank criminal organization? “No, I´d rather be alone, Tobi” you let him know, but he was persistent. “Please, (Y/N)-chan! You shouldn´t mourn alone, I won´t annoy you, I promise!” he kept whining and you gave in. “Okay, come with me” you led him to the stone, where you laid flowers. “Hey, Obito. I brought someone with me today, I hope you don´t mind. He´s nice, he won´t disrupt your peace. I miss you, it´s gotten worse in the last years… her highness said I should get over you, but I can´t. I see all those people, they´re in love, happy. Families and couples. All I can think of is how cruel the world is, taking the innocent and leaving the corrupt. I just wish you could see all this, all the happiness, the happiness you deserved. You deserved the world and more. I wish you would´ve grown up, I´m sorry, Obito. I´m sorry I couldn´t save you...I should´ve died that day. I know I´m the last person you want to see every year, but...I am selfish. I miss you so terribly, I long for a life we could have never had...I know it´s wrong, but I can´t help myself but love you. Sometimes I feel as if you´re still with me, but then I reach out and nothing´s there...” you started sobbing, the pain of this past year would now convert into tears and touch the ground. “Okay, we can go now, Tobi” you managed to say through your crying. “Tobi wants to stay with (Y/N)-chan, Tobi wants to comfort (Y/N)-chan. Tobi doesn´t like seeing (Y/N)-chan sad, it makes Tobi sad too...” he said. You gave Tobi a warm smile, his words touched you. He always managed to cheer you up when you were down, whether it was intentional or not. “I´m fine” you said. “(Y/N)-chan is a liar!” Tobi exposed you. You sighed. “I don´t want to talk about it, Tobi. Let´s just carry out the mission” you demanded. “(Y/N)-chan, it´s not good to bottle things up...” he softly whispered. You closed your eyes for an instance before you went out of Konoha and into the other village where your mission would be. It was evening when you arrived so you booked a room for you two. “I´ll go take a shower, don´t do anything stupid” you warned. Tobi sat on the floor and nodded. He watched the door close, heard the water flow and then stop. He heard you drying your hair and then step out in your night gown. You let your hair fall down naturally. Tobi didn´t say anything, he was scared of going too far. But he couldn´t just sit there and do nothing, he hated seeing you like this. The only reason he joined Akatsuki was you, because he just couldn´t let you go. He was the reason you were sad and he hated himself for it. “You should go to sleep too, Tobi. Get some rest” you softly called him. “I´m not tired” he said and you sat down next to him. “What´s wrong?” you asked, touching his shoulder gently. “I hate seeing you sad, I can´t do anything to help you. I´m just useless” he said, making you laugh. “You´re not useless, Tobi. There´s nothing you can do, but thank you for offering your help, it means much to me.” you sighed. “You know what, I´ll tell you the story. It happened 16 years ago, in the war.” you started, refraining yourself from crying. “Maybe I should start at a different point…” you thought out loud, this was harder than you thought. You didn´t know where to start, it all began long ago but to understand your pain and guilt you had to explain your feelings, and how should you do that? You sighed deeply, before starting again. “His name was Obito, he was brave, kind and caring. He was a good one, a really good one… and I… fell in love with him, even though I knew I shouldn´t. He loved another, her name was Rin and she was perfect. She was a sweet girl. They were all in the team of Minato, the fourth Hokage. And it was my job to watch out for them, because Obito and Rin weren´t Jonin yet, only Kakashi made that. Well, I was sent out to fight in the war and wasn´t there when it happened. Minato and his team went out on a mission, but Rin was captured. Obito wanted to save her, but Kakashi was against it. In the end they went to save her, but the enemy was stronger and… he died.” you had to stop a bit, a lump forming in your throat. “I couldn´t do anything to save him...I wasn´t there for him, I failed. He was too young to die, he just didn´t deserve to die. I should´ve died instead...but I´m still alive. And that´s not fair” you finished, balling your fists and crying hot tears. Tobi said nothing for a while, he just sat down next to you and placed his hand above yours. “It´s not your fault” he simply said. You chuckled. “Of course it is, but that´s not important right now. We should get some rest for now...” you said, yawning. You fulfilled the mission without any disturbance on the next day and arrived in the hideout in the evening. “You were in Konoha again, weren´t you?” her highness spat at you, you got infuriated by her sharp tone. “So what if I was?” you responded in the same tone. Her highness raised her eyebrow and then her voice: “You´re really fucking pathetic, you know that?! He´s been dead for sixteen years now! He loved another one, he never loved you! Don´t you fucking get it? You´re not special and this whole: it´s my fault thing pisses me off! It wasn´t your place to save him , you were never supposed to even talk to him, yet you did and yes it´s your fault. That alone is, you ruined his life, he´s dead because of you. But not because you couldn´t save him, he´s dead because you forced yourself into his life. You better get the fuck over him!” she yelled at you in hysteria. You wanted to yell back at her, slap her, tell her she wasn´t there and didn´t know what happened, but then again, you also didn´t witness his death. She was right, as always. And the truth hurt. Without saying anything or even looking at her, you walked into the hideout. “Tobi heard some yelling, are you alright, (Y/N)-chan?” he asked you, placing his hands on your shoulders and inspecting your face. Well, you supposed he did because his masked face was very close to you. “Sorry I´m late, leader-sama” you apologized, ignoring the man child. “It´s alright. How did the mission go?” he asked. “Smoothly. No disturbances. A success” you answered. Pain nodded and dismissed you. In the next weeks her highness and you did not get along, you were still mad at her and she was still mad at you. This quarrel hurt both of you, you were her first follower, her best friend. She just wanted the best for you, she couldn´t stand you still loving a dead person, she couldn´t stand the pain you found yourself in. Not only did you completely ignore her, you distanced yourself from everyone and everything. You demanded more missions on your own, which you all succeeded in in no time. But that wasn´t enough, you needed more action, you just needed to let some steam off. You found yourself wandering through the woods to train until you dropped. You practiced your taijutsu as that was your forte. After breaking a few things, you were out of breath and stretched a bit, sighing peacefully after you finally calmed down a bit. “(Y/N)-chan!” Tobi was seated on top of a tree branch and waved at you. You chuckled. “Hey Tobi, watch out so you don´t fall down that tree” you smirked. “Tobi can watch himself!” he pouted. You laughed. “I´m just worried about you, big boy” you winked, still laughing at his childishness. “Huh?! (Y/N)-chan is worried about Tobi?” he thought out loud and jumped down the tree, landing in front of you. “Is (Y/N)-chan worried about Tobi because she likes him?” he whispered excitedly. “Perhaps” you whispered back and chuckled when he started giggling like a little kid. “Tobi likes (Y/N)-chan too!” he proceeded to pick you up and spin you around, making you squeal at the amount of strength he had. You didn´t know he had it in him… “Tobi! Let me down!” you laughed. Tobi pouted when he let you down. “Let´s go to the city and buy some candy!” he suggested and immediately grabbed your hand and ran off. “Tobi not so fast!” you reminded him, wondering where he took all that energy from. Tobi stopped. “I wanna give (Y/N)-chan a piggyback ride!” he exclaimed. “Tobi no! I´m too heavy, I´ll break your back” you warned him. “Don´t worry (Y/N)-chan! Tobi´s strong” he reminded you. You got behind him, grabbed his shoulders and jumped onto him. He grabbed your legs for support before he started running to the city. Tobi bought you your favorite candy and watched you eat it when you sat down in the woods together. “(Y/N)-chan´s really pretty!” Tobi suddenly said, hugging you. “Thank you, Tobi” you smiled at him.
In this past year he never failed making you smile or laugh, he was always there for you and dragged you out of dark thoughts. But too soon it was Obito´s death day again. “You won´t go this time, I will not allow it” her highness scolded you. It was no use fighting here and so you stayed in the hideout. You were all alone, all the other members were out on missions. You missed him terribly, you hated being alone. You wondered if you should eat something, but you weren´t hungry, so instead you just sat down on your bed and stared out of the window into the night. Sleep didn´t come for you these past days. “(Y/N)?” somebody called your name and you turned around in your bed to find Tobi standing in your doorway. “Tobi? Are you back already?” you asked, that must mean Deidara was back too, and the dreaded silence too. You didn´t know whether you enjoyed the annoying explosions of Deidara or the deadly silence more. “I need to talk to you” Tobi said in an uncommon deep voice for him. “Tobi are you sick?” you asked worriedly. He chuckled. “That´s why I need to talk to you...(Y/N/N)” he said, using the nickname only one person knew of, a very dead person. Your eyes widened as you sat up straight. “I think it´s about time you know the truth. The truth about what happened to me.” he started, you were still confused. “Only...he knew that nickname...” you whispered, sobbing slightly at the pain in your chest. You balled your fists and clenched your teeth. “How do you know that nickname, Tobi? This isn´t funny...” you pleaded. He sat down next to you. “It´s me...it´s Obito, (Y/N/N)” he told you and it was like your whole world crushed. How was this possible? Kakashi told you...he told you he was dead. Was he lying to you? What did this mean? “I will explain everything now, so please listen. First I want you to know that I have been in love with you ever since you were assigned to babysit our team. I had a crush on Rin, but I loved you...and I still do, it just took me some time to know the difference. Before you say anything, I want you to know what happened...” he explained everything from how he supposedly died to his training under Madara and the Akatsuki. He told you how he was ugly now and afraid that you wouldn´t love him anymore, he sounded so scared. All you could do was listen and cry, you couldn´t believe he was alive all this time. If you would´ve known earlier you would´ve come to him, you could´ve told him long ago… “I´m sorry...I´m so sorry...” you sobbed, watching the tears hit the floor. “You shouldn´t apologize, none of this is your fault. I should´ve told you earlier, but I didn´t know how...” he said. You were still crying as you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him, planning on never letting go. You sobbed into his chest, holding on tight. “You´re alive...” you sobbed. Obito´s arms shook slightly as he hugged you back. “I never thought I could ever hold you like this...” he said. “Obito?” you stopped crying. “Can I take off your mask now?” you asked, looking up at him. There was a moment of silence, before he nodded. Your hand reached for his mask, pulling it off. The scars he told you about were there, but it wasn´t this that made you frown, it was his own miserable expression. You cupped his cheek to make him look at you. He hesitantly looked up at you and you could see tears flowing down his eye. “I missed you, Obito...” you whispered. His lip started quivering as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in the crook of your neck. “I missed you too, but I´m here now. I´ll never leave you again, I promise. I love you, (Y/N)” he mumbled. You ran your hands through his hair, calming him down. “I love you too, Obito. I never stopped loving you, I love you so much” you whispered in his ear.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Staring at the Sun
Happy Holidays!
To: @rezelis
From: @miss-fandoms-shakespeare
Title: Staring at the Sun 
Rating: Teen (for swearing)
Wordcount: 2000
Prompt: So I wrote a time travel fic but it got really long and sad and it was kinda awful so I reread your wish and latched onto the supernatural creatures bit and ran with it. 
Warnings/Notes: I have never written Gai ever before and I tried my best not to make things too awkward and cringy since you said that stuff wasn’t a thing for you. I hope this is something you like and send holiday wishes!
Summary: This had a working title of “Kakashi no don’t do that you’ll end  up…. it’s too late isn’t it?” and that is the best summary for this. Feat. Gai to the rescue and incorrect assumptions of clan heritage. 
When Kakashi opened his eyes before the sun had risen over the Hokage monument, he expected it to be another one of his more tiring days. He couldn’t remember the dream that woke him so early, but if it had been bad enough he wrenched himself out of his unusually deep slumber, then it was probably better he didn’t remember. Maybe, for once Gai wouldn’t harass him into another foolish challenge. Or maybe he hoped that Gai would, the challenges did have a way of making him feel far more rooted in Konoha, more wanted. For a moment he thought about just not going to meet his team, yeah, that’s it. He’ll make them wait for a few hours, choosing instead to go stand in front of Obito’s grave and apologize to the Uchiha he’d been best friends with before poking a little fun at him, and then by–Kakashi’s thoughts screeched to a halt. He didn’t have a team. Sasuke had run off to Orochimaru, Naruto had run off with Jiraiya, and Sakura had run to Tsunade. He was most certainly proud of each of his students, Sasuke for progressing so quickly (he saw far too much of the grieving toddler he had been), Naruto for getting his head on his shoulders and really doing something to help him reach his goals (he felt a pang every time Naruto used the Rasengan, knowing it had been Minato’s strongest magic), and Sakura for not taking anyone’s shit and quickly becoming a shinobi of notability (he felt so awful every time he remembered how he had ignored her training in favor of her male teammates.) But he missed them. They gave him something to do with his days, allowed him to take missions that didn’t involve killing and blood. He saw his own team in them, for the little bit of time he had been part of one. He longed for Minato to be here, to still be alive, but alas, he couldn’t let his head wander to silly fantasies.
Kakashi was a shinobi, a magical person or creature that swore to use their powers to protect humanity from the darkness of the shadow realm. They could be all human, werewolf (like his father had been, as well as many powerful fighters like Jiraiya), seelie (like the infamous Hyuuga clan), vampires (the Uchiha), or other non-human or partly non-human magical beings. And while they were all technically on the same side, that did not stop anyone from establishing territories and engaging in minor, petty rivalries. Especially for long-living proud clans. (*cough cough* Uchiha *cough cough*) They had a leader or group of leaders, often an assembly major figures in the human realm of politics. At the moment they were led by a council of Kages. They bickered and sometimes [read: always] got territorial, but they ran the world relatively fairly and kindly, at least, they didn’t actively start too many major wars. Those were almost always caused by non-magical political leaders.
Kakashi finally sat up with a weary sigh and pulled in the mask he always wore. It was a habit he picked up as a toddler and never thought to change. He pushed himself out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen-living space that was the main room of his small apartment. His dogs, all right of them, looked up and started wagging their tails, excited to see him up. He flicked the coffee machine on, grabbed a random sweatshirt from the rack next to the door, took a few of the leashes and then opened the door. His dogs followed after him obediently, Pakkun in the lead. He clipped the leashes to a few of his more troublesome dogs and then led the small caravan to the local park. Kakashi has not looked too closely at the sweater he pulled in and had not really thought about running into anyone. So when he got to the dog park and let his army of hellion loose, he did not expect to see another man there with his own rather impressive group of dogs. The man was clearly a vampire, from the way he kept carefully out of the rising sun, and nets were he was an Uchiha. A trickle of an idea formed in Kakashi’s mind.
It should be stated that Kakashi did not actively seek out Uchiha to annoy. It’s just that after having Obito as a teammate and Sasuke as a genin and working with Itachi before his desertion and fighting a number of the clan, he’s developed a certain…habit for getting in their nerves. And after the melancholy of his morning and the dream last night, he could use a little [mostly] harmless fun. And so, with a mostly formed plan in his mind, Kakashi casually walked over to the bench the vampire was sitting on and slouched down into the seat. Now to bide his time and wait for the perfect moment.
It took about five minutes before the vampire started side-eyeing Kakashi. Which he was sort of impressed by. Most people only lasted a minute before getting squirmy. Kakashi smirked inwardly and was glad for the mask. They were approaching the point he found so amusing, when the Uchiha broke. The other man lasted another five minutes before turning to face Kakashi. This was going to be good….
“I don’t know who Tobirama said I was but I am the Uchiha clan head and you can tell your boss that if he keeps sending god damn surrogates just to piss me off I’ll have his head! It’s even worse than the fucking clones! At least those didn’t reek of animal like you do.” The vampire bellowed, voice very clearly carrying across the whole two feet between them. He was loud and also insulting. That last shot about animal hurt. Well, Kakashi had not intended to annoy Madara, but if this was the result he might understand why Tobirama Senju routinely got into petty spats with him. Kakashi blinked his visible eye once.
“I don’t work for the Senju at all. And I certainly haven’t been sent by Tobirama-san” Kakashi protested lightly, careful to keep his voice calm. It had infuriated Obito when they were kids, but he also did not want to piss off a Head Vampire. Not while he was unarmed and had no proof of his shinobi status. Madara looked utterly disbelieving and was slowly growing a nice red.
“Of course you work for the Senju! You smell like their blood and look like Tobirama’s twin for heaven’s sake!” Madara shouted back. Kakashi knew that they had the same silver-white hair and had his face been visible they would’ve had similar noses, and that the Hatakes were related to the Senju distantly, but that didn’t mean he was a Senju. In fact, Kakashi was pretty sure he was about as far from being a Senju as possible. He hadn’t even slept with someone from their bloodline, no way did he smell like them.
“I’m telling you, I’m not a Senju.  I’m a shinobi, yes, but I’m from a different clan.” Kakashi insisted, hesitant to reveal who he was. He wasn’t sure what the Uchiha thought of him and didn’t want to get his ass handed to him by Madara. Kakashi was a powerful shinobi, but Heads had more power than anyone else. And to be entirely and completely honest, the vampire scared him. On instinct he started to call chakra to his hands, feeling his fingertips tingle with the promise of power and lightning. Kakashi didn’t really want to fight in public, but it wouldn’t be his first (or second or third or fourth) run in with an Uchiha in public and the park was empty except for them. Right when Madara opened his mouth, eyes narrowing into a glare, fangs elongating, no doubt to berate Kakashi and further try to prove he was sent by Tobirama and possibly seconds away from going for his throat, a bright green blur appeared in front of Kakashi.
“My eternal rival! It is so good to see you out and about on this youthful morning!” Gai, a very green, very spandex-y shinobi who liked to wax poetic about being youthful. Kakashi had been dulled to the strangeness of it all over the years of knowing and being good friends with the man. Madara, however, has had no such exposure and was rather appropriately shocked out of his goddamn mind at the almost magical appearance of what surely smelled like a human. The vampire made a choking sound and thumped a hand against his chest. His fangs made an audible snick as they retracted. Kakashi was so  glad he was here to witness this. A flustered Madara not about to kill him was highly amusing. He let his chakra fade into the calm state it was usually in.
“Who is this?!” He spluttered, still recovering from the shock. Kakashi smirked under the mask, but the smugness must have transmitted through because Madara glared at him again. Kakashi gulped a little, but didn’t let the look phase him. After seeing Madara surprised he was far less terrifying.
“I told you I wasn’t a Senju. And definitely not one sent by Tobirama-san to antagonize you.” Gai beamed.
“My most honorable comrade here likes to poke fun at people sometimes!” The beast of a man exclaimed. Madara fumed, but relented and stood up before giving a flustered attempt at…something. Kakashi couldn’t actually understand what the man said before he called two of the dogs Kakashi’s pack had been playing with and walked away, muttering to himself about “useless shinobi, gonna kill Tobirama…” Kakashi let the feeling of a little fun wash over him, completely cleansing away the feeling from earlier this morning. Gai clapped him on the shoulder. Kakashi chuckled slightly and Gai gave Kakashi a Look ™.
“He was the one who started it. I simply sat down here.” Kakashi shrugged. Gai beamed again and struck a Nice Guy pose, thumbs up and feet planted wide.
“My eternal rival! How I wish I could emulate how cool you are!” Gai exclaimed. Kakashi let out a long sigh, but even as he brushed off the other man he let a hand drop to Gai’s shoulder.  Kakashi knew he’d regret his earlier wish for more Gai, but right now his presence had saved him from a situation and he was really glad to have such a good friend. Gai opened his mouth, with the look in his eyes that meant a challenge was coming and Kakashi acted quickly.
“Sorry to bail on you so early, Gai, but my dogs have been out for a while and I need to take them back home to eat. I’ll see you later, okay?” As he spoke he called his dogs over with a flare of chakra. They all came running, even if they were reluctant to leave their doggy friends. Gai’s posture didn’t droop and his smile became more genuine.
“Of course Kakashi, you cool, cool man! I shall find you later to issue our daily challenge. Until then!” Then Gai sprung off into a sprint and Kakashi sent up a prayer for whatever unsuspecting jogger was about to be blown over. He attached the leashes and then started walking back towards his apartment, taking the route that would lead him past the grove of trees the contained the Memorial Stone. Kakashi no longer felt the drag on his insides and knew that while he’d definitely not be able to blow off Gai’s challenge today, he would also have time to write a few emails to his former students. Maybe even see if there were any short missions. He gave a smirk. Maybe there would be a mission where he’d get to work with a vampire. Especially a red-eyed vampire, if he was lucky. Smiling to himself, Kakashi walked peacefully back, pleased with his morning and looking forward to the day ahead of him.
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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hiruma-musouka · 7 years
Also, 27.) "Can we go someplace high so I can jump off it?" for Shishui and Obito, please?
[AO3 link] - Summary: In which a change of events both improves and worsens Obito’s quality of life, some people are alive who wouldn’t be, and family is great (except when you have a hangover).
Obito flails out of a dead sleep atthe LOUD, tone deaf squall. Heart pounding, he blindly flings a kunai at thedoor, frantically shoves himself up…
…and with an undignified scramblefor his sheets falls right off his bed with a thud.
Shisui snorts.
“You… bastard…” Obitogroans, head throbbing and stomach threatening to rebel as his massive hangovermakes itself known past the intense throbbing in his bad side. Thank thefucking kami he had gotten caught in his sheets and flipped over when he slidoff the mattress like a moron. At least this way he only had to deal with hisnormal level of chronic pain in addition to the hangover and embarrassmentinstead of the crippling agony that would have come with landing on his rightside.
Crippling. Obito snorts bitterly,wincing as it sets off the ache in his nose from hitting the floor boards. Notthat he could feel it much past the boss summons trying to smash their way outof his skull.
God, why the hell had he drunk so much again?
“Are you alright?” Shisuicalls out, a laugh hiding in his tone as his head peaks out carefully frombehind the door frame. The younger shinobi plucks the kunai out of the woodnear his cheek, and Obito gives him a dirty look and flips him off.
“Why the fuck are youhere?” Obito rasps through his parched throat, shifting carefully onto hisback with a hiss as his hip and knee lock up. “And while we’re at it, howdid you get past all of my traps again, you little shit?”
“C'mon cousin, give me somecredit for being a jounin,” Shisui says, friendly grin softening as Obitocringes slightly at the sound of his voice and brings up a hand to rub gingerlyat his temple. The sixteen-year-old’s eyes flicker briefly over his twistedscars as Obito forces his locked up muscles to unwind, but the only emotion hecatches on Shisui’s face when he squints over at him is a good-natured sympathyrather than the pity, disdain, or infuriating dismissiveness so common amongtheir fellow shinobi.
Not that that’s going to save Shisuifrom the revenge and massive trap upgrades that Obito is going to implementafter this. His traps are one of the few shinobi arts he still has full accessto and he is NOT going to have someone just dance right past them!
“You are only a jounin,”Obito says, already plotting alterations as he throws his left arm over hisface to block out the light spearing through his eyes, “becauseMinato-sensei has a quota to meet for Konoha’s ranks and he decided to skip theportion of the jounin requirements that cover good sense and appropriatedecision making skills.”
“Well that’s rude,” Shisuiremarks idly. “It certainly explains a lot about our comrades, but there’sstill no reason to take your bad mood out on me. I only dropped by tosay happy twentieth birthday in person since no one invited me to thebar yesterday and by the time I found out and arrived you were already well onyour way to pickling yourself. Speaking of which, nice life choice there:getting involved in one of Gai’s challenges.”
Oh riiight, Obito thinks belatedly, fuzzy memories of green spandex,silver hair, and sake jugs dancing through his mind, THAT’S why I drank somuch last night.
… He really needed to stop lettingcompetitiveness and low-key resentment influence his life choices.
Obito runs his tongue over histeeth, scars pulling slightly as he screws his face up, abruptly aware of theaftertaste of vomit, alcohol, and fried chicken. Or maybe it’s just that heneeds to stop making any decisions at all if he’s frustrated or annoyed andalcohol is already involved. They never end well. The fuck up with the Aoba andhis crows comes to mind. The massive argument with Bakashi and his martyringguilt complex is another.
Yeah… maybe switching out the alcohol for Anko’s fruitycocktails would be a better choice and to hell with anyone’s teasing.
Hell, he probably didn’t even manageto beat Kakashi even if he did match Gai drink for drink because Bakashiprobably cheated again by stealth dumping his drinks into other people’sglasses or something. Rin is going to give him that look when she comesaround and—
Oh fuck. RIN!
“So you do remember theend of last night,” Shisui affirms with a grin as Obito makes a horrifiedgurgling sound and attempts to sink through the floor in abject, mortifiedhumiliation. “I’d sort of wondered if I had lost that bet because youseemed remarkably aplomb for a guy who’s just drunkenly hit on his childhoodcrush. Again. For the fifth—”
“Shisui, I swear on ourancestor’s ashes that if you don’t shut up,” Obito threatens, voicemuffled through his hands and yet noticeably high pitched, “I will haveyou assassinated. I am Minato-sensei’s glorified fucking secretary and Ihave the sharingan: I will forge his signature and have them dump you deadin a river somewhere!”
Shisui throws him a slightly unsurelook over a smile. “You know it’s kind of concerning how you default totreasonous murder when life pushes your buttons wrong. I’d like to emphasizethat I had nothing to do with you failing to serenade—” Obitogroans “—your crush.”
“I don’t have a crush onRin,” Obito says flatly, watching the ceiling and debating about slamminghis fist into his knee so he can be overwhelmed with the much more palatablephysical agony instead of the mental agony of sake-tinged recollections.
“That’s not what the entiretyof the bar thinks.”
“Although Rin was very kindabout turning you down again, if it makes you feel better.” Shisui offers.
It did not make Obito feel better.
“River, Shisui. River,”Obito threatens darkly, wincingly remembering Rin doing the same kind butsubtly immovable speech to let drunk-him down that she had done the lasttime he’d started regaling the room with her virtues.
He doesn’t have a crush on Rinanymore. He really, really doesn’t. Rin is like… the brilliantly kind andcapable sister figure Obito had always wanted, but he’s not really one forromancing close sister figures because he’s not a noble or a Hyuuga.It’s also really hard to maintain any sweet feelings for the person who unyieldinglyforces you through regular physical therapy. But it’s genuinely not hisfault that she’s practically perfect in every way outside of that or thatdrunk him always feels the need to explain that to the idiot people who don’tproperly appreciate her and he really needs to stop doing this!
Oh god this is going to be awkward.Nobody ever believes ‘I don’t have a crush anymore, I just think she’sperfect.’
(Perfect aside from her shitty tastein emotionally unavailable guys that is, but Obito’s opinion there is prettymuch never wanted.)
“This is probably a bad time tomention that pretty much everyone was still there when you started rambling,isn’t it?” Shisui asks rhetorically.
“I need someplace high so I canjump off it,” Obito despairs wholeheartedly, already imagining the shithe’ll get for this as various assholes come through the Hokage tower formissions and reports. Fuck his life.
“Someplace high huh?”Shisui considers thoughtfully, making Obito pause to eye him warily at his toneof voice. “Alright, I’ve got an idea. Come on, get up and let’s go getbreakfast so we can leave.”
“No,” Obito refuses,stomach rolling at the thought of food.
“Up, up, up!” Shisuichives, smart enough not to come in reach of Obito even as he grabs Obito’s legbrace off the table and drops it on his chest.
“I said no!”
Shisui takes a deep, exaggeratedbreath and Obito flinches, covering his ears just in time before Shisui startssinging the most horrendously mangled version of Happy Birthday that a humanhas ever croaked out.
“Alright, alright, shutup!” Obito cracks, shoving himself up with a dirty glare and ignoring theway his right shoulder crackles.
Shisui abruptly stops caterwauling.“I’ll go make something for us then,” he offers, casually strollingtowards the kitchen.
(There are days Obito really, reallyhates his relatives.)
“I cannot—” Obitogrunts, climbing a few more steps and hiding a wince “—believe you draggedme up to the top of the Hokage mountain, for fuck’s sake, Shisui!”
“Your language is prettyterrible for someone who spends a lot of their free time helping kids,Obito.” Shisui meanders along the path ahead of him, always just farenough away to keep out of immediate strangling distance while still going slowenough that Obito can keep up without pushing it. Not that either of themacknowledge that that’s what Shisui’s doing since the teen is doing a decentimpression of casually appreciating the beauty of dawn falling upon thevillage.
(Dawn. Dawn, that little shit.Obito hadn’t passed out until at least three in the morning. He’s not hungoverlike he’d thought: he’s still drunk.)
“Would you just get to thepoint?” Obito forces out, breathing through his nose in a controlledpattern. They finally level off at a platform nearby the First’s head and Obitotakes a moment to really appreciate the beauty of flat ground no matter howgrating it is that this is what he’s been reduced to since Rin and Kakashipried him out of that cave in years ago.
And then he sees the orange thingon the ground and forgets about being bitter.
“What is that?”Obito asks, honestly curious as he shuffles forward next to a grinning Shisuito get a better look. It’s looks like a gigantic kite almost except moretriangular rather than diamond shaped and with a wooden frame extendingdownwards to prop it up from the ground. A set of ropes and cloth hang downbehind the horizontal bar in what looks like a harness and Obito shifts ontohis left foot for better balance as he reaches forward to run a finger over theKonoha symbol emblazoned on the middle of the tautly stretched tarp.
“It’s called a glider,”Shisui offers. “I and a few other people may or may not have seen them ona hypothetical mission in the mountains nearby a place whose name mighthave four letters and start with 'Ku’. You hang underneath it or supportyourself with both arms on the bars and then throw yourself off something tall.Air thermals support the wings and your weight and will let you stay airbornefor hours if you want, provided you don’t screw up and panic. Isn’t itawesome?”
“Where did you even getone?”
“We made it!” Shisuigestures to it proudly. “And by 'we’ I mean that Tenzo grew the frameafter I kept talking about it and then Yugao banished me from sewing the clothon because apparently I cannot be trusted to stitch evenly.”
“And it really works?”
“Absolutely. So, do you want totry?” Shisui waits, looking over at his cousin while Obito considers it,curling and uncurling the stiffened fingers of his damaged hand. “Youwanted to throw yourself off something and this is gonna be a lot more fun thanwalking all the way back down the mountain and going home.”
'Especially since you can’t landwell enough to use Shunshin.’
Obito frowns at the unsaid words andrubs the back of his sore head before mustering up a smile. “Alright.Yeah. I’ll give it a go. Although,” he adds, roughly slapping the side ofShisui’s arm with a pointed look, “if I crash or someone shoots me down,you’re explaining this to everyone. Including the medic-nin andRin.”
Shisui’s grin falters a bit.“That sounds… fair.” A pause. “Please don’t crash though.Seriously. Tenzo might cry.”
Obito huffs a weak laugh at theblatant exaggeration, eyes squinting painfully against the ambient light.“Just help me into this thing, Shisui.”
[AO3 link]
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