#obito-enhanced vision
maireyart · 1 year
Hey <3 hope i'm not late with my little request! I'll send some keywords because i'm curious how you'll interpret them :3 Here it goes: Obito (au where he was rescued from madara after the rock incident and reunited with team minato), Kakashi, flowers, day off, color yellow. p.s. i love your art so much!
Art request #5. My weird sense of humor won't get in the way this time, only cute wholesome content for you <3 The keywords scream toothrot -- so toothrot it is; I feel you need some fluff 💛
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Kakashi and Obito are 16-17 maybe, sitting in a dandelion field. It’s about to rain.
"You know… I can see so much more now." "As in… Sharingan-enhanced vision?" "Obito-enhanced vision." "...Life has a funny way of teaching you things."
Kakashi finally saw that he had to stop trying to be flawless and just start doing as much as he could for them. He still had a long way to go, but with Obito he wouldn't be lost on it, right? "OST" for this pic: Lola Marsh - Satellite (you'll like it ;)
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
hey speaking of wireless eyeballs, what if they supported multiple connections. Like, when Rin did the eyeball transplant, Obito could *still* see out of his eye until Kakashi moved out of range.
Anyway I think it would be very interesting, especially if that connection comes back once they're back in range again.
I think that would be a fun little fix it.
I love everything about this. They live in Feudal era Japan, but they have laptops and wireless eyeballs.
And just like... the fix-it potential is delightful, but also IMAGINE that fight scene
where they both keep getting really confused and all their attacks are thrown off because they keep seeing through each other's eyes mid-battle
I can't decide if it should be played straight to enhance the agony of that scene, watching them slowly adapt to the confusion of their mismatched vision and accept that if they want to kill each other, it's going to feel like they're attacking themselves (hahaha let's be real it felt like that anyway) -
OR if they should just bonk into each other a lot and it all gets really awkward because we're trying to have a supercharged emotional end-of-character-arc fight scene here, but we keep tripping up
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this-is-my-canon · 5 years
My @kakaobiweek prompt for today, Cyberpunk
Eyes Toward the Future
Read it on Ao3 here
There were sparks. He was hurt. Blinding flashes had erased all trace of the neon green lights surrounding the warehouse. Gunshots blasted in a deafening cacophony.
This is all Kakashi remembers as he opens his eyes.
His lashes flicker, creating black striations in his vision before the red glow of the room comes into view. Everything is basked in this light, though no form triggers a memory. Machines appearing to be long retired from use surround him with a layer of dust coating them in the mysterious red haze. Kakashi coughs, realizes his ribs are bruised, and tries to rub the aggravated spot.
He can’t move.
As his head lolls on his shoulders, Kakashi gasps. His senses heighten in an instant, brought on by the programming implanted in him. The rank smell of a wet atmosphere and metallic scent of blood fills his nose. Shrouded silhouettes in the distance come into focus, moving toward him. His programming which should’ve allowed this level of clarity before now must’ve been disabled when this all happened.
When this...all happened.
His eyes go wide as his gaze sweeps the floor. Bodies litter the cement, shrouded in shadows, but still recognizable in their distinct markings and masks. Kakashi’s team. All of Team Ro accounted for, and their captain suspended by wires, held in a warehouse, accompanied by the hollow laughter of the approaching figures.
He remembers the mission.
To hunt and capture or possibly disable the rogue cyborg threatening Konoha and its infrastructure, along with the people who live here. The Third hadn’t expected them to find the Madara Uchiha himself in this location, or there would have been reinforcements. Kakashi’s team hadn't stood a chance.
“Kakashi Hatake.” The first dark figure emerges from the shadows and peels back his hood to reveal a face framed by a mass of dark disheveled hair, lined with rivets where his cybernetic parts intersect with the human skin with which he was born. His eyes swirl grey and glow as they scan and record Kakashi’s every movement. “I’m surprised your leaders managed to find us. And they sent you.”
Kakashi tries to raise his head to meet those threatening eyes, and then thinks better of it. “Madara...Uchiha.”
He groans as the muscles in his arms and back protest, strained by his current position. His grimace doesn’t go unnoticed, and there’s something like a considerate hum from Madara before the other figure steps forward, patting Kakashi’s cheek with a mockery of fondness.
“Stupid, loyal Kakashi.”
His voice runs through Kakashi like ice. Kakashi doesn’t need the enhancements to pinpoint it. It’s a voice he’s heard since he was a child, which has changed and molded into something ominous and so very different over the years. With its newly acquired robotic undertones, Kakashi only recognizes it now because of how intimately he used to know its owner.
As Obito lifts his hood to reveal a face even more augmented than the voice, Kakashi turns away. He is forced by a cold, metallic hand on his chin to face Obito again. Obito, who once was a child just like him, a child of Konoha and the closest thing Kakashi ever had to a friend, now a cyborg with a grudge, an enemy of the state. His facial structure is relatively unchanged, but his eyes blaze red and swirl as they lock with Kakashi’s. Like his hand, his arm is a metallic structure that looks like it had never been human. Kakashi suspects there is more alteration beneath the clothing, but he’d rather not have his suspicions confirmed. Obito is with Madara. Kakashi doesn't need to know anything more about him.
“You still think they’re right,” Obito says with a sneer before releasing Kakashi’s chin so suddenly he feels his neck jerk and spring back.
Kakashi coughs as his body quivers under the strain. “You won’t get away with what you’re doing forever.”
Madara laughs. “And what does Konoha think we’re doing?”
Obito raises his hand to Madara and gives him a look that begs permission. Madara doesn’t say a word, but Kakashi knows they’re communicating. They have to be linked. The Third had discovered long ago that this was how Madara and his people remained undetected for so long. Any other form of communication, and the ANBU would have had them monitored and found.
After a long moment, Madara raises a brow and looks Kakashi over. “If you think this is wise…”
“Wise?” Obito says with a shrug, approaching Kakashi until they are eye to distinctly red and terrifying eye. “Do I do anything because it’s wise?”
Kakashi recoils from him, unable to extend the gap between them. “If you’re going to kill me, Obito, get it over with.”
Obito snorts. “I’m not killing you, Kakashi. Where would be the fun in that?”
Madara folds his arms across his chest in a grand gesture. “You’ll be our messenger.”
Kakashi struggles with his restraints, deciding whatever they have planned, it can’t be good. His system has had its chance to recharge by now, at least enough to afford him the strength he needs to break free. And he does. The cables around his wrists snap before he drops to the cement floor, his ankles buckling at the impact. He doesn’t take a second to revel in the pain, but scrambles to get away. Obito and Madara both will be nearly impossible to escape, but he has to try.
He runs, throwing busted machines behind him to slow his pursuers, who don’t make nearly as much noise as he expects them to. His eye catches sight of a vertical sliver of sunlight - a doorway. When he reaches for it, everything goes black. Gravity pulls him down and a soft shroud closes tightly around his face until it is near suffocating.
“Soon you’ll see this world as I do,” Obito’s voice rings through his ears before something hits him at the base of the skull.
And then darkness.
When Kakashi wakes, he recognizes the familiar comfort of his own bed. He opens his eyes to see the utilitarian room with more clarity and crisp edges than ever before. The cracks along his plastered ceiling, the metallic sheen of his chrome headboard, the blades of the ceiling fan spinning above all vividly clear. When his TV comes on across the room, attuned to his consciousness, the sound is familiar, but the multicolored lights bouncing off the screen are more vivid and with a wider spectrum than Kakashi has ever seen.
Kakashi sits up as a weather man announces Konoha’s weather for the day and signs off for a word from their sponsor, and instantly plops back down. He feels weak, more drained than ever, in spite of apparently waking from sleep. He tries to remember how he got here, but all he can remember is Obito’s altered voice in his ear.
He surges his power, willing himself out of bed with the reserves he has in store. He feels like shit as he pads barefoot across the creaking floorboards, walking like a zombie. Maybe he is a zombie, he thinks briefly as he turns the corner for his bathroom. That would send a message to Konoha.
When he braces two hands on his bathroom sink, glad he’s made it here, Kakashi breathes out and wills his stomach to stop churning. He can’t remember feeling so awful in his life, and he’s had plenty of close calls as one of the Third’s most active ANBU. He raises heavy eyes to the mirror and falters. His knees give out from under him and he drops as he processes what he saw during the momentary glimpse of his reflection. His razor clinks to the floor, batted off the sink’s edge by his arm in the fall. Toilet paper rolls across the bathroom floor, a banner of white across the peeling green linoleum. Kakashi’s hands are shaking as he latches onto the sink’s edges again, determined to face himself in the mirror and confront whatever he sees, whether it was real or not.
As he rises, he takes a deep breath and absorbs what he sees with a stoic expression. His left eye has changed. It matches Obito’s, a whirl of red in complete contrast to Kakashi’s dark grey on the right. And this explains the clarity, the wider spectrum of color, the way he recalls the recent visual of the flashing television lights with a kind of precision he’s never had before. Madara wanted to send a message to Konoha. Kakashi leans forward, pulls his lower lid down with his fingertip to expose the organic inner lining around new inorganic material, inspects it closer, and wonders what message this will send.
Tenzo’s voice comes from the speaker beside his mirror. Kakashi is thankful he doesn’t have the camera turned on. He doesn’t want to explain this just yet. If he had any choice, he wouldn’t explain this at all. It’s bad enough he has to explain what became of his team and his mission. He’ll have to face Tenzo, the one member on his team who hadn’t been sent into that slaughter, and admit to him how he’s failed all of them.
Kakashi bows his head and curses under his breath.
“Are you there?”
“What, Tenzo?” Kakashi says into his sink, his strained voice echoing off the porcelain.
“Right. Uh. How was…” He pauses. “Never mind. You’re late for your report to Lord Third.” Another pause. “Captain.”
Kakashi sighs. “I heard you. I’m coming.”
His eyes look back at him from the mirror. One composed of his genetic material, the other fashioned by illegal cybertech, gifted to him by Obito Uchiha. He doesn’t know what Madara and Obito are planning with this. He’s hesitant to enter the Tower with this eye. Obito said Kakashi would soon see this world as he does. Whatever Obito sees, Kakashi isn’t letting him see behind the walls of Konoha’s leadership. He reaches into the bureau drawer slotted open outside of his bathroom and pulls from it a leather strap.
It’ll suffice.
When Kakashi crosses through the security checkpoint of the Tower, the alarms, unsurprisingly, blare. The eye has set it off. Unsanctioned cybertech is forbidden in their leader’s headquarters, but Lord Third does want to see Kakashi. Judging by the last urgent message, Kakashi will be drowning in heaps of paperwork for not showing sooner. The eye and him are inseparable at this point though, so he proceeds forward until another ANBU in uniform puts his hand on Kakashi’s chest. Kakashi looks first at the hand, then sends the rookie a glare.
The ANBU behind the machine speaks first. “What do you have there, Captain Hatake?”
Kakashi pats the pack on his hip the woman is eyeing. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“We can’t let-“
“Let him pass,” Tenzo calls from the lighted hallway. When Kakashi looks ahead, Tenzo is jogging toward them. “He’s beyond late for this meeting. Lord Third will have my head if I don’t get my Captain in his office.”
“But-“ the rookie reluctantly backs off as Tenzo pushes his way forward and ushers Kakashi through with a gentle but insistent shove.
“He’s a Captain, Rookie,” the woman says, her voice fading as they acquire some distance. “Leave it alone.”
“Kakashi,” Tenzo says, “what happened?” He squints, frowning as he leans in closer. “And what’s with the-“
Kakashi slaps his hand away before Tenzo can touch the strap angled across his new eye. “Madara happened,” he says, because he knows the name is enough to keep Tenzo’s questions at bay, at least long enough to get them into Hiruzen Sarutobi’s office.
Tenzo gasps and falls into silence, though he broadcasts his anxiety and setting-in despondency loudly enough. When they reach the door, Kakashi feels dizzy. Here he will have to relive the devastation of that mission, not because he is required to report, but because Tenzo deserves to know what happened to his teammates. Konoha needs to know the whereabouts of a criminal like Madara...and Obito. Kakashi’s leadership deserves to know about his new eye and the liability he could be for the ANBU.
“Come in,” Lord Third calls from the other side of the door.
Tenzo meets Kakashi’s gaze before reaching for the handle and pushing the door open. Inside, Lord Third sits on a pillow, his feet tucked beneath him, a kimono wrapped around his person. Smoke pours from the pipe pressed between his cracked lips, clouding the flickering security screens on the ceiling in a milky haze. Two ANBU stand in the shadows at the corner of the room, as if trying to make themselves invisible.
“Ah, Tenzo,” Lord Third says, sending Tenzo a smile before raising a brow at Kakashi. “You finally found him.”
Tenzo huffs a laugh. “Yes, Lord Third.”
“Lord Third,” Kakashi says with a nod and a stilted bow. “Sorry I’m late. You see-“
“The only explanation I want to hear,” Lord Third says abruptly, waving his pipe in a wide circle in the air, “is the one regarding that failed raid. Am I correct in assuming it failed?”
“And how did that-“
“It was Madara Uchiha,” Tenzo says before Kakashi gets a word in. “He was there.”
The Third’s wrinkled eyes go wide as they turn on Kakashi. “Is this true, Kakashi?”
Kakashi closes his eyes. “He killed them all. Team Ro is gone.”
He waits for the reaction, the scolding, the admonishments. When that doesn’t come, he opens his eyes to see Tenzo gazing at him with concern and Lord Third thoughtfully gnawing on his pipe.
Finally, Lord Third removes his pipe and licks his lips. “All? Except you appear to have escaped Madara unscathed, Kakashi. What aren’t you telling me?”
Kakashi flicks a glance at the ANBU to Lord Third’s right, then the one to his left. “Not quite unscathed.”
Kakashi’s hands are clasped at his front, but he unclasps them to swipe a hand across the pack at his hip. Tenzo perks a brow and meets Kakashi’s eye while Lord Third nods and hums.
“Very well,” Lord Third says before setting his pipe aside and raising both hands. “Leave us.”
“Lord Third!” The ANBU to the right gasps.
“If Captain Hatake, the man I’ve kept by my side for years, suddenly becomes a source of danger to me,” Lord Third says with a hint of mockery in his voice, “I’m sure Tenzo will come to my defense in your absence.”
Tenzo nods, and the pair of ANBU slink out behind them with wary eyes locked on Kakashi. Kakashi heaves a sigh when they’re gone. They may be right to be wary. Kakashi has to be careful here. He raises his hand to the strap covering his eye, but it trembles and lowers against his will. Swallowing his resolve, he tries again, acutely aware of the two sets of eyes intently locked on his face. When he pulls the strap free, he doesn’t immediately open the new eye along with his own. It is not because he is hesitant to reveal it, but he is hesitant of what it can do. He still doesn’t know the extent of its uses, of why Obito gave it to him, why Madara allowed it.
“Kakashi,” Lord Third says, his voice intense and hoarse. “Open your eye.”
He obliges against his better judgement, because his training to follow orders is that engrained at this point in his career. As he takes in the new details of the world around him, the visual cues molding the room into fine precision, he barely has to glance at the others to recognize their shock.
“Captain,” Tenzo breathes.
“A gift,” Kakashi says, tapping his eyelid as he closes the eye, “from Obito.”
“Obito Uchiha,” Lord Third says. “So he was there, too.”
Kakashi hums his agreement.
“Why?” Tenzo blurts. Kakashi shoots him a one-eyed, questioning glance. “Why would he give you...is that...his?”
Kakashi presses his lips into a hard line as Tenzo’s question sinks in, confirming what Kakashi hasn’t even acknowledged to himself that he suspected. And though he hasn’t taken the time to think about it before now, he knows the answer instantly. Flashes of images from places he has never been. Madara Uchiha’s smile looking almost fond. His own eyes, looking back at him from a face full of judgement. These are all in his head, loaded from the memory contained in the eye.
It is his.
Kakashi shrugs and releases a sigh. “He said, soon you’ll see this world as I do.”
“And Madara agreed to this?” Lord Third says.
Kakashi hardens his gaze and meets the old man’s eyes. “I think he plans to use me to infiltrate the ANBU. Lord Third-“
Tenzo gasps and rushes forward. “If he can penetrate our defenses, Konoha will be lost! We can’t-“
“You should remove me from duty,” Kakashi says with regret, shying away from Lord Third’s penetrating gaze. “At least for now.”
“On the contrary,” Lord Third says, making Kakashi snap his gaze back to the old man with both eyes open, “I think we can use this to our advantage.”
Kakashi balks. “Lord Third.”
“Think of the tech, what it can do for Konoha.”
Kakashi closes his eyes, retiring his argument. There is no doubt cybertech can aid Konoha in its battles, and Kakashi will figure out how to manipulate it in no time, as he masters everything else rapidly. It goes against Konoha’s principles, though. This cybertech is part of the very illegal technology they’re fighting against. It dehumanizes its user. It comes with as many flaws and disadvantages as it has advantages. It is dangerous and reckless. But apparently, Kakashi will be using it.
He sighs. “Yes, Lord Third.”
“But the security!” Tenzo interjects.
“I’ll leave that in the ANBU’s hands,” Lord Third says with a proud smile as he reaches for his pipe. “Kakashi, I can’t have you reporting here anymore with that eye. You won’t make it through security and-“
“I’d rather not give Madara the chance to record anything,” Kakashi finishes.
Lord Third nods. “Right. Tenzo will be the go-between. He will contact you with your next mission. And Kakashi. Tenzo.” His voice is solemn as he looks up to meet their eyes. “I’m sorry about your team. Those men and women served Konoha well.”
Kakashi inhales. His chest feels like it’s laced with barbed wire. “Thank you.”
He bows his head as he leaves the office with a solemn Tenzo, who has no words for what’s transpired. Kakashi is relieved about that. He would rather not talk about this. He has cybertech to master. He has new missions to pursue. He will use the illegal implant in his head for the good of Konoha.
The fight against illegal technology wages on in the months to follow. Kakashi is constantly drained by the power of the Sharingan, the tech he now is known far and wide to have mastered. It eats away at his reserves with every use, yet has carried him through close calls more times than he can count. It aids him in the assassinations of conspirators and their families. It aids him time and time again when his teammates fall. Some days, he doesn’t know how he considers himself to be in the right. Yet Konoha continues to make use of his skills and his illicit gift, expecting him to serve. Lord Third frequently requests Sharingan Kakashi’s assistance on the most heinous of missions. He is needed. He is valuable. He is not to step foot in the Tower, because then he would be a liability. The more he is used, the more he understands what Obito must’ve been feeling when he decided to leave Konoha. With the passage of time, Kakashi finds himself growing disillusioned with his state, his government, his leadership.
He sits at his desk now, in the dark, coming down from the adrenaline of another long day of work. An empty bowl of ramen rests beside him with neon chopsticks pointing out his window. Multicolored flashes permeate his room as the computer screen before his eyes flashes an ad with a naked, bent-over woman moaning and screaming while the man behind her slaps his skin against hers again and again, until a bottle of lube spins over them and loudly announces its addition as a new product with dance music blasting in the background. Kakashi recognizes this ad playing before his eyes, but he isn’t fully looking at it. He’s looking more at the red light reflected in the dark corner of the screen, the familiar eye staring back at him. He hunches forward, bracing his elbows on the desk and refusing to meet the eyes of his intruder. He knew he would come eventually. He is resigned to accept whatever happens next. No matter what happens, he feels he deserves it - and worse.
“Sharingan Kakashi,” Obito says, his voice a whisper in the darkness.
Kakashi raises his gaze to the new ad playing on his screen, marking a bookstore’s grand opening. This ad doesn’t have the darkness to permit him a reflection. He can turn around, or he can wait here blindly. He doesn’t move.
“Do you see now?” Obito says, closer this time.
Kakashi hangs his head and tries for a long moment not to break. He fails. A sob racks his chest as his Sharingan eye replays visuals of children smiling and accepting handouts in the slums, runaway teens escaping pursuit as a door is opened for them from a dark alley, stray cats eating from the palm of his hand. But it’s not his hand. His hands are stained with the blood of innocents. It is Obito’s hands he sees, Obito’s memories. They’ve haunted Kakashi as he’s taken them along with him on every vile mission. They’ve made Kakashi see this world more clearly than he ever has.
“Yes,” he chokes. “I’m scum. The lowest of scum. Do your worst. I won’t stop you.”
A hand lands on his shoulder and Kakashi braces for the strike that is bound to come. After seconds have passed with nothing happening, he whips his head up. He whirls around to look over his shoulder and see Obito looking down on him with one eye to match his and another to match the grey whirling tech Kakashi had seen on Madara. His mismatched eyes manage to convey pity.
“You are scum,” Obito says, his words betrayed by the note of fondness in his voice. The hard clank of steel hitting wood alerts Kakashi of the dagger set by his side. “But he trusts you. Your Sharingan can get close.”
Kakashi turns his gaze from the dagger reflecting multicolored dancing lights to the smug look on Obito’s face. It is only by use of his Sharingan that he is able to determine the emotion he sees in Obito’s eyes - not triumph, but sadness. He is sad for Kakashi, even in sight of his win.
Obito squeezes Kakashi’s shoulder. “You know what you have to do.”
Kakashi turns his eyes to the hilt of the dagger and picks it up, turns it over until it reflects a beam of light across his tiny apartment. “You think it’ll make a difference?”
“Doing away with the leadership?” Obito says with a frown and a shrug. “It’s a start. Madara has a vision. I plan to fulfill that vision.”
Kakashi gives him a wry smile. “Too bad I won’t be there to see it come to fruition.”
“You do your part,” Obito says, lowering himself to meet Kakashi eye to eye, “and I’ll do mine.”
Kakashi seizes Obito by the wrist before he can rise again and walk out of his life forever. “Stay.”
Obito eyes Kakashi’s hand and then steadily meets his gaze. “Kakashi. Stupid, loyal Kakashi.”
He leans down and pulls Kakashi in for a kiss. It is tender and gentle, not like anything Kakashi would expect from a rogue criminal. And Kakashi needs more. He grabs a fistful of Obito’s shirt and tugs him forward until their kiss is hard and bruising. Obito’s hands explore Kakashi’s body as he rises from the chair and makes way for the bed.
Because tonight may be Kakashi’s last night in this world. He has seen it clearly now, just in time to leave it, hopefully in time to leave a mark that will overshadow all the violence he has inflicted on it. He can hope for Madara’s future to be a better tomorrow. He will entrust Obito with overseeing the change, because when he is gone, Obito will remain, showing Kakashi the future through his eyes.
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maddmuses · 5 years
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Division: 7th Division (Formerly 2nd Division) Rank: Lieutenant
Abilities and Skills Lieutenant-Level Shinigami: Kakashi is considered an elite Shinigami, though a relatively recent addition to these ranks, having held a seated officer position since a relatively young age for a soul. As other seated officers, Kakashi has expressed a great degree of proficiency in Shinigami arts, more than enough to graduate the Academy, and stand out from among his peers to gain this promotion. Even in this regard, Kakashi is considered exceptionally talented, being hailed as a genius at the academy, and consistently impressing his superiors. -Shunpo Master: Kakashi's strong point, and one of the primary reasons he joined 2nd Division, is high-speed movement. Generally Kakashi relies on a combination of hit-and-run tactics, as well as diversionary tactics that rely on his flash steps, allowing him to have honed his skills to the upper echelons of ability in this Shinigami art. Much like the captains of 2nd Division, Kakashi's speed can seem impossible at times, especially when used in tandem with his Shikai and Bankai. In terms of raw speed, he's considered second-only to Soi-Fon and her superiors in speed. --Senka: A technique frequently used by foes who are of an extremely weaker level than himself. He will generally evade an incoming attack, before appearing behind them, often attacking as he flashes by, or when directly behind them. He is able to seal Saketsu and Hakusui both rapidly as he does this, if he so wishes. Most cannot tell if they've been attacked from the front or back when he does this. --Utsusemi: An advanced technique that allows Kakashi to leave behind an Afterimage that appears to have been damaged by the attack. He often uses this in tandem with his other shunpo techniques and Shunkō to keep foes perpetually confused and on the defensive. --Afterimages: By moving at an extreme speed, Kakashi is able to leave behind duplicates of himself, numbering at about one to two dozen. They can move and appear to be indistinguishable from Kakashi. They don't last very long if unattended.
-Hakudo Expert: An impressive martial artist, Kakashi has been able to fend off foes of a similar, or greater, degree of proficiency than himself in Hakuda for short periods of time, though he rarely engages in extended exchanges. Kakashi has been able to fight off armed opponents, particularly those well-versed in the use of Zanpakutou, and take down Hollows many times larger than himself, solely with the use of martial arts. --One Thousand Years of Death!: A technique of Kakashi's design, it seems to be largely more involved with harassing and humiliating and opponent than actually dealing damage, though Kakashi has been known to use it once in a battle, then follow-up with stabbing an opponent, or hitting them with explosive devices, when his opponent assumes it's a harmless attack.
-Shunkō (Lightning): A highly-advanced technique that combined Kakashi's Hakudo and Kidō, he learned how to use this technique by observing Soi-Fon while his Kamui's Sharingan ability was active. By surrounding himself with Kido, electrical currents running up and down his arms, burning normal garments. As a countermeasure, he's elected to wear an insulated uniform to make his Shunkō less plainly obvious to others, while also keeping himself covered. Generally Kakashi focuses this into his arms and legs to allow himself to move even faster. Kakashi, like Yoruichi, is able to control and fire the Kidō directly from his body, though instead of exploding, the arcs of lightning he produces seem to be able to cut through most things. --Shunkō: Lightning Duplicates: Through precise use of his Shunkō and Shunpo in concert, Kakashi is able to use his Afterimages and Utsusemi, Kakashi is able to charge he images with his Shunkō, not only making them more believable, but causing those who collide with these images to immediately be struck with a raw burst of Kakashi's Reiatsu. This has been known to stun opponent, and even leave some with debilitating conditions after hitting too many of these duplicates.
-Zanjutsu Expert: As an officer-level Shinigami, Kakashi is extremely skilled in the use of his zanpakutou, though his actual swordplay does tend to grow rusty, as he often favors hand-to-hand combat, or sneak attack methods.
-Kidō Master: A master of Kidō, another area of specialty for Kakashi that he was well-known for, Kakashi has learned numerous incantations, and can modify existing ones. He has alluded to having created entirely new ones, and doesn't need to actually speak the incantations for most, and those that he's used often. After obtaining Kamui, Kakashi has managed to become versed in nearly every Kidō through the Sharingan ability. Kakashi is particularly capable in Hadō, though his Bakudō is also nothing to sneeze at. --Kaidō Practitioner: Kakashi's healing abilities are not quite as impressive, due in part to a lack of practice, but also as it can prove to be the most costly tax on his reiatsu, as there are few ways to make them efficient.
-Master Strategist and Tactician: With a natural flair for tactics and strategy, Kakashi often will evade and dodge foes, observing their attacks, patterns, and abilities. He will analyze the abilities of his foes, their conditions, and weaknesses, and draw conclusions on how to counter them. These are usually correct. Kakashi's strategies are rarely direct, commonly complicated, but also always masterful. Kakashi generally favors working in small groups and coordinating their abilities with his own to make the most of a team's composition.
-Expert Assassin: As a former member of the Onmitsukidō, Kakashi is versed in killing arts and assassination. Extremely capable in these areas, Kakashi was removed from this division after it was determined by his superiors that Kakashi didn't have the heart to be an assassin, even if he had the talent and ability. Kakashi is familiar with all disciplines of the punishment force, but rarely employs them himself. Kakashi is able to treat most types of poisons that don't immediately kill, and can resist common poisons himself, as part of his training in 2nd Division.
-Average Spiritual Power: Despite being a Lieutenant of 7th Division, Kakashi's Spiritual Pressure has always been considered unimpressive. He hasn't developed much in this area, having at one point being considered very weak, and now only growing to impressive with his lieutenant training. Kakashi's ability in other area largely compensate for this, but limit his ability to make repeated use of his more powerful abilities. Kakashi's Reiatsu is Sky Blue, though it changes to take on a violet pigment when releasing bankai (upon its achievement). --Masterful Reiatsu Control: Kakashi is able to control and use his reiatsu efficiently, hiding it from others, but also ensuring that he can utilize his abilities with the absolute minimum reitasu necessary. With perfect execution, Kakashi is able to keep up with foes who have much power energy to dispose of, though when he overtaxes himself he takes much longer to recover, and suffers for it far more than others with more of this endurance.
-Physical State: As a Shinigami, Kakashi's strength and durability are far beyond human levels. While among his peers, Kakashi isn't able to take as many direct hits as others, though his physical strength is at a superhuman level, and considered to be impressive for someone of his size.
Zanpakutou Chidori (Lit. A Thousand Screaming Birds): In its sealed form, Chidori is a straight-bladed tantō, with a small, circular, handguard. Kakashi generally stores it in a sheath on his back.
Shikai: This sword's shikai is triggered by the command "Scream". Nothing immediately changes about the sword's appearance, excepting that the blade begins to glow with a white light, leaving streaks of this same illumination in the air, where its tip travels, in a path. Additionally, arcs of electricity will travel along Kakashi's hand and arm, always originating from the sword's handle. When crossing with other swords, Kakashi seems to have no issue exerting leverage against others, and is able to withstand hits and parries from much larger weapons.
Shikai Special Ability -Raiton (Lit. Lightning Release): Chidori becomes charged with a powerful electrical current formed from Kakashi's reiatsu. Through this Kakashi is able to manifest a number of unique Kidō during this release, including Raijuu Tsuiga (Lightning Beast Tracking Fang) and Raiden (Lightning Transmission). Most notably, though, this tends to allow him to use his Shunko without seeming to drain his reiatsu terribly. Kakashi can also use this to charge raw lightning through the blade, or any appendage, allowing him to turn himself into a living blade, or extremely enhancing the cutting power of his weapon. Kakashi has only been able to utilize this latter function of his Shikai, before becoming exhausted, a maximum of four times per day. -Reirai (Lit. Lightning Soul): When Kakashi's shikai is released his speed increases to a practically immeasurable magnitude. However, this function of his shikai causes Kakashi to develop a type of tunnel vision that, if his movements become predictable, open himself up to rather easy countering. Due to this tunnel vision, Kakashi cannot easily respond to these foes without some sort of enhancement or intervention.
Secondary Zanpakutou Kamui (Lit. Authority of The Gods): In its sealed form, Kamui appears to be a simple kunai knife with a balanced shape that gives it an almost elegant appearance. Kakashi usually stores this weapon in his robes, drawn when he decides to release it. Releasing this zanpakutou cannot be done at the same time as Chidori, as it's not naturally Kakashi's. This zanpakutou was not originally Kakashi's, and is the zanpakutou of his, supposedly, deceased ally Obito Uchiha. The Uchiha clan are a noble group of Shinigami known for always manifesting dual zanpakutou that share key abilities, with almost an entirely identical shikai. Due to this, Kamui drains Kakashi's reiatsu, rather than enhances it, when released. The longer it's released, and the more heavily its abilities are used, the more exhausted Kakashi becomes.
Shikai: This sword's shikai is triggered by the command "Spin". Once released, the physical sword disappears completely, and instead, Kakashi's left eye physically mutates, turning a crimson in its iris, while the pupil shrinks. Surrounding the iris are three (originally two) black tomoe linked by a faded circular line. No other apparent physical change occurs.
Shikai Special Ability -Sharingan (Lit. Copy Wheel Eye/Hevaen's Eye/Mirror Wheel Eye): The Sharingan ability is largely divided into two components, the Eye of Insight and the Eye of Hypnotism. --Eye of Insight: The Sharingan's user is able to see reiatsu, even very well-hidden reiatsu, being able to give it more distinct color, and distinguish its composition and source. It can also detect irregularities in reiatsu, and the influence of illusions and other Zanpakutou. The user also gains clarity of perception to an extreme degree, becoming able to read lips, and mimic even the most subtle of movements (At an advanced level, Kakashi is able to see another's cells). Through this sensory enhancement, Kakashi is able to also see high-speed movement, and grants him some predictive abilities, anticipating how others will move based on subtle muscle twitches. Through this function, Kakashi is able to negate the tunnel vision caused by Chidori. And finally, the Eye of Insight allows Kakashi to mimic a broad range of abilities, most notably Kidō, certain Hollow abilities (reiatsu and movement-based he cannot copy their physical mutations), and uniquely parrot another's Zanpakutou abilities back at them. The explicit limitation of this is Kakashi's mimicry of zanpakutou abilities requires him to see said ability during the current release of Kamui, and to make use of it DURING this release. Even if an ability would not usually drain its user's reiatsu to use, it does so for Kakashi in this case, and even more severely if it naturally drains the user's reiatsu. The accuracy at which Kakashi can copy is nearly perfect, otherwise. --Eye of Hypnotism: The Sharingan user is able to conjure a series of rudimentary illusions, largely designed and geared to trick opponents into believing what Kakashi wishes them to through subtle imagery and changes. This must be initiated through eye contact, but once it is gained, Kakashi is able to suggest thoughts and actions to another, coercing them to do his wishes, in many cases without their knowledge. At its highest level, Kakashi can actually dominate a target, turning their eyes into a sharingan, completely acting under his command, though this is more evident, and can leave Kakashi vulnerable to attack by others. This is also particularly taxing to do, thus Kakashi rarely dominates another in order to concerve spiritual energy.
Raikiri (Lit. Lightning Cutter): When activated, Kakashi’s zanpakutou disappears entirely. Instead, the form of Kakashi’s bankai is his reiatsu, taking on a distinctly lightning-like aura even when not using shunkō. Raikiri strictly doesn’t bring anything new or unique to the table, when compared to Chidori, other than it being a more efficient ability for him to use overall. He is able to give little regard to how much reiatsu he uses thanks to the swell that Bankai’s release gives him, and the efficiency that Raikiri takes. For if there were a bankai ability associated with Raikiri, it’s efficiency. Any ability possessed by Chidori becomes stronger during Bankai, including Kakashi’s speed and cutting power. Most notably, Kakashi is able to actually cut through bolts of natural lightning with a charged strike during Raikiri, a testament to his speed, precision, and predictive ability. Kakashi’s actual speed is difficult to judge during this bankai.
Mangekyou: Kamui (Lit. Kaleidoscope: Authority of The Gods): Kakashi has not yet been able to access this bankai, as he does not know that he can, despite the link between this Kamui and the other essentially enabling him to do so, and therefore has not learned how to do so. When released, though, this bankai turns his eye’s pupil red, and the tomoe reform into three triangles, with streaks at the tips linking each other. While active this bankai enhances the existing abilities of the sharingan, making Kakashi more dangerous during the release. Additionally, this release links Kakashi to a pocket dimension also known as “Kamui” in which he can teleport himself to (once he becomes aware that he can), as well as those which he sees. When doing this he is able to also teleport those things through Kamui to another location if done immediately. He may do this to either people, or objects. If anything is too large, or specifically teleported in a way that it doesn’t enter Kamui completely, it would be sundered entirely. When determining what he will teleport, Kakashi designates a barrier space in which all things will be effected, though objects can leave this space if Kakashi is not quick enough, larger spaces are more straining. Kamui can only be accessed with this bankai, and when something enters Kamui it cannot be traced, and one cannot attune Kamui to any other dimension. The teleportation drains Kakashi significantly, averaging only three uses per day based solely on his reiatsu use. Additionally, the use of this ability more than once within a week will strain Kakashi’s eyes to the point of causing bleeding, and repeated use will eventually cause blindness. When initially gaining this release, Kakashi will not be very accurate or quick with the technique’s use.
Biography Hatake Kakashi is a young Shinigami lower noble of the Hatake clan. Considered exceptionally talented in Shinigami arts, being the son of Sakumo Hatake (The Shinigami’s White Fang), Kakashi grew up believing himself destined to be great. During his childhood, though, Kakashi would experience tragedy and shame, as his father would break several key Shinigami laws in the process of a mission.
As such, Sakumo committed ritual suicide in order to protect his family’s position as nobility, and not force the Hatakes to become defunct.
It was in response to this that Kakashi would develop a distasteful attitude towards anyone he perceived as selfish, be it for themselves or others, who would break the law for any reason. This notion would be challenged by his two best friends in the Shinigami Academy, Obito and Rin. As time would go on, he’d understand that people who broke the law were scum, but those who would sell out their allies were worse than that, and that his father’s death was ultimately a noble one.
Kakashi would be enlisted into 2nd Division, while Obito joined 11th and Rin 4th respectively. Routinely they would all take missions together, that required more diverse squad compositions, with Kakashi becoming an officer quickly, as he was able to achieve Shikai only 7 years out from graduating, though it was plainly evident that his shikai was deeply flawed, and not viable for many combat situations.
During a particularly harrowing set of missions, however, in which Kakashi temporarily lost an eye, due to a Hollow taking advantage of his shikai’s weakness, Obito ultimately was left in a situation where he would surely die, moments after achieving his own shikai.
Bequeathing the only unbroken blade of his sword to Kakashi, he was able to use Obito’s Zanpakutou in tandem with his own to rescue himself and Rin, though ultimately they had to leave Obito behind, unaware that they were leaving him to the sinister machinations and experimentation of a madman.
Not long after, Kakashi would see his friend Rin commit suicide, or risk the spreading of a Hollow virus, on his own hand, as he and her had just finished fighting off an army of infected Shinigami.
These experiences would deeply traumatize Kakashi, causing him to become more withdrawn and ill-adjusted in his adulthood, even as an officer in 2nd division. Over time he became better at masking this, and continued to grow individually in prestige and ability, rising eventually to 3rd seat in this division.
Following the Quincy War and battles with Ywach, Kakashi would eventually be transferred and promoted to 7th division, as even before the war he was unable to take action against opponents outside of the heat of battle, not being able to cold-bloodedly murder without extreme coercion. However, his ability otherwise was easily on-par with that of a Lieutenant’s, largely lacking a powerful spiritual pressure, which could be developed over time.
Currently, many assume Kakashi to be a lazy, tardy, somewhat perverted, buffoon who takes nothing seriously, and plays Kanchou with those who ask him to train with them, rather than actually fighting.
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commanderkurama · 8 years
I feel like the Byakugan had so much potential from it’s very beginning. Even by the end of Part 1 alone, where it recieved the most of its development, it already had plenty of broken abilities at its disposal. So I will be exploring the Byakugan’s abilties, the potential of those abilities, and how they could have been used or how they were misused or nerfed.
Byakugan’s vision
The Byakugan’s all-seeing capabilities presented  several oppurtunities where it could have been used effectievly but was completely ignored by Kishimoto simply for the sake of plot. We know that the Byakugan can see the difference between every person’s charkra colors, as shown with Ao noticing Shisui’s chakra flowing through Danzo. Yet, when Hinata ran into Obito during the Itachi Pursuit Saga, where she had her Byakugan active, she somehow missed Obito’s Sharingan and Kakashi’s Sharingan releasing the same chakra. Simply to avoid Obito’s identity being revealed so easily, one of the Byakugan’s abilities was ignored.
Another example of this would be with Kaguya. The Byakugan has a vision of 50 M at its most basic, which can be extended multiple times over should the user choose to do so, with Hinata being able to see as far as 20 KM. Naturally, this would mean Kaguya should have no problem seeing around her. Yet, she missed a massive Susano'O and Sakura being behind her, leading to her being punched and sealed away. The argument that Sakura somehow slipped into the Byakugan’s blindspot makes no sense as, one, that fact is secret to the Hyuga alone, and two, the blind spot is far too narrow for a human to hide behind, as shown with Kidomaru only ever being able to barely hit Neji with his daggers. Simply to shoehorn Sakura into a Team 7 moment, one of the Byakugan’s abilitiies was ignored.
Another instance of Kaguya’s Byakugan not being used simply to aid her insect-like opponents win the battle is when Obito and Sakura snuck into the Core Dimension along with Naruto’s clone. And how did they veil their presence form Kaguya? By hiding behind a hill. And all it would have taken was for her to activate her Byakugan to see them their and prevent them from saving Sasuke.
Another instance of Kaguya’s Byakugan being ignored is when she fell for Naruto’s transformation feint, where he transformed into Sasuke in order to trick Kaguya, which is what ultimately lead to her being sealed again. This makes no sense since the Byakugan can easily tell the difference between people’s chakras, and even if Kaguya was unfamiliar with Naruto and Sasuke’s chakras, this would be irrelevant, as not only would she still be able to see they’re diffrent, she would also be able to see the Sun and Moon seals on their hands regardless of any transformation. 
Finally, there’s Momoshiki, who is in a similar boat to Kaguya. See, its more than apparent that both Kaguya and Momoshiki are massively powerful opponents, far powerful than both Naruto and Sasuke on one on one’s, if not so powerful that defeating them was far too unrealstic for Kishimoto to implement without bending the rules. After all, you have a powerful opponent with an all seeing eye who can absorb chakra, so neither brute force nor sneak attacks can work on either Kaguya or Momoshiki. This is why both of them were defeated in such painstakingly awful ways. With Momoshiki, the explanation given is that Bolt was able to hit Momoshiki with his invisible Rasengan, which makes no sense, as, just like Kaguya, his Byakugan, and even his three Rennigans, should have been able to see the chakra there, even if the Rasengan wasn’t visibly still there. Simply due to shoehorn Bolt into a fight way too big for him, one of the Byakugan’s abilities was ignored.
Momoshiki’s Byakugan’s ability is also ignored when his opponents, like Kaguya, are able to trick him with transformation techniques in order to act as decoys, along with allowing Bolt to sneak in close to hit Momoshiki with his Rasengan, which also wouldn’t be possible if the Byakugan’s abilities were put into consideration,
Divine Rotation
The Divine Rotation is essentially the same as a Susano'O for the Byakugan, acting as a thick barrier of Chakra, but it has an aspect that puts it above the Susano'O in the repelling force it has. Not only that, but we’ve seen both Neji and Hiashi’s Rotations, based on the size of the craters, to be even bigger than some versions of Sussano'O, so it is clearly a ery powerful defense.
The Divine Rotation was shown to be able to block the various wooden spikes showered upon the Shinobi Alliance. Neji notes that the reason that his Rotation was unable to block all of the wooden spikes was simply due to their sheer numbers, and not their speed or force. As such, it makes no sense for him to not have blocked the, what, three at most wooden spikes that were heading towards Naruto’s direction. Now one can argue that Neji wouldn’t have been able to use Rotation in mid-air, but Neji already displayed the ability to spin around in the air during his fight against Naruto in the Chunnin Exams, so simply ejecting Chakra while doing so would not be impossible. Alternatively, even if we were to ignore this argument, Neji could have just as easily used Rotation on the ground to block those three or so wooden spikes .Again, one of the Byakugan’s abilities was ignored for the sake of the plot.
Gentle Fist’s Lethalness
Another way that the Byakugan was limited/hindered was the lack of display of just how lethal the Gentle Fist’s power was. We only ever saw the three fights where a Byakugan user fought other people (Neji VS Hinata, Naruto, Kidomaru), whereas all other later fights were against non-human beings (Zetus and Juubi). As such, the Gentle Fist’s deadliness against normal humans is not displayed much, but it is still there. We see when Neji fights both Naruto and Hinata, he constantly tells them to back off and give up if they don’t want to die, a clear indication that Neji was not going all out against either of them with his Gentle Fist. Yet, even with him holding back, his abilities still enabled him to overwhelm both of his opponents to the point that they weren’t able to stand. However, with Kidomaru, we see that, when a Byakugan user attacks with the intent to kill, they can take down an opponent with one or two strikes, a true testament to how deadly the attack is against people. And yet, we never see a Gentle Fist user fighting normal opponents ever again, almost as if Kishimoto was aware that pitting Taijutsu users against such people would result in short fights due to how fast they’d be killed. 
Blowing Up Bodies
During his fight with Kidomaru, Neji killed Kidomaru’s Spider Summoning by using the Gentle Fist. Neji struck the spider and began ejecting it with Chakra, and it began blowing up rapidly from the inside, until it exploded. And yet, what happened after this? We never saw this lethal, body-exploding ability ever again from any Byakugan user. A technique that kills from inside out within a few seconds is never used ever again. Another example as to how overpowered Kishimoto made the Byakugan to the point that he had to ignore its abilities.
Destroying Chakra
It wa said by Neji that the Gentle Fist can destroy any substance made of chakra simply be injecting chakra into the said substance, and this was displayed by him twice against Kidomaru’s webs and Kisame’s Water Prison. Of course, this is only usable against substances that don’t instantly hurt the user, like Water or Earth, whereas trying to use this on say a Fire or Lightening style technique would likely yield negative results for the Byakugan user. This could have been used against and defeated plenty of opponents, such as destroying Sasori’s or Kankuro’s Chakra Strings, destroying Deidara’s clay, destroying a Susano'O or a Bijuu Avatar, destroying 
Bypassing Chakra Cloaks
The Gentle Fist displayed the ability to completely ignore Chakra Cloaks granted by Chakra Modes, as Hinata was able to use the Gentle Fist to fix Naruto’s shoulder despite him being in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. This would mean other Chakra Cloaks like the Tenseigan Chakra Cloak or Lightening Style Chakra Cloak would easily have their defensive capabilities ignored by the Gentle Fist.
Medical Ninjutsu
Byakugan had ample, ample potential to be a killer aid for medical ninjutsu. Outside of the obvious ability to provide better insight into the human body thanks to its penetrating and enhanced vision, but the Byakugan also provides high-levels of Chakra Control to its user, as stated in the Twin Lion Fists’ databook entry, meaning the Chakra Control needed for techniques like Mystical Healing Palm would already be present in Byakugan users from birth, making them natures and medical ninjutsu.
Eight Gates
The Eight Gates are said to be nothing more than unique Chakra Points located within a person’s Chakra Network. And the Gentle Fist is used to forciblly open Chakra Points. Thus, it isn’t impossible to say it would have been possible for a Hyuga to use the Gentle Fist to force open their own Gates without needing to train. Imagine an antire clan of people capable of opening the 7th Gate at will without training.
Increasing Chakra Flow
During the Chunnin Exams, when the Gentle Fists’s abilties were being explained, it was said that the technique could be used to both increase and hinder chakra flow, yet we only ever saw the latter ability being used. It could have been that the former, increasing chakra flow, could allow a Byakugan user to gain a boost in speed and power by striking at their own Chakra Points to increase their chakra flow.
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