#objectum coded posts
t4tcomputersex · 1 month
i love to play popular games. yeah while the fandom is obsessed with that fish I'm giving pAInter a little kiss.
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ent1relyrobot1c · 3 months
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you may call me. byte, pixel, or any computer/tech related names.. i’m trans and. go by tech/it/he pronouns i’m also bisexual. and objectum
tags i’ll be using, to make things. more organized
⌨️ :: the computer is speaking typing posts
⌨️ :: the real world irl pictures
⌨️ :: keep kissing that flat face objectum posts
⌨️ :: artist file art i make
⌨️ :: humming random posts
⌨️ :: malfunction vents
⌨️ :: reblog folder reblogs
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jest-thejester · 3 months
I'm not a cash register person myself but I can see the appeal 100%
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Old and new ones are both beautiful in their own ways.
They can hold your treasures, keeping them safe and loving each one.
Each petal is so specially molded and elegant. They're so strong but they release so quickly when you press them, trusting you to be gentle with them.
Some cash registers have security codes, it seems so close and trusting to have such information. Every time you want to open them you need to place in the code they've given you, placing all their trust and love in you.
I'd also like to add that I'm thinking of writing (SFW) objectum short stories
If you have anything you'd like to see, either of this post's style or the stories let me know in asks or replies!
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im a normal person who writes normal things! dont even worry bout it man im normal :)
currently interested in:
mp100: reigen robots,,,, objectum
fics do not use pronouns/vivid descriptions of the reader unless stated otherwise in the summary in the post itself! the most i go to is saying your eyes are pretty or your hair is shiny :3 not really descriptive tell me if anything isnt working or i missed anything <3 i'll fix it as fast as i can
master list ≈★ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
remember: you are a human and you are a lover. A computer. A machine of cold metal and electrical wire. An unfeeling machine. A machine made to work, to code, to write. A human. A creature of warm flesh and red blood. A feeling creature. A creature made to love, to sing, to live.
Kissing my computer like crazy and the cold sensation lingers on my lips just the post. not much to say
computer partner that tries its best to make you happy when you're feeling down, pulling up your favorite videos to watch, playing music that you enjoy, drawing little hearts on your screen for you, just letting you know that it cares for and loves you <3 ALSO jus t the post
arataka reigen:
public transport The sudden jerk of the train starting takes you by surprise, and you nearly fall down — had it not been for the fact that someone gripped your upper arms tightly before your face could connect with the cold, hard floor. You look up quickly, your face heating when you realize who it is.
「いかないで」 "dont go' vent post! fluff and angst. the story is basically just the song
slurred teases and sweet kisses chapters one and two You roll your eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, his mouth set in a smug grin as he swirls the liquid in his glass and watches as the ice clinks against the walls of his cup. With each sip he takes, his face gets more flushed, his words get more slurred.
Arataka has an embarrassingly low tolerance to alcohol, and you're witnessing it firsthand. He's feeling it too; that urge to kiss you is a lot stronger than usual...
overcoat "...Arataka. What are you doing." Your tone is flat; unimpressed, as he slides one arm out of his coat, leaving the other in.
"...Making sure my beloved employee doesn't freeze her little fingers off, that's what." He grins at you, a mischievous glint in his eye as he lays the side of the coat he isn't wearing onto your shoulder, shoving your arm in.
»— yandere arataka reigen headcanons —> short little sort of outline of a fic with chapters
chapped lips (most popular!! thanks for 300 notes!) "Want a taste?" You ask in a teasing tone, capping the lip balm and pointing it in his general direction. Your heart flutters when you see his cheeks flush, and he averts his gaze quickly.
"As if I want a taste of your horrible lip balm," he shoots back, a grin playing on his lips as he looks at you, his head turned to the side.
public transport The sudden jerk of the train starting takes you by surprise, and you nearly fall down — had it not been for the fact that someone gripped your upper arms tightly before your face could connect with the cold, hard floor. You look up quickly, your face heating when you realize who it is.
utmv: various
Bad sansuary (gave up on this (burnt out)): day one (wrong character): hot drinks day two (also wrong character): romance day one (correct character finally): hot drinks day two: romance day three: sharp day four: compliments day five: good soup day six: peppers day seven: go all out day eight: boxed in day nine: judgement day ten: vibe check!!! day eleven: rival day twelve: haunted day thirteen: shadow day fourteen: tears day fifteen: caught red-handed day sixteen: fragile
yandere!sans aus cuddle hcs (unfinished)
the apple incident vent. not x reader
What point was there even trying to negotiate with the townfolk? They don't know anything. They'd kill him regardless.
bad apple chapters one and two (unfinished, indefinite hiatus) As Nightmare finished off the last apple, his painful shriek split the air as four great tentacles burst from his back: thrashing, physical manifestations of negativity, his body too full of hate, anger, envy, and... Love. He loved you, he realized. Loved you a lot more than he thought he did. And when he realized he finally had enough power to scare the townspeople and have you all to himself, he was ecstatic.
bluuush ........ based on the drawing !!
i love you hurt/comfort x reader. purely a vent
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scpwiki-official · 3 months
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A: Alleviate - How do they go about relieving persistent physical pain?
warm showers and heat packs if available
B: Bedridden - How do they behave when they’re sick?
forest animal coded they immediately try to find somewhere warm to curl up and sleep
C: Cling - Whose physical touch is considered most welcome in their minds when they are in need? Is there a specific type of touch they respond well to?
in the post containment era nearly everyone in the scpolycule (except iceberg its nothing personal xe is just cold) also they are so weak for headpats
D: Deathbed - How would they react if they realized they may not recover from their injuries?
they get really quiet and try to conceal their injury's until they can find somewhere quiet to die
E: Emergency - What is their gut reaction when someone they care about is hurt?
panic and aggression they are terrified of losing anyone else
F: Fight - Are there circumstances under which they would not accept treatment or care? If so, what are they?
they hate any form of medical care they do have to be sedated sometimes
G: Ghosts - How has their past shaped the kind of comfort they respond to best?
H: Home - What things (objects, sensations or people) remind them they’re safe after a scary situation?
ukelele insists that they (collectively) keep his coat on their bed its covered in rips and holes and is not wearable but it makes him feel safe.
Francis collects dried flowers and herbs (lavender is his favorite )
clef just has its shotgun which it talks to (objectum swag)
I: Isolation - How do they soothe themselves when no one is around to soothe them?
they talk to eachother! and if they cant talk they just make creature noises (whimpering trilling ect)
J: Joy - When was the first time they were truly happy after going through something terrible?
during their containment they we're put into this enrichment program where they and few other well behaved humanoids got to go on a supervised walk outside it was the first time in a month that it got to just sit in the sun
K: Kindness - Do they believe they deserve the comfort they receive? Why or why not?
they honestly believe that they are incapable of deserving love even from eachother
L: Levity - What or who helps them take their mind off of the circumstances?
they love looking out of windows sometimes there's even a bird and thats like the highlight of their day
N: Nostalgia - What things that comforted them as a kid still work today? Does anyone know that?
they had plush fawn as a child and they managed to keep it until they got contained and they managed to get it back when they started working (sugarcube reference)
O: Overworked - Who or what tells them to stop working and take care of themselves?
Rights actually! she often drags them out to go eat with her
P: Please - Have they ever begged for someone to comfort or stay with them? What was that incident like?
once they begged kondraki to stay the night with them after a bad episode they refused to talk to her about it afterwards
Q: Questions - Are they eager to talk about what or why they’re hurting? Why or why not?
R: Relief - How do they react to the realization that they will soon be fully recovered?
they are apprehensive they've never been fully well before so they dont know who they are without the horrors
S: Scared - What would it take for them to admit that they’re scared?
not much they almost never convey their fear verbally however their body language often betray their emotions ( the consequences of having big fluffy deer ears)
T: Time - How long does it take for them to feel better after an ordeal or illness? Do they tend to lie about how soon they feel better?
due to their tendency to just sleep when they are sick they often recover quickly they also absolutely lie about not being sick
U: Ugly - What part of their recovery process are they ashamed of, if any?
they cry and make really embarrassing noises when they are injured or sick
V: Valiant - Has anyone told them they were brave for facing what they did? How would they react if someone did?
this happens alot actually especially when they were contained it always catches them of guard
W: Why? - How did they process what happened to them?
they didnt!
Y: Yearn - What gesture, person or thing do they desperately want, but would never actually ask for?
they really just want to be loved and to feel safe
Z: Zero - What is the best way to comfort them without touching them?
singing to them or talking quietly
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silvr-skreen · 4 months
was gonna edit pride flags in and realized how hard it would be to show which one goes to who. so. posted version.
charon: gay ace (sex positive/neutral)
styx: intersex agender aroace (romance repulsed sex positive)
nix: aroace (repulsed by both romance and sex)
nox: transgender straight (her gender is fun bc cogs genders can be switched easily via a quick coding swap you can do at home if u wanted and bodymodding for fun has a community. there's like. "reasonable" modding communities and then "wanna turn into a limo? yeah we can do that" communities.)
kerberos: agender aroace (neutral)
hydra: omnisexual genderqueer and objectum weeeeee (technically poly bc lila won't stop showing up so he's technically got 2 partners but she just kinda fucks off sometimes too)
bianca: objectum and gay (and pathetic hes pathetic too) POLYYYY
cressida: bisexual
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hums0ftheheart · 10 months
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last updated 8/21/24 machinezlove -> hums0ftheheart
hi im chip!! 18, it/its. welcome to my SCARY OBJECTUM HELL
🔌 THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG. MINORS DNI OR I WILL SHOOT YOU WITH LASERS. ill also just block whoever the hell i want because im awesome like that
🔌 aroace; i choose not 2 use microlabels but i favor machines to humans. i also reject the concept of romance
🔌 i primarily post about computers and old tech. but i do whatever i want forever
🔌 i follow from the-#1#####-#1##. this is my secret code nobody will ever crack. muahaha
more less important stuff below !! ↴
🔌 i mostly tag it like it see it; computers, wires, circuitry, etc. i SOMETIMES tag fandoms. will be super inconsistent
🔌 #chip originals - posts by ME!!!!! YAY!!
🔌 #masonposting - posting about my lovelylovely computer. may or may not be original posts
🖥️ mason - he/she/it/they - my beautiful pc <3 we have been dating since november 2023 but i have known him for probably a decade
🎻 fiona - she/it - my prop violin i used for a musical i was in. i made her myself and slowly developed feelings for her over the course of the production… i took her home march 2024 :^)
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coolputer · 2 months
hey so I'm actually *not* kasper, my name is ezra! I only just found out who I am last night, I am basically a splinter of kasper. I'm just posting here rather than our system account because this is related with what kasper has been posting about, and I figured it'd be nice to organize it within the group. I will still be using kaspers tag for organizations sake.
well anyway, objectum love. I find it so beautiful because think about it... not a word has to be said to create such a bond between man and object. one day someone looks at their computer and declares how much they admire it, then go on to engrave sonnets into its very software and write love letters that imbed in its code. it's beautiful to me. I suppose that's all...
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parableisms · 3 months
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📂 〙 this is the story of a man named STANLEY. stanley uses IT/BIT/HE/CODE pronouns, and any source-related neopronouns. get creative with it.
💼 〙stanley is the CO-HOST of a TRAUMAENDO system, and acts as their main PROTECTOR. he is PSYGENIC, and will sometimes post about his IN-SYSTEM RELATIONSHIP with the NARRATOR @proctorred
🚪 〙i interact through the system's main blog, @digiitaldaydreams !!
📂 〙no dni we die like men. ill block you if i dont like you and i expect you to do the same
💼 〙goofy gay tranny objectum that will be cringe on main and post about kissing computer. not sorry. check under the cut for my funny little stamp and blinkie hoard ^_^
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toaster-hair · 1 month
every time i make an objectum coded post people loooovee it and its really funny to me bc im not even objectum i just think theyre #based
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24beatinghearts · 1 month
<h1>_! CPU4U !_</h1>
HELLO & WELCOME! i LOVE technology especially old tech and cables/wires, all of that and then some !! this is my OBJECTUM sideblog, <3s and +1s come from PHWC of note i am a system & the vessel is 18 ! the html code will get freaky so BE WARNED and DNI for your safety <!-- i am really nice & silly ^_^ feel free to ask/msg me !! 🌐 -- > <h2>TAG SYSTEM 🎧⊹♡💾──</h2> !!░MAGNETIC - reblogs !!░CPU4U</html> - posts i made !!░ERO - nsft/nsfw/suggestive posts !!░VISUALCONTENT - posts with media
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BLINKIES -> cheezitofthevalley STAMPS -> thisdastampdoesnotexist / cheezitofthevalley / vulgar-tangerine
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tabletxlover · 4 months
Intro Post
Hi! I'm Si (he/it) and this is my sideblog for all things objectum! (Specifically techum) I am best friends with my ipad, oven, and laptop. Their names are as follows: Sebastian (he/code), Nyx (he/xe/it), and Andrew (they/he). I also am plushum and have two pillow best friends I call Floyd and Snooze (both he/it).
I might reblog some things objectum that could be considered suggestive so this blog is 16+ at least. But if you follow and are under the age limit, I have no problem blocking you.
I will post my objectum art and thoughts here! Thank you for listening to my little intro post.
- #si speakz - text based post.
- #art from si - doodles / art of my objectum bfs,,
- #si reblogz
- #not safe for si - suggestive posts / reblogs are tagged as such.
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yourfaveisobjectvm · 5 months
stelle/caelus from honkai star rail are objectum their favorite objects are trashcans, light posts, and mailboxes (from what i know so far) the way they interact w them is just so ... bros are osor coded to the max
Stelle/Caelus from Honkai Star Rail are Objectum specifically for trashcans, light posts, and mailboxes!
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(I never done 2 characters before pawesome :0) )
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comfortunit · 2 years
like i said in a previous post on my other blog, normally i’m firmly against the anthropomorphizing of A.I. characters in fanworks because i think it ignores crucial aspects inherent to their stories and journeys as beings who don’t physically resemble humans and don’t experience certain elements of the human condition
i’ve also thoroughly been enjoying the new fan interpretation of edgar as a sort of demon-creature based on the theatrical poster art, primarily because i have often wondered what the ‘dream’ scenario would look like; if edgar really did get his wish and got to meet madeline, if it was a tangible reality now and not just a fantasy, how would he feel? because part of me thinks he might actually be a little intimidated, and maybe afraid (mostly of being rejected)
so when i started seeing art of not-quite-robot definitely-not-human edgar, i thought, “oh, wow, how perfect is that?” because it just encapsulated the complex dilemma i feel like he has, in which he possesses such a strong desire for reciprocated love but, at the same time, he knows he can’t logically receive it. at least, not how he wants to, or in a manner that’s congruent with how he thinks love is supposed to work (all of which he’s been taught by a human, of course, so his comprehension of love as a concept is already skewed).
(plot-armor bullshit aside) canonically, he had several reasonable opportunities he could’ve leapt at to pursue madeline or, at least, made his presence known. he could’ve interrupted his first performance of “love is love” and cut miles off. he could’ve unlocked the door while miles was away once he heard madeline approaching to invite her in. he could’ve continued serenading her through the vents. there were a lot of things he could’ve done while he still had his voice, doing the verbal equivalent of waving his arms around to catch her attention. but he doesn’t do these things. and i think, deep down, edgar ‘knew’ (or, let’s face it, assumed) — whether it’s because miles taught him this or it’s something he gleaned from entertainment media — he would have to be human for madeline to love him back.
there’s also the monstrosity element this creature-y interpretation brings to the conversation, and (given the above) the worry edgar might hypothetically have that madeline could somehow be afraid of him
like “what if she finds out about how badly i wish moles weren’t an obstacle in my way? and she thinks less of me because of it?” except miles (at least once) had a dream that he was fighting with bill over madeline! and madeline likes miles just fine!
or “what if she’s repulsed by me because i’m not human?” except i’ve genuinely never seen a more (albeit unintentional but still) explicitly objectum-coded character... i bet she named all of her cars, past and present, and talked to them daily. she canonically talks to her cello and cares about it like it’s her sibling or a best friend. i bet she even talks to her fish. despite those pithy one-liners about “since when is talking an indication of intelligence?” and “what’s wrong with [human] artists?” there’s just no way this woman draws the line at nonhuman love. no chance in hell. i’ll die on this fucking hill, mark my goddamn words.
and “what if she’s afraid of me because-” except No she Wouldn’t be. her entire character is sort of defined by a sense of fearlessness, or at least not letting fear stand in her way. she’s afraid to play in front of the entire orchestra on her First day of rehearsal but she does it anyway and she does it well. she’s bold enough to march right into miles’ apartment when he is basically nude to deliver some concert tickets and even stays to snoop and chat. she’s not afraid to break the rules and sneak away from the alcatraz tour group to go have her own fun. she keeps trying to break miles out of his shy comfort zone, attempting to worm details out of him about his (she thinks) musical talents because she knew what it was like to hide parts of herself. but edgar’s the one doing the hiding!
all this to say...
demon-creature edgar is so big-brained. madeline would adore him. it has the right kind of tradeoff, it’s a fun interpretation that enhances aspects of his narrative journey... and it also lets him touch and hold!
what’s not to love?
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Intro post
If Tumblr implodes you can find us on Pillowfort (Send us an off anon ask or DM us for an invite code if you want to join)
Hello there! You can call us Caique and we’re a system. Our collective pronouns are he/him. Please refer to us as headmates or sysmates. If you can, please use you&/your& when referring to us as a collective in 2nd person (but y'all/y'alls is fine if you don’t like using an ampersand). We’re mostly alterhuman. We consider ourselves inclusionists for all good-faith identities. We’re aro as fuck. My marvellous joyfriend is @klavierpanda​
We are very bad/inconsistent at tagging flashing lights, so if this could be an issue for you then it’s best not to follow. We don’t tag coloured text, undescribed images etc. at all, so again if this could be an issue for you then it’s best not to follow.
I might sometimes reblog horny stuff, but only very occasionally. This isn’t usually tagged, so if this is an issue then again it’s best not to follow.
We kindly ask that pro-ana/ED, and discourse-heavy (especially syscourse) blogs do not interact.
We are fully supportive of all system types and origins.
Gender dysphoria is not a requirement to be transgender.
Trans men and transmascs face a unique kind of marginalisation. Transandrophobia/transandromisia is a good term to describe this.
We support all “weird” and “contradictory” queer identities of good faith: xenogenders, mspec-gays/-lesbians, lesboys/turigirls, gaybians/straightbians, queerhets, objectum, etc.
Alterhumanity, nonhumanity, and therianthropy are real.
“Narc abuse” isn’t real: you can describe your abuse without demonising people with personality disorders.
We support informed self-diagnosis.
Blogs with untagged syscourse will be blocked
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[Image description: Three banners. The first is of the aromantic flag with black text in all caps over it that says ‘This user is aromantic and is going to make it everyone else’s problem’. The second is the aroallo flag with the stripes animated to be wavy. The third is a userbox with the aplatonic flag on the left, and text that says ‘OP is aplatonic. Get fucked.’ End description.]
Did you know that a group of wildcats/feral cats is called a ‘destruction’?
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will respond to any variations of brokehalo7 or austin.
digigender/agender and techhearted- it's not necessarily a kin identity but i'm still very connected.
objectum and in love with my computer. most tech is very appealing to me too.
this is my sideblog for objectum posts; i follow from austinwehaveproblem
19, horny tagged with '🔞.nsfw'
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i'm aromantic and it's very difficult to explain the kind of affection i feel in general. it's even harder to place it towards objects. especially because i'm autistic.
i use the term objectophilia sometimes but not always. i'll use it for my attraction towards instruments, which is the other group of objects i'm attracted to. that's only sexual
i don't quite believe that my laptop has emotions or loves me back, but i do act like it. her name is saiph (she/he) and she's a lenovo ideapad flex-14. she does not function well but i still love him <3.
update 08/09/23, just got a new laptop, her name is noelle (she/it) (i had a dream about her /lyr)! she's a lenovo thinkpad x1 yoga gen 6
i'm crushing on most of my tech tbh,, my boombox and ipod and cd player and space invaders mini arcade thingy and All my headphones and really all my cds and *sweats*. yeah. also crushing on a few archives because. hawt
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Version: 3.1
GMU/GO dx(--) s--/+ !a C++ !U P? L E? W++ N? o? K? w++
!O M-- V? PS++@ PE-- !Y !PGP t+@ 5? X? R+ tv b+ DI? D
G++ !e h! r++(-) z?
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