#obligatory 'no spoilers please' tag
bizlybebo · 9 months
sobbing thinking about the way that fnc are so good at nonverbal communication with each toher oh my god
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turtlecase · 3 months
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mal du pays
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wiezumbeispiel · 6 months
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Commission for @silverstreams for a scene from ch42 of their fic, redemption!
I wanted to capture the emotion it gave me reading this scene for the first time: an overwhelming sense of relief after a long, harrowing, previously seemingly hopeless journey. It’s a very emotionally heavy story but a very good one, and satisfying at the end for sure
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moongothic · 9 months
i would love trans crocodile but im very cynical that oda would write him in a respectful manner. thats not even thinking of how horrible that one portion of the one piece fandom would treat him
Yeah the fandom sucks and I'm going to strangle everyone (including the cishets who claim to be trans allies and then use "Crocomom")
But with Oda it's weird because like. The more I think about it, the more I'm like... 50/50 about Oda being able to actually deliver good, respectful trans masc rep.
Like I've posted about this before but One Piece does have this on-going theme of having characters "stuck in wrong bodies" or "having one's body changed" (sometimes reversably, sometimes irreversably; sometimes against their will, sometimes consentually). Which, in theory, in my mind, does kind of signal that on some level Oda understands the idea of being "the wrong sex" (whether or not that's a good way to explain The Trans Experience™ is a whole different subject but it's an old fashioned explanation that Oda would probably be/is familiar with) But at the same time, while the concept pops up again and again in One Piece, Oda doesn't really dwell too deep into the idea of what that's like. Like, emotionally. How it feels like to like, get turned into a toy or be a child who gets aged 20 years or to get turned into a cyborg or a giant child or have parts of your body permanently turned into animal parts (sometimes with a will of their own) etc
And like. Part of me understands why, Oda does tend to want to focus on writing a story he thinks teenaged boys would be interested in reading, and he has often stated he wants to have fun with his story too (like that's partially why Luffy's a Rubber Man, because Oda thought giving Luffy a ridiculous ability would make him more fun to write and draw long-term, which is valid as hell) This is why for example Oda has avoided doing any romances in OP, and while there are dark themes in the story, often he has done his best to avoid making them too blatant, as some things would be too mature for his youngest readers (like, for example until Kuma's backstory, it was never explicitly stated what would happen to the slave wives of the Tenryuubito, even saying it was "implied" would be pushing how that subject had been treated until now)
So like. Because of that, I understand why Oda hasn't dwelled into The Feelings™ part much/at all despite the "stuck in the wrong body" narrative appearing time and time again
Either Oda thinks it'd be too boring either for himself or his readers, or he hasn't dwelled into it because he doesn't really understand gender dysphoria and can't relate to the experience (despite how often it shows its face in OP). Or it could be both, even
The thing is though, as OP has gone on, while I wouldn't say Oda has "broken his writing rules", Kuma's backstory alone has pushed them to a new limit with the love-that-never-was story and the all-but-explicitly-stated storytelling.
So a part of me wonders, if Crocodile is trans, could Oda actually like... take a slightly deeper look into his feelings and explore his queer experience? ('Cause god knows, if Crocodad Real, then there really would be a literal coming out-story built into his backstory that would be extremely unavoidable, and as I've mentioned before, the fact that we haven't gotten to learn almost anything about his backstory yet is Kinda Fucking Sus)
Also I do want to mention how... like Oda gets a lot of bad rap when it comes to queer rep in One Piece, but the more I think about it, I think it's more an issue with the terminology and how translators have gone about either localizing it, or more often than not, leaving it unlocalized 'Cause like. Yes the "okama" would be horrible trans rep but... really... they're not trans representation. They're representation for draq queens. Piss poor draq rep, but still, they're draq queens. And just like our very real life drag performers; some of them are cishets. Some of them are gender non-conforming gay men. Some of them are nonbinary*. Some of them are trans women. Obviously lumping all of these people into one group is kinda offensive (which is why "okama" is (as far as I understand it) such an unpopular term even amongst queer people in Japan), and the way Oda often chooses to draw these characters looks no different to how gender criticals choose to present trans women in their propaganda.
*Like Bon-chan, who explicitly states they are both male and female. And Iva-chan, who switches between boy-mode and girl-mode from time to time, could arguably be called genderfluid (though any specific terminology is up to debate). Both are nonbinary draq queens.
And yet, despite all that. It can not be understated how if you put aside the nameless background gag-characters, Oda does treat the actual, proper queer characters with respect. Everyone would agree that Bon-chan is an absolute hero, we would all die for them. Iva-chan (and Inazuma too) is explicitly presented in a heroic light, seen as someone who helps people and fights for justice (with the Revs)
And then there's the first binary trans characters we've actually gotten, Okiku and Yamato. And I'm pretty sure we would all agree Okiku is 10/10 perfect trans fem representation (I am not entirely serious, I'm not trans fem so I can't speak for trans women here, it's just that I can't see anything Horrendously Wrong with how Okiku is presented within the story- not actually perfect but all things considdered, damn good). She is stunning, people around her (INCLUDING SANJI!!) don't just view her as a woman but would go out of their way to date her (as in, she is seen as "desirable", and not as some kind of a disgusting freak to avoid), she is heroic and sweet and kind and just. IDK I love her And while I'm sure many trans mascs would agree Yamato may not be how they want to be seen by the world (though having Yamato ID as a man while having the biggest moobs is surely validating for a lot of people, including anybody who might not want or be able to get top surgery and/or HRT), again, he is only presented as heroic within the narrative and respected by the characters around him, Luffy especially, which is by far the most important part; the protagonist going out of his way to be respectful of trans characters does represent the values of the story.
And like.
Think about how Oda has treated Crocodile so far.
Like, although we're all having a bit of a laugh over the whole Cross Guild thing, Oda is still treating him as a cool character whom he presents seriously and treats with respect. Like Oda wants the readers to see Crocodile as at least a little bit cool. So I can't imagine him pulling a full 180 with how Croc would be treated in the story if he was revealed to be trans, especially when the potential foreshadowing for that was laid out in the story years ago already.
All this to say; Oda is not perfect at all, but considdering the things he has gotten right so far, I think there is hope he could pull it off. Because Oda is for Queer Liberation.
Really, my only concerns would be whether or not there's a risk Crocodile could get somehow detrans'd during the story (I'm praying the Haki theory isn't an option, really Doc Q might be the only true risk here), if he's stealth and that got presented as "a wrong thing to do" (which I'd hope not, like our previous queer characters have been okay with being openly queer but that may have been more for the readers than anything else. At least, I hope, god knows if Crocodile is and wants to be stealth trans then that's his right and he shouldn't have to out if he doesn't want to, and yeah, I don't want him to be demonized within the narrative for being stealth (if he's stealth, for all we know he could be out)) and like, most importantly, what'd end up being Crocodile's "motivation" for transitioning in the first place
Like. God. I just. I don't want there to be a twist where Crocodile transitioned because "being a woman was weak" or because he "wanted to be acknowledged by Whitebeard" ('cause WB doesn't take women into his crew) or "the scar in his face made him so ugly he decided he should be a man instead" (seen unironic Redditors suggest that. Almost lost my mind) or something
Like I hope someone's at least tried to explain gender dysphoria to Oda. Like the man does have actual queer friends in real life (some of whom inspired characters in OP), so I'm hoping at least someone's tried to explain the feelings that come with The Trans Experience™ to him so that, if Crocodile's trans, then Oda can actually try to base his reasoning to transition on those feelings instead of any stupid "reasons" that no actual queer person would relate to
But it all just boils down to... Is Oda willing to actually dwell into those feelings and explore them in the story.
It... it really could go either way with Oda
So yeah. Anon, I'm with you, I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was at least A Little Worried. But also... I want to be hopeful. Because I do believe there is reason to be hopeful.
Only time will tell how it'll go
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halemerry · 1 year
Back when the kiss first leaked I wrote a little speculative thing about what the context could be that I think we're finally removed enough for me to keep my promise to post.
ao3 link below but also in its entirety below the cut
hear my soul speak
"Kiss me."
Those two words brought every part of his corporation skidding to a halt. His pulse, his breathing, every neuron and atom down all stuttered in the moment Aziraphale's own lips parted, seemingly in shock at the words that had left them. The angel's eyes went wide and a light flush had begun to bloom across his face.
He felt coiled - and not in the way he was meant to, but like a string about to snap. Like an asteroid threatening to pull out of orbit. Zeroed in on one point of time and space like it was the only thing that mattered. Like the moment before a fall.
His body moved before his brain had gotten with the program, snapping forward with a sort of desperation he wasn't sure how to describe. One moment he was standing there, staring into the sun and then suddenly he was crashing into it, two celestial bodies unable to resist the pull of 6000 years worth of gravity.
It wasn't pretty or elegant or any of the things he'd managed to keep behind a well locked door of maybes and what ifs. It was awkward and their lips didn't quite fit and his damned glasses were in the way and then Aziraphale let out a little noise and none of that mattered. This was them - awkward and not quite right until they figured out how to slot into place together. It was perfect.
And why wouldn't it be? They'd already done the hard part. They'd picked each other in the face of the end of the world. They had spent a millennia building this home around them and this… well, this was just another way of coming home, wasn't it?
They drew back, staring at each other, drinking in each other's expressions with the greed of beings who knew the importance of committing something to memory. Aziraphale was flushed still, eyes filled to the brim with more emotion than he could put words too, cottonfluff hair gently tousled.
Aziraphale reached out next, slow and careful, silently asking for permission as Crowley let him pull off his glasses. The part of him that dimly registered the gentle clatter as Aziraphale set them down was drowned out immediately as those well-manicured hands reached for him and the angel cradled his jaw between those hands in the same way his own had once held star stuff. It made him feel stripped bare and exposed in a way part of him was convinced he should hate and yet-
Their lips met again, soft, lingering, more certain this time. It was as easy, falling into sync together like they always did. Aziraphale grounded a hand in his hair, an action that sent all sorts of new sensations sparking through him. Then, too fast and too slow all at once, Aziraphale drew back just enough to press their foreheads together. "Be safe," the angel demanded, tone leaving no room for argument.
A breathless chuckle left him at that, a bubbling feeling catching in his chest. He grinned, giddy and feeling lighter than he had since they fooled Heaven and Hell, and drawled out, "Angel, I'm not the one who likes playing the damsel."
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leefi · 10 months
umineko episodes 1 & 2
Battler: *reliving every single one of his family's horrific murders until the end in both games, malding over Beatrice/the 19th person/the culprit, getting gored over and over again by demon girls wearing the ugliest outfits I’ve ever seen*:
Kyrie, Rudolph, and Krauss dying first in both games:
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ssruis · 4 months
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summary: You might be the only one in your division not utterly smitten with your partner, Makima. Call it disinterest, call it being observant that her smiles never reach her eyes. Either way, you have no interest in bridging the gap between you both. But one day, an attempt is made, and it isn’t by you.
tags: pre!canon, f!reader (afab), spoilers for anime onlys, 18+ (loss of virginity, tribbing), reader owns these cats, yes i know children of the sea’s movie was not around during this time i don’t care
a/n: makima: *is a lonely character whose secret desire is that she wants something akin to family where she and the other party are equals but feels like she can’t because of her nature*. the makima x reader tag: *dom makima smut*. me: i guess if i want a piece on makima that focuses on her loneliness i’ll have to write it myself. so i did. thank you to my friend @cafedanslanuit​ for beta reading this for me, she was a big help!
AO3 / PART 2 / PART 3
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“Good Morning.”
“Morning, Makima.” You recognized the soft voice of your partner even before you looked away from your book. 
“The weather is quite nice today, isn’t it?” It was a pleasantly warm day in Tokyo.  
“I’m personally more of a sweater weather girl, myself,” you disagreed good-naturedly. “I get hot too easily so I like the cold. I’m that person who drinks iced tea in winter.”
“I see.” Makima hummed. “How odd.” 
With that, a silence fell over the both of you as you awaited your orders for the day. Whether or not you’d call it uncomfortable, you left up in the air. It had been a little over a month since you began working for the Tokyo Branch of the Public Safety Devil Hunters Bureau and neither you nor your partner made an attempt to bridge the gap between you both. Every odd socially obligatory small talk you’d potentially discover something new about each other.
Like today, for instance, Makima enjoyed warm weather while you preferred cool.
Riveting stuff, you thought sarcastically on your way from the bathroom when you saw a familiar brunette lurking from around a corner. “Good morning, Nanaka.” The girl jumped in surprise, looking like a child caught sneaking her hand into a jar of cookies.
“What do you think you’re doing sneaking up on people like that, [First]!” Nanaka snapped, cheeks flushed pink.
You held back a roll of your eyes, “I’m not the one drooling over Makima from a distance like a creep.”
Flustered, Nanaka fixed her posture from looming to rigid. “I’m not drooling!” She hissed adamantly. “I’m admiring! Miss Makima is one of our best devil hunters! She’ll definitely be in charge of her own division one day soon! I have no idea how you were placed to be her partner.” You shrugged, knowing your coworker wouldn’t be pleased regardless of your answer. Twas the punishment for being partnered to the woman everyone and their mom seemed to worship without hesitance.
Nanaka sighed wistfully. “You’re lucky you get to be Miss Makima’s partner.”
“I’ll be sure to remind myself I got lucky getting paired with Makima then.” You didn’t bother holding back your sarcasm. “I’ll reflect on my actions when we go on patrol.”
“You should be more respectful” Nanaka scolded, shooting you a glare for your less-than-awed perspective. “Miss Makima’s been working here longer than you and you talk to her so casually.”
You nodded in the direction of the devil hunter in question. “Hey, Makima’s the one who told me she didn’t care about keigo. Take that up with her.”
Nanaka shook her head disparagingly at you with a ‘hmph’. “I’m going to greet Miss Makima before you both go on patrol.” Her brown eyes sparkled at the sight of the red-haired devil hunter, practically skipping in her direction. “Miss Makima, good morning! I’m so sorry, I forgot to bring you that coffee you really liked!”
The blunder didn’t seem to worry Makima at all, fortunately for Nanaka, as she smiled in that rehearsed way you expected from your partner by now. “That’s no problem at all, Nanaka. Try not to forget next time, though. I look forward to your coffee each morning.”
The brown-haired member of your division giggled, pleased. “I’ll make sure to remember tomorrow.”
You’re in awe of Makima enough for the both of us, what do I need to be so reverent for? Nanaka would likely have many choice words for you if she heard your thoughts. Yet you only felt that awe decrease as you saw your associate fawning over Makima day after day when Makima barely seemed to return even a fraction of it. You eyed Makima’s face from the corner of your eye and closed it with a small huff. Not smiling again.
Makima’s smile never reached her eyes, no matter how politely she spoke or how warmly she seemingly behaved.
It was apparent to you from the first day you met her after you arrived in Tokyo as a newly hired member of the Public Safety Devil Hunters Bureau.
“[Last], this is your partner Makima. Makima, she’s new to the country but her Japanese is decent. Make sure to teach her well.”
“Of course.” Red ringed eyes looked at you soullessly. Makima was almost like a doll, her smile painted on. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, [First]. I look forward to our partnership. Be good for me, okay?”
A condescending, callous doll.
That opinion hadn’t changed in the time you worked together. Hence why you stared at Makima like she had grown a second head when, after being told of a devil by a panicking high schooler who had ditched class, she went into a restaurant and ordered a plate of chicken katsu curry.
You blinked as you watched the redhead take a seat at a booth. “Um, aren’t we going to get that devil?”
Makima smiled at you again, the same one that never reached her eyes. “Oh yes, you can get that, [First].” She said like it was obvious, ringed eyes looking you dead in the eye. “If I go now, my food will get cold.”
You felt an eye twitch in annoyance, watching as Makima brushed a stray strand of hair back into place. Do I look like Nanaka to you? You wanted to seethe but that was probably the reaction she wanted. You held back an annoyed sigh as you took deliberate steps in Makima’s direction, sitting across from her before she could say anything else.
Your eyes peered into gold flecked with lines of red before you raised a fist. “Janken. Loser has to kill the devil.”
A silence passed over the both of you, one considerably less comfortable than usual as Makima looked at you and you looked at her, unyielding. You weren’t Nanaka or any of the others part of your division that would happily swing your sword around at Makima’s request ー no, demand ー without a second thought. “Auntie, can you make me a bowl of tororo soba? Cold please!” You asked, eyes still staring into gold.
A second past, two seconds.
“Very well,” your partner finally raised her own fist, much to your satisfaction. “one round then. The loser will also have to pay for lunch.”
“I gotta warn you then, I’m a rock-paper-scissors master.” You smirked.
A smirk that only grew wider when you pulled paper to Makima’s rock.
“Looks like you’re treating me to lunch today, partner.” You wrapped your hand around her closed fist, almost marveling at how much smaller hers were in comparison to yours. “Like I said, Janken Champion right here. I don’t lose.”
You half-expected her to demand a rematch leading you to ‘tsk’ that there was no time with such a devil on the loose. 
Or perhaps give you the glare of the lifetime for besting the oh-so-mighty and worshiped Makima. 
Her actual reaction was much quieter, however, as she stared at your joined hands with an unreadable expression. Damn is she that upset? You removed your hand from hers, instead opting to lay your chin on your palm. “I’ll be waiting for you to come back then, Makima. I’ll try not to get too crazy with my ordering while you’re gone.”
“Go ahead and indulge yourself.” Makima insisted as she stood, throwing her coat on once more.
You thrummed your fingers lightly on the table as your partner left the restaurant. As if I’d actually push my luck that much. A small selfish part of you considered doing exactly that, picking up a menu and ordering much more than a meger bowl of cold-style soba. But it’s just not my style to piss off a ginger. You sighed to yourself quietly before calling for the waitress once more, “Auntie, can I get some iced barley tea too?”
“Of course, dear!” The elderly waitress said with her best customer service smile. “Your Japanese is quite good!”
“No no, I’m still learning something new everyday.” You negated, waving your hands. “It’s a hard language to learn.” After a few more brief exchanges, you found yourself still waiting for Makima as you sipped slowly on your iced tea. It was never as simple as killing a devil and calling it a day. There was still the report to make and waiting for the cleanup team before you could be dismissed from the scene. 
Whenever she returned, Makima’s katsu curry would definitely go cold by then.
You eyed your soba that had arrived minutes prior and the curry dish beside it. The sight along with the smells was enough to make your mouth water.
God damn it. You pointedly looked away from your bowl to the TV showcasing a baseball game, ignoring the strong smell of the curry spices. You could have cried in relief when your partner finally returned to the restaurant. “Oh you’re finally back,” you observed with composure.
Makima glanced at your soba as she took her seat. “That must have been there for a while,” she replied, observant.
“Well it isn’t like tororo soba can get any colder.” You shrugged, breaking apart your chopsticks. “Thanks for the food.”
“Thank you for the meal.”
“... the chicken katsu is soggy” Makima muttered after one bite. You snorted almost immediately, but said nothing in reply.
You could almost hear Nanaka hisses that you needed to be more respectful towards your senior or that you should have gone ahead and killed the devil instead. Yet you couldn’t find yourself feeling any regret as you saw something more than a fake smile or mild disinterest on your partner’s face. Even mild annoyance was better than her usual expressions.
Looks like I finally saw a new side to you, huh, partner. You held back another snicker.
“Alô, senhor Rocha.” Hello, Mr. Rocha.  You smiled tiredly as you approached the cash register. “Tudo bem?” Are you doing well?
“Tudo bem e você?” I’m well and you? The man asked as he checked your items.
“Estou bem também." I’m good too. You weren’t one to fear being alone, nor were you the type to get lonely easily. Still, the Rochas, a family of Brazilian immigrants who ran a small grocer, were a welcome part of your life in Tokyo, especially after work. “Só estou cansada.” I’m just tired.
“Oh!” You gave Mr. Rocha a curious look as you passed him the largest bill in your wallet. “I saw you earlier!” He said in accented Japanese, grinning widely as his eyes twinkled with mischief. “Com uma mulher!” With a woman! You knew exactly where this was going with that one statement. “Essa era sua namorada?” Was that your girlfriend?
“Não, não.” No, no. You shook your head with a nonchalant wave but it was too late as you saw the quickly approaching form of Mr. Rocha’s wife. The Rochas were always interested in your love life. You weren’t sure what it was  “Nós-”
“O que ela parecia?” What did she look like? Mrs. Rocha looked at her husband with excitement.
“É ruiva com cabelo comprido.” She was a redhead with long hair. Mr. Rocha relayed.
Mrs. Rocha gave your shoulder a playful slap that was meant to be congratulatory. “É linda?” Is she beautiful? 
You shook your head again, a mixture of exasperated yet amused. You supposed you’d indulge them for a few seconds. “É linda demais pra mim.” Too beautiful for me. You couldn’t hold back your chuckle as the older woman rolled her eyes, calling you ‘silly’ under her breath. "Nós apenas trabalhamos juntas; era uma patrulha.” We just work together; it was a patrol.
As expected, that lessened their enthusiasm drastically. “Tenha cuidado, por favor, [First].” Please be careful, [First]. The elderly woman pleaded with you as you left with your bags.
“Yes, yes.” You could barely contain your yawn. You waved farewell at the jovial couple. “Boa noite.” Good night.
Você é linda, mais que demais. Você é linda, sim… You hummed under your breath, lightly swinging your bag. You saw a new side to your devil hunting partner today. It had been a little over a month since you’d been working together and it was the first time you could confidently think something along that line.
It was like seeing a unicorn in a forest, something you’d never encounter again in your whole lifetime. Funny how unicorns are still considered fantasy when we live in a world with devils and fiends. But a rarity was a rarity. The two of you were work associates, neither of whom had displayed an interest in getting to know each other beyond what was necessary to do your job. 
You doubted such a thing would ever be presented in front of you again, you yawned.
Or so you thought when you found yourself, the next day, being taken out of a morning read by the sound of something being placed on the table in front of you. You lowered your book, finding your new company to be Makima and a cup of coffee. “Good morning, [First].”
You raised an eyebrow. “Morning, Makima.” You stared at the cup then at your partner. “Did you need something?”
“It’s iced coffee.” Makima explained as if she were telling you the sky was blue.
Exasperated, you shook your head. “I know it’s iced coffee, but I mean why are you giving it to me?” Isn’t that the coffee Nanaka gets you every day? Were the unexpressed words between you.
“I’m not one for cold drinks but then I remembered you saying you enjoyed them.” Makima nudged the drink closer to you, eyes almost owlish. Is this some weird ass test? Or is she trying to get back at me because of the janken thing? “Go ahead and take it.”
From the corner of your eye, you could feel the glare of a familiar brunette. Nanaka’ll kill me if I drink that. As if she were agreeing with your sentiments, that glare felt even hotter. “Thanks but you keep it. Coffee messes with my stomach.” With a strong hint of finality, you stood up. It would be best to find a different place to read. “Let me know when they dish out orders, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.”
“[First], give me your pen.” You found yourself side-eying your partner in displeasure the next day as the redhead held out her hand expectantly. “I have paperwork.” 
No shit, we both have paperwork. “There’s a pen right in front of you.” You look pointedly at the pen that she was already using, placed neatly atop the files she was still working on.
Makima smiled as if she were expecting that answer, “mine ran out of ink.”
“The hell am I supposed to do my paperwork with if I give you my pen then?” You asked sourly, unable to keep the annoyance from your voice. 
Makima placed her hand thoughtfully on her chin for a moment before picking up the pen she claimed was empty. “Would you like to use my pen in exchange?” She smiled yet it only looked mocking.
“I don’t.” Your response was clipped as you turned your head and continued working. Almost expectantly, another member in the office practically skipped over at the opportunity. “I have a pen for you to use, Miss Makima!” He all but sang.
Things came to a boiling point a few days later on patrol when the following sentence left Makima’s lips:
“[First], tell me why you decided to join the Bureau.”
You huffed in annoyance. Does this woman not understand the concept of asking people for things? Pretending you didn’t hear her, you deliberately looked off into the distance ignoring another call of your name. “Ahh, what a peaceful day it was for this patrol wouldn’t you say?”
“Tell me why you decided to join the Tokyo Branch Bureau.” Makima repeated and you rolled your eyes, knowing she couldn’t see it. “That’s an order.”
You blinked.
The kettle that your irritation and anger boiled over. 
With a twitch of your eye, you turned your head over your shoulder. “You know, there’s these words called ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.” You snapped, the annoyances from the week fueling your harsh tone. “Believe it or not, just telling people to do things for you isn’t how normal relationships work if you’re trying to be someone’s friend!”
Surprise, that would best describe the look on Makima’s face right now. Genuine surprise, but at what you didn’t know. Perhaps Makima was so used to getting her way that hearing you snap was something she wasn’t expecting. “If you wanna know why I joined the Bureau I don’t care, but you’re not just going to demand I tell you like that. Ask again like a normal person and I might consider it.”
You stared at gold and gold stared back at youbefore Makima finally relented.
“[First], why did you decide to join the Tokyo Branch Bureau?”
“I hated living in my home country and I wanted the free company housing in whatever place I ended up moving to.” See, was that so hard? You leaned against the railing beside you. “But I couldn’t exactly put that on my application, so the official reason is that generic stuff everyone else puts on it. I just added how I felt my abilities would be best suited for international relations.”
“England, Ireland, Brazil, Japan. Japan got back to me first, so here I am. I’m probably gonna move into my own apartment though, company housing is fine but I want my own place.” And you were sure a few of them were starting to catch on to the two cats you snuck into the building. 
“That was quite a chance roll.” Makima finally commented. “What if Brazil had responded first?”
“I guess I’d be in Brazil right now then.” You looked away from your partner with a shrug, enjoying the peach and carmine sunset. You had a friend in Fortaleza, you could have roomed with her until you got a place. “I studied a few languages when I was younger because I always wanted to do work that would allow me to travel. It didn’t really matter to me where I ended up as long as it wasn’t home, so I didn’t apply to the branch in my city.”
“And you can risk your life for that reason?” Makima asked you carefully. “Is that enough for you?”
You hummed thoughtfully. A friend back home asked the same question, although it was tinged with worry in contrast to Makima’s genuine curiosity.  “I’ll probably change my mind someday, but for right now, it is.”
Your anger subsided, you sighed peacefully with a smile as you looked at the Tokyo cityline. You had yet to get tired of it. It was busy and crowded, but it was yours even at the protest of your relatives who were worried you were making a mistake of gargantuan proportions. “Yep, definitely enough.” You stretched your arms. “It’s about time for the night shifters to start heading out. Should we head back to the main office?”
There was no protest to be had. “Yes, we should.”
“Pull rank on me like that again and I’m gonna flick your forehead.”
You received no response to what you considered a promise, not an empty threat. Whether or not Makima believed you, you didn’t know. 
The sight of the Tokyo Branch building was a welcome one. Fuck cooking, I’m ordering out tonight. After your exchange a half-hour prior with Makima, you were tempted to add dessert to that order. “See you on Monday.” You waved without sparing Makima so much as a glance as two night shifters you recognized as Tsubomi and Akira brushed past you.
“Oh you’re just coming back, Miss Makima?”
“I’m glad I caught you on the way out! How was your patrol?”
“It went smoothly this time.” Came the soft reply.
In spite of yourself, you peeked over at your partner and coworkers as you turned the corner to get your things from your desk. To your lack of surprise, Makima’s usual smile was found nowhere in her eyes. What was a surprise, however, was the dimness in them.
What kind of expression was that? 
A solemn dimness danced in Makima’s eyes in spite of the warmth she was surrounded by.
That was the feeling Makima’s eyes had given you.
You scratched the back of your head, mildly irritated at the guilt you felt. Damn it. No, no no. I just want to go home, feed my cats, and call it a day. I don’t have work tomorrow either, I can sleep in! Still, you found yourself lingering at your desk as Makima walked in now that the evening patrollers had gone on their way. I didn’t even do anything wrong, she was being a bitch!
It was only your cursed luck that while digging for your walkman, you found two coupons for okonomiyaki in your bag.
Fuck, I forgot about this. It goes bad tomorrow. 
It wasn’t the grandest gift to receive after saving a person’s life, but you happily received it from a young couple whose lives you saved from a worm devil. 
“When things like this happen, it’s obviously a sign from the universe,” you could hear Himeno’s voice.
Cosmic timing was a bitch, but it was a bitch you were interested in seeing through.
“Makima, wanna go to this okonomiyaki place?” You held up crumpled coupons with an air of nonchalance that you hoped seemed natural. If Makima sensed your hesitance, you couldn’t tell. You’d almost say she seemed surprised again. Not that I blame her after earlier. Not that it still wasn’t irritating. “Some people I helped out on a job a while back gave it to me and these expire tomorrow. I’ll pay this time since it’s discounted.” You added jokingly. “Feel free to say ‘no’ though since it’s a last minute offer.”
When there was no immediate response, you placed the coupons in your bag neatly. “Well, I’ll see you next week-”
“I’ll go.” Makima’s smile was small and light as she followed you out. “You just seemed angry at me before, I’m just surprised you asked me to tag along for dinner, kouhai.” A teasing lilt accompanied a mocking smile.
“You and me both, senpai.” You replied with more sarcasm than not. And there she goes, instantly making me regret this.
“Do you mind me asking why?”
“You just seemed lonely, is all.”
You didn’t notice you were walking alone until you were half way down the hall. “Makima?” You paused with a nonplussed raise of your eyebrow, looking back at where the redhead stood. She looked at you like you grew a third head, eyes shockingly wide and mouth slightly ajar. “You alright?” 
Makima composed herself as if the strike of midnight broke the spell. “Yes.”
But was she? The answer to your unasked question eluded you.
“[First], mind if I drink this?” Himeno’s voice was nearly too loud in the practically empty room you sat in.
You nodded in the direction of your iced tea without taking your eyes off your paperwork. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“Damn this tastes great, what is this?!” Himeno moaned, taking a lengthy sip. You doubted there’d be anything left for you by the time she finished.
“Some fancy elderberry assam tea. Makima got it for me.” She would give you a different kind of tea every week much to Nanaka’s chagrin. It seemed Makima had taken your preferences into consideration, she hadn’t brought you coffee again since her first odd attempt to bring you a drink. You accepted it this time, however. The first time felt more like an order. These times with tea felt more like offers. Besides, like I’m turning down a bomb cup of tea.
Himeno’s blue eyes twinkled in surprise, “Makima’s getting you tea?” The disbelief in her tone was less than subtle. “I guess you two are finally starting to get along better.”
“I wouldn’t say we didn’t get along before, we worked together just fine.” You racked your brain trying to find the best explanation. ‘We just had a mutual disinterest in one another’ seemed too harsh. “We just weren’t really trying to be friends before.” Not that you could confidently say you were friends even now. Are we?
Yet even as you thought that, there was something different to your partner that you couldn’t quite place. She seemed… relaxed somehow, if that was the right way to put it.
You didn’t want to completely delude yourself into thinking you were receiving some kind of special treatment. Regardless of her relationships with your living coworkers, you didn’t know anything about Makima’s relationships with her previous partners. Still you had the distinct feeling that the woman wasn’t the type to buy tea for someone she didn’t care for. Nanaka had been working at the Bureau for nearly two years and Makima hadn’t brought her anything.
What was with the time with coffee then? You stamped your name at the end of a document. It isn’t like I need an official friendship license from her but-
A thoughtful hum from Himeno swept you away from your thoughts. “I suppose that’s good. I hope this new buddy of mine’ll bring me drinks without me asking.” The next sip had the tell-tell sign of being filled with nothing but ice. Himeno continued to act blasé and, out of respect, you did the same. You weren’t sure how many partners the devil hunter had, you only knew they never seemed to last long.
You could only wish Himeno luck that this partner assignment would be different.
“I need a vacation. Maybe up north to Hokkaido this winter, I wanna see that snow festival in Sapporo.” Himeno sighed listlessly. “I need a change of scenery from home tonight too, but I don’t wanna go to my sister’s. She’s more worried about me than usual right now.”
“Wanna crash at my place for the night then?” You had finally moved from company housing into your own apartment. Himeno had been to the company provided apartment you had once before after you’d gone drinking with some other devil hunters. Invitations for Himeno to spend the night at your place were now only applicable as long as she was sober. 
“If I did that, you wouldn’t let me get any sleep, [First].” Your friend winked.
“I’d let you get a little sleep, Hime.” You winked, pointing your pen at her.
Himeno gave you a light shove and squealed jokingly. “[First]! That isn’t talk for the office.” 
“You’re the one who brought it up.” You giggled in return, signing the last of your paperwork as Himeno wrapped her arms around your shoulders. “But seriously though, if you wanna avoid your sister for a night, you can crash at my place if you-”
The two of you jolted out the sudden calling of your name. “Jeez, Makima warn a guy first!” You groaned, sighing as your heart rate slowed. You shot your partner a dirty look but it withered when you took notice of the dead-eyed glare pointed back at you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look this pissed.
Makima’s eyes raised from your shoulders to your eyes. “Am I interrupting something?” 
Himeno slid off your shoulders with a sheepish grin. “Morning, Makima.” She chuckled, clearly perturbed. “We were just goofing off, don’t mind us.”
Makima’s eyes drifted to you and you nodded, “I was just finishing up my paperwork and Himeno was keeping me company.”
“I see.” The corners of Makima’s lips turned upwards slightly but the rings of her eyes seemed colder than ever. “I just came to tell [First] it was time for us to head out on our patrol. Maybe you can goof off together next time.”
“Er, yeah.” You placed your paperwork, finished in the nick of time, to the side. “I’ll be right there, just give me a second.”
Himeno shot you a look that clearly read: What the hell’s wrong with her?
Girl, I don’t know. You shot back. If looks could kill would be an understatement, what happened to make Makima so upset in the first place? Even when the higher ups really had sticks up their asses, Makima never seemed phased. Nor did she ever seem particularly bothered when her weird bossy streak with you hadn’t gone her way. 
What was so different about today?
Himeno waved you off when you were ready to leave, “have a good patrol.” She tossed your empty cup into a garbage bin. “I’ll go to one of those cool capsule hotels and shake things up tonight.”
With a wave of your own, you bid your friend adieu. You turned, finding Makima waiting for you expectantly. You expected her to be strolling down the hallway by now. You shared a quiet look, feeling as if you were being observed. Makima broke contact first as she finally led the way out of the building.
Now this… is an awkward silence. You pressed your lips into a line as people and cars alike passed you by. You glanced at Makima curiously, contemplating the reason for her upset. “You alright?” Your curiosity eventually won you over.
“What do you mean?” Your partner asked in response.
“You just seem…” you wondered what was the best way to put it. “Upset right now. Did something happen with the higher ups? Or is it a personal thing?”
Makima spared you a glance after a few moments of silence. “I didn’t realize you and Himeno were so close.”
That was the last thing you were expecting to come from Makima’s lips.
“I guess we’re pretty friendly. I go drinking with her and some of the others in her division sometimes.” Less than half the people from that first drinking party were still around now. “It’s a fun time if you ever go but just be careful about letting Himeno have one too many.” You always carefully stopped after two, Himeno was a bottomless pit who drank past her limits. Needless to say, you became one of the many devil hunters Himeno had drunkenly kissed.
Regardless, nothing had spoiled between you both. 
You pursed your lips for a moment. “I’m not too much of a drinker. I know that work-drink culture is a big thing here in Japan, but I try not to do it too much especially if Himeno’s already been throwing it back.”
“Does she come to your home often?”
“Not particularly?” You answered truthfully. “She’s banned from coming over while drunk.” When you were still living in the company apartments, you had naively brought her over to sleep off her drinking. That night ended with her throwing up in your bathtub and falling asleep on the floor of your hallway. Never again. You shuddered. “She stops by every once and again but it’s usually me and my cats. You have any?”
“I have a few dogs.”
You gave Makima a look of appraisal. “You seem like a dog person, it makes sense.”
Compared to before, Makima’s mood seemed to shift into something more pleasant. “You seem like you would own cats.”
“Tell me about your dogs?” That simple question was what led to your discovery that Makima owned seven dogs, each named after a dessert she was fond of. You never would have pegged her for such an animal lover, nor were you sure how she always managed to keep her suits impeccably clean. Even after rolling over your clothes, you’d always find stray hairs that you missed hours after leaving your house.
When the conversation spilled into talking about your cats, you enthusiastically spared no details. Whether it was a dog, cat, fish or rabbit, you were sure any pet parent would agree coming home to them was one of the best feelings in the world. Your two were troublemakers to some extent. Bagheera would occasionally be a brat and knock over your pen if you didn’t pet him, you gave up trying to keep Tora from going onto the top of your fridge after a month of her developing the habit. You wouldn’t trade them for the world though.  “You should come over and meet them some time.” You laughed at a memory of your cats sticking their paws under the door after you had the audacity to leave them behind. “If you don’t hate cats, I think you’d like them.”
Without missing a beat, Makima asked, “when can I come over?”
“You got any plans our next day off?” When her answer came back negative, you nodded in self-assurance. “Then if you got the time, swing on over to my place. We can eat or something, I haven’t had anyone over to this new place yet.”
Something about that statement made Makima’s eyes seem brighter. “I look forward to being the first.”
“I love my cats but I gotta give the disclaimer,” you remembered before you got too ahead of yourselves. “Tora can be pretty skittish when it comes to new people, so she might run off when she sees you. Her brother loves people though, so you have nothing to worry about with him.”
Makima was unperturbed by your revelation. “I’m quite good with animals.”
That was the same thing Himeno said before Tora promptly hid under your bed the rest of her first stay. But you didn’t see a reason to burst Makima’s bubble when she actually seemed excited to come over. “Alright, I’ll provide the dinner. You provide the movie.”
“What movies do you like?”
“Surprise me.” You wondered what sort of movies a person like Makima would enjoy. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?
“Surprise me.”
And surprised she would be, you swore, when you heard the knock on your door.
“Yo, welcome to my humble abode.” You greeted playfully as you swung open the door. Makima was pretty, that was an objective fact. Knowing that still didn’t prepare you for how taken aback you’d be by the pale pink wrap dress she was wearing. For once her hair was out of its usual braid, cascading down her shoulders in a sea of red. Makima was the exact definition of lovely. 
“How do I look?” Makima’s voice pulled you out of your stupor.
“You look great, I feel so underdressed.” You weren’t dressed in your lounge clothes by any means, but you definitely weren’t dressed to impress anybody. Makima doesn’t seem like the type to even own sweatpants, why am I surprised she’d wear something pretty even to just hang out with a friend? You cursed your lack of awareness, knowing it was too late to suddenly change outfits.
“I like what you’re wearing, it’s best to wear something comfortable if you’re going to be cooking.” Makima sniffed the air lightly, “did you make carbonara? Carbonara and…”she paused for a moment. “steamed vegetables?”
“Damn how can you tell?” You clapped, impressed at her accurate guesses. “I also got everything to make affogato al caffe.”
Makima seemed quite pleased with herself, “I have a uniquely good sense of smell.” She pointed a slender finger at her nose. “I look forward to the dessert, I’ve only had affogato once.” She prepared to enter your house with the greetings finished, but you held a hand up before she could take a step forward.
“Ah ah ah.” you grinned mischievously. “What’s the movie?”
The last thing you were expecting her to hold was a Pulp Fiction DVD case. “I thought it would be fun watching this one, it’s a favorite of mine.” Her expressions morphed into one of questioning. “Are you a fan of crime movies? The storytelling is non-linear too.”
“No way, I love Samuel L. Jackson, we have to watch it.” You plucked the DVD from her small hands protectively. It was a classic Samuel L. movie you had yet to watch, it was time to rip the bandaid off. You stepped to the side with a noble bow. “You pass the movie check.”
It didn’t take long for your cats to take note of your guest. Bagheera made his way as you expected, eyes round with interest. Tora, unsurprisingly, kept her distance. “Tora,” Makima kneeled, hand waiting for the younger of your two cats expectantly. Her other hand brushed Bagheera’s chin lightly. “Come here.”
“She doesn’t really...” You left your sentence unfinished as you watched in awe as Tora bound forward, rubbing her head against Makima’s hand lovingly.
“What is it?” Makima asked as if she hadn’t easily gained the affection of your most fearful cat.
“I’m just surprised,” you relayed, still finding it unreal as your calico-tabby pressed her head into Makima’s hand once more. “Tora usually isn’t the best around people, usually just runs off immediately when she realizes someone else is in the house. Her brother’s the friendly one, which… you already knew.” And yet, this time your black tom wasn’t alone in his purrs and bunts as he indulged in your partner’s attention.
Amusement glinted in Makima’s eyes. “I did mention I have a way with animals, didn’t I?”
“Well excuse me for being a naysayer.” You roll your eyes with a snort. “Tora, you turncoat. You’re both being put up in my room while we eat.”
Makima shook her head, “it’ll be fine.”
“Trust me, Tora will not let you eat in peace.”
“You’ll let us eat in peace, won’t you, girl.” Makima booped Tora’s nose lightly.
And somehow, Tora did. Dinner was pleasant, the affogato was delicious and both your cats behaved like angels as you watched Pulp Fiction on your couch. Bagheera I can understand but Tora? Is this even my cat right now? You were convinced this had to be some sort of witchcraft, but your thoughts subsided as you fell deeper into the movie. 
“Look, if you wanna play blind man go walk with the shepherd,” Jules said in annoyance as you glanced at the woman beside you with a feeling of satisfaction. Bagheera laid on her lap, purring softly while Tora snoozed close by. Then your phone rang, killing the pleasant atmosphere.
“Sorry, I just need to make sure this isn’t important.” You excused yourself while Makima paused the film, walking towards the kitchen. “Hello?”
“[Firrrst].” You released an immediate sigh of exasperation when you recognized the voice, drunkenly slurred and all. “I don’t wanna have to call my sister to pick me up.”
“Oh god, Himeno, how much did you drink?!”
Himeno sounded too noble for her own good. “A lady never gets drunk, she sips.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “And I’m over how they killed off Morris Chestnut in Anaconda 2.” You replied sarcastically, fighting back a grin at the sound of your friend’s giggles. “Just call your sister, you dumbass. Please tell me you’re not by yourself.”
“I’m at the restaurant still.” Himeno slurred and you sighed in relief. “Can’t I come over?”
“I have,” at the burning sense of staring on your back, you looked over at your guest to see her looking back at you. Just another second. “company over. Besides, you threw up in my bathtub at my old place last time. Come over when you’re sober.”
“You gonna keep me up all night then if I do?” Himeno hiccupped.
“Proposition me when you’re not drunk out your mind, I’ll do all the stuff you heart desires with breakfast included.”
“Can you just make me breakfast now?” Himeno whined and you hoped that she
“Himeno, if you don’t get off the phone with me and call your sister to pick you up. Look, what restaurant are you staying at? I’ll send over a cab to get you-”
“No, no, I’ll call her. I just needed a pep talk.”
“Good.” You released a breath of relief. The last thing the streets of Tokyo needed was a drunk devil hunter getting picked off because a devil spotted an opportunity. “Try not to drink so much next time? I’m gonna call to make sure you actually got home with your sister just fine.”
She’s like a maelstrom, you hung up the phone. “Sorry about that.” You beamed sheepishly as you made your way back to the couch. “Friends, am I right?”
“It’s fine.” You weren’t convinced with the way Makima’s small smile adopted its usual forcedness.
“... you sure you’re alright?” You asked after neither of you pressed play on the remote.
“Don’t…” Makima cut off her sentence as quickly as it began. She pet Bagheera’s head as if her life depended on it and it crossed your mind that even someone like Makima could feel nervous. “I don’t like it when you make those sorts of jokes.” She said at last as if it were a struggle to find the right phrasing. “The ones you make with Himeno.”
“Oh- I’m so sorry.” You apologize immediately the moment you recognized the jokes that were being referenced. “I didn’t realize I was making you uncomfortable. I’ll tell Himeno too, alright?”
At the pause, you felt that wasn’t a satisfactory response. “Makima?” You waited a moment. “I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me everything that’s wrong.” You sat closer than you previously sat to the redhead. Frustrated, that was the best way to describe the look on her face with her red eyebrows furrowed lightly.
“I don’t want you to make those jokes in general with anybody.” 
Pretty dress, hair down.
You felt a sense of dread wash over you in your realization. “Is this a date?” When Makima’s eyes met yours, you already knew her answer. You wished you could throw yourself off a cliff.
“When I was invited over for dinner, I assumed that’s what this would be.” Dinner, a movie and of course you made dessert.
A date with Makima, that’s what this was. If someone told you when you first met, you’d be on one with her, you’d have thought they were drunk. Now that you were in this situation, you found yourself less bothered with it than what the past you would have expected. Makima was a beautiful woman, you weren’t blind to how she garnered attention from so many people. It had always simply been her attitude for you.
But this Makima, the one who enjoyed the company of your cats and enjoyed light banterー she was a Makima you’d be interested in dating. 
No, what had you bothered now was the misunderstanding entirely. Makima was on Venus and you were on a different planet entirely.
“Please don’t consider this a real date, this shouldn’t count.” You pinched your nose in embarrassment. “Look, I’m a lot better at dates when I know I’m supposed to be on one. I need a date do-over.” Your friend wouldn’t call drunk, nor would you make jokes about sleeping with them. “Give me a chance to actually impress you. I don’t do boring dinner first dates, I make sure you have a good time. We could do… billiards!”
You were relieved that Makima seemed intrigued. “What do I get when I win?”
“Ohohoho, such confidence.” You snorted, light and amused. “What makes you think you’ll win?”
A lightness rolled off Makima in waves as she partook in your banter, “I’m a billiards champion.” The smile she gave reached her eyes.
The redhead looked more beautiful to you in that moment than she ever did in your entire time knowing her.
“Well in the very, very unlikely chance you win a round against me in a round of billiards…” You folded your arms, pretending to think deeply. “You get another date with me. And when I win, because I never lose,” you smirked loosely. “I’ll take you on another date. Equivalent exchange, win-win situation.”
As it turned out, Makima was a much better billiards player than you bargained for. Still, you got a date out of it.
One date.
Two dates.
Many dates you lost count of over the months. You were each other’s best kept secret, you didn’t want to incur the wrath that would come from Makima’s fans at the office if they knew you were dating her. You were sure the Rochas would be squealing with glee whenever they learned that pretty redhead did become your girlfriend. Oh they definitely won’t let me live that down. You chuckled to yourself as you placed a dish on the drying rack. “Custard, get that out your mouth.” You eyed one of the large dogs Makima called her own, chewing something you couldn’t see. 
You groaned as the hound scurried away, mysterious piece of food in tow. 
“Makima!” You called out for your girlfriend who was in her room watching Children of the Sea. “Can you get your dog?” When you got no response, you sighed. Custard, however, looked pleased as whatever she was eating had been happily consumed. Great. With a shake of your head, you turned off the kitchen light and headed for your girlfriend’s room.
It was Custard’s victory this time, you ceded as you peered into your girlfriend’s room. The film was at its climax with the odd yet pulling festival of rebirth.
You didn’t understand it when you first saw the film. It had you in the first half, with its promise of an ocean-themed coming-of-age movie from the protagonists. Then it devolved into visual acid with themes you couldn’t understand. Yet you watched it again and again, trying to figure out the meaning of the movie's metaphors. Somehow you fell in love with it, you thought, as you watched a frantic Ruka swimming with no avail to Umi who dissolved into millions of galaxies feasted upon the sea life.
You couldn’t say you completely understood it beyond a vague feeling, but you loved it all the same. You found it funny how it mirrored the evolution of your relationship. You smiled to yourself, deciding to make your presence known and tell your girlfriend as much. “Need a tissue, Maki?” You teased gently.
She always cried watching this movie; you almost had a heart attack the first time. Makima didn’t look like the type to cry while watching film. She was surprisingly picky when it came to them, but when she found one she truly enjoyed, her reaction would be apparent. “Maybe Ruka’ll meet the boys in another life.” You wiped the corner of her eye, though the tears were quickly replaced with more.
“You shouldn’t tease your girlfriend when she’s crying,” you thought she’d sniffle.
“Nanaka would be upset to hear you talk to me like this,” you figured Makima would tease in return, dabbing away at her eyes with tissue.
When she did neither of those things, dimly staring into your eyes, you knit your eyebrows in concern. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You entreated anxiously. 
“Make love to me. That’s an order.” Was the last thing you thought would come from your girlfriend’s lips.
“I- what? No.” The flick you gave to Makima’s forehead was soft. “I’m not gonna have sex with you when you’re crying, you dummy.” Your words were soft despite your gruff choice in words. Makima was a virgin, much to your surprise when she told you. Popular as she was, you figured that she would have been with someone. “I’m waiting for the right person. I didn’t want something meaningless for the first time, I want it to be intimate.” She explained and you left it at that, saying that you’d take things at her pace. “We’re not doing anything when you’re upset.” You looked at your hands aimlessly before turning off the TV and closing the door.
You counted to three, inhaling and exhaling briefly.
When you came back to her bed, you brushed away your girlfriend’s tears again before pulling her into your chest and lying on your side. You licked your lips nervously. “Listen I… I’m not the best when it comes to talking about emotions. I suck ass at comforting people. But I’m here for you, Makima. Whatever it is, I can accept it. You don’t have to tell me now but whenever you’re ready, you can throw it at me. I’ll be here.”
You didn’t ask what was wrong again.
Not while Makima’s small hands clutched the front of your shirt tightly.
Not as you rubbed Makima’s back in soft caresses, hoping it would calm her down.
“I like dating you,” Makima murmured into your shirt when she was able. “I want things to stay like this. I want things to be equal.” Where on earth was this coming from?
“I like dating you too,” you reassured, not wanting to stoke the flames of her insecurities. “I like what we have going on. Is there a reason you feel like things are unequal?” You tried searching for moments in your relationship as lovers that might have made her feel like the dedication and commitment wasn’t even. You stroked the back of her head, fingers lingering on the silky feeling of her hair. “If I made you feel like I wasn’t in this with you, I’m sorry. I just need to know where I messed up and how I can be better.”
“What if I was a devil?” The room felt too quiet with that question and you paused your ministrations. 
“What kind of devil are we talking about?” You murmured as Makima gripped the front of your shirt tighter and you tightened your hold in return. “A Spider Devil? Cat Devil? A Who-Cares-What Devil?”
“Control Devil.”
You inhaled deeply before releasing your breath. The adoration from your coworkers, Tora’s abnormal behavior. Nothing came as a surprise in the moment. “I could live with that.”
“I’d always have devil tendencies.”
You whispered, “I can deal with that.”
“I might try ordering you.” Makima didn’t fight back as you peeled the fingers of her hand from your shirt.
“You can try that. I’ve denied plenty of your orders before, I’ll do it again.” You kissed her palm lightly before kissing her fingers. “I think I told you before I’d flick your forehead if you tried pulling some nonsense on me. I can’t say things would always be easy.” No, you definitely weren’t naive enough to believe that. Love was a choice. Parents chose to love their children even when they were being irredeemable brats. Couples chose to stay together during the hard times. This was simply another version of that. A big version.
This was a secret that could never be spilled. You were sure if your parents knew what would come of you becoming a devil hunter, they would have hid your passport. You weren’t even sure what introducing Makima to your family would look like even before her revelation.
And yet, and yet.
“But I wouldn’t leave you for being a devil.” You vowed simply. “You’re Makima either way and that’s who I want to be with for the foreseeable future. Some hiccups aside, I think what we have is pretty damn equal. You can’t dominate the indomitable.”
The two of you laid down in silence before Makima spoke quietly, “I can’t make equal relationships with people as the Control Devil.”
“You made one with me.” The calm Makima unraveled with your words and her body racked against yours. You simply held her throughout it, wondering about the life Makima had before this.
Who else knew about Makima’s true identity? 
Why was a devil being employed to kill other devils? 
How long had Makima been alone in this situation to become the detached individual you first became acquainted with?
Despite the many thoughts swimming in your head, you still felt resolutely the same. Had you been given the chance to go back in time, you’d have pursued the same path once more. You woke up the next morning feeling the same way as the morning sunlight disturbed your slumber. 
“You asleep?” You ran your fingers through her hair softly.
“I’m awake.” Eyes still closed, Makima hugged you tighter. Even without seeing her face, you could tell she was smiling. One with warmth that reached her voice. “I’m just listening.”
You couldn’t hold back a smile yourself. “I didn’t take you for the sappy type.”
Makima raised her head. “I think you were the sappy one last night.” Her eyes were a bit pink from her crying, but she looked otherwise pleased.
She was stunning.
You placed a hand on her cheek, brushing away a stray hair with your thumb. “You’re beautiful when you smile. When you actually smile. I could always tell you were faking before.” Makima’s eyes closed but her smile remained as she leaned into your palm, one of her own hands cupping the one holding her. “Can I kiss you?”
“Will you make a contract with me?” Makima opened her eyes with a question. With her true identity exposed, you could see why her eyes were ringed. There was something pulling about them, like a hypno wheel meant to hypnotize unsuspecting volunteers of a hypnotist. Fitting for the Control Devil. You wondered what it was that made you so resistant to them when the majority of your coworkers couldn’t stop fawning over Makima the moment they laid eyes on her.
“What’s the contract you have in mind?
“I won’t use my power on you, in exchange, we have to stay together forever. We’ll eat a lot together, sleep together, and live a happy life together.”
A lifelong contractー the contract of a lifetime. There would be no outs after you agreed to it, if you agreed to it.
There was no doubt in your mind however, as Makima held her heart on a silver platter. You, the member of your family who became a devil hunter just to have an excuse to leave your home country. 
“That sounds like a good contract to me.” You pressed your lips firmly against hers. Makima wrapped her arms around your shoulders with equal vigor. Her lips spread easily at the gentle slide of your tongue on her bottom lip and warmth pooled in your stomach as your kissing continued.
Wordlessly, you looked down at her and she wordlessly gave you her answer. The Control Devil relinquishing control; there had to be nothing scarier to her. But she still trusted you; that made your heart swell with love and adoration. 
You peppered her breasts with wet kisses as you unbuttoned her shirt, a hand trailing down to lift her skirt and slip off her undergarments. Makima exhaled deeply as your fingers faintly touched her folds. You kept up this teasing until Makima pressed her legs together to prevent your hand from moving. She’s so wet.
“It’s not fair that you’re still in all your clothes.” She breathed, breath ghosting your lips. You chuckled quietly, kissing her as an apology before slipping off your clothes.
You moaned in unison as your clits rubbed together. It was the morning and you were staving off the last of your sleep, tribbing felt like it would be the best move to go with. All you wanted that morning was to feel Makima against you and even then as you felt her sex against yours, it wasn’t close enough.
Damn, I wish I had the strap. The day you could finally use it on her couldn’t come soon enough you thought as you ground your core against hers. Makima would be beautiful taking it, just as she was now, head thrown back in pleasure. You wanted to tease her, bringing the Control Devil to the precipice of pleasure before denying her release. You wanted to spoil her and give everything she wanted until society collapsed in on itself.
Makima’s hips bucked underneath you, moaning and mewling softly. You wanted to see her when she came. You circled her clit as you thrust yourselves against one another, chasing Makima’s release.
With a shudder, Makima came with your name on her lips and you tumbled over the edge with her after a few more thrusts.
Euphoria. That was what Makima was in as you kissed her cheeks and forehead, whispering sweet things in her ear. Pure, unadulterated euphoria. “You were so good for me.” You praised her. “I love you.”
Love she wouldn’t need her powers for.
Love based on equity.
Not the cheap imitations she received from Nanaka, Tsubomi and Akira. Nor the cold callous from the government officials that raised her. This was agapé. The love she saw in movies and novels.
You would stay together forever. You would eat a lot together, sleep together and live a long life together. That was the contract you agreed to.
“I love you, [First].” Makima held you closely as she came down from her high.
She loved you and you loved her.
Nothing could come between you both.
You smiled lazily as Makima regained her composure. “The next time we get time off, we should go on a vacation together.”
“Yes,” Makima smiled in return. “we should. A long vacation, just the two of us.”
It didn’t matter where, you just needed to be together. Nothing could be allowed to come between this bond. Not work, nor death. She’d follow you from this life to the next.
This was your contract.
Makima crossed her arms behind her back as she stared down the higher ups of the Tokyo Branch Bureau made with plastic and false pleasantries.
“You’ll let me leave the Public Safety Bureau with a large severance pay. That’s an order.”
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penaconys-hound · 6 months
Obligatory RP Blog intro post
(Warning: Contains Spoilers for the end of 2.1 and 2.2 and was initially created before 2.2)
Making a drink is a sensory skill. In dreams, creating fizzy concoctions requires adding a bit of your mood. Heavier if you're troubled, a touch sweeter if you're in high spirits... It's not just about mixing beverages. It's about mixing the experiences of life.
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Gallagher's the name, I'm one of the local "Hounds" around here. Step into Penacony, the Land of Dreams, Nameless one.
Tired? Just find a place to sit and rest for a while. Let’s have a talk and I’ll mix something up for you.
But a few words of advice…
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Don’t get lost in dreams, and not everything’s as it seems.
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Guidelines, Key, Tags and Notes from the mod:
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-Fellow RP Blogs are allowed, uh hiii Star Rail RP community
-This is my first RP Blog after like a year or so (previous ones just died) so I may be rusty so apologies for that -Using tonetags would be appreciated, not required but appreciated, especially if you say something that could come off as rude but you don’t mean it in that tone, the mod can’t read tone through text.
-SFW only please, Suggestive themes are allowed with a warning however
-Gore’s on the table though, but only if the meme gets involved, or you somehow get a good reason for it, I don’t think Gallagher would just maul you out of nowhere- However since this takes place in the dreamscape blood will be described as water and that’s all that’s gonna spill out-
-Shipping is allowed, I’ll allow any ship unless it’s pr*ship or with Sunday, with the former it’s obvious on why I wouldn’t, gross. You’ll get hit on the offense side of Gallagher’s Ultimate if you try that.
But on Galladay it’s simply cause I’m just not super comfortable with Gallagher x Sunday-
But yeah, as long as you’re follow the shipping rules the sky’s the limit, especially since I see Gallagher as bi
-Mod uses the CDT Timezone and is in education, but otherwise doesn’t have a life, and also has adhd with rapid changing hyperfixations so answer times can range from a minute to over a week
-Anything related to, but not limited to, racism, homophobia/transphobia, sexism, ableism, etc. Is not allowed here.
I’m serious if you come into the askbox with that you’ll get the “Dog” after you:
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-Anons are welcome, you can even have a custom tag if you use a sign off and show up enough
-Magic Anons are allowed however only one can be active at a time and they have a 2-5 ask cooldown depending on what the effects where
-You can technically also ask the Meme on this blog, but don’t expect it to say anything other then *STABS YOU STABS YOU STABS YOU STABS YO
“ “ (Just plain text): Dialogue
“ “ (Same as above but in bold)/“ “ (Purple bold text): (what’s used is dependent on what’s exactly being said) Dialogue where Gallagher puts on his Reaper Robe
(The text for that was originally red however I changed it to purple for two reasons: Reason one being in the lore Acheron uses Red text sometimes and I think it’d be weird if I interacted with an Acheron and she also used red text,
and I changed it to purple specifically cause it matches Sleepie)
“* *” (Asterisks around text): Action/Movement
“// //“ (Two slashes around text): OOC/Mod talking
#🥃bartenders rambles : In character posts/asks
#🐺barred fangs : In character posts/asks when Gallagher is playing the role of “The Reaper/Death”
#🌀don’t fear the reaper. : Fanart reblog tag
#👁️ The Dog. : Mentions/Discussion of the Memory Zone Meme “Something Unto Death”/“Sleepie”
#🐾mods yapping : Posts from the mod/OOC posts, not counting OOC moments in the tags of ask posts
#💫care for a drink under the stars? : Interaction reblogs/RPs, whatever with fellow Honkai: Star Rail RP blogs, can be in or out of character
#🪶hounds prey : Interactions with Sunday and/or Robin/Mentions of Sunday and/or Robin
#🧹the bellboy : (there was no mop emoji) Interactions with Misha/Mentions of Misha
(Tags may be added for specific characters and art RBs if I decide to do that, but for now that’s the tags)
Anon Tags:
#🍸 anon
#🥂 anon
#🍀 anon
Side Notes:
-If you’re wondering on the Mod’s pronouns if you didn’t read the bio, the Mod uses Any/All pronouns (like he/she/they/it etc. Idrc-)
-This will include headcanons, if it wasn’t obvious from the “I see Gally as Bi” comment
-It could possibly get OOC at times while I’m in character, I made the blog before 2.2, but I’m trying to stick to the character as well as I can, and if 2.2 changes his character again I’ll attempt to pull something to fit with that
-Mod will refer to himself ether as “The Mod” or “Mod Werewolf”
Other Blogs the Mod Runs if you’d like to check those out:
(disclaimer they’re not all gonna be for the same fandom in the future)
@the-coolest-character-in-hsr (Hanu from Honkai: Star Rail)
@trash-president-real (Trash President (OC) Honkai: Star Rail)
Anyways hope you enjoy the blog, and avoid getting stabbed by the meme
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marci11e · 2 months
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tossing this out: but if someone who can draw feels inspired by this, thinking good inspo for a tlt piece 👀 with maybe harrow in the middle… or whomever you think…
(am currently reading ntn! obligatory: no spoilers in tags/responses please 😭)
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ficfinder-general · 1 year
Looking for a codywan fic?
Start here.
In case you're looking for a specific codywan fic you've read in the past but cannot find, please submit an ask including as many of the following details as you can recall:
additional characters/pairings
setting, major plot points (marking spoilers)
In case you would like to receive recommendations, please describe what you're looking for, including the following criteria, if applicable:
rating (G/T/M/E)
length/completion status (eg. one shot, or no WIPs, etc)
genre (as in fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, etc)
setting (AUs, Tatooine Husbands, Order 66 didn't happen, etc)
I will of course answer to the best of my abilities but this will work if people add their own suggestions :)
The bullet points are guidelines, it's not obligatory to include all of them.
Feel free to just drop by and recommend a fic you liked.
If you would like to browse, I have made a post with the tags I use and a masterlist with direct links that should help you navigate.
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bizlybebo · 11 months
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yeah chip was onto something 100%
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dmbjexchange · 16 days
DMBJ Rarepair Exchange 2024 Signups
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By request, here is the sign up announcement that doesn't name the currently airing DMBJ show, so that people who have blocked mentions of it to avoid spoilers don't miss the signups!
It’s time for the Daomu Biji Rarepair Exchange, a fic, art and vid exchange for DMBJ ships where less than 3% of English-language authors have posted fics on AO3.
In this exchange, participants will be anonymously matched to create gifts for one another during an eight week creating period.
This exchange is open to all the DMBJ canons - if it’s DMBJ, then it’s eligible! It will take place on AO3, so you need an AO3 account to participate – if you don’t have one, you can request an invitation code here. If there isn’t enough time, no worries - contact the mods at here on Tumblr or on Discord and we can send you an invitation!
Please read this post carefully before signing up.
September 9: Signups open
September 15: Signups close
September 23: Assignments out
November 17: Assignments due
November 18 - 24: Pinch-hit period
November 25: Works reveals
December 2: Creator reveals & treats deadline
Allowed Ships
Any DMBJ ship which has had less than 3% of English-language authors post fics for it on AO3.
For this year's exchange, this means the following ships are NOT allowed:
Wu Xie/Zhang QIling
Hei Xiazi/Xie Yuchen
Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang QIling
Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie
Liu Sang/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling
Qi Tiezui/Zhang Rishan
Wang Pangzi/Zhang QIling
Kan Jian/Liu Sang
Qi Tiezui/Zhang Qishan
Liang Wan/Zhang Rishan
Liu Sang/Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang QIling
Er Yuehong/Zhang Qishan
Wu XIe/Xie Yuchen
Hei Xiazi/Liu Sang/Xie Yuchen
Hei Xiazi/Zhang Qiling
Hei Xiazi/Huo Xiuxiu/Xie Yuchen
Huo Daofu/Wu Xie
Sign-Up Information
1. Your creation must focus on your recipient’s requested ship (or one of their requested ships, if they have nominated multiple ones). While unrequested background ships are fine (unless listed as a Do Not Want), the focused ship must only be one of the requested ones.
2. You will be expected to create a gift matching your recipient’s request. Filling any specifying prompts is not obligatory, but try to create something you honestly think your recipient will enjoy!
3. You must not include anything that your recipient has listed as a DNW (Do Not Want). This goes for treats as well.
4. The minimum requirements for the gifts are 300 words for fic, one sketch on unlined paper for art (traditional or digital; no manips), or 30 seconds for a vid.
5. All the requests will be made visible to everyone to allow for treating! There are no minimum requirements for treats (but remember to mind your recipient’s do not wants!). You can also create manips for treats.
6. This is an anonymous exchange: refrain from discussing your assignment in public. After the works are revealed, there’ll be one week anon period when the creators remain anonymous before the creator reveals.
7. If at any point you need to drop out, just click on the “default” button on your AO3 assignment page; we’ll find a pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient instead. If you need an extension to finish your gift, contact the mods before the deadline.
8. After the reveals, comment on your gift in a timely manner.
9. Most importantly: be excellent to each other!
Sign-ups will take place here on AO3, ending on September 15th. There, you can fill out details about your request and offer. You can edit your sign-up at any time until the sign-ups close on September 15th.
When signing up, you will be able to choose fandom and genre tags, as well as specify any additional details.
You will have to select the DMBJ canon you’re interested in creating and receiving a gift in:
Novels: Daomu Biji / The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles (including spinoffs, side stories, and extras)
TV: The Lost Tomb 1
TV: The Lost Tomb 2 Explore with the Note
TV: The Lost Tomb 2.5 Heavenly Palace on the Clouds
TV: Ultimate Note
TV: Sha Hai (and spin off movies)
TV: The Lost Tomb Reboot/The Sound of Providence (and spin offs)
TV: The Mystic Nine (and spin off movies)
TV: (The one that is currently airing)
Movie: Time Raiders
Movie: Reboot movies
Game: Time Raiders
This does not mean that you’re limited to requesting or creating a work during the canon timelines for those series/books/games. It’s just to mark which canons you’re familiar with to allow for easier matching: some participants might have a preference for a particular canon era, some might not be familiar with all the versions. You still have to choose your preferred canon eras even if you want to create or receive an AU.
You will also have to specify genres you’re interested in
Alternate Universe
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Canon Compliant
Porn With Plot
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Ratings - you have to choose at least one. This will help your gifter know what you like and are comfortable with when they're coming up with ideas to fill your prompts.
Warnings - you have to choose at least one. This does not mean that you WILL receive a gift with warnings, it just lets your gifter know if you are comfortable receiving a gift with warnings or not.
Optional Details - here’s where you can go into more detail about your perfect exchange gift!
If you run out of slots in the Relationships section (there is a limit of 20), you can list additional potential rarepairs here. Also, if you don’t have a specific ship in mind, but would like any ship involving a particular character, you can say that instead (e.g. ‘Liu Sang / any’, ‘Pangzi / any’, etc.)
You can also include:
General Likes: your creator may, but doesn’t have to, include them. This doesn't have to be detailed prompts, just general themes you enjoy, like getting together or established relationship.
Please note that works featuring QPRs, ace, and/or aro characters are absolutely valid things to request in a ship exchange. You may also request a fully platonic relationship if you wish.
DNW (Do Not Wants): things that your creator must not include - squicks, triggers, characters or things that you simply don’t like. Remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about why something is a DNW, and that DNW are not meant to be taken personally. Just list the things you don’t like, “DNW: X, Y.”
Please list if you have any audio or visual triggers (such as flashing lights). This could be in your DNW or could be separate. Please also list song/music DNWs (e.g.   "please no lyrics that use the n-word" or "please no lyrics in [specific language]"  or “please no [specific genre/s of music”).
Prompts/specific ideas: if you have any prompts, you can also put them here! You can be as general or as detailed as you’d like, but remember that while your creator will try to make the best gift for you, filling a specific prompt is not obligatory. You can include a crossover prompt (with other DMBJ verse or other canons), but make sure it’s not the only prompt you have.
For vid prompts, please list things like genres/styles of music you like (or like in vids), vibes/tone/theme you’d like to see (e.g. “angsty amnesiac Xioage”, “Heisang crack”, etc.), and things like that. Please try to avoid giving one or two specific songs for a specific character/ship.
If you run out of space for your prompts, you can write a prompt post on another platform like Dreamwidth, Tumblr, GoogleDocs, etc. and put the link in your sign up.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with, such as ‘Books 1-4′ , ‘main series only′, ‘main series + specific extras’, etc.
The requests will be made publicly visible after matching is done, so that others will be able to create treats (additional gifts) based on them!
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you can create works for any canon era, you can choose “Any”!
Genre - you have to choose at least three.
Ratings - you have to choose at least one. This will help matching what people are comfortable creating with what people are comfortable receiving.
Warnings - you have to choose at least one. This does not mean that you have to create a gift with warnings, it's just for helping to match what people are comfortable writing with what people are comfortable receiving.
Optional Details - in this field, you can tell us more about the kind of works you like to create, for example if you really prefer established relationship, feel best with certain kinds of AUs, or like writing darkfic. We’ll take it into account when matching! By the same token, if there’s something you really don’t want to write, let us know here as well.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with, such as ‘Books 1-4′ , ‘main series only′, ‘main series + specific extras’, etc.
In the optional details of your offer, you can also name people you don’t want to be matched to, for example your regular beta, and we will do our best to avoid matching you!
The offers will only ever be visible to the mods; never to anyone else.
Your Assignment
You will be matched to create a gift for someone who requested at least one of the fandoms that you offer, with as many similar genres/likes as possible. This exchange will be hand-matched, after using AO3’s matching algorithm to first generate the potential matches.
If you have any issues when you receive your assignment (you have a question about it or think there’s an issue with it), contact the mods as soon as possible. Do not contact your recipient on your own.
You will have to create a gift for your recipient, fulfilling the minimum requirements of fandom, genre, and ship, and avoiding any stated “do not wants”. Filling exact prompts is optional, but try to create something matching your recipient’s likes that they will enjoy!
You will have to post your gift to the exchange AO3 collection before the due date (November 17th), using the “gift this work to” option to give it to your recipient. Your work will remain in the collection only visible to you and the mods until the reveals happen. Remember to tag your work appropriately or use the “chose not to warn” warning.
Treats are additional gifts for the participants! To allow for treating, the requests will be made visible when matching is done. You can create treats at any time until the creator reveals! There are no minimum requirements for treats, and manips/moodboards/etc. are also allowed in addition to fic, art, and vids. As with assignments, you have to respect the recipient’s Do Not Wants, and while the optional details are optional, try to create something fitting the listed likes. One treat can only be gifted to one person.
Pinch Hits
In case someone needs to drop out, we will look for a pinch hitter to complete their assignment. Pinch hits will be posted to this tumblr and the DMBJ Yu Cun Discord.
If you think you can finish your assignment, but you need a few days more, you can always ask for an extension!
Multi-Chapter Fics
If you are writing a multi-chapter fic for the exchange and don’t want to drop the entire fic at once, these are the posting guidelines for it:
Multi-chapter fics that are assignment fills must be fully written and at least the first chapter posted by the assignment deadline, ready for the fic reveals on November 25th.
From November 25th, at least one chapter is to be posted daily.
All chapters of the fic must be posted by the time of author reveals and end of treating on December 2nd (If the fic is more than 7 chapters long, then this will mean that multiple chapters will need to be posted on some days).
Multi-chapter fics that are treats can begin to be posted at any time, but must also be fully posted by December 2nd.
Other Important Information
Make sure to check the email you use on AO3 frequently during the exchange, as it will be the primary means of communication. We might contact you if there is an issue with your sign-up or if your gift creator has a question for you.
If you’d rather we contact you on DIscord or Tumblr, please leave your handle in the offer section of your sign-up.
Follow us here to avoid missing an announcement or a deadline!
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us here on Tumblr or on Discord.
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tacky-optic · 2 months
Had a question about who our favorite Zenigata partner is in a server I'm in and now I can't stop thinking about them. Tis the zaza sickness.
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anyway here's literally all of the characters Zenigata's been partnered with that i could find (within reason). if anyone wants to elaborate on any of these guys (cough yata cough) please feel free to go absolutely ham. *(obligatory spoiler warning for a whole lotta lupin specials, waow-- notably zenigata keibu since that's probably the most unwatched of everything i cover. but if youre here im guessing youre as unfortunately well-versed as i am so LETS FRIGGIN GET INTO IT)
Starting off nice n' mellow. I'm pretty neutral on Yata, tbh. I just think he's neat and it's easy enough to write him and not much else. I've rambled about him being a stand-in for the viewer before, but overall i just don't have all that many thoughts on the guy (seriously someone please do yata). ironic considering he's hands-down the most prevalent sidekick to date, but alas. head remains empty.
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MARIYA. Mariya my girlie oh how i love thee. finally, someone with a Gimmick on par with Mr. my-sword-can-cut-anything. Plus she's super sweet and smart and sharp and just an all-around endearing character. AND SHE'S DIFFERENT!! she's tagging along with Zenigata of her OWN FREE WILL like gurl what are you THINKING. there isn't a shred of coherent interview material to draw from this man, especially about Lupin. The dynamic they end up developing is on point, though!! Zenigata's initial total miscall of it aside, It's just plain ol' wholesome. If Yata's his surrogate son than Mariya's obviously his daughter. No shot in hell they don't at least keep in contact after the special's done. plus her snapping a pic of him every time he eats shit is peak comedy journalism
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MOTHAFUCKIN' MELON COP!! an absolutely magical reefer-smokin' shitbag, especially in the edgy Tokyopop translation. He's a great foil to our otherwise serious(ly neurotic) manga Zenigata. Not to mention the combative potential with a down the line Melon.... ough. A more toned-down "newer part"-esque Zeni getting slapped with an extremely smug and insistent reminder of his angstlord past is such a delicious concept to me. i will be using this guy extensively in that exact way one of these days-- he's too fun not to.
a bit of a sidenote but i've gotta point fingers at gray jacket again (can't recommend it enough) for having my favorite melon depiction in fic; walther recently had him show up in their fic secondhand vanity as well (which i also can't recommend enough), so needless to say i think he has some fun potential.
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Sakuraba and Kunikida from the live-action show get honorable mentions, obviously. They're both so different yet learn so much from Zenigata all the same. As far as reacting to the inspector goes, they're the ideal Yatas (again i am so so sorry yata-- surely someone will do you justice). Even though they aren't technically "new" to the force they're new to the Zenigata Shenanigans, and that is where the entertainment factor is. Sakuraba's the traditionalist keibu method-doubter whereas Kunikida's this mousey blue around the gills fella, and over their respective case file appearances, they both gain faith in/learn confidence from Zenigata, respectively. It really is a great bit of development to watch play out.
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I'm gonna count The Guys™️ as a collective group/formless mass with maybe one of the Guyest of Guys as Zenigata's right hand Guy, like that one dude in Cagliostro. Apparently the name he's given in one of the dubs is Sam?? That's neat. Sam's neat. for anyone interested in some homework, here's the link to the highly informative lupin forum thread i found that out from: [x]
But yeah the Guys! Right from the start, Zenigata having this army of inexplicably and absurdly loyal cops was always a fun trope and i love to see 'em whenever they show up. I had this idea ages ago for this fake documentary-style miniseries based around them-- all the usual Lupin nonsense goes on in the background while we get a peek at the typically unseen shenanigans happening on the law-bearing side. Getting assigned to the lupin taskforce is probably seen as some kind of punishment, but that just makes the camaraderie all the more tight-knit. There'd be some behind-the-scenes Zenigata/how he interacts with them, what they get up to on their own whack case assignments when they're in a Lupin sighting lull.... hell maybe we even learn why they're all so damn loyal to this one supposedly hyper-independent guy. I think it'd be fun but maybe that's just the Zenigata hopeful in me. Surely he's capable of building some semblance of rapport with the fine group of folks he drags around the world with him....
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Let's just rip the band-aid off-- I dislike Oscar with a burning passion. which is weird, right? because i like Melon Cop, the dude who's totally cool with straight-up cold-blooded judge/jury/executioner-style murder. I dunno dude the obsessive daddy kink simping's just too feckin' weird for me. i checked the hell out so fast. If the goal was to make Oscar extremely disquieting, they friggin' did it. Granted he was written to be a bit whack from the start, and getting raised(?)/mentored by THAT Zenigata would irreversibly mess anyone up. I get that the fucked up-ness is part of the appeal, but man. How anyone can gravitate towards Oscar without heavily modifying his whole deal escapes me.
I've seen him written tolerably in fic maybe... twice? He's in gray jacket (there it is again!) and SMRO (needs no introduction nor explanation), so obligatory kudos to anyone who can wrangle [gestures vaguely at all of that].
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Vicky though. Vicky Flannigan from Island of Assassins is so goddamn funny. Still can't believe they took one of the most badass Zenigata character designs and actively went out of their way to make him bedridden. I've seen folks call him "Proto-Yata" and. Yeah. Can't argue. He's a glorified babysitter, if anything, and the only reason he's even remotely effective is because he (accidentally) broke both of Zenigata's legs. Funniest shit istg
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ICPO LADIES!!! They're cute. Designs could be better but it's Babylon yknow. Despite being an admittedly fun romp, the special has its obvious.... uh. issues. product of its time and all that. iykyk. anyway LADIES. They're competent. They take No Shit from Zenigata. The random little crush that comes out of nowhere between Chinjao and Goemon is cute as hell. Plus, I've seen some pretty rockin' fandom redesigns floating around.... wouldn't mind in the slightest if they made a comeback.
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I'm gonna lump all of the Betrayers into one category: Emily O'Brien from Angel Tactics, Kazami from Fuma Conspiracy, and Terry Crown from Alcatraz Connection. Never expected the "Zenigata's partner is the bad guy!!1" trope would be so prevalent, but it tracks in retrospect. It's a neat enough idea-- bummer they never seemed to nail it down, though.
The only reason O'Brien is so predictable is because she's so goddamn unlikable. There's hardly any screentime of them working together and in every single scene, the incompetency just feels so blatantly intentional its almost offensive lmao. Zero surprise in the slightest when she showed her true colors-- just mild annoyance, which tracks for the whole special tbh. Only worthwhile parts are the beginning and the end, and absolutely none of that has anything to to with O'Brien.
Kazami just has that chump secondary villain face y'know. Again, a bit on the nose how obnoxiously dorkish he is-- but them playing up him putting on his glasses so Fujiko can recognize him got a little laugh outta me, ngl. He served his purpose, plain and simple.
I'll never know whether Crown was predictable or not because I stumbled across ""Evil Columbo"" before I watched Alcatraz, but despite the spoiler I can at least say he isn't lame as shit. Pre-reveal, he's probably the closest we'll get to a taste of what Melon might be like in modern Lupin media. He's your run-of-the-mill corrupt sleazebag detective-- steals evidence, generally doesn't give a fuck, takes cheap jabs at Zenigata-- but their final standoff is what puts him above Kazami for me. Just a real melodramatic overdramatic moment of Zenigata Zenigata-ing his heart out.
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Welcome to the ELDERLY MEN CATEGORY, OORAH. The old guy from Twilight Gemini, Kogoro Akechi from the pilot, and George McFly from First Contact. I could track down Gemini old guy's name, but I hand-to-god couldn't care less. The only worth a damn thing Gemini's given me is that one jigzeni screenshot, so we're just gonna move on to the next two.
Not much of Akechi, huh. He only shows up in the pilot and doesn't do anything of note besides be someone for Lupin to disguise himself as. Dare i say Goemon was a more effective ally to Zenigata than Akechi...? yeah sure, why not. Goemon's a zeni sidekick. i'll die on that hill. anyway I believe he's also a reference to a pre-existing character...? like Lupin, Goemon, and Zenigata are. All in all its probably for the best that he didn't make it to part 1.
Finally, the only old guy that actually has aspects to talk about. I actually really like McFly and the role he plays in First Contact; it isn't Zenigata learning from whoever his partner may be, but McFly learning from Zenigata. He's a jaded, on-the-verge-of-retirement type that thinks he's seen all the force has to offer, but here comes this young (is he considered "young" in this?? early, maybe) freak-ass foreigner cop with a vendetta he's practically frothing at the mouth to rectify. Neither of them are exactly enthused to be working together, but McFly sticks around anyway and learns to see past a lot of Zenigata's first impression baggage; the tenacity, the passion, the genuineness of it all. Not only does he want to make real change, but the crazy bastard can actually friggin' do it. ...Or at the very least make a sizable dent.
Zenigata sincerely adheres to the idea of what a cop's supposed to be, fundamentally, and not what a "cop" actually is, as a vague collective occupational concept. Zenigata has a genuine effect on McFly-- enough to make him just the slightest bit less soured by the end of it all. It's a nice sentiment; that no matter where you are in life, ideas can still change. It's a small arc that flies beneath the radar of everything else, but i noticed it. I FRIGGIN' NOTICED IT, MAN
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tl;dr Zenigata's a lonely guy, sure, but he doesn't have to be.
That should cover all of the significant parts/specials/movies, but if i missed anyone (any notable episodes? manga?) lemme know. Either way, it's nice finally having 'em all in one place.
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a-ferins-fire · 3 months
I heard of some nasty pirates being on here and decided to join to keep an eye on them. I use he/him. My name is Jayson. If you can report anything about the pirates, especially those called the "Riptide Pirates", it would be much appreciated. That is all.
(ooc note above the cut because it is needed: The person who plays Jayson is sapphic. Jayson in character may be homophobic, but that does not mean I will make him state homophobic things out of nowhere. The faggot thing was out of character, and I would like that to be treated as nothing more then an out of character joke. AGAIN, JAYSON IS HOMOPHOBIC, BUT I WON'T MAKE HIM STATE ANY ACTUAL HOMOPHOBIC THINGS OUT OF NOWHERE.)
hi hi its @s0lar-ch3ri once again, use neos or plural pronouns for me if you come from here, and obligatorys:
-block #just role(play) with it if you dont wanna see the rp blog shit -riptide spoilers referenced -not 100 percent accurate -will have hcs mixed in
tags below:
#flames of a ferin - in character
#asks to the general - asks
#burned to ashes - out of character
#those goddess damned pirates - interacting with the riptide crew
#the family or its traitors. - interacting with a ferin
#communications on the seas - interacting with other rp blogs
#the final flickering spark - end of roleplay things
lil note: i will delete asks i dont feel like answering, please know this could happen to yours.
second note: i have no idea what kind of navy terms there are, im gonna say general but its probs admiral
third note: you know how i said i dunno navy terms? i actually barely know how riptides navy works, period, expect mistakes <3
fourth note: for my own personal saving, the person who plays may ferin has sent jayson a ton of letters and to save them ive put them all under the "#to love is to change; hating the result" tag so yeah
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yukidragon · 2 years
So... I always had this question in my head, How do you think Shaun and Ian would react if MC and Jack had a baby? Well, in the sense that they can't see Jack they don't even know he exists, so I think it would be weird (especially Ian who would be (devastated)) that the MC would come with a baby. I also think if MC had a child with Jack, what would her pregnancy be like?
Shock would be an understatement if no one else but MC knows Jack even exists. Shaun and Ian would want to know who the father is, that’s for sure.
You know, this ask gives me a good excuse to do a few happy baby headcanons to counteract the sad and depressing ones that came from the previous ask about the topic. Mind if I use my specific version of the MC, Alice, for this? Awesome.
Before we begin, let’s throw in the obligatory tags for @channydraw, @earthgirlaesthetic, & @sai-of-the-7-stars​. If you want to be tagged in my next headcanon/theory post, please let me know!
Just as a gentle reminder, Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack is an Adults Only game, so there’s most likely going to be some 18+ only content sprinkled into the headcanon. Also, I might use some art Jambeebot/Sauce posted on their public twitter before it went down, so I’ll once again remind everyone to please not repost the pictures posted privately for patrons on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon.
First of all, the pregnancy is entirely planned. With Jack’s very existence being heavily dependent on Alice(/MC) wanting him there, it’s doubtful that he can accidentally get his sunshine pregnant. He can’t do anything she doesn’t want him to do, after all. It’s impossible even touch her if she doesn’t want it, so I doubt any eggs are getting fertilized unless she is 100% on board with the two of them making a baby together.
Since Alice wouldn’t want to have a baby until she is more financially stable and lives in a bigger place, this would probably be a few years down the line from when she first meets Jack. Let’s just ignore all goals he might have for his state of reality and presence in the world, and just assume that even at this point, only his sunshine can see/hear/touch him.
This might be a bit of a spoiler for the future of Sunshine in Hell, but I’ve mentioned it in a previous post anyway, so whatever. Alice is going to tell Shaun about Jack, both about the situation with the tape and such, and about them being in a relationship. Shaun has been cautiously supportive of their relationship and seen proof Jack exists. I mean, it’s hard to claim Jack is just Alice’s imaginary friend when said “imaginary” friend can lift her up off the ground.
As heartbroken as Shaun was that Alice got in another relationship that’s not with him, the idea of having a ghost(?) lover is exciting, and he’s kind of lowkey jealous.
Shaun is the first to hear of Alice’s pregnancy, outside of family. To say that it fills him with conflicting emotions is an understatement. On the one hand, he’s happy that his friend is happy, but on the other hand there’s this sense of sadness from missed opportunities and what might have been. He’s a big enough man to not let the latter influence him, but it still stings.
However, the bigger thing is the fact that the baby’s daddy is a ghost(?) That is both incredibly cool, and concerning. There’s plenty of horror movies where making babies with a supernatural entity ends very, very badly. I mean, Shaun would actually consider doing it if he had a supernatural lover and he could because, shit, that’s so cool, but he’d also be worried about how it might end... and doubly so when it’s a close friend of his going through this.
Shaun loves Alice, he’s just trying his best at this point to keep all that love platonic rather than romantic. He doesn’t want anything to happen to her, and he’ll do what he can to help take care of her... even if Jack gets a bit territorial.
This sort of exchange may or may not happen between them.
“Hey, back off with the spooOoOopy ghost crap, man. I know you gotta rub it in my face that Alice is with you now whenever we hang out ‘too much’ for your jealous yandere ass to handle, but pregnancy is no joke. I’m helping Alice as long as she needs it.”
“The only person Alice needs is me.”
“Oh get over yourself. You ever heard about what people go through to make a baby? That shit takes a lot out of you, and those are just normal babies. Who knows what a half-ghost baby is going to put her body through.”
Well, something like that at least.
Yes, Shaun and Jack are going to have conversations. Jack can move objects around, so why not a pencil on paper? I already have a few fun ideas for some interesting messages Jack might send to Shaun. :o)
Also, I want them to become friends despite their friction. Because I think it’s possible if things fall into place the right way with their interactions, and if Jack is able to feel secure enough for Alice to have other friends besides him. Plus I just think it would be a really fun dynamic. :3
Shaun does help a lot with driving Alice places like doctors appointments during the later stage of her pregnancy. While Jack can technically drive a car, it’s going to cause a lot of issues if people see a car moving without a driver behind the wheel.
Jack is totally not going to sulk in the back seat the first time Alice needs a ride from Shaun, definitely not.
So while overall Shaun isn’t exactly totally thrilled about the pregnancy, he is supportive for Alice, and is happy for her. She does sincerely want this baby and is both excited and scared to be a mother, and what sort of friend would he be if he couldn’t take some pleasure in her happiness?
Ian, however, is a totally different story.
I’m going to go with the idea that Jack didn’t actually do anything supernaturally madness-inducing to make Ian go away that involves horrific nightmares. Ian got to keep his sanity because Alice finally blocked him and moved on completely from that chapter of her life.
Ian, despite everything, still holds onto the hope that he and Alice will get back together someday, that they are meant to be together. Hearing the news that she’s pregnant - second-hand no less - would be devastating. He heard some rumors that she had a new boyfriend, but there’s no photos of this “Jack” person, and none of their mutual friends have seen Jack personally.
In fact, a friend of his wondered if Alice was making up having a boyfriend to keep Ian from going after her. It would certainly explain why Jack never appears on any social media photos Alice posts. If that’s the case that “Jack” is just made up, then Alice got knocked up by some random guy and is going to be raising the baby alone while lying to the world... or deluding herself that she has a new relationship.
Either possibility does make Ian afraid for her. Despite Alice cutting him off, he would feel the strong need to reach out. Hell, he’ll be willing to raise the child as his own if she’ll just give him a second chance!
Needless to say, Ian wouldn’t do anything to endear himself to either Alice or Jack by doing this. Hopefully he’ll take another rejection from her alright. If he won’t listen to her, then hopefully he’ll listen to Shaun’s advice that it’s over and he needs to move on.
If not, then Jack will certainly make sure Ian won’t trouble his sunshine further. Stress is bad for Alice and the baby after all.
Speaking of the pregnancy, Alice would likely be more exhausted than from a normal pregnancy. Bodies work on overdrive when building a baby, and given she seems to be what’s allowing Jack to be around in the first place, no doubt she’s already being taxed pretty hard. She’s probably going to be eating a lot more than the usual pregnancy and sleeping a lot longer. Luckily for her, Jack is actually going to let her sleep in whenever she needs it.
Jack would insist on carrying Alice around as much as possible during the pregnancy, even in the early stages. By this point, she’s gotten used to being carried by her big sappy tree of a boyfriend, and it’s sweet how eager he is to take care of her. It’ll be especially appreciated when she’s feeling the ill effects of pregnancy, such as morning sickness.
As mentioned earlier, Alice would make sure to be in a good financial situation before getting pregnant. She has a better job at this point, one that allows her to work remotely from home, which is very helpful when she finds herself with less energy to do much or go places. She also finds herself with a lot of cravings when it comes to food. Fortunately, Jack is there to help make sure she eats well, takes her medicine on time, and exercises moderately.
Naturally, a fair amount of that exercise involves sexy times.
Okay, maybe most of the exercise is sexy times. Pregnancy hormones can make a pregnant person very horny, and that’s the case for Alice.
Speaking of which, Jack’s connection with Alice is very heavily emotion-driven. Since pregnancy wreaks havoc on emotions due to hormones, that supernatural link between them is going to be affected.
Remember this picture where Jack got drunk because MC was drunk too?
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Now imagine Jack getting a nice little cocktail of pregnancy hormones affecting his mind.
The result is Jack being even clingier and hornier than ever. Hard to believe, I know. Fortunately, when Alice isn’t feeling crappy and exhausted from her body building a baby, she will be trying to climb him like the big sappy tree he is.
Jack will certainly not complain about that side-effect of the pregnancy. It would be a fun change, since Alice is the more timid one of the two of them when it comes to sex, so it would be quite arousing to see her get a little demanding in that regard. He’ll even encourage her to top him and lavish her with praise for how well she rides him. Reverse-cowgirl is a good position when pregnant after all, and it allows him to play with her breasts while she bounces up and down in his lap. He’ll be sure to point out just how much her breasts have grown during the pregnancy as well.
Speaking of, as soon as Alice starts lactating, Jack is going to want a taste. He won’t steal from the baby when they arrive, but he’s going to enjoy the special treat while he can. He’ll also make sure to let her know that it’s the best milk he’s ever tasted, much to her embarrassment.
It’ll be pretty arousing as well as heartwarming for Jack to watch her belly slowly get bigger, knowing that it’s their child growing inside her. Alice loves him so much that she’s having a baby with him, and soon their little sundrop is going to come and join their family.
There will be plenty of intimate and not necessarily sexual moments where Alice will snuggle up to Jack while he rubs lotion on her pregnant belly, just quietly marveling at the little life growing inside of her. There’s a little person made up of parts of both of them, proving that he’s real without a shadow of a doubt. He won’t be forgotten because a part of him will always live on in their baby... and all the other children they’ll be having.
Alice would be feeling self-conscious about her body being changed by pregnancy, but Jack would reassure her the second he senses her thoughts going in that direction. She is beautiful, absolutely glowing with life. She appreciates those moments where he’s just quietly admiring her body, sighing in contentedly as he rubs her soothingly and cooing gentle words of love and praise as he takes good care of her.
Of course, Alice will be sure to let Jack know how much she appreciates him, and how glad she is that he’s there. Hearing her tell him how much she loves him is going to make the man just melt into a puddle of happy goo.
Love, consent, and their emotional connection is so important to the bond between them, and it’s even more true when Alice is pregnant. She would feel more inclined to just spend time with Jack to the point that she would wake up early of her own accord just because his isn’t in bed with her when he snuck out to surprise her with breakfast in bed.
In fact, I’m inspired to write out a little scene:
Jack hummed a quiet but cheerful tune as he cooked breakfast, wearing nothing but an apron and a smile. He just finished flipping over the second pancake when a warm body suddenly pressed into him from behind. He quickly realized Alice had snuck up behind him while he was distracted and latched onto him like a koala clinging to a tree.
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle fondly as he looked back over his shoulder at his sleepy lover. “Good morning, sunshine.”
“Mmmfgh,” Alice responded as she buried her face into his back, wearing nothing but his big fluffy robe. It was so large compared to her that it dragged on the floor behind her, but she was too tired to care.
Jack set aside the spatula and turned around to pull Alice into his arms, hugging her close before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “You can go back to bed and sleep in a little longer if you want. You need plenty of rest for the baby.”
Although Alice sighed in pleasure at the kiss, she grumbled at the suggestion, and buried her face in Jack’s chest, muffling her next words. “Don’ wanna... Too cold without you.”
“Awww...,” Jack cooed, his heart melting, and he swept Alice up into his arms, carrying her easily despite how far she was into the pregnancy. “Sunshine...” He gave her a soft peck, his lips curling into a smile as she sleepily returned the kiss. “I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but I’d love it if you keep me company while I finish cooking. I won’t be long, I promise.”
Alice merely mumbled a sleepy affirmative as she snuggled in closer to Jack, basking in his warmth of his love.
Yes, this is the first thing I imagined when I thought of the scenario of Alice getting pregnant. I am a sucker for sweet little moments of intimacy like these.
While the pregnancy is going to be taxing on Alice, I’m definitely not going to headcanon a sad result like in the previous ask. The pregnancy is going to be complicated by her chronic health issues, but Jack will move heaven and earth to make sure his sunshine and their baby are happy and healthy. At the end of it all, the two proud parents will welcome their baby, a son whose name I haven’t decided on, who looks a lot like daddy dearest.
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Yes, I couldn’t resist headcanoning this adorable bean as Jack and Alice’s oldest child. I mean look at that face! So cute! Just wanna fluff that hair.
As for younger siblings to follow... there’s going to be quite a number of them, since Alice wants a large family, and Jack is only too happy to help her make as many babies as she wants. I guess I’d have to design them myself sometime. At least one of them is going to inherit their mama’s albinism, of course.
Of course, how things go down in Sunshine in Hell will be a little different than this scenario, but this is still fun to imagine the challenges Jack will have taking care of a pregnant partner and then their children while the world doesn’t realize he actually exists.
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