#obm Mephistopheles
5mary5 · 6 months
I was playing lesson 72 ? If I remember correctly and my favorite thing from that lesson was mephisto DAMN am I starting to love that demon, I mean how could you not?
One of my favorite moments was this :
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I loved that he was the one to name us heros 🫶 it's truly such a pity that there is not much content regarding the mephisto, raphael and thirteen
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mawwart · 2 years
Anyways this is monster Lucifer nowadays
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Peepaw taking the grandbabies for ice cream
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lord-amaranth-12 · 1 year
Black mistletoe sap
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Angel luke (Mephistopheles + Luke GC) chat: An appreciative angel
Extra info
It can be acquired by giving berries to a three-eyed crow pycantha
Back to the OG post
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thedum1 · 2 years
Bonus characters!!! Sheep!MC is the face of the player in every merch drop and cards so they're pretty special plus they're good for the non-gender conforming players. Fem!MC is just Feminine presenting MCs, not just she/her using MCs. Masc!MC is the same but for the Masculine presenting MCs.
In a week I'll take the top 4 characters from each poll and come up with the final poll.
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legglesspotato · 1 month
Sorry for not posting a bit ;-; but i figured out who he reminds me of
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At first I thought Tom but then I remembered squidward.
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floofeh-purpi · 3 days
Through the Screen.
Self-aware! Obey Me x Gn! Insomniac! Reader
OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST WROTE SMTH WHATRR?!!! And its first time writing for a fandom that's not Genshin under the sagau tag-
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@rotin0 @cherry-blossom-sword80 @leniisreallycool @mc-cos-charm @imtotallynotthere @cosmo112 @cheeseburgercasserole @kanashi-aivy
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Credits to cafekitsune for the dividers! (I needed these omfg)
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, reader has a nightmare, cursing, ooc because... hm...., I don't know either, written in bullet form, I don't know this is so messy 🙏
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• Alright, so where the fuck should I begin with this???
• You maybe fell for them, but they fell even harder— so much harder than their bones are brok— oh wait you mean THAT kind of falling??
• Anyways
• After you FINALLY saved enough money to buy a new phone you stepped on it when you were half asleep
• Ouch.
• You still had to bandage your foot because of the wounds it inflicted on your foot.
• And one time you were resting your foot; you found a certain Otome game...
• Duh bitch of course it was Obey Me! as if it wasn't obvious enough by the title
• You decided to download obey me because:
1. Your best friend forced you to.
2. You were bored.
3. You wanted to cure yourself from boredom after you wake up at 3 in the morning—
• Even though you had to delete a 'few' apps and things from your gallery...
• You think it was worth it! :D
• Because goddamn these guys in the cards look so ngh— excluding luke for obvious reasons.
• You look at them, yes.
• But bitch you dont know that THEY look at you too!
• At first, when they found out they were stuck in a game, they took a while in accepting things, that the human exchange student is- well, some sort of... coded sheep acting all plastic looking thing...?
• Like, what or who made them? Why? And when??? Why did they make them suffer like this??? Why make Lilith die and make Beel drown away in his guilt for god knows how long? and most importantly, what or who is playing??
• Well, until they've gotten access to your phone's camera— you can literally see their pupils form into hearts when stare into their eyes for so long! Except for Luke, they only sparkle more
• The sheep (aka the you in-game) was just... eugh.
• You know those occasional surprise guest sessions after those dance battles???
• Basically, the maximum amount of gifts you can get from surprise guests in a day is 6, and that you have to achieve a perfect sequence and stuff (Basically on all three actions that you do to them)
• ...Bro, they broke out of the coding that makes them give only 6 gifts to you a day and all of a sudden—
• You know they'll give you only 1k Grimm (it depends if they'll give you Grimm or the gift or nah)
• So— Bitch I'm not finished yet!
• Bro not only that, you also noticed that, as you were playing the game and progressed through the lessons smoothly.
• You could've sworn that the dance battles before were more difficult than now,
• Like bitch, who the fuck was responsible for buffing these mfs up?? 😭🙏
• You thought that Satan hated it when you touched him
• So why the fuck were you getting heart reactions from him when you accidentally tapped his head once when your phone fell on your head?!
• And the voicelines...
• Holy shit the voicelines...
• if you EVER have Asmo as the person— or demon in this case— that'll show up on your D.D.D screen, and if you're playing somewhere around 12am-3am...
• ...😰🙏
• Man's practically gonna lecture you about how lack of sleep can damage your skin
"What the hell are you doing at 12am?! Aren't humans supposed to sleep at this time?!"
• The demon exclaimed with wide eyes and a pout on his lips. Im imagining it and its so funny lmfao.
• ...Yeah you didn't play for a few days after that.
• Did Asmo scare you too much??
• My hands smell like soy sauce what the fuck.
• That's not the only reason, but school was being bitch and decided to throw exams, assignments, projects, and more to your sleepless self! :D
• Also because you desperately needed to fix up your sleep schedule and you needed to buy sleeping pills for your deprived ass, but they didn't need to know about that now, do they????
• And since you read a lot— no, actually... too many fanfics for game characters being self-aware...
• You suspected that they're now apparently... self-aware!
• You know how you always have to play obey me in landscape on your phone??
• Cuz' what I'm trying to say here is that they can basically see your pretty face through your camera, but only occasionally.
• Yk why??
• Cuz you usually keep on covering the damn camera on your phone :( aka the front camera on the top on your phone whenever you're in story mode, dance battles, devilgram posts or whatever you called it, and pretty much the entire time you play Obey Me.
• But they don't have the heart to say it out loud to you! :<
• But hearing your laughs whenever your eyes bear witness to the brother's banter or your hymns of praises directed towards them whenever you win another dance battle is enough for them to be content with the time they spend with you.
• But it doesn't mean that they don't want more.
• How could they NOT want more?
• They want every. single. ounce. of your. attention.
• But yet...
• Your so close to them. Yet so far away.
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• You tossed and turned in your sleep, cold sweat dripping off your forehead as your nightmare got the hold of yourself.
• Tears welled up in your closed eyes as you subconsiously muttered out incomprehensible gibberish in your sleep.
• You exclaimed as you immediately sat up in bed and shaked the thick covers of your blanket as if you would pass out from a heatstroke if it covered your seemingly traumatized form any second longer.
• You went out of your room to get some water to calm your tears down a little.
• After staying in the dining room for maybe... the past 30 minutes or so, you finally went back to your safe haven; your room of course!
• You lay down in bed; exhausted yet not tired enough to lull yourself back to sleep.
• And so, with dark circles and dried tears on your face, you decided to open your phone and play the only game you have in your full-storaged device; Obey Me! :D
• You waited for the game to finish loading with half-lidded eyes. Damn the wifi for being shitty this... midnight?
• You exclaimed loudly in your bed.
• 2:04am. The D.D.D showed you. Wait how long were you awake again???
• Idk if you have Mammon as the demon that pops up in your D.D.D, but here you go-
• Did I make him ooc? 😰
Oi, human! I heard ya cryin' earlier. Ya ok?!
• The white-haired demon exclaimed with a frown. Oh shit, that's one way to assure yourself that they're self-aware. But you didn't they can hear you too, so what—
The fuck? I didn't know they can hear me too... 😭🙏
• You murmured out. Yep. Mammon heard that.
Oh shit! Does this mean that they heard me scream at a cockroach while I was playing before?! 😰
• ...He heard that too.
What? -Mammon
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OMFG IM DONE GUYS! IM DONE! Sorry it took me forever though 😭🙏
Published: September 20 2024. 3:12pm.
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cnl0400 · 9 months
Ok this may be nitpicking but my problem with the whole "Father's love" Is that your father Is the reason your sister is death, the whole reason y'all went to war... They casted you away because you didn't want Lilith to die...
The thing Is that Father's love Is not unconditional, If you didn't started the war, your sister would have died anyways, for the crime of loving a human too much, he practially made you choose between your loyalty to him or your love for your sister. Thats why Lucifer whole speech of "All Father did was love me, but I couldn't see It" feels shallow, because It undermines the tragedy of falling from the CR in the first place. Like If Seraph Lucifer had fallen in love with a human, he would probably had the same fate as Lilith. Simeon Is stripped of His own angelhood in S3/S4 for stealing the ring of light to save MC, so it's not like the CR Is better in the future or anything
I think Its unrealistic to expect OBM to put Father/God as this 100% Bad guy (with the whole uniting the three realms and all that) but also I feel like Lucifer should have more complicated feeling about this. I don't doubt Father loved him, but I don't think the conclusion of Lucifer arc should be that "All my Father did was love me but I was too prideful to see it"
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thedemonnobleman · 1 month
lookie what I have xD
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HAHAHA! Great find! I will make good use of this photo! You may not be so bad for a human..
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5mary5 · 5 months
This is kind of..an au i guess? I hope the end isnt too... sudden? I just hope it makes sense since I'm not much of a writer, wanted to get this out of my chest and share it with yall
Obey me with a player who got isekaid inside the game?
You know hose manhwas where the mc reads/plays this game and then when they go to sleep they are isekaid inside of what they were reading/playing and they use the knowledge they have to survive in this world? What I'd this happened with out mc?
Like there are SO many ways this could go right?, for one you could completely ignore belphegors cries for help at the start of the game before you go up the stairs to meet him, survive the year without getting close to the brothers and just..go but go where exactly? This isn't your world right? Noone knows you here, you mom or dad aren't here non of your siblings (if you have any) or friends or even your cousins and grandparents, you are all alone
So you decide to go through how the original game goes because what is there to lose right? And somehow let's day you do it, ypu make the pacts, travel time lines, meet lillith, and gain their trust but what happens when the exchange program comes to end? Diavolo wants to send you home, to the human world, but this isn't your home.
So what if you try to explain to diavolo that you are from another universe? you have this uneasy feeling, as if something- or more like someone is watching you- As If warning you that what you are about to do is a bad idea
There's only one person demon who knows both the past present and the future, is it □□□□□□□□□□□□? Or maybe □□□□□□□□? Are they the same person?
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caindiis · 1 year
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i’m actually going crazy it’s not even funny anymore this isn’t funny anymore guys… T_T feeling like a victorian man seeing a woman’s ankles for the FIRST time!!!… i want you bro..
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HES SOOO PATHETIC TOO LIKE ITS SO UNREAL I NEED HIM I NEED HIM I NEED HIM I NEED HIM TO BE DATABLE.., i’m already planning our future together i have 19 dates in the works, our proposal planned, a wedding theme, and we’re going to have 20 cats, 5 dogs, and ten BILLION horses just trust me on this guys
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hello i recently learned about mephisto and i LOVE him so much.......... i humbly request a gn sweet n chubby mc with him pls pls pls :'))
Mephistopeles x Sweet Chubby gn!reader
Mephisto who hate human in general because they are weak. He is a noble, being acquaintance with one of them is a big NO!
Mephisto who slowly attract to you after saw how famous you are, how other people like you. He always wonder, what make you likeable?
Mephisto, who saw the way you treat people. You are kind. Your tenderness makes anyone melt. Maybe he can be your friend.
You're a lovely friend. Your presence can make anyone comfortable.Your sweet gestures towards Mephistopheles start to break through his icy exterior. He's slowly building a connection with you. Starting from small things like doing Lord Diavolo's assignments together, to exchanging messages. Sometimes, you offer him homemade sweets or simply spend time chatting and listening to his stories.
Mephisto did not realise that he was slowly becoming greedy. He wants to spend more time with you. There are many things he wants to know about you. What's your favourite food? What's your favourite song? Or what do you do to spend your time off? He wants more.
For some reason, he doesn't like seeing you spending time with other people. He hates seeing you laughing at mammon jokes. He doesn't like the way you look at Simeon with such tenderness. Mephisto knows you are gentle with everyone. But can't you just be nice to him? Can't you save your sweet smile for him alone?
Mephisto looks at you, who is busy holding Luke's hand. Ah, if only your hand held his. He wants to measure the length of your finger with his own. Isn't it adorable to imagine your little finger playing with his palm?
He often buys you gifts that you like. Your happy expression is really adorable. The way you smile, the way you chew food, he wants to touch your cheeks and pinch them. But he refrains. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
He slowly wondered. Do friends get jealous when they see their friends talking to other men? Does the friend also look at his friend with a warm gaze like he does at you? Is this love?
Falling in love with a human is initially puzzling for Mephistopheles, but he learns that love knows no bounds
One day, Mephistopheles gathers the courage to confess his feelings to you, admitting that he has fallen in love with your wit, kindness, and your ability to see the person beneath the demon.
After you accept his confession, Mephisto immediately hugs you tightly. He couldn't believe you had the same feelings.
The first date after becoming lovers, Mephisto looked nervous. He doesn't have the courage to hold your hand or hug you. You take the initiative to hold his hand first.
Mephisto has a habit of kissing your hand, especially when you are about to return to the human world. He kisses your knuckles, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand.
Mephisto often buys you a bouquet. Every time you open his car door when he picks you up, there's always a bouquet of flowers or a gift box on the passenger seat.
Mephisto took over the exchange student's interview duties so that he could talk to you.
He kisses the parts of your body that make you insecure. Are you insecure about your eyes? Kiss it! You're not confident about your body? He'll kiss you from head to toe. He won't even hesitate to kneel down and kiss your feet. You don't have to worry, honey. Sit back and listen to the words of praise that he spits out.
The part he likes the most about you is your thighs. He has a habit of falling asleep on your thighs. Especially if you're kind enough to gently rub his face.
He likes to playfully nibble on your cheek, especially when you're acting cute. He would love to pinch and bite your cute cheeks.
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I don't think it's a headcanon anymore, more like a drabble? One shoot?. It's longer than I expect. I think... I start to fall in love with him??! Oh my... (Ah, I'm sorry about it) anyway, hope you like it
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꒰ ㅤ like and reblogㅤ ꒱
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legglesspotato · 3 months
Chat spoiler from the new lesson!
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You know… I’m getting this weird feeling he’s NOT going to be okay… (especially because of the trailer)
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mamma-mia-mammon · 2 years
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pov: the newbies catch u still scrollin like girl.......log off
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celestialrealms · 2 years
gonna be honest obey me fandom is weirdly fixated on hating mephistopheles. like, he was barely even rude to the mc in comparison to the brothers in season 1 and honestly i don’t even think most of the people being weird about him have even read season 4? like idk man seems a LITTLE iffy to me 🤷‍♂️
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thedum1 · 2 years
The Unofficial Tumblr version of the Devildom Popularity Poll is over!!!
The results as of 422 votes in the final poll: Sheep!MC 🐏 is Tumblr's favorite Obey Me character!!!
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The rest of the characters are as follows:
Mammon #2
Lucifer #3
Simeon #4
Diavolo #5
Asmodeus #6
Solomon #7
Thirteen #8
Leviathan #9
Barbatos #10
Satan #11
Beelzebub #12
Belphegor #13
Luke #14
Raphael #15
Mephistopheles #16
Masc!MC #17
Fem!MC #18
Congratulations to everyone's favorite little Sheepy. A well deserved victory for sure.
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thedemonnobleman · 1 month
Ugh, why are angels so annoying sometimes!? Raphael keeps barging into the R.A.D. newspaper club room without knocking!!
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