#Yandere Shoto x Reader
sourlove · 6 months
The biggest issue with Todoroki as a yandere is probably the dependence.
It's cute at first and you let him carry on as he liked. You didn't mind him coming to you for advice or sticking close to you at events. You didn't even mind him inviting himself into your room and looking through your things. At least, you tried not to mind.
Everyone knew what Endeavor was like and anyone who met his children couldn't help but pity them.
You pitied Todoroki. He was nice, albeit a little socially stunted, and curious about how normal teenagers behaved.
He just needed some help, that's all.
It was easy to accommodate him into your friend groups and activities. Most people were more than happy to have a handsome, mysterious guy amongst them and Todoroki seemed to be picking up social norms quickly.
You noticed that every time you turned to face him, he was already looking at you. It was mildly disturbing. Especially because he never broke eye contact. He just...continued staring. You could feel it even when he was across the room, like a beacon that followed you wherever you went.
You tried not to let it bother you, even when people teased you about Todoroki's obvious crush on you. It made you uncomfortable. Todoroki was a friend that you were helping out.
Unfortunately, it seemed you were the only one who thought that way.
Before long, Todoroki wanted to learn how to connect more intimately.
It was awkward, to say the least. You tried to dance around the topic whenever he brought it up but he was relentless. Todoroki finally cornered you in your room, cool breath fanning your face.
"Please, Y/N?" he whispers softly. "It's one kiss. I just want to know what it feels like. You're the only one I feel comfortable asking..."
Curse your weak heart. You give in and Todoroki takes greedily. His lips are cold and his teeth bite down on your lip, making you yelp and allowing him to slip his tongue in.
Neither of you are particularly experienced but Todoroki still looks at you in dazed awe when you wriggle free.
He begs for more and more, using your pity for him against you.
"I want you to have all my firsts, Y/N. I feel so safe with you," he pleads, so pitifully and so hopelessly that you can already feel your defenses crumbling.
He just needed a bit more help. And if he needed you too...well, how could you possibly say no to him?
After all Todoroki had been through, he could only trust you.
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zentraex · 1 year
Can I please request yandere cheater shoto x fiancé reader, where shoto cheats on the reader to spite his father. They are in a quirk marriage and shoto hates that despite the reader trying to be the perfect spouse for him as the reader does house chores and prepares his meals only for shoto to neglect them and coldly dismisses them.
Hi! So, thank you very much for your request! I actually had some big problems with the yandere-part, but I hope it still fits somehow.
Like always: English grammar is different than German grammar. Sorry for any mistakes. :)
Perfect Fiancé
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You were the perfect fiancée...theoretically
A hard day full of work? No problem, you took all the things in the household for him.
A villain injured him? No problem, you knew immediately what helped for fast healing.
Shoto needed support in a battle? No problem, you were one of the best heroes.
Shoto needed love?
Your quirk was incredibly strong and quite adaptable. That was also the reason why Endeavour became aware of you. A few meetings with your parents, a few nice words and the matter was decided: you were to become Shoto's wife. 
You cried so much that day. At that time, you still had a boyfriend: the best of them all. He was perfect, no one knew you better than him. Who would have thought that you would ever have to part with him?
Not because of a fight.
Not because of fading love. 
And also, not because he cheated.
No, it was because of the decision of higher powers. 
But you were a positive person. 
Make the most of it! Maybe he's quite nice?
Scratch that!
He's the coldest person you know – but you have to get along with him... for your entire life. 
No matter how hard you tried to make life more comfortable for both of you, everything left him cold. You also had the feeling that he hated you more and more from day to day. 
You can feel it especially today...
"I made food. Would you like to come to the dining table?"
No matter how many times his words have hurt you, you always smile at him.
Without looking at you, he replies, "No, I don't want to eat your food."
Your sad gaze wanders to the food. You've been in the kitchen for for the last two hours, on your only day off.
"Are you sure? I put in a lot of effort today."
"No. I don't want to eat it."
He still doesn't look at you, but you can clearly read his annoyed look. Your heart bleeds.
Shit, it hurts so much.
What are you doing wrong? 
Nothing—it's just the fact that Endeavour chose you. Shoto is a defiant little kid and treats you that way for that only reason. Unfortunately, you just don't know...
"Don't you want to try it at least once?"
You immediately notice how the whole room temperature is getting cooler – but nothing beats Shoto's ice-cold gaze. He clicks his tongue and puts his phone aside, straightens up and looks you straight in the eye.
"Are you stupid?"
Your heart pounds painfully against your chest as you look at him in shock.
This time he gets up, walks slowly towards you and stops just a few steps away from you.
"Are you deaf too? I said that I don't want to eat your disgusting food. Do you want me to repeat myself again?"
Tears gather in the corners of your eyes as you shake your head and look at the floor. 
"Why not so from the beginning?"
The corners of his mouth pull up to a mean smile. His gaze lingers at you for a few seconds before he turns away from you and leaves.
Your gaze wanders to the food that is even decorated to match Valentine's Day.
Does he really hate me that much?
Oh yes, you also realize why when you come home from work and hear another woman moaning in your room.
Yes, you and Shoto have separate rooms and he's doing it in yours. 
Crying, you put your things down and go out. Where?
Away, I just want to get away from him!
You don't even know where your feet are taking you. It's only when you realize you're standing in front of your beloved ex-boyfriend's apartment that you realize where you are. 
"Reader?" asks a male voice that you would recognize everywhere. Sniffling, you turn to him and are just happy to fall into his open arms. 
At first, Shoto grinned when he heard the door slam. It was exactly as he wanted it to be. Even if you weren't his dad, it still made him feel like he showed him. 
Today he is invited to dinner at Midoriya's. In a good mood, he gets into the car and drives off
He almost didn't recognize you as he drove past. You look like different person at the side of...
Who the hell are you?
You and your ex sit on a bench in the park while you eat your ice cream with a big smile and bright eyes. Shoto has never seen such an expression on you. Yes, you smiled, but it never reached your eyes. You always seem… lifeless at his side.
What is that?
His heart feels like it's tearing apart. Why does it feel like it's bothering him? Weird, he doesn't even like you at all...
 He couldn't enjoy dinner. His thoughts kept wandering to you and this uneasy feeling.
The next day, Shoto sat down with you at the dining table for the very first time. Far too focused on your phone, you didn't even notice him at first. It's only when he clears his throat that you look at him.
"Is anything?"
"How was your day yesterday?" 
Speechless, you blink a few times. It takes a while for you to process his question. Annoyed, your gaze turns away from him.
"Pretty good."
"Pretty good? You caught me cheating yesterday, how can your day be 'pretty good'!?"
Shoto chews angry on his lower lip as he looks at you with a boiling look in his eyes. All you can do is rub your temples.
"It's yesterday's horse face, isn't it? I'm your fiancé, not him."
Are you serious?
You suppress yourself from saying anything about it and look at him bored. This only seems to make him angrier as he walks to the door and turns his head towards you. 
"I forbid you to see him."
Before you can say anything, he already locked the door behind him.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 6 months
OMG how about a small time villain wondering why shoto or hawks is always on their tail like there are other villains worse than me why do u keep chasing me?
Pairing: Yandere Shoto Todoroki x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
Female Reader
AN: I hope you like this, tried my best! 😊
“I didn’t take anything!”
You cross your arms in front of your chest, huffing with annoyance and a tinge of humiliation.
It’s frankly embarrassing to be caught red-handed while trying to sneak a few pieces of pricey jewelry onto your purse. It was supposed to be easy. 
The old jeweler was already distracted with some lovey-dovey couple seeking for their engagement rings, so he barely paid you any attention aside from a few quick glances, too busy helping out his clients.
You were almost successful, if it weren’t for the stupid two-toned hair hero. 
“You were stealing.” 
You roll your eyes, hands defiantly placed on your hips. 
“Was not. I was only looking.” the lie naturally flows from your lips, “Was thinking about buying a diamond bracelet. For someone special, if I must say.” 
Another lie, but since you’re almost certain of the Pro Hero’s crush on you, you tease him in hopes to distract him from booking you.
He hasn’t taken you into police custody so far, despite the numerous times he’s caught you in the middle of stealing. And you certainly don’t want to go to jail anytime soon.
He’s not really your type - too nice and too good to catch your interest, but you play with him anyways.
Dating a Pro Hero could bring so many benefits into life. The thought of all the money he must earn in a single month makes water rise to your mouth.
Todoroki’s eyes squint, brows wrinkling. 
“I… wasn’t aware you had a boyfriend.” his voice comes out gruff, deeper than the usual, and you almost smirk at that. 
You shrug your shoulders, picking on a chipped nail. 
“I don’t. The special guy hasn’t asked me out yet.” you slump your shoulders, a sad expression on your face.
“.Oh...who is he?” 
“A Pro Hero.” you look at him with not-so-subtle adoration, “He’s in the Top 5 and he’s really amazing. Always helps a girl out when she needs it, you know? I’m just hoping he might like me back.” 
A shade of pink dusts Todoroki’s cheeks and he blinks quickly. You’re almost surprised he was able to catch your hint, usually he’s as dense as a rock.
You open your lips to keep going, but his phone shrieks and Todoroki begrudgingly takes the call. You smile at him, twirling a strand of hair in your finger, noticing how his eyes keep glancing at you as he speaks. 
“Yes. Alright. I’ll be there in five.” 
With that, he ends the call.
“Oh, you have to go?” you fake a pout. On the inside, you’re rejoicing. 
He hesitates, mouth opening and closing despite no words coming out. It’s an awkward moment but he quickly regains his usual expressionless stance, looking at you. 
“I… don’t have time to take you into custody right now. But this shouldn't be repeated, okay? Being a villain isn’t something a girl like yourself should be doing.” you nod solemnly, almost burning with irritation but somehow managing to pull your face into the perfect painting of regret. 
He looks at you, swallowing heavily before speaking. 
“...and I hope that special guy asks you out soon.”
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yandere-romanticaa · 8 months
I feel like I'm 15 again. Todoroki was my first BNHA love, it's only fair that he gets a little something.
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Shoto, who has had his eye on you ever since his UA days. He was enrolled in the hero course while you were in the general course, leading a completely separate life from his own. You had your own interests, hobbies, friends.
It was so beautiful to admire, from a safe distance of course.
Shoto was aware of his popularity amongst the student body due to his powerful quirk and impeccable grades. Whenever he would walk down the hall to class the murmurs of hundreds of students would follow, their beady and curious eyes either glaring daggers of envy or were in absolute awe of him.
Either way, he did not care, not for any single one of them. He was never too keen to call the people around him "extras" in the same way Bakugo did but whenever he would catch sight of you in the hall, every single possible distraction really did become a hassle. His cool mask was always under the dangerous threat of melting at the mere sight of you, it would even triple if you talked to, or if God was feeling merciful, accidentally touch him. His mask of indifference would slip for a brief second, dual eyes widening in shock as he would get a whiff of your perfume and would curse the fact that there were so many people around.
If he could die with his nose buried in your neck, it would be the sweetest way to go.
Shoto would become paranoid of the thought of being discovered. Sometimes, just sometimes when he was feeling just a little bit bolder than usual, he would press himself just ever so closer to you in the cramped hall and would take in every nook and cranny he possibly could. The average student would think nothing of this as he was probably just in a rush to get to class. He would also always apologize politely, Shoto would even try giving you a sweet smile while doing so.
However. The people who knew Shoto were not your average students.
Bakugo was not known for his subtlety and that legacy still lives on. On a Friday evening when the last bell had rung and the classroom was empty, the hotheaded lad trapped Shoto in a corner.
"Just say how you feel dumbass." Bakugo had said, his gruff tone slightly quieter than usual.
At least he had enough grace to not be a complete jackass.
With his eyes closed and lips pressed in a thin line Shoto had shook his head in defiance. Bakugo made the entire situation sound so easy, as if Shoto could just walk up to you and ask to hang out. You were a kind person and would most likely say yes, but Shoto was not so sure if you could handle the sheer intensity of his feelings. This, whatever this was, was all consuming, it left Shoto feeling breathless and restless, for who knows how long. You made him lose focus but you also made him so much stronger at the same time. He would space out in class a bit too often for comfort, which lead to Aizawa scolding him until the tips of his ears turned red.
This was so much more than a simple crush.
Bakugo shrugged his shoulders and exited the classroom. "Whatever you say icy hot. Just don't start crying if things don't go down the way you want them to."
Time passes, you all graduate. Shoto still pines helplessly from a distance but he has gotten just a little bit closer to you. Sometimes you meet up and hang out, he could always feel the tips of his fingers twitching in anticipation, eager to hold you but he kept his distance.
He didn't want to scare you off.
Even more time has passed and Shoto is a professional hero now. He is an honest worker and has built up a strong reputation. Everyone wants to be him or be with him.
But he still wants you.
Even after all these years, he still longs for your touch. He longs to be the only man in your life, the one you come home to.
Shoto watches you from his office window, his eyes glued to you and the person you were so lovingly fondling over. He grits his teeth and clenches his fist so tight that his knuckles turn white as snow.
That should be him down there. He should be the one who gets to hold you, touch you, kiss you.
It should be Shoto Todoroki who you love. Not whoever that extra is. He swiftly turns his gaze away from the window, a sick amusement coming over him. "Extra" really was a fitting term for whoever was down there.
Shoto should have listened to Bakugo all those years ago. He should have listened to him. He may be a cocky loudmouth but he was right and you had slipped right away from him.
Finally, it was time to take matters into his own two hands. He was done longing and lingering in the shadows. He wasn't too keen on manipulating the hero system he swore to protect but damn it all. It had to be done.
Killing your little lover was so easy, it came to him like breathing. The beauty of his quirk that it was so versatile, he could come up with so many creative ways into disposing that pesky thorn in his side. Hot flames and horrid ice marred the flesh of your little lover but Shoto was clever. Oh yes, Shoto was indeed so clever as he made sure to keep the physical torture to the minimum, just in case someone decided to get smart and start suspecting him.
Besides, it was so much more impactful to gloat over his victory. He was the one who was going to take care of you for the rest of your days together.
Not even death could tear you away from him.
Shoto watched the life being snuffed away from the poor sucker as he cried and spat out pools of sweat and blood. There were no heroes here that could help him, not a single soul was in sight.
He was completely in Shoto's mercy. And he was not going to give him a single drop of it.
The pro hero tossed the lifeless body aside and hid it sloppily, because he knew that you would be worried, that people would come looking. He cleaned up the scene of the crime and secured himself an alibi, just to be safe.
Shoto started walking towards his office but the adrenaline of the encounter still pumped in his veins, his mind was all over the place.
And your face was front and center.
Instead of his original plan of waiting it out, Shoto made the hasty decision to just.... Take you. He had waited for years, and years and years. He would be gentle, naturally.
And with time, he was positive that you would come to appreciate him.
And just like that, he was at your front door, ringing the doorbell like crazy. You opened the door in a worried frenzy, dressed in your comfortable pj's which Shoto just adored.
Suddenly, he had pushed you inside of your apartment and closed the door with his foot, freezing it ever so slightly with his quirk. He pinned you to the ground, both of your arms in a single tight grip as the other ever so gently caressed your face. His gaze was wild but focused, so utterly lovesick that there wasn't a single word which could describe the range of emotions he was feeling.
Finally, after all these years Shoto had you where he wanted you. And there was nothing that could change that.
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ yandere!shoto todoroki x fem!reader
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2,036 WORDS
⤷ ❝ 𝕾𝖔 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑
me, Shoto,"
Your mother smiled softly as she began asking the young man various questions.
You glanced over at your mother and father then sighed. You hated being here, you'd rather be at home than some formal family introduction.
Your subconscious began to tune out the unnecessary chatter around you. It wasn't as if you cared if this meeting were to go good or bad.
My parents are always trying to tell me what to do. What the hell do they not understand about me being an adult? You tried to mask your anger with a fake smile, but it was hard to keep up the front.
Your parents M/n and F/n L/n sat on your side, kindly making conversation with the richest, most intimidating family in all of Japan: the Todoroki's.
They specifically sat who we came here for, the youngest son of theirs, Shoto Todoroki, across from you. Great.
If you were to describe him, Shoto, by appearance, you would say "split in half." It was as if his right side was his mother and the left was his father.
Another thing about Shoto was that you couldn't help but notice how stoic his personality was. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but you've never met anyone so void of emotion like him.
When his cold, heterochromic, eyes made contact with yours you couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling then.
Is this guy seriously going to be my... my future husband? You pressed your lips together as you broke eye contact with Shoto.
Despite everything that you have mentioned so far, you found Shoto a very attractive young man; Although you wouldn't admit to that directly in his face.
Moving onto his family; There was his father, Enji Todoroki, also know as Endeavor, Japan's number one hero. It felt like every time he gave you a glance he was judging you. It made you even more nervous than before.
His mother, Rei Todoroki, was a kind, soft spoken woman. The complete opposite of Shoto's father.
The Todoroki's are... You glanced at Shoto then looked back down, something...
But you felt like you didn't have any room to judge here. Not all families are perfect, especially ones that are popular among the media, but seriously, there was something off-
"-Y/n would have to transfer to UA this coming school year?" Your father asked, catching your full attention.
Your lips parted in shock, What the hell were they talking about!? You looked over at your mother whom sat closest to you.
I only tuned them out for a few minutes!
No one noticed your change of demeanor, no one except Shoto.
Actually, ever since your family entered the room he has been stealing glances from your figure.
In contrast of what you thought about him, he found every aspect of you perfect.
Leaning in close to your mother, you whisper, "What do you mean, 'transfer to UA...?'" You cut your eyes at her with a frown. You didn't understand why they didn't tell you long before this!
"Oh, Y/n, sweetie, it must've slipped your mind, haha! We've been talking about this for months!" Your mother forced a fake smile onto her face as she pushed the lie through her lips.
'Sweetie?' She never calls me that. What the hell is she on about...?
You and your mother exchange glances with one another before you respond to her lie with yet another, "Oh... oh yeah, we have."
Your father then butted in, "We're going to have Y/n's dormitory set up tomorrow."
Tomorrow!? You almost shouted.
"Y/n is almost done packing up her things, actually."
You nodded, These bitches can't go two minutes without lying...
The parents in the room proceeded to converse amongst themselves once again, leaving you and Shoto to stare at each other in awkward silence once more.
Shoto noticed your nervous fidgeting, wanting to say something but he just couldn’t get his mouth to open.
After about 20 minutes of talking, your and his mother and father decided to leave the room so you both could get to know each other better.
You visibly frowned when your mother left your side, Their off to go fucking yap again... you thought angrily.
You peered up at Shoto, trying to tell by his body language how he felt at the moment. But to your avail he was harder to read than you thought.
All he did was sit across from you with a blank expression on his face. Was he thinking of something to say to start a conversation?
Trying to catch his gaze, you fiddled with your fingertips nervously.
"Uhm, Todoroki—“
"-Call me Shoto," He stopped your sentence, "since you will be my fiancé in the near future."
You stiffened at the word "fiancé."
You hated how you barely even knew this man but you and he are going to be sharing the title of fiancé.
It was like a spell your parents have placed upon you, cursing you both of being with each other until one of you die.
You began thinking of something to start a conversation with him, but what could you possibly talk about? He has no social media nor obvious interests.
Is his whole personality just being Mr. Perfect-
"-Would you like for me to address you as your first name as well?" Shoto suddenly asked, taking you by surprise.
You weren't expecting him to be the one to talk first, "Uh, Sure."
You reach to shake his hand, he glanced from your face down you your hand reaching across the table.
He reached out and grabbed onto yours firmly before you both simultaneously pulled away.
You failed to notice how he looked at his hand as if he was amazed or something. When you looked up at him again he had the same expressionless face as before.
His dead silence was very unsettling for you. The way his heterochromic eyes never ceased to staring at the table.
Was he... nervous?
What else would explain his quiet and reserved demeanor. Then again, he was harder to read than a foreign language.
Maybe he's just an introvert and hates being in social situations... you thought to yourself, honestly, I can relate.
As you were strategizing how you would start up a conversation with the seemingly dry male, he just couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He just found you very... interesting.
He couldn't explain it.
"Y/n," He spoke again, and you jumped slightly in surprise. "Ye- Yes, Shoto?"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.
Holding in our to you, he then proceeded to speak, "Could we exchange phone numbers?"
"I am aware that our parents are in contact with one another, but they haven't given me your contact information yet."
You thought about it for a second before handing him your unlocked cell phone, "Yeah, of course."
After a few moments you both swapped back phones and sat in that damn silence again.
Did he run out of questions or something? You cut your eyes at him, well I shouldn't be talking. I haven't said shit until he spoke first.
It wasn't long until both the Todoroki's and L/n's entered the silent room again.
"Well it was very nice having you all, Mr. and Mrs. L/n," Mrs. Todoroki gave a small smile as she shook your parents' hand's.
You and Todoroki stood up from your seats and said your goodbyes until you and your parents were in the car.
"Finally that shit's over with," your mother sighed as she slammed the passenger seat door. Your father turned up the cold AC in the hot car as he said, "But at least we've gotten one step closer to our goal."
He glanced up at the rearview mirror, making eye contact with you, "We just need that Shoto boy to marry our Y/n."
You diverted your gaze from your father's to the window. The Todoroki family's home growing farther and farther away in the distance.
The Todoroki's were pretty decent people... you shot dagger into the back of your parents' heads, They're the problem.
"I knew they'd love Y/n!" Your mother chimed as she pulled out a cigarette, "Her quirk is somewhat similar to that brain-dead son of their's. And transferring her to UA will be a breeze with their help."
"Then once they're married, all that money will be ours!" Your father stopped at a red light and looked back at you, "Isn't that right, Y/n?"
You nodded silently, not caring for their stupid rambling.
You had absolutely no say in any of the events building up to today despite being a grown woman.
Your parents are money-hungry sharks willing to do anything to get some change.
When you were still in elementary school, you overheard your parents plotting to sell your older brother before he ran away.
And allegedly got himself murdered.
But you refuse to believe that it wasn't your parents doing. Despite lacking solid proof or evidence.
With that in mind, you still have no idea how your parents got in contact with the Todoroki's.
You also don't know why they still believe you give a fuck about them.
You only still live with them because they refuse to let you out of their sight in fear of you running away like your deceased brother.
They're going to have a rude awakening when they find out that UA has a dorm-only policy, You smirked to yourself as you scrolled through the UA University website.
You silently looked through the website until suddenly receiving a text from an unknown number.
It's Shoto
At the last text it finally clicked, you both exchanged numbers.
>> contact name changed to "Shotodoroki" <<
Did you need anything ?
no, I was just making sure this was the right number
You frowned.
That was a waste of time.
「 EARLIER ᡣ𐭩 」
After your family had left the Todoroki family home, Shoto grabbed his things and began walking out of the house.
"Where are you going, Shoto?" His father asked sternly.
Shoto didn't even give Enji a passing glance as he spoke, "I came here to meet the L/n's. I did as you asked and now I'm going home."
Shoto put his shoes back on and opened the front door. His father was about to shout at his son before Rei quickly calmed him down.
Shoto shut the door behind himself without bothering to look back. He has never fully forgiven his father for what he's done, even after all of these years.
Shoto only agreed into going to his home again because he heard that his mother would be present.
He couldn't stand being alone in room with his father.
Getting into his car and slamming the driver seat door shut, Shoto drove back to college.
The only place he could truly call his "home."
He parked his car in the shade to block the hot rays of the summer sun. The campus seemed so dead when school was out for summer break, but it made no difference in his eyes.
He only had one on his mind at the moment.
Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, Shoto started texting an unregistered number in his phone.
>> contact name changed to "Y/n" <<
Immediately after sending the text he thought, Was that too vague?
It's Shoto
He waited no time for a response back. He desperately wanted to have a conversation with you.
Once reading your last text, he failed to think of a way to respond. So instead, he made up the excuse about verifying your number.
Knowing you'd believe it anyway.
Shoto got out of his car and shut the door behind himself.
It won't be too long until Y/n moves into her dorm here, He thought while locking his car door and walking away.
But that doesn't matter right now.
I know where she lives, anyway.
Back to Title Page?
Proceed to Chapter Two?
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Can you make Yandere todoroki fam reacting to child y/n playing as belle and yandere bakugo in beauty and the beast as a play
Enji is NOT sobbing at how adorable you look bouncing about in your yellow gown like the prettiest princess you are. Natsuo as usual is struggling not to kill the kid behind him who's been hired by Dabi to kick his seat the whole time. Fuyumi is near the stage reminding you of all the lines and moves you have to do, while Rei is practically beaming because that's her handmade costume you're wearing and she did you hair so perfectly.
And you're on the stage, twirling around and waving to Enji, forgetting your lines and grinning as you excitedly call "Daddy!" And Enji is melting and crying and is also simultaneously evaporating his tears but Shotou has captured him in 4k on his camera.
There's Bakugo dressed as the beast, who for absolutely no reason, is pushing and kicking away all the other kids in his way just to be closer to you. And then there's the scene where you have to kiss him and Katsuki already has a death grip on you because he is not risking you running away, and he's inching closer when suddenly someone pulls his pants down, causing his to release you to pick his pants up. Meanwhile, you're suddenly whisked off the stage by a man and since you're still wearing a mic, the entire audience can hear your giggles and squeals and calling "DABBBIIIII!!!" While big bro is running out of the building with you.
Katsuki is humiliated and starts blasting off his quirk, while everyone else is staring at Enji because someone just stole his kid and he's just sitting there calmly. And really, the only reason Enji is calm is because he knows and approves Dabi hauling you away because he also didn't want RATsuki, that devil's spawn, kissing you.
And all this time, Shotou is acting like he's fuckinf Christopher Nolan with the way he's zooming in and out on everyone's faces like bro stop-😭😭😭
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yanluvr · 6 months
what i don’t understand is why some yandere authors make shoto use his flame or ice quirk to hurt reader if they were to escape or disobey him. like, have we forgotten that this man was abused by a pro hero who traumatized his mom so severely that she went to a mental institution?? ain’t no way shoto would dare to hurt his darling the way his father hurt his mom, nonetheless use his quirk to punish them. SHOTO WOULD SPOIL HIS LOVE SENSELESS AND BE A PATIENT DUDE DAMMIT!!😡
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yanderenightmare · 9 months
Ranging from my top Shoto post to posts with notes above 1k.
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Darling uses sex to calm down yandere captor ! Todoroki:
Cock descriptions:
COCK ♡3k
What BNHA ! yandere is the scariest:
Boyfriend ! Todoroki headcanons:
Poly ! BakuDekuTodo x darling thirsts:
POLY ♡1k
Prince ! Todoroki x maid ! dalring:
Imagines of what happens when the darling tries to deny the BNHA ! yanderes intimacy and sex:
Shoto ! nii-san and his little sister needs to share the bed:
Yandere captor ! Todoroki reacting to pregnant darling:
Todoroki and darling's sexual role-play dynamic:
Yandere captor ! Todoroki with a darling who enjoys being his darling:
Yandere captor ! Todoroki x darling with early Stockholm syndrome:
Shoto ! nii-san sneaking into his little sisters bedroom at night:
BABY ♡1k
Yandere captor ! Todoroki's need for intimacy:
Yandere captor ! Todoroki x clumsy ! darling:
How yandere captor ! Todoroki punishes his darling:
Yandere captor Shoto with a depressive darling:
Yandere captor Shoto likes painting with his darling:
Yandere captor Shoto's sleeping habits:
Shoto bullies his crush:
BNHA genderbender:
FEM ♡1k
How Todoroki became yandere for his darling:
The Torodoki family makes use of their quirkless daughter - with friends:
What type of hybrid he is:
Bestfriend Shoto drugs you at a party:
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Similar posts can be found in the following:
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the-faceless-bride · 16 days
The New Arrival
Prologue: The Ghost.
Bnha x Reader (Asylum au)
Warnings: talks of death, child abuse, not accurate asylum and mental illness stuff, blood, talks of gore. And slight sexual themes. The prologue is very short! It’s setting the mood (:
A/n: Basically I read @bakuhoes-dumbass asylum Au once and liked it, and a long time ago when I had no story telling skills (one could argue I still don’t) I wrote my own twist version of it on wattpad but that part of my writing is over so I will now revise it here!! And it will be greater than anything the other version of mine could ever be. So please if you have any ideas to help me fully flesh this story out let me know and PLEASE if you like bnha stuff go check out @bakuhoes-dumbass work.
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You knew why you were being sent away. After the outbreak of the sickness, people doing things normal people can’t. And you were one of them. Your parents could tell since you were born you were strange; you were the freak.
It started when you started pre-school, when walking down the hill with your sister you spotted a man hanging from a large tree. You stopped to talk with him for a moment and asked him why he was in the tree? “You can see me?” Was all he managed to say before your sister asked you why were you talking to. When you both got home is when your parents started to worry… their child. A freak. A monster. They couldn’t let anyone know what was wrong with you.
They started to try and keep you home and away from others, to try and seem like a normal family. But it became harder and harder the more your ‘quirk’ started to develop, you were almost like a ghost; you could float, you could disappear for short periods of time, you could make other objects float, you could speak to the dead. And you developed a morbid curiosity of the strange and unusual. You started to like that you were sick. It made you feel special, however that was something your parents couldn’t allow.
They’d done anything they could think to do as a punishment. Yelled at you, neglected you, never played with you or showed you the same attention as your sister, and eventually started to resort of starving and hitting you, but it only did more harm than good.
Instead of wishing your ‘quirk’ was gone, you began wishing They were gone. Wished they would leave you alone, let you be strange and special, and once your mother fell pregnant again. You got your wish.
They had become so stressed trying to keep your sickness a secret that they had become afraid of you. And when you threatened them if they didn’t stop locking you in a room with nothing that you would expose your sickness and make the “monsters” get them.
They’d done so much damage, to you and themselves.
They didn’t want you near the new baby, so they did what they thought was the best thing… they sent you away.
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Hey, what is the reaction of some Class A students (especially Bakugo and Deku) to the fact that s/o got into the hero course and scored about the same points as Bakugo. (at the same time, she doesn't have any quirks). She was humiliated all her life, so she decided to prove to everyone that she could become a worthy hero and help people.
(I will be glad if you answer, but you can ignore it.. I just had these thoughts for a very long time)
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Strong Quirkless Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
Ft. Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Ejiro Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki
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Katsuki Bakugo 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
He takes a similar approach to what he does with Midoriya and totally puts you down
Not nearly as harsh but he believes this will keep you safe
Instead he’s gearing you to join UA in a support course
“You’ll obviously want to be the secretary of the number 1 hero! So you better become worthy by the time I get there!”
That all gets thrown out the window when Aizawa congratulates you on your high score as their first exams begin 
Whether its your speedy swordsmanship or just insane strength 
You are just built different
And bakugo is having an absolute crisis
‘How can he be a protector if you're too strong to yield to him!?’
He low-key is plotting to cripple you from this point further
“I’m not letting you get any farther! I’m doing this for you so just fall already!” 
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Izuku Midoriya
“Wow y-you really did it!…You really did it…”
He’s happy that your doing what you talked about since you were kids
Surpassing so many without a quirk
But now he has to figure out how to do this 
He’s not going to knock down all your progress…just yet
He knows how much you want this 
But he wants to protect you just as much if not more
He’ll congratulate you 
Train with you 
All while planning the perfect future for you both
…without you being in danger
“Great job (Y/n)! I can’t wait to be a hero with you! I’ll watch you closely!”
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Eijirou Kirishima
“Way to go (Y/n)! Let’s be heroes together!”
He’s your biggest cheerleader
He definitely wasn’t expecting you to do so well
But he doesn’t mind
“I’m your rock, (Y/n)!”
He supports you through and through
….in the beginning
As the year progresses and you face more life or death situations he’s less excited about you working in this field
He knows your not weak but he worries
He has a while before he’s strong enough to protect you 
And he’s currently not strong enough to stop you 
So for now he’ll settle to stand beside you
Until he can tuck you safe and out of sight 
“I believe you’re going to be a great hero alongside Red Riot!”
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Shoto Todoroki
“Y-you must have some quirk right? Right?! You wouldn’t keep that away from me for all this time, right?!”
Guessing that you two were well acquainted with one another before the first test 
He expected to begin his journey in UA alone
Brooding all the while
Not only does he hate his father and his connection into oblivion
But he had to spend the time he typically had with you to train even harder to be a hero
It was the pinnacle of despair
But now this turns into an anger that has to do with his growing obsession with you
‘How can he claim to love you if he doesn’t even know you can do this!!!’
Oh he’s not mad at you 
not at all
But don’t stare too hard when he overdoes it in the following mock battles
He needs to know everything if he really is in love, right?
“That is amazing…why didn’t you mention something sooner? I could have been of some help. I thought I was worthy enough to know that side of you”
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sourlove · 5 months
I loved your new post about yandere mha boys with pregnant reader I was wondering if you could do one where the baby isn’t there’s and they don’t realise until it’s born ? Pleaseee
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
Oh dear...that's certainly a problem. The birth of your first child was something he was looking forward to with a lot of hope. Hope that seeing him caring for the child would spark a love for him finally. Unfortunately, it's obvious the child wasn't his, and they didn't look like you either.
You had cheated on him. Well, not actually. In truth, by the time Izuku kidnapped you, you were already pregnant with your current partner, who Izuku got rid of, but none of you were aware of it at the time. But acknowledging that was acknowledging that Izuku's image of a perfect family had shattered and it was all his fault.
So he blames you. Throws all sorts of accusations about you cheating and sneaking out to see other men, and then dumping your bastard baby on him. He refuses to have anything to do with the child and only used them to keep you in line, threatening to get rid of them if you misbehaved. Izuku felt broken. He felt as if everything had taken a sudden wrong turn in his life. He felt like he just lost control of the life he had planned. Everything was going to be perfect, your lives were going to be perfect. Then you had to go and spoil it all.
The only thing you can do at this point is try to make him happy. Maybe if you have a couple of kids that are actually his, he will be willing to forgive you and accept that child as a member of his family.
Katsuki is angry. But not at you, he's just pissed that he didn't see something like this coming. When that filthy bastard that used to call himself your boyfriend put his hands all over you, how could Katsuki forget? If he had known sooner, he could have done something to stop it before it got too far.
But he's too late now. Worst part is, he has to watch you pay more attention to a brat that isn't even his. Katsuki grudgingly helps with the baby, still a bit resentful that he wasn't the one to knock you up first. The kid starts to grow on him soon. The little brat sort of reminds him of you and he can even pretend it's his for a moment.
It's not too bad, Katsuki decided one night as the baby lay fast asleep on his chest and you curled up next to him on the couch, dozing off as well. Maybe he was cut out for this family shit after all.
Oh boy...
He's relieved that he technically had no part to play in it but he's also very pissed. Who would dare to touch his darling? He hates the thought of anyone being able to impregnate you other than him.
Shoto is literally acting hot and cold, sometimes being helpful and supportive, other times dismissive and harsh. He's not quite sure what to do with another man's baby. All his fears about bringing in a child that has his family traits have disappeared but there's still an actual, living baby to consider.
He tries to get out of his head a bit when he sees you are actually struggling to take care of the baby and of yourself too. All things considered, he still loves you. For now, Shoto will just concentrate on keeping the baby alive and keeping you happy.
He's surprisingly chill about the whole affair. As an underground hero, Shota's seen a lot of people in a lot of different situations. Things like this just happen. While he's definitely surprised, he adapts pretty quickly. He's a pretty good dad, very reliable when you're not feeling a 100%. It really improves your opinion of him and makes you more comfortable around him.
Don't let your guard down though. Shota isn't going to settle for just one kid. Once you're healed, get ready to get pregnant again :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! Also tagging people can be a bit confusing because I always forget who wants to be tagged so if you do want to be tagged, please specify whether you want to be tagged for a particular series or for all my work.
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
Could I request platonic dads Izuku and Shoto taking their toddler out for to the park and get’s caught by one of their fans?
♡ Playground ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, characters are aged up, platonic yandere, TodoDeku, parents TodoDeku, toddler!reader, mentions of paparazzi
Summary: Your fathers did their best to keep you hidden from the public but this goes south when a fan recognizes them (Platonic!Yan!Izuku x GN!toodler!reader x Platonic!Yan!Todoroki)
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You loved the park. You lit up at even the idea of going down to the park. You loved the slides, trying to climb up the small rock wall, and your favorite was the swings! Your dads never objected to this though, usually taking days off when the other was working to be with you. Your dads loved taking you to the park though, they loved how you smiled as you played.
Shoto and Izuku sit on a nearby bench watching you collect leaves from the ground in your hands. You run over to your dads, immediately handing off your pile of leaves to Izuku.
“Why, thank you” He chuckles watching you run back onto the playground. “More?” You ask, leaning down to grab more. “No, sweetie, I have enough leaves” He laughs watching you walk over to the slide before pointing up at it.
Shoto gets up, going over to place you on the slide. You were still too young to climb up the ladder onto the slide. “You want papa to catch you?” He asks, placing you at the top of the slide.
They caught you as you got to the end of the slide as they were worried about you landing in the wood chips and accidentally hurting yourself.
You hum, before sliding down giggling as you do so before Izuku catches you. “Shoto?” A girl in her teens calls out, two friends with her. They thought they could let down their guard a bit as the playground was secluded but it seems not. He turns around to face them, Izuku holding you, keeping your face against his shoulder as he leaves to go to the car.
“It’s really you. Can we get a picture?” She asks, star struck by seeing a top pro-hero in real life. “Not today, it’s a bad time” He says flatly, he was never one to be incredibly welcoming to fans. Especially outside of his hours.
Luckily Izuku pulled up at the right time, you peaking up to the window from your car seat. You almost threw a fit about having to leave the park so suddenly but Izuku promised you ice cream. “Uhm, have a nice day” Shoto says to the fans before leaving to get into the car.
They were very serious about protecting your identity so they couldn’t believe they weren’t more careful even if the playground was quiet and secluded. You peak up at the window, waving at the fans as Izuku drives off.
They only hoped that they wouldn’t talk about seeing you with other people. They had seen rumors like that lead to paparazzi being involved and interview questions about their home lifes with other heros.
Perhaps they should get you a playground or play set for the yard, then you would be safer.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: I haven’t written for platonic TodoDeku yet so I’m very excited!! I hope you like this, I think it’s pretty cute 🥺🥺 They’d definitely be great dads, even if very protective!)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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ghostsy · 1 year
Dearly Beloved
WARNINGS: yandere, possessiveness, imprisonment, slight infantilization, non-consensual implications, abuse, nsfw, smut, dub/noncon
read at your own discretion.
“Please, if you have any information…”
She wanted to throw up. Or pass out. In any particular order she didn’t really care, just anything to stop this. Her legs had long gone numb strewn over his lap, the dewy stains of her despair spilled across his slacks, her hands secured tightly behind her back.
“I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. Whatever joy I had disappeared with her that day. Please, I just want her home. We just want to bring our daughter home. She deserved…she deserves better than this…”
The device responsible for her torture was still buzzing excitedly at the swollen source of agony between her thighs. A sudden silence filled the room, television screen freezing on sobbing faces, and her heart leapt to her throat.
“You’re not paying attention.”
The vibrator clicked off, and his hand came to rest on her thigh, the other still secured around her waist to prop her up, squeezing at her hips. Though, the circles he drew on her skin weren’t in any way a comfort.
She couldn’t see his face from her place in front of the screen, but she hardly had to guess his expression, hardly had to guess his feelings. His reputation preceded him. Hot and Cold. She’d learned through painful trial and error that it was meant in more ways than one.
She licked at her cracked lips, “I am. I am–please–I promise, I am,” Through the breaks, her voice was sugar sweet, innocent, docile. A thinly veiled search for mercy.
“We’ll rewind.” Though, it seemed he would give her none as he coaxed her gaze back to the television in front of them.
Right. There was another source of agony–of torture–he’d been keen on subjecting her to today. It was her fault, she supposed, for being foolish enough to believe that unlocked window to be anything other than a test. A test that she’d, of course, failed. 
“Nearly one year after the sudden disappearance of a Tokyo woman, friends and family are struggling to hold on to hope. Our journalists caught up with…”
She closed her eyes, swallowing the salty tears fighting their way up her throat to join the streams on her cheeks, and opened her mouth to speak, hiccuping on her sobs.
“Please, I’ll–I’m sorry. I can’t take–I’ll never–I won’t–promise I won’t–”
“I don’t see the problem,” He’d made a career out of patronizing her, she’d discovered, “You wanted to see your friends and family, right?” The growing heat on her thigh meant it wasn’t rhetorical. 
She hissed at the burn, forcing a reply through gritted teeth, “I didn’t mean–”
“You didn’t mean…? You’re hardly in a position to be picky,” Shifting his hold on her, the vibrator, still latched to her pulsing clit, clicked on, two of his fingers dipped down, circling her glistening hole, teasing, “I’d say it's plenty gracious of me to give you even this,” Calloused and cold, they shoved themselves inside her, setting an unforgiving pace. 
She nearly keeled over from the sensation, cursing under her breath, “I’m–It wasn’t–Can we please just–”
“You think you’d be happier, right?” His canines grazed her neck, threatening to break through the skin, “That you’d feel better out there. What’s anyone out there ever done for you?” He scoffed, “What have they done to earn your love?” The tremble of his voice reminded her of his barely contained, and building, rage. She had to do something.
“No, that’s not–” She begged with his name on her lips, “I just–I just wanted–”
“All you need to do is convince me,” There was electricity building in her veins, though a pit of dread forming in her stomach, “Your happiness depends on them? I’m really so terrible?” The murmur of the television was turning to static in her ears, “Get through one interview, then,” He huffed out a humorless laugh, “Just one, I promise,” Voice low and sultry, “Without gushing on my fingers while you watch them cry.”
She choked on a sob, but the ache in her limbs and the tightness squeezing its way from her chest to her throat significantly damped any anger she would have–should have–felt. 
“She was my best friend; she wouldn’t have just up and left.”
She just wanted this to be over. Find her panties, curl up under her bed covers, and let the roaring tides in her lungs pour out her eyes, and scream. Scream ‘till she passed out, hoping to find peace in the abyss of unconsciousness.
“Was? Are you saying that you think she’s passed on?”
“...I—Well, it’s not—It’s just, it’s been so long, and I–if we, the people who care about her, are going to have any chance at healing…”
Alas, fate was never so kind to her, and she was reminded of another, more humiliating, tide pooling in her gut.
Two fingers inside her became three, and she bit her tongue to stifle a whimper as they reached that once special, now cursed, spot inside her. It didn’t feel good. It didn’t. It didn’t.
Sighing, he brought the hand around her waist to pet at her hair, “Don’t you see?” He tucked the strands behind her ear, hot breath hitting her skin, “They’ve given up on you. What will it take for you to understand, lovely?”
“I’m just so tired. We all are. But I love her, really I do.”
He snorted, “Love you. They don’t love you,” Angling his face downwards, hair tickling her cheek, “Family. Friends,” She was panting now, eyes going crossed from exertion, “They mean nothing. They are nothing.” She wouldn’t come; she couldn’t. But the clenching of her walls against his fingers betrayed her, and she felt his lips pull into a smirk against her throat.
“There’s just…what else is there left to do? I can’t–I don’t–scouring woods and swamps and–to try and find…try and find what? I just can’t–I can’t do it–I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I can’t–”
“No one takes care of you like I do.” 
Vibrator still buzzing, a numbing, pulsing, ache formed between her legs, and his fingers, wet and crystalline, sped their pace, squelching as they fucked in and out of her weeping entrance. There was a ringing in her ears as she felt the floodgates start to open. Please no. Not again. 
What would they say if they could see her now? Mewling and moaning like a whore on her captor’s fingers while their worlds upended? How disgusting she was–if only her body agreed. 
“Take your time. If this is too hard–”
“No. I can at least do this for her. So people remember her. Remember her name. She would have wanted at least that.”
“No one knows you like I do.”
He was trailing wet kisses up her neck, tongue and teeth coming together to form scattered bruises in his path. Her thighs were spasming, flexing in an attempt to stave off the waves of pleasure threatening to drown her.
“It’s clear how much she means to you. How lucky she must have felt to have someone care about her so deeply.”
“No one loves you like I do.”
His teeth sunk into her earlobe, and her vision went white, nerves exploding as her walls clenched, desperately, gratefully, if not ashamedly, fluttering around his digits for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Though the relief, like any momentary pleasure he’d bestowed upon her, unwilling or otherwise, was short lived. Coming down from her high, she blinked away the tears weighing on her lashes, and blurring her vision, lungs heaving in an attempt to gather her bearings. The vibrator clicked off, and his fingers pulled themselves from her, dewy and gleaming.
“Suck.” He pushed them through her lips, and she choked on their length, licking at the sticky substance, and swallowing to assuage his anger. He removed them with a pop, and she held her breath, praying to whatever god she did or didn’t believe in that he would release her. He’d made his point, right? 
“I’m…I’m sorry,” She gulped in air to stifle the shake in her voice, and nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck, wetting the skin with her tears, pathetic, “I won’t–”
“You didn’t think we were finished did you?” Her heart dropped to her stomach, “You’ve failed to convince me, you know.” 
“I’m convinced!” She winced, realizing the volume, but found he was waiting for her to continue, “I’m…I’m convinced. You were right. I shouldn’t have tried to leave…I wasn’t–I wasn’t thinking.”
The second of silence was months long, but a soft laugh tinged with delirium broke through the static noise. Cold fingers clutched at her jaw, angling her face towards his own.
Forced to meet his gaze, she hated to admit it, but he was so pretty. The allure of mystery twinkled in those mismatched eyes, hiding the promise of something no man or woman or person could possibly hope to resist.
“No,” Sighing, his free hand squeezed at her waist, “No, you were never really good at that, were you?” She nearly didn’t hear him, lost to her thoughts, wallowing in self pity and hate; why hadn’t she seen it before?
She just wished she could have left well enough alone. Let that mystery pass her by unsolved. A promise can be hollow, she’d learned; a vortex of nothing that pulls you into the blackness, greedy in its emptiness to steal any soul or love or light from its captive, leaving them to drown in the inky darkness, dead, but never alone.
A stinging pinch at her side motivated her to sputter out the prompted answer.
“At what?”
She could say something, she realized. Anything. Anything but what she knew she’d let slip from her lips. Fucking coward.
“No,” Coward, “No, I wasn’t–I’m–No, I’m not.” 
He hummed, eyes twinkling, amused, “Anything else?”
Her teeth sunk into her lip, bloated and salted with her tears, canines piercing through the skin to let drops of red bubble to the surface. Still, she forced out another meek placation.
 “I’m sorry,” But cowards don’t get burnt and they don’t get frostbite and they don’t get hurt, “I’ll–I’ve learned my–my lesson, now. I promise, please–”
“It’s cute that you think anything you say matters,” Cowards don’t get hurt, she reminded herself, but the stinging of shattered pride in her chest argued otherwise, “Besides,” He motioned towards the television, “We’re not even halfway through.”
No. No no no. She’d done what he’d said, hadn’t she? Please. No more. The knot in her throat was making it hard to breathe, twisting and growing, “Please–”
He sighed as he shifted a bit behind her, and she felt it, more present than before, “What kind of lover would I be if I didn’t follow through on my promises, lovely?” The clink of a belt buckle ripped at her heart, “And, really, how can I resist,” Fingers trailed back down to swipe at her puffy and abused and dripping entrance before pulling away, flexing his fingers as the dewy substance stuck in webs to the digits, “When you’re practically begging for it.”
She felt like a ragdoll, what little fight or resistance or hope beaten and torn from inside her. A firm hand bruised her waist as he lifted her, and shuffled out of his pants. He turned her face back towards the screen, a trail of frost creeping at her jawline as he released her.
“If there’s anything you’d say to her if you could–anything you think she’d want to hear…”
“There’s just one thing.”
Something too big and too hard and too familiar prodded at her sore and tired entrance, and her fingernails made crescent moons in her tied palms.
“Wherever you are. Whatever happened.”
The wetness allowed him to slide in rather easily, but the girth was accompanied by a burning stretch. She should have been used to this by now, and while the feel of his cock throbbing inside her was all too familiar, she found herself dizzy, unfocused, nauseous. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t breathe. She wanted to scream, but that inky blackness of his had filled her lungs. 
“I hope you’re somewhere warm and bright, even if it’s above the clouds.”
She was drowning. Drowning and hurting, and clawing for just a hint of light from the abyss of broken promises. Wasn’t drowning supposed to be peaceful? How long did she have to wait until it was peaceful? 
“I hope you’ve found peace.”
“Oh,” He sighed as he bottomed out inside her, “This is my favorite part.”
Her limbs felt heavy, and she felt so tired. Was this the good part? Give up and it won’t hurt. Give up and let him do as he pleased. Give up and drown prettily. Become as empty and hollow as the pit she was trapped in, and the hurt would stop. Feelings and pain and everything. Make it stop.
“And I promise, I won’t ever stop loving you.”
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sunflower-author · 10 months
I Win (Yandere Todoroki)
Basically yandere Todoroki after the fact that he had kidnapped you, and one day you guys have a fight, and then the aftermath...
"Listen, Y/N, I am getting sick, of you always being so ungrateful, towards me," Todoroki almost yelled out. Stepping back a little, this was the first time he had ever come this close to yelling at me, feeling all the panic and anxiety rise up in me.
I am really starting to regret almost hitting him, I mean I had my hand up until I realized what I was about to do I stopped, but Todoroki was more mainly focused on what I was about to do rather than what I really did. So right now he is mad at me because I almost hit him.
"Do you know how lucky you are for me to care about you so-......" Todoroki said almost yelling again, but this time stopping in the middle of his sentence, it was weird, it was like he was about to say something but got distracted by something.
Pausing a second for myself, I wonder what is Todoroki thinking right now, all I know is that it can't be good. Seeing him and the paused expression on his face, he starts to smirk a little. I already don't like where this is going.
"Let's play a game actually, a game where if you win then you are free to leave, and call the police on me, I bet you would love that wouldn't you," Todoroki says walking closer to me, with that smirk of his starting to fade. Stepping back, listening carefully to what he is saying.
"What will you get if you win?" I ask him, getting backed up by the wall. "Does that really matter, I mean you'll get what you've always wanted," He said, pinning me against the wall. Only inches are separating us, and even with all the tension between us I still, manage to do some kind of glare at him.
"But if you'd really like to know, if I win, then you'd have to do what I want you to do for a whole day without any of your complaining, but if you do complain... well, I guess, you'll have to say goodbye to one of your dear friends," he said, with a small smile on him now, grabbing the top of my shoulder...weird.
"What even is the 'little game' you want me to play?" I ask him, with a little irritation in my voice. "Well since you really want to escape so bad, I'll let you," He says stepping back. "What do you mean? What is this game?" I ask, puzzled.
"If you can escape from me, and not get caught, in the time span of 6 hours, I let you free, but however, if I am able to catch you within that time, I win, it's as simple as that," He says, plainly.
"If you do accept, I'll give you a 15 min head start," He says. "How will I know if the 6 hours pass, and you say you win," I say. "Here," He says, holding up a yellow watch. "This watch has a timer on it, so you'll know just how much time you have left," He says, putting it on my wrist.
"So is that yes, to this game?" He asks me. "...Yes," I respond, hesitantly. "Once I start this timer run, okay," He says, finishing up putting the watch on my wrist.
"3....... 2......... 1, "He says, starting the timer. Just like that, I start running to the nearest exit outside. Fortunately, for the last time, I tried to escape, I know exactly know where to go from here.
Seeing the door, I look at the watch, it has already been 9 minutes, and I need to hurry up. Opening the door, it is cold, I see snow on the ground, and the sun is up, Winter must have just passed. Todoroki definitely has the upper hand now.
I just start running off in any direction that is away from this house. I just need to stay away from him for 6 hours, which is going to be hard, considering that whenever I tried to escape, he always found me within 5 hours.
5 hours Later:
I have been running away from Todorki for a straight 5 hours, I just feel so exhausted, considering I never really ran in like forever, being kept up in that house for so long, it feels nice, but draining at the same time. Plus it is not really helping, that it is freezing cold and I am only wearing long sleeves and sweatpants.
Right now I am currently in some kind of forest, the ground is mostly made out of small rocks, and dirt, some big rocks around everywhere. The pine trees are small with some cut-down weird. Suddenly I make a stop, as I see there are 2 different paths in front of me.
The first is like the one, I am walking right now, but with more dirt than rocks, with a little bit more trees, that are bigger than the one behind me. The second one goes uphill, I think, and from what I can tell has a little snow...
If I go the first way I will be able to run faster and get away, but Todoroki will expect me to go this way. But if I go the other way then Todoroki won't be expecting it, so will hopefully go the other way.
Plus the snow is in patches right now, so I can take some time to avoid it, by running on the rocks and dirt, but it is safer going the first way because he does follow me to the second path he will definitely have the upper hand...
Fuck it, I turn to run the way with the patches of snow, running far enough from the two-way path, I step on one of the patches, it is icey, like shaved ice. Continuing my path, I see that now it is all filled with 'snow' and ice.
Todoroki Pov:
Following Y/N's path is really easy, I mean, when they left the house they left the door open, and judging by their sense of character it's pretty obvious that they would go straight. But following the path, I am stuck, there are 2 different paths.
Knowing Y/N, they'll probably play it safe, and take the path with no ice, but before I make my move, I check the tracking device, to see if they actually went the other way... strange, normally they would have more self-doubt, and take the safe path. They must really be desperate.
Anyway walking in a straight path, now knowing I will probably catch up to them now that they will be avoiding all the snow, taking up time, even though I have less than an hour, I know for a fact I will catch up to them. Plus I just can't let my little snowflake go that easily.
Y/N Pov:
Only 10 mins left, I think that I might actually be able to escape from him, even though I am still slowly going up this hill of ice and snow, I am still making progress.
"Snowflake~" Shit, I don't even need to turn back to know who it is. Trying to rush as much as possible, is hard, without slipping.
"Did you really think that you'd be able to escape me?" Looking back at my watch, only 1 minute left. He might not make it.
Suddenly, I feel the ice starting to move... Shit. It's starting to become a slope, trying to stay up for as long as possible, but it doesn't last long. Slipping and sliding down, seeing Todoroki at the bottom, I already know I lost.
Closing my eyes, preparing myself for whatever impact might come to me. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad but still had an impact. Opening my eyes, seeing that I landed in a pile of snow, with Todoroki right in front of me.
Feeling him grab my arm. "I win," He says, pulling me out of the pile of snow, and right on cue, I hear the timer go off.....
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ yandere!shoto todoroki x fem!reader
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❝ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴇᴇʟ, ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ? ❞
╰⋯➤ 𝕴𝖓 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖍,
young Y/n L/n is forced into being the fiancé of youngest son of the richest family in Japan, the Todoroki's.
Wouldn't it be every girl's dream to have such an attractive and rich man to be her soon-to-be husband?
Well it's not.
Not when she already has eyes on another...
╰⋯➤ INFO ᡣ𐭩
UA University AU
Characters aged up to 19-20
Song lyrics: Handsome and Wealthy - Migos
Depictions of blood/gore
Yandere themes
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Whose more overprotective Rei or endeavor?
Hmm it's a tough question because Rei is delulu overprotective and I mean that she'll hurt you if it means that you're safe from whatever she considers a "threat". For example, she'd push you down the stairs if it means that you break a bone so that you don't get to go out and be possibly a victim of human trafficking.
Enji is more overprotective in the sense that he's not delusional, but more aware that the chances of you being human trafficked in a high posh area with good security is low... but never none. There's still a chance that u might be kidnapped by nasty men, so he'll be sure to send one of your self proclaimed godparents, Keigo and Miruko to patrol the area, maybe "coincidentally" bump into you and keep away all the suspicious people away from you (Keigo chooses to smooth talk his way to get you away from unwanted people, while Miruko just drop kicks them, saying something about mistaking them for being a notorious villain).
Usually, you're able to hang out with friends if Enji allows you to go and says he'll deal with Rei. He understands his wife's paranoia, but he also gets that you need to have some normalcy in life too.
It's a real cause for concern when they both agree on something, because then you can't make either of them budge and you only get double the overprotectiveness. For example, if they deem hanging out with Bakugo is not safe for you, then you'll either have Shotou accompany you EVERYWHERE to make sure you're not in contact with the blonde, Enji will have a tracker placed in your phone (he already had one in, but now he can also read your texts. Dw, he doesn't really get a lot of the slang), Rei might try to get Katsuki expelled from school or better yet, have you homeschooled! Dabi prefers to get rid of Katsuki once and for all, but he's far too busy spending time with you (only because he doesn't want you to spend time with Enji. It's totally not because he thinks you're his coolest and cutest sibling ever🙄)
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