#obviously do not do this to ppl u dont know are into it i shouldnt have to clarifh
6irlpet · 2 years
i get so helplessly turned on by the idea of someone wanting to do stuff to me? idk if that makes sense. probably kinda pathetic in a “its nice to be wanted” sort of way
like idk if someone told me they wanted to torture me i’d get wet and let them hit me immediately. if someone told me they wanted to keep me in a cage i’d be dreaming about them collaring me & agree i should be kept like that in seconds. if someone said they wanted to make me cry i’d probably moan. if someone said i was a set of holes made for fucking and getting them off i’d be on my knees before the sentence was finished
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vaugarde · 1 year
another wc take is that the girlbossification of mapleshade is boring as hell
#why was she suddenly involved in like. everything.#as a crookedstar's promise truther she was honestly at her best in that book imo bc she was one fucked up woman#who took it upon herself to torture the bloodline of a man who hurt her even years after hes gone and no one knows his name#and the descendants have done absolutely nothing to deserve her vitriol. like she was hurting but what made her a villain#was how she took it out on a literal child who was already being treated like shit by his mom#this is also why i dont like takes that are like ''oh shes a good person actually she was just angry and mad and everyone wronged her#and shes actually a nice ghost that helps people'' bc that was never who she was and she was still fucked up for the murder#im not saying shes a bad character for doing that like shes an antagonist and i appreciate her#but i feel like ppl latched onto her being the one female villain and went ''oh my god shes a girlboss shes so awesome and not bad actually'#do u think mapleshade had girlpower when she made a disabled child watch his family die bc of a bloodline he cant control#to an extent its kinda like how ppl treat thistle? who's obviously much much worse than her but like its the same#''oh its bad writing for them to be punished and treated as antagonists bc they had like one nice thing at one point-#and that one nice moment outweighs every single evil thing they did even if it was literal child murder. its ok if ur sad#''#idk i think its obnoxious like its in the books and the fanon at this point and its just made me bored of her character#sometimes less is more and when u start trying to excuse her actions or forcing her into everyone else's story#the character has a lot less impact#like i still remember her ranting at the end of crookedstars promise when she was raging at crookedstar that he shouldnt have been born#i dont think i remember anything from like. tigerclaws fury or whatever.#echoed voice
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spitblaze · 2 years
i promise u the IRS is not out to get you as badly as u’ve been told ur entire life. the IRS does not in fact magically know the exact amount of money that every one of the 330 million citizens of the United States owes every year while accounting for local tax laws and if u happen to get something wrong on accident they arent going to send u to jail, just send u a notice saying ‘hey we checked the math and u actually owe us this much’. literally unless you are very obviously intentionally trying to get out of paying thousands of dollars in taxes they legally cant give you more than a polite correction. if u realized u messed up you can send an amendment with ur correction. they get it. people make mistakes and taxes are convoluted.
i know its a real big shocker but u probably shouldnt believe everything u hear from big wealthy capitalists about how the ppl in charge of taxes are only there 2 drain all the money u have and any slight error will ruin ur life when generally by ‘slight error’ they mean ‘they fined me when i tried to write off my golden swimming pool in my penthouse as a business expense’. not to say that the irs can do no wrong but unless ur just blatantly trying to get out of paying ur taxes u probably dont have to worry about getting fined or sent to prison if u accidentally fill in a few boxes wrong on ur tax returns
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yonpote · 6 months
under cut cuz i talk too much lol
i am not blaming dan or anything (and obviously this has been a joke in lgbt spaces for forever) but i do think he unintentionally enabled the like "homophobia is a good thing actually" type jokes and like i definitely make them too, and im always seeing jokes on here like "god why are they Like This" etc. but i think some people just dont know the line or view them so much as friends that they don't think about how it could read differently from someone who is essentially a stranger. ive said smth similar before of like, dnp (ESP DAN...) used to be not great at drawing boundaries esp since youtube and social media culture were so different back then, but now even when they draw hard lines ppl either continue to step right over them, or dont understand exactly where the line goes. they dont care if u write smut or dead dove fics, they dont care if u make shippy fanart, but like maybe dont tag them in buttsecks? (or maybe do, idk theyre being so unhinged lately maybe we gotta start @'ing them in catboy porn (JOKING))
i was talking w a friend a little bit ago about the exact differences between the generally speaking philosophies between older fans and younger fans. it seems that older fans embrace creating transformative works and having their own interpretations on who dnp are, whereas younger fans want to know dnp on a personal level and want dnp to know Them and recognize them not just as fans but as people. and OFC there are older phannies who want the parasocial interaction and younger phannies who write fic and people who do neither, and people who do both! (hi :3) but then some people have a difficult time being able to marry the two ideas maybe?
heres the truth. dan and phil are real human beings who have made a career largely off their shared dynamic together, BOTH because they genuinely enjoy creating and being together AND because a lot of people really get invested in it and it makes them more money. they don't mind fic or art, you probably SHOULDNT tag them in the saucy stuff, but they know it's out there and generally have been respectful of fan spaces and knowing where OUR boundaries lie (altho maybe the line was toed w the roblox video but thats debatable.) they really do care about their audience both in order to please us and keep us coming back, AND because they see how much theyve affected us as people and have a deep *Sarapocial Relationship with us.
there are both parasocial AND tranformative ways to break boundaries, and oftentimes they can be one and the same. they aren't our friends they arent our dads and they arent objects with no feelings. they don't stalk our accounts but they are still able to see whatever we post publicly. theyve seen so many horrible things and have had many horrible things happen to them, and while no one can be certain something like that won't happen again, now that they have been able to be more honest with us about a lot of things they are able to trust us a little bit more.
anyway ramble over back to me talking abt how dan should embrace their transness
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matoitech · 4 months
it’s obviously important for ppl to criticize misogyny particularly transmisogyny in trans male communities since thats a trans community issue but if ur also tme and the only thing u ever exclusively talk about trans men for is talking abt us as bigoted misogynists (usually there’s a ‘binary’ slapped in front of it) i genuinely think you need to put the phone down go outside and remember that whatever insane misogynist guys online are saying is not a necessarily a reflection of like things adult men outside of a weird fringe group of freak transmisogynist dudes on tumblr who think the boys should get our own word JUST like the GIRLS or its NOT FAIR!! or whatever (and one coined by a fucking terf at that..) are saying, or justification for behaving weirdly about an entire diverse community of trans people.
again i do not say this to like dissuade ppl from discussing legitimate problems but like a couple points- 'binary' trans men r capable of talking about it ourselves, and we do, and we’re not the ones whose posts get shared about it. and second: if you’re only bringing us up to talk abt how shitty particularly TRANS men are you might have a problem you need to deal with? this is not a shocking statement. like at some point someone has to point it out to you and sit there and take the shit and patiently explain to you it’s that the problem comes when its literally the ONLY thing you bring us up for and act like we're not capable of talking abt this ourselves, and that its a problem how comfortable ppl r for letting ppl speak over/for us if the only similarity they share w trans men is.. an agab and not being cis (yikes!). or if theyre transmasc and male aligned in some capacity but dont have any interest in engaging with or considering themselves a part of like trans men, THEYRE the ones who need to talk abt it, bcuz the (usually 'binary') Trans Men wont (not saying those ppl cant or shouldnt but they may be treated differently for doing so)
first ppl liked using transmeds existing to throw up justification for treating us like a bigoted monolith you (uniquely) Just Dont Feel Safe Around and its normal to make assumptions abt us being transphobic especially if we don't identify by labels deemed 'safe' and Inherently More Radical, and now its pretending we all collectively cant recognize our privilege thru our intense blinding hatred of women and its up to you to save us from ourselves and beat some common sense into the inherently bigoted stupid about gender patriarchy dicksucker boys. like i dont know im tired of it when trans men being accused of only existing bcuz we want to be patriarchy bootlickers i guess is always what radfems have thrown at us, so its not like this negative perception of trans men filtered thru a supposedly progressive lense is new. a lot of adult trans men dont talk abt like particular hot shit thats discussed a lot on here rn (the 'trans misandry' shit for example) bcuz its was not a problem in the spaces we're in and we knew it was stupid as fuck right away and barely worth talking about to say 'yeah you know that thing we all know is stupid and bullshit? its stupid and bullshit'. bcuz we're not fifteen years old or weird misogynists. we have brains, don't hate women, and we dont all know and hang around the same people.
anyway dont take this post as a stand in for serious discussion and calling out misogyny (again especially transmisogyny) w other men, those posts do need to exist, i am not trying to say this stuff shouldnt be talked about. what i'm specifically pointing out is a frustrating pattern in the perception of and discussion of trans men that ppl probably dont realize theyre participating in. i do think it is very important to talk abt community issues and criticisms but if its literally the one thing you bring up trans men for i think being aware of that behavior has no NEGATIVES here. also do have to bring up i specified other tme ppl early on bcuz this isnt smth ive experienced or seen from transfems and their position as like the affected party of transmisogyny is automatically like .. if they have issues w trans men it is pretty inherently coming from a different place than like, a cis womans, or a tme nonbinary person, or a transmasc person with issues with trans men, or a cis mans, etc. tme ppl who are on a very different ground here, whose behavior is straight up different anyway
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leeyanyanyaaan · 11 months
told my parents abt the new one piece live action thats coming out (bc i introduce anime to my kdrama mom w live action anime adaptations) and we talked abt how its gonna go
obviously im gonna be biased bc one piece is my favorite of all time (+ i dont have high standards considering ive watched a lot of live action anime), but the trailer looked really promising, and even made me smile and laugh so much! especially during snippets where the crews dynamic was shown (much love to iñaki he makes a perfect luffy), so im really looking forward to the release :D
we mainly talked abt how the adaptations story is gonna go, since yknow this is a BIG big series and its impossible to actually recreate the WHOLE thing, so ofc theres likely to be lots of changes.
SO my take is that they stop at the end of east blue arc/the formation of the og 5 crew and conclude it there, nice and short. east blue/baroque works usually seem to be the make it or break it for ppl getting into one piece so theres that too.
BUT!! lets say that the live action was a huge success, in the same way alice in borderlands s1 was, and they decide to continue adapting it. i dont think its likely and even if they do its gonna be a lot of work considering how meticulous the production crew is with detail (eg building the actual sets like going merry and baratie), but lets say they do it; i actually think it could work up until the end of pretimeskip arc!
think about after sabaody arc they got seperated and originally planned to find each other asap, but then luffy announced they meet in two years after the paramount war arc, and then we get a nice monolgue thingy as the two years pass and we see post time skip luffy kinda thing ready to start the grand line journey, i think itd thatd be a nice way to end the live action!
but ofc, i know how much work all of pre time skip would be, so i know its not very realistic, but if they do decide on producing more seasons i dont really see any other point in between that would be a good stopping point, like its either you stay w the og 5 crew or get all of pretimeskip ot9. i know we have the nonhuman charas to worry about and powers and whatnot, but its not like netflix has to adapt the series frame by frame; on the contrary, they really shouldnt bc the comedic novelty just wont work onto live action, and u can see that they consider this by not giving sanji and usopp the curly eyebrows and long nose (buggy looks fine in the trailer imo, his scene actually gave off video game trailer vibes which i liked a lot). i really think it can work if they just toned down the series to make it more down to earth (this could mean cutting down some of luffys moves like gum gum balloon in place of more practical fighting moves, which is most likely going to be the case for zoro and sanji i think) and i guess simplifying the story in general?
anyways, those are just some headcanons of mine AHAHDVSKBS very excited for the one piece live action!!
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skincareroutine · 1 year
sorry if this ask is inappropriate feel free to ignore. but i literally have only ever been attracted to women with broad shoulders i know liking ur body shouldnt depend on if other ppl have been attracted to ur body type i do know that but i hope u know broad shoulders in women are crazy fucking attractive. and when yall wear dresses that show ur back and shoulders i cant help but Look Disrespectfully i’m very sorry if this ask is weird . i just really wanna throw hands with whomever decided that the societal standard for attractiveness in women doesn’t include broad shoulders i really cannot wrap my head around it and it upsets me that beautiful broad shouldered queens are being gaslighted into thinking their shoulders are anything but gorgeous. obviously fuck societal standards for attractiveness in general yada yada but i genuinely dont understand them lol . again sorry for making this about attractiveness bc it shouldnt define how much u like urself either way FKSKFJD but i couldnt stop myself from typing this . sorry andgod bless you and ur broad shoulders
adore the memoir here’s a treat
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butchviking · 1 year
What does "feminism can and must be compatible with trans issues" mean to you? Ive been trying to be more inclusive, but trans issues often to seem to be incompatible with feminism.
hm well that was one line of the post that i did think 'i wouldnt phrase it quite that way'. i think besides the weird-ass conservative strains of feminism that dont reflect what i consider feminism at all, feminism IS compatible with trans issues. not that "it must be" like feminists have to change what they're doing to revolve more around trans issues or anything - feminism has no obligation to fight for trans issues just like the anti-racism movement has no obligation to fight sexism and the gay rights movement has no obligation to fight for disability rights - but that those causes simply ARE compatible. classic example: the public bathroom debate. right now that's often framed like feminism and trans activism are diametrically opposed and there can be no resolution for one that doesn't contradict the needs of the other. the trans activist movement wants all public toilets to be unisex and based on gender identity instead; the feminist movement wants sex-segregation regardless of gender identity. only, most feminists i know all agree by now that just. adding a unisex/gender-neutral option is literally the obvious and best way to keep people safe. and if there's no room for adding an extra, convert all the current spaces to single-stall unisex facilities. that way literally everyone is kept safe, no-one's rights are encroached on at all and anyone who takes issue is either a predator upset that they don't have the opportunities for abuse they wanted or a selfish weirdo who only cares about how they feel abt women or trans ppl or whatever ("but thats not good enough i want to use the WOMENS room!!"/"why should we have to give up OUR space just because of the transgenders!!") rather than about the actual safety & wellbeing of both of those groups. we're made to think feminism and trans rights activism are incompatible on this, its one of the biggest talking points in conservative media bc they KNOW it gets everyone at each others throats. but theyre literally compatible theyre literally so so compatible there is no reason on this earth anyone should still be having this stupid fucking debate its such a COLOSSAL waste of all our time.
there are certain things i think some feminists could do with not being so weird about. a lot of women are still super yucked out by male gender non-conformity and a lot of them for some reason still won't even admit it even though they bang on about it aallllll the time - but oh no, that's not bc they think it's creepy and fucked up for dudes to wear dresses and makeup, they're only saying these horrible things abt it because this one dude is transgender and that means they're evil and misogynistic by default so theyre fair game! (does anyone remember - haha kidding i know u remember i know i never shut up abt it - how many women on radblr were so so weirded out and for some reason ANGERED by gerard in his little dresses & skirts. he's not even trans. in fact suddenly everyone seemed to be saying "oh yeah he's definitely going to come out as trans sometime soon 🙄 he's obviously drunk all the gender kool-aid 🙄" like shut up you literally just made that up in your head to try and justify ur anger. shut upppp.) or sometimes it's like "men shouldnt wear makeup because its mocking our oppression it's wearing our chains for fun" - it really isnt and you need to get over yourself.
there are also certain things some trans activists could do with not being so weird about. if i see one more fucking transwoman act like its her god-given right to be included in lesbian dating pools, or transman that its his god-given right to be included in gay mens dating pools, i am going to start burning things i am going to start burning so many things and people too and i am going to squidge all the organs from inside these people until all the moisture is wrung out and i am going to set those on fire too. homosexuality is fucking natural innate sex-based and NORMAL and HEALTHY and GOOD. ive seen pro-trans lesbians turn into "terfs" based on this point alone btw - they were so fucking sick of all the homophobia they became vehemently opposed to the whole movement. they began to believe that feminism, gay rights activism, and trans rights activism AREN'T compatible. i still believe they are i just think some people need to throw out the bullshit that isnt actually relevant to either cause.
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wetslug · 9 months
Autism has a HUUUUGE range of presentations and with that, a huge range in how it impacts people's ability to do normal things.
I'm sure it's good that the language has evolved and people don't really use "high functioning" versus "low functioning" anymore, but it has bugged me how this super diverse diagnosis ends up with a really reductive singular label in the discourse.
Like, someone who is a little particular about what they eat and how they dress saying "autism is my superpower! I love being neurospicy :)" feels honestly kind of insulting and minimizing when I went to school with boys with such bad social skills and impulse control that they would just undress in the middle of class or attack classmates with whatever was at hand. That's to say nothing of people who are completely nonverbal or have more severe disabilities that stem from severe autism.
I think a weird drawback of some of the modern conversation around autism and its acceptance has actually made it harder for people to talk about the hard parts of it. I'm sorry if that's something you're going through.
YEEE its so goddamn frustrating like dont get me wrong obviously i have low-support needs compared to most ppl on the spectrum but with the current social openness of diagnosis i find myself comparing myself to nt people AND nd people now and still feeling shitty 😭😭 i know u shouldnt compare yourself to Anybody but hehhghhhh its hard
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bearsgrove · 1 year
petty/angry/useless rants below
are there seriously people on this site with "virtual photographer" in the description. like.. that means something… so u take screenshots in games and upload them to tumblr dot com and then beg for reblogs when it doesnt get over 1k notes..... ok...... u know come to think of it i shouldn't be surprised
ppl are so fucking embarrassing on this website i am continually surprised but also i shouldnt be i have been here for years
on a different note. i wouldnt rb someone's creation and hate on it in the tags obviously but i have to let out the steam somewhere. that is not paarthurnax. thats a dragon retexture from g*t. good god. the skyrim content ive been seeing is such a minor thing but it pisses me off so much i kinda want to blacklist the skyrim tag sometimes. the things ive been seeing….. thats not skyrim…… thats not my friend paarthurnax……….. its soulless......... think i talked about this before but every couple of months there is a new skyrim gifmaker or whatever that uploads a bunch of stuff that is Everywhere for months and then it disappears into the void and every single time without a fail its those least skyrim resembling gifsets that i see the most. again i know this is stupid and minor and blah blah river why do u care. i dont know!!! just annoys me. thats not skyrim. thats like some combination of tw3 or rdr2 or ghost of tsushima or idk. everything looks and feels the same lately. no variety. anywhere. just perfection and realism. ok im done now goodbye
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 4! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 31-40
Gotta be real I keep forgetting to post these even tho I'm reading them but it's fine. Obviously I won't finish before the end of the 2 week break (this Saturday) but after this I may start reviewing episodes as they come out, who knows. Last part:
Ep 31
Theres so many other reasons you shouldnt work together but ok
Also shes literally so smart right like thats canon
Artemis is cool hera,,,sometimes
Which two sons i wish i knew the lo family tree as opposed to the real one yknow
How do heras powers work she felt her pain but doesnt know who??
I would kill for a comprehensive list of family tree and powers, dont even have to spoil powers just please i get so confused
Ep 32
Train ur fuckin dogs hades i think ive said that before
He changed skin color again but like not just light vs dark thats a whole diff shade of blue
Hehe threaten low class workers so cute and quirky hades
Why is uh psyche/whatever her nymph name is wearing more traditional clothes while not in the mortal realm
Love the dog
Hades has a point, even tho it makes no sense for him to have said that
Ok also point out in the like future episode he wants persephone to call him Aidoneus but doesnt like when others do it why
Thats my same thing with him calling her Kore like i know in the future its like explained or whatever but idk
Aphrodite has a point it was a favor in a way
A dumb way but yknow
I remember everyone losing it over the “im only interested in the dead ones” panel but looking at it its so lame LMAO changed his entire face shape for a panel
Ep 33
Im but a simple man
Hades texts like an old man i know he is one but
Also i am dying to know how his business works including as the god of the underworld like. Give me something
Then again, maybe i am a lil dumb when it comes to this
I always thought he was giving the little elevator friend a sugarcube lmao
I like how minthes ears react to her emotions
Stop fighting at work omg this would be the worst place to work at
“Hey can u do ur job”
Ep 34
Why this subplot ugh
The crown floats yet is sideways after she hits him
Also haha hitting
Also their relationship does confuse me just a tad bit yknow
All the clues were there hades you dumbass
“Cancel all my meetings” DO YOUR JOB
“This doesnt affect you in the same way” cause hes a man or a king or both but also kings seemed to get treated the same by their subjects until they are dicks and excute their power
From what ive seen
Then again we havent seen poseidon do that but that brings me to the point of I wanna see poseidon realm
thats . so creepy hades ew
“Smth must be done about this” like fair legal action right?....right?
Who reads newspapers these days anyways wait a second
Ep 35
See the laptop having news makes more sense like sure we make newspapers but ppl dont use em as often
“Biochemistry Theory” fun fact I switched majors to specifically avoid taking chemistry
What are they typing he just started speaking
What type of nymph is thetis bc i know minthe is a river nymph but thetis has fancy ears
They are so mean to each other lmao
The financial situation and the fact that they both are like sleeping with the kings confuse me why do both of them do it.
Like retrospectively i understand it but when i first read it i was like “are nymphs supposed to be like hookers??” so i was lost for a bit
“Hades micromanages computer usage” oh what a shit boss
Also the meal ticket she has a job sure hades gave it to her but
Idk maybe im slow
What an awful way to do a heart shape i just tried it wtf
“Crying is for wives” damn
Yes body issues that dont get brought up again right? Like she all of a sudden gets bigger boobs and i dont think hades pays ppl enough for cosmetic surgery
You guys know this is a work setting
Has rachel ever had a job bc this feels like a comical trope seen on tv the workplace drama yknow
Like fully normal ears i know its a mistake but its funny
Ep 36
“Not my circus not my monkeys” queen
Hades is it not your circus how dont involve hecate in this
“Stop starin at me with them big ol eyes”
Oof that does not look good on you, i mean why didnt you give her the coat
“I thought you didnt get jealous” ok she may have said that but literally everything about her contradicts that
And i love this part bc he doesnt call her crazy and they talk, i mean he hides some of the truth which like fuck him, and then they try to talk about the party and
Ugh i know minthe is supposed to be an antagonist but rachel does this weird thing where she tries to flesh her out, then realizes it would be an easy set up for a redemption arc and screws her over again
I know the ppl in the mortal realm are generally frightened of hades but why are ppl in olympus
“I wouldnt expect anything less from a goddess” so we are going to bring in the racism/speciesism that occurs in this story right
Its the middle of the day isnt he supposed to be in the mortal realm moving the sun or some shit
Ep 37
“Last night” Rachel its ok to space things out sweetie
Ok ok so one thing i hate about her characterization of apollo is he goes from being delusional to knowing what he did was at least slightly wrong and i hate both are fine stories but pick one he either is so infatuated with persephone that he thinks that they had a great time or he wants her for her power
And! A transition from one to the other would be fine, but she goes back in forth in his characterization
Little red vines look cool
Hehe cerberus
How did he escape tho
I love that dog
Ep 38
Oh its the greenhouse again
But this time it represents the evil feeling?
Idk but i like eye symbolism im lame lol
Why was she sleeping in the chair
When did she get those clothes i dunno if eros would buy her business casual
Artemis really sees all the signs and then goes “meh”
Like points out the possible crush on persephone just connect the dots they are so close
Why is there not more than one door
Why is no one getting off
How does rachel think train stops work
Ep 39
Also not thatanos with an undercut lmao
Ope its thanatos i mixed it up
Also minthe you just actively arent doing a good job like lmao how are you not getting fired
Hades smoking a cigar is so old and gross tbh
What an awful boss
That man has a point dont stand infront of the door
She gave her a little flower nice
Minthe i know ur being spiteful, weird bc hades explained shes just the daughter of a friend( i know its a lie but still) but just do your job
“It says restricted access but that lady says it was fine” i would just wait until someone came out theres no reason to go inside
Ep 40
Why would they not have a lock on this place actually
Why wouldnt she just leave the way she came
When did hades put on his glasses
How is it hades fault what
So many questions yknow for such a short episode
Also does this place not have security cameras in places that are tartarus
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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tbhhh the op of this is kind of right dont get me wrong they went about it very poorly and very centred on their own view without considering the experiences of others so i completely understand where the criticism is coming from & also some of their reasoning is not great like i don’t believe ‘autistic people are EXTREMELY disconnected from the world around us’ or that not understanding NTs will turn you into a narcissist HOWEVER i do believe radicalisation and moral rigidity are for real things that affect autistic people disproportionately - not just alt-right, but any kind of extremism, religious fundamentalism, cults, etc. and also on a shallower level ive seen autistic ppl disproportionately swept up in like shipping discourse or whatever which does cause pretty serious negative impacts to their wellbeing (including like kids being groomed through it).  i think there are people who KNOW to take advantage of vulnerable autistic people in this way and we should all be looking out for it and learn how to protect the more vulnerable members of our community. like i dont know if theyre trying to claim autistic n/zis shouldnt be held accountable or whatever and if they are then obviously thats insane, but when u follow the trials and start to see how many like extremist attackers are autistic you cant just turn away from that. from my perspective like addressing the vulnerability of autistic people to certain types of radicalisation could save the lives of their victims sooo i dont think we should avoid doing it... and i get its difficult bc u dont want to look like ur saying autistic ppl are more likely to do xyz bad thing, its just that autistic people (esp white men/boys) are especially vulnerable to online radicalisation and thats a fact... like obviously the goal is to have people who could never be convinced to harm other human beings, but if you have a certain number of those people in the population and its specifically autistic men who are being radicalised to act on it, thats a specific problem?? its not about the individuals, being like ‘oh this mass murderer is autistic so we should all forgive him’, its like on a systemic level lets acknowledge that autistic people are disproportionately vulnerable to radicalisation so we can address that and prevent it in the future... i also think, like i’ve talked about before, that the way society handles autistic boys is insanely toxic in a way that FREQUENTLY produces young men who are a danger to the people around them - NOT inherently bc of autism but bc of a particularly toxic form of male socialisation which we can literally prevent (particularly by increased visibility autistic women & autistics of colour bc just our existence is so combative to harmful stereotypes abt autism) so i think its important to include the gender & race elements when talking abt this kind of radicalisation, but i also think as the other side of that coin autistic women are more vulnerable to cult programming and other forms of radicalisation where the victim is you rather than others & op omitting that is frustrating and undermines their point but i think its super important to talk abt. does that make sense like ugh its hard to figure out how to summarise what im getting at but ive literally been noticing disproportionate numbers of autistic ppl involved in extremism and its like ok so is the correct response just to ignore that or
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glitchbirds · 1 year
the more i think about it the more i think “dont hatewatch anything dont give (x) any attention” is a sentiment thats a bit misguided, though i understand completely where it comes from
because, like, in that ideal world where no one online Does hatewatch anything that looks like trash from the first preview.. should only official film/television critics hired on major publications and already established in the industry have the privilege to watch whatever studio slop is pumped out? or does that privilege extend to people who make, like, informal critical essays and videos online discussing media; but beyond them the average person should not watch these things because its Bad and Morally Wrong to do so, they have to achieve the Special Privilege of having an audience for them to be allowed to watch something for critical purposes? or are they ALL corporate shills and not even critics should be covering shows like velma because its all free publicity? because idk. i feel like the implication here is either “death to all discussion of things i personally think suck (that i havent watched myself yet and never will) we should all just ignore it until it goes away” OR you make allowances for official film critics and the like and we have a roger ebert-type situation where ppl trust the word of certain critics so thoroughly that they never watch media outside their bubble of immediate interest themselves and just parrot the opinions of critics they like. so media can live and die by the force of what the most popular film writers of our time have to say about it, regardless of their actual quality. (frankly, we’re kind of already nearing at that point in certain online circles with some popular video essayists/“video essayists”, but i digress.) also, like, as plenty of ppl have pointed out, hatewatching is Not the main source of engagement for most shows you and all your tumblr mutuals think sucks, because there are plenty of ppl earnestly watching these things because theyve been heavily advertised to/because theyre interested in the IP/because it Actually seems to align with their sense of humor/etc. so in the ideal no-hatewatching-ever society, only ppl who have no real reason to object to the media in question will watch it, making actual debate and critique of the media impossible. because if all you can really say to them in protest is something you read in a polygon article once, you cant pull genuine examples that you understand in full context and it gets increasingly difficult to argue your points with someone who actually Has seen the full thing, even if their conclusions are heavily flawed.
obviously this is all hypotheticals and extremes because its impossible for hatewatching and media critique to just cease. and i absolutely dont think theres like a moral issue with telling ppl to not watch the stupid scooby doo television show, let alone being annoyed at it all over your dash. but im starting to think that the refrain shouldnt be “dont hatewatch EVER” and should be “dont create a fandom out of hatewatching”. because really fandom IS the problem here- you can watch whatever the hell you want on your own time and i honestly have no issues with ppl constructively picking apart shows like velma on their own blogs but its another thing entirely to be making harry potter “fix it” aus in 2023, u know? or making countless posts of just out of context screencaps (of dialogue the creators of the show Knew you were going to make out of context screencaps of), w/ no further critique beyond “what were they thinking?!?”-type captions. idk. just hatewatch and engage critically.
and pirate whatever you’re watching. obviously.
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ok this is just a random post abt me musing abt my sexuality and my attraction to people that are not women?
like. im a lesbian. point blank period, thats me. but to me, that not only includes women, but also the non binary spectrum. i just dont want men; theyre not for me, there 0 attraction there
and ive been thinking abt the nuances of that, and how vast the non binary spectrum is, cuz its literally everything that is not binary (men and women). and thats crazy btw like i love it, i love being genderqueer, i love that i have a community that gets it and is so diverse and beautiful and im gonna stop or imma get emotional. anyways.
in the last few days ive been thinking. abt amab individuals who are on the nb spectrum. and i think, before, in my mind (and this is genuinely something that im glad im working on btw), me being attracted to nb ppl who were amab was wrong? because to a lot of ppl thats just men (which is transphobic btw; idk why its so much easier to see afab ppl as nb and thats that, but then amab ppl its another thing? like thats weird, why is it like that?? we need to work on that, seriously)
and ive come to the conclusion, which is the logical one btw, that: if theyre non binary, then theres a chance i will be attracted to them. ofc theres nuances here n there, n sexuality n gender is vast n complex, n if u dont want to, dont put urself in a box that doesnt fit u, but yh!! like. for example: a bigender individual, amab. i would so crush on them (depending on my type n shit like that yknow, its not every bigender person ever lmao, my mind does have certain things it likes more here n there, but i hope this makes sense still). an amab person who is a demiboy or goes by he/they or whatever else; like thats not A Man, thats a person who fucking went through a gender self discovery journey, probably still is there just discovering shit abt themselves and theyre queer and they get it!!!! they know what its like to not be binary!!! and i rly hope this isnt fucking mind blowing or god forbid problematic to yall, cuz it shouldnt!!!
im a lesbian, and that to me means im not attracted to men. anything else fucking goes OBVIOUSLY. i rly hope this is making sense, i rly hope im not saying anything stupid here. if u think i said anything wrong or hurtful or if i should put any trigger/content warnings pls do tell me!!! this is just a post abt me musing abt my sexuality and finally working on this weird issue i was having which shouldnt even fucking be there!! my brain was just being dumb!!
i feel like ppl will do ANYTHING to tell lesbians that they are not, in fact, lesbians, and i feel like this will break those ppls minds. but yh. im a lesbian bitches. thats what i am rn, thats what i think i'll be for a long long long long long time. and yh. rly hope this makes sense.
edit: n i didnt even touch on intersex ppl yknow like. its so complex but its also rly simple, i feel like ppl just like to poke at this and make The Big Issue that it is but rly isnt. yknow??
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horsedenial · 10 months
i do like what doja cat is doing trying to rip apart stanning culture cuz ofc She Doesnt Know U so Dont Apply Ur Expectations to a Stranger and thats well and good i think that its great she finally said smt cuz it is fucked up parasocialism. then theres the bigger thing shes going for where its like, her past 2 albums were “cash grabs”, and i do think they were on some level but not to the extent that she described. i think she does like rapping ab sex and her personal problems But shes using this as a means to get to the top, fitting perfectly within the box then making it and breaking it apart. shes not even rly breaking it apart lmao. her new music is good and im really excited to c where she goes with it bcuz most pop does have a distinct hollowness to it, playing to marketability, and obviously shes proven she’s incredibly talented so take away that hollow part andddd?!?! cover it in blood ig mommy. lmao. but there is something that i feel like is missing all the while, esp w her racist and previous pedo bf. and her ignoring ppl who came to her saying he groomed them??? like yes u shouldnt care what ppl esp total strangers think of ur personal life as a global popstar BUT when the fucking flags r red the flags r FUCKIN RED. esp gurls who he fucked with in the past like theyre tryint to Help her.. idk. a broken heart is blind 😫 but obviously idk her idk her life she might b just as bad as she says she is but i dont think so. i hope she really does have magical foresight and can learn 2 love herself and her own judgment. but hey. maybe i am projecting (i am)
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achiels · 2 years
sorry im having a moment and need 2 vent :heart:
i know its pure coincidence. i know this. and i know its nothing against me because theres literally no reason. my grandma died the other day and my period came etc etc super depressed rn but i havent mentioned it anywhere or to anyone i know because i feel like theres no appropriate time to drop that even in a vent channel (weird logic i just every time i wanted to type it in im like. is this even a vent. like im sad yeah i keep remembering shes dead and it upsets me but is it even worth it to bring it up) etc etc but i feel like and i know this is untrue because i havent said anything that ppl are treading around me which. shouldnt be true. i havent mentioned it in any way shape or form to anyone. the other night a friend was asking like hey wyd and i contemplated telling them like i dont quite feel like hanging rn, my grandma died this morning, but i erased the grandma thing and was just like sorry dont feel like hanging rn. and some other friends in a mc server i logged on and went up to a bit and they asked do u wanna join vc cus theyre in vc or is it like do u not feel like talking rn which is super considerate and normal and cool and i was like yeah i just dont feel like talking rn but its like. my brain goes how do they read that. its probably bc ive done it b4 just joined and they ask and im like no not rn i dont feel like talking, thats most likely it and it makes the most sense and im ok w it. maybe part of me upset because nobody else specifically reached out to me today but either way id say no cus i obviously still dont feel well today but it makes me kind of sad that nobody like asked like hey. girl im kmsing they just @ me and this is also an issue i have i feel like im being truman showed. i feel fucking insane. and this is clearly evidence that i shouldnt hang at least not over voice because im just gonna be in my own head and having these insane thoughts the entire time and that is not good company. if anyone reads this no u dont if anyone of my friends read this its a me problem love you ✌
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