#oc adam
peapod20001 · 4 months
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Ghehgegeh boyfriends <3
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mudkirby · 3 months
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Moire harharhar
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asterofthedeepforest · 10 months
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Adam LOOOOVES karaoke at bars
He also sounds like an angry cat when he sings
Don’t go to karaoke with Adam
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boosheetghostboo · 10 months
Yeehawgust Backlog day 1
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benisbeaaaaans · 6 months
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Adam, the Elderich Husk
More dnd shit
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little-prick · 1 year
Yanderes taking the reader's virginity
Thanks for the request, this one took me a minute because I really liked the concept and wanted it to be good. I want to expand on this more later on, so I'll probably write separate fics for all of them.
He knew that it would happen eventually, but still a bit worried. He needs this to go perfectly, he can't have you disliking sex, or worse, disliking him. You can't tell in the moment, but he's terrified that he's going to fuck up. Only when he's holding you afterwards does his facade slip, and you can see just how nervous he really was. He doesn't want you to bring it up, but if you do, he'll cave and admit that he wanted your first time to be perfect.
He's sweet throughout it all, waiting very patiently for you to get used to every sensation. He isn't at all focused on his own pleasure, that can come later, for now, he's all gentle touches and sweet whispers in your ear. It's a stark contrast to how he is later on in your relationship. After your first time, you can expect him to gradually get rougher and more demanding.
Nervous and awkward, but happy that she gets to do this for you. She has very little experience, and all of it was terrible, so it's a learning experience for the both of you. Very gentle, wants to make this the best experience for you. She doesn't really care if she gets off, she just wants you to enjoy it. Afterwards, she's cuddly and attentive, bringing you anything you may want or need, and giving you lots of kisses all over.
Ursula actually prefers giving oral to other kinds of sex, she's good at it and it's where she's most comfortable. As good as it feels, you're gonna have to beg her to do something else if you want to actually get anywhere because she's content to just go down on you all night long.
So fucking excited, but also really nervous. He's so excited that he sort of forgets that you're inexperienced and may need guidance. He's all in immediately, nothing held back. You're gonna have to stop him and ask him to slow down because as soon as he starts he's on autopilot. His brain shut down as soon as clothes started coming off and now all he can think about is how badly he needs you.
Vinnie likes it hard and messy. Grab him hard enough to leave bruises, let him leave marks on your skin, drool on his cock. Sex with Vinnie leaves you breathless and empty-headed. Wants to feel good and make you feel good.
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years
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My brain: haha what if Adam was goth just like Eve?
Anyway here’s a little WIP of my brand new boy. He’s (loosely) based on Robert Smith of Cure fame. I’ll have a decent ref for him eventually (and with his mechanics!)
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
i strip adam out of his clothes and put a collar on him, forcing him to crawl by my side for the day and do whatever i want. when i hand him back to ryker and carlos, he's on his hands and knees and practically choking from the tightness of the collar.
Content: Threats of violence, dehumanisation, multiple caretakers, caretaker-turned-whumpee, [non-sexual] nudity.
Adam is too scared to protest. He does as he's told, hoping to god that you'll let him go sooner if he behaves himself. His bare knees hurt and his arms shake from having to hold himself up for so long. He wants to cry, but figures it's likely to get him punished.
As soon as Ryker and Carlos see him, Ryker shoves you aside and presses you against the wall while the vampire crouches down and undoes the collar around Adam's neck. Then he takes off his favourite pink hoodie and helps him to put it on, hoping that it helps him feel less exposed.
Ryker angrily sends you on your way, threatening to beat your skull in if you so much as look at him again.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
oh you like this song? oh you want to dance to it? oh you want to dance to it with me? oh it’s a love song? oh we have to slow dance? oh
waltzing in here with this prompt for damon and adam pls 💕
@nemodoren HERE YA GO HON
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Vertigo. It was the name of the song that was playing in the background of Adam's apartment. It was also the sensation Damon was feeling after chugging down another glass of wine while watching Adam bop and dance to the beat while he cooked in his small kitchenette. The world and all it's troubles elsewhere while he hummed and shook his hips.
Damon couldn't help but lopsidedly smirk, shaking his head. He envied Adam for many things, especially his spontaneity. It was something Damon knew that was lost to him. The ancient art of not giving a damn had long been extinct inside himself for years due to life experience, getting kicked down in particular. Damon didn't believe he had the strength for such pleasures anymore, or so he thought.
The song came to an end, and a new one began to play on the radio. The melody carried a supple tempo, and it didn't take long for Damon to realize it was a classic. A love song he hadn't heard in ages, not since he was with his ex. He sighed through his nose as some of his more happier memories with her passed by before he focused on the present.
Whether it was the alcohol, or seeing Adam fumble in his dance at the change of song, Damon felt a compulsion. He got up from the table and walked behind Adam. Damon's right arm went around Adam's waist while he buried his nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent before gently swaying both their bodies.
"Damon, not for nothing, but what the fuck?" Adam giggled as he grinned from ear to ear.
"Dance with me." Damon pleaded. "I like this song."
"No way!" Adam protested playfully. "I didn't take you for a sap that loved romance pieces. I was going to change it."
"C'mon, enlighten an old man." Damon countered, smiling against Adam's cheek. He pressed a soft kiss to him. "Dance with me."
How the hell do I say no to that? Adam thought to himself. He sighed, turned the stove down to a low setting so the food wouldn't get overcooked, and turned to face Damon. From there, he allowed Damon to guide him into a slow dance.
Their bodies were pressed very close, yet their movements were formal. Adam was smiling from ear to ear. His face felt warm as a childlike giddiness began to grow within himself.
"Is this how people danced at prom back in the day?" Adam couldn't help but ask. He grinned at the tired laugh that exited Damon's mouth.
"Like newborn giraffe's trying to find their footing? Yeah, I'd say that's how my class did it." Damon mused then made a face. "Did you ever go to your prom?"
"Nah," Adam shook his head as Damon led him into a twirl before bringing him back to center. "That was never my thing."
"Do you regret not attending?"
"Sometimes," Adam admitted. Another twirl, and then he was chest to chest against Damon. He gently took hold of Damon's chin, and pointed his head downward so he could look him in the eye.
"But if it meant I would never get to dance with you, then screw it."
Damon chuckled and leaned forward, planting a small kiss to Adam's nose. He wrapped his arms around Adam fully while the latter embraced him. They both continued to sway to the music while in each other's arms, and Damon for the first time in ages felt like he could be care free again.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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i-am-plotting · 2 years
The Room
#Snippet 1 - Feeling the Room
It was past midnight and all the children were, theoretically, sleeping in their rooms. In practice, five siblings were walking around the empty hallways as silently as possible.
The place would be completely dark if Noah was not —too carelessly in Elliot’s opinion — carrying a waving small oil lamp around. It was also due to Noah that they were breaking the rules this late in the night, insteading of staying in their monotone and boring room as usual.
As soon as the five of them reached the part of the orphanage that —again theoretically— only the priest can access, Noah felt free enough to talk without someone listening.
“You’ll love it I swear,” he looked back and said excitedly, he had his characteristic wide smile on as he dragged one Adam by the arm, Eliot was following just behind, eyes glued at the lamp that Noah insisted on carrying himself and mind trying to figure out why he had even more energy than usual.
“I swear! There is a room!” He said again, even when no one had disagreed for the past five minutes, he didn’t notice how his grip was starting to bruise Adam’s arm, and Adam also didn’t let him know, he only walked faster behind his brother.
“Why would we believe you?” Emilia asked, sighing and crossing her arms, after living there for three years, the five children had seen about any room that the orphanage could possibly have.
“I already told you, there is a room, you will believe me when you feel it,” Noah almost shouted, his smile didn’t fade for even a moment while he turned back to the path.
“...feel?” Adam asked, and turned around to send a ‘did I understand this right?’ look at Elliot, who nodded, equally confused.
Before they could ask what Noah meant, he stopped, right in front of the former priest's strictly forbidden office, and neither of them hesitated before entering the room.
It was smaller and dirtier than the current priest’s office, but this one was filled with books, it looked like a small and particular library, the books would be untouchable for years if it wasn’t the five children, reading every single one they could, trying to escape to a less boring place and a less strict life.
They knew what Noah was talking about now, the moment they stepped into the office they felt the room, it was there, just under them, they didn’t know anything else but they were sure there was a room.
Noah let go of Adam’s arm and gave him the lamp, calming Elliot’s heart a bit, feeling a room was a new emotion so it was better not to mix it with ‘what if he breaks this and burns himself and everyone in this place’ line of thought.
“It’s here,” Noah signed before crawling under the desk, pulling the mat up to turn visible the hatchway with several different locks. “The room.”
“It is a hatchway, not a room, and just how did you even  find it?” Elliot said, getting close, he was far too familiar with that office so the sight of something new made him feel weird.
“I was bored, and I am sure there is a room, I just didn't open it because I was unable, but I know there is a room,”  He said, looking at Elizabeth whose hands Emilia was holding.
The other four children wanted to say someone can’t feel a room, but the truth is that they all could, so they only went along with it.
“Okay…” Elizabeth said, she was the best with delicate jobs and picking locks was one of them. “But better not have anything scary there.”
“Thank you Liz,” Noah said, stepping aside. “Just don’t scream if it is like last time.”
Elizabeth’s face got hot, and Noah was almost laughing out loud but he was holding himself back because of Elliot’s and Emilie’s glares piercing his back. “...sorry.”
Elizabeth picked the locks as fast as always and stepped away from the hatchway, looking at Emilia, since she is usually the first one to step into the unknown.
“I could open it, but Noah seems s~o excited about it, so I’ll let him have a look first,” Emilia said, smirking.
“I agree,” Adam said with a too low voice, he noticed the looks on him and tried again, louder this time. “I agree.”
“Okay~” Noah signed, his back to the other children again as he forced the hatchway open.
He glanced into the dark, and was about to ask for the oil lamp when the room under them shone, followed by the office. It was a weird light, it was as if everyone and nothing was lit at once.
The hatchway was still open, but now there was a transparent pellicle stopping Noah’s hand to enter the underground room. Somehow this wasn’t the more alarming issue, and it took them a while to pinpoint what was the source of the strangeness everyone was feeling.
“The lamp,” Adam noticed, “It went off.”
The five children were silent for almost a full minute, taking in the fact that the room had no light at all, and that somehow they could see everything perfectly.
“There is no shadow too,” Adam signed, glancing at the wall, but that was to be expected, right? There was no light, so there was no shadow, at least this much was normal.
“What is he talking about?” Noah asked, tugging Elliot’s shirt.
“He said we have no shadows,” he explained, letting Noah repeat the ‘shadow’ sign to himself while Elliot looked around the room. “Liz the door-”
“Locked,” she cut, she had checked as soon as she thought they could need to run. “There is no lock on the door, it just… it won’t open, will it?”
I don’t think so. “Let’s not jump to conclusions, we are still in the orphanage, if anything we just need to scream and get someone here.”
“Hmmm Elliot,” Emilia said, pointing at the window, from where usually they would be able to see the houses in the neighborhood, or the moon. There were neither of them. “I don’t think we are in the orphanage.”
The outside was… they didn’t know, it changed, it had no form it was just… something they couldn’t pinpoint at all.
The children stared at the whatever-in-the-world-that-sight-was for a while before Elliot broke the silence, “Yeah this is not the orphanage… for sure… Noah, how did you… Tell us who exactly you found this room.”
“I just…” Noah swallowed hard, getting closer to Elliot, all of them were close to him now. “The room just… called me.”
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peapod20001 · 1 year
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LMAO better late than never with some trans posting!!
He’s a!!!! Trans-parent!!!!! The pun doesn’t really work here as neither of these images are transparent rip
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omalley-art-gallery · 2 years
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Bite The Fucking Bullet
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asterofthedeepforest · 10 months
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Cat himbo summer
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boosheetghostboo · 10 months
Yeehawgust backlog day 10; Neon Moon
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i decided to jump forward a few days because inspiration struck for this prompt
adam using his magic abilities and a blue moon to bring abel back to life
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hipsofsteel · 2 years
"Digging our way out of this hole has only made it deeper" for the fake title prompt
for this ask prompt
digging our way out of this hole (has only made it deeper)
ooooh man, this would be extremely good for 1960s-1980s IdaWash
Clark has been insisting that he's not in love with Adam since 1919, married Ruth to try and hide it. Adam waited for him after Ruth died. Waited and hoped. Clark grieved in the 30s, went to war in the 40s, but as the 50s played out, he pushed Adam away. By the 60s, Adam's done waiting, Clark's made his point and Adam isn't wanted. When Logan extends his hand out to Adam in the early 60s as he does every now and then, Adam leaps at the chance for affection and love.
Clark hears that Adam went off to Nebraska, and is pissed. Lo and behold, the famous incident where Clark appeared unwashed on Logan's doorstep with a shotgun to threaten him, only for Adam to come out of the house and beat him up. Evelyn has to come drag the asshole away while he screams at Adam. He and Adam refuse to speak, and Adam stays with Logan for a while.
Until Clark says he's going to enlist to fight in Vietnam. Adam internally freaks out, and he and Evelyn convince Alfred to send Clark elsewhere. Clark screams and rails, but Adam does not budge. Clark ends up patrolling the DMZ in Korea, and Adam does not regret anything. When Clark gets home and sees the mess Roberto has become after Vietnam, he realizes that Adam did him a favor, not that he tells him that.
They aren't friendly in the 70s. Just civil and distant. Almost cold. There's bitterness there on both sides. Chris can't pull them together. They're going to have to learn to be friends, or at least work together, without any expectations on their own.
Until a fateful day in May, 1980. When the ash falls, slowly suffocating Adam, Chris calls Clark and he rushes to Adam's side so he won't be alone in death and resurrection. As Adam stills in his arms, over sixty years of repressed emotions come to the surface.
Adam resurrects to Clark quietly whispering that he loves him. He doesn't make Clark acknowledge it that day. He won't push him again. But he knows.
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little-prick · 1 year
Eternal - Adam Valentines Day Special
Warnings: extreme violence towards the reader, manipulation, Adam being a big fat meanie >:(
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When you and Adam were both seven years old, you made a promise to stay together forever. He distinctly remembers you sitting together in your living room after school, your cute little nose buried in a book while he draws next to you.
You had asked him the meaning of the word eternal, to which he replied that it meant forever. He'll never forget the smile you gave him when he told you that the two of you would be together forever. You promised him that day, that no matter what happened, you would always be with him.
And now you're trying to wiggle your way out of it. You, leaving? Leaving him? God, it would make him laugh if it didn't make him sick to his stomach. And you have the gall to cry; The ropes aren't even that tight! A little pain is nothing compared to the way you savagely ripped out his heart.
You stare up at him with those beautiful eyes, and he can't help but feel bad for what he's about to do. You'll understand one day though, and this will all be just a distant memory. A rough patch in your relationship and nothing more. This is for your own good, you have to understand that you were always meant to be his. You were made to love him.
He reaches down to cup your face, brushing away a stray tear with his thumb. You attempt to squirm away, but the ropes hold fast, binding you to the cold steel of the folding chair.
"You know that I love you, don't you, Precious?" Your only response is a glare. He sighs, removing his hand from your face.
"You'll learn to love me too, even if it hurts."
Your gaze follows his hands as they come down to remove his belt. Breath catching in your throat, you watch as he folds it, feeling the weight of it in his palm, the leather against his skin. You strain against your bindings in a vain attempt to wrench your arms free, but it's far too late.
You feel the sting of the belt on your skin before you even register his hand moving. You manage to suppress a scream, instead gritting your teeth and taking deep, measured breaths. It's futile.
The belt comes down again, over and over, but you resist still, unwilling to submit to him. It angers him beyond belief. Don't you get it? He owns you. Any and everything he asks of you, you give him. It's how it was always meant to be. It's how it will be, you'll give in eventually, even if he has to break you.
The skin of your thighs burns with the pain, but it's nothing compared to what's to come. You know Adam, his entire life he's gotten what he wants, no matter what he had to do to get it. If he wants you to say you love him, then that's what he'll get, eventually. But you don't plan on giving up without a fight.
Adam glares down at you, scrutinizing every detail.
"Say it." Your lips remain sealed. The belt comes down across your chest now, landing against your ribcage. You bite your lip and match his glare in intensity.
"Say it," he repeats. Nothing. You force back a yelp as the belt comes across your skin again, once, twice, thrice more.
"I hate you," you spit. He freezes, eyes locking with yours. The belt falls to the floor, and for a moment you think he's going to stop.
His hand comes across your face so hard that for a moment you think your neck snapped from the force. For the first time, you scream.
"You hate me, huh?" There’s something dark in his eyes, something perverse. Something that enjoys hurting you. You've never seen Adam this angry, and especially not at you. Your smart mouth is going to kill you one of these days.
Adam is cruel and violent when he isn't pissed, so when he's angry, he's a monster. You take a deep breath, to steel your nerves. You can't let him scare you, that's what he wants.
Adam grabs your jaw and tilts your head up, his grip is so tight you swear you heard a crack.
"For as perfect as you are, you really are a fucking moron." The defiance in your gaze isn't doing you any favors, in fact, you think he might be getting angrier the longer you stare at him, so you look away.
That proves to be a mistake, as Adam releases your face and hits you square in the nose. The strangled noise you make brings a satisfied smirk to his face. You screw your eyes shut as you gasp for air. Blood drips onto your upper lip.
You're too disoriented to fully comprehend where the blows land, only vaguely understanding that there's more pain than there was before. Tears stream down your cheeks, and you're faintly aware that your nose stopped bleeding at some point, the blood having crusted over and dried.
Adam's shoulders heave with every breath. He grabs your face once more; you whimper instinctively.
"Stop acting like such a fucking brat. It's only three words. All you have to say is 'I love you' and it'll all be over." You tremble in his grip, unsure how much more of this you can take.
"Come on now, Precious. You and I both know you'd rather be done with this. I had the perfect day planned for us," he coos, "It can still happen. You just need to say it."
He's right, he's always right. You really would rather this all stop, you'd rather you weren't so stubborn, you'd rather you were happy with him. You'd rather be his, and he knows it, he's always known it. He's just trying to show you what you deserve.
"I..." you sniffle, struggling to stifle the stream of snot running down your face, "I-I love you, Adam." The words taste bitter on your tongue as you spit them out.
"Again." He's unsatisfied but loosens his grip on your face, allowing your jaw to move a bit more freely.
"I love you."
"I love you! Please, Adam, I'm sorry!" You fight back a sob that's beginning to rise in the back of your throat. He finally lets you go, wiping his bloodied knuckles on his jeans.
"See, was that so hard?" His hands are gentle as he unties the ropes and pulls you into his arms. You don't have the strength to answer. He carries you out of the basement, whispering sweet nothings to you as you drift in and out of consciousness.
His mattress is softer than you remember, but maybe it only seems that way juxtaposed against the ache in your bones. Silken sheets are pulled over your body as Adam tucks you in with a kiss on the forehead.
"Get some rest, Precious. And happy Valentine's day."
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