#oc azlin eko
evaceratops · 1 year
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an azlin that i never got around to posting
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naberiie · 4 years
“when was the last time you slept?” - ama + azlin
“Where does this one go?”
“Those plates go up on that shelf–can you reach it?” Ama asks, and is immediately rewarded with a look of proud disdain from the young, brightly-colored Nautolan helping her clean up for the day. She laughs a little, holds her hands up in mock surrender. “Sorry, beta, I know you can manage.”
Tip flexes their hands for a moment and then stops. Their huge eyes flick towards the entrance of the Rose Lantern, which Ama locked in front of them so they could be assured that she’d done it. And then they clamber on top of the stepstool and put the clean plates away, without using the Force. Ama bites her lip but continues to wash the dishes, both of them purposefully ignoring the way the plate wobbled, ignoring the way both of their nerves twisted in fear at their instinctual reaching out through the Force. It’s safer, now, if they don’t use it. But purposeful disuse after a lifetime of training to manipulate it? It must feel like a tourniquet in their mind, she thinks. A slow strangulation, violent retraining, of one of their most natural instincts. But they don’t complain. Tip gets back down and picks up the drying cloth again, and neither of them speak. She knows they can sense her fear, and she knows how exhausted they are.
It’s hard to find something to talk about, now, anyways. Words seem to always fall short, nowadays.
So they focus on cleaning the restaurant. Purposeful, engrossing work that they could do together. Three days since Tip stumbled in through the door, three days since Ama had mentally moved one name from the long list of dead, missing, gone into the list labelled alive. It is much shorter than the first. Three days of the pair of them focusing on the small things, on the things they can change, the things they still have power over.
The bell above the front door chimes. 
Her blood runs cold. Tip, too, is frozen, and for a moment all they can hear are soft steps, quiet breathing, the door swinging shut. Her family is all upstairs; her roommates are all accounted for. 
“Stay here,” Ama hisses, drying her hands, eyes fixed on the kitchen door.
“If it’s stormtroopers,” she goes on, quietly, “your pack is by the back door.”
“Stay hidden, I’ll come get you when it’s safe.”
They might have sighed in exasperation but she’s already moving through the kitchen into the restaurant proper, putting on her best imitation of her mother: confident and warm yet with absolutely no room for arguments. “Sorry, we’re closed–the door was locked for a reason, and-”
She stops, not quite trusting what she’s seeing. She knows those eyes, huge and strangely colored and so haunted, now.
She takes a step forward, and when the apparition doesn’t vanish, Ama moves one more name from the long list of the dead to living.
“Hi, Ama,” comes the answering whisper, exhaustion flaking away the strength of the Shadow’s voice like embers. “Sorry about the lock, it’s just-”
Ama doesn’t really remember crossing the room but she doesn’t believe Azlin’s actually here, actually alive, until she’s thrown her arms around the Shadow, buried her face in the thick hood of Azlin’s huge cloak. And she’s certainly not prepared when Azlin starts to tremble, her arms tight around Ama’s waist.
When Azlin chokes back a sob, the reality of the past two horrible weeks hits Ama all over again. Ama just sinks to the floor, tugging the Shadow down with her, and Azlin follows without a fight, curling into Ama’s arms like a lost child. Her quiet sobs echo in the empty restaurant, and when Ama glances back towards the kitchen she sees Tip peering around the corner. For just a moment she can almost pretend everything will turn out okay. She asks Tip with a sign to bring something to drink and they duck back into the kitchen. She’ll wait to relock the door until they’re back in the room, so that they can see her do it. So they can both see her do it. Small reassurances.
Azlin finally uncurls herself from Ama’s lap and she looks so exhausted that Ama doesn’t know what to say. So she just sits and holds Azlin’s hands, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. She’s relieved to see Azlin alive, but her relief pales in comparison to the terror of what Azlin’s life has now become. She remains quiet.
When Tip comes back out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with three glasses and a pot of hot tea, Azlin starts in shock, staring at them. Ama goes to the door and locks it again, the click providing some small sense of security for them all. Tip pulls a cushion next to Azlin and–taking care to make sure their poisonous skin doesn’t come into contact with hers–rests their head against her shoulder. They close their eyes and Ama wonders if the world feels empty to them, if it’s too quiet for them.
She pours the water while the former Jedi catch their breaths. When Azlin looks up and accepts the mug of tea, she looks like she just needs the warmth of it and cups it close to her chest. The door is locked, the lights are all turned out, and their little neighborhood is quiet. For now, it’s safe. “Azlin,” she begins softly, and then wonders how she could possibly voice all of her fears, her worries, her concerns. How to ask about the last two weeks of fear? They’re all so close to breaking.
Azlin holds her gaze, the skin under her eyes bruised, Tip still curled up against her.
Ama lets out a quiet sigh and, after a moment, knows what to say. She asks the questions that she knows will convey everything. “Have you eaten? When was the last time you slept?”
Azlin shrugs, unsure of how to answer, and Ama nods, rising to her feet. She doesn’t know how to set the world right again, she doesn’t know how to make it stop hurting. But she knows how to do this. “We’ll eat, and then we’ll talk. And then you’ll sleep here, alright? For as long as you need.”
Azlin nods. It can’t be forever; they all know that. But at the very least, it’s something.
At the very least, they have each other.
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evaceratops-art · 5 years
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this wasn’t intended as bday art and i wasn’t originally gonna post it but it does happen to be @naberiie’s birthday today so happy birthday em!! i love u very much
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hermitmoss · 6 years
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...human!sonas.... of sw!sonas.... some of my friends and i made for dnd? voyla doneeta (top-left) is @leopoldjamesfitz , azlin eko (top-right) is @evaceratops ,  amaranth elsheva (centre) is @naberiie , general misi (bottom-left) is @micyclethearcangle (he/him - the designer just only does the one body type), and brider surris (bottom-right) is me.
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evaceratops · 3 years
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oc aesthetics - jedi knight azlin eko
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evaceratops · 5 years
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campaignverse is the gift that keeps on giving [feat. @mandowo and @naberiie]
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naberiie · 5 years
first steps.
Amaranth thought she knew what plants looked like; what they were supposed to look like. She’d read about them, seen a few straggly, mutated more-gray-than-green twigs here and there in the lower levels. She’d seen them in holovids and pics, of course, and she’d known that any plants that were able to scrape a living from the smog-infested duracrete and durasteel levels of Coruscant were smaller, sickly versions of their true selves. She knew that, on an intellectual level.
But it didn’t click until they were stepping off onto the planet – her first time off Coruscant, ever – and the bright brilliant sunlight hit the tops of an emerald green canopy so thick and so dark and so lush with life that the sight of it nearly knocked the wind out of her lungs. 
She felt like an infant, standing there dumbstruck while the Jedi and clones moved around her, gathering supplies or checking equipment or just talking to each other, laughing and joking about the mysterious mission ahead of them. She knew that it was a dangerous mission – look at the squad of troopers getting ready to carry out the mission with us, look at the fact that there’s a Jedi Shadow here on the Council’s orders – but Ama’s fingers and lekku tingled with a quiet moment of absolute, awe-inspiring, intense realization that she’d never truly seen greenery. Not ever, not once, in all her life.
The thought made her joyful to see it all now, spread so beautifully out around her – and it made her inexplicably heartbroken, too.
They’d landed in a small clearing, but even underfoot, she saw tiny green shoots and curling new leaves and the colors of life that she’d been closed off from for her entire life. She stood off to the side as the others prepared their gear to head out, not watching them, but watching the wind through the broad leaves of the trees that towered almost as tall as her apartment building. She wrapped her arms around herself, gazing wide-eyed at the plants and flowers that, to the others, was merely background noise.
She didn’t want to make a fool of herself, but every fiber of her being was fighting to resist the urge to touch every single plant that she could see. Brider and Volya wouldn’t tease her – or maybe they would, but just a little – but the others…? How was she supposed to convince a Shadow, a General, a battalion of troopers, that she deserved to be here, that she could help, if she ran around like a child, grabbing at branches and flowers and leaves? Everything was draped in bright gold sunshine, and it made her heart ache for things she’d never had.
Ama glanced around the camp before tentatively reached out to touch the big flat leaf of what she assumed was a young tree, or maybe it was a fern? She ran her fingers over the edge and smiled at how cool it was to the touch, how thick and not at all as fragile as she’d expected it to be. How dull Coruscant would seem now, how barren and dirty her home on Level 2555 would feel now.
She wasn’t ashamed of Nalyova, but… well.
Her heart constricted a little.
She bit down feelings of bitterness and inadequacy and that ancient desire to just lay down in a patch of sunlit grass. No time for that, now. She gathered her resolve, and hoped the others – all of them much more prepared, more experienced, used to the sights of different planets and used to the sight of actual healthy lush flora – didn’t notice how utterly overwhelmed she’d been from the first step she’d taken down the ramp. She wasn’t used to standing on true earth, real earth. 
But, Amaranth resolved, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead, I’m going to do my best.
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evaceratops · 5 years
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the campaignverse squad in-character groupchat is a portal to raw chaos
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evaceratops · 5 years
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azlin got to be a badass again today
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evaceratops-art · 6 years
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[azlin voice] who authorized this mission
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naberiie · 5 years
Type Advantages
A  Pokémon x Campaignverse fic, 2.2k for @evaceratops ‘s birthday! Happy birthday Eva, I love you! 💌 Ft. appearances from Volya [ @leopoldjamesfitz ], Misi/Tip/literally every single trooper[ @mandowo ] and Brider [ @stxrduste ]! Special shoutout to @mandowo for helping me figure out everyone’s Pokémon 😄
It wasn’t her fault, really. How was she supposed to have known that Azlin’s Cacturne apparently had a deathly fear of Fairy type Pokémon? And how was she supposed to have known that her Eeevee, Cannoli, had been so close to evolving into a Sylveon, of all things?
Jedi Shadow Azlink Eko and civilian archivist Amaranth Elsheva stood on opposite ends of their room, staring and frowning at the scene before them. Ama was in the cabin, by the bunk she’d claimed as hers – Misi had said they were staying in what had been marked as the nat-born officers’ rooms, but he hadn’t explained why they weren’t already occupied – and Azlin was standing outside the door, arms crossed, behind the cowering dark green scarecrow Pokémon.
Ama’s Sylveon was sitting on the console table in the center of the room, his ribbons slowly twisting in midair and looking entirely too pleased with himself at the Cacturne who was refusing to even think about taking a single step over the threshold. Azlin’s beautiful Absol was lazily curled up on her bunk, watching the scene with lazy interest.
They’d been at this standoff for the better part of fifteen minutes.
“That’s just Cannoli, you big dummy,” Azlin said, poking Cacturne in between its gigantic thorns. “You already know him, remember? We’ve been sharing the room with them for a week now, he’s just evolved now, it’s the same old Cannoli in new colors, that’s all.”
Ama’s lekku twitched with tiredness. “I’m really sorry, Az – I could see if Brider or Volya wanted to switch rooms with me-”
The Keshian Jedi was already shaking her head. “Nah, don’t be ridiculous. We’re not in a battle scenario right now and Cacturne knows that,” she poked it again in between its spikes. “It knows Cannoli. We just need to, I don���t know. Remind it?” She jerked her chin towards her Absol, also a Dark type. “Absol isn’t reacting like this, and she’s also a Dark type. Cacturne’s just being a big baby.”
Cacturne rumbled in mild offense, but still refused to budge over the threshold to the cabin.
Ama nodded, and from Azlin’s bunk, Absol gave a huge, overdramatic yawn.
“Yeah, me too,” Ama said, and fished out a Poké Puff (matcha flavored, Cannoli ’s favorite) from her bag. She tore it into three pieces and gave one to Absol, who all but inhaled it and tried to lick her face as thanks. Ama laughed and wiped her cheek as she held out the other piece to the stubborn Cacturne in front of her, and to her smug Cannoli behind her. “Come on, you guys are friends, right?”
Something told her Cannoli was only all too pleased to finally have some power of his own for once, but he chirped an assent all the same and tried to sneak the Poké Puff piece from her hands.
She’d started the day with an Eevee, but had ended it with a Sylveon.
Ama lifted her legs so that Cannoli and Jedi Knight Volya Doneeta’s Eevee could wrestle each other without bumping into her as she and the other Twi’lek chatted over their dinner, featuring fusion Twi’lek and Mandalorian dishes and taste palettes. Ama, Popper, and Flimsi had spent the better part of the day experimenting in the Mercurial’s kitchens, and judging from the happy conversations of the troopers around them, they’d managed to pull it off well.
As per usual, the Mercurial was stuffed to the rafters with the 439th’s Pokémon. At first, the presence of so many Ghost-types had made Ama shiver, but as she tried to coax General Misi’s Mimikyu to take a tiny piece of Poké Puff, she realized they hadn’t spooked her (literally – Virus’ Rotom had leapt out of her holopad the first full day on the ship and almost made her throw it across the room) in quite some time.
Mimikyu took the Puff with a ghostly tendril and Ama beamed at it before it scurried back up onto Misi’s shoulder.
The ship was a delightfully chaotic mess of troopers, Jedi, the lone civilian, and all of their Pokémon. Most had two or three, and while they had presumably been caught in a Pokéball of some sort, neither Ama or Azlin – who shared quarters – had seen a Pokéball since they’d arrived on board. The troopers all let their Pokémon wander freely, and soon enough, the librarians and Shadow had followed suit. Azlin’s sleek, silent Absol wandered the halls alone, and Ama’s tiny Comfrey had taken to settling on people’s heads for a few minutes at a time, for no other reason than to say hello. Ama scanned the mess and found it on Zero’s mass of bright purple hair as they begged Null to take their picture, who was rolling her eyes fondly, even as she lifted the camera and leaned back to get a better angle.
Cannoli hopped onto Ama’s lap, and she gave him a fond little scratch behind his huge perky ears. He chirruped happily at her, jumped up on the table, licked her nose – and then Cannoli started to glow. Ama had just enough time to cock her head and frown before the entire mess hall was overtaken in a blinding flash of brilliant white and bright blue light.
Ama yelped in surprise and threw her arms over her eyes as the light drowned all conversations and people scrambled to do the same.
When she opened her eyes to peer through her fingers, a Pokémon with giant pink ears, huge baby blue eyes, and a delicate pink-and-white bow was staring at her where her Eevee had just been. It whistled happily at her, and then the hall exploded into chaos.
Azlin’s Cacturne, which had investigating a Poffin in Burn’s hand, gave a shrill cry and backed away quickly from the new Fairy type, and all of the Dark, Fighting, and Dragon Pokémon in the room did the same. They took to the air, cawing and shrieking in confusion and apprehension, while Ama just stared at her new Pokémon, stunned.
The only Pokémon that didn’t react was Trooper.
The Houndoom picked its head up from its paws from where it had been lying at Half-Arc’s feet and, as the various other doubly-vulnerable types in the mess kicked up a shrill cacophony of shrieks and calls, Trooper stood, stretched lazily, and ambled over to the table where Ama’s new Sylveon was busily preening himself. Trooper easily sidestepped the smaller Pokémon scampering around his feet, tiny potato-shaped Houndour M’ika included (tripping over its paws in its attempts to keep up with the older Pokémon), and put its nose on the table in front of Cannoli , deep red eyes focused intently on the new form sitting calm and unconcerned with the hurricane that he had started.
Cannoli ’s huge eyes were now entirely a light baby blue, almost the exact same color as Voy, who was trying to help Azlin with her spooked Cacturne.
The Sylveon stopped preening and its new ribbons flicked out gently over Trooper’s snout and horns, before Cannoli stepped closer to the edge of the table and both Pokémon sniffed each other curiously. After a moment, the old Houndoom sat back on its haunches and Cannoli leapt nimbly to the floor to rub fondly up against the Dark Pokémon. M’ika yipped happily and all but threw its dense little body against Cannoli, too, much to the delight of Houndoom-the-trooper, who had moved from the other table to sit next to Ama and watch the interaction between the two Dark types and the brand-new Fairy.
Houndoom dug out a treat from his belt pouch and gave on to both Trooper and M’ika. “Good job, you two,” he said happily, obviously very pleased with the more-or-less calm reactions his Pokémon were having to the sudden appearance of a super-effect Fairy type.
When he caught sight of Ama’s morose, guilt-ridden face, Houndoom-the-trooper laughed again, not unkindly. He patted her shoulder and said, “Congratulations on the evolution, neverd’ika. Isn’t there a Dark-type gym somewhere near your level on Coruscant? Bet you could absolutely kick the Gym Leader’s as- uh, butt, now,” Houndoom said, quickly covering the curse as Misi’s young Padawan, Tip, raced by, chasing after their Toxicroak and Tyrogue.
Ama winced and called after them, “Sorry, Tip…!”
The vibrant bright blue and red Nautolan waved as they raced down the next row of scattered benches, panting a little as they called back to her, “S’okay!”
Ama sank back to the bench and rubbed her cheek, watching Cannoli and M’ika as they started to play around the extremely calm Trooper, who had settled back down and seemed to be sleeping again.
Well, at least they’re getting along.
Ama was caught between furiously apologizing to the upended, chaotic mess and pride at this unexpected evolution. A Sylveon!
Misi was just laughing as the troopers of the 439th and Azlin struggled to get their spooked Pokémon under control, laughing so hard he almost fell out of his seat. “Excellent fuckin’ timing, ‘Sheva,” he crowed with delight, wiping his eyes but breaking out in fresh peals of laughter when he caught sight of Azlin trying to pull her Cacturne from the corner. The giant, dark green cactus scarecrow was staring distrustfully at the tiny pink-and-white Sylveon where there had only been a non-threatening Eevee just moments before.
Misi’s Mimikyu was sitting on his shoulder, its false stuffed head lolling against Misi’s as it stared down at Trooper and Cannoli, and then, with a graceful little leap, it floated down to the floor like a leaf on the wind to join the investigation party. M’ika cheerfully yipped again, but Mimikyu simply slipped over the little puppy Pokémon and came to a stop in front of Cannoli. The corners of the old Pikachu disguise waved slightly, and then one of Mimikyu’s ghostly tendrils reached out to touch Cannoli ’s pink-and-white-and-blue ribbons.
Brider – her tiny Joltik centered squarely on the top of her head, gently clicking its mandibles together – leaned down to look at Cannoli, giving him her hand to sniff. “I didn’t know you had taught Cannoli a Fairy-type move, Ama! He’s gorgeous.”
Cannoli purred at her, sitting up taller in pride – until M’ika bowled into him and knocked him askance. Numbly, Ama remembered that she’d taught Cannoli the move Charm not too long ago. It had gotten him out of trouble more times than she could count; he hadn’t been a particularly strong Eevee, because she’d never had the time to train him properly. “I didn’t even realize he was going to evolve…”
That just made Misi start laughing all over again, and even though Azlin now had a thoroughly spooked Cacturne on her hands, she smiled at Cannoli too.
Ama was immensely relieved that the intimidating Shadow wasn’t mad at her.
That might all change now, though, as they were nearly twenty-five minutes of Cacturne refusing to enter the room.
Cannoli’s smugness was obviously starting to wear down. He hopped nimbly off the console table – Absol didn’t even open her eyes from Azlin’s bed – and took a cautious step towards Cacturne, who immediately froze and gave Cannoli its most intimidating look.
Azlin sighed. “Normally I’d either suggest going into your Pokéball, but I think that’s last resort, or I’d suggest that you’re free to wander the ship – but I don’t want to accidentally terrify anyone who was coming around a corner. Hm…”
Cannoli gave a curious little whistle, and Ama got an idea. “Wait – I think I might have a brown lekku scarf somewhere…” She gave Absol the rest of the Puff, wiped her fingers, and pointed to the console table. Cannoli leapt up obediently.
As Azlin and her terrified Cacturne watched, Ama dug through her not-insignificant lekku scarf supply, until she held up a deep earthen scarf high up in triumph. Cannoli made a face at the color – and Ama couldn’t exactly blame him, now that he had such beautiful pink, blue, and white fur – but she wrapped it carefully around his little frame anyways. “I know it won’t hide his new type, but it might make Cacturne feel better if he didn’t look so obviously a Fairy type-”
No sooner had she stepped back did Cacturne bowl straight into the room. Azlin laughed in surprise as Cacturne made straight for Absol, trying to steal the last bites of Poké Puff from her. Cannoli sat heavily on his haunches, but when Ama produced a matcha Puff just for him, he seemed to forgive her the egregious error of such a bland-colored scarf.
“Unorthodox, but it works,” Azlin commented happily as she separated Absol and Cacturne. “We’ll work on it more, so Cannoli doesn’t have to always wear that. He shouldn’t have to, but apparently-” one last fond pat on Cacturne’s pointed head, “-this one’s a bit of a ‘fraidy cat.”
Ama laughed and gestured to Cannoli, who was happily working his way through the treat, “Well, who wouldn’t be terrified of this little guy?”
As if on cue, Cannoli gave a ferocious little growl to the Puff between his paws, and Azlin threw her head back and laughed, and Ama couldn’t help but laugh, too.
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evaceratops · 5 years
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campaignverse jedi shitposting is my specialty
[chart is from this post; volya, brider, and misi belong to tea, braigwen, and michael]
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evaceratops · 6 years
the campaignverse gang in: the goatman’s bridge
feat. azlin [mine], misi [@mandowo], volya [@zoriis], brider [@stxrduste], and amaranth [@naberiie]
azlin: you know what, volya?
azlin: i’m not trying to scare you, but i got a bad feeling about this one.
volya: shut up.
misi: any demons here? got any demons out tonight?
misi: any horny boys, or whatever they-
azlin: horny boys?
misi: they got horns!
brider: why are you on this bridge?
brider, to azlin: you ask questions.
azlin: why are you on this bridge?
misi: goatman!
misi: you feel that? you feel the goatman energy?
volya: i don’t like when you say his name.
misi: feel some goat vibes?
misi: you may not like this, i’m gonna try and agitate it. i’m just gonna go-
brider: you do what you gotta do, and we’ll do what we gotta do.
misi: i’m just gonna be as crude as possible here.
volya: cool.
amaranth: holy shit, dude!
misi: is that good?
amaranth: i thought you were gonna build your way up.
misi: no, no, no. just right out of the gate. why build up?
azlin: goatman, i’m dancing on your bridge! it’s my bridge now!
volya: holy shit-
azlin: you hear that? you want me off this bridge, you’re gonna have to kill me!
amaranth: holy shit!
azlin: you’re gonna have to throw me off this bridge yourself!
brider: he did throw somebody off the bridge once.
azlin: look at the way i dance on it. i disrespect your bridge, goatman!
amaranth: he’s takin’ names right now.
misi: you hear that, goatman?
misi: me and azlin and the archivists own your bridge!
volya: no, don’t loop me into your shit! stop looping me, i hate when you do this-
azlin: well, then, tell him! tell him you’re not part of this.
volya: i’m not part of their little charade.
azlin: you’re talkin’ to goatman now.
volya: i see what you’ve done.
misi: it’s goatman entrapment.
misi: goatman?
volya: i’m not with him!
misi: they’re gonna put my name in graffiti.
volya: oh my god, okay-
misi: children will come here and tell tales of me!
brider: alright, goatman.
brider: goddamnit.
misi: talkin’ to the goatman. opening up a line of communication. master windu would be very disappointed.
brider: shut the fuck up. i’m gonna murder you.
brider: i’m gonna knock on your bridge.
brider: [knock] [knock] [knock]
brider: it’s said when you do that, you can see his glowing eyes. 
brider: someone said they saw him standing on the… [illuminates the riverbank with her torch]
brider: alright, idiot. it’s your turn.
azlin: oh, skip the theatrics and just go into it.
misi: hey, goatman. [three quick knocks]
misi: y’know, if you want me off your bridge, you’re gonna have to throw me off.
azlin: alright. we’ll come back for you.
azlin: let’s go into the woods.
amaranth: ooh.
misi: we’ll be back, goatman. after all, this is our bridge now.
brider: okay.
azlin: that’s how you get ‘em.
volya: i don’t- no, that’s not how you get them. shut up.
azlin: you gotta admit, that’s an effective-
volya: no, it’s not an effective technique! it’s a way to get killed!
misi: he’s probably getting upset though.
brider: this is a serious thing!
amaranth: hello? is there anything out here?
misi: HEWWO?
azlin: jedi usually feel overcome with emotion in here. like a violent emotion.
amaranth: … do you feel that?
azlin: no. 
amaranth: okay, good.
azlin: not yet, at least.
amaranth: give me a heads up if any of you start to feel murderous. i would appreciate that.
brider: this is a doorway we’re opening. we’re calling for all the everything to come here, is what we’re doing.
misi: is there a technique here?
brider: you just rest your hands on it and you kinda let your energy flow through it. and it’ll start to move.
azlin: is there anybody out here?
azlin: what’s your name?
brider: no.
brider: are you moving it there?
misi: i’m not moving it. i’m just sittin’.
misi: hey, you demon fuck!
brider: by the Force!
misi: i wanted to catch him off guard.
azlin: well, we have an S.
misi: we got an S.
azlin: if you can’t spell your name, this bridge is officially ours. they’ll tell legends of us here.
azlin: for a second there i thought it was going towards G, but it looks like it’s F.
misi: fuck yooou!
azlin: [laughs]
brider: alright. this is your last chance, demon. if you’re here, tell us your name.
misi: and again, you know the deal.
brider: i guess- if you don’t tell us your name, then it’s gonna be azlin and misi’s bridge.
misi: it’s our bridge now.
amaranth: well!
misi: my bridge! ouija boards suck.
volya: we gotta close it.
misi: goodbye!
azlin: as we snuff these candles, so, too, do we snuff you from this mortal world.
azlin: [blows candle out]
azlin: you fuckin’ wimp.
amaranth: gods, azlin.
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evaceratops · 6 years
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commissioned my jedi character azlin from @wiccanbat! (thank you so much, batsy, she looks AMAZING in your style!)
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evaceratops · 5 years
general audiences; no archive warnings apply; original characters.
If Azlin is their shield, she can't have any cracks.
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evaceratops · 6 years
mace windu: if these places you're going to claim to have dark side attachments, i would do nothing to invite them into any kind of conversation.
misi: demön?
brider: stop calling it that!
misi: demön!
azlin: you want me off your bridge, you're gonna have to throw me off.
misi: no, i just wanna talk to the demons!
azlin: you want me off this bridge, you're gonna have to kill me!
misi, walking into a closet: i'm gonna lock myself in here with the ghosts.
misi: fuck you, goatman!
amaranth: hH-
azlin: i think this demon's a wimp!
volya: she's lost her mind!
misi: goatman, i'm dancing on your bridge!
azlin, sitting on a pentagram: rock'n'roll, buckaroo!
misi: hey, you demon fuck.
azlin: you fucking wimp.
misi: i disrespect your bridge, goatman!
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