#oc cornelio
rogdona · 2 months
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comparing some horn shapes
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skelenby · 3 months
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np-art-work · 6 months
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Cornelio - my friends OC
P.S you can follow me on Instagram for more art @np.art.work
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leeringleshy · 10 months
OC tags:
what if trees were violent? - Zarko
fatal self esteem - Basch
on fire derogatory - Joxton
there’s blood and stuff yeah :( - Victor
divorced gothic - Luke
gay-coded villain-coded hero - Cornelio
too dead to be alive too alive to be dead - Rodya
gaClight gateCeep girlboCS - Callum
wound so tight he’s bound to snap - Benoit
god's favorite little goon - Hickory
head empty heart full - Anton
green for envy gold for love - Izei
trying to catch fog in a bowl - Aesc
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mommy-travel-list · 1 year
San Juan de Dios Hospital, November 2017 -- The flourescent light in the clinic's waiting area lit dim, augemented by the midday rays that pierced through the window shutters. San Juan de Dios was a hospital catering to the poor, and we went there in an effort to access the lower fees that our new onco charged in his SJD clinic. The brain scan results we held showed that her breast cancer metastesized to her brain, with there were 3 tumors growing. We waited for our turn with Dr Cornelio to interpret the findings and tell us our next steps. Dr Cornelio is the onco of choice for Stage 4 patients, those at the end of the line, and those who were open to what could be perceived as aggressive treatment. We were at the end of the line. We needed an aggressive treatment. We should have gone to him earlier.
His fees were expensive. I remember shouldering a couple of sessions of chemotherapy, and for someone who earns Php 75k a month gross, the fees were substantial. But money is just numbers at the face of the opportunity to help my mother. This guy gave us the highest chance of saving my mother.
I remember clutching the laminated card that indicated our number in the line. It was yellow, with the laminated plastic peeling at the sides, from the fiddling of patients and patients' daughters while seated on the cracked leather couch. I've cried many nights previous. My eyes hurt. My heart hurts. But I needed to put a brave face for Mommy to help keep her strong.
Mommy handed me a white sheet of paper torn from her Figaro planner.
"Places I wish to go
Help me achieve one/some/all
Faith and Gabriel"
In true Mommy OC style, she listed the great-to-achieve places in the front page. Important places like Canada to see her siblings, food trips for my foodie Mommy, and low hanging fruit like a health retreat we already booked. The back of the page listed the would-be-great-to-visit places that she also wanted to see. It was written in her handwritting that's all too familiar to me. We discussed what could be doable in the immediate time frame, and made a mental note to discuss our travel options with Dr Cornelio. She kept the paper in one of the pouches in her bag.
The brain cancer was a journey. She got better, and then she didn't. We did our health retreat in San Benito in the same year that she showed me the travel bucket list, and unknowingly ticked off the Taiwan trip during a trip with her siblings in the New Year 2019. I forgot about the paper. My mom died on 16 September 2019, then I flew to Napa Valley to cry. I remember walking past grape fields and crying and talking to me mom in my head. In the course of my conversations with her, I remembered the paper. I'll look for it in Manila, I'm sure it's just in a pouch..
My mother kept her medical files and random paper on the bench next to my bed in my room. For easy access to her records, when needed. She died, and files were never needed as she intended, but the pile of stuff just stayed beside my bed through the years. I couldn't bring to move my mother out of my room.
Over the years, I would look into my mother's pouches around the house, looking for the travel bucket list. To no avail. One day on April 2023, I decided to tackle the pile. To reduce it, maybe establish some sense of order, but mostly to look for that random piece of paper. 3 hours of wading into records by year and throwing hospital receipts, I found the paper in a well-hidden pouch. A wave of memories swept through me. I missed my mom so much. Four years after her death and the pain still feels like it carved into my hearth and in its place a black hole of sadness. It's a pain I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy.
I took a photo of the pages and sent it to my cousins in our group chat. "I guess I have my work cut out for me," I typed. We made soft plans of doing some trips together, with Ate Charmi from Geneva to maybe accompany me in EU destinations and maybe doing the Canada trip with Ate Chris and her family.
Mommy, I want you to know we're doing these trips together.
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doromaya · 2 years
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I drew this Cornelio for my new business cards, he pretty
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noche-lin · 4 years
Draft tab Rooibos City AU | @bichcarito PRESENTATION: Richard Aquarelle is a tube of yellow paint, he has a somewhat extended and very close family, he loves his family, he loves the ocean and dreams of traveling one day. **** INFO **** Name: Richard Aquarelle Age: 25 Date of birth: January 8 Species / Sample: Tube of yellow paint Male gender Sexual orientation: heterosexual Residence: City of Rooibos Occupation: Sailor Place of Occupation: Rooibos City Docks
Personality: (Clumsy) o Funny (he likes to make simple, but very funny jokes) o Positive or honest or loving o Friendly (Especially with the elderly) (Negative side of his personality) or Jealous (only with Della) o Possessive (rarely and to a slight extent) o You do not know how to convey your thoughts correctly or His clumsiness
Powers: Control paint Richard can control painting based on his mind, he can create objects made of paint from scratch, it is a somewhat useful power for use in his daily life and self-defense, however Richard does not use them because he does not like to use them, he prefers to do everything for your account apart from the fact that you spend a lot of vital energy that you need for those long trips in your work.
Pleasures: 1. Explore a new place for the 2. The cookies the De Lait family bakes 3. Play your trumpet or flute 4. Sweet coffee 5. Dancing 6. Play cards with Affogato
Does not like:
1. The stuffed cupcakes 2. Peanut butter 3. Ocean pollution 4. Cold coffee 5. The conceited people 6. Suspenders for pants  
Aída Brushwork / Aquerelle (mother) Elías Aquarelle (father) Daniel Aquarelle (older brother) Mike Aquarelle (younger brother) Bastian Brushwork (cousin) Cornelio Brushwork (uncle) Siro Aquarelle (grandfather) Vilma? / Aquarelle (grandmother, deceased)
Friends: Corretto De Lait (they are friends thanks to the closeness of their families) Afoggato De Lait (they are best friends since childhood) Latte De Lait (Her childhood friend and nurse when she has a health problem) Marcus Foxtale (co-worker) Della Fields (in love) Branch Minto (His first friend since he arrived in Rooibos city)
Interesting data: Speak English and know the odd word in French
Richard is just a brother of triplets (he's the middle one)
Richard has a good relationship with his brothers, they always support and help each other in whatever they need.
Affogato has been his best friend for as long as he can remember, she loves to visit him and help him cook the delicacies of his family's baker, although sometimes his clumsiness does its thing.
His family and the De Lait family are very close and good friends, they love each other as if they were brothers.
His family lives in Tea Springs, but he moved to Rooibos city so he could get a better job.
Their uncle and cousin do not live with them in the same house, but in the neighborhood
The ship he works on is called The Sunny Pearl, it is a trade transport ship, but before it was a travel ship.
His boss is a proud and very macho sunflower, that annoys Richard a little His brothers have tried to go on a boat trip with him, but Mike gets seasick very fast and Daniel doesn't like the smell of boat decks.
Richard knows Della only by sight, he has seen her at the flower shop near the dock, he has seen her be very kind to the children and very responsible with her work, he has tried to talk to her, but something always happens that does not let her get close to she.
What attracted Richard to Della was how kind she is to everyone.
Richard is somewhat clumsy but when he is nervous his clumsiness increases causing disasters, apart from that he cannot manage to say what he thinks as an apology due to his nerves.
Richard plays his flute and trumpet when he has free time both from work and on days off.
He goes to visit his family on weekends or the days he has free, the holidays are also spent with his family.
Richard met Branch Minto when he was moving he stumbled upon some boxes and Branch offered his help.
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flashbramfield · 7 years
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A project for college, Im getting him printed onto fabric then I’m sewing the two sides together to make a plush! Hopefully with wire in as well to make him a little posable :)
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dulljudgment-blog · 6 years
Info for my muse
Cornelio Montes, first adopted by abusive folk he was a kind a gentle hearted person, always selfless and upstanding even through his mentally and physically abusive adopters. For years and years he searched for his real parents and family but to no avail, many called him worthless through his time but he didn't care. He had made amends with himself and his sexuality early on but fell for another boy but kept it to himself and never touched the subject of sweet yet terribly painful love again in matters of finding a lover. Cornelio was tall and rather bulky for his age but not dumb and gullible like the stereotype, he was reserved and peaceful with brains. After years of searching he finally found his parents, he was so happy after he had left the abusive adopters but the marks were already made, after two years of living happily Cornelio came home from a friend's house but he had come home to a massacre of his family. The cops let loose of the robbers because of their "alibi" to the situation saying it was only self defense but a rumor of a bribe had occurred. Filled with rage and sadness Cornelio ran away but not before stealing documents on where the robbers lived, he took the family heirloom which was a knife so shiny and embroidered with jewels along with ancient native American and Mayan text on it. He tracked down every single robber and killed them slowly, he made them feel what he felt but for their families he didn't kill, they weren't guilty it wasn't their fault after all he killed only who was guilty. Cornelio didn't have an option to go back he only pushed on, killing whoever was guilty by murder, rape, massacre, kidnapping, human trafficking and more. He knew his victims were stronger than him so he used the night as a veil and with well placed strike along with days of stalking was how he killed. His attire made him look somewhat normal with a baggy black sweater and baggy gray shorts he walked among the people with the knife tucked in his pocket. Many thought of him as a law bringer with good intentions others not so much, he traveled across the state killing only the guilty before he mysteriously disappeared into a charcoal black fog not to see or kill again.
Other info
A dbd oc (killer)
Speed- 115%
Cornelio is quiet and has short patience along with a temper but due to having to be so patient he can hold up emotions for a long time in some would say "emotional" situations but his morals keep himself from killing the innocent, although the entity has to find away to hide or get rid of those morals.
Cornelio enjoys giving out pain to the ones who deserve it, when killing he judges the survivors and some to most of the time always spares one or two survivors in a match. Cornelio is terribly observative which he often stares and stalks anyone ranging from killers them to Survivors and even the entity itself.
When not in trials Cornelio likes to stalk and observe other killers from the shadows which became a routine for him but other than that he goes into his own rainy realm and looks to the very house he lived in with his real family for such a short time, but other than that the entity allowed him a garden and some food along with animals to enter into his realm off trials for him to cook which used to be a hobby of his. Often times a mummer of ancient Mayan and native American speech floats by him which is his family's protectors whispering to him, he often talks to a smokey crow which was made from a shadow but because it isn't supposed to be I'm the entity's realm it disappears shortly if Cornelio isn't focused a whole lot.
Perks and powers:
Power- Karma is stalking
Cornelio feels thrill in a Chase when going on long enough and due to him being survivor like he can vault and slide under or over pallets like a survivor but somewhat slowed, Cornelio gains speed tokens that can only be discarded if he doesn't catch a survivor in time the speed he goes at I he has full tokens (five) he has 120 speed, each token gives a 1% speed boost but with add-ons can give a faster boost but can't exceed 124% speed. If Cornelio doesn't catch a survivor in under five minutes all of his tokens will person along with a 5% speed penalty. The other part of his power is him being able to travel through shadows which has a 5 second process with no limits to how far he can go but with specific add-ons may limit the range. The cool down of shadow travelling is 15 seconds.
Perk 1-
Precise strike - Cornelio carefully observes his victims in a Chase which give him better hints on where to strike, After one minute and thirty seconds into a chase Cornelio has a 50% chance to instantly down a survivor.
Perk 2-
Karma's a bitch -
If a survivor doesn't save or heal another survivor or anything in the sort along with selling out that survivor in need or taking a hit for them etc. they gain a token of karma, this doesn't apply if Cornelio is to close, After two tokens of karma Cornelio gains a token against that survivor which gives that survivor a random status effect, after five tokens of karma that survivor suffers from the broken status effect, on ten tokens that survivor is able to be killed without a hook. A survivor can make amends by taking Cornelio off of another survivor, if the previous survivor that was being chased is fully healed the survivor who took Cornelio off of them loses two karma tokens.
Perk 3-
Determined revenge -
Fed by his delusion along with the entity's whispers Cornelio is engulfed by burning rage which replaces his terror radius with hia delusional laughing, Cornelio has the ability to have an instant cool down on his attacks when all but one generator has been done, Cornelio also has the ability to sabotage generators which if a survivor trys to fix it will be out in the injured state along with any other survivor by that generator, this can be fixed by five tremendously hard skill checks but if failed a survivor will be out into the injured state along with the broken status effect.
Cornelio takes pity on the innocent when killing, if the person is guilty with their wrong doings overcrowding their good deeds he first slashes at their legs anf makes sure to cut the tendons once they're unable to move. He then makes an cut on their chest but has the entity keep them alive, he splits their chest open to make a cavity then stavs one of their lungs then slowly squeezes their heart until it bursts all while laughing. If the good deeds overcrowd the wrong found Cornelio gives a less painful death with a quick and painless know to the skull mainly the eye and he makes sure to hit the brain.
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kittyjosei · 6 years
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My new Oc :/ Cornelios and some ideas i got from today...
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rogdona · 28 days
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skelenby · 9 months
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fiery 🔥
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smafum · 6 years
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Lineart of The King 👱🏻‍♂️👑 The King Cornelio 💫 #sketch_daily #sketchbookart #sketchbook #sketch #lineart #digitalart #digitalart #digitalartist #king #draw #mr #oc #ocs #boy #lord #detail #original #originalart #originalcreation #originalcharacter #instaartist #art #artist #artists #ステフ #drawsomething https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRFD7rH53S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7maickya30fk
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oc interview meme
Tagged by @keeperscompanionsdai ! (thank you <3 )
Tagging mhnnhnnn .... i don’t know many people sorry *looks into notifications* : @aelorha @whereismywarden @kingdomofferelden @wardenofmyheart
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I’ll introduce Ilamar! pre-Inquisition/beginning of Inquisition (my Inquisitor isn’t very talkative, she’ll let her brother handle the interviews)
1.What is your name?
Ilamar Hammond, at your service.
2. What is your real name?
My mother’s last name is Taynnis, or maybe is was her Clan’s name. I got called “Illyas” a lot too, once. I don’t consider any of those names more “real” than the one I took from my sister, but if you do feel it makes for a more accurate answer, be my guest.
3. Do you know why you were called that?
I do not know who chose the name “Ilamar” for me, nor it interests me much. I have been legally adopted into the Hammond family, and this is why I’m recognized as one. As of why Domine Cornelio used to call me “Illyas” I don’t really know, he was a fantasist like that.
4. Are you single or taken?
Hardly ever alone, but not taken by any means, no.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
Well, I’m tend to be naturally well-liked. Easily desired, truly. Well, naturally as it comes to people like me, that is. The term “abomination” is sometimes employed I believe. Some would call it manipulation, but it is much more pleasant and rewarding to achieve one’s goal with just the effort of the right word or the right touch, don’t you believe? Not to say that I’m not a skilled assassin as well.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Who would you like me to be, then?
7. What’s your eye color?
I was born with gray eyes, but now they are usually yellow. 
8. How about your hair color?
Gray. Something of a bastardized version of my mother’s pure white I believe.
9. Have you any family members?
My sister, Catherina, and her parents, Christoff and Eva Hammond. My mother is also alive somewhere, probably.
10. Oh? What about pets?
Oh, none. No matter how people tends to like me, animals not so much.
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
Strong smells of kitchen and long-cooked meals. The smell of boiled vegetables, just... nauseating. 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
I like to climb. Rocks, mountains, houses, palaces, trees. Jump from building to building at night in Orlais, look for nests high in the forest, climb the side of a waterfall. It often ruins my hand, but, well, it’s really the last of my problems. It’s not just the danger, it’s the flight.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
I have several commendation letters from the House of Repos, if needed.
15. What kind of animal are you?
Oh well, a half-breed, if we wish to be technical. But, if we are talking in metaphors, in Orlais I had quite a reputation as the Araignée, so I would say the spider.
16. Name your worst habits.
Using people, I have been told. But really, it’s just a question of prospective. Not eating or sleeping enough, would comment my sister.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
My sister. Stronger person that I could ever dream to be.
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
For the job, it hardly matters. As a personal preference, men.
19. Do you go to school?
No. I spent my childhood in chains, more or less metaphorically. Then I “studied” a bit with the Dalish, before joining the Hammond household. There I leaned the basics of behavior, culture and combat.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Oh, well, it’s not really a prospective for me. I surprise myself for being alive and still myself most days. I cannot imagine myself .. well. Children do like me. I guess I could take care of Cat’s if she ever has one or more and wishes help.
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
Something of the sort. Also many Orlesians like to gossip about l’Araignée, so I guess that counts too.
22. What are you most afraid of?
Oh, darling, at least buy me a drink first.
23. What do you usually wear?
I like high quality fabrics, I cannot lie. I like the feel and look of them. I like the glimmer and the stories it tells and how it’s made to show but hide both. But, well, I’m quite used to practical clothing and armor that favors agility and comfort rather than fashion.
24. Do you love someone?
I often think about it. And then desperately try not to.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
I believe it must have been the day I died.
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
Oh please, keep going.
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
I have been all those three things and more. Now I hardly believe I belong to any. I just fake my way into them if needed.
28. How many friends do you have?
Oh dear. One, I believe. Though she is my sister before that, so I don’t truly believe it counts. Friends are fickle little flames, that I’m not talented nor often interested in cultivating.
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
Impartial. Food and me have a complicated relationship.
30. Favourite drink?
Water. I don’t have a particular interest in beverages.
31. What’s your favourite place?
Somewhere in altitude. 
32. Are you interested in someone?
In many people, only for the time necessary.
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
Tut-tut, so indiscreet. Don’t you want to be surprised?
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Lake. The ocean... isn’t much my element.
35. What’s your type?
I’m flexible. In my job I can’t really allow myself a “type”.
36. Any fetishes?
Not really. I’ve been though most of it already. It looses its charm fast.
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
Whatever is needed. 
38. Camping or indoors?
Preferably indoors, but I do always keep myself on the move.
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
I would be agreeable to it. It’s been somehow tiring.
40. Now it’s over!
Well, good day to you, serah. It’s been a pleasure.
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doromaya · 2 years
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dancer cornelio?? yes
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rogdona · 28 days
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