#oc fernanda
leggyre · 17 days
Leggy nooo, I already miss your oc stuff a lot, there's no need to rub it in :(
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crying screaming throwing up im sorry
i can offer you the tiny patch notes as of late which is just. splatoon stuff. +2 idiots added to the overall collection of idiots, which means TIP HAS FRiEDnS ?!?! and is way less devoid of lore yay
+ connection with main group via him coaching fernanda's team AND being friends with mike in the past which i added specifically to make a joke about her first meeting him in a match where she gets absolutely destroyed and is mad about it afterwards and then a few days later mike comes up with "hey guys check out my buddy :)" and shes like "YOU. 😡"
speckle is no longer a main dream team(tm) member because inksports are just not his thing and he wants to invest more on his art and the lil etsy store hes trying to run. this development also means fucco is getting a second chance to become a member and he's actually putting effort into it this time because it's been a few years, not only he's matured as a person but also they're all actually friends this time and he respects them
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imasradiantasthesun · 3 months
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Ez's Hunger Games aesthetics, part 6: Victors of the 70s
Annie Cresta of District 4, Victor of the 70th Games
Johanna Mason of District 7, Victor of the 71st Games
Julian Stone of District 2, Victor of the 72nd Games
Bel Cuervo of District 10, Victor of the 73rd Games
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spiderziege · 8 months
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day 4 of @oc-tober2023's prompt is Blood Family, so here's Lucky with her (half-)siblings!
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
i need to read Villainous Valentine so i can have the MC show up and rejoin the Flagstone Cove survivors in Starlight. (Maybe she wasn't at The Lighthouse at the time of the attack? She might have been abroad? idk)
hmmmm thinking thinking
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heysayhappyface · 6 months
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Quieres uniter al grupo de chismes?
Y...hum si.
Português: BR
Vc quer entrar no grupo de fofoca?
Eu...Hum sim.
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shokupankoart · 7 months
Our long journey continues! (*^▽^)/
Based on votes, her name will be Beatrix!
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dayurno · 7 months
what are you fav types of fics to read? fluff?hurt/comfort?smut?sickfics?aus?
ohhh fuck thats a good question. i think this will sound hilariously like my entire posting history but i love either a good long (40k +) fic, bonus if chaptered, about characters either getting together or working through a specific part of their relationship (and especially if it's about learning how to deal with intimacy and building trust in the sexual sense, though i also love the idea of a fic about characters exploring kink and the kink scene in general)
or a short-ish oneshot exploring an abstract of a character's (or characters) life in one or several little moments. and yeah i'm still human so my favorite trope is hurt/comfort
for aftg specifically i love pros era fics and i especially do so love reading people's exy ocs interacting with the cast of aftg, i also love reading pre-canon stuff like fics that look into wymack and kayleigh or kevin's childhood or neil's time on the run, and i love love love aus of existing media LOL my most indulgent (and most favored) wip right now is a tgcf au for kandreil
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kenny-the-third · 4 months
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Fernanda’s reference sheet!
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meku95 · 2 years
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this is a small scene before the events of
"BAD NEWS" comic event
( need to do a chronologic line post)
On Margaret's POV , she working with fernanda
On some new animatronics for the mega pizza plex to demostrate her value work to the others
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leggyre · 5 months
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bichocanibal · 1 year
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laimabynight · 1 year
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Fernanda Salazar (29). Cunning woman who is about to do everything (and throw everything) to get what she wants. Stuck in a loveless marriage she is determined to show her unfaithful husband who is the better fit to run his restaurant.
El Sabor del Amor
Art by Arsch
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nedez · 1 year
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Meet Fernanda's gang at the famous FERNANDA FAZPIZZA'S RESTAURANT, here your fantasies and wishes come true
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heysayhappyface · 6 months
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Cat gloves
Luvitas de gatito
Luvas de gatinha
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formulauno98 · 11 days
A Birthday to Remember : Part Four - Toto Wolff x OC
The fourth and final part to my first attempt at a one-shot (which turned into a fully fledged mini-fic) based on this glorious request from @latte-luxe:
If you can, could you please write a short, but spicy🌶️🌶️🌶️ one shot of a young, crazy, yet loveable 5'2 Maestra who is celebrating her 30th birthday in Monaco, and a certain 6'5 F1 team principal laid eyes on her and knew he just had to have her. 😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Caution may contain fluff.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
The sun was high in the sky as Fernanda and Toto finished their breakfast together on his terrace, Toto having laid out an impressive spread of pastries and mimosas for their final meal together. The peaceful morning a surprisingly domestic contrast from the frenzied night of passion that they had just shared. It was the perfect end to Fernanda’s birthday weekend.
“Thank you for this,” Fernanda said, savouring a bite of a buttery croissant. “You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”
Toto smiled, watching her with a look of satisfaction. “It was no trouble at all. I wanted to make this weekend special for you.”
“You succeeded,” she replied, raising her glass. “To an unforgettable birthday.”
“To unforgettable moments,” Toto echoed, clinking his glass with hers.
Packing her things back into her weekend bag, Fernanda felt mixed emotions. Her unexpected, whirlwind romance was over as quickly as it had begun and she knew deep down that this was a one-off, no matter what Toto said. Their lives were too different, it would never work.
As they sped along the scenic coastal road back towards the airport, once again in Toto’s classic 300SL, Toto and Fernanda were lost in their thoughts. The morning had passed all too quickly and they both knew that their weekend was almost over.
Reaching over, Toto took Fernanda’s hand gently in his, his large hand easily covering hers. "I don't want you to leave yet," he said softly, his eyes never leaving the road.
"Neither do I," Fernanda replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "But reality calls."
They shared a quiet moment, Toto holding Fernanda’s hand until he had to shift down a gear, the picturesque scenery blurring into a backdrop to their emotions.
At Nice airport, Fernanda checked in and turned to Toto, her heart heavy with the impending goodbye. It was silly really, she’d known this man all of two days but had got swept up in a wave of emotions and been offered a glimpse into a glamorous world she would never be a part of. 
As they stood in front of the departure gate, the bustling airport crowd around them was a stark contrast to the intimate weekend they had just shared. A tourist had even approached Toto for a selfie, something he had reluctantly but politely obliged while Fernanda stood there awkwardly. It was yet another reminder of the two vastly different universes that they existed in.
"I know it’s stupid to say but I'm going to miss you," Toto said, pulling Fernanda into a tight embrace, his eyes filled with sadness. 
"I'll miss you too," Fernanda whispered, holding on to him tightly, feeling the strength and warmth of his arms around her.
They shared a lingering kiss, the world around them fading away. Pulling back, Fernanda smiled, "Thank you for the best birthday I could have ever imagined."
"The pleasure was all mine," Toto replied, his dark eyes sincere, "Please call me when you are home safe, if you can."
"I will," Fernanda said, standing on her tippy toes and giving him one last peck on the cheek before turning towards the security checkpoint.
As she walked away, she glanced back one last time to see Toto standing watching her, his arms folded, his expression unreadable. Noticing her he smiled and waved, a little goofily.
Waving back, Fernanda was thankful she had almost rounded the corner as she could feel tears welling up. She willed herself to stop and be thankful that she had had such a brilliant birthday, both with her friends and with Toto. It truly had been a birthday to remember.
The first few weeks after Fernanda’s return were filled with frequent messages and calls between her and her handsome Austrian paramour. Toto would share snippets of his hectic life, sending her blurry pictures from various tracks, while Fernanda shared her daily life and the joys and challenges of teaching. They may have been worlds apart but the spark remained.
Despite the distance, their connection felt strong and they made plans to meet up again, discussing the logistics of possible weekends and holidays. But as time went on, the frequency of their communication began to wane, Toto's demanding schedule and constant travel across time zones making it difficult to pin down dates and maintain regular contact. Fernanda, too, found herself buried in work, her days now filled with lesson plans and grading as the academic year drew to a close.
Their conversations became sporadic, and eventually, the messages stopped altogether. Fernanda knew that maintaining a relationship with someone living such a different life was always going to be a challenge, but she cherished the memories of her wild birthday weekend and tried not to get too sad about it. Life carried on as normal and she had to smile when she was sat at home watching the Monaco Grand Prix and Toto flashed up on screen, frowning at the camera as his team struggled around the punishing circuit. He really was a handsome man and as much as she hated to admit it, the best sex of her life.
Fernanda resolved herself that she was never going to hear from Toto again, he was likely busy with work and had probably met some other thirty-something-year-old who had taken his fancy. Knowing that she too had to move on, she allowed her friends to set herself up on a few dates, and try her best to forget all about Toto.
Try as she might, unfortunately, her one weekend with Toto had somewhat ruined other men for Fernanda. Sure enough, she had met some perfectly nice and objectively handsome guys but they were missing the charm and the spark that she had felt with Toto. 
It was a rainy Thursday evening late in June when Fernanda’s phone buzzed unexpectedly. It was almost the Summer break and she was counting down the days until she was free from the classroom. Glancing at her phone absentmindedly, expecting it to be one of her friends checking in, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Toto's name flash up on the screen. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, she opened the message.
"Hello my love, I know that it’s been a while and for that I am sorry. I hope you’re doing well? I can’t get you out of my head and was wondering if you’d like to join me on my boat for the summer? Let me know. All my best, Toto."
Fernanda stared at the message, her mind racing. She had truly resigned herself to the idea that she would never hear from this man ever again, yet here he was, inviting her on another adventure. Her initial reaction was scepticism, having been burned by fleeting romances before. But as she re-read the message, she felt a familiar warmth. The memories of their short time together came rushing back, and she couldn't help but smile.
After a few moments of reflection, she decided to respond.
"Hey, I‘ve been thinking about you too. That sounds amazing, I’d love to join you. When and where should I meet you?"
Toto’s reply was almost immediate. 
"Fantastic. I’m currently docked in Antibes, in the South of France. When does your term end? Is it next week? Let me know and I’ll arrange everything. Can’t wait to see you again."
Touched by the fact that he had remembered her term dates after all this time, Fernanda hastily replied, leading to them spending the evening hashing out the finer details via Facetime. It had been months since they had properly spoken to one another but it oddly felt like no time had passed and the hours flew by as they finally set their plans to reunite in stone. Fernanda would fly to Nice and join Toto on his boat for a week.
The days leading up to her trip were a whirlwind of preparation and anticipation. Fernanda could hardly focus on her work, her mind drifting to thoughts of sunny days on the water and starry nights with Toto. She confided in her friends, who were both excited and slightly cautious for her. They’d already been with her through the highs and lows of whatever this situationship was and were still weary that Toto was some kind of billionaire playboy with ulterior motives.
As the plane touched down in Nice, the sky as blue as she remembered, Fernanda felt a flutter of nerves. What if things had changed? What if they didn’t click the way they had before? She pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself that she was here for an adventure.
Stepping into the arrivals lounge, she was greeted by a smartly dressed driver holding a discreet sign with her name who quickly whisked her away in an elegant black Mercedes saloon. The ride to Antibes was short but filled with stunning views of the Mediterranean coastline that Fernanda had never seen before and as the miles ticked down, Fernanda felt the butterflies in her stomach building with anticipation.
As the car pulled up into the drop-off area, Fernanda spotted Toto waiting for her at the dock. He looked as handsome as ever, dressed casually in a white linen shirt, navy shorts and smart espadrilles. His face lit up when he saw her stepping out of the car and he rushed to pull her into a warm embrace, keeping things considerably more PG than he had the last time they’d been together.
"Welcome back, Fernanda," he said, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "I’m so glad you’re here."
"Me too," Fernanda replied, her smile matching his. "This place is beautiful."
“I know,” said Toto, proudly, taking Fernanda’s luggage from the driver, and thanking him for his service. 
“Oh you don’t have to do that,” said Fernanda, surprised that Toto would carry luggage.
“Nonsense, and besides it weighs nothing,” he said, effortlessly swinging her large duffle over his shoulder before taking her hand in his, “I hope it means you packed only bikinis.”
Fernanda shook her head laughing, chastising him but secretly relieved that the spark was still there.
As they boarded the boat, a sleek and luxurious yacht, Fernanda couldn’t help but be impressed. The teak deck was immaculate, home to elegant cream sunloungers and an expertly laid dining table, already laden with brunch.
“Welcome,” said Toto, setting Fernanda’s luggage down before a deckhand scurried to collect it, “I took the liberty of ordering brunch as I thought you might be hungry but let me show you around first.”
The next few days passed in a blissful blur and Fernanda quickly realised that things were just as easy as they had been the first time around. They spent their mornings lounging on the deck, sipping coffee and chatting about everything and nothing. By day, they explored hidden coves and swam in crystal-clear waters and by night they dined under the stars, sharing stories and laughter before retreating to Toto’s luxurious master suite, passionately rediscovering each other into the early hours.
One such evening, Fernanda was still reeling from the surreal feeling of her reunion with Toto as they lounged together on the deck. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the two of them as they sipped champagne contently, Fernanda leaning her head into Toto’s broad chest and his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush.
"I still can't believe I'm here," Fernanda said, breaking the comfortable silence. She looked up at Toto, who was gazing at her with a mixture of amusement and affection.
"I’m glad you decided to come," Toto replied, his eyes twinkling. "I was worried you might say no."
"Why would I say no to an adventure with you?" Fernanda asked, her tone light but her words sincere.
"Well, I was worried you might have moved on," Toto admitted. "I wouldn’t have blamed you. I know I haven’t been the best at keeping in touch."
Fernanda smiled, reaching out to touch his hand. "Life gets in the way. But I’m here now, and that’s what matters."
They shared a quiet moment, the sound of the gentle waves providing a soothing background.
"Do you remember the last time we were together?" Toto asked, his voice soft. "The airport, the way you looked at me when you walked away?"
"How could I forget?" Fernanda replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to leave."
"I didn't want you to either," Toto confessed. "I felt so stupid, I know that it was only one weekend but you knocked me sideways Fernanda.”
Fernanda looked at him, her heart aching with the memory. "For real?”
"For real," Toto repeated back to her, his eyes intense, "I know it’s a lot to consider, and I don’t expect an answer right away, but I want you to know that I want to see where this can go."
Fernanda’s breath caught in her throat. She hadn’t expected such a declaration, but it warmed her heart. "Toto, I…"
He held up a hand, stopping her. "You don’t have to say anything now. Just think about it. Enjoy the Summer with me, stay longer. We can figure out the rest as we go."
She nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and excitement. "Okay. Let’s see where this takes us."
Spending an extended amount of time together, it became more apparent that there was a connection beyond the wild weekend they had shared all of those months ago. Fernanda’s week-long trip extended to two, giving Fernanda and Toto time to explore charming coastal towns and discover more secluded beaches where they could be alone, away from prying eyes. Each day bringing them closer, their bond growing stronger.
For the first time in a long time, Fernanda felt truly happy, ready to embrace whatever came next. She was grateful Toto had come into her life and wanted to stick around, her fateful birthday weekend had truly been one to remember.
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witchkittymeow · 10 months
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Guess who made her drawtectives OC at last
This Is Fernanda Torra Fei (Fer Torra fei for short(get It?))
Shes a photografy intern at Yorks modeling agency, shes REALLY bad at seeming inocent to the point she becomes a red haring. Kind of like when you pretend you didn't steal anything at a store even tho you didn't.
She'd probably ask the crew to draw photoshoot ideas in exchange of photografic clues of whichever case they're solving, which makes me believe shes one of the last npcs.
"I- I SWEAR I totally didn't kill anyone and i'm trying to cover It up!!" (She didn't do anything shes just bad at sounding not suspicious)
I tried to be so JULIA CORE with my color scheme and design, adding gold and stuff hagshsgs. I want to also clear up that she isn't a self insert bt I love hr 💞💞
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