#oc vaathu horncarver
memetrash-coyote · 1 year
👰 - one of your half-orcs; 🔥 - one of your warlocks; 💀 - dealer's choice
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Each one of these was going to be something else, but then I changed my mine once I opened the tablet lol
Rough sketches of
👰 - Fiadh and Aisling being wed
🔥 - Andune wearing something posh
💀 - The killing blow for Vaathu
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memetrash-coyote · 2 years
1, 5, 11 for the Hornet, and 4, 9, and 15 for Vaathu?
Ope forgot about this one >>;
How does your OC feel about their full name? She’s gotten used to just being called the Hornet, so hearing her name in someone’s mouth is almost unfamiliar. She doesn’t hate it though.
Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying? A stronger glare
What color do they look strikingly good in? Black and gold of course ;V
How do they act around a crush? Forward, as the sailor life has no time for sitting on a crush. Act fast or let them be.
Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse? Swears
Are their greatest flaw and their greatest strength related and in what way? (ie very caring and helpful but a doormat, or very observant and shrewd but often paranoid) Her greatest flaw is the ability to just go with the flow of things, but sometimes it helps to lay low and wait for an opportune time to strike or adapt to new situations.
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memetrash-coyote · 2 years
🍻🍾🍍🍑 All four of these for the top three characters plaguing your brain at the moment :D
You know that’s it’s the polyarmory but I’ll do my best to add others
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day? Gunvor: Carving little animals! Little simple ones like ducks, rabbits, and foxes. She also like to chop wood after a rough day. Roxanne: cooking is her method of comfort (aside from just, physical contact with the others in the polyarmory) Drada: They like to tend to their mushrooms and personal plants.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event? Zora: She believes in luck! Luck's what got her caught in Meszahi's snare. As for a charm, she lost her rabbit foot a while ago. Gunvor: More or less. Doesn't have any rituals for it Roxanne: Less about luck and more about fate. Her charm is the pendant with Lathander's sunrise carved into it. Vaathu: Heavily, though she keeps it to herself. That’s why she keeps the hag stone on her.
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? Zora: Most comfortable? Being near Coaxoch and Meszahi. She’s comfortable with the whole polyarmory but the most when one of them is nearby. Gunvor: Used to just be when she was gathering wood, but recently it’s been when she and one of the others are working on their projects. Roxanne: Either in the middle of a cuddle pile with the polyarmory, in someone’s lap, or simply next to a campfire. Nurkal: The closest to comfortable they’ve felt is meditating by a river, listening to the water to keep their mind busy.
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? Zora: Shoulders. Oh, and eyes. That said, there’s something about scales on a person… Gunvor: … If they’re fun. Roxanne: Hmm, is she cute? Honest answer though… kindness. Muscles are also fun if we’re talking physical traits. Just look at Gunvor and Coaxoch and Iolanthe. Marvelous. Eden: Smarts apparently. Not a damn clue where that cropped up.
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memetrash-coyote · 2 years
🍩 for Vaska, Vaathu, and Adelita; 🍻 for Zora, Bridget, and Eilidh; 🍟 for Bryn, Dagnal, and Roxanne?
Answers under a cut!
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Vaska: Assault and mugging easily. Likely caught for assault. She's working on it though. Kinda.
Vaathu: Well she used to mug people, but now she's a reformed pirate, so it's just assisting in thievery now.
Adelita: Assault of an officer. Granted it's usually just one hit before running.
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
Zora: Sketching her surroundings and her girlfriends. If it's been a taxing social day, she tries meditating for a bit once she's settled.
Bridget: Honestly, both just spending time by the ocean, listening to the waves, and enjoying a drink in a rowdy pub are her favorite ways to wind down.
Eilidh: Meditating is her comfort ritual. No noise, and if she can be in a park or something that's better.
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Bryn: She'll say that sleeping in is her guilty pleasure, but there's no guilt when she tries to convince Yelkha to stay in bed just a little. It's actually eating fowl bones. She enjoys the crunch but Yelkha's wince.
Dagnal: She'll dodge the answer by saying that in order to have a guilty pleasure you must first feel guilt. It's simply enjoying some elven wine.
Roxanne: Getting woken up by Coaxoch. Sometimes she'll wake up before Coaxoch and will go back to sleep just to get woken up by her. Also being the center of a threesome or more with her girlfriends but you knew that one already
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
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“Oh privateer? I have need of you. Loneliness has set in and I believe you are necessary to cure my aliment.”
Some Daffodil and Vaathu because why not. I love that Daffodil calls her Privateer.
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
Someone on Instagram called these two really cute and I'm just "you sure???? Looks like two bastards to me."
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
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Trouble comes both large and small.
Really pleased with how these two turned out! A fun combo.
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
Kanti: 16, 26, 34, 40; Bryn: 13, 25; Vaathu: 4, 31, 38; Grusha: 15, 32, 36, 39; Vaska: 6, 11, 36; Sprout: 1, 21.
Ooh a fun mix!
16. would they draw patterns in frosted windows/fogged up mirrors? what would they draw?
Aside from constellations as mentioned before, she’d also do tree branches!
26. do they write in their books? do they mind other people writing in their books? what do they write?
If she feels there needs to be a note in a book she’s obtained, then she’ll write a note on a piece of paper then keep it by the page in reference.
If it’s her own notes, she’ll add margin notes without worry, usually with an asterisk or some other symbol by the portion she’s referencing.
34. what's the first thing they think when they hear an alarm? what's the first thing they do?
Just go on alert and keep an eye on her surroundings.
40. if their mattress became uncomfortable as time passed, would they notice it? would they do anything about it?
She’d rotate the mattress to keep it going. Eventually she’ll accept that she needs to buy a new one.
13. what helps them fall asleep when they're having trouble doing so?
Usually just curling tighter to whoever she’s sleeping with will do the trick. If not, she’ll play music in her head; sometimes music she plays, sometimes music her sisters or parents play.
25. do they keep books on their person? what kind?
Hmmm I think if she had any books, it’d be a romance that she felt had an interesting premise, and she’ll happily read out any of the raunchy bits to Yelkha for a laugh.
4. would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went?
Yeah! It’s fun to sing along!
31. did they climb all over/onto things as a kid?
Most of her climbing as a kid was the occasional tree and cliff side.
38. do they bother to clean ink/chalk/gunpowder/etc off of their fingers? are they likely to forget it's there and smudge their nose?
Oh she’ll 100% forget, and if someone points it out, she’ll just slap her hands on her pants legs a couple of times to try to get rid of the dirt before trying to get rid of the smudge (it gets worse)
15. what's a sound they can't stand?
Vomiting. It doesn’t make her sick, but she does wince at hearing it.
32. can they play darts? would they?
Oh she’ll play darts! Especially after a couple of drinks (even if that’s not the safest way to play)
36. (if they have hair that needs to be brushed) how often do they do so? do they do it gently?
She usually quickly combs her hair in the morning before throwing on a bandana, occasionally throwing it into a bun or a ponytail.
39. do they keep working even when their wrists start to cramp? if they do, do they give themselves a break when the work is done?
Depends on the work. If she’s performing, she’ll push through and just rest it afterwards. If it’s a jod where she can take a break in the middle of, she will. Her hands are her tools after all.
6. do they usually sleep in a certain pose? does it change?
By herself, arms crossed like she’s in a hammock. With a person, she’ll have an arm around them to keep them both anchored.
11. how do they feel about casual endearments? (babe, etc)
She’s not used to them, but she’s enjoying them. They’re nice.
36. (if they have hair that needs to be brushed) how often do they do so? do they do it gently?
She combs it at night almost daily, just before braiding it and sleeping. She combs with her fingers first then a wooden comb she has, and she’s actually gentle with hair.
1. what kind of clothing does your character like to wear? do they have a style? anything they avoid wearing?
Hand-me-downs that can handle being in the dirt. They avoid shoes and delicate fabrics.
21. do they touch or mess with their hair/horns a lot?
Their hair yes. They constantly run their hands through to get any curls out of their face or just fidget.
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
For Eden: 6, 17, 24, and 37; for Roxanne: 4, 14, 21, and 33; for Kanti: 7, 16, 31, and 38; for Drada: 1, 11, 18, and 29; for Vaathu: 5, 9, 35, and 41?
Under a cut this all goesss
6. do they usually sleep in a certain pose? does it change?
So, if she’s sleeping on a floor or ground, she curls up almost like a cat. If she’s sleeping in a bed, she’s gonna starfish and take up as much bed as possible. If sleeping with someone, she’s an octopus. I’d say good luck getting out but she’s not that strong so
17. do they fidget? how and/or with what?
She’ll fidget with her sunglasses mainly. Occasionally she’ll fidget with her tail if she’s sitting.
24. what kind of bookmarks, if any, do they like to use?
She used to be a dog-ear person, but Danya made her kick that habit >> Now she does pieces of paper
37. how would they pass the time on a train?
(assuming modern au) she’d listen to music and try to nap if it’s a long ride.
4. would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went?
She would! Lyrics aren’t a main focus for her; they’re songs for fun, not hymns.
14. do they tend to run hot or cold? do they do anything to deal with that?
She tends to run cold, so normally she makes sure to be in sunlight to keep warm. Otherwise she’ll either bundle up or cuddle.
21. do they touch or mess with their hair/horns a lot?
She’ll run her fingers through her hair as an occasional fidget, and twirl a lock around a finger when chatting.
33. where are they in a group hug? (dead center, outside, etc)
As close as she can to the core of the hug, partially because she’s quick to hug.
7. how would they react to eating something that was spicier than they expected it to be?
Quietly makes the observation while reaching for something to drink. Usually commenting that it has interesting heat.
16. would they draw patterns in frosted windows/fogged up mirrors? what would they draw?
Constellations! She’ll start with the stars, then the lines, and it’ll be as detailed as time/space allows
31. did they climb all over/onto things as a kid?
Oh 100%. She used to climb the trees by the house constantly, as well as when her father would take her and Isgrac camping.
38. do they bother to clean ink/chalk/gunpowder/etc off of their fingers? are they likely to forget it’s there and smudge their nose?
While working on maps, she’s mindful of ink on the maps, as an inkblot could be mistaken as a star. That said, if there’s ink on her hands, chances are she will forget and smudge her face.
1. what kind of clothing does your character like to wear? do they have a style? anything they avoid wearing?
They normally wear clothes that can handle getting dirtied since they’re usually in the garden. Warm tones, worn but comfortable clothes, bare foot. They do know how to dress sharp if they need to, but they actually like wearing their work clothes.
11. how do they feel about casual endearments? (babe, etc)
While not one to use them, they will get a little stupid if used on them.
18. would they sing a lullaby, if the opportunity arose?
More-so hum a lullaby than sing, but yes! It’s mainly songs they learned from their sister’s music practice.
29. if they wear any, where did they get their jewelry?
They have small plugs on their lobes.
5. if they wear any, how does your character go about applying makeup? (methodically, nervously, messily, etc)
She’s never worn makeup before! If she did it herself, it’d probably be a mess lol
9. if someone gave them flowers, what would they do with them?
She’ll be charmed and put it in a buttonhole of her coat.
35. do they sing with their head voice or their chest voice?
Oh her chest voice for sure.
41. what’s the silliest thing they’ve used magic to do? if they don’t have magic, what’s something silly they’d use it for if they did?
I can’t think of a spell in specific, but Vaathu has jumped off a ship a couple times with the Tempestuous Magic.
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memetrash-coyote · 3 years
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