#oc vilis
firaknight · 9 months
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Capping off my sketchbook with one huge page of OCs!!
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heartfall-syndrome · 3 months
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temporalcrow · 4 months
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Have an OC of mine; his name is Drac.
He was created from bits and pieces of Hank's DNA (or was just an unfortunate grunt in some stories) since that mf leaves his own blood and gore everywhere. Drac was intended to be someone that could take Hank down, but he rebelled against his creator after a series of painful experiments that lead into; Half MAG form (which gave him strange deformities such as being a psuedo vampire ig), robotic hand, and robotic wings.
He's a bit of a trouble maker, but he's no match for Hank. Not that he ever intends on crossing paths with him, anyway.
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defness · 10 months
Eater of Worlds twinkfied :3
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originalpumpkincatgirl · 11 months
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Repostober Day 31: Calamity Form Vili!
Figured I'd post one of my spookier (and older!) full pieces for the last day!
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voidendron · 2 years
*resisting urge to give Jen and Kitty another kid*
they Do Not Need another kid
they have five children as it is
Jen don't give me that look-
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echoheart0324 · 2 years
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*drops them in casually* Anyways, yeah they have issues. Just make sure they don't lose the one brain cell while I go make the other half of this group eventually...maybe....
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welcometohelck · 9 months
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rizardofether · 1 year
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Suddenly thought of this meme and about how perfect it is for these guys.
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trashcancalicojack · 2 years
Full name: Fili Durin
Nicknames: Fi, fee, lion, golden lion, goldilocks, princeling , nanu (Dis and Thorin's affectionate nickname for Fili)
Age: 82
Race: Dwarf
World of Origin: Middle Earth
Date of birth: TA 2859
Place of birth: Blue Mountains
Current residence: Erebor/The Shire
Gender identity: Man (or Dwarf I guess)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Crown prince of Erebor
Religion: Vala Aulë
Current status: Single as a Pringle
Occupation: Jeweler, Prince? And sometimes an inconvenience
Hobbies: Smithing, making jewelry, singing, dancing and reading
Mother: Dis
Father: Vili
Brother: Kili
Uncle: Thorin Oakenshield
Pet: Didn't have one for the longest time but when they got Erebor back he found a kitten between the ruins of Dale and Erebor and kind of adopted her. At first it was only to give the little kitten strength to make sure it'd survive the winter but after a while he officially adopted it. The kitten name is Emily Lickingson, Emi for short.
Love interest: None, until the fandom decides otherwise.
Friends: Too many to name them all, but some of them are Thorin's Company (duh), Gimli, Tauriel, Jack (shut up, my sheet my rules), Elladan, Ellrohir, Frar son of Dar, Ibun Firebeard, Asphodel Brandybuck, Lily Proudfoot...
Enemies: Probably the old assholes that were at first in Erebor's council when the mountain started filling again. Oh, and Azog.
Said and done, it's not everything because i will be rationing it but HERE IT IS, THE CHARACTER FILL of @tolkien-fantasy fantastic/amazing/wonderful OC character sheet with Fili!
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delicatenightfury · 5 months
Star of the Mountain Chapter 34
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
Masterlist - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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Dís couldn’t help but smile as she navigated her way through the Lonely Mountain. It had been so long since she walked the halls of Erebor and she was ecstatic to finally be home. She was newly married to her husband Vili when Smaug attacked and forced them from their home. Neither Fili nor Kili had been born in Erebor as she had wished, but she made sure that her sons heard the great stories of their homeland. To see it reclaimed, and in the process of restoration, was an amazing thing. Thorin was doing an amazing job to ensure that Erebor remained the greatest dwarven kingdom in Middle Earth. 
Dís was also grateful and honored by the fact that her brother invited her to join the council. Dís was quite vocal about the needs of her people, as she should be as their princess, and Thorin recognized that.
She greeted Kili, Dain, and the sons of Fundin with a wide smile as she entered the council hall. The others had not yet arrived, which was not entirely surprising. 
“How do you think last night went?” she asked the men.
“What happened last night?” Dain said.
Kili smiled.
“My mother convinced Oreliell to go speak with Thorin during the feast last night.”
Dain seemed impressed.
“I’ve been noticing some tension between them,” he said. “You think they resolved that?”
“Resolved what?”
The group turned as Thorin approached them. Dís found herself looking for Oreliell as well, but the elf was absent at the moment. Thorin did, however, have a more relaxed look about him. 
“Nothing to worry about, lad,” Balin said. “All in good time.”
Thorin hummed and Dís knew he was aware about what was on their minds. But he didn’t say anything, simply smiled. 
Not a minute later, Oreliell and Vedis entered the room. Based on their expressions, they seemed to be discussing something, yet their mouths did not move. Dís recalled Kili telling her that Vedis was mute and only spoke to Oreliell.
“I’m glad to see we’re still early,” Oreliell said after greeting them. “I worried we were going to be late.”
Dís glanced between her brother and Oreliell, trying to find evidence that things had changed. But neither seemed to give anything away. They each talked with the other dwarves comfortably, discussing the upcoming meeting and making simple conversation. Even Vedis seemed to be acting normally, despite her slight annoyance from the previous night. However, Dís had not known them long enough to truly determine a change in their behavior.
The rest of the council made their way into the hall, greeting the already present company and taking their seats. Dís greeted the lords with a polite smile as she made her way to her seat, but kept her eyes on Oreliell and Thorin for any sign.
There! It was the sparkle that had caught her eyes. A dwarven courting bead, the one she had seen her brother make many years ago. Now, it rested in Oreliell’s golden hair, finishing off a courting braid. Dís could not fight the grin that came onto her face.
She caught Thorin’s gaze as the council members took their seats. She had a million questions and wanted answers. A single nod from her brother answered them. Well, most of them. She’d pester him, or Oreliell, for the details later. 
Thorin called for the meeting to begin, causing them to launch into discussion about what further steps needed to be taken in Erebor. Dís sat quietly while she listened to the group talk, occasionally writing things down that interested her. She was pleased how well Thorin had come into his role as king, and how Kili was handling the personalities of the council.
As she listened, Dís also took the time to observe the dwarf lords. Many of them were older than when she had last seen them, but that was to be expected. None of these lords had come to rest in the Blue Mountains, so she had not seen them in many years. 
Something she did pick up on though was the narrowed eyes of some of the members. The glares were not cast in her direction, but to where Vedis and Oreliell sat. Dís couldn’t say she was terribly surprised, given the tense relationship between elves and dwarves in the past. But to do it so openly in the king’s council?
“What is to be done about the land around the mountain?” one of the lords asked. 
“It is possible that new trees could be planted, but they will not grow for some time,” Balin said. “At least likely not in our time.”
“What about repurposing some of the land?” Oreliell said.
They turned to look at her.
“What do you mean, lass?” Lord Rusnig asked.
“What if we use the land to grow food and raise livestock? We can allow both the dwarves of Erebor and the men of Dale to use the land so that both may earn profit.”
“Farming? Livestock?” Lord Korvon scoffed. “What use would dwarves have for that? We’re miners and blacksmiths, not farmers.”
“But not all dwarves. There are merchants and toymakers among the dwarves of Erebor, seamstresses and cooks. Surely during the time away from Erebor, some learned how to cultivate land.”
“I believe that there are some farmers that returned with me from the Blue Mountains,” Dís spoke up. “I am sure that if asked, they would be willing to teach others.”
“This is absurd,” said Lord Trinan. “Why should we bother with farming and livestock when we have the mountain to provide for us?”
Dís saw Oreliell struggle to contain an eye roll.
“Because right now, Erebor is relying on Mirkwood to provide a majority of its food supply. This will remain necessary through the winter months, but what about when spring comes? Instead of spending a fortune on food from another kingdom, Erebor could grow its own and earn a profit. Mirkwood would still have its own produce unique to their land, while Dale and Erebor would share in the wealth of their own. All three kingdoms would have their own products, food and materials, that could be sold to each other and other lands. And the money that would have been spent on food can be put to better use within the mountain to care for the people.”
Thorin seemed impressed with the suggestion, his hand on his chin as he thought it over. Several others seemed to agree and were nodding their heads as they murmured among each other.
However, Lord Korvon scoffed, crossing his arms. He was already a grimy looking dwarrow. His wiry hair was the color of wet straw and his eyes were beady. He wore rich colors that did nothing for his appearance other than make him an eyesore. In his younger years, he may have been a handsome dwarf, but those days were long gone. Now, he simply reminded Dís of a stable rat, scurrying along for scraps. Though his present behavior reminded her more of a young child.
“You can’t seriously be considering this, your highness,” he said.
Thorin looked at him, eyes narrowing.
“And why not? It is a strong suggestion.”
“The elf is proposing we turn from our traditions! We’ve already started to stray when we allied ourselves with the elves of Mirkwood and the men of Dale. Have you stopped to consider that they might be trying to sabotage our great nation and hand it over to their own kin?”
The room went silent at his words. Dís glanced at Thorin, whose hands had tightened into fists. Several of the others seemed upset at the accusations.
“How dare you make such claims,” Dwalin said lowly. “You have no right.”
“No? As a member of the council, and a citizen of Erebor, I have a right to worry about the state of my home.”
“The lasses have done nothing but help Erebor since they arrived,” Dain said.
“At what cost? The loss of our ways of life? Their presence in Erebor alone demands questioning. If King Thrain could see this-”
“My grandfather is no longer king of Erebor, and thus it is not his concern,” Thorin said.
“If I may,” Dís said before anyone else could speak. She stood up. “Lord Korvon, may I ask you a question?”
“Of course, princess.”
“What did you do when my brother came to you nearly a year ago with the proposition of embarking on his quest to reclaim the mountain?”
No one spoke for a moment.
“I beg your pardon, princess?”
“Before Thorin began his journey, he came to you looking for support, did he not? He came to your home asking that you back his quest and send dwarves to go with him. What support did you give him?” Lord Korvon seemed to stutter over his words, making him look like a gasping fish. Dís turned to her brother’s friends. “Balin, how many dwarves accompanied you on your quest?”
“Thirteen, your highness. Including Bilbo Baggins, a halfling from the Shire, and Oreliell and Vedis.”
“And how many dwarves did Lord Korvon send?”
“None, my lady.”
Dís hummed, tilting her head as she looked at Korvon.
“None. So you refused to support the future king of Erebor when he wished to reclaim our homeland. Your own kin. Yet, these two women, who have little connection to Erebor, chose to help and it resulted in our homeland being reclaimed. The only connection they had was to my brother.”
Korvon had the nerve to scoff again.
“And what kind of connection would they have to the king other than manipulation?”
Dís glanced at Thorin and Oreliell for a brief moment. Around them, the dwarves were tense, brows tight on their foreheads and fists clenched. But the two exchanged their own glances before nodding. Dís looked back at Korvon.
“I believe the courting bead in Oreliell’s hair says everything it needs to.”
Dís could have laughed when almost every head spun to look at Oreliell. The woman didn’t flinch, nor did she try to flaunt her newly made courting braid.
“What is the meaning of this?” Lord Korvon said, practically shouting in shock.
“It means that you should have more respect for your future queen,” Dís said.
“But she-”
Thorin raised his hand to cut off Lord Korvon. Dís returned to her seat after a nod from Thorin, who then stood up.
“What my sister said is true. Oreliell and I are courting. We have been engaged in courtship since before the quest to reclaim Erebor, when we were traveling on the road together looking for my father. I have heard your concerns of manipulation or magic, but they are false on all accounts. The sisters hold no magic abilities, or else they might have used them to aid in our fight against the orcs. They hold no allegiance to Mirkwood or they would have stopped us when we journeyed through the elven king’s land. They have gained my trust through nothing but patience, loyalty, and kindness, something I did not show to them when we first met.”
Thorin looked at Oreliell and reached out for her. She placed her hand in his, returning his smile.
“My father and my grandfather would have wanted peace and happiness for myself and our homeland. I have found it. Oreliell is my One, and I am hers. It matters not to me that she is an elf and I am a dwarf. We are simply man and woman, made for each other. When the time is right, we will be wed and she will be queen of Erebor, as I am your king. As I stated during our last meeting, if any of you should find an issue with this, know that you may step down so that another more willing can fill your spot on the council.”
The hall was quiet for a long minute. Dís looked over the dwarf lords. Rusnig was smiling at his king, a slightly distant look in his eye as if he were remembering when he was young and his own wife was still alive. Lords Malrak and Trinan were weighing their king’s words, observing his close confidants and his One before bowing their heads in respect. Korvon, while still flustered, leaned back in his chair in acceptance that he would have no say in the elves’ presence.
Thorin, seemingly pleased with their decisions, spoke again.
“The traditions and values of Erebor shall remain, but we must move forward. We are a different people after what we have endured, and we shall come out stronger than before. Oreliell’s suggestion will be taken into high consideration and discussion so that plans can be made for the spring season. Is there anything further?”
The group shook their heads. Dís smiled as Thorin closed the meeting. She watched as the lords approached Thorin and Oreliell, bowing their heads to the couple and offering congratulations, some more genuine than others. Kili was almost bouncing with excitement as he waited for his turn to approach his uncle.
When the lords had finished, Kili practically sprinted to Oreliell’s side, nearly toppling her as he hugged her. Oreliell laughed.
“I am so happy for you!” he exclaimed.
“Indeed, cousin,” Dain said. “This is a most exciting day.”
“We are very happy for you,” Balin said.
Dwalin roughly patted Thorin on the back and said, “I knew you had it in you.”
Kili stepped back enough to look up at Oreliell. His smile turned mischievous.
“Does this mean I get to call you irak’namad now?” he teased. (translation: /aunt\)
Dís laughed as Thorin shook his head. Oreliell merely smiled.
“Perhaps after the wedding, Kili,” she said. She looked at Dís as she approached. “Lady Dís.”
Dís waved her off.
“None of that now,” she said. She took Oreliell’s hands in hers. “We are to be sisters soon. All three of us.” Vedis smiled slightly and bowed her head. “We will have many opportunities now to share stories about my brother. No need to look so nervous, Thorin. I won’t tell her anything too embarrassing.”
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waywardtavsanddurges · 3 months
Tav/Durge/Companion 20 Questions
I was tagged by a few people to do this on my multimuse but I wanna do it for my OC babies, so here it goes.
And I tag anybody who wants to do it that hasn't already!
I. what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Felyn smells like earth and mushrooms, with a tangier smell the longer she goes without a wash.
Il. what would their blood taste like to vampires?
Probably similar to how she smells. Very earthy, musky, a bit mushroom-ie but maybe a little sweeter than she smells.
Ill. how would they kiss their LI?
Possessively, hungry, desperate. She seems really reserved, but there's no subtlety when it comes to the ones she loves. Even her gentlest kisses are quick and rough.
IV. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
She trances totally sprawled out, limbs wild, probably tangled up with her partner's in some way. Her on her back and her lover resting their head on her chest with her arm wrapped around them would be a very common position.
V. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
She finds the most remote, most covered part of the area, usually in a corner/cranny/crevice. Usually a place she can see the rest of the camp and keep a watchful eye on everyone and everything that is coming and going.
VI. if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
Very simple, just a black or dark grey base with white or light grey lettering. She's not a flashy person.
VIl. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
Rocks, especially moss or lichen covered rocks. Nothing sparkly either, just basic river rocks. She has a rock garden back in Menzoberanzzan, one of the few things she actually cherishes back home, and it consists of at least one rock from everywhere she's adventured. She also collects mushrooms and mushroom spores, because mushroom cultivation is one of her hobbies.
VIlI. if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
Definitely more on the literature side, not necessarily magical because aside from her ranger spells she doesn't touch magic. But she like to read reference material, histories, especially from different perspectives. She finds it fascinating to read about what the surfacers think of the Underdark races and vice-versa.
IX. if they had to be put in a "get along shirt" with a companion, who would it be?
Probably Wyll, or Halsin. Their heroic-goodie-two-shoes crap would drive her bonkers, and she'd probably be pretty cruel towards Wyll when it comes to his pact and Mizora and all that. As far as Halsin goes, she'll definitely gang up with Minthara in camp against the druid.
X. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
Animals, no doubt. Speaking to the dead kinda creeps her out, honestly, and she'd rather not disturb their remains.
XI. what are their thoughts on clowns?
XII. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Whoever it is better sleep with their weapon in hand. She won't really care what is being said, just the fact that rumors or lies or personal information is being passed around all willy-nilly will have her rolling heads and slitting throats.
XIII. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
Her laugh is dry and quick, she rarely belly laughs from a joke, and only around people she's comfortable with, which is really few and far between. As for what makes her laugh, she is a fan of dumb puns, and she does laugh at physical misfortune that befalls someone. She'd be a fan of Jackass in modern day.
XIV. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
She will eventually develop some inside jokes, but it takes a lot for her to open up. When she does, though, everything will be a joke.
XV. what's the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Plain and simple, made of linen, grey in color, loose-fitting as to make for ease of movement.
XVI. what's the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
Plain black thong. No bra. Let them tiddies be free.
XVII. how do they celebrate their birthday?
She doesn't, mostly because she doesn't know what day she was born. The closest she has is the day that she was basically signed over to House Baenre in exchange for protection and peace for her birth-House.
XVIII. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
Forensic Files. Snapped. Any of the Law and Orders, but especially SVU because Detective Olivia Benson is all she would strive to be. Bones. And yes, they would have very little choice in the matter.
XIX. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what's the title + description?
I don't yet, but I'm working on one. It would just be titled Playlist, and it would have a lot of nordic folk music, punk rock, angry emo rock, and pirate shanties.
XX. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Sharp objects you probably don't want to be grabbing with your hands. And rocks.
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temporalcrow · 4 months
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my D&D character for a campaign that recently ended. He's a dragonborne/sharkfolk hybrid who was once a feared pirate captain but has since mellowed out.
He's a fighter, and he greatly appreciated and valued his crew. The obsidian necklace he wears holds gold engravings of the crew member's he's lost.
His name is hard to pronounce. You can just call him Karv.
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theroleplayingedda · 8 months
A rping masterlist for vikingISH muses.
I am once again sorry to spam your @s. Tumblr breaks every time I edit this post. So sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
Norse Mythology:
alldaddy Odin arcanigenum Loke & Ull & multiple OCs [MultiMuse] astridnorddottir Astrid | A Valkyrie OC belcvednanna Nanna berserkerofrealms Garmr brknmnds Angrboða & Jörmungandr [MultiMuse] brokenandlonelysouls Fenrir Lokison & Sleipnir Lokison [MultiMuse] bruadcr Jormungandr, Sif, Sigyn, Þrúðr Þórradóttir & Ullr Lokison | Kinda OC? [MultiMuse] chiimaera Sigyn [MultiMuse] eclipsecrowned Fenrir, Freyja, Hel, Hnoss, Laufey, Odin, Sigyn & Utgard-Loki [MultiMuse] @exiledcrown Eir, Freyja, Narvi Lokason, Vali Lokason [MultiMuse] eddapoetic Havar | A fun fusion of many trickster deities (Loki, Hermes etc) [MultiMuse] fidelitygoddess Sigyn @gleamingcrowns Lady Sif [MultiMuse] gulldrengur Baldr heartsdefine Sigyn [MultiMuse] helreginn Helreginn Lokadóttir justicescreaming Loki, Narvi, Sigyn & occasionally Vali [MultiMuse] kingoftheravens Angrboda, Fenrir,  Loki, Hati, Hel, Jormungandr & Skoll [MultiMuse] kissofthemuses Freyja, Sigyn & Liv Gunnarsdottir Gunnarson | A Vampire OC [MultiMuse] @lordsigynofvanaheim Lord Sigyn mistressesandmastersofmythos Freyja, Hel & Odin [MultiMuse] moonhoundman Hati mystiokinesis Bergfinnr Thrymrson norseforces Freyja, Frigg, Loki, Odin & Thor [MultiMuse] nykrose Nyk | A Näcken OC paracosmms Angrboda, Fenrir & Hel [MultiMuse] runaljod Angrboða, Fenrisúlfr, Frœyjɑ, Jörð, Loki, Magni & Móði Þórsson, Óðinn & Þór [MultiMuse] savstaroth Thor & multiple OCs including Ida Fjalarsdóttir | A Witch [MultiMuse] sigynthevictorious Sigyn starwrittenfates Sigyn [MultiMuse] tessastormrp Baldr, Freyr, Loki & Tyr [MultiMuse] valkxrie Brunnhilde varldsormr Jormungandr wildserkr Victor Halvorsen | A Berserkr OC yggdrasilushxrt Dvalinn
American Gods:
brknmnds Technology Boy cursedwanderer helreginn
Assassin’s creed Valhalla:
@ofdcstinies Hytham, Sigurd Styrbjornsson & Vili Hemmingson [MultiMuse] taleswritten Eivor [MultiMuse] @warpaiint Eivor Ravensdottir [MultiMuse]
God of War:
@aesirstranger Heimdall @boyofwar Atreus cryptiique Angrboda, Atreus (Loki), Freyr & Heimdall [MultiMuse] deficd Kratos [MultiMuse] fidelitygoddess Sigyn @goddamnmuses Kratos [MultiMuse] helreginn Hel [But AU because she don’t exist yet] @ladyseidr Atreus Kratosson [MultiMuse] @manigfeald Freyr & Heimdall [MultiMuse] missallanea Freya & Sif [MultiMuse] @movemnt Atreus, Freya, Kratos & Mimir [MultiMuse] @ofluckandmagic Atreus/Loki, Calliope, Freya Njörðdottir & Sindri Huldra [MultiMuse] @savior-of-humanity Atreus & Kratos [MultiMuse] @stardustedstories Atreus (Loki), Faye (Laufey), Freyr, Mimir, Odin, Thor & others [MultiMuse]
How to Train Your Dragon & Dragons: The Nine Realms
acourtcfmuses Astrid Hofferson adskilt Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III ancestryfound Tom Kullersen baldrengr Hiccup & Toothless [MultiMuse] @bloomifys Hiccup Haddock [MultiMuse] deficd Valka [MultiMuse] @dragetunge Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III @haseti Eret son of Eret [Sideblog] @scouts-thingsandrps Astrid, Dagur, Fishlegs, Heather, Hiccup, Inkeri, Ruffnut, Snotlout, Thyra & Tuffnut [MultiMuse] @starsweepers Ruffnut [MultiMuse] @storyhaven Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III [MultiMuse] @tournesolette Hiccup Haddock [MultiMuse] @vendettavalor Bewilderbeast, Cloudjumper, Light Fury & Toothless @warraigoe Astrid Hofferson [MultiMuse]
OCs I feel should be here but I can’t figure out where to place???
cursedwanderer Fenja a Tree spirit, skogsrå/huldra dragcnlxrd Lysander Balaur - Last of the Dragonlords ofholocenemuses Eska Ulfsson a Stablemaster turned warrior with a bit of wanderlust [MultiMuse] skallagrimulfhedinn Skallagrim Ulfhedinn A shapeshifter and the son of a blacksmith @scgugio Renora Luciana Alvarez
The Almighty Johnsons: (My fave NZ tv show!!!!)
melodicwitchlight Hel [MultiMuse]
The Last Kingdom:
all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone Aethelflaed, Brida, Finan, Gisela, Sihtric Kjartansson & many OCs! [MultiMuse] bebbanburged Uhtred entangledmuses Eadith & lots of OCs with TLK verses! [MultiMuse] fantasywritten Beocca, Edward & Leofric [MultiMuse] ladybebbanburg Ædgyth of Wessex (OC?), Æthelflæd, Alfred, Brida, Eadith, Finan, Gisela Hathacanutesdottir, Iseult of Cornwalum, Mildrith, Sigtryggr Ivarsson, Skade, Stiorra Uhtredsdottir, Thyra Ragnarsdottir, Uhtred & Others! [MultiMuse] @kingalfrcd King Alfred ofprevioustimes Aethelflaed, Brida, Eadith, Gisela, Iseult & others! [MultiMuse] @ragnaarson Ædgyth, Ælswith, Æthelstan, Aldhelm, Alfred, Edward, Finan, Gisela, Sigtryggr Ivarsson, Sihtric Kjartansson, Stiorra Uhtredsdottir, Uhtred & many OCs! [MultiMuse][Sideblog] tessastormrp Sihtric [MultiMuse]
Vikings & Vikings: Valhalla:
all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone Aslaug, Canute, Emma, Freydis, Freydis Eriksdottir, Godwin, Gunnhild, Hvitserk Ragnarsson, Ivar the Boneless, Lagertha, Leif Eriksson, Rollo Sigurdsson, Snaefrid & many OCs! [MultiMuse] brknmnds Ivar, Sigurd & Hvitserk [MultiMuse] crowsandmurder Bjorn Ironside & Ragnar Lothbrok [MultiMuse] deficd Gyda Ragnarsdottir, Ragnar Lodbrok & OCs including Hilda Ragnarsdottir, Sindre Ísleifsson& Solveig Ísleifsdottir! [MultiMuse] entangledmuses Anma, Katia & Lagertha & lots of OCs with Viking verses! [MultiMuse] ladybebbanburg Aslaug Sigurdsdottir, Freydis Eriksdotter , Gyda Ragnarsdóttir, Helga, Lagertha, Torvi & others! [MultiMuse] melodicwitchlight Aslaug, Floki, Thorunn & Siggy [MultiMuse] ofprevioustimes Aslaug, Lagertha, Siggy & others! [MultiMuse] pleinsdemuses Astrid, Emma of Normandy, Gunnhild, Lagertha Lothbrok & Torvi [MultiMuse][Sideblog] tessastormrp Harald Finehair & Ubbe (GETS HIS VERY OWN TRIGGER WARNING!) Ragnarson [MultiMuse]
brokenandlonelysouls Loki [MultiMuse] brutalage Vandal Savage cffidelityy Sigyn fidelitygoddess Sigyn inkdreamt Sylvie [MultiMuse] starwrittenfates Sigyn [MultiMuse] theamazingloki Loki
Discord ONLY rpers:
Up to date as of 16/01/2024
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iinafarawaygalaxii · 1 year
Welcome to a Faraway Galaxii
-please read before proceeding to the fics-
About the Page~
For sometime now I have been encourage to post and share my fanfics with the public. I chose tumblr as a safe spot to place my writing because of the kindness in the community and the shared love for composition. I am a first time writer but a big dreamer, with an active imagination and if you’re here… your curiosity served you well.
Travel with me down the road of fantasies- for I would love to show you my world 💜 Here’s the information of the fics I’m currently working on. Some of these are all to be projected well over 15 chapters but, first: 
WARNINGS: These fics WILL contain scenes not appropriate for young minds so minors- this is not the page to follow. Warnings included in this series are:
Abuse, Violence, Death, War, Smut (Graphic Scenes), PiV, Fluff, Gore, Angst and Drama. If theres any others throughout the book please message me so that I can tag them for you!
If you are a MINOR stop reading- your journey ends here. 
Side Info~
~ Each fic with OCs will come with a prequel(s) explaining the original charters background to help you process the story in advanced.
~At the beginning of each post will hold information about the chapter (i.e if it’s nsfw or sfw, notes or trigger warnings).
~A Materialist will be posted shortly after I start posting and this post will be continuously updated as the fics come out! I
~’m always open to feedback as it will be the only way I can develop myself as a writer! Thank you for reading and I’m excited to continue posting
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Bloodline
Fic Summary: After a brewing war intensified across the galaxy and the republic slowly diminishing; General Skywalker and his ARC unit discovers a way win the war with an unlikely ally. The question still remains, will they succeed when darkness still lurks around the corner...? Or to what extent will they need to sacrifice and achieve victory… 
Chapters: 4/?
~Captain Rex x OC 
~Scenes not appropriate for young minds. Tags will be made
~Original character with an original planet that’s in the star wars universe 
~Translations will be under the 'notes' tab (similar to this post) that will help you understand what the characters are saying.
[The plot hole i discovered in my written chapters runs deep. I need time to fix it, Im so sorry- but thank you for being patient!!]
AC Valhalla: Freyjas Promise
Fic Summary: Alas! Eivor has become Jarlskona of Ravensthorpe but with leadership came many responsibilities- and enemies. Working hard to unite England with her many allies, an unknown force gathers beyond the winter stormed mountains of Northumbria. Creeping closer to home. With Halfdan out the door- what will become of Mercia and its people?
Chapters: 4/?
~ F!Evior x Vili Hemmigston
~ Scenes not appropriate for young minds. Tags will be made
~This is based off the video game Assassin Creed: Valhalla. One of my all time fav games on the market. Is the fic canon? Not really but were here for the imagination. Our queen Eivor deserved so much more love than she got. So I am here to remedy ;')
~Fic is essentially an Arc. I thought it would be short but it got too good as I continued so now it’s much longer!
~My Eivor has black hair
~Also adding dragons? Think... Game of thrones hehe.
[Fic is being updated regularly on Wattpad.]
Star Wars the Clone Wars: A Ghost for Prospect
Fic Summary: Captain Rex needs information for the sake of Omega and the remainder of the clones being tapped and tortured. He had no choice but to search for you, one of the most dangerous bounty hunters in the settled systems and best information brokers in the galaxy. Knowing he didnt have the money to pay you off, he offered other ways to get the information he needed to save his family...
Notes: MINORS DNI 18+ this some spicy 🌶️ stuff
Other Fics/Shorts I’ve been writing off and on with created OC’s and CCs that are not ready to post yet are:
Mass Effect Andromeda: The After Effect | Jaal Ama Darav x f!Ryder
Naruto: Queen of the Black Sea | Gaara x OC
Jujutsu Kasien: In the End There’s Always Red | Sukuna/Itadori x OC
Starfield: I'll Give You the Sun | Sam Coe x Reader
|| Last Updated: Sunday, August 11th, 2024 ||
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eve-blanc-art · 1 year
Tumblr media
made on for my oc Vilis too
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