#oc x shang tsung
alastors-oc-sthuff · 1 month
Apex - Mortal Kombat 9 Wiki
“Twin sister to Shang Tsung, Li always has been her brother’s biggest support much like he has been hers. Much changed between the twins upon Li’s accidentally meeting of the cryomancer Sub-Zero——Bi-Han——during a failed hunt of hers, who wasted no time in aiding the unconscious tigress on a blizzard-ridden evening. Coming back to her brother after horrid days of her untraceable absence, Shang Tsung grew overbearing on his twin as he feared her sudden bond with this mysterious——and seemingly hostile——man, who he only grew to dislike more as years passed by, Bi-Han returning the sentiment that only grew stronger upon putting Li in his dangerous endevours. Despite her happy marriage with her husband and faltering relationship with her brother, Li is aware she would one day find herself without her beloved husband, yet finds bitter joy her twin’s promise of never losing him by her side, despite his dark and deadly path.” - Official Description
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General Information
Real Name: Shang Li
Alias: Apex
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Origin: Earthrealm (China)
Resides: Earthrealm (Arctika, The Lin Kuei Temple)
Species: Bengal Tiger & human hybrid
In Mortal Kombat
Affiliation: Shang Tsung, Lin Kuei, Raiden, Fujin
Occupation: ‘Member’ of the Lin Kuei, Shang Tsung’s right hand
Powers/Skills: Advanced level intellect, Master martial artist (Tiger style), Shapeshifter, Tiger hybrid, Immortality
Crimes: Mass Murder, Assassination, Manslaughter
Alignment: Neutral/conflicted/influenced
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[This will only narrate her inclusion & mentions in the various existing chapters & acts + her own chapter.]
Act I
Chapter 1: Johnny Cage
Walking alongside Shang Tsung, Apex stays silent and merely observes her twin’s interactions with the guests, giving her own wordless greeting as Shang Tsung introduces her as the second-to-last challenger of the tournament. Feeling angered on Johnny Cage’s insult to her brother, Apex attempts to attack him, only to be calmed by Shang Tsung as he assures her of the Earthrealmer’s sure defeat in the upcoming fights; she merely gives him a displeased snarl at her brother upon Cage’s victories and grows increasingly annoyed at the man’s uncompliance to ‘finish’ Baraka. Cockily, Johnny Cage gives Apex a light taunt upon seeing her utter anger to his victories, to which the tigress, bearing her sharp teeth and slit eyes, shouts an angry loud roar to the man, causing Cage to quickly shut up upon the display, commenting ‘I don’t feel like being mauled today’ under his breath. Being unable to keep to herself, she overhears the Earthrealmers conversation, her expression twisting in disgust at Cage’s preference to visit Sonya Blade which causes her to angrily growl ‘Incompetent idiots’ to both Reptile & Baraka, still unbelieved by Cage’s triumph in the last fight.
Chapter 2: Sonya Blade
Arriving moments before Sub-Zero’s defeat, Apex wastes no time in aiding her husband, to then roar & snarl a loudly to the lieutenant and threatening her heavily for wounding Sub-Zero; the Lin Kuei assassin gives his attempts of calming down his wife, yet to no avail as she gives him a low growl of warning that does not phase the cryomancer and only causes him to grab her shoulder in order to hold her back. Interrupted by Raiden’s intervention, Apex takes the opportunity to flee elsewhere as to aid her husband of his wounds.
Stalking Blade after her battle with Kano, Apex ambushes the lieutenant immediately after Kano’s & her brother’s departure; charging at her, Apex downs the tired lieutenant easily and buries her teeth in her side as well as deeply scratching various parts of her body. Once satisfied with her attack, the tigress pins the lieutenant on the nearest wall by her neck to the comment ‘Not even the Elder Gods can save you from a wife’s wrath’ before she tosses her harshly to the ground, fleeing from the scene with satisfaction of her work. Raiden, Liu Kang & Johnny Cage, upon spotting Blade in her injured state, rush to her, the Thunder God using his magic to heal both Blade & Briggs.
Chapter 3: Scorpion
Elsewhere for that day’s tournament, Apex is mentioned by Nightwolf upon challenging Scorpion who speaks that he should find other ways to find peace instead of seeking revenge as he could risk inflicting his same pain upon the tigress if Scorpion kills the cryomancer. Accusing Nightwolf of dishonoring his own kind and putting down Apex with his harsh comment of ‘May she burn in Hellfire for her sinful marriage with Sub-Zero!’, Scorpion defeats the shaman. After the fight, Raiden senses a vision of more dangerous & unstoppable threats arising if Scorpion kills Sub-Zero & Apex, he speaks to Scorpion & pleads him to spare the couple’s life on the condition that he will ask the Elder Gods to resurrect the Shirai Ryu if he does so, to which Scorpion reluctantly agrees to.
Walking in with Sub-Zero & giving a snarl of agreement to her husband’s taunt toward Scorpion, the pyromancer drags both Sub-Zero & Apex to the Netherrealm to engage in 2-on-1 kombat; upon the Lin Kuei couple’s defeat, Scorpion honors his agreement with Raiden & spares their lives, watching as Sub-Zero does his best to aid his wife. Distracted by Quan Chi’s vision of the Lin Kuei’s destruction of the Shirai Ryu as well as both Sub-Zero’s & Apex’s vision of them murdering Harumi & Satoshi, Scorpion quickly grows enraged; Sub-Zero & Apex alike plead Scorpion’s mercy as they tell him of the falsity of the visions, failing upon Scorpion removing his mask. Ignoring Apex’s pleads to not kill her husband, Scorpion attacks Sub-Zero as he ignores the cryomancer’s comment of ‘Kill me if it pleases you! But pease, don’t harm my wife!’ to which the pyromancer responds with ‘You both will meet in the lowest circle of Hell!’ to then kill him; shifting his attention to a desperate Apex, the pyromancer attacks her as well yet grows further enraged & displeased upon finding out of her immorality, no matter how fatal the wounds are. Quan Chi, equally displeased and surprised, curses the tigress with a painful spell, further sending Apex in a painful state.
Chapter 4: Cyrax
Upon Scorpion’s arrival with Sub-Zero’s charred skull & spine, Scorpion summons Apex, causing her unconscious & wounded body to appear to then leave soon after. Shang Tsung furiously accuses the pyromancer of his sister’s state under his breath, unable to mask his worry for her as he holds her; worried for the tigress, Cyrax & Sektor waste no time in rushing to her, proposing that they take Apex in their care as to allow the Lin Kuei healers to cure her, which causes Shang Tsung to curse at them and depart with his sister in his arms, furious at Scorpion for harming his sister.
After such, she is not seen nor mentioned in the rest of the chapter, being left in healing care by Shang Tsung’s most trusted healers.
Chapter 5: Apex
Waking up in her old room on her brother’s island, Apex proceeds to examine her various wounds on her body as she begins to self-medicate on the ones left uncovered; the tigress chooses to ignore her brother’s arrival, keeping her focus on her medication, giving a mere dull hum at her brother’s words of ‘How are you feeling, sister?’. Seeing her state, Shang Tsung gives a sigh, shifting to aid his sister and sitting her down, giving her a gentle yet firm look of care as he takes over her self-medication, remarking her as stubborn, which causes Apex to give a soft and quiet chuckle at his brother’s playful mockery to her, to then speak up with a mere grateful remark for his assistance, causing the sorcerer to give a simple hum of acknowledgement to her words.
Finishing his medication on her sister, Shang Tsung shifts to sit beside her after seconds of her remaining unmoved from her seated position, giving her a gentle nudge to her shoulder with his own; mere seconds later, Apex shifts to lean her head on his shoulder and close her eyes with a sorrowful expression, the sorcerer responding by leaning his own head on her own as to give her comfort, shifting to wrap her in a side-hug upon hearing her broken and meek words of ‘He ripped him to pieces and forced me to watch…’, wiping her tears away as the tigress begins to sob, recalling & recounting the events of her husband’s killing to her brother. Upon her somberful rant ending with her brother simply listening and offering comfort, Apex gives a shaky sigh followed by the words ‘Promise me you won’t leave me alone, Tsung…’ to which the sorcerer responds with ‘It always was my plan, sister…’ which causes the tigress to smile at her brother’s words.
With time passing as Apex remains on the island, she is seen turning her head to a specific direction, her demeanor a careful & alerted one as she begins to inch toward her pointed direction; hiding from sight upon arriving close enough to observe the situation, she finds herself falling into surprise as she sees herself locked in an argument with both Cyrax & Sektor as they exchange words regarding her coming to the Lin Kuei temple as she would find herself more comfortable there, only for herself to reject the two’s words, a fight againts Cyrax beginning to then another fight againts Sektor beginning once she defeats Cyrax with ease, defeating Sektor with ease as well. Upon the two Lin Kuei’s defeat, she speaks ‘Leave, before my brother finds you…’ which causes the defeated Liu Kuei to reluctantly depart, understanding that they’ve mettled far too much. Revealing herself once the two Lin Kuei leave, she addresses her own image with ‘What have you done, brother?’ Ain a frustrated manner with a dull undertone, causing her image to shift into Shang Tsung’s who retorts with ‘You may trust them with your well-being, but I do not. Their well-deserved wounds are not my issue given their stubbornness in ‘wishing to help you’.’ to which Apex answers with her own scolding remark of ‘You could have simply spoken with them. They never gave me any reason to fight them.’ to which the sorcerer answers with a crossed arm scoff as he gazes at her, responding with ‘Now they have.’. Giving a sigh, Apex pauses for seconds, to then cross her own arms as she gazes up at her brother with the words ‘I could have dealt with them.’ which causes Shang Tsung to retort with ‘And you believe I would have let you, given your state?’ to which she answers with ‘Must you always be so overbearing on me when it comes to the Lin Kuei?’ in a rather frustrated manner. At her words, Shang Tsung finds himself stung by offense by them as he answers with ‘Since when is a brother protecting his incapacitated sister overbearing?’ in his own frustrated manner, causing Apex to retort with ‘I need no protection!’ in a stubborn nature, which causes Shang Tsung to retort with ‘Given your state, you do…’ to which Apex gives a growl at him, to then turn her heel and depart, casing Shang Tsung to give an exasperated sigh followed by ‘Always the injured temper tantrums…’ with a shake of the head.
Upon time passing once more, Apex eventually locates her brother once again, looking at him with stubborn silence as he gazes back at her with expectant silence, merely raising a brow, giving a soft & small smile at her apology of her actions; pinching her cheek & gently tugging at it, the sorcerer accepts his sister’s apology and ushers her off to get back to the healers.
Chapter 6: Liu Kang
While she is not present in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing, she is mentioned several times by various people, more so by Shang Tsung.
The sorcerer mentioned his sister often as to excuse her absence in the tournament whilst lying about her reason for her absence with ‘She is out on family matters, none else is your concern’ to those who question him of her.
She is mentioned by Raiden’s champions in idle chatter, especially through Kung Lao’s words of ‘At least it’s one less champion to defeat’ followed by Liu Kang’s ‘Would it kill you to show sympathy?’ accompanied by a nod of agreement to Liu Kang’s remark from Jax.
She is mentioned by Raiden later in the chapter, who questions the sorcerer of her condition upon seeing his revitalized condition, not revealing to the sorcerer of his recent visions he had of the tigress, yet the sorcerer’s answer to the question remains the same, irritated by the Thunder God’s instance of wishing to know her condition.
After such, she not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Act II
Chapter 7: Jax
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 8: Smoke
While she is not present in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing, she is mentioned several times by various people.
Smoke & Tundra mention the tigress after they speak of Sub-Zero, stating ‘Is it safe to leave her with the sorcerer?’ by Smoke, to which Tundra answers with ‘You should be glad she is no longer an obstruction to us’, causing Smoke to give a rather exasperated sigh at the younger cryomancer, expecting such an answer. After seconds of silence, Smoke speaks up on the manner once more with ‘I understand you’re not fond of her, but have some compassion, even if little’ which causes Tundra to retort with ‘She was my brother’s wife, not mine. I’m under no obligation to like her’, leading to Smoke to retort with ‘Compassion is human, Kuai Liang, not linked to relations’, causing Tundra giving him a narrowed-eyed scoff which leads Smoke to drop the matter with a suppressed sigh of irritation. Their irritated silence is dissipated once they split apart and begin their mission.
Once encountering Shang Tsung with Kano, Smoke demands both Sub-Zero’s & Apex’s whereabouts, leading to a fight against Kano upon his offering to take care of him without charge, to which Smoke defeats him quickly. Confronting Shang Tsung again with the same question, Shang Tsung morphs into Sub-Zero, Reptile joining the sorcerer’s side; once defeated, Shang Tsung gives a scoff, morphing into Apex and fighting Smoke once more, yet being defeated by Smoke just as beforehand.
After such, she is not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 9: Sub-Zero
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 10: Kitana
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 11: Jade
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to still be healing.
Chapter 12: Kung Lao
Much to everyone’s shock, Apex is seen spectating her brother’s & Quan Chi’s fight againts Kung Lao, yet leaves in silence upon Kung Lao’s victory; while still wearing her Lin Kuei attire, her unbandaged injures & bandaged ones around the entirety of her body, as well as her dull dead-like demeanor causes worried murmurs & silent gazes of pity to all around her. After her departure, she is no longer seen in the rest of the chapter, but is mentioned by Quan Chi to Noob Saibot once they find themselves at their lonesome with ‘Recall the female Lin Kuei? Steer clear of her without fail…’ without any explanation on his words, yet nonetheless Noob Saibot gives a nod of approval to his master’s words, not questioning him.
After such, she is not mentioned any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 13: Stryker
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter as she is stated to be recovering/training.
Chapter 14: Kabal
While not present at the beginning of the chapter, she is seen with Shang Tsung, amongst the others, who listen to Shao Kahn.
As dull & dead-like as she has had when seen beforehand, such a demeanor breaks once Shao Kahn kills Shang Tsung, causing her to call out for him in distress and pleading Shao Kahn to stop, only to be silenced by the Kahn. Once Shang Tsung is entirely killed, the tigress begins to grow more distraught; with a look of pure rage and hate, Apex begins to charge at Shao Kahn as she shouts graphic & brutal threats at him, only to be halted by Noob Saibot who holds her back the best he can, placing one hand over her mouth & nose and managing to put her in a sleeping state, to then gently lay her on the ground.
Upon Kabal’s intervention, Noob Saibot drives the man further away from the unconscious Apex, urging the fight further away from the tigress; once the fight is concluded with both Noob Saibot’s & Mileena’s defeat at Kabal’s hands, Apex is seen awakening after Kabal’s departure; a gaze of pure sadness & rage is all that fills her expression, to then take her leave.
Upon being known of Noob Saibot’s action toward Apex, Quan Chi grows angered by them & by his direct dismissal of his orders, plotting further to make sure Noob Saibot would not dismiss such orders again.
Later in the chapter, Raiden gains another vision of Apex, much the same one he had time ago.
After such, she is not mentioned nor seen any longer in the chapter.
Chapter 15: Cyber Sub-Zero
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown.
Chapter 16: Nightwolf
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown.
Chapter 17: Raiden
Not present nor mentioned in this chapter, her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown, yet she is believed to be, somehow & in some way, dead.
While she is not present in this chapter as her state & location in this chapter is generally unknown, she is mentioned several times by various people.
Much like he grieved the others, Raiden grieved Apex as well, yet failing to locate & assist her, only giving a pray to the Elder Gods for them to look for her in his place given his inability to do so, yet unsure if they would ever able themselves to do so.
Mentioned by both Quan Chi & Shinnok, the fallen Elder God finds himself pleased by the tigress’s severely weakened state.
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Shang Tsung (brother)
Sub-Zero [Bi-Han] (husband)
Sub-Zero [Kuai Liang] (brother-in-law)
Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung’s allies
Lin Kuei
Sub-Zero [Bi-Han]
Sub-Zero [Kuai Liang]
Shirai Ryu
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Kurtis Striker
Jackson Briggs
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“Shao Kahn’s defeat did not give the tigress the closure on her family’s death as she had hoped. But it did further warn Raiden of her wrath and misery: she’s a threat to herself in this state, becoming an unstoppable threat to all the realms. Concerned, the Thunder God called upon and tasked his younger brother, Fujin, to her aid. The Wind God accepted the task, yet was alien to the tigress’s heightened senses. Discovered, Apex wounded Fujin with the intent of killing him. With no desire to wound her, Fujin simply asked for her patience in listening to his words. Upon sensing the honesty within his person, the tigress realized her mistake. Apologizing, she nursed him of his wounds. Upon hearing the Wind God’s offering companionship, the tigress understood and eventually agreed to it, slowly growing a bond with the Wind God. Growing guilty and ashamed of the one-sidedness of their companionship, Apex expressed her guilt of burdening the Wind God so while voicing her desire to a more equal-sided closeness. Fujin assured Apex of her unburdensomeness to him, agreeing to her desire while secretly sharing a similar such desire himself.”
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- While unclear of the entire timeline of her relationship with Bi-Han, is it stated that the two became a couple & married before the game’s events.
- It is implied of Kuai Liang particular dislike to Apex, yet his reason for such remains unknown, even to Smoke.
- While unsure, it is speculated that the Lin Kuei Elders have never appreciated Sub-Zero’s love for Apex, yet found themselves needing to remain accepting of it upon Sub-Zero’s & their often heavy clashing on the manner, leading to declines for the clan which costed everyone much; given this, is it also speculated that Apex herself proposed to Sub-Zero for their relationship to be broken if it caused too many problems, to which Sub-Zero strongly refused, stating of their marriage occurring wether it was appreciated by the elders or less. It is speculated to be one of the only times that Sub-Zero went against the clan’s Elders.
- While twins, Apex & Shang Tsung do not share abilities; with Shang Tsung being a sorcerer & Apex being a Tiger hybrid & shapeshifter.
- Apex is the only one who often call Shang Tsung ‘Tsung’ as well as ‘brother’.
- Apex is only called ‘Li’ by Bi-Han & Shang Tsung.
- While resident of the Lin Kuei temple, Apex is not an official Lin Kuei member, yet the reason for such is unclear.
- Apex has a snow-pattern tattoo on her right leg to Bi-Han she got done once they married; Bi-Han has a tiger-pattern tattoo on his left leg, yet is never seen.
- While often appearing human, some of Apex’s behaviors & hobbies are tiger-like, such as tiger vocalization (growls, snarls, etc,) & hunting.
- As Noob Saibot, Bi-Han remembers his wife, yet finds himself unable to show it give Quan Chi’s orders to steer clear of her; once he breaks his master’s rules, it is seen that Noob Saibot is generally gentler with handling her as opposed to any other.
- Raiden had a recurring vision involving Apex; such a vision the Thunder God recalls is Apex turning into a powerful sorceress wielding unstoppable & unrivaled power, such a power that not even an Elder God can rival.
- Often described as ‘dull, dead-like demeanor’ upon Bi-Han’s death, such a behavior remains overall consistent yet also fluctuates, such as seen with Shang Tsung—who she is open and honest with—and Fujin—who she is seemingly gentler and more honest with as well; another is Shao Kahn, who she turns deadly aggressive to once he kills Shang Tsung.
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Mk9 Apex character wiki!
Made the decision to build up to Mk11 Shang Li as to give more context as opposed to simply placing Mk11 Shang Li with no explanation of who she used to be.
This is fully completed but slight modifications could happen if I decide to change my mind bc I’m a bit of a scatterbrain (T-T).
This wiki belongs to ‘Shang Li’ and not ‘Apex’, so, no, it is not an accident.
I’ve plans to post the full wikis for all planned and then post fully written, more detailed chapters.
Excited to see how she develops more? Stay tuned for more wikis and stories for her!
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aresdoll · 5 months
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【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you got pregnant with him... 🕷️ 》 miguel o’hara x blackcat!user
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Homelander - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you are the new hero of the seven and he has his eyes on you.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Nanami Kento - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - we never talked about ***** **** ┆ 🧼 》 fight club au, you are his tyler...
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada- 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - new recruit
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- valentine's day
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Simon Riley 'Ghost' - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - slutty torture
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Lord Raiden - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - he is your father figure
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- lying between his legs
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 OC - Stepfather, Yan Jin - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - your new stepfather is rude but extremely handsome. 🎀 》DILF SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- he needs to take care of you.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Kuai Liang - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- arranged marriage...
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】survivor.🕊️ 》TWD AU, He's Your Negan.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Titan Lord Raiden - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - reencounter
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Step!Brother, Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】breedtable ─ m!preg.🕊️ 》DARK SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Yandere! Homelander - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - a dark hero who is in love. 🕊️ 》 DARK SERIES
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Yandere!Shang Tsung - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - obsession
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - fuck buddies
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niku30 · 9 months
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“Soon the world will be ours…”
Wo Shen ( below ) is a MK1 fan OC who belongs to @emmacreatures , these two drive me INSANE actually
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fandomzwriterk · 2 months
Can you write about the female reader teasing Smoke while cuddling? 😁
A/N: I’m collecting all the Mortal Kombat fans like Pokemon cards now and I couldn’t be more prouder
Warnigns: GN!Reader gets kidnapped + blood warning + The Lin Kuei brothers fight each other + fluffy content at the end
Smoke x GN!Reader
“This is the dumbest idea we’ve ever had.” Bi Han growled
Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Bi Han walked around the underground grave, looking around as the other Lin Kuei foot soldiers started building a camp to stay in. They weren’t leaving this place anytime soon.
“Well they’re our bargaining chip so they’ll come soon.”
“My brothers are not idiots.”
“Yet I know one of them is going to slip up.”
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi left, Bi Han staring at the cage Quan Chi built to keep you contained. You had two guards always watching, your leg tied by a chain so you wouldn’t even think of escape, frozen extra solid by Bi Han’s ice. He scowled at you, noticing your dirty and poor living condition. You still had open wounds all over you, pathetically covered in pieces of cloth, staining them to the point you could see the blood underneath.
“You are a pathetic excuse of a Lin Kuei soldier. I know they’ll come for you, Tomas always does.”
Some time earlier…
“I can’t climb that. What do you expect me to do? Have Kuai pull me up with ropes? Have Tomas carry me?”
You remember the scowl on Bi Han’s face, much like the one he gave you now. He hated you, you always knew that. You just never expected he’d hurt his brothers the worst way possible.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Tomas shouted as he lunged at Quan Chi
Kuai Liang and Bi Han were fighting Shang Tsung, both trying to incapacitate him so they could bring him back to Liu Kang.
“Then why don’t I do this?” Quan Chi replied darkly
Quan Chi’s dark magic opened up under the ground, four ropes of it grabbing your arms and legs, holding you down to the ground. You struggled, but Quan Chi had strong mental power and hold of dark magic.
“This is pitiful.”
One flick of his hand and Kuai Liang and Bi Han got sent into the wall while Tomas was grabbed by one more of the dark magic ropes. He tried stabbing it, smoking away, nothing worked. Quan Chi tied down Bi Han and Kuai Liang on their knees in front of Shang Tsung, being held back by animated corpses.
“Work with me, and I can make the Lin Kuei great and feared again.”
You saw Bi Han’s eyes scan around at each of you in the room, resting them on you as you were helplessly tied down by the magic.
“Bi Han I swear on the Elder Gods if you do this-“
“And what if I did?”
“You wouldn’t hurt us, we’re your brothers, and Y/n is practically like our family too.”
“She’s family Bi Han! Don’t destroy what Father worked so hard-“
“Father was an old man who lost his mind, and I’m glad I left him to die. Now, I’m going to make sure both of you are without the distraction once more.”
Bi Han was let go, standing up as he walked over to you and crouched in front of you.
“You have no place in our family, even if you care about Tomas. You are nothing, and you always will be.”
He kicked your face, feeling the actual strength he’d been holding back from you in practice. It was painful, painful as hell. He kicked you once more, blood falling from your mouth and your eyes almost shut, but you could see his eyes staring at you with years of hatred. He was going to make everyone suffer his wrath, even his own family.
“You mother fucker!”
Quan Chi’s grip on Tomas loosened as he sent a smoke bomb out. Through the thick fog you could see Tomas move to help Kuai Liang up, starting to make his way to you.
“Get her out of here and into the tomb. She’s more valuable alive.”
Tomas and Kuai were fighting Bi Han as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi dragged your body down the cold stone hallway, as you could only watch as the room became smaller and smaller the more you got dragged away.
“You are a shame on the name of the Lin Kuei! Both of you! I am your Grandmaster and you listen to me!”
“I’m not listening to your shit anymore Bi Han! I’m going to end your reign of terror right now. Give her back now!”
“Tomas were outnumbered.”
Animated corpses crawled from under the ground, slowly going to surround both Tomas and Kuai, moving them to the edge of the stone balcony. Tomas could only fight in fear as he watched you get dragged away.
“Oh I’m going to get out of here Bi Han and when I do, I’m going to make sure you suffer for what you did to your brothers.”
“Ha! Not by the grace of the Elder Gods you won’t. You have no chance of even making it out of this room alive. You’d be dead before you could even think of fighting back.”
You wanted to curse him out, call him a bastard, but you knew words weren’t going to do anything now. You could see his smug expression while he crossed his arms, staring down at you like a dog in the streets.
“It’s been five days, I doubt they’ll be coming for you.”
Five days… this had been hell on Earth for you. Little did you know, somebody was making his way inside. Eventually, Bi Han followed Shang Tsung and left you alone with two foot soldiers. Even if you tried to escape now, the chain on your ankle would stop you. Your body felt weak, feeling faint at the loss of blood that seeped into the dirt you sat on. So, you closed your eyes, praying someone would save you as you fell to the ground.
“Hey! Y/n! Tomas over here!” You heard
Your hearing was starting to sound like you were going underwater, the pain slowly drifting away and you felt lighter, feeling calm as your eyes remained closed.
“No no no no! Y/n! Wake up!”
Through the darkness and light feeling, you could feel someone holding you, putting your body against their chest as they stood and picked you up, walking fast as more voices began to speak.
“Liu Kang!”
“Time to go! Right now!”
You felt the person holding you tightly, their grip never letting go as you felt warmth start to touch your skin. You still felt faint, but the warmth was brining back the sounds you could hear. After some time, you opened your eyes, staring at a white ceiling as you felt your body stiffen up while you tried to sit up. Your vision was blurry, slowly becoming clear as you blinked. You looked down, Tomas’ head laid on top of your hand, feeling the fact he was holding it too. He seemed tired. Had he been looking for you? As if he could hear your thoughts, he looked up, eyes red and puffy from crying. He jumped into you, hugging you like his life depended on it.
“You’re okay. Thank the Elder Gods.”
His grip tightened, holding on to you like it would be his last. Tomas pulled back a little, staring into your eyes as he brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, tucking it behind your ear. For the first time since you’ve met him, you could finally see his smile. You could see him, the real Tomas, who wasn’t hiding anything from you. You put a hand on his cheek, seeing all the worry and hurt in his eyes. He loved you, more than you could ever know.
“I’m okay Tomas. I’m okay.”
“Good. Cause your dumbass had me worried!”
“Eh?! What does that mean?”
“You are such a dumbass for getting caught.”
“And you’re an even bigger dumbass for letting me get caught.”
You booped his nose, something you often did as kids whenever you teased each other. It was an old habit that even now, as a young man, Tomas still loved.
“But seriously… did Shang Tsung do anything to you?”
“No… I didn’t really see him. It was mostly Bi Han that was around.”
Tomas frowned, moving to sit next to you as he helped you lean against the wall on your medical bed. His silver hair was a mess, having been fluffed up by smothering you. Your hand reached up, trailing along the side of his face, admiring the small scars on his face while you fixed his hair.
“There. Now you look cute.”
“Hm I think I’m always cute… according to you at least.”
“Oh you are so getting when I’m better.”
You leaned against him, head leaning against his shoulder. Your hand drifted, grabbing his hand in yours.
“I promise to never do anything like that again.”
He turned his head, staring at you with his silver-blue eyes, a smile on his face.
“And I promise that while I’m around, nothing is going to happen to you my love.”
A/N: I feel like I did TERRIBLE on this but I’m glad I could do your request☺️ I like writing for everyone!
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jaythenugget · 11 months
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"In another lifetime.. do you think we're still together?" doomed yaoi anyone???? me when i eat angst for breakfast hahaa ahha nnnnn dies
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guardianofthedawn · 7 months
*Deity!AU incorrect quotes, part three*
Tora: Fight me, you nerd-ass slut!
Shang Tsung: Will you at least try to sound sophisticated when you are threatening someone, my dear?
Tora: Oh, I’m sorry, let me just -
Tora: *bowing* Dost thou wish to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Shang Tsung: …somehow, I think that was worse.
Reiko: General, what is it like being tall?
Reiko: Is it nice? Can you reach high places comfortably?
Shao: We live in constant fear of the shorter ones who, as I have seen, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small table and six precariously balanced stools to reach what they need.
Havik: Hey, that was one time!
Johnny Cage: I have a plan.
Kung Lao: I have the hospital and Kenshi on speed dial.
Bi-Han: So then Tora kissed me.
Kuai Liang: Did you kiss her back?
Bi-Han: No, I kissed her mouth.
*early days*
Liu Kang: Now what do we say when a stranger greets us?
Shang Tsung and Tora: *loud hissing*
Liu Kang: …no.
Liu Kang: *naked* When I first met you, I thought you were a bitch.
Shang Tsung: *also naked* What changed your mind?
Liu Kang: Nothing, it is now a quality I admire about you.
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putosekahel · 1 month
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Just a silly sketches bcs I'm so lazy to open my laptop frfr
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sillylightyay · 7 months
do y'all ever just hate a ship because one of the characters in it is your crush, and you're jealous of the character they're shipped with cause they're not you and no one ships your crush with you cause you're not a character in the game, but at the same time you also like that ship or do you just hate it like a normal person?
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lazy-sand-wich · 11 months
Dear follovers, today I offer you Shang Tsung. Tomorrow? Who knows...
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mediocreshake08 · 2 months
Incorrect Mortal Kombat quotes part 6: I can't think of a funny or dumb title
HAVIK and HOTARU: *are fighting behind the counter*
TAVEN: Can I get a waffle? May I please get a waffle?
SKARLET: *dressed as Aladdin* What do you think?
KITANA: I think Disney's going to sue somebody.
KIRA in front of a camera: I'm here with Tremor and... What's your name again?
KOBRA: Hey pass.
KIRA: Heap Ass?
*Kobra laughs his nuts off and Tremor chuckles under his breath*
JOHNNY: I've connected the two dots.
SONYA: You didn't connect shit.
JOHNNY: I've connected them.
JAQUI: I punch the shit out of people and shoot plasma from my gauntlets.
CASSIE: I got my dad's magic, I shoot my opponents and have a fatality where I kick someone in the nuts so hard, their skull and spine flies out.
KUNG JIN: I throw chakrams and suplex people with arrows.
TAKEDA: Haha, whips and lightsabers go brrr
DAEGON: Hey, Taven?
TAVEN: Yes, brother?
DAEGON: *pulls up the @//taven-from-edenia blog and shows the peanits post*
NRS!NITARA: Face it, we look good in this new design--
Midway!NITARA: We? What do you mean we? Nintendo Wii?
NRS!NITARA: No, fool, we as in US!
Midway!NITARA: Us? Awe you talking about who?
NRS!NITARA: No, Shit-ass, us.
Midway!NITARA: Bitch please, your dress looks like flem on toast compared to mine. Your head looks like an onion and your voice sounds like someone shitting down a chimney.
*NRS!Nitara would then cry out a river after being roasted tf out of*
CYRAX: Sektor, you're an asshole, man.
SEKTOR: You are what you eat, Cyrax.
*Cyrax would break character and start laughing*
Mk9!SMOKE: I'm sorry about your sister and mother. But don't worry, at least you're still alive.
MK1!SMOKE: ... Aren't you supposed to be helping me cope with my trauma?
HAVIK: Once again, I am a main antagonist in a Mortal Kombat story.
SHANG TSUNG: You've been a main villain before?
HAVIK: Yeah, I was in the prequel comic books. Look!
*Pulls up a page of himself from the MKX prequel comic*
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SHANG TSUNG: Huh. How about that.
HAVIK: Yeah, AND they gave me my cool og design.
SHANG TSUNG: Also wasn't Skarlet killed here or..?
HAVIK: Doesn't matter, it was retconned.
SHANG TSUNG: Fair point.
*Red Robin kicks Muchacha's door down*
MUCHACHA: Please leave.
ROBIN: Have you ever heard, of a mountain chicken?
ROBIN: what do you think it looks like?
MUCHACHA: Like a really big chicken?
ROBIN: That's what I thought, BUT NO, ITS THIS MOTHERFU--
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tomas-smoked-sasuage · 2 months
Fire God and sorcerer going at it
(my persona fell asleep 😞 she got too tired🙁)
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2cutie · 6 months
Whoever removed that one Shang Tsung Character.AI...
i saw that. and im sad about it smh
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coolpizzazonkplaid · 20 days
La heredera del Infierno
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Pasaron días desde que Adelina se había marchado a Arctika y Daniela y Mariano siguieron con las rutinas. Todo el grupo se enfocaba en pulir sus habilidades en el combate y tener una sana convivencia durante los días que quedasen.
Daniela pasó las tardes entrevistando a profesores de la Academia Wu Shi después de los entrenamientos. También, leía los libros de la biblioteca para escribir críticas, ya que se había terminado los que llevó a la academia y Adelina no había dejado ninguno para compartir. Esperaba que cuando ocurriera una visita a Arctika le prestara algunos. Por ahora, tendría que esperar a que llegaran noticias de ella. Daniela seguía enfocada en mejorar, mientras escuchaba las divagaciones de Mariano.
En esos días, su creatividad había despertado y logró encontrar herramientas y objetos necesarios para crear un pequeño aparato para cargar los celulares usando el medallón de Raiden. En los momentos de descanso, Mariano intentaba dialogar con el granjero para trabajar en ello. El resto de luchadores se reían de cada vez que mencionaba el tema y se le iluminaban los ojos, como un niño.
–Vamos Raiden, déjame usar el medallón –pidió Mariano mientras comía su almuerzo y el resto miraba el escenario–. Voy hacer un gran invento.
–No te lo prestaré, Mariano –soltó Raiden enojado–. Lord Liu Kang, me lo dio para el torneo y como obsequio. No vas a usarlo para otra cosa.
–Ni tampoco para hacernos reventar por los aires –siguió Daniela sorbiendo de la sopa que hicieron los cocineros–. Me basta y me sobra que sos un peligro aterrizando con la avioneta.
–¿Explotó alguna cosa Mariano? –preguntó Johnny.
–Oh, sí lo hizo –contestó la pelirroja enfocada en su comida–. Una vez metió al microondas huevos y pescado para calentar. Lo puso a tres minutos y al poco tiempo escuchamos algo que explotó en la cocina. El olor estuvo por varias semanas y no importa cuantas veces limpiando, ese puto olor seguía. Otra vez, se olvidó de encender la hornalla. De milagro el Viejo Mario se dio cuenta y nos salvamos de volar por los aires.
–¿De enserio apestó tu casa a pescado por días? –preguntó Kung Lao sonriente y Daniela asintió.
–Che, mira que me volví mejor cuidando las cosas –espetó Mariano mientras tomaba la sopa.
–Deberíamos ver su casa –dijo Kenshi riendo–. Tal vez, lo que queda son solo escombros.
–Es una gran calumnia a mi persona, Kenshi –dijo Mariano dramático–. Me siento difamado.
Todos rieron y continuaron el almuerzo hasta que el sonido del gong anunciara el final. Dejaron sus platos cerca de las cocinas y volvieron a los entrenamientos. En las horas siguientes, hicieron clases para mantener equilibrio en la punta de los postes en los que Daniela caía en varias ocasiones, terminando con varias magulladuras.
Al llegar a los cuartos, Daniela sintió un alivio al sentarse en las escaleras. Mariano trajo mates y compartió con el resto, mientras se enfocaba en convencer a Raiden para dejarlo usar el medallón. Ya al punto en el que estaban, todos querían que Mariano se callara, incluido Johnny.
–Raiden, por favor, déjalo que haga sus manualidades para que deje de insistir –espetó el actor.
–¡Mira quién habla! El que no paró de parlotear por hacer una película –argumentó Mariano sarcásticamente y bastó para que Johnny cerrara la boca–. Sino quédate en mi habitación a vigilar el medallón, mientras lo uso para crear algo. No te lo quitaré porque lo estarás cuidando ¿te parece? ¿mucho mejor?
Raiden suspiró cabizbajo y alzó su mirada a los ojos azules de Mariano. Tenía ojos expectantes combinados con los de un cachorro.
–Está bien –dijo el granjero con los brazos cruzados–. Pero yo lo estaré cuidando. No permitiré que rompas lo que me obsequió Lord Liu Kang.
Mariano celebró y le dijo a Raiden que comenzarían al día siguiente después de los entrenamientos. Daniela rio por el entusiasmo de su amigo y siguieron tomando mates hasta que los sonidos del gong anunciaran la cena. Comieron tranquilamente y Daniela se sintió incompleta por la ausencia de Adelina, pero se recordó que pasaron algunos momentos así y pudieron cuidarse.
En la noche, Daniela se preparó para dormir, se puso óleo para el cabello en sus rizos rojizos y se acomodó en el futón. Tomó el libro que había tomado de la biblioteca de la academia y empezó a leer. Mientras se perdía en las palabras, no se percató de una luz anaranjada tapada por el libro. Daniela sintió que algo liviano caía en su regazo y tras vislumbrar sobre las hojas, vio un pequeño papel. Dejó el libro a un costado del futón y recogió el papiro.
Tenía delineaciones violetas y se dio cuenta de que era una carta de Shang Tsung. Lo desplegó por completo y comenzó a leer su contenido.
Querida Daniela:
Pasaron días desde nuestros pequeños encuentros durante el torneo y espero que te encuentres bien. Quiero seguir hablando contigo a través de cartas y aguardaré tu respuesta. Tu persona me cautivó y tengo la curiosidad de seguir descubriendo más sobre ti.
En estos días, estuve ocupado con mis avances para mejorar la salud del Mundo Exterior y necesitaba a alguien con quien hablar. Mi mente ha estado divagando en los pocos dichos que tuvimos y espero que en las cartas podamos seguir conversando.
Shang Tsung.
Daniela sonrió, buscó hoja y birome y escribió. Sus mejillas se tornaron rojas ante lo que pensaba poner y dejó que su mano la guiara.
Querido Shang Tsung:
¡Gracias por escribirme! Tengo la esperanza de que hayas podido ayudar a tus pacientes y a los miembros de la casa real. Por lo que tengo de tu entrevista, sé que lo hiciste de maravilla.
En la Tierra, estuve entrenando, pero tenemos algo de tiempo libre y me lo paso leyendo y entrevistando a algún maestro. También, escribo críticas de los libros que voy terminando para despejar mi mente. Me entretiene, pero sería lindo hablar contigo mediante las cartas.
Tengo curiosidad sobre ti, también. Desearía conocerte más que como el brujo de la familia imperial.
Espero tu respuesta,
La muchacha dobló bien la hoja y la vio esfumarse entre llamas anaranjadas. Se sorprendió y volvió a acostarse en el futón con la esperanza de que el hechicero le volviera a escribir. Alzó su mano mirando el anillo con la joya rosada y un calor en sus mejillas inundó su rostro. Ocultó su mano en las colchas y sus párpados comenzaron a pesarle.
Pasaron pocos días cuando Mariano logró hacer el invento para cargar el celular usando la electricidad del medallón de Raiden. El primer prototipo lo usó en el de Johnny y casi explota por el nivel de voltaje. Daniela se sorprendió al ver el desastre de la habitación de Mariano.
Había muchos metales esparcidos por cualquier parte, haciendo difícil la posibilidad de caminar. Se escuchaba música y se veía a Raiden sentado al lado de Mariano, con la cara resignada. El futón estaba desordenado y la madera estaba repleta de yerba mate y migas de comida.
–¿Podrías bajarle el volumen a eso? –preguntó Raiden.
–No –contestó Mariano tranquilamente sorbiendo mate–. Uno, es Tornado of Souls de Megadeth y un buen tema. Número dos, es mi habitación y son mis reglas.
–Solo te pido que le bajes el volumen.
Mariano lo bajó apenas y siguió haciendo experimentos. Raiden miró a Daniela y sus ojos mostraban hartazgo.
–Lo lamento, Raiden –dijo la muchacha con los brazos cruzados–. Te tocará soportar su música hasta el final.
–No me molesta su música. Me molesta el volumen –espetó Raiden.
–¿Cuánto te falta para que termines con ese invento? –preguntó Daniela.
–No sé, creí que a la primera me funcionaría –dijo Mariano analizando el aparato–. Lamento que casi reventara tu celular, Johnny.
–¡No permitiré que mi celular sea una rata de laboratorio, otra vez! –exclamó el actor y lo guardó en su pantalón–. Tengo muchos videos para hacer mi gran película.
Todos miraron de mal manera a Johnny y Mariano se enfocó nuevamente en la maquinaria. Salían cada pocos segundos chispas naranjas y maldecía cuando había un pequeño cortocircuito.
–¿Quieres que te ayude, Mariano? –preguntó Kung Lao.
–Sabes que sí –el granjero se sentó y esperó nuevas órdenes–. Sosteneme el aparato y no lo muevas que tengo que ver mejor si ubiqué bien los metales.
Daniela y los demás se marcharon lentamente, escuchando a lo lejos la música estruendosa de su amigo. Siguieron charlando hasta la hora de la cena y antes de que la joven fuera al gran comedor, el anillo comenzó a darle calor en su dedo. En frente de los ojos de la joven, una nueva carta de Shang Tsung apareció. Desplegó el papel y leyó las palabras del hechicero.
Querida Daniela:
Me alegro que hayas aceptado mi propuesta y tengo intenciones de conocerte más. Me resulta positivo que puedas tener tiempo libre durante tus entrenamientos y mejores tus talentos.
Estuve tan ajetreado que no me enfoqué en mis pasatiempos. Quisiera hacerlo, pero mis labores me agobian. Son muchas cosas las que tengo que hacer y cada vez que termino una, aparece una nueva. No tienen fin, pero los hago con gusto. Cada tarea que me comprometo, la cumplo de forma meticulosa y me tomo mi tiempo.
Aun así, al leer tu carta sentí que pude tener un pequeño pasatiempo, aunque sea algo insignificante, para mí, significa mucho.
Espero con ansias tu respuesta,
Shang Tsung.
Daniela sonrió y comenzó a escribir emocionada las cosas que sentía hacia el hechicero. Sus mejillas se tiñeron de rojo como su cabello y notó un mechón pequeño se colaba en su vista. Se enfocó en el papel y su mano guio la pluma.
Querido Shang Tsung:
Espero que logres completar todas tus tareas. Si sientes que no puedes con todo, está bien sentirlo, es necesario que descanses y busques algo con lo que distraerte, aparte de escribirme cartas. No me molesta que me escribas, leo con gusto lo que me envíes, pero también busca otras cosas y experimenta.
Mi consejo es que limpies, a veces hacerlo es una gran forma de distraerte y hasta pensar en el siguiente paso. Otras cosas que pueden ayudarte son: cocinar, dormir, meditación, entre otras muchas.
Algunas veces, es necesario dejar algunas tareas para el día siguiente. Escribir, leer y hasta cocinar (no siempre me sale bien) son algunas de mis formas de descansar mi mente. Incluso salir a caminar me ayuda y espero que te sirvan a ti también.
Confío en que mis consejos te ayuden,
El papel se esfumó entre llamas. Tuvo la esperanza de que Shang Tsung leyera en poco tiempo su carta y volvieran a escribirse. De repente, Daniela escuchó gritos.
–¡Dani! ¡Ya es hora de comer!
–¡Ahí voy, Mariano!
Salió de su cuarto y corrió hacia donde estaban sus compañeros para unírseles. Caminaron, iluminados por los faroles anaranjados y las hojas secas y pétalos adornaban los caminos de piedras, llegando al gran comedor.
Luego de la cena, Daniela se aseó y fue hacia sus aposentos. Frente a su puerta, la luz de las velas de la habitación de su amigo seguía encendida y sonrió por sus maldiciones. Entró a su habitación y se sumergió en las vastas colchas de su futón.
Pasaron los días y Daniela siguió entrenando junto al resto de sus amigos y escribiendo cartas a Shang Tsung. Lo que sí le preocupaba a la muchacha fue la falta de noticias de Adelina, seguramente los entrenamientos en Arctika la agobiaban. Incluso, Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi y Johnny preguntaban por las noticias de ella hasta que esas dudas se apaciguaron un día después del almuerzo.
Previo a eso, luego de terminar los aparatos para cargar celulares, Mariano encontró en pueblos cercanos partes de torres de radio y comenzó a comprarlas para construirla. Ante eso, Daniela le propuso que lo hablara con Liu Kang para evitar cualquier inconveniente. El joven salió rápidamente hacia donde estaba el dios y le resultó difícil convencerlo para que le diera luz verde.
Fue poco tiempo, tras algunos discursos Liu Kang se lo permitió y Mariano dio comienzo a su construcción, haciendo que suenen chispazos y pequeños incendios en su habitación. Él y Kung Lao, a veces, salían por el humo y Daniela los ayudaba a recuperarse para que volvieran a meterse y seguir trabajando con la torre de radio.
El día que había llegado la carta de Adelina, tanto los demás luchadores como los profesores tuvieron que detener a Johnny y Kenshi por una riña por la espada Sento. Ambos se separaron, tomando diferentes caminos para bajar los aires de pelea, dejando a Mariano, Raiden, Kung Lao y Daniela en el recinto de estudiantes. Mientras esperaban a que los dos luchadores volvieran, un maestro llegó con una carta de Adelina.
Emocionados, Daniela y Mariano la leyeron y luego la joven preparó la respuesta. No mencionó las cartas que tenía con Shang Tsung hasta tener más confianza con él y poder hablarlo con sus amigos. Por ahora, sería algo que mantendría en privado.
Tras terminar la carta, un maestro los guio hacia el palomar y le dieron el papel con el invento de Mariano a un ave. La soltaron y la vieron perderse en el cielo. Regresaron al recinto con tranquilidad y Mariano se recogió el cabello rubio haciéndose una cola de caballo. Los dos entraron a sus respectivos cuartos y Daniela se enfocó en escribir la opinión de un libro de la biblioteca. Los faroles y velas le proporcionaban una gran luminosidad a su cuarto y la canción que reproducía de su celular la hacía olvidar el alrededor. Hasta que hubo otra explosión en la habitación de Mariano y Daniela, alarmada, salió a ver qué ocurría.
–¡Ay! ¡La concha de la lora! –maldijo el muchacho, sacudiendo su mano–. Putos cables de mierda.
–¿Qué pasó, Mariano?
–Estamos bien, Daniela –calmó Kung Lao–. Solo fue un cortocircuito.
–Me costó muchísimo pagar por todo esto –dijo Mariano enfocado en la maraña de cables y metal–. Más vale que me rinda la plata para hacer una pequeña torre de radio.
–¿Le preguntaste a Liu Kang sobre hacer esto? –cuestionó el granjero–. Me resulta difícil de creer que te haya permitido hacer esta locura.
–Me costó convencerlo, pero lo logré.
Mariano se calló y siguió enfocado en su trabajo con la ayuda de Kung Lao, algunas indicaciones se escuchaban cuando Daniela volvía a su cuarto. Al cerrar la puerta, oía la canción de Graveyard de Halsey y se centró en su crítica hasta el anuncio de la cena.
Pasaron los días y entre carta y carta la relación entre Daniela y Shang Tsung se amplió. Hablaron sobre los pasatiempos de cada uno y algunos libros que leían. A veces, le llegaban mensajes antes de ir a dormir y los respondía lo más rápido posible con una sonrisa adornada en el rostro.
También, recibían cartas de Adelina y se alegraban de tener noticias de ella. Le molesta un poco que su amiga no se arriesgara un poco, pero era entendible. La extrañaba, nunca habían estado tanto tiempo separados los tres, pero tendrían que esperarla. Quería hablar cara a cara con Adelina y pasar junto a Mariano los entrenamientos. Era extraño no tenerla al lado.
Mariano seguía enfocado en poder instalar la torre de radio, pero entre explosiones y maldiciones, parecía que no tenía resultados positivos. Hasta Kenshi y Johnny creían que era imposible que lo lograra, pero no les hacía caso y seguía manteniendo su convicción. Raiden y Kung Lao no soportaban la música de Mariano, pero mantuvo el volumen bajo para mantenerlos contentos.
Un día, en los aposentos recibió una carta de Shang Tsung y comenzó a leerla. Su sonrisa se acrecentaba con cada palabra escrita por el hechicero del Mundo Exterior.
Querida Daniela:
Me alegro que en estos días hayas podido seguir entrenando y haciendo tus tan mencionadas críticas literarias. En algún momento, me gustaría poder leerlas a tu lado y compartirnos nuestros gustos por los libros. Espero que hayas podido terminar el libro que estabas leyendo.
También, me causa mucha curiosidad los tantos alimentos de tu amada patria, sus nombres me resultan curiosos y deliciosos. Me gustaría probarlos algún día. Por ahora, me conformaré con mi imaginación. Tu patria parece bastante maravillosa por cómo me la cuentas, pero quizás verla en persona sería más hermosa.
Ansío tu respuesta,
Shang Tsung.
Daniela salió inmediatamente hacia las cocinas de la Academia Wu Shi y luego de conseguir todos los ingredientes empezó hacer unos cañones rellenos de crema pastelera y de dulce de leche. Los cocineros le dejaron un pequeño espacio para hacerlos.
Preparó la masa con harina, manteca de cerdo y leche. Mezcló con tranquilidad y al compás de los ruidos de los cocineros yendo de un lado para el otro para la cena. Poco a poco, la masa de los cañones se iba despegando del bol, Daniela amasó con fuerza el alimento, comenzó a formar bolitas pequeñas para aplastarlas y después enroscarlas.
Mientras las cocinaba, preparó la crema pastelera con maicena, azúcar, yemas de huevos, leche y canela. Colocó la crema y el dulce de leche en las masas hechas y los cocineros comieron unos pocos para volver a sus asuntos. Daniela llevó una gran cantidad para los demás luchadores y celebraron el pequeño gesto junto a los mates de Mariano. La joven guardó en una pequeña caja para Shang Tsung en su habitación y siguió compartiendo el momento con sus amigos.
Antes de que sonara el gong, Daniela fue a su cuarto y le escribió una carta para el hechicero. Se sentió una cursi haciendo el postre, pero esperaba que le gustara el gesto.
Querido Shang Tsung:
Me encantaría mostrarte todas mis críticas que he hecho, pero por ahora las tengo en borrador y quiero mejorarlas para que las puedas leer. Estoy terminando el libro y me siento muy emocionada por ver cómo termina. Escribirlo no es lo mismo que decirlo con palabras.
Lo único que puedo darte son cañones de crema pastelera y dulce de leche. Son uno de las tantas facturas que hacemos en Argentina. Si no llegan con la magia que hiciste, pido perdón. Me las comeré luego para que tengas antojo y envidia.
Espero que te gusten.
En cuanto terminó la carta, la puso junto a la caja de madera y ambas ardieron hasta desaparecer. La joven tuvo la esperanza de que los haya recibido y no se quemaran en el proceso. También, uno de los maestros llegó con una nueva carta de Adelina y se apresuró a contestarla.
Querida Daniela:
Espero que te encuentres bien y que Mariano haya avanzado con la torre de radio. No sé por qué pienso que va a tener todo el cabello para arriba como si fuera Dragon Ball. Me rio con la imagen de la cabeza que tengo.
Todos los días tengo entrenamiento a la mañana entrenamiento con Bi Han y no puedo despertar mi criomancia. Después sigo mis clases con sus hermanos y otros maestros. Aprendo manejo de armas (siento que es un poco atrasado usar una puta espada, pero bueno qué puedo hacer), sigilo, combate, etc. Al mediodía, es la hora del almuerzo y soporto las miradas hostiles de los demás principiantes (es una porquería, pero ni siquiera sé por qué lo hacen y no tengo intenciones de saberlo). Después sigo haciendo entrenamiento y limpieza.
Termino hecha mierda, me da ganas de tirarme en la cama y dormir por un año. Me cuesta poder encontrar un tiempo para averiguar las ruinas con todas las tareas que me asignan, apenas logré hallar el palomar.
Los extraño mucho y quisiera hablar con ustedes en persona. Me siento un poco sola, pero a veces hablo con Tomas, no es mucho lo que hablamos, pero me hace sentir comprometida… eso creo. No me molesta hablar con él, es solo que parezco buscar algo más de él y no es así. Cuando aparece un extraño intentamos ser lo más formales… me hace sentir una tonta.
Además, mis mejillas se calientan y me gustan sus ojos. Me hacen recordar a portadas de libros y mañanas nubladas.
Espero tu respuesta,
Daniela tomó un papel y la pluma comenzó a escribir.
Querida Adelina:
Te extrañamos también y queremos verte lo más pronto posible. Para tu decepción, Mariano no tiene el cabello parado ni sé si avanzó o no con su torre de radio. Sinceramente, pienso que avanza de a poco, aunque cada explosión y maldiciones me hace sentir lo contrario.
Por lo que entiendo de los Lin Kuei, cuando estábamos teniendo las clases teóricas, son nuestro ejército. Así que sí, te tocará el entrenamiento más fuerte, aunque admito que deberían darse unos descansos, pero ese es mi pensamiento. Por otro lado, también me resulta anticuado el uso de armas, pero son sus costumbres, no podés hacer mucho.
Me enoja que te traten diferente, me recuerda al orfanato, pero no busques pelea con ellos y evita cualquier provocación. Además, me alegra que puedas hablar con Tomas, no te agobies la cabeza con esos pensamientos, mientras no busques algún privilegio usando sus sentimientos, no hay problema. Te conozco y no lo harías, así que deja atormentarte.
Con cariño,
La muchacha preparó la carta, fue hacia el palomar y soltó el ave. Voló perdiéndose en la oscuridad de la noche y escuchó el sonido del gong anunciando la cena. Bajó de la torre y corrió hacia el gran comedor, alcanzando a sus amigos.
Las risas y barullo se acrecentaron en las cuatro paredes cuando los platos se sirvieron. Todos comieron y agradecieron con júbilo la habilidad de los cocineros. Las charlas continuaron hasta que los maestros anunciaron la hora de dormir.
Daniela se bañó y se preparó para sumergirse en las vastas colchas del futón. Tomó el libro que tenía al lado y lo abrió. Las palabras fueron atrapándola y la metió en el mundo de la trama, perdiendo la noción del tiempo. Con cada página, los párpados le pesaron y le costaba mantener la coherencia de lo que leía. Cerró el libro y se tapó con las colchas, esperando un mejor día y posiblemente alguna carta de Shang Tsung.
Los entrenamientos siguían todos los días, Daniela lograba seguir a sus amigos, pero a veces tenía dificultades. Las clases en equilibrio y meditación eran las más complicadas, ya que la joven tambaleaba en los postes y perdía el equilibrio constantemente generándose varios moretones. Mariano se reía de cada caída, una y otra vez para luego ayudarla levantarse. Por el lado de la meditación, su mente siempre fue acelerada y encontrar la calma le resultaba complicado. Lo que le parecía media hora, en realidad, eran segundos o minutos.
Le frustraba a Daniela, pero se esfumaban por las cartas de Shang Tsung y preparar algunas facturas o picada para los luchadores y el hechicero. Entre carta y carta la relación entre ellos se fue abriendo más y más. Se actualizaban de los días y hablaban de sus gustos. Se expresaban mucho las ganas de verse en persona y seguir con sus divagaciones.
En una de las tantas cartas, Daniela se emocionó por su contenido y un cosquilleo invadió su estómago.
Querida Daniela:
El papel no logra expresar mis ganas de hablarte en persona. Quisiera escuchar tu voz que hace tiempo mi memoria no le hace justicia. Mi petición es que podamos hacer un encuentro y vernos. Si estás de acuerdo, por favor envíame una respuesta.
Shang Tsung.
Daniela no supo contener su alegría y le escribió una respuesta inmediatamente.
Querido Shang Tsung:
Me encantaría. Veámonos en dos días a la medianoche, afuera de la Academia Wu Shi. Te esperaré con algunas cosas para comer juntos.
La carta se esfumó entre las llamas y los nervios la carcomieron, esperando la respuesta del hechicero. Su mente divagó a su sonrisa encantadora de hace semanas atrás, en su estadía en el Mundo Exterior. Sus ojos marrones que le recordaban a las tortas negras.
Luego de cenar y asearse, Daniela se quedó despierta por un tiempo más, con la esperanza de que Shang Tsung le mandara una respuesta a su propuesta. La ansiedad la mantuvo caminando en círculos por su habitación por varios minutos hasta que el cansancio le pesaba. Se acostó en el futón y se envolvió con las colchas. Antes que sus ojos se cerraran, llegó una nueva carta con la respuesta afirmativa del hechicero. Se durmió con una sonrisa en su rostro y pensando en qué hacer de comida para Shang Tsung.
Los dos días fueron eternos, haciendo que las ansiedades de Daniela se acrecentaran y lo único que la despejaba eran los entrenamientos. Preparó más cañones de crema pastelera y dulce de leche, junto a algunas medialunas y galletitas. Compartió parte de sus facturas a sus amigos y a veces le entregaba a Mariano cuando se enfocaba en hacer la torre de radio.
Raiden y Kung Lao seguían en la habitación de su amigo para evitar que le explotara algo nuevamente. La música estruendosa de Mariano se podía escuchar al pasar cerca de su habitación, junto con el vocabulario vulgar y miles de maldiciones cada vez que ocurría un cortocircuito.
Johnny y Kenshi seguían peleados por la espada Sento y Daniela estaba hartándose de escuchar sus idas y vueltas. Después del primer conflicto, se mantenían al margen, pero se tiraban comentarios mordaces.
Cuando llegó el día de ver al hechicero, los nervios carcomían a Daniela y se tocó constantemente el cabello rojizo. Algunos mechones enrulados y cortos se metían en sus ojos y se los apartaba para calmarse. Estuvo todo el día con el estómago revuelto y se acrecentaron cuando terminó la cena.
Cuando todas las velas del complejo de estudiantes se apagaron y los faroles iluminaban los caminos. Daniela salió sigilosamente y caminó hacia las grandes puertas de la Academia Wu Shi. Las abrió con cuidado y se sumergió entre las plantas del vasto bosque, chocándose con varias y algunas hojas se metían en su boca.
Llegó hacia unas colinas donde había un árbol con flores y a lo lejos se veían las columnas de la Academia Wu Shi. Se sentó en la roca y dejó al lado una canasta pequeña con las facturas que había traído para el encuentro. Estiró las piernas y se quedó esperando a la llegada del hechicero.
Los nervios la carcomían por dentro y se mordió la uña del pulgar. Los segundos parecieron minutos y sintió que sus esperanzas para la reunión se apagaban. La chica admiró el paisajismo y el cielo estrellado. El viento sopló suavemente, haciendo que algunos mechones rojizos se elevaran.
De repente, un destello blanco apareció enfrente a sus ojos. Poco a poco, se reveló la figura de Shang Tsung y el corazón de Daniela dio un vuelco. Los ojos del hechicero la vieron y de su rostro adornaba una pequeña sonrisa.
–Buenas noches, Daniela.
–Hola, Shang Tsung –saludó la muchacha y un sonrojo invadió sus mejillas que rivalizaron con su cabello corto–… Eh… traje más facturas para comer juntos. Espero que no te moleste.
–Está bien –dijo el hechicero y se acercó a Daniela–. Extrañaba tus delicias ¿Quieres sentarte?
–Sí, gracias.
Se sentaron en el pasto y abrió el canasto con las facturas. Desvió sus ojos del hechicero y se enfocó en el hermoso cielo. Hacía tiempo que no veía las estrellas, eran pocas las que se distinguían en capital y las veces que las vio fue cuando pasó noches con el Viejo Mario en la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Tomó un cañón de dulce de leche y comenzó a comerlo tranquilamente. Vislumbró al hechicero e imitó la misma acción que ella. Su corazón le latió con fuerza y el estómago le cosquilleaba.
–Es bonita la noche –soltó Daniela después de tragar la factura–. Hace tiempo que no veía las estrellas.
–Tienes razón, es encantadora –coincidió Shang Tsung con la vista enfocada en el cielo–. Es extraño ver solamente estrellas. En el Mundo Exterior, hay días o semanas que veo diferentes colores en los cielos hasta incluso galaxias.
–¿De enserio?
–Sí, es maravilloso –respondió el hechicero y la miró–. Al igual que tus delicias.
–Gracias y espero que mis consejos te hayan ayudado.
–Sí, me ayudaron… –dijo Shang Tsung y le sonrió tímidamente–… pero lo que más me favoreció fue escribirte.
Las mejillas de Daniela se calentaron y se cautivó por los ojos chocolate del hechicero. Le recordaban las tortas negras y caramelos de dulce leche. Tomó otra factura y la mordió. La delicia de la masa y la crema pastelera invadió sus papilas gustativas.
Tras terminarla, su mano fue hacia la canasta para tomar otra, pero chocó con la de Shang Tsung y la tomó con delicadeza, como una flor. Daniela se sonrojó más, pero dejó que tocara su mano, parecía fascinado con ella.
–Son suaves –exclamó el hechicero hipnotizado–. A pesar de tus entrenamientos, siguen siendo delicadas.
–Gracias, Shang Tsung.
Sus dedos se entrelazaron y Daniela sintió que encajaban perfectamente, cual piezas de rompecabezas. Sus pulgares chocaron y el calor de su fuerte mano le pareció confortante. Una electricidad recorrió todo su cuerpo y sus mejillas se calentaron mucho más.
Daniela no quiso zafarse de su tacto. No llevaba los guantes que recordaba verlos puestos en la estadía en el Mundo Exterior y agradeció ver la complexión de su mano. La muchacha desvió la mirada hacia el cielo nocturno por unos minutos más, pero sentía los ojos del hechicero.
Volvió a mirarlo y hubo un silencio. Las hojas se levantaron por el viento leve y el cabello rojizo de Daniela se elevó suavemente. Dejó de lado el cielo y cualquier tema de conversación y se acercó dudosa a Shang Tsung. La imitó y el estómago comenzaba a revolotear.
Daniela apartó lentamente la canasta y se aproximó más. La mano del hechicero tocó su rostro, como si fuera porcelana y la acercó hasta ver mejor su reflejo en los ojos de Shang Tsung. Sus respiraciones se unieron y ya no hubo espacio entre ellos. Los labios de ambos se juntaron y el corazón de Daniela explotó. Fue suave, pequeño y tímido.
Se alejó del muchacho lentamente y volvió a mirarlo. Sus ojos chocolate la recibieron y quedó hipnotizada por ellos. No se percató que los labios del hechicero capturaron los de ella nuevamente, dudoso y Daniela lo siguió. La mano que ahuecaba su rostro se encaminó al cabello pelirrojo de Daniela, enredándose en sus rulos.
Daniela chocó con el cuerpo de Shang Tsung y continuó besándola con suavidad. El corazón bombeaba con intensidad y buscó aire para respirar. Se alejaron un momento y las puntas de las narices de ambos chocaron. Shang Tsung volvió acercarla y la besó con más pasión, tomando a Daniela desprevenida. Las manos de la chica se enredaron en el cuello del chico, pegada a sus labios. La otra mano de Shang Tsung se posó en su cintura acercándola con más pasión.
Daniela se separó y buscó aire desesperadamente. Las mejillas las sintió acaloradas y el brujo la observó con fascinación. Poco a poco, la mano que se había enredado en su cabello pelirrojo se zafó lentamente y se apartó.
–Eres hermosa –soltó el hechicero.
–Gracias, Shang Tsung.
El silencio perduró por más tiempo. Ambos se miraban, entrelazaban sus manos y sus pulgares recorrían las complexiones. La comida fue olvidada y se besaban delicadamente de vez en cuando. Pero poco a poco, el sueño invadía a Daniela, haciendo que cabeceara.
Shang Tsung se percató y la ayudó a levantarse para irse a la Academia Wu Shi. Recogió la canasta y caminó con tranquilidad a las profundidades del bosque. Antes de sumergirse, despidió a Shang Tsung con un delicado beso y lo vio esfumarse en el resplandor blanco. Daniela sonrió y se metió en el frondoso bosque.
Llegó a las puertas de la academia y entró sigilosamente, evitando los faroles que iluminaban los caminos de piedra y ramas de árboles con sus hojas anaranjadas. Daniela ingresó al complejo de estudiantes con cuidado hasta su habitación. Se sumergió en el futón, se tocó los labios y sonrió, como una niña pequeña enamorada por un famoso. Repitió los sucesos de esa maravillosa noche hasta quedarse dormida.
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niku30 · 10 months
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I love them so much you don’t understand… They’re so attractive together !!!
Wo Shen ( top / MK1 fan OC ) belongs to @emmacreatures 🧡
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Smoke and Mirrors
Pairings: Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x OC
Warnings: slight gore + Amnesiac!OC + religious trauma (?) + characters dying + hinted innuendos later on + Kuai & Bi Han trying to be good brothers + Liu Kang as a dad figure (?) + Tomas just being his sweet lovable self
Pt: 1/?
A/N: Enjoy my loves! I’m uh… deep in the MK1 rabbit hole thanks to my bf🤣
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At the start of the universe,
There was nothing,
Not a single thing aside from light and dark.
It was from here the universe was "born".
To whom created it,
Nobody knows.
A god?
An explosion of matter?
Time and space?
All it takes is one person,
To start a war.
Some time ago, a man named Liu Kang created his own timeline, separate from the pain and trauma others had in their previous "lives". Those who were dead were returned to life, and those who were evil turned good. First... he started with:
"God damn it Kuai!" A loud Sub-Zero shouted from across the room. "When I find you I WILL take your damn hands!"
"Stuff it Bi Han! You can take your ice blades and shove them up your-"
"Oh for the love of all gods above just shut up!"
Both Kuai and Bi Han went silent. Liu Kang, their friend and teacher, was never one to get upset. Perhaps it was because he was now deciding the fate of his own universe.
"You've been up all night my friend." Geras stated, resting his hand on Liu's shoulder
"How can I sleep when everything from here on will be affected by my decisions."
While both parties went quiet, since Kuai and Bi Han couldn't hear what they said after Liu screamed at them, another head popped into the room.
"Tomas? What are you doing?"
Kuai was silent as Bi Han glared at the smaller ninja.
"You're late."
The small silver haired ninja only used his eyes to look around. He remained silent as to ignore Bi Han.
"Brother be kind to him. Lord Liu Kang is already angry enough with us. Don't add onto his problem."
Bi Han just scoffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms and looked away from them.
"Good morning brothers. Has Lord Liu Kang came up with anything yet?"
The three ninjas, named Bi Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas Vrbada, were Liu Kangs... "security". He would send them on missions whenever he needed, purely to check up on certain realms and their inhabitants.
"No word. All we heard was-"
"Being yelled at by Lord Liu Kang? I heard it from over there." He pointed behind him at the other building just a few steps away from where they were. "I take it he's not happy with something?"
"He is Earthrealms protector for a reason." Kuai answered
Tomas looked to his other brother Bi Han, who remained silent and stared at their lord. Tomas could never understand why Bi Han was so arrogant all the time.
"I'm sure it's nothing. Perhaps it's in our best interest if we don't bother him."
"I agree brother. I'll take Bi Han to his room since he's being insufferable once more." Kuai poked at his brother
All Bi Han could do was stare as his almost lookalike copy of himself. Perhaps Kuai was his polar opposite, the contrast yet complimentary side Bi Han didn't have.
"I'll remain here in any case Lord Liu Kang calls for us."
"Great idea brother."
The world went quiet as Bi Han and Kuai Liang walked towards one of the buildings where all of Liu Kang's students would live and sleep in. Tomas was one of those students. While Tomas decided to remain hidden under the shade of trees to watch and not be caught, Liu Kang and Geras were having their own problems.
"This is difficult my friend. What shall I do? I must decide what to do with Sindel and her daughters."
"Perhaps we change their father. That man, what was his name? Oh Jerrod. He would be a good father instead of Quan Chi."
Liu nodded to his friend. Geras was the wisest man he knew and was proud he was watching the Hourglass for him.
"A wise decisions Geras. Perhaps I will be remaking these realms quicker than I thought. Maybe-"
Liu's sentence was cut short as a ray of light came across the sky, almost like a shooting star that was passing over. The light was bright, but it seemed to be never ending, as if the universe didn't want it to end.
"Never thought I'd create a shooting star Geras. It's beautiful to see myself."
"Maybe it's fate telling you that you've made the right choice."
Liu only nodded, noting how the star was leaving a gentle trail of light behind it, almost like calligraphy on paper. But this star, there was something about it Liu couldn't place. Why was it still going? A shooting star never lasts more than mere seconds, turning back into the sky as if it was never there.
"Geras? A star, does it ever decide to change?"
"What do you mean?"
"This star... it seems so different from all the others I've made, as if it wasn't mine I created. Yet, here it is so bright and shining in the day as if it has a purpose."
"I'd like to believe that stars are just beings who've come before us, watching us. Maybe in our time, it's still the same."
Liu nodded, thinking back to the papers scattered in front of him on his personal table. While he and Geras spoke... another issue was happening for poor Tomas.
"Oh for the elder gods sake it's so bright. Why does-"
The star above him was the brightest it's ever been, seeming to get closer to the Shirai Ryu.
"Well, it would be better if this was at night. Kind of reminds me of my mom and sister."
Tomas wasn't one to linger on the past too long, but this star brought back something in him. The star dropped from the sky, heading straight down instead of arching like it was before.
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit!" Tomas screeched as he ran for Kuai and Bi Han
Liu Kang and Geras looked up as the falling "star" was coming down onto their home base and with only a few seconds to spare.
"Geras! Make sure the Lin Kuei and everyone else is okay!"
Liu sprinted, not caring if his room was a mess. He had people to save. He was not going to let anything happen to his friends, the friends he just brought back and fixed their lives.
"Lord Liu Kang!" Tomas shouted as he caught up with his teacher
"Smoke?! Where's Scorpion and Sub Zero?!"
"They're inside! I was already outside when I saw the-"
The ground shook, sending both Liu and Tomas up into the air, both landing back on their feet after the shaking stopped.
"Stay behind me. It could be dangerous." Smoke spoke up, putting his mask on and swinging his karumbit into his hand
"I trust you Smoke."
Both Liu and Tomas walked carefully, looking for any damage that could lead to someone being hurt. Surprisingly, there was nothing. Nothing but a shine of something on the ground in the middle of the path, leaving both the buildings and pond untouched.
"What is it?" Liu asked as Smoke took a few steps toward from him
Tomas was careful, smoke bomb in hand in case he and Liu Kang needed to flee. Slowly, he stood over whatever the "star" was.
"Lord Liu Kang!" He called
Liu Kang ran, not minding the fact both Scorpion and Sub Zero weren't here in case they were outnumbered or got killed.
"That's... that's not possible. I didn't-"
Liu Kang stuttered at what was at his feet.
It was a human... a human who had fallen from the sky.
Liu Kang, not thinking twice and feeling his inner protector energy tell him to, he put a hand on the humans shoulder. He felt a faint pulse.
"They're alright but... we should check in case there are any other wounds."
They both flipped the person over, as if they were lightweight to them.
"Holy elder gods..."
It was what appeared to be a girl. Her face was covered with two golden like fabrics that crossed over her face and left only her mouth and nose visible. Her hair was almost white, just like the rest of her. Her mostly white clothes were splattered in what looked like golden liquid. All the scars of previous fights could be seen on her arms. The liquid itself was like...
"Is that... blood? No. Surely not. Blood is..."
Tomas was speechless. A human with gold blood? What human is like that? Tomas bled red, just like Liu Kang and his brothers.
"She's not well. We need to help heal her." Liu spoke as he picked up the girl and carried her in his arms to Geras
Tomas could only stare in curiosity as the girls limp body drip more of the golden liquid onto the stone grounds. Her body wore a white dress of some sorts, cut above her thighs in the front but longer in the back like a normal dress. The pure white was hard for Tomas to look at. It practically blinded him. The rips and tears over her arms and legs told him a lot. She went out fighting, and wasn't going to die easily.
"Lord Liu Kang! What is that?" Geras questioned as Liu Kang cleared his table and set the girl on it
Scorpion and Sub Zero joined them, the three ninjas ready to attack in case she woke up and decided to attack. Liu Kang set the girl on her back, her palms on the table next to her as if they were studying her.
"Not deadly cuts but it should be cleaned and managed. Who knows what this is causing her to bleed."
Liu Kang checked her as he rolled her onto her side. She seemed fine on her back, just stained in what felt like blood. Liu checked every spot, stopping at the hole on her middle back.
"Hm. I'm beginning to think that-"
It was cut short when the girls body jerked, bright white feathery wings popping out and resting on top of her limp, almost like she was. They were huge, almost as long as her body themselves.
"What in the world?" Geras spoke
"So she's not a demon or vampire like being. She's not from Nether Realm, that much I can see. Not from Outworld either. No connections... nothing to tell us what she is."
Liu was stumped. This girl just showed up from the sky and gave this poor man a headache since Liu didn't know her.
"Was she from..."
"No. There's no trace of her on anything else. It's just like she came from nowhere."
Liu stayed silent as his three ninjas stood in silence behind him. He felt their eyes on him. There was no chance she would survive out there if she didn't exist before.
"Surely she can make a good Lin Kuei member right?" Tomas asked half curiously
"Maybe... we'll leave her here since there's no place to put her for now and I can study what she is."
"But Lord Liu Kang I must insist-"
Liu only stared at Bi Han, silencing his complaints as he frowned. Liu Kang hardly frowned, especially to any of his friends.
"It's in our best interest to align our interests with her, when she eventually wakes up." Kuai Liang answered looking between both Tomas and Liu Kang "If she's an ally, I'm sure she'll be a very good warrior for us."
"You are both stupid. What if she's with Outworld? What if she's from Neatherrealm? How sure are you she's not dangerous Liu Kang?"
"A fair observation Sub Zero, one I had not fully thought of. You are right to call out my miscalculation."
To be continued...
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Hope you enjoyed the read! I’ll add more if yall want 😋😊
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randomstoreroom21c · 8 months
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"Free will was burned from Quan Chi's soul and replaced with a single directive...He must kill Raiden."
Quan Chi's ending in Mortal Kombat X
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