#oc: Angus Thistle
spadaaces · 7 months
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HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ft. dnd couples <33
And the single one of course :]
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coffiicorgii · 2 months
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It’s artfight again! And that obviously means I have to draw mine and my friends dnd characters >:]!!
The characters belong to @spadaaces, @imnothingandokay, @dracofaun and me
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nade2308 · 4 years
For the WIP guessing game "sob" and "scar(s)" 😈
Mac slipped on a puddle of water and fell on the shower floor, and then he just sat there. He didn't know what was water from the shower, and what were tears, because he was openly crying now, he was sobbing and was barely aware of the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing.
The shower was turned off and a gust of steam escaped when the shower door was opened. Mac shivered and huddled even closer to the corner. Looking up, he saw Jack leaning over the faucet and he placed the removable shower head in its place. Then he kneeled in front of Mac and opened his arms.
Mac wanted to scream at him to get out, that he was getting his clothes wet, and that Mac wasn't worth it catching a cold over, but he didn't have it in him so he just sank in Jack's embrace.
Mac was aware that Jack carefully picked him up and carried him to his room, but he didn't have the strength to muster up words. He just soaked Jack's warmth and let himself be carried.
It opened more work for them and Robin felt like all the help in the world won't help her and John to feel less responsible. John was currently running his eyes, he was barely sleeping these days, and his face looked haggard, hollow and sapped of all energy. He was leaned over the files littering his desk and rubbing furiously at the scars on his neck like they were hurting him.
Thank you for this ask @thethistlegirl 😍😍😍
I had fun going through my story.
The excerpts are from the NaNoWriMo story
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buirbaby · 3 years
Thistle & Thorn Prologue
Summary: Nessia MacDougal begins her journey in her secondary school years to attend Hogwarts. Hailing from a respected family in Northern Scotland, she must put aside her trepidation and nerves to begin exploring the witch she's truly meant to become. Rating: General - for everyone!
Author Notes:  Hello! This is purely a guilty pleasure writing for me in which I insert a Scottish OC. Based in the 80s and loosely around the plotline of Hogwarts Mystery, I hope to embark on a long, but fun journey with my OC through their years at and after Hogwarts. I’m not personally Scottish, so if any of the annunciations sound wrong or if you have better recommendations for certain slang, please let me know in the comments~! I will be posting a schedule to keep myself on track for updates, but will release a few chapters in the beginning at once to get the ball rolling. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
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Dark shadows ran along the length of the hall, dyeing the once porous taupe stone in an inky mask. Grasping forward like prying fingers, the door creaked open, the illumination of a hearth casting a fiery halo around the arm chair that obscured the flame's light. A figure was sitting, the footsteps nigh on silent if not for the old floor boards that had been resting firmly in place for centuries within the MacDougal estate. The man's head tilted and a laugh rumbled in the back of his throat, a deep noise like thunder on the horizon hinting at the lightning to come.
"I didnae ken ye'd come here. That'll be yer mistake," the familiar depth of a voice cut against the cracking of the wood, less crinkled by age, and marred by the tremulous heat of calm wrath.
"The Dark Lord sends his regards," finally the intruder spoke, raising a wand to poise it toward where the gentleman sat. With a grandiose flourish and a blast of venomous green light, the armchair whirled and the victim did not sit within it.
"I warned ye. Yer cheap tricks dinnae work on me," a broad man stepped from out of a corner where the light of the fire did not touch, his wand raised, and emerald eyes glinting from beneath a heavy furrowed brow. His wordless curse flew through the air, smacking into his foe with the force of a mack truck and rendering them to their knees as the life ebbed out of them. It was no killing curse, but powerful enough in due part to the man's tenacity and skill, sitting upon the mantle a crux of his legacy: his accolades as an Auror. Badges, medals, a picture of the chief shaking hands with the last minister that he had served before going into retirement to care for the family estates. Angus MacDougal was a legend and a man to be feared if you ended up on the opposite side of where his wand tilted.
Scoffing quietly to himself, he kept his wand drawn as he erred closer to the body of the Death Eater. Multiple attempts had been made on his life, despite his derision to remain just council for the war and not a participant. He had already lost too much and still there was more he could lose, thus putting himself in a worse position than he was already in was not amongst his priorities. Yet, Voldemort kept sending pitiful excuses to his home in the highlands, each attempt thwarted, but to what purpose? To probe? To see what the MacDougal defenses were like?
Angus stiffened, his wand lowering as he cocked his head toward the door where a young girl stood. Tucked under her arm was a krup plush, stained with the years of her incessant adoration, the white fur yellowed and the eyes loose on the smushed face. Immediately, he stepped in the path of the crumpled form, but it was too late for him to obscure who or what it was, the child's perceptive ivy eyes tracing the being.
"Another one?" Nessia muttered, rubbing a bleary eye. "They're not gaunnae get ye too are they, Bhan?"
Angus steeled himself, bending down to pick the child up into his arms, one of the reasons he'd refused to fight this war. "Nay, not a soul on this Earth that can get the jump on ol' Bhan, ye ken this."
"I thought the same of Ma and Pa," Nessia countered dubiously. "That makes 2 just this moon."
"Yer too smart for yer own good," Angus grumbled, albeit in irritation and part in amusement that the young girl was attentive enough to remember such details. Removing her from the scene entirely, he strolled down the cottage halls, away from his solar and across toward the living quarters. "Now, I tol' ye that yer room is the safest place for ye. I've gone and put spells on it to keep the bad folk outta there. Why'd ye come out?"
Tilting questioning eyes, framed by thick dark lashes, the child heaved a sigh. "The green light, Bhan."
His mouth quirked, not in a smile, but nearly in a grimace. The light of the killing curse, the unnerving glow that had stolen the life force from her parents as she stood in her cradle as a toddler. A few years had passed, but the aging bairn still remembered.
"Master?" Hoggle, the cottage's house elf appeared from around a corner, batty ears slicked back like hair and a rag made of the family's tartan draped around his knobbly form. Angus had given him nicer attire, but Hoggle preferred the tartan for some odd reason.
"Go an fetch Logan. There be another in the solar, if ye ken me meaning," Angus informed the servant, who didn't hide their frown, and nodded solemnly. Certainly, the house elf caught his drift and if Angus didn't take care of the person himself, he had his grandson Logan and Nessia's older sibling handle it as he was more than a decade her senior and having just graduated Hogwarts.
"Aye," Hoggle bowed and trotted off without another word.
He wanted this damn war to be over, for the assault on his kin to cease, but just like many others who wished for it to end-the only end would be when either the Dark Lord was overthrown or he achieved what he wanted. In a few more years, would he even be able to send Nessia to school? Or would he be just as worried as when he'd sent Logan? Even with Dumbledore as headmaster, an old reliable friend to Angus, he knew that the wizard had more to handle than just the governance of the academy.
Opening the door to the child's room, he breathed a small sigh, his eyes skimming the haven that she'd decorated herself. Nessia had always been a perceptive child, enthralled by a few eclectic hobbies, most notably her obsession with plants over people. Various shelves were host to plants both of non-magical and supernatural function. The tall, double decker windows at the back of the room were shaded by a thin sheath of fabric that acted as a meager barrier between the sun that would rise in a handful of hours and bask the room for the better half of the day in warm sunlight, baking the girl's greenhouse of a bedroom.
Angus despised messes and untidiness, but when he glanced around at the dirt on the floor, the opened leather journals and books scattered on the desk, he did not see a mess. Rather, he saw organized chaos reminiscent of his son—her father. To the unknowing eye, this place was not a bedroom and much more like a jungle in northern Scotland. But each item had a home and each trinket carefully placed so that Nessia could find it without even trying. Her bed was hidden beneath a canopy that pooled over in marble queen pothos vines, the white leaves flecked with verdant spots.
It was quite obvious what the girl would spend her time studying the most when she finally went to Hogwarts. Whilst not a combative subject like Defence, Angus thought the peace suited her better and hoped the child never had to lift a wand as he had or as her parents had. Where had that gotten them? Two dead, another with a target on their back. If Nessia could grow up to be a researcher, a herbologist, or a Potioneer—she would be safe.
"Noo, I'm gaunnae hae tae get ye Venomous Tentacula tae keep ya in bed. Hae it guard the door," Angus threatened with no heat in his voice, tucking the girl beneath the fold of a thick sapphire quilt that had belonged to her mother.
Nessia's rose lips cracked a frail smile, still daunted by the blinding light that had brightened the entire manor. "I'll jus' learn how tae handle that one too, Bhan," she reminded him, fingers curling around the edge of the blanket. Despite her calm voice, the child's knuckles whitened like snow as she clutched the fabric. "Are ye gaunnae go right away?"
"I can stay. Til ye fall asleep," he promised, smoothing down the dark tumbles of the girl's hair that reminded him of bramble—an absolute mess that he didn't know how to handle. She'd gotten that from her mother and that woman had been the only one with a sliver of an idea of how to control the frazzled mess.
The room quieted, a soft sigh parting the girl's lips and only the wind skimming across the moor could be heard as it billeted the cathedral windows, rattling the frame and cracking against the setting. Angus' eyes trailed over to the shade, the dull moonlight attempting to cut through a thicket of clouds and bask the window just as the sun usually did. However, the light was faint that evening and Angus could only presume that the macabre transgressions of the night had been reflected up in the sky like an ominous painting of the war raging across the wizarding world.
How many more interrupted nights would there be? How many more evenings that Angus had to remain sitting vigil lest they be overtaken by another Death Eater?
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thethistlegirl · 5 years
Hey Thistle, because I loved all your AU, concerning "oc asks that reveal more than you think", can you answer at questions 6 and 13 for : Mac in Wunderkind, Angus Robinson in Magic & Silver, Mac in Scales + Tail...
6) Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Mac in Wunderkind: Mac will always take Matty’s advice. Jack’s he’ll always accept, but sometimes, it’s a little...weird. But Matty is like a mom to him, and he listens to her whenever she tells him something. Most of the people he won’t take advice from really aren’t a part of his life right now, but he never listens to anyone who tells him to back off for his own good...
Angus Robinson: Robin will always take John’s advice. John in some ways, and more as time progresses, reminds him of the dad he knew as a kid. He looks up to the man and knows John’s an expert hunter and can teach him a lot about both the job and life. He wouldn’t take his grandfather’s advice, which is how he ended up in the hunting business in the first place, but for the most part he did listen to Grandda Hamish. He definitely won’t take Arion’s advice about how to make his situation easier...
Mac in Scales + Tail: Eventually, Mac will take any advice from Riley. She’s close to his age and he trusts her to know how to blend in in normal society. He figures she won’t steer him wrong about pop culture. He won’t take advice from James. He’s lived too long under that man’s rules that keep him away from humans to want to follow them any longer. 
13) Name one thing their parents taught them.
Mac in Wunderkind : His mom taught him that kindness is important. James taught him that he was only going to be valued for what he could do. 
Angus Robinson: His mom taught him to nurture his fae side and love nature. His father taught him about the hunters and their role.
Mac in Scales + Tail: His mother taught him the old legends of the merfolk. His father taught him to fear humans and see them as a dangerous enemy. 
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spadaaces · 2 months
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Thought I'd finally start posting some artfight attacks bshgd Here's a compilation of some obligatory dnd attacks for my buddies! Characters belong to @imnothingandokay, @coffiicorgii, @dracofaun and meeee <3
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spadaaces · 11 months
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Oc-tober Day 11: Formal clothing
Two fancy lads :] I'm very very slowly working on catching up with this bsjhdjs
Prompt list below!
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Prompt list made by Askanslostfins on tik tok
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spadaaces · 1 year
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Artfight revenges DND edition for @coffiicorgii and @dracofaun!!
Gay people are real in dnd today
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spadaaces · 1 year
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Oc-tober Day 6: Favorite oc ship(s)
DOUBLE GAY PEOPLE JUMPSCARE because I could not choose just one out of these two - both these relationships mean the world to me they're so sweet <33
(Moka belongs to @coffiicorgii)
Prompt list under the cut!
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Prompt list made by Askanslostfins on tik tok
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coffiicorgii · 1 year
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First attack of the year!! For @spadaaces !! So it gets its own little post >:]c
Couldn’t help but draw these two as the first thing, our AUs were made for this year of art fight
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coffiicorgii · 2 years
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Gay people are real in dnd today!!
A little redraw of an almost 2 year old piece of @aceiinspacee and I’s dnd characters! :’]
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spadaaces · 2 years
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(somewhat last minute) Pride time ft. my dnd characters! <3
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