#oc: Darsas
sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Olivar's Entry
Author’s Note: This is the start of a mini-arc in which Cedric will be (trying) to patch up injured Primaris Black Templars as they appear on Ancient and Holy Terra! For other adventures click here and here. Next in the series: here. Thank you @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for allowing me to borrow Hura, Zariel and Ramiel! @kit-williams Arnault and Roland are briefly mentioned
Tagged:  @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @i-am-a-dragon34
Warnings: non-consensual drugging, physical restraints for medical purposes, wounds, blood, needles, ask me to tag something if it bothers you/I missed it
Summary: Olivar has no idea where he is. But like hell is he going to surrender to these Death Guard Traitors. 
“Stay back, traitorous scum! You come any closer and I will kill you!” The Primaris Black Templar threatened. He was missing half his armor and his arms were shaking from the weight of the chain sword in his hands. 
The trio of Death Guard who had found the badly injured Scout-aged Templar kept the twenty-foot distance as they waited for Chief Apothecary Hura to arrive, as the ancient marine had been able to semi-domesticate two Primaris Black Templars, and it was likely that he would be able to get through to this one as well.
Darsas spoke out “Easy, young one. We mean you no harm. You’re badly injured, and swinging that sword of yours has worsened your wounds.” He was tempted to try and use one of the Gifts that Grandfather had given him, but Ancient Terra made using psyker powers incredibly difficult under ideal conditions, and in the middle of a city park against an actively resisting feral Astartes was far from ideal.
“Stay back!” The Scout hisses, swiping at Darsas as the Psyker took one step closer. His legs were shaking and he was leaning on his left side, which likely meant that his right leg was injured.
“How did you get this badly injured, little scout?” Mucinus asked, trying to rumble soothingly at the anxious young shithead. 
The Son of Down bared his teeth and growled at him before coughing, blood splattering his lips “Fuck off to whatever Warp-cursed hole you came out of! I need not explai… Explain myself to you.” The world spun unpleasantly beneath his feet and he had to plant the point of his chainsword into the soft, fertile ground to keep standing. His everything hurt from the beating that Chaplain Captain Petras had inflicted upon him for his failures. 
“You better not be riling up - oh! Hallo young one. It’s alright. From the look on your adorably stubborn face, you’re not going to let me patch you up, are you? But you’re in a bad way…” Hura cooed, walking up to near where the hissy young Black Templar was swaying, not breaching the twenty-foot radius of distance that his Brothers were keeping around the stubborn young Astartes. 
“I would rather die than let you touch me, foul heretic! I will not allow you to cor… Corrupt my body or soul with your obscene practices!” The Scout growled, taking a half-step back as he glared up at the large chaos marine. With considerable effort he heaved his chainsword up, about to press the button to let it start roaring when -
Cedric appeared out from behind the Death Guard Apothecary. He was in clothing that Olivar did not recognize. “Olivar!” His Apothecary Brother called out, running to his side, one arm coming up to brace his shoulders, his other hand plunging into the bag he was wearing. 
“C-Cedric! You’re here! Wherever… Here is… I thought we were in the Temple Monastery on Elandrich Seven…” Olivar mumbled. He wasn’t sure how or why Cedric had come to be wherever here was, but he was glad to see him. He spotted one of the Death Guard trying to creep closer and pushed Cedric behind him, pointing his sword at the bastard “Stay away! I-I will kill you! Or… Or at least banish you back to the Warp, where filthy traitors like you belong!”
“Olivar… You need treatment, you’re bleeding heavily, and -” Cedric started, pulling out a syringe filled with something, a worried frown on his face.
“But… But traitors! Heretic scum!” Olivar protested, glaring at the three… No, wait. There were four of them now, where the fuck did the fourth one go? Death Guard trying to advance on the two of them “They’ll kill us or much, much worse. I can… I can take them on. Once they’re dead, you c’n patch me up.”
“Vie… This is for your own good. Things are different here, and I hope that you’ll forgive me for this one day.” Cedric sighed, making absolutely no sense.
Olivar felt the sting of a needle and he blinked as he saw the fluid leave the syringe in Cedric’s hand, entering his bloodstream. He could taste the sedative on the back of his tongue and blinked at his Apothecary Brother in a mixture of shock and betrayal “But… But traitors.” He slurred as the sedative took its effects.
“I know… But we’re no longer in M42, and the situation here is much different.” Cedric answers, a guilty but determined expression on his face as the darkness claimed Olivar’s consciousness and mind.
Olivar opened his eyes and immediately regretted that decision. The hum of the artificial lights was vexing enough, the bright white glare of one of them directly into his eyeballs was a misery that the young Black Templar hadn’t been expecting. Which was why he immediately closed his eyes again. He breathed in through his nose slowly, catching the scent of antiseptics, clean bandages and wound-cleanser. The surface he was strapped down to was firm, but not uncomfortably so, and someone had draped a blanket across his body. He could hear the steady beeping of a medical monitoring device and could feel the stickiness of the spots where the machine was attached to his body.
He could taste a mixture of salt and sugar on his tongue, which likely meant that along with whatever else was in the IV hooked into his left arm, he was getting a mixture of water, salt and sugar to help with the fluid volume loss from the blood that he had shed earlier. He did not smell the fetid rot and decay of the Death Guard. While he was in pain, it was muffled, and his wounds had clearly been bandaged and probably cleaned as well.
“I know you’re awake, Scout… Or rather, you’d be an Apprentice, wouldn’t you? Being a Black Templar.” The… Ultramarine? Apothecary? Spoke up.
Olivar opened his eyes and looked in their direction. From the accent, to his looks and the armor he was wearing, the other sure looked like an Ultramarine. But considering he’d been surrounded by Death Guard and someone who had taken the shape and voice of one of his Brothers… “Where… Where am I?” He asked, his voice shaking a little more than he wanted it to. He wanted to sound demanding and fierce…Not nervous and unsure. “Where is Cedric?”
“You’re in Stoneflame Base, specifically in the medical bay. Cedric is closeby. He’s just worried that you’d be mad at him for how you ended up here, considering that he had to drug you against your will, so that he could move you to a place where you could get treatment before you died of blood loss.” The Ultramarine explained. “So I volunteered to watch over you, and to start to explain things, once you were awake and coherent enough to understand me.”
“I want to see Cedric. Which planet are we on? I don’t hear the thrum of a ship’s engine, nor the slow-pulse of a space station, so we’re planet-side. Or moon-side. What about the Death Guard? There were… Four of them? Most of them were heavily mutated and-” Olivar began in a rush. Cedric probably thought that it was best to get him to relative safety… Especially since there was apparently a base nearby, and older cousins to deal with the Foul Triators. Although he really wanted to know how the fuck he’d suddenly been brought to this world.
“We are on Terra.” The Ultramarine lied.
“There hasn’t been plant life on Terra in millenia! Except in a couple of highly climate-controlled gardens within the manor grounds of some of the HIgh Lords of Terra! Where are we really? Is this some sort of trick of chaos? You will not break my mind, nor my will. Drop this illusion at once, foul heretic!” Olivar growled. There was no way that he could possibly be on Holy Terra right now. The very thought of Traitors being on Terra without being immediately surrounded and pummeled to death was horrifying.
“We are on Terra in M3.” The Ultramarine explained “I myself was brought to this era on Terra from M37, from a world trillions of light years and many decades of warp-travel away from Terra. There are Astartes from many chapters and even some legions from just after the creation of the Terran-born Legionnes Astartes at the tail end of the Unification Wars, to you, who comes from M42 and are a Primaris Marine.”
Olivar wanted to deny the ludicrous words coming out of the clearly mad Ultramarine’s mouth… But the more he talked, the more that the young Black Templar realized that this son of Guilliman… Genuinely believed every word that he said. Furthermore, despite the sheer impossibility of this being possible… He found himself believing what the other was saying. “But… Why was I brought here? What purpose does it serve?”
“None of us know the answer to those questions, young one.” The Ultramarine murmured, moving closer and gently patting Olivar on his uninjured shoulder. “Cedric asked me to remind you that all of your injuries have been patched up to the best of our abilities, and that you will continue to receive proper medical treatment for them.”
Olivar swallowed hard. Cedric knew from whom these injuries came from, and the protocol that he was supposed to follow. “... I’d like to hear that from Cedric himself, please. And to speak with him. Privately, if that’s allowed.”
“Alright.” The Ultramarine responded, sending a message off on his wrist-mounted vox.
Cedric was in the room less than a second later. He looked equal parts relieved and regretful “Olivar, I’m glad to see that you’re awake. It was a little touch and go there for the first few hours after I got you to the base.”
Olivar tried to reach out to his Brother, but the restraints on his arms and wrists kept him from moving very far “I… Is the Ultramarine telling the truth? About where and when we are?”
“Yes. Yes he is.” Cedric answered, tears shining in his eyes as he knelt down next to the other’s bed, gently squeezing Olivar’s hands “There is… Much more to explain to you. About how things are supposed to work in this time period on Holy Terra, but that can wait, until after you’ve healed up, fully.”
“May I please be let out of these restraints? I promise not to make a break for the door. I’m not sure how quickly I could move right now, anyways. The-... I think all four of my lower leg bones were fractured during the… While I got my injuries.” Olivar asked. He noted that the Ultramarine hadn’t left the room, and he didn’t want to admit out loud how he had gotten his injuries. Not when it was abundantly clear to Olivar that Cedric had hidden the truth from them.
Probably so that he could tend to his injuries without them both being punished more. Which would be incredibly risky, if they were still in M42, and could be found by him or one of their harsher firstborn older brothers. 
“Sure thing. The others were worried that you might be fighty when you first woke up, given how I had to bring you in. You promise not to make trouble on purpose if I undo your restraints?” Cedric explained, an apologetic note in his voice.
“Yeah, alright. I promise to behave.” Olivar murmured “The… The Ultramarine implied that there were other Primaris Marines in this time and on Terra… Do you know who any of the others are? Or how many of us there are?”
“Including you and me? As far as I know, there are six Primaris marines in M3 Holy Terra.” Cedric answered as he carefully undid Olivar’s restraints. He paused for a moment before continuing “There’s Ollie, who’s an Ultramarine, Jophie, who’s a Blood Angel, Claude who was sent to a Raven Guard Successor Chapter, and…” His voice caught for a moment, blue eyes knowing and sad “Ramiel.”
“As in… As in Judiciar Ramiel? Fellow Black Templar?” Olivar asked, keeping his voice calm and neutral. He didn’t blame Ramiel for the part he’d been forced to play in his punishment.
“Yes.” Cedric answered, still watching him closely. 
Olivar reached up and gently tapped all-clear on one of Cedric’s hands, hoping that the other took it to mean that he didn’t blame Ramiel, nor was he upset at him for what he’d been forced to do. “Hey… S’nice to know that there are other Black Templars around. What about Firstborn Brothers?”
Cedric relaxed fractionally “This base is a mix of Salamander and Imperial FIst, actually. Though there are some Ultramarines as well. Like Apothecary Zariel for example. There are a couple of firstborn Black Templars who live in the city as well, but most Black Templars roam around Holy Terra in small groups, which they-we call Crusades, but everyone else calls Warbands. Both Bruder Roland and Bruder Arnault - the Emperor’s Champion - are wonderful! Very kind and patient.”
Olivar gasped a little at that revelation, his eyes going wide with surprise and hope. “Oh… I… Do you think that they would be amenable to meeting me, when I am healed up? It would be an honor to meet them both.”
Cedric’s smile brightened and Olivar could tell it was a genuine one, free of the usual nervousness of meeting Firstborn Brothers “I will ask them but I am  quite sure that their answers will be an enthusiastic yes. They are both very caring older bruders.”
Olivar blinked back tears. The pain relievers that he’d been given must be wearing off, which was why there were tears in his eyes. Relief and hope filled his hearts “I… I look forward to meeting them. Is Ramiel nearby? I’d… I’d like to talk to him, if he’s not too busy. The last conversation I remember having with him was… Fraught, and I’d like to apologize for being rude.”
Cedric’s smile shifted into something sadder, but understanding. “I’ll go get him. He’s been wanting to talk to you too, since he found out that you were here.” He stood up and Olivar grabbed one of Cedric’s hands.
“I… Can’t you vox him, asking him to come here? I’d… Rather not be this hurt by myself, bitte.” Olivar asked. He did not trust the strange Firstborn marine not to do anything strange, either. 
Cedric sighed a little before answering “I don’t have a vox, actually. I arrived on Ancient Terra in my sleeping clothes. But-” He turns and addresses the watching Ultramarine “Zariel, would you please vox Ramiel for me and Vie?”
“Sure thing, Cedric.” The Ultramarine responds, sending off a text message.
Seconds later, Ramiel bursts through the doors, skidding to a halt in front of Olivar’s bed. “Vie! You… You’re… I-I’m-”
Olivar cuts him off before he could say something that might get all three of them into shitloads of trouble “You’ve got nothing to apologize for, Rami. I was the one in the wrong, during our… Argument, earlier. I shouldn’t have escalated things to the point they got to, and I’m glad that you did what you did to try and alleviate the situation. I’ll do my best to work on my temper, while I’m on Holy Terra. I hope, in time, I can earn your forgiveness, though I know it’s not something you would ever owe me.” He means every word of this, and, with effort, heaves himself up into a full sitting position and grabs one of Ramiel’s hands, squeezing gently. “What happened was not your fault.”
Ramel’s eyes widened and he clambered up onto the bed, burying his face into one of Olivar’s shoulders, silently sobbing into him, hugging Vie as tightly as he dared to, making sure not to agitate his injuries further, whispering “Th-thank you Olivar… I… Still… I’m so sorry…” 
“As I said before, what happened wasn’t your fault, Rami. I forgive you.” Olivar murmured just as quietly, holding his distraught brother in as tight a hug as his badly injured arms could manage. 
Cedric was standing so that his body was physically blocking  the Ultramarine’s sightline as Olivar and Ramiel hugged. His voice was a bit louder than it needed to be as he asked “I do have a couple of questions, Apothecary Zariel. When do you think it will be time to release Olivar from the infirmary?”
“That depends on how quickly he heals up. We Astartes are hardy and heal much faster than baseline humans - and from my anecdotal study of you and your fellow Primaris marines, you’re able to heal faster than us, somehow, given how badly he’s injured… It’s going to be at least a month before he’ll be allowed to leave the med-bay.” Zariel pointed out, a small frown on his face. He continued his assessment “Two of his lungs were punctured in several places, and both his Oolitic kidney and secondary heart sustained crushing damage. With careful monitoring and proper nutrition he should recover fully, but it’s going to be a long process. It’s remarkable he’s as coherent as he is, given the serenity of his wounds.”
“I’ve told you before that we Primaris marines are very hardy. We were built that way by the Mechanicus.” Cedric answered, shifting a little. 
“Yes, you have. But what you haven’t told me, if how he got those wounds. From the way you lead his initial treatments, you knew exactly how much damage he had taken and where he had been critically wounded.” Zariel pressed, frowning a little.
Cedric tried and failed to suppress the flinch before deciding to answer the question without actually answering the question “This is not the first time I’ve seen him with these exact wounds. It’s just… The first time around, we were both in M42 and I was unable to save him with what I had available to work with. Here in M3 not only was I better provisioned, I had your help and the help of several other highly qualified and experienced Apothecaries to save his life this time.”
Zariel’s gaze softened a little at his words. “I see. Well, I have paperwork to do. Please monitor our injured patient for me, hmm? I’ll send one of the others to relieve you in a few hours. And you will be relieved so that you can sleep. You’ve been awake for over 72 hours and that’s no good for anyone, be they Astartes or baseline.”
Cedric sulked at Zariel, huffing “I can go much longer without sleep without being detrimentally affected! … But I do understand that sleeping regularly is optimal for one’s mental and physical well-being.”
“Good lad. If you weren’t going to see reason I was going to involve Ash’val or sic Hura on you.”  Zariel hummed, heading for the door.
“Noooo! You don’t need to get Hura involved! You know how much he enjoys terrorizing Black Templars.” Cedric protested, sulking a little, keenly aware of how he’d handled those pushy Firstborn Black Templars a little while ago, and worried that his presence might wind up Olivar more than he would be helping.
“Then sleep properly, and I won’t have to.” Zariel threatened with a gentle smile before leaving the medical bay, allowing the trio of young Brothers to reconnect in relative privacy.
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skarecrohw · 7 years
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placing this here as plans for future followers ouo
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olivia-lovecraft · 6 years
New Year Questions: Which OC would you like to see more progression on in the new year and why? Which OC or OCs do you think you'll be writing most in the new year? Is their anyone you would like to interact/RP/get to know in the year that you've not yet got to reach out to yet?
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Which OC would youlike to see more progression on in the new year and why?
Olivia will definitely see some significant characterprogression in 2019, but I am also hoping to swing some focus Alice’s way. Althoughshe has been a crowd favorite, I really haven’t progressed her story much sincecreation. So, here’s to 2019, Year of the Homicidal Hippy!
Which OC or OCs doyou think you'll be writing most in the new year?
Olivia - As mentioned above, Olivia will be going throughsome significant growth. I don’t have storylines scheduled or planned yet, butI know she will be repairing her soul and facing her inner demon at some point.She will also be assisting a few friends with their story progression as well,so there is sure to be lots of writing!
Alice [ @alas-ward ] – Also mentioned in the above answer,Alice is overdue for some sweet, sweet progression. I have laid some groundworkfor a storyline involving a monster from her past, so she will have to facethat sometime in the coming year. She is also going to be helping Quin [ @subjectragnar ] with some family matters.
Kat [ @kat-lockhart ] – My angry paladin is currently in astoryline with Darsa [ @darsacarrington ] to put down a crazed false prophetand the wannabe ‘god’ he serves. After that, I am hoping to kick off the quest withDarsa and Teren [ @marquis-teren-kiden ] to cure a curse which has beenravaging her mother’ health. Aside from those direct storylines, she is also inthe early stages of courting a noble, which is bound to produce shenanigans.
Various Alts – While those three are my main concerns, Ialso have plans to get my Gnome mage, [ @sy-manaspark ], into some wholesometrouble. Tristan, [ @tristan-forester ], will also continue to progress with DuchessAlle Beithloch [ @allebeithloch ] in the behind the scenes and that willundoubtedly produce some stories. Also, there is an alt I have been writingwith Lorcan [ @lorcanbeithioch ] lately who has a special place in my heart.Her story isn’t setup yet, but if she takes off, I have a feeling she will alsoproduce some great tales.
Is there anyone youwould like to interact/RP/get to know in the year that you've not yet got toreach out to yet?
This is the question which delayed my response. I don’t knowwhy I am shy about it, but while there are people I wish to reach out to thisyear, I am hesitant to tag anyone. I just want to bring something to the tablebefore I call them out. As I plot little pieces of my character stories, Ioften think of people I follow who may be able to influence the development andI make a note to contact them. It is how I have met some of my favoritewriters. I will continue to do so in the coming year, and I may even get braveand just say hi to people, lol.
 Thank you so much for the asks, @madame-miersae !
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Not Again
Past -.- Next
Author's note: Hura is So Normal TM.
Summary: Hura is so Normal about his brother almost dying.
Warnings:... Unhealthy coping mechanisums, Death Guard TM, Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Hura had been hissing orders at Darsas as he swam away from the budding Blight Garden, sending messages and barking orders at their brothers to get the proper sacrifices to the Blight Garden's heart, the Rot Rose while he was using his abilities as an Apothecary and Focusing on Grandfathers Blessings to keep Darsas from fading. With the help of a couple more Apothecary brothers they are able to stabilize Darsas and keeping him from rejoining Grandfather the hard way.
Once everything is done, and the crisis is over, his other brother Apothecaries he has sent out in force to go make sure no one else has done something so impressive and stupid without the proper supervision while he monitors Darsas keeps a tight hold on the other's hand as he leans into one of his oldest brothers and keeps his eyes closed as he monitor's the other's breathing with his ears as he pretends not to feel the tears falling from his eyes and floating in the water. As an Apothecary, he'd gotten a hard job, and duties of care to keep his brothers living as best as he can.
He hadn't cared much about politics, or if they are loyalist, renegade or Chaos. Having suffered the way the rest of the Death Guard had when Typhus had led them into a trap and they had not-died and suffered torturously at the hands of Grandfather's servants until they realized the truth that they had been blind to and had chosen to accept Grandfather's gifts rather than rejecting them.
It had taken the Apothecary brothers of the Death Guard the longest to accept, to not be stubborn and to see and understand the truth that Grandfather offered, his mercy. His kindness. Hura has to relax the grip that he has on Darsas, not realizing that he'd gripped the other so tight that it had almost broken the other's hand. He takes in a couple of shake breaths. He should be out there trying to hunt down more well-meaning, but idiotic brothers and cousins, but- but he wants to, needs to make sure that Darsas will live, that he will survive this...
Foolish and impressive gesture. Part of him had been tempted to... send an 'accidental' message to one of the Loyalist about the garden in a fit of madness. He hadn't. If the loyalist didn't know about the budding blight garden, then that's on them for being blind idiots. If they knew about it... Of course, if Hura is at the garden, he will protect it from Loyalist predations, but if he isn't there. It would be such a tragic pity that it was destroyed by their over-zealousness.
He also needs to figure out how to make sure Darsas doesn't do something like this on his own ever again. He has some ideas, and is going to be speaking with some of their other brothers, particularly the officer types. They and the battle brothers need to notice when their fellow brothers and cousins are withdrawing sooner and to warn and/or flag down an Apothecary much sooner, while he'd just barely, managed to save Darsas, who's to say that something like this might not happen again?
Or that someone else isn't doing something equally self-destructive that they don't know about, but others are seeing the signs of but haven't spoken up for some Grandfather- forsaken reason. He's going to bludgeon ignorance out of some fools with knowledge until their ears bleed from the knowledge he imparts on them. When Darsas wakes up, not if, he's going to make sure that he knows that he is well loved and go over the details and reminders and the rules about the sort of working that he was doing and how he should not do such a thing alone, and should always, always check in with Hura, or one of the other Apothecary brothers and have, at least two other Rot-weavers as part of such an undertaking.
While he does occasionally watch his lovely human through the Pearl, which sooths something in his hearts. He's not going to leave his brother's side until the other is fully well and the idiots that Darsas has surrounded himself with are properly educated in the proper care of their more Psyker-sensitive brothers.
If they let someone die, or die themselves from something preventable, or at least something that could be managed, or manageable with a larger grouping of brothers and cousins his reaction is going to be entirely proportional and understandable. And no he hadn't been tempted to take a heavy flamer and torch that fucking heart and slay those insolent Nurglings that had tried to have his brother killed for their own amusement.
Normally he adored Nurglings, little ones, delightful in their mischief, but he could be quite stern and firm if they pulled even a fraction of what they had pulled with Darsas. He hadn't killed the Nurglings, but that was only just- he had his brother to care for, rather than the temporary death of something that would come back again, and remember his actions against them. Despite how well deserved it had been. He closed his eyes and took in a couple of deep breaths as he closed his wings. As all Death Guard given the Blessings of Nurgle, he had Chaso Mutations. He was fused to his armor, like almost all Chaos Marines are, as well as has Moth wings that he can use to fly or swim, usually he kept them folded and hidden in his armor.
He liked that his claws are flexible and retractable, also has one of Grandfather's blessed sicknesses that he could use on others as he wills it to be. He also has horns, as nearly all Chaos marines do in one form or another. He has a pair of horns that curl and twist near his ears that curl and twist back. He's got multiple sets of eyes that curl up his horns. Which is useful as he a larger field of vision and can see more that way.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: Darsas part three! I hope you enjoy :D. I borrowed @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan 's boy Hura for this fic. Thank you! first. Previous
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Warnings: exhaustion, bodily weakness, scolding, 
Summary: Hura scolds Darsas for being reckless. 
Darsas woke slowly, exhaustion and pain making waking up a misery. His entire body ached and throbbed, there was an unpleasant dryness in his throat and a nauseating dizziness that swept through him as he opened his eyes and attempted to sit up from where he’d been laying down. He froze at the sound of a low, threatening growl, painfully aware of the fact that he was barely capable of moving at the moment, much less trying to defend himself from whatever furious creature had it’s sights on him.
Hura’s voice snapped and hissed “Don’t you dare try and get up, Darsas. Not in the condition you are in currently. You will lay down on that bed and allow  me to take care of myself or so help me, I will restrain you.”
Oof. He hasn’t heard the ancient apothecary this furious in a very long time. He slowly lowered himself back onto the bed, murmuring a quiet “Yes sir. I’ll recover in time. Grandfather’s blessing allows us to survive things that others are incapable of.”
“Normally that would be true. But with us coming to Ancient Terra, a number of the most powerful blessings have gone dormant, likely due to whatever reasons behind the difficulties that the sorcerers have in manipulating and using the Warp, especially to a more powerful degree. What were you thinking, trying to create a Garden of Rot all by yourself? It’s heart was feeding on you because you couldn’t provide all the nutrients and sacrifices it needed without succumbing to it yourself, fool!” Hura scolded, lightly smacking him upside the head.
“The… The younglings all wandered off to go chase the humans who’d caught their interest. I had wanted to create a space where we could worship and grow that is not the Great Patch in the pacific… Who will tend to the garden while you keep me a prisoner here, Hura? Nurglings had begun to appear in the garden while I was there to tend to it. But the garden is small and I know there’s an Imperial Fist who regularly visits the area. He would see it destroyed if it’s not properly defended!” Darsas protests. He’d spent many months lovingly tending and creating that Garden of Rot for all of his brothers. He didn’t want that work to go to waste because of Corpse-Worshipper zealotry. 
“Do not worry about your garden. Worry about yourself first, Darsas. Once you are fully healed and I deem you ready to be on  your own again, then you may leave and not a moment before.” Hura growled, rapping his knuckles lightly against Darsas’ forehead.
The Plaguesinger sighed but nodded, knowing that when Hura got into a mood like this, trying to argue out of it was less effective than trying to talk a brick wall into moving position. “As you wish. And I planned on getting proper sacrifices for the Heart, I was simply having difficulties catching it all by myself.”
“Which is why you should have asked for help! A Garden is a major undertaking, even where we were before. You know this, Darsas!” Hura grumbled, glowering at him.
“... Sorry for worrying you, Hura. I’m not going anywhere.” Darsas mumbled, trying not to fidget under the unhappy gaze of the other. “... Where are we? Do you have a new nest?”
“Sort of. I found my bonded human recently, and she offered to help me keep an eye on you while you recovered. This is the guest room in her home.” Hura explained “She has an astartes sized bed as she has family who also have bonded Astartes.”
“You’ve got a bonded human? Congratulations, Hura! I’m so happy for you.” Darsas murmurs, smiling genuinely up at the Apothecary. “I promise to be very well behaved.”
“You better be, considering how much worry you put me through!” Hura huffed.
There was a light knock on the door, and you call out “I’ve got soup and some crackers for your patient.”
Darsas was about to say that he wasn’t hungry when his stomach rumbled loudly. The food smelled incredible and his mouths watered. He looked pleadingly at Hura “I… I can eat food, yes? I don’t need to be on IV nutrition only or something like that? Your human is a very good cook…”
“Of course you can eat. I was going to glare at you until you ate. It’s good you’ve got an appetite. Please come in. Darsas is a fool, but he’s gentle.” Hura called out. Some of his patients were less kind, especially when as close to death as Darsas is. Not that he brought potentially violent patient to your home. He wasn’t going to risk your life for some of the idiots he put back together.
You open the door, seeing the bleary-eyed brother of Hura’s sniffing hopefully at the large stock pot full of soup that you’d cooked. You’d also brought an entire box of saltine crackers and opened the container for him, unsure how well he’d be able to handle the packaging. You move carefully over to Darsas and set down the pot on the floor, offering him the large ladle that should be big enough for him to handle with relatively few issues. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, for the shelter and the food. You’re very kind.” Darsas murmured, shifting a little “I’d like to try your stew but… Erm, the way in which I feed tends to upset mortals due to the fact that I am fused into my armor.” He really didn’t want to frighten you away from his brother, nor be chased out of your home.
You nod, aware that Chaos Marines had some interesting quirks “I understand. Please tell me what you think of the stew, when you finish.” You go up on your tiptoes to kiss Hura on the cheek - he’d obligingly leaned down to help in your desire - before heading off again.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: This is Mer-Darsas’ debut! I hope that you enjoy the fic! :D Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @the-pure-angel @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts  
Warnings: fish illness, death guard shenanigans
Summary: Darsas spreads Grandfather’s Blessings to a reef full of life.
Darsas hummed as he slowly made his way through the Reef in the shallow waters of this world. The underwater plants and animals were a riot of color and movement. He knew that the aquatic-adapted nurglings would love to play with all of the fishes, dart through the kelp forests and giggle at the many plants that lived there, waiting, no begging for the blessings that Grandfather would be happy to grant.
It was much more difficult to get the warp to do anything in this world, but patience was one of the virtues that Grandfather taught them. 
Darsas hummed happily to himself as he reached out a hand to the base of the bright green coral, concentrating as he began to sing “I bring you the gifts of rot and decay. They will bring you under grandfather's sway. Do not fret or frown or cry in dismay. With grandfather, death is kept away.” The bright green slowly began to fade and turn into one of Grandfather's favorite colors.
The larger invertebrates with many tiny tendrils waving in the ocean currents began to change color as well… Some of the little tendrils started to wilt handsomely. The bright orange and white fish that lived among them began to lose some of their obnoxious luster and color, as lovely slimy spots began to appear in patches over the bodies. 
Darsas continued to sing the hymn of rot and decay, encouraging the local parasites to grow and multiply, watching with eager delight as they latched onto more of the local fish, who slowed down to a more agreeable pace. The large death guard finished his psalm, burbling happily as he reached out with one of his large hands and gently cupped one of the many tiny fishes. He brought it up to the grill of his helmet, giving the gently struggling fish a kiss of benediction.
A sore slowly began to form where he had kissed the fish, and several tiny parasites began to grow and feed upon it, causing Darsas to purr in pleasure at his work.
Darsas blinked as exhaustion hit him hard, causing the death guard to slump over, leaning heavily into the coral reef. For such a small blessing he'd given, he sure was tired. He allowed himself time to rest before heading out of sight. There was an underwater sewer dump that was a delightful filthy nest for him to recover strength from several hours’ swim away. Some of his brothers had taken to spending time with the baseline humans whonfrolicked near the waters’ edge. Others went to seek out this… Great Pacific Garbage Patch Darsas had heard rumors of making a proper fortress of filth out of.
Darsas, however, was entirely content to spread Little blessings wherever the currents pushed him. For now, he planned to return every couple of days to further spread grandfather's blessings. The baseline humans would notice the spread of Grandfather's blessings and with luck, he would be able to spread those blessings to them as well.
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Past (@sleepyfan-blog) Past (Mine) =-= Future
Author's note: Thank you @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow your boy Darsas.
Summary: Hura gets kisses from his beloved Pearl and fusses over Darsas.
Warnings:... none? Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Hura, after ensuring that Darsas wasn't going to do something foolish, like get up while he's still recovering. He watches to ensure that his brother eats all of the soup and crackers. Assessing his brother to see how he's feeling after his beloved, bonded human's food. He was suitably impressed and thankful for the food. Darsas complimenting his beloved Pearl's cooking had him preen and agree that they make the best soups and other foods. When Darsas requests more food.
Hura gives him a stern look warning, "If I leave and come back to see you gone, or out of this bed, I will ensure that you will be unable to move until I deem you fully recovered. Understand?"
"Yes Hura," His brother says.
Darsas knows how Hura can get, and has no desire to be smothered by his fellow Death Guard's full fussing. Hura heads off to inform his beloved Pearl about the request for more food. As well as to cuddle his beloved human. He nuzzles them with a happy purr. His human is so understanding of the times when he needs to focus on others beside them. He only rarely brings his wounded patients to his human's residence. Only those he knows that won't, even when badly wounded or sick won't lash out at his human. And those are rare, Darsas, he knows he can trust with that. Also, he can keep a closer eye on his brother that way. Swimming through the air will be much harder for Darsas at the moment.
His human presses kisses to his helmet, which has him purr louder as he relaxes more. Almost losing Darsas to the Heart of Rot had given him more stress and terror than he'd felt since landing on Terra. It had been… a sobering realization. And he's sent a message to the other allied Death Guard to figure out who's been pulling away and becoming more reclusive. To ensure they aren't harming themselves in their seclusion. To report to his fellow Apothecary brothers and ensure that they aren't doing something foolish. It takes him almost to weeks of caring for Darsas and tending to his beloved Pearl to have him remember something and cursing to himself softl and pinching the bridge of his nose. He had forgotten about the damned Garden of Rot that Darsas had killing himself over to make. He knows about the Loyalists that are bonded to humans in that area could, might have, already found the garden. Fuck.
If the Loyalists manage to destroy the Garden it will set Darsas back on his recovery and have him be Very Upset. Understandable since he's been working on the Garden for so long and tending to it so carefully. So, he sends a message back to the main pod of Death Guard to assess the condition of Darsas's Garden of Rot to see what's happened to it, and to guard and tend to it. As well as make it strengthen and grow if possible. He makes sure to warn them about the Heart of the Garden and to ensure that they have the proper sacrifices with them to ensure that they don't get eaten by the Heart instead. As he will be Very disappointed in the lot of them if they aren't careful.
Especially since if the Loyalist find out, they are going to bring in the Salamanders to burn the entire garden to ash, ripping it out root and stem. Also, if it looks like the Loyalists have found it, they will need to move what they can save of the garden to somewhere else that they Loyalists won't find. Darsas is so luckly that it was Hura who had found him, and not a Loyalist or Renegade. The thought of what those uppity Corpse Worshippers would do to Darsas if they found out he was behind the budding garden of rot as Hura bolting towards his brother's side and fussing over him fiercely. His beloved Pearl had noticed his near-frantic fussing and had asked him in concern if there was something they could do and he'd told his lovely Pearl that he'd just worried himself over nothing. Also, if they would be a lovley darling and get Darsas more food?
While in recovery their caloric intake gets astronomical. Also, he ensures to feed Darsas the nutri-paste and the normal rations. He gets the normal, very tasty human food, as rewards for being a Good Patient. Hura tries his best to ensure he doesn't neglect his lovely Pearl while tending to his brother Darsas. His human is so wonderful and understanding of what his role of as a Healer and Medic of his brothers that sometimes he has very long hours tending to his idiot brothers and cousins who get themselves into scraps and dangers and harm themselves due to impatience or other nonsense.
He's had a couple of reports from his younger brothers about Darsas's garden. He has given some updates to Darsas, to help keep the other behaving well about how their younger brothers are tending to his garden and protecting it from Loyalist attacks, among other things. A smaller shoal of Death Guard were going to see if they can hunt a Whale and chase it into the garden as a Massive and Impressive sacrifice to the heart. Whales are massive, highly intelligent animals.
When they die, their bodies become massive ecosystems for the beasts and creatures that feed off of it. It would boost the Garden considerably if they are able to pull it off. He hopes they are able to, as he's heard, much to his dismay, that there is going to be a shoal of Salamanders hunting in the area- and if those sometimes-Horrible Cousins find the Garden… Well.. Darsas's mental health will take an intolerable dip if his beloved garden is scorched. And that will be .. Well Hura will have Words with those Loyalists if they cause Darsas's recover to go backwards. Darsas has been doing so well recently.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Nearly Taking Root
Author’s Note:  this is the second part of mer-Darsas fic! I have borrowed @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan ‘s boi Hura with permission for this fic
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel @whorety-k
Warnings: Body Horror, near-death experience, swearing, ask me to tag something if it bothers you
Summary: Darsas finds two little helpers in his garden and one of his dearest brothers comes for a visit.
Darsas hummed happily as he swum through the burgeoning garden of rot that he had been lovingly and patiently tending to for months now. The garden was small and fragile, but Darsas held out hope that with time, effort and the endless patience that Grandfather has taught him, the small space of decay will grow and become a -
The high-pitched giggle burbled around the diseased reef and through Darsas’ mind. A bright grin pulls at his lips - and the larger mouth that Grandfather had Gifted him on his lower torso purred out “I hear you little one! Won't you come play with me?”
“Who calls us? We hear! We want to play… Will you be nice?” Another voice chittered in his mind and through the water.
“I am Darsas Plagueweaver. Psyker of the Death Guard, humble grandson to the Lord of Rot.”  The space marine rumbled, not entirely surprised as two nurglings peered Up at him from the heart of the garden, where grew the Plague Rose vines. 
The deep green vines dripped with spores and bacteria from their black thorns, pulsing in time to his heartbeats, curled around his previous offerings. He had no willing cultists to feed the garden's heart, nor any worthy captives. But the larger aquatic mammals were sufficient for the task for now, and by the time he needed sentient sacrifices, Darsas Was certain he would have them.
After all, he had seen the baseline humans who regularly visited his gardens, taking samples of his efforts. Their curiosity was understandable, as was their weariness. Ancient Terra was incredibly difficult to create and maintain Works like this without much blood, sweat and tears. He hadn't approached them directly - but he planned to soon.
They definitely seemed like the types to meddle, and baselines though often enthusiastic needed a patient guiding hand to show them the path forwards. He was delighted to see the tiny deamon's faces. Their many sharp teeth and ever-shifting number of eyes as they swam out to meet him with wide grins and happy giggles.
“This world is… Not one we have been able to work in before. Grandfather is grateful that you would seek to bring his Love and Care. We bring you a bowl filled with His Soup, to fortify you. You're practically skin and bones. Our Grandfather would not have you fall into sleep and join him in the Warp too soon.” One of the Nurglings coos while the other cuts its’ belly, it's writhing intestines and brackish blood curled around the bowl of benediction.
Darsas kneels down as far as his large bulk would allow, lovingly patting both Nurgling's head, smiling as their tar-sticky skin clings in clumps to the fused ceramite-skin of his armor. “My thanks, to you both and our Grandfather.” with careful hands, he scoops up the small bowl and tipped it - bowl and boiling stew together - into his larger stomach-mouth.
A soft sigh of satisfaction leaves Darsas as the mind-numbing ravenous Hunger he had been unable to sate from the moment the first Rot Rose Vine began to grow in the heart of his garden. The ragged edges of exhaustion were lovingly removed from his mind and body, and the micro-tremors from how ragged he had been worn from working the hard-fired clay that the Warp felt in this time, on this world. Another dual smile and a deep, thrusting purr rumbled through Darsas as he scooped up both Nurglings, nuzzling them happily “Please send my deepest thanks to Grandfather. I feel much better now.”
“We are here to help! Many souls live on this world, just waiting for Grandfather to embrace them. There are many diseases and parasites that could be empowered with Grandfather's blessings… Many souls in agony, on the brink of fearful oblivion and in need of the gifts that he can give to those loyal grandchildren who follow in his footsteps.” one of the nurglings chirruped happily.
“Oh I know, but I do not move quickly over land. Through the air and in the water, yes. And the mortals here shy away from me, as they fear my visage.” Darsas pointed out with a regretful sigh. He was large for a Chaos astartes and had long since fused with his armor, which was more akin to his skin than anything else.
The scent of putrid Rot and decay followed Darsas wherever he went, the scent strong enough to nauseated most mortals who got within thirty feet of him. The spikes on his armor and the way his fins could stretch and Warp to suit his needs bothered many of his cousin astartes as well, if the low-level headache one of the lingering blessings of Nurgle didn't drive them away. It wasn't as if Darsas could help to be the way that Grandfather had altered his body and psychic gifts to be of better service.
And serve Darsas did, the memories of Father's long years of defiance and horror as he and his brothers were… Made examples to The Reaper, of why defying Grandfather was the height of foolishness. But that had been long, long ago and whatever his initial feelings on Back Then had long since faded.
“Worry not, Darsas! For we can alter our forms to be able to move quickly over land, and to mortals we will look pleasing to their eyes unless we choose not to!” The healing nurgling burbled up at him happily. 
Darsas beamed and gently patted the injured nurgling, setting it back down within the Heart of the Garden, allowing the vines to wrap around his body, it’s thorns sinking deeply into his flesh, as it drank his blood.
“Darsas?” One of his nearest and dearest Brothers called out.
“Over here, Hura.” Darsas called out over vox, his voice weakening as the thorny vines constricted further around his body. Grandfather’s stew kept the pain away, and it the pressure felt pleasant as the blood loss made him feel floaty. Shadows were starting to lengthen and deepen as the Apothecary came into view. Why was the other horrified? Darsas was fine, really, and the Nurglings giggled and clapped delightedly, dancing at where his tail touched the decaying reef. The sweet relief of sleep was incredibly tempting. “I’m… So tired, Hura…  Been working on this garden all by myself… Younglings all wandered off.”
Hura was frowning for once, and the usual smile on his face was missing. He was… Cursing? Angrily as he hacked and slashed at something with his power sword. “Oh absolutely fucking not, Grandfather damn it all, Darsas why didn’t you tell me that you had a Hungry Plague Heart that needed feeding? I would have been able to procure for you an appropriate sacrifice. You didn’t need to pull something like this.”
“Huuuuraaa stop being maaad! Grandfather gifted me a bowl of Soup… I feel great.” Darsas murmured, feeling something leafy and verdant on the back of his tongue, for reasons he couldn’t begin to guess. “Look! Hura! Nurglings!” He pointed at the two little ones who’d scrambled behind him, peering up at Hura, their faces shifting.
“He is hurting the heart! We must stop him!” One nurgling cried out, frightened.
The injured one rushed at the Apothecary, trying to grab at the other’s tail “Stop it! Stop it! We were going to play a game and you’re ruining it! Stop iiiit!” They begged.
Hura glanced down at the Nurgling pawing at his tail and sent the tiny demon flying into a large sandstone rock, the force with which the Apothecary had used enough to cause the little demon to splatter into a puff of warp-energy and necrotic rock. “I will not let you take my brother from me. It is not his time yet to join Grandfather.”
The other nurgling whimpered and looked up pleadingly at Darsas “Please help me! Why is your friend being so mean? I thought he would be nice, like you.”
“He is nice. I don’t know why Hura is being so strange… ‘Urrie, you need to calm down. ‘M fiiine! I promise.” Darsas reassured the very unhappy apothecary, reaching out a shaking hand to cup Hura’s face, to get his attention.
“You really aren’t, Darsas. I was worried when our brothers mentioned that you’d been withdrawing from them. I didn’t think you’d pull something like this. Sar. You stop fussing and let me do what I must.” Hura growled - actually growled - at him.
Genuinely stunned and taken aback, Darsas obediently kept still, unable to process the frantic pleading of the remaining nurgling - who’d gotten sliced in half by a stray swing of Hura’s blade when it tried to step between Darsas and the irate apothecary.
Eventually, Hura sheathed the blade and pulled Darsas into his arms, still growling softly. “Don’t you dare fall asleep until I tell you to. I will wake you up if you do.”
“No… Promises. I’m so tired, ‘Urrie.” Darsas mumbled as the darkness took him.
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Heathen in My Own Right
Author's note: Hura's next chapter. I mentioned @sleepyfan-blog Death Guard OC Darsas and their Salamander OC: Ash'val too. @kit-williams OC's Roland and Arnault are mentioned in this. Thanks for letting me borrow them!
Past =-= Next
Warnings: None as far as I can tell. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Hura and others get warned about a Feral War Band of Black Templars showing up.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Hura’s beloved human has fully recovered from their illness a month later, the minor blessing that he’d given them had been a tad stronger than he’d meant it to be. But he’d made sure to note down that he was able to give a Blessing of Nurgle that was so strong, in Ancient Terra where things were far, far more difficult and took far more effort, resources and time than in their home Era. 
It was something he was going to mention to Darsas the next time he saw him. Darsas tended to be more of a wanderer by nature and what his duties were, while Hura was an Apothecary, but necessity was more stationary. Granted, he, like all Apothecaries, was rotated through the various Astartes run stations as needed. 
And if he was called in to help with particularly recalcitrant or difficult renegade and most especially Chaos Marines, he was happy to help. He’d met Zeth recently, a Black Legionnaire, while he was blessed by the Warp with strong gifts… he was not the brightest of the Sons of Horus. 
Which wasn’t a bad thing, but something that was noted in his file for his fellow brothers and cousins in Chaos to help him with. Sometimes that type of brothers and cousins needed a bit more help, more structure and routine, and did poorly in the even less structured environment that is Ancient Terra if they weren’t a part of a specific group of marines. 
Bless his Hearts, Zeth was trying his best, but that Cousin has already gotten into trouble several different times and didn’t seem to quite understand what it was that he did that he was being scolded for. 
At Hura’s suggestion, he was put into a group with a couple of the sharper Sons of Horus and was given one of the stricter Chaos Marine Sergeants to keep him on track. While Hura isn’t an officer, he tends to be able to get his fellow Marines to listen and behave  with his unique blend of pleasantly threatening. 
Also, Chaos Marines especially know the phrase of “don’t fuck with the medic” and adhere to it, usually more strictly than the renegades and loyalists do. He scratches at one of his elbows as he heads into the Apothecary Meeting, listening to the others talk about various important administrative things.
Hearing about a War Band of Loyalist Black Templars (is there any other kind?) that are in the area that have some members who are… particularly dangerous. Has his eyes sharpening and he asks what they mean by that.
“One of the Salamander Captains,” The Ultramarine Apothecary says, “Said he’d gotten a warning from one of the Primaris Marines that the Chaplain Captain in that particular war band is… quite a hardliner.”
“Great, a particularly over zealous Son of Dorn,” One of his fellow Chaos Marine Apothecaries says with a groan, “So fun. Are we being shifted from inner city clinics to outer until the bastards leave then?”
“Yes, for the safety of yourselves and those around us,” Zariel says with a nod. 
“Any other information about this Black Templar war band that you should or need to tell us about?” Hura asks.
“Not at this time.” Zariel says with a shake of his head. 
Ash’val had been almost breathing fire how angry he was, and he’d grabbed all of the Primaris Marines on the base and had stuck them in the nest, a safe place and had been almost breathing literal fire and had stirred up the rest of the Salamanders quite unpleasantly. Learning what Catius had told him had, reevaluating the Black Templar Chapter, and sending a message back to his handler about it. 
Not that Ash’val had told him everything but it was more about the politics of M42 which had been nasty business. He’s not going to stir up this mixed group of loyalists, renegade and Chaos Apothecaries. 
Especially since some of them would spread the information around to some of their more Troublesome brothers and cousins to Start Shit. Not only that but Roland and Arnault of the Black Templars were also in the area. Having been told about another Black Templar Primaris marine in need of Older Brother guidance. Not that Zariel is going to tell these people that.
“Thank you for the warning cousin,” Hura says with a nod.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 months
Hello! This is my fic master list for stuff that I have posted on here recently.
Requests are open!
Fics are below the read more
Warhammer OCs - these link to the mini-masterlist where most fics regarding this character can be found.
AU fics - these link to posts where the fic links can be found.
Raised On Terra AU: What if the Emperor was able to prevent the primarchs from being scattered throughout the galaxy?
Celestial Seas AU: mer-AU
Cato Sicarius Mind Fleas Fic
Rotten Fate - Typhus x Perpetual! Reader
Hagiel's Terrible, Awful, No Good Mission
Warp Cursed Guilliman G-man gets a "gift" from a warp entity. He's... Not thrilled.
Guilliman × pregnant!Reader: What if Guilliman was married before the Emperor found him?
Aetheric Steam the Astartes Husbandry AU with steampunk goggles
Fem!Guilliman in 40k - A what if where Roboute Guilliman is a woman. Title pending for something better
Glory - Ultramarines enjoying a serf glory-hole. Very NSFW
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