#oc: Kristie forman
tophsazulas · 20 days
Summary: Leia deals with her heartbreak. Takes place between Step By Step and The Birthday Girl.
Verse: The New Age
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tophsazulas · 5 months
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! Prompt 31 for Laurie and whoever else you choose, please?
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July 15, 1995; 6:30 AM
"Happy birthday honey!" Laurie rose up to see her father holding a cake near her face. She rubbed her eyes, "Daddy? You made me a cake?" When did he even learn how to cook?
"No, I did." Kitty, who was standing next to him, answered. Laurie exhaled in relief before blowing out her candles. Kristie ran over to her mom and handed her a card. "I made you this."
Laurie opened the card to see a drawing of her and Kristie on a porch swing. "Aw honey I love it." She pulled her daughter in for a hug. Leia ran over to the pair, looking completely disheveled.
"Happy birthday aunt Laurie!" Laurie put a hand on her heart area. "Aw honey." She gently hugged her niece. "Thank you."
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tophsazulas · 8 months
July 26, 1995; After Leia leaves and they watch Clueless
Delilah: You know, Cher and Josh are kinda cute.
Ridge (scoffs): Please, Josh is a total dud. She deserves to be with a stud, like me.
Mitch: You do realize their parents were married and they were were step siblings, right?
Delilah: Their parents were “barely married” and were already divorced by the time they got together.
Darline: It’s like you guys have forgotten that Cher is 16 and Josh is like 19 and in college.
Kristie: Okay, you know what I think? Cher Horowitz is totally a lesbian. I mean she and Dionne are like best friends to lovers excellence. And don’t even get me started on Cher and Tai. Cher was clearly in love with her and that’s the real reason why she didn’t like Tai wanting to date Josh.
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tophsazulas · 8 months
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Saylor Curda as Kristie Forman
(Jojo’s controversy has left a bitter taste in my mouth so I’m replacing her for now. Tho I may have it be permanent 😊)
Tagging: @disneymbti @einsteinsugly and @tht70sblog
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tophsazulas · 6 months
December 25, 2023; The Slut Bomb
Leia: Grandma, you called my mom a slut?
Margie: Hold on, you called my grandma a ‘slut’?
Kristie: So you called aunt Donna a ‘slut and a ‘red headed harlot’ for having sex with your son and you called Leia a ‘lying little bitch’…
Leia (near yelling): She what???
*Kitty looked down in shame.*
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tophsazulas · 1 year
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Added some of my ocs too
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tophsazulas · 5 months
Kristie: Yeah I’m not gonna take feminist advice from a bunch of honks who called my mom a ‘slut’ for god knows how many years.
Leia: Come on, my mom and uncle Hyde couldn’t have possibly joined in. I mean, they’re feminists who’ve always stood up for women’s rights.
Donna: Well Le-Le, she—
Kristie: She had an active sex life and somehow these goons, except Kelso weirdly enough, thought that made her a ‘whore’. I mean, I always thought feminism was about supporting other women, not tearing them down.
Jackie: She had sex with my boyfriend and other people’s boyfriends or husbands.
Kristie: So that gave you guys the right to shame my mom’s sexual appetite? Instead of just calling her out on going with unavailable men. I mean, if someone said all that shit about Jackie and Aunt Donna, you guys would go ballistic. But it’s fine when my mom is on the receiving end?
*The gang remained silent.*
Kristie: That’s what I thought. If most of you weren’t my family who I adored, I’d do to you what I did to Mama last year. Even though we’re not perfect, I’d do anything for my mother. She’s had to deal with people calling her all sorts of names for her husband leaving her. And still does. But she doesn’t hold grudges against them for that. Because that’s the type of woman she is.
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tophsazulas · 8 months
Fictober 10 - "Just in case this doesn't work"
Kristie grabs a blonde-brown wig, leaving it right next to her. "Just in case this doesn't work."
Laurie sighed, "Honey you'll be fine." She was planning on doing Kristie's hair. They were originally going to go to Chez Fez, but her mom had an argument with Fez, leading to 'temporary banishment'.
Kristie scoffed, "Oh like grandma was when you wrecked her hair? Or how about when I was 10 and you gave me a mohawk? It took me took years to get back hair on the sides! I had to wear a wig. Everyone knew."
Laurie put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Don't worry honey. I've got you." She reassured. The blonde liked to think she had come a long way from her cosmetology days back in college. SHe hoped it would turn out well.
Kristie exhaled, "Okay. I'm trusting you. But if this goes kablooey, I'm telling dad." Laurie gasped, "You wouldn't dare."
Also on AO3
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tophsazulas · 6 months
Gwen, Kristie, Jo, and Margie are reputation stans.
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tophsazulas · 11 months
Summer Storm!!!
Tagging: @tht70sblog @that90sshowgoldencouple and @disneymbti
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tophsazulas · 6 months
Nate: If I had a mistle toe I'd kiss you.
Kristie: If I had a mistle foot, it'd be in your ass.
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tophsazulas · 7 months
Kristie hates kids except for the ones she likes (I.e. her step cousins, her nieces, and her foster kids)
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tophsazulas · 7 months
And here’s the epilogue <3
So proud to have finished this masterpiece!
Tagging: @randomwriter23 @yenalii @disneymbti and everyone else who tuned in!
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tophsazulas · 7 months
This was so painful to write. Idk how I did it 😭.
Once again, tagging: @disneymbti @randomwriter23 and also @that90sshowgoldencouple
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tophsazulas · 7 months
*Kristie, after finding out about fifteen-some, poly relationship between the gang.*
Kristie: Wait what?
Leia: It started out innocently with me and Jay going on double dates with Gwen and Nikki and then things went from there. You know how me and Jay would sneak off into each other’s rooms, and Gwen and Nikki with each other’s and we’d end up—
Kristie: Fucking, I know. I can hear you guys from downstairs. What happened next?
Leia: Some nights I’d head next door to Gwen and Jay would head off to Nate’s.
Kristie: Runck? Isn’t he dating little Mitchell?
Leia: Let me finish! Anyways, I’d head next door to Gwen and Jay would head off to Nate’s. Nikki and Sarah were surprisingly cool with it. Nikki would even head to Sharon’s at night sometimes. Don’t worry, Mik’s cool with it. And Sarah would head off to Kevin’s.
Kristie: So you’re dating Jay and Gwen, Gwen is dating you and Nikki, Nate is dating Jay and Sarah, Sarah is dating Nate and Kevin, Nikki is dating Gwen and Sharon, and Jay is dating you and Nate?
Leia: Also I’m in a qpr with Nikki and Jay is in a qpr with Sarah.
Kristie: Ozzie?
Leia: He’s the only one in a monogamous relationship. But he does flirt with Jay on occasion. Don’t worry, Etienne is cool with it.
*Kristie faints onto the floor.*
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tophsazulas · 8 months
Kristie, after Sarah gives an example of her being irrationally angry: Really? Well, that's just your personal opinion. 'Cause I don't have anger issues. You guys think I have anger issues?
Darline: Well, I mean, I wouldn't exactly call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Delilah: Been that way since I can remember.
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