#sarah x kevin
tophsazulas · 21 days
A double date drabble with Neia and Karah?
prompt: song
"You signed us up for a songwriting contest?!" Kevin exclaims incredulously to his girlfriend.
Nate chimes in, "I know nothing about writing a song. I know what songs are, I've heard songs. But writing them?"
Leia wraps her arm around Nate, "Come on, it'll be fun!" She smiles and kisses his cheek, making the latter blush.
"Okay, we can do it." Nate caves, his face now red. Leia squeals and grabs Nate's face to kiss him.
Sarah looks away from the couple across to look at Kevin. "Just one song? And if you hate it, we can drop out the contest." Her expression softens, "I just want us to have fun together."
Kevin smiles softly before playing with a lock of Sarah's hair. "Okay. But just ONE song. And one round."
Sarah squeals and jumps, "Yay! You will not regret this Kevi Bear!" She kisses Kevin one last time and pulls him with her out of the table, leaving Leia and Nate alone.
"Guess that leaves us to pay the bill." Leia remarks, making Nate chuckle and kiss her cheek. "Don't worry babe. I have it all covered."
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theitgirlnetwork · 4 months
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Lip Gallagher (Requests Open)
Ongoing Series:
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
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JJ Maybank
Ongoing Series:
Me and You
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Rafe Cameron
Ongoing Series:
What Are You Willing To Do?
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Art Donaldson
Ongoing Series:
Earn It
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kevin-fanpage · 8 months
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It looks like Rolf is about to start break-dancing-
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Detective Halstead’s Girl
Jay Halstead x Olinsky!Reader
description: Jay falls for Olinsky’s daughter.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: stalking, creepy men, step-parent hate, car accident, boyfriend Jay
masterlist | oneshots
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Y/N Olinksy, the woman that Jay Halstead had fallen in love with. He didn’t know Alvin had an older daughter, but he did. They were young and in love when Y/N was born, and before he met Meredith. Not that Y/N had any distaste for her stepmother at first, but she did notice something off. Meredith would try to get in the way when she would come and spend time or even the weekend with her father. It got even worse when Y/N had to move in with her father. She had a good relationship with her sister, but because of Meredith, she spent most of her time outside of the home. That’s where she meets Jay, at Molly’s Bar on a Tuesday night.
“Hi.” He smiled his charming smile at her. “Thought you could use another round,” Jay set the bottle of beer down next to the drink on the counter. “I’m Jay.” 
“Y/N. Thank you for the beer. I definitely needed this.” She smiled lightly at him. She wasn’t in the mood to talk, but with a handsome man standing beside her, she’d forget about her woes for the night.
“Would you like to talk about it? Maybe take your mind off of what’s bothering you?” Jay sat next to her, not waiting for her answer.
“I’d like that.” Y/N smiled softly. “It’s a family thing, well, a stepmother thing. I live with my dad for the moment while I’m apartment hunting and his wife is quite possibly one of the worse people you could meet.” She grinned, trying not to bring Jay down with her.
“I’m really sorry to hear that. If you’d like, I could help you find an apartment. Actually, my brother owns and building and so does my co-worker.” He smiled proudly.
“Are you serious? Yes, I would love to check out both of them. Thank you so much!” Y/N's smile widened, immediately lifting her spirits.
They spoke the rest of the night getting to know one another before they said goodnight. Jay gave Y/N his number promising to give her Will and Kevin’s contacts in the morning. Which he did, bright and early the moment he woke up. She thought it was sweet that Jay was still thinking of her even when he just woke up. Some women would have thought that was creepy, but not Y/N. It was kind and thoughtful. 
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A couple of weeks had gone by and Jay and Y/N have been on a few dates but made nothing official yet. Y/N was like her father in that way, mysterious and keeping people on their toes. But when she called Jay in the middle of the night scared, he didn’t hesitate to call in back-up for his girlfriend.
“Y/N!” Jay ran towards her as she stood outside the front of the local bagel place near her father’s home.
“Jay!” She sighed in relief hugging him as he held her closer into his frame.
“What happened, darling? Are you ok? Did they hurt you?” Jay took a step back to scan her face and body for any signs of injuries.
“No. No, I’m physically okay. Just scared and freaked out.” Y/N sighed, still slightly trembling.
“Talk to me, what’s wrong?” Jay led her to his car.
“I don’t know. There’s just this guy I’ve seen wherever I go. I didn’t pay any attention to it at first cause it’s a semi-small neighborhood, but then it started to get everywhere I went. To the gas station, the grocery store, the post office, the bank, and even outside the building I work in. I’m pretty sure he’s following me.” She sighed a single tear falling from her eye. Y/N didn’t dare mention anything to her dad. She knew that she wouldn’t be “allowed” to go out alone or to be stuck at home with Meredith. She wanted freedom and promised herself to be careful, but now she wishes she told Al. It was starting to get out of hand and terrifying her by the day.
“It’s alright, baby. I’ll protect you. No one is going to hurt you.” Jay held her close again, gently rubbing her back to calm her down. 
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Now it was taken to a new level of scare and threat. Y/N walked outside of her office building and to her car. A small fire started in a car parallel to hers in the parking garage. She panicked and dialed 911 to notify them of a car fire. She then ran towards the stairs to grab the fire extinguisher and put it out. Once she met up with the owner she left knowing they’d take care of it. But as this was happening, her stalker put a tracker on her car. As she was leaving, there was a blue sedan following her one car behind. She noticed a couple of turns with this guy but didn’t make the connection until she was mindlessly driving around Chicago. Where she went, he went. Now Y/N was terrified and shaking. She knew what to do now, but all common sense ran out of the window and was replaced with anxiety. She fumbled to call Jay or Alvin. She hit a random number and heard the dial tone.
“Y/N?” No answer from her. “Y/N, sweetheart what’s wrong?” She heard Al’s voice on the other end of the phone.
“Dad?” She sighed shakily into the phone. “Daddy, there’s someone following me. I think it’s my stalker, I don’t know what to do.” Y/N sighed trying her hardest not to panic anymore and break down into tears.
“Y/N, listen to me. Do not go home. Come straight to the district.” Alvin said.
“O-ok.” Was the last thing Al heard before the sound of a car crash and tires squealing.
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Y/N sat in the banged-up car, bloody and confused. Trying to move, she saw a man slowly getting out of his car. She recognized the blue sedan and struggled in fear to escape the wrecked car. Her seatbelt was stuck and there was no way she would be able to get out of there without any help from the fire department. Sirens blared in the distance as the man walked closer to her. She saw a slight glimpse of something in his hand, and before she could register what was happening, gunshots went off. 
Y/N woke up in a hospital bed, machines beeping, and a nurse checking her out. She let her eyes adjust to the light before looking over and seeing Jay asleep in the hospital chair next to her bed.
“Jay.” Y/N said hoarsely as he woke up, looking at her.
“Y/N. You’re awake. Hi baby.” He softly placed a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer.
“What happened?” Y/N looked tiredly at her boyfriend.
“You were in a car accident. But don’t worry we caught the guy. And yeah, he was your stalker, but he’s locked up now for a long time. He can’t and won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.” Jay slid into bed with her, letting her rest on him. “I got you now.”
“Thank you for saving me.” She cried into his chest.
“For you, I’d risk it all.” Jay kissed her forehead, cuddling his girlfriend.
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kit-shipper · 1 year
Look, for the "Ugh..no" please know that that's just my opinion. If you ship them, nice. If no, nice. All of this is just my opinion and this is not made to offend anybody.
Thank you and enjoy
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gloriousharmonylover · 7 months
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Ugh. So perfect! Picture taken from Hudson and Rex's official Facebook/Instagram/Twitter accounts. Why does January seem so far away, when it's literally next month!?
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jolteonmchale · 4 months
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bad news for frank/victoria and emily/shred shippers
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flower09puff · 11 months
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Yes, I know I forgot to add Ed’s white lines on his jacket but I’m just so tired right now
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solesommerso · 8 months
whumptober 2023 day 3 : vows
Chicago med, Sarah/Ava other characters: Kevin (cpd), other doctors from med
warnings : forced marriage, kidnapping, chains/restraints, unwilling drugging, mentioned torture
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Sarah takes in a breath as she smoothes over her white dress, the material is thin and soft under her hands, it feels all too revealing. There’s a crowd of people awaiting her to walk down the aisle, a man she doesn’t know at her side, a sympathetic smile on his face as though he’s apologizing for what’s about to happen.
“You look stunning.” A grin gets sent Sarah’s way once she approaches her awaiting partner, anxiety sitting painfully in her stomach as she takes Ava in. Her dress is much more modest than Sarah’s is, gold jewelry laid over her neck to match the clip she has holding her short hair back, her makeup is light and shines under the overhead lights. She looks like any normal bride, happy and excited about her marriage, not like she drugged Sarah to get her here and like the chains still clanking at her ankles weren’t put there by Ava herself.
“Do you two have vows prepared?” Connor meets Sarah’s eyes with his own fearful look, she can’t see but she assumes he has chains around his ankles the same way Sarah does. The same way they all do: April, Natalie, Noah, Ethan, Will, even Maggie. They still look more drugged than Sarah herself is, she’s been here the longest, at the apartment complex that Ava bought but uses as her personal prison for her past coworkers.
“Sarah, the light of my life, you were perfect the minute I laid my eyes on you. You were everything I ever wanted, I knew I had to have you.” Her hands get taken into Ava’s, it makes her body shiver but she musters the best smile she can. Fighting only leads to punishment and Sarah can’t sit through another day of being strapped to the medical table in that cold room she could throw up thinking about.
“What the hells going on?!” Will yells and cuts through the quietness of the room, it startles the others more awake, the redhead pulling at the ties that hold his hands behind the chair he’s sat in.
Sarah hates to see him struggle, she wants to tell him it’s okay, that if he goes along they’ll make it out okay, but the man who walked Sarah down the aisle is moving towards Will before she can. His hands are on Halstead’s shoulders, holding him down with a grunt about staying quiet during the ceremony. Reese isn’t sure how Ava knows him, how he became apart of this, but she doesn’t think it’s by his own free will.
“No more interruptions! Today is a special day, a day for me and Sarah.” Ava shouts the first words but drops her tone to something softer. It’d almost sound sweet if Sarah didn’t know how her mood changes within seconds and how she might be plunging a knife into Reese’s skin if she’s not careful.
“Ava, what are you doing? Can’t we talk about this?” Natalie pips up with her voice shaking but that signature Natalie type of care showing through, she’s always been so hopeful.
“There’s nothing to talk about, me and Sarah love each other, we’re getting married.” One of Ava’s hands moves to brush against Sarah’s skin, Reese almost starts to cry. She feels so empty staring back into someone she once considered a close friend who know seems like a complete stranger.
“Sweetheart…” The dark haired girl trails off, looking helplessly at Sarah before turning her head towards where Will is still being whisper-yelled at by the man Sarah’s yet to hear name for.
“Will it’s okay, it’s alright.” Reese calls out as assuringly as she can, watching him continue to struggle is making her chest ache, and she knows Ava won’t tolerate it much longer.
“Kevin’s a cop, he’s going to have his unit looking for him. The people at the hospital are going to look for us.” Halstead ignores Sarah’s pleads to instead start shouting at Ava, an almost frantic tone in his voice.
“Nobody will be looking for Kevin since he quit his job, and so did you all, such a shame Goodwin wouldn’t pay you better wages. Nobody will notice you’re gone.” Even if Sarah has heard it all before, it still makes her stomach churn.
“And don’t worry Natalie, sweet little Owen is staying with his grandmother while you take some time to clear your head.” That eases Sarah as much as it does Manning, she hadn’t heard Ava mention Owen till now but it had been a constant question in the back of her mind.
“Now let’s get back to the wedding. It’s your turn to say your vows baby.” Ava’s lips curl into a smile, hands gripping Sarah’s, it takes all of Reese’s willpower to not start to sob the tears she’s been holding back since she got taken, instead she steels herself with a breath and thinks up the most romantic vows she can. The more she goes along the better it’ll be, the more of a chance they’ll have to get out of here.
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itspkuwu · 1 day
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I saw @mysticbeaver do this and I wanna turn
EW. NO. Eddy and Lee: Lee is the worst Kanker by far. She’s a total b***h and I hate her. Eddy might be selfish, but not even he deserves that. And Lee deserves no one.
Double D and Kevin: Double D is only nice to Kevin because he doesn’t want Eddy to get beaten up. Besides for the very few times he thinks Eddy deserves it. And Kevin would literally take his stupid bike over the hottest person in the world.
Don’t care for Ed and May: I don’t really hate this ship, I just feel like Ed doesn’t feel the same way May feels about him. Double D and Marie: Double D has no interest in Marie, and I view Marie as a lesbian in the closet.
Not bad Nazz and Kevin: I do believe these two were “a thing” for a while, but after some time, Nazz realizes how much of a jerk Kevin is and dumps him. And of course Kevin still has that stupid bike. Kevin and Lee: I don’t think they would really be all lovey dovey, they more or less just team up to get revenge on those who stood up to them. Sarah and Jimmy: Can’t really decide if these two would be a couple or just close friends. But if they ARE a couple, I’m okay with it.
I like it Jonny and May: I feel like if these two ever had a normal and harmless conversation, Jonny would gain this weird lil crush on May. And perhaps May would realize this and get over Ed???
Brotp Rolf and Kevin: It’s clear that these two are best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Not to mention that Rolf can treat Kevin like his b***h. As we’ve seen in Boom Boom Goes The Ed. (which I find rather funny) Ed and Rolf: I always thought the idea of these two being best friends was super adorable. Ed can help Rolf with his animals a lot more, and that will make him happy :3
OTP! Nazz and Marie: Two characters who have very little development. Which allows you to set the stage for them both. Marie could learn to redeem herself from Nazz’s kindness, and Nazz could learn to be more tomboyish from Marie’s spunk. Ed, Edd n Eddy: EDT3!!! YEEEEEES!!! These three don’t even have to act like a throuple for you to see how much they love each other. As I’ve said before, nothing much in their relationship has to change, they can just get married and live in the same house for the fun of it ^_^ Jonny and Plank: Because of course they are.
Now for some bonus flag icons!! 🌈
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(Idc what Lee is)
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tophsazulas · 6 months
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moodboard: sarah x kevin
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Group Ed Edd and Eddy Highschool roleplay! All Characters Open except Double D at current.
Peach Creek is a small town with a limited population, though we follow a group of kids from a cul-de-sac who has now aged into high school. These teens are known to get into mischief and chaos at school and home. Peach Creek Highschool, the home of the Lions, where the football team is one well-known group of guys, is very defensive. Now with all the kids of the cul-de-sac in high school, many wonder what type of mischief will follow these teens
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theitgirlnetwork · 4 months
You should get a master list so it would be easier to find all the chapters to your series for all the new readers.
And should lol. The way I was dodging this because y'all know idk what I'm doing. But I tried and it's pinned so let me know if it works you guys. Also, please feel free to send requests for Lip and Charlotte for right now, I feel like writing for them but you know, some little thoughts and drabbles while I'm on my work trip. Let me know if you're able to send those as well. Love y'all <3
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kevin-fanpage · 1 year
I made another video 🤭
Y’all should go watch it. I enjoyed editing it :)
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
My Other Half
Jay Halstead x Reader
description: You’re engaged to Jay Halstead, but life had other plans.
word count: 1.0k
a/n: am i fixing why jesse left the show? yes. am i sad writing this, thinking about him being gone, yes. please enjoy :)
𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚂𝟷𝟶 𝙴𝟶𝟹
masterlist | oneshots
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Jay Halstead. A man of few words, but facial expressions of many. The love of my life and my other half. The man who I would come to say I Do in a few months and the father of our future children. Jay is loveable and affectionate. He shows everyone just how invested and deeply he cares for them. Jay is the kind of man I had always dreamed of and the man that my grandma always told me that I deserved. Even though his parents weren’t alive anymore, they would have been proud of who he became. 
Many things happened to Jay over the years. Heartbreak, loss, physical and emotional pains. His morals and the way he policed changed over the past few years, which we didn’t know at the time, but eventually tore him apart from the inside. Jay told himself he wouldn’t end up like Voight. No matter what happened, I told him I would follow him through anything and that wasn’t going to change now. But to be honest, I was not expecting this.
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I got a call from Hank saying that work had been hard with Jay. I didn’t know what to expect, but when I walked into the district and saw the look in Trudy’s eyes, I knew something bad must’ve happened.
“Trudy. Where is he?” I said walking up to the side of her desk, and whispering softly.
“Upstairs. Locker Room.” She said quietly, with a downcast face. I followed her instructions as she let me in through the code. I ran up the stairs passing everyone and going straight towards the locker room. When I walked in I saw him sitting on the bench in the back of the room, I walked towards him slowly.
“Jay?” I approached him, squatting down. “What happened, my love?” 
He couldn’t talk. He just sat there stagnant. Almost catatonic by the way he was moving. Jay’s eyes stared directly down at his hands, while they shook. I could tell it was horrific cause the only other time I saw him like this, he had a PTSD attack. I held his hands, tenderly pulling him down onto the floor with me. Leaning back against the lockers, I held him against my chest. Before I could do anything else, a quiet sob came over him. He conveyed to me what happened in the case. In detail from beginning to end. The part of the robbery, to the part of the perp dying. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I knew this wasn’t my Jay and I knew he couldn’t have done this easily and maliciously. 
“I killed him. I just… Just went for it and couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop, Y/N. I…” Jay shakily expressed.
“We’re going to fix this, handsome. I promise this will all be okay… Whatever it looks like.” I said rubbing his back.
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The best way for Jay to get out of this was to resign from Intelligence and take up a job in the Army again. This meant him being on location in Bolivia, but to be honest, anything that got him out of the situation he was in, I urged him to do it. Consequently, that’s what we did.
I walked in the front door of our shared apartment following his footsteps. I knew what Jay was thinking, but I could not let him go through with his plan alone. I told him through thick and thin, and that meant this too.
“Jay,” I said leaning against the doorframe.
“Y/N, I love you, but you cannot come with me. It’s dangerous and a job. I’ll come back for you, but I don’t know how long I’ll be.” He sighed, looking down at the bed.
“Do you seriously think that I would let you leave without me? Do you not understand that when I told you you are my other half I meant it? I love you so fucking much, Jay Halstead. You can’t get rid of me that easily. I don’t care how dangerous it is, and for you to say I’ll come back for you, are you kidding me?” I said gently grabbing his hand, and turning him to me.
“I’m not trying to get rid of you, Y/N.” He sighed. “I can’t stay here either. And I won’t risk your safety.” Jay looked me in the eyes.
“I’m not asking you to. I’m saying wherever you go, I’m going with you.” I held his face in mine. He leaned into me nodding gently. 
“I love you. But I can’t have you in my problems.” He said.
“I’m an adult. I know what’s best for me, and if I see danger and won’t commit anymore, I’ll leave. But I’m not, so understand that.” I said kissing him as if it were the last time I saw him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. We stayed leaning against the wall for another couple of minutes before a knock came on the door.
“That’s for us. Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Jay asked one more time.
“Yes, let’s go restart our lives,” I said following him out the door.
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We left that day, not looking back at anyone or anything. All he needed was reassurance that life was going to be alright with his new assignment and our upcoming marriage. I told him that from this day on, we were the only ones we had, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’m sorry this is the life we have now. I promised you, but now it looks different.” Jay said, whispering into my ear.
“I don’t mind, it’s an adventure now. Yes, our life is different but it does; throw us curveballs. What’s life without challenges? You are my forever, and I will never doubt that.” I said gently running my fingers through the hairs at the nape of his neck.
“My other half.” He said leaning his forehead on me.
“My other half,” I said leaning into him, kissing his lips softly that turned passionately.
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raralabelle1studios · 5 months
Some EddxSarah pictures:
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