#Jackie burkhart
fandomstruck97 · 2 days
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Jackie and Hyde through the seasons (1/8) -  Season 1
So when will we be done with this whole Jackie experience?
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peeta-mellark · 1 day
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JACKIE BURKHART THAT 70'S SHOW 1x04 "The Battle of the Sexists"
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theshipdiaries · 2 days
I posted a Hyde and Jackie edit to But Daddy I Love Him by Taylor swift 👀👀 and it's not a reel, ITS AN EDIT. Old school none of that tik tok no transitions stuff
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loafboyrye · 3 months
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“Look, The Sooner You Realize I'm A Genius The Better Off We'll Both Be”
- Jackie (That ‘70s Show)
{not quoted from the photo}
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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That '70s Show pilot (1998) / That '90s Show trailer (2022)
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icardigan · 1 year
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forbescaroline · 3 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 64. jackie burkhart and steven hyde - that 70s show
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bakerolivia · 1 year
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THAT 70′s SHOW ( 1998 - 2006 ) ↳ season 8 episode 17
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t70ssource · 4 months
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"No. How could I like her? Because I don't like her. Because I can't like her. Mrs. Forman, if I like her, shoot me." "Pow."
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thestupidhelmet · 5 months
Fanfic Ask Game
Put a color in my ask box, and I'll answer the corresponding question. Please ask me only one at a time. 😄
If you'd like me to ask you a question in return from this list, add a ✏️.
💚 Green: Do you ever feel inspired by and/or jealous of other people's writing?
♥️ Red: Do you ever feel anxious or scared while writing? If so, why?
💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
💜 Purple: Name one song you're listening to while writing your next/current fanfic. How or why does it help the writing process?
🧡 Orange: When in the day do you typically write?
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
🖤 Black: Do you think about your story when you're not physically writing it? Does it help with plotting scenes, character arcs, etc.?
💛 Yellow: Do you ever alter, highlight, or de-emphasize certain canonical traits in a character? If so, why and describe how.
🤍 White: What's a fanfic scenario or idea you'd like someone else to write so that you can read it?
🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write (or why are you writing) a certain fanfic? (Asker, feel free to choose a specific story you're curious about. You can also let the answerer choose the story.)
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nick-nellson · 2 years
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#how every love triangle should end
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peeta-mellark · 4 months
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THAT 70'S SHOW — 3x08 Jackie Bags Hyde
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adoreliv · 1 year
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Being a teenage girl means being all of them at once:
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zenmasterlover · 5 months
Judgy couples are top tier. Jackie and Hyde were pretty much always on the same wavelength with judgement lol
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topperscumslut · 2 years
My Idiot (Jay Kelso x Reader)
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Summary: Reader is Hyde’s daughter and staying with the Formans while he’s in jail, the new generation has a sleepover at the Forman’s house and there’s only one bed for Jay and (Y/N)… Note: Jaya (JayxLeia) does not exist in this imagine
Word count: 1k
“Okay you guys,” Leia said with a deep breath, “Grandma and grandpa actually said you guys can stay the night, so we can’t screw this up. I’m staying in my dad’s old room and (Y/N) is staying in Aunt Laurie’s old room, as usual. Can you guys all find somewhere to sleep in the basement?”
“Sounds good to me,” Ozzie popped up.
“Nikki and I can take the couch,” Nate said.
“Yeah, that should work,” Gwen added, “it just sucks that Jay isn’t here.”
You nodded half heartedly. Your best friend - and crush - Jay Kelso was working a long night shift at the video store, and you were bummed that he was missing your first (and probably only, considering how Red Forman was) sleepover with the gang.
Almost like clockwork, the basement door opened.
“Hey guys!” A familiar voice spoke up. Jay’s voice. “They let me off early,” he said as his eyes briefly floated to where you were sitting on the floor, then shyly finding their way back to the rest of the group.
“Well shit,” Leia sighed, “I mean, we’re glad you’re here! But Red let us have a sleepover for once, and I don’t think there will be enough room in the basement for you…”
“Well that’s not convenient,” Jay said with a flat face, sheepishly sitting down next to you.
“Hold on you guys, I’ll be right back. I don’t imagine in a thousand years my grandpa would let you stay in my room, but I have a couch and (Y/N) doesn’t, and I don’t want to make her offer her bed to you if she isn’t okay with it.”
You shifted awkwardly, silently hoping you could share your bed with Jay. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind if we have to…” you trailed on quietly, Jay looking at you shyly, his cheeks noticeably heating up.
The rest of the group hadn’t heard you but Jay had sitting so close to you. “You sure?” he asked and you nodded, lacking the courage to look at him.
Leia ran upstairs and it only took a few seconds before you heard the booming sound of Red yelling.
“If that boy goes even close to your bedroom, my foot is going even closer to up his ass! Absolutely not!”
Leia hurried down the stairs with a defeated look on her face. “So that’s a no go. (Y/N), are you sure you’re ok with sharing a bed with Jay?”
You shrugged, now bright red. “Yeah, sure, I don’t mind.”
The seven of you spent the rest of the night together, laughing, watching My So Called Life, and getting high, before finally around midnight you all started to crash.
“Should we call it a night, you guys?” you asked through a yawn, anxious to spend the night with Jay.
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’m tired.”
“Well, goodnight you guys,” Leia spoke, “see you all in the morning.” With that you, Leia, and Jay stumbled your way upstairs while the others stayed in the basement getting comfy.
You quickly brushed your teeth and got cleaned up for bed, putting on your favorite lacy nightgown, your heart beating out of your chest before you heard your name called from downstairs.
“Y/N! I need to talk to you!”
Shit. It was Red.
You made your way down the stairs, feigning sobriety, into the Forman living room.
“Yes Mr. Forman?”
“Sit down.”
“You know (Y/N), I remember your father sitting on this exact same couch when he was your age. He was a good kid, even with all the dope he did. He was nice to people.” Red sighed, “I remember that boy’s father too, and how he used to fool around with young girls like you, even my own daughter.”
“But Jay isn’t like-“
“I know, I know, that kid hardly knows his own father. But as you’ve been staying with Kitty and I, you’ve become like another grandkid to us. I always feared I’d be raising Steven’s kids…” he grumbled. “No funny business in there, okay? You’re better than to be screwing a Kelso. I know you think no one’s caught onto your little crush on this boy, but I’ve seen these things before. And if he so much as lays a finger on you, my foot will go so far up his ass he won’t even be able to feel his fingers!”
“We’ll be good,” you smiled, rolling your eyes. “Now goodnight.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
You hurried back up the stairs to find Jay already all cozied up in your bed.
His eyes scanned your body in awe and he hid a smile as you made your way into bed.
You both squirmed awkwardly for a little while, not talking, not looking at each other, and especially not touching.
“I’m sorry (Y/N), I’ll try to let you sleep. I know you didn’t really want me in here…”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“I could tell you were uncomfortable in the basement and just trying to be nice. I can sleep in the living room if you wa-“
You shut him up by kissing him, to his surprise. Jay closed his eyes and let himself melt into the kiss. It was slow and sweet, innocent, loving.
“Of course I want you here. I was nervous because I have a crush on you, doofus.”
“Well you could’ve just said that,” he laughed. “But, uh, I’m glad you didn’t. I have a crush on you too. Have for a while,” he smirked, kissing you again.
You laughed as the kiss ended, rubbing noses together. “Go to bed, idiot.”
He cuddled his way into you, pulling you in by your waist and spooning you, nuzzling his face into your neck. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
You smiled, cheeks turning a baby pink, still not sure if this was all really happening. “Yeah, Jay, you’re my idiot.”
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