#oc: Phlex
bonkleton · 2 months
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Fused Frenemies A.C
Stuck but still stretchy! They might be able to work with this... ---- Continued from Fused Frenemies A... After a moment of silence between the two conjoined compatriots, Sophie shrugged. "Yeah, it looks that way for now." Phoebe smiled. "Exactly!" Sophie rolled her eyes. "So, what now?" Phoebe looked surprised, then tapped her chin. "Good question." Sophie squirmed her leg, feeling Phoebe's side of their shared buttocks rub against hers and wincing in discomfort. "Honestly I just..." she paused to swallow her words for a moment. "Yeah?" Phoebe asked, growing concerned. "I was just looking forward to wearing normal clothes again after all this was done." Sophie seemed to be holding back tears. Phoebe was taken aback. Extending her torso back and reaching down to support her body with her arms, she said, "Hey, let's sit down, okay? Would you like that?" Sophie nodded, and the two of them both allowed their legs to flop down to the floor, extending their torsos to sit up on their bellies. "You know, the whole morphing thing, and now I'm not doing that anymore. Which is great! This is still better, but, I guess maybe not? I don't know." Sophie wiped her eyes. Phoebe put her hand on Sophie's shoulder. "Hey, we're in this together, Sophie. You want to get out of our suits? Or, I guess, suit? Want to put on something normal? We can do that." Sophie nodded. Phoebe smiled gently. "Okay, so how do we do this, then? Which neck hole do we get out of?" After a moment pondering this question while Sophie stared at her expectantly, Phoebe shrugged. "Mine it is!" With that, Phoebe pulled her arms into her torso like a turtle, then with a wiggle, detached them from the sleeves of her suit, and let them slip back out, now empty. Sliding her hands up to her neck hole, she stretched it wide open and pulled her upper body through, nipple-less chest and all.  Sophie reflexively looked away to give Phoebe privacy, but when Phoebe laughed a little, she felt a bit silly. After all, she was about to undress too, and they were literally sharing a pair of hips as it was.  Speaking of shared hips, Sophie yelped a little as Phoebe pulled her hip out of her neck hole along with her leg, stretching the spot where their bodies were joined. At this point Phoebe was fully undressed, and now it was Sophie's turn to undress. She started by slipping her leg out to join Phoebe's, and then started rolling the shared suit up her body. Before long, her own smooth chest was exposed, then her arms, and finally her head slipped through both neck holes! "Welcome to naked time with Phoebe," Phoebe smirked. Sophie glared and fought the urge to cover her silicone-doll-like body, knowing it would just amuse Phoebe more. "Whatever. I'll be right back." With that, Sophie elongated her torso, scooting across the floor, down the hall, and into her bedroom. As soon as she was alone, she felt better. Maybe not alone, since her hip was literally still attached to her house-guest, but it still felt like she had some space to herself, and that let her think a bit. She rooted through her drawers to quickly grab some underwear and shirts, then after thinking about it, discarded one of the shirts from her drawer and opened Holly's drawer. Holly's bust line was not as generous as Phoebe's, but it was closer than Sophie's, at least, so it would be a marginally better fit. Sophie suddenly tensed as she felt something sliding across her foot. Her entire body wriggled in shock, and she heard a shout from the other room, followed by a soft thump. Quickly her neck our of the room to check, Sophie saw that Phoebe had fallen over beside Sophie's leg. Apparently Sophie had pulled her off balance with her sudden tug. "The hell, eh!?" Phoebe snapped. Sophie began retracting her body, looking sheepish. "Sorry, you spooked me there." Phoebe sat back up on her extended belly. "No harm done." "More like 'no harm, duh,' flubber-face." Sophie snarked. "Takes one to know one, girl!" Phoebe winked. The two of them exchanged glances again before slipping into their respective shirts, Sophie in particular feeling relieved to cover her chest, largely featureless though it was. It took some effort for the pair to wiggle their shared pair of legs into the underwear and pants Sophie had chosen, but with the pants compressing their malleable flesh into shape, it at least looked convincing as a pair of legs that actually belonged together! That is, as long as Phoebe remembered to shorten her leg to Sophie's leg length. With a bit more effort, the pair managed to stand their legs up, and admired their attempt at normalcy. Phoebe seemed satisfied, and simply flopped onto her front and relaxed her torso. "There, is that better, Sophie?" Sophie smiled. "Yeah I do feel a bit better now. Thanks Phoebe." She sat there examining their dressed-up legs for a moment longer, and then it happened. She had an idea! ---- NEXT - AU Shenanigans: Joined at the Hip (TO BE WRITTEN LATER) ---- Thanks to NoahWave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bytemycupcakes · 6 years
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Ah oops I made a Hazbin Hotel oc
(Small warning: their story is a tad dark)
This is Phlex, they’re a trapeze artist that can be often found flinging themself around hell using they’re incredibly strechy arms.
Phlex is around 19 and died in the late 1800′s. they spent most of their life in a travelling circus as a “freak show specimen” as Phlex was born without arms. The ringleader, wanting to make Phlex an even more interesting “specimen” (his words) Removed Phlex’s lower legs, leaving them completely immobile without help. Much of Phlex’s time was spent watching the circus’ trapeze artists, and wanted nothing more than to join them, but never being able to (for obvious reasons).
Phlex seems like a pretty innocent kid when you first meet them, as they’re very bright and happy in tone, but they have a terrible habbit of being horribly blunt to a fault, most of what they say can come off as pure insults, or pointing out someones biggest flaws to most people, so they don’t have to many friends- Or really anyone who doesn’t hate speaking with them.
Phlex is insanely flexible (thus the name). They can rotate their head a full 360 degrees, lay their legs flat against their back, or just fold in half in any direction. Their arms are the most flexible part of their body, being made of some goop like substance, their arms can stretch quite far. Their lower legs can also stretch rather far, but not nearly as far as their arms.
Phlex has 4 eyes and a small hairless tail (about the size of a deers) under their “skirt”. They are capable of using their feet like extra hands with a bit of effort. Hugging or squeezing their main body will give the sensation of squeezing rubber, touching their arms or lower legs will leave a bit of residue on you, and it is possible to stick something through said limbs.
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bonkleton · 4 months
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Fused Frenemies A.A
The fused frenemies have legs again! But not as many as they used to... ---- Continued from Fused Frenemies A... As their fused flesh started to burble again, Sophie looked at Phoebe with a flat-browed grimace. "You'd win the 'speaking too soon' contest, Phoebe." Phoebe smiled sheepishly with a shrug. The pair watched as their seam started to bulge upward, seeming to swallow their flanks as it went. The two of them each felt one of their arms being pulled into the rising mass as well, Sophie her right arm, Phoebe her left.  "Wait no, that's--" Sophie started to protest, but it was too late, and hers and Phoebe's shoulder violently contracted into the seam, and as their body slinked back out to normal length, they realized it was just that - their body, singular. They each had one arm and one leg, joined from their necks down. They both elongated their necks to take a better look at their sharing situation. "Great, just perfect," Sophie grumbled, holding her arm out for balance. "How about now, Phoebe? Do you finally think this is a problem? Oh pray tell." Phoebe looked up at Sophie, startled and seemingly caught off guard. She had been poking their belly right on their seam, wanting to see what it felt like to poke both herself and Sophie at the same time. Sophie glanced at her finger, raising an eyebrow. "Oh um, yeah, I suppose this is becoming a problem, eh?" Phoebe agreed quietly. "Oh wow, thanks! I'm glad you finally agree, dumbass!" Sophie berated her. "Now what, lemon-brain?" Phoebe put her finger to her chin to think, and as she folder her arm across her chest to do so, Sophie tried to ignore the feeling of Phoebe's boob rubbing against her own as she waited for Phoebe to answer. ---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. They finish "zipping" together, even their head now split down the middle! B. Phoebe suggests that they try to pull apart down the middle! C. Their condition seems to have stabilized, and they can apparently share their body's feelings and control seamlessly... ---- Thanks to Noah-Wave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 2 months
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Fused Frenemies C.C.A.B.B
Phoebe's got some extra phlexible phalanges!  ---- Continued from Fused Frenemies C.C.A.B... Holly looked herself up and down in the bedroom mirror, impressed with how Phoebe adorned her body. Sophie stood beside her, wearing her red and white suit to make up for the green and black one Phoebe had apparently absorbed while the two had been fused together. Sophie was less impressed than Holly, but certainly still bemused. "I like how this pattern flows on my body!" Holly remarked, noting how the flanges of blue and black on her flanks highlighted her hips, and the yellow "pants" allowed the shape of her hindquarters to speak for itself. "Mmm, thanks! I'm pretty proud of the design, always have been." Phoebe replied with an honest smile. Sophie furrowed her brow, surprised. "Wait, Phoebe, you designed your suit?" Phoebe nodded, and since her face was covering Holly's chest, this caused Holly's boobs to bounce up and down, much to her surprise. "It's a Phoebe Lexton original! I've always been interested in graphic design, even in my youth. Back in the days of stainless steel and pastel enamel paint, even!" "You mean the 10s?" Sophie asked. "The 50s," Phoebe replied. Sophie was silent a moment. "Ah right, I forgot the world wasn't literally in black and white back then..." Phoebe laughed as Holly continued to make minute adjustments to how Phoebe sat on her body. "You think this looks good, Sophie?" Holly asked. Sophie rolled her eyes. "It looks great from the back, Holly," she replied with honestly but also with disinterest. "From the front it looks really weird, obviously." "I think I look at least as good as Sophie did when I wore her, eh?" Phoebe asked. Sophie clenched as she felt her body tense into another involuntary transformation. With a single motion and a rubbery scrunching sound, head and tail collapsed into her torso and her entire body hollowed out, finishing with a hole opening in the top of her head, allowing her to deflate into the bodysuit she had transformed into, collapsing onto the floor in a heap. She sighed in resignation, deciding to accept her current shape for now. "Oh, oops," Holly said, her chipper mood now reduced. "I thought you would have vulcanized by now." Sophie made a soft rustling sound as she shook her "head". "Nah, me morphing is how Phoebe got suit-ified in the first place." "Speaking of," Phoebe cut in. "I think I'm ready to get off this ride, though it's been fun!" "Oh! Sure!" Holly started, reaching for Phoebe's neckline. "Let me just--" There was a swish like the sound of a rake running through a giant pool of pudding, and Phoebe fluidly expanded herself enough to fall off Holly's body naturally, leaving her nude and surrounded by a sea of blue and yellow. "I got it girl, but thanks!" Holly nodded, and stepped off Phoebe as her former suit slipped under her feet and collected herself back together. Phoebe's body slinked back into her usual figure, to the point that her head even popped out of her chest as her insides filled back in with her malleable body mass. It was a bit of her healing ability, a bit of the fluid biology Karen's experiments had granted her, working together to bring her back to normal. ...Or at least, close to it. Feeling some part of herself dangling off her flanks, Phoebe looked down and saw an entire second set of arms! Apparently her previous adaptation to Holly's body had stuck? She held her new hands out in front of herself, admiring them with intense curiosity.  "Oh my, these are nice..." ---- NEXT - AU Shenanigans: Phour Arms (TO BE WRITTEN LATER) ---- Thanks to NoahWave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 1 month
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Fused Frenemies A.B.B.A
That might be too much Sophie - seriously, there's like 5 of her! ---- Continued from Fused Frenemies A.B.B... Holly and Phoebe did not have to wait long to find out how Sophie's amorphous physiology would cope with her recent dismemberment-of-sorts. The globs of fluid stretchflesh started to ripple as always when Sophie morphed, but this time they seemed slightly out of synchronization, like a choir unprepared for the drums to stop playing. The first thing they noticed was that Sophie's legs were also morphing, and reformed into...Sophie! But they did so without changing mass, so Sophie was much smaller than expected, only having about half her original body mass and being about a half a meter shorter than usual.  At least, that Sophie was. There was more than one Sophie now, it seemed! The other globs had all congealed and morphed into replicas of Sophie as well, one considerably smaller than the leg-Sophie, and three more roughly the same size as each other, but even smaller than the second one! The second-smallest was about as tall as a toddler, less than a meter tall, while the other three were properly doll-sized. "Uh, okay, sure, that makes sense, I guess." Holly shrugged, surprised and fascinated in equal parts. "What does?" The largest Sophie asked, her voice slightly higher-pitched than Sophie's usually was. Before Holly could answer, an even higher-pitched voice rang out from one of the smallest Sophies, seeming to shriek in alarm. She had turned around to see the leg-Sophie, to her a relative giant version of herself, looming over her, and it was understandably startling.  Now all the Sophies noticed each other. Squeaky shouts of surprise swelled from the small-statured Sophies, syncopated in their shrillness and equally irritated.  "You're me!" "No you're me!" "No, I'm you!" "Why are you so big?" "Why are there three tiny me's?" More and more murmurings like these continued for over a minute. Phoebe relaxed, her lower body slithering on the floor as she suspended herself by her midsection, scratching her head as she tried to work out a way to bring some kind of order to this situation. For once, Phoebe was stumped in this endeavor.  The largest Sophie stepped into the middle of the smaller ones with her arms  and upper body outstretched, trying to command space and attention to take charge of her smaller...sisters? "Hey come on, we're all the same, so let's all chill!" "Same? Really, wide load?" shouted one of the smallest Sophies.  "We're the same," another of the smallest said, gesturing to her size-mates, "but you think you can take charge just because you're huge?" The second-smallest Sophie stepped to the side "I agree, let's just chill, okay?" The third of the smallest Sophies trotted over to join the middle-sized Sophie, but the second of the triplets to speak in this exchange shot her arms out and wrapped around the third, pulling her back toward herself. "Nah, you're sticking with us, sis!" The third grabbed onto the middle-sized Sophie's leg as her size-mate pulled her back, trying to resist, but as the middle-sized Sophie tried to shake the smaller one off her leg, the smaller one felt herself elongating like a stretch toy between her sisters' pulls. "What are you all doing?" the largest shouted again, amazed at her sisters' behavior. "Just stop being dorks, okay?" The first of the smallest Sophies crouched under her larger sister's outstretched, commanding arm and leaped up, wrapping her arms around the larger arm like it was a branch of a tree, letting her body dangle from it as she giggled mischievously, taking satisfaction from her larger sister's irritation. Holly sighed and said to Phoebe, "This will be something, all right. I don't know what exactly, but it'll be something." ---- NEXT - AU Shenanigans: More and Less (TO BE WRITTEN LATER) ---- Thanks to NoahWave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 10 months
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Fused Frenemies A
The fused frenemies have legs again! But not as many as they used to... ----  Continued from Fused Frenemies... Before Phoebe could explain her plan, the pair felt their fused flesh start to churn and twist inside. The epicenter of this activity seemed to be the merged and swirled point where their bodies met. It felt almost like indigestion, like their bodies were trying to reconfigure and regenerate, but the fusion prevented this process from completing. "Ughhhh," Phoebe groaned. "That might not be good." Sophie watched their merged midsection contort and begin to expand irregularly. "Wow, you think?" she shot back. The chaotic mess of malleable meat creaked and gurgled as if it was boiling, increasing in intensity as if it would erupt. And in some way, it did! From one side of their merger, two stalks of flesh sprouted out suddenly, shooting out over a meter in length before flopping to the ground, one from Sophie's side of their body, one from Phoebe's side. Before the two could question what just happened, they both felt their protuberance morph and solidify into something familiar. "Legs???" Sophie asked, baffled. Across their merger point, there was a pair of legs, a left leg for Sophie, and a right leg for Phoebe, forming a single pair of legs between them, hips fused at a central seam. "Oh, fascinating!" Phoebe said, wiggling her new leg in curiosity. She pulled her torso back to normal length. "Come on, let's stand up, Sophie!" Sophie did a double-take. "Wait, for real?" Phoebe was already trying to stand, heaving Sophie's half of their hips up with some effort, supporting the weight with one elongated arm. "Yeah! work with me!" Sophie complied, not sure how to respond, but retracting her torso as well, and putting her leg under her side to bear the weight. It felt weird to have the inside of her hips seemingly glued to someone else who pulled and twisted against her in unpredictable ways, and it made it difficult for her to balance. She growled slightly as she held herself up with her arms much like Phoebe was. Phoebe was having the same difficulties as Sophie, but was less bothered, instead taking a bizarre sense of pride in this joint effort. Phoebe tepidly retracted her arms as she started to find her balance. "Come on Sophie, you can do it!" Sophie didn't understand why Phoebe was enjoying this so much - this was ridiculous, the two of them stuck together like this, struggling to do something basic like standing up! As Sophie pulled her arms in, she lost her balance and her torso started to topple over. Phoebe caught her just in time, helping her straighten out and finally fully stand alongside Phoebe. "There! See, it's not so bad!" Sophie scowled. "Like hell it's not! This is so stupid. And it's all your fault anyway! If you hadn't been teasing me maybe we wouldn't have melted together in the first place!" Phoebe's face was placid yet mirthful. "Oh hush, you. At least we're stable now, right?" ---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. They start to "zip" together, until the only thing separated is their heads! B. They each get their own pair of legs back, but still have something holding them together... C. Their arrangement stabilizes, and until Holly has a solution, they try to make the most of it! ---- Thanks to NoahWave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 2 months
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Swimsuit Snake
Mutated but still confident as ever, Phlex tries on some custom fashion for her snake-like body! After some altercations with supervillains went wrong, Phlex (Phoebe Lexton) finds herself with a mutated body, her legs replaced with a long, serpentine tail. Still as stretchy as ever, Phoebe finds this to not be that much of a hindrance, however, and in some ways she believes it enhances her already exotic appeal to the eye! However, with no hips to wear normal pants or even a bikini bottom, to have a day out on the beach and still technically be properly dressed, Phoebe figured out a solution - a fishnet stocking for her tail! It keeps her tail still mostly exposed to the sun like her legs would be, but it also stays on better than a simple skirt would. It also shows off her pliable softness, which Phoebe counts as a bonus! She just has to be careful not to stretch her tail too much or she might pull the whole thing down... This piece started as a notebook sketch playing with ideas for how Phoebe's snake form would look when dressed up. I was particularly proud of how the swimsuit doodle came out, and I knew one day I had to finish it for a summer themed piece! Now only two entire years later, it's finally done! I did adjust the face and hair to make them more on-model with her current design, and I did a funky thing with the background that I'm pretty proud of considering it took me only about 10 minutes! Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 2 months
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Fused Frenemies A.A.A
That's certainly one way to put your heads together! ---- Continued from Fused Frenemies A.A... Once again the fused flesh of the pair started to churn, this time at the nape between their necks.  "Problem! Problem time!" Sophie cried out, starting to panic. "Problem indeed, eh?" Phoebe asked lamely. They each tried to stretch their necks as far as they could, maybe to combat the effects of their zipper-like combination, but after about seven meters of neck was spooled out on each side, their flesh seized and they could not help but contract into each other. They each let out a cry of frustration as their necks rapidly merged. As a last-ditch attempt to stave off the inevitable, each began to bend and stretch their head in opposite directions. This, too, was ultimately useless as their elongated noggins zippered together like the rest of them, merging into a single pliable noggin. They now had two halves of a face, but not a whole face, instead one half each of two distinct faces, one eye for each, but sharing a nose and a mouth, hair of two distinct colors and styles spilling out from the top. "Wow that's weird!" Phoebe tried to say. "Yeah this is a big problem!" Sophie tried to say. They both failed, however, since they were each articulating one side of a single stretchy mouth, and their distorted jaws, teeth, tongues, and lips just spat out an unintelligible stream of syllables. They each scowled and glanced across their nose at the other with their single eye. "You first!" They both said in unison, and because of their unintentional cooperation, this came out sounding like two voices at once.  Another stream of nonsense spewed from their mouth as they each tried to speak their mind. They both growled in frustration. This arrangement was effectively unworkable, but there was little they could do about it for the time being. ---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. Their fusion is completed as they combine into a single being with a single mind! B. They fully combine into a single body, but they'll need to work out the details of who's in control... C. They combine into a single form which combines their powers and strength, but once they're done they can separate with no issues! ---- Thanks to NoahWave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 2 months
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Eepy Phoebe by [gio]
You ever have one of those days? Phoebe has, too. One of the best parts of having a stretchy body, as Phoebe will tell you is being able to sleep anywhere and be comfortable. Almost any situation, and the body will simply conform as it needs to! Obviously this is a bit of a niche use case, but sometimes you'll find yourself falling asleep sitting up, and even during sleep you can stay sitting up for a bit. This is true even with Phoebe's flabby form, since she's made such a habit of holding herself taught after all these years. Still, her neck going limp allows her head to droop down, but the another benefit of being stretchy is having a neck that can get into all kinds of strange positions! She'll be a pile of soft flesh on the floor belong, however... This was a bit of a surprise from Gio, and it turned out really nicely! They captured Phoebe's shape and design super well, and showing a bit of her less flamboyant side is a great change of pace! Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 3 months
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Phoebe Longlegs (2024) by Noah-Wave
Wow look how long her legs are! They are very long. Long legs indeed, wow, such long legs! Again! One of the many benefits of being a Bendy (the bend-efits, if you like) is extendable limbs, specifically, extendable legs that can be used to take really long stride or really high steps! This is one benefit Phlex (Phoebe Lexton) takes advantage of often! Sometimes it's practical, like when she needs to get somewhere in a hurry. Other times it's just to show off, like you see here. Either way, it's possible because almost all Bendies have a certain degree of proportionately enhanced strength! This allows them to maintain normal mobility even when their limbs are extended to great distances, and therefore by the Law of Levers, require much more force to lift even with the same weight. Phoebe is far from the strongest Bendy, and indeed Sophie is significantly stronger, but she's strong enough to swing from her arms, and use her legs as stilts! A re-draw of this piece from 2022 by Noah-Wave, because he wanted another try at it! He felt that this one wasn't satisfactory by his modern standards, and he felt he could not just apply his more refined style, but also put a new spin on it! I love how it turned out and I agree it's a huge improvement! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 3 months
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Pride 2024: Phlex by Noah-Wave
Doesn't matter what flavor of person they are, Phoebe can find them hot! When it comes to attraction, Phoebe's brain isn't picky at all! However, Phoebe herself has had to live with a brain that's basically always on in "low energy horny mode", so while she was less discerning and refined about it as a young woman, throughout the decades, as she's gained experience with the whole range of the gender spectrum, Phoebe's gotten very good at finding outlets for her needs without it disrupting her life or schedule much. Phoebe has come to see sexuality as a kind of tangent to personal relationships, in her mind, a core pillar of romance, but outside a relational context, she sees intimacy as an experience, something like skydiving or trying an exotic dish - it's something to expand one's range of experiences and broaden the mind, not something to get addicted to or make an entire lifestyle from. For her, true enjoyment of sex is when it's carefully chosen with the most worthwhile partner, and like a fine delicacy, not cheapened by constant consumption. She has a broad palette when it comes to sexuality, and in her long life she's had a lot of experience, so it's natural she'd become something of a connoisseur!  Noah-Wave did a fantastic job on this 3/4 comm! I think he banged out one of the best examples of his style and execution, and it's wonderful to have such excellent work represent my most popular OC! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 5 months
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Fused Frenemies C.C.A
Well at least now Phoebe is technically separate from Sophie, right? ----  Continued from Fused Frenemies C.C... Phoebe scoffed at Sophie's limp attempt at protest. "Nice try rubber-legs, but we're still stuck, remember?" Sophie imagined herself in normal form, and immediately, her body complied, returning her from the pair of long curvy legs she was, into the short chubby mutant she expected to be, albeit with Phoebe still stuck to her, adhered to her belly. "Oh right, I guess you can still do that." Phoebe noted with surprise. Sophie snarled and reached for Phoebe, sprouting five more arms from her sides to grab Phoebe's body in multiple places. "Now we'll see how YOU like being forced into random shapes against your will!" She stretched all of her arms out, pulling Phoebe outward into a much flatter and wider shape. "Try me! I bet before you make me into a ball, I can make you into one!" Phoebe shot back. Sophie's body quivered again and her arms immediately shot back into her sides, as her legs also zipped into her hips and her head slinked into her shoulders, pulling Phoebe along for the ride as her body folded and swirled onto itself. When it was over, the pair were marbled together into a shiny ball, both of their faces prominent on the surface. "Dammit!" Sophie belted out. Focusing, she imagined herself as a trampoline frame, and her body immediately flattened out and spread wide, Phoebe spanning the gap in Sophie's center ring even as supporting legs sprouted from her underside. Sophie wiggled a bit and popped her head out of the edge, connected by a strand of neck, which she extended to look down on Phoebe's strained and distorted face smugly. Phoebe smiled back with equal smugness. "You can still shrink, right?" Sophie immediately folded back into her humanoid shape and collapsed to a miniature stature, now like an action figure with an entire normal sized woman's upper half attached to her belly. Phoebe chuckled as she pulled her arms in, lifted herself and Sophie off the ground with them, and sat her stumpy half-body down on top of Sophie, grinding back and forth to rub it in, so to speak. Phoebe suddenly felt something crawling through her, almost like a worm, which felt incredibly wrong. She pulled at her flesh to see if she could see it moving and discern what it is, but before she could react, it penetrated through the top of her putty-like head! Before Phoebe could even scream, the "worm" suddenly exploded outward into a giant sea urchin shape, the needles stretching Phoebe out wildly in all directions.  Sophie's head popped out of the center on a neck-stalk again. "Had enough?" Phoebe grunted, barely able to pull her mouth back into a reasonable shape. "Oh just go back to normal already!" Sophie involuntarily did so, but she would not have refused if she could. That being said, Sophie did not expect what happened next - Phoebe was now adorning her body, much like a stretchy bodysuit. Phoebe had done this to Sophie before, wearing Sophie like a suit, but this reversal was...uncomfortable. Sophie felt Phoebe's body hugging ever contour of her own, seemingly adhered to her, and she reflexively held her arms at her sides to avoid touching Phoebe, as if that were possible at all. "Mmm, boobies in my head," Phoebe purred, her face spread across Sophie's chest. Sophie extended her neck stalk a third time, unsure how to respond to any of this.
---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. Sophie and Phoebe are stuck together for the moment, and Phoebe gets bored waiting for Holly to find a new solution... B. Holly wants to try Phoebe on for size, and she fits better than expected! ---- Thanks to Noah-Wave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 5 months
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Fused Frenemies C.C
Looks like the fused body is Phoebe's to mold and play with as she wants! Sophie isn't pleased... ----  Continued from Fused Frenemies C... Sophie barely kept her balance, both mentally and physically. She was just about to topple over and make a mess of the situation, but her focus and control kept it all together. Phoebe wasn't making it easy, however. She was all too amused by the pair of legs below her having a mind of their own, and even more amused that it was Sophie's mind. "Come on Soph, work those thighs! Keep us both up!" Phoebe didn't miss a chance for a poke at the generous proportions of the leg form Sophie had imagined and transformed into. Sophie had simply visualized the shape of Phoebe's legs as she remembered them, but maybe it was a bit exaggerated? "You really nailed it with the curves, Sophie! You're just like my last pair of legs." Well, Phoebe answered that one, unless she was giving her previous legs more credit than they were due, which was certainly possible. Phoebe elongated her belly and looped in front of Sophie, down, and back around to put her upper body behind Sophie, balancing her weight with the belly in front and behind Sophie. She looked Sophie's leg form up and down from behind, for a moment of time just long enough that Sophie noticed the extended silence. "Mmm, nice, good to see my old friends back," Phoebe purred, stroking Sophie's butt.  Sophie tensed in a reflex, since, even though her entire body was now a pair of legs, her butt being touched still felt the same as it always did. Phoebe stuck her tongue out playfully and grabbed Sophie's left "cheek" firmly, then gave a solid pull, elongating the lump of flesh to over a meter long. Sophie wanted to shout in protest, but was unsure how to respond for a moment, until she finally figured it out. Sophie whipped her left leg out and slapped Phoebe up the side of the face with her foot. Phoebe let go and Sophie's buttcheek snapped back into place as they tumbled to the ground into a heap together. Not a much better situation, Sophie had to admit, but at least Phoebe knew what was up! ---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. Sophie still has control, but Phoebe can morph too! It's a morphing fight, but how will it end? B. Sophie's out of there, and Phoebe's also along for the ride! C. As long as they're stuck for a while, Sophie might as well cooperate... ---- Thanks to Noah-Wave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 7 months
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Phlex by Medicman111
Just a Phoebe by Medicman11, standing proud and showing off her bold suit design! Medicman sent me this gift as a result of some practice he wanted to do rendering suit designs, and I like how Phoebe came out here! Her suit colors really pop and the shine likes super nice! :D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 7 months
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Phour Phinger Phlip-Off [collab]
Phlex (Phoebe) gives a 4-fingered salute to someone who bothered her! Phoebe's extremely flexible body is fully prehensile, so she can move any part of her body as if it's a limb, and of course that includes stretching and expanding it! Some aspects of Phoebe's body shape might be nominally purposeless with her very simple internal anatomy, but this prehensile nature ensures that no part of her is truly useless. Stretching her boobs into hands just to flip someone off though, that's a bit extravagant, wouldn't you agree? This was a comm LC did for me, supposed to be based on a frustrating experience they had, but it deviated from that somewhere along the line. However, with this being the final concept, I thought it could use some color to bring out the suit design and accentuate the concept even further! Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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bonkleton · 7 months
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PHOEBRUARY: Hubris - a couple sketch comms by LC AU Phoebe "puffing up" to show off gets de-puffed in a hurry by the unimpressed Jackie! Because of AU shenanigans, she ends up deflating almost entirely, but she'll be fine once she figures out how to increase her internal mass...sometime XD This started as an offhand suggestion of "big booba Phoebe" by LC, and once I agreed to it, it snowballed a bit from there! I like to indulge in the silly once in a while, so here you go! Also, for the sake of proper citation, they apparently used this piece from Noh-Buddy as reference: Cramped Carrying Case Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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