#oc: executor knight
circusthing · 9 months
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NOW their ref is done!
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gs0nk · 3 months
My Honkai Star Rail OC, Kassius, fallen knight of beauty, and his ultra greatsword, "Bloody rose bloom"
I put him into Erudition - Quantum with 5 star rank
(let's imagine him as an actually playable character for a moment)
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Su Kiang (his real name) came from Lofu.
He's the judge and executor at the same time - he is guided solely by his own sense of justice in resolving any issues and believes that any flaw that discredits beauty can be redeemed... posthumously.
All his incarnations were distinguished by an extremely radical vision of the world, but in the role of a knight of beauty he gone mad when after countless “deeds” in the name of his Aeon, Idrila never answered his prayers.
After she disappeared, Kassius continued his own mission to eradicate all ugly from existence, but was exposed to the influence of Stellaron, which caused necrosis in some parts of his body. For now the spread of necrosis has been stopped completely, but his mind is irretrievably lost.
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
Exe's Commissions!
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Exe's Official Commission Info!
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I've officially started to take writing commissions sbsjsh 🥳💕!!
If you've ever wanted a piece of writing catered just for you, then a commission is definitely the way to go 👍~
This post details everything regarding my commissions, including slots, prices, rules, guide, etc!
If you're interested in commissioning me please take some time to read this post agshs 👉👈 I appreciate it lots, tysm!!!
Reblogs and shares of this post are also v v much appreciated also 💞!!!
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(Currently I have no slots open!)
1 - Taken by @zone10-8!
2 - Taken by @amreaux!
If all commission slots are full and you’d like to reserve one, please DM me to let me know and I’ll happily hold a slot for you!
Prices are in CAD!
As I complete more commissions and become more comfortable, I might begin to offer more options such as letters from characters, longer pieces, etc.!
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(word count - price)
Imagine pieces
1000 - $18
1500 - $26
2000 - $34
2500 - $42
For imagines, I always try my best to stay in the word count range that you purchased, not anything less and too much above. No extra charges will be applied if I end up writing a few hundred words over what you paid for! Ex. If you purchased an imagine 1500 words long, however I end up writing 1650 words, I will not charge you anything extra!
Headcanon pieces
1000-1500+* - $20+*
*The length of headcanon pieces can vary a lot based on the content involved in them, and a headcanon piece may end up being more than 1500 words. Ex. Headcanon pieces involving the details of lots of different love languages between two characters might possibly exceed a word count of 1500 words.
If the content of a headcanon piece causes it to surpass 2000 words, an extra change of $5 will be applied; if the headcanon piece then after surpasses 2500 words, another extra charge of $5 will be applied. I will never charge extra before discussing it first and receiving a clear answer from the person commissioning me.
If I already anticipate that your headcanon piece commission will surpass 2000 words based on what you'd like me to write about, I will inform you before I accept your commission.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask me!!
I currently do not take commissions for anything lower than 1000 words, and for anything higher than 2500 words extra charges will apply that aren't listed here (please ask about this if you're looking to commission something lengthier from me, such as something that's 3000 words!!); prices are not negotiable and subject to change!
Many more can be found on my Masterlist!
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"Welcome Home" - Nearl the Radiant Knight + Doctor OC (raffle prize for @vesvic)
"Flowering" - Executor + female reader
"Cat Emergency" - Phantom + gender-neutral reader
"Solicitude" - Thorns + gender-neutral reader
Passenger with his outgoing, artistic, Perro lover (commission for @mammonishot)
Growing closer to Thorns overtime
Ayerscarpe with an affectionate lover
Being in a relationship with Blitz and Ash
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I will write:
Canon character + OC
Canon character solo pieces
OC solo pieces
I'm all okay with:
Character death
Writing pieces involving just platonic content (ex. a piece involving your OC being a friend or family member to an Operator)
Using neopronouns
Time-skips within the piece
Multiple side characters
Unrequited love (ex. one character loves one character, however said character does not return the feelings and/or loves a another character)
Brief and minor canon character + canon character ships featured on the side or in the background of a piece (however do note that there are some ships I am uncomfortable with and will not write! Feel free to ask me about this!)
Lgbtq+ couples (m+m, f+f, etc)
I will not write, under any circumstances:
Canon character + Canon character centered pieces
NSFW or any sexual content (however suggestive material or "fade to black" situations are okay to an extent!)
Hateful content
Extremely dark/sensitive subjects
Extremely OOC (out-of-character) characters
In most cases, NPC characters (however this can be discussed and I'll see what I can do if you're looking to commission something involving an NPC!)
Poly relationships, as I lack the confidence in writing these sbsjsh
Incest, or romance involving child characters; if you send me a DM asking about anything involving these I will block you
I also do not write for certain characters, DM me beforehand if you'd like to know which characters I will not write for or if you'd like to ask if I write for the characters you have in mind
Most important parts/Key info are in bold!
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I only accept payment through PayPal (CAD)! Payment is to be paid via PayPal invoice (which I will send!)
If you're interested in commissioning me, send me a DM on my Twitter or here on Tumblr letting me know you'd like to discuss commissions! We can start from there~
As of right now, I write exclusively for Arknights and the characters of the game, and so OCs also have to be within the universe of Arknights! Additionally, I only write for Operators released to the EN server, not ones currently exclusive to the CN server!
Please note that for OCs, I require a description of their personality and a visual of their appearance (Picrews or avatar creators work for this!), at the very least!!
I have the right to decline a commission request if I believe I'm not capable of accomplishing it!
You can do whatever you'd like with your finished commission piece! However if you post it anywhere publicly you must credit me, you cannot claim the commission as your own work in any way, and you definitely cannot sell it or use it for any commercial purposes!
I reserve the right to cancel work on your commission and refund your payment if you make me feel uncomfortable anytime during the commission writing process.
Once we have discussed your commission and I have agreed to do it, I'll write an opening bit to the piece based on what we've talked about and send that to you! If it's not quite what you had in mind, we can discuss some more and I'll rewrite until you're happy with the opening lines I've come up with. And then that's when I can start and I'll place you in a commission slot!
Payment is to be sent in full after you approve of the opening lines I've written! I will not start your commission any further than those opening lines until I am paid.
Please let me know once you've sent the payment! If you don't send payment to me within 2 days of our discussion regarding your commission, I will assume something maybe came up and will remove you from the commission slot and I will not go any further with the commission until I hear from you again.
Your commission may take longer depending on the length of the piece, my familiarity with the characters I’m writing for, and my schedule; commissions generally should take 1-3 weeks to finish!
As I work on your commission, I'll occasionally send you: updates on the current word count of the piece, excerpts from the piece, and what I've written most recently! You can also feel free to ask me for updates whenever you would like, however please do not spam me or insist on updates extremely often!
If I send you excerpts or parts of the piece I've just recently finished and you'd like something changed, please tell me and we can work through revising it how you'd like! I'm happy to make smaller changes. However please remember what we discussed and agreed on during our initial talk about your commission; please don't ask me to write in new things I didn't agree upon!
Once I am done, I will inform you about the commission's completion! If you would like to me to add any images (maybe you have art of your OC + canon ship, etc!) and alter the colour of the document, font, and/or font style I can do that as well before I finally finish and send the piece to you!!
I can send you the completed piece as a PDF or a Google document, or both! Let me know which you would prefer.
If you're uncomfortable with me using your commission as a commission example or posting it on my Tumblr or elsewhere, please explicitly tell me!
(My writing belongs to me, however: I do not claim personal ownership over any of the characters in my works unless I say so! All the characters I write for are owned by their respective owners.)
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*The Arknights stickers I used are from the Arknights Fankit website HERE!!*
That's about it svshhs 👉👈!!! I'm rather excited about this aaa 🥳🥺 If you like my stuff lots and want to support me, or you just want a piece that's just for you, I'd be v v happy if you commissioned me aaa 💞!
If you have any questions that weren't answered here then please don't hesitate to send me a DM svshhs 👍
Tysm for your time and please have an awesome day 🌸!
Yours truly,
- Exe 💕
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❝We all have our roles to play. Use my abilities as best as you see fit.❞
SilverAsh, Arknights
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
When you’re a Vitiate Fanatic, and a Jedi kills your wife
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Krannus was a good antagonist. In a way, he prepared us for dealing with the Zakuulans.
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 3 years
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artwork made by @lucyfloyenworkshop
Riddle Rosehearsts’s Unique Magic : [Off with your head] ! 
Notes: It’s will be part of a little series of sketches representing how I imagined TWST’s characters’s Unique Magic.  (I will soon post the presentation of my Twst’s main OC/Yuu, Morgana MacRósanna  ;-) )
In the game, we see only littles sparkles and the consequences of the Unique Magic... and for some reasons, I imagined that a kind of projection, incarnation of the Unique Magic will appears when the magicien cast it. 
It’s supposed to represented the personalty of the magicien and there is the Bolt Monster that appears behind the overbolted Dorm Leaders and Vise Dorm Leaders... 
So let’s begin with our King of Heartslabuy : Riddle Rosehearts ! 
A spell called and based on the Queen of Hearts’s famous quotes means of course executor ! I imagined that will be some kind of faceless knight, Ripper character like with a rusty armor and dark red cape. I wanted to make a contrast with the colorful atmosphere of the dorm. Something so scary that we can understand the students’s fear of losing their head by Riddle. 
For the axe I take the design of the infamous collar. I imagined the Riddle’s Ripper-knight doing the very act of cut off the head with it on the student (such as some tarts’s thief ans a monster cat XD ) and when the blade of the axe pass on the neck, the collar appear, sealing up the magic.
I  think I will start that series with the dorm’s leader’s Unique Magic and after the other students.... (until the ones of Ignihyde and Diasomnia are reveal at last)  
. Please don’t use/repost/trace my artwork without my permission 
. Reblog (with my copyright) and likes are welcomed :-) 
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ladyhindsight · 2 years
You are right. I think she made some characters as OCs for her HP fanfiction and others are "descendants" of her version of book characters. Then she created story she wants to tell, but didn't change characters to fit the story for it to make sense. And we are trapped in bizzare show/tell mess. Because Clare always tell you how the characters are, about their personalities and reactions, but then show them doing something very OOC just because story need it. Characters then look like they re mentally ill and don't even knkw what they are doing. Same with Clave, evil goverment which is evil for the sake of evilness. Clave sound like stupid government with 3 brain cells. I think the separation of Shadowhunters from real world also roots in the HP adaptation. Which is absurd, because separation of muggle and wizard culture doesn't make much sense even in HP.
Clare managed to failed education too. I was so dissapointed with structure of Shadowhunter Academy. It doesn't teach the skills shadowhunters really need. Consider their life. As shadowhunter you need to know law by heart and being able to intrepret it, because you are lawyer, judge and executor of law in one person. We don't see any downworlders to be taken to Alicante for court process (?). Which means crimes are solved by shadowhunters in field or by consensus of institue members. Shadowhunters are also part of Clave, which mean everyone of them participate in leading government and law making. It means shadowhunter needs to be good rhetor, who can costruct and defend argument in Clave meeting. They need to understand law making, learedship and politics to some degree. We don't see any special training for Consuls and Inquisitors. By the way Alec was elected we can assume anybody can be elected, which means you need to be prepared to actually take political function any day. You need to have skills for it, it isn't easy job. Academy don't teach them skills they need.
Thank you, I thought about Alicante a lot. I think it should have public baths too, because it's very sensible to build them. I personally don't like San Gimignano as Alicante, it look old and in ruins. I really liked TV series version of Alicante, it actually looked like city. Jonathan summoned Angel Raziel and he showed over Lake Lyn. Lake Lyn is in Alicante, which mean Alicante have to be somewhere on the First Crusade route.
Thank you for links, I forget Clare stated their real names were Jonathan, David and Abigail. It doesn't make any sense. It would make sense if they chose the names on Crusade/in Jerusalem. I think they had to be some nobles. Common woman wouldn't be betrothed to someone in Constantinopole and traveling with Crusade. Some noble women accompanied their husbands and fathers during Crusades.
I specifically chose Raymond IV. because intereting thing happened on his way to Jerusalem. During Siege of Antioch in 1098, Peter Bartholomew found Holy Lance. Historical records say it was attempt to improve morals of soldiers to break the Siege. But what if it was gift from Raziel to Abigail, Jonathan and David. !I have no idea how they spread on world. I think maybe shadowhunters were part of all the crusades conquering people. It doesn't sound possible to form any unified government without portals and fire messages. It make sense nephilim formed smaller societies with their own ruling government and laws around world. Probably even different myths about their creation.
When First Crusade arrived to Jerusalem, Gerard de Martigues founded military order Knights Hospitaller in 1099. Their main job were providing care for sick and poor pilgrims on their way to Holy Land and provide them with protection. They also ran hospital. Later Knights Hospitaller and Knights Templar became the most dangerous orders of Holy Land. I like to headcanon David and Gerard were friends and David was inpired by Knights Hospitaller to form order of Silent Brothers. In that time military orders were popular and I think it make sense for shadowhunters to start as military order under papal bull of pope Paschal II.. It would be good idea for them to make connections with church and nobles. You can't build city and start operation to save world from demonic invasion without any funding and support.
Being in favor with church mean being in favor with God himself and people wish no more than mercy of Lord. I think having family nephilim family members would be very prestigious thing, holy blood, angelic origin. I think nobles around Europe would crave angelic blood hoping it'll grant them mercy of God. I can see lower nobility and common people offering nephilim their children in hope they will survive drinking from Cup and it grant them better future. Esepcially daughters to be turned as little children to improve their chances on good marriage. It would create ties between nephilim, church and aristocracy, who would fund nephilim's projects, building Alicante, training, food, housing.
Wiki states 1234 is important year for shadowhunters. When I looked at wikipedia what happened in 1234. Pope Gregory IX. called for crusade to Holy Land and it was most succesful crusade since First Crusade. I wonder if the Barons's Crusade have anything to do with nephilim and why it's so important for them? Spreading angel blood in Egypt and maybe establishing community there.
Question is when alliance with Church stoped to be favourable for them. I think the departure from Church started to happen during Western Schism in 1378. It caused departure of Clave to different factions claiming their allegiance to different popes. Departure from Church could be also caused by Demon Plague. We don't know when it happened, but many nephilim died. It's realistic new nephilim maybe want change, reform government to be more independent from Catholic Church. I think total departure might happened during Protestant Reformation in 16th century and Crisis of the Late Middle Ages.
Clave also seem to be inspired by governmment of Roman Repulic, which look like something invented during Renaissance, when classical antiquity was cool again. Nephilim probably continue with their own expeditions to spread angelic blood around world and participated in colonisation. Massive expansion and problems between different nephilim governments probably happened as reaction to Industrial Revolution, because travel became easier and different nephilim factions interacts had problems with each other, their policies and believes.
I wonder if the half-POC characters in TID and TLH are actually products of diplomatic efforts between different factions. Anyway I think 19th century would be politically unstable time and even more after development of portal. Charlotte had very difficult position during her rule. It's interesting to think about her as person who unite Clave but also conqueror (depend on point of view).
This is long, I hope I didn't make any factual mistake. I'm not historian. :D Your analyses of Clare books really help me to imrpove my english and to better understand how to construct sentences. :)
Oh, yeah. Lake Lyn, that tiny little essential detail I forgot. I’ve got to get a grip here. Sorry. 😂
So going back to your previous message, it wouldn’t make sense if Jonathan travelled with Raymond IV or with any other leader for that matter. I checked several maps marking the routes of the First Crusade, and some varied a bit but they mostly were aligned with the map you showed. I overlaid a map of Europe over the map you shared to mark the spot where Idris is located. The scales are a bit off because the two maps didn't align perfectly, but this gives a general idea on the location.
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That violet spot is it. So it wouldn’t matter with whom Jonathan travelled, he wouldn’t have been anywhere near Lake Lyn. Or he took a ridiculously long detour.
Shadowhunters have ridiculously simplistic society. There aren’t trades only some of them practice or occupations that require further education. Imagine being a Downworlder and having your fate be decided by some teenagers that maybe know the law enough to execute it. There are many occupations that are essential for keeping a city running. Think about sanitation, food, clothing, architecture, construction, maintenance, any kind of sensible economic system etc. They did rebuild the Gard but there was no mention of anyone holding a skill for building, and I don’t know, having their whole health care ultimately relying on the Silent Brothers doesn’t sound reliable.
How cool would it be that there were families that held some particular trade from the time the city was first built? Like, my family line goes back to the times when Alicante was just some brick building in a forest and the like. That would be one way to make the characters more distinct.
Alicante in the TV show was really great. I haven’t watched that far myself, maybe one day, but I liked this particular shot that I’ve seen around:
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Your take on Jonathan and David is really awesome and seriously takes in the historical context of the time. I really love it. It would make more sense that the separation from Catholic Church came on gradually, when changes took place in their operations and societies over time. Right now it’s more like Jonathan became a Nephilim and that was that. There is a major gap in their history right from the beginning and you’ve filled it wonderfully. I really like what you’ve come up with, and it describes the history of the Nephilim already in more detail and credibility, taking into account the historical facts surrounding the Crusades.
I really love the aspect here how their society progresses and moves with the mundane world and is affected by it as well. It doesn’t exist separately and in secret in the beginning, but eventually does become more isolated and forgotten. The changes over time are motivated by events in history and stem from them. Clare could never.
I've been thinking about Abigail and David. Abigail is an Iron Sister, meaning she is immortal. She could still be around! David's wiki page under his status says "Buried in frozen state (presumed)", the source being CoHF. I've been unable to find this part in CoHF and can't remember it, but if he was still alive also (for being immortal too), that would also be cool. I just think that at this point they are such distant historical figures, I don't think I could handle them just making an appearance and talking like the rest of the characters do.
When it comes to TDI and TLH characters, I don’t think Clare ever thought that far or even close to that context. It’ll be interesting to see whether TLH answers any questions relating to this. All in all, it’s just weird that there is this whole angelic race of people with 1000 years’ worth history, and most of it is incredibly vague and nonsensical. I’m not historian either, and I appreciate your dedication to this. And thank you again for your words, you’re showering me with compliments. 🤠
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owlpellet · 5 years
Can you introduce us to your Warcraft ocs?
UHHH gosh, I can, but I’m no longer active in the game or RP community.
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My Death Knight Oliver is my oldest WoW OC, and the guy in my icon. He was a Knight of the Silver Hand, a stock Lordaeron soldier before that, and a chicken farmer before that. He’s dumb as rocks and is almost suicidally determined to do the right thing all the time at all costs (alignment: Stupid Good), which conflicts pretty heavily with the whole endless hunger thing, and also with the fact that he married a criminal woman (played by @lightandwinged​) 35 years younger than him because she was the first person who didn’t think he was too gross to kiss. When he’s not having an identity crisis or being an absolute freak on the battlefield, he likes to feed the Cathedral Square pigeons and whittle.
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My paladin Chadley is Oliver’s son from his marriage in life. He’s a bleeding heart like his father but actually understands concepts like “odds of survival” and “personal boundaries”. He began as a little stringbean healer with no control over his empathetic abilities and a frothing hatred for undead that nearly had him fall in with the Scarlet Crusade, but he was lucky enough to instead squire an Argent. His character arc was all focused on growth, overcoming prejudices and self-doubt, and becoming fucking shredded with the power of the Light. He power bottoms for one-legged Richard Armitage, and he earned it.
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My mage/necromancer Norberon is a rude old bitch who just wants to create monstrosities and ascend to lichdom in peace but people keep knocking on his door for runic body enhancements because they know he’s too strung out on arcane dust to remember to charge them money. Before joining the Forsaken he was a slave to the Cult of the Damned and forced to apply his lifelong trade of runework to the creation of Death Knights, but you don’t escape that sort of thing without becoming a little touched by it–  he thinks that Lady Deathwhisper was totally right about undeath being the superior state of being, the Scourge just really blew it with the whole “mindless” thing. 
He married arguably the worst person on Azeroth, Executor Maulfalcon, (played by @s-c-r-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e ) and thinks this means he has some kind of authority. No one ever told him it doesn’t.
I do have some other minor characters but those are the ones that matter, I guess!
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toomanyhusbands · 7 years
Ooookay! What are some that really come to mind like? Like, personality and such? Sorry if this is very vague asdfghjkl I don't know enough about them to ask specific questions!
It’s okay, I think I realized I really misinterpreted your last question anyways, so yeah…
The main OCs that instantly come to mind whenever I think about my babies are Clank, Xenon, Moovey, andGenevive. Each of them are from one of my comic books I’m trying to design with my little sister’s help.
Clank (Guide to Surviving Real Life), is a newly graduated university student in the year 4000 who is trying to work as a freelance artist. The story pretty much follows her and her university friend Ratchet after they graduate, end up moving in to a new apartment and are forced to live with two strangers and how they end up well just surviving every day life. Clank is a very stoic and almost acts disinterested by everything and everyone, but has a soft spot for her friend Ratchet and later along a man by the name of Alive who lives in the same apartment building. I don’t want to give to much away because it might ruin certain story points but that’s the gist of her!
Xenon (Team Viridi), a reclusive yet brilliant scientist in the world of Ventura, banished to the outskirts of her little port town because she was born with purple eyes, a sign of being demonic in their world. Content at living alone with just her experiments to keep her company till he long lost love contacts her leading her onto one of the biggest journeys of her life time. Witty, Sarcastic, and overall a no nonsense babe, she soon becomes the leader to a group of people created by the goddess of their world to defeat the God of Death.
Moovey (This World of Ours), an experiment created by a horribly corrupt facility by the name of the APX. A forced fusion between a true human and an alien, Moovey is the formation of a platonic connection between these two entities. Moovey is a skeptical young being who has lived a long life being betrayed by those who she thought were her allies, now roams the time space continuum attempting to rewrite history to keep any devastating events from occurring to humanity.
Genevive (Knight’s Quest), The first and only female knight of The Whispers of the Executors(Name might change), deemed ‘Cupid’ due to her magical abilities to make people fall in love with other or fall for her. Genevive is a peppy and optimistic young woman, even if she’s partially blind to an incident in her childhood. She has very high spirits which is a wonderful balance to her usually moody and uneasy partner.
and I mean that’s just four of the 200+ characters I have!
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circusthing · 10 months
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a commission from @hellshireiron of (left to right) executor knight(they/them), cherub knight(he/him), and elytra knight(she/her)!!! i am sobbing from joy!!!
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circusthing · 11 months
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drew this dude again, redesigned for their new project home :-)
executor knight uses they/them pronouns
edit: fixed their colors
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circusthing · 4 months
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i FINALLY have a good reference image of each of my four knights again! and this pic is their heights relative to each other!
(left to right / shortest to tallest: ruby knight - it/its cherub knight - he/him executor knight - they/them elytra knight - she/her)
my custom design commissions are open! :3
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circusthing · 4 months
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my beloved knights...i have so much fun drawing these losers <3 i technically revamped their designs but the only one that significantly changed was exec's.
(left to right: cherub knight, he/him elytra knight, she/her executor knight, they/them)
my custom design commissions are open! $25-$40! :)
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circusthing · 9 months
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making new references for my knights, starting with the first <3
my headmates have been great help with lining, coloring, and coloring the lines lolol executor's front art is totally done, i just need to color the lines on the back art!
maybe i'll add their weapons into the refs...props are not my strong suit tho
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circusthing · 11 months
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yeah i draw sometimes
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