#oc: frankie beetle
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A Frankie Reborn (ARR frankie doodles)
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joyboyish · 2 years
ok what i think the strawhats would watch on youtube lets go
(some i give more than one bc why not)
sanji and luffy watch cooking videos, not together though. sanji looks for new ideas for recipes, and ends up just judging the poster and luffy shows him cool ideas and is like "can u make this :p" and sanjis like "no stupid, i only help nami and robin" but hes writing down ideas as he speaks
zoro watches work out routines, he'll watch them, ignore the person saying to not overwork yourself, or take a rest day, and combine like 80 different routines into one routine
usopp and nami watch anything with a huge fanbase with lots of drama. definitely watch those kpop drama update channels, or tea spill channels, active in fanbases but not cause they care, they just want to gossip to each other
when chopper isnt watching medical videos, he watches minecraft and among us videos😭. he likes the ones where they play bedwars and he showed it to zoro and luffy because "fighting and swords", zoro wasnt that impressed but luffy thought it was so cool and started watching them with him. franky noticed this and built them a computer so they can play too but they were really bad 💀 usopp tried though and he was super goof for no reason???? they make him play and just scream lingo at him that he doesnt understand
robin watches history videos!!! she likes to see what other archeologists think about certain things and likes to make her own theories
franky watches people build at home machines for ideas, he likes to make them himself and show luffy, usopp, and chopper.
if youve seen my profile you can probably tell im gonna say luffy watches beetle videos. he makes his beetle named frog and frog named beetle watch with him. he info dumps all of the facts onto everyone at dinner
brooke watches small artists! he likes to hear their music and teach himself their music to play it for the crew. nami likes it when he plays new music bc she likes to broaden her tastes
jinbei didnt understand it at first, until he hadnt moved from the dinner table for 12 hours and was at part 274 of a gacha life "demon angel hybrid oc" video
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3 for the couple asks please!
Oh fun! Thank you!
useful/fun character development questions for couples
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
I'll do it for my current OC's I've been talking about:
Mercy: That's a good question there. With Jake, it was a ton of little things that added up - a touch here, a hand held there, a hug, teasing, and then her seeing him after being injured with Deacon and just...melting into his hug and knowing she missed him so. With MacCready, it was when he went out to get dinner for her - as in, he literally hunted and cooked dinner so she wouldn't have to eat mole rat jerky again. Deacon? When he woke up after having been shot and fell from a suspended bridge, giving himself a concussion and breaking a leg. He wakes up and he's not wearing his glasses and just...looks at her...and her heart just melted. And she just knew that no matter what happened, she adored him completely.
Frankie: It was FAST. Okay? She didn't mean to fall head over heals for some beat-up ghoul she just met but when her bandmate, Fitz, brought over that bottle of tequila and almost dared her to drink a bunch? And then left...assuming Beau would take her home and "ravish her" and instead, Beau took her home and got his sister, Rhodie, to get Frankie into clean pajamas and got her tucked into his bed and went to sleep on the couch? Well hell...how could she NOT adore this gentleman of a disaster man who is both shy and not, rides a motorcycle, wears the epitome of amazing cowboy hats, has this charming half-smile, and is just so sweet?
Sparrow: With Bean, it's pretty early on. Bean is her friend friend friend who isn't adopted family. And while she's been charged with helping them settle into living on the surface, Bean has gone out of their way to help Sparrow learn to read, to write, to feel accepted, to praise her. They go stargazing together, Sparrow brings them out on picnics. They are roommates. And sometime in all that, Sparrow looks over at Bean and finds herself just melting. Just...wanting to touch their hand and pat their cheeks and kiss their nose. It probably happened when Bean licked a beetle and then grinned at them. Or when Bean brought Henry the opossum home...or maybe when they brought a kid book to their room, sat down with Sparrow, and helped her learn what an A looks like. With Darcy, it's...a little more complicated. Everything about Darcy is more complicated for Sparrow. She can't understand her attraction to him, at least her physical attraction. She can't figure out what it means and why she feels it. But she knows that he came for her when she ran. He held her when she cried. And he understands how she feels. So she told him that he's her "friend. love." And what she meant to say was that she loves him like a friend. But what she really meant to say was that she adores him, completely, and is so thankful that he came into her life.
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sodisco · 1 year
Doing an OC census bc I forget how many I have. This is not a complete list (notable exceptions being val, Frankie, and fil bc I haven't drawn them in a way I like yet... Wait a minute that's a pattern... Whatever) and I'm probably forgetting more of them. Listed name, species, pronouns but you probably can't read it bc it's in sketch ink. Also a couple doodle beetles just for funsies (and to hide some ink bleeding)
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intoanothermind · 3 years
The Glue - Epilogue
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T H E   G L U E
Word Count: 1.1k words
Synopsis: Glue or Variable? This is the big question about Frankie’s existence. Assigned to the same role as Newt in WCKD’s Lethal Experiments, Frankie suddenly realizes that she will become just a variable to activate brain reactions in her former Group A friends. Without memories and being the only girl among several boys, she has the feeling of already knowing some of them. The new question that matters to WCKD is: will Frankie play her role as a variable correctly?
- Newt x OC (Frankie)
< Part 6
(Last chapter, guys! Remeber there'll be a spin-off soon and spoiler alert: it's with the cast!)
“Frankie?” the girl heard Thomas's voice calling to her and she finally looked away from the window that she used for support for over a year to observe the landscape outside.
Since Minho and Newt were sent to Maze A, she was no longer the same and everyone realized that.
“Say it, Tommy.” She said, moving away from the window slowly, lethargically and sickly.
“Newt's brain transcripts have changed.” Thomas said, looking a little uneasy. “Maybe you'll want to see that.” He said, his voice stammering with fear and anxiety and then dashed down the hall.
The girl, still stunned, ran after her friend.
“Tommy!” The girl called for him, seeing him disappearing in the other corridor.
She followed him into the control room, looking around and seeing that most people there either barely looked up or didn’t notice her presence. Or they were instructed by Thomas not to intervene. The girl walked over to Thomas's table in silence, trying not to draw attention to herself and sat in the vacant chair between Thomas and Teresa. She looked at the screen and, at the time she did, she almost wished not to have done it.
“What does he think he's doing?!” She asked, startled.
Newt was hanging from the ivy of the Maze and the girl looked for several cameras that framed the same scene from different angles. No Griver and no threat, just the blonde holding ivy between his fingers while looking at the ground meters below him. The girl's heart just seemed to stop for a few seconds.
“Rapid brain rate, Thomas.” Teresa said, typing quickly, but with her eyes on the screen.
“Is there no way to prevent this?” The girl asked, feeling the affliction taking over and expelling all the depression that seemed to have consumed her since Newt and Minho were sent to Glade A.
“From him trying to kill himself by jumping?” Mocked Thomas and the girl's reaction was to shed some trapped tears, making him feel uncomfortable by the dry and unpleasant response he had given to his friend. “Possibly not, but we can make Minho find him as soon as possible.”
The girl agreed, unable to find her own voice. She saw Thomas typing frantically and a camera with no particular focus in any Hall started to move. After a few minutes and Newt had already thrown himself and broken his leg, regretting not being able to actually kill himself, the mechanical beetle controlled by Thomas found its target. Minho seemed confused that the beetle had surrounded him so persistently and decided to follow it. She knew that Thomas couldn’t be doing what he did - saving Newt - but she knew that he would make the excuse that it was because of his reactions that Frankie would be sent in the future.
When he saw Newt in his deplorable state, Minho cried alongside to the girl without even knowing it and all the girl thought was that she should be there to prevent Newt from doing that. She felt guilty, useless and incompetent. She should already be there to help him!
“Thomas.” The girl caught her friend’s attention, who looked away from the camera focused on Newt and realized that she had not looked away. “I know you're like one of the new Creators, so I think you can do it for me.”
“What do you mean, Frankie?” He asked, confused.
The girl approached the camera, which now seemed to focus on Newt's face, which implored Minho to kill him.
“It's time for me to go there.” She said simply, silently promising herself and Newt that she would soon be there for him.
~ * ~
“Come on, Chuck, we have to finish this for Alby soon!” I insisted again, when I was sure that the plump little boy might be able to punch me.
“Stop bugging me!” He complained, looking cuter than angry. “I'm not a little woman and being born knowing how to wash clothes!”
I gave him a sharp glare, as he continued to rub some Glader’s clothes. Alby had sent us to Homestead early in the morning to do all the laundry. And there were too many. At least we were about to finish them.
“Careful how you talk to me, Greenie!” I muttered, pretending to be irritated.
“As far as I know, the Greenie here is you!” Chuck replied, smiling.
I laughed victoriously. “Ah, but not for so long!”
“True, the new Greenie arrives today!” Chuck said cheerfully and I ended up being infected by his euphoria. “I'm dying to meet him!”
“Will he plong in his pants like you?” I joked, throwing some foam at him.
Chuck snorted.
“Stop, just because you were a brave klunk doesn’t mean that everyone is like that!” He replied and already foamed me back.
“It's not my fault either, brat!” I laughed.
Suddenly a loud sound invades my ears. A loud alarm that prevented me from even understanding my own thoughts. I looked confusedly at Chuck, who just widened his eyes and left his clothes still wet anyway in the bucket. When he quickly dried his hand on his clothes, I followed him and we went out of Homestead. I opened my mouth to ask him what was going on, but the noise was too loud and I feared he wouldn't hear my words. I frowned when I saw the huddle of boys surrounding the Box and I was even more confused and surprised when I realized that Chuck was directing us there. When we stopped at the perimeter of the crowd, I finally grabbed Chuck's arm and stopped him from continuing.
“What is happening?” I asked.
“The Box, you klunk, the Box is bringing the new shank!” Replied Chuck.
I widened my eyes, elbowing my way through the crowd like I did at Greg's Banishment, which seemed to have happened years ago. When I got to the front of the crowd, I didn't even mind seeing the Box open and I turned to Newt, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“So, did my clothes arrive?” I asked, finally looking at Gally and the new Greenie inside the box.
Dark and strong, the familiar brown eyes guided me directly to him and a click came to my mind on its own.
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Starting off this oc blog with 1 bouillon cube (Phyllis Ophical Beetle III)
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